opinion and publicly available information, often including home addresses, about people most of whom are or were government officers or employees

Turtles 2002-07-04

Turtles, Jon Sullivan


Penthouse magazine, websites, and other businesses

PMGI and its affiliates are not governments. The corporations were created by the government, have been sued by the government, and engage in activities which are regulated by the government.

    Penthouse Media Group Inc. and affiliates
  1. Introduction

    Affiliates of Marc Bell Capital Partners, especially Pet (PET Capital Partners), own much of and control PMGI (Penthouse Media Group Inc.. PMGI publishes Penthouse and other porn magazines, operates websites, and engages in other activities. In 2004, Florida's Care Concepts I (Amex: IBD) bought much stock in PMGI from affiliates of Marc Bell Capital Partners, acording to, for example, a 21 October 2004 article, "Care Concepts buys into Penthouse", at the South Florida Business Journal website. In late 2004, Care became IBDI (Interactive Brand Development Inc., SEC number 0000842927, OTC:IBDI). IBDI owns 27 percent of PMGI but does not vote. Care Concepts and its affiliates had been at Deerfield Beach and Pompano Beach (CARE CONCEPTS I INC, SEC number 0001212625, 760 MCNAB ROAD, POMPANO BEACH FL 33060), Florida. IBDI is at 2200 SW 10TH STREET, DEERFIELD BEACH FL 33442, phone 954 363-4797. As far as we know, IBDI is the largest, single, beneficial owner of PMGI.

    PMGI bought Various Inc. in about early December 2007, about one day after Various settled a Web-marketing complaint with the FTC. In the complaint, the FTC accused Various of illegal marketing activity on the Web. Varrious owns FastCupid.

    PMGI used to be named General Media Inc. (GMI). On about 27 April 2007, the SEC settled its case against Penthouse International Inc. [PII], Jason Galanis, and Charles Samel for supposed fraud and financial misreporting. In that case, the SEC had claimed that General Media (now named PMGI) used an unauthorized electronic signature of Bob Guccione to meet Sarbanes-Oxley-law certification requirements in its 2003 first-quarter report. The case was SEC v. Penthouse International, Inc. [PII], Charles Samel and Jason Galanis, 05 CV 0780 (Honorable Robert W. Sweet, Southern District of New York). The SEC's 2007 complaint against PMGI, and the FTC's 2007 complaint against Various, should be read in light of each other to undeerstand how PMGI's corporate culture may possibly be influenced by PMGI's purchasse of Various.

    Some PMGI officers have also been part of ENTERPRISE ACQUISITION CORP. according to a copy of a 10-K SEC Filing on 3/27/2008:

    Name                     Age      Position
      Daniel C. Staton           55     President, Chief Executive Officer and Director (also at PMGI)
      Marc H. Bell               40     Chairman of the  Board and Treasurer (also at PMGI)
      Ezra Shashoua              53     Chief Financial Officer  (also at PMGI)
      Maria Balodimas Staton     38     Corporate Secretary (Daniel's wife, quantitative analyst)
      Stewart J. Paperin         60     Director (Soros Foundation, formerly Soros Fund Management LLC)
      Richard Steiner            62     Director (a Broadway theatrical producer)
      Jordan Zimmerman           52     Director (Zimmerman Advertising).
    Incidentally, the immediately preceding link is to a URL of Internet domain From 1998 to 2000, PMGI's Marc H. Bell was a member of the Board of Directors of EDGAR Online, Inc., owner of that domain.

    Google's financial information direcotry provides a Manhattan address for PMGI: PMGI, 2 Penn Plaza [at Penn Station], Suite 1125, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10121, USA, phone (212) 702-6000. Maybe that's a current address. That is the address for 18 USC 2257 and 28 C.F.R 75.1-75.8 records. The SEC's Edgar website provides Boca Raton street and correspondence addresses:
    Street Address for PENTHOUSE MEDIA GROUP INC (SEC number 0001338472), 6800 BROKEN SOUND PARKWAY, BOCA RATON FL 33487, 561 988-1700. Maybe this Boca Raton address was the address in 2006 or so.

    The SEC lists two businesses matching "Penthouse":

    business 1
    AMERICAN PULP EXCHANGE INC (filings through 2002-11-27)
    business 2
    PMGI's website provides information about its officers.

