opinion and publicly available information, often including home addresses, about people most of whom are or were government officers or employees


Employer Contains "City of New York"

Welcome to this information about contributors to some, federal, political campaigns in 2003-2004. The contributors' employers' names contain "City of New York".

Many of the entries below have two addresses. The first address is early in the entry, after the amount contributed but before the words "City of New York". The second address is at the end of the entry. If one of the addresses is wrong, it's usually the first one.

  1. 2003-2004, listed by surname
    1. 2005 January 17
      Bailey, Percival 4/15/2004 $200.00 (243 West 70th Street, Attorney -- Human Resources Admin) New York, NY 10023 City Of New York/Attorney -- Human -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (PERCIVAL R BAILEY, age 62, 243 W 70TH ST NEW YORK NY 10023, (212) 787-0514)
    2. 2008oct16 BLOOMBERG, EMMA B

      1. Introduction

        We guess that she lives in her Manhattan condo but also owns a condo in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

        She lived in Massachusetts while employed by the city government of New York:

        BLOOMBERG, EMMA B [what is the middle name?] MS.; 
        3/2/2004 $2,000.00; 
        (10 Jones Street, # 18) 
        CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138; 
        EMMA B BLOOMBERG 39 MAGNOLIA AVE CAMBRIDGE, Middlesex County, MA 02138.

        Her address was near Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

        39 Magnolia Ave, Unit 3
        Property Information:
        Property Class:	CONDOMINIUM 	
        State Class Code:	102 	
        Zoning (Unofficial):		
        Map/Lot:	140-98-3 	
        Land Area:	0 	
        Property Value:
        Year of Assessment:	2008 	
        Tax District:	R3 	
        Residential Exemption:	Yes 	
        Building Value:	$418,300 	
        Land Value:	$0 	
        Assessed Value:	$418,300
        Sale Price:	$469,000
        Book/Page:	42923/ 219
        Sale Date:	May 28, 2004
        Previous Assessed Value:	$427,700
        Note that the current value ($418,300) is less than the previous value ($427,700).
        Owner Information:
        Owner(s): 	BLOOMBERG, EMMA B. ...
        39 MAGNOLIA AVE., UNIT #3
        CAMBRIDGE , MA  02138
        Building Information:
          Condominium Building Number 	1
          Number of Stories 	1
          Floor Location 	3
          View 	Average
          Living Area 	1,104
          Total Rooms 	5
          Bedrooms 	2
          Full Baths 	1
          Half Baths 	0
          Fireplaces 	0
          Laundry in Unit 	
          Heat Type 	
          Year Built 	1903
          Overall Condition 	VERY GOOD
          Overall Grade 	Average
          Open Parking 	
          Covered Parking 	
          Garage Parking 	
        Code 	Description 	Gross Area 	Living Area
        BAS 	First Floor 	1,104 	1,104
        	Total 	1,104 	1,104
        After Princeton, she went to KSG for an MPA degree.

        Incidentally, her younger sister Georgina L. Bloomberg, whose nickname may be Anna, rides horses owned by the mayor when she competes in equestrian competions. The occasional prize money is paid to the horses' owner, the mayor.

        21 September 2011
        Georgina L. Bloomberg
        Palm Beach County Property Appraiser, Florida
        Property Information
        Location Address:  14354 STROLLER WAY[not her mail address, which is below]
        Municipality:  	WELLINGTON
        Parcel Control Number:  	73-41-44-20-06-000-0150
        Subdivision:  	EQUESTRIAN CLUB ESTATES PL 2
        Official Records Book:  	15982 	Page:  	885 	Sale Date:  	Sep-2003
        Legal Description:  	EQUESTRIAN CLUB ESTATES PL 2 LT 15
        Owner Information
        Mailing Address:  	741 TITICUS RD
          	NORTH SALEM NY 10560 2204
          	[This is Gotham Noirth, one of the mayor's homes and one of her homes.her New York home]
          Sales Information
        Sales Date 	Book/Page 	Price 	  	Sale Type 	Owner 	 
        Sep-2003 	15982/0885 	$10 	  	QUIT CLAIM 	BLOOMBERG GEORGINA L
        Feb-2001 	12332/1641 	$448,800 	  	WARRANTY DEED 	BLOOMBERG SUSAN [Georgina's mother, Michael's ex]
        Feb-1997 	09683/1776 	$962,500 	  	WARRANTY DEED
        [The price was $962,500 in 1997 but only $448,800 in Februry 2001.]
          Exemption Information Unavailable.
        Tax Year: 
        Improvement Value: 
        Land Value: 
        Total Market Value: 
        2011 P 	2010 	2009
        $645,550 	$600,674 	$548,799
        $0 	$0 	$0
        $645,550 	$600,674 	$548,799
          Property Information   
        Number of Units:  	1
        *Total Square Feet:  	3165
        Acres:  	0.2118
        * May indicate living area in residential properties.
        Use Code:  	0130- RESIDENTIAL
        All values are as of January 1st each year 	P = Preliminary Values
          Assessed and Taxable Values
        Tax Year: 
        Assessed Value: 
        Exemption Amount: 
        Taxable Value: 
        2011 P 	2010 	2009
        $645,550 	$600,674 	$548,799
        $0 	$0 	$0
        $645,550 	$600,674 	$548,799
        Tax Year: 
        Ad Valorem: 
        Non Ad Valorem: 
        Total Tax: 
        2011 P 	2010 	2009
        $14,330 	$13,377 	$11,825
        $535 	$526 	$491
        $14,865 	$13,903 	$12,316
      2. Current Manhattan address 2008oct16

        MANHATTAN / NEW YORK block 188, lot 1108, SINGLE RESIDENTIAL CONDO UNIT, 62 BEACH STREET, apartment 2F.

