opinion and publicly available information, often including home addresses, about people most of whom are or were government officers or employees
George Derville Rowlandson, The Highwaymen
Below is a list of some state government DoC officers from the 2008 salary list made by the state government.
- Kachurik Matthew Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Camp Hill 44732
- Kadish Denise Licensed Psychologist Manager Indiana 71101
- Kaercher Matthew Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Coal Township 61270
- Kalac Heathcliff Accountant 1 Mercer 40078
- Kalinoski Joseph Registered Nurse Karthaus 67975
- Kalinowsky Barbara Field Human Resource Officer 3 Graterford 72705
- Kalist Crystal Clerk Typist 2 Waynesburg 26484
- Kalsky Edward Psychological Services Specialist, Camp Hill 51130
- Kalup Maryanne Clerk Typist 2 Cambridge Springs 33153
- Kaminski Robert School Psychologist Indiana 63726
- Kammerer Lois Clerk 3 Dallas 30455
- Kane Mitch Records Specialist 2 Coal Township 32411
- Kanouff Karen Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 28675
- Kanyuck John Corrections Food Service Supervisor Dallas 59504
- Kaper Michael Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Cr Ed Bld Cst Mtnc Rp Pittsburgh 60770
- Karkut Joseph Intmt Educational Guidance Counselor Corr Educatio Hunlock Creek 0
- Karkut Joseph Educational Guidance Counselor Correction Ed Hunlock Creek 83224
- Karkut Lori Clerk Typist 2 Hunlock Creek 26484
- Karle Randall Corrections Food Service Supervisor Cresson 59504
- Karns Priscella Clerk Typist 2 Marienville 26954
- Karpinski Suzanne Drug Alcohol Treatment Manager Graterford 62338
- Karycki Patricia Medical Records Assistant Coal Township 39975
- Kashi Edward Corrections Food Service Supervisor Elizabethtown 59003
- Kasper Gerald Dentist Waymart 104587
- Kasprzyk Gerardette Registered Nurse Supervisor Hunlock Creek 81078
- Kauffman Tarita Human Resource Analyst 2 (General) Camp Hill 54592
- Kaufman Claire Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 44732
- Kaufman Suzanne Licensed Practical Nurse Greensburg 41853
- Kautz Cindy Corrections Mail Inspector Camp Hill 31081
- Kay Linda Registered Nurse Bellefonte 49928
- Kaye Michael Vocational Guidance Counselor Dallas 59619
- Kaylor Loraine Dental Hygienist Waynesburg 39237
- Kaywood Tamalya Clerk Typist 2 Chester 25408
- Kazimi Yousef Chaplain Dallas 48920
- Kazmerski Dennis Dentist Frackville 96450
- Keating Sandra Information Technology Generalist 1 Waymart 48920
- Kechisen Cynthia Corrections School Principal Houtzdale 62181
- Kechisen Edward Psychological Services Specialist, Houtzdale 57076
- Keebaugh Kristina Victim Assistance Coordinator Camp Hill 44773
- Keegan Isabelle Forensic Registered Nurse Supervisor Waymart 86606
- Keegan James Forensic Registered Nurse Waymart 70979
- Keff John Laundry Manager Frackville 44732
- Keim Dennis Licensed Practical Nurse Graterford 48863
- Keiser Lisa Dental Assistant Frackville 24959
- Keith Celine Psychological Services Specialist, Houtzdale 48920
- Kelchner Donald Administrative Officer 5 Camp Hill 0
- Kellar Patrick Vocational Guidance Counselor Pittsburgh 60969
- Keller Janice Corrections Mail Inspector Coal Township 39237
- Keller Joel Corrections Classification Program Manager Huntingdon 77614
- Keller Nancy Purchasing Agent 2 Marienville 42836
- Keller Philip Corrections Institutional Safety Manager Pittsburgh 66494
- Keller Richard Corrections Counselor 2 Dallas 53391
- Kelley Christine Clerk Typist 2 Waymart 26484
- Kelley James Records Specialist 2 Bellefonte 34426
- Kelley Patricia Clerical Supervisor 2 Coal Township 39237
- Kelley Robert Corrections Food Service Supervisor Coal Township 57459