    Following is some information about recent officers and major shareholders of Penthouse (PMGI) and related businesses.

  2. CEO Marc H. Bell 2008may30
    1. Introduction

      He is CEO of PMGI. He has developed South Florida real estate. He started Globix Corporation, an Internet-hosting company which is a Delaware corporation with IRS NUMBER 133781263. He started PET Capital Partners, which owns much of PMGI. He has co-produced Braodway musicals. We don't know if he co-produced a musical in which Staton invested.

    2. Connecticut

      MARC H BELL Born Aug 1967 808 NORTH ST GREENWICH, CT 06831

      MARC H BELL Born Aug 1967, 39 MATHER RD STAMFORD, CT 06903 (203) 322-9892

    3. New York

      1. Centre Street

        MARC H. BELL Born Aug 1967, 139 CENTRE ST NEW YORK, NY 10013. Downtown Manhattan. This is a commercial, not residential, address. The building was sold for $51 million in about March 2007. Internet firm, Globix Corporation, founded by Bell, sold its New York City headquarters at 139 Centre Street to a group led by affiliates of Young Woo & Associates and Angelo Gordon Real Estate Funds.

      2. 32nd Street

        MARC H BELL Born 1946, 157 East 32ND ST, NEW YORK, NY 10016. This is near PMGI headquarters, near Penn Station in midtown Manhattan.
        L'Isola, 157 East 32nd Street, near Lexington

        While at this 32nd Street address, he may have been nvolved in real estate transactions with:
        BLEIER, ROBERT (1224 47TH ST, BKLYN NY) and with 1401 47TH STREET BROOKLYN LLC (140 47TH ST, BKLYN NY)
        concerning BROOKLYN / KINGS block 5624, lot 1. Acris DOCUMENT ID FT_3360008027236 concerns one of those transactions.

      3. Bleecker Street

        MARC H BELL Born Aug 1967 -- 77 BLEECKER ST NEW YORK, NY 10012 (212) 254-8174. We found the same address for PMGI's Anthony Previte for 2004. This seems to be near Lafayette and Houston [rhymes with "mouse tin", not "use tin"]Streets, Greenwich Village neighborhood, downtown Manhattan. Wile Bell was at that Bleecker address, he may have been involved in a tranaction with GUARANTEED HOME MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. (855 6TH AVENUE, NEW YORK NY 10001) concerning MANHATTAN / NEW YORK block 532, lot 20, 649 BROADWAY.

    4. Birth

      MARC H BELL born 1967-08-23 may have lived in New York NY 10012.

  3. Rob Brackett, President, Internet Group of PMGI 2008jun8

    1. Introduction

      According to his Linkpedia page on 7 June 2008, he was president of Various, Inc. PMGI bought Various in 2007.

      Defendant Various seems to have signed, on page 12, the Stipulated Final Order for Permanent Injunction in the FTC's federal court case against Various, a case in which Various was accused of illegal Internet marketing. Various, a corporation, signed by the signature of Robert Brackett, president. He is interim president of FastCupid, Inc. (formerly Spring Street Networks), which was bought by Various, which was bought by PMGI.

  4. Joshua R. Bressler, General Counsel of PMGI

    He is a court officer; namely, an attorney at law.

    JOSHUA R BRESSLER Born Dec 1967, 2235 RABBIT HOLLOWE CIR DELRAY BEACH, Palm Beach County, FL 33445. Staton may recently have had a Delray Beach address.