        62 Beach St, TriBeCa neighborhood, Manhattan, New York, NY 10013-2382, on a westbound street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets. This loft building, Fischer Mills, was built in 1860 and has 8 floors and 35 units.

        Emma Bloomberg
        nonprofit strategic planning
        robin hood [Instutional affiliation.  The original Robin Hood was an English criminal who supposedly stole from the rich.]
        62 BEACH ST.
        New York, NY
        $2,400 donation to reshma for congress exploratory
        Emma Bloomberg
        nonprofit strategic planning
        robin hood
        62 BEACH ST.
        New York, NY
        $2,400 donation to reshma for congress exploratory
        Emma Bloomberg
        Donation of $2,400 to reshma for congress exploratory
        Emma Bloomberg
        robin hood foundation/senior pla
        New York, NY
        $1,000 donation to bennet for colorado
        Emma Bloomberg
        Donation of $1,000 to bennet for colorado
        Emma Bloomberg
        robin hood foundation/strategic
        New York, NY
        $300 donation to citizens for alan khazai
        Emma Bloomberg
        Donation of $300 to citizens for alan khazai
        government analyst
        city of new york
        10 JONES St.
        NEW YORK, NY
        $2,000 donation to george w. bush
      3. Some, recent, presidential contributions from 62 Beach Street, Manhattan. 2008oct15.
        Craig Balsam [related to Jodi Balsam?]
        Razor Itle Direct LLC
        Wesley Clark 
        	Craig Balsam
        Business Person 
        Razor & Tie Direct
        Barack Obama 
        Jodi Balsam [related to Craig Balsam?]
        N. F. L.
        	JODI BALSAM
        George W. Bush 
        	Jodi was an NFL attorney at about the same time she was a self-employed writer. 
        Richard B. D'Albert
        	Richard Dalbert
        Deutsche Bank   (Germany's biggest bank)
        	Richard Dalbert
        Deutsche Bank
        John Kerry 
        George W. Bush 
        	At about the same time, he gave to:
        		- the DNC (Democratic National Committee) $500, 
        		- Democratic candidate Kerry (who wanted to replace Bush) $500, and 
        		- Republican candidate Bush (who did not want to be replaced by Kerry or anyone else) $2000.
        	If a contributor wanted to give as much as possible to the winner of an election,
        and if the contributor thought that Bush were four times more likely to win than Kerry,
        than the contributor would give four times more money to Bush than Kerry.
        D'Albert was not necessarily using the contribution strategy described above.
        D'Albert was not necessarily trying to pick a winner.
        It would be federally illegal for John Doe to politically contribute his employer's money pretending that it were John's.  D'Albert contributed his own money to both Kerry and Bush.
        It is interesting that a banker would give money to the DNC, Kerry, and Bush at about the same time.
        If we knew more, our expert opinions might be differeent.
        The contributor may possibly be RICHARD DALBERT, born 1963-12-31, who lived in New York NY 10012.  He was born on December 31st on advice of his mother's tax accountant.  :-)
        We think that the contributor no longer lives in America.
        Michael Colacino
        real estate 
        studley inc
        Barack Obama 
        Deborah Colacino
        Not employed
        Barack Obama 
        Theodore Roosevelt 
        Lehman Brothers
        Barack Obama 
        Deborah Oakland
        Barack Obama 
        $15,620 given by this address:  62 Beach Street, Manhattan. 
         $4,500 to Republicans  $11,120 to Democrats.
        We got much of the contribution information above from
    3. 2005 January 17
      Bloomberg, Michael; 3/1/2004 $2,000.00; New York, NY 10022; City of New York/Mayor -[Contribution]; HAL ROGERS FOR CONGRESS. (See elsewhere in this Web site for contributor Bloomberg's addresses, one of which is on the upper, east side of Manhattan, near 5th Avenue.)

      Bloomberg, Michael 3/1/2004 $2,000.00 New York, NY 10022 City of New York/Mayor -[Contribution] HAL ROGERS FOR CONGRESS

      Bloomberg, Michael R 2/20/2004 $1,000.00 New York, NY 10022 City of New York/Mayor -[Contribution] HELP AMERICA'S LEADERS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (HALPAC)

      BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R 6/27/2003 $2,000.00 NEW YORK, NY 10022 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] FRIENDS OF JOHN MCCAIN

      BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R 6/27/2003 $2,000.00 NEW YORK, NY 10022 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] FRIENDS OF JOHN MCCAIN

      BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R 6/27/2003 $2,000.00 NEW YORK, NY 10022 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] SHELBY FOR U S SENATE

      BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R 6/27/2003 $2,000.00 NEW YORK, NY 10022 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] SHELBY FOR U S SENATE

      BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R MR. 6/30/2003 $2,000.00 NEW YORK, NY 10022 CITY OF NEW YORK/MAYOR -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC

      BLOOMERG, MICHAEL 9/25/2003 $2,000.00 NEW YORK, NY 10022 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] MISSOURIANS FOR KIT BOND Why did Bloomberg give to Bond?

