opinion and publicly available information, often including home addresses, about people most of whom are or were government officers or employees

Water Train
Water Train


25 February 2011

This page does not have home addresses. The list below is our edited compilation of three files: NM-Salaries-20090521-1_djvu.txt, NM-Salaries-20090521-2_djvu.txt, and NM-Salaries-20090521-3_djvu.txt. We found theme through the Internet Archive's State of New Mexico Payroll Database May 2009 page.

This page may be imperfect.

We found seeming, clerical errors. Those seeming errors were not necessarily caused by the state governemnt of New Mexico or by anyone in New Mexico.

We changed:

  1. "0'Dell,Debbie A." (with the digit zero as its first chracter) to "O'Dell,Debbie A." (with the letter O as the first character).
  2. Roswei! to Roswell. "Coronado.Leroy M; 9/11/2000; Roswei!; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.479810".
  3. Rosweil to Roswell; for example, "Murillo - Garcia, Orlidia D; 4/22/2006; Rosweil; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.229810". Incidentally, the customary way to spell a hyphenated surname is without blank spaces by the hyphen. We don't know if the state government introduced the blanks.

Aaboe.Erik H.; 4/2/1990; Santa Fe (City); Special Projects Coord. 1; General Services Department; 36.666700
Aaltonen, Raymond D; 5/17/1989; Las Cruces; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 27.695759
Abad,FloreneC; 7/2/2005; Grants; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.575924
Abalos,Steven G.; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 21.654000
Abalos.Bemadette S; 11/7/1989; Fort Bayard; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 15.490232
Abalos.Ken J; 10/26/2002; Las Cruces; -0; 18.530000
Abbo,Rebecca A.; 11/12/1991; Albuquerque; A/0 II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 36.049563
Abbo.TonyS.; 7/3/1989; Albuquerque; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 52.169232
Abbott.Stephen A; 11/5/2005; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 24.336000
Abdullah,Hatim; 11/1/2008; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 15.000000
Abeita, David R.; 3/13/1995; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 29.673171
Abeita,Paula M; 5/3/2006; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.844467
Abeita,Robert; 6/12/1999; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 21.756600
Abeita.Eugene A; 12/6/2003; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 17.671600
Abercrombie,Sara A; 7/9/2007; 21.635000
Abernathy.Kathy F; 14.238190
Abernethy, Perry; 5/6/2000; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 33.628059
Abeyta III.Alex A; 1/13/2003; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 20.429000
Abeyta-Martinez,Kim C.; 9/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Ofc of the State Engineer; 39.775095
Abeyta, Antonio J.; 32.171145
Abeyta, David; 12.080000
Abeyta, Diana Marie; 8/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); 22.740000
Abeyta, Elizabeth; 10.560000
Abeyta, George; 4/24/1989; La Cueva; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 16.910190
Abeyta, Henry; 11/19/2005; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Public Education Department; 22.652803
Abeyta, Joseph G 11/1 3/1 976; 31 .279967
Abeyta, Joshua A.; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.699810
Abeyta, Pablo L.; 7/31/1995; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.556810
Abeyta, Richard R.; 12/28/1993; Albuquerque; DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Public Defender; 20.103491
Abeyta,Alex A.; 1/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 25.250000
Abeyta,Carlotta M; 10/3/2005; (City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 19.845000
Abeyta,Cindy L; 1/4/1999; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 26.701600
Abeyta,Donald R.; 5/29/1990; Grants; GEN 1; Department of Transportation; 35.141150
Abeyta,Eve!yn; 14.397415
Abeyta,Kathyl; 6/6/1985; Santa Fe County; STAFF; State Treasurer; 29.017400
Abeyta,Laura Jean; 5/24/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 22.309606
Abeyta,Maria S.; 24.961844
Abeyta,Rudy P; 11/14/2008; City); Santa Fe; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; 18.470000
Abeyta,Sally M.; 18.391000
Abeyta,Samantha; 6/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.500000
Abeyta,Sonia M; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Safety; 25.659460
Abeyta,Sylvia A; 3/3/2008; 35.969860
Abeyta.Audrey; 5/14/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; tation; 22.882280
Abeyta.Cathy A.; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.880000
Abeyta.Joanna Sheila; 11/8/1982; Santa Fe (City); TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.000000
Abeyta.John P; 1/17/2006; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 14.006810
Abeyta.John T.; 3/29/1993; Albuquerque; MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Transportation; 17.700572
Abeyta.Mary A. 10/13/1987; 29.291450
Abeyta.Mary K; 10/8/2005; Hobbs; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 21.868049
Abeyta.Monico R.; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.176000
Abeyta.Sarah; 6/23/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.170000
Abeyta.Steve; 16.080810
ABEYTAJSABEL 11/3/2007; 30.839949
Abhold.Elaine P; 9/8/1980; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Department of Health; 19.149009
Abi-Khalil,HabibA.; 1/29/1990; Moriarty; ENGINEERING; STAFF -; 34.002030
Abney.HerbieC.; 3/2/1992; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.869190
Abosede,Akindele; 5/15/2006; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.120000
Abreu, Richard A; 11/26/1988; Las Vegas; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 24.173780
Abreu.Renee Marie; 8.500000
Acevedo, Elsie; 3/30/2002; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Acevedo,Gilbert R.; 10/23/1995; Roswell; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 18.194190
Acevedo.Richard D; 7/20/1991; Gallup; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.184190
Aceves,Linda L; 5/31/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Farmington; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Acker.Theresa L; 9/29/2008; (City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 23.640000
Ackron, Edward; 11/4/2006; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 25.829469
Aclams,Jostiua; 21.847000
Acosta-Bullard, Rebecca A; 4/2/2001; Las Cruces; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.219166
Acosta, Daniel B; 5/24/2003; Carlsbad; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.623711
Acosta, Ester; 25.650983
Acosta, Kenneth; 12/19/2005; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 1; 18.000000
Acosta, Patsy; 14.321281
Acosta,Carios; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Special Projects Coord. II; Ofc of the Lieutenant Governor; 32.301780
Acosta,Carla A; 9/3/1988; Santa Fe (City]; FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 30.378688
Acosta,Cynthia; 12/12/2005; Silver City; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 1 1 .065630
Acosta,Elizabeth D.; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.894690
Acosta,Mariene I.; 23.833070
Acosta,Yolanda L; 6/23/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 10.531000
Acosta.Lucy S. 10/18/1999; 15.590232
Acosta.Lydia R.; 23.277071
Acosta.Mark D.; 12/1/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Acosta.Ray; 1/21/1985; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 35.758363
Acosta.Rudolf 9/27/2004; 26.461600
Acosta.Yolanda; 6/10/1991; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.426990
Acoya.Arthur; 11.484690
