On this page, we have a 2014 list of "correct" occupation. and a 2011 list
of "correction" employer.
We have other pages for related searches such as for Essex Sheriff's Department
We made the list below in early October 2014 from information downloaded in late September 2014 from Massachusetts state government's OCPF Searchable Campaign Finance Database, a state government database..
Each contributor below made a contribution which has two traits:
- the occupation contains "correct"
- the contribution date is on on or after 1 January 2014.
The list follows.
- Acquafresca, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Aguiar, David; 6 Katie Drive Rehoboth, MA 02769; Corrections Officer; Bcso; Hodgson, Thomas M.; $300.00; 8/27/2014
- Anderson, David; 73 Mill Street Jefferson, MA 01522; Corrections Officer; Comm of Mass; Early, Jr., Joseph D.; $500.00; 4/11/2014
- Aucoin, Michael; 159 S. Main St. Milford, MA 01757; Corrections Officer; Bristol County; Moore, Richard T.; $100.00; 3/19/2014
- Bardier, Ronald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 8/9/2014
- Beale, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- Beausoleil, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- Bercier, Earle; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- Bernard, Freddy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Bersani, Nancy J.; 11 Brook Road Milton, MA 02186; Corrections Officer; Norfolk County Sheriffs Dept.; Morrissey, Michael W.; $125.00; 4/14/2014
- Berthiaume, Craig; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Beyeler Jr, Bruce; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- Billadeau, George; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 8/9/2014
- Bissonnette, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Botteri, William; 74 Highland Street Boston, MA 02136; Correction Officer; Suffolk County Sheriff; Consalvo, Rob; $250.00; 1/3/2014
- Boyea, Daniel; 1250 Stony Hill Road Wilbraham, MA 01095; Correctional Officer; Hampden County Sheriff's Department; Cocchi, Nicholas; $100.00; 5/15/2014
- Boyle , Christopher ; 17 Dartmouth St Arlington, MA 02474-3412; Corrections Officer; Norfolk County Sheriff's Department; Goldberg, Deborah; $500.00; 8/27/2014
- Briggs, Todd; 37 Cooper Creek Road Lee, MA 01238; Corrections Officer; Bchoc; Bowler, Thomas N.; $200.00; 3/11/2014
- Bruno, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Burke, James T; 16 Kittredge Pl Clinton, MA 01510; Corrections Officer; Worcester County House of Corr; Naughton Jr., Harold P.; $125.00; 7/1/2014
- Carty, Richard; 60 Pleasant Street Dalton, MA 01226; Corrections Officer; Bchoc; Bowler, Thomas N.; $100.00; 3/11/2014
- Chamberland, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Chhom, Sarin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Clark, Ryan; 107 Edgewater Road. Hull, MA 02045; Corrections Officer; Suffolk County Sherriff Department; McCann, Jr., Paul L.; $200.00; 1/28/2014
- Cocchi, Nicholas; 48 Jackie Drive Wilbraham, MA 01056; Correctional Administrator; Hampden County Sherrif's Department; Cocchi, Nicholas; $100.00; 4/30/2014
- Cohen, Denise; 925 E 2nd St, Apt 2 Boston, MA 02127; Corrections Officer; Middlesex House of Corrections; O'Toole, John K; $100.00; 1/21/2014
- Coker, David; 28 Manamok Circle Sandwich, MA 02563; Corrections Officer; Commonweatlh of Massachusetts; deMacedo, Vinny; $100.00; 8/21/2014
- Corbin, John; 77 Cedar Street Scituate, MA 02066; Correctional Officer; Commonwealth of MA; Cantwell, James M.; $500.00; 2/26/2014
- CORMIER, MICHAEL; 400 CENTRAL PARK #423 HOLDEN, MA 01520; CORRECTION OFFICER; COMM OF MASS; Polito, Karyn E.; $25.00; 9/22/2014
- Crawford, Hugh; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- CREED, JAMES ; 150 LIBERTY STREET Rockland, MA 02370; CORRECTIONS OFFICER; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; McDonald, Jr., Joseph D.; ($7.55); 9/12/2014
- Cyr, Louis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/28/2014
- DaSilva, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- DAVIN, MICHAEL F; 16 CORINNE RD BOSTON, MA 021351805; CORRECTION OFFICER; SCSD; Tompkins, Steve; $250.00; 1/14/2014
- DENERY, John; 56 WENONAH RD. Longmeadow, MA 01106; Correctins; Hampden County Sheriffs Department; Ashe, Michael E.; $250.00; 8/23/2014
- DeSantis, James A; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 5/17/2014
- Desir, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Desmarais, Paula C; 22 Alty St Fall River, MA 02723; Corrections Officer; Bcso; Hodgson, Thomas M.; $270.00; 8/27/2014
- Dilillo, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- Dubois, Wade; 10 Burke Lane Granby, MA 01033; Correctional Officer; Hampden County Sheriff's Department; Cocchi, Nicholas; $500.00; 5/7/2014
- Duquette, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Fernandes, Felismino; 31 Magnolia St Dorchester, MA 02125; Correction Office; Correction Officer; Carvalho, Evandro C.; $500.00; 3/19/2014
- Flynn, Peter; 11000 Placida Rd., #304 Placida, FL 33946; Corrections Consultant; Alternative Corrections Methods; Cousins Jr., Frank G.; $100.00; 7/16/2014
- Flynn, Peter; 11000 Placida Road Apt. 304 Marshfield, FL; Corrections Consultant; Alternative Corrections Methods; Tolman, Warren E.; $250.00; 9/4/2014
- Foley, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/28/2014
- Ford, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 6/28/2014
- Gallagher, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Galvao, Andrew; 652 Wood St Fall River, MA 02721; Corrections Officer; Bcso; Hodgson, Thomas M.; $300.00; 8/27/2014
- Gavin, Peter ; 23 Nashua Street Woburn, MA 01801; Corrections Officer; Middlesex County Sheriff Dept; Dwyer, James; $200.00; 6/23/2014
- George, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Giberti Jr, John V; 71 Purchase St South Easton, MA 02375-1557; Corrections Officer; Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Walsh, Martin J.; $500.00; 3/6/2014
- Gobern, Manuel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 3/22/2014
- Gonsalves, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Gonzalez, Tyson; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Graham, John; 291 Mill Street Worcester, MA 01602; Corrections Officer; Worcester County Sherriff; Keefe, Mary S.; $20.00; 5/1/2014
- Gray, Jeffrey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Hennis, Justin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Hodgson, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/28/2014
- Hoekstra, Donald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- Holmes, Jeff; 254 Dawes Avenue Pittsfield, MA 01201; Corrections Officer; BCHOC; Bowler, Thomas N.; $100.00; 3/11/2014
- Howe, Jonathan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Hunt, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- Hyde, Paul; P.O. Box 652 Pittsfield, MA 01201; Retired Corrections Officer; Bchoc; Bowler, Thomas N.; $200.00; 2/10/2014
- Jollimore, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- KNIGHT, MICHAEL; 182 CEDAR STREET East Bridgewater, MA 02333; CORRECTIONS OFFICER; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS; McDonald, Jr., Joseph D.; $500.00; 5/1/2014
- Lamb, Spencer; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Landry, Francis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Lane, Daniel; 78 Asiaf Way Plymouth, MA 02360; Corrections Officer; Plymouth County Sheriffs Dept; deMacedo, Vinny; $100.00; 1/1/2014
- Lannigan, Brian; 28 Kings Pond Plain Rd Plymouth, MA 02360; Corrections Officer; Plymouth County Sheriff's Dept; Calter III, Thomas J.; $125.00; 4/4/2014
- LeBreton, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Lecours, Michael; 245 Connecticut Ave Springfield, MA 01104; Community Corrections; MA Courts; Petrolati, Thomas M.; $200.00; 5/8/2014
- Leger Jr, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Leroux, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Lewis Jr, Larry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Lewis, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 7/12/2014
- Little, Brad; Po Box 472 Adams, MA 01220; Correctional Officer - Major; Berk Cnty House of Correction; Capeless, David F.; $100.00; 4/2/2014
- Macal, Jonathan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Maki, Chad; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Malboeuf, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 7/12/2014
- Markle II, Van; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/28/2014
- McDonald, Timothy; 5 Rockland Rd Ct Auburn, MA 01501; corrections; worc. county sheriff; Moore, Michael; $500.00; 5/5/2014
- McDonough, David ; 180 Union Street Weymouth, MA 02190; Corrections Officer; NCSO; Farretta, Andrea Elena; $200.00; 6/18/2014
- Mcgary, Craig; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- McLaughlin, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- McNally, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Medeiros, Jay; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Melikian, Nicholas; 98 Edgewood Ave. Longmeadow, MA 01106; CORRECTIONAL OFFICER; Hampden County Sheriffs Department; Ashe, Michael E.; $380.00; 8/8/2014
- Mitchell, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Mole', Michael; 582 Miller St. Ludlow, MA 01056; Correctional OFFICER; Hampden County Sheriffs Department; Ashe, Michael E.; $380.00; 8/13/2014
- MORRIS, MICHAEL C; 36 JOHN NEIL DR Norwell, MA 02061-2514; CORRECTIONS OFFICER MASS DEPT OF CORRECTIONS; Dizoglio, Diana; $200.00; ; 7/19/2014
- Munns, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 3/22/2014
- Murphy, Michael J.; 272 Exchange St. Chicopee, MA 01013; correctional officer; hampden county sheriffs dept; Ashe, Michael E.; $200.00; 8/26/2014
- Newman, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 3/22/2014
- Newman, Joshua; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 3/22/2014
- NIGRELLI JR, TOM R; 161 GUNNER EXCHANGE ROAD Plymouth, MA 02360; CORRECTIONS OFFICER; SHERRIFF DEPT; Vecchi, Scott M.; $200.00; 5/5/2014
- O'Connell, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- O'Roak, Gregory; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/28/2014
- Odgren, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Olson Jr, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Perez Jr, Espirito; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Perez, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Peterson, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Pobieglo, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/28/2014
- POIRIER, AMANDA; 400 CENTRAL PARK #423 HOLDEN, MA 01520; CORRECTION OFFICER; COMM OF MASS; Polito, Karyn E.; $25.00; 9/22/2014
- Prather, Roger; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 3/22/2014
- Resendes, Eric; 170 Mott Street Fall River, MA 02721; Corrections Officer; Bristol County House of Corrections; Sutter, C. Samuel; $200.00; 6/23/2014
- Robito, Jason; 1046 Boston Rd. Haverhill, MA 01835; Correctional Officer; Essex County Sheriff's Dept.; Robito, Gerald (Jerry) Paul; $25.00; 9/17/2014
- Russell, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Sabourin Jr, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Saengkheune, Vinay; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 7/12/2014
- Scanlan, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Schofield, Nicholas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 7/12/2014
- Scott, Sherline; 48 Breckwood Circle Springfield, MA 01119; Correctional Offcicer; Mass Correctional Institution; Hurst, Justin J.; $100.00; 9/10/2014
