opinion and publicly available information, often including home addresses, about people most of whom are or were government officers or employees

End Moraine in Barnes County, N.D.

19 February 2011

We list below many officers of the state goverrnment of North Dakota in May 2009. This page has each officer's work site and agency but no home addresses. We list correction officers on a separate page, not here.

The North Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management provided the original database to in 2009. The list below derives from a file we downloaded from in February 2011, ND_Salarylist_20090501.csv. The format below is Officer's Name, Reg/Temp, Full/Part, Sal Type, Job Code, Job Title, Comp Rate, Comp Freq, Grade, FTE, Tax Location (officer's work site), Agency.

A. Feist, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4645.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
A. Mund, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 15.64, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Aaron Auer, R, F, S, CL2034, HWY MAINTENANCE COORD, 5849.00, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Aaron Bales, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Aaron Benson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Aaron Cluchie, R, F, S, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 1677.00, M, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Aaron Dorrheim, R, F, S, JD2210, STAFF ATTORNEY-CENTRAL LEGAL, 5333.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Aaron Enzminger, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4193.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Aaron Hummel, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4529.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Aaron Johnsen, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Aaron Kelsch, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3559.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Aaron Krauter, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Aaron Larsen, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Aaron Medenwaldt, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2940.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Aaron Mohs, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.75, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Aaron Nogosek, R, F, S, CL8231, PLUMBER I, 3255.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Aaron Petrowitz, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3125.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Aaron Robinson, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Aaron Russell, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Aaron Slominski, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Aaron Webb, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 4388.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Aasta Stute, R, P, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 1090.00, M, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Abbi Pierce, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2900.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Abbie Plympton, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 11.38, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Abby Coleman, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Achim Hull, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Adair Boening, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 6660.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Adam Awender, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2705.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Adam Buchwitz, R, F, S, CL0131, PROGRAMMER, 3014.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Adam Cahlin, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3402.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Adam Dvorak, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3994.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Adam Emter, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 2614.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Adam Gebhardt, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Adam Hamm, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6630.94, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Adam Kemmet, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Adam Malafa, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Adam McMahon, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2648.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Adam Miller, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 5534.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Adam Montes, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1898.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Adam Morine, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Adam Redmann, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Adam Rigge, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Adele Lara, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Adeline Lea, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2776.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Adeline Schmaltz, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 4255.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Adella Schick, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2500.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Adolfo Obregon, R, F, S, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 1651.00, M, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Adrene Graf, R, P, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 955.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Adrian Austin, R, F, S, CL0131, PROGRAMMER, 3014.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Adrian Benz, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Agatha Bernhardt, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Aglae Young, R, F, S, JD3510, TECH COORDINATOR, 3383.00, M, 013, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Agnes Bryant, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5610.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Aimee Glaser, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3329.43, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Alan Billehus, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5532.00, M, 014, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Alan Brinkman, R, F, S, CL8403, SURPLUS PROPERTY MANAGER, 3412.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Alan Broadhead, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 119.00, H, 099, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Alan Burkholder, R, F, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 8.18, H, 003, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Alan Burkholder, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 7.34, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Alan Carlson, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 648.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Alan Dohrmann, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12060.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Alan Howard, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3862.00, M, 012, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Game & Fish Dept
Alan Jacobson, R, F, S, CL0148, D B DESIGN ANALYST I, 5304.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Alan Johnson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Alan Moch, R, F, S, CL5253, DIR,  TESTING & SAFETY DIV, 5184.56, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Alan Reile, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3822.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Alan Roller, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3149.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Alan Stroklund, R, P, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3160.00, M, 012, 0.90, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Alan Wanek, R, F, S, CL2059, HYDROLOGIST MANAGER I, 5413.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Alane Maixner, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Alanna Zeller, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3248.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Albert Horner, T, P, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 992.00, M, 099, 0.56, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Albert Lachenmeier, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2873.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Albert Pinkerton, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Albert Salvatore, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2289.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Albert Trenda, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2099.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Alden Allard, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Alden Barstad, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2408.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Aleja-Laura Larson, R, F, S, CL0455, POLICYHOLDER CLMS INVEST, 2506.70, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Alesha Vandal, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2219.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Alex Albert, R, F, S, CL0445, CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE MGR, 5001.00, M, 013, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Alex Dyk, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 2040.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Alex Halvorson, R, F, S, CL0131, PROGRAMMER, 3000.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Alex Heidrich, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2258.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Alex Lindell, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Alex Mccaskey, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 3214.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Alex Schweitzer, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 12071.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Alexa Thompson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 16.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Alexis Bieber, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2681.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Alexis Duxbury, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4460.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Alexis Johnsrud, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Alexis Kindelspire, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Alfred Ngong, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Alfred Peterson, R, F, S, CL1213, LIBRARIAN III, 3658.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Alice Duchscherer, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2108.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Alice Evenson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1865.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Alice Johnson, R, F, S, CL0703, PARALEGAL, 3204.00, M, 011, 1.00, MORTON, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Alice Musumba, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 3150.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Alice Skavhaug, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 12.38, H, 005, 0.75, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Alice Winnegge, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1977.00, M, 005, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Alicia Keck, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.34, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Alicia Olson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Alicia Phillips, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2020.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Alicia Schmitz, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Alicia Sorby, R, F, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 19.89, H, 011, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Alida Kassian, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2656.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Alison Dollar, R, F, S, CL1607, SPEC EDUC REGIONAL COORD II, 4376.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Alison Harries, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3153.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Alison Hiatt, R, F, S, CL5012, IDENTIFICATION TECH I, 1758.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Alison Traynor, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2588.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Alissa Remmick, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2060.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Alissa Stein, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3268.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Allan Aufforth, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Department of Agriculture
Allan Covlin, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 26.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Allan Howard, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Allan Lemke, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 12.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Allan Lunski, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2933.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Allan Rogneby, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 26.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Allan Schmalenberger, R, F, S, JD1120, PRESIDING JUDGE, 9280.17, M, 099, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Allan Szklarski, R, F, S, CL3147, ADAPTIVE EQUIP SPEC II, 3684.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Allan Urlacher, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3100.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Allan Weisenburger, R, F, S, CL3020, NURSE PRACTITIONER, 6235.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Allen Ackerman, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3390.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Allen Hoberg, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7636.31, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Admin Hearings
Allen Hoesel, R, F, S, CL0136, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC III, 3925.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Allen Johnson, R, F, S, CL0175, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC III, 4541.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Allen King, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 12.21, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Allen Knudson, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 9464.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Allen Schumacher, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3520.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Allen Siegler, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3845.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Allen Ullendorf, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Allen Veit, R, F, S, CL0196, ENT INFO SYS SECURITY ADMIN, 6585.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Allen Weisbeck, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3783.67, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Allison Anderson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1821.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Allison Bader, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4415.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Allison Galow, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Allison Geroux, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.33, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Allison Hesford, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Allison Quick, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3048.06, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Allison Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1925.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Aloha Kercher, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3967.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Alon Wieland, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Alvin Crowe, R, F, S, CL4253, SR DISABILITY CLMS AN, 3114.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Alvin Ettl, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4356.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Alvin Jaeger, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6631.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Alvina Schmidt, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2896.37, M, 099, 1.00, PIERCE, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Alyce Ebele, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4160.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Alyce Starck, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 1505.13, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Alycia Barr, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.62, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Alyssa Bruner, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Alyssa Neis, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2100.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Amanda Brinster, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Amanda Carlson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Amanda Jensen, R, F, S, CL4252, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Amanda Krueger, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2416.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Amanda Mattern, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Amanda Mlcoch, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.91, H, 005, 0.75, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Amanda Ortmeier, R, F, H, CL4126, DORMITORY COUNSELOR II, 13.01, H, 008, 0.79, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Amanda Pohlod, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Amanda Prouty, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Amanda Reed, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1890.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Amanda Rene', R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2110.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Amanda Unruh, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Amber Adams, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Amber Martin, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 8.75, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Amber Munoz, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Amber Nelson, R, F, S, CL0821, Public Info Spec I, 2320.00, M, 008, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Amber Streyle, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Amber Vant Hul, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 9.82, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Ambrose Michael, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3046.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Amelia Miller, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2397.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Amer Hmidan, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Amie Iverson, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 2196.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Amy Anton, R, F, S, CL5044, HOMELAND SECURIT SECTION CHIEF, 4681.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Amy Bergh, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2815.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Amy Bleier, R, F, S, CL1253, ARCHAEOLOGIST II, 3287.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Amy Brown, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Amy Brunner, R, F, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Amy Eberle, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3334.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Amy Gebhardt, R, F, S, CL3236, FORENSIC SCIENTIST II, 3650.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Amy Hultgren, R, F, S, CL4085, MI EXT T AND C COORD II, 3614.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Amy Klein, R, F, S, JD1230, DIR OF HUMAN RESOURCES, 5333.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Amy Larsen, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Amy Mayer, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5187.90, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Amy Monette-LaVallie, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2182.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Amy Munson, R, F, S, CL0422, GRANTS/CONTRACTS OFR II, 3437.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Amy Mutschler, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.48, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Amy Nelson, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3078.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Amy Nelson, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3162.77, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Amy Oler, R, F, S, CL4005, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC I - DHS, 2570.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Amy Roth, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3082.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Amy Sakariassen, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 16.00, H, 099, 0.88, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Amy Schimetz, R, F, S, CL6039, PARK INTERPRETER, 2737.20, M, 009, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Amy Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 3030.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Council on the Arts
Amy Shawver-Morman, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4477.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Amy Tomlinson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.00, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Amy Villarreal, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1734.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Amy Vorachek, R, F, S, CL0123, INFO TECH PROG ADMIN I, 4532.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Amy Walker, R, F, S, CL4091, BEHAVIOR MOD SPEC I, 2654.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Ana Maria Ortiz, R, F, S, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 2023.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Anders Gylland, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Andrae Carlson, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2591.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Andrea Brudvig, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Andrea Cooper, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2310.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Andrea Eberle, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3400.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Andrea Edinger, R, F, H, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 11.76, H, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Andrea Fonkert, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 2912.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Andrea Grondahl, R, F, S, CL6225, MEAT INSPECTION PROG DIR, 5832.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Andrea Laverdure, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3440.00, M, 012, 1.00, ROLETTE, Department of Human Services
Andrea Meyer, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4002.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Andrea Peņa, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3900.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Andrea Pfennig, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3467.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Andrea Smith, R, P, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 3984.80, M, 013, 0.80, CASS, Department of Human Services
Andrea Swiontek, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2117.44, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Andrea Wadeson, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 13.75, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Department of Human Services
Andrea Wike, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3480.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Andrew Borden-King, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5777.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Andrew Dahlgren, R, F, S, CL6011, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN I, 2600.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Andrew Giddings, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Andrew Krog, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Andrew Lillehoff, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3497.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Andrew Mastel, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Andrew McDonald, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Andrew Mclean, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 21768.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Andrew Moraghan, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 5921.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Andrew Morical, R, F, S, CL0157, TELECOMM TECH II, 3300.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Andrew Nefstead, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Andrew Nygren, R, F, S, CL2058, HYDROLOGIST III, 3964.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Andrew Sherman, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.41, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Andrew Simmons, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Andrew Teevens, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3165.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Andrew Weigel, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Angela Glass, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2760.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Angela Henne, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Angela Hetland, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3465.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Angela Jerome, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2351.75, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Angela Jones, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3108.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Angela Keller, R, F, S, CL6202, AG PROGRAM SPECIALIST I, 2500.00, M, 009, 1.00, MORTON, Department of Agriculture
Angela Klubberud, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3560.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Angela M Bolstad, R, F, S, CL0217, Housing Prog. Spec I, 2276.00, M, 008, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Angela McQueen, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1961.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Angela Mills, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 4626.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Financial Institutions
Angela Panzer, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2503.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Angela Parr Fettig, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Angela Pieterick, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2725.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Angela Rittmiller, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2051.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Angela Rortvedt, R, F, S, CL4161, LIC EXEMPT PSYCH I (INACTIVE), 3942.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Angela Rosing, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 19.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Angela Sabot, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3225.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Angela Scherbenske, R, F, S, CL0606, STATE PROCUREMENT OFFICER II, 3684.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Angela Vincent, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4020.35, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Angela Wamre, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Angeline Dubovoy, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3221.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Angeline Maershbecker, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1170.00, M, 005, 0.60, STARK, Department of Human Services
Angell Solberg, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Angella Eider, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2422.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Angie Freda, R, F, S, CL0217, Hous Prog Spec I, 2924.00, M, 008, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Angie Hamkens, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2086.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Angie Marquardt, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.30, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Angie Trottier, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Anita Fracassi, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2610.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Anita Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0223, Acct/Bud Spec III, 4373.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Anita Lemer, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4188.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Anita Monek, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3432.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Anita Trautman, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2092.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Anita Wirtz, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 3866.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Anita Zavalney, R, P, S, CL3133, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, 2254.00, M, 013, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ann Bachmeier, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 2021.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Ann Berginski, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 25.21, H, 011, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ann Carson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Historical Society
Ann Chase, R, F, S, CL1617, EDUCATION GRANTS MANAGER I, 3388.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Ann Dietchman, R, F, S, CL1072, VOC TECH ED ASST PROG DIR, 3850.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Ann Ellefson, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4164.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Ann Fritz, R, P, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 1764.00, M, 012, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ann Goodwin, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 2614.40, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Ann Holm, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3540.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Ann Jacobson, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3515.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Ann Jenks, R, F, S, CL1260, DIV DIR,  STATE HIST SOC, 5304.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Ann Lockwood, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3444.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Ann Scott, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2704.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Ann Sveen, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 26.18, H, 012, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ann Thorson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4520.40, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ann Wilson, R, F, S, CL3202, MEDICAL LAB TECH II, 3483.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Anna Hoff, R, F, H, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 12.49, H, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Anna Marie Aeschliman, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2344.01, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Anna Merkens, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.65, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Anna Mertz, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Anna Salazar, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Anna White, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 23.32, H, 012, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Anna Winters-Jones, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1979.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Anna Wuitschick, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.48, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Anne Green, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6746.96, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Anne Green, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Anne Hutchison, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4005.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Anne Reisnour, R, P, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1025.40, M, 004, 0.60, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Anne Stoe, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 14348.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Anne Yatskis, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Anneetta Christman, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Anneliesa Deimold, R, P, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 15.12, H, 007, 0.30, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Annette Anderson, R, F, S, CL5014, IDENTIFICATION TECH III, 2274.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Annette Bendish, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4295.20, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Annette Branson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2999.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Annette Curl, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2182.78, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Annette Escobar-Skaro, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Annette Fetzer, R, F, S, CL2098, OIL & GAS PROD ANALYST, 3395.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Annette Fischer, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3552.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Annette Hoff, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2773.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Annette Marchand, R, P, S, CL1083, TEACHER III, 1586.00, M, 012, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Annette Meyer, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2566.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Annette Miller, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3064.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Annette Moos, R, F, S, CL4003, ELIG WORKER II, 3007.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Annette Murray Tait, R, F, S, CL0921, TRANS MGMT OFFICER I, 3461.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Annette Scholl, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2076.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Annette Schooler, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2228.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Annette Zeller, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5365.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Anthony Albrecht, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2313.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Anthony Aukland, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4542.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Anthony Clark, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6811.92, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Anthony DeJean, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, PEMBINA, Highway Patrol
Anthony George, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1849.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Anthony Goldade, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.52, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Anthony Huck, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5532.00, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Highway Patrol
Anthony Jenkins, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Anthony Kobbervig, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 4770.00, M, 012, 1.00, BARNES, Job Service ND
Anthony Nguyen, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3091.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Antoinette Autrey, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Anton Scheerz, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4557.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Anton Wixo, R, F, H, CL6302, AGRI MEDIATION SVC NEGTR, 20.62, H, 010, 1.00, NELSON, Department of Agriculture
Archer Ellwein, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Archie Treadway, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ardean Masseth, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1095.54, S, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Ardell Lovejoy, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2833.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Ardelle McIntyre, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Arden Anderson, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Ardin Striefel, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5362.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ardis Loock, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ardis Pitcher, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2661.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ardis Zerr, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2794.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ardith Demers, R, P, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 10.49, H, 004, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ardyth Volesky, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.50, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Ariana Best, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3197.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Aric Gilge, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3427.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Arielle Vesel, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1851.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Arik Spencer, R, F, S, CL2104, PLANNER IV, 3503.59, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Arkady Dudyrev, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1852.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Arlana Patton, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2400.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Arlen Rostad, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3875.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Arlene Abraham, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Arlene Dura, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4641.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Arlene Reidle, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Arlene Schamberger, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Arlene Schmeling, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Arlette Stoetzer, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Arline Schubert, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Arlo Schmidt, T, F, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Arnold Gulka, R, F, S, CL8321, FLEET & EQUIP TECH I, 2467.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Arnold Johnson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Arnold Schimke, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Arnold Seitz, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3419.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Arnold Strand, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Arthur Bakke, R, F, S, CL0194, INFO SYS SECURITY ANALYST, 4901.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Arthur Behm, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Arthur Cox, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4177.00, M, 012, 1.00, BOWMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Arvada Hipsak, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2624.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Arvella Smith, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7442.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Arvid Anderson, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 4487.00, M, 011, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Ash Boos, R, F, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 8.41, H, 003, 0.59, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Ashley Ayd, R, F, S, CL3235, FORENSIC SCIENTIST I, 2824.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Ashley Dick, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 15.54, H, 008, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Ashley Doerr, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2328.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ashley Farnsworth, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Game & Fish Dept
Ashley Jones, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2254.00, M, 099, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Ashley Maki, R, F, S, CL0702, LEGAL ASSISTANT II, 2384.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Ashley Marburger, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Ashley Olson, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.56, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Astrid Senger, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2494.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Atiana Stark, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Aubrey Fiebelkorn-Zuger, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 4097.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Aubriana Wolf, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Audree McLean, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1561.33, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Audrey Almond, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2445.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Audrey Geringer, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3070.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Audrey Grafsgaard, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2836.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Audrey Larson, R, P, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 2883.20, M, 011, 0.80, CASS, Department of Human Services
Audrey Mercil, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2298.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Audrey Urban, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2054.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
August Honeyman, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2755.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Austin Knowlen, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 0.38, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Austin Reinke, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Autumn McCart, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Ava Anderson, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3279.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ava Schmidt-Boknecht, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4134.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Avis Winnegge, R, F, H, CL7122, COOK I, 10.29, H, 005, 0.78, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Barb Olson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3186.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Barb Reierson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4223.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barb Sturdevant Bossert, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Barbara Baumgartner, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.75, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Barbara Bickel, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 4932.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Birrenkott, R, P, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 1353.00, M, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Barbara Burghart, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3139.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Carlson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Barbara Carter, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Barbara Crabtree, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3210.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Barbara Dammen, R, F, S, CL4250, EMP BENEFIT PGMS SPEC, 3085.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Barbara Denault, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 10.79, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Deschene, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.53, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Dodgson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3463.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Barbara Dordahl, R, F, H, CL4251, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST I, 13.28, H, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Emo, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4682.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Barbara Ferguson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2491.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Fischer, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5386.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Frohlich, R, P, H, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.16, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Barbara Harpster, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3648.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Hartleben, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2382.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Barbara Hill, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4407.00, M, 017, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Barbara Hinnenkamp, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Barbara King, R, F, S, CL4005, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC I - DHS, 3013.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Koch, R, F, S, CL3501, MEDICAL CODING SPEC, 3193.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Lanigan, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1717.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Loterbaugh, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Masset, R, P, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 1502.00, M, 011, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Mehlhoff, R, F, S, CL0457, INSURANCE UNDERWRITER, 3266.67, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Barbara Meidinger, R, F, S, CL1022, DIR OF EDUCATION, 4798.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Barbara Morovits, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4107.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Barbara Myhre, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Barbara Nuanes, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Barbara Peske, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 2500.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Barbara Plum, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2169.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Barbara Racine, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2456.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Barbara Rimatzki, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3563.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Barbara Schell, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2568.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Barbara Schweitzer, R, F, S, CL3076, PUBLIC HLTH NURSE CONS II, 3510.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Barbara Siegel, R, P, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 2538.60, M, 012, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Skarperud, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 3558.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Barbara Srozinski, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2486.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Barbara Stanton, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3674.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Barbara Steiner, R, F, S, CL3075, PUBLIC HLTH NURSE CONS I, 3217.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Barbara Timmerman, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 10.95, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Barbara Togstad, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3324.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Barbara Wenstad, R, P, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2429.00, M, 008, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Wieland, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4262.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Barbara Winking, R, F, S, CL0182, INFORMATION CNTR SPEC II, 3465.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Barbara Winnegge-Reed, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3057.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Barbara Zander, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 5814.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Barrett Brown, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 4359.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Barry Buelow, R, F, S, CL0631, STOREKEEPER I, 2220.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Barry Geske, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2936.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Barry Glum, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Barry Kinnischtzke, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3766.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Barry Lee, R, F, S, CL0223, Acct/Bud Spec III, 3536.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Barry Schafer, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Barry Schumacher, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 8785.78, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Barry Sommer, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2392.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Barry Stein, R, F, S, CL0892, PROJECT MANAGER II, 4415.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Beatrice Amundson, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 10.30, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Beatrice Manson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Beau Goolsbey, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Becki Schulz, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3640.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Becky Danskin, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Becky Gietzen, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2603.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Becky Hanson, R, F, S, CL0422, GRANTS/CONTRACTS OFR II, 3596.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Becky Humann, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3768.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Becky Lindemann, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3900.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Becky Paul, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4146.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Becky Schnellbach, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2685.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Belinda Murphy, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Belinda Urlacher, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 4306.00, M, 013, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Benedict Red Horse, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3400.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Benita Eberts, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3971.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Benjamin Brannum, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Benjamin Carlson, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Benjamin Erie, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Benjamin Greisen, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2400.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Benjamin Gress, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4149.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Benjamin Hoesl, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Benjamin Kennelly, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Benjamin Mccay, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Benjamin Mooney, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 0.38, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Benjamin Northridge, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Benjamin Sand, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4354.71, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Benjamin Scheirer, T, F, H, NC9008, TEMPORARY-NOT CLASSIFIED, 14.70, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Benjamin Vig, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Bennet Bush, T, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.54, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Bennett Kubischta, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4777.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Benny Graff, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bernadette Costello, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2748.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Bernadette Greig, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3992.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bernadette Monroe, R, P, S, CL8335, ST FLEET DISPATCHER, 1188.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bernadette Ternes, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3840.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Bernadine Fraase, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Bernard Steffan, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1691.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Berneice Lunday, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2307.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bernerd Southam, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5369.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bernetta Broadhead, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2088.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Bernice Anderson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2898.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Bernice Bornemann, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bernice Hallquist, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bernice Monson, R, F, S, CL0631, STOREKEEPER I, 2469.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Bernice Poitra, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2102.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Bernice Riemer, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2088.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Bernie Stolz, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Berniece Swang, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bertha Murphy, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 40.00, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Bertha Sticka, R, P, H, CL0506, BANK OP PROCESS TECH, 11.19, H, 005, 0.65, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Beth Bennett, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Beth Boustead, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 3722.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Beth Campbell, R, F, S, CL1235, VISITOR SERVICES COORD, 2784.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Beth Carlson, R, F, S, CL3702, VETERINARIAN II, 6108.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Beth Eder-Helgeson, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 3460.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Beth Erickson, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2994.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Health
Beth Feist-McHenry, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2861.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Beth Hemming, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3558.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Beth Lee, R, P, S, CL8624, GRAPHIC ARTIST I, 1263.00, M, 007, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Beth Mairs, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 11.75, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Beth Pederson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CLAY, Unified Judicial System
Beth Skabo, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3556.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Beth Steffan, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 3557.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bethany Ritterman, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1850.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bethany Sauter, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4699.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Bette Grande, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Betty Earls, R, F, S, CL4006, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC II - DHS, 3046.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Betty Eggers, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3503.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Betty Forderer, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1607.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Betty Goodwin, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Betty Gross, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2076.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Betty Hastings, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2559.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Betty Helmer, R, F, S, CL4231, VETERANS BENEFITS SPEC, 2527.98, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Betty Johnston, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3781.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Betty Knoll, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 28.12, H, 011, 0.12, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Betty Lisburg, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2357.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Betty Mertz, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2600.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Betty Michels, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.25, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Betty Nelson, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3310.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Betty Pelletier, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.25, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Historical Society
Betty Rohde, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Betty Sailer, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3026.25, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Betty Townsend, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bev Demers, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4407.00, M, 017, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Bev Schaible, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.52, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, State Library
Beverly Allan, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2258.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Beverly Baumstarck, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 9.62, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Beverly Belgarde, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, ROLETTE, Unified Judicial System
Beverly Bergson, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3599.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Beverly Dalziel, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 10.15, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Beverly Gabbert, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Beverly Haman, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3116.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Beverly Haugen, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2091.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Beverly Jacobson, R, F, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 11.72, H, 005, 0.05, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Beverly Kaercher, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1933.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Beverly Larson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Beverly Meyer, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Beverly Peterson, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3871.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Beverly Schatz, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2572.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Beverly Snyder, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3702.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Beverlyann Locken, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2809.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bill Amerman, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Bill Bowman, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Bill Gathman, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 5388.00, M, 013, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Billie Lorius, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 3790.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Billie Wilson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Billiell Leingang, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2894.68, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Billy Marsh, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2247.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Billy Montgomery, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 14.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Blaine Geiger, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3623.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Blaine Jangula, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Blaine Johanneson, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4813.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Blair Newton, R, F, S, CL8291, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN I, 2310.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Blair Thoreson, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Blake Plum, R, F, S, CL0150, D B DESIGN ANALYST III, 5546.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Blake Prado, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Blake Schaan, R, F, S, CL6202, AG PROGRAM SPECIALIST I, 2723.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Blane Braunberger, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5569.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Blane Hoesel, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4877.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Blayne Twamley, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2400.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Bob Baier, R, F, S, CL0561, ADMIN UNIT SUPERVISOR, 1511.67, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Bob Frohlich, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4460.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Bobbie Will, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Bonita Dever, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3869.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Bonita Fetch, R, F, S, CL0753, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE, 6764.62, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Admin Hearings
Bonita Kubler, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 1839.11, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Bonita Maier, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2837.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bonita Malo, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4492.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Bonita Novak, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2328.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Bonita Pazdernik, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2333.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Bonita Roth, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2400.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bonita Steckler, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3505.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Allickson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2092.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Arndt, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2669.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Bonnie Brown, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3423.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Bonnie Chase, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3340.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Bonnie Dowhaniuk, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4375.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Bonnie Heit, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3166.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Bonnie Herman, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 5408.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bonnie Johnson, R, P, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 1373.00, M, 010, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Bonnie Kerner, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3232.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Bonnie Knoll, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2107.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Kretchman, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bonnie Krueger, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bonnie Kuntz, R, F, S, CL0482, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SPEC, 3297.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Bonnie Lang, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Bonnie Miller, R, F, S, CL0229, DIR,  FINANCIAL MGMT DIV, 5946.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Bonnie Newman, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2087.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bonnie Olson, R, P, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2555.00, M, 010, 0.88, CASS, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Palecek, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 19.40, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Bonnie Riedlinger, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2220.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Schneider, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 1709.25, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Bonnie Schriock, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Schriock, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.15, H, 099, 0.15, WARD, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Schuchard, R, P, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1321.00, M, 007, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Bonnie Selzler, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 30.00, H, 099, 0.25, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bonnie Sundby, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2860.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Bonnie Wagner, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2407.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bonny Dvorak, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2349.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Bonny Lippert, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2003.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Boyd Seelig, R, F, H, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 14.85, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Brad Kerzman, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3559.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brad Kudrna, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4586.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brad Nelsen, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2608.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brad Schaffer, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4519.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brad Torgerson, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3592.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Bradley Aune, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2638.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Bradley Darr, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 7005.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bradley Davis, R, F, S, CL4201, REG CHILD SUP PROG ADM, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Bradley Ebensteiner, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2818.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Bradley Faiman, R, F, S, CL2204, REALTY OFFICER IV, 4039.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bradley Fuchs, R, F, S, CL8242, ELECTRICIAN II, 3060.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Bradley Haas, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Bradley Hamel, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2777.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Bradley Johnson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2725.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Bradley Larson, R, F, S, CL8133, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR III, 5013.00, M, 014, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Bradley Osowski, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2127.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Bradley Pfeifer, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5350.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bradley Pozarnsky, R, F, S, CL6048, STATE PARKS FIELD MANAGER, 5533.10, M, 014, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Bradley Rose, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2080.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Bradley Rosenfeldt, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4080.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Bradley Sibla, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4146.80, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Bradley Smith, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4904.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Bradley Starck, R, F, S, CL5012, IDENTIFICATION TECH I, 1828.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Bradley Thompson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2721.69, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Bradley Wiederholt, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Bradley Wilkinson, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Brady Espe, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3172.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Brady Larson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4650.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Brandi Fagerland, R, F, H, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 31.72, H, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brandi Pelham, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 4160.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Brandi Schoenberg, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3219.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Brandis Lafrombois, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Brandon Beise, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4430.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brandon Berce, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 15.96, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Brandon Dettlaff, R, F, S, CL0215, Hous Prog Tech II, 2058.00, M, 007, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Brandon Dockter, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2979.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brandon Eslinger, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3218.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Brandon Hicks, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Brandon Hoechst, R, F, S, CL5046, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC II, 3029.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Brandon Hoggarth, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 14.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brandon Klein, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Brandon Krank, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2451.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brandon Kratz, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 4132.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Brandon Schrank, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.96, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brandon Sebelius, R, F, S, CL0402, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR II, 3995.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Brandon Solberg, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5122.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Brandon Wade, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Brandy Jensen, R, F, S, CL5021, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC I, 2292.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Brandy Peterson, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3224.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brandy Schneider, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2066.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Brant Moch, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Anderson, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 10.73, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Baumer, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2864.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Brenda Bulawa, R, F, S, CL0892, PROJECT MANAGER II, 4651.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brenda Contreras, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2338.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Cornell, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Brenda Degenstein, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2904.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brenda Dewald, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2381.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Brenda Dolyniuk, R, P, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2485.00, M, 010, 0.88, STARK, Department of Human Services
Brenda Elijah, R, F, H, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 11.17, H, 006, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Brenda Ferguson, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 28.12, H, 012, 0.12, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Fetting, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3107.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Fix, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3907.53, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Brenda Halvorson, R, F, S, CL5038, COMPLIANCE INVEST II, 3750.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Brenda Haugen, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5735.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brenda Heilman, R, F, S, CL4020, QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, PIERCE, Department of Human Services
Brenda Heller, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Brenda Holzworth, R, F, S, CL4021, DIR,  QUAL CONTROL REVIEW, 3916.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Hove, R, F, S, CL8625, GRAPHIC ARTIST II, 3251.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Brenda Kruckenberg, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2545.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Brenda Krueger, R, F, S, CL4206, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST LEAD, 4259.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Brenda Lamb, R, P, H, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 11.35, H, 006, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Brenda Martell, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Brenda Miller-Evenson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Brenda Munson, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3769.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Brenda Nies, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2994.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Brenda Novacek, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1775.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brenda Oas, R, F, S, CL1607, SPEC EDUC REGIONAL COORD II, 5008.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Brenda Peterson, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3328.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Renner, R, F, S, CL0508, BANK OP SR PROCESS SPEC, 1341.13, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Brenda Richards, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 3824.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Brenda Rouse, R, F, S, CL4253, SR DISABILITY CLMS AN, 3207.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Satrom, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3521.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Brenda Schroeder, R, F, S, CL3544, DIETITIAN II, 4149.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Schuler, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 4691.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Brenda Vennes, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 2922.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Brenda Vennes, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2863.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Brenda Vossler, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4446.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Brenda Wahl, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2475.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Weigel, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2620.68, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Brenda Weisz, R, F, S, CL0917, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFR-DHS, 8262.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenda Wiese, R, P, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 1322.50, M, 007, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brendan Joyce, R, F, S, CL3262, PHARMACIST II, 7503.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brenna Bertsch, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Brent Aberle, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 5148.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brent Earsley, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1261.13, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Brent Edison, R, F, S, JD2240, STAFF COUNSEL, 5333.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Brent Gardner, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2954.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Brent McCarthy, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3986.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brent Muscha, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4000.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brent Schwan, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4479.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCKENZIE, Game & Fish Dept
Brent Spooner, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2760.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brett Halvorson, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2505.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Brett Holtz, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brett Vogsland, R, F, S, CL8122, HEATING PLANT SUPV II, 3706.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brett Wiedmann, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3262.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Brian Aune, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2868.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Brian Austin, R, F, S, CL8628, PUB COORDINATOR/DESIGNER, 3291.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Brian Backes, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 3604.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brian Bartz, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3407.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Brian Beck, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Brian Becker, R, F, S, CL1091, GUIDANCE COUNSELOR I, 3450.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Brian Bennes, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3569.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Brian Bieber, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5103.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brian Bonness, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4712.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Brian Bucholz, R, F, S, CL0900, RESEARCH TECHNICIAN, 2461.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Brian Foss, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2685.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Brian Frohlich, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2277.00, M, 008, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Brian Hach, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3485.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Brian Hall, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Brian Heitkamp, R, F, S, CL0150, D B DESIGN ANALYST III, 5201.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Brian Hickel, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 4051.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Brian Hosek, R, F, S, CL2115, GIS SPECIALIST III, 4631.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Brian Janikowski, R, F, S, CL8233, PLUMBER III, 3488.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brian Kalk, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6811.92, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Brian Kenward, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Brian Kietzman, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4679.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Brian McGarvey, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Brian Mehlhoff, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Brian Moran, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2078.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Brian Morken, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1549.00, M, 003, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Brian Moser, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.50, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Brian Nybakken, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3725.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brian Opp, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3692.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Brian Osvold, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Brian Pederson, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 3268.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Brian Prince, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4067.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Brian Raschke, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5296.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brian Rosin, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5230.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brian Rudolph, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Brian Sather, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3181.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brian Sauter, R, F, S, CL5024, COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR, 4251.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Brian Schaffer, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Brian Sitz, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 14.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Brian Slaughter, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3114.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Brian Smith, R, F, S, CL8233, PLUMBER III, 4308.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Brian Sowatzki, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2616.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Brian Wacker, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3662.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Brian Wallner, R, F, S, CL0871, MULTI-MEDIA DEVELOPER I, 3200.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brian Washburn, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4349.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Brianna Strahm, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brianne Guenther, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Brianne Skachenko, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 2959.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bridget Weidner, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4647.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Brietta Kidney, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3167.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Brittany Baker, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2271.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Brittany Bushaw, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.50, H, 099, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Brittany Getz, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brittany Hendrickson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Brock Fietzek, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Brodie Wald, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Brooke Maupin, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Parks & Recreation Dept
Brooke Sicble, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Brooke Zimmerman, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 2793.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Brooks Hoff, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Bruce Andersen, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3675.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Bruce Beechie, R, F, S, CL2058, HYDROLOGIST III, 4806.17, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Bruce Bitterman, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3579.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Bruce Bohlman, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bruce Buchholtz, R, F, S, CL5046, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC II, 2973.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Bruce Burkett, R, F, S, CL6013, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN SUPV, 5646.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Bruce Crabtree, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 2920.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bruce Engelhardt, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 6232.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Bruce Fuchs, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4498.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bruce Fuerstenberg, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5013.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Bruce Georgeson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2839.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Bruce Gillette, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3200.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bruce Hancock, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2755.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Bruce Haskell, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bruce Hicks, R, F, S, CL2095, PETROLEUM RES ASST DIR, 7870.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Bruce Hill, R, F, S, CL8213, PAINTER III, 2889.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Bruce Johnson, R, F, S, CL2115, GIS SPECIALIST III, 5124.23, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Bruce Juenker, R, F, S, CL5290, PETROLEUM RESOURCE GEO AN, 5840.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Bruce Kjelaas, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3203.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Bruce Kreft, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4771.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Bruce Lange, R, F, S, CL6052, WATER RESOURCE PROGRAM ADMIN I, 3286.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Bruce Mohl, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4514.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Bruce Moritz, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Bruce Murry, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4117.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Bruce Newland, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Bruce Nord, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 4648.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Bruce Ochsner, R, F, S, CL0631, STOREKEEPER I, 2539.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Bruce Pritschet, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5169.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Bruce Romanick, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Bruce Schumacher, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2384.79, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Bruce Stillings, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3306.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Bruce Thingelstad, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3461.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Bruce Worner, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 4638.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Bryan Barnes, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 3822.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Bryan Bittner, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3975.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Bryan Doll, R, F, S, CL8212, PAINTER II, 2603.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Bryan Fredrickson, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3642.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Bryan Klipfel, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 10417.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Bryan Koch, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4290.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bryan Niewind, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4529.00, M, 013, 1.00, BARNES, Highway Patrol
Bryan Papenfuss, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2102.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Bryan Reinhardt, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 4592.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Bryan Turnbow, R, F, S, CL1231, EXHIBIT SPECIALIST I, 2835.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Bryn Halgrimson, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3732.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Brynn Luger, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3098.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Bryon Fuchs, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5451.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Bryon Martin, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2508.68, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Bryon Novotny, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4088.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Buck Arntz, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Buck Olson, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4368.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Bud Johnson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Burt Riskedahl, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
C Renner, R, F, S, CL0135, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC II, 3558.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
C. Birger, R, F, S, CL3021, PSYCH CLINICAL NURSE SPEC, 6083.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
C.sabrina Schmitz, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Cabrini Koffler, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3469.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Cade Jorgenson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5226.94, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Cahla LaFontaine, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1321.00, M, 005, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cal Gendreau, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 7024.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cale Peterson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Caleb Christman, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5136.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Caleb Turcotte, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 6.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Calli Heidbreder, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 3604.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Calvin Berg, R, F, S, CL8405, SURPLUS PROPERTY SPECL, 2019.15, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Calvin Steiner, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4988.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Cameron Heidrich, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2381.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cameron Scott, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3749.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cami Metzger, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 2875.00, M, 009, 1.00, CAVALIER, Department of Agriculture
Camie O'Connor, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 3131.70, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Candace Fuglesten, R, F, S, CL4040, HUMAN SERVICE CENTER DIR II, 6934.00, M, 017, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Candace Getz, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2056.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Candace Hanson, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3149.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Candace Hoff, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3027.21, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Candace Johnson, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3092.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Candace Kelsch, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2730.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Candace Lee, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1714.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Candace O'brien, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3275.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Candace Richter, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1725.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Candace Rivinius, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Candace Schneider, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3357.25, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Candace Stave, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3091.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Candas LaMont, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 10.30, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Candice Picard, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4056.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Candice Seerup, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Candice Thomas, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3404.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Candice Tollefson, R, F, S, CL0601, PURCHASING AGENT I, 2970.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Candida Hoggarth, R, F, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 19.21, H, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Candis Mock, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3150.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Candy Lien, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 1443.00, M, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Candy Tesoro, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2829.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Capucine Dauphinais, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 8.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Cara Schagunn-Lere, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3675.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cara Thompson, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2747.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Caralee Erhardt, R, F, S, CL5014, IDENTIFICATION TECH III, 2304.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Carey Fry, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3513.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Carey Schreiner, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4639.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Carey Yoder, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3695.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cari Auen, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carie Hanson, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1803.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Carinna Hendrickson, R, F, S, CL0555, CREDIT REVIEW ANALYST, 1382.46, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Carissa Hanson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.52, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Carl Anderson, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4664.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carl Berg, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3750.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Carl Duchscher, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 3283.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, State Water Commission
Carl Edgerly, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Carl Fryhling, R, F, S, CL8422, PILOT, 4969.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Carl Laframboise, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2539.00, M, 009, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Carl Martin, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4001.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Carl Ness, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4582.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carl Rittenbach, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3050.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Carl Stewart, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2811.00, M, 007, 1.00, PEMBINA, Department of Transportation
Carla Alber, R, F, S, CL0134, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC I, 2718.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Carla Beehler, R, P, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 2794.40, M, 011, 0.80, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Carla Higgins, R, F, S, CL0445, CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE MGR, 3744.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Carla Usselman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4202.99, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Carla Wardzinski, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2565.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Carlee Eckart, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3337.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Carleen Buchholz, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3105.51, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Carleen Scherr, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2891.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carlene Adolf, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2082.98, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Carlene Bondeson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.50, H, 099, 0.20, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Carly Weinert, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Carmel Folmer, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2224.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Carmell Barth, R, F, S, CL0901, RESEARCH ANALYST I, 3072.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carmen Dufner, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, RENVILLE, Unified Judicial System
Carmen Fitchner, R, F, S, CL1206, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE II, 1942.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Carmen Jackson, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2785.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Carmen Johnson, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3500.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Carmen Latella, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2959.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Carmen Richard, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, ROLETTE, Unified Judicial System
Carmen Suminski, R, F, S, CL1041, SUPT-SCHOOL FOR BLIND, 6160.00, M, 016, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Carmon Braaten, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2562.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Carol Brakel, R, F, S, CL4074, REG DEV DISABIL PRGM ADMN, 4088.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Carol Davis, R, F, S, CL3138, CERT OCC THERAPY ASST II, 2647.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Carol Degenstein, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2615.85, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Carol Dukart-Cartledge, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5111.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Carol Ebertowski, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 5158.00, M, 014, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Carol Finneman, R, P, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 925.50, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Carol Griffin-Eckart, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4155.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Carol Harmsen, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2168.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Carol Heyd, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Carol Jorgenson, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3600.02, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Carol Kapsner, R, F, S, JD1110, JUSTICE - SUPREME COURT, 9843.42, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Carol Koehn, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Carol Laber, R, F, S, CL3029, DIRECTOR OF NURSING-HSC, 4125.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Carol Linstad, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2173.00, M, 004, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Carol Lybeck, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 4650.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Carol Mock, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, LOGAN, Unified Judicial System
Carol Motz, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3156.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Carol Nelson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3480.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Carol Nustad, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Carol Olimb, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2987.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Carol Olson, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 10388.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Carol Paulsen, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3665.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Carol Pelletier, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2130.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Carol Schmitt, R, F, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 3423.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Carol Siverson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2534.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Carol Southam, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3135.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Carol Thurn, R, F, S, CL0921, TRANS MGMT OFFICER I, 3314.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Carol Weiler, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3470.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Carol Woroniecki-Jilek, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1974.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Carol Yantzer, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3505.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Carole Hintz, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2259.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Carole Klebe, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 28.12, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carole Mattern, R, P, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 1395.50, M, 010, 0.50, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Carole Schornack, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Carole Smolnikar, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Carole Watrel, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Caroleen Harveland, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2354.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Caroline Brodehl, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Caroline Limesand, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 1651.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Caroline Littlefield, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3820.00, M, 011, 1.00, SHERIDAN, Game & Fish Dept
Caroline Satterthwaite, R, F, S, CL4029, REG REP-ECON/MED ASST PRG, 3904.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Caroline Thoreson, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Carolyn Brunner, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2750.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Carolyn Desper, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3780.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carolyn Kessel, R, F, S, CL0464, DIVISION DIRECTOR,  INSURANCE, 5720.16, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Carolyn Kvislen, R, F, S, CL0703, PARALEGAL, 3729.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Carolyn Merbach, R, F, S, CL6052, WATER RESOURCE PROGRAM ADMIN I, 3471.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Carolyn Nelson, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Carolyn Peloubet, R, F, S, CL3029, DIRECTOR OF NURSING-HSC, 4698.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Carolyn Semchenko, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3468.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Carolyn Woolf, R, F, S, JD1220, DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 6270.00, M, 021, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Carrie Barbie, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 2888.40, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Carrie Christianson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Carrie Gilbert, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.22, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Carrie Hjellming, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3432.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Carrie Hughes, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.53, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Carrie Larson, R, F, S, CL6203, AG PROGRAM SPECIALIST II, 3280.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Carrie Miller, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Carrie Morton, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 2820.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Carrie Oswald, R, F, S, CL0154, DATA PROC COORD IV, 4840.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Carrie Pic-Olivo, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Carrie Platt, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2512.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Carrie Stanley, R, P, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1050.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Carrie Thompson-Widmer, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3229.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Carrie Whitney, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3869.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Carrie Willits, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1311.23, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Carter Stone, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1729.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Cary Hart, R, F, S, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 2097.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Caryn Nelson, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, MOUNTRAIL, Unified Judicial System
Casey Anderson, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 3563.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Casey Byram, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Casey Goodhouse, R, F, S, CL0803, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER I, 3016.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Casey Mutzenberger, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3033.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Casey Sease, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4160.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Cassandra Oster, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2307.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Cassie Theurer, R, F, S, CL8624, GRAPHIC ARTIST I, 2525.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Cassondra Alvarez, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2169.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Catherine Allers, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Catherine Clayton, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1601.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Catherine Forsch, R, F, S, CL0929, DIRECTOR,  OPERATIONS DIV (TAX), 6534.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Catherine Halgunseth, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2902.64, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Catherine Johnson Dutcher, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Catherine Johnson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, MCHENRY, Unified Judicial System
Catherine Jorgensen, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Catherine Okerlund, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 0.40, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Catherine Roberdeau, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3480.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Catherine Tesmer, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Unified Judicial System
Cathleen Ferderer, R, F, S, JD2320, FAM LAW MEDIATION PRGM ADMN, 4676.00, M, 019, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Cathleen Maychrzak, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2833.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Cathleen Schweitzer, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 1365.00, M, 009, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cathleen Sommer, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2835.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Cathy Arneson, R, F, S, JD4710, JUDICIAL SEC THE CHIEF JUSTICE, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Cathy Bacon, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Cathy Carlson, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2439.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Cathy Myrvik, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4100.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Cathy Waters, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 4669.00, M, 015, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Cathy Williams, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2674.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Cathy Wolfe, T, F, H, JD5310, DRUG COURT COORDINATOR, 13.00, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Cavin Patch, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Cecelia Leverson, R, P, S, CL6403, SEED ANALYST III, 2831.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Cecelia Sweeney, R, F, S, CL0871, MULTI-MEDIA DEVELOPER I, 3250.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cecily Fong, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 3572.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Celeste Engelhard, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4651.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Celeste Knudsen, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3661.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Celeste R Burke, R, F, S, CL0592, Housing Prog Admin II, 3780.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Celia Lindquist, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3008.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Chad Abrahamson, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Chad Beggs, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5156.00, M, 013, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Chad Eklund, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3364.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Chad Frisinger, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5555.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Chad Gumeringer, R, F, S, CL0163, TECH SUPPORT SPEC III, 5660.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Chad Hanson, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3907.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Chad Hermanson, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4529.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Chad Ihla, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 4121.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Chad Johnson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2550.21, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Chad Kincaid, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3138.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Chad Miller, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Chad Orn, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 5845.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Chad Sundby, R, F, S, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 2254.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Chad Tosterud, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Chad Wolf, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4519.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Chadwick Kramer, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3177.81, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Indian Affairs