Acq ue, Florence; 4/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.630000
Acuna-Kerr.Gloria; 5/7/1985; Las Cruces; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 18.320810
Adame.Enrique; 3/9/1993; Albuquerque; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 17.405649
Adame.Hilda; 16.888783
Adams Junior, Walter G.; 7/9/2007; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.600000
Adams, Lee H; 7/1/2003; Las Cruces; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.369570
Adams, Patricia L; 10/26/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Commission for the Blind; 15.107425
Adams, Phillip N; 5/19/2003; Albuquerque; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Health; 40.862908
Adams,Corey R; 1/10/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Clovis; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 18.207460
Adams,Nathan A.; 1/10/2000; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A;; 32.253568
Adams,Walter G.; 3/30/1987; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.541907
Adams.Adrian M; 9/1/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 23.309460
Adams.Amy Lynn 1 1/4/2006; 16.251600
Adams.Deborah L; 1/15/2005; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.444518
Adams.John H; 11/18/2002; Grants; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 30.462000
Adams.Johnny D 10/21/2006; 17.341600
Adams.Mark A; 7/20/1987; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 23.533460
Adams.RomieA; 4/26/2003; Las Vegas; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; of Transportation; 19.254927
Adams.Susan A.; 12/16/1991; Clovis; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; f Workforce Solutions; 14.893064
Adcock.Cynthia; 7/1/1991; Las Cruces; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 20.564277
Addison.Laura M.; 22.647828
Ader.Stephen P.; 10/13/1993; Santa Fe (City); LANDSCPE ARCHITECT-O; 27.555000
Adkins,Allen F; 5/24/2003; Farmington; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.048190
Adkins.Donnie Ray; 10/20/2007; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 12.394690
Adkins.Wiiliam B.; 11/25/2000; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.254984
Adkinson, Robert 11/1/2008; 20.400000
Adsit, Tiffany H 6/7/2008; 10.250000
Advani,Dina M; 24.831000
Afaghpour.Reza; 9/10/1987; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 34.833422
Afldritt.Philip; 16.890010
Afonso, Michael; 9.070000
Agbulos.Jennifer 8/25/2007; 19.010000
Agee.Debora K.; 7/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Agonizante, Alfredo; 18.500000
Agosto, Emily M; 1/29/2005; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 16.155630
Agu liar, Beverly D.; 2/19/1990; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 33.775380
Aguero.Margaret G.; 6/27/1987; Belen; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 11.954104
Aguiia, Cynthia; 10/7/2004; Springer; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.085000
Aguiia.Loreto; 10/9/2004; Springer; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.085000
Aguila,Efigenia; 8/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 9.858730
aguilar Senior.victor; 11.904139
Aguilar-ShilofLSylvia M; 21.070000
Aguilar, Becky M; 8/27/2005; Roswell; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; 17.580630
Aguilar, Gwendolyn; 9/25/2006; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 10.514570
Aguilar, Lauren I.; 7/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.960000
Aguilar, Robert; 10.023000
Aguilar, Victoria S; 12/17/1997; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 19.846015
Aguilar,AllisonM.; 10/20/1984; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.361277
Aguilar,Calvin L; 4/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Game & Fish; 36.268300
Aguilar,Carlos A.; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.451000
Aguilar,Margaret L.; 6/16/1997; Socorro (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-O; ic Safety; 13.958730
Aguilar,Martin W. 6/18/1990; 19.221987
Aguilar,Paul; 5/11/1984; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Department of Transportation; 17.481386
Aguilar.Andres S; 9/8/2007; Vaughn; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.375690
Aguilar.Angela M.; 12.500000
Aguilar.Beatrice E.; 16.580000
Aguilar.Geraldine J.; 5/13/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 25.693631
Aguilar.Miguel; 3/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 30.487000
Aguilar.MJguel; 30.487000
Aguilar.Pablo A; 3/14/1988; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.680000
Aguilar.Sharon; 9/3/1997; Santa Fe (City); 16.285212
Aguilarjeofilo; 5/11/2002; Eagle Nest; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.005065
Aguilera-Chacon,Anna; 5/31/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.470000
Aguilera, Laura L; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.989810
Aguilera, Patricia; 6/22/1992; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 18.355093
Aguirre-Stewart, Maria; 2/26/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 26.729406
Aguirre, Alfredo; 24.360000
Aguirre, Rafael; 11/3/2007; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Commission for the Blind; 15.941600
Aguirre,Abdon; 15.850072
Aguirre,Anita F.; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 12.000000
Aguirre,Eva G 12/27/1988; 14.335408
Aguirre,James; 5/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 33.593150
Aguirre,Loretta S; 7/23/2001; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.358169
Aguirre,Luis Pedro; 10/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.739000
Aguirre,Michelle; 12.647000
Aguirre,Yvette A.; 5/9/1994; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 18.493015
Aguirre.Anthony Angel 11/29/2008; 13.000000
Aguirre.Dane; 11.128513
Aguirre.Eileen M.; 2/21/1990; Springer; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.220957
Aguirre.Emilia; 5/20/2006; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.551600
Aguirre.Jesusita M.; 10/28/2000; Alamogordo; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.491512
Aguirre.Kristine M.; 8/24/1992; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 31.095581
Aguirre.Lorenzo; 22.236900
Aguirre.Ubaldo; 18.090810
Aguirre.Viviana; 9/23/2006; Albuquerque; CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.500000
Ahadi.Rassool M.; 11/20/1999; Las Cruces; A/0 II - ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 32.997398
Ahim,Lief A; 12/1/1986; Raton; GENI; Department of Game & Fish; 38.431075
AhlfeldtJoyce E.; 4/5/2008; City); Santa Fe {; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Ahlgrim,Cynthia R. 2/9/1 998; 1 8.81 0765
Ahlm,Michael S.; 5/15/1995; Moriarty; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; f Game & Fish; 20.485630
Ahlstrom,Claudia; 8/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.489500
AHMED.MOHAMED FARAG; 12/13/2008; Clayton; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Aicachupas.Sinfronio M; 16.079810
Aicon.Audey J.; 13.894690
Aicon.Sue Ann 12/1/2007; 13.000000
Aiken, Darla; 18.846154
Aiken.KacyM.; 6/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Regulation Commission; 15.683840
Ailred, Jennifer M; 8/14/2004; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.139460
Ainsworth, Brian P.; 4/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 38.585865
Ainsworth.Barbara L; 7/17/1992; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Transportation; 12.793760
Akavya,Tsivya; 24.717204
Akeley,George W; 5/4/1998; Santa Fe (City); - ENV SCIENCE; STAFF; 27.877060
Akers,Aaron W; 2/10/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.440000
Akers.Kim Marie; 1/3/1989; Albuquerque; A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 34.920900