- Sherry, Michael; 291 Ferry Rd. Haverhill, MA 01835; Correctional Officer; Essex Counthy Sheriff's Dept.; Robito, Gerald (Jerry) Paul; $100.00; 9/17/2014
- Shetrawski, David; 22 Elmwood St. Winchendon, MA 01475; Correctional Officer; MA DOC; Shetrawski, Garret James; $400.00; 3/6/2014
- Simpson, Luke ; 36 Valleyview Rd Bellingham, MA 02019; Retired Correction Officer; Retired; Fattman, Ryan; $500.00; 3/7/2014
- Simpson, Luke; Valley View Rd Bellingham, MA 02109; Retired Corrections Officer; Retired Corrections Officer; Sutton REPTC; $1,000.00; 3/31/2014
- Stellato, Fern; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Sullivan, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 6/28/2014
- SUMPTER, JR, EUGENE S; 55 DEXTER ST MILTON, MA 02186; CORRECTIONS; SCSD; Tompkins, Steve; $250.00; 2/12/2014
- Sutphin, Jim; 1914 Firlawn Dr Toledo, OH 43614-3518; Corrections Officer; Lucas County Sheriff's Office; Kayyem, Juliette; $500.00; 3/28/2014
- Thomas, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Vassalli, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Veinotte, Kyle; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Vermette, Michael ; 47a Franklin Street Douglas, MA 01516; correction officer; retired; Committee to Tank the Automatic Gas Tax Hikes; $15.00; 5/16/2014
- Vieira, Jessica; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/31/2014
- Viola, Charles; 2 Morningside Circle Woburn, MA 01801; Correction Officer; Middlesex Sheriff's Department; Sullivan, Michael A.; $200.00; 8/21/2014
- Wilbon, Anton; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 6/14/2014
- Windisch, Matthew; 28 Quincy Rd. Londonderry, NH 03053; Correctional Officer; Essex Counthy Sheriff's Dept.; Robito, Gerald (Jerry) Paul; $125.00; 9/17/2014
- Wrzesinski, John; 638 East St. Dalton, MA 01226; CORRECTIONAL OFFICER; BERKSHIRE COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT; Ashe, Michael E.; $95.00; 8/23/2014
1 December 2011
We list below employee-contributors for whom "correction" is in the employer's name. The source of the second list is Massachusetts state government's OCPF Searchable Campaign Finance Database, a state government database. The format is: contributor's name, occupation, employer, recipient, amount, date. Contributor lines which do not contain "159 South Main Street" end with "___".
- Abare, Keith; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Acquafresca, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/21/2011
- Adams, Amanda; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ahearn, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Aitken, Shaun; Lenox Ave. Pittsfield, MA 01201; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 5/24/2007 ___
- Alband, Andrew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Albany, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Alinkowitz, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Allain, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Allard, Wayne; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Alleyne, Wesley; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Almeida, Anthony; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Almeida, Matthew; 8 Hingston Street Peabody, MA 01960; Essex Sheriff Office; Correction Officer; Cousins Jr., Frank G.; $65.00; 8/22/2005 ___
- Alper, m/m Ross; 27 Thoreau dr MA 02632; Captain; Barnstable County House of Corrections; Atsalis, Demetrius J.; $100.00; 11/2/2006 ___
- Altieri, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Amaral, Jonathan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ambrosini, Gary; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Anacki, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Anderson, David S.; 4/13/2011 ___
- Anderson, David S.; 4/13/2011 ___
- Anderson, David S.; 6/2/2006 ___
- Anderson, David S.; 6/2/2006 ___
- Anderson, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Andrade, Jaime; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Andrews, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Annunziata, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Appleton Ave. Pittsfield, MA 01201; Sheriff; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 274 ___
- Archambault, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Arena, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Arroyo, Luis; 63 Emerald Rd. Springfield, MA 01119; Correction Officer; Hampen County House of Correction; Mazza-Moriarty, Rosemarie; $200.00; 10/17/2006 ___
- Arsenault, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Atter, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Auer, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Avelino, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Avila, Leo; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Aylward, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Aziz, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Babineau, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Baez, Roberto; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bardier, Ronald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/9/2010
- Barros, Brett; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Barthel, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bashaw, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bates, Kurt; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bayberry Lane Georgetown, MA 01833; Health Care; Correctional Medical Services; Romney, Mitt; $150.00; 3 ___
- Bayberry St. Fairhaven, MA 02719; Consultant; Alternativr Corrections Methods; DeLeo, Robert A.; $250.00; 3 ___
- Beacon St. Clinton, MA 01510; Superintendent; Mass Dept. of Corrections; Murray, Timothy P.; $100.00; 26 ___
- Beale, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Bean, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Beausoleil, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Bedard, Gregory; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Begreen, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Belair, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Belanger, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Belansky, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Belles, Jr., Wayne E.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Belles, Jr., Wayne E.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Bellingham Ave. Revere, MA 02151; Corrections Officer; Suffolk County Correctional; Reilly, Thomas F.; $100.00; 2 ___
- Bello, Jeffrey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bennett, Edwin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Benoit, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Berard, Alan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bercier, Earle; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Bergeron, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Beriau, Theodore; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Berkshire Drive Williamstown, MA 01267; DEPUTY/SUPERINTENDENT; BERK. HOUSE OF CORRECTION; Bosley, Daniel E.; $200.00; 75 ___
- Berkshire Drive Williamstown, MA 01267; Retired; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 75 ___
- Bernard, Charles; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bernard, Freddy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Berthiaume, Craig; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Berthiaume, Gary; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Berube, Marc; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Beyeler Jr, Bruce; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/21/2011
- Bianchini, Alan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Billadeau, George; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/23/2010
- Birri, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bishop, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bissonnette, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Blakeman, Roger; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Blanchette, Douglas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Blette, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Blier, Leo; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Boisse, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bonavita, Jerome; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bonavita, Richard; 1 Minton Lane Barnstable, MA 02668; Officer; Barnstable Hous of Corrections; Atsalis, Demetrius J.; $200.00; 5/11/2004 ___
- Borrero, Blanca E.; 4/4/2005 ___
- Borrero, Blanca E.; 4/4/2005 ___
- Bossa, Karie; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Botelho, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Boudreau, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Boulette, Anthony P.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Boulette, Anthony P.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Boumil, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bourn, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bove, Scott; 234 General Hobbs Road Jefferson, MA 01522; Corrections Officer; Worcester County House of Corrections; Binienda, Sr., John J.; $500.00; 2/27/2010 ___
- Box 472 Adams, MA 01220; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; P.O. ___
- Boyle, Christopher; 86 Meredith Cir Milton, MA 02186; Correctional Officer; Norfolk County House of Corrections; Hillman, Reed V.; $200.00; 8/21/2006 ___
- Braddix, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Brand, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Brandon St. Lexington, MA 02420; Deputy Superintendant; Department of Corrections, MA.; Romney, Mitt; $25.00; 40 ___
- Brassard, Roland G.; 5/10/2004 ___
- Brassard, Roland G.; 5/10/2004 ___
- Bravoco, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Brennan, Tony; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Brennan, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Brewster Street Apt 1 S. Boston, MA 02127; Program Director; Suffolk County House of Correction; Wallace, Brian P.; $250.00; 5 ___
- Brodmerkle, Kenneth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Brouillette, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Brow, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Brown, Peter; 63 Chapman Rd Stoughton, MA 02072; Sergeant; Mass. Dept. of Correction; Healey, Kerry Murphy; $50.00; 7/31/2002 ___
- Brown, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Brule, Arthur; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bruno, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Bucchanio, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Buckley, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Buddington, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Budka, Lance; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Bue, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burdett, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burgess, Ronald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burgwinkle, Brian F; 26 Beacon St Clinton, MA 01510; Department Superintendent; MA Dept of Correction; Chandler, Harriette L.; $200.00; 10/28/2002 ___
- Burgwinkle, Brian F.; 12/7/2005 ___
- Burgwinkle, Brian F.; 12/7/2005 ___
- Burgwinkle, Brian; 26 Beacon St Clinton, MA 01510-3502; Deputy Superintendant, Shattuck Hospital; Massachusetts Department of Correction; Murray, Timothy P.; $200.00; 8/31/2006 ___
- BURGWINKLE, BRIAN; 26 BEACON ST Clinton, MA 01510; Superintendent; Mass Dept Of Correction; Naughton Jr., Harold P.; $100.00; 4/1/2004 ___