    Location Address:  	2235 RABBIT HOLLOWE CIR 	
    Municipality:  	DELRAY BEACH 	
    Parcel Control Number:  	12-42-46-25-11-000-0030
    Subdivision:  	RABBIT HOLLOWE
    Official Records Book:  	18976 	Page:  	1024 	Sale Date:  	Jul-2005 	 
    Legal Description:  	RABBIT HOLLOWE LT 3 IN PB52P86
     Owner Information
    Name:  	BRESSLER JOSHUA R 	 
    Mailing Address:  	2235 RABBIT HOLLOWE CIR
      	DELRAY BEACH FL 33445 6693
      Sales Information
    Sales Date 	Book/Page 	Price 	  	Sale Type 	Owner 	
    Jul-2005 	18976/1024 	$834,250 	  	WARRANTY DEED 	BRESSLER JOSHUA R
    Jun-1993 	07775/0693 	$56,000 	  	WARRANTY DEED 	ARAPS CONSTANCE J &
    Dec-1991 	07065/1093 	$45,000 	  	WARRANTY DEED 	
    Regular Homestead: 	$25,000 	Year of Exemption: 	2007 	 
    Total:  	$25,000 	  	  	 
    Tax Year: 
    Improvement Value: 
    Land Value: 
    Total Market Value: 
    2007 	2006 	2005
    $419,451 	$424,460 	$311,178
    $229,600 	$229,600 	$130,000
    $649,051 	$654,060 	$441,178
      Property Information   
    Number of Units:  	1
    *Total Square Feet:  	4439
    Acres:  	0.32
    Use Code:  	0100 	Description: 	RESIDENTIAL
    * in residential properties may indicate living area.
      Assessed and Taxable Values
    Tax Year: 
    Assessed Value: 
    Exemption Amount: 
    Taxable Value: 
    2007 	2006 	2005
    $649,051 	$654,060 	$287,329
    $25,000 	$25,000 	$25,000
    $624,051 	$629,060 	$262,329
      Tax Values
    Tax Year: 
    Ad Valorem: 
    Non Ad Valorem: 
    Total Tax: 
    2007 	2006 	2005
    $12,510 	$13,824 	$6,120
    $207 	$203 	$178
    $12,717 	$14,027 	$6,298
    Someone with a similar name may have owned realty in WEST PALM BEACH, Palm Beach County. That owner's correspondence address was in BASKING RIDGE NJ 07920 1035.

    JOSHUA R BRESSLER Born Dec 1967, 440 62ND ST NEW YORK, NY 10021. (212) 935-8206

  5. Cedeno 2008jun8

    Director Human Resources, Natalie Cedeno, FastCupid Inc.

    FastCupid is part of Various which is part of PMGI.


  6. Venus, Sculpture by Benvenuto Cellini

    Venus, Benvenuto Cellini

    Andrew Bryan "the Professor" Conru 2008may
    1. introduction

      Andrew Conru is the administrative contact of ADULTFRIENDFINDER.COM. He supposedly runs and used to own 90 percent of Various Inc.

      Penthouse bought Various about a day after Various settled a federal court case started by the FTC (U.S. Federal Trade Commission). The case, which alleges that Various violated the FTC Act, is Federal Trade Commission, Plaintiff, v. Various, Inc., a California Corporation, also doing business as AdultFriendFinder,, and, Defendant (United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose Division). The case has FTC file number 072-3000. We think that the FTC-Various stipulated settlement was filed in federal court about 6 December 2007. An FTC press release about the case said, "An operation that foisted sexually explicit online pop-up ads on unwitting consumers has agreed to settle ....". The press release said that it was for release December 6, 2007; that the MEDIA CONTACT was Claudia Bourne Farrell, Office of Public Affairs, 202-326-2181; and the STAFF CONTACT was Janis Claire Kestenbaum, Bureau of Consumer Protection, (202) 326-2798. On an FTC webpage dated 6 December 2007, the FTC links to the Complaint (Complaint for Injunctive Relief), the stipulated settlement (Stipulated Final Order for Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Various, Inc.), and the press release. According to our understanding of that FTC Complaint, the defendant and its affiliates used pop-up ads to drive traffic to its Web sites. Some ads were displayed to consumers who were searching online using unrelated terms such as "flowers", "travel", and "vacations". In some cases, defendant's sexually explicit ads were distributed using spyware and adware.

      In our opinion, the FTC was bothered by at least two phenomena: the defendant's marketing used trickery of search terms essentially unrelated to what the websurfers ultimately saw, and websurfers saw unsolicited pornography. In our opinion, the FTC wanted, among other things, an absence of misleading search terms and wanted an absence of unsolicited pornography.