Akin, Patrick D.; 5/17/2008; Albuquerque; -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF; 31.500000
Akins,NancyJ; 9/5/1987; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 22.749000
Akuma.Bih Miranda; 5/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 22.822000
Alaniz,Joseph 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City)
Alaniz.Celina K.; 2/11/2006; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.950000
Alano,Andrea R. 12/20/2007; 14.850000
Alano.Gennie; 3/3/1979; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 25.000000
Alarcon, Stephanie; 3/20/2009; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Department of Health; 12.500000
Alarcon,Joel; 7/6/1992; Deming; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 21.700000
Alarid, Angela M; 5/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 14.095000
Alarid, Frank J 8/14/1989; 17.509980
Alarid, Susan; 8/17/1987; Santa Fe (City); BUDGE 1 ANLYST-O; Public Education Department; 21.240000
Alarid,Anthony H; 23.363024
Alarid,Jon Javier; 3/23/1998; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 15.502690
Alarid.Adolfo; 35.000000
Alarid.EIizabeth M; 11/22/2003; Albuquerque; A/OI; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.844040
Alarid.JacobP; 30.154500
Alarid.RolandK; 1/19/2002; Santa Fe (City); STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-0; . of Transportation; 11.165505
Alba,Alejandro M; 9/11/2004; Lordsburg; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.698460
Alba.Stella G.; 12/28/1998; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 18.119697
Albers,Jeffrey J.; 5/10/1993; Santa Fe (City); PETROLEUM ENG-A; State Land Office; 35.268177
Albersmeyer.Alva G.; 25.131341
AlbertGabriel R.; 11/4/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL" Grants; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Alberto,Wilbert; 7/26/2008; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.160000
Alcala, Jessica A.; 8/5/2005; Albuquerque; 17.581459
Alcaraz,Lisa M; 6/22/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUDGE 1 ANLYST-A; Public Education Department; 25.500000
Alcaraz.Tracy; 16.778190
Alcon,Carmela R; 1/29/1990; Espanola; GEN 1; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 35.883140
Alcon,Daniel J; 6/5/2004; Guadalupita; 14.487445
Alcon,Wayne Scott; 25.520000
Alcon.Virginia 9/16/2000; 26.608676
Alcorta.Anna; 6/25/2007; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 13.132739
Aldana.Wiliiam M; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Aldana.William M 6/27/2005; 16.660000
Aldaz,AdamA; 4/9/2007; (City); Santa Fe; CLM AD J, EXAM, IN V-A; 21.919800
Aldaz.Yoshabelle Dawn; 5/13/1996; Espanola; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 17.258971
Aldeis, M.Anita; 1/1/1961; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Transportation; 18.505404
Alderete, Nicolas Adam 1 1/5/2007; 1 1 .500000
Alderete,Mary; 9/11/2000; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 15.490232
Alderete,Sandra S; 1/15/1999; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 15.240630
Alderete,Tom J; 6/11/1984; Santa Fe (City); PRINTING MACH OP-O; Public Education Department; 16.191730
Alderete.Ruth M; FAMILY; Human Services Department; FAMILY; Human Services Department; 15.127630
Alderette, Matthew; 6/19/2003; Raton; COOK, INST&CAF-O; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 10.704597
Aldrich, Gwendolyn A.; 7/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.625000
Alejandro.Joe P; 2/12/2005; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.316600
Alejandro.John E; 6/23/1980; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 36.050000
Alessio, Kenneth; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Public Safety; 25.490000
Alexander, William C.; 2/23/1987; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 36.294924
Alexander,Anna Lynne E.; 15.127630
Alexander.Amber Nichole; 1/20/2009; Fort Bayard; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 7.500000
Alfero, Anthony A; Santa Fe (City)
Alford,Larry J. 9/2/2005; 30.133000
Ali,Khaled; 5/31/1989; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Admin; 20.523406
Aliison.TimT.; 15.229000
Alimova,Nasiba B.; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; General Services Department; 23.050000
Alire,Angie M.; 3/14/1987; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Department of Environment; 28.327086
Alire,Georgina J.; 8.478779
Alire,i\/lary Louise; 2/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.560719
Alire.Donald; 11/29/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 25.375000
Alire.FlorieG; 10/4/1993; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.820500
Alires, Lawrence R.; 5/11/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.327544
Alires,Pablo J; 1/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 13.695269
Alirez,Joseph J 1/12/2008; 7.781590
Alirez.Joe F.; 3/8/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Alirez.Lillian; 9/15/2003; Fort Bayard; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 11.386690
Alirez.Marylou; 25.159460
Allaire, Robert H.; 5/11/1998; Springer; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.844190
Allard, Robert L; 2/9/2008; Tierra Amarilla; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 10.184690
Allemand,Joann T; 1/5/2002; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 8.638461
Allemand,William A.; 16.238977
Allen, Beverly; 10/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); Public Information Officer II; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 30.625000
Allen, Bradford M. 4/19/1999; 34.852000
Allen, Janet D; 1/5/2002; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 17.303240
Allen, Pamela A.; 6/27/1998; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-0; Department of Environment; 15.590755
Allen, Peter M; 4/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-A; General Services Department; 25.500000
Allen, Ramsey L; 7/3/1989; PRACTil Roswell; 30.235912
Allen, Reginald L; 4/19/2004; Los Lunas; GENI; 33.093150
Allen, William T; 8/30/2004; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 12.631190
Allen,Andrea D.; 8/19/2002; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 19.327810
Allen,Debra S; 25.536407
Allen,John H.; 10/15/1991; Lordsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 23.315772
Allen,Richard A; 11/28/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.932275
Allen,Skipper M; 18.122048
Allen,Susan M. 1/30/2006; 13.438190
Allen.Andrea L; 12/31/2005; Porta les; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.444518
Allen.BarryL; 15.272000
Allen.Gene; 1/12/2002; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 14.982132
Allen.Jeffrey K; 7/28/2007; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 34.834000
Allen.Nancy; 2/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 21.500000
Allen.Sheila F; 28.696300
ALLENA,PRAVEENA; 9/2/2008; Deming; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.000000
Alley,JamesK; 1/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Department of Environment; 31.277040
Allingham,Susan E; 5/21/1997; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 21.599962
Allison, Karen A.; 11/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.652000
Allison, Kevin; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Information Technology; 29.834040
Allison, Nancy Jean; 15.227630
Allison, Richard H; 8/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 33.283040
Allison, Robert W; 27.591900
Allison, Stacey M; 2/12/2005; Orogrande; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 13.171624
Allison,David B; 10/9/2006; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.163460
Allison,Terry 12/15/2007; 13.835630
Allstead, Cynthia A.; 11/2/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.938805