- Burke, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burke, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burke, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burke, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burnett, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burns, Andrew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Burns, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/9/2010
- Bussiere, Jeffrey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Butkowski, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Caban, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cabral, Andrea; Boston, MA 02108; Suffolk County Sheriff; Suffolk County House of Correction; Henriquez, Carlos Tony; $100.00; 6/28/2011 ___
- Cabral, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cabral, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Caeran, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Calamare, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Callahan, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cammuso, Jeffrey; 83 Darnell Road Worcester, MA 01606-3406; Employee Assistance Program; Department of Corrections; Murray, Timothy P.; $125.00; 12/28/2007 ___
- Campatelli, Patricia; 1189 Bennington Street Peabody, MA 01960; Administrator; Office of Community Corrections, Comm. of Mass.; Manning, Anne; $100.00; 3/24/2004 ___
- Cappadona, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cardin, Jeffrey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Carnes, Lawrence; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Caron, Paula A.; 3/20/2008 ___
- Caron, Paula A.; 3/20/2008 ___
- Caron, Paula; 8 Rhinebeck Ave Springfield, MA 01129-1728; Administrative Asst.; 12/21/2010 ___
- Caron, Paula; 8 Rhinebeck Avenue Springfield, MA 01129; Correctional Worker; Hampden County House of Correction; Sarno, Domenic J.; $300.00; 12/11/2007 ___
- Carr, Francis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Carr, Gregory A.; 3/2/2007 ___
- Carr, Gregory A.; 3/2/2007 ___
- Carr, Gregory; 34 Dupont Circle Leominster, MA 01453; Correction Officer; MA Department of Corrections; Murray, Timothy P.; $250.00; 9/26/2007 ___
- Carter, Marlo; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Casey, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Casimiro, Mark; 108 Yale Street Ludlow, MA 01056; Management; Community Corrections; Petrolati, Thomas M.; $200.00; 4/3/2008 ___
- Cayer, Racheal; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Cerulo, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Chalmers, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Chamberland, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Chamberland, Ryan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Chapel Street Pittsfield, MA 01201; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 155 ___
- Chaput, Harlan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Charette, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Chhom, Sarin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Chin, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cholette, Kenneth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Chouinard, Raymond; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Christian, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Chumsae, Jamie; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cierra Road, Apt. 12A Boston, MA 02136; Correction Officer; Mass Correction Officers Union; Reilly, Thomas F.; $100.00; 40 ___
- Clancy, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- CLARKE, HAROLD; 37 HOWARTH DR UPTON, MA 01568; COMMISSIONER; MASS. DEPT. OF CORRECTION; Patrick, Deval L.; $500.00; 10/27/2009 ___
- Clayton, Alfred; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Clune, Brian; 72 Lynne Drive West Springfield, MA 01089; officer; Office of Community Corrections; Petrolati, Thomas M.; $200.00; 4/7/2006 ___
- Cocchi, Nicholas; 48 Jackie Drive Ludlow , MA 01056; Corrections Superintendent; Hampden County Correctional Center; Ashe, Brian M; $200.00; 10/24/2008 ___
- COFFONE, CHARLES P; 4 KENYON AVE Worcester, MA 01604; LABOR/MAINTENANCE; WORC HOUSE OF CORRECTION; Fresolo, John P.; $100.00; 7/29/2006 ___
- Coffone, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- COHEN, DENISE; 925 EAST SECOND ST APT 2 SOUTH BOSTON, MA 02127; Guard; Middlesex Cty House of Correction; Kujawski, Paul; $200.00; 5/22/2008 ___
- Colantuoni, Peter; 16 Cleveland St. Dedham, MA 02026; Norfolk County; Corrections Officer; Coughlin, Robert; $100.00; 3/1/2002 ___
- Cole Ave. Pittsfield, MA 01201; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 185 ___
- Collins, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Colon, Jorge; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Colon, Jose; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Colon, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Colon, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Colucci, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Columbus, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Committee Account; 815 State Street Springfield, MA 01109; ; Swan, Benjamin; $75.53; 12/31/2006 ___
- Conety, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Connolly, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Considine, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cooper, Eric; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Copp, Gary; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cormier, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cormier, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cornell, Fred; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Correction; President Avenue Fall River, MA 02720; ; Dennis, David J.; $75.00; 5/4/2010 ___
- Costa, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- COSTANZA, PETER; 37 SARGENT ST 2 Cambridge, MA 02140-2529; ATTORNEY; MASS CORRECTIONAL LEGAL SERVICES; Patrick, Deval L.; $100.00; 11/2/2006 ___
- Costanza, Peter; 37 Sargent Street #2 Cambridge, MA 02140; Attorney; Mass Correctional Legal Services; Barrios, Jarrett T.; $75.00; 3/24/2004 ___
- cotta, corey; 278 harwich st new bedford, MA 02745; Correction Officer III; Mass Depart of Corrections; Murray, Timothy P.; $100.00; 9/27/2006 ___
- County House of Corrections; DeLeo, Robert A.; $250.00; Hampden ___
- Coutu, Leo; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Crawford, Hugh; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Cray, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cremin, Shaun; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Crete, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- CROCE, DANIEL; PO BOX 1694 Plymouth, MA 02362; MINISTER; NEW HOPE CORRECTIONAL MINISTRY; McDonald, Joseph; $200.00; 3/21/2007 ___
- Cromwell Ave. Pittsfield, MA 01201; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $200.00; 76 ___
- Crowley, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cummings, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cummings, Jason; P.O. Box 9575 Fall River, MA 02720; Correctional Officer; Mass Corrections; Sullivan, David B.; $20.00; 11/23/2008 ___
- Cummings, John; 12 Briggs Ave Bourne, MA 02532; Lt.; 6/24/2005 ___
- Cummings, Virginia; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cunha, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Cunningham, John P.; 6/5/2010 ___
- Cunningham, John P.; 6/5/2010 ___
- Cutting, Robert M; 159 Burgin Pkwy Quincy, MA 02169; Mgr; Int'l Brotherhood of Correctional Offices; Spilka, Karen; $200.00; 4/28/2007 ___
- Cutting, Robert; 159 Burgin Parkway MA 02169; Corr. Program Officer; MA Dept. of Corrections; Fahey, Julia; $500.00; 6/6/2008 ___
- Cyr, Louis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/23/2010
- Dagostino, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Daigle, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Daniels, Craig; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dankievitch, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Darcy, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dasilva, Arthur; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Davis, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dawes Ave. Pittsfield, MA 01201; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 254 ___
- Dawicki, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Day, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dees, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Defeo, Marc; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- DeJesus, John; 204 Center St Somerset, MA 02726; probation officer; Bristol County Corrections; Pacheco, Marc R.; $250.00; 10/16/2009 ___
- DeJesus, John; 204 Centre St Somerset, MA 02726; probation officer; Bristol County Corrections; Pacheco, Marc R.; $250.00; 10/25/2007 ___
- DeJesus, John; 204 Centre Street Somerset, MA 02726; counselor; MA Community Corrections; Pacheco, Marc R.; $250.00; 11/1/2006 ___
- Demaranville, Leroy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- DeMello, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dempsey, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dennehy, Kathleen; 171 Chestnut Street Wrentham, MA 02070; Commissioner; Dept. of Corrections; Cousins Jr., Frank G.; $25.00; 4/2/2006 ___
- Dept of Corrections; Gobi, Anne; $100.00; Mass ___
- Dept. of Corrections; Joyce, Robert W.; $100.00; Connecticut ___
- DeSantis, James A; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 11/20/2010
- Deshler, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Desir, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Desmond, Ryan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dias, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dickhaut, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dilillo, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Dinicola, Lisa M.; 12/3/2007 ___
- Dinicola, Lisa M.; 12/3/2007 ___
- Dinicola, Lisa M.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Dinicola, Lisa M.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Dipadua, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Disangro, Daniel; 46 Neponset Avenue Roslindale, MA 02131; Correction Officer; Department of Corrections; O'Brien, Shannon P.; $500.00; 2/28/2002 ___
- Doher, Glenn; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Doherty, Jon; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Doherty, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dolloff, Martin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Donahue, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dould, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dowd, John F.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Dowd, John F.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Dowd, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Downey, John; 35 Prospect St. Bridgewater, MA 02324; Correction Officer; Plymouth Cty. Corrections Dept.; Pond, Richard A.; $250.00; 2/24/2010 ___
- Doyle, John R.; 6/9/2006 ___
- Doyle, John R.; 6/9/2006 ___
- Dubois, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dubois, Robert J.; 10/17/2010 ___
- Dubois, Robert J.; 10/17/2010 ___
- DuBois, Wade; 10 Burke Lane Granby, MA 01033; Correctional Officer; Hampden County Correctional Facility; Wagner, Joseph F.; $80.00; 8/19/2004 ___
- Duffy, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Duhamel, Carlton; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dumont, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Dunaj, Elizabeth; 30 E 9th Street Derbry, CT 06418; Registered Nurse; UCONN - Dept. of Corrections; Connaughton, Mary; $200.00; 7/10/2004 ___