- Kelley Valerie Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 25408
- Kelljcheain Robert Corrections Counselor 2 Graterford 51012
- Kellner Kevin Corrections Counselor 2 Frackville 47758
- Kellogg Lynda Clerk Typist 2 Albion 33153
- Kelly Brook Corrections Counselor 2 Houtzdale 47758
- Kelly Diane Executive Secretary 1 Camp Hill 47824
- Kelly Gail Medical Records Director Camp Hill 66494
- Kelly Gerard Corrections Counselor 2 Graterford 45692
- Kelly Theresa Corrections Mail Inspector Frackville 33741
- Kelly-Pimentel G Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Waynesburg 84687
- Kemp Thomas Distributed Systems Specialist 1 Camp Hill 42836
- Kenderski Matthew Corrections Food Service Supervisor Labelle 40080
- Kenna Jack Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Cambridge Springs 57076
- Kennedy Francis Corrections Food Service Manager 1 Camp Hill 66327
- Kennedy Joni Accounting Assistant Waynesburg 36721
- Kennedy Karen Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 42750
- Kenny Shawn Attorney 4 Non Supervisory Office of General Counsel Camp Hill 103453
- Kensicki Nancy Clerk Typist 2 Graterford 25408
- Kephart Bethany Corrections Counselor 2 Houtzdale 43752
- Kephart Casey Corrections Counselor 2 Huntingdon 52181
- Kephart Michael Warehouse Superintendent Houtzdale 51012
- Kephart Shawn Corrections Classification Program Manager Frackville 56333
- Kepner William Education Administration Manager Camp Hill 83013
- Kerns-Barr L Hearing Examiner Muncy 55844
- Kerr Kenneth Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Electricity Mercer 69349
- Kerr-Workman Judith Accountant 1 Labelle 41937
- Kerstetter Barry Forest Nursery Assistant Manager Bellefonte 52181
- Kertes Harold Corrections Criminal Investigator Supervisor Camp Hill 57076
- Kesseler Matthew Corrections Librarian Cresson 45810
- Kessler Christine Human Resource Assistant 1 Waynesburg 28675
- Kessler Robert Correctional Industries Manager 1 Bellefonte 68616
- Ketchem Tina Field Human Resource Officer 2 Labelle 46807
- Ketner Deena Psychological Services Specialist, Cresson 62338
- Keuling Thomas Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Comp Tchlgy Dallas 71451
- Keyton Robert Administrative Officer 3 Camp Hill 62338
- Khattari Jennifer Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 46715
- Khula John Mechanical Trds Occ Tchr Corr Ed Dftng Cmp Ad Dsgn Somerset 62611
- Kibildis Anna Registered Nurse Hunlock Creek 58231
- Kibler Sandra Registered Prn Nurse Bellefonte 0
- Kichilinsky Karen Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 33037
- Kichilinsky Lynn Clerical Supervisor 2 Dallas 51012
- Kidd Cathy Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 26954
- Kielbowick Mary Registered Nurse Houtzdale 54539
- Kifer Kathy Accounting Assistant Huntingdon 35169
- Kiger Michael Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Graterford 0
- Kiger Michael Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Graterford 54866
- Kiger Sharon Accounting Assistant Waynesburg 35169
- Kilbert Michael Registered Nurse Mercer 54539
- Killian Kimberly Administrative Officer 1 Pittsburgh 41937
- Kilmer Jodi Clerk Typist 2 Coal Township 26954
- Kime Gregory Registered Nurse Waynesburg 59567
- Kimmel Bonnie Clerk Typist 2 Somerset 30455
- Kimmel Carol Nurse Aide Somerset 31233
- Kimmell Janet Corrections Counselor 2 Mercer 62279
- Kinder Mark Corrections Utilities Supervisor Dallas 67975
- King Althea Psychological Services Specialist, Graterford 51130
- King Amy Corrections Counselor 2 Karthaus 58231
- King Carolyn Licensed Practical Nurse Mercer 58231
- King Carolyn Library Assistant 2 Camp Hill 43752