Almada, Ursula Y.; 13.291565
Almager Junior.Eulogio 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Almanza, Edward P; 6/20/2005; Deming; STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-A; Department of Transportation; 13.313570
Almanza, Phillip; 7/11/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Deming; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 19.349460
Almanzar,Joe D; 10/19/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 40.174800
Almanzar,Lorelei A.; 6/15/1992; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 31.267975
Almanzar.Lorraine J.; 4/25/1992; Santa Fe (City); 12.672403
Almaraz,Juan A.; 10/18/1999; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 14.738166
Almaraz.Christine; 1/7/2002; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 12.961190
Almeida, Mary Louise; 9.313590
Almeida.Araceli V.; 3/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-O; Public Regulation Commission; 13.354955
Almond, Teresa; 12/29/2007; Roswell; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 13.324690
Alonzo,Marianita Jayme; 15.000000
Alsberge, Dolores; 20.506630
Alsberge, Patricia; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.458730
Alsfeld, Mark R.; 19.840000
Alshouse,Carol Y. 1 0/1 6/1 999; 23.540500
Altenberg.Mary M; 8/14/2006; Albuquerque; GENI; 37.712150
Alter.Ty; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Altieri,Broc L; 3/2/2009; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Altwies.Jolene K; 30.496000
Alva.Sandra M.; 12/29/1997; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Rehbltation; 26.868460
Alvarado, April; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.194690
Alvarado, Ector G; 2/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-0;; 29.794252
Alvarado, Ida; 10/31/1988; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workers Compensation Admin; 31.920767
Alvarado, Shawn M; 10/15/2001; Roswell; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 21.875686
Alvarado,Alvaro; 2/15/2003; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.514460
Alvarado,Greg; 4/14/2008; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 18.659460
Alvarado,Jaime; 9/12/2005; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.026590
Alvarado,Janet K.; 12/26/1994; Las Cruces; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.220847
Alvarado,MaryA.; 2/8/1999; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.515630
Alvarado,Samuel J; 1/3/2005; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; of Transportation; 12.395190
Alvarado.Mary G.; 3/22/1999; Deming; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 17.962921
Alvarado.Neoma; 1/18/2005; Fort Bayard; GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 9.057723
Alvarado.Sheila R.; 11/16/1996; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 11.507158
Alvarez I, Christopher James; 4/21/2007; Lordsburg; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.198596
Alvarez, Barbara; 3/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department; 34.303594
Alvarez, Frank C; 12.631190
Alvarez, Jessie L.; 9/6/1984; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Alvarez, Juan 10/15/2001; 15.303810
Alvarez, Raul Jr.; 1/24/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 37.670000
Alvarez, Rosa E.; 6/19/2000; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.814819
Alvarez,Julio C.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 2.538500
Alvarez,Rau!; 13.000000
Alvarez.Aurora A.; 5/29/2007; Anthony; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.451600
Alvarez.Donna J; 2/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 15.585630
Alvarez.Gabriela L.; 19.310600
Alvarez.Raui; 9/28/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; 19.511104
Alvarez.Teri L.; 6/16/1997; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.425492
Alvidrez, Maria C. 9/2/1981; 22.866460
Alyassin, Gregory; 12/28/1998; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.579000
Amador, Alma; 5/14/2001; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.320128
Amador.Mary Rita; 11/5/1987; Fort Bayard; Certified Medication Aide; 17.265925
Amaral.Steven C; 4/7/2009; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.500000
Amato Junior, Carlos 7/1 2/2008; 1 3.000000
Amaya.Julie A.; 11/12/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 10.010000
Amaya.Yolanda C.; 24.269206
Ambabo.Jeremiah G.; 11/13/2001; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); New Mexico Corrections Dept; 23.655933
Ambriz.Laura L.; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 11.000000
Amer, Judith Ellen; 7/17/1989; (City); Santa Fe; General Counsel; 43.781500
Ames, Eric; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 36.842040
Amiand, David Stephen; 27.403846
Amicone.Christine Y.; 18.099600
Amindyas,Cornelius A.; 1/4/1993; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 28.884308
Amiri,Mir A.; 7/18/1987; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 29.535796
Amos.Andrea; 10/9/2007; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.438190
Amos.Rashod A.; 8/18/2005; Carlsbad; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 14.487445
Amos.RobertS; 12/28/1987; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 18.217395
Amundson.Sherry L; 7/10/2000; Fort Bayard; LPN & LVN-0; 18.284700
Anagnostakos,Dimitrios S.; 25.357000
Anaya Junior.Manuel G.; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.036000
Anaya, Daniel m; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Anaya, Jacob; 5/10/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Department of Health; 11.139000
Anaya, Jerry J; 21.467250
Anaya, Patricia Ann; 9/1/1978; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Finance & Admnst; 31.098940
Anaya, Robert M; 12.248730
Anaya,Andy H.; 12/9/1986; Fort Sumner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 23.089482
Anaya,Camille A; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; 32.630000
Anaya,Catherine D; 7/19/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 25.839933
Anaya,Cathy B; 10/22/2001; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 13.427450
Anaya,Cordelia; 6/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); PERS FIN ADVISOR-B; Retirement Board; 16.633631
Anaya,Damian W; 8/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 10.798730
Anaya,Gabriel P; 3/24/2007; Albuquerque; CUST SRV REP-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.865881
Anaya,Joey P; 8/4/2001; Socorro (City); PLANT/SYS OPR,AO-0; Public Regulation Commission; 17.379810
Anaya,John 1; 2/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Regulation Commission; 15.097945
Anaya,Juanita G; 6/5/1979; Albuquerque; Secretary 1; Public Schools Facility Auth; 14.500000
Anaya,Mark B. 12/23/1985; 28.589459
Anaya,Mary M.; 3/17/1986; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Workforce Solutions; 20.399144
Anaya,Ronald R; 9/26/1988; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; WOODWORKER,; 20.966385
Anaya,Ronda R.; 5/12/1993; PRACTil Clovis; 32.762437
Anaya,Rosalie L; 18.301000
Anaya,Roy M.; 2/8/1999; Estancia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 15.730000
Anaya,Sammy E.; 12/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.470000
Anaya,Valerie J; 9/1/1981; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.793297
Anaya.Benjamin J.; 1/9/1995; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.281315
Anaya.Bill Edward; 7/8/1989; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-B; Public Education Department; 21.511696
Anaya.Connie P.; 14.582838
Anaya.Cynthia M.; 4/1/1998; (City); Santa Fe; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; 16.385630
Anaya.Dora A.; 4/26/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 36.105000