- Dunn, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Durkin, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- East Street Adams, MA 01220; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 50 ___
- Easton Ave. Pittsfield, MA 01201; ADS; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $200.00; 54 ___
- Eccles, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Edgewater Drive Blackstone, MA 01504; Financial Officer; Worcester House of Corrections; Moore, Richard T.; $50.00; 56 ___
- Ellegood, Jeff; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ellis, Donna; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Elsmore, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Erickson, Bruce; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Erickson, Bruce; 91 Moore ave Worcester, MA 01602; Correction Officer; Massachusetts Department of Correction; Murray, Timothy P.; $25.00; 9/11/2006 ___
- Esielionis, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- ESTRADA, Angel; 29 WENTWORTH STREET Springfield, MA 01104; INSTRUCTOR; HAMPDEN CORRECTIONAL CENTER; Ashe, Michael E.; $100.00; 8/17/2007 ___
- Ethan Allen Drive Boylston, MA 01505; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Corrections Staff; Glodis, Guy William; $250.00; 60 ___
- Fahey, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Fay, Kathleen; 171 Chestnut St Wrentham, MA; Acting Commissioner; Dept Of Correction - Com of Mass; Brown, Scott P.; $200.00; 1/20/2004 ___
- Fegreus, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ferguson, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Fernandez, Emerson; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ferrara, Donald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ferreira, Frank; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ferullo, Kenneth; 23 Devens Street Everett, MA 02149; Vice President; Mass Correction Officers Union; Reilly, Thomas F.; $200.00; 3/31/2006 ___
- Fichtenmayer, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Fionda, Jack; 116 Oak Street Wakefield, MA 01880; Correction Program Officer; MA Department of Correction; Campanile, Debra; $50.00; 7/9/2011 ___
- Fisher, Roger; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Fitzpatrick, Paula; 770 Jones Hill Road Ashby, MA 01431; Correction Program Officer; MA Department of Corrections; Campanile, Debra; $25.00; 7/5/2011 ___
- Flagg, Allen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Flanagan, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Flanagan, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Flannery, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Flood, John; 143 Godfrey Dr. Norton, MA 02766; Director, Substance Abuse Serv; Mass. Dept. of Correction; Rappaport, Jim; $200.00; 6/21/2002 ___
- Flynn, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Flynn, Peter Y.; 4/12/2005 ___
- Flynn, Peter Y.; 4/12/2005 ___
- Flynn, Peter; 3 Bayberry St Fairhaven, MA 02719; Owner; Alternative Corrections Medthod; Flynn, David L.; $500.00; 5/13/2005 ___
- Flynn, Peter; 3 Bayberry Street Fairhaven, MA 02719; Consultant; Alternative Corrections Methods; Macdonald, Frederick B.; $200.00; 6/1/2005 ___
- Flynn, Peter; 50 Fairway Lane Falmouth, MA 02540; President; Alternative Correction; Murray, Therese; $500.00; 10/9/2002 ___
- Flynn, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Foley, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/23/2010
- Foley, Edward J.; 11/14/2003 ___
- Foley, Edward J.; 11/14/2003 ___
- Foley, Edward J.; 8/26/2002 ___
- Foley, Edward J.; 8/26/2002 ___
- Foley, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Fontaine, Frederick; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ford, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 10/23/2010
- Forget, Barry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Forhan, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Forrest, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Foti, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Fougere, Terrance; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Fountaine, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Francisco, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Francois, Othniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.50; 10/23/2010
- Frascarelli, George; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Furtado, Jesse; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gagne, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gaidanowicz, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gallagher, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Gallagher, Martyn; 394 Abbott Street Springfield, MA 01118; Educator, Councillor; Hampden County Correctional Facility; Richard E. Neal Massachusetts; Political Action Committee; $125.00; 8/26/2008 ___
- Gallagher, Michael; 37 Adam Ter. Lowell, MA 01852; plumber; Dept. of Correction; Galvin, Dennis J.; $100.00; 11/21/2003 ___
- Gallagher, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/23/2010
- Gannon, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Garant, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Garcia, Cesar; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Garlisi, Chad; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Garvey, Michael W.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Garvey, Michael W.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Gaughran, Michael; 25 Ann View Ter. Meriden, CT 06450; Corrervice Managerectional District Food S; State of Connecticut Dep. of Correction; Joyce, Robert W.; $200.00; 7/23/2010 ___
- Gayzagian, Jr., Lootfi; 8 Royal Dane Drive, Apt. 68 Marshfield, MA 02050; Fingerprint Analyst; Plymouth County Correctional Facility; DeNucci, Joseph; $100.00; 9/24/2002 ___
- Gearin, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gendron, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- George, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Gerard, Arthur; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gerrish, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Giberti, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gibson, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gifford, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gilman, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- GIROUX, RICHARD; 219 AMHERST ST Granby, MA 01033; CONSULTANT; CANTEEN CORRECTIONAL SERVICES; Ashe, Michael E.; $475.00; 8/21/2006 ___
- Giuffre, John N.; 12/31/2005 ___
- Giuffre, John N.; 12/31/2005 ___
- Giuffre, John N.; 4/15/2006 ___
- Giuffre, John N.; 4/15/2006 ___
- Giuffre, John N.; 7/21/2006 ___
- Giuffre, John N.; 7/21/2006 ___
- GIUFFRE, JOHN; 2 BELLINGHAM AVE REVERE, MA 02151-4151; Corrections Officer; Suffolk County Correctional; Rizzo, Daniel; $200.00; 7/8/2011 ___
- Giuffre, John; 2 Bellingham Ave. Revere, MA 02151; Corrections Officer; Suffolk County Correctional; Reilly, Thomas F.; $150.00; 3/31/2004 ___
- Glenny, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gobern, Manuel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 10/23/2010
- Goguen, Marc; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Golden, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gomaa, Ashraff; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gonsalves, Esther; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gonsalves, Jeffrey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gonsalves, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Gonzalez, Edwin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gonzalez, Freddy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gonzalez, Tyson; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Goodrow, Donald; 1355 Bradley Rd Springfield, MA 01118; FOOD SERVICES; Hampden County Corrections; Kogut, Michael T.; $500.00; 8/16/2010 ___
- Gorbey, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Gorman, Kenneth; 63 Shore Rd North Brookfield, MA 01535; Union Rep.; 11/15/2008 ___
- Gorman, Kenneth; 63 Shore Rd. North Brookfield, MA 01535; Correction Program Officer; Department of Correction - Commonwealth of Mass.; Murray, Timothy P.; $100.00; 9/14/2006 ___
- Grady, Thomas E.; 12/3/2007 ___
- Grady, Thomas E.; 12/3/2007 ___
- Grady, Thomas; 55 Hubbard Ave Pittsfield, MA 01201; Deputy Sheriff; Berkshie House Of Correction; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 4/3/2009 ___
- Grand Ave Revere, MA 02151; Investigator; Mass. Dept. of Corrections; Romney, Mitt; $20.00; 34 ___
- Grange Hall Road Dalton, MA 01226; Major; Berkshire County House of Correctionsse of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 35 ___
- Grasso, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Griffin, Raymond; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Griffin, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Griffiths, Donald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Griggs, Richard; 56 Brookway Dr Northbridge, MA 01534; Correctional Program Officer; Mass Dept of Correction; Evangelidis, Lewis G.; $100.00; 4/24/2010 ___
- Griggs, Richard; 56 Brookway Drive Northbridge, MA 01534; Correction Program Officer; Mass. Dept. of Correction; Murray, Timothy P.; $25.00; 8/25/2006 ___
- Grillo, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Grogan, Paula; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Guillemette, Gerard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Guthrie, Jody; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- H St Boston, MA 02127; Attorney; Dept. of Correction; Rogers, John H.; $25.00; 62 ___
- Haines, William; Third Street Lowell, MA 01850; Sgt.; 6/9/2004 ___
- Haley, Nicholas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hanson, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Harris, Henry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Harris, Henry; 492 Flat Hill Road Lunenburg, MA 01462; Executive Secretary; MA. Department of Correction; Reilly, Thomas F.; $200.00; 11/30/2005 ___
- Harvard St. Malden, MA 02148; Employee Relations Advisor; MA Dept. of Corrections; Tisei, Richard R.; $400.00; 90 ___
- Harvey, Marc; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Harvey, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Haughey, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Haughey, Stephanie; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hayer, Mark P.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Hayer, Mark P.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Hazard, Colin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Helmersen, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Helmuth, Erik; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hemsley, Leon; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Henderson, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hennis, Justin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Henriques, Debra; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Henry, Harris; 492 FLat Hill Rd Lunenburg, MA 01462; Executive Secretary; Mass Correction Officers Federated Union; Murray, Timothy P.; $100.00; 9/3/2006 ___
- Hershon, Debra L.; 5/24/2002 ___
- Hershon, Debra L.; 5/24/2002 ___
- Hershon, Frederic; 7 Nadine RD Framingham, MA 01701; Correction Officer; State Department of Correction; Magnani, David P.; $500.00; 6/24/2002 ___
- Hierholcer, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hirons, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hobbs, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hocking, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hodgson, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/23/2010