- King Cory Vocational Guidance Counselor Somerset 55844
- King Rosa Corrections Counselor 2 Harrisburg 48863
- King Susan Psychological Services Specialist, Somerset 54592
- Kingan Debra Secretarial Supervisor 2 Waynesburg 39237
- Kinley Shirley Corrections Mail Inspector Muncy 36721
- Kinney Raymond Int Trds Tch Corr Ed Plumbing Heating Dallas 0
- Kino Debora Licensed Practical Nurse Labelle 46715
- Kinslow Faith Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 45692
- Kint Diana Medical Records Assistant Camp Hill 30455
- Kirby Jo Ann Licensed Practical Nurse Pittsburgh 51012
- Kirchner Karen Registered Nurse Somerset 69456
- Kirk Rhonda Purchasing Agent 1 Cresson 47824
- Kirkwood Kristopher Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Graterford 69665
- Kirsch Patricia Clerk Typist 2 Cresson 35239
- Kirsch William Information Technology Generalist 1 Camp Hill 44773
- Kishbaugh Kay Corrections Evaluation Supervisor Camp Hill 59619
- Kishbaugh Kelli Press Aide Camp Hill 38338
- Kishbaugh Sandra Records Specialist 2 Hunlock Creek 35912
- Kisling William Corrections General Industries Factory Supv Bellefonte 65680
- Kistler Margie Clerk Typist 2 Greensburg 28675
- Kitchura Annemarie Quality Assurance Risk Management Director Waymart 71101
- Kitko Claudia Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 26954
- Kittka John Database Administrator 2 Camp Hill 79433
- Kittle Laura Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist Supervisor Muncy 69614
- Kizina Gary Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Cr Ed Bld Cst Mtnc Rp Houtzdale 57336
- Klauk Beth Records Specialist 2 Albion 44773
- Klekner Aldona Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Greensburg 46009
- Klem Nichole Psychological Services Specialist, Dallas 51130
- Klemm Ulrich Corrections Religion And Family Services Adm Camp Hill 71101
- Kline Fay Human Resource Analyst 3 (General) Camp Hill 66543
- Kline Gobel Corrections Activities Specialist Coal Township 51159
- Kline Lynda Registered Nurse Somerset 69456
- Kling Craig Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Electricity Bellefonte 69349
- Klinger Alyssa Secondary School Intern Camp Hill 0
- Klinger Pamela Human Resource Analyst 1 (General) Camp Hill 58231
- Klinger Robin Clerk Typist 2 Frackville 24959
- Klink David Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Somerset 55844
- Klock Edward Corrections Counselor 2 Coal Township 66494
- Klocko John Corrections Food Service Manager 2 Pittsburgh 66954
- Klokis Virginia Licensed Practical Nurse Frackville 51012
- Klos Donald Registered Nurse Albion 69456
- Kmiec Carl Field Human Resource Officer 3 Dallas 54592
- Knapp Michael Corrections Counselor 2 Bellefonte 48863
- Knapp Stephen Registered Nurse Somerset 59567
- Knarr Russell Corrections Counselor 2 Houtzdale 44732
- Knaub Michael Accountant 2 Camp Hill 41937
- Knauer David Clerk 2 Graterford 28675
- Knechtel Paul Auto Mntnc Repair Occ Tchr Corr Ed Auto Mec Insp Greensburg 57336
- Kneedler Sandra Records Specialist 2 Huntingdon 34426
- Kneisley Eric Corrections Food Service Supervisor Camp Hill 56437
- Knight Deirdra Corrections Activities Specialist Chester 46840
- Knopsnyder Mark Psychological Services Specialist, Somerset 54592
- Knouse Luther Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Air Condtng Rfgtn Bellefonte 44656
- Knovich Richard Corrections Activities Specialist Coal Township 47883
- Knowlden Monica Records Specialist 1 Camp Hill 28127
- Knowles Gary Corrections Activities Specialist Camp Hill 61006
- Knowles Joyce Registered Nurse Houtzdale 54539
- Knox Luke Records Specialist 1 Camp Hill 30455