Chance Nolan, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2100.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Chantel Knuth, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Chantell Christensen, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2997.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Charell Schillo, R, F, S, CL4215, SUPERVISOR/CLINICIAN, 4517.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Charlene Cody, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3122.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Charlene Magstadt, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3270.56, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Charlene Olsen, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 3225.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Charlene Rohrich-Reiswig, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3659.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Charlene Schweitzer, R, F, S, CL3236, FORENSIC SCIENTIST II, 3092.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Charlene Timpe, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3101.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Charlene Weismann, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Charlene Zent, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Charles Abel, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4613.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Charles Anderson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2744.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Charles Cartwright, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, OLIVER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Charles Carvell, R, F, S, AG9012, ASST ATTY GEN-ADMIN, 7837.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Charles Cech, R, F, S, CL3214, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN IV, 2872.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Charles Corwin, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Charles Doppler, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4166.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Charles Eder, R, F, S, CL3234, FORENSIC SCIENCE SUPERVISOR, 4708.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Charles Fleming, R, F, S, CL6201, AG PROGRAM COORDINATOR, 4941.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Charles Hanson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Charles Heitkamp, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3817.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Charles Hunter Jr, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2393.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Charles Hurteau, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Charles Kocher, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 5349.92, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Charles Lang, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 6761.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Charles Lewis, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2417.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Charles Pospishil, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3866.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Charles Rydell, R, F, S, CL2044, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR I, 5805.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Charles Schirado, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2744.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Charles Schlecht, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1769.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Charles Schlecht, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.21, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Charles Schreiber, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 5870.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Charles Schreiner, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Charles Sheeley, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 6159.00, M, 018, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Charles Weisser, R, F, S, CL5023, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC III, 4097.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Charles Yaeger, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2499.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Charlotte Aberle, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3907.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Charlotte Ferrell, R, P, S, CL3021, PSYCH CLINICAL NURSE SPEC, 2809.50, M, 015, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Charlotte Knodel, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Charlotte Kurtz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3692.37, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Charlotte Larson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2336.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Charlotte Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0017, LICENSING SPECIALIST III, 2772.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Charlotte Selland, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Parks & Recreation Dept
Charlotte Siemens, R, P, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 12190.40, M, 099, 0.80, CASS, Department of Human Services
Charlotte Swenson, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2254.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Charlotte Watts, R, F, S, CL0482, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SPEC, 3297.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Charlotte Zander, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2735.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Charmaine Feist, R, F, S, CL0311, COMPLIANCE OFFICER I, 1723.54, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Charmayne Turcotte, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Charolette Sackman, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3434.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Charyle Langelle, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 5756.00, M, 016, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Chase Wilson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cheri Brynjolfson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3945.97, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Cheri Graff, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 2088.21, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Treasurer's Ofc
Cheri Scholz, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.50, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Cherie Kraft, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2710.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cherie Tooley, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.00, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Cherise Bronson, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 1923.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cherry Geiger, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3126.58, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Cherry Schmidt, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3701.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Amundson, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2220.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Christiansen, R, F, H, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 12.85, H, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Davis, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2591.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Drew, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2416.12, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Cheryl Gartner, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Hahn, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4331.25, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Cheryl Hanson, R, P, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 922.00, M, 006, 0.50, CASS, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Hess, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3750.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Holloway, R, P, H, CL3051, L P NURSE I, 17.50, H, 007, 0.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Holmstrom, R, P, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2994.94, M, 009, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Cheryl Kuntz, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 26.99, H, 012, 0.83, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Leach, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2940.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Cheryl Misialek, R, F, H, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 15.77, H, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Cheryl Moch, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2569.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Cheryl Parsons, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Peterson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Cheryl Pollert, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1734.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Cheryl Purdy, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3500.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Cheryl Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0219, Hous Prog Spec III, 3468.00, M, 010, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Cheryl Schrank, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2825.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Senechal, T, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1907.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Cheryl Stockert, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3208.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Cheryl Storhaug Grondahl, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1144.04, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Cheryl Thomas, R, F, S, CL0172, INFO TECHNOLOGY ADMIN II, 5849.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Cheryl Thomas, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3261.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Thompson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1691.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Thompson, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.92, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Cheryl Vanorman, R, F, S, CL0482, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SPEC, 3297.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Cheryl Vaudt, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3602.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cheryl Wescott-Wetsch, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4232.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cheryle Masset-Martz, R, P, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 1716.00, M, 011, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Chester Kassa, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Chet Pollert, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Chris Cebula, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2449.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Chris Dahlman, R, F, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 26.99, H, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Chris Grondahl, R, F, S, CL6073, BIOLOGIST III, 5144.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Chris Hertler, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 6047.00, M, 015, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Chris Knutson, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3775.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Chris Ludwig, R, F, S, CL0415, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV II, 4282.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Chris Myers, R, F, S, JD1240, DIR OF JUVENILE COURT SERVICES, 5102.00, M, 020, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Chris Myhre, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2494.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Christa Sommer, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3799.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Highway Patrol
Christeen McLain, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 4200.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Christi Kieper, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3618.08, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Christi Osborn, R, F, S, CL4028, REGIONAL REP-SOC SER PROG, 3490.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Christian Hansen, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.50, H, 099, 0.50, LOGAN, Land Department
Christina Dullack, R, P, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 1350.00, M, 010, 0.50, STARK, Department of Human Services
Christina Efterfield, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Christina Hagburg, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1691.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Christina Keller, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2205.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Christina Linnell, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2337.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Christine Brigden, R, P, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 2515.20, M, 011, 0.80, WARD, Department of Human Services
Christine Colby, T, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1820.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Christine Dirk, R, F, S, CL2113, GIS SPECIALIST I, 2801.76, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Christine Dow, R, F, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 8.68, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Christine Garcia, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.00, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Christine Harmon, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Christine Iverson, R, F, S, JD1270, TRIAL COURT MANAGER, 4407.00, M, 017, 1.00, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Christine Kuchler, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 7508.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Christine Masseth, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2334.30, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Christine Montgomery, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3300.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Christine Roesler, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Christine Roob, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4149.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Health
Christine Saar, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3073.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Christine Stambaugh, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3558.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Christophe Bader, R, F, S, CL0172, INFO TECHNOLOGY ADMIN II, 5724.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Christopher Beggs, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4520.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Christopher Brucks, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 3135.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Christopher Dragoo, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Christopher Dub, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Christopher Dumas, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1840.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Christopher Eckes, R, F, S, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 2255.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Christopher Focke, R, F, S, CL3237, FORENSIC SCIENTIST III, 3843.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Christopher Griffin, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Christopher Heyne, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3662.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Christopher Holzer, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4121.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Christopher Hook, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2382.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Christopher Johnson, R, F, S, CL1260, DIV DIR,  STATE HIST SOC, 4836.00, M, 015, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Christopher Johnson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3230.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Christopher Kalash, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3486.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Christopher Kleven, R, F, S, CL8233, PLUMBER III, 3475.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Christopher Laite, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3799.00, M, 012, 1.00, RANSOM, Highway Patrol
Christopher Magandy, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2399.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Christopher Messer, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4191.00, M, 012, 1.00, MORTON, Highway Patrol
Christopher Nygaard, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2809.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Christopher Padilla, R, F, S, CL2014, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MANAGER, 4688.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Christopher Poyzer, R, F, H, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 16.22, H, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Christopher Pulver, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4193.00, M, 012, 1.00, MOUNTRAIL, Highway Patrol
Christopher Rausch, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 4097.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Christopher Repnow, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2516.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Christopher Schroeder, R, F, S, CL5208, CONSUMR FRAUD INVESTGR I, 2934.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Christopher Schryver, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5775.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Christopher Sitter, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5603.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Christopher Vandal, R, F, S, CL0114, COMPUTER OPERATOR I, 2669.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Christopher Vigness, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Christy Follman, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 12.63, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Christy Hausauer, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 4121.16, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Christy Peck, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Christy Smith, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2987.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Chuck Damschen, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Chuck Picard, R, F, S, CL0027, ENT EDMS COORDINATOR, 4259.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Cindy Aaser, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1948.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Cindy Berg, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Cindy Bexell, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 2990.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Cindy Burns, R, P, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 1518.00, M, 008, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cindy Cain, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2848.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Cindy Ganje, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Cindy Graff, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2693.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cindy Keller, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Cindy Kunze, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3091.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Cindy Laaveg, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.68, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cindy Laber, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2278.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Cindy Leingang, R, F, S, CL3239, EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN, 2371.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Cindy Lund, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3221.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Cindy Lyn, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 3425.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Cindy Magnus, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2334.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Cindy Nelson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cindy Niemann, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Cindy Rice, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3121.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Cindy Roehrich, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 3098.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Cindy Schatz, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Cindy Schmidt, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cindy Stumpf, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1819.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cinthia Ternes, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6576.26, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Claire Althoff, R, F, S, CL1085, TEACHER V, 1739.00, M, 013, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Claire Fitzgerald, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4530.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Clara Dockter, R, F, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 12.17, H, 004, 0.63, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Clara Jenkins, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 4545.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Clara Lubke, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Clare Carlson, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 9583.33, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Clare Olson, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Clare Renner, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2570.00, M, 006, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Clarence Farber, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 18.64, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Agriculture
Clarence Gibbons, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2713.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Clarissa Belgarde, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Clarissa Dutton, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2826.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Clark Haas, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2776.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Clark Haskell, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Clark Williams, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Clarke Molter, R, F, S, CL1072, VOC TECH ED ASST PROG DIR, 3850.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Clarrine Evans, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Claudette Doppler, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2439.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Claudia Berg, R, F, S, CL0852, EXECUTIVE STAFF OFFICER, 5322.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Claudia Elser, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Claudia Hoyt, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3011.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Claudia Schuster, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2652.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Claudine Galt, R, P, H, CL0031, OFFICE ASSISTANT I, 10.86, H, 003, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Clay Whitmore, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3813.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Clayton Hansen, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3579.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Clayton Klimek, R, F, S, CL3147, ADAPTIVE EQUIP SPEC II, 3007.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Clayton Olson, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2800.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Clayton Schumaker, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6101.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Clayton Starck, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3223.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Clement Dub, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Cletus Schmidt, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2743.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cleve Bunk, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 2325.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Cliff Hoyt, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2313.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Clinton Boots, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 3324.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Clinton Devier, R, F, S, CL0440, REG HSC FISCAL MGR-DHS, 4723.00, M, 013, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Clinton Schaeffer, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2435.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cody Berreth, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Cody Clemenson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.35, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Cody Harstad, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Cody Kreft, R, F, S, CL6223, SR AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR, 3039.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Cody Malloy, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cody Schulz, R, F, S, CL0432, BUSINESS MANAGER II, 3653.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Cody VanderBusch, R, F, S, CL2091, PETROLEUM ENGINEER I, 3250.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Coleen Buckingham, R, F, S, CL4020, QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER, 3240.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Coleen Clooten, R, F, S, CL0109, PROD SUPPORT SPEC II, 3602.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Coleen Olson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2306.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Colette Bosch, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3836.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Colette Perkins, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3083.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Colin Aaker, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Colin Fetsch, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2775.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Colin Penner, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3236.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Colleen Alber, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Colleen Bergeron, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2697.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Colleen Braun, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2136.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Colleen Clausen, R, F, S, JD4130, DP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT III, 3824.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Colleen Counts-Cooper, R, F, S, JD4110, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 1779.00, M, 004, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Colleen Ebach, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2309.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Colleen Halvorson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2432.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Colleen Hanes, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Colleen Klusmann, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4766.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Colleen Kummet, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Colleen Larson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Colleen Mccoy, R, F, S, CL1011, INSTRUCTOR, 3449.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Colleen Moore-Reed, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1926.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Colleen Pearce, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5065.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Colleen Pfau, R, F, S, CL0169, TELECOMM ANALYST II, 4393.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Colleen Schneider, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2448.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Colleen Stoddart, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 3204.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Colleen Weltz, R, F, S, CL5222, UNIFORM CRIME RPT PGM MGR, 3408.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Collette Miller, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2746.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Collette Schlecht, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1734.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Booth, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2971.00, M, 010, 1.00, ROLETTE, Department of Human Services
Connie Britzman, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2192.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Colton, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1912.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Connie Fichter, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2278.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Connie Flanagan, R, F, S, CL0558, FISCAL & INVEST OFFICER, 5175.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Connie Gange, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2257.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Haag, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2419.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Connie Haase, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2476.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Heaton, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Connie Jenkins, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2912.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Johnson, R, F, S, CL4322, JS PROGRAM ADMIN I, 3150.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Connie Kehl, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4116.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Connie Kleese, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2453.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Kudrna, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4517.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Connie Langley, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2159.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Connie Mehring, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3192.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Connie Moser, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1727.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Pederson, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4322.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Connie Plum, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2438.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Connie Portscheller, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Connie Schiff, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 14.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Connie Serhienko, R, F, S, CL3238, ADMIN,  FORENSIC EXAM OFC, 3810.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Connie Suko, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2115.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Connie Wolf, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING CLERK, 2440.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Constance Albrecht, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Constance Bruins, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Constance Gelinas, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1936.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Constance Hodny, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2898.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Constance Jorgenson, R, P, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3597.00, M, 099, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Constance Schafer, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3768.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Constance Todd, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 4363.83, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Constance Triplett, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Cora Bauer, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 1366.42, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Cordell Johnson, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1912.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Cordell Lindvig, R, F, S, CL8321, FLEET & EQUIP TECH I, 2400.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Coreen Ryan, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2872.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Corey Bergrud, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4131.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Corey Ellingson, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4060.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Corey Erck, R, F, S, CL6013, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN SUPV, 4400.00, M, 013, 1.00, BARNES, Game & Fish Dept
Corey Gorder, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3465.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Corey Hanson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2473.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Corey Krebs, R, F, S, CL0405, CHIEF EXAMINER, 5445.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Corey Mock, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Corey Reisenauer, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Corey Sayler, R, F, S, CL3211, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN I, 1575.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Corey Stewart, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Corey Wegner, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2648.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Corinne Bennett, R, F, S, CL1603, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM III, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Corinne Hofmann, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4499.00, M, 014, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Corinne Kerzmann, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1900.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Corinne Lindgren, R, P, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 14.14, H, 007, 0.48, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cornelius Grant, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 21.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Corrie Tivis, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3465.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Corrine Heaton, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2026.11, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Corrinne Weber, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2683.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Corry Schneider, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3410.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Cory Carlson, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.75, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Cory Detloff, R, F, S, CL6011, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN I, 2600.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Cory Fong, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7196.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Cory Frohlich, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3121.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Cory Lawson, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Cory Tuhy, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4298.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Highway Patrol
Cory Wigdahl, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 3045.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Courtney Boettcher, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 10.50, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Courtney Poland, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3268.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Courtney Reinarts, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3268.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Courtney Reinarts, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 14.94, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Courtney Smith, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1816.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Craig Bartholomay, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 4481.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Craig Beedy, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4505.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Highway Patrol
Craig Bihrle, R, F, S, CL6005, COMM MGR-ND GAME & FISH, 4999.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Craig Elton, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2901.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Craig Faul, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3818.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Craig Felchle, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4332.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Craig Goodrie, R, F, S, CL7014, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR I, 2125.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Craig Headland, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Craig Koch, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3709.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Craig Lambrecht, R, P, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 5849.00, M, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Craig Marten, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 12.13, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Craig Olmsted, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2080.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Craig Rudland, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 3752.32, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Craig Sinclair, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 3900.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Craig Sperling, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2930.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Craig Thorstenson, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4806.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Craig Tuhy, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3894.00, M, 012, 1.00, ADAMS, Highway Patrol
Craig Zander, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 4190.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Crist Hanson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2425.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Cristal Ackerman, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Crystal Almen, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2356.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Crystal Asleson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1911.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Crystal Deringer, R, F, S, CL0210, STATE PAYROLL SPECIALIST, 1638.04, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Crystal Eide, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Crystal Knoepfle, R, F, S, CL4251, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST I, 2254.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Crystal Otterson, R, F, H, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 10.00, H, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Crystal Roy, R, F, S, CL1020, BRAILLIST, 2600.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Crystal Sayler, R, F, S, CL3507, HEALTH INFORMATION ADMIN, 3651.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Crystal Scheuffele, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Curt Brown, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4349.00, M, 016, 1.00, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Curt Hofstad, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Curt Zimmerman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6546.64, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Curtis Armstrong, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2835.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Curtis Clementich, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2833.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Curtis Dahme, R, F, S, CL1072, VOC TECH ED ASST PROG DIR, 4939.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Curtis Dunn, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 5135.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Curtis Erickson, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4918.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Curtis Fogel, R, F, S, CL3519, HCF FIRE SAFETY SURV II, 3848.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Health
Curtis Hofland, R, F, S, CL8413, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III, 2877.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Curtis Kihlstrom, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Curtis Malafa, R, F, S, CL0921, TRANS MGMT OFFICER I, 3451.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Curtis Markel, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4028.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Curtis Olafson, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Curtis Sinness, R, F, S, CL4201, REG CHILD SUP PROG ADM, 4264.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Curtis Steier, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3592.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Curtis Volesky, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4470.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Curtis Wahl, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4973.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Curtiss Mayhew, R, F, S, CL5720, SAFETY AUDITOR I-HP, 3410.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Cydra Sauter, R, F, S, CL0455, POLICYHOLDER CLMS INVEST, 2946.66, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Cynthia Arnold, R, F, S, CL0701, LEGAL ASSISTANT I, 2573.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Auen, R, F, S, CL3232, CHEMIST II, 3068.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Cynthia Baklenko, R, P, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 1616.50, M, 011, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Bechtold, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2584.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Bercier, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3644.00, M, 011, 1.00, ROLETTE, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Bitz, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Cynthia Bosworth, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3035.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Cynthia Buchanan, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1586.13, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Cynthia Clemens, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4518.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cynthia DeBolt, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Cynthia Doll, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1332.21, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Cynthia Goulet, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 5956.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Cynthia Hagen, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2518.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Hagen, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3142.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Hauger, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 5547.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Cynthia Jaeger, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2726.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Jennens, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3295.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Cynthia Kungel, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3020.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Kupfer, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2126.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Cynthia Kurtz, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, EMMONS, Unified Judicial System
Cynthia Larson, R, F, S, CL1223, ASST DIR,  STATE LIBRARY, 5872.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Cynthia Liedahl-Carlson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Cynthia Lien, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2443.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Lund, R, F, S, CL0218, HOUSING PROGRAM SPEC II, 1590.46, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Cynthia Lynk, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2377.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Cynthia Malsam, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 1851.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Malsam, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.75, H, 099, 0.10, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cynthia McIntee, R, F, S, CL4028, REGIONAL REP-SOC SER PROG, 3911.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Mcmillan, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2717.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Mead, R, F, H, CL1016, SIGN LANG INTERPRETER, 15.87, H, 009, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Cynthia Nolz, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2624.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Olson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.43, H, 099, 0.40, BURLEIGH, State Library
Cynthia Pazdernik, R, F, S, CL0803, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER I, 4536.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Cynthia Pedersen, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5700.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Cynthia Schaar, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4517.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Schmitz, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4590.00, M, 017, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Cynthia Schneider, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 2156.00, M, 003, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Cynthia Schuch, R, F, S, CL0022, DOCUMENT IMAGING SPEC II, 2289.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Cynthia Seado, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2209.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Cynthia Sheldon, R, F, S, CL0471, SHIC PROGRAM MGR STATE INS DEP, 3997.99, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Cynthia Silovich, T, P, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 13.04, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Cynthia Sperle-Gee, R, F, S, CL3172, THERAPEUTIC REC SPEC II, 3252.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Thomas, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.53, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Timm, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2142.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Cynthia Williams, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2229.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
D Mcdonald, R, F, S, CL1607, SPEC EDUC REGIONAL COORD II, 4326.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Dacell Nygaard, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Daisy Van Valkenburg, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 16874.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dal Yanke, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 0.38, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Dale Binstock, R, F, S, CL6056, WATER RESOURCE SENIOR MGR, 4200.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Dale Breidenbach, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 4004.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Dale Carrier, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3697.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Dale Eberle, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4055.83, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Dale Emerson, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4281.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dale Erickson, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 3009.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Dale Ferebee, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.50, H, 099, 0.00, GOLDEN VAL, Land Department
Dale Frink, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7906.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Dale Haman, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4478.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Dale Jorgensen, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2462.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dale Kraft, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2978.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Dale Moench, R, F, S, CL5245, HEARING OFFICER I-DOT, 3988.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dale Patrick, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 3866.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Dale Repnow, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2055.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Dale Sandstrom, R, F, S, JD1110, JUSTICE - SUPREME COURT, 9843.42, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dale Schwindt, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4937.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dale Soleim, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2092.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dale Sveen, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3581.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Dale Thompson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2406.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dale Thompson, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Dale Zastoupil, R, F, S, JD3430, NETWORK ANALYST III, 5030.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dallan Feist, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3419.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dallas Carlson, R, F, S, CL5225, CHIEF INVESTIGATOR, 5787.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Dallas Grossman, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 3961.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dallas Machovsky, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2277.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dallas Schlenker, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2523.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dalmar Johnson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2755.00, M, 007, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Department of Transportation
Damon Busch, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Dan Cox, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4735.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Dan Dorsher, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2077.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Dan Ruby, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Dan Stephenson, R, F, S, CL0871, MULTI-MEDIA DEVELOPER I, 2702.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dan Traeholt, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3799.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dana Hermanson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2184.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Dana Kennelly, R, P, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 2288.30, M, 012, 0.70, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Dana Kolden, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dana Krumwiede, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 2962.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dana Midgarden, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2111.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dana Mount, R, F, S, CL2045, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 6599.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dana Rivinius, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5841.00, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Dana Scherr, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dana Schweitzer, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1854.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Dana Smith, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1500.00, M, 004, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Danan Harter, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4653.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Danelle Klassy, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.34, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Danelle Van Zinderen, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 2860.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Danette Hausauer, R, P, H, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 26.55, H, 013, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Danette Heine, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4807.98, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Dani Odegaard, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Daniel Ackerman, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3359.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Daniel Anderson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Daniel Bahm, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2640.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Daniel Borgen, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4665.24, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Daniel Brothers, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3078.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Daniel Brynjolfson, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2648.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Daniel Buresh, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Daniel Christensen, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 11.03, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Daniel Cramer, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 5404.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Daniel Crothers, R, F, S, JD1110, JUSTICE - SUPREME COURT, 9843.42, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Daniel Dienstmann, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2505.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Daniel Dodson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Daniel Farrell, R, F, S, CL2052, WATER RESOURCE ENGR III, 4063.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Daniel Gilbert, T, F, S, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 3500.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Daniel Grove, R, F, S, CL3701, VETERINARIAN I, 4383.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Daniel Halstead, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4338.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Daniel Harman, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 4409.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Daniel Haugen, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4440.00, M, 013, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Highway Patrol
Daniel Held, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3213.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Daniel Hinnenkamp, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Daniel Hoenke, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3889.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Daniel Jager, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 3371.00, M, 009, 1.00, NELSON, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Daniel Kohler, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4413.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Daniel Krueger, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3799.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Daniel Larson, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2530.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Daniel Lindsey, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, DIVIDE, Unified Judicial System
Daniel McDonald, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2733.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Daniel Morman, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3371.00, M, 008, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Daniel Narum, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, LAMOURE, Unified Judicial System
Daniel Ngugi, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3386.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Daniel Pullen, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 8476.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Daniel Rouse, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5781.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Daniel Sauter, R, F, S, CL6055, WATER RESOURCE PROJ MGR, 3545.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Daniel Schelske, R, F, S, CL6046, PARK MANAGER II, 4092.21, M, 013, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Daniel Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 4038.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Daniel Sipes, R, F, S, CL0199, DIRECTOR,  ADMIN SVCS DIV-ITD, 7673.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Daniel Smith, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2335.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Daniel Sweep, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5770.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Daniel Tuhy, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3847.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Daniel Wanek, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 5685.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Daniel Weisbeck, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2047.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Daniel Welsh, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 3834.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Daniel Wolters, R, F, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 8.21, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Daniel Zahn, R, F, S, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 1996.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Danielle Erickson, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.53, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Danielle Pierson, R, P, S, CL4401, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE I, 832.50, M, 004, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Danielle Pierson, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.60, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Danielle Schaefer, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3510.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Danielle Streitz, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 9.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Danielle Westerhausen, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2254.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Danika Schell, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 2058.67, S, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Danilo Martinez-Rivera, R, F, S, CL6402, SEED ANALYST II, 2150.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Danio Fajardo, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2757.41, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Danita Hunke, R, F, S, CL3201, MEDICAL LAB TECH I, 2367.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Danny Johnson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4094.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Danny Olson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2998.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Dara Helgeson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Darcey Aberle, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2090.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Darcy Aberle, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4529.00, M, 013, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Darcy Cermak, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3155.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Darcy Duchsherer, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Darcy Hoff, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2643.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Darcy Rosendahl, R, F, S, CL2026, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER III, 7697.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Darell Arne, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4137.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Darin Anderson, R, F, S, CL0891, PROJECT MANAGER I, 3670.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Darin Billing, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 4447.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Darin Keller, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Darin Langerud, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 6262.00, M, 099, 1.00, BOWMAN, State Water Commission
Darin Lindblom, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3766.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Darin Meschke, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5012.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Darin Schorsch, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 4200.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Darin Wald, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4926.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Darl Enzminger, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3598.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Darla Dreher, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4197.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Darla Lee, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1726.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Darla McKinney, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1912.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Darla Mclaughlin, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 2770.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Darla Salberg, R, P, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 10.76, H, 005, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Darla Salberg, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.15, H, 099, 0.40, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Darla Seelye, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2568.05, M, 007, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Darla Van Vleet, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2051.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Darleen Bartz, R, F, S, CL3520, CHIEF,  HEALTH RESOUR SEC, 6585.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Darlene Bohl, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2324.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Darlene Faber, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3683.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Darlene Germain, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2354.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Darlene Kracht, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2395.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Darlene Kracht, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.75, H, 099, 0.20, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Darlene Larson, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 11.41, H, 005, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Darlene Mcneilly, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1628.00, M, 004, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Darlene Mickelson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Darlene Mueller, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Darlene Neas, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Darlene Roppel, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2102.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Darlene Sauvageau, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2882.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Darlene Wolfgram, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3846.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Darley Williams, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Darline Levang, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Darnell Wohlk, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 15.28, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Darold Walls, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, FOSTER, Department of Agriculture
Darrel Ahmann, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3885.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Darrel Enerson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7737.20, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Darrel Kaiser, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 3600.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Darrel Pittman, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2468.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Darrell Engen, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4982.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Darrell Fox, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2942.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Darrell Nitschke, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 5500.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Darrell Nottestad, T, P, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Darrell Pladson, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1767.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Darrell Schafer, R, F, S, CL8223, CARPENTER III, 3248.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Darrell Severson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2132.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Darrell Slag, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 4745.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Darrell Stockert, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Darren Brostrom, R, F, S, CL0447, AREA DIRECTOR-JSND, 6035.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Darren Halland, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2392.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Darren LeRohl, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2458.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Darren Van Beek, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2511.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Darrin Cox, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Darron Nichols, R, F, S, CL6055, WATER RESOURCE PROJ MGR, 3702.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Darryl Bulzomi, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4455.00, M, 012, 1.00, FOSTER, Highway Patrol
Darvin Hartman, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2819.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Darwin Brown, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 10.50, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Darwin Rott, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Daryl Gronfur, R, F, S, CL5300, OIL & GAS METER SYS SPEC, 3880.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Daryl Kleyer, R, F, S, CL6013, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN SUPV, 4826.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Daryl Lindsey, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3418.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Daryl Sommerdorf, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2320.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Daryl Wanner, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5781.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Daryl Wosick, R, F, S, CL5532, SECURITY OFFICER II, 2656.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dave Aberle, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5431.80, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Dave Leftwich, R, F, S, CL2026, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER III, 7550.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dave Weiler, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
David Abrahamson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3205.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
David Anderson, R, F, S, CL1206, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE II, 2039.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
David Bauer, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Parks & Recreation Dept
David Bergsagel, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4688.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
David Boeck, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5067.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
David Bohn, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3080.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
David Brintnell, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3809.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Bruins, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Bruschwein, R, F, S, CL2044, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR I, 4982.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
David Calhoon, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2529.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
David Cameron, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3955.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
David Clinkenbeard, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 14818.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
David Clinton, R, F, S, CL4360, APPEALS REFEREE, 4138.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
David Coulter, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
David Coy, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
David Dammen, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 3927.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
David Drovdal, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
David DuToit, R, F, S, CL2203, REALTY OFFICER III, 3474.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Eckenrode, R, F, S, CL0146, ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE DEV MGR, 6655.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
David Erbstoesser, R, F, S, CL8233, PLUMBER III, 4097.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
David Erdmann, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
David Falkenstein, R, F, S, CL0555, CREDIT REVIEW ANALYST, 1693.08, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
David Feltman, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4820.00, M, 014, 1.00, GRAND FORK, State Auditor's Ofc
David Fisher, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3139.50, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
David Fjeldahl, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
David Fleck, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2794.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Flitter, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3759.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
David Flohr, R, F, S, CL0590, Hous Prog Dir, 5214.00, M, 014, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
David Fournier, R, F, S, CL8291, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN I, 2870.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
David Fryda, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 3889.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
David Gathman, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5168.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
David Gendreau, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Harsche, R, F, S, CL6223, SR AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR, 3279.00, M, 011, 1.00, DUNN, Department of Agriculture
David Hart, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1856.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
David Hogue, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
David Hvinden, R, F, S, CL0852, EXECUTIVE STAFF OFFICER, 5200.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
David Kamp, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Highway Patrol
David Kern, R, F, S, CL2045, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 6240.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
David Kleppe, R, F, S, CL5714, HIGHWAY PATROL DIV COMMANDER, 5866.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
David Kline, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 26.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Krebsbach, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 5784.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
David Kuna, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 6745.00, M, 016, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
David Kuntz, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3427.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
David Larson, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2764.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
David Laschkewitsch, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 5768.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
David Lavalley, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2667.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
David Leblanc, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2116.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
David Leer, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 26.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Leingang, R, F, S, CL0927, BUSINESS PLANNER-DOT, 3835.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Lessard, R, F, S, CL0404, SUPERVISING EXAMINER, 6506.00, M, 015, 1.00, CASS, Department of Financial Institutions
David Leverson, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3716.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
David Listul, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3875.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
David Logosz, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2685.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
David Lommen, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 11.90, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
David Masseth, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
David McCusker, R, F, S, CL2094, PETROLEUM ENGINEER IV, 4920.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
David McGeary, R, F, S, JD1240, DIR OF JUVENILE COURT SERVICES, 7348.00, M, 020, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
David Mckenzie, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2946.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
David Mickelson, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3570.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
David Mix, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 5750.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
David Moen, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3233.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
David Monson, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
David Nelson, R, F, S, CL6201, AG PROGRAM COORDINATOR, 4255.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
David Nelson, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
David Nething, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
David Nething, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
David Nygren Jr, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1695.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
David O'connell, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 648.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
David Ogren, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5543.62, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
David Pfau, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3340.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
David Phillips, R, F, S, CL6203, AG PROGRAM SPECIALIST II, 3871.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
David Plum, R, F, S, CL0562, ADMIN UNIT SUPERVISOR II, 1934.54, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
David Poppe, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2469.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
David Puppe, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
David Raney, R, P, S, CL3147, ADAPTIVE EQUIP SPEC II, 3166.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
David Reich, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
David Reinarts, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2902.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
David Rude, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 3147.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
David Rust, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
David Schirado, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
David Schlecht, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2155.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
David Schnase, R, F, S, CL4360, APPEALS REFEREE, 4093.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
David Schneibel, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2995.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
David Scott, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2959.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
David Severson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1891.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
David Severtson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2385.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
David Skalsky, R, F, S, CL1265, ASST DIR,  STATE HIST SOC, 5692.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
David Slack, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 3441.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Agriculture
David Sommerdorf, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2313.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
David Sprynczynatyk, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 12672.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
David Steckler, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3201.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
David Stout, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2855.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
David Tvedt, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
David Vanhorn, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, ROLETTE, Game & Fish Dept
David Vigeland, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
David Walter, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4210.27, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
David Walz, R, F, S, CL0136, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC III, 3964.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
David Wegner, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5635.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
David Wiebe, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2277.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
David Wierenga, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 12.99, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
David Winnegge, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2950.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
David Wolf, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4529.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
David Zentner, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 40.00, H, 099, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
David Zimmerman, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3597.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Davis Heidrich, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Davis Hoverson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5196.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Dawn Barkie, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1856.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Dawn Bender, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4315.38, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Dawn Berginski, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Dawn Cote, R, F, S, CL0026, INFO MGMT ANALYST II, 4170.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Dawn Gallardo, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3108.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Dawn Halone, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1943.00, M, 006, 1.00, ROLETTE, Department of Human Services
Dawn Hinkley, R, F, S, JD2210, STAFF ATTORNEY-CENTRAL LEGAL, 5333.00, M, 021, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Dawn Jochim, R, F, S, CL0821, PUBLIC INFO SPEC I, 3004.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Dawn Krieger, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3929.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dawn Larson Schock, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 11.61, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Dawn Lemieux, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 16.20, H, 008, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Dawn Mayer, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3567.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dawn Mccarty, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 40.00, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dawn Mock, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3780.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dawn Moen, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2528.24, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Dawn Pearson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3893.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dawn Peters, R, F, S, JD2110, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER I, 3715.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dawn Rorvig, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3221.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Dawn Salinas, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1757.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dawn Schock, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2186.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Dawn Trelstad, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3768.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dawn Wilhelmi, R, F, S, CL3202, MEDICAL LAB TECH II, 2960.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dawne Renner, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3521.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dawnmarie Bergeron, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3092.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Dean Antil, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2343.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Dean Brown, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 12.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Dean Colbert, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Dean Conrad, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dean Kramer, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1952.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dean Melgaard, R, F, S, CL0592, Hous Prog Admin II, 3955.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Dean Moos, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 5441.46, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Dean Natwick, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4349.00, M, 016, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Dean Overby, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3356.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Dean Pavlicek, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 3274.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dean Rasmusson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Dean Reese, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7658.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Dean Rowell, R, F, S, CL0631, STOREKEEPER I, 2494.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dean Rowell, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.75, H, 099, 0.10, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dean Schloss, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5058.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dean Seelig, R, F, H, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2080.00, M, 007, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Dean Stolz, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4492.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dean Sturn, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4582.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dean Tvedt, R, F, S, CL8041, LANDSCAPE & GRNDS SUPV, 3907.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Deann Sather, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2112.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Deann Steckler, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3340.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Deanna Askew, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3242.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Deanna Bohl, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3150.00, M, 010, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Deanna Claire, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Deanna Hummel, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deanna Kubas, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Deanna Miller, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 3733.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Deanna Nygaard, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Deanna Zander, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.50, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Deanne Felchle, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3593.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Deanne Peterson, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.97, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Deanne Wiens, R, F, S, CL4005, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC I - DHS, 2658.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Debbie Baier, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4050.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Debbie Crossland, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Debbie Dekker, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Debbie Dufault, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1991.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Debbie Grabinger, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2855.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Debbie Kleven, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Debbie Kohler, R, F, S, JD2110, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER I, 3715.00, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Debbie LaCombe, R, F, S, CL5047, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC III, 3890.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Debbie Ladouceur, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2268.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Anderson, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4517.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Barnard, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4892.29, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Deborah Bentley, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 3997.41, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Treasurer's Ofc
Deborah Brown, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2730.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Deborah Brown, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2461.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Deborah Carlson-Hadland, R, F, S, JD1240, DIR OF JUVENILE COURT SERVICES, 6506.00, M, 020, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Deborah Davis, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4079.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Deborah Davis, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4403.85, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Deborah Doran, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Deborah Egeland, R, F, S, CL1603, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM III, 3407.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Deborah Entzel, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3287.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Deborah Frohlich, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Deborah Germain, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2793.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Gletne, R, F, S, CL4085, MI EXT T AND C COORD II, 4293.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Deborah Gross, R, F, S, CL0114, COMPUTER OPERATOR I, 2358.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Deborah Gustin, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3485.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Deborah Hanson, R, F, S, CL0215, Hous Prog Tech II, 2915.00, M, 007, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Deborah Hawkinson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Deborah Hellman, R, P, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 1421.00, M, 010, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Deborah Hunt, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2521.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Deborah Huus-Petersen, R, F, S, CL4029, REG REP-ECON/MED ASST PRG, 3912.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Igoe, R, F, S, CL0830, CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION DIRECTOR, 5318.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Deborah J. Schaeffer, R, F, S, CL0581, Hous Prog Rep, 2894.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Deborah Janzen, R, P, H, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 12.39, H, 007, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Deborah Jensen, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2154.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Johnsen, R, P, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 1883.00, M, 099, 0.80, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Deborah Johnson, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 8788.47, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Soybean Council
Deborah Kashur, R, F, S, CL3235, FORENSIC SCIENTIST I, 2981.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Deborah Kitchen, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.63, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Deborah Klemmer, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2856.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Deborah Kramer, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2496.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Larson, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 2949.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Lebeau, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1861.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Deborah Masad, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3773.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Matzke, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4117.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Deborah McClean, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1950.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Deborah Mcdaniel, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3472.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Deborah Mize, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1987.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Deborah Mosset, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2864.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Deborah Nelson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2142.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Deborah Pfeifer, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Deborah Pilon, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2805.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Deborah Scholl, R, F, S, CL0481, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR REP, 2545.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Deborah Schon, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3544.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Theisen, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 2914.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deborah Winzer, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2366.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Deborrah Fahlsing, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4449.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Debra Baer, R, F, S, CL6391, SEED PROD & LAB SPEC, 4161.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Debra Balsdon, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4229.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Debra Bearce, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Debra Bertsch, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2681.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Debra Burley, R, F, S, CL3172, THERAPEUTIC REC SPEC II, 3062.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Debra Burt, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1812.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Debra Carlson, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3319.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Debra Christensen, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 2986.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Debra Davis, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 1904.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Debra Eissinger, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4607.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Debra Ensrud, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2706.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Debra Erhardt, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4000.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Debra Fohrman, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3791.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Debra Fossum, R, P, H, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 10.00, H, 006, 0.25, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Debra Frank, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2257.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Debra Gienger, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4865.16, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Debra Grasl, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Highway Patrol
Debra Harter, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 2844.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Debra Huber, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4653.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Debra Jacobs, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2566.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Debra Jallo, R, F, S, CL3120, PHYS THER AIDE-DEV CNTR, 2112.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Debra Knudsen, R, P, S, CL2104, PLANNER IV, 2458.00, M, 013, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Debra Kraft, R, F, S, CL4025, CLIENT ASSIST PROG ADM I, 3176.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Debra Kuhn, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Debra Larson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2600.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Debra Lewis, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2931.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Debra Lozensky, R, F, S, CL4085, MI EXT T AND C COORD II, 3902.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Debra Martineson, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2302.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Debra Martinson, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, PIERCE, Unified Judicial System
Debra McDermott, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 5917.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Debra Miller, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Debra Olson, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3209.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Debra Peterson, R, P, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 1775.00, M, 011, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Debra Petry, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3247.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Debra Reisenauer, R, F, S, CL0507, BANK OP PROCESS SPEC, 1159.67, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Debra Scharosch, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4995.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Debra Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2130.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Debra Simenson, R, F, S, JD1620, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 5454.00, M, 018, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Debra Smithson, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 11.44, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Debra Suhr, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2994.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Debra Wohl, R, F, S, CL7153, FOOD SVC OP SUPV III, 2692.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Debra Zimmer, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2003.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Dee Wanzek, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 10.58, H, 099, 0.38, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
DeEtta Gibbons, R, P, H, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 13.68, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Dehan Janssen, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2019.00, M, 005, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Deidre Qual, R, F, S, CL3701, VETERINARIAN I, 4980.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Delan Hellman, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4090.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
DeLane Meier, R, F, S, CL2017, SURVEYS & PHOTOGRAM MGR, 5646.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Delbert Gratton, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2475.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Delbert Houghton, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2710.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Deleila Schneider, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.80, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Delilah Owen, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 16.03, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Della Froehlich, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3091.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Della Hagen, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Della Job, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2568.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Della Lee, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2287.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Della Mcintyre, R, F, S, CL0445, CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE MGR, 4467.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Della Thorsness, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5673.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Delone Oseles, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2042.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Delores Friedt, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3862.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Delores Hummel, R, F, S, CL0953, Admin Staff Officer III, 4858.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Delores Schuh, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Delores Weber, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 9.62, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Delphine Benson, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1914.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
DeNeen Fischer, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2354.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Deneen Gathman, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4290.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Denelle Hibl, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2958.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
DeNica Malard, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Denice Bachmeier, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3607.03, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Denis Horn, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3558.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Denis Oyugi, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4317.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Denise Bachler, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5354.81, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Denise Blasy, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1857.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Denise Bossert, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2233.84, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Denise Brandvold, R, F, S, CL4074, REG DEV DISABIL PRGM ADMN, 3878.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Denise Ellingson, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1870.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Denise Faber, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3575.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Denise Geffre, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Denise Gregor, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.48, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Denise Harvey, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3112.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Denise Keller, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2154.46, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Denise Keplin, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 4076.00, M, 011, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Denise Kienzle, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3114.74, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Denise Kirsch, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1994.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Denise Larson, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2948.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Denise Lien, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2118.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Denise Marback, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3597.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Denise Olmstead, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2992.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Denise Simonsen, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2140.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Denise Stromme, R, P, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 2962.40, M, 011, 0.80, CASS, Department of Human Services
Denise Thompson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3480.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Denise Weeks, R, F, S, CL4250, EMP BENEFIT PGMS SPEC, 3492.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Denise Wehri, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2250.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dennis Biesecker, R, F, S, CL8293, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III, 4544.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Dennis Burdolski, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 4884.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Dennis Clark, R, F, S, CL6040, PARK RANGER, 3290.64, M, 010, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Dennis Czichotzki, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3592.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Dennis Dockter, R, F, S, JD2210, STAFF ATTORNEY-CENTRAL LEGAL, 7081.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dennis Fewless, R, F, S, CL5275, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN II, 6240.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dennis Fogelson, R, F, S, CL1042, SUPT-SCHOOL FOR DEAF, 6153.00, M, 016, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Dennis Freund, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Dennis Gallagher, R, F, S, CL8422, PILOT, 3487.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Dennis Ganyo, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 1850.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dennis Gilbertson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4298.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Highway Patrol
Dennis Gores, R, F, S, CL8222, CARPENTER II, 2294.00, M, 008, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Dennis Herbeck, R, F, S, JD1220, DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 7374.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dennis Hermanson, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5222.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dennis Jangula, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Dennis Johnson, T, P, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Dennis Kellar, R, F, S, CL8342, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II, 3042.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dennis Kvamme, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dennis Lake, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.63, H, 099, 0.40, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Dennis Lyon, R, F, S, CL4026, CLIENT ASSIST PROG ADM II, 4200.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dennis Meier, R, F, S, CL4028, REGIONAL REP-SOC SER PROG, 3762.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Dennis Nelson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2479.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dennis Nunberg, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Dennis Owen, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4487.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Dennis Parisien, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Dennis Ramsey, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3550.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Dennis Roller, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 5750.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Dennis Rowell, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3269.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Dennis Tang, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1707.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Dennis Tang, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.37, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Dennis Voeller, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 4987.50, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Dennis Wetzel, T, P, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 30.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Deon Vilhauer, R, F, S, CL8422, PILOT, 5034.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Deonne Varriano, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3902.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Derek Arndt, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Derek Glenn, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 5100.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Derek Hall, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Derek Jordahl, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Derek Jundt, R, F, S, CL0135, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC II, 3215.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Derek Paulson, R, P, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 2262.00, M, 011, 0.75, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Derek Paulson, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 17.86, H, 099, 0.25, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Derek Pfeifer, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4416.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Derick Lanners, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.40, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Desiree Gagner-Tjellesen, R, P, S, CL3021, PSYCH CLINICAL NURSE SPEC, 5109.60, M, 015, 0.80, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Destin Cole, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Devaiah Muccatira, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3608.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Devin Bell, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Devin Kitchens, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Devin Reger, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Dexter Hoverson, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Dian Hartman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, GRANT, Unified Judicial System
Diana Huber-Brooks, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 2993.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Diana Kitchens, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 13.40, H, 005, 0.40, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Diana Kostelecky, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 3205.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Diana Mayer, R, F, S, JD4510, CALENDAR CONTROL CLERK, 3704.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Diana Mittleider, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Diana Raugust, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2315.00, M, 006, 1.00, SHERIDAN, Game & Fish Dept
Diana Read, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3184.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Diana Trussell, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 3781.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Diana Vanous, R, F, S, CL7123, COOK II, 2483.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Diana Weber, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4350.00, M, 012, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Diana Weber, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3800.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Diana Welk, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 4033.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Diane Anderson, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3128.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Diane Bruley, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2392.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Diane Burris, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Diane Clark, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2987.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Diane Colacicco, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Diane Dixon, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Diane Dorner, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3114.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Diane Foy, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1560.00, M, 005, 0.80, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Diane Frafjord, R, F, S, CL0017, LICENSING SPECIALIST III, 3152.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Diane Gunsch, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5407.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Diane Hastings, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3816.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Diane Hausmann, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 6161.00, M, 014, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Diane Heck, R, F, S, CL0556, BENEFIT PROG ADMIN (PERS), 4152.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Diane Kambeitz, R, F, H, CL0415, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV II, 4224.89, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Diane Kleven, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2870.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Diane Klostreich, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2369.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Diane Knauf, R, F, S, CL4029, REG REP-ECON/MED ASST PRG, 3951.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Diane Korf, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Diane Laubner, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3026.25, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Diane Lee, R, F, S, CL3133, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, 3777.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Diane Lillis, R, F, S, CL0415, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV II, 4089.73, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Diane Lipp, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3484.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Diane Little, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3698.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Diane Manthei, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Diane Mihulka, R, P, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3138.00, M, 099, 0.75, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Diane Rau, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1863.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Diane Rice, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 5492.93, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Diane Rogness, R, F, S, CL1228, REG HISTORIC SITES MGR, 3546.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Diane Sellheim, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2671.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Diane Sperle, R, F, S, CL0515, CLAIMS REVIEW SPEC-BND, 1478.79, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Diane Summers, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3178.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Diane Sundby, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2000.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Diane Swenson, R, F, S, JD4220, DEPUTY SUPREME COURT CLERK II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Diane Waliser, R, F, S, CL0407, MGR,  RISK MGMT/WC PRGM, 4596.80, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Diane Weide, R, P, H, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 20.37, H, 099, 0.80, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Diane Wilcken, R, P, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 10.64, H, 004, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Dianna Denault, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 2709.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dianna Piper, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2513.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
DiAnna Willis-Wanschaffe, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 2783.00, M, , 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Dianne Brendel, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1985.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dianne Giessinger, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3518.00, M, 099, 1.00, BENSON, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Dianne Johnson, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 9.00, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Dianne Millar, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3740.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Dianne Reynolds, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3898.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dianne Scott, R, F, S, CL1084, TEACHER IV, 3350.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Dianne Torgerson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Dillys Bach, R, F, S, CL0606, STATE PROCUREMENT OFFICER II, 3630.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Dion Ulrich, R, F, S, JD2410, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR, 5239.00, M, 018, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Dion Wirrenga, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 6092.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Dirk Huggett, R, F, S, CL0127, INFO TECH BUS ANALYST, 5380.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Dirk Kienzle, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3738.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dirk Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 2688.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Dirk Wilke, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3098.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dolf Oldenburg, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4904.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Dolores Fugere, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2290.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dolores Linn, R, F, S, CL1227, HISTORIC SITE SUPV III, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Dolores Villanueva, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 2392.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Don Howie, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 3200.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Don Kaiser, R, P, H, CL0902, RESEARCH ANALYST II, 16.87, H, 010, 0.90, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Don Pfeifer, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3191.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Don Rysavy, R, F, S, JD2210, STAFF ATTORNEY-CENTRAL LEGAL, 7081.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dona Peterson, R, P, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 10.07, H, 004, 0.20, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Donald Anderson, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Donald Canton, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 5549.52, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Donald Clark, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Donald Ehli, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Donald Grove, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Donald Jablonsky, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 14.15, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Donald Jorgensen, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donald Kercher, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.48, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Donald Kosel, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donald Lafleur, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 6425.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Donald Larson, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 5166.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Donald Maack, R, F, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 22.40, H, 011, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Donald Mohagen, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4720.00, M, 013, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Donald Neumann, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3894.00, M, 012, 1.00, DUNN, Highway Patrol