    2. Conru addresses

      ANDREW CONRU 3860 PARK BLVD PALO ALTO, CA 94306 (650) 494-6095

      Conru, Andrew Berkeley, CA, US !!! Conru, Andrew Mountain View, CA, US !!! Conru, Andrew Mountian View, CA, US !!! Conru, Andrew Palo Alto, CA, US !!! (a Standford University email adress)
      Andrew Conru; Male, 40, Single; Palo Alto, CA
    3. Publicity

      Possibly true when published: "The accidental 'friend' finder" article, Joel Stein, "Business 2.0 Magazine" column, 30 March 2007.

      "RUMORMONGER: Did Andrew Conru sell Adult FriendFinder for $100 million?", at Valleywag website, starts, "Andrew Conru is the accidental porn baron ....".

      "ANDREW CONRU: Adult FriendFinder sale: 'Sweet if it were true'", at Valleywag website, says, "... owns 90 percent of Various.". We guess that today, Conru owns none of Various and PMGI owns all of it.

  7. LUNATIC E'SEX, chief product director of Various 2008may

    LAN ESEX 1451 PAGE ST (near Masonic Ave), SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. (415) 864-5869

    Lunatic, Male, 8, Single, San Francisco, CA

    E'Sex, Lunatic B [What does the B stand for?], Palo Alto, CA, US !!!


  8. Jason Galanis, a former shareholder of PII. 2008jun1

    JASON W GALANIS Born Jul 1970, 6353 EL CAMINO REAL, CARLSBAD, CA 92009

  9. Steve Markley, IBDI CEO, Secretary, Director 2008jun9

    1. Introduction

      IBDI owns much of PMGI. Makley may have been about 59 in 2005. Therefore, he may have been born in about 1946. Steve Markley worked for a franchise restaurant corporation in southeast Florida. A few, possible addresses follow.

    2. Pompano Beach

      STEVEN MARKLEY, 1591 100TH Dr, Pompano Beach, Broward County, FL 33071. Care Concepts had headquarters in Pompano Beach. This is not necessarily IBDI's Markley.

      Site Address 	1591 NW 100 DRIVE, CORAL SPRINGS
      Property Owner 	... MARKLEY,STEVE W
      Mailing Address 	1591 NW 100 DR CORAL SPRINGS FL 33071-5940
      ID # 	4841 28 03 4580
    3. Addresses of Markleys born in 1946

      These may not be IBDI's Markley.

      1. STEPHEN A MARKLEY Born Apr 1946, MARIUS ST MIAMI, FL 33146 (305) 740-nnnn
      2. STEPHEN A MARKLEY Born Apr 1946, 06/2002, SOUTHSHORE DR PUNTA GORDA, FL 33955 (941) 637-nnnn
  10. Carmela Monti, Vice President of PMGI for Human Resources. 2008may29

    She previously worked for Globix Corporation, which PMGI CEO Marc Bell founded. Maybe she recently lived at one of the below addresses.

    CARMELA J MONTI Born 1961, 2080 53RD PL, BROOKLYN, NY 11234. (718) 253-8538.

    CARMELA J MONTI Born 1961, 23 NEW COUNTY RD, MONSEY, Ramapo Town, Rockland County, NY 10952. Monsey is an interesting hamlet northwest of New York City.

    Notary Public license ID Number 01MO5002697, MONTI CARMELA, County ROCKLAND, NOTARY PUBLIC, license Expires 10/05/2010.

  11. Anthony Previte, PMGI Chief Operating Officer 2008jun7

    He used to be an officer of Globix Corporation, founded by Marc H. Bell. In 1999, he was about 34.

    ANTHONY PREVITE born 1965-03-21 may have lived or worked in the Bronx NY 10469. This may not be PMGI's Previte.

    (718) 652-5003. ANTHONY L PREVITE Born 1965, 02/2005, 2560 BRONXWOOD AVE BRONX, NY 10469. (718) 881-5516

    ANTHONY L PREVITE, Born 1965, 03/2004, 77 BLEECKER ST NEW YORK, NY 10012. We found the same address for PMGI's Marc H. Bell. (212) 533-5504.
    In 2006, PREVITE, ANTHONY L (4322 EAST BECK LANE, PHOENIX [Maricopa County] AZ 85032 US) was a party to a transaction involving MANHATTAN / NEW YORK block 532, lot 20, SINGLE RESIDENTIAL COOP UNIT, 77 BLEECKER STREET, 320. Previte may have owed to CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, 1500 N 19TH STREET, MONROE, LA 71201 US. Here's a little information about the Phoenix proerty.