      BLOOMERG, MICHAEL 9/25/2003 $2,000.00 NEW YORK, NY 10022 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] MISSOURIANS FOR KIT BOND

    4. 2005 January 17
      Brewer, Gale 12/18/2003 $500.00 (29 West 95th Street) New York, NY 10025 City of New York/City Council -[Contribution] CLARK FOR PRESIDENT INC (GALE ARNOT BREWER, age 53, 29 W 95TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10025, (212) 749-0330)

      Brewer, Gale A 5/20/2004 $2,000.00 New York, NY 10025 City of New York/Civil Servant -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

    5. 2005 January 17
      BRODY, SUSANNE 9/13/2004 $1,000.00 (988 Lake Avenue. Public defender) GREENWICH, CT 06831 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] A LOT OF PEOPLE SUPPORTING TOM DASCHLE INC (SUSANNE B BRODY, age 53, 966 LAKE AVE, GREENWICH CT 06831, (203))
    6. 2005 January 17
      Browne, Matthew 9/22/2004 $250.00 (6 Christie Court) Pleasantville, NY 10570 City of New York/attorney -[Contribution] TEAM AMERICA POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE INC (MATTHEW P BROWNE, age 37, 6 CHRISTIE Court, PLEASANTVILLE NY 10570, (914))

      Browne, Matthew 4/21/2004 $250.00 Pleasantville, NY 10570, City of New York/attorney -[Contribution], TEAM AMERICA POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE INC

    7. 2005 January 17
      BURDEN, AMANDA 5/25/2003 $1,000.00 (31 East 79th Street. Commiussioner) NEW YORK, NY 10021 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] FRIENDS OF CHRIS DODD 2004 (AMANDA M BURDEN, age 60, 31 E 79TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10021, (212) 988-2817)
    8. 2005 January 17
      Cahill, Kathleen 10/28/2004 $1,000.00 (340 West 28th Street, Apt. 20C) New York, NY 10001 City of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] DNC SERVICES CORPORATION/DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE

      (KATHLEEN J CAHILL, age 61, 290 9TH AVE , NEW YORK NY 10001, (212) 989-8979)

    9. 2005 January 17
      Carbine, William S 5/27/2004 $300.00 (584 19th Street) Brooklyn, NY 11218 City of New York/Government Adminis -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

      (WILLIAM S CARBINE, age 47, 584 19TH ST, BROOKLYN NY, 11218 (718) 871-4431)

    10. 2005 January 17
      CARROLL, JAMES L 7/1/2003 $500.00, (524 East 20th Street. Fire Department of NY) NEW YORK, NY 10009, CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] FRIENDS OF SCHUMER (JAMES L CARROLL, 524 E 20TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10009, (212) 673-9210)
    11. 2005 January 17
      Case, Andrew; 9/27/2004 $865.00; (254 Park Place, 3-A) Brooklyn, NY 11230; City of New York/Researcher -[Contribution]; DNC SERVICES CORPORATION/DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. (ANDREW C CASE, 254 PARK Place, BROOKLYN NY 11238, (718) 857-2767)
    12. 2005 January 17
      Chin, Helen; 10/28/2004 $400.00; (75-64 198th Street) Flushing, NY 11366; City of New York/Board of Education -[Contribution]; NEVADA STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (Nevada); (HELEN T CHIN, age 63, 7564 198TH ST, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11366, (718))
    13. 2005 January 17
      COHEN, ELIZABETH MRS.; 9/5/2003 $1,250.00; (161 Rock Creek Lane) SCARSDALE, NY 10583; CITY OF NEW YORK/ATTORNEY -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC (161 ROCK CREEK LN, SCARSDALE NY 10583, (914) 725-3638)
    14. 2005 January 17
      CONE, JAMES E MD; 3/9/2004 $1,000.00; (66 West 84th Street. physician) NEW YORK, NY 10024; CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution]; POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (PACOSH), (JAMES CONE, age 55, 66 W 84TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10024, (212))

    15. 2005 January 17
      Copleman, Marti; 3/11/2004 $200.00; (60 Pineapple Street) Brooklyn, NY 11201; City Of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (MARTI COPLEMAN, 60 PINEAPPLE ST, BROOKLYN NY 11201, (718) 858-4620)

      Copleman, Marti 3/11/2004 $200.00 Brooklyn, NY 11201 City Of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

    16. 2005 January 17
      Coyne, Thomas; 10/21/2004 $500.00; (36-11 38th Street) Long Island City, NY 11106; City of New York/lawyer -[Contribution] DNC SERVICES CORPORATION/DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. (THOMAS P COYNE, 36-11 36 LONG ISLAND CITY NY 11106, (718) 729-9395).
    17. 2005 January 17
      Cutney, Richard S.; 5/13/2004 $250.00; Lake Road. lieutenant Fire Department) Suffern, NY 10901; City Of New York/Firefighter -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (RICHARD S CUTNEY, age 37, 6 LAKE RD, SUFFERN NY 10901, (845) 357-????).

      Cutney, Richard S 3/21/2004 $250.00 Suffern, NY 10901 City Of New York/Firefighter -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

      CUTYNEY, RICHARD S JR 9/20/2004 $250.00 SUFFERN, NY 10901 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] FRIENDS OF JOHN MCCAIN

    18. 2005 January 17
      De Blasio, Bill (also listed below as deBlasio); 9/30/2003 $250.00; (442 11th Street) Brooklyn, NY 11215 City of New York/City; Council Membe -[Contribution] EDWARDS FOR PRESIDENT (BILL DEBLASIO, 442 11TH AVE, BROOKLYN NY 11215, (718) 369-0111)

      deBlasio, Bill (also listed above as De Blasio); 6/30/2003 $250.00; Brooklyn, NY 11215; City of New York/City Council Membe -[Contribution] EDWARDS FOR PRESIDENT.