Donald Newberry, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 5563.00, M, 016, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Donald Olson, R, F, S, CL0169, TELECOMM ANALYST II, 3732.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Donald Olson, R, F, S, CL3125, DIR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, 6133.00, M, 016, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Donald Pfaff, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4186.30, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Donald Ronsberg, R, F, S, CL5046, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC II, 2970.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Donald Sipma, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donald Sowatzki, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3488.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Donald Sprout, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 3097.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Donald Temple, R, F, S, CL5002, DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL I, 3584.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Donald Timian, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2328.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Donald Traiser, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 6210.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Donald Underwood, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 3746.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Donald Vanbeek, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 24.09, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Donald Vigesaa, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Donald Windingland, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Donald Wolf, R, F, S, CL2205, DIR,  RIGHT-OF-WAY DIV, 5815.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Donald Wolf, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2817.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Donald Wolf, R, F, S, JD1250, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE, 5782.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donald Wraalstad, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 6.55, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Donald Wright, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 5093.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Donald Wright, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donavon Kuhnhenn, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Doneen Fraase, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 12.31, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Donia Gandrud, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Donn Christoffer, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 3062.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Donna Adam, R, F, H, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3293.33, M, 010, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Donna Anderson, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 3255.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Donna Aukland, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3602.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Donna Bauer, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2215.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Donna Bauer, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2604.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Donna Baxter, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 14.80, H, 005, 0.48, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Donna Berger, R, F, S, CL0175, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC III, 4515.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Donna Bosh, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1977.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Donna Connor, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2416.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Donna Cornelius, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1672.00, M, 004, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Donna Davidson, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3194.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Donna Ellison, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2278.31, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Donna Enzminger, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3418.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Donna Erickson, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2309.00, M, 008, 1.00, RICHLAND, Job Service ND
Donna Fredericksen, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2313.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Donna Frey, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 1550.79, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Donna Fuchs, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Highway Patrol
Donna Groth, R, F, S, CL0508, BANK OP SR PROCESS SPEC, 1295.63, S, 007, 1.00, MORTON, Bank of North Dakota
Donna Helgeson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2234.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Donna Hermanson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donna Iszler, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 5616.00, M, 099, 0.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Donna Johnson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2100.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Donna Jones, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2349.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Donna Kohler, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3792.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Donna Kroeplin, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3049.00, M, 010, 1.00, PIERCE, Department of Human Services
Donna Lindberg, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3446.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Donna Mcfall, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Donna Metzger, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2970.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Donna Michel, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 18.21, H, 008, 0.75, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Donna Miller, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 2749.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Donna Murray, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donna Neumiller, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4498.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Donna Neys, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.64, H, 099, 0.40, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Donna O'Shaughnessy, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2955.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Donna Olson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4055.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Donna Roll, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 1454.83, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Donna Schaffnit, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.77, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Donna Schatz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 1970.42, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Donna Skyberg, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.40, H, 099, 0.20, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Donna Srnsky, R, F, S, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 1677.00, M, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Donna Stoltz, R, F, S, CL4322, JS PROGRAM ADMIN I, 3092.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Donna Stone, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.05, H, 003, 0.25, RICHLAND, Job Service ND
Donna Sweet, R, P, S, CL3017, BASIC CARE UNIT MGR-NDVH, 3794.27, M, 010, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Donna Thronson, R, F, S, CL0860, LOTTERY SALES & MARKETING SPEC, 4050.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Donna Wunderlich, R, F, S, JD1220, DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 5553.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donna Yockim, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3276.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Job Service ND
Donnita Wald, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 6414.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Donovan Foughty, R, F, S, JD1120, PRESIDING JUDGE, 9280.17, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Donovan Slag, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4856.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dora Hulm, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2948.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dora Jenson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3974.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Dora Rolfstad, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Doran Eberle, R, F, S, CL0146, ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE DEV MGR, 6905.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Doreen Altenburg, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Doreen Knutson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2137.00, M, 006, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Doreen Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3375.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Doreen Strode, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4580.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Doreen Yantzer, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dorena Blumhagen, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1563.13, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Doretta Meske, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3795.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dorice Miller, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 4969.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Dorinda Anderson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Doris Giedt, R, F, S, CL1011, INSTRUCTOR, 3626.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Doris Ott, R, F, S, CL1224, STATE LIBRARIAN, 6542.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Doris Tonneson, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4456.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Doris Vanbeek, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.34, H, 099, 0.40, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Dorma Steier, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2212.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dorothy Christensen, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4791.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dorothy Howard, R, F, S, JD1620, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 5916.00, M, 018, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Dorothy K Anderson, R, F, S, CL0581, Hous Prog Rep, 2911.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Dorothy Moen, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 1913.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Dorothy Murchie, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2855.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dorothy Patrick, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2183.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Dorothy Rolfstad, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Dorothy Streyle, R, F, S, CL0852, EXECUTIVE STAFF OFFICER, 4742.10, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Dorothy Thorsen, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3368.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Dorothy Urban, R, F, S, CL5243, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR SPV, 3208.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dorothy Vetter, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 5040.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Dorrene Haugrud, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4153.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Dotty Simes, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3120.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Doug Hove, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1597.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Doug McCrory, R, F, S, CL0172, INFO TECHNOLOGY ADMIN II, 5691.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Doug Sprynczynatyk, R, F, S, CL0601, PURCHASING AGENT I, 1737.46, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Douglas Anderson, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 5183.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Douglas Arndt, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3779.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Douglas Bahr, R, F, S, AG9012, ASST ATTY GEN-ADMIN, 7139.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Douglas Boknecht, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5139.00, M, 014, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Douglas Coyle, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3466.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Douglas Davison, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Douglas Fercho, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5616.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Douglas Goehring, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6811.92, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Douglas Grenz, R, F, S, CL0405, CHIEF EXAMINER, 7087.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Douglas Halley, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, TOWNER, Unified Judicial System
Douglas Herman, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Douglas Hintz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7384.62, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Douglas Hoopman, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Douglas Hoselton, R, F, S, CL0404, SUPERVISING EXAMINER, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Financial Institutions
Douglas Howie, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Douglas Kindem, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Douglas Klomstad, R, F, S, CL8412, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II, 3007.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Douglas Knutson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3638.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Douglas Leier, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4314.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Game & Fish Dept
Douglas Martin, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2600.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Douglas Mattson, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Douglas Momerak, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 3648.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Douglas Neumiller, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, WELLS, Unified Judicial System
Douglas Olson, R, F, S, CL6013, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN SUPV, 5646.00, M, 013, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Douglas Peterson, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 3871.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Douglas Rumpza, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3543.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Douglas Sailer, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Douglas Schultz, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Douglas Schumaker, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5421.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Douglas Smith, R, F, S, CL0415, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV II, 3957.94, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Douglas Staples, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2794.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Douglas Tobkin, R, F, S, CL6221, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR I, 2600.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Douglas Townsend, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Douglas Tschetter, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3990.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Douglas Vannurden, R, F, S, CL1072, VOC TECH ED ASST PROG DIR, 4767.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Douglas Webber, R, F, S, CL8606, PRINTING EQUIP OP II, 1851.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Douglass Prchal, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 6775.53, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Doyle Aas, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2458.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Dreux Kautzmann, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 5445.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Drew Fellman, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Drinda Olsen, R, F, S, CL1603, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM III, 3540.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Duane Armstrong, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4455.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Highway Patrol
Duane Broschat, R, F, S, CL0453, MGR OF EMPLOYMENT STATS, 5287.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Duane Carlstrom, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5099.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Duane Dekrey, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Duane Duff, R, F, S, CL8122, HEATING PLANT SUPV II, 4164.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Duane Edwards, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2080.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Duane Finnie, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Duane Hartze, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 4866.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Duane Isaacson, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 4348.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Duane Jangula, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 5743.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Duane Knoll, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 3508.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Duane Knutson, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1976.00, M, 003, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Duane Krein, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2503.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Duane Moen, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Duane Schell, R, F, S, CL0185, MGR,  NETWORK BUS CONSULTING, 6327.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Duane Severson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dubi Schwanz, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 2883.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Durene Gruebele, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2709.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Dustan Jacobson, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5045.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Dustin Casady, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Dustin Fetzer, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Dustin Krueger, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4095.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Dustin Krueger, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Dustin Kuhn, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.00, H, 099, 0.50, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Dustin Lang, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4071.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Dustin Myers, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Dustin Repnow, R, F, S, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 1807.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Dustin Wadholm, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Dustin Walcker, R, F, S, CL0232, INFO SYSTEMS AUDITOR II, 3120.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Dustin Wing, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4416.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Duwayne Pochant, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, SHERIDAN, Game & Fish Dept
Dwain Fagerlund, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 40.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dwayne Sticka, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4913.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Dwight Comfort, R, F, S, CL2052, WATER RESOURCE ENGR III, 3833.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Dwight Cook, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Dwight Crabtree, R, F, S, CL1074, VOC TECH ED ASST ST DIR, 5625.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Dwight Cummings, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.68, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Dwight Keck, R, F, S, CL8131, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR I, 4014.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Dwight Mosbrucker, R, F, S, CL8133, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR III, 4465.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Dwight Stewart, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.70, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Dwight Wrangham, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Dylan Remmick, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Dylan Seaver, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
E Diane Laub, R, F, S, CL0928, BUSINESS OP MGR,  DOT, 4736.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Earl Ackerman, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2947.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Easton Brown, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Game & Fish Dept
Ed Kehrwald, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 6199.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Eddie Simonsen, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1757.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Edmund Gruchalla, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Edmund Gruchalla, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Edmund Iverson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3551.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Edna Keller, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3502.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Edna Larson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.85, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Eduardo Yabut, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 15288.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Edward Collier, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4326.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Edward Erickson, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 5506.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Edward Fischer, R, F, S, CL8121, HEATING PLANT SUPV I, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Edward Fischer, R, F, S, CL8262, SYSTEMS MECHANIC II, 3355.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Edward Gall, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 2894.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Edward Gregoire, R, F, S, CL3426, EMER MEDICAL SVCS SPEC II, 3174.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Edward Jeannotte, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3513.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Edward Larson, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3718.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Edward Murphy, R, F, S, CL2089, STATE GEOLOGIST, 6785.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Edward Nelson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2920.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Edward Pavlish, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 5895.00, M, 014, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Edward Pergotski, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2242.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Edward Sahlstrom, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Edward Sather, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4448.38, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Edward Waala, R, F, S, CL0892, PROJECT MANAGER II, 4368.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Edward Weigel, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5737.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Edwin Nagel, R, F, S, CL0246, DIR - STATE AUDIT DIV, 7250.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Edwin Obrigewitsch, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2528.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Edwin Pawlikowski, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.50, H, 099, 0.50, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Edwin Ryen, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5114.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Edwin Williams, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1467.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Edwina Contreraz, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Edythe Nelsen, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 19.79, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Eileen Demers, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2617.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Eileen Ferderer, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3066.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Council on the Arts
Eileen Hochhalter, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Eileen Holwegner, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 6219.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Eileen Lindbo, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3523.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Eileen Moberg, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3642.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Eileen Schneider, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Eileen Wehri, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 4058.34, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Elaine Buchholz, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Elaine Collette, R, P, H, CL7203, LAUNDRY WORKER, 9.78, H, 003, 0.30, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Elaine Czeczok, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3856.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Elaine Dahl, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3447.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Elaine Fischer, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 1340.17, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Elaine Legg, R, F, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 10.29, H, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Elaine Sayler, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 3000.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Elaine Schlinger, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2253.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Elaine Schlinger, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1281.00, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Elaine Speten, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1937.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Elaine Wanner, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1980.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Elaine Wentz, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3998.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Eldo Johnson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Eldon Krein, R, F, S, CL0590, Hous Prog Dir, 4897.00, M, 014, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Eldon Mehrer, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5224.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
ElDonna Lund, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.75, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Elena Lynnes, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3147.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Eli Schumann, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2534.25, M, 009, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Eli Ulmer, R, F, H, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 15.00, H, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Elijah Cornell, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5261.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Elin Alm, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 4658.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Eliot Glassheim, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Elise Ronsberg, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4259.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Baum, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3045.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Borgen, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2043.00, M, 006, 0.70, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Brocker, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 4108.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Elizabeth Brossart, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Cramer, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Elizabeth Cunningham, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3518.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Elizabeth Degreef, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 2905.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Elizabeth Ecker, R, P, S, CL1084, TEACHER IV, 1904.00, M, 012, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Elizabeth Edinger, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Elizabeth Elsberry, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 4097.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Elizabeth Glaspell, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2976.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Elizabeth Gourneau, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3235.00, M, 010, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Elizabeth Graening, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4313.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Hellerud, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 5008.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Jacobs, R, F, S, CL1213, LIBRARIAN III, 3421.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Elizabeth Jacobson, R, P, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 2077.00, M, 012, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Elizabeth Johnson, R, F, S, CL0902, RESEARCH ANALYST II, 2896.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Elizabeth King, R, F, H, CL0050, ADMISSIONS COORDINATOR, 16.48, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Elizabeth Lunde, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 3489.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Elizabeth Martin, R, F, H, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 2917.20, M, 009, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Elizabeth Michel-Evenson, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3597.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Elizabeth Oppegaard, R, F, S, CL0010, SUPPORTED EMPLOYMT WORKER, 1460.00, M, 001, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Patterson, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2940.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Elizabeth Rezac, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.66, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Elizabeth Schulz, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Elizabeth Skov, R, F, S, CL3021, PSYCH CLINICAL NURSE SPEC, 6194.00, M, 015, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Suda, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3222.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Tarno, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1950.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Elizabeth Trythall, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ella Black-Cloud, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2052.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ella Davis, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3143.00, M, 012, 1.00, ROLETTE, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Ella Monette, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2130.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ellen Arnold, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2118.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ellen Berg, R, F, S, CL4252, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST II, 2800.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Ellen McCarthy, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Ellen Overbo, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 2004.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Ellen Thompson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3256.01, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ellie Papineau, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3336.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Ellyn Sturgeon, R, P, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1031.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Elmer Scott, R, F, S, CL8292, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN II, 3368.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Elmer Thurn, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Elmer Werbelow, R, F, S, CL8262, SYSTEMS MECHANIC II, 3462.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Elroy Kadrmas, R, F, S, CL2114, GIS SPECIALIST II, 3550.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Elroy Lindaas, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Elsie Grossman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4205.62, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Elsie Motter, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3255.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Elton Ellingson, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 3020.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Elwood Thorpe, T, P, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Emily Eslinger, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Emily Gullicks, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2150.66, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Emily Gunnerson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Emily Hilgers, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3086.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Emily Hille, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4111.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Emily Hranicka, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2760.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Emily Mercer, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Emily Myers, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 1890.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Emmy Opskar, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4644.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Eric Abrahamson, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Eric Atwood, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3734.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Eric Baumann, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 5118.13, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Eric Deppa, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Eric Eberle, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Eric Elhard, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Eric Godel, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3245.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Eric Gustafson, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 16.44, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Eric Hardmeyer, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7668.71, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Eric Hieb, R, F, S, CL3243, MICROBIOLOGIST III, 4107.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Eric Icard, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4703.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Eric Johnson, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3626.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Eric Johnson, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 100.00, H, 099, 0.63, OUT OF ND, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Eric Kibbel, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Eric Lang, R, F, S, CL6045, PARK MANAGER I, 3244.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Eric Langenfeld, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Eric Molbert, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5595.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Eric Ova, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3340.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Eric Pederson, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5350.00, M, 014, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Highway Patrol
Eric Rudrud, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3498.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Eric Stroshane, R, F, S, CL1213, LIBRARIAN III, 3593.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Eric Wingenbach, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1255.76, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Eric Woodard, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3515.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Erica Azure, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.50, H, 099, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Erica Boyer, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.50, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Erica Olson, R, F, S, CL6306, AGRI MARKETING SPEC II, 3398.34, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Wheat Commission
Erica Schumacher, R, P, H, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 10.86, H, 007, 0.30, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Erica Severson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.26, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Erica Shively, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 3500.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Erica Tang, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2075.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Erica Unrath, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1196.65, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Erich Haugen, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3165.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Erick Glasser, R, F, S, CL8261, SYSTEMS MECHANIC I, 2747.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Erik Dietrich, R, F, S, CL2103, PLANNER III, 2916.68, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Erik Elkins, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5287.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Erik Hove, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Erik Janzon, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Erik Montgomery, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2541.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Erik Sather, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Erik Schmidt, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3268.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Erika Lorenz-Perry, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2292.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Erin Christmann, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Erin Droske, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Erin Kading, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2071.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Erin Severson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.82, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Erna Meberg, R, P, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 3380.00, M, 012, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ernest Dawson, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3579.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Ernest Erickson, R, F, S, CL8292, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN II, 2719.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Errol Behm, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 26.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Errol Erickson, R, F, S, CL3233, CHEMIST III, 4244.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ervin Perkins, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Erwin Curry, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 3833.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Erwin Fischer, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3984.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Erwin Schmidt, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Erwin Zimprich, R, F, S, CL0190, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, 5325.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Estelle Kirchoffner, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2389.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Esther Hylden, R, P, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 2113.00, M, 012, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Esther Jangula, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2666.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Esther Rygg, R, F, S, CL0161, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR I, 4059.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Esther Vogel, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5042.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ethan Myhre, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Eugene Baker, R, F, S, CL8623, MICROFILM SPECIALIST, 2236.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Eugene Johnson, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 4003.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Eugene Laverdure, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Eugene Masse, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, EDDY, Game & Fish Dept
Eugene Mellem, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2979.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Eugene Roach, R, F, S, CL0150, D B DESIGN ANALYST III, 5827.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Eugene Schoenwald, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Eugenie Lang, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 3698.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Health
Eulalie Heidt, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.04, H, 099, 0.40, STARK, Department of Human Services
Eunice Meidinger, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3663.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Eunice Sayler, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2903.00, M, 010, 1.00, MERCER, Job Service ND
Eva Tesky, R, P, H, CL3051, L P NURSE I, 18.45, H, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Evan Bjerke, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Historical Society
Evanda Staigle, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3101.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Evangeline Olson, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3366.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Eveleen Armbrust, R, F, H, CL7122, COOK I, 11.75, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Evelyn Jochim, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1269.96, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Evelyn Roberson, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1880.94, M, 005, 0.81, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Everett Olson, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Evette Bosch, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3603.53, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Faith Colbrunn, R, P, H, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 13.33, H, 007, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Fanny Schaeffer, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2681.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Fay Kopp, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6210.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Faye Huether, R, P, H, CL3061, REGISTERED NURSE I, 21.33, H, 010, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Faye Roth, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Faye Tschosik, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3519.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Faye Wangen, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Faye Weiss, R, F, S, CL3021, PSYCH CLINICAL NURSE SPEC, 6453.00, M, 015, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Faye Wolf, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 8.89, H, 003, 0.46, STARK, Job Service ND
Felicia Pritchett, R, F, H, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 9.68, H, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Felipe Martinez, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2044.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Fern Olson, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3545.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Fern Swenson, R, F, S, CL1260, DIV DIR,  STATE HIST SOC, 5322.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Floyd Alford, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 2029.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Floyd Boschee, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 4363.00, M, 012, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Floyd Brunmeier, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2448.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Floyd Eklund, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Fonda Powell, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2487.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Frances Strand, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3423.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Frances Zuther, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3606.96, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Admin Hearings
Francine Aune, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2025.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Francine Larson, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 2985.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Francis Longtine, R, F, S, CL6422, SEED INSPECTOR II, 3115.00, M, 008, 1.00, PEMBINA, Seed Department
Francis Scharosch, R, F, S, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 2132.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Francis Wald, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Francis Zerr, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2982.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Francis Ziegler, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 9689.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Frank Baumgartner, R, F, S, CL3402, ENV HEALTH PRACT II, 3562.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Health
Frank Clemens, R, F, S, CL8205, BRICKLAYER,  MAINTENANCE, 3132.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Frank Kartch, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Frank Kartch, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Frank Laqua, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4388.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Frank Larocque, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4212.00, M, 012, 1.00, PIERCE, Highway Patrol
Frank Racek, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Frank Snow, R, F, S, CL0172, INFO TECHNOLOGY ADMIN II, 5280.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Frank Strom, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3659.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Frank Wollschlager, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2568.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Franklin Kraft, R, F, S, CL0143, Prog Analyst III, 4709.00, M, 013, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Fred Anderson, R, F, S, CL2083, GEOLOGIST III, 4685.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Fred Gunn, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2155.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Fred Larson, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4594.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Freddy Wooten, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 30.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Frederick Ehrhardt, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5015.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Frederick Walker, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4077.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Frederick Wilson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Fredric Carter, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4588.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gabriel Irvis, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Gabriel Sattler, R, F, S, CL8223, CARPENTER III, 2765.93, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Gabrielle Olafson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gail Allensworth, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2350.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gail Brustad, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2000.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Gail Carlson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2865.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gail Daniel, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 3158.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gail Dockter, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3150.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Gail Doll, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Gail Erickson, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3183.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gail Hagerty, R, F, S, JD1120, PRESIDING JUDGE, 9280.17, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Gail Hayes, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1932.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Gail Klein, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2129.00, M, 004, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Gail Lengenfelder, R, F, S, CL0481, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR REP, 2634.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Gail Mosset, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2631.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Gail Pearson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, CAVALIER, Unified Judicial System
Gail Phillipe, R, F, S, CL4209, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT SPEC, 2309.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gail Riedinger, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2132.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Gail Schultz, R, P, H, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 12.92, H, 005, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gail Soderberg, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1960.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Galeila Schauer, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4518.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Galen Briese, R, F, S, CL6405, FIELD SEED PROGRAM MANAGER, 3596.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Galen Hanson, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3640.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Garnetta Wanner, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2129.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Garrett Hartl, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3764.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Garrett Jepsen, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Garrett Kirchmeier, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Garry Freier, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 28.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Garry Houim, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 4682.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Garry Ouren, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2834.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Garry Redmann, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4314.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Garry Vick, R, F, S, CL8203, MAINTENANCE SUPV I, 2465.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Garry Wagner, R, F, S, CL6201, AG PROGRAM COORDINATOR, 3376.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Gary Baem, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2791.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Gary Berreth, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4977.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gary Bitz, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gary Bornsen, R, F, S, CL0175, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC III, 3753.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Gary Bracht, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 4957.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gary Dennis, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3464.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gary Doerr, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5488.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gary Feist, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3793.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Gary Feist, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gary Garland, R, F, S, CL2104, PLANNER IV, 4695.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gary Gjevre, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3205.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gary Gronberg, R, F, S, CL1619, DIVISION MANAGER,  DPI, 7437.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Gary Haberstroh, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4759.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gary Hagel, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.00, OLIVER, Unified Judicial System
Gary Heisler, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5091.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Gary Hoffman, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2307.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gary Hoffmann, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3841.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Gary Jensen, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Gary Kadrmas, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3522.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Gary Kjos, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4474.00, M, 013, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gary Kline, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4720.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gary Kok, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5829.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Gary Kreidt, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Gary Lee, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Gary Lee, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Gary Lipp, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 6225.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Gary McNea, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2486.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Gary Miller, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2793.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gary Molstad, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 3081.00, M, 009, 1.00, DICKEY, Department of Agriculture
Gary Monson, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1752.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Gary Olson, R, F, S, CL2204, REALTY OFFICER IV, 4178.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gary Orluck, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5532.00, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Gary Preszler, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 6671.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Gary Rader, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2744.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gary Rankin, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Game & Fish Dept
Gary Riemer, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2660.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gary Schlagel, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3091.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Gary Skarphol, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 4602.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Gary Sowatzki, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4959.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gary Stefanovsky, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3496.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gary Stevens, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.91, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Gary Sukut, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Gary Tofte, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1852.00, M, 003, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Gary Trottier, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3997.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gary Vetter, R, F, S, CL0133, DIRECTOR,  CUSTOMER SVCS DIV, 6651.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Gary Vetter, R, F, S, CL0154, DATA PROC COORD IV, 4593.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Gary Willman, R, F, S, CL8210, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR II, 3383.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gary Yantzer, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 3082.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gavin Dietz, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, BARNES, Highway Patrol
Gay Marlenee, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Gayla Gienger, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2125.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gayle Chapin, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2047.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gayle Gill, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Gayle Heinle, R, F, S, CL0503, TELLER, 1113.04, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Gayle Heskin, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2644.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gayle Peltier, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2548.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Gaylen Marzolf, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 3004.74, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Gene Fayette, R, P, H, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 13.19, H, 006, 0.10, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Gene Haugen, R, F, S, CL1211, LIBRARIAN I, 2649.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gene Kouba, R, F, S, CL4231, VETERANS BENEFITS SPEC, 2810.08, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Gene Potter, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Gene Redmann, R, F, S, CL1011, INSTRUCTOR, 3626.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gene Vaneeckhout, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Genelle Dollinger, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3047.16, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Geneva Anderson, R, F, S, CL5046, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC II, 2893.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Geneva Lopez, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2122.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Genevieve Trautmann, R, F, S, CL0022, DOCUMENT IMAGING SPEC II, 2392.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Genia Hesser, R, F, S, CL1233, MUSEUM SPECIALIST, 3268.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Geniece Holst, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
George Anderson, R, F, S, CL0401, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR I, 3491.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
George Jackson, R, F, S, CL0382, FIELD AUD II-MILK MKTG BD, 3470.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Milk Marketing Board
George Keiser, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
George Kobel, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3221.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
George Lee, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 4696.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
George Midboe, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.91, H, 005, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
George Nodland, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
George Pavlicek, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3375.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
George Scull, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 0.70, RANSOM, Veterans Home
George Smith, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 3890.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
George Walker, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Georgette Bradley, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2528.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Georgia Clement, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 14.63, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Georgia Dawson, R, F, S, JD1120, PRESIDING JUDGE, 9280.17, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Gerald Allen, R, F, S, CL8243, ELECTRICIAN III, 3599.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Gerald Baumgartner, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Gerald Brennan, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 12.75, H, 099, 1.00, DUNN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Gerald Buresh, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2800.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Gerald Casavant, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2815.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gerald Geist, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4661.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gerald Golberg, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 4063.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Gerald Haag, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 3744.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Health
Gerald Harrington, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2228.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gerald Heiser, R, F, S, CL6052, WATER RESOURCE PROGRAM ADMIN I, 3465.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Gerald Johnson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2946.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Gerald Kautzman, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4537.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gerald Klein, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Gerald Kobriger, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Gerald Kulish, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 3000.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Gerald Laturnus, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2744.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gerald Mccarty, R, F, S, CL5002, DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL I, 3734.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Gerald Newborg, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 30.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Gerald Olson, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4841.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Gerald Rice, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3041.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Gerald Rustad, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Gerald Serhienko, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3215.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gerald Swang, R, F, S, CL8607, PRINTING EQUIP OP III, 3128.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Gerald Uglem, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Gerald Uriell, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2218.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Gerald Vandewalle, R, F, S, JD1100, CHIEF JUSTICE - SUPREME COURT, 10126.09, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Geraldine French, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 10.43, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Geraldine Kautzman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Geraldine Penberthy, R, P, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 10.79, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Geraldine Teevens, R, F, S, CL1607, SPEC EDUC REGIONAL COORD II, 4499.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Geraldine Weisgerber, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3441.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Geraldine Welk, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Geralyn Evans, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 3062.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Geralyn Linseth, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3544.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Gerard Hegstad, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Geri Christianson, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Geri Frohlich, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2148.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Germaine Jelinek, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Gerri Anderson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3065.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Gideon Raile, R, F, S, CL2203, REALTY OFFICER III, 3555.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gilbert Kjelden, T, F, H, NC9008, TEMPORARY-NOT CLASSIFIED, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Gilbert Temme, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 23.48, H, 099, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gilda Mack-Lubinski, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3147.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Gilda Vilandre, R, F, S, CL7162, FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR I, 2614.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Giles Heinen, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Gina Guthmiller, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1893.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gina Neigum, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3353.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gina Wariner, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ginger Mcdaniel, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2559.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Girish Budhwar, R, F, S, CL0931, EDUCATION INFO PROCESS ANALYST, 4031.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Gladys Botz, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2183.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gladys Kemnitz, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Historical Society
Gladys Schmitt, R, F, S, JD4510, CALENDAR CONTROL CLERK, 3858.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Gladys Tanata, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1709.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Glen Froseth, T, F, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Glen Kuehn, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3086.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Glen Lewis, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 3000.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Glen Rutherford, R, F, S, CL0178, ENTERPRISE IT ARCHITECT, 6759.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Glenda Anderson, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 5660.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Glenda Block, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 15.54, H, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Glenda Thomssen, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 3138.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Glenn Heizelman, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3720.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Glenn Jackson, R, F, S, CL0924, ADMIN DIV DIRECTOR,  DOT, 5760.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Glenn Rude, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2407.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Glenn Schneider, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2629.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Glenn Schulz, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.84, H, 099, 0.40, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Glenn Strom, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4576.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Glenn Weigel, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3985.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Milk Marketing Board
Glenn Wollan, R, F, S, CL2094, PETROLEUM ENGINEER IV, 6450.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Glenna Ellison, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 4114.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Glenna Jacobson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Gloria Blomberg, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.90, H, 003, 0.20, WILLIAMS, Job Service ND
Gloria Bohl, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 3818.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Gloria Doerr, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2374.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gloria Gebur, R, F, S, CL3027, DIR OF HEALTH SVCS ADMIN, 5481.00, M, 014, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Gloria Geiger, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3674.07, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Gloria Hedahl, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Gloria Larman, R, F, S, CL7123, COOK II, 1895.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Gloria Maragos, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 5681.00, M, 018, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Gloria Oswald, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1711.00, M, 004, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Gloria Schneider, R, F, H, CL7001, HOUSEKEEPER-GOV'S RES, 10.77, H, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Gloria Sorenson, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 10.51, H, 006, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Gloria Swang, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3343.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Gordon Christensen, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5928.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Gordon Christensen, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2232.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gordon Ebensteiner, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2703.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gordon Eckroth, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3923.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Gordon Lafrance, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4673.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Gordon Maresh, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3289.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Gordon Smith, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 6635.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Gordon Sturgeon, R, F, S, CL2058, HYDROLOGIST III, 4712.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Gordon Weixel, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 3330.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Grace Bryce, R, P, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 2426.40, M, 011, 0.80, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Grace Haisley, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Graham Smith, R, F, S, CL6422, SEED INSPECTOR II, 2920.00, M, 008, 1.00, PEMBINA, Seed Department
Grant Goldade, R, F, S, CL0115, COMPUTER OPERATOR II, 2997.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Grant Levi, R, F, S, CL2030, CHIEF TRANS ENGINEER, 8758.00, M, 019, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Grant Lonski, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Grant Neuharth, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Greg Freeman, R, F, S, CL0824, PUBLIC INFO SPEC IV, 4402.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Greg Gallagher, R, F, S, CL1605, DIRECTOR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 5442.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Greg Grube, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5099.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Greg Gullickson, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 3775.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Game & Fish Dept
Greg Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4129.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Greg Link, R, F, S, CL6010, ASST CHIEF-WILDLIFE DIV, 5913.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Greg Machart, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Agriculture
Greg Olson, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 4392.00, M, 013, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Greg Roufs, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2500.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Greg Strausbaugh, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3382.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Greg Van Vleet, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4916.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Greg Wermers, R, F, S, CL1253, ARCHAEOLOGIST II, 4099.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Greg Wilz, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6832.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Greg Wysk, R, F, S, CL1244, ARCHIVIST I, 2580.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Gregg Stewart, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3435.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gregory Bakke, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3685.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Gregory Buckert, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, SHERIDAN, Game & Fish Dept
Gregory Burgard, R, F, S, CL5532, SECURITY OFFICER II, 2906.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Gregory Carlson, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 3138.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Gregory Corcoran, R, F, S, CL6045, PARK MANAGER I, 3400.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Parks & Recreation Dept
Gregory Doll, R, F, S, CL2204, REALTY OFFICER IV, 5211.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gregory Edwardson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2416.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Gregory Hastings, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Gregory Kolden, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4670.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gregory Lattimore, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4179.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gregory Miller, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3145.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gregory Power, R, F, S, CL6006, CHIEF-FISHERIES DIVISION, 5884.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Gregory Roembach-Clark, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 4285.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Gregory Sandness, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4269.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gregory Semenko, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 5895.00, M, 014, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Gregory Smith, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3994.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Highway Patrol
Gregory Ulberg, R, F, S, CL8293, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III, 3474.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gregory Wavra, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3637.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Gregory Wolter, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Gregory Zeis, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 2402.42, S, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Griselt Andrade, T, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Guadalupe Juarez, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Guadalupe Ortiz, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3100.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Guy Welch, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4423.16, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Gwen Fraase, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.95, H, 099, 0.40, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Gwen Fraase, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.95, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Department of Human Services
Gwendolyn Jakel, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Gwendolyn Mars, R, F, S, CL6203, AG PROGRAM SPECIALIST II, 3033.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Gwyn Bosch, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, MCLEAN, Unified Judicial System
H Kuhn, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Hal Nelson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3028.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Harlan Dyrud, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Harlan Erickson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3368.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Harlan Olson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4783.86, M, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Harlan Sigdahl, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2867.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Harlan Vining, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Harlen Frenzel, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Harley Engelmann, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4446.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Harmon Jackson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.25, H, 099, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Harold Dick, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Harold Haugstad, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.11, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Harold Jack, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Harold Kocher, R, F, S, CL0415, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV II, 5033.55, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Harold Olson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2534.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Harold Parkin, R, F, S, CL2058, HYDROLOGIST III, 4233.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Harold Schuh, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Harold Whitson, R, F, S, CL8222, CARPENTER II, 2808.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Harris Halliday, R, F, S, CL8242, ELECTRICIAN II, 3677.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Harry Heidrich, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2473.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Harry Iszler, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Harry Mcgarvey, R, F, S, CL8342, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II, 3328.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Harry Miller, R, F, S, CL4074, REG DEV DISABIL PRGM ADMN, 4724.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Harry Wolbaum, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3663.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Harvey Hanel, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7765.83, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Harvey Skaare, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 0.50, WILLIAMS, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Hayley Jiras, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Hazel Diede, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2228.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Heath Erickson, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3450.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Heather Andersen, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 2818.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Agriculture
Heather Duchscherer, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3122.00, M, 011, 1.00, MCHENRY, Department of Health
Heather Guttormson, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Heather Hasse, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.78, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Heather Hauschild LeMoine, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4603.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Heather Hovland, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2772.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Heather Johnson, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2038.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Heather Keller, R, F, S, JD4220, DEPUTY SUPREME COURT CLERK II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Heather Kitzan, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2812.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Heather Kramlich, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3985.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Heather Lashman, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3269.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Heather Lider, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3078.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Heather Raschke, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5701.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Heather Schaan, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1650.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Heather Steffl, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 4150.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Heather Will, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Heide Delorme, R, F, S, CL0460, INS CO FINANCIAL ANALYST, 3625.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Heidi Ahl-Quanbeck, R, F, S, CL4201, REG CHILD SUP PROG ADM, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Heidi Bergland, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2318.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Heidi Dullum, R, F, S, JD4110, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 1703.00, M, 004, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Heidi Garmann, R, P, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 1634.00, M, 012, 0.50, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Heidi Jodsaas, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 11.04, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Heidi Madsen, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 4767.00, M, 015, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Heidi Mercil, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3536.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Heidi Nolan, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.96, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Heidi Reimers, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Heidi Ryen, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2710.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Heidi Schneider, R, F, S, CL0232, INFO SYSTEMS AUDITOR II, 3120.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Heidi Selby, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Heidi Zimmerman, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2762.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Helen Baumgartner, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3662.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Helen Brand, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3902.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Helen Cox, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Helen Delaney, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6066.67, M, 099, 1.00, BARNES, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Helen Grenz, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1934.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Helen Just, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3303.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Helen Kapsch, R, F, S, CL0481, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR REP, 2808.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Helen Linnertz, T, P, S, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 1100.00, M, 099, 0.15, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Helen Mcfarland, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Helen Miller, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Helen Samuelson, R, P, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 2163.00, M, 011, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Helen Schneider, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2222.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Helen Seelye, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.85, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Helen Snow, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1979.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
HELEN TESSMANN, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 3712.05, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Racing Commission
Helen Waldner, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1870.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Helena Gregoire, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Helene Rogstad, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Henry Duray, R, F, S, CL6046, PARK MANAGER II, 5145.82, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Henry Kates, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3682.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Henry Richter, R, F, S, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 2004.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Herbert Flitton, R, F, S, CL4171, CHAPLAIN, 3688.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Herbert Schumacher, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1635.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Herbert Schumacher, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.43, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Herman Oehlke, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Herman Wolf, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4674.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Hiedi Miller, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3308.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Hilary Bata, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Hilary schafer, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Hollies Maas-Harrington, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Department of Health
Holly Bicker, R, F, S, CL0702, LEGAL ASSISTANT II, 2785.12, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Holly Dalen, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 2858.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Holly Ell, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2416.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Holly Feltman, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Holly Gaugler, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 6896.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Holly Hansen-Sommerdorf, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4065.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Holly Kienzle, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2340.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Holly Owens, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2503.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Holly Pedersen, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.66, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Holly Pope, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3652.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Holly Schirado, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 1737.83, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Holly Shilling, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Holly Webster, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 4455.00, M, 018, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Holly Young, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2240.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Hollys Peterson, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3543.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Hope Olson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 5620.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Howard Klassy, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.02, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Howard Zent, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 15.40, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Hugh Adams, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Hugo Saraiva, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1651.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ileen Silvernagel, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2812.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Ilene Larson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Illona Jeffcoat-Sacco, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 7068.49, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Inez Rose, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2271.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Inez Ryberg, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2968.00, M, 099, 1.00, PIERCE, Department of Commerce
Inger Kruse, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 4448.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Financial Institutions
Ingo Schulz, R, F, S, CL2404, MILITARY FAC REALTY OFR, 3591.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Irene Berndt, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3524.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Irene Medeiros, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1682.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Irene Morrell, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Irene Perman, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Irene Rassier, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Irene Williams, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3150.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Iris Fuller, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3150.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Irma Moran, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1953.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Irwin Silrum, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6170.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Isaac Kelsey, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Ivana Striebel, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2991.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
J Mark Nesvig, R, F, S, CL2102, PLANNER II, 3575.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
J Mork, R, F, S, CL5208, CONSUMR FRAUD INVESTGR I, 3650.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
J Rondeau, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3400.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jacee Lund, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 2727.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jaci Gately, R, F, S, CL0445, CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE MGR, 4549.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Jack Hansen, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jack Olson, R, F, S, CL2028, ADMIN TRANS PLANNER, 5733.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jack Parisien, R, F, S, CL5526, SAFETY SECURITY SUPV, 3520.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jack Smith, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4489.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jack Vinesett, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3575.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jack Willson, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2339.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jacki Harasym, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 3828.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Jackie Burke, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2814.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jackie Keller, R, F, S, JD4110, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 1703.00, M, 004, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Jackie Lundstrom, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4111.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jackie Presley, R, F, S, JD2110, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER I, 3567.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jackie Printz, R, F, H, CL3263, REGISTERED PHARMACY TECH, 12.22, H, 006, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jaclyn Zahn, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2790.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jacob Bader, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jacob Eiseman, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.21, H, 099, 0.40, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jacob Havig, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Jacob Kowalski, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jacob Krebsbach, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Jacob Lanes, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 0.75, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Jacob Libke, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Jacob Lucy, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Jacob Mertz, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3364.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jacob Miedema, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, SHERIDAN, Game & Fish Dept
Jacob Reinarts, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3275.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jacob Reuter, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4056.00, M, 012, 1.00, SARGENT, Department of Human Services
Jacob Rodenbiker, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3917.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Jacob Roth, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jacob Thiel, R, F, S, CL8262, SYSTEMS MECHANIC II, 2876.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jacob Waldner, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1734.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jacolyn Leftwich, R, F, S, CL0122, DATA INPUT SUPERVISOR II, 2462.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jacque Jensen, R, F, S, CL5023, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC III, 3889.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jacqueline Bosch, R, F, S, CL0422, GRANTS/CONTRACTS OFR II, 4672.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jacqueline Brusseau, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jacqueline Edison, R, F, S, CL4002, ELIG WORKER I, 2392.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jacqueline Ferderer, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2703.83, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Jacqueline Harder, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3345.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jacqueline Knowlen, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3205.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Jacqueline Lelm, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3495.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jacqueline Lipp, R, F, S, CL0827, CIVIL RIGHTS OFFICER II, 3643.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jacqueline Mcdonald, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2421.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jacqueline Meier, R, F, S, CL5701, CMRCL MTR CARRIER PERMIT TECH, 2750.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Jacqueline Soulis, R, P, H, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 11.76, H, 007, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jacqueline Teskey, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 3223.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Jacquelyn Aronson, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3363.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Jacquelyn Meier, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3125.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Jada Bass, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 15.38, H, 008, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jadah Sinclair, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jade Felix, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.25, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jade Vaudrin, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jaime Anderson, R, F, S, CL3241, MICROBIOLOGIST I, 2834.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jaime Fuchs, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1977.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jaime Oberg, R, F, S, CL4209, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT SPEC, 2278.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jaime Solum, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 15.96, H, 008, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jaimee Doll, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
James Acker, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.25, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Historical Society
James Alvarez, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4988.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
James Ash, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5719.25, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
James Bakken, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
James Barnhardt, R, F, S, CL0530, DIR,  COMM & MARKETING-BND, 2456.71, S, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
James Bekken, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, EDDY, Unified Judicial System
James Benjaminson, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, PEMBINA, Highway Patrol
James Bennington, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4033.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Billey, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
James Boehm, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 5089.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Bosch, R, P, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 780.00, M, 004, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
James Boyd, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5356.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
James Brines, R, F, S, CL4020, QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER, 3256.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
James Burud, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3775.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Game & Fish Dept
James Casavant, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4496.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
James Christensen, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3139.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
James Clement, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 37.50, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
James Clinkenbeard, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 15948.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
James Clinkenbeard, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 140.00, H, 099, 0.20, WARD, Department of Human Services
James Cofield, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2475.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
James Colling, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 4518.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Collins, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3717.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
James Collins, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 12849.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
James Crow, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 3506.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Dahle, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.10, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
James Dahle, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
James Davis, R, F, S, CL1245, ARCHIVIST II, 3691.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
James Deutsch, R, F, S, CL5265, DIR,  REC & ABANDONED MINE LAND, 7313.40, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
James Dotzenrod, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 0.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
James Dunn, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
James Fay, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 5418.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
James Fischer, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3744.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
James Fischer, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Fish, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 5029.00, M, 018, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
James Fleming, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 5646.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
James Fron, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
James Gebhardt, R, F, S, CL0440, REG HSC FISCAL MGR-DHS, 4642.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
James Gebhardt, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3042.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Gienger, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3455.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
James Gray, R, F, S, CL6201, AG PROGRAM COORDINATOR, 4324.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
James Grimley, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
James Hansen, R, F, S, CL2114, GIS SPECIALIST II, 4027.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
James Harris, R, F, S, JD1500, DIR CENTRAL LEGAL STAFF, 7389.00, M, 023, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
James Hartley, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Parks & Recreation Dept
James Hirsch, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6235.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
James Hoffert, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 18.00, H, 099, 1.00, PIERCE, Department of Agriculture
James Holben, R, F, S, CL4092, BEHAVIOR MOD SPEC II, 3500.00, M, 011, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
James Holman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
James Houston, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2147.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
James Jacobson, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4334.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
James Jenness, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2592.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
James Karlin, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2426.16, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
James Kasper, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
James Keller, R, F, S, CL2204, REALTY OFFICER IV, 4418.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Kerzman, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
James Kruft, R, F, S, CL8262, SYSTEMS MECHANIC II, 3654.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Kubik, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2047.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
James Lawson, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3058.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
James Leier, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2668.33, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
James Leingang, R, F, S, CL8243, ELECTRICIAN III, 4201.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
James Lindholm, R, F, S, CL0171, INFO TECHNOLOGY ADMIN I, 5355.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
James Lindquist, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3875.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
James Lindseth, R, F, S, CL2052, WATER RESOURCE ENGR III, 4571.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
James Loken, R, F, S, CL6045, PARK MANAGER I, 3600.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
James Ludwig, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1682.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
James MacArthur, R, F, S, CL6055, WATER RESOURCE PROJ MGR, 3523.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
James Mandigo, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 9.62, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
James Marsolek, R, F, S, CL8412, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II, 2140.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
James Martel, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3645.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
James Marthaller, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Martin, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5452.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Mclean, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
James Mertens, R, F, S, CL8223, CARPENTER III, 3622.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Myhre, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3541.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
James Nygaard, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.00, H, 099, 0.38, STUTSMAN, Highway Patrol
James Pape, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3230.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
James Pedersen, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3482.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
James Peters, T, P, H, NC9008, TEMPORARY-NOT CLASSIFIED, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
James Peterson, R, F, S, CL6307, WHEAT MKTG & DEVEL DIR, 6250.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Wheat Commission
James Pomeroy, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
James Potts, R, F, S, CL2091, PETROLEUM ENGINEER I, 3203.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
James Prochniak, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5350.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
James Pursley, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3694.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
James Quarnstrom, R, F, S, CL3258, SENIOR CHEMIST I, 4378.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
James Rath, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 5849.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Redding, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6928.00, M, 016, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
James Reed, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2648.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
James Reidy, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
James Roney, R, F, S, CL8436, Transportation Srvcs Sprv I, 3470.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
James Rumple, R, F, S, CL5243, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR SPV, 3130.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Schmeichel, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3182.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Semerad, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 5344.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
James Smith, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 10140.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
James Smrcka, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4004.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
James Styron, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3635.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Szklarski, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2446.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
James Vukelic, R, F, S, CL5245, HEARING OFFICER I-DOT, 4160.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
James Wahl, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4423.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
James Weiand, T, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.66, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
James Weigel, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 3228.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
James Wilebski, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2079.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
James Wren, R, F, S, CL8321, FLEET & EQUIP TECH I, 2605.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
James Zenker, R, F, S, CL8436, Transportation Srvcs Sprv I, 3373.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Jameson Knudson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jamey Jahner, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3799.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Jamie Christensen, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 1920.46, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jamie Demaree, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3565.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jamie Goulet, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4018.00, M, 013, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Jamie Huschka, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3806.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Jamie Kinsella, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4690.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Jamie Krous, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 3775.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Jamie Mertz, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 2458.13, S, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jamie Naumann, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3793.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jamie Vetter, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jamie Villella, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.20, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jamie Wicks, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2758.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jan Blixt, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3271.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jan Legacie, R, F, H, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 18.05, H, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Jan Mcnally, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 21.75, H, 011, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jan Merkel, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1208.73, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jan Schultz, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jan Trythall, R, F, S, CL3243, MICROBIOLOGIST III, 3892.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jan Witte-Bakken, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 6300.00, M, 015, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jana Corbett, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Jane Ambers, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 2768.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jane Barta, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1808.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jane Berger, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5556.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jane Bjugstad, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1039.29, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jane Cook, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Jane Feland, R, F, S, CL0201, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC I, 1861.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jane Gillig-Hoekstra, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4319.00, M, 012, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Jane Glander, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2184.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Jane Graveline, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3078.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jane Hess, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2439.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jane Johnson, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3840.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jane Kangas, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3212.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Health
Jane M Martin, R, F, S, CL0592, Hous Prog Admin II, 4079.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Jane Mohler, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 3540.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Jane Ofstedal, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 14.00, H, 099, 0.50, BOTTINEAU, Department of Human Services
Jane Paschke, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3290.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jane Price, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3046.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jane Wick, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4636.75, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Janel Frenzel, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1978.73, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Janel Kolar, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2401.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Janel Schmitz, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Janell Anderson, R, F, H, CL7210, LAUNDRY SUPERVISOR, 12.47, H, 004, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Janell Bosch, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1122.58, S, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Janell Clooten, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 1840.00, M, 008, 0.80, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Janell Lunde, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2017.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Janell Pederson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2045.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Janell Quinlan, R, F, S, CL5047, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC III, 4028.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Janelle Kuznia, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1826.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Janelle Olson, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3964.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Janelle Portscheller, R, F, S, CL3236, FORENSIC SCIENTIST II, 3220.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Janelle Sanoski, R, P, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2772.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Janelle Sigette, R, F, S, CL0217, Hous Prog Spec I, 2541.00, M, 008, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Janet Bashus, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2879.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Janet Burns, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2045.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Janet Fischer, R, F, S, CL0592, Hous Prog Admin II, 3701.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Janet Foerster, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 2905.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Janet Frank, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 11.73, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Janet Franklund, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2095.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Janet Garvin, R, F, S, CL0581, Hous Prog Rep, 2845.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Janet Gatzke, R, F, S, CL0601, PURCHASING AGENT I, 2893.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Janet Jochim, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Janet Marquart, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2787.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Janet Moore, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3150.00, M, 010, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Janet Naumann, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4981.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Janet Nelson, R, F, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 13.43, H, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Janet Phelps, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2129.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Janet Rosencrans, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 0.50, WARD, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Janet Schollmeyer, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3210.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Janet Schwab, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1317.04, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Janet Stout, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.68, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Janet Teberg, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Janet Webster, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 2793.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Janet Wood, R, F, S, CL3120, PHYS THER AIDE-DEV CNTR, 2083.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Janice Belohlavek, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Janice Gill, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 8.20, H, 003, 0.12, MERCER, Job Service ND