Anaya.Francine L 8/4/1990; 42.518911
Anaya.Frank A.; 9/7/1999; Mountainair; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.270000
Anaya.Joseph A; 3/11/2002; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 19.715630
Anaya.Joseph C.; 6/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 24.389860
Anaya.Kim L.; 4/12/1994; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.942665
Anaya.Mabel P.; 1/24/2000; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.210810
Anaya.Marie Yolanda; 1/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 12.894690
Anaya.Mary L; 4/27/1984; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.695084
Anaya.Mary W.; 11/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Information Technology; 38.789858
Anaya.Robert; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Department of Transportation; 31.319859
Anaya.Sefie M; 2/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEER,AO-PE-B; Public Regulation Commission; 23.265630
Anchondo,Oscar 5/31/1990; 18.630055
Anchondo.Leonardo; 4/15/2005; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.018000
Anclerson,Stephanie M.; 7/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.859810
Andazola,Josepli R; 16.139458
Andazola,Kristina Marie; 10/18/2008; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 13.600000
Andermann-Hidaigo, Marie A.; 9/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; State Treasurer; 19.084295
Andermann, Robert J; 1/1/1981; Santa Fe (City); GENI; General Services Department; 40.867000
Andermann, Ronald J; 4/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.467308
Anders, Yohaira M; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Anderson-Gomez,Sarah; 5/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Finance & Admnst; 15.679730
Anderson-Ruble,Suzanne L 12/4/2004; 31.860000
Anderson, Barbara; 35.336538
Anderson, Birgit; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 16.330000
Anderson, David B; 12/18/2004; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.650500
Anderson, Dillard L; 25.197463
Anderson, Jeffrey L.; 2/1/1995; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 22.898375
Anderson, Laurinda J.; 10/5/1992; Fort Bayard; NUTRI/DIET; LINEil-; 31.509713
Anderson, Richard Andy; 11/5/2005; Silver City; GENI; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 34.075226
Anderson, Robert J.; 1/7/1991; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 36.408000
Anderson,Annette C; 20.044301
Anderson,Monte B.; 2/19/1990; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 30.486694
Anderson,Stephen C.; 8/19/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Game & Fish; 24.543271
Anderson,Xavier J.; 11/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 24.684000
Anderson.Jeffrey Reed; 9/30/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.000000
Anderson.Joanna M; 21.375333
Anderson.John F; 12/18/2004; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Anderson.William J; 2/27/1984; Clovis; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 24.944460
Andrada.Albert J; 2/7/2000; San Jon; POLICES SHER PO-0; Public Safety; 20.598460
Andrade,Shawndai Esparza 10/4/1999; 20.351600
Andrade.Jose 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Andrade.Tobi M.; 7/27/1996; City); Santa Fe; GENI; 38.076920
Andress.Lane; 3/3/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.750000
Andrews, Margarete; 6/19/2004; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.619000
Andrews.Justine; 11/25/2002; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 22.308070
Andrews.Lester L; 1/24/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.156435
Andrews.Stacia C.; 4/4/2009; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 13.301000
Andrewsjhomas; 4/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 34.909040
Anello, Patricia Anne; 5/14/2001; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.139000
Angelini.Kathleen A; 10/11/2003; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-O; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 22.324150
Anglada-Perea,Diane R; 1/10/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Vegas; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 24.905460
Anguiano, Henry Steven 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Anker-Unnever,Lynne L; 40.134651
Anozie,!. Tony; 3/30/1992; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.097051
Anthony, Matthew; 2/20/1999; Farmington; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 21.795630
Anthony.Cynthia Diane 1/10/2009; 18.000000
Anthony.Priscilla A; 22.283906
Anthony.Tanya R.; 2/21/2009; Bernalillo (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Anton,Janine L; 3/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Information Technology; 27.507370
Antonio, Eddie C.; 2/28/2000; Raman; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Antonio, James; 5/21/2008; Albuquerque; 16.000000
Antonio.Eiene; 16.073810
Antonio.Phillip; 5/31/1989; Gallup; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.135345
Antonucci.Alan D.; 18.316144
Anwar, Parveez; 6/6/1988; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 39.515742
Anzures, Patricia D.; 1/6/1992; Los Lunas; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 16.958190
Anzures,Louie R; 6/8/1989; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 15.624000
Anzures,Michael E.; 7/20/1992; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.582701
Anzures.Camilo N. 1/24/2009; 8.500000
Apodaca, Alfred Edward 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Apodaca, Fernando; 9/15/2003; Bernalillo (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.196190
Apodaca, Helen; 10/22/2001; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 13.273688
Apodaca, Joseph I; 7/1/2003; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 17.485630
Apodaca, Joseph Robert 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Apodaca, Julie L.; 3/11/1996; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 11.150863
Apodaca, Karl E.; 4/18/1998; Las Cruces; TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.797952
Apodaca, Lawrence; 11.790000
Apodaca, Louise M; 2/12/1981; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Tourism Department; 21.000000
Apodaca, Michael D; 3/15/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 19.279519
Apodaca, Patrick; 6/29/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 29.003337
Apodaca, Rachel; 6/2/2008; Albuquerque; Law Clerk; Office of the Attorney General; 16.000000
Apodaca, Robert M; 5/3/2004; City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 54.182693
Apodaca, Robert T.; 1/24/2000; Encino; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Apodaca, Robert V; 22.509460
Apodaca, Rodney J.; 8/11/1986; Albuquerque; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 24.964541
Apodaca, Ronald J; 6/16/2008; Albuquerque; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 7.500000
Apodaca,Alan L.; 25.357000
Apodaca,Anthony A; 3/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.386291
Apodaca,Carmella S.; 4/18/1998; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.020000
Apodaca,Danny R.; 12/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 21.034877
Apodaca,David; 16.100810
Apodaca,Fred A.; 6/6/1988; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Department of Transportation; 29.759460
Apodaca,Gary T.; 2/25/1991; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 22.819460
Apodaca,Jessica 3/24/2007; 13.479810
Apodaca,Krista E.; 16.240000
Apodaca,Michelle D. 11/4/2006; 8.322029
Apodaca,Mictiael; 13.000000
Apodaca,Nick J; 7/10/1978; City); Santa Fe; BUDGET ANLYST-A; 19.819830
Apodaca,Stephan C.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.000000