    19. 2005 January 17
      DEAUX, KAY; 11/25/2003 $250.00; (29 East 9th Street, 20E) NEW YORK, NY 10003; CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] CAMPAIGN FOR FLORIDA'S FUTURE FKA BETTY CASTOR FOR U S SENATE (Florida contribution). (KAY K DEAUX, age 64, 20 E 9TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10003, (212) 260-7521)
    20. 2005 January 17
      Demel, Chester; 3/14/2004 $225.00; (5 East 22nd, Apt. 18M) New York, NY 10010; City Of New York/Program Analyst -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (age 35)
    21. 2005 January 17
      FINK, SHEA MISS; 2/17/2004 $250.00; (301 East 48th St., 18A) NEW YORK, NY 10017; CITY OF NEW YORK/SR. ADVISOR TO THE MAYOR -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC. (SHEA A FINK, 301 E 48TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10017, (212) 688-6757).
    22. 2005 January 17
      FRANKEL, DONALD MR.; 5/5/2004 $200.00; (2726 Henry Hudson Parkway, 35C) RIVERDALE, NY 10463; CITY OF NEW YORK/GOVERNMENT EMPLOYE -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC


      Frankel, Donald Mr. 10/18/2004 $202.00 Riverdale, NY 10463 City Of New York/Government Employe -[Contribution] REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE





    23. 2005 January 17
      Gavin, Gayle Ms.; 10/14/2003 $200.00; (35 West 90th St, 5J) New York, NY 10024; City Of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] DNC SERVICES CORPORATION/DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. (GAYLE S GAVIN, age 60, 35 W 90TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10024)
    24. 2005 January 17
      Goldman, Shelley; 7/21/2004 $200.00; (415 East 85th Street, 2H) New York, NY 10028; CITY OF NEW YORK/MANAGER -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (SHELLEY H GOLDMAN, age 52, 415 E 85TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10028, (212) 772-7830)
    25. 2005 January 17
      GREENSPUN, JONATHAN MR. 3/2/2004 $250.00 (172 West 79th Street, 2D) NEW YORK, NY 10024 CITY OF NEW YORK/COMMISSIONER -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC (JONATHAN D GREENSPUN age 34, 172 W 79TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10024, (212))
    26. 2005 January 17
      Grob, Shauna B; 6/25/2004 $500.00; (476 Clinton Ave, Apt. BG) Brooklyn, NY 11238; City of New York/Bureaucrat -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (SHAUNA B GROB, age 30, 476 CLINTON AVE BROOKLYN NY 11238, (718) 623-3081)
    27. 2005 January 17
      Halligan, Irene R. Hon. 2/20/2004 $1,000.00 (505 East 79th Street, 7B) New York, NY 10021 City of New York/Commissioner of Protocol -[Contribution] NEW YORK REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE (IRENE R HALLIGAN 75 505 E 79TH ST NEW YORK NY 10021 (212) 4722383)

      Halligan, Irene R. Hon. 3/6/2003 $500.00 New York, NY 10021 City of New York/Commissioner of Pr -[Contribution] NEW YORK REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE

    28. 2005 January 17
      Hoad, Donald 3/12/2004 $250.00 (61 Wade Drive) Summit, NJ 07901 City Of New York/Administrator -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (DONALD R HOAD 55 61 WADE DR SUMMIT NJ 07901 (908) )
    29. 2005 January 17
      Hunt, Brian 1/30/2003 $2,000.00 (5 Boulevard) Suffern, NY 10901 City of New York/Police Detective (NYPD) -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC
    30. 2005 January 17
      Hunt, Teresa 6/28/2004 $325.00 (235-23 148th Avenue) Jamaica, NY 11422 City of New York/Deputy Dist. Manag -[Contribution] COMMITTE TO RE-ELECT ED TOWNS (TERESA R HUNT, 23523 148TH AVE ROSEDALE NY 11422, (718) 525-7024)

      Hunt, Teresa 8/7/2003 $215.00 Jamaica, NY 11422 City of New York/Deputy Dist. Manag -[Contribution] COMMITTE TO RE-ELECT ED TOWNS

    31. 2005 January 17
      Hurwitz, Mark A 7/23/2004 $500.00 (8 Highmont Terrace) Montclair, NJ 07042 City Of New York/Admin -[Contribution] AMERICA COMING TOGETHER
    32. 2005 January 17
      JACKSON, ROBERT 7/29/2004 $210.00 (499 Fort Washington Avenue, Number 3A) NEW YORK, NY 10033 CITY OF NEW YORK - Legislator [Contribution] FRIENDS OF HILLARY (ROBERT C JACKSON, age 54, 499 FORT WASHINGTON AVE, NEW YORK NY 10033, (212) 568-6897)
    33. 2005 January 17
      Jelin, Marjorie 7/29/2004 $250.00 (205 East 22nd Street) New York, NY 10010 City of New York/Director Public Service Corp -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (MARJORIE A JELIN, age 56, 205 E 22ND ST NEW YORK NY 10010 (212) 532-????)