Janice Haas, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4204.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Janice Liudahl, R, F, S, CL4029, REG REP-ECON/MED ASST PRG, 3535.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Janice Lysengen, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2205.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Janice Ness, R, F, S, CL3113, ACTIVITY THERAPIST III, 4246.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Janice Pratt, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1577.50, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Janice Schick, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3493.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Janice Sears, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.45, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Janice Sowokinos, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 30.03, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Janice Stoffel, R, P, S, CL1086, TEACHER VI, 359.00, M, 013, 0.10, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Janice Vetter, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2568.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Janice Weaver, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2953.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Janice Wolf, R, P, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 11.49, H, 004, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Janine Huebner, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2047.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Janine Webb, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 4845.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Council on the Arts
Janis Hogan, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2011.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Janis Johnson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2564.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Janis Lund, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2704.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Janis Stoppler, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jann Neameyer, R, F, H, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 21.00, H, 010, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Janna Charrier, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Janna Tellmann, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3107.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jannelle Combs, R, F, S, JD1310, CHIEF DEP-CLERK OF SUPREME CT, 5122.00, M, 020, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jared Binder, R, F, S, CL0157, TELECOMM TECH II, 3404.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jared Carlson, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2581.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jared Hopkins, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jared Purcell, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Jaret Cvancara, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3005.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Jason Andersen, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3239.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Jason Anderson, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3332.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jason Berg, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2675.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jason Bryhn, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3290.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jason Carlson, R, F, S, CL8046, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC I, 2218.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Jason Dutenhafer, R, F, S, CL8210, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR II, 2617.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jason Fischer, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4700.00, M, 013, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Jason Fowler, R, F, S, CL0402, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR II, 3995.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Jason Hicks, R, F, S, CL2091, PETROLEUM ENGINEER I, 3205.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURKE, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Jason Horner, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3990.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jason Hunter, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2784.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Jason Johnston, R, F, S, CL8245, MAINTENANCE & PROJ COORD, 3780.33, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jason Kovaloff, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2417.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Jason Larson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2149.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jason Lee, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4588.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jason Leonard, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jason Marino, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2080.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Jason Mosset, T, P, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Jason Newman, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jason Peterson, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4687.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jason Rohr, R, P, S, CL1081, TEACHER I, 1506.00, M, 011, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Info Tech Dept
Jason Schiebe, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2569.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jason Scott, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3756.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Game & Fish Dept
Jason Sieler, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jason Smith, R, F, S, CL6002, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jason Steckler, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7666.66, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Jason Thorenson, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5144.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jason Wahl, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5120.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Jason Wald, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4723.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jason Wirtz, R, F, S, CL6203, AG PROGRAM SPECIALIST II, 3369.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jason Wright, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2712.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Jasper Schneider, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Jay Alberta, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3165.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Jay Buringrud, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 9464.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Jay Greenwood, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4559.36, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Jay Kamletz, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2381.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Jay Matteson, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1682.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jay Praska, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5156.00, M, 013, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Jay Snustad, R, F, S, CL0190, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, 5852.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jayden Honeyman, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Jayden Pascua, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 3275.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Jaylen Lutes, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3408.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Jayme Olson, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2818.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jayme Tenneson, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jayne Bernhardt, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2023.44, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jayne Wallace, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 2806.27, M, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Jayson Cofell, R, F, S, CL0161, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR I, 3422.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jayson Zeeb, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1091.67, S, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jean Boxrud, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jean Burke, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 4826.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jean Fredrich, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Jean Frykman, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1754.00, M, 005, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Jean Gilbertson, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3045.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jean Haus, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Jean Lindvig, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Jean Miller, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, NELSON, Unified Judicial System
Jean Moch, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.02, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Jean Monroe, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3579.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jean Prindiville, R, P, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4131.23, M, 099, 0.85, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jean Scheet, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2726.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jean Thielges, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4144.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jean Turcotte, R, F, S, CL1226, HISTORIC SITE SUPV II, 2279.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jeanette Amundson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jeanette Bean, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1845.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Jeanette Collins, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3427.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jeanette Feser, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1467.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Jeanette Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0150, D B DESIGN ANALYST III, 5822.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeanette Kolberg, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.58, H, 099, 0.48, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Jeanette Krebs, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2045.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jeanette Lorenzen, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jeanette Mygland, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jeanette Wetsch, R, F, S, CL4209, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT SPEC, 2338.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jeani Borchert, R, F, S, CL1253, ARCHAEOLOGIST II, 4317.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jeanie Olson, R, F, S, CL0311, COMPLIANCE OFFICER I, 3591.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jeanine Altringer, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2210.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jeanine Doerr, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4287.59, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jeanith Johnson, R, F, H, CL1015, SIGN LANGUAGE COMM FACILITATOR, 17.63, H, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Jeanna Mueller, R, F, S, CL6402, SEED ANALYST II, 2140.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Jeanne Avey, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jeanne Beitelspacher, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 14.20, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jeanne Brevik, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Jeanne Brown, R, F, S, CL0217, Hous Prog Spec I, 3014.00, M, 008, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Jeanne Hanson, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3375.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jeanne Hanson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Jeanne Johs, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2330.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jeanne Knuth, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3628.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Jeanne Lundstrom, R, F, S, CL0017, LICENSING SPECIALIST III, 2771.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jeanne Reardon, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 12.63, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Jeanne Steiner, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 4648.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jeanne Thomas, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 1204.33, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jeanne Walstad, R, F, S, JD4720, JUDICIAL SECRETARY-JUSTICE, 3553.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jeannie Gross, R, F, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 19.14, H, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jeannine Wohl, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5932.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeb Olson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, DUNN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jeb Williams, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4109.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jed Dahnke, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Jeff Blanchard, R, F, S, CL1227, HISTORIC SITE SUPV III, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jeff Delzer, T, F, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Jeff Eisenzimmer, R, F, S, CL8210, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR II, 2846.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jeff Gitter, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 4106.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jeff Kubisiak, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 4024.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jeff Laber, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2819.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Jeff Merchant, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2254.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Jeff Nuelle, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4334.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jeff Seifert, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Jeff Swenson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2755.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Jeff Weispfenning, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6343.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jeffery Feist, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4045.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jeffery Herman, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4368.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jeffery Jarrett, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2800.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Jeffery Swank, R, F, S, CL0124, INFO TECH PROG ADMIN II, 5677.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeffery York, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3066.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jeffrey Bauske, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, WELLS, Highway Patrol
Jeffrey Berger, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2847.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Jeffrey Bitz, R, F, S, CL0464, DIVISION DIRECTOR,  INSURANCE, 5920.18, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Jeffrey Brown, R, F, S, CL0194, INFO SYS SECURITY ANALYST, 3935.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeffrey Carr, R, F, S, CL0178, ENTERPRISE IT ARCHITECT, 6494.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeffrey Dieter, R, P, S, NC9101, DENTIST-NOT CLASSIFIED, 9199.00, M, 099, 0.70, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey Engleson, R, F, S, CL0258, LAND DEPT INVESTMENT DIRECTOR, 6891.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Jeffrey Faught, R, F, S, CL8422, PILOT, 4535.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jeffrey Goetz, R, F, S, CL8263, SYSTEMS MECHANIC III, 3805.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jeffrey Gregory, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5147.00, M, 015, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey Hauge, R, F, S, CL2044, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR I, 5784.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jeffrey Hendrickson, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4679.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Jeffrey Jensen, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1876.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Jeffrey Jensen, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.82, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jeffrey Jirava, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4485.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jeffrey Klein, R, F, S, CL6053, WATER RESOURCE PROG ADMIN II, 4638.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Jeffrey Knudson, R, F, S, CL6200, AGRI PROGRAM MGR, 4930.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jeffrey Larshus, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 5861.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Jeffrey Long, R, F, S, CL0824, PUBLIC INFO SPEC IV, 3563.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jeffrey Lundmark, R, F, S, CL7123, COOK II, 2117.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey Mattern, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 5443.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Jeffrey Mckinnon, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3119.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey Miller, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4591.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeffrey Mooridian, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4167.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jeffrey Nelson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7675.20, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Jeffrey Person, R, F, S, CL2083, GEOLOGIST III, 4088.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Jeffrey Prischmann, R, F, S, CL6409, DIR,  SEED DIAGNOSTIC LAB, 4850.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Jeffrey Quast, R, F, S, CL0123, INFO TECH PROG ADMIN I, 4259.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeffrey Ridl, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3844.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey Roerick, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3039.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jeffrey Rohrich, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 9.62, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey Stenseth, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 5241.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey Stillwell, R, F, S, JD3330, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4349.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jeffrey Violett, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4552.00, M, 012, 1.00, MORTON, Game & Fish Dept
Jeffrey Wetsch, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3045.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jeffrey White, R, F, S, CL5225, CHIEF INVESTIGATOR, 5787.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jeffrey Wollitz, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3925.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jeffry Johnsrud, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jena Lambrecht, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.87, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jenean Maroney, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2570.88, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Jenifer Brubakken, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2051.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jenna Vondrachek, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jenney Schatz, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2700.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jennie DesLauriers, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Jennifer Bechtold, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 2959.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Berreth, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.04, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jennifer Betz, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1027.00, M, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Bitz, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Blumhagen, R, F, S, CL5243, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR SPV, 2801.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jennifer Burnett, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2343.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Chalupnik, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2103.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Clark, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5694.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Jennifer Cost, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jennifer Curtis, R, F, S, CL5218, CRIMINAL RECORDS ANALYST, 2562.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jennifer Dahl, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3012.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jennifer Dockter, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3110.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jennifer Dutke, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4010.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jennifer Eberle, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1704.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Fergel, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2447.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Jennifer Franck, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 903.00, M, 005, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Jennifer Gemmill, R, F, S, CL3120, PHYS THER AIDE-DEV CNTR, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Gladden, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3872.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Jennifer Gratton, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Grove, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4208.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jennifer Guttu, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jennifer Ham, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 14.93, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Hartze, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3600.09, M, 099, 1.00, PIERCE, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jennifer Helvig, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2206.62, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jennifer Hoggarth, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3294.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jennifer Hooey, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 2609.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Knutson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jennifer Liddle, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jennifer Lindsey, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2908.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Longtine, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2131.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Moldenhauer, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2816.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Mullen, R, P, S, CL3113, ACTIVITY THERAPIST III, 2060.40, M, 011, 0.60, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Pantzer, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 2692.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Penner, R, F, S, CL3236, FORENSIC SCIENTIST II, 3390.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jennifer Safranski, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.50, H, 099, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Schumacher, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 2771.00, M, 010, 1.00, LOGAN, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Sommerfeld, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2299.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Job Service ND
Jennifer Sortland, R, P, S, CL0702, LEGAL ASSISTANT II, 1812.60, M, 009, 0.60, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Swenson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Jennifer Thompson, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 10.30, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Thompson, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.53, H, 099, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Ulland, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 3750.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jennifer Van Beek, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.06, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jennifer Walsh, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3687.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jennifer Wartner, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Witham, R, F, S, CL0177, DIR OF INFO MGMT DIV-DHS, 7100.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jennifer Zaste, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2000.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Jenny Eikamp, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.41, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jenny Kringstad, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1315.25, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jenny Toman, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3597.33, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jenny Waslaski, R, F, S, CL3263, REGISTERED PHARMACY TECH, 2554.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jenny Yearous, R, F, S, CL1233, MUSEUM SPECIALIST, 3315.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jens Gylland, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jenyfer Fischer, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3528.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jerad Bluem, R, F, S, CL6011, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN I, 2600.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jerald Kemmet, R, F, S, CL5006, DIRECTOR - BCI, 7387.00, M, 018, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jerel Erickson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jerel Gulke, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jeremiah Bohn, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Jeremiah Cameron, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3645.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeremie Meisel, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, KIDDER, Highway Patrol
Jeremy Buehre, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3706.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Jeremy Duke, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Jeremy Johnson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.34, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Jeremy Losinski, R, F, S, CL6040, PARK RANGER, 2600.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jeremy Rost, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3994.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Jeremy Rush, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4854.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeremy Schneider, R, F, S, CL0835, INS FORM/RATE ANALYST II, 3466.67, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Jeremy Skjod, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 18.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jeremy Slama, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jeremy Ward, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4012.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jeri Quenzer, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2114.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jeri Weiss, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 4672.00, M, 014, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Jerilynn Herr, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2564.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jerin Stroh, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jerolyn Austin, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2806.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Jerome Barnhardt, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jerome Chaussee, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3802.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jerome Gebhardt, R, F, S, CL5243, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR SPV, 3413.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jerome Grasl, R, F, S, CL8223, CARPENTER III, 3058.82, M, 009, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jerome Hohbein, R, F, S, CL5532, SECURITY OFFICER II, 2939.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jerome Kelsch, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jerome Kelsh, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Jerome Leer, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4215.22, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jerome Reule, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2593.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jerome Schenfisch, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jerome Traver, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jerralyn Bennington, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jerrica Sauer, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3457.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jerrold Arneson, R, F, S, JD3430, NETWORK ANALYST III, 5030.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jerry Allison, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jerry Black, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2792.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jerry Coleman, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 5137.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Jerry Crane, R, F, S, CL5002, DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL I, 3091.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jerry Erickson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3512.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Jerry Fossum, T, F, S, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 36.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jerry Grosz, R, F, S, CL8405, SURPLUS PROPERTY SPECL, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Jerry Hansen, R, F, S, CL8342, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II, 3440.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Jerry Houn, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5172.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Jerry Johnson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2228.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jerry Kleinknecht, R, F, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jerry Klinger, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2951.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jerry Lacroix, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3226.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Jerry Lein, R, F, S, CL5331, PUBLIC UTIL ANALYST II, 4289.12, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Jerry Manuel, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Jerry Miller, R, F, S, CL2034, HWY MAINTENANCE COORD, 5407.00, M, 014, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Jerry Nicholson, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1253.63, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jerry Olson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Jerry Saude, R, F, S, CL6320, LAND MGMT SPECIALIST, 3702.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Jerry Severson, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3354.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Jerry Taxis, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 2056.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jerry Weigel, R, F, S, CL6073, BIOLOGIST III, 5018.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jesse Carlsen, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3068.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jesse Hanson, R, F, S, CL6049, PARKS PLANNING & NAT RES MNGR, 4793.75, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Jesse Juelfs, R, F, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.24, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jesse Kadrmas, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3766.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Jesse Nissen, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3323.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Jesse Vollmer, R, F, S, CL3701, VETERINARIAN I, 5119.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jesse Watland, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2976.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jessica Bergman, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 0.38, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Jessica Cushing, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jessica Eliason, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1957.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Jessica Fretty, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2730.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Jessica Fullerton, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1775.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jessica Funaiole, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2044.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jessica Gabel, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1847.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Jessica Graves, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3484.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jessica Gruman, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.24, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jessica Hoornaert, R, P, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 1990.85, M, 010, 0.73, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jessica Keller, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jessica Lewis, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.63, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jessica Martel, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jessica Mugge, R, P, H, CL4151, PSYCHOMETRIST, 14.59, H, 009, 0.40, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jessica Nygaard, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jessica Olafson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jessica Orr, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3195.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Jessica Page, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jessica Redzanic, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jessica Rogerson, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jessica Rossow, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5069.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jessica Rudnick, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Jessica Sabot, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3297.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jessica Schmidt, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3446.66, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jessica Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2184.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jessica Shore, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jessica Stockert, R, F, S, JD2110, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER I, 3715.00, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Jessica Templeton, R, F, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 13.43, H, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jessie Krodel, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Jewell Colville, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jill Daignault, R, F, S, CL1081, TEACHER I, 2952.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jill Ginder, R, F, S, CL5720, SAFETY AUDITOR I-HP, 3410.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Jill McRitchie, R, F, H, CL3262, PHARMACIST II, 38.38, H, 017, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Jill Monroe, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3200.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jill Nordland, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1891.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jill Schafer, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 5666.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jill Schwab, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3301.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Jill Shoman, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2578.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jill Sletteland, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 3185.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Health
Jill Weigel, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5047.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jim Glick, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 4907.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jim Haluska, R, F, S, CL1082, TEACHER II, 3708.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Jim Lamotte, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3296.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Jim Nissen, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3097.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Jimmy Rhoads, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3692.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jo Anderson, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 2050.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jo Bickert, R, F, S, CL4352, CLAIMS EXAMINER II, 3100.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Jo Marie Sellner, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 4873.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Joan Becker, R, F, S, CL0432, BUSINESS MANAGER II, 5124.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Joan Bohne, R, F, S, CL4251, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST I, 2399.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joan Brunner, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2159.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joan Coleman, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4666.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joan Ehrhardt, R, F, S, CL4026, CLIENT ASSIST PROG ADM II, 4081.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joan Heckaman, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Joan Hoovestol, R, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2895.28, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Beef Commission
Joan Irwin, R, F, S, CL4020, QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER, 3222.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joan Johnson, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1886.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joan Kraft, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3429.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joan Onstad, T, P, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Joan Sawicki, R, F, S, CL0114, COMPUTER OPERATOR I, 1251.25, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Joan Schmidt, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4803.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joan Shulind, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3437.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Joan Slusser, R, F, S, CL3262, PHARMACIST II, 7593.00, M, 017, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joan Smith, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3558.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joan Spitzer, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Joan Stahlhut, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joan Utter, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Joan Wagner, R, F, S, CL7162, FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR I, 4011.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joanie Sanda, R, P, H, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 13.54, H, 007, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
JoAnn Arnold, R, F, S, CL0477, STATE HEALTH INSUR COUNSEL PA, 2508.57, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Joann Bender, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2739.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Joann Burt, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2238.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
JoAnn Deede, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2625.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joann Geroux, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2941.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
JoAnn Lizakowski, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3727.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
JoAnn Loepp, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3465.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joann Lunn, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
JoAnn Marsh, R, F, S, CL0145, SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT MGR, 2847.21, S, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
JoAnn Mitchell, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1974.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joann Mosser, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2579.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joann Nelson, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3494.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Joann Riehl, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2276.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joann Schmitz, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2999.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Joann Schrenk, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Joann Simenson, R, P, S, CL3544, DIETITIAN II, 2442.00, M, 010, 0.75, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joann West, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 11.36, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
JoAnn White, R, P, H, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 12.58, H, 006, 0.70, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Joanne Atkins, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2465.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joanne Becker, R, P, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 1033.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joanne Buck, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2275.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Joanne Dutoit, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1579.50, M, 005, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joanne Hoesel, R, F, S, CL4130, DIR,  MNTL HLTH/SUB ABUSE, 7197.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joanne Kleese, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2376.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joanne Legacie, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2392.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Joanne Lorenz, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4269.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joanne Makelky, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1082.40, M, 005, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joanne Staples, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jocelyn Kolle, R, F, S, CL1081, TEACHER I, 2909.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Jocelyn Lerol, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3217.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jocelyn Martin, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1926.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jocelyn Schneider, R, F, S, CL0136, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC III, 4097.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jodee Benz, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3026.25, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jodee Hanson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2954.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Jodee Sugden, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 28.12, H, 012, 0.12, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jodi Balliet, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jodi Bjornson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 8469.55, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jodi Haugland, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2840.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jodi Hulm, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 3747.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jodi Knudson, R, F, H, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 14.52, H, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jodi Orner, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2912.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jodi Osowski, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jodi Rolle, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2021.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Jodi Ronningen, R, F, S, CL3226, MEDICAL LAB DIRECTOR - DHS, 4822.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jodi Scheeler, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.00, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Jody Bachmeier, R, F, S, JD3150, ACCOUNTANT ANALYST, 3869.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jody Fischer, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jody Fixen, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4590.00, M, 017, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Jody Hendrickson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3065.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jody Larson, R, F, S, CL3133, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, 4393.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jody Link, R, P, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3259.88, M, 099, 0.88, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Jody Luck, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3422.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Jody Reinke, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1092.00, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jody Skogen, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5013.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Joe Herslip, R, F, S, CL0172, INFO TECHNOLOGY ADMIN II, 3009.88, S, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Joe Kroeber, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Joe Landrigan, R, F, S, CL8111, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR I, 2430.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joe Lawson, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3593.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Joe Peyerl, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5354.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Joe Seil, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2668.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Joel Cichos, R, F, S, CL8265, WEAPONS RANGE TECH COORD, 4169.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Joel Erickson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2965.29, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Joel Johnson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3205.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Joel Leapaldt, R, F, S, CL2065, FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ENG, 5221.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Joel Liebl, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Joel Medd, R, F, S, JD1120, PRESIDING JUDGE, 9280.17, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Joel Rhoads, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 11.36, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Joel Wilt, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6039.00, M, 014, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Joell Letzring, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.06, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Department of Health
Joey Miller, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
John Allen, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 35.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
John Anderson, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 24.75, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
John Andrist, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
John Axtman, R, F, S, CL2093, PETROLEUM ENGINEER III, 5170.00, M, 014, 1.00, DIVIDE, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
John Baird, R, P, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 5849.00, M, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
John Barnhard, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3013.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
John Bauer, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
John Bjornson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6896.24, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
John Boyle, R, F, S, CL0918, DIR,  FACILITIES MGMT DIV, 5988.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
John Brammell, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 2926.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
John Brintnell, R, F, S, CL0803, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER I, 3255.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
John Brossart, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 18.15, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
John Brynjolfson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
John Buck, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 3226.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
John Campbell, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
John Colby, T, F, H, JD5310, DRUG COURT COORDINATOR, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
John Dalrymple, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6471.21, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
John Devary, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2485.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
John Diem, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4429.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
John Dvorak, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4077.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
John Edwards, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2840.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
John Elstad, R, F, S, CL5003, DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL II, 4031.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
John Fay, R, P, H, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 12.31, H, 007, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
John Feeney, R, F, S, CL6335, DIR,  MINERALS MGMT DIV, 5100.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
John Fischer, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3894.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
John Flaig, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
John Fox, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 6723.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
John Gabriel, R, F, S, CL3232, CHEMIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
John Glaser, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4578.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
John Greenwood, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
John Grettum, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 6635.00, M, 015, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
John Grinsteiner, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
John Grover, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 4195.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
John Halvorson, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9826.64, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
John Hammer, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
John Hamre, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2489.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
John Helmowski, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2877.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
John Hoeven, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 8335.83, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
John Hoganson, R, F, S, CL2087, PALEONTOLOGY MANAGER, 6325.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
John Holt, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2750.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
John Homelvig, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 4481.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
John Hougen, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.68, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
John Hoverson, R, F, S, CL3402, ENV HEALTH PRACT II, 3265.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Health
John Irby, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
John Jensen, R, F, S, CL0824, PUBLIC INFO SPEC IV, 4533.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
John Kartes, R, F, S, CL8243, ELECTRICIAN III, 4820.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
John Kildahl, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3900.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
John Kramer, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 1888.17, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
John Kwapinski, R, F, S, CL6045, PARK MANAGER I, 3650.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
John Lardinois, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4777.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
John Lindell, R, F, S, CL8231, PLUMBER I, 2715.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
John Marshall, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4605.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
John Mattson, R, F, S, CL1227, HISTORIC SITE SUPV III, 2842.00, M, 010, 1.00, BENSON, Historical Society
John McClintock, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, PIERCE, Unified Judicial System
John Mittleider, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5604.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
John Myhra, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2700.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
John Ouradnik, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2965.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
John Paczkowski, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 5555.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
John Paulson, R, F, S, JD1120, PRESIDING JUDGE, 9280.17, M, 099, 1.00, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
John Pendergast, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4090.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
John Powell, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
John Quast, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2107.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
John Quinlan, R, F, S, CL0312, COMPLIANCE OFFICER II, 3773.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
John Ringsrud, R, F, S, CL6223, SR AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR, 4272.00, M, 011, 1.00, NELSON, Department of Agriculture
John Robbins, R, F, S, CL5250, WEIGHTS & MEASURES INSPTR, 2521.69, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
John Rotenberger, R, F, H, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 14.52, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
John Schiermeister, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
John Schmidt, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4368.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
John Schneider, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4998.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
John Schumacher, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 4070.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
John Sheldon, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5121.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
John Shilling, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 16.38, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
John Sova, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3894.00, M, 012, 1.00, DICKEY, Highway Patrol
John Struchynski, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4560.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
John Thom, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3172.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
John Thompson, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6960.00, M, 016, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
John Tunge, R, F, S, CL6046, PARK MANAGER II, 4615.08, M, 013, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
John Veith, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2992.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
John Wall, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
John Waller, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 5158.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
John Walstad, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 8648.64, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
John Warner, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
John Wasylow, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2905.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
John Weisgerber, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 5167.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Milk Marketing Board
John Welder, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 15.78, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
John Wilcox, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4368.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
John Wohl, R, F, S, CL0124, INFO TECH PROG ADMIN II, 5788.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Johnathan Campbell, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Johnelle Odegard, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Johnnie Candle, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Johnny Lapic, R, P, H, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 13.50, H, , 0.49, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Johnny Samson, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 2114.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jolayne Braaten, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 906.00, M, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joleen Forster, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Joleen Gross, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 4549.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Joleen Koth, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Joleen Leier, R, P, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1582.00, M, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Joleen Sprenger, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4489.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jolene Beehler, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3288.75, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Wheat Commission
Jolene Biloff, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jolene Gallagher, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2541.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Jolene Gartner, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2150.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jolene Hanson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2462.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jolene Kleven, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2222.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jolene Kline, R, F, S, CL0590, Hous Prog Director, 5501.00, M, 014, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Jolene Richardson, R, P, S, CL1083, TEACHER III, 405.00, M, 012, 0.10, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Jolene Rohde, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4090.27, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Jolene Thiel, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3518.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jolli Marcellais, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2789.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Jolynne Tschetter, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5467.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
JoMarie Wiest, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jomo Stewart, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4600.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Jon Beck, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2140.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jon Collado, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5470.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jon Hanson, R, F, S, CL6023, HUNTER ED PROGRAM ADMIN, 3980.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jon Kaspari, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 750.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jon Larson, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 1547.79, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Jon Nelson, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Jon Ness, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Highway Patrol
Jon Patch, R, F, S, CL2059, HYDROLOGIST MANAGER I, 6008.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Jon Roaldson, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3671.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Jon Skaare, R, F, S, CL1000, DIR,  DIV OF IND STUDY, 6154.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Jonathan Alm, R, F, S, CL4040, HUMAN SERVICE CENTER DIR II, 3935.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Jonathan Byers, R, F, S, AG9012, ASST ATTY GEN-ADMIN, 7167.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Jonathan Clark, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Jonathan Fleischer, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3501.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Jonathan Haugen, R, F, S, CL0871, MULTI-MEDIA DEVELOPER I, 3420.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Jonathan Kelsch, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 5473.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Jonathan Ketterling, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5646.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Jonathan Klimpel, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Jonathan Nathan, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2295.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jonathan Skedsvold, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2409.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jonathon Berger, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2809.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Jonel Linder, R, F, S, CL8335, ST FLEET DISPATCHER, 2348.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
JoNell Bakke, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Joni Heine, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3623.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joni Medenwald, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3236.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Joni Steinke, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2062.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Jonus Elston, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 4448.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Jordan Overby, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jordan Pieper, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2400.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Jordan Wald, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Jordis Larvick, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Jorene Temme, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2286.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Jorge Pagan, R, F, S, CL2204, REALTY OFFICER IV, 4372.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joseph Becker, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4660.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Joseph Belcourt, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3486.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Joseph Castamby, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Joseph Cicha, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3457.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Joseph Davis, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5236.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joseph Davis, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2785.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Joseph Eberle, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 16.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Joseph Fenwick, R, F, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.40, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Joseph Gross, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3407.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joseph Grosz, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2960.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joseph Hall, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3056.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Joseph Hartman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, GRANT, Unified Judicial System
Joseph Hermanson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2744.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Joseph Knowski, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4904.00, M, 013, 1.00, RANSOM, Highway Patrol
Joseph Kosobud, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joseph Lee, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3419.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Joseph Magnusson, R, F, S, CL6405, FIELD SEED PROGRAM MANAGER, 4285.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Joseph Morrissette, R, F, S, CL0251, ASST EXEC BUDGET ANALYST, 5797.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Joseph Murphy, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3846.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Joseph Pizinger, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joseph Schatz, R, F, S, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 1938.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Joseph Schell, R, F, S, CL0190, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, 4905.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Joseph Schmidt, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Joseph Stegmiller, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Joseph Taborsky, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Joseph Wagner, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Josh Jochim, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2648.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Josh Rustad, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5905.54, M, 016, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Joshua Anderson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3706.00, M, 012, 1.00, BOWMAN, Highway Patrol
Joshua Dub, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.50, H, 099, 0.25, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Joshua Entzel, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 2067.00, M, 006, 1.00, MORTON, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Joshua Fixen, R, F, S, CL8306, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE WKR II, 2020.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Joshua Frey, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Game & Fish Dept
Joshua Gallion, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3386.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joshua Graves, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.50, H, 099, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Joshua Ide, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3100.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Joshua Johnson, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.36, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joshua Kadrmas, R, P, S, CL0151, DATA PROC COORD I, 1400.00, M, 009, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joshua Kadrmas, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 16.15, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joshua Knudson, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1069.17, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Joshua Loegering, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3766.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joshua Pederson, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2985.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Joshua Ridl, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4347.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Joshua Rode, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Joshua Rude, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3706.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Joshua Vogt, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Joshua Wetzel, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Joy Latraille, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joy Moos, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Joy Tulowitzki, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1704.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joyce Allmendinger, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2276.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Joyce Bauer, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Joyce Collis, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Joyce Fetch, R, F, H, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 13.40, H, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Joyce Halone, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 3049.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Joyce Harnden, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Joyce Jangula, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.60, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Joyce Johnson, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4046.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joyce Kingsbury, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Joyce Sayler, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3328.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Joyce Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2701.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Joyce Schulz, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Joyce Smith, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2098.46, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Juana Perius, R, F, S, CL5021, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC I, 2292.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Juanita Clark, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.25, H, 099, 0.40, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Judane Ohlhauser, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3974.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Judi Bakken, R, F, S, CL8623, MICROFILM SPECIALIST, 2348.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Judith Beck, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3459.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Judith Brosz, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2188.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Judith Dewitz, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3221.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Judith Doeden, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3220.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Judith Gannon, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Judith Johnson, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4476.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Judith Koester, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2837.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Judith Lee, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Judith Lyle, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2182.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Judith Mattson, R, P, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 13.08, H, 007, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Judith Morel, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2310.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Judith Plummer, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2699.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Judith Schell, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2223.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Judith Skinner, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Judith Thomson, R, P, S, CL4032, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 1550.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Judith Volk, R, F, S, CL5010, BCI INFO SERVICES MGR, 4595.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Judy Austad, R, F, S, CL5208, CONSUMR FRAUD INVESTGR I, 3762.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Judy Boyle, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Judy Carlson, R, F, S, CL6201, AG PROGRAM COORDINATOR, 4547.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Judy Erickstad, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1577.00, M, 003, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Judy Ewoniuk-Kuzel, R, P, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2248.80, M, 011, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Judy Feist, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2649.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Judy Ferderer, R, F, S, CL0214, Hous Prog Tech I, 2082.00, M, 006, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Judy Froseth, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 5017.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Judy Hertz, R, F, S, CL0482, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SPEC, 3121.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Judy Hornung, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2451.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Judy Malkin, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1274.00, M, 005, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Judy Mickelson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2276.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Judy Miller, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.85, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Judy Nelson, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 3502.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Judy Ortlip, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3788.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Judy Peterson, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 12.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Judy Redmann, R, P, H, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 22.02, H, 011, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Judy Ridenower, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Judy Ronngren, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2212.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Judy Rosendahl, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Judy Sabin, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2487.77, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Judy Schill, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3024.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Judy Tschider, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4002.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Judykay Gamble, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING CLERK, 2032.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Juli Johnson, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 3032.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Juli Nelson, R, F, H, CL7122, COOK I, 1674.40, M, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Juli Sickler, R, F, S, CL0421, GRANTS/CONTRACTS OFR I, 3082.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Julia Schmaltz, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2363.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Julia Wallin, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Juliane Rotenberger, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 17.14, H, 008, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Juliann Vetter, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2384.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Julianna Prescott, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 4558.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Julie Baumgarn, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3676.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Julie Bruns, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3330.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Julie Buechler Boschee, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Julie Callahan, R, F, S, CL3104, AUD/SPEECH LANG PATH III, 4013.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Julie Christenson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Job Service ND
Julie Dahle, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2625.00, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Julie Demars, R, F, S, CL3133, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, 4045.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Julie Dupree, R, P, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 9.70, H, 005, 0.60, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Julie Fay, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3734.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Julie Fleck, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 3604.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Julie Gemmill, R, P, S, CL3133, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, 2818.00, M, 013, 0.60, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Julie Grimm, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Julie Hassett, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3555.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Julie Hoffman, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4107.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Julie Hruby, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3645.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Julie Kalgard, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1699.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Julie Kiser, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Julie Kosmatka, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2402.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Julie Kubisiak, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4107.63, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Julie Lafreniere, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3619.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Julie Leer, R, F, S, CL4052, DIR,  LEGAL ADV UNIT-DHS, 5969.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Julie LeFever, R, F, S, CL2083, GEOLOGIST III, 5190.00, M, 014, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Julie McCabe, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 2311.50, S, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Julie McCarren, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2515.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Julie Miller, R, F, S, JD4770, SECRETARY I, 2791.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Julie Nagel, R, F, S, CL4247, MEMBER SERVICES REP, 2426.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Julie O'dell, R, F, S, CL0017, LICENSING SPECIALIST III, 2480.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Julie Oglesby, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 1757.75, S, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Julie Olson Martin, R, F, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.24, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Julie Porsborg, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 4561.56, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Julie Rostberg, R, P, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 2835.20, M, 011, 0.80, CASS, Job Service ND
Julie Schwarz, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2496.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Julie Small, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3098.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Julie Spotts, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 2976.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Julie Sturges, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Julie Ternes, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1228.50, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Julie Thompson, R, F, S, CL5537, LOTTERY SECURITY OFFICER, 4370.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Julie Wagendorf, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 3510.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Julie Webster, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2491.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Julie Wunderlich, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2255.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Julius Gange, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 3573.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Julius Sayler, T, P, S, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.73, H, 099, 0.10, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Julius Schrenk, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
June Corbid, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.60, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
June Hertz, R, F, S, CL3206, LABORATORY HELPER, 1745.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Justen Barstad, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2333.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Justin Anderson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 17.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Justin Bubach, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3664.47, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Justin Clock, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3886.50, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Justin Data, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5728.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Justin Dever, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4662.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Justin Gustafson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Justin Hill, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 4042.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Justin Kolden, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2371.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Justin Lepp, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Justin Longie, R, F, S, CL8210, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR II, 2782.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Justin Mayer, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 4222.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Justin McCarthy, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Justin Oss, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4111.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Justin Otto, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 2874.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Justin Parks, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3054.36, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Justin Ramsey, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4415.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Justin Robinson, R, F, S, CL6046, PARK MANAGER II, 3924.00, M, 013, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Justin Schill, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1734.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Justin Schlosser, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Justin Stich, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2309.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Justin Toso, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Jutta Hopkins, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kady Kelsey, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kai Christensen, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4517.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kaia Christl, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2741.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kaila Margheim, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.95, H, 099, 0.50, BARNES, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Kali Lettenmaier, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 15.24, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kam Strom, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 22.94, H, 011, 0.30, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kameron Kovar-George, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3931.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kamie Beeson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2530.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Kamron Hudson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2258.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Kanwalinderjit Gagneja, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 23.01, H, 099, 0.38, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Kara Bartlett, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2008.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kara Dodd, R, F, S, CL3429, HEALTH EDUCATION SPEC II, 3108.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kara Petron, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Kara Seibel, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3695.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kara Steier, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4222.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karalee Adam, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 6086.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karalee Harper, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 4637.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karen Aamodt, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Karen Assel, R, P, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 3388.34, M, 012, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Karen Baggenstoss, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4230.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Karen Braaten, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Karen Buffington, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2890.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Karen Cossette, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3897.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karen Crocker, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.08, H, 099, 0.40, WARD, Department of Human Services
Karen Eisenbeis, R, F, S, CL0508, BANK OP SR PROCESS SPEC, 1661.50, S, 007, 1.00, MORTON, Bank of North Dakota
Karen Goff, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 4559.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Karen Goyne, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3691.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Karen Gutenkunst, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 4950.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Karen Haas, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 4970.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karen Haggerty, R, P, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 11.47, H, 005, 0.20, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Karen Heinert, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2538.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Karen Hilfer, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 16.07, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Karen Hillman, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3294.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Karen Hoffman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Karen Ibach, R, F, S, CL4007, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC III - DHS, 3466.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karen Iverson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2029.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Karen Karls, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Karen Keller, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1531.88, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Karen Kostelecky, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2089.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Karen Krebsbach, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Karen Kringlie, R, F, S, JD1240, DIR OF JUVENILE COURT SERVICES, 5312.00, M, 020, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Karen Larson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3482.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karen Leer, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4652.16, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Karen Lewallen, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, TOWNER, Unified Judicial System
Karen Linstad, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3199.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Karen Maendel, R, F, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 11.68, H, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Karen Marzolf, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karen Mcconnell, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3118.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Karen Mills, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 3892.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Karen Mund, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4325.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Karen Nelson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Karen O'Brien, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, GOLDEN VAL, Department of Human Services
Karen Olson, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 6159.00, M, 018, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Karen Pearson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 2992.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Karen Quick, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4046.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Karen Rahrich, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2741.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karen Roemmich, R, F, S, CL8520, COSMETOLOGIST, 2376.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karen Rutschke, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2569.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Karen Schadler, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1191.46, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Karen Schaeffer, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1294.42, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Karen Schlecht, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2505.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karen Shephard, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 33.53, H, 099, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Karen Skjonsby, R, F, S, CL0215, Hous Prog Tech II, 2595.00, M, 007, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Karen Soma, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1549.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karen Stroh, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karen Swank, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2250.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Karen Tescher, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5319.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karen Tyler, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 6364.03, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Karen Ust-Grothmann, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2100.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Karen Walter, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2797.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Karen Widmer, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2246.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karen Wiest, R, F, S, CL3214, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN IV, 2843.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karena Holm, R, P, S, CL3123, PHYSICAL THERAPIST, 2811.00, M, 015, 0.60, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kari Bracey, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.87, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kari Conrad, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Kari Dewald, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2371.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kari Goos, R, F, S, JD3330, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4717.00, M, 016, 1.00, MCLEAN, Unified Judicial System
Kari Heaton, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kari Johnson, R, F, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.49, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kari Kalvoda, R, F, S, CL4006, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC II - DHS, 2800.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kari Kramer, R, F, S, CL4251, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST I, 2254.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kari Krein, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 3900.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kari Kuhn, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2244.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kari Landsem, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4407.00, M, 017, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Kari Lee, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2278.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kari Samuelson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2416.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kari Shea, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4093.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Kari Stiel, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2528.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kari Thorsteinson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Kari Walker, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2285.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Karie Small, R, F, S, CL0219, Hous Prog Spec III, 3463.00, M, 010, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Karin Klose, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4602.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karin Mongeon, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4561.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Karin Stave, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3602.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karl Krogfoss, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3205.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Karl Olsen, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Karl Rockeman, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4262.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karla Bachmeier, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3136.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Karla Backman, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3107.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karla Bernhardt, R, P, H, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.71, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Karla Dacar Maddock, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3061.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Karla Davis, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 25.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Indian Affairs
Karla Dobmeier, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Karla Duray, R, F, S, CL0482, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SPEC, 3093.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Karla Hoelscher, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3066.00, M, 010, 1.00, DICKEY, Job Service ND
Karla Hoffner, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Karla Kilen, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2294.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karla Lorentzen, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2025.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Karla McLaughlin, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 16.37, H, 008, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Karla Mittleider, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2147.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Karla Nygard, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2118.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Karla Reinhardt, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2346.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karlene Fine, R, F, S, CL0432, BUSINESS MANAGER II, 5940.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Karlynn Berger, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4532.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Karmen Svihovec, R, P, H, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 23.40, H, 012, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Karol Riedman, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 43.26, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Karyn Waslaski, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 19.88, H, 008, 0.45, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kasey Willey, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kate O'Neill, R, F, S, CL0803, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER I, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kate Peterson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Katharine Brandvold, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2428.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Katherine Altizer, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Katherine Barchenger, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3432.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Katherine Beito, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.75, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Katherine Bird, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Katherine Black, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3381.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Katherine Breen, R, F, S, CL4251, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST I, 2357.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Katherine Davis, R, P, H, CL3202, MEDICAL LAB TECH II, 20.10, H, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Katherine Dusenbury, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.30, H, 099, 0.40, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Katherine Fallgatter, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4443.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Katherine Ledin, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Parks & Recreation Dept
Katherine Mernitz, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2258.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Katheryn Beach, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4514.00, M, 012, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Katheryn Melby, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2636.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Albin, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 6133.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kathleen Allen, R, F, S, CL0557, BENEFIT PGMS DIV MGR-PERS, 5674.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Kathleen Bahmiller, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kathleen Binde, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3270.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Brady, R, F, S, CL0311, COMPLIANCE OFFICER I, 3141.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kathleen Burger, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2491.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Christianson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2254.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Kathleen Dahlen, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1850.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Daly, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3269.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Davide, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2455.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Job Service ND
Kathleen Davison, R, F, S, CL0824, PUBLIC INFO SPEC IV, 3315.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Kathleen Donahue, R, F, S, CL5047, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC III, 3881.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kathleen Duttenhefner, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 3792.05, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Kathleen Erickson, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2496.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Finnson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2833.00, M, 007, 1.00, CAVALIER, Department of Transportation
Kathleen Gierke, R, F, S, CL5002, DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL I, 2984.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kathleen Gregg, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1985.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Haider, R, F, S, CL4209, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT SPEC, 2250.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Heller, R, F, S, CL4171, CHAPLAIN, 3050.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Hertz, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3458.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kathleen Holmes, R, F, S, CL0482, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SPEC, 3297.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kathleen Johnson, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.40, H, 099, 0.40, STARK, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Kinzel, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3150.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Kathleen Mangan, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2164.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Markel, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2489.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Mitchell, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2715.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Kathleen Moeri, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Moum, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 3852.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kathleen Rodgers, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2236.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Kathleen Rossland, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3039.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Kathleen Stegmiller-Richter, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2619.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kathleen Tarno, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3318.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Wolf, R, F, S, CL0455, POLICYHOLDER CLMS INVEST, 3299.02, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Kathleen Wu, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1961.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Kathleen Wynne, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 28.58, H, 012, 0.40, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kathryn Albrecht, R, F, S, CL0022, DOCUMENT IMAGING SPEC II, 2092.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kathryn Andreson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1976.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kathryn Elstad, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kathryn Guthmiller, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathryn Holle, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4834.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Kathryn Jenssen, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1930.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kathryn Kenna, R, F, S, CL4040, HUMAN SERVICE CENTER DIR II, 6864.00, M, 017, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kathryn Larson, R, F, S, JD4130, DP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT III, 4319.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Kathryn Luther, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3032.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kathryn Morton, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1995.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kathryn Parrill, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Kathryn Peil, R, F, S, CL1086, TEACHER VI, 4278.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Kathryn Roll, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kathryn Smith, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.84, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kathryn Strombeck, R, F, S, CL0904, RESEARCH ANALYST IV, 5554.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kathryn Tevington, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 16123.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kathryn Williams, R, F, S, JD4720, JUDICIAL SECRETARY-JUSTICE, 3699.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kathryn Wiltse, R, P, H, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 15.52, H, 006, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kathryn Zoller, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2549.23, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kathy Buchholtz, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 26.68, H, 011, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kathy Dorgan, R, P, S, CL0820, BUSINESS COMM SPECIALIST, 2110.00, M, 010, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Kathy Dosch, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kathy Ferguson, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.91, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathy Goetz, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1983.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kathy Hagen, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2116.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathy Hammerel, R, F, S, CL8605, PRINTING EQUIP OP I, 2100.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kathy Hawken, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Kathy Holzer, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2259.62, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kathy Jochim, R, P, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3210.00, M, 010, 0.80, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Kathy Knudson, R, F, S, CL0561, ADMIN UNIT SUPERVISOR, 1904.61, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kathy Korte, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3586.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kathy Kulesa, R, F, S, CL5040, HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR - DOL, 4777.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Department of Labor
Kathy Larson, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2987.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathy Laxdal, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3365.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kathy Lockwood, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2239.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kathy Mutzenberger, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3810.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kathy Nelson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2602.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Kathy Paul, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2545.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kathy Peppenger-Reardon, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Kathy Rapsavage, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4098.09, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kathy Renner, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3258.41, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Kathy Ruzicka, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2024.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathy Smith, R, F, S, CL1617, EDUCATION GRANTS MANAGER I, 3593.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Kathy Swanson, R, F, H, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 9.43, H, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kathy Wheeler, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2817.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Katie Burns, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Katie Gendreau, T, F, H, JD5310, DRUG COURT COORDINATOR, 13.00, H, 099, 0.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Katie Haarsager, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Katie Kvien, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1572.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Katie Midgarden, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4012.00, M, 016, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Katie Nicklay, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Katie Nicolai, R, F, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 8.21, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Katie Shannon, R, P, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 1634.00, M, 012, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Katrina Crawford, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 11.17, H, 006, 0.80, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Katrina Wendel, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3421.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Kay Berg, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2081.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kay Brandner, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kay Helland, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3551.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Kay Mikkelsen, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kay Muccatira, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kay Papenfuss, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2483.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kay Schwandt, R, F, S, CL0483, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SUPV, 3663.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kay Schwartz, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2065.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kaye Hessinger, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2859.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kaye Knudson, R, F, S, CL1602, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM II, 2818.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Kaye Louden, R, P, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 8.86, H, 003, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kayla Boschee, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 2894.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kayla Chesley, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.82, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kayla Effertz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3326.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Kayla Fritz, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2335.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kayla Gefroh, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Kayla Haugen, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.35, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kayla Kostelecky, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3157.14, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kayla Rudnik, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kayleen Paetz, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 2756.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Keisha Forsberg, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Keith Bayley, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4923.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Keith Bitner, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.08, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Keith Eberhardt, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 28.12, H, 012, 0.12, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Keith George, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3681.97, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Keith Hinnenkamp, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3106.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Keith Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4768.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Keith Huwe, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, RICHLAND, Highway Patrol