- Hoekstra, Donald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Hogan, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Hollenbach, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hollis, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Holmes, Jeffrey R.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Holmes, Jeffrey R.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Horner, Jeffrey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- HOUSE OF CORRECTION; Murray, Timothy P.; $200.00; BERK. ___
- House of Corrections; Swan, Benjamin; $250.00; Hampden ___
- Houston, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hubbard Ave. Pittsfield, MA 01201; Warehouse Manager; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 55 ___
- Humber, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hutt, Christian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Hyde, Frederick; 4 Maple Street Shirley, MA 01464; Corrections Officer; MA Department of Corrections; Reilly, Thomas F.; $100.00; 5/26/2006 ___
- Hynes, Beth; 31 Forest St Kingston, MA 02364; Regional Administrator; Corrections Psychiatric Services Natick Ma; Hodgson, Thomas M.; $250.00; 10/7/2010 ___
- Ioannou, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Jacome, Fernando; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Janey, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Jaworski, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Jean-Louis, Rolls; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Jenkins, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Johnson, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Johnson, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Johnson, Samuel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Jollimore, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Jones, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Jordan, Justin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Joubert, Scott; 4 Aspen Drive Oxford, MA 01540; Correctional Officer; Worcester County House of Corrections; McCarthy, William; $200.00; 6/18/2007 ___
- Joyce, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Joyce, Neal; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- KAIZER, PATRICIA; 96 GLENELLEN RD WEST ROXBURY, MA 02132-5108; COURT OFFICER; DEPT OF CORRECTIONS; Rush, Michael F.; $200.00; 6/28/2006 ___
- Kalinowski, Benjamin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kapala, Andrew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Karabatsos, Angelo; 14 Westchester St Lowell, MA 01851; Corrections Officer; Mass Dept of Corrections; Panagiotakos, Steven C.; $50.00; 5/17/2004 ___
- Karabatsos, Angelo; 14 Westchester St. Lowell, MA 01851; Corrections Officer; Mass Dept of Corrections; Panagiotakos, Steven C.; $100.00; 10/6/2005 ___
- KARABATSOS, Angelo; 37 Lincoln Park Way Lowell, MA; GUARD; DEPT. OF CORRECTIONS; Nangle, David M.; $100.00; 6/19/2007 ___
- Karabatsos, Angelo; 37 Lincoln Pkwy Lowell, MA 01851; Corrections Officer; Mass Dept of Corrections; Panagiotakos, Steven C.; $100.00; 7/25/2007 ___
- Kasper, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kasper, Troy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kasprzak, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kauppila, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kearney, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Keeler, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kehoe, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kelley, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kelly, Eric; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kemper, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kennedy, Debra; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kennedy, George; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kent, Nancy and Steven; 183 Kendall Street Granby, MA 01033; Lab Technician; Community Corrections; Garvey, Robert; $100.00; 11/9/2009 ___
- Ketchie, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kim, Kethana; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kingkade, Geraldine A.; 3/9/2006 ___
- Kingkade, Geraldine A.; 3/9/2006 ___
- Kingkade, Geraldine; 50 Woodridge Rd. Milford, MA 01757; Secretary; Dept. of Corrections; Romney, Mitt; $125.00; 9/12/2002 ___
- Kingkade, Geraldine; 50 Woodridge Road Milford, MA 01757; Secretary; Dept of Corrections; Grabauskas, Daniel A.; $100.00; 5/9/2002 ___
- Kramer, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Kurzeski, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Labarge, Todd; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- LaBella, Gerard; 26 Oracutt Ave. Saugus, MA 01906; Deputy Sheriff; Suffolk County House of Corrections; Travaglini, Robert E.; $100.00; 4/25/2006 ___
- Labrack, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lafayette Street New Bedford, MA 02745; Correction Officer; Bristol County House of Correction; Montigny, Mark C.W.; $200.00; 260 ___
- Laflamme, Randy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Laflin Terrace Pittsfield, MA 01201; Administrative Lieutenant; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 15 ___
- Lagal, Mari; 8 Bedford St Fall River, MA 02720; Correction Officer; Dept. of Corrections; Garcia, Alan D.; $200.00; 12/2/2009 ___
- LAI, AN; 87 WELLSMERE RD BOSTON, MA 021314123; OFFICER; MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS; Flaherty Jr., Michael F.; $400.00; 10/26/2009 ___
- Lai, An; 87 Wellsmere Road Roslindale, MA 02131; Officer; Mass Department of Corrections; Silbert, Andrea; $500.00; 6/19/2006 ___
- Lajoie, Jody; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lamb, Spencer; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Lamon, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lampi, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Landry, Francis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Landry, Philip; 10 Foster Drive Norton, MA 02766; Corrections Officer; MA Department of Corrections; Sullivan, Robert F.; $200.00; 5/19/2008 ___
- Lane, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Langley, Walter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lanouette, Roger; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Laperriere, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lapierre, Gary; 43 Clarke Street Norfolk, MA 02056; Corrections Officer; Mass. Department of Correction; Reilly, Thomas F.; $200.00; 3/31/2006 ___
- Lapierre, Gary; P.O. Box 350 Norfolk, MA 02056; Corrections Officer; Mass. Department of Correction; Reilly, Thomas F.; $125.00; 6/30/2006 ___
- Laraba, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lareau, Maurice; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lariviere, Theodore; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $3.00; 10/23/2010
- Laroche, Alvin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- LaRue, Zachary; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Lashua, Albert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Latsha, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Latulippe, Charles; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lauzier, Sean; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Laverdure, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lavoie, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leary, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leblanc, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leblanc, Diane; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leblanc, Shawn; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leblanc, Yvin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- LeBreton, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- LeCours, Michael; 245 Connecticut Ave. Springfield, MA 01104; Supervisor; Community Corrections Comm. of Mass; Welch, James T.; $100.00; 2/24/2011 ___
- Leeper, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 10/23/2010
- Legate Hill Road Leominster, MA 01453; CO; Mass. Dept. of Corrections; Glodis, Guy William; $500.00; 185 ___
- Leger, Jean; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leger, Kenneth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Legere, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leggett, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lennon, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leo Avenue, Apt. #12 Dudley, MA 01571; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Correctional staff; Glodis, Guy William; $250.00; 1 ___
- Leonard, Charles; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leonard, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Leroux, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Letendre, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Levesque, Claude; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lewis Jr, Larry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Lewis, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 10/23/2010
- Liddy, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Little, Brad M.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Little, Brad M.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Lockhart, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lomme, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Long, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $3.00; 10/23/2010
- Lopes, Linda; 379 Loftus St. New Bedford, MA 02746; Correction Officer; Ma. Dept of Corrections; Garcia, Alan D.; $100.00; 12/2/2009 ___
- Lopes, Tony; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lorion, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.50; 10/23/2010
- Lozano, Antonio; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lunn, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lymon, Dana; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Lynch, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- MacAskill, Donald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- MacDonald, Christopher; 183 Lincoln Street Winthrop, MA 02152; Corrections Officer; Suffolk County Corrections Dept.; Murphy, Stephen; $125.00; 4/28/2005 ___
- MacDonald, Scott; 183 Lincoln Street Winthrop, MA 02152; Corrections Officer; Suffolk County Corrections Dept.; Murphy, Stephen; $125.00; 4/28/2005 ___
- Mack, Ann; 16 Fox Run Road Middleton, MA 01949; Medical Coordinator; Correctional Medical Sevices; Romney, Mitt; $150.00; 10/31/2002 ___
- Mageary, Eileen M.; 11/4/2002 ___
- Mageary, Eileen M.; 11/4/2002 ___
- Magellan, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Maguire, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Maille, Raymond; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Maine, Frank; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Maki, Chad; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Malboeuf, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/18/2011
- Malone, Michael; 52 Eton St Springfield, MA 01108; Correctioner Office; Hampden House of Corrections; Swan, Benjamin; $125.00; 8/24/2006 ___
- Malone, Michael; 52 Eton St. Springfield, MA 01108; C.O.; 8/12/2008 ___
- Maloney, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mancini, Jr., Albert J.; 8/21/2002 ___
- Mancini, Jr., Albert J.; 8/21/2002 ___
- Mandeville, John; 6 Sandy Hill Lane Provincetown, MA 02657; Nurse; Barnstable County Correctional; Diehl, Geoff; $100.00; 3/13/2010 ___
- Manning-Martin, Anne; 37 Dexter St Peabody, MA 01960; Deputy Superintendant; MA Dept. of Corrections; Fitzgerald, Sean Robert; $100.00; 8/9/2011 ___