Apodaca.Adrian D; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 25.850000
Apodaca.Adrian L.; 5/15/2000; Deming; GEN 1; Department of Transportation; 33.988807
Apodaca.Chris M; 8/17/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 1 1 .372567
Apodaca.Dino M; 10/12/2002; (City); Santa Fe; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; 15.426061
Apodaca.Elizabeth; 3/2/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 11.327815
Apodaca.Eric L.; 11/6/1995; Anthony; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.739630
Apodaca.Everet R.; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 30.316600
Apodaca.George A.; 8/17/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 21.218572
Apodaca.Juan; 12/2/1996; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.401725
Apodaca.Kathy; 8/21/2006; Las Cruces; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 18.608880
Apodaca.Magdalena; 6/16/2008; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 12.900000
Apodaca.Mlchelfe; 19.586600
Apodaca.Rachel A 3/24/2003; 1 7.5031 69
Apodaca.Reyna; 5/15/2000; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.614507
Apodaca.Rose Mary; 9/6/1987; City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-O; 20.177562
Apodaca.Sandra Eleanor; 5/17/2008; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Apodaca.Yvonne C; 9/12/1983; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 38.658300
Applebee,William Merlyn; 11.972590
AquincShellie; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 14.018000
Aquino, Polly Ann; 15.481630
Aquino.Rita J.; 7/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Public Education Department; 13.288730
Aragon De Chavez, Margaret; 12/3/2004; Albuquerque; STAFF;; 35.397776
Aragon Junior, Arnold Martin 1 1/29/2008; 13.000000
Aragon-Fuentes,Bernadette; 8/15/2005; Albuquerque; Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.442000
Aragon-Mahkee, Patricia J.; 1/9/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 7.510000
Aragon, Bertha; 10/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 15.394563
Aragon, Christina L.; 2/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; General Services Department; 16.000000
Aragon, Claudia; 4/22/2006; Roswell; BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-O; Department of Health; 11.108784
Aragon, Daniel D; 2/22/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 19.559500
Aragon, Daniel D.; 16.192747
Aragon, David L.; 8/7/2000; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; t of Transportation; 15.792810
Aragon, Derrick L.; 13.809810
Aragon, Dolores; 12/4/2000; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 13.460000
Aragon, Elmer D; 3/26/1990; Las Vegas; GENI; Human Services Department; 41.164409
Aragon, Ernest; 2/4/1988; Vaughn; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 22.145332
Aragon, Gabriel L; 2/24/1997; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 33.407715
Aragon, Gloria M; 6/9/2001; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 12.090474
Aragon, Henry J 4/17/1989; 24.882600
Aragon, Julie C.; 23.197959
Aragon, Lawrence R.; 12/6/1995; Ojo Caliente; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.292791
Aragon, Madeline R; 11/20/2004; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Gaming Control Board; 15.852862
Aragon, Manuel M.; 9/26/1994; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.073682
Aragon, Manuel W.; 11/1/1993; (City); Santa Fe; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; 14.515795
Aragon, Manuel; 6/6/2005; Roswell; CARPENTER-A; Department of Transportation; 10.904690
Aragon, Margarita M; 8/19/2002; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; F Workforce Solutions; 20.419059
Aragon, Mario; 8/26/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 27.399500
Aragon, Mark F.; 10/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; General Services Department; 17.051969
Aragon, Martin P.; 20.779460
Aragon, Michael R; 11/14/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Human Services Department; 39.649047
Aragon, Norman D; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.535630
Aragon, Patricia Y.; 1 1 .458425
Aragon, Raymond; 2/26/2001; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Department of Health; 19.379420
Aragon, Rhonda R.; 6/11/2001; Las Vegas; OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.030994
Aragon, Roberta M.; 7/29/2006; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Roswell; Human Services Department; 14.245630
Aragon, Sylvia; 24.169460
Aragon, Yvonne V.; 5/9/1988; Las Vegas; MGT ANALYST-A; t of Transportation; 22.382635
Aragon,Alvin J; 8/15/1994; Las Vegas; AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 15.097945
Aragon,Amanda M. 4/21/2007; 19.643880
Aragon,Anna Rebecca 6/2/2007; 14.767690
Aragon,Antonia m; 12/2/1996; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.523987
Aragon,Antonio; 8/22/2005; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 12.150000
Aragon,Benjamin P 2/24/1986; 17.722810
Aragon,Carlos C.; 11/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.500000
Aragon,Carlos N; 8.500000
Aragon,Connie A; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 14.618820
Aragon,Dacia L; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Aragon,Damien E; 12/27/1994; Albuquerque; GEN 1 - IT; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 44.436903
Aragon,Denise E.; 6/16/1997; Clovis; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.853163
Aragon,Denise iVI; 2/6/1989; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.099434
Aragon,Diana E 8/21/2000; 27.605410
Aragon,Emanue! E; 16.000000
Aragon,Fermin; 34.376087
Aragon,Gail J.; 10/10/1992; Roswell; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 18.467630
Aragon,John Luz 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Aragon,Jose D; 26.575000
Aragon,Josepti; 7/10/2006; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.597986
Aragon,Katherine A; 2/4/2002; Tucumcari; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.610810
Aragon,Marvis; 3/5/2009; Santa Fe (City]; Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Indian Affairs; 37.692000
Aragon,Melvin J.; 12/30/1985; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.231630
Aragon,Nicasio; 15.756104
Aragon,Shannon S; 6/4/1990; Las Vegas; ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 21.603101
Aragon,Shavon; 12/16/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Belen; Human Services Department; 13.835630
Aragon,Sostena R.; 21.789625
Aragon.Angelina 1.; 6/22/1998; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public Defender; 17.714326
Aragon.Arlene D.; 6/3/1998; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 17.130614
Aragon.Bennie J; 8/30/2003; Albuquerque; 29.566600
Aragon.Carmelita; 17.001600
Aragon.Daryl; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.000000
Aragon.Denice M.; 8/8/1990; Las Vegas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; 22.671180
Aragon.Edna J.; 8/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE SURVYR-A; Human Services Department; 24.922832
Aragon.Joe A 2/26/2005; Santa Fe (City)
Aragon.John L.; 10/12/1993; Albuquerque; MED REC& HLTH INF-O; of Health; 14.418181
Aragon.Jose D; 26.575000
Aragon.Juan; 10/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 25.171710
Aragon.Juanita Marie; 7/2/1985; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 21.011599
Aragon.Judith M; 3/6/1989; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.627190
Aragon.Leroy; 1/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); Executive Assistant;; 34.564000
Aragon.Loretta M.; 10/23/1995; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 22.579976
Aragon.MaryJo; 9/26/1998; Farmington; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 13.410690