Keith Idland, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3484.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Keith Kempenich, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Keith Kilber, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3684.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Keith LaCoe, R, F, S, CL8605, PRINTING EQUIP OP I, 2011.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Keith Lauer, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 5254.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Keith LoMurray, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 2875.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Keith Magnusson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 60.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Keith Melby, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2776.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Keith Myhre, R, F, S, CL8221, CARPENTER I, 2890.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Keith Nelson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3444.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Keith Orth, R, F, S, CL6040, PARK RANGER, 2940.42, M, 010, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Keith Peterson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2403.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Keith Reinhart, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3068.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Keith Reitmeier, R, F, S, CL0446, CUSTOMER SERVICE AREA MGR, 5286.00, M, 015, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Keith Schmaltz, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3806.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Keith Solberg, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2839.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Keith Vavrovsky, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3751.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Keith Welsh, R, F, S, CL0440, REG HSC FISCAL MGR-DHS, 5517.00, M, 013, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kelli Rice, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 3082.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kelli Schroeder, R, F, S, CL0852, EXECUTIVE STAFF OFFICER, 4219.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Kellie Wendel, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.63, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kelly Bacon, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3342.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Kelly Beechie, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3648.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kelly Binder, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2320.00, M, 006, 1.00, KIDDER, Highway Patrol
Kelly Boespflug, R, P, H, CL0021, DOCUMENT IMAGING SPEC I, 11.98, H, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kelly Casteel, R, F, S, CL2051, WATER RESOURCE ENGR II, 3717.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Kelly Collins, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.52, H, 099, 0.25, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kelly Desautel, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2178.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kelly Fischer, R, F, S, CL0175, Comp & Network Spec III, 4402.00, M, 013, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Kelly Grimm, R, F, H, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 13.99, H, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Kelly Klein, R, F, S, CL0190, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, 4726.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kelly Kowalski, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4145.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kelly Kringstad, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 2396.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kelly Kroshus, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2423.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Kelly Kulseth, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3360.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Kelly Kuylen, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Kelly Lawson, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3067.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kelly Lyons, R, F, H, CL3061, REGISTERED NURSE I, 20.37, H, 010, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kelly Mathias, R, F, S, CL0417, SECURITIES EXAM/INV SUPERVISOR, 4399.56, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Kelly Miller, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kelly Nagel, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4103.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Health
Kelly Nord, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2122.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kelly Organ, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Kelly Schmidt, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6262.20, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Treasurer's Ofc
Kelly Scholl, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4704.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Kelly Smith, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2607.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kelly Smith, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kelly White, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3484.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kelly Wike, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3920.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Kelly Wilson, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Kelsey Backhaus, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kelsie Seiler, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 0.38, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kelvin Kunz, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3478.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Kelvin Zimmer, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 3860.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ken Reiss, R, F, H, CL3147, ADAPTIVE EQUIP SPEC II, 22.10, H, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ken Sorenson, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 6668.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Ken Wilhelmi, R, F, S, CL4020, QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER, 3428.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kenan Bullinger, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5299.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kendall Speten, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3330.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kendall Vetter, T, P, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 11.00, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Kendra Faa, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2750.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kenneth Alber, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.36, H, 099, 0.20, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kenneth Baker, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2822.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Bertsch, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 8515.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Kenneth Dockter, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2744.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Dockter, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3358.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Kenneth Esterby, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 3918.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Fettig, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4410.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kenneth Gartzke, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1091.00, M, 005, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Kenneth Gieser, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3806.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kenneth Grothe, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Parks & Recreation Dept
Kenneth Heitkamp, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 4817.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Herman, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4160.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kenneth Hoffert, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kenneth Jahner, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 3094.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Kenneth Jarolimek, R, F, S, CL5047, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC III, 4323.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kenneth Johnson, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 2754.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kenneth Junkert, R, F, S, CL6200, AGRI PROGRAM MGR, 5254.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Kenneth Kadrmas, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4268.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Klug, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Lewis, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4599.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kenneth Linster, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3150.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Kenneth MacDonald, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 2809.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Agriculture
Kenneth Meyer, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2512.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Purdy, R, F, S, CL0807, CLASS & COMP MGR, 5826.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kenneth Remmick, R, F, S, CL8262, SYSTEMS MECHANIC II, 3599.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kenneth Rocheleau, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Sander, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4111.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Schulz, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 6786.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kenneth Skuza, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4347.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Kenneth Steiner, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Kenneth Stockert, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2417.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Kenneth Svedjan, T, F, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Kenneth Urbach, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Kenneth Urlacher, R, F, S, CL2112, GEOLOGIC MAP TECH II, 2685.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Kenneth Wiesen, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 27.04, H, 099, 0.60, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kenneth Zook, R, F, H, CL8306, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE WKR II, 13.33, H, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kent Belland, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3851.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kent Hollands, R, F, S, CL3213, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN III, 2745.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Kent Kollman, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2018.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kent Kosse, R, F, S, CL8055, HWY MAINTENANCE FOREMAN, 3879.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Kent Leben, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3764.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kent Leysring, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3593.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kent Luttschwager, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4679.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Kent Masseth, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1030.08, S, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kent Mchenry, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3773.79, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kent Mortenson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4584.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kent Skrondahl, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Kent Tesch, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 3304.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Kent Van Beek, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1900.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kenton Kossan, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Kenton Onstad, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Kerby Hausauer, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2773.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kerri Kraft, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2096.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Kerrie Helm, R, F, S, CL0703, PARALEGAL, 3567.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kerrie Stoller, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2136.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kerry Bailey, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2790.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kerry Finsaas, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Kerry Gullickson-Keller, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 4831.00, M, 018, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kerry Mund, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3065.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kerry Olson-Rysavy, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 3470.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Kerry Olson, R, F, S, CL0805, HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR I, 5548.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kerry Queen, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 35.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kerry Wicks, R, F, S, CL4037, TREATMENT UNIT DIRECTOR, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kersten Sauer, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kevin Anderson, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5052.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kevin Anderson, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kevin Burley, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1888.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kevin Cole, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4368.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kevin Coufal, R, F, S, CL6221, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR I, 2425.00, M, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Department of Agriculture
Kevin Cramer, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6811.92, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Kevin Dahly, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3430.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Kevin Dockter, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kevin Frederickson, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 4006.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kevin Gorder, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6321.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kevin Hanson, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 4524.00, M, 013, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Kevin Hanson, R, F, S, CL5254, CHIEF INSPECTOR - PSC, 3933.76, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Kevin Hertz, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5732.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kevin Hochhalter, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 1838.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kevin Huston, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4293.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Kevin Janes, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 4679.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kevin Kading, R, F, S, CL6073, BIOLOGIST III, 4242.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Kevin Kaley, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3247.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Kevin Kirkeby, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2258.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Kevin Kosse, R, F, S, CL3233, CHEMIST III, 4130.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kevin Levi, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 7162.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kevin Marchus, R, F, S, CL0447, AREA DIRECTOR-JSND, 5500.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kevin Mattern, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3274.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kevin Mccabe, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5905.54, M, 016, 1.00, STARK, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Kevin McGillivray, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Kevin Mohs, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2397.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kevin Nelson, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3422.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kevin Nosbusch, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 5185.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kevin Oster, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3423.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kevin Peterson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2491.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kevin Pfannsmith, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4170.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Kevin Reinke, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kevin Reisenauer, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4788.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Kevin Robson, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5350.00, M, 014, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Kevin Schatz, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4723.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kevin Scherbenske, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4665.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Kevin Schneider, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1523.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kevin Stankiewicz, R, F, S, CL2102, PLANNER II, 2826.07, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Kevin Tranby, R, F, S, CL8223, CARPENTER III, 3706.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kevin Vannett, R, P, S, CL8335, ST FLEET DISPATCHER, 1264.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
KiKi Schatz, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3050.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kilungu Nzaku, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3225.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kim Be, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2117.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kim Becker, R, F, S, CL0218, Hous Prog Spec II, 3615.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Kim Burdick, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1859.00, M, 005, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Kim Humann, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2586.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Kim Kautzman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3065.08, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kim Koppelman, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Kim Lagerquist, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 10.68, H, 006, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kim Locker-Helten, R, F, S, CL4025, CLIENT ASSIST PROG ADM I, 3134.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Kim Lovgren, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3321.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kim McVicar, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 11.44, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Kim Miller, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3566.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kim Molesworth, R, F, S, CL0432, BUSINESS MANAGER II, 4513.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Kim Nordstrom, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3936.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Kim Riedlinger-Wassim, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 4127.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kim Senn, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5065.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kim Shaw, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 3035.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Kim Shereck, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3536.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Kim White, R, F, S, CL0180, ENT NETWORK OPERATIONS MGR, 5490.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kim Whitmore, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3162.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Kimball Lutovsky, R, F, S, CL3261, PHARMACIST I, 6922.00, M, 016, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kimber Hasbargen, R, F, H, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 11.76, H, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kimber Kamlitz, R, F, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 11.64, H, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kimber Krueger, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3769.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kimberley Fiskum, R, F, S, CL4085, MI EXT T AND C COORD II, 3682.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kimberlie Yineman, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3386.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kimberly Bauer, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3570.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Bauer, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kimberly Boettcher, R, F, S, CL0311, COMPLIANCE OFFICER I, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kimberly Bronson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4298.68, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kimberly Dockter, R, F, S, JD2310, EDUCATION & SPL PROJECTS COOR, 3945.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kimberly Dvorak, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.07, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Ehli, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6672.32, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kimberly Ellison, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4867.64, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kimberly Gullicks, R, F, S, CL0477, STATE HEALTH INSUR COUNSEL PA, 2444.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Kimberly Heller, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2169.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kimberly Hinnenkamp, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3267.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kimberly Hoge, R, F, S, JD4760, SECRETARY-CENTRAL LEGAL, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kimberly Kapp, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Kinnoin, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Kimberly Korstjens, R, F, S, CL3261, PHARMACIST I, 6532.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Marshall, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1822.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Neigum, R, F, S, CL0503, TELLER, 1163.33, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kimberly Nelsen, R, F, S, JD1270, TRIAL COURT MANAGER, 4407.00, M, 017, 1.00, BENSON, Unified Judicial System
Kimberly Olson, R, P, S, CL3123, PHYSICAL THERAPIST, 4677.00, M, 015, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Palmer, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 4009.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kimberly Rogne, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1917.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Schmidt, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3987.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Kimberly Schnack, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Kimberly Schwartz, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Kimberly Shuley, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.53, H, 005, 0.25, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Sjomeling, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.17, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kimberly Staskivige, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kimberly Syth, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Kimberly Vega, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Kimberly Wagner, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3028.09, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kimberly Weis, R, P, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 1534.00, M, 010, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kimberly Weisenberger, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2416.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Kimberly Weyer, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3036.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kimmy Holland, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3206.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kirby Kruger, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5087.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kirby Martz, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4427.75, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kirby Schmidtgall, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3587.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kiri Linseth, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Kiri Stone, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2498.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Kirk Erickson, R, F, S, CL8436, Transportation Srvcs Sprv I, 3432.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Kirk Hoff, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6140.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kirk Johnson, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3019.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Health
Kirk Kolstad, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kirk Schauer, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3861.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kirk Smith, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kirsten Franzen, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 3732.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kirsten Hansen, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3570.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Kivan Rohr, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Kjersti Armstrong, R, P, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3145.00, M, 099, 0.80, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Kjersti Hintz, R, F, S, CL3076, PUBLIC HLTH NURSE CONS II, 3200.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Klyde Whitman, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 3822.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kolette Willenbring, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, RENVILLE, Unified Judicial System
Kolleen Koppinger, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 5034.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Konny Zins, R, F, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.35, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Korey Boe, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.75, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Korrine Lang, T, P, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 45.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kory Hellman, R, F, S, CL0163, TECH SUPPORT SPEC III, 5783.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kory Solberg, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Krag Turcotte, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Kris Roberts, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4125.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kris Steussy, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 4902.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Kris Storbeck, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4143.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Krisanne Ladouceur, R, F, S, CL3173, THERAPEUTIC REC SPEC III, 3774.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Krisi Kunz, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3441.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Krislea Wegner, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 30.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Krissie Guerard, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 3371.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Krista Berg, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 2873.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Kristen Erickson, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Kristen Hoyt, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3780.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kristen Mund, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2586.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kristen Northrup, R, F, S, CL1212, LIBRARIAN II, 3093.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Kristen Peterson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2560.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kristen Snow, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2205.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kristen Tisdale, R, P, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3615.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kristen Vandervorst, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2991.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kristi Blumhagen, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1225.00, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kristi Chapman, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kristi Chole, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Kristi Hruby, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2048.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kristi Kuntz, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3402.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kristi Lere, R, F, S, CL7153, FOOD SVC OP SUPV III, 2466.26, M, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kristi Matejcek, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2503.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Kristi Miller, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3410.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kristi Morlock, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3350.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Kristi Schindler, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 3067.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kristi Whiteside, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Kristie Berg, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Kristie Hughes, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kristie Kuhn, R, F, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 22.41, H, 011, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kristie Mccusker, R, P, S, CL0703, PARALEGAL, 3056.00, M, 011, 0.88, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kristie Moldenhauer, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3083.54, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Kristie Schwarzkopf, R, F, S, CL3241, MICROBIOLOGIST I, 2883.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kristie Spooner, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4132.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kristie Tollefson, R, F, S, CL4357, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR I, 2813.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Job Service ND
Kristie Weiler, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.45, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Kristin Buckmier, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2864.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kristin Dunwoody, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1757.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kristin Houle, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3350.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kristin Love, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2801.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kristin Lunneborg, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 4685.04, M, 015, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kristin Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1122.00, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Kristine Bommelman, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2666.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Kristine Geigle, R, P, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2623.95, M, 010, 0.85, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kristine Horner, R, F, S, CL3239, EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN, 2168.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Kristine Rhen, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3099.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kristjan Helgoe, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, NELSON, Highway Patrol
Kristopher Altepeter, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4018.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kristopher Elijah, R, F, S, CL5528, NDNG ANTI-TERRORISM PROG MGR, 3281.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kristopher Jacobs, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 16.44, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Kristy Dillard, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3276.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kristy Green, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2081.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Kristy Metzger, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2066.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Krystal Leidholm, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Krystal Stoppleworth, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Krystal Wilson, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1651.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Kurt Anderson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2176.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kurt Aufforth, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4692.00, M, 012, 1.00, TOWNER, Game & Fish Dept
Kurt Clemensen, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Kurt Ehrmantraut, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3812.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Kurt Landis, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3990.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Kurt Mortenson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3351.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kurt Peacock, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3570.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Kurt Wilson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kyann Schneider, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3564.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Kyla Schneider, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3016.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Kyla Steckler, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3518.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kyle Aldinger, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1734.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Kyle Bednar, R, F, S, CL6421, SEED INSPECTOR I, 2360.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Kyle Evert, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4486.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kyle Forster, R, F, S, CL0178, ENTERPRISE IT ARCHITECT, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Kyle Haas, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2946.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kyle Hedin, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Kyle Hoge, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Kyle Humann, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 28.60, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Kyle Joersz, R, F, S, CL0148, D B DESIGN ANALYST I, 3665.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Kyle Kirchmeier, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5224.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Kyle Skildum, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Kyle Stern, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3994.00, M, 012, 1.00, TRAILL, Highway Patrol
Kyle Ternes, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5477.00, M, 014, 1.00, RAMSEY, Highway Patrol
Kyle Walter, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 2600.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Kylee Schuh, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 2601.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Kylie Murphy, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 1105.52, M, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Kylie Rasmussen, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
L Thomas, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6414.72, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Lacey Block, R, P, H, CL3015, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY I, 10.14, H, 003, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Lacey Cargo, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2758.21, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lacey Jangula, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3094.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Lacey Winther, R, F, S, CL0401, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR I, 3310.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Lacresha Graham, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3150.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lacy Oyloe, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2875.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Health
Ladawn Eisenbeis, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 2161.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
LaDonna Leingang, R, F, S, CL0525, TRUST ADMINISTRATOR, 1759.00, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
LaDonna Wald, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
LaKayla Brunelle, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Lambert Glatt, R, F, S, CL0186, DIRECTOR,  COMPUTER SYSTEMS DIV, 7383.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
LaMonte Jacobson, R, F, S, CL3234, FORENSIC SCIENCE SUPERVISOR, 4683.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Lana Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2713.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Lana Lietz, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2278.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lana Swartz, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4679.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lana Werbelow, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 3054.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lana Zimmerman, R, F, S, JD4750, ADMINSTRATIVE SECRETARY, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lance Bargmann, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4716.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lance Gaebe, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6084.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Lance Heck, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lance Hill, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 1724.79, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lanna Slaby, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3274.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Lanny Paulson, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4222.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lara Anderson, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3360.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Lara Vasicek, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Laray Waltz, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2061.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Larissa Harrison, R, F, S, CL1244, ARCHIVIST I, 2565.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Larry Anderson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4773.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Larry Bellew, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Larry Biri, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2122.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Larry Culp, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3268.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Larry Dauksavage, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3456.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Larry Genter, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3138.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Larry Hagen, R, F, S, CL6046, PARK MANAGER II, 4165.55, M, 013, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Larry Himmerich, R, F, S, CL8436, Transportation Srvcs Sprv I, 3239.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Larry Hjelmeland, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 3910.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Larry Hoff, R, F, S, CL7153, FOOD SVC OP SUPV III, 2698.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Larry Knudtson, R, F, S, CL0902, RESEARCH ANALYST II, 3492.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Larry Landeis, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Larry Lee, R, F, S, CL0198, CONTINGENCY PLANNING SPEC, 4844.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Larry Lien, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 3067.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Larry Longtine, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2214.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Larry Martin, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3726.67, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Larry Robinson, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Larry Schwartz, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6127.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Larry Shireley, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 4500.00, M, 099, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Larry Smith, R, F, H, CL6302, AGRI MEDIATION SVC NEGTR, 20.23, H, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Larry Stevahn, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 4032.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Larry Stockert, R, F, S, CL0592, Hous Prog Admin II, 4387.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Larry Stockham, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2612.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Larry Thelen, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 4957.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Larry Wacha, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2777.00, M, 007, 1.00, LAMOURE, Department of Transportation
Larry Walford, R, F, S, CL8122, HEATING PLANT SUPV II, 4511.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Larry Werner, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2906.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Larry Zubke, R, F, S, JD1260, DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY, 7680.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Launee Lawyer-Hamnes, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4529.00, M, 016, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Laura Ackerman, R, F, S, CL2052, WATER RESOURCE ENGR III, 3789.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Laura Anhalt, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2389.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Laura Cull, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Laura Entzel, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 1673.38, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Laura Erickson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Laura Fischer, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2772.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Laura Glasser, R, P, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1136.00, M, 007, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Laura Gleich, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3485.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Laura Gotvaslee, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 4600.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Laura Hermanson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3283.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Laura Holzworth, R, F, S, CL0203, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC III, 2253.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Laura Jassek, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3025.45, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Laura Kohn, R, F, S, CL6039, PARK INTERPRETER, 2400.00, M, 009, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Laura Kroetsch, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 13917.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Laura Lee, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2035.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Laura Martin, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.24, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Laura Miller, R, F, S, CL0135, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC II, 3064.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Laura Miller, R, F, S, CL0508, BANK OP SR PROCESS SPEC, 1354.17, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Laura Olson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3900.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Laura Rader, R, F, H, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 12.03, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Laura Roberge, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Laura Sanders, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.25, H, 099, 0.40, WARD, Department of Human Services
Laura Strand, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Laura Thompson, R, F, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 11.65, H, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Laura Walz, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Laura Willard, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4804.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Laure Engelhart, R, F, S, JD3110, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lauree Davis, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2174.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Laureen Linstaedt, R, F, S, CL7153, FOOD SVC OP SUPV III, 2392.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Laureen Martin, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2898.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Laurel Alber, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, LAMOURE, Unified Judicial System
Laurel Anderson, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1734.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Laurel Jennings, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1900.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Laurel Marsh, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Laurel Sterioti-Hammeren, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6968.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Laurel Stowell, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Lauren Sauer, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4300.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lauren Strinden, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 3350.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Laurence Nelson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Laurence Ruebel, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4009.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Laurence Veikley, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.50, H, 099, 0.50, PIERCE, Land Department
Lauretta Allmaras, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1968.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Seed Department
Laurette Peterson, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 3975.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lauri Nord, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2270.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Laurice Caswell, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3840.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Laurie Albright, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3794.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Laurie Bokn, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Laurie Bruce, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2104.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Laurie Campbell, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.68, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Laurie Fontaine, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Unified Judicial System
Laurie Gienger, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Laurie Hanson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2265.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Laurie Jablonski, R, F, H, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 12.21, H, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Laurie James, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1760.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Laurie Jensen, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4982.38, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Laurie Koble, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2922.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Laurie Kramer, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3671.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Laurie Krebsbach, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2287.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Laurie Matzke, R, F, S, CL1605, DIRECTOR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 5331.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Laurie Pfliger, R, P, H, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 14.24, H, 007, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Laurie Santangelo, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 2779.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Laurie Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2036.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Laurie Schmoll, R, F, H, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 13.21, H, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Laurie Scully, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3997.41, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Laurie Sjostrand, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 23.32, H, 011, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Laurie Stenson, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.80, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Laurie Tuma, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 3198.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Laurie Vokal, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3324.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Laurie Westling, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1894.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Laval Eberhart, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4097.82, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Laverne Haake, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3052.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Job Service ND
Laverne Lesmeister, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.50, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Lavonne Bender, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2930.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
LaVonne Carlson, R, F, S, JD4510, CALENDAR CONTROL CLERK, 3858.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Lavonne Messer, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2504.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Lavonne Pietsch, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
LaVonne Sigdahl, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Lavonne Stair, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 5321.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Lawrence Ell, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3878.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lawrence Gangl, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6994.00, M, 016, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Lawrence Hopkins, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4109.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lawrence Jahnke, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Lawrence Klemin, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lawrence Kukert, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2715.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Lawrence Leclerc, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lawrence Maslowski, R, F, S, CL0464, DIVISION DIRECTOR,  INSURANCE, 6157.37, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Lawrence Ryckman, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Lawrence Schumacher, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 3109.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lawrence Slinger, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Historical Society
Lawrence Sondreson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lawrence Taborsky, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7000.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Aeronautics Commission
Layne Gunderson, R, F, S, CL8222, CARPENTER II, 2831.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Layne Jose, R, F, S, JD3550, TECH SUPPORT SPECIALIST, 3022.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Layton Freborg, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lea Schneider, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 5690.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Leah Hanson, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3233.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Leah Schulz, R, F, S, CL3030, DIRECTOR OF NURSING-NDSH, 6190.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Leander Begaye, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3659.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
LeAnn Aguilar, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1717.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Leann Bayman, R, F, S, CL4002, ELIG WORKER I, 2812.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Leann Bervik, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Leann Mccowan, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3747.02, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Leann Ohlhauser, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2831.40, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Leann Pollert, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3229.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
LeAnn Schmidt, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Leanna Emmer, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3784.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Leanne Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 3998.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Lee Ann Barnhardt, R, F, S, JD1280, DIR EDUCATION & COMMUNICATION, 5333.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lee Christofferson, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Lee Halvorson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2087.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lee Henke, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2687.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lee Kaldor, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lee Lundberg, R, F, S, CL0819, TRAINING OFFICER II, 3883.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Lee Lunde, R, F, S, CL0459, INS CLAIMS EXAM/BLDG APPR, 3608.99, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Lee Myxter, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lee Oliver, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3070.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Lee Westling, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2751.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Leeann Ouradnik, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
LeeAnn Thiel, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4250.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
LeeAnn Tillotson, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3929.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Leellen Thomason, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3142.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Leigh Huether, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4604.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Leila Brucker, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3750.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lelan Bosch, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 3415.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Leland Jensen, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Leland Krein, R, F, S, CL2113, GIS SPECIALIST I, 3293.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Len Wall, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3129.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lenna Anderson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Lenora Dockter, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1785.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lenora Woehl, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3129.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Lenore Pausig, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1927.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Leo Glatt, R, F, S, CL3522, CHIEF ENVIR HLTH SECTION, 7346.00, M, 019, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Leo Praus, R, F, S, CL5250, WEIGHTS & MEASURES INSPTR, 2764.09, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Leo Vetter, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3579.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Leon Eckroth, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4276.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Leon Essler, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 3648.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Leon Gross, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 2266.04, S, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Leon Heick, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2996.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Leon Hiltner, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, CAVALIER, Unified Judicial System
Leon Martinson, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 4772.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Leon Rauser, R, F, S, CL0431, BUSINESS MANAGER I, 4243.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Leon Vetter, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3548.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Leona Kuntz, R, F, S, CL0891, PROJECT MANAGER I, 3654.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Leonard Banks, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Leonard Hankey, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 12.48, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Leonard Schmit, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 16.11, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Leonard Seim, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 3159.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Leonard Swanson, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 4259.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Leonard Thorson, R, F, S, CL1233, MUSEUM SPECIALIST, 3384.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Leonard Tisi, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Leora Brady, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3484.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Leroy Jacobs, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5144.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
LeRoy Juve, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4320.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
LeRoy Klapprodt, R, F, S, CL6065, DIR OF RESOURCES PLANNING, 6700.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Leroy Rice, T, P, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
LeRoy Shereck, R, F, S, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 2255.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Lerrene Kroh, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 4116.91, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Oilseed Council
Les Brumwell, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 2670.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Les Lokken, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3441.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Lesa Crowley, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4160.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Leslie Aasand, R, F, H, CL0631, STOREKEEPER I, 10.96, H, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Leslie Hoffman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Leslie Louden, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 12.21, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Leslie Mason, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4181.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Leslie Moszer, R, F, S, CL0312, COMPLIANCE OFFICER II, 3255.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Leslie Noehre, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 7069.00, M, 016, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Leslie Nordberg, R, P, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 3339.16, M, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Leslie Reisnour, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 1943.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Leslie Schmit, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1215.54, S, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Leslie Streed, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lester Ketterling, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Leticia Castillo, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2023.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Levi Erdmann, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4759.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Levi Jacobson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Lewis Dendy, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3305.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lewis Weigel, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2954.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lexi Friedt, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.40, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Leyone Krause, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 15.48, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Lezlee Thorson, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2275.87, M, 008, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Liane Auch, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2071.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Lila Habiger, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.40, H, 099, 0.40, STARK, Department of Human Services
Lilia Bakken, R, F, S, CL1035, EDUCATION PROGRAMS COORD, 3850.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Lillian Isaak, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3304.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lillian Paintner, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2136.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lily Holt, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Lincoln Coombs, R, F, S, CL4167, LIC FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST, 6266.00, M, 017, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lincoln Marshall, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Linda Babcock, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2783.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Backer, R, F, S, CL7123, COOK II, 2265.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Linda Behm, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Linda Berndt, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2403.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Bjone, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2448.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Boatman, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3156.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Bogert, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1980.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Linda Borr, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2948.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Brooks, R, F, S, JD4130, DP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT III, 4319.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Linda Bunn, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.63, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Linda Butts, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7735.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Cardinal, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3197.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Linda David, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2578.49, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Linda Dietrich, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Linda Dockter, R, F, S, CL0202, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC II, 2104.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Dumas, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2117.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Linda Dutenhafer, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 18.03, H, 008, 0.75, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Ehlers, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3352.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, School for the Deaf
Linda Ehreth, R, F, S, CL1270, ART PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATOR, 3862.00, M, 011, 1.00, MORTON, Council on the Arts
Linda Eide, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 2277.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Linda Elstad, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3581.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Everson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3058.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Linda Fatland, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CLAY, Unified Judicial System
Linda Fenwick, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 1026.48, M, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Linda Fisher, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Linda Fogel, R, F, S, CL3544, DIETITIAN II, 3574.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Gibbins, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 2529.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Linda Gillette, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3600.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Linda Granley, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING CLERK, 2075.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Greenwood, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Linda Gregoryk, R, F, S, CL0181, INFORMATION CNTR SPEC I, 3105.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Linda Guthmiller, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2047.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Hanna, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2348.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Linda Harmon, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 10.88, H, 006, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Linda Hippen, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2611.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Linda Jaeger, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4000.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Linda Jagielo, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4326.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Jensen, R, F, S, CL0816, TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT ADMIN, 5001.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Linda Jenson, R, F, S, CL0432, BUSINESS MANAGER II, 4335.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Linda Johnson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 14.68, H, 099, 0.13, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Linda Kadlec, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3380.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Linda Kapp, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2087.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Kilichowski, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1987.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Linda Killmer, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 2868.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Linda Kotaska, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Linda Kraft, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3151.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Linda Kueneman, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2809.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Linda Kuether, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3510.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Kuhn, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1781.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Linda Kuntz, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2451.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Linda Larson, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 3060.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Health
Linda Larson, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3884.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Linda Leigh, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2799.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Llewellyn, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3230.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Linda Maher, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4060.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Linda Mahlum, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2517.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Linda Martinson, R, F, S, CL4029, REG REP-ECON/MED ASST PRG, 3753.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Maslowski, R, F, S, CL4203, STATE PARENT LOCATOR, 2897.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Mathern, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 4027.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Mckinzie-Lee, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2065.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Linda Mertz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2704.06, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Linda Morrow, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 4157.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Linda Norris, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1756.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Nygaard, T, P, S, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 3659.00, M, 099, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Olson, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3561.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Linda Otto, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3039.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Linda Paluck, R, F, S, CL1605, DIRECTOR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4720.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Linda Plaggemeyer, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2586.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Linda Pouliot, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3859.00, M, 012, 1.00, MERCER, Job Service ND
Linda Price, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2314.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Linda Roberson, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3505.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Rognlien, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Linda Rorman, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4001.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Rosen, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3014.75, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Linda Rutherford, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3067.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Linda Sandeen, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2200.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Linda Sass, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Linda Schell, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4142.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Schloer, R, F, S, CL1615, DIR,  CHILD NTN & FD DIST, 4712.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Linda Sitz, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 4174.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Splichal, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4233.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Linda Stensrud, R, F, S, CL0022, DOCUMENT IMAGING SPEC II, 2241.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Linda Sullivan, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Linda Troyer, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Linda Vannurden, R, F, S, CL0135, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC II, 3044.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Linda Waller, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3632.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Linda Weaver, R, F, S, JD4510, CALENDAR CONTROL CLERK, 4354.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Linda Weigel, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5532.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Linda Weispfenning, R, F, S, CL2104, PLANNER IV, 4999.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Linda Wright, R, F, S, CL4053, DIRECTOR,  AGING SERVICES, 5349.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Linda Zahn, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1956.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Linda Zeltinger, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Lindi Michlitsch, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2750.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lindsay Bossert, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lindsay Dykins, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3814.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Lindsay Friesz, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Lindsey Bratvold Narloch, R, F, S, CL0902, RESEARCH ANALYST II, 2979.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lindsey Hallsten, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3276.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lindsey Illerbrunn, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Lindsey Lennick, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lindsey Nelson, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1753.00, M, 004, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lindsey VanderBusch, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2762.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lindsy Simms, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 6.55, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Linette Hjelden, R, P, H, CL3051, L P NURSE I, 11.76, H, 007, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lisa Appelt, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4570.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lisa Beckman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4122.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lisa Benson, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4981.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lisa Bergemann, R, P, H, CL7162, FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR I, 18.50, H, 010, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Lisa Bjerklie, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3925.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Boxrud, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2886.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lisa Braun, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Job Service ND
Lisa Brew, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.50, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lisa Crandall, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3371.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Lisa Durkee, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3036.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Elijah, R, F, S, CL3241, MICROBIOLOGIST I, 2883.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lisa Feldner, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 9166.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Lisa Garcia, R, F, S, CL0483, UNEMP INS CLMS CNTR SUPV, 3596.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lisa Gerving, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4204.12, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lisa Giese, R, F, S, CL4028, REGIONAL REP-SOC SER PROG, 3711.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Lisa Ginther, R, F, H, CL1015, SIGN LANGUAGE COMM FACILITATOR, 12.39, H, 008, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Lisa Handeland, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Lisa Harrington, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lisa Hay, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5849.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Hedstrom, R, F, S, CL4020, QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER, 3051.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Hillesland, R, P, S, CL4228, ECC LICENSING SPEC II, 1700.00, M, 010, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lisa Hoffman, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3667.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Honeyman, R, P, H, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 24.11, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lisa Johnson, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 2247.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Kemmet, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3347.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Kienzle, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4485.52, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lisa Kirschmann, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3076.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Lisa Knoll, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3153.08, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lisa Lee, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2529.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Lisa Lee, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lisa Linrud, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Lisa MacPherson, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 2597.88, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Treasurer's Ofc
Lisa Mangin, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 11.04, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Lisa Mastel, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2782.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lisa McEvers, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 5900.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Lisa Meier, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lisa Mischel, R, F, S, CL3241, MICROBIOLOGIST I, 2883.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lisa Moen, R, F, S, JD4510, CALENDAR CONTROL CLERK, 3704.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Lisa Morphis, R, F, S, CL3138, CERT OCC THERAPY ASST II, 2714.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Neameyer, R, P, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 2808.00, M, 012, 0.90, ROLETTE, Department of Human Services
Lisa Nihill, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Lisa Piche, R, P, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 1525.00, M, 010, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lisa Plante, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3123.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Lisa Rinehart, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 13.04, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Lisa Rorvig, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lisa Sanden-Larson, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Lisa Schmidt, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lisa Schwab, R, F, H, CL3504, HEALTH INFO TECH II, 13.50, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Lisa Severson, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3108.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lisa Soma, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4876.00, M, 012, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Lisa Steckler, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2450.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Lisa Stieg, R, P, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4200.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Stymeist, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2891.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lisa Thomas, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Seed Department
Lisa Tofte, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2523.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Lisa Tomlinson, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 10.68, H, 006, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lisa Vetsch, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 2859.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Lisa Warner, R, F, S, CL5021, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC I, 2300.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lisa Well, R, F, S, CL3243, MICROBIOLOGIST III, 3956.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lisa White, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2840.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lisa White, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.75, H, 099, 0.10, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lisa Wolf, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Llona Sailing, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 18.00, H, 099, 0.38, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Lloyd Jensen, R, F, S, CL8030, HISTORIC SITE CONSTR SUPV, 3302.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Lloyd Miller, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Loa Tober, R, P, H, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 14.79, H, 006, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Logan Beise, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 19.33, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lois Delmore, T, P, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lois Scharnhorst, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4978.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lois Wenko, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3120.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Lois Wilhelmi, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2526.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lolita Bakken, R, F, S, CL0302, COLLECTIONS OFFICER II, 2468.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Loma Rudnik, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.53, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Londa Rodahl, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3294.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lonna Woodworth, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3058.14, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lonnie Grabowska, R, F, S, CL5225, CHIEF INVESTIGATOR, 4885.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Lonnie Heth, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3731.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Lonnie Hoffer, R, F, S, CL5044, HOMELAND SECURIT SECTION CHIEF, 4725.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lonnie Wangen, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 4990.44, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Lonny Hanson, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 2310.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lonny Hulm, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, MORTON, Highway Patrol
Lonny Mertz, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3893.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lonny Winrich, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lora Hill, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3810.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lora Norby-Bergerson, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3698.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Loralee Heiser, R, F, S, JD4130, DP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT III, 4147.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Loran Palmer, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Game & Fish Dept
Loran Soleim, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4696.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Loree Weber, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3407.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Loreen Dahlgren, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2094.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Loreeta Canton, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 3727.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Loren Haid, R, F, S, CL0919, CAPITOL COMPLEX PHYS PLNT MGR, 4539.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Loren Schlecht, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Loren Skadsem, R, F, S, CL8412, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II, 2786.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Loren Szudera, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Loren Utke, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2998.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Lorena Dominguez, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.91, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lorena Poppe, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3269.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Lorene Baier, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3113.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Loretta Benedict, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3840.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Loretta Powell-Movchan, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3739.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Loretta Stockert, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2658.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Lori Anderson, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3271.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Lori Arin, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2422.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lori Berger, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 3080.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lori Brugh, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2458.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Lori Byberg, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 4946.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Lori Carter, R, F, S, CL3201, MEDICAL LAB TECH I, 2352.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lori Charbonneau, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 23.92, H, 099, 0.40, BOTTINEAU, Department of Human Services
Lori Evjen, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3879.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lori Feldman, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2320.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Lori Fingarson, R, P, S, CL7163, FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR II, 5143.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lori Gabriel, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3065.08, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lori Heizelman, R, F, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 10.63, H, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lori Herold, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3073.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lori Hughes, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2381.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lori Jacobson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 3242.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lori Johnson, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1823.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Lori Laschkewitsch, R, F, S, CL0251, ASST EXEC BUDGET ANALYST, 5797.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Lori Leingang, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3128.13, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lori Long, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1197.83, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lori Lutz, R, F, S, CL4310, JS PROG ADMIN ASSISTANT, 2680.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lori Malafa, R, F, S, CL5714, HIGHWAY PATROL DIV COMMANDER, 5751.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Lori Martinez, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Lori Mills, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3218.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lori Mohagen, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2818.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lori Monson, R, F, S, CL4209, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT SPEC, 3103.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lori Moore, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 925.60, M, 006, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lori Moore, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.68, H, 099, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lori Nitsch, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4101.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Lori Petrick, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3439.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lori Radspinner, R, F, S, CL0109, PROD SUPPORT SPEC II, 3418.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Lori Riley, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2119.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lori Sayler, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 1515.96, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lori Schiele, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2253.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lori Schlieve, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lori Shaleen, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 5750.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lori Tarno, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1748.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lori Troyer, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Lori Vesel, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3136.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lori Voeller, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2971.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lori Walker, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2987.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lori Weisenberger, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2854.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lori Wimpfheimer, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Lorie Boschee, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2309.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lorie Ruff, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 3067.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Lorie White, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1893.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Loris Freier, R, F, S, CL1613, ASST DIR,  CHILD NUTN PRGM, 4755.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Lorna Lindemood, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2660.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lorna Meidinger, R, F, S, CL1240, HISTORIC PRESERV PRGM SPEC II, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Lorna Pederson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2161.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lorraine Bair, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.64, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lorraine Ginsbach, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2044.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lorraine Manz, R, F, S, CL2083, GEOLOGIST III, 4170.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Lorraine Michels, R, F, S, CL1083, TEACHER III, 3206.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Lorraine Miller, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2023.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Lorraine Riskey, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lorraine Scanson, R, F, S, JD4220, DEPUTY SUPREME COURT CLERK II, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lorraine Schank, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3478.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Lorraine Senger, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2874.55, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Lorri Sandal, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3770.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lorrie Pavlicek, R, F, S, CL0819, TRAINING OFFICER II, 5545.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lory Harsche, R, F, S, CL0921, TRANS MGMT OFFICER I, 3386.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lory Larkin, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3142.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lou Adams, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 4008.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Louann Cox, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Louann Nider, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3950.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Louie Hentzen, R, F, S, JD1210, ASST STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 7588.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Louise Potter, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Louise Roehrich, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3167.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Louise Wetzel, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2655.23, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Admin Hearings
Lowell Olson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2228.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lowell Silseth, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Lowell Spitzer, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3097.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Loyde Krout, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
LuAnn Fay, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, OLIVER, Unified Judicial System
Lucas Asche, R, F, S, CL0960, INFO MGMT OFFICER, 4240.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Lucas Bollum, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Lucas Nelson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lucille Gould, R, F, S, CL3051, L P NURSE I, 2871.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lucille Kuntz, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2475.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lucille Thurn, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1973.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lucille Torpen, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4368.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lucille Turner, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2317.54, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Lucille Vandame, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2045.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Lucinda Moos, R, F, S, CL0145, SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT MGR, 5828.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Lucy Fleckenstein, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1362.79, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Luella Dahme, R, F, S, CL0351, PROPERTY TAX SPECIALIST, 3622.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Luis Vilella, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 15324.82, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Luka Radunovic, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3324.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Luke Hendrickson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3899.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Highway Patrol
Luke Kalsow, R, P, S, JD2110, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER I, 1783.50, M, 014, 0.50, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Luke Schander, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 1449.44, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lutene Roth, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Lydia Fewless, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lydia Meduna, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1948.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Lyle Dick, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Lyle Fredericksen, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2560.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lyle Grove, R, F, S, CL0805, HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR I, 6246.00, M, 014, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lyle Hanson, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Lyle Humann, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2787.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lyle Jaeger, R, F, S, CL7020, TRAINING CNTR HOUSING MGR, 3205.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lyle Landstrom, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5393.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Lyle Ripplinger, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5568.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Lyle Schuchard, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 26.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lynda Doll, R, F, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 11.18, H, 004, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lynda Rud, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2066.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lynda Vistad, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4195.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lynden Ring, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4022.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lynelle Baumgartner, R, P, H, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 14.84, H, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lynelle Jopp, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2247.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Lynelle Shutt, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2059.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lynette Baumiller, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4698.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Lynette Boyko, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2520.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lynette Canode, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3049.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Lynette Cook, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3118.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lynette Goroski, R, F, S, CL0175, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC III, 4784.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Lynette Hanson, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2262.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Lynette Hohbein, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Lynette Norbeck, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 2941.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Lynette Pitzer, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2346.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lynette Trosen, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1552.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lynette Wood, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, DUNN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Lynlee Reed, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1743.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Lynn Berg, R, F, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 13.00, H, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Lynn Bingham, R, F, S, CL0440, REG HSC FISCAL MGR-DHS, 4624.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lynn Bueling, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.93, H, 099, 0.20, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lynn Derman, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lynn Dodge, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 3828.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Lynn Doll, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4430.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lynn Helms, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 10795.83, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Lynn Jans, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Lynn Johnson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3813.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Lynn Lawler, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2876.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Lynn Schlueter, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4526.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Lynn Schmidt, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2730.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Lynn Sease, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1838.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Lynn Shannon-Gall, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3328.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Lynn Zimmerman, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2997.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lynn-kai Burgard, R, P, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 3592.00, M, 013, 0.80, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lynne Huber, R, F, S, CL8607, PRINTING EQUIP OP III, 2564.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lynne Jacobson, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4535.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lynne Sullivan, R, F, S, CL4167, LIC FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST, 6266.00, M, 017, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Lynne Wise, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2144.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Lynnell Heinert, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 3802.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Lynnett Wanner, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Lynnette Ennen, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 1153.83, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Lynnette Himmerick, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
M Ganje, R, F, S, JD2230, STAFF ATTORNEY-STATE COURT ADM, 6531.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
M Krein, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 4295.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
M. Geiger, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
M.geraldine Briese, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
M.Noela Kertz, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4193.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mac Schneider, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 0.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Mackenzie Lehmann, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Madeleine Moise Cassetta, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 4097.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Madeline Free, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 17087.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Magdalene Holz, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3114.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Magdelena Emter, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Maggie Kneip, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2755.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Maia Loterbaugh, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Malinda Weninger, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3827.28, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Aeronautics Commission
Malisha Nikle, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Mallory Carlson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Mallory Sattler, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2047.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Mandeep Mishra, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2700.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mandy Buick, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Mandy Fenner, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 10.68, H, 006, 0.75, WARD, Department of Human Services
Mandy McNeff, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Mandy Nagel, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3400.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Manuela Telbis, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 1923.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Marc Brown, R, F, S, CL2103, PLANNER III, 3362.76, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Marc Hoffman, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2604.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Marc Larson, R, F, S, CL3236, FORENSIC SCIENTIST II, 3422.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Marc Reed, R, F, S, CL0631, STOREKEEPER I, 2242.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Marc Schwartz, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2103.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Marcella Aldinger, R, F, S, CL0803, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER I, 2100.00, S, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Marcella Jacob, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Marcella Running, R, F, S, CL0508, BANK OP SR PROCESS SPEC, 1335.96, S, 007, 1.00, MORTON, Bank of North Dakota
Marci Rockhold, R, F, S, CL4357, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR I, 36540.00, A, 010, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Marcia Dunn, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4627.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Marcia Guderjahn, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1907.00, M, 005, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Marcia Koushkouski, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2267.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marcia Peterson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 1874.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marcia Slag, R, F, S, CL0904, RESEARCH ANALYST IV, 4689.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Marcie Seagren, R, F, S, CL0218, HOUSING PROGRAM SPEC II, 1411.33, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Marcie Wuitschick, R, F, S, CL0806, HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR II, 5912.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marcos Meza, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marcus Ramsay, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Marcus Schmidt, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Marcus Vansickle, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Marcy Dickerson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6113.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Marcy Greenwood, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2318.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mardell Niswonger, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2243.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Marella Krein, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3646.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Maren Arbach, R, F, S, CL5012, IDENTIFICATION TECH I, 1833.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Maren Daley, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7391.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Margaret Anderson, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 22.41, H, 011, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Margaret Boren, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4030.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Margaret Brintnell, R, F, S, CL5200, LICENSING ADMINISTRATOR, 3422.91, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Margaret Campbell, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Margaret Cudmore, R, P, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1137.00, M, 007, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Margaret Demaree, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.10, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Margaret Elhard, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2369.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Margaret Elkin, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3436.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Margaret Granlund, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3440.00, M, 011, 1.00, PEMBINA, Department of Human Services
Margaret Johnson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2423.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Margaret Johnson, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Margaret Larson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Margaret Nieuwsma, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5486.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Margaret Oakland, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Margaret Olson, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 3984.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Margaret Ourenhagen, R, F, H, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 13.85, H, 007, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Margaret Pearson, R, F, S, CL3250, STATE TOXICOLOGIST, 4517.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Margaret Rixen, R, F, S, CL0701, LEGAL ASSISTANT I, 2660.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Margaret Schaar, R, P, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 1789.00, M, 011, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Margaret Schaar, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.64, H, 099, 0.30, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Margaret Stanton, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2172.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Margaret Wood, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3028.09, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Marget Anderson, R, F, S, CL4046, DIRECTOR,  MED ASSISTANCE, 7265.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Margie Thomas, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3294.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Margit Schmelka, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2776.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Margo Aas, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Margo Huber, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2139.22, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Margo Lentz, R, F, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Margo Undlin, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Margret Volk, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3568.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Marguerite Ulmer, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2039.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Mari Lindenberg, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mari Rasmussen, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4535.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Maria Gokim, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3384.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Maria Guerra, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2140.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Maria Robles, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 17272.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Maria Witham, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Mariah Candrian, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 4448.00, M, 013, 1.00, WARD, Department of Financial Institutions
Mariah Tenamoc, R, F, S, CL0904, RESEARCH ANALYST IV, 4000.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marian Burck, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, ADAMS, Unified Judicial System
Marian Hapip, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2285.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Mariann Almklov, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marianne Klosterman, R, F, S, CL3402, ENV HEALTH PRACT II, 3179.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Health
Marianne Stennes, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3925.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Marianne Vangsness, R, P, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1206.00, M, 005, 0.60, WARD, Department of Human Services
Maridon Sorum, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4265.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Marie Koapke, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 19.34, H, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Marie Mettler, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, OLIVER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Marie Nelson, R, F, S, CL0803, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER I, 3615.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marie Stevens, R, P, S, CL1083, TEACHER III, 638.00, M, 012, 0.20, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Marie Topp, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 31.00, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Marie Ystaas, R, F, H, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 21.48, H, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Arneson, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3460.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Belisle, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 25.93, H, 011, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Bergsrud, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2080.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Chase, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Marilyn Friedt, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2503.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Marilyn Gerszewski, R, F, S, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 1651.00, M, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Heidt, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2760.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Marilyn Heilman, R, P, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 1517.00, M, 010, 0.50, WELLS, Job Service ND