    Parcel #:    	 215-27-013   	
    MCR #:  	27942 	
    Property Address:  	4322 E BECK LN
    PHOENIX 85032
    Property Description:  	SAGUARO RIDGE 3 MCR 279-42
    Section Township Range:  	6 3N 4E 	
    Owner:  	PREVITE ... TR 
    Mailing Address:  	4322 E BECK LN
    PHOENIX AZ 85032 USA
    (The owner is a trustee surnamed Previte.
    We don't know the beneficial owner's name.
    The trustee may have had a Bronx address.)	
    Deed #:  	060576273 	Sales Price:  	$315,000
    Deed Date:  	4/28/2006 	Sales Date:  	6/1/2004
    We don't know why Previte used an Arizona address. Why not a New York address?

    Previte may have owed to Chase regarding MANHATTAN / NEW YORK block 532, lot 25, MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL COOP UNIT, 643 BROADWAY, 320. Notice that the same unit number, 320, applies to both 643 Broadway and 77 Bleecker. We guess that maybe one building has both addresses.

  12. Charles Samel, a former Director and Executive Vice-President of Penthouse (PII) 2008jun1

    CHARLES L SAMEL born 1900-05-07 may have lived in Beverly Hills CA 90212.




    CHARLES SAMEL 04/2001, (310) 573-9323

    CHARLES H SAMEL 5730 EMERSON CT AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301 (818) 707-3383

  13. Ezra Shashoua, PMGI Chief Financial Officer 2008jun7
    1. Introduction

      He is a court officer (attorney at law). He was Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, and Executive Vice President of Cruzan Intl., Inc. He was with NATIONSRENT COMPANIES INC (NationsRent, Inc.) as Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President when he was about 4. Nationsrent emerged from bankruptcy in 2003 and stopped filing with the SEC in 2003. It may have had this address: NationsRent, Inc., 450 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1400, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 United States.

      TODHUNTER INTERNATIONAL INC (THT), may be at 222 LAKEVIEW AVE, STE 1500, WEST PALM BEACH , FL. Ezra Shashoua Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (since June 6 2003) may possibly have Total Compensation of $408,250, according to our understanding of the website. THT 's principal activities are making and supplying brandy, rum, wine, and spirits (in other words: distilled, alcolholic beveages) to other alcoholic beverage manufacturers. It operates in the United States and St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands. Some sellers of alcoholic beverages advertise in pornographic magazines. We don't know if THT advertises in any PMGI publications. We don't know if Shashoua is with THT today.

      We guess that Shashoua is an Arabic name.

    2. Addresses

      (561) 893-9270 EZRA SHASHOUA Born 1955 -- 03/2005, 3990 52ND PL BOCA RATON, FL 33496 (561) 893-9271

      EZRA SHASHOUA Born 1955 -- 03/2002, 777 BAYSHORE DR FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33304. Nationsrents has (had?) an address in Fort Lauderdale.

      EZRA SHASHOUA Born 1955 -- 1201 OCEAN DR HOLLYWOOD, FL 33019 (954) 921-8981

      EZRA SHASHOUA Born 1955 -- 03/2004 8567 OLDE MILL TRCE, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46260 (317) 251-5289


      EZRA SHASHOUA Born Feb 1955 -- 05/2001 -- 6122 TULIP LN DALLAS, TX 75230. (214) 696-4205

  14. Gary Spaniak, Jr.; former IBDI president 2008jun9

    IBDI owns much of PMGI. Spaniak may have been about 40 in 2005. Therefore, he may have been born in about 1965.

    On December 20, 2004, IBDI approved the issuance of 200,000 shares of common stock to Children's Academy of Pompano Beach, Inc. The shares were issued in conjunction with the termination of a lease. The principal of Children's Academy is the mother of Gary Spaniak, Jr.

    GARY SPANIAK born 1965-07-16 may have lived in Pompano Beach FL 33071.

    Possible, recent addresses follow.