- Manning, Anne; 37 Dexter St, Peabody, MA 01960; Manager; Department of Correction; Baker, Charles D.; $250.00; 3/31/2010 ___
- Manning, Anne; 37 Dexter Street Peabody, MA 01960; Classifications; Department of Corrections; Anketell, Damian M.; $100.00; 3/4/2010 ___
- Marchand, Jamie; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Marcinkus, Paul; P.O. Box 3107 Worcester , MA; Kitchen Worker; Worcester County House of Correction; Germaine, Michael J.; $500.00; 10/14/2008 ___
- Marden, Llyod; 50 Cherry Tree Lane New Bedford, MA 02740; Maintanence; Bristol County Hose of Correction; Pelletier, Leo O.; $200.00; 10/31/2007 ___
- Marino, George; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Marjorie Street Worcester, MA 01604; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Corrections staff; Glodis, Guy William; $500.00; 13 ___
- Markle, Derek; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martelli, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martin, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martin, Julieth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martin, Michael C; 5 Sumac Circle Rutland, MA 01543; CORRECTIONAL OFFICER; Worcester House of Correction; Fresolo, John P.; $100.00; 5/27/2011 ___
- Martin, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martin, Wayne; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martinez, Abner; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martinez, Cindy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Martins, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mason, Jann; 5 Colonial Rd Auburn, MA 01501; Buyer; Canteen Correctional SERVICES; Ashe, Michael E.; $500.00; 8/14/2008 ___
- Mason, Raymond; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mason, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Masse, Louis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 10/12/2006 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 10/12/2006 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 10/20/2006 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 10/20/2006 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 12/3/2007 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 12/3/2007 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 9/20/2007 ___
- Massimiano, Jr., Carmen C.; 9/20/2007 ___
- Mauer, Nancy J.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Mauer, Nancy J.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Mazzeo, Jr., Tom; 85 Lindsay Drive Dalton, MA 01226; Mayor; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 5/24/2007 ___
- McBride, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McBrien, Francis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mccann, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McCarthy, Gerald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McCarthy, Michael; 75 Parsons Hill Dr Worcester, MA 01603-1245; Corrections Officer; State of MA-Dept. of Corrections; Murray, Timothy P.; $100.00; 1/13/2007 ___
- McClory, Scott; Manning Rd. Chelmsford, MA 01824; Administrator; Billerica House of Correction; McMahon, Robert "Bob"; $200.00; 6/11/2007 ___
- McCluskey, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McCormack, Donald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McCormack, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McDonough, Denise M; 20 Eliot St Canton, MA 02021; Administrator; Corrections Psychiatric Services Natick Ma; Hodgson, Thomas M.; $250.00; 10/7/2010 ___
- McFadden, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mcgary, Craig; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- McGinty, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McGuirk, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McKenna, David; 141 Baldwin Road Billerica, MA 01821; Sgt.; 6/9/2004 ___
- McKenna, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McKenzie, Amanda; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McKernan, Charles; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McLaughlin, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McLaughlin, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- McLaughlin, Shaun; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mclaughlin, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McMahon, Michael B.; 5/24/2007 ___
- McMahon, Michael B.; 5/24/2007 ___
- McMahon, Michael B.; 9/22/2010 ___
- McMahon, Michael B.; 9/22/2010 ___
- McMahon, Michael; 75 Ontario Street Pittsfield, MA 01201; ; Larkin, Peter J.; $100.00; 3/22/2002 ___
- McMahon, Timothy J.; 12/19/2005 ___
- McMahon, Timothy J.; 12/19/2005 ___
- McMullen, Michael F.; 12/3/2007 ___
- McMullen, Michael F.; 12/3/2007 ___
- McMullen, Michael F.; 5/24/2007 ___
- McMullen, Michael F.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Mcmullen, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- McNally, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- McPherson, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 10/9/2010
- Meda, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Medeiros, Carmen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Medeiros, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Medeiros, Jay; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Mello, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Melo, Norberto; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Melvin, Joshua; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.50; 10/23/2010
- Menkello, Kenneth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mercier, Paul; 124 King St. Blackstone, MA 01504; state manager; Dept. of Corrections; Reich, Robert; $25.00; 6/25/2002 ___
- Merian, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Merlino, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Messier, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Michael, Solomito; 104 Rinnock RD. Fitchburg, MA 01420; clerk; Worc.Cont.House Correction; Solomito, Joseph; $200.00; 7/22/2011 ___
- Michalczyk, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Michals, Peter; 160 Market Street Amesbury, MA 01913; Essex Sheriffs Office; Corrections; Cousins Jr., Frank G.; $100.00; 5/4/2006 ___
- Michalski, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Michele Hart; 62 G Street Boston, MA 02127; ; Hart Jr., John A.; $244.00; 12/31/2007 ___
- Milinazzo, Jeffrey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mill Street Jefferson, MA 01522; Comm. Of Mass.; 73 ___
- Mills, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mireault, Erik; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mitchell, Adrian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mobley, Douglass; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Modzeleski, Jan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mograss, Jon; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Monsen, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Montaquila, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/23/2010
- Montenero, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Monterio, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Moore, John Arthur; 78 Woods Ave. Somerville, MA 02144-1119; Retired; MA Dept. Correction; Healey, Kerry Murphy; $100.00; 5/18/2004 ___
- Moore, John; 78 Woods Ave Somerville, MA 02144; Retired; MA Dept. Correction; Romney, Mitt; $250.00; 6/30/2005 ___
- Moore, John; 78 Woods Ave. Somerville, MA 02144; Retired; MA Dept. Correction; Healey, Kerry Murphy; $250.00; 6/27/2005 ___
- Morales, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Moran, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Moreau, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Morgan, Mari-jane; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Morrison, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mota, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mullins, Frederick; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Munns, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 10/23/2010
- Murphy Jr, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Murphy, Christopher; 268 Longhill Ave. Somerset, MA 02726; Correction Officer; Ma. Dept. of Corrections; Garcia, Alan D.; $150.00; 12/2/2009 ___
- MURPHY, JOHN; 67 BORDER RD. READING, MA 01867; PROBATION OFFICER; DEPT OF CORRECTIONS; Rush, Michael F.; $100.00; 11/20/2005 ___
- Murray, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Murray, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Muscara, Anthony; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Mushnick, Rebecca; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Nadine Road Framingham, MA 01701; corrections officer; MA Dept of Correction; Birmingham, Thomas F.; $100.00; 7 ___
- Nahim, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.50; 10/23/2010
- Nantel, Kelly A.; 9/27/2002 ___
- Nantel, Kelly A.; 9/27/2002 ___
- Nash, Laura; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Nason, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Naylor, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Nelson, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Newell, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Newell, Patrick; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Newell, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Newman, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 10/23/2010
- Newman, Joshua; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 11/20/2010
- Newton, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Nguyen, Hung Kim; 12 Brown Street Pittsfield, MA 01201; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 5/24/2007 ___
- Noonan, Robert; 37 Cumberland St Worcester, MA 01606; sheriff's dept; woecetsre county corrections; Moore, Michael; $500.00; 5/9/2011 ___
- North Street North Adams, MA 01247; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 221 ___
- Norton, Douglas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Norton, Paul E.; 3/28/2002 ___
- Norton, Paul E.; 3/28/2002 ___
- Notsley, John J; 75 Berkshire Drive Williamstown, MA 01267; Deputy/Superintendent; Berkshire House of Correction; Bosley, Daniel E.; $100.00; 11/28/2007 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 3/24/2001 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 3/24/2001 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 3/28/2003 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 3/28/2003 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 4/10/2002 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 4/10/2002 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 4/19/2005 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 4/19/2005 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 4/23/2010 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 4/23/2010 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 5/24/2007 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 5/27/2009 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 5/27/2009 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 5/27/2011 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 5/27/2011 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 5/28/2008 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 5/28/2008 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 7/26/2005 ___
- NOTSLEY, JOHN J.; 7/26/2005 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 9/20/2007 ___
- Notsley, John J.; 9/20/2007 ___
- O'Brien, Mary; 35 New South Street Northampton, MA 01060; Asst. Program Manager; Community Corrections; Garvey, Robert; $100.00; 11/9/2009 ___