- Kobuchi John Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Labelle 50242
- Kobuchi John Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Labelle 0
- Koch Joseph Dentist Mercer 78827
- Kodack Michelle Records Supervisor Coal Township 40078
- Koehle Bonnie Registered Nurse Bellefonte 69456
- Koehler Kurt Corrections Institutional Safety Manager Chester 52284
- Koharchik Andrew Nurse Aide Somerset 31922
- Koharchik George Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Huntingdon 52284
- Kois Terry Corrections Mail Inspector Waynesburg 37513
- Kolb Susan Clerk Typist 2 Camp Hill 24959
- Kolbicka Todd Corrections Activities Specialist Dallas 51159
- Koleno Richard Institutional Business Manager 2 Muncy 69614
- Kolessar Renee Clerk Typist 2 Waynesburg 24959
- Kolin Lori Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Cambridge Springs 0
- Koller Rhonda Fiscal Technician Supervisory Greensburg 32411
- Komara Patrick Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Crtn Clstr Bldg Trds Coal Township 71451
- Komisarski Donna Accounting Assistant Albion 29281
- Komorowski Jan Corrections Activities Specialist Pittsburgh 57147
- Kondas Michael Corrections Criminal Investigator Pittsburgh 48920
- Kondrat Kathleen Medical Records Director Waymart 52284
- Konecheck David Metal Working Occup Tchr Corr Ed Welding Labelle 49642
- Konigus Joseph Corrections Activities Specialist Dallas 47883
- Konkus Velma Clerk Typist 2 Waynesburg 28127
- Koontz Michele Records Specialist 2 Cresson 32411
- Kopshina Nancy Library Assistant 2 Muncy 40893
- Koptchak Mary Ann Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 25956
- Koratich Tammy Human Resource Analyst 1 (General) Waynesburg 36714
- Korzeniewski Kay Joyce Clerk Typist 2 Camp Hill 29927
- Kos Debra Registered Nurse Huntingdon 63593
- Kosch Judith Clerk Typist 3 Dallas 39975
- Koser Terry Dental Assistant Muncy 35239
- Kosman Carol Registered Nurse Hunlock Creek 70979
- Koss Thomas Corrections Activities Specialist Labelle 44837
- Kostelnik Celeste Dentist Waynesburg 80431
- Kostik John Vocational Guidance Counselor Waymart 57076
- Kostik John Intmt Educational Guidance Counselor Corr Educatio Waymart 0
- Kot Anthony Community Corrections Center Director Elkins Park 58231
- Kotzur Holly Dental Hygienist Bellefonte 41937
- Kough Robert Corrections School Principal Huntingdon 83639
- Kovack Michael Warehouse Superintendent Coal Township 55769
- Kovack Thomas Applications Developer 2 Camp Hill 51130
- Kovacs Robert Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Albion 57188
- Kovaleski Karen Clerk Typist 2 Waymart 26954
- Kovschak Christina Secondary School Intern Albion 0
- Kowalcyk Launa Corrections Evaluation Supervisor Elizabethtown 58387
- Kowalcyk Robert Corrections Activities Specialist Huntingdon 47883
- Kowalewski Annette Corrections Health Care Administrator Somerset 85673
- Kowalewski Jan Registered Nurse Supervisor Somerset 86606
- Kowalsky Thomas Field Human Resource Officer 3 Frackville 76010
- Koytek David Registered Nurse Cresson 51012
- Kozak Catharine Registered Nurse Graterford 65033
- Kozak Karl Dentist Cresson 104587
- Kozak Kathe Dentist Huntingdon 108949
- Kozorosky David Corrections Food Service Manager 2 Somerset 76926
- Krak Robert Dentist Waynesburg 104587
- Kramer Donna Corrections Employment Vocational Assistant Graterford 32411
- Kramer Geraldine Clerk Typist 2 Frackville 35239
- Kramer Ruth Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 25408
- Krasucki Sharon Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Hunlock Creek 55844
- Krell Judith Forensic Registered Nurse Waymart 55769
- Krepelka Sandra Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 42750