    GARY C SPANIAK Born 1965 -- 05/2003 -- 5980 72ND CT POMPANO BEACH, FL 33067. Care Concepts had headquarters in Pompano Beach.

    GARY C SPANIAK 07/2001, 2982 TEAL LN CLEARWATER, FL 33762. This is not necessarily IBDI's Spaniak.

  15. James M. Sullivan, former COO of PMGI (formerly named General Media Inc. [GMI]). After PMGI bought Various, he became President of Licensing. We are not expert in PMGI management. WE guess that COO was a higher position. 2008jun7

    1. Introduction

      He used to be an executive of Seneca Financial Group, in midtown Manhattan. Before that, he was Senior Vice President at S.N. Phelps & Co., at 8 Sound Shore Dr., Greenwich, CT, US, phone (203) 622-4880. Greenwich is near New York City. PMGI has an office in midtown Manhattan. He studied at NYU (New York University, in Manhattan).

  16. Daniel C. Staton, board chairman, about 55 on 11 May 2008. He has been a government officer: Executive in Residence at both the University of Missouri and Ohio University, both government universitites. He invested in Broadway musicals. He has been affiliated with Staton Capital LLC.

    1. Palm Beach County, Florida

      1. (561) 862-0561 DANIEL C STATON, 2345 46TH ST, BOCA RATON, Palm Beach County, FL 33431. We were unable to find this address on a map. (561) 862-0768
      2. DANIEL C STATON 2375 41ST ST S BOCA RATON, FL 33431. Maybe this is 2375 NW 41st St, Boca Raton, FL 33431-8411. (561) 862-0561
      3. (561) 381-0570, DANIEL C STATON 16193 BRIDLEWOOD CIR DELRAY BEACH, Palm Beach County, FL 33445, (561) 381-0834.
        Location Address:  	16193 BRIDLEWOOD CIR 	
        Municipality:  	UNINCORPORATED 	
        Parcel Control Number:  	00-42-46-25-06-000-0280
        Subdivision:  	FOXE CHASE PB38P1&2
        Official Records Book:  	18263 	Page:  	1118 	Sale Date:  	Jan-2005 	 
        Legal Description:  	FOXE CHASE LOT 28
          Owner Information
        Mailing Address:  	16193 BRIDLEWOOD CIR
          	DELRAY BEACH FL 33445 6673
          Sales Information
        Sales Date 	Book/Page 	Price 	  	Sale Type 	Owner 	 
        Jan-2005 	18263/1118 	$100 	  	QUIT CLAIM 	STATON FAMILY INVESTMENTS LTD LLC
        Mar-2003 	14919/1667 	$2,625,000 	  	WARRANTY DEED 	STATON DANIEL C &
        Aug-2000 	11980/1065 	$725,000 	  	WARRANTY DEED 	FOXE CHASE ESTATES LLC
          Exemption Information Unavailable.
        Tax Year: 
        Improvement Value: 
        Land Value: 
        Total Market Value: 
        2007 	2006 	2005
        $1,187,656 	$1,110,941 	$1,540,742
        $800,000 	$798,336 	$648,000
        $1,987,656 	$1,909,277 	$2,188,742
          Property Information   
        Number of Units:  	1
        *Total Square Feet:  	7541
        Acres:  	1.11
        Use Code:  	0100 	Description: 	RESIDENTIAL
        * in residential properties may indicate living area.
          Assessed and Taxable Values
        Tax Year: 
        Assessed Value: 
        Exemption Amount: 
        Taxable Value: 
        2007 	2006 	2005
        $1,987,656 	$1,909,277 	$2,033,848
        $0 	$0 	$25,000
        $1,987,656 	$1,909,277 	$2,008,848
        Penthouse's Bressler may recently have had a Delray Beach address.
    2. Cincinnati, ( Hamilton County, Ohio

      By the way, the Hamilton County Auditor is Dusty Rhodes.

      1. DANIEL C STATON Born Jan 1953, 312 WALNUT ST CINCINNATI, OH 45202. This property may be owned by: 312 WALNUT LIMITED PTNSHP, 310 WALNUT ST, CINCINNATI, OH 45202 USA.
      2. DANIEL C STATON 8175 MUCHMORE PT (Muchmore Point Lane?) CINCINNATI, OH 45243.


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