opinion and publicly available information, often including home addresses, about people most of whom are or were government officers or employees



photo of gigantic, Goodyear airdock in Akron, Ohio, USA
  1. Introduction

    This Web site provides information about government officers in Ohio. Most of the Ohio officers are listed on pages about political contributors. On those contribution pages, contributors are grouped by occupation (for example, "elected official" and "legislator"); then, in each occupation, contributors are listed by name of contributor. On the contribution pages, not every contributor is a government officer.

  2. Officers: Government oficers who are not necessarily political contributors
    1. miscellaneous government officers in Ohio
    2. Ohio State University Salary List June 2008 2.1 MB
    3. Datsabsse: State Government of Ohio Officer Database 2009
      1. Introduction

        16 January 2011

        The files below list officers of the state goverrnment of Ohio. The files have much information (for example: names, job titles, and agencies) but not home addresses.

      2. officers except correction officers
        1. A-E, 1.3 MB
        2. F-K, 1.1 MB
        3. L-.R, 1.3 MB
        4. S-Z, 1.1 MB
      3. correction officers 1.2 megabytes

  3. Political Contributors

    Government officers who, according to the Ohio Secetary of State's campaign finance webpages, contributed to Ohio political entities (which contributors are listed alphabetically by first word of employer or occupation). Most of the officer-contributor pages below have information from the link in the preceding sentence, which link is defunct in January 2012. A new Ohio SoS search page, SoS Search Disclosure, which worked in January 2012, does not permit search by occupation or employer.

    1. A to C
      1. a to b for example: board of
      2. city council
      3. city of: officers' surnames starting with A to D
      4. city of: officers' surnames starting with E to L
      5. city of: officers' surnames starting with M to Q
      6. city of: officers' surnames starting with R to U
      7. city of: officers' surnames starting with V to Z
      8. commission
      9. cor to cz for example: correction, county of, court
    2. d for example, department
    3. e for example, elected official
    4. f to i for example: federal
    5. j occupations (judge and jury commissioner)
      Compared to other occupations mentioned on this page, the occupation "judge" is the source of many Ohio contributions.
      1. j occupations judges a to c
      2. j occupations judges d to j
      3. j occupations judges k to n
      4. j occupations judges o to q
      5. j occupations judges r to t
      6. j occupations
        judges u to z, and
        all other j occupations (for example, jury commissioner)
    6. k to l for example, legislator
    7. M
      1. magistrate
      2. Mayor
        1. mayors surnames starting from a to c
        2. mayors surnames starting from d to m
        3. mayors surnames starting from n to s
        4. mayors surnames starting from t to z
    8. p to r for example: parole, police, politician, prosecutor
    9. S
      1. School
        1. surnames A to D
        2. surnames E to Irons
        3. surnames Iront to Randak
        4. surnames Randal to Z
      2. se to sf for example: senator
      3. sg to sr for example: sheriff
      4. State of
        1. state of: officers' surnames from A to F
        2. state of: officers' surnames from G to L
        3. state of: officers' surnames from M to Z
      5. su to sz for example: superintendent
    10. Teacher
      1. surnames Aa to Al
      2. surnames Am to Az
      3. surnames Ba to Bl
      4. surnames Bm to Bz
      5. surnames C
      6. surnames D
      7. surnames E to F
      8. surnames G to HOLK
      9. surnames HOLL to J
      10. surnames K
      11. surnames L
      12. surnames MA-MC
      13. surnames MD-MZ
      14. surnames N to P
      15. surnames Q to R
      16. surnames Sa to Sea
      17. surnames Seb to Sz
      18. surnames T to V
      19. surnames W
      20. surnames X to Z
    11. u to z for example: village of


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