- Kresho Mark Director Training Services Elizabethtown 101203
- Kretzing Jessica Clerk 2 Camp Hill 25956
- Kreutzberger James Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 2 Somerset 63726
- Kriner Tammy Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Dallas 67557
- Kronheim Paul Budget Analyst 2 Camp Hill 60969
- Kroznuskie Michael Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Frackville 42458
- Krueger David Library Assistant 2 Waynesburg 28675
- Krug Linda Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 44732
- Kruger Leslie Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Marienville 59199
- Kuba Runglux Clerk Typist 2 Camp Hill 24959
- Kubaney Thomas Corrections Activities Specialist Albion 52327
- Kudyba Holly Records Specialist 1 Labelle 28675
- Kuhn David Hearing Examiner Bellefonte 59619
- Kuhn Susan Human Resource Assistant 2 Camp Hill 47824
- Kuhne Bonnie Special Education Teacher Correction Education Somerset 58632
- Kuhne Bonnie Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Somerset 0
- Kuhns Lori Special Education Teacher Correction Education Houtzdale 66493
- Kuhstos Edward Field Human Resource Officer 3 Bellefonte 68049
- Kukucka Anthony Corrections Counselor 2 Cresson 66494
- Kulik Arthur Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Houtzdale 66327
- Kuniak Stephen Dentist Greensburg 82054
- Kunkel Allen Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist Supervisor Camp Hill 51130
- Kunkel Jonathan Attorney 3 Non Supervisory Office of General Counsel Camp Hill 79198
- Kunsak Nancy Psychological Services Specialist, Pittsburgh 52284
- Kunselman Lydia Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 39162
- Kuras Mary Alice Registered Nurse Hunlock Creek 67975
- Kurtz Tammy Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 29927
- Kurutz Paula Clerk Typist 2 Labelle 26484
- Kushner Mary Administrative Officer 1 Labelle 41937
- Kusiak Valarie Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Mercer 42836
- Kutcher Kenneth Registered Nurse Labelle 60881
- Kuzminski Susan Budget Analyst 2 Hunlock Creek 54592
- Kuzo Theresa Budget Analyst 2 Frackville 47824
- Kwisnek Lori Corrections Health Care Administrator Greensburg 72118
- Kyle Robert Information Technology Generalist 1 Cresson 57000
- Kyler Tawsha Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 29281
- Lackey Candice Psychological Services Specialist, Labelle 51130
- Ladika William Therapeutic Recreational Services Worker Somerset 41853
- Ladonne Robert Psychological Services Specialist, Graterford 57076
- Lafata Nicholas Accountant 2 Dallas 60969
- Lafferty Lana Clerk Typist 2 Somerset 36714
- Lagrandeur Francis Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Albion 63414
- Lahew Jodi Dental Assistant Waynesburg 28127
- Lahout Joseph Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 52181
- Laird Karen Victim Assistance Coordinator Camp Hill 23879
- Lamar Lisa Records Specialist 2 Cresson 35169
- Lancaster Roy Human Resource Analyst 2 (Employee Training) Muncy 65033
- Landers Sharon Forensic Registered Nurse Waymart 58231
- Lane Jennifer Licensed Practical Nurse Pittsburgh 47758
- Lane Nancy Corrections Counselor 2 Dallas 57000
- Lanning Stasia Clerical Supervisor 1 Dallas 33741
- Lannom Robert Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Graterford 44586
- Lapinski Kristi Vocational Guidance Counselor Chester 50054
- Largent Frank Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Waynesburg 43522
- LaRoche Tammy Licensed Practical Nurse Marienville 40893
- Larrimer Jesse Applications Developer 3 Camp Hill 81194
- Larson Mary Intmt Educational Guidance Counselor Corr Educatio Albion 0