      Jelin, Marjorie 7/18/2003 $250.00 New York, NY 10010 City of New York/Director Public Se -[Contribution] TOM ALLEN FOR CONGRESS

    34. 2005 January 17
      Johnert, William 7/22/2004 $250.00 (85-19 86th Avenue) Woodhaven, NY 11421 City of New York/administrator -[Contribution] NEW YORK REPUBLICAN FEDERAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (WILLIAM F JOHNERT, age 61, 8519 86TH AVE, WOODHAVEN NY 11421 (718) 849-0762)
    35. 2005 January 17
      JUNG, SUNNY J MRS. 3/12/2004 $2,000.00 (82 Bayand Street) NEW YORK, NY 10013 CITY OF NEW YORK/SPEECH PATHOLOGIST -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC
    36. 2005 January 17
      Karakassis, Kate (same as Kathleesn K., below on this page) 6/26/2004 $250.00 (114 2nd Street) Brooklyn, NY 11231 CITY OF NEW YORK/ATTORNEY -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (KATHLEEN B KARAKASSIS age 53, 114 2ND ST BROOKLYN NY 11231, (718) )

      Karakassis, Kathleen Ms (same as Kate, above) 4/28/2004 $250.00 Brooklyn, NY 11231 City of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

    37. 2005 January 17
      Karnovsky, David 9/26/2004 $500.00 (5 Riverside Drive, apt. 16a) New York, NY 10023 City Of New York/Lawyer -[Contribution] AMERICA COMING TOGETHER (DAVID M KARNOVSKY 48 5 RIVERSIDE DR NEW YORK NY 10023 (212))
    38. 2005 January 17
      Kramer, Daniel 6/9/2004 $250.00 (350 Richmond Terrace, 4R) Staten Island, NY 10301 City of New York/Adjunct Professor -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (DANIEL C KRAMER, 350 RICHMOND TER STATEN ISLAND NY 10301 (718) 720-6424)

      Kramer, Daniel 3/19/2004 $250.00 Staten Island, NY 10301 City of New York/Adjunct Professor -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

    39. 2005 January 17
      Lasky, Kristen 6/30/2004 $250.00 (241 West 108th Street, 8B) New York, NY 10025 City of New York/Administrator -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

      Lasky, Kristen 3/4/2004 $250.00 New York, NY 10025 City of New York/Administrator -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

    40. 2005 January 17
      LEVINE, DOUGLAS 5/6/2003 $250.00 (102-10 68th Road) FOREST HILLS, NY 11375 CITY OF NEW YORK DOITT - Assistant Commissioner [Contribution] BENJAMIN FOR U S SENATE (DOUGLAS J LEVINE, 10210 66TH RD, FOREST HILLS NY 11375 (718))
    41. 2005 January 17
      LEVY, DAVID J 6/30/2004 $225.00 (1392 Madison Avenue) NEW YORK, NY 10029 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] FRIENDS OF HILLARY
    42. 2005 January 17
      LINK, MARILYN 4/6/2004 $250.00 (47-37 194th Street) FLUSHING, NY 11358 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (MARILYN LINK, 4737 194TH ST, FLUSHING NY 11358, (718))
    43. 2005 January 17
      Locascio, Alfred 10/9/2004 $250.00 (15 Elmtree Lane) Pelham, NY 10803 City of New York/New York City Marshal -[Contribution] CROWLEY FOR CONGRESS

      Locascio, Alfred 6/24/2003 $250.00 Pelham, NY 10803 City of New York/New York City Marshal -[Contribution] CROWLEY FOR CONGRESS

    44. 2005 January 17
      MACNEAL, KELLY 5/25/2004 $500.00 (822 East 20th Street, number MH) NEW YORK, NY 10009 CITY OF NEW YORK -[Contribution] FRIENDS OF HILLARY (KELLY D MACNEAL, age 59, 622 E 20TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10009, (212) 677-9740)
    45. 2005 January 17
      MALONEY, SEAN MR. 7/2/2004 $300.00 (26 Fort Charles Place, apt. 3D) BRONX, NY 10463-6729 CITY OF NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT/ -Police Officer [Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC (SEAN M MALONEY, age 42, 26 FORT CHARLES PL BRONX NY 10463 (718) 295566)

      Maloney, Sean Mr. 10/28/2004 $400.00 Bronx, NY 10463 City Of New York Police Department/ -[Contribution] REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE

      Maloney, Sean Mr. 9/28/2004 $300.00 Bronx, NY 10463 City Of New York Police Department/ -[Contribution] REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE

    46. 2005 January 17
      Maoz, Cassiopeia 8/21/2004 $342.00 (43-16 44th Street, unit C2) Sunnyside, NY 11104 City Of New York/Urban Planner -[Contribution] AMERICA COMING TOGETHER
    47. 2005 January 17
      Martin, Lawrence 7/19/2004 $2,000.00 (168 East 61st Street, apt. 17K) New York, NY 10021 CITY OF NEW YORK/ATTORNEY -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (LAWRENCE M MARTIN, 166 E 61ST ST NEW YORK NY 10021, (212) 755-2354 )
    48. 2005 January 17
      Masucci, Robert Mr. 10/17/2004 $500.00 (61 DiRenzo Court) Staten Island, NY 10309 City of New York Fire Department/Fi -Fire Fighter [Contribution] COMMITTEE TO RE-ELECT VITO FOSSELLA (ROBERT K MASUCCI age 41, 61 DIRENZO CT STATEN ISLAND NY 10309 (718))
    49. 2005 January 17
      McKENNA, PHILIP W MR. 9/30/2004 $200.00 (18 Fairview Avenue) WARWICK, NY 10990 CITY OF NEW YORK/FIREFIGHTER -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC (KPHILIP W MCKENNA, age 37, 18 FAIRVIEW AVE WARWICK NY 10990 (845) )
    50. 2005 January 17
      MERRIS, DONNA 3/29/2004 $250.00 (255 West End Avenue) NEW YORK, NY 10023 CITY OF NEW YORK -Administrative Law Judge [Contribution] FRIENDS OF HILLARY (DONNA R MERRIS 65 255 W END AVE NEW YORK NY 10023 (212))
    51. 2005 January 17
      Milford, Matthew 7/15/2004 $250.00 (70 Hester St., Floor 1) New York, NY 10002 City Of New York/System Analyst -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (MATTHEW L MILFORD, 70 HESTER ST, NEW YORK NY 10002 (212) )
    52. 2005 January 17
      Milne, Victoria 10/12/2004 $250.00 (350 3rd Avenue, apt. 129) New York, NY 10010 City of New York/Policy writer -[Contribution] DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA
    53. 2005 January 17
      Mohbat, Joseph E. 7/14/2004 $250.00 (551 Pacific Street) Brooklyn, NY 11217 City Of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (JOSEPH E MOHBAT age 67, 551 PACIFIC ST BROOKLYN NY 11217 (718) 855-????)