Marilyn Johnson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 5175.04, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Marilyn Langehaug, R, F, S, CL0602, PURCHASING AGENT II, 4283.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marilyn Marx, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1890.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Mertz, R, F, S, CL0701, LEGAL ASSISTANT I, 2617.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Marilyn Moe, R, F, S, JD2330, PROGRAM MANAGER, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Marilyn Murphy, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2179.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Nitschke, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2794.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Peebles, R, F, H, CL4125, DORMITORY COUNSELOR I, 11.76, H, 007, 0.77, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Marilyn Pryatel, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 17.86, H, 008, 0.40, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Robertson, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 3899.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Rudolph, R, F, S, CL4040, HUMAN SERVICE CENTER DIR II, 7640.00, M, 017, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Slaughter, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3816.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marilyn Snyder, R, F, S, CL1234, HISTORIC ED PROG ADMINISTRATOR, 3269.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Marilyn Wagner, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 4023.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Marilynn Cason, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 4344.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marina Khachaturyan, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 2025.08, S, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Marion Goodmanson, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3124.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marion Kiefer, R, F, S, CL4006, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC II - DHS, 3145.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marion Roshau, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3350.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Marion Struckness, R, F, S, JD4130, DP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT III, 3824.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Marion Walter, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.34, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Marissa Engraf, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Marjorie Anderson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 12.63, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Marjorie Stelter, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.60, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Mark Aman, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2800.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Mark Anderson, R, F, S, CL0440, REG HSC FISCAL MGR-DHS, 5512.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mark Anderson, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2066.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mark Armstrong, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6250.89, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Mark Bachmeier, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2801.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Mark Backman, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 4996.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Mark Bieber, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1803.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Mark Bohrer, R, F, S, CL2094, PETROLEUM ENGINEER IV, 6160.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Mark Diede, R, F, S, CL4244, VOCATIONAL EVALUATOR II, 3805.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mark Dihle, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3016.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Mark Dosch, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Mark Dose, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 3100.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Mark Douglas, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4472.92, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Mark Eggers, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3814.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Mark Einarson, R, F, S, CL8210, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR II, 2620.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mark Emmel, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3224.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Mark Fetting, R, F, S, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 2359.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Mark Fitterer, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3488.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mark Gaydos, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6991.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mark Gilbertson, R, F, S, CL0819, TRAINING OFFICER II, 4348.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Mark Gress, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3406.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Mark Gudmunsen, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3457.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mark Hadlich, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3352.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Mark Hafdahl, R, F, S, CL6404, LAB SUPV-STATE SEED DEPT, 4387.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Mark Halvorson, R, F, S, CL1233, MUSEUM SPECIALIST, 3384.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Mark Hathaway, R, F, S, CL0149, D B DESIGN ANALYST II, 4108.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Mark Herz, T, P, S, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 742.40, M, 099, 0.50, CASS, Seed Department
Mark Hetletvedt, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2895.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mark Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2400.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Mark Holzer, R, F, S, CL2104, PLANNER IV, 5554.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Aeronautics Commission
Mark Jesser, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4000.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Mark Johnson, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 6867.64, M, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Mark Jundt, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 8.44, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mark Kennedy, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 3931.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mark Klipfel, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3118.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mark Knell, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4793.98, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Mark Learn, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Mark Lindsey, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 4796.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mark Milligan, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3425.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mark Mittelsteadt, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 4435.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Mark Molesworth, R, F, S, CL0124, INFO TECH PROG ADMIN II, 5759.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Mark Mundy, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2537.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Mark Nelson, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 6760.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Mark Olafson, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2887.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Mark Pollert, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4679.00, M, 012, 1.00, LAMOURE, Game & Fish Dept
Mark Riley, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3587.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Mark Rodlund, R, F, S, CL4167, LIC FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST, 6266.00, M, 017, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mark Schneider, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 4400.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Mark Scott, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5010.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Mark Sherlock, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2459.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Mark Shockley, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2296.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mark Soehren, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2425.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Mark Sundlov, R, F, S, CL1227, HISTORIC SITE SUPV III, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Mark Thompson, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3031.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Mark Voss, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5138.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Mark Wangler, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mark Zimmerman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4001.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Marla Belohlavek, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 1527.50, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Marla Paulson, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1873.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Marla Sasse, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Marla Trail, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4478.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Marlan Sorenson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Marlene Besette, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 10.79, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Marlene Binde, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Marlene Boulduc, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1688.00, M, 005, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Marlene Heinle, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3841.58, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Marlene Kemmet, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 24.93, H, 011, 0.90, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marlene Larson, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 4332.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marlene Rorman, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2576.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Marlene Schaefer, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.52, H, 099, 0.25, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Marlin Gumke, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Marlin Morlock, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 2327.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Marlo Blomberg, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.90, H, 003, 0.20, WILLIAMS, Job Service ND
Marlon Mason, R, F, S, CL4401, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE I, 1832.00, M, 004, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Marlowe Miller, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2392.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Marlyn Vondall, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2832.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Marlys Axtman, R, F, S, CL0146, ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE DEV MGR, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Marlys Baker, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4000.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marlys Coughlin, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3291.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marlys Knell, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3539.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Marlys Morgenstern, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3812.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Marlys Petersen, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2755.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marlys Sorensen, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 3767.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marlys Verdi, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2882.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Marlys Ward, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2494.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Marnie Soggie, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4467.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marron Bingle, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.50, H, 099, 0.38, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Marsha Buchwitz, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3770.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Marsha Kauk, R, F, S, CL0521, ASST BANK OPERATIONS MGR, 2001.38, S, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Marsha Lembke, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 5454.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marshall Boom, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 2920.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Marshall Flagg, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 5040.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Marta Balderas, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3176.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Job Service ND
Martha Bjorgaard, R, F, S, CL4201, REG CHILD SUP PROG ADM, 4100.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Martha Muscha, R, P, H, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 11.77, H, 006, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Martha Soine, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2989.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Martha Tollefson, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3893.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Martin Aas, R, F, S, CL0446, CUSTOMER SERVICE AREA MGR, 6055.00, M, 015, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Martin Avelino, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4000.00, M, 012, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Martin Espinoza, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2415.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Martin Meier, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4283.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Martin Monek, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3338.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Martin Schock, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 46.80, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Martin Tonn, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 4185.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Marty Egeland, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 3999.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Game & Fish Dept
Marty Haroldson, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3057.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Marty Shipley, R, F, S, CL8293, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III, 3831.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Marvin Braun, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1450.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Marvin Eckman, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Marvin Hoff, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2433.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Marvin Jordan, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2617.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Marvin Karvonen, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Marvin King, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2481.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Marvin Lang, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3670.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marvin Martel, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Marvin Mead, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.34, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Marvin Mertz, R, F, S, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 2603.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Marvin Schroeder, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mary Adams, R, F, S, CL0871, MULTI-MEDIA DEVELOPER I, 2956.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Anderson, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3468.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Mary Anderson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Mary Bachmeier, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2002.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Mary Berg, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 3728.00, M, 013, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Mary Bertsch, R, F, S, CL3276, CHIEF RADIOLOGICAL TECH, 3460.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mary Beth Riendeau, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.53, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Brubakken, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2158.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Cariveau, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3844.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Mary Chmielewski, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3870.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Christie, R, F, S, CL7123, COOK II, 2064.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Cremer, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3088.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Daigre, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2122.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Dasovick, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5065.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Mary Davis, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Mary Dunbar, T, F, S, JD5410, FAMILY COURT COORDINATOR, 3466.67, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Mary Dusek, R, P, S, CL3135, DIR OF OCC THERAPY, 2639.00, M, 013, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Ekstrom, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Mary Ellen Varvel, R, F, S, CL5246, HEARING OFFICER II-DOT, 4547.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Enyart, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Mary Feist, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 4075.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Mary Feltman, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4735.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Mary Feltman, R, P, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 2088.50, M, 016, 0.50, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Mary Frohlich, R, F, H, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 28.19, H, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Mary Gerszewski, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 13.45, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Gilles, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 6115.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Mary Glum, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3560.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Griffin, R, F, S, CL3326, DENTAL HYGIENIST, 4785.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Hayden, R, F, S, CL1256, RECORDS MGMT SPECIALIST, 2790.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Helmers, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3824.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Heyerman, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Mary Hilzendeger, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2485.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Mary Hjelle, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2881.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Mary Hoberg, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4463.33, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Mary Holliday, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3319.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Mary Houdek, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 4185.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Job Service ND
Mary Hruby, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 11.74, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Mary Hultberg, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3549.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Janusz, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4935.88, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Mary Jaster, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 3059.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Jaszkowiak, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2684.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Jo Gray, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3851.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Mary Johnson, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2661.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Kartes, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 1923.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Kelsch, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 4821.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Mary Knudson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1994.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Kostelecky, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 1954.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Kraft, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1277.42, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Mary Laidlaw, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5664.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Mary Lockrem, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Mary Loftsgard, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 6067.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Mary Long, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2461.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Lou Thompson, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2750.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Lund, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 2666.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Magnus, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 3021.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Mary Magrum, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3435.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Maring, R, F, S, JD1110, JUSTICE - SUPREME COURT, 9843.42, M, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Mary Marthaller, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3837.01, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Mary Mathison, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 13.52, H, 099, 0.38, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Miller, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3689.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Mary Moseanko, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2840.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Mary Narloch, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2094.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Neigum, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3164.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Mary Nordine, R, F, S, CL4206, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST LEAD, 4091.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Mary Osborn, R, F, S, CL3214, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN IV, 2843.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Mary Otteson, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.50, H, 099, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Mary Prochnow, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.50, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Reed, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2840.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Mary Rudnik, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 24.10, H, 011, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Sagsveen, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 11.50, H, 099, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Schaefer, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 4237.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Mary Schaible, R, P, H, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 11.31, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Mary Schlosser, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3971.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mary Schnellbach, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2562.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Schwab, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3073.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Mary Selzler, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6106.88, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Mary Sharff, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3950.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Treasurer's Ofc
Mary Shearer, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2047.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Mary Shirek, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2064.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Mary Sluke, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 1906.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mary Smith, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2710.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Mary Soggie, R, F, S, CL0136, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC III, 3719.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mary Splonskowski, R, F, S, JD3110, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Mary Steele, R, F, S, CL4215, SUPERVISOR/CLINICIAN, 4228.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mary Steffan, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Mary Thompson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5629.55, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Mary Urlacher, R, F, S, CL0445, CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE MGR, 4036.00, M, 013, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Mary Verlinde, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3349.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Mary Wetzel, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2193.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
MaryAnn Foss, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 4905.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Maryann Schaaf, R, F, S, CL0017, LICENSING SPECIALIST III, 2772.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Maryann Trauger, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 6040.32, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Maryanne Wetzel, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1741.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Marybeth Wilson, R, F, S, CL1026, DIR OF PROF DEV NDSH/NDDC, 5036.00, M, 014, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
MaryJo Baden, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3442.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Mathew Kroke, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2461.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mathew LeMoine, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3384.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Amick, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Matthew Arthurs, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4096.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Matthew Becker, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Brown, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4398.00, M, 012, 1.00, RICHLAND, Highway Patrol
Matthew Carns, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Matthew Cech, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Matthew Collette, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Matthew Denault, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3849.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Matthew Dietrich, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Fischer, R, F, S, CL0461, INSURANCE CO EXAMINER I, 3033.34, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Matthew Gangness, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4984.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Gardner, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 13.65, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Matthew Ham, T, F, S, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 2850.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Matthew Harrington, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2938.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Matthew Hovland, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1601.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Matthew Klein, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Matthew Klingenstein, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4200.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Matthew Kro, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3042.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Kurle, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4000.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Leer, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Matthew Lewton, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Matthew Linneman, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4984.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Luger, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3769.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Matthew Maguire, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Matthew Maresh, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2412.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Matthew McCauley, R, F, H, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 9.53, H, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Matthew Olson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Matthew Perry, R, F, S, CL0901, RESEARCH ANALYST I, 2782.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Matthew Peyerl, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4914.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Matthew Sagsveen, R, F, S, AG9012, ASST ATTY GEN-ADMIN, 6167.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Matthew Sayler, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.34, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Matthew Strinden, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4550.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Matthew Vold, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Maureen Beck, R, F, S, CL4006, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC II - DHS, 3336.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Maureen Haman, R, F, S, CL4215, SUPERVISOR/CLINICIAN, 4332.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Maureen Lepp, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Maureen Trnka, R, F, S, CL6040, PARK RANGER, 3369.65, M, 010, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Maureen Vosberg, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3255.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Maurice Johnson, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3870.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mavis Dahlgren, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1958.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Mavis Hanson, R, P, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1002.50, M, 004, 0.50, CASS, Department of Human Services
Mavis Strand, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2795.00, M, 099, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Maxine Malsam, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2811.13, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Maxine Swenson, R, F, S, CL8607, PRINTING EQUIP OP III, 2647.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Maxine Trotter, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Mechell Holien, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3316.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Megan Christianson, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Megan Christopher, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Megan Dorneman, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Megan Nettum, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2969.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Megan Porter, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3219.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Megan Sattler, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Megan Sturdevant, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.93, H, 099, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Mel Stoltz, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 3997.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Melanie Luger, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3164.84, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Indian Affairs
Melanie Maneval, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3854.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Melanie Zolondek, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.96, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Melanni Hoff, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3936.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Melanni Wiedrich, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2400.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Melinda Albrecht, R, F, S, CL4005, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC I - DHS, 2650.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Melinda Hamel, R, F, S, CL4357, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR I, 3049.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Melinda Okland-Winterberg, R, P, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 1050.00, M, 005, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melinda Roy, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.45, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Melinda Schirado, R, F, S, CL0508, BANK OP SR PROCESS SPEC, 1339.29, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Melinda Thompson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2350.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Melissa Anderson, R, F, S, CL1603, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM III, 3183.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Melissa Anderson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Melissa Becker, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1967.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melissa Becker, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3067.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Melissa Behm, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2411.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Melissa Brekke, R, F, H, CL1016, SIGN LANG INTERPRETER, 2390.27, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Melissa Brown, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Melissa Buckmier, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2100.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Melissa Castillo, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2380.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Melissa Cederstrom, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1869.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Melissa Coen, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2817.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Melissa Denault-Schaf, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2050.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Melissa Elsperger, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 3259.00, M, 012, 0.76, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Melissa Evans, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2548.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Melissa Evans, T, P, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 15.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Melissa Ficek, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Melissa Flath, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3062.85, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Melissa Fonder, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1349.54, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Melissa Garrison, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING SPECIALIST I, 2022.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melissa Hamilton, R, F, S, CL0703, PARALEGAL, 3493.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melissa Hauer, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6214.87, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Melissa Heaton, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1225.00, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Melissa Heggen, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2169.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melissa Hildebrandt, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 9.96, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Melissa Jahner, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5042.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Melissa Lewis, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2207.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Melissa Locken, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2169.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melissa Long, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 2888.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Melissa Mahin, R, F, S, CL0921, TRANS MGMT OFFICER I, 3054.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melissa Miller, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3668.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Melissa Morden, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, PEMBINA, Unified Judicial System
Melissa Olson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4477.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Melissa Parsons, R, F, S, CL3414, SENIOR EPIDEMIOLOGIST, 3760.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Melissa Pritchett, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.68, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Melissa Reich, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2626.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Melissa Schiller, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2541.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Melissa Schreiner, R, F, S, CL0017, LICENSING SPECIALIST III, 2771.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melissa Thomas, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4179.80, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Melissa Thompson, R, F, S, CL1232, EXHIBIT SPECIALIST II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Melissa Waters, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 10.30, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Melodee Thompson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2840.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Job Service ND
Melody Edenloff, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Melody Kemmet, R, F, S, CL3032, CLINICAL COORDINATOR-NDSH, 5303.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Melody Peterson, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4292.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Melody Tracy, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2046.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Melva Morris, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2837.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melvin Faris, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4642.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Melvin Wegner, R, F, S, CL2203, REALTY OFFICER III, 3951.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Melvina Horner, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2907.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mercedes Clark, R, F, S, CL0507, BANK OP PROCESS SPEC, 1056.75, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Merlan Paaverud, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7270.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Merle Boucher, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 648.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Merle Evenson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3597.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Merle Haisley, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Merle Jost, T, P, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCKENZIE, Game & Fish Dept
Merle Torkelson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, MCLEAN, Unified Judicial System
Merlin Beto, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 4033.00, M, 012, 1.00, RICHLAND, Job Service ND
Merlyn Skaley, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2852.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Merrily Harr, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2240.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Merry Hansen, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3434.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Mervyn Anderson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2495.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Anderson, R, F, S, APP, Exec Director, 8379.00, M, 099, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Michael Anderson, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 3566.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Michael Andring, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6658.32, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Michael Barbere, R, F, S, CL0161, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR I, 3535.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Michael Beck, R, F, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 4008.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michael Becker, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5273.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Berg, R, F, S, CL2043, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR III, 4718.76, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Michael Brand, R, F, S, CL6330, DIR,  SURFACE MGMT DIV, 6679.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Michael Brandenburg, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Michael Brisben, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3981.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michael Cantlon, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Michael Carr, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3981.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michael Chilson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Michael Clemens, R, F, S, CL4243, VOCATIONAL EVALUATOR I, 2617.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michael Collins, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 1539.30, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Michael Cumber, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 19.66, H, 011, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michael Daley, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 6066.67, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Michael DeCoteau, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Michael Diller, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 6500.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Michael Duerre, R, F, S, CL6045, PARK MANAGER I, 3257.00, M, 012, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Michael Ell, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 5045.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michael Endres, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 4244.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Michael Fettes, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, MCHENRY, Game & Fish Dept
Michael Fischer, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2667.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Michael Fisher, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5023.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Michael Fix, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7597.01, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Michael Francis, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3387.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Michael Frohlich, R, F, S, CL0872, MULTI-MEDIA DEVELOPER II, 3432.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Michael Gerhart, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3512.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Michael Gerhart, R, F, S, CL5710, HWY PATROL DISTRICT COMMANDER, 5224.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Michael Grenz, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2464.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michael Hagburg, R, F, S, JD2220, STAFF ATTORNEY-JOINT PROC COMM, 5333.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Michael Hargiss, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Health
Michael Haupt, R, F, S, CL6325, RANGE & SOILS MGMT SPEC, 4668.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Michael Herman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Michael Heyd, R, F, S, CL5532, SECURITY OFFICER II, 2931.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Michael Hinrichs, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Michael Hoff, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3590.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Michael Hollekim, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3017.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Michael Hove, R, F, S, CL6056, WATER RESOURCE SENIOR MGR, 4404.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Michael Huelsman, R, F, S, CL8424, Aircraft Maintenance Cord-DOT, 4095.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Humann, R, F, S, CL6325, RANGE & SOILS MGMT SPEC, 4656.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Michael Jacob, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1749.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Michael Jenkins, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3354.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Michael Johnson, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4432.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Johnson, R, F, S, CL6073, BIOLOGIST III, 5646.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Michael Johnson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Michael Kisse, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 5966.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Knutson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Michael Kuntz, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Kuntz, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2641.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Landeis, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2849.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Michael Lang, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3747.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Laverdure, R, F, S, CL0161, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR I, 3615.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Michael Lee, R, F, S, CL3402, ENV HEALTH PRACT II, 3098.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Health
Michael Leier, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 5069.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Michael Loff, R, F, S, CL0432, BUSINESS MANAGER II, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Michael Lynk, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 5700.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Michael Marum, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3896.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michael Mccloud, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4712.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Highway Patrol
Michael Mckenna, R, F, S, CL6007, CHIEF-CONSERV & COMM DIV, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Michael Mellon, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Michael Mercado, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Michael Miller, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3929.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michael Mullen, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 6889.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michael Nathe, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Michael Neigum, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3196.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michael Noone, R, F, S, CL2103, PLANNER III, 3628.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Michael Oosterwijk, R, F, S, CL6420, SEED INSPECTOR SUPERVISOR, 4066.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Michael Pesch, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Michael Pike, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 5005.00, M, 013, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Michael Pitcher, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 3732.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michael Polomny, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3799.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Michael Quintus, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3065.51, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Michael Raasakka, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4552.00, M, 012, 1.00, MOUNTRAIL, Game & Fish Dept
Michael Roark, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Michael Roehrick, R, F, S, CL8336, ST FLEET DISPATCH SUPV, 2616.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Sandal, R, F, S, CL0806, HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR II, 6615.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Sauer, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4812.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michael Schatz, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Michael Scheet, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5208.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Michael Schlenker, R, F, S, CL4020, QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER, 3388.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michael Schmitcke, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4495.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Michael Schott, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Michael Schwindt, R, F, S, CL4048, DIR CHILD SPT ENFORCE DIV, 7778.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michael Shaw, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 15.60, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michael Shock, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2883.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Michael Skachenko, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 3228.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Michael Sondeland, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.50, H, 099, 0.50, BOWMAN, Land Department
Michael Sprynczynatyk, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 10.92, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Michael Stebbins, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3229.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Michael Steier, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Michael Sturdevant, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Michael Szymanski, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3236.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Michael Thompson, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 3588.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michael Torgerson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2444.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Michael Trythall, R, F, S, CL3243, MICROBIOLOGIST III, 4222.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michael Undewood, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Michael Wallace, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Michael Wilma, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 7122.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michael Ziesch, R, F, S, CL0904, RESEARCH ANALYST IV, 4288.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Michaela Schirado, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 2717.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michele Balliet-Unrath, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2039.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Michele Blumhagen, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4612.40, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Michele Bring, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Michele Clark, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 3991.30, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Michele Curtis, R, F, S, CL3173, THERAPEUTIC REC SPEC III, 4021.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michele Ernst, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5197.00, M, 015, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Michele Forest, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2504.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Michele Gee, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4091.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michele Hansel, R, F, S, CL3113, ACTIVITY THERAPIST III, 3050.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michele Heid, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3172.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michele Jones, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4140.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michele Petron, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2117.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michele Reuer, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3505.61, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Michele Zeller, R, F, S, CL5701, CMRCL MTR CARRIER PERMIT TECH, 2513.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Michell Weixel, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2153.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Adams, R, F, H, CL0203, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC III, 11.70, H, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Alexander, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2588.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Michelle Altman, R, F, H, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 12.88, H, 007, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Michelle Bertsch, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2278.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Blaskowski, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1977.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Burkett, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 16.97, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michelle Busch, R, P, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 1521.50, M, 011, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Christie, R, F, S, CL0702, LEGAL ASSISTANT II, 2455.52, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Michelle Collins, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5721.52, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Michelle Entzminger, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2730.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michelle Feist, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 3053.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michelle Fender, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2834.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Michelle Flanders, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Michelle Gayette, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3570.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Greening, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 2500.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Corn Utilization Council
Michelle Halone, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3578.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Michelle Harbaugh, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3373.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Michelle Henke, R, F, S, CL3241, MICROBIOLOGIST I, 2883.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michelle Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0214, Hous Prog Tech I, 2071.00, M, 006, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Michelle Huus, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2912.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Michelle Irmen, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2940.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Michelle Jacob, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3382.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Jenks, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4418.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Michelle Kimball, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1752.00, M, 005, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Michelle Klose, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 5842.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Michelle Lorenzen, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 893.00, M, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Metzger, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 2847.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michelle Neva, R, P, S, CL3138, CERT OCC THERAPY ASST II, 2170.00, M, 008, 0.80, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michelle Olson, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3519.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Michelle Paul-Fiest, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4197.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Pitzer, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2755.81, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Michelle Richardson, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1682.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Michelle Rodriguez, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1651.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Skaley, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2890.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Souther, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2898.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Michelle Stahl, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3206.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Vetter, R, F, S, CL0421, GRANTS/CONTRACTS OFR I, 3300.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michelle Walker, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3184.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Michelle Watne, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3588.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Welder, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4117.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Michelle Wilson, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 1066.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Michelle Youle, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4280.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Micole Kvas, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 5545.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Mikal Simonson, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Mike Bingle Davis, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3359.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Mike Bossert, R, F, S, CL4005, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC I - DHS, 2641.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Mike Eng, R, F, S, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 1698.00, M, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mike Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0115, COMPUTER OPERATOR II, 2970.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Mike Koshney, R, F, S, CL0581, Hous Prog Rep, 3671.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Mike Moran, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Mike Ressler, R, F, S, CL0100, DEPUTY CIO & DIRECTOR-ITD, 8611.00, M, 018, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Mike Sedlacek, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3563.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Mildred Johnson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2315.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Milena Stojkovic, R, F, S, CL5038, COMPLIANCE INVEST II, 3386.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Miles Anderson, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.39, H, 099, 0.10, WARD, Department of Human Services
Miles Anderson, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.39, H, 099, 0.25, WARD, Department of Human Services
Miles Jaster, R, F, S, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 2346.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Miles Miller, R, F, S, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 2400.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Millicent Wald, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.15, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Mindy Todd, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 0.75, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Miranda Szudera, R, P, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1100.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Miriam Juhl, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 22.42, H, 012, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Miriam Sayler-Nyland, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3314.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Mischelle Hagerty, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3962.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Missy Tesky, R, F, S, CL5200, LICENSING ADMINISTRATOR, 2948.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Misty Leuthardt-Riskey, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Misty Rilley, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Mitchell Auer, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1119.88, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Mitchell Drozdowicz, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Mitchell Rumple, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4505.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Mitchell Torgeson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Molly Sander, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 3510.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Molly Verret, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2436.76, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Soybean Council
Monica Glanville, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2894.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Monica Goeson, R, F, S, CL4228, ECC LICENSING SPEC II, 3456.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Monica Kubischta, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1843.00, M, 006, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Monica Reiner-Pletan, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3308.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Monica Sather, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2430.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Monica Sebastian, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2236.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Monica Zander, R, F, S, CL0447, AREA DIRECTOR-JSND, 6295.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Monique Durgin, R, F, S, CL0175, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC III, 4134.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Monique Ott, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 6.55, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Monte Babeck, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 4089.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Monte Dockter, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4464.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Monte Engel, R, F, S, CL2048, HLTH CARE FAC ENG/ARCH, 4696.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Monte Lee, R, F, S, CL8060, HWY MAINTENANCE SUPT, 4515.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Monte Mortenson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Monte Obrigewitch, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3799.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Monte Wolf, R, F, S, CL0404, SUPERVISING EXAMINER, 5993.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Monty Mertz, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5424.99, M, 016, 1.00, CASS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Monty Rauser, R, P, H, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 22.94, H, 099, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Morgan Johnson, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3327.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Morgan Putnam, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2059.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Morleyne Mccormick, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Morris Magnus, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3088.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Moses Chepkwony, R, F, S, CL0461, INSURANCE CO EXAMINER I, 3033.34, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Mozel Murray, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3028.60, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Muriel Jack, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Murray Strom, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2687.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Myles Sundby, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Highway Patrol
Myles Vosberg, R, F, S, CL0345, INCOME SALES & SPEC TAXES DIR, 6501.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Myra Grenz, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1607.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Myra Grenz, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.36, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Myra Kosse, R, F, S, CL3259, SENIOR CHEMIST II, 6240.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Myrna Bala, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 4004.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Myrna Milligan, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1871.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Myrna Pederson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2794.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Myron Eslinger, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2774.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Myron Huettl, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Myron Jabs, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BARNES, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Myron Mastrud, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 4197.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Myron Weisz, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, TOWNER, Unified Judicial System
Nadene Lenz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4492.07, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Nadine Ehrhardt, R, P, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 1081.50, M, 007, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nadine Heck, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4617.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Nadine Nogowski, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2095.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nadine Philp, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2149.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nadine Sanford, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 16.30, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Nadine Sauter, R, F, S, CL0169, TELECOMM ANALYST II, 3861.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Nadine Solemsaas, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2520.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nan Baasch, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3489.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nancy Bateman, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 5185.83, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Beef Commission
Nancy Bell, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2528.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Nancy Berge, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 3396.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nancy Bleth, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3695.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nancy Boldt, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 4278.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Nancy Brady, R, F, S, CL0701, LEGAL ASSISTANT I, 3002.16, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Nancy Cossette, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 11.44, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Department of Health
Nancy Darling, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1985.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Nancy Doll, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1987.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nancy Eley, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 17.54, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Nancy Erdmann, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 2544.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nancy Erickson, R, F, S, CL3202, MEDICAL LAB TECH II, 3004.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Nancy Exner, R, F, S, CL4215, SUPERVISOR/CLINICIAN, 4293.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Nancy Feist, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1453.58, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Nancy Gabbert, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5381.00, M, 015, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Nancy Glass, R, F, S, CL0541, TRUST DEPT MANAGER - BND, 2313.00, S, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Nancy Horner, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4261.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nancy Horst, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Nancy Isaacson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2785.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nancy J Johnson, R, F, S, CL0041, Admin Asst I, 1874.00, M, 006, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Nancy Johnson, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Nancy Krogstad, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Nancy Lambrecht, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2943.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nancy Lien, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3017.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nancy Lundon, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4376.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Nancy Mckenzie, R, F, S, CL4040, HUMAN SERVICE CENTER DIR II, 8568.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nancy Nikolas, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3787.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nancy Olien, R, F, S, CL4206, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST LEAD, 4155.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Nancy Puppe, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2575.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Nancy Reiger, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.25, H, 099, 0.40, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Nancy Rice, R, F, S, CL0218, Hous Prog Spec II, 2648.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Nancy Richels, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2954.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nancy Rubbelke, R, F, S, CL4074, REG DEV DISABIL PRGM ADMN, 4133.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Nancy Sagvold, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 1854.67, M, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Nancy Sailer, R, F, S, CL0803, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER I, 4181.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Nancy Schiwal, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Nancy Schlosser, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2770.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Nancy Schulz, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3041.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Nancy Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1981.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Nancy Skorheim, R, F, S, CL1607, SPEC EDUC REGIONAL COORD II, 5010.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Nancy Sylling, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2306.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Nancy Thomas, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING SPECIALIST I, 2091.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nancy Trottier, R, F, H, CL1015, SIGN LANGUAGE COMM FACILITATOR, 15.38, H, 008, 0.78, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Nancy Wald, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1983.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Nancy Walz, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 60.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Naomi Frantes, R, F, S, CL1212, LIBRARIAN II, 3432.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Naomi Heinrich, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3000.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Naomi Jundt-Belohlavek, R, F, S, CL4322, JS PROGRAM ADMIN I, 3127.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Naomi Mougey, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 11.97, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Naomi Peyerl, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Narasimhan Kandooru, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4725.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Natalie Leingang, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2422.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Natasha Adamson, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3138.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Natasha Dahl, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Natasha Dewald, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1782.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Natasha Yearwood, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Nate Behnkie, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.00, H, 099, 0.50, WARD, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Nathan Bensen, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3255.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nathan Bergman, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 3914.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Nathan Blowers, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4472.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Nathan Dalzell, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3760.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nathan Engel, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2753.68, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Nathan Faa, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nathan Haaland, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4377.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nathan Harling, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3258.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Nathan Helmer, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Nathan Johnson, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 3385.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Nathan Levi, R, F, S, CL0131, PROGRAMMER, 3014.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Nathan Medler, R, F, H, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 12.75, H, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Nathan Reineke, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2066.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nathan Schneider, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3332.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Nathan Smesrud, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nathan Vasquez, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Nathaniel Cariveau, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Nathaniel Elliott, R, F, S, JD3330, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4529.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Nathaniel Erbele, R, F, S, CL2092, PETROLEUM ENGINEER II, 3700.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Nathaniel Kirby, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3145.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Neal Bauer, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4257.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Neal Fisher, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 10666.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Wheat Commission
Neal Roth, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Neal Schumacher, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3244.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Neil Charvat, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3213.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Neil Howe, T, F, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 35.36, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Neil Johnson, R, F, S, CL5715, HP FIELD OPERATIONS COMMANDER, 6308.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Neil Martwick, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2325.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Neil Olson, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3180.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Neil Suko, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2403.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Neil Toman, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4903.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Neilan Larson, R, F, S, CL4028, REGIONAL REP-SOC SER PROG, 4101.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Nermina Musovic, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2461.62, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Neva Carlisle, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 3004.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Nevin Huizenga, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Nicholas Bundermann, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Nicholas Korth, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Nicholas Nankivel, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3029.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Nicholas Phillips, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3016.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Nicholas Reamann, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.50, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Nicholas Swenson, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3419.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nicholas Thelen, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2930.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Nicholas Thornton, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4550.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Nichole Bonnema, R, F, H, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 13.50, H, 006, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Nichole Brice, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3056.07, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Nichole Doppler, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 2351.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nichole Fontaine-Vonesh, R, P, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2471.40, M, 010, 0.90, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Nichole Helbling, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3457.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nichole Jensen, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Nichole Larson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Nichole Parkhouse, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nicholus Doyle, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Nick Sauvageau, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Nickela Runck, R, F, H, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 12.58, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Nickie Reis, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3400.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nicky Jolliffe, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7677.73, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Nicole Brown, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2827.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Nicole Domine, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 0.63, CASS, Department of Human Services
Nicole Faul, R, F, S, CL0042, Admin Asst II, 2357.00, M, 007, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Nicole Fried, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2422.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nicole Gaab, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 3513.55, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Nicole Hartje, R, P, H, CL4401, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE I, 8.25, H, 004, 0.25, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Nicole Hinderer, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4703.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Nicole Klein, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Nicole Kunkel, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3114.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nicole LaVallie, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Nicole Leitner, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, CLAY, Unified Judicial System
Nicole Lyons, R, F, S, CL0202, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC II, 1890.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nicole Meier, R, F, S, CL3242, MICROBIOLOGIST II, 3125.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Nicole Meland, R, F, S, CL0401, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR I, 3310.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Financial Institutions
Nicole Sautner, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3332.39, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Nicole Spoor, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3093.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Nicole Weiler, R, P, H, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 17.24, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Nicole Wetzel, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2400.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Nicole Witikko, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3355.00, M, 099, 0.83, WARD, School for the Deaf
Nicole Wright, R, F, S, CL1072, VOC TECH ED ASST PROG DIR, 3856.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Nicolette Weaver, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2503.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Nicolle Fowler, R, F, S, CL5035, DEPUTY BOILER INSPECTOR, 4353.42, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Niels Anderson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2994.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Nikolas Fisher, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Nikolas Guttormson, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 12.31, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Nile Yoder, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Nina Pettys, R, P, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 1897.64, M, 008, 0.75, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Nina Weber, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2184.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Nola Dahlen, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3479.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Nolene Kringstad, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.96, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Nora Schlecht, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Noreen Fraase, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Parks & Recreation Dept
Norene Bartelson, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3591.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Norine Prigge, R, F, S, CL3226, MEDICAL LAB DIRECTOR - DHS, 4129.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Norlyn Schmidt, R, F, S, CL2104, PLANNER IV, 4906.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Norma Heck, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2628.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Norma Mosset, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2066.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Norma Sipma, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Norman Backes, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Norman Bohn, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Norman Krueger, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Norman Lauinger, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2440.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Norman Mohl, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 20.59, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Norman Ruud, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4904.00, M, 013, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Norman Smith, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Norman Westbrook, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3159.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Nyleen Fischer, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Octavian Ciobanu, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Olaf Lillestol, R, F, S, CL5023, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC III, 3787.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Ole Thomassen, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4452.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Onica Johnson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2923.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Ordean Jacobson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 15.97, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Orlan Troftgruben, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Orleen Orem, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2933.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Orlin Bensen, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4250.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Orriet Narlock, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 3090.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Orville Payne, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 3189.00, M, 009, 1.00, MCINTOSH, Department of Agriculture
Orvin Lommen, R, F, S, CL4215, SUPERVISOR/CLINICIAN, 4826.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Owen Wallace, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Oxana Barth, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3400.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Pam Anderson, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 4986.00, M, 014, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Pam Brown, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.75, H, 099, 0.40, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Pam Jacobson, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Pamala Baumgartner, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2739.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Pamela Amundson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Pamela Boj-Rivas, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Pamela Bosch, R, F, S, CL4247, MEMBER SERVICES REP, 2425.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Pamela Cole, R, F, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 22.41, H, 011, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Pamela Collette, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1812.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Pamela Crawford, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Pamela Creed, R, F, S, CL8607, PRINTING EQUIP OP III, 2450.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Pamela Faulhaber, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Pamela Halliday, R, F, S, CL0633, SUPV,  MATERIEL MGMT, 2711.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Pamela Hartmann, R, F, S, CL3504, HEALTH INFO TECH II, 2922.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Pamela Haus, R, F, S, CL1019, VISION ASSISSTANT, 2044.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Pamela Helbling-Schafer, R, F, S, CL0908, COORDINATOR,  ND VETS CEMETERY, 3078.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Pamela Hesse, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Pamela Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2448.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Pamela Hovden, R, F, S, CL0202, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC II, 2227.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Pamela Jahner, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3402.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Pamela Knopp, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3721.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Pamela Krause, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Pamela Kuster, R, F, S, JD4130, DP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT III, 3387.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Pamela Lang, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2745.42, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Pamela Lannoye, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3754.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Pamela Lee, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2133.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Pamela Leonard, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 3087.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Pamela Mack, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 3957.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Pamela Marsolek, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Pamela Marthe-Rezac, T, P, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 13.00, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Pamela Mattern, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2253.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Pamela Nemeth, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3004.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Pamela Overbeck, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2322.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Pamela Phillips, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Pamela Reile, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2130.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Pamela Rutherford, R, P, H, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 9.79, H, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Pamela Schafer, R, F, S, CL0129, CJIS PROJECT DIRECTOR, 6073.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Pamela Schmit, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3964.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Pamela Schonert, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2113.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Pamela Schwede, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3569.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Pamela Sharp, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 10077.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Pamela Smith, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3227.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Pamela Spidahl, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.62, H, 099, 0.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Pamela Thoreson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2043.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Pamela Weidner, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 3166.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Pamela Wenger, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 3959.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Pamela Wentz, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3084.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Pamela Whiteley, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 2278.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Pamela Young, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1691.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Parpatina Novak, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Parrell Grossman, R, F, S, AG9012, ASST ATTY GEN-ADMIN, 7186.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Patrice Anderson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2107.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Patrice Anderson, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3776.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Patrice Lahlum, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 4090.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Patricia Adams, R, F, S, CL0114, COMPUTER OPERATOR I, 2992.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Patricia Carman, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1918.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Patricia Conlon, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.91, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Patricia Deutsch, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2701.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Patricia Felch, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2474.95, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Patricia Fischer, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2766.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Patricia French, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 3047.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Patricia Fried-Hill, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3910.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Patricia Frohlich, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 4259.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Patricia Geiger, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4325.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Patricia Iverson, R, P, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 1352.00, M, 005, 0.75, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Patricia Kram, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2435.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Patricia Krieger, R, F, S, CL0827, CIVIL RIGHTS OFFICER II, 3459.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Patricia Laubach, R, F, S, CL1602, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM II, 4362.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Patricia Lopez, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2157.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Patricia Mattern, R, P, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1621.00, M, 008, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Patricia Moos, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3354.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Patricia Nassif, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2118.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Patricia Offerdahl, R, F, S, CL3138, CERT OCC THERAPY ASST II, 2612.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Patricia Olson, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 17.57, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Patricia Peyerl, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4282.85, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Patricia Rohrer, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3391.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Patricia Rothmann, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 3936.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Patricia Schneider, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3031.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Patricia Schock, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 5408.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Patricia Seibel, R, F, S, CL0149, D B DESIGN ANALYST II, 4798.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Patricia Sitter, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2853.00, M, 010, 1.00, ROLETTE, Department of Human Services
Patricia Soli, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3373.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Patricia Straw, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3531.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Patricia Swenson, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 4030.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Patricia Varanai, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1857.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Patricia Walsh, R, F, S, JD4720, JUDICIAL SECRETARY-JUSTICE, 3276.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Patricia Weber, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2183.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Patricia Whalen, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Patricia Wondra, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2820.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Patrick Baros, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3773.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Patrick Boechler, R, F, S, CL0305, TAX COLLECTIONS SUPV, 4378.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Patrick Fahn, R, F, S, CL5332, PUBLIC UTIL ANALYST III, 6500.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Patrick Forster, R, F, S, CL0124, INFO TECH PROG ADMIN II, 5813.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Patrick Fridgen, R, F, S, CL6060, NATL RESOURCE ECONOMIST, 3991.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Patrick Geary, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3078.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Patrick Groce, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4425.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Patrick Hatlestad, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Patrick Headrick, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 4696.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Patrick Hudson, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4712.00, M, 013, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Patrick Isakson, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3413.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Patrick John, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3071.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Patrick Kelly, R, F, S, CL0190, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, 6025.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Patrick Kennelly, T, P, S, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 1217.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Patrick Lothspeich, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4784.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Patrick Martin, T, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11284.50, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Patrick Mills, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 65.00, H, 099, 0.23, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Patrick Moran, R, F, S, CL1607, SPEC EDUC REGIONAL COORD II, 4235.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Patrick Nagel, R, F, S, CL0595, Invest & Fin Planning Mgr, 7015.00, M, 016, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Patrick Scott, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Patrick Staples, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3414.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Patsy Muri, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Patsy Rieke, R, F, S, JD4770, SECRETARY I, 1865.00, M, 005, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Patti Clemo, R, F, S, CL5046, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC II, 2950.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Patti French, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2602.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Patty Carmichael, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2541.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Patty Gleich, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2797.44, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Patty Grohs, R, F, H, CL4400, HOUSE PARENT, 8.66, H, 004, 0.79, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Patty Paulus, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.87, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Patty Rowell, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Patty Slinde, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3267.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Patty Wanner, R, F, S, CL0953, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER III, 4227.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Patty Zietlow, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2640.00, M, 010, 1.00, RICHLAND, Job Service ND
Paul Bailey, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 3539.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Paul Benning, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6600.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Paul Blumhardt, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Paul Bogner, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4029.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Paul Emerson, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 4897.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Paul Fingarson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1808.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Paul Freeman, R, F, S, CL6013, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN SUPV, 4789.00, M, 013, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Paul Gilmour, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 3044.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Paul Govig, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 8020.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Paul Grosz, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Paul Hanson, R, F, S, CL0924, ADMIN DIV DIRECTOR,  DOT, 5861.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Paul Heick, R, F, S, CL2400, CONST COORD-NAT'L GUARD, 5173.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Paul Hilz, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4024.97, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Paul Jacobson, R, F, S, JD2240, STAFF COUNSEL, 6284.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Paul Klebe, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3938.58, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Paul Knoll, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4584.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Paul Kolstoe, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 6807.00, M, 016, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Paul Kramer, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 5504.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Paul Krause, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2567.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Paul Levchak, R, F, S, CL2042, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 3297.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Paul Lucy, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 8304.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Paul Marzolf, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Paul Messner, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.71, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Paul Moen, R, F, S, CL2058, HYDROLOGIST III, 4774.00, M, 013, 1.00, MOUNTRAIL, State Water Commission
Paul Moran, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1870.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Paul Olson, R, F, S, CL1018, O & M SPECIALIST, 4428.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Paul Olson, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2818.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Paul Picha, R, F, S, CL1254, STATE/CHIEF ARCHAEOLOGIST, 4162.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Paul Privratsky, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2350.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Paul Roehrich, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 5358.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Paul Ryba, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4865.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Paul Sandy, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Paul Schadewald, R, F, S, CL6009, CHIEF,  ADMIN SVCS DIV, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Paul Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0110, PROD CONTROL SPEC III -inactiv, 4587.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Paul Seado, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 7155.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Paul Slauter, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 3479.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Paul Sova, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Paul Steussy, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5660.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Paul Stubbs, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 4067.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Paul Verlinde, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2836.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Paul Weber, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Paul Welk, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 6635.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Paul Yanez, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1153.17, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Paul Zent, R, F, S, CL2109, INST & FAC MSTR PLANNER, 3773.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Paula Amelsberg, R, F, S, JD4420, LAW LIBRARY ASSISTANT II, 2484.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Paula Brown, R, F, S, CL4250, EMP BENEFIT PGMS SPEC, 3493.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Paula Damien, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4598.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Paula Dosch, R, F, S, CL0146, ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE DEV MGR, 6359.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Paula Duchscherer, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1789.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Paula Ennis, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.14, H, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Paula Gabel, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3300.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Paula Hayward, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1415.92, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Paula Heupel-Moe, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2933.07, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Paula Huber, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Paula Jesser, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4298.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Paula Kuntz, R, F, S, CL4253, SR DISABILITY CLMS AN, 3050.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Paula Lyon, R, F, S, CL5012, IDENTIFICATION TECH I, 1937.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Paula Marschner, R, F, S, CL4247, MEMBER SERVICES REP, 2237.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Paula Mckay, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2817.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Paula Meyer, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2912.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Paula Olmstead, R, F, S, JD4510, CALENDAR CONTROL CLERK, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Paula Pearson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2300.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Paula Rustad, R, P, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 793.00, M, 004, 0.50, WILLIAMS, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Paula Rustad, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 0.50, WILLIAMS, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Paula Schilling, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4568.96, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Paulette Aasen, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5147.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Paulette Forcier, R, F, S, CL4310, JS PROG ADMIN ASSISTANT, 3169.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Paulette Jacobsen, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 14.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Paulette Mittleider, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2092.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Paulette Oberst, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3860.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Paulette Ramstad, R, F, S, JD4770, SECRETARY I, 1865.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Paulette Reule, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Paulette Richardson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2237.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Paulette Ritter, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 3978.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Paulette VanderWolde, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1886.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Paulette Westrum, R, F, S, CL4005, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC I - DHS, 3050.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Pauline Dickerson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2793.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Pauline Iler, R, F, S, CL1603, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM III, 3902.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Pauline McKinzie, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4445.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Pedro Armendariz, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4974.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Peggi Walters, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.38, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Peggy Anderson, R, F, S, CL0923, COMMUNICATIONS DIV DIRECTOR, 5529.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Peggy Anderson, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3293.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Peggy Backman, R, F, S, CL0801, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH I, 3039.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Peggy Brown, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 23.42, H, 011, 0.90, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Peggy Carufel, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2750.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Peggy Christman, R, F, S, CL0113, DATA INPUT OPERATOR II, 1872.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Peggy Dahl, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2982.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Peggy Dietz, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2750.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Peggy Ganyo, R, F, S, JD4720, JUDICIAL SECRETARY-JUSTICE, 3699.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Peggy Golke, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3702.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Peggy Graf, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3459.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Peggy Gudvangen, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4840.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Land Department
Peggy Haug, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.00, H, 099, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Peggy Huettl, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3094.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Peggy Irvine, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.87, H, 005, 0.25, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Peggy Krein, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2109.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Peggy Magnuson, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2307.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Peggy Schmitz, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.43, H, 099, 0.25, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Peggy Stupnik, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Peggy Swisher, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1962.48, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Peggy Thomas, R, F, S, CL0109, PROD SUPPORT SPEC II, 3478.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Peggy Walker, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Peggy Weiss, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3676.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Peggy Worner, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 3149.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Penny Abar, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3342.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Penny Keck, R, F, H, CL4400, HOUSE PARENT, 13.70, H, 004, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Penny Miller, R, F, S, JD1300, CLERK OF SUPREME COURT, 7000.00, M, 023, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Penny Neumiller, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1713.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Penny Olson, R, F, S, CL0506, BANK OP PROCESS TECH, 967.25, S, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Perry Finck, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 2210.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Perry Nistler, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 3100.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Perry Smith, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 1552.83, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Perry Weiner, R, F, S, CL6056, WATER RESOURCE SENIOR MGR, 3679.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Peter Dewey, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4366.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Peter Gudmundson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2886.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Peter Hager, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Job Service ND
Peter Halbach, R, F, S, CL5245, HEARING OFFICER I-DOT, 4335.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Peter Russell, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3022.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Peter Sampson, R, F, S, JD3320, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4027.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Peter Sayler, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3303.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Peter Wax, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3912.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Peter Yung, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4150.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Peter Zuger, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Phal Ek, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2378.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Phil Brossart, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3899.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Philip Hajek, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 15161.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Philip Martin, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2838.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Philip Miller, R, F, S, CL0909, MGR ND VETERANS CEMETERY, 4187.00, M, 012, 1.00, MORTON, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Philip Rice, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Phillip Davis, R, F, S, CL0446, CUSTOMER SERVICE AREA MGR, 4646.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Phillip Delaney, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Phillip Genskow, T, F, S, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 2850.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Phillip Jallo, R, F, S, CL6221, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR I, 2500.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Phillip Miller, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2630.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Phillip Mueller, T, F, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Phillip Murdoff, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6192.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Phillip Thomas, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2066.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Phyllis Brandt, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3420.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Phyllis Burns, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2486.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Phyllis Hansen, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2416.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Phyllis Howard, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4095.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Phyllis Kramlich, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2158.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Phyllis Larson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2579.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Phyllis Markel, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2839.20, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Phyllis Richter, R, F, S, CL5250, WEIGHTS & MEASURES INSPTR, 2804.95, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Pixie Sites, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Preston Bronaugh, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2860.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Preston Thiele, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Priscilla Deschene, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3027.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Quentin McCart, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Quinn Driscoll, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 3000.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Quirin Friese, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.80, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