- Larson Mary Educational Guidance Counselor Correction Ed Albion 79026
- Larty Janice Clerk Typist 3 Camp Hill 30455
- LaRue Stephen Information Technology Manager 1 Camp Hill 105820
- Lasher Matthew Corrections Counselor 2 Erie 52181
- Lasko Nancy Purchasing Agent 2 Coal Township 52181
- Lasota John Institutional Business Manager 3 Waymart 72705
- Lasure Adam Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 39975
- Lategan Dean Program Analyst 2 Camp Hill 48920
- Latkanich Stacey Registered Nurse Greensburg 60881
- Latterner Kelly Corrections Counselor 2 Cresson 54539
- Laufer Stephen Psychological Services Specialist, Mercer 48920
- Lauffer Randell Corrections Counselor 2 Allentown 66494
- Laukemann Kimberly Human Resource Analyst 1 (General) Camp Hill 40078
- Lavelle Thomas Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Hunlock Creek 58231
- Lavin Patrick Vocational Guidance Counselor Graterford 71101
- Law Mary Lou Dental Assistant Camp Hill 13843
- Law Teresa Corrections Health Care Administrator Camp Hill 79609
- Laws-Smith Shirley Corrections Health Care Administrator Chester 68616
- Lawson Rebecca Medical Records Assistant Dallas 30455
- Lazarchick Alice Licensed Practical Nurse Frackville 38306
- Lazusky Beth Clerk Typist 2 Frackville 26954
- Leach Edith Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 46715
- Leader Randy Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Frackville 83224
- Leamer Michael Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Huntingdon 44027
- Learn Mark Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Carpentry Labelle 53254
- Learn Mark Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Labelle 0
- Learn Richard Corrections Classification Program Manager Cambridge Springs 72118
- Leary Elizabeth Registered Nurse Graterford 67975
- Lechene Marjorie Registered Nurse Supervisor Somerset 79283
- Ledwich Joann Registered Nurse Waynesburg 70979
- Ledwich Ronald Registered Nurse Waynesburg 70979
- Lee Daniel Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 47758
- Lee Joyce Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 41853
- Lee Reese Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Karthaus 59567
- Lee Ricki Corrections Counselor 2 Somerset 43752
- Lees Geoffrey Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Frackville 45692
- Leff Catherine Registered Nurse Camp Hill 66494
- Leffler Victoria Corrections Counselor 2 Hunlock Creek 46715
- Lehman Kathy Corrections Storekeeper Supervisor Muncy 52953
- Lehman Laura Registered Nurse Cresson 67975
- Lehman Timothy Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 59567
- Leichliter Cathy Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 41853
- Lekka Christopher Community Corrections Center Director Elkins Park 52181
- Lenhart Timothy Corrections Activities Specialist Somerset 47883
- Lenker Rosemary Records Specialist 2 Camp Hill 37477
- Lent Kirk Corrections Activities Manager 1 Somerset 51012
- Leo Barbara Clerk Typist 2 Muncy 25408
- Leonard Dawn Licensed Practical Nurse Cresson 39162
- Leonard Karen Clerk Stenographer 2 Coal Township 33841
- Leonardi Robert Corrections Food Service Supervisor Dallas 57459
- Leonberger Lois Registered Nurse Somerset 75841
- Leone John Health Physical Education Teacher Correction Ed Indiana 55758
- Lepley Richard Basic Education Associate 2 Camp Hill 72705
- Lescavage William Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Electronics Frackville 73772
- Leskowsky Raymond Corrections Activities Specialist Huntingdon 58440
- Leskowsky Thomas Registered Nurse Supervisor Dallas 81078
- Lester Amanda Clerk Typist 2 Mercer 29281
- Lester Joan Registered Nurse Mercer 69456