      Mohbat, Joseph E 6/24/2004 $375.00 Brooklyn, NY 11217 City Of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

    54. 2005 January 17
    55. 2005 January 17
      Patel, Yashvant 11/1/2004 $500.00 (431 Wooley Avenue) Staten Island, NY 10314 City of New York/Mechanical Enginee -[Contribution] PALLONE FOR CONGRESS (Y. PATEL, age 49, 34 ANDES PL, STATEN ISLAND NY 10314, (718) 698-3984 )

      Patel, Yashvant 12/13/2003 $500.00 Staten Island, NY 10314 City of New York/Mechanical Enginee -[Contribution] PALLONE FOR CONGRESS

    56. 2005 January 17
      Richardson, Thomas 12/8/2003 $250.00 (1112 Park Avenue) New York, NY 10128 City of New York/Consultant -[Contribution] CLARK FOR PRESIDENT INC (THOMAS F RICHARDSON, age 62, 1112 PARK AVE, NEW YORK NY 10128, (212) 876-0341)
    57. 2005 January 17
      Rix, Martha 6/29/2004 $202.00 (354 Baltic Street, apt. 1) Brooklyn, NY 11201 City of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (MARTHA J RIX age 55, 354 BALTIC ST BROOKLYN NY 11201, (718) 625-7336)
    58. 2005 January 17
      Rothstein, Eric; 9/20/2004 $265.00; Brooklyn, NY 11232; City of New York/Hydrologist -[Contribution] MOVEON PAC (ERIC ROTHSTEIN, 695 4TH AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11232, (718) 768-4648 ) Rozsaheg, Kenneth J Mr. (He may possibly be Kenneth J. Rozsahegyi, described below.); 3/24/2004 $210.00; (8335 Austin Street) Jamaica, NY 11415; City Of New York/Information Techno -[Contribution] DNC SERVICES CORPORATION/DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE

      Rozsahegyi, Kenneth 9/19/2004 $250.00 Kew Gardens, NY 11415 City of New York/IT manager -[Contribution] DNC SERVICES CORPORATION/DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE (K ROZSAHEGYI, 8333 AUSTIN ST JAMAICA NY 11415 (718) 849-9629 )

    59. 2005 January 17
      Saltz, Ronald; 5/21/2003 $2,000.00; (7 West 81st Street) New York, NY 10024; City of New York/Teacher -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (RON I SALTZ, 7 W 81ST ST NEW YORK NY 10024 (212) 873-5204)
    60. 2005 January 17
      SALTZMAN, SANDERS MR.; 5/6/2004 $200.00; (3023 36th Street) ASTORIA, NY 11103; CITY OF NEW YORK/ELECTRICIAN -[Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC (SANDERS SALTZMAN, age 54, 3023 36TH ST, ASTORIA NY 11103, (718))
    61. 2005 January 17
      Schneider, Judith; 3/7/2004 $500.00; (243 West 99th Street, apt. 8A) New York, NY 10025; City Of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (JUDITH R SCHNEIDER, age 64, 243 W 99TH ST NEW YORK NY 10025, (212) 865-0766 )
    62. 2005 January 17
      Segarra, Arnaldo; 7/31/2003 $200.00; (58 West 8th Street) New York, NY 10011; City of New York/Asst to Comptrolle -[Contribution] MEEKS FOR CONGRESS (ARNALDO SEGARRA, 58 W 8TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10011 (212) 529-8934).

      ARNALDO SEGARRA 1942-07-13 lived in New York NY 10011.

    63. 2005 January 17
      Shatz, Jeffrey A Mr.; 10/25/2004 $201.00 Flushing, NY 11367; City Of New York Parks & Recreation -[Contribution] REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE (JEFFREY A SHATZ age 27, 7925 150TH ST, FLUSHING NY 11367, (718) 969-6855)

      SHATZ, JEFFREY A MR.; 8/16/2004 $200.00; (7925 150th Street, apt. D15) FLUSHING, NY 11367; CITY OF NEW YORK PARKS & RECREATION - product manager for revenue [Contribution] BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) INC

    64. 2005 January 17
      Shultz, Harold; 3/14/2004 $250.00; (6772 Exeter Street) Forest Hills, NY 11375; City Of New York/Attorney -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (HAROLD MARK SHULTZ age 55, 6772 EXETER ST, FOREST HILLS NY 11375, (718) 263-1256 )
    65. 2005 January 17
      Smarr, Jamie; 9/26/2003 $200.00; (190 Malcolm X Blvd.) New York, NY 10026; City of New York/Manager -[Contribution] EDWARDS FOR PRESIDENT
    66. 2005 January 17
      SWANSON, SARA JANE; 4/13/2004 $1,000.00; (125 East 63rd St., apt. 8C) NEW YORK, NY 10021; CITY OF NEW YORK - legislative aid [Contribution] A LOT OF PEOPLE SUPPORTING TOM DASCHLE INC (SARA JANE SWANSON age 52, 125 E 63RD ST, NEW YORK NY 10021, (212) 751-3606 )
    67. 2005 January 17
      Tassi, Anthony; 8/26/2003 $250.00; (109 West 105th Street, apt. 5B) New York, NY 10025; City of New York/Administrative Staff Analyst - [Contribution] DEAN FOR AMERICA (ANTHONY C TASSI age 34, 109 W 105TH ST, NEW YORK NY 10025, (212) 865-9530 )
    68. 2005 January 17
      Tedaldi, Patrick F Mr.; 4/15/2003 $250.00; (150 Parkway North) YONKERS, NY 10704; CITY OF NEW YORK/ACCOUNTANT -[Contribution] NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE (PATRICK F TEDALDI, 150 PARKWAY N, YONKERS NY 10704, (914) 237-2571 )