Aragon.Ryan; 15.849810
Aragon.Sharon E.; 3/12/2001; Albuquerque; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Transportation; 19.489393
Aragon.Susan Rae; 8/10/1998; Albuquerque; FINANCIAL COORD-0; F Workforce Solutions; 25.599345
Aragon.Sylvia A; 8/13/1990; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE PRAC-A; Human Services Department; 20.235515
Aragon.Tina M; 5/16/2002; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 16.327500
Aragon.Tom; 7/20/1992; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 12.595590
Aragon.Valerie Ann; 10/7/1991; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 23.742230
Aragon.Veronica G; 27.346200
Aragon.Virginia 11/1/1993; 17.502077
Araiza.Kristen M.; 4/1/2002; Raton; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.347190
Araiza.LuzA; 21.244147
Arambula, Norma; 4/9/1984; Fort Bayard; MED REC& HLTH INF-O; of Health; 13.663261
Aranda-Trujillo,Deloisa; 6/15/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.890000
Aranda, Clara 6/1/1976; 18.240478
Aranda, Elizabeth 8/1/1996; 13.733098
Aranda,Angela M.; 1/5/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Clovis; Human Services Department; 15.240630
Aranda.Hortencia R.; 1/2/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Aranda.Maria A.; 1/30/1990; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Human Services Department; 25.105679
Aranjo.Lanissa P.; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.303000
Arbie,Janeen R 12/7/2002; OFFIC Santa Fe (City)
Arbizo, Richard J; 10/15/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 8.900000
Archambeau,MollyJ.; 6/5/2004; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 16.830000
Archibeck,Paulette V; 2/16/2002; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.821385
Archibeque Senior,John J; 10/23/2004; (City); Santa Fe; PRINTING MACH OP-0; 14.880741
Archibeque-Harrell,Nicoie Lei; 2/9/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Archibeque,Ben J; 6/29/1998; Las Vegas; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 22.849772
Archibeque,Clyde A; 1/25/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 32.630000
Archibeque,Noyola; 4/30/1990; Las Vegas; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; of Transportation; 17.552446
Archibeque,Rita M.; 15.198061
Archibeque.Angela; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; F Transportation; 15.110000
Archibeque.Dawn M. 5/20/1996; 13.058864
Archibeque.Jerald J.; 24.924333
Archibeque.Rose M; 5/30/2006; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.679646
Archibeque.Steve B.; 42.463301
Archibeque.Wendy R.; 20.386600
Archie,Edward R; 6/9/2003; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.249810
Archie.Betty; 13.630274
Archuieta,Gonzalo; 9/14/2006; Farmington; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.428630
ArchuIeta,Sally L; 9/10/2005; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; c Safety; 15.000810
Archuieta.Crescencio F.; 17.181810
Archuleta Ellvinger.Roslynd C; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-O; Department of Public Safety; 27.239500
Archuleta Junior, Raoul Gilber 6/1 1/2001; 8.322029
Archuleta-Maes,Antoinette; 2/26/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Public Education Department; 33.136618
Archuleta-Salaiz.Geraldine 11/9/1987; 18.249094
Archuleta-Silva,Annabelle; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-B; 16.890000
Archuleta, Ash ley M.; 9/25/2004; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.130630
Archuleta, Bernadette N.; 1/22/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; ic Safety; 19.171697
Archuleta, Chris D; 1/24/1994; Albuquerque; COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.034672
Archuleta, Christine M.; 9/26/1994; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.143821
Archuleta, Connie M; 8/29/1985; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF& JOB ANA-O; 25.080897
Archuleta, Daniel T.; 4/13/2002; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 32.547769
Archuleta, Danny L.; 7/21/1985; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 15.830000
Archuleta, Dean M.; 1/5/1998; Taos (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 19.734582
Archuleta, Diana E; 1/3/1994; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 13.501337
Archuleta, Elias 3/11/2006; 40.810000
Archuleta, Erma J; 21.096407
Archuleta, Fidel S; 1/3/2007; (City); Santa Fe; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; 19.845630
Archuleta, Guy E.; 29.911000
Archuleta, Guy E.; 29.911000
Archuleta, Isaac M.; 2/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.904000
Archuleta, Isaah T; 5/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Archuleta, Jennifer Magdelina; 9/22/2007; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.705630
Archuleta, Joseph D; 1/26/2008; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 17.369810
Archuleta, Lea Marie; 19.758000
Archuleta, Leroy A.; 6/6/1997; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Rehbltation; 21.992575
Archuleta, Margie D; 12/17/1990; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 13.899237
Archuleta, Martha D; 6/12/1967; Las Vegas; 28.616560
Archuleta, Mary Frances; 1/21/1980; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Environment; 14.275157
Archuleta, Mary Jane; 11/30/1987; [City); Santa Fe; FIN ANALYST-A; 30.324343
Archuleta, Michael P; 18.034810
Archuleta, Michelle D.; 22.808935
Archuleta, Monica Renee; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.421600
Archuleta, Norma; 12/29/2007; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.160000
Archuleta, Peter C 6/30/2001; 9.626868
Archuleta, Ramonsita A; 11/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); SHIP/REC/TRAF CLK-0; Tourism Department; 10.971000
Archuleta, Rebecca C; 2/26/2006; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; 13.610000
Archuleta, Rebecca L.; 6/30/2007; Springer; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.239500
Archuleta, Ricardo D.; 8/25/2007; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 12.394690
Archuleta, Robert J.; 2/13/1995; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 31.463550
Archuleta, Ruben E. 7/18/1994; 16.226810
Archuleta, Rudolph Paul; 6/14/2008; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 24.000000
Archuleta, Stephanie I; 8/1/2007; Albuquerque; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.894690
Archuleta, Tanya M; 8/26/2006; (City); Santa Fe; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 16.364433
Archuleta,Alonzo c; 4/15/1985; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 22.702293
Archuleta,Annabell; 7/16/1990; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 9.783423
Archuleta,Carlos; 1/24/2009; Cerrillos; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; F Transportation; 10.760000
Archuleta,Carlos; 6/30/1997; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.542000
Archuleta,Celestino; 12/14/1987; Santa Fe (City); PLANT/SYS OPR.AO-0; Retirement Board; 21.383121
Archuleta,Christopher; 8/9/2008; Las Vegas; JAN ITR&CLN R, NOMAI D-B; Department of Health; 7.750000
Archuleta,Cynthia Marie; Santa Fe (City)
Archuleta,David R.; 6/15/1998; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 13.874375
Archuleta,Eloysa F.; 9/16/1991; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.000000
Archuleta,Ernest D.; 5/23/1994; Santa Fe (City); EXEC -ENGINEERING; of Transportation; 50.258581
Archuleta,Felix; 20.825810
Archuleta,Gilbert; 9/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 32.088259
Archuleta,Gina Jo 7/1 5/1 996; 1 5.71 3258
Archuleta,Joshua J.; 3/28/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Archuleta,Juan; 4/15/1991; Chama; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.958191