- Letcavage Judy Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Coal Township 0
- Letcavage Judy Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Coal Township 50242
- Letizi Linda Licensed Practical Nurse Hunlock Creek 41853
- Lettich Travis Information Technology Generalist 1 Frackville 41937
- Levengood Marion Licensed Practical Nurse Graterford 58231
- Levengood Tara Clerk Typist 2 Graterford 24959
- Levicky Jeffrey Dentist Labelle 82054
- Lewis Frank Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Labelle 47824
- Lewis Gail Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 25408
- Lewis Gordon Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Frackville 71676
- Lewis Julianna Registered Nurse Albion 63593
- Lewis Julie Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 33153
- Lewis Kenneth Information Technology Generalist 1 Camp Hill 53438
- Lewis Robin Attorney 5 Office of General Counsel Camp Hill 108891
- Lidgett Donna Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 25408
- Lidgett Kari Clerk Typist 3 Bellefonte 29281
- Liebner Melissa Clerk 2 Camp Hill 28127
- Liggitt Larry Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Frackville 47824
- Lightner Brian Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Huntingdon 50054
- Lilly Mary Laundry Manager Cambridge Springs 45810
- Limegrover George Information Technology Generalist 1 Greensburg 46807
- Linch Charmaine Purchasing Agent 1 Camp Hill 34426
- Lindberg James Corrections Librarian Coal Township 52284
- Lindenmuth Janet Clerk Typist 2 Marienville 25956
- Lindenmuth John Corrections Food Service Supervisor Frackville 53662
- Linderman H Corrections Mail Inspector Supervisor Labelle 45810
- Lindsey Daniel Corrections Utility Plant Supervisor Albion 56437
- Lindsey Wendy Psychological Services Specialist, Cambridge Springs 55844
- Line David Applications Developer 3 Camp Hill 65115
- Linendoll Martin Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Albion 0
- Linendoll Martin Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Albion 48080
- Lingenfelter E. Corrections Counselor 2 Somerset 44732
- Lingenfelter Jason Corrections Counselor 2 Karthaus 43752
- Link David Corrections Counselor 2 Labelle 45692
- Linn Christopher Field Human Resource Officer 3 Huntingdon 63726
- Linn Cynthia Business Occupations Teacher Corr Ed Business Ed Bellefonte 47505
- Linn Cynthia Int Bus Tch Corr Ed Business Education Bellefonte 0
- Lint Robert Registered Nurse Somerset 55769
- Lintz Matthew Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 39162
- Lion Robert Registered Nurse Karthaus 52181
- Lipchey Deborah Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 45692
- Lippay Virginia Clerk Typist 2 Coal Township 26954
- Liptak Mary Registered Nurse Pittsburgh 63593
- Liptak Valerie Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Karthaus 0
- Liput Lea Registered Nurse Supervisor Dallas 69456
- Little Erma Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 35239
- Littleton Debra Project Manager 2 Camp Hill 92675
- Livengood Jennifer Clerk Typist 2 Somerset 24959
- Livingston David Corrections Food Service Supervisor Indiana 37117
- Livingston Thomas Corrections Food Service Supervisor Indiana 45400
- Lobdell Yhan Corrections Food Service Supervisor Cambridge Springs 45400
- Locke Lori Educational Guidance Counselor Correction Ed Waynesburg 49789
- Loff Donna Clerk Typist 2 Waymart 25956
- Logan Clinton Dentist Albion 102455
- LoGreco Robert Corrections Counselor 2 Pittsburgh 65033
- Lohr Marie Clerk 2 Somerset 34572
- Lombardo Lonna Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 33153
- Long Darwin Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 48863