      Tedaldi, Patrick F.; 11/2/2004 $250.00; Bronx, NY 10470; City Of New York/Accountant -[Contribution] FRESHMEN PAC

    69. 2005 January 17
      UMANA, PETER; 1/8/2003 $1,000.00; (196 Hurleburt Street) STATEN ISLAND, NY 10305; CITY OF NEW YORK/SANITATION WORKER -[Contribution] LAROUCHE IN 2004 (Sanitation worker Umana's contribution was generous. For example, his contribution was bigger than physician Wallace's, below.) (UMANA, age 40, 196 HURLBERT ST, STATEN ISLAND NY 10305, (718))
    70. 2005 January 17
      Wallace, Mark; 6/8/2004 $500.00; (77 7th Ave., 19D) New York, NY 10011; City of New York/Physician -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC (MARK F WALLACE, age 49, 77 7TH AVE, NEW YORK NY 10011, (212) 675-8586 )

      Wallace, Mark; 7/11/2004 $250.00; New York, NY 10011; City of New York/Physician -[Contribution] JOHN KERRY FOR PRESIDENT INC

  2. 2004, listed by given name
    1. Alexander Hoffman -- teacher -- city of new york. 1/2004 -- Wesley Clark -- $100 478 3RD ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    2. Andrew Case -- Researcher -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $865 254 PARK PL -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    3. Andrew Smith -- Urban Planner -- New York City. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $160 8455 DANIELS ST -- Jamaica, New York, USA.
    4. Anthony Tassi -- Administrative Staff Analyst -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- Howard Dean -- $500 109 W 105TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    5. Barry Meade -- Captain N. Y. C. Fire Dept. -- New York City. 1/2004 -- RNC -- $280 12 FAIRVIEW AVE -- Port Washington, New York, USA.
    6. Betsy Gotbaum -- Public Advocate -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $500 211 CENTRAL PARK W -- New York, New York, USA.
    7. Betsy Gothbaum -- Public Advocate -- New York City. 1/2004 -- Joe Lieberman -- $500 1 CENTRE ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    8. Bill De Blasio -- City Council Member -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Edwards -- $545 442 11TH ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    9. Brian Hunt -- Police Detective (NYPD) -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $2,000 5 BLVD -- Suffern, New York, USA.
    10. Bridget Simone -- Govt Administrator -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $40 320 E 42ND ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    11. C. Fields -- Manhattan Borough President -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $1,250 1 CENTRE ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    12. Chester Demel -- Program Analyst -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $261 5 E 22ND ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    13. Christopher Anest -- Teacher -- New York City. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $310 124 CONOVER AVE -- Nutley NJ
    14. Daniel Kramer -- Adjunct Professor -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $500 350 RICHMOND TER -- Staten Island, New York, USA.
    15. DAVID TORRES -- BUS OPERATOR -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $155 1963 GILDERSLEEVE AVE -- BRONX, New York, USA.
    17. Donald Frankel -- Government Employee -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- RNC -- $100 2728 HENRY HUDSON PARKWAY -- Riverdale, New York, USA.
    18. Donald Hoad -- Administrator -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $450 61 WADE DR -- Summit NJ
    19. ELIZABETH COHEN -- ATTORNEY -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $1,250 161 ROCK CREEK LANE -- SCARSDALE, New York, USA.
    20. Elloitt Carlen -- teacher -- New York City. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $3,000 200 E 66TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    21. G Koppell -- City Concilman -- New York City. 1/2004 -- John Edwards -- $2,000 5011 WALDO AVE -- Bronx, New York, USA.
    22. Gale Brewer -- City Council -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- Wesley Clark -- $500 29 W 95TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    23. Gale Brewer -- Civil Servant -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $2,000 29 W 95TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    24. Gayle Gavin -- Attorney -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $300 35 W 90TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    25. Harold Shultz -- Attorney -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $250 6772 EXETER ST -- Forest Hills, New York, USA.
    26. Heather Despres-Burack -- Social Worker Teacher Filmaker -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- Howard Dean -- $100 1086 OCEAN AVE -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    27. James Bradley -- Auditor -- New York City. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $1,000 8540 113TH ST -- Richmond Hill, New York, USA.
    28. JAMES JONES -- POLICE OFFICER -- NEW YORK CITY. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $500 7610 249TH ST -- BELLEROSE, New York, USA.
    29. James Jones -- Police Officer -- New York City. 1/2004 -- RNC -- $350 7610 249TH ST -- Bellerose, New York, USA.
    30. Jamie Smarr -- Manager -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Edwards -- $325 130 MALCOLM X BLVD -- New York, New York, USA.
    31. JONATHAN GREENSPUN -- COMMISSIONER -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $250 172 W 79TH ST -- NEW YORK, New York, USA.
    32. Joseph Mohbat -- Attorney -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $875 551 PACIFIC ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    33. JOSEPH NEGLIA -- COMMISSIONER -- NEW YORK CITY. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $2,000 2358 E 4TH ST -- BROOKLYN, New York, USA.
    34. Judith Schneider -- Attorney -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $500 243 W 99TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    35. Judy Chesser -- Deputy Commissioner -- New York City. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $1,000 3901 ALTON PL NW -- Washington DC