- O'Connell, Mary; 215 Canterbury Street Worcester, MA 01603; ; Yanis Jr., Hermis; $100.00; 4/3/2005 ___
- O'Connell, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/21/2011
- O'Connor, Daniel; Delegate - Added Twice Boston, MA; ; International Brotherhood of; Electrical Workers, Local 103 Pol A; $55.00; 12/31/2007 ___
- O'Donnell, Edward J.; 9/25/2007 ___
- O'Donnell, Edward J.; 9/25/2007 ___
- O'Hara, Kimberly; 44D Elm Street Salisbury, MA 01952; Manager; Women's Correctional Facitlity; Healey, Kerry Murphy; $100.00; 4/19/2005 ___
- O'Loughlin, Dennis F.; 3/17/2005 ___
- O'Loughlin, Dennis F.; 3/17/2005 ___
- O'Neill, Robert; 8 Chandler Drive Marshfield, MA 02050; Maintenance Officer; Plymouth County Correctional Facility; Hynes, Frank M.; $250.00; 11/20/2003 ___
- O'Roak, Gregory; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/18/2011
- Oberg, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ochs, Peter D.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Ochs, Peter D.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Odgren, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/9/2010
- Of Correction; Haines, Evelyn; $100.00; House ___
- of Corrections; Perry, Jeffrey; $200.00; Dept ___
- Officer; Early, JR., Joseph D.; $200.00; Corrections ___
- Oja, Darel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Oldroyd, Wayne; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Oliver, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Oliveri, Anthony J.; 3/28/2005 ___
- Oliveri, Anthony J.; 3/28/2005 ___
- Oliveria, Eric; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Olson Jr, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Ontario Street Pittsfield, MA 01201; Major; Berkshire County House of Corrections; Downing, Benjamin; $100.00; 75 ___
- Orient Street Worcester, MA 01604; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Correctional staff; Glodis, Guy William; $250.00; 8 ___
- Oslebo, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ouellet, Ricky; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ouellette, Paul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Outridge, Robin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pacheco, Anthony; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Padvaiskas, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Page, Perry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Paige, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Parisi, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Parisien, James M.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Parisien, James M.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Parker, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Patnode, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Paul, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pavia, Edmond; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Peabody, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pedini, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Peladeau, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pellegrino, Sr., Nicholas; 36 Winthrop Street West Boylston, MA 01583; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Corrections staff; Glodis, Guy William; $125.00; 3/17/2005 ___
- Peloquin, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pepe, Joseph G.; 10/31/2002 ___
- Pepe, Joseph G.; 10/31/2002 ___
- Pepe, Joseph G.; 7/31/2002 ___
- Pepe, Joseph G.; 7/31/2002 ___
- Pepe, Joseph; 34 Grand Ave Revere, MA 02151; Investigator; Mass. Dept. of Corrections; Healey, Kerry Murphy; $25.00; 10/25/2006 ___
- Perez Jr, Espirito; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Perkins, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Perkins, Paul; 85 High Road Newburyport, MA 01951; Corrections Officer; Massachusetts Department of Correction; Baker, Charles D.; $25.00; 5/25/2010 ___
- Perla, Anthony; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Perry, Donald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Perry, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Perry, Virgilio; 114 Bayberry Road Raynham, MA 02767; Rec. Officer; Dept of Correction; Reilly, Thomas F.; $500.00; 6/30/2005 ___
- Perry, Virgilio; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Peter; 3 Bayberry Street Fairhaven, MA 02719; Consultant; Alternative Corrections Methods; Macdonald, Frederick B.; $200.00; Flynn, ___
- Peterson, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Petty, John J.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Petty, John J.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Pina, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pirani, Douglas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pitcairn Avenue Leicester, MA 01524; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Correctional staff; Glodis, Guy William; $250.00; 6 ___
- Platine, Keith; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Plummer, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pobieglo, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 6/18/2011
- Poladian, Nicholas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Polson, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Polychrones, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Porter, Aaron; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Powers, Mark; 44 Prospect Street Foxborough, MA 02035; Deputy; Department of Corrections; Keating, William R.; $500.00; 12/31/2009 ___
- Powers, Michael & Gina; 9 Driscoll Street Peabody, MA 01960; Correction Officer; South Bay Correction; Basile, Carlo; $250.00; 7/16/2007 ___
- Powers, Michael; 9 Driscoll Street Peabody, MA 01960; Correction Officer; South Bay Correction; Basile, Carlo; $250.00; 11/12/2008 ___
- Prather, Roger; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 10/23/2010
- Prato, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Preston, Edmund; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Primeau, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Progen, Kathleen; 500 Colony Road Gardner, MA 01440; Supervisor; MA Dept of Correction, Shirley, MA; Conte, John; $500.00; 3/17/2005 ___
- Prokop, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Pulnik, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Putnam Road Foxboro, MA 02035; Corrections Officer; MA Dept. of Corrections; Joyce, Brian A.; $250.00; 18 ___
- Quinn, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Quinn, Paul; 52 Nichols Street Holden , MA 01522; Debuty; Worcester County House of Correction; Germaine, Michael J.; $250.00; 10/14/2008 ___
- Rabbett, Kurt; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rackett, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rahaim, Paula; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ramalho, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ramos, Pedro; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Raposo, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Read Street Attleboro, MA 02703; Law Enforcement; Comm. of Mass. Dept of Correction; Romney, Mitt; $25.00; 910 ___
- Reardon, Arthur; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Redd, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Reddy, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Reedy Meadow Road Groton, MA 01450; superintendent; Billerica Correction; Birmingham, Thomas F.; $100.00; 53 ___
- Reese, Amy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rego, Christopher; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Resendes, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Resendes, Roy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rhinebeck Ave. Springfield, MA 01129; Administrative Asst.; 8 ___
- Richard, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Richard, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ridge Road Gardner, MA 01440; Counselor; Worcester County House of Correction; Yanis Jr., Hermis; $150.00; 60 ___
- Riley, Charles; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rivera, Nelson; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Roche, Todd; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rodgerson, Everett; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rodney French Blvd. New Bedford, MA 02744; Administrator; Bristol County House of Correction; Paleologos, Philip C.; $100.00; 380 ___
- Romano, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Romanowicz, Wayne; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ronghi, Vincenzo; 55 Avalon Pl. Feeding Hills, MA 01030; Community Corrections; Comm Corrections; Petrolati, Thomas M.; $200.00; 5/31/2011 ___
- Rooney, Terry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rosatto, Tom; 1125 Saratoga St. East Boston, MA 02128; Asst. Community Service Coordi; Mass. Office of Community Corrections; Travaglini, Robert E.; $200.00; 4/2/2004 ___
- Rose, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ross, Linda L.; 8/1/2006 ___
- Ross, Linda L.; 8/1/2006 ___
- Routhier, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Roy, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Roy, Ryan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Roycroft Drive Randolph, MA 02368; Case Manager; MA Dept of Corrections; Morrissey, Michael W.; $50.00; 5 ___
- Rua, Abel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Rull, John P.; 2/7/2005 ___
- Rull, John P.; 2/7/2005 ___
- RUSH, JAMES; 280 STRATFORD ST Apt. 1 BOSTON, MA 02132-2143; PROBATION OFFICER; DEPT OF CORRECTIONS; Walsh, Marian; $70.00; 10/28/2005 ___
- Rush, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Russell, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Ruziak, Vincent; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ryan, William; 22 Apple Dr. Townsend, MA 01469; Correction Officer; Dept. Of Corrections; Nangle, David M.; $200.00; 6/6/2002 ___
- Sabourin Jr, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 5/21/2011
- Saengkheune, Vinay; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Salerno, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Salerno, Robert J.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Salerno, Robert J.; 3/17/2005 ___
- Salmon, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Samanica, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Santarlasci, Brian; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Santiago, Alejandro; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Santiago, Lazaro; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sarafian, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sardina, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Saunders, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sawyer, Todd; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sawyer, Wayne; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Scafidi, Corey; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Scanlan, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Scanlan, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Scanlan, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Schmidt, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Schwede, Joseph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Scopa, Martin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Scott, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Scott, Sherline; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Scott, Sherline; 48 Breckwood Circle Springfield, MA 01119; Correctional Offcicer; Mass Correctional Institution; Hurst, Justin J.; $50.00; 11/2/2011 ___