- Long Denise Licensed Practical Nurse Coal Township 39162
- Long Helen Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Waynesburg 0
- Long Helen Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Waynesburg 58267
- Long Kelly Secondary School Intern Graterford 15159
- Long Mark Corrections Activities Specialist Albion 51159
- Long Richard Field Human Resource Officer 3 Houtzdale 69614
- Longazel Jerome Vocational Guidance Counselor Somerset 60969
- Longfoot Deborah Clerk Stenographer 3 Hunlock Creek 39162
- Longstreth Stephan Corrections Counselor 2 Labelle 66494
- Lopez Angelo Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 46715
- Lopez Lisa Human Resource Analyst 2 (Employee Training) Marienville 43795
- Lopuhovsky Andrew Psychological Services Specialist, Dallas 52284
- Lorenz Rachel Clerk Typist 2 Marienville 24959
- Lorson Melanie Clerk Typist 2 Muncy 30455
- Lorson Susan Medical Records Assistant Muncy 31081
- Lotz James Corrections Activities Specialist Frackville 54643
- Loughry Jack Institutional Business Manager 3 Somerset 79433
- Love Teresa Licensed Practical Nurse Houtzdale 41853
- Loveday Deborah Records Specialist 1 Waynesburg 31081
- Lovett Arvil Corrections Counselor 2 Huntingdon 66494
- Lubert Renee Corrections Librarian Huntingdon 51130
- Lubinski Brian Corrections Counselor Supervisor Camp Hill 51130
- Lucas Diane Clerk Typist 2 Indiana 26484
- Lucas Jennifer Clerk Typist 2 Labelle 25408
- Lucas Joseph Corrections Activities Specialist Greensburg 58440
- Lucas Lesley Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 25956
- Lucas Nan Records Supervisor Mercer 39162
- Lucas Ralph Registered Nurse Albion 69456
- Lucas Robert Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 3 Albion 68616
- Lucas Robin Corrections Superintendent Assistant 2 Dallas 50054
- Lucas Sheila Records Specialist 2 Bellefonte 35169
- Lucas Valerie Fiscal Technician Supervisory Pittsburgh 47824
- Lucci Brenda Medical Records Technician Labelle 34426
- Luciano Ronald Corrections Activities Specialist Somerset 44837
- Lucore Donald Licensed Practical Nurse Albion 46715
- Ludington Suk Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 51012
- Lukashewski Michelle Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Dallas 46009
- Lukashewski Michelle Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Dallas 0
- Lukehart Rodger Registered Nurse Houtzdale 62279
- Lukens Laura Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 28675
- Luksh Catherine Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Hunlock Creek 0
- Lupton Sally Clerk Typist 2 Karthaus 24959
- Luquis Jaime Community Corrections Center Director Allentown 57000
- Luquis Sharon Hearing Examiner Frackville 55844
- Luscavage Anthony Corrections Evaluation Supervisor Camp Hill 68049
- Lutes Mari Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Bellefonte 43752
- Lutgen Kristina Licensed Practical Nurse Mercer 41853
- Lutton Jeffrey Serv Occup Teacher-Corr Ed,Warehouse Ops/Materiel Houtzdale 55648
- Lux Kimberly Registered Nurse Dallas 58231
- Lyash Kevin Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Coal Township 72611
- Lyles Clarice Records Specialist 2 Camp Hill 33037
- Lynch Jill Clerk Typist 2 Muncy 30455
- Lynch Richard Vocational Guidance Counselor Cresson 62338
- Lynch Robert Registered Nurse Huntingdon 59567
- Lyons Cynthia Purchasing Agent 2 Muncy 43795
- Lyons Jennifer Corrections Mail Inspector Muncy 28675
- Lyons Kristin Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Bellefonte 46009
- Lyons Lori Corrections Counselor 2 Dallas 47758
- Lytle Roane Corrections Librarian Houtzdale 66494
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