    36. Karen Hoover -- Physician -- New York City. 1/2004 -- Dennis Kucinich -- $467 142 E 16TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    37. Kate Karakassis -- ATTORNEY -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $250 114 2ND ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    38. Kathleen Karakassis -- Attorney -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $250 114 2ND ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    39. Keith Kerman -- Chief Of Citywide Parks Operatio -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $75 309 E 81ST ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    40. Kenneth Rozsaheg -- Information Technology Systems -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $210 8333 AUSTIN ST -- Jamaica, New York, USA.
    41. Kenneth Rozsahegyi -- IT manager -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $250 83-33 AUSTIN ST -- Kew Gardens, New York, USA.
    42. Kristen Lasky -- Administrator -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $500 241 W 108TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    43. Lawrence Martin -- ATTORNEY -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $2,000 166 E 61ST ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    44. Louis Brown -- Welfare Supervisor -- New York City. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $65 1453 118TH ST -- College Point, New York, USA.
    45. Marie Caesar -- Contract Manager -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- Howard Dean -- $100 65 BUCKLEY ST -- Bronx, New York, USA.
    46. Marjorie Jelin -- Director, Public Service Corp. -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $250 205 E 22ND ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    47. Mark Wallace -- Physician -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $750 77 7TH AVE -- New York, New York, USA.
    48. Martha Rix -- attorney -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $100 354 BALTIC ST - -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    49. Martha Rix -- Attorney -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $202 354 BALTIC ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    50. Marti Copleman -- Attorney -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $400 60 PINEAPPLE ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    51. Mary Richman -- Attorney -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $60 111 4TH AVE -- New York, New York, USA.
    52. Matthew Milford -- System Analyst -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $250 70 HESTER ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    53. Michael Bloomberg -- Mayor -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $2,000 800 3RD AVE -- New York, New York, USA.
    54. Michael Bloomberg -- Mayor -- New York City. 1/2004 -- RNC -- $25,000 800 3RD AVE -- New York, New York, USA.
    55. Michael Lanza -- Police -- New York City. 1/2004 -- RNC -- $300 2124 63RD ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    56. Michael Phillips -- MIS Manager -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $450 173 LAFAYETTE AVE -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    57. Michele Suiridoff -- Deputy Director -- New York City. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $250 140 E 7TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    58. MIKE MORAN -- FIRE FIGHTER -- NEW YORK CITY. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $235 165 BEACH 118TH ST -- ROCKAWAY PARK, New York, USA.
    59. Miriam Burstein -- Retired Teacher -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $250 3333 HENRY HUDSON PKWY W -- Bronx, New York, USA.
    60. Molly Park -- Policy Analyst -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $105 100 OVERLOOK TER -- New York, New York, USA.
    61. Nina Ong -- Art Director -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- Howard Dean -- $132 400 W 25TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    62. Percival Bailey -- Attorney -- Human Resources Admi -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $300 243 W 70TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    63. PHILIP MC KENNA -- FIREFIGHTER -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $200 18 FAIRVIEW AVE -- WARWICK, New York, USA.
    64. Preston Niblack -- Budget Analyst -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $156 321 W 90TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    65. Preston Niblack -- Budget Analyst -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $156 321 W 90TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    66. Richard Cutney -- Firefighter -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $500 6 LAKE RD -- Suffern, New York, USA.
    67. Robert Lewis -- Teacher -- New York City. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $150 4353 BEDFORD AVE -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    68. ROBERT MORRA -- LIENS INVESTIGATOR -- NEW YORK CITY. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $340 6719 JUNO ST -- FOREST HILLS, New York, USA.
    69. ROBERT NICHOLAS -- HOUSING SUPERVISOR -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $250 523 ROUTE 22 -- PURDYS, New York, USA.
    70. Ronald Saltz -- Teacher -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $2,000 7 W 81ST ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    71. SANDERS SALTZMAN -- ELECTRICIAN -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $200 3023 36TH ST -- ASTORIA, New York, USA.
    72. Shauna Grob -- Bureaucrat -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $500 476 CLINTON AVE -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    73. SHEA FINK -- SR. ADVISOR TO THE MAYOR -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $250 301 E 48TH ST -- NEW YORK, New York, USA.
    74. Shelley Goldman -- MANAGER -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $200 415 E 85TH ST -- New York, New York, USA.
    75. Stephen Heavey -- Fire Officer -- City Of New York. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $142 24530 GRAND CENTRAL PKWY -- Bellerose, New York, USA.
    76. SUNNY JUNG -- SPEECH PATHOLOGIST -- CITY OF NEW YORK. 1/2004 -- George W. Bush -- $2,000 82 BAYAND ST -- NEW YORK, New York, USA.
    77. Thomas Richardson -- Consultant -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- Wesley Clark -- $250 1112 PARK AVE -- New York, New York, USA.
    78. William Carbine -- Government Administration -- City of New York. 1/2004 -- John Kerry -- $300 584 19TH ST -- Brooklyn, New York, USA.
    79. William Gates -- Retired Firefighter -- New York City. 1/2004 -- DNC -- $100 372 ROSS AVE -- Staten Island, New York, USA.


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