R. Bohlken, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.63, H, 005, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
R. Hodgins, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, CAVALIER, Unified Judicial System
Rachael Trom, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3276.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rachel Ambers, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3474.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Rachel Birk, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2948.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rachel Boe, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 1703.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Rachel Bullinger, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.10, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Rachel Johnston, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.00, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Rachel Lorentzen, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Rachel Lunski, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rachel Mount, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2618.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Rachel Nelson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2875.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Rachel Nybo, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3276.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rachel Rice, R, F, S, CL0415, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV II, 3403.71, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Securities Commission
Rachel Ridl, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3706.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Rachel Seifert-Spilde, R, F, S, CL6202, AG PROGRAM SPECIALIST I, 3160.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Rachel Trontvet, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Rachel White, R, F, S, CL1212, LIBRARIAN II, 3432.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Rachel Wolff, R, F, S, CL3241, MICROBIOLOGIST I, 2725.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rachelle Hadland, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Rachelle Markel, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2205.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Rae Red Tomahawk, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Raeann Johnson, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 3149.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Raeann Kelsch, T, F, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Raleigh Moore, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 2927.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Ralph Aberle, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3182.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Ralph Byron, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2882.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Ralph Ehlers, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ralph Kilzer, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Ralph Metcalf, T, P, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Ralph Riedinger, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 29.12, H, 099, 0.70, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ramon Boucher, R, F, S, CL5721, SAFETY AUDITOR II-HP, 3113.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Ramona Bernard, R, F, S, CL0960, INFO MGMT OFFICER, 3833.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ramona Mergenthal, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1808.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ramona Odegard, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4086.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ramona Wanner, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2942.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Ramone Gumke, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3799.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCINTOSH, Highway Patrol
Randal Gerving, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4200.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Randal Kaiser, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3217.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Randal Wilcox, R, F, S, CL8342, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II, 2908.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Randall Bahmiller, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 2902.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Randall Collins, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2377.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Randall Dvorak, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1717.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Randall Garcia, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Randall Miller, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 5000.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Randall Nelson, R, F, S, CL0223, Acct/Bud Spec III, 4243.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Randall Perkins, R, F, S, CL3018, PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT, 6956.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Randall Sandvig, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3696.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Randall Slavens, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4034.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Randall Tietz, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4285.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Randel Christmann, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Randi Anfinson, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3255.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Job Service ND
Randi Dammen, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Randi Sorensen, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4498.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Randolph Neppl, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2253.00, M, 007, 1.00, RICHLAND, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Randolph Sogge, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3718.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Randy Blaseg, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 4499.46, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Racing Commission
Randy Boehning, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Randy Ermer, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2390.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Randy Gjestvang, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 5535.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, State Water Commission
Randy Hiltner, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 4779.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Randy Kirkevold, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4217.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Randy Knain, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 5023.00, M, 012, 1.00, PIERCE, Game & Fish Dept
Randy Kowalski, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4093.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Randy Kreil, R, F, S, CL6008, CHIEF-WILDLIFE DIVISION, 6518.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Randy Littlefield, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 4132.00, M, 011, 1.00, SHERIDAN, Game & Fish Dept
Randy Meissner, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4663.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Randy Mildenberger, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3654.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Randy Reimer, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 16.72, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Randy Schock, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3604.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Randy Spitzer, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4579.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Randy Switters, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2586.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Randy Wahl, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Randy Wegge, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4498.86, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ranee Kringen, R, F, S, CL4201, REG CHILD SUP PROG ADM, 3864.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Ranell Bang, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2999.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Rangina Bina, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.72, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Ranita Mann, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2012.37, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ranka Samardzic, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5555.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Raquel Green, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 1918.67, S, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Ray Hintz, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4813.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Rayette Fasching, R, F, S, CL0217, Hous Prog Spec I, 2208.00, M, 008, 0.8, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Raylene Mattern, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2500.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Raymon Holmberg, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Raymond Barchenger, R, F, S, CL2204, REALTY OFFICER IV, 4274.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Raymond Danielson, R, F, S, CL8342, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II, 2800.00, M, 008, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Raymond Deboer, R, F, S, CL5046, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC II, 3160.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Raymond Flanagan, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 3668.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Raymond Gustafson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3407.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Raymond Hall, R, F, S, CL8222, CARPENTER II, 2958.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Raymond Halverson, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2534.25, M, 009, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Raymond Kelsch, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 15.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Raymond Lambert, R, F, S, CL5001, STATE FIRE MARSHAL, 5814.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Raymond Morrell, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.60, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Raymond Parsons, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3579.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Raymond Serr, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2413.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Raymond Strong, R, F, S, CL8210, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR II, 3024.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Raymond Weigel, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2518.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Raymond Werre, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 4011.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Raymond Wersinger, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1967.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Raynard Trochmann, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4193.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Reane Daley, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1862.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Absey, R, F, S, JD1620, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 5681.00, M, 018, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Rebecca Anderson-Falde, R, F, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 3271.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Anderson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.14, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Rebecca Ault, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.70, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Rebecca Bailey, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3335.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rebecca Baldwin, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4855.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Bass, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 17.75, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Rebecca Berger, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3135.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Blees, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3866.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Christensen, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 3581.92, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Wheat Commission
Rebecca Cudworth, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2207.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Rebecca Deichert, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 4627.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Rebecca Dietrich, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1900.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Rebecca Dunn, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3308.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Rebecca Espinoza, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Rebecca Fricke, R, F, S, CL0556, BENEFIT PROG ADMIN (PERS), 3908.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Rebecca Froemke, R, F, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 22.02, H, 012, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Rebecca Gunderson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2045.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Rebecca Heigaard McGurran, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4966.78, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Rebecca Hoff, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2836.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Husted, R, F, H, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 9.53, H, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Jeffords, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1948.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Johnk, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3829.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Rebecca Keller, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5070.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Rebecca King, R, P, H, CL1602, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM II, 17.25, H, 011, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Rebecca Lacher, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2980.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Rebecca Lankow, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3296.00, M, 011, 1.00, RICHLAND, Job Service ND
Rebecca Lemna, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 11.77, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Rebecca Lingle, R, F, S, CL1255, STATE REC MGMT SYS ADMIN, 4866.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Rebecca Mcconnachie, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3695.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Mink, R, F, S, CL2081, GEOLOGIST I, 3183.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Rebecca Nagel, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3050.76, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Rebecca Rosenkranz, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2572.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Rebecca Savaloja, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2283.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Smith, R, F, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 10.20, H, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Steckler, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rebecca Ternes, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6889.80, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Rebecca Thrall, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3654.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Rebecca Wahl, R, F, S, CL3413, EPIDEMIOLOGIST III, 2762.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rebecca Wanner, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.55, H, 099, 0.25, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Rebekah Hoos, T, P, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 14.76, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Reed Spitzer, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2641.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Reena Splane, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2761.15, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Rena Martin, R, F, S, CL4209, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT SPEC, 2309.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rena Wieseler, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2814.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Renae Adams, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2362.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Renae Bitner, R, F, S, CL1016, SIGN LANG INTERPRETER, 3196.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Renae Bloms, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3730.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Renae Dockter, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, PIERCE, Unified Judicial System
Renae Emter, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Renae Heinle, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Renae Heller, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2936.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Renae Jansen, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2300.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Renae Johnson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, RENVILLE, Unified Judicial System
Renae Korslien, R, F, S, CL0940, ASSISTANT STATE FAIR MANAGER, 5674.38, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Renae Martin, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3133.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Renae Reynolds, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4911.00, M, 016, 1.00, CLAY, Unified Judicial System
Rene Gonzalez, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 2818.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Rene Lafferty, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2415.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rene Schmidt, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 3194.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Renee Baer, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.40, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Renee Barnaby, R, F, S, JD4740, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, 3022.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Renee Boomgaarden, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5609.00, M, 015, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Renee Brown, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5200.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Renee Brown, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1718.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Renee Fritel, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2274.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Renee Hazelton, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 2798.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Renee Hermanson, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Renee Kostelecky, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Renee Lawler, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Renee Nelson, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2573.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Renee Rettinger, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1850.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Renee Schwind-Walch, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Renee Seibel, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3492.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Renee Tollerud, R, F, S, CL0113, DATA INPUT OPERATOR II, 2314.00, M, 004, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Renee Ulmer, R, F, S, CL0802, HUMAN RESOURCE TECH II, 3382.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Renee Walery, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3458.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Renee Zuger, R, P, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 2181.60, M, 011, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Reuben Hauck, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3872.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Reva Orso, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.85, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Rex Honeyman, R, F, S, CL2058, HYDROLOGIST III, 4006.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Reyne Brosseau, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4508.92, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Reyne Fisher, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1494.96, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Reyne Schaefer, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2578.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Reyne White, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2120.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Rhett Nostdahl, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 7.85, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Rhiny Weber, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Rhonda Anderson, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Rhonda Backman, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1864.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Rhonda Brown, R, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3022.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Rhonda Davis, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.94, H, 005, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Rhonda Fetzer, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Rhonda Gravalin, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1961.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Rhonda Kamlitz, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2193.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rhonda Lowenstein, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3654.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rhonda Mendieta, R, F, S, CL0311, COMPLIANCE OFFICER I, 1545.79, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Rhonda Obrigewitch, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 4200.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rhonda Rud, R, F, S, CL0201, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC I, 1904.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rhonda Saxberg, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Highway Patrol
Rhonda Schlenker, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4708.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rhonda Stevens, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3500.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rhonda Tompkins, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rhonda Vetter, R, F, S, CL0510, BANK OP PROCESSING SUPV, 1543.54, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Richard Aakre, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3250.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Richard Anderson, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, MCHENRY, Game & Fish Dept
Richard Beane, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2667.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Richard Belling, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3335.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Richard Benting, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 4187.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Richard Berg, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Richard Bigelow, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Richard Butland, R, F, S, CL0452, MGR OF BUS & APPL SRVS, 5163.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Richard Collin, R, F, S, CL1268, DIR,  COMMUNICATIONS & EDUC SHS, 4836.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Richard DeMolen, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 4713.00, M, 015, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Richard Dever, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Richard Dolan, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1840.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Richard Dumas, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2205.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Richard Dunn, R, F, S, CL2091, PETROLEUM ENGINEER I, 3280.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Richard Egeberg, R, F, S, CL4084, MI EXT T AND C COORD I, 3327.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Richard Fillbrandt, R, F, S, CL5260, GRAIN WAREHOUS INSPECTOR, 3640.04, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Richard Fox, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3194.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Richard Fuher, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3565.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Richard Grosz, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Richard Hagar, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Richard Haman, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3368.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Richard Holman, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Richard Hutchens, R, F, S, CL2093, PETROLEUM ENGINEER III, 5250.00, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Richard Kellam, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2814.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Richard Kendall, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3203.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Richard Kupitz, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.84, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Richard Lefever, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 32.96, H, 099, 0.88, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Richard Longo, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4883.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Richard Marcellais, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Richard Marquardt, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 2466.50, S, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Richard Masset, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2847.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Richard Messerly, R, F, S, CL6045, PARK MANAGER I, 4060.21, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Richard Michels, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRANT, Highway Patrol
Richard Muus, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Richard Nagel, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3270.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Richard Nelson, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1897.00, M, 004, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Richard Niemi, R, F, S, CL8342, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II, 3298.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Richard Owings, R, F, S, CL5021, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC I, 2494.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Richard Parton, R, F, S, CL2034, HWY MAINTENANCE COORD, 5752.00, M, 014, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Richard Podoll, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2479.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Richard Renicker, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Richard Richter, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4319.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Richard Riely, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4584.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Richard Ringuette, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Richard Robinson, R, F, S, CL5046, EMERGENCY PROG SPEC II, 3368.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Richard Sampson, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4210.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Richard Schlenker, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3847.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Richard Shanilec, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Richard Subart, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2411.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Richard Suggs, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2257.50, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Richard Thurston, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, PEMBINA, Highway Patrol
Richard Walton, R, F, S, CL3402, ENV HEALTH PRACT II, 3742.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Health
Richard Wardner, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Rick Berube, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 3650.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Rick Blair, R, F, S, CL4092, BEHAVIOR MOD SPEC II, 3163.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rick Kremer, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 2850.00, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Rick Paczkowski, R, F, S, CL4037, TREATMENT UNIT DIRECTOR, 4725.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rick Sigvaldsen, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2916.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Rickford Schumann, R, F, S, CL3519, HCF FIRE SAFETY SURV II, 3848.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ricky Gilmore, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 10.72, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Ricky Kroh, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2667.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ricky Machovsky, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1894.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ricky Richard, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4555.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Highway Patrol
Rita Anheluk, R, F, H, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 13.33, H, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Milk Marketing Board
Rita Bartholomew, R, F, S, CL5038, COMPLIANCE INVEST II, 3695.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Rita Bry, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Rita Greer, T, P, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BARNES, Game & Fish Dept
Rita Hannesson, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 6682.00, M, 018, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Rita Hjelmen, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2289.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Rita Hoff, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3333.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Rita Huffman, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Rita Lulai, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 21.75, H, 011, 0.40, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rita Ormiston, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4099.29, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Rita Schultz, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Rita Silbernagel, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2169.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Rita Weisz, R, F, S, CL4028, REGIONAL REP-SOC SER PROG, 4062.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rita Wetzstein, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 3205.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Rob Gall, R, F, S, CL0892, PROJECT MANAGER II, 4784.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robbie Jacobson, R, F, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.83, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Robbin Hendrickson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4692.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Robert Abbott, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3196.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Robert Allen, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6047.00, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Robert Arman, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4343.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Robert Arnold, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 4072.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Robert Beavers, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2122.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Robert Block, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robert Bolek, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robert Boxrud, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Robert Carter, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Robert Christensen, R, F, S, CL1253, ARCHAEOLOGIST II, 4588.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Christman, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7097.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Robert Davidson, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 15.96, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Robert Davis, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4830.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robert Dietrich, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 18.26, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Robert Disney, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3662.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Robert Elijah, R, F, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.67, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Robert Entringer, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7287.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Robert Erbele, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Evanenko, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2144.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Robert Fode, R, F, S, CL2026, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER III, 7675.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Frantsvog, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Freed, R, F, S, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 5200.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Robert Gangl, R, F, S, CL6073, BIOLOGIST III, 3727.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Robert Garbe, R, F, S, CL2093, PETROLEUM ENGINEER III, 5605.00, M, 014, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Robert Gorder, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2494.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Robert Gosselin, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2534.25, M, 009, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Robert Gubrud, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Robert Hague, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3072.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Robert Haines, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3077.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Robert Hamers, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3590.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Robert Hart, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 4745.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robert Heitz, R, F, S, CL4104, MHC ADDICTION TECHNICIAN, 2860.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robert Hendrickson, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3486.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Robert Holte, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Robert Holte, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Robert Horne, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Huft, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4259.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robert Humann, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 4499.00, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Robert Hunskor, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Jelinek, R, F, S, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 1769.00, M, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Robert Johnson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2946.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Johnston, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 3691.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Kainz, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Robert Kautt, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2775.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Robert Kennedy, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4617.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Robert Kilichowski, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Klein, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2698.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Robert Krieger, R, F, S, CL0115, COMPUTER OPERATOR II, 3129.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Robert LaFavor, R, F, S, CL0173, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC I, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Robert Leonard, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, ROLETTE, Unified Judicial System
Robert Liebl, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Robert Lies, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.27, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Robert Lisota, R, F, S, CL4167, LIC FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST, 5796.00, M, 017, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robert Magelky, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4101.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Robert Markhouse, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3082.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Robert Marthaller, R, F, S, CL1605, DIRECTOR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 5204.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Robert Martin, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5905.54, M, 016, 1.00, WARD, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Robert Martinson, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Mccloud, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2101.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Robert McConnell, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5620.14, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Robert Mcnamara, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3170.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Robert Miller, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 3071.00, M, 008, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Robert Nelson, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 3986.32, M, 012, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Robert Norlin, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 2061.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Robert Nustad, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Robert Nutsch, R, F, S, CL0124, INFO TECH PROG ADMIN II, 5728.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robert O'Brien, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 2157.23, S, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Robert Olheiser, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 24.56, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Robert Olson, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4978.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Robert Olzweski, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4813.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Palma, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 3347.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Robert Parisien, R, F, S, CL1603, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM III, 3640.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Indian Affairs
Robert Parsons, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3773.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robert Peterson, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6630.91, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Robert Porter, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.38, H, 099, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Quick, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 3900.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Robert Ramsay, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3864.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Robert Ramsett, R, F, S, CL8222, CARPENTER II, 2790.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Robert Rayhorn, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6014.00, M, 014, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Robert Reese, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 4293.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Robert Reetz, R, F, S, CL5036, CHIEF BOILER INSPECTOR, 5629.37, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Robert Rutten, R, F, S, CL1605, DIRECTOR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 5459.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Robert Schroeder, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3723.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Robert Shaver, R, F, S, CL2060, HYDROLOGIST MANAGER II, 6837.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Robert Shjeflo, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3138.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Sipes, R, F, S, CL0234, INFO SYSTEMS AUDITOR IV, 5430.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Robert Skarphol, T, F, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Steckler, R, F, S, CL0190, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, 5333.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Stenehjem, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 648.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robert Stockert, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 3781.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Swanson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3321.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Robert Syverson, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3621.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Robert Tescher, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 5165.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Robert Timian, R, F, S, CL6014, CHIEF GAME WARDEN, 6178.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Robert Tracy, R, F, S, CL5023, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC III, 4011.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Robert Wagoner, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 8264.99, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Robert Walker, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2136.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robert Walton, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 7165.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robert Wefald, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Robert Wetzler, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.11, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Robert White, R, F, S, CL2052, WATER RESOURCE ENGR III, 4601.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Robert White, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4135.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Robert White, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Robert Wright, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3118.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robert Zahn, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3998.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Roberta Bosworth, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2137.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Roberta Carson, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3524.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Roberta Grieger, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Roberta Gullickson, R, F, S, CL5021, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC I, 2406.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Roberta Houn, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3465.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Roberta Jurgens, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 22.42, H, 012, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Roberta Keller, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5767.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Roberta Mueller, R, F, H, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 14.68, H, 007, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Roberta Petersen, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3459.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Roberta Seright, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2422.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Roberta Tjaden, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3550.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Robin Adam, R, F, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 8.43, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Robin Addington, R, P, H, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 14.57, H, 007, 0.80, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Robin Borud, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Robin Bosch, R, P, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3094.00, M, 010, 0.88, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Robin Brown, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2973.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Robin Christ, R, F, S, CL3263, REGISTERED PHARMACY TECH, 2452.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robin Forward, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7486.72, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Robin Fuhrman, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2676.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Robin Gense, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 6682.00, M, 018, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Robin Halvorson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5444.06, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Robin Huseby-Johnson, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7499.44, M, 099, 1.00, BARNES, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Robin Moser, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Robin Rehborg, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4532.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robin Reidman, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3484.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robin Rosendahl, R, F, S, CL4511, DISABILITY ADVOCATE, 3143.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Robin Schuh, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2895.71, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Robin Schumacher, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3813.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Robin Vesey, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2573.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robin Weisz, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Robin Wutzke, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Robin Yale, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4150.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Robyn Hoffmann, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4405.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, State Auditor's Ofc
Robyn Loumer, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4012.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Robyn Rolf, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Robyn Soiseth, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2552.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Robyn Stearns, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Robyn Surface, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2852.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Robyn Throlson, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3209.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rochelle Heilman, R, F, S, CL3513, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR III, 3935.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rochelle Jessen-Doll, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3910.32, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Rochelle Nyberg, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3500.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Rocksanne Peterson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2016.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rocky Paulson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3274.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Rodd Compson, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3771.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Rodney Anheluk, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2806.75, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Rodney Bassler, R, F, S, CL2115, GIS SPECIALIST III, 4704.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Rodney Bousman, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Rodney Brandt, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rodney Burckhard, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3391.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Rodney Draeger, R, F, S, CL8293, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III, 3968.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Rodney Erickson, R, F, S, CL0169, TELECOMM ANALYST II, 4957.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Rodney Franklund, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3382.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Rodney Froelich, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Rodney Genrich, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3045.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Rodney Gross, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Rodney Heisler, R, F, S, CL8232, PLUMBER II, 3571.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Rodney Hoff, R, F, S, CL0552, LOAN OFFICER II, 2077.63, S, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Rodney Johnson, R, F, S, CL8225, NDSH CONST/MNTNC SUPERVISOR, 3966.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rodney Olson, R, F, S, JD1220, DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 6799.00, M, 021, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Rodney Storhaug, R, F, S, CL0525, TRUST ADMINISTRATOR, 1823.83, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Rodney Thorson, R, F, S, CL0551, LOAN OFFICER I, 1750.00, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Rodney Torgeson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3706.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Rodney Wawryk, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3413.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Roger Block, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Roger Clemens, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Parks & Recreation Dept
Roger Johnson, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 5061.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Roger Johnson, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Roger Kolling, R, F, S, CL2204, REALTY OFFICER IV, 4688.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Roger Larson, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5907.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Roger Martin, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 15.50, H, 099, 0.50, LOGAN, Land Department
Roger Mjones, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4685.00, M, 012, 1.00, CLAY, Unified Judicial System
Roger Nelson, R, F, S, CL8411, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I, 2201.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Roger Pfeiffer, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.63, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Roger Rostvet, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7128.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Roger Soiseth, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4614.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Roger Stansbury, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4105.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Roger Thorsness, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2616.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Roger Weigel, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6878.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Roger Wetzel, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 6039.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Roland Avdem, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2858.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Roland Stendahl, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Unified Judicial System
Rollin Schuler, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Roman Groszhans, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ron Falcon, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ron Meidinger, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ron Peck, R, F, S, CL4161, LIC EXEMPT PSYCH I (INACTIVE), 3322.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Ron Poer, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4768.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ron Schumacher, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Ron Wilson, R, F, S, CL0824, PUBLIC INFO SPEC IV, 3685.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Rona Schmidt, R, F, S, CL4005, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC I - DHS, 2503.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Ronald Baker, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Ronald Balkowitsch, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ronald Bear, R, F, S, CL0150, D B DESIGN ANALYST III, 5549.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ronald Bedard, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4645.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Ronald Blaufuss, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 6060.00, M, 014, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Ronald Ebensteiner, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3643.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Ronald Franz, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3682.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Ronald Freed, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3558.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Ronald Gensburg, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1607.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Ronald Gilliam, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4577.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Ronald Glaser, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2510.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Ronald Goettle, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 25.56, H, 012, 0.75, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ronald Goodman, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ronald Groll, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2966.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Ronald Guttenberg, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 5242.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ronald Gwin, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 4073.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Ronald Hanson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Ronald Haverstraw, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2930.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Ronald Heidt, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 2850.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Ronald Henke, R, F, S, CL2026, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER III, 7675.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ronald Higgins, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3775.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Ronald Hiller, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 16.11, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Ronald Horner, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 7030.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ronald Houdek, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, NELSON, Game & Fish Dept
Ronald Keller, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3974.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Ronald Knutson, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4648.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Ronald Krous, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2687.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ronald Lindquist, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2911.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Ronald Mehlhoff, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.02, H, 003, 0.20, WARD, Job Service ND
Ronald Messer, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2147.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ronald Miller, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 23.72, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ronald Moxon, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 30.07, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ronald Munkeby, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.50, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Ronald Murphy, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3549.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Ronald Nelson, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5610.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ronald Palm, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ronald Patch, R, F, S, CL8292, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN II, 2719.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ronald Peck, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 3827.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ronald Petersen, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2867.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Ronald Rauschenberger, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7837.27, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Ronald Schmaltz, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ronald Selensky, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2518.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Ronald Swanson, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 4802.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Ronald Thoreson, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3025.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Ronald Tolstad, R, F, S, CL0245, AUDITOR V, 6635.00, M, 015, 1.00, GRAND FORK, State Auditor's Ofc
Ronald Waldera, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Ronald Warner, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3605.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Ronald Will, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Ronald Yeager, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3345.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Ronald Zarr, R, F, S, CL0163, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III, 4914.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ronda Amann, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Ronda Berg, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3437.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Ronda Colby, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 3983.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ronda McLeod, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1928.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Ronelle Gravgaard, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2527.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Ronnie Anfinson, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2869.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Job Service ND
Ronnie Martin, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Ronnie Mcintire, R, F, S, CL5532, SECURITY OFFICER II, 2673.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Ronnie Nesdahl, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3277.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Rory Loomis, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Rosa Barstad, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rosalie Doerr, R, F, S, CL5024, COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR, 4336.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Rosalie Etherington, R, F, S, CL4168, DIR,  PSYCHOLOGY - NDSH, 8703.00, M, 017, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rosalyn Norstedt, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2978.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rosann Pudwill, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3746.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rosanne Jose, R, F, S, CL4006, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC II - DHS, 3122.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rose Espeland, R, F, S, CL0503, TELLER, 1133.88, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Rose Kliniske, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 12.84, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rose Nelson, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 3033.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Rose Roubideaux, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rose Schultz, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2349.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rose Senn, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Rose Ziegler, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Rose-anne Hovey, R, F, S, CL4151, PSYCHOMETRIST, 3097.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Roseann Krukenberg, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3092.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Rosella Faul, R, F, S, CL5014, IDENTIFICATION TECH III, 2996.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Rosemarie Klein, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2649.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Rosemarie Sperle, R, F, S, JD4420, LAW LIBRARY ASSISTANT II, 2804.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Rosemary Christinson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2685.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rosemary Eymann, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 1940.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Rosemary Faller, R, P, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1228.00, M, 003, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Rosemary Freeh, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2590.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rosemary Pedersen, R, F, S, CL0703, PARALEGAL, 3628.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Rosemary Wickham, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3295.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Roslyn Amerman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Roslyn Sanders, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2562.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ross Gordon, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 4283.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Ross Munns, R, F, S, JD1270, TRIAL COURT MANAGER, 4407.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Ross Olson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Ross Walch, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Rox Dietrich, R, F, S, CL0871, MULTI-MEDIA DEVELOPER I, 3569.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Roxan Mulloy, R, F, S, CL4006, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC II - DHS, 1492.50, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Roxann Hopfauf, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2523.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Roxann Johnson, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2129.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Roxann Sauter, R, F, S, CL4409, PARENT AIDE, 2418.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Roxanne Ennen, R, F, S, CL0168, TELECOMM ANALYST I, 3746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Roxanne Gabel, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2676.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Roxanne Gardner, R, F, S, CL3241, MICROBIOLOGIST I, 2882.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Roxanne Johnson, R, F, S, CL3020, NURSE PRACTITIONER, 6059.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Roxanne Lopez, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
RoxAnne Nelson, R, F, S, CL0508, BANK OP SR PROCESS SPEC, 1185.13, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Roxanne Raymond, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2723.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Roxanne Woeste, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6760.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Roxsanne Bold, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3065.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Roy Fillion, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3031.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Roy Jensen, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3300.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Roy Olivarez, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2129.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Roy Wiege, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 27.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Royce Cline, R, F, S, CL2059, HYDROLOGIST MANAGER I, 6009.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Ruby Benning, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2060.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Rudy Sass, R, F, S, CL6422, SEED INSPECTOR II, 2400.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Ruleen Mcmillan, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2382.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Russell Baxter, R, F, S, CL5050, SAFETY OFFICER, 3984.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Russell Buchholz, R, F, S, CL0926, DIR,  INFO TECH DIV (DOT), 7023.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Russell Fast, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3632.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Russell Furby, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2258.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Russell Kinzler, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3945.00, M, 011, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Russell Meidinger, R, F, S, CL3201, MEDICAL LAB TECH I, 2367.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Russell Mitchell, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3663.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Russell Prange, R, F, S, CL3212, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN II, 2665.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Russell Sunderland, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 4898.00, M, 014, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Ruth Denton-Graber, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3544.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Ruth Eberhard, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 15.02, H, 099, 0.40, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Ruth Graf, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1910.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Ruth Hoherz, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2176.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Ruth Klassy, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Ruth Lacher, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4263.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Ruth Overton, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, TOWNER, Unified Judicial System
Ruth Vanek, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2112.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Ryan Bear, R, F, S, CL0233, INFO SYSTEMS AUDITOR III, 3825.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Ryan Bernstein, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 6624.80, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Ryan Bruner, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Ryan Duletski, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3441.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Ryan Gardner, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Ryan Hoffner, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3756.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Highway Patrol
Ryan Holman, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.88, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ryan Holte, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ryan Huber, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3251.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Ryan Johnson, R, F, S, CL3232, CHEMIST II, 3845.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Ryan Klapperich, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.50, H, 099, 0.50, GRAND FORK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Ryan Kramer, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4856.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Ryan Liudahl, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Ryan Maddock, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ryan Mills, R, F, S, CL8292, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN II, 3007.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Ryan Mugan, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3441.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Ryan Nelson, R, F, S, CL6040, PARK RANGER, 2743.00, M, 010, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Ryan Nilson, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 17.01, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Ryan Panasuk, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3441.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Ryan Rauschenberger, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4663.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Ryan Rykowsky, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4998.00, M, 013, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Ryan Schoening, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Ryan Spah, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 3310.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Ryan Stiefel, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2398.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Ryan Taylor, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Ryan Tunge, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3269.00, M, 012, 1.00, MERCER, Game & Fish Dept
Ryan Volk, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2914.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
S Harries, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4023.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Sabina Hyder, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sadie Lovejoy, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sally Akerlind, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Sally Christianson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Sally Flieth, R, F, S, CL0631, STOREKEEPER I, 2078.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sally Holewa, R, F, S, JD1200, STATE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, 8446.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Sally Peterson, R, P, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 11.91, H, 005, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sally Sorensen, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 4338.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Sally Tobin, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4651.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Salome Koushkouski, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2439.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Samantha Bedard, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 20.75, H, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Samantha Billings, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.25, H, 099, 0.50, WARD, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Samantha Blake, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Samantha Lamb, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.41, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Samantha McGrath, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 1985.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Samantha Miller, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Samantha Simon, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Samuel Claeys, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Parks & Recreation Dept
Samuel Kerr, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Samuel Parsons, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Samuel Quainoo, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 945.25, S, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Samuel Stoxen, R, F, S, CL0175, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC III, 5203.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Sandi Axt, R, F, S, CL0506, BANK OP PROCESS TECH, 1017.47, S, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Sandie Owens, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 6278.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sandra Albrecht, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2544.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Arends, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4119.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sandra Bartunek, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Sandra Bilstad, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4279.80, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sandra Bjerke, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Bourgois, R, F, S, CL8607, PRINTING EQUIP OP III, 2109.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Sandra Bush, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2129.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sandra Cudmore, R, P, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 964.00, M, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Dally, R, P, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 1395.50, M, 010, 0.50, BARNES, Unified Judicial System
Sandra Davis, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2089.00, M, 006, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Sandra Eckenrode, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 5093.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Sandra Eichhorn, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2840.00, M, 010, 1.00, RICHLAND, Job Service ND
Sandra Engeland, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, MCHENRY, Unified Judicial System
Sandra Fetzer, R, F, S, CL3076, PUBLIC HLTH NURSE CONS II, 3276.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sandra Forsberg, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Sandra Hanretty, R, F, S, CL4228, ECC LICENSING SPEC II, 3280.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Sandra Harring, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3338.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sandra Heck, R, F, S, CL4252, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST II, 2860.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Horner, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2536.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Sandra Humphries, R, P, H, CL7122, COOK I, 12.19, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Iverson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Johnson, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 3413.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Sandra Kuntz, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3094.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Leblanc, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2746.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Mcbain, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2435.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sandra McMerty, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4376.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Sandra Mehlhoff, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.02, H, 003, 0.20, WARD, Job Service ND
Sandra Offutt, R, P, S, CL3262, PHARMACIST II, 5912.00, M, 017, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Paulson, R, F, S, CL0251, ASST EXEC BUDGET ANALYST, 5797.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Sandra Peterson, R, F, S, CL1601, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM I, 3226.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Sandra Phillips, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3428.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sandra Riedemann, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Sandra Rodlund, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3675.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sandra Schaefer, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 2388.00, M, 004, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Sandra Schmidt, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 3065.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sandra Spitzer, R, F, H, 999998, BUDGETED-PENDING CLASSF'N, 27.30, H, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Sandra Sweeney, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2020.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Sandra Wallner, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 17.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sandra Washek, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3432.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sandra Williams, R, P, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1370.00, M, 007, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sandra Wilson, R, F, S, CL0921, TRANS MGMT OFFICER I, 3300.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sandra Young, R, F, S, CL3242, MICROBIOLOGIST II, 3181.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sandy Rootham, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2762.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sandy Schwan, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2409.14, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Treasurer's Ofc
Sandy Thompson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4056.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sara Anderson-Olson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2905.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sara Dick, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 1410.24, M, 005, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Sara Hewson, R, F, S, CL0351, PROPERTY TAX SPECIALIST, 3776.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Sara Holmquist, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sara Kelsch, R, F, S, CL6305, AGRI MARKETING SPEC I, 4186.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Sara Marciniak, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2253.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sara Miller, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.96, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sara Nicoli, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3050.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sara Otte-Coleman, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7526.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Sara Peterson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3618.52, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sara Pfaff, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2314.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sara Quam, R, F, S, CL4165, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST II, 5730.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sara Regner, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2574.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sara Schmidt, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sara Wiederholt, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2860.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sarah Bennett, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.45, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Sarah Cannon, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4259.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Sarah Elder, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.00, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Sarah Erck, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Sarah Holcomb, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sarah Iverson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sarah Johnson, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 20.19, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Sarah Keney, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3905.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Sarah L Mudder, R, F, S, CL0823, Public Info Spec III, 3557.00, M, 011, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Sarah Lee, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5188.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Sarah Matusz, R, F, S, CL1211, LIBRARIAN I, 2407.84, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Sarah Miller, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.20, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sarah Nock, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Sarah Roemmich, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Sarah Schuh, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1729.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Sarah Schwols, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1601.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Sarah Walker, R, F, S, CL1244, ARCHIVIST I, 2520.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Sarah Weigel, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Sarah Weninger, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2875.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sary Soeung, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2222.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Scot Hoeper, R, F, S, CL4028, REGIONAL REP-SOC SER PROG, 3736.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Scot Kelsh, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Scot Long, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5002.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Scott Anderson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2946.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Scott Belgarde, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, ROLETTE, Unified Judicial System
Scott Blotter, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3450.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Scott Davis, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 5291.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Indian Affairs
Scott Delmore, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4210.36, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Scott Dihle, R, F, S, CL2092, PETROLEUM ENGINEER II, 3745.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Scott Elstad, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 3942.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Scott Griffeth, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Scott Guenthner, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4193.00, M, 012, 1.00, RENVILLE, Highway Patrol
Scott Hellandsaas, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2458.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Scott Hopwood, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4177.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Scott Johnston, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5003.00, M, 013, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Scott King, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Scott Kollman, R, F, S, CL8436, Transportation Srvcs Sprv I, 3244.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Scott Kubas, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3517.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Scott Ladner, R, F, S, CL2092, PETROLEUM ENGINEER II, 3745.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Scott Larson, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3814.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Scott Mcgregor, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3435.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Scott Olson, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2578.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Scott Peterson, R, F, S, CL6073, BIOLOGIST III, 5093.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Scott Radig, R, F, S, CL2045, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 6077.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Scott Reisenauer, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3807.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Scott Saar, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3362.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Scott Schaffer, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2461.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Scott Schaffnit, R, F, S, CL1035, EDUCATION PROGRAMS COORD, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Scott Schwab, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2791.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Scott Tarno, R, F, S, CL0862, LOTTERY CUSTOMER SERVICE SPEC, 3687.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Scott Terry, R, F, S, CL8131, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR I, 3872.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Scott Walch, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4091.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Highway Patrol
Scott Winkelman, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 3741.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Scott Woodham, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4281.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Scott Wutzke, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 5175.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Scott Zainhofsky, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6879.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sean Liebers, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Selina Smith, R, F, S, CL0135, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC II, 3352.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Selma Schumacher, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sengaroun Marohl, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4962.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
September Eschbach, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2704.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Barley Council
Serena Christianson, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Seth Gaugler, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Seth Lunneborg, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.94, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Seth Vollmer, R, F, S, CL0401, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR I, 3476.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Shaina Dolechek, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.40, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Shalimar Michaelson, R, F, S, JD4510, CALENDAR CONTROL CLERK, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Shan Pecka, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2350.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Shana Johnson, T, P, H, NC9040, TEMP-NOT CLS-TEACHER, 11.44, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Shanda Blotske, R, F, S, CL0581, Housing Prog Reg, 2730.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Shandra Malheim, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 20.55, H, 011, 0.80, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Shane Aabrekke, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shane Amundson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Shane Freitag, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4596.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Shane Goettle, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 11063.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Shane Grove, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2534.39, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Shane Molander, R, F, S, CL1245, ARCHIVIST II, 3500.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Shane Pettys, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shane Sauvageau, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Shane Shefstad, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2630.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Shane Stockdill, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Shanna Johnson, T, F, H, NC9008, TEMPORARY-NOT CLASSIFIED, 16.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Shanna Mills, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2667.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Shannah Renaud, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2636.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Shannan McCone, R, F, S, CL5021, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC I, 2293.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Shannon Barnhardt, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4743.84, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Shannon Burtch, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Shannon Dillman, R, F, S, CL1082, TEACHER II, 3638.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Shannon Englin, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2537.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Transportation
Shannon Friedt, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Shannon Henke, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4298.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Shannon Johnson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 15.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Shannon Masseth, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Shannon Nieuwsma, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2528.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Shannon Norton, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 3649.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Shannon Ostrom, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2059.50, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Shannon Pearson, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3083.50, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Shannon Rivers, R, F, S, CL8047, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SPEC II, 2906.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Shannon Rud, R, F, S, CL0312, COMPLIANCE OFFICER II, 2833.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Shannon Sauer, R, F, S, CL0229, DIR,  FINANCIAL MGMT DIV, 6975.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Shannon Suggs, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2960.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Shannon VandeVenter, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3333.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sharalynn Mills, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3150.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Sharan Huffman, R, P, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.70, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Sharen Schaal, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BILLINGS, Historical Society
Shari Breznay, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3985.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Shari Carr, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2565.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shari Heck, R, F, S, CL3120, PHYS THER AIDE-DEV CNTR, 2430.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shari Mosser, R, F, S, CL1213, LIBRARIAN III, 3388.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Sharlene Martin, R, F, S, CL0561, ADMIN UNIT SUPERVISOR, 1727.67, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Sharmain Dschaak, R, F, S, CL0556, BENEFIT PROG ADMIN (PERS), 4588.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Sharmaine Stoppler, R, F, S, CL0421, GRANTS/CONTRACTS OFR I, 3353.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sharon Anderson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3225.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Sharon Bitz, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2448.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sharon Blunt, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Council on the Arts
Sharon Boehler, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1787.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Sharon Brandt, R, F, S, CL6403, SEED ANALYST III, 3217.00, M, 008, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Sharon Brien, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 3010.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Sharon Ellsworth, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2870.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Sharon Fowler, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Sharon Fox, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 4876.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Sharon Freeman, R, F, S, CL0025, INFO MGMT ANALYST I, 3955.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Sharon Gartner, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3158.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Sharon Gross, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2049.95, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Sharon Hedlund, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 39.52, H, 099, 0.49, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sharon Hoff, R, F, S, CL0302, COLLECTIONS OFFICER II, 2645.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Sharon Holweger, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2785.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sharon Jans, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3812.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Sharon Johnson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1954.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Sharon Kaiser, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1681.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Sharon Kuntz, R, F, S, CL0506, BANK OP PROCESS TECH, 1051.42, S, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Sharon Locken, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3732.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Sharon Lunski, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2086.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Sharon Milligan, R, F, S, CL0031, OFFICE ASSISTANT I, 2214.00, M, 003, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sharon Nelson, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2885.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Sharon Odegard, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2432.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sharon Privratsky, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 2982.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Sharon Schiermeister, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 7127.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Sharon Silengo, R, F, S, CL1245, ARCHIVIST II, 3032.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Sharon Sondeland, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2491.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sharon St. Aubin, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 3212.21, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Sharon Taylor, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3165.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sharon Todd, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3268.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sharon Viton, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3576.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Sharren Goehring, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Sharyl Lindell, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2595.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shaun Quissell, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 2441.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Shauna Charles, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 2503.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Shauna Crane, R, F, S, CL3512, HLTH CARE FAC SURVYR II, 3300.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Shauna Erickson, R, P, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4369.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shauna Greff, R, P, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 1586.28, M, 007, 0.63, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Shawn Cudmore-Kremer, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3644.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shawn Dworshak, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.88, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Shawn Froelich, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4586.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Shawn Gefroh, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Shawn Hauck, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3288.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Shawn Kuntz, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5123.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Shawn Lee, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2399.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shawn Mahle, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Shawn Meier, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5332.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Shawn Meier, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3363.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Shawn Muehler, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 15.24, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Shawn Peterson, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 4639.00, M, 018, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Shawn Skogen, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3806.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCKENZIE, Highway Patrol
Shawn Steffen, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 2985.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRIGGS, Department of Agriculture
Shawn Surface, R, F, S, CL4323, JS PROGRAM ADMIN II, 3701.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Shawna Dowler, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1824.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Shawna Dschaak, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3024.93, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Shawna Falcon, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 2873.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Shayne Kunz, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Sheena Lauf, R, P, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sheila Compeau, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2883.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Sheila Doll, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2429.55, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Aeronautics Commission
Sheila Fracassi, R, F, S, CL0202, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC II, 1951.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheila Fryer, R, F, S, CL8624, GRAPHIC ARTIST I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Sheila Goehring, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 3265.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Sheila Hibl, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2654.80, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Sheila Keller, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 5922.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheila Kelly, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4120.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sheila Krebs, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2964.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Job Service ND
Sheila Leben, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1851.00, M, 006, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Sheila Mcdermott-Hiney, R, P, S, CL3133, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, 2479.00, M, 013, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sheila McDonald, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3997.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sheila Messer, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2392.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Sheila Murphy, R, F, S, CL4226, VISION REHAB SPECIALIST II, 3139.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheila Peterson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 8267.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Sheila Reich, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5003.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheila Sandness, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4650.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Sheila Satterlee, R, F, S, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 2066.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sheila Schall, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2049.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Sheila Senger, R, F, S, CL4209, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT SPEC, 2278.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Shelby Pfaff, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sheldon Gerhardt, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Shelley Rothe, R, P, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 2262.40, M, 011, 0.70, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Shelley Treib, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3479.31, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Soybean Council
Shelly Bauske, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2843.98, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Shelly Brown, R, P, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 11.14, H, 004, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Shelly Gunsch, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.20, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Shelly Jones, R, P, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 9.00, H, 004, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Shelly Jones, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 8.79, H, 003, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Shelly Laverdure, R, F, H, CL7113, FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT, 8.58, H, 003, 0.76, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Shelly Meyer, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2045.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Shelly Miller, R, F, S, CL0805, HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR I, 4750.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Shelly Peltier, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 0.00, H, 099, 0.25, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shelly Roth, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4349.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Shelly Sack, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 1571.08, S, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Shelly Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0559, RETIREMENT PROGRAM MANAGER, 5441.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Shelly Sheetz, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4608.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Shelly Stadick, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3545.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Shelly Swenson, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3023.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shelly Weisz, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2532.67, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Sheralee Wisdom, R, F, S, CL0031, OFFICE ASSISTANT I, 1944.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheree Anderson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2685.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sheree Schafer, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2304.08, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Shereen Zabel, R, F, S, CL0581, Hous Prog Rep, 2744.00, M, 009, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Sheri Helfrich, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2320.63, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sheri Hettwer, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1942.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Sheri Knutson, R, F, H, CL4126, DORMITORY COUNSELOR II, 19.46, H, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Sheri Lares, R, F, S, CL2104, PLANNER IV, 5449.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sheri Lewis, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1750.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sheri Miller, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2906.00, M, 010, 1.00, RICHLAND, Unified Judicial System
Sheri Schaefer, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 2600.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Sheri Seil, R, F, S, CL4206, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST LEAD, 3715.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheri Sorby, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5045.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Sheri Weigel, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3087.21, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sheri Whitmire, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheri Wilson, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2855.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheri Wysocki, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2508.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sheril Maragos, R, F, S, CL0862, LOTTERY CUSTOMER SERVICE SPEC, 3687.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Sherri Boulduc, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2131.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sherri Frieze, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3219.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Sherri Jahraus, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2521.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sherri Kleinknecht, R, F, S, CL3133, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, 3606.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sherri Maetzold, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.89, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Sherri Nelson, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4262.00, M, 013, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Sherri Nelson, R, P, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 1537.00, M, 010, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Sherri Paxon, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 4905.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sherri Steele, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3017.00, M, 011, 1.00, MOUNTRAIL, Job Service ND
Sherrice Roness, T, F, H, JD5310, DRUG COURT COORDINATOR, 13.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Sherry Devitt, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 2074.80, M, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Sherry Hermanson, R, F, S, CL0222, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC II, 3604.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sherry Leno, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4104.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Sherry Maas, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3110.41, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sherry Musgrave, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2266.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sherry Neas, R, F, S, CL0920, DIR,  CENTRAL SVCS DIV, 5200.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Sherry Nerpel, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1975.00, M, 005, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Sherry Niesar, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 18.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Sherry Sayler, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3028.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Sherry Schmitt, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2012.98, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sherwin Nelson, R, F, S, CL3519, HCF FIRE SAFETY SURV II, 3848.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Sheryl Fenner, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 11.42, H, 006, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Sheryl Fenner, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.98, H, 099, 0.50, WARD, Department of Human Services
Sheryl Fines, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Council on the Arts
Sheryl Haldorson, R, F, S, CL0210, STATE PAYROLL SPECIALIST, 2600.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Sheryl Horner, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4888.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Sheryl Kindsvogel, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2729.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheryl Pfliger, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4618.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Sheryl Sailer, R, F, S, CL0414, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV I, 3611.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Sheryl Stradinger, R, F, S, JD4220, DEPUTY SUPREME COURT CLERK II, 3282.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Shiloh Mork, R, F, S, JD4110, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 1779.00, M, 004, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Shirel Zillier, R, F, S, CL0022, DOCUMENT IMAGING SPEC II, 1110.58, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Shirley Aanderud, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shirley Campbell, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2659.26, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Shirley Carlson, R, F, S, JD4130, DP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT III, 3673.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Shirley Cook, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2288.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Shirley Flieth, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1895.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Shirley Frey, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 16.87, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Shirley Glass, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2994.29, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Shirley Hamley, R, P, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.17, H, 003, 0.32, ROLETTE, Job Service ND
Shirley Hammond, R, P, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1174.00, M, 007, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shirley Hauck, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING CLERK, 2384.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Shirley Hoffman, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, ROLETTE, Unified Judicial System
Shirley Larson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2528.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shirley McCarron, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shirley Meyer, T, P, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Shirley Monson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Shirley Plante, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1835.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Shirley Platfers, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2072.00, M, 005, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Shirley Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0202, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC II, 2151.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Shirley Tandeski, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3425.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Shirley Vetter, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1122.54, S, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Shirley Wahl, R, F, S, CL0900, RESEARCH TECHNICIAN, 2629.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Shyla Doll, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING SPECIALIST I, 2206.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sidney Mick, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3327.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Siera Zimmerman, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Sigurd Haugland, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2313.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Silvia Surita, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sindhuja S.Pillai-Grinolds, R, F, S, CL2052, WATER RESOURCE ENGR III, 4036.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Skyler Beaudoin, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Sondra Hanson, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Sonia Heinle, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3343.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sonia Hellerud, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2916.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Sonia Nygaard, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2171.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sonja Aarhus, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2467.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sonja Clapp, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Sonja Hayes, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1734.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sonja Nidaros, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2902.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Sonja Olson, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5188.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Sonja Walder, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2125.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Sonna Anderson, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Sonya Hajicek, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2502.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Spencer Thorsness, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2889.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Spencer Ulvestad, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4115.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sreevani Kandooru, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3324.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Sri Harsha Yamparala, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 3200.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Srinivas Goluguri, R, F, S, CL4250, EMP BENEFIT PGMS SPEC, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Stacey Benson, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 50.00, H, 099, 0.50, CASS, Department of Human Services