- Scotti, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Seamans, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sepulveda, Edwin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sequeira, Vincent; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Setters, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Settlers, Jason; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sevivas, Steven; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Seward, Wallace; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sharland, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Shaw, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sheehan, Matthew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Shelales, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Shepard, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sheppard, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sheridan, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Shetrawski, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Shorey, Larry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sills, Beth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Silva, Alfredo; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Silva, Marcelo; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Silva, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Silvar, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Silveira, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Simonelli, Christopher P.; 10/25/2004 ___
- Simonelli, Christopher P.; 10/25/2004 ___
- Simonelli, Christopher; 90 Harvard St. Malden, MA 02148; Training Officer; MA Dept. of Corrections; Tisei, Richard R.; $500.00; 3/18/2003 ___
- Sitcawich, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sitler, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Slattery, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Smith, David; 100 River Road Savoy, MA 01256; Doctor; Berkshire County House of Correction; Hodgkins, Christopher; $300.00; 7/14/2006 ___
- Smith, Deane; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Smith, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Smith, Todd; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sojka, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $8.00; 8/28/2010
- Sousa, Erica; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Sousa, Saul; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Souza, Charles; 37 St. James St. Fall River, MA 02720; corrections officer; NB House of Correction; Correia, Robert; $160.00; 8/1/2004 ___
- Souza, Kenneth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Spofford, Joseph W; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $10.00; 11/20/2010
- Spring, Gregory; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- St Peter, Andrew; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Stanislaw, Eric; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Steele, Willie; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Steen, Charles; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Steen, Michael; 107 Walnut Street #4 Stoughton, MA 02072; Correction Officer III; Massachusetts Department of Correction; Baker, Charles D.; $100.00; 7/29/2010 ___
- Stellato, Fern; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $0.00; 10/9/2010
- Stoller, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Stone, Glenn; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Stone, Timothy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Storer, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Stubbert, Susan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Suarez, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sugrue, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sullivan, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sullivan, Dennis; 8 Florence St Somerville, MA 02145; Correction Officer; Massachusetts Department of Corrections; Toomey Jr., Timothy J.; $500.00; 3/23/2002 ___
- Sullivan, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sullivan, John; 50 French Drive Palmer, MA 01069; Commonwealth of MA; Correction Officer; Murray, Timothy P.; $250.00; 12/10/2007 ___
- Sullivan, Patrick; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Suplee, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Surprenant, Dennis; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $4.00; 10/23/2010
- Swanfeldt, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sweeney, Kevin; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sybertz, Edward; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Sylvester, Rebecca; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tata, Chad; 9 Theodore Drive Leominster, MA 01453; Correction Program Officer; MA Department of Corrections; Campanile, Debra; $25.00; 7/6/2011 ___
- Taylor, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tello, Ronald; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tenney, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tenney, Kirk; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tetreault, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tevnan, Thomas P.; 10/28/2009 ___
- Tevnan, Thomas P.; 10/28/2009 ___
- Theroux, Gregory; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Therrien, Paula; 40 Old Bourne Street Three Rivers, MA 01080; Court Services Coordinator; Community Corrections; Buoniconti, Stephen J.; $125.00; 10/13/2008 ___
- Thomas, Daniel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Thornton, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tisdell, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tocci, Thomas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Toloczko, Jonathan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Towle, Alan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Treaster, Lawrence; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Treutlein, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tucker, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Tulik, Edwin; P.O. Box 221 Ludlow, MA 01056; Bails Man; Hampden House of Corrections; Petrolati, Thomas M.; $100.00; 5/27/2011 ___
- Tweedie, Daniel P.; 12/7/2006 ___
- Tweedie, Daniel P.; 12/7/2006 ___
- Union Street, Apt. 16 New Bedford, MA 02740; Teacher; MA Dept. of Corrections; Finneran, Thomas M.; $125.00; 634 ___
- Unitis, Mark; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Vaillancourt, Rene; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Valery, George; 1 Jaclyn Rae Drive Millbury, MA 01527; Deputy Sheriff; Worcester County House of Corrections; D'Andrea, Brian; $350.00; 9/5/2006 ___
- Vanasse, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Vasconcellos, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Vassalli, Stephen; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Vazquez, Adam; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Vazquez, John; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Velez, Elva; 22 Pheasant Dr. Springfield, MA 01119; Correctional Office; Hampden County House of Correction; Mazza-Moriarty, Rosemarie; $75.00; 7/15/2004 ___
- Vidal, Raphael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Vieira, Jessica; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Vigneault, Diana; 407 Holyoke Street Ludlow, MA 01056; Management; Ludlow Corrections Facility; Petrolati, Thomas M.; $100.00; 3/27/2008 ___
- Viscardi, Scott; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Wachusett St. Holden, MA 01520; Associate Director Contract Compliance; UMass Correctional Health; Murray, Timothy P.; $400.00; 157 ___
- Walker, Leslie A.; 3/14/2006 ___
- Walker, Leslie A.; 3/14/2006 ___
- Walker, Leslie; 56 Winslow Rd. Belmont, MA 02478; Lawyer; Mass. Correctional Legal Services; Travaglini, Robert E.; $100.00; 3/31/2003 ___
- Walker, Peter; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Walker, Raymond; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Walker, Wayne; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 10/23/2010
- Walsh, Jamie; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Ward, Elizabeth; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Watson, Dana; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Wellman, Frank; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- WELLS, GEORGE; 17 HILLVIEW AVE 2 BOSTON, MA 02131-4206; SERGEANT; DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS; Flaherty Jr., Michael F.; $500.00; 11/5/2007 ___
- WELLS, GEORGE; 17 HILLVIEW AVE 2 BOSTON, MA 021314206; SERGEANT; DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS; Flaherty Jr., Michael F.; $500.00; 6/25/2009 ___
- Wells, George; 17 Hillview Avenue Boston, MA 02131; Sergeant; Mass Dept. of Corrections; Silbert, Andrea; $500.00; 5/19/2006 ___
- Westchester Drive Auburn, MA 01501; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Corrections staff; Glodis, Guy William; $300.00; 30 ___
- Westerman, Bryan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Wetherbee, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Wetherell, Richard; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Whaley, Larry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- White, Roy; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Wilbon, Anton; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $5.00; 10/23/2010
- Wilder, James; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- William Ward Street Uxbridge, MA 01569; Worc. Cty. Sheriff's Office; Correctional staff; Glodis, Guy William; $250.00; 66 ___
- Williams, Jemel; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Williams, Shelley; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Williams, Willy; 28 George St Attleboro, MA 02703; Correction Officer; MA Dept. of Corrections; Travaglini, Robert E.; $100.00; 4/14/2006 ___
- Williamson, Shelby A.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Williamson, Shelby A.; 5/24/2007 ___
- Willis, Jerry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Windom St. Allston, MA 02134; Officer; Suffolk County House of Corrections; Golden, Brian P.; $200.00; 28 ___
- Winslow Rd Belmont, MA 02478; Attorney; Massachusetts Correctional Legal Services, Inc.; Barrios, Jarrett T.; $100.00; 56 ___
- Wojcukiewicz, Gary; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Wolski, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Wood, Robert; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Woodard, Barry; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Woodard, David; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Woodridge Road Milford, MA 01757; Administrative Assistant; Department of Corrections; Moore, Richard T.; $100.00; 50 ___
- Woodward, William; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Yang, May; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Yard, Shawn; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Yeaton, Erica; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Yelle, Randall; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Youmans, Douglas; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Young, Brent; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Young, Ralph; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Young, Susan; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Zani, Michael; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010
- Zdanis, Sean; 525 East Main Street Chicopee, MA 01013; Lab Technician; Community Corrections; Garvey, Robert; $100.00; 11/9/2009 ___
- Zoldak, Shawn; 159 South Main Street Milford, MA 01757; corrections officer; Massachusetts Dept of Corrections; MA Correction Officers Federated; Union PAC M.C.O.F.U PAC; $2.00; 12/18/2010