Stacey Dahl, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Stacey Folstad-Magandy, R, F, H, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 13.06, H, 004, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Stacey Fox, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2422.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Stacey Goldade, R, F, S, CL1213, LIBRARIAN III, 3658.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Stacey Hanson, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 5790.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Stacey Hunt, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 4489.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Stacey Kautzman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4563.19, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Stacey Morlock, R, F, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 9.99, H, 003, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Stacey Poffenberger, R, F, S, CL0190, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, 2384.21, S, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Stacey Sheppard, R, F, S, CL4031, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN I, 2622.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Stacey Sibla, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2820.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Stacia Wright, R, F, S, CL1081, TEACHER I, 2909.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Stacie Ensrude, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1903.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Stacie Fleck-Merkel, R, F, S, CL3239, EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN, 2252.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Stacie Forman, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Stacie Morowski, R, F, S, CL1602, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Stacie Urbach, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.41, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Stacy Eberl, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 3177.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Stacy Flaten, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3611.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Stacy Graupe, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Unified Judicial System
Stacy High, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Parks & Recreation Dept
Stacy Kramer, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3868.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Stacy Langen, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 25.21, H, 012, 0.64, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Stacy Lovelace, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2953.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Health
Stacy Moldenhauer, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 4097.67, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Stacy Neumiller, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3744.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Stacy Nilson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Stacy Schock, R, F, S, CL5012, IDENTIFICATION TECH I, 1868.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Stacy Slaughter, R, F, S, CL4164, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST I, 5147.00, M, 015, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Stacy Ternes, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3423.02, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Stan Benson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3000.25, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Stanley Cebula, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2559.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Stanley Kohn, R, F, S, CL6072, BIOLOGIST II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Stanley Lyson, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Stanley Mclaughlin, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3092.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Stanley Wanner, R, F, S, CL0225, ACCOUNTING MANAGER II, 5641.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Stefania Two Crow, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 3557.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Stefanie Muth, R, F, S, CL0503, TELLER, 1077.04, S, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Stella Meidinger, R, P, H, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 26.05, H, 011, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Stella Sprynczynatyk, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2766.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Stephan Nordeng, R, F, S, CL2083, GEOLOGIST III, 4750.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Stephan Schroeder, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4444.32, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Stephanie Amundson, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Stephanie Baltzer Kom, R, F, S, CL1211, LIBRARIAN I, 2529.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Stephanie Butz, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2398.05, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Stephanie Clooten, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2185.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Stephanie Gullickson, R, F, S, CL1618, EDUCATION GRANTS MANAGER II, 4293.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Stephanie Hayden, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Stephanie Hegstad, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 2766.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Stephanie Line, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1785.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Stephanie Lipp, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1821.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Stephanie Maier, R, F, S, CL3235, FORENSIC SCIENTIST I, 2943.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Stephanie Monette, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.35, H, 099, 1.00, PEMBINA, Parks & Recreation Dept
Stephanie Rasmussen, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 2704.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Stephanie Sinner, R, F, S, CL6305, AGRI MARKETING SPEC I, 3458.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Stephanie Smith, R, F, S, CL3172, THERAPEUTIC REC SPEC II, 3490.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Stephanie Thompson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Stephanie Vagts, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2615.85, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Stephanie Weigel, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4861.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Stephen Bott, R, F, S, JD2260, LAW CLERK, 3931.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Stephen Cochrane, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 15000.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Stephen Denn, R, P, H, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 21.59, H, 011, 0.50, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Stephen Goroski, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4917.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Stephen Illing, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 4195.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Stephen Mihulka, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Stephen Millner, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2827.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Stephen Moran, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3324.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Stephen Myrum, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2562.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Stephen Sebesta, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 5986.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Stephen Vaughan, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5897.96, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Stephen Wirtz, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steve Cunningham, R, F, S, CL2019, TRANS ENGINEERING SVC MGR, 5053.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steve Dyke, R, F, S, CL6073, BIOLOGIST III, 4942.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Steve Elfman, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 13.37, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Steve Follman, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2820.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Steve Kappel, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2833.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Steve Kranich, R, F, S, CL2112, GEOLOGIC MAP TECH II, 2845.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Steve Lippert, R, F, S, CL8607, PRINTING EQUIP OP III, 2363.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Steve Nolz, R, F, S, CL0114, COMPUTER OPERATOR I, 1442.29, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Steve Roehrich, R, F, S, CL5038, COMPLIANCE INVEST II, 2850.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Steve Sharkey, R, F, S, CL0859, GOVERNOR'S RESIDENCE MGR, 3796.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Steve Simonson, R, F, H, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 26.00, H, 013, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Steve Wipperling, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 11.25, H, 099, 1.00, LOGAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Steven Anderson, T, P, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Veterans Home
Steven Arndt, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3473.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Steven Axtman, R, F, S, CL1212, LIBRARIAN II, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Steven Barreth, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4454.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Steven Belka, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3655.34, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Steven Bertsch, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3007.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Steven Bourgois, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2365.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Steven Bourgois, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 20.46, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Steven Brubakken, R, F, S, CL0602, PURCHASING AGENT II, 4424.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Steven Brunelle, R, F, S, CL8204, MAINTENANCE SUPV II, 2958.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Steven Burdick, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Steven Chase, R, F, S, CL5050, SAFETY OFFICER, 4387.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Cowley, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3421.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Steven Crandall, R, F, S, CL6046, PARK MANAGER II, 4379.18, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Steven Earles, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2970.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Steven Edwardson, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7562.50, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Barley Council
Steven Ennis, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3363.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Steven Fischer, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4293.00, M, 012, 1.00, ROLETTE, Highway Patrol
Steven Gerriets, R, F, S, CL8624, GRAPHIC ARTIST I, 2737.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Steven Haus, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3068.00, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Steven Heidt, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3534.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Hill, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 16250.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Steven Hoff, R, F, S, CL8343, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III, 3595.30, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Steven Hoffart, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2945.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Steven Hoime, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 3243.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Steven Holgerson, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3465.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Steven Houston, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Steven Johnson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3706.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Steven Kadrie, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Steven Kahl, R, F, S, CL0171, INFO TECHNOLOGY ADMIN I, 5645.43, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Steven Kessler, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4021.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Kirchoffner, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Steven Kuntz, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Steven Marquart, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Steven Mayer, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Steven McCallum, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5415.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Steven McCullough, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Steven Nelson, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3804.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Nelson, R, F, S, CL2016, TRANSPORTATION SENIOR MGR, 4206.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Nicola, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Steven Pusc, R, F, S, CL2059, HYDROLOGIST MANAGER I, 5011.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Steven Quiggle, R, F, S, CL8321, FLEET & EQUIP TECH I, 2977.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Steven Reinhardt, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2371.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Steven Salwei, R, F, S, CL2024, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER I, 5843.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Schepp, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
Steven Seilinger, R, F, S, CL2002, ENGINEERING TECH II, 2363.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Stone, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3550.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Steven Tillotson, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 4957.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Steven Urseth, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2252.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Steven Weber, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4852.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Steven Wenzel, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2343.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Steven Wiebelhaus, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2253.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Steven Zaiser, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Steven Zimmerman, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 4734.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Stewart Milakovic, R, F, S, CL2102, PLANNER II, 3605.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Stuart Hammer, R, P, S, CL3425, EMER MEDICAL SVCS SPEC I, 1336.00, M, 008, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Stuart Harner, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Stuart Klefstad, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.00, H, 099, 0.38, WARD, Highway Patrol
Stuart Rifas, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 4378.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Stuart Wahl, R, F, S, CL0902, RESEARCH ANALYST II, 3138.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Sue Mock, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3670.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Suecelia Bjerke, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 2056.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Summer Ibach, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Suresh Mishra, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Susan Allan, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1909.76, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Susan Anderson, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3031.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Bailey, R, F, S, CL0753, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE, 5829.90, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Admin Hearings
Susan Balcom, R, F, S, CL6302, AGRI MEDIATION SVC NEGTR, 2800.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Susan Bernal, R, F, S, CL3020, NURSE PRACTITIONER, 5788.00, M, 015, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Bicknell, R, F, S, CL1206, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE II, 2630.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Susan Bigwood, R, P, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1766.40, M, 006, 0.80, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Bleth, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2003.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Susan Bogert, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 1976.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Bommersbach, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 17.50, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Susan Bond, R, F, S, CL3138, CERT OCC THERAPY ASST II, 2475.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Bornsen, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Susan Boyd, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Susan Bredemeier, R, F, S, JD3610, COURT REPORTER, 3983.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Susan Brockel, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2745.42, M, 099, 1.00, PIERCE, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Susan Burns, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4027.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Susan Clark, R, P, S, CL1206, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE II, 1800.00, M, 007, 0.75, BURLEIGH, State Library
Susan Cottingham, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3873.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Susan Dahle, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Susan Davis, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2959.00, M, 011, 1.00, ROLETTE, Department of Human Services
Susan Davy, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 1518.96, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Susan DeLap, R, P, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 12636.00, M, 099, 0.90, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Susan Dingle, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Susan Dodds, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3061.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Doerr, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2150.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Susan Dunbar, R, F, S, CL4006, SYSTEM SUPPORT SPEC II - DHS, 2985.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Susan Eberle, R, F, S, CL0601, PURCHASING AGENT I, 3453.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Susan Erbele, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2567.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Susan Estenson, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3226.00, M, 011, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Susan Foerster, R, F, S, CL4185, ASST SUPT,  DEV CENTER, 6678.00, M, 015, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Galloway, R, P, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2166.00, M, 010, 0.75, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Gefroh, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 4142.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Retirement & Investment Ofc
Susan Gimbel, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1860.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Susan Glasser, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2700.99, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Susan Gunsch, R, F, S, CL0451, MGR OF WORKFORCE PRGMS, 5322.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Susan Guthmiller, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2054.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Hammer Schneider, R, F, S, CL1211, LIBRARIAN I, 2529.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Susan Hausauer-Johnson, R, F, S, CL4208, CHILD SUPPORT PYMT TECH, 2026.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Susan Hiedeman, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3145.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Susan Hoffart, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3034.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Hoffer, R, F, S, JD1620, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 4639.00, M, 018, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Susan Holt, R, P, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1342.00, M, 007, 0.70, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Houser, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3744.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Susan Keller, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7275.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Susan Kobilansky, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3288.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Susan Kosobud, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2160.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Kramer, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2650.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Susan Lackman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3671.35, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Susan Meiers, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2986.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Susan Merkens, R, F, S, CL6391, SEED PROD & LAB SPEC, 3525.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Susan Mertz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2333.59, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Susan Mickelson, R, F, S, JD1610, CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I, 4407.00, M, 017, 1.00, ROLETTE, Unified Judicial System
Susan Miller, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.43, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Susan Mormann, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3412.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Susan Nygren, R, F, S, CL4151, PSYCHOMETRIST, 3056.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Olson, R, F, S, CL3061, REGISTERED NURSE I, 3536.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Olson, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2240.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Ovind, R, F, S, CL0154, DATA PROC COORD IV, 3957.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Pape, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3314.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Susan Plambeck, R, F, S, CL1083, TEACHER III, 3474.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Susan Poykko, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 3269.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Susan Quinnell, R, F, S, CL1240, HISTORIC PRESERV PRGM SPEC II, 3375.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Susan Rask, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3260.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Susan Reule, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4482.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Susan Richter, R, F, S, CL5257, LICENSING DIV DIRECTOR-PSC, 4135.92, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Susan Robb, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3440.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Susan Roemmich, R, F, S, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 2094.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Susan Rood, R, F, S, CL0312, COMPLIANCE OFFICER II, 2835.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Susan Schafer, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3023.97, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Susan Schmaltz, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Susan Schulte, R, F, S, CL4238, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS I, 1824.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Susan Scott, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4557.92, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Susan Seminary, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2969.21, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Susan Simonson, R, F, S, CL8628, PUB COORDINATOR/DESIGNER, 3385.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Susan Thiel, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2560.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Thomas, R, F, S, JD2250, JUDICIAL REFEREE, 7215.75, M, 021, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Susan Wagner, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4707.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Susan Westfall, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3669.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Susan Westgard, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1927.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Susan Wilson, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Susan Wolf, R, F, S, CL4205, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST, 3668.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Susan Wood-Lindquist, R, F, S, CL5701, CMRCL MTR CARRIER PERMIT TECH, 2750.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Susanna Schlecht, R, F, H, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 11.77, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Susanne Neibauer, R, F, S, CL5022, COMMUNICATIONS SPEC II, 2892.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Susie Nuelle, R, F, S, CL0555, CREDIT REVIEW ANALYST, 1722.92, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Suzanne Eiken, R, F, S, CL4206, CHILD SUPPORT INVEST LEAD, 3144.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Suzanne Hopp, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Suzanne Lass, T, F, H, JD5310, DRUG COURT COORDINATOR, 19.62, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Suzanne Olson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2990.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Suzanne Salberg-Heise, R, F, S, CL4074, REG DEV DISABIL PRGM ADMN, 3635.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Suzanne Schrum, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2368.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Suzanne Weigel, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2265.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Suzanne Witkowski, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 2972.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Suzanne Wolf, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 4277.43, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Soybean Council
Suzette Howard, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3724.28, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Suzette Richardson, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3579.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Sylvia Brockman, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1268.50, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Sylvia Brown, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 3059.33, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Beef Commission
Sylvia Burgess, R, F, S, CL0592, Hous Prog Admin II, 3936.00, M, 012, 1.0, BURLEIGH, Housing Finance Agency
Sylvia Leysring, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1889.64, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Sylvia Savenko, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2767.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Sylvia Vollan, R, P, S, CL0015, LICENSING CLERK, 986.51, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Sylvia Williams, R, F, S, CL3020, NURSE PRACTITIONER, 6371.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Sylvin Brunsell, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Synthia Worrel, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4427.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
T Churchill, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5356.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Tad Byzewski, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2843.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Tadd Huber, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4338.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Tag Anderson, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 7210.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Tait Riedinger, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Takeasha Hull, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.41, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Tally Guthmiller, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2633.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tamara Brumfield, R, F, S, CL4073, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR III, 3754.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Tamara Buerkley, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2548.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tamara Fitting, R, F, S, CL1085, TEACHER V, 3499.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Tamara Gallup-Millner, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4683.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tamara King, R, F, S, CL4223, VOC REHAB COUNS III, 3138.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tamara Leibel, R, F, S, CL0017, LICENSING SPECIALIST III, 2290.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Tamara Neumiller, R, F, H, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 23.09, H, 012, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Tamara Sattler, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.65, H, 099, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Tamara Schatz, R, F, S, CL0152, DATA PROC COORD II, 2971.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Tamara Siems, R, F, S, CL0303, COLLECTIONS OFFICER III, 2632.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Tamara Solie, R, F, S, NC9025, OTHER-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 4425.05, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tambra Kitchens, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2122.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Tamela Tescher, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2746.00, M, 010, 1.00, MERCER, Department of Human Services
Tamera Delzer, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2755.28, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tamera Mecham, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Tamera Meyer, R, P, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1354.20, M, 006, 0.60, STARK, Department of Human Services
Tamera Weiser, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Tami Beckley, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, FOSTER, Unified Judicial System
Tami Byzewski, R, F, S, CL4085, MI EXT T AND C COORD II, 3443.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Tami DeBuck, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tami Iszler, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3564.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, School for the Deaf
Tami Kratz, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3009.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Job Service ND
Tami Mitchell, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3852.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tami Olson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3488.75, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tami Purcell, R, F, S, CL0431, BUSINESS MANAGER I, 3273.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Tami Rumer, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2467.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tami Scherr, R, F, S, CL0240, AUDIT TECHNICIAN, 2695.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Tami Wahl, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 4160.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Tami White, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2084.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Tammi Griffin, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3121.27, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tammi Harpster, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2626.99, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tammie Elliott, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 2700.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tammie Johnson, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 2772.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tammie Korynta, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Tammie Schumacher, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3294.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Tammie Stotz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3033.97, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tammy Backhaus, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 2997.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Tammy Busche, R, F, H, CL3016, HEALTH CARE ORDERLY II, 10.63, H, 005, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Tammy Daulton, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1739.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tammy DeSautel, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 3551.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Tammy Dolan, R, F, S, CL0251, ASST EXEC BUDGET ANALYST, 5697.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Tammy Elm, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2842.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Tammy Enstad, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2348.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tammy Gumke, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2354.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tammy Henderson, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2363.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tammy Henriksen, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WALSH, Unified Judicial System
Tammy Hilton, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2745.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tammy Huft, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1863.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tammy Lamphear, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2960.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tammy Ness, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3780.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Tammy Petesch, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2324.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Employees Retirement Sys
Tammy Schaf, R, P, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 12.31, H, 005, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Tammy Simnioniw, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2953.00, M, 008, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Tamra Celley, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2855.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Tamra Volkert, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1340.50, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Tamrin Brenno-Fagerland, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3295.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Tana Devary, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 3635.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tandra Kraft, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 4076.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Tania Busch, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2813.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tania Hellman, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3787.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tanner Jacobson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2381.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Tanya Greyeagle, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2278.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tanya Ide, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Tanya Malkin, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4156.98, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tanya Meisch, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2730.12, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Tanya Olson, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1310.21, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Tanya Schmidt-Dietz, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 2100.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Tanya Skurupey, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 3239.98, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tanya Taplin, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3905.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Tanya Vachal, R, F, S, CL0445, CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE MGR, 3700.00, M, 013, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Job Service ND
Tara Bitz, R, F, S, CL1603, EDUCATION PROGRAM ADM III, 3082.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Tara Cole, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3441.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Tara Dockter, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tara Muhlhauser, R, F, S, CL4050, DIR,  CHILD & FAM SVCS-DHS, 6600.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tara Ritter, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 2818.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tara Skjeie-Hoffman, R, F, S, CL0702, LEGAL ASSISTANT II, 3336.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tara Wilkens, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, OLIVER, Unified Judicial System
Tarah Maatz, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 3052.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
TaraLynn Moszer, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 2588.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tarek Chase, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Taryn Chase, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Taryn Chase, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Tasha Gerding, R, F, S, CL0223, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC III, 3786.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Tasha Hausauer, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Tatia Hardy, T, P, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tavi Seibel, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2350.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Taylor Lee, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 3310.00, M, 010, 0.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Taylor Schiller, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Teage Kinzell, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3150.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Teralyn Farden, R, F, S, CL4201, REG CHILD SUP PROG ADM, 3864.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Teran Hermanson, R, F, S, CL0158, TELECOMM TECH III, 3649.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terance Gortmaker, R, F, S, CL8342, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II, 3139.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Teresa Albrecht, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1651.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Teresa Bollinger, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4455.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Teresa Ferrie, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3058.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Job Service ND
Teresa Glass, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 1981.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Teresa Johnson, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 19.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Teresa Kapp, R, F, H, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 11.76, H, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Teresa Larsen, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 5592.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Teresa Monicken, R, F, S, CL1604, ASST DIR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 4166.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Teresa Peterson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3897.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Teresa Schantzen, R, P, S, CL3138, CERT OCC THERAPY ASST II, 1320.00, M, 008, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Teresa Slocomb, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2573.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Teresa Stromsodt, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3856.47, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Teresa Widmer, R, F, S, CL3032, CLINICAL COORDINATOR-NDSH, 5108.00, M, 013, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Terese Birnbaum, R, F, S, CL0137, CUST SRVC CNTR MGR, 5081.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Teri Hurtt, R, F, H, CL4109, DIRECT TRAINING ASSIST, 10.11, H, 003, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Teri Lunde, R, F, S, CL0422, GRANTS/CONTRACTS OFR II, 4606.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Teri Mccormick, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2340.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Teri Raiche, R, P, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 3413.00, M, 012, 0.80, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Teri Riedinger, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1263.13, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Teri Undem, R, F, S, CL3261, PHARMACIST I, 7061.00, M, 016, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Teri-Ann Evenson, R, F, S, CL0145, SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT MGR, 4904.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Terralee Cota, R, F, S, JD4230, DEPUTY SUPREME COURT CLERK III, 3022.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Terrance Thorvilson, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3257.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Terrence Albrecht, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2871.00, M, 009, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Terrence Udland, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 7054.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terrence Wiklund, R, F, S, CL0873, MULTI-MEDIA MANAGER (DOT), 4280.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terri Bear, R, F, H, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 31.62, H, 014, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Terri Bertsch, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2618.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Terri Biggers, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2916.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Terri Jerik, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 3167.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Terri Mickelson, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1988.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Terri Wilhelm, R, F, S, CL0823, PUBLIC INFO SPEC III, 3202.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terrie Collins, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Terrie McNea, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 3025.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Terry Anderson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 11.50, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Parks & Recreation Dept
Terry Arndt, R, F, S, CL8306, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE WKR II, 2050.00, M, 005, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Terry Berglund, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2832.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Terry Beyer, R, F, S, CL0431, BUSINESS MANAGER I, 3845.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Terry Duffy, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 4075.00, M, 011, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Terry Dwelle, R, P, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 12927.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Terry Eisenzimmer, R, F, S, CL8233, PLUMBER III, 4173.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Terry Focke, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 30.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Terry Fuchs, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3793.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terry Goldade, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 4079.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Terry Heller, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 0.50, WILLIAMS, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Terry Hermanson, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terry Kreiter, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 6246.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Terry Krueger, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1240.21, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Terry Mattson, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Terry Milas, R, F, S, CL0410, LOSS CONTROL ANALYST, 3733.60, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Terry Mildenberger, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3657.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Terry Morrison, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Terry O'Clair, R, F, S, CL2045, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR II, 6240.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Terry Olson, R, F, S, CL8415, ROTARY DRILL OPERATOR, 4620.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Terry Oswald, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Terry Sheetz, R, F, S, CL8242, ELECTRICIAN II, 3665.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Terry Silbernagel, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3182.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terry Solheim, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2377.00, M, 099, 0.75, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Terry Steinwand, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 8112.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Terry Swift, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 5215.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Terry Tschosik, R, F, S, CL0244, AUDITOR IV, 4729.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Terry Wanzek, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Terry Whitmore, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3921.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Terry Wibstad, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2846.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Terry Woehl, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4562.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Terryl Peterson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2822.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Tessa Sandstrom, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2833.33, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Teya Dunwoody, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1727.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Thelma Martin, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 13.50, H, 099, 0.10, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Thelma Wall, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2038.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Theodore Britton, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2512.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Theodore Heinert, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4599.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Theodore Johnson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 25.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
Theodore Quanrud, R, F, S, CL0822, PUBLIC INFO SPEC II, 3602.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Theodore Smith, R, F, S, JD1400, SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARIAN, 6531.00, M, 021, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Therasa Barta, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, CLAY, Unified Judicial System
Theresa Arso, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 1968.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Theresa Black-Cloud, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1677.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Theresa Bolinske, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Theresa Cayko, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2016.00, M, 006, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Theresa Comer, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2183.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Theresa Dunn, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2284.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Theresa Eissinger, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Theresa Flagstad, R, F, S, CL3112, ACTIVITY THERAPIST II, 3188.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Theresa Frohlich, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4045.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Theresa Gray, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2119.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Theresa Haagenson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Theresa Hurdelbrink, R, F, S, CL0015, LICENSING SPECIALIST I, 1925.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Theresa Kalbrener, R, P, H, CL4401, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE I, 10.43, H, 004, 0.15, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Theresa Magelky, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 9.93, H, 099, 0.60, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Theresa Martel, R, F, S, CL1205, LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I, 1691.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Library
Theresa Nyre, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Theresa Schober, R, F, S, CL4161, LIC EXEMPT PSYCH I (INACTIVE), 3710.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Theresa Tober, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3544.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Theresa Vogel, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2755.28, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Theresa Wolf, R, F, S, CL4030, HUMAN SVC PRGM SPEC, 2213.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Theresa Wolff, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2359.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Therese Miller, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Therese Schneider, R, F, S, CL0043, ADMIN ASSISTANT III, 2976.00, M, 008, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Theron Schalesky, R, F, S, CL8433, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN III, 2800.00, M, 008, 1.00, ADAMS, Department of Transportation
Thomas Bachman, R, F, S, CL2044, SR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR I, 5775.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Thomas Behm, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 10.00, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Thomas Belgarde, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Game & Fish Dept
Thomas Bold, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5485.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Thomas Crutchfield, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2277.00, M, 008, 1.00, WELLS, Game & Fish Dept
Thomas Delling, R, F, S, CL2092, PETROLEUM ENGINEER II, 4785.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Thomas Eick, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 17814.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Thomas Eick, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 140.40, H, 099, 0.20, WARD, Department of Human Services
Thomas Fetsch, R, F, S, CL0444, CUST SERVICE SR CONSULT, 4185.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Job Service ND
Thomas Fiebiger, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, CASS, Legislative Assembly
Thomas Fischer, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Thomas Gillespie, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2131.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Thomas Gunderson, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4924.09, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Thomas Herzig, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4293.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Highway Patrol
Thomas Hetletvedt, R, F, S, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 2240.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Thomas Hillestad, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3441.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Thomas Hopp, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2838.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Thomas Huber, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3077.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Thomas Hulm, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4043.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Thomas Huncovsky, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3582.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Thomas Iverson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3856.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Thomas Job, R, F, S, CL8242, ELECTRICIAN II, 3894.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Thomas Klein, R, F, S, CL8323, FLEET & EQUIP TECH III, 3353.00, M, 009, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Thomas Klubberud, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5304.48, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Thomas Knudson, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2424.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Thomas Knudson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 12.62, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Thomas Koushkouski, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2323.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Thomas Lamphear, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4349.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Thomas Lilja, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 6000.00, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Corn Utilization Council
Thomas Lindquist, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Thomas Linn, R, F, S, CL1240, HISTORIC PRESERV PRGM SPEC II, 3694.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Thomas Lipp, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3670.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Thomas Mehlhoff, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5373.96, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Thomas Merrick, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.00, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Thomas Metelmann, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 5109.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Financial Institutions
Thomas Miller, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3651.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Thomas Moeri, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2129.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Thomas Moss, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 29.30, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Thomas Nehring, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Thomas Nelson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Thomas Nemeth, R, F, S, CL3233, CHEMIST III, 4100.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Thomas Nilson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
Thomas Noehre, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2258.00, M, 005, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Thomas Noonan, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Thomas Pelletier, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 4554.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Thomas Peterson, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 4119.00, M, 011, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Thomas Rafferty, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 3074.77, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Thomas Redmann, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3750.58, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Thomas Reep, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Thomas Schiwal, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4094.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Thomas Schneider, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, MORTON, Unified Judicial System
Thomas Schoeder, R, F, S, CL0197, INFO SYS SECURITY OFCR, 2764.04, S, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Thomas Schulz, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Thomas Schumacher, R, F, S, CL2091, PETROLEUM ENGINEER I, 4165.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Thomas Seymour, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Thomas Silbernagel, R, F, S, CL6201, AG PROGRAM COORDINATOR, 3908.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Thomas Slagle, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, RANSOM, Department of Transportation
Thomas Smith, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Thomas Solberg, R, F, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 6500.77, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Thomas Solwey, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2307.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Thomas Sumers, R, F, S, CL4231, VETERANS BENEFITS SPEC, 2529.28, M, 009, 1.00, CASS, Department of Veterans Affairs
Thomas Trenbeath, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7580.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Thomas Weippert, R, F, S, CL6422, SEED INSPECTOR II, 3081.00, M, 008, 1.00, TOWNER, Seed Department
Thomas Wirtz, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 18.39, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Thomas Young, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 2729.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Thorsten Brandau, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3223.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tiffany Kapla, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 1238.39, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Tim Learned, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 3022.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Tim Mathern, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Tim Phalen, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 4761.00, M, 012, 1.00, RICHLAND, Game & Fish Dept
Tim Porter, R, P, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 3538.71, S, 099, 0.25, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Tim Schweitzer, R, F, H, CL8201, MAINTENANCE WORKER I, 1950.00, M, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Timothy Bittner, R, F, S, JD2120, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER II, 4911.00, M, 016, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Timothy Brosz, R, F, S, CL3242, MICROBIOLOGIST II, 3698.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Timothy Coughlin, R, F, S, CL4074, REG DEV DISABIL PRGM ADMN, 4182.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Timothy Coughlin, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3527.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Timothy Dawson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5737.68, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Timothy Degraff, R, F, S, CL0180, ENT NETWORK OPERATIONS MGR, 5286.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Timothy Dewald, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3390.00, M, 010, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Timothy Dimon, R, F, S, CL5526, SAFETY SECURITY SUPV, 3406.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Timothy Erdmann, R, F, S, CL5260, GRAIN WAREHOUS INSPECTOR, 3619.76, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Timothy Flakoll, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Timothy Frederick, R, F, S, CL0170, TELECOMM ANALYST III, 4651.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Timothy Freije, R, F, S, CL2053, WATER RESOURCE ENG MGR I, 4939.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Timothy Garey, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 3978.00, M, 013, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Timothy Gienger, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3413.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Timothy Gulsvig, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Timothy Hagen, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 4991.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Timothy Harr, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3142.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Timothy Hart, R, F, S, CL4222, VOC REHAB COUNS II, 2964.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Timothy Heinle, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2661.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Timothy Horner, R, F, S, NC9003, DEPUTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 8456.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Timothy Karsky, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7436.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Timothy Larson, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, MCLEAN, Game & Fish Dept
Timothy Leer, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3358.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Timothy Leingang, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 3271.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Timothy Masset, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2826.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Timothy Mclaughlin, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3810.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Timothy Meyer, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 4669.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Timothy Nordquist, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.25, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Timothy Oswald, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3934.74, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Timothy Paul, R, F, S, CL0922, TRANS MGMT OFFICER II, 4594.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Timothy Pfaff, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4533.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Timothy Randall, R, F, S, CL4134, ADDICTION COUNSELOR III, 4489.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Timothy Reed, R, F, S, CL1253, ARCHAEOLOGIST II, 3291.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Timothy Sauter, R, F, S, CL4040, HUMAN SERVICE CENTER DIR II, 7730.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Timothy Schenfisch, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 7994.91, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Timothy Schwagler, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 5721.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Timothy Stegman, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Timothy Stock, R, F, S, CL5535, SECURITY SUPERVISOR, 3361.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Timothy Stroh, R, F, S, CL8332, FLEET & EQUIP SERV SUPV, 3881.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Timothy Tischmak, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2744.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Timothy Traynor, R, F, S, CL3232, CHEMIST II, 2988.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Timothy Volk, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3896.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Timothy Wahlin, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 9956.74, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Timothy Welder, R, F, S, CL8293, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III, 4122.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Timothy Wiedrich, R, F, S, CL4036, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN VI, 5825.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tina Axt, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1950.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Tina Bauer, R, F, S, CL0209, STATE PAYROLL ADMIN OFF, 3500.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Tina Bauer, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 20.19, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Tina Bay, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 3990.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tina Carter, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1682.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tina Deckert, R, F, S, CL0016, LICENSING SPECIALIST II, 2037.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Tina Gangl, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3321.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Tina Harding, R, F, S, CL6039, PARK INTERPRETER, 2670.50, M, 009, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Tina Heinrich, R, F, S, CL0712, ATTORNEY II, 4638.00, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Tina Nordaune, R, P, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 1634.00, M, 012, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tina Pitts, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Tina Raab, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2762.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Tina Radenz, R, F, S, CL0131, PROGRAMMER, 1593.75, S, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Tina Richardson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 1923.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Tina Samdahl, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2668.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Tina Walters, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3571.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tina Walters, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 11.65, H, 099, 0.13, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Toby Mertz, R, F, S, CL0224, ACCOUNTING MANAGER I, 5159.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Todd Baumgartner, R, F, S, CL8436, Transportation Srvcs Sprv I, 3349.00, M, 009, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Todd Becker, R, F, S, JD3430, NETWORK ANALYST III, 4639.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Todd Bodvig, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3297.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Todd Brockmann, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4215.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Todd Durand, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2607.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Todd Ebens, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Todd Evanoff, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 2270.82, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Todd Flaten, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2491.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Todd Friesz, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3465.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Todd Hagen, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Todd Holweger, R, F, S, CL2093, PETROLEUM ENGINEER III, 4985.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Todd Mcdowell, R, F, S, CL3020, NURSE PRACTITIONER, 5901.00, M, 015, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Todd Metzger, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4594.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Todd Peterson, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3016.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Todd Porter, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Todd Sando, R, F, S, CL0850, ASSISTANT STATE ENGINEER, 7390.00, M, 017, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Todd Sattler, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 5625.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Todd Schoenberg, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2392.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Todd Schwarz, R, F, S, CL0713, ATTORNEY III, 5277.63, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Todd Skjordal, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2425.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Todd Stedman, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2640.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Todd Ussatis, R, F, S, CL3232, CHEMIST II, 3266.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Todd Van Orman, R, F, S, CL0403, FINANCIAL INST EXMNR III, 4448.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Tom Bertsch, R, F, S, CL8243, ELECTRICIAN III, 4610.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Tom Conklin, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Tom Elgaen, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3641.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Tom Engberg, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2935.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Tom Klein, R, F, S, CL0440, REG HSC FISCAL MGR-DHS, 4642.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tom Rank, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 9.82, H, 099, 0.50, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Tom Solberg, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2982.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Tom Strahm, R, F, H, CL8209, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR I, 15.89, H, 008, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Tom Thompson, R, F, S, CL4032, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN II, 3247.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Tomas Torstenson, R, F, S, CL5401, SEISMIC FIELD REP, 3175.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Tommy Olson, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2671.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Toni Candrian, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2749.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Toni Mccarty, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 2871.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Tony Bergman, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 15.96, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Tony Grindberg, T, P, H, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Tony Novak, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Highway Patrol
Tonya Forderer, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2045.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Tonya Greywind, R, F, S, CL1083, TEACHER III, 3183.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Tonya Hetzler, R, F, S, CL5208, CONSUMR FRAUD INVESTGR I, 2780.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Tonya Kukowski, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2183.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Game & Fish Dept
Tonya Laney, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4298.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Highway Patrol
Tonya Mueller, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2142.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tonya Perkins, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3371.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tonya Schmitt, R, F, H, CL5241, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR I, 11.92, H, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Tori Vetter, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3194.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tove Mandigo, R, F, S, NC9004, ASSISTANT-NOT CLASSIFIED, 5979.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tracey Eriksmoen, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3236.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tracey Stastny, R, F, S, CL5014, IDENTIFICATION TECH III, 2408.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Tracey Walth, R, F, S, CL6222, AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR II, 3154.00, M, 009, 1.00, STARK, Department of Agriculture
Traci Holt, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Traci Jacques, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 2926.00, M, 011, 0.83, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Traci Schlag, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2783.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Tracy Bigelow, R, F, S, CL0243, AUDITOR III, 3250.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Tracy Boe, T, P, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Tracy Boehm, R, F, S, CL0221, ACCOUNT/BUDGET SPEC I, 1381.88, S, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Tracy Brumfield, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4405.00, M, 012, 1.00, LAMOURE, Highway Patrol
Tracy Buzick, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 4348.00, M, 012, 1.00, TRAILL, Highway Patrol
Tracy Doe, R, F, S, CL5704, ACADEMY OPERATIONS COORD, 3027.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Tracy Fettig, R, P, H, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 26.22, H, 012, 0.50, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tracy Fillbrandt, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 2990.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Tracy Finneman, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 6497.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Tracy Fliflet, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2228.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tracy Follman, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 10.82, H, 099, 0.20, MCHENRY, Department of Human Services
Tracy Heilman, R, P, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2518.75, M, 007, 0.81, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Tracy Helfenstein, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2498.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Tracy Keigley-Gardner, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Game & Fish Dept
Tracy Korsmo, R, F, S, CL0178, ENTERPRISE IT ARCHITECT, 6032.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Tracy Lundquist, R, F, S, CL5272, ENVIRON SCIENTIST II, 3097.00, M, 011, 1.00, SARGENT, Department of Health
Tracy Marback, T, P, H, JD5310, DRUG COURT COORDINATOR, 13.00, H, 099, 0.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Tracy Miller, R, F, S, CL3414, SENIOR EPIDEMIOLOGIST, 3970.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tracy Pelzer, R, F, H, CL0211, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN I, 14.43, H, 005, 1.00, WARD, Fair Association
Tracy Potter, T, P, S, LG9001, Senator, 378.00, M, , 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Tracy Wicken, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 3333.00, M, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Tracy Wyum, R, P, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 16.62, H, 008, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Trampas Johnson, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 2018.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tran Doan, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4022.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Travis Brezden, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Travis Brossart, R, F, S, CL2021, TRANSPORTATION ENGR I, 3765.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Travis Bullock, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2439.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Travis Cork, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4883.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Travis Fick, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2413.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Travis Finck, R, F, S, CL0711, ATTORNEY I, 4156.25, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Travis Holding Eagle, R, F, S, CL5705, HWY PATROL OFFICER I, 3357.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Travis Lutman, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4072.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Travis Mccloud, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3462.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Travis Nelsen, R, F, S, CL0632, STOREKEEPER II, 2829.00, M, 008, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Travis Nelson, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3441.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Travis Rossow, R, F, S, CL0194, INFO SYS SECURITY ANALYST, 5018.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Travis Sanderson, R, P, S, CL3212, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN II, 1844.00, M, 006, 0.90, CASS, Seed Department
Travis Skar, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3716.00, M, 012, 1.00, DIVIDE, Highway Patrol
Travis Spaeth, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4228.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Travis Stramer, R, F, S, CL0153, DATA PROC COORD III, 3807.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Travis Tvedt, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2752.00, M, 007, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Travis Usselman, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Trent Goy, R, F, S, CL0136, CUST TECH SUPP SPEC III, 3568.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Trenton Scott, R, F, S, CL5702, COMM MTR CARRIER INSP, 3258.00, M, 008, 1.00, BOWMAN, Highway Patrol
Treva Beard, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5478.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Trevor Retterath, R, F, S, CL6040, PARK RANGER, 2893.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Parks & Recreation Dept
Trevor Rudland, R, F, S, CL8341, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I, 2842.25, M, 007, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Fair Association
Trevor Seime, R, F, S, CL5035, DEPUTY BOILER INSPECTOR, 4069.52, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Trevor Wyman, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3218.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Tricia Bentz, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5178.73, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tricia Gereszek, R, F, S, CL5038, COMPLIANCE INVEST II, 3237.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Tricia Kiefer, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 3334.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tricia Kuether, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3037.78, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Tricia Miller, R, P, S, NC9026, OTHER-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 1887.00, M, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Trina Gerszewski, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1726.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Trisha Falconer, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2462.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Trisha Shambaugh, R, P, H, CL3109, ACTIVITY ASSISTANT II, 10.00, H, 006, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Trisha Tosseth, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2483.50, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Troy Boehm, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 1941.58, S, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Troy Bottrell, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Troy Gilbertson, R, F, S, CL2034, HWY MAINTENANCE COORD, 6074.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Troy Goetz, R, F, S, CL3236, FORENSIC SCIENTIST II, 3476.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Troy Hischer, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4712.00, M, 013, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Highway Patrol
Troy Jezeski, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 4316.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Troy Roth, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3441.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Troy Thinnes, R, F, S, CL0242, AUDITOR II, 3104.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Troy Zornjak, R, F, S, CL2004, ENGINEERING TECH IV, 3833.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Troyd Geist, R, F, S, CL1270, ART PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATOR, 3828.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Council on the Arts
Trudi Hogue, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2405.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Industrial Comm/Dept of Mineral Resources
Trudy Sabourin, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3789.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Twyla Lee, R, F, S, CL0951, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER I, 3530.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Ty Dressler, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 2989.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Game & Fish Dept
Tyler Auck, R, F, H, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 12.45, H, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Tyler Axdahl, R, F, S, CL8112, HEATING PLANT OPERATOR II, 2569.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Tyler Fode, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Tyler Larson, R, F, S, CL0161, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR I, 3276.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Tyler Mathwich, R, F, S, CL0141, PROGRAMMER ANALYST I, 3477.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Tyler Michel, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2965.00, M, 008, 1.00, BARNES, Department of Transportation
Tyler Rupp, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2432.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Tyler Strand, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2368.00, M, 007, 1.00, STARK, Department of Transportation
Tyler Wollmuth, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4935.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Tyra Heinert, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4181.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Tyra Wanner, R, F, S, CL3232, CHEMIST II, 3024.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Tyrel Folden, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, MCLEAN, Parks & Recreation Dept
Tyrell Murrey, R, F, S, CL2003, ENGINEERING TECH III, 2947.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Usha Singh, R, F, S, CL4216, ADVANCED CLINICAL SPEC, 3501.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
V. DesaRae Zaharia, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2864.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Human Services
Valarie Timm, R, F, S, CL0952, ADMIN STAFF OFFICER II, 2249.08, S, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Valentine Fischer, R, F, S, CL8132, PHYSICAL PLANT DIR II, 3954.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Valerie Barbie, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 13.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Valerie Brostrom, R, F, S, CL0893, PROJECT MANAGER III, 5147.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Valerie Fischer, R, F, S, CL1605, DIRECTOR,  P/S EDUC PRGMS, 5256.00, M, 015, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Valerie Flegel, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1727.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Valerie Hanson, R, F, S, CL2114, GIS SPECIALIST II, 3807.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Valerie Kingsley, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3320.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Valerie Lovdahl, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Valerie McGee, R, F, S, CL3412, EPIDEMIOLOGIST II, 2900.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Valerie Mickelson, R, F, S, CL4106, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR, 2332.00, M, 008, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Valerie Olafson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2019.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Valerie Potter, T, F, H, JD5310, DRUG COURT COORDINATOR, 14.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Valerie Rice, R, F, S, CL4161, LIC EXEMPT PSYCH I (INACTIVE), 4245.00, M, 012, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Valerie Wrolson, R, P, H, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 16.68, H, 010, 0.50, WILLIAMS, Department of Human Services
Vance Jury, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Vance Magnuson, R, F, S, CL0837, SR INS FORM/RATE ANALYST, 4141.61, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Vanessa Boehm, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3425.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Vanessa Brosten, R, F, S, CL0601, PURCHASING AGENT I, 3145.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Vanessa Deleon, R, F, S, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 1651.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Vanessa Kroshus, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2914.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Vawnita Best, R, F, S, CL6223, SR AG PROGRAM INSPECTOR, 3859.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Veann Green, R, P, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 2097.00, M, 012, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Velma Schacher, R, F, S, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1607.00, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Verdeen Miller, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2579.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Verginia Landsverk, R, F, S, CL0441, CUST SERVICE REP, 2357.00, M, 008, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Verna Dixon, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2307.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Verna Kadrmas, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2407.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Verna Sherek, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2552.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Vernon Flemming, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 2045.00, M, 005, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Vernon Herman, R, F, S, CL0143, PROGRAMMER ANALYST III, 4248.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Vernon Mehlhoff, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2776.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Vernon Oster, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2432.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Vernon Ott, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3229.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Vernon Welder, R, F, S, CL0138, DIRECTOR,  SOFTWARE DEV DIV, 7778.00, M, 016, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Veronica Fernow, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3543.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Veronica Weigel, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3012.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Vickay Gross, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3891.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Protection & Advocacy Agency
Vicki Ableidinger, R, F, S, CL0406, RISK MGMT CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR, 4103.84, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Vicki Becker, R, F, S, CL0042, ADMIN ASSISTANT II, 2450.90, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Comm on Legal Couns for Indigents
Vicki Betz, R, F, S, NC9005, OTHER - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2737.19, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Vicki Clapp, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 2547.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Vicki Jones, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3150.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Vicki Littlejohn, R, P, H, CL4111, DIRECT TRAINING TECH II, 11.65, H, 007, 0.50, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Vicki Magill, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2428.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Vicki Martel, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3958.98, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Vicki Meyer, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Vicki Neuharth, R, F, S, CL1073, VOC TECH ED PROG DIR/SUP, 5264.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Vicki Rose, R, P, H, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 10.68, H, 006, 0.93, WARD, Department of Human Services
Vicki Slavik, R, F, S, CL5038, COMPLIANCE INVEST II, 2992.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Labor
Vickie Hatlewick, R, F, S, CL3507, HEALTH INFORMATION ADMIN, 4695.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Vickie Lafontaine, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 3447.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Vickie Meyer, R, F, S, CL3062, REGISTERED NURSE II, 4490.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Vickie Vogel, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2787.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Vicky Doyle, R, F, S, CL4116, UNIT PROGRAM COORD, 3693.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Vicky Matthys, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3417.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Victor Wanner, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3739.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Victoria Albers, T, F, H, NC9034, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROT SVC WK, 8.50, H, 099, 1.00, MERCER, Parks & Recreation Dept
Victoria Miner, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1906.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Sec of State's Ofc
Victoria Pederson, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 4535.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Victoria Siegel, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2595.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Victoria Soma, R, F, S, CL7011, CUSTODIAN,  INSTITUTIONS, 1955.00, M, 004, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Vietta Barden, R, F, S, CL4239, COMMUNITY HOME COUNS II, 1851.00, M, 006, 1.00, WARD, Department of Human Services
Vikki Sondag, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4503.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Vince Sabbe, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2775.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Vincent Ament, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 6682.00, M, 018, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Unified Judicial System
Vincent Schaan, R, F, S, CL3113, ACTIVITY THERAPIST III, 3020.00, M, 011, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Viola Hildebrandt, R, F, S, CL7123, COOK II, 2050.00, M, 006, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Violet Gray, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2381.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Viona Gienger, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2364.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Virgil Allen, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4187.07, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Virgil Barta, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 0.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Virgil FollowsTheRoad, R, F, S, CL4113, ASST RESIDENTIAL SUPR,  DHS, 2151.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Virginia Emineth, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 8.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Virginia Erickson, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Virginia Frank, R, F, S, CL0903, RESEARCH ANALYST III, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Virginia Illich, R, F, S, JD2130, JUVENILE COURT OFFICER III, 5681.00, M, 018, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
Virginia May, R, F, S, CL0041, ADMIN ASSISTANT I, 2019.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Virginia Mccallum, R, F, S, CL0911, ADMIN OFR I, 2815.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Virginia Meininger, R, F, S, CL0442, CUST SERVICE SPEC, 2840.00, M, 010, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Job Service ND
Virginia Mund, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 29.24, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Virginia Peterson, R, F, S, CL0852, EXECUTIVE STAFF OFFICER, 4633.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Virginia Rivinius, R, F, S, CL0804, HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER II, 4896.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Virginia Smith, R, P, S, CL3113, ACTIVITY THERAPIST III, 1883.40, M, 011, 0.60, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Virginia Trousdale, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3941.54, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Virginia Ulrich, R, F, S, CL4253, SR DISABILITY CLMS AN, 2959.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Vivian Bohn, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Vivian Frohlich, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1890.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Vivian Heier, R, F, S, CL5242, DRIVERS LICENSE EXMNR II, 2591.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Vivian Holzer, R, F, S, CL0203, MEDICAL CLMS PROC SPC III, 2113.00, M, 006, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Vonda Olson, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Unified Judicial System
Vonette Richter, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 5841.68, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Council
Vonnie Grinsteiner, R, F, S, CL0209, STATE PAYROLL ADMIN OFF, 3023.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Wade Alvarez, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3172.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Wade Hoffart, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2449.00, M, 007, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Wade Kadrmas, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3666.00, M, 012, 1.00, STARK, Highway Patrol
Wade Webb, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Unified Judicial System
Wallace Erhardt, R, F, S, NC9021, OTHER-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 2881.46, S, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Wallace Klostreich, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 22.81, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Wallace Schock, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2270.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wallace Thompson, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3320.00, M, 010, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Wally Klindtworth, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 13.77, H, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Walter Bailey, R, F, S, CL1239, HISTORIC PRESERV PRGM SPEC I, 3605.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Walter Haase, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2977.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Walter Kerbaugh, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Walter Peterson, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6984.00, M, 016, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Walter Valovage, R, F, S, CL1086, TEACHER VI, 3646.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Info Tech Dept
Walter Wika, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3627.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Wanda Bear, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2324.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wanda Bye, R, F, S, CL4035, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN V, 5600.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Wanda Carlson, R, P, S, CL4074, REG DEV DISABIL PRGM ADMN, 4086.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Wanda Cavett, R, F, S, CL3022, DIR OF HLTH/NURS SVC-NDVH, 5373.95, M, 013, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Wanda Delvo, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1314.71, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Wanda Guttormson, R, F, S, CL4102, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH II, 2389.00, M, 007, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wanda Heck, R, F, S, CL4114, SR RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR DHS, 2605.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Wanda Lee, R, F, S, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Wanda Luer, R, F, S, CL4213, SOCIAL WORKER III, 3686.00, M, 011, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wanda Meslow, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2614.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Wanda Reisnour, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1900.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wanda Rose, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Wanda Selzler, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 16.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Wanda Selzler, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 14.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Wanda Speich, R, F, H, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 15.86, H, 008, 0.60, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Wanda Spitzer, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3932.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Wanda Thompson, R, F, S, CL4273, VOCATIONAL TRNG TECH, 2569.00, M, 007, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Wanda Walker, T, P, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 10.64, H, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wanda Westall, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 2782.00, M, 010, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Warnie Cargo, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2843.00, M, 007, 1.00, WARD, Department of Transportation
Warren Batsch, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2265.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Warren Boyd, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 20.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Warren Freier, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 3873.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
Warren Granfor, R, F, S, CL4033, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN III, 4346.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Warren Sickler, R, F, S, CL0174, COMPUTER & NETWK SPEC II, 3355.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Department of Human Services
Wayde Swenson, R, F, S, CL2025, ADMIN TRANS ENGINEER II, 6928.00, M, 016, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Waylon Erdmann, R, F, S, CL2051, WATER RESOURCE ENGR II, 3710.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Waylon Vondal-Nelson, R, F, H, CL4110, DIRECT TRAINING TECH I, 9.53, H, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Wayne Aberle, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Game & Fish Dept
Wayne Baron, R, F, S, CL5044, HOMELAND SECURIT SECTION CHIEF, 5120.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Wayne Carlson, R, F, S, CL6200, AGRI PROGRAM MGR, 5093.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Agriculture
Wayne Crumley, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 6.55, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Wayne Dosch, R, F, S, CL0169, TELECOMM ANALYST II, 4532.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Wayne Gerbig, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, SLOPE, Game & Fish Dept
Wayne Glaser, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4284.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Wayne Grangaard, R, F, S, CL5250, WEIGHTS & MEASURES INSPTR, 2509.86, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
Wayne Hatzenbuhler, R, F, S, CL0414, FIN & SEC EXMNR/INV I, 3568.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Financial Institutions
Wayne Hokenson, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 26.21, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Wayne Johnson, R, F, S, CL8050, HWY TRAFFIC CONT SUPV, 3384.00, M, 009, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Wayne Kroetsch, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2665.00, M, 007, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Wayne Kutzer, R, F, S, NC9002, APPOINTED--NOT CLASSIFIED, 7175.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Career & Technical Education
Wayne LeRohl, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2459.00, M, 007, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Department of Transportation
Wayne Martin, R, F, S, CL8223, CARPENTER III, 3230.00, M, 009, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Wayne Morlock, R, F, H, CL7010, CUSTODIAN, 1606.80, M, 003, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Wayne Morlock, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.29, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Wayne Osborn, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 10.50, H, 099, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Wayne Sanstead, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7549.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
Wayne Schutt, R, F, S, CL4101, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TECH I, 1651.00, M, 005, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wayne Semrau, R, F, S, CL4358, QUALITY ASSURANCE INVSTIGTR II, 3521.00, M, 011, 1.00, WARD, Job Service ND
Wayne Stenehjem, R, F, S, NC9001, ELECTED - NOT CLASSIFIED, 7279.25, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Wayne Stoller, R, F, S, CL8263, SYSTEMS MECHANIC III, 3981.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
Wayne Weber, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Parks & Recreation Dept
Wayne Westlund, T, P, H, JD5110, BAILIFF, 8.55, H, 099, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Unified Judicial System
Wayne Wilson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 19.50, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Wayne Worden, R, F, S, CL8437, Transportation Srvcs Spvr II, 3176.00, M, 010, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Department of Transportation
Wayne Zacher, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4416.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Wendell Janke, R, F, S, CL4104, MHC ADDICTION TECHNICIAN, 2392.00, M, 006, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Wendy Asperheim, R, F, S, JD4730, ELECTRONIC COURT RECORDER-DIST, 3557.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Unified Judicial System
Wendy Belgarde, R, F, S, JD4120, DEP CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT II, 2681.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Wendy Bosch, R, F, S, JD4780, SECRETARY II, 2791.00, M, 010, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
Wendy Burckhard, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2496.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Wendy Connelly, R, F, S, CL4252, DIS CLAIMS ANALYST II, 2717.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Wendy Johnson Oscarson, R, F, S, CL4402, HUMAN SERVICE AIDE II, 2193.00, M, 006, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Wendy Laber, T, P, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 9.62, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Wendy LaMontagne, R, F, S, CL4034, HUMAN SVC PRGM ADMIN IV, 3675.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Wendy Malard, R, P, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3689.87, M, 099, 0.80, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Wendy Olson, R, F, S, CL4072, DEV DISABIL CASEMGR II, 2854.00, M, 010, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Human Services
Wendy Palmer, R, F, S, NC9007, FACULTY - NOT CLASSIFIED, 2974.00, M, 099, 1.00, RAMSEY, School for the Deaf
Wendy Siemieniewski, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 11.14, H, 099, 1.00, RANSOM, Veterans Home
Wendy Tschida, R, F, S, CL0162, SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II, 4478.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Wesley Belter, T, F, S, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
Wesley Erdle, R, F, S, CL6001, WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN I, 2277.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Wesley Kukert, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2485.00, M, 007, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Wesley Maley, R, F, S, CL5706, HWY PATROL OFFICER II, 3616.00, M, 012, 1.00, GRIGGS, Highway Patrol
Wesley Meidinger, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 17.00, H, 099, 0.38, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
Wesley Parson, R, F, S, CL8210, GEN TRADES MAINT WKR II, 2714.00, M, 009, 1.00, RAMSEY, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Wesley Sachs, R, F, S, CL8202, MAINTENANCE WORKER II, 1803.00, M, 006, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Vision Services/School for the Blind
Wesley Sather, T, F, H, NC9037, TEMP-NOT CLS-SKLD CRFT WK, 2288.00, M, 099, 1.00, WALSH, Seed Department
Wesley Schmidt, R, F, S, CL2071, NG ENERGY CONSERVATION PRG MGR, 4230.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Wesley Woehl, R, F, S, CL8306, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE WKR II, 2335.00, M, 005, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Weston Abrahamson, T, F, H, NC9038, TEMP-NOT CLS-SVCS/MAINT, 8.00, H, 099, 1.00, WARD, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
Whitney Ibach, T, F, H, NC9050, INTERN - NOT CLASSIFIED, 11.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Willard Heinrich, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 4309.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Willem Schrage, R, F, S, CL6411, DIR OF POTATO PROGRAMS, 5408.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Seed Department
William Beheler, R, F, S, CL8432, TRANSPORATION TECHNICIAN II, 2371.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
William Brown, R, F, S, CL5531, SECURITY OFFICER I, 2011.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
William Demming, R, F, S, CL6040, PARK RANGER, 3052.98, M, 010, 1.00, BOTTINEAU, Parks & Recreation Dept
William Dodd, R, F, S, CL5274, ENVIRON SCIENCES ADMIN I, 5226.58, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
William Ehrman, T, F, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 28.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
William Froelich, R, F, S, CL4133, ADDICTION COUNSELOR II, 3137.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
William Gardner, R, F, S, CL0142, PROGRAMMER ANALYST II, 3082.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Public Instruction
William Gumeringer, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 25.00, H, 099, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
William Gunnerson, R, F, S, CL5273, ENVIRON SCIENTIST III, 4309.25, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Public Service Commission
William Haas, R, F, S, CL5024, COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR, 4422.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
William Haase, R, F, S, CL6055, WATER RESOURCE PROJ MGR, 3386.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
William Herauf, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, STARK, Unified Judicial System
William Hourigan, R, F, S, CL0241, AUDITOR I, 2835.00, M, 009, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Auditor's Ofc
William Jensen, R, F, S, CL6071, BIOLOGIST I, 4203.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
William Jundt, R, F, S, CL7015, CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR II, 2892.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Ofc of Mgmt & Budget
William Kelly, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 4314.96, M, 099, 1.00, CASS, Workforce Safety & Insurance
William Kretschmar, T, P, H, LG9002, Representative, 378.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Legislative Assembly
William Kuhlmann, R, F, S, CL2023, TRANSPORTATION ENGR III, 4547.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
William Laber, R, F, S, CL0125, COMPUTER OPERATIONS MGR, 5078.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
William Massello, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 13867.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Health
William McLees, R, F, S, JD1120, PRESIDING JUDGE, 9280.17, M, 099, 1.00, WARD, Unified Judicial System
William Nogowski, R, P, S, CL0015, LICENSING CLERK, 1144.00, M, 006, 0.50, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
William Patrick, R, F, S, CL2015, TRANSPORTATION PROJ MGR, 3835.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
William Peterson, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 6606.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
William Pridgen, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 9.25, H, 099, 1.00, SHERIDAN, Game & Fish Dept
William Prokopyk, T, F, S, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 4264.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
William Pryatel, R, F, S, NC9009, PHYSICIAN-NOT CLASSIFIED, 18279.00, M, 099, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
William Schaller, R, F, S, CL6012, DISTRICT GAME WARDEN II, 5136.00, M, 012, 1.00, DUNN, Game & Fish Dept
William Schuh, R, F, S, CL2059, HYDROLOGIST MANAGER I, 5595.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
William Sharff, R, F, S, CL1620, WATER RES EDUC PROG MGR, 4524.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
William Sorensen, R, F, S, CL0912, ADMIN OFR II, 3419.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Adjutant Genl's Ofc
William Steckler, R, F, S, CL4324, JS PROGRAM ADMIN III, 4544.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
William Vance, R, F, S, CL5707, HWY PATROL SERGEANT, 4529.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Highway Patrol
William Walski, R, F, S, CL8431, TRANSPORTATION TECHNICIAN I, 2150.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Willis Botnen, T, F, H, NC9031, TEMP-NOT CLS-OFCL/ADMIN, 26.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Willis Schacher, R, F, S, CL2018, HWY MATERIALS COORD, 4961.00, M, 013, 1.00, CASS, Department of Transportation
Wilma Stenseth, R, F, S, CL0032, OFFICE ASSISTANT II, 1885.00, M, 004, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Winnie Grams, R, F, S, CL4142, HUMAN RELATIONS COUNS, 2873.00, M, 011, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Winston Enyart, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2662.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, State Water Commission
Witney Anderson, R, F, S, CL0033, OFFICE ASSISTANT III, 1821.00, M, 005, 1.00, CASS, Department of Human Services
Wm Hodny, T, P, H, JD5210, SURROGATE JUDGE, 0.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Unified Judicial System
Wyatt Hanson, R, F, S, CL2022, TRANSPORTATION ENGR II, 4181.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Department of Transportation
Wyman Roeder, R, F, S, CL0443, CUST SERVICE CONSULT, 3092.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Job Service ND
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3364.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3494.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3494.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3499.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3499.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3507.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3507.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3531.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3616.00, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3623.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3623.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3623.00, M, 011, 1.00, STARK, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5211, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR I, 3624.00, M, 011, 1.00, GRAND FORK, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3499.00, M, 012, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3748.00, M, 012, 1.00, MERCER, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3748.00, M, 012, 1.00, RAMSEY, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3826.00, M, 012, 1.00, WARD, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3850.00, M, 012, 1.00, BARNES, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3904.00, M, 012, 1.00, PIERCE, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3904.00, M, 012, 1.00, WILLIAMS, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5212, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR II, 3921.00, M, 012, 1.00, CASS, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 3499.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4081.00, M, 014, 1.00, MERCER, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4119.00, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4258.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4460.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4694.00, M, 014, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4694.00, M, 014, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4811.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 4888.00, M, 014, 1.00, CASS, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 5201.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 5207.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R, F, S, CL5213, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR III, 5207.00, M, 014, 1.00, WARD, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Yolanda Syrup, R, F, S, CL3052, L P NURSE II, 2643.00, M, 008, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Yuri Venjohn, R, P, S, CL0835, INS FORM/RATE ANALYST II, 3767.88, M, 011, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Yvette Bachmeier, T, F, H, NC9035, TEMP-NOT CLS-PARAPROF, 7.75, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Historical Society
Yvonne Anderson, T, P, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 7.57, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Governor's Ofc
Yvonne Hanzal, R, F, S, CL4212, SOCIAL WORKER II, 3364.00, M, 010, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Yvonne Keniston, R, P, S, CL0015, LICENSING CLERK, 1479.90, M, 006, 0.75, BURLEIGH, Insurance Commissioner's Ofc
Yvonne Regnier, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.85, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Tax Commissioner's Ofc
Yvonne Remmick, R, F, S, CL0301, COLLECTIONS OFFICER I, 1281.83, S, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Bank of North Dakota
Zachary Meier, R, F, S, CL0115, COMPUTER OPERATOR II, 2755.00, M, 008, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Zachary Peterson, T, F, H, NC9033, TEMP-NOT CLS-TECH, 12.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Game & Fish Dept
Zachary Smith, R, F, S, AG9011, ASST ATTY GEN-NOT CLASSFD, 3588.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Attorney Genl's Ofc
Zachary Weis, R, F, S, NC9022, OTHER-NOT CLS-PROF, 3600.00, M, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Commerce
Zachery Schaible, T, F, H, NC9036, TEMP-NOT CLS-ADMIN SPT, 9.00, H, 099, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Workforce Safety & Insurance
Zane Anderson, R, F, S, JD1130, DISTRICT JUDGE, 9019.67, M, 099, 1.00, BOWMAN, Unified Judicial System
Zanthia Hegle-Price, R, F, S, CL4081, MI CASEMANAGER II, 3026.00, M, 010, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Human Services
Zdravka Zeric, R, F, S, CL2020, TRANS PROGRAMMING MANAGER, 4797.00, M, 013, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Zenaida Bjornson, R, F, S, CL3063, REGISTERED NURSE III, 4612.00, M, 012, 1.00, STUTSMAN, Department of Human Services
Zina Remboldt, R, F, S, CL0144, SR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, 5601.00, M, 014, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Info Tech Dept
Zita Simon, R, F, S, CL7122, COOK I, 2137.00, M, 005, 1.00, WALSH, Department of Human Services
Zona Davis, R, F, S, CL0212, ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN II, 2450.00, M, 007, 1.00, BURLEIGH, Department of Transportation
Zongjian Wu, T, P, H, NC9032, TEMP-NOT CLS-PROF, 21.68, H, 099, 0.38, CASS, Department of Human Services


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