Archuleta,Kathryn M.; 6/1/1992; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 24.554364
Archuleta,Kathy M.; 6/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; 27.256740
Archuleta,lsadora M. 12/4/1989; 21.449617
Archuleta,Lucia P; 19.411600
Archuleta,Melinda A. 8/30/1 999; 1 5.266290
Archuleta,Michelle 12/31/2007; 10.860000
Archuleta,Phillip M; 1/14/1991; Las Cruces; PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 21.174479
Archuleta,Priscilla V.; 23.055630
Archuleta,Rita M.; 29.325000
Archuleta,Rose Anne; 4/3/1989; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Regulation Commission; 19.343000
Archuleta,Salvador R.; 1/27/1999; Las Vegas; GEN 1; Department of Transportation; 30.160000
Archuleta,Sarah; 4/26/1976; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public Education Department; 18.007810
Archuleta,Susie E.; 2/2/1987; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.928995
Archuleta,Teena Marie; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); 26.979000
Archuleta,U. Virginia; 12/15/1997; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.795620
Archuleta,Veronica V; 3/27/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Department of Health; 27.139796
Archuleta.Andrew; 9/9/2006; Guadalupita; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 11.421690
Archuleta.Annette; 40.317075
Archuleta.Bernice; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Public Safety; 17.000000
Archuleta.Brenda J.; 11/29/2008; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Archuleta.Carl A.; 12/7/1992; Santa Fe (City); ELEC ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 14.693690
Archuleta.Cecilia; 1/17/1981; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 19.657730
Archuleta.Christine L; 3/6/1989; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 26.701600
Archuleta.Clyde C; 5/9/2005; Trementina; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.504820
Archuleta.Cres; 4/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN& LBR SPC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.091600
Archuleta.Denise M; 11/27/2000; City); Santa Fe; IT GENERALIST 1; 30.000000
Archuleta.Gerlie 6/26/2006; 26.752383
Archuleta.Greg J.; 1/7/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.640000
Archuleta.Greta M; 8/17/1987; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Department of Health; 26.694600
Archuleta.Jeffrey S; 7/6/2002; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 14.751000
Archuleta.Joel; 8/30/1991; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Transportation; 24.321600
Archuleta.John G; 9/9/2006; Roswell; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Health; 9.709570
Archuleta.Kim E.; 15.569642
Archuleta.Linda M.; 11/18/2006; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; 17.550000
Archuleta.Loretta S.; 6/23/1997; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 19.310000
Archuleta.Marie C; 8/9/2004; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; 21.580304
Archuleta.Pablo; 8/20/1984; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 21.674172
Archuleta.Paul; 12/14/1985; Eagle Nest; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.548693
Archuleta.Ramon A; 10/15/2007; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Archuleta.Rueben; 3/16/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 20.381600
Archuleta.Tara; 6/18/2005; Las Vegas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.217760
Archuleta.Thomas; 4/28/1998; Eagle Nest; TRMT-B; 15.490232
Archuleta.Veronica M.; 7/1/1999; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL > Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 18.741600
Archuleta.William; 2/22/1980; [City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Archuletta, Doris C.; 24.231600
Arciero.Veronica M.; 1/26/2008
Arciiuleta.Ltiis; 17.673600
Arcliuleta.Lia 8/12/2006; 13.835630
Areliano.Victor 12/1/2007; 13.480000
Arellanes, Richard F; 25.051650
Arellanes.Aimee D.; 7/28/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 18.394305
Arellanes.Anna; 17.809700
Arellanes.Carla D.; 10/7/1985; Las Vegas; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Transportation; 30.041501
Arellanes.Robert M.; 12/1/2007; Las Vegas; ELECTRICIAN-O; 15.438190
Arellano Jr, Jose L; 8/2/2003; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.630460
Arellano Senior, Aaron Anthor 7/1 2/2008; 1 3.000000
Arellano, David; 6/18/1984; Roswell; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 19.106780
Arellano, Jennifer 5/20/2008; 12.006000
Arellano, Jessie; 3/11/2006; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.201190
Arellano, Richard Phillip; 20.991600
Arellano, Rosemary 8/22/2006; 30.664725
Arellano, Vangie L.; 7/6/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.268730
Arellano,Ernesto C.; 18.711600
Arellano,Frank G; 5/3/2008; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 15.000000
Arellano,Freddie 1/19/1999; 19.696000
Arellano,Mary A.; 5/29/1990; Springer; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.710000
Arellano,Saundra A; 9/19/1994; 27.506325
Arellano.Amy L; 9/13/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.701600
Arellano.Anna M.; 7/22/1996; Espanola; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 12.814410
Arellano.Christina; 10.100000
Arellano.David; 14.457810
Arellano.Exequiel; 5/5/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.030000
Arellano.Jesse A. 10/16/1998; 12.978592
Arellano.Levy C; 9/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; General Services Department; 13.639797
Arellano.Louella; 10/29/2001; Albuquerque; A/OH; Public Defender; 28.023790
Arellano.Raymond D; 2/17/2003; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.244351
Arellano.Thomas M; 9/13/2004; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Arellano.Tina; 11/14/1994; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.998307
Arellanojoann L; 6/24/2002; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-0; Workforce Solutions; 15.913127
Arellin.Tina M; 7/23/2001; Socorro (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.888190
Arenibas,Eddie M; 6/6/2005; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.245190
Arevalo, Daniel; 8/23/2004; Red River; LINEN; Department of Game & Fish; 18.399460
Arevalo.Teri A.; 4/1/1996; [City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 39.022838
Arfman,Suzan; 10/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); ITAPPSDEV1; Department of Environment; 23.399460
ArGhambeau,Ray; 42.683888
Argue!lo,Jose Manuel; 5/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); Special Agent; Office of the Attorney General; 30.031000
Argueilo,Eliud; 1/26/2008; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Arguello-Vasquez.Mabel 6/6/1981; 28.719040
Arguello, Alice E.; 11.124072
Arguello, Richard R; 9.719376
Arguello,Juanita M; 6/29/1987; Las Vegas; LINEN; Human Services Department; 22.71 1460
Arguello.Christine E; 1/14/1985; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.994806
Arguello.Elisha L.; 9/19/1989; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 30.667732
Arguello.George; 8/3/1998; Tucumcari; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 21.571600
Arguello.James Steve; 5/6/1985; San Jon; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 21.884172
Arguello.James W.; 2/13/1995; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.977532
Arguello.John P; 6/20/2005; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; .of Transportation; 13.699190
Arguello.Mark A. 1/1/1994; 25.436409
Arguijo, Benjamin; 7/12/2004; Hobbs; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 24.016650
Argyres,Elien P; 28.760000
Arias, Alice C.; 9/25/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Environment; 29.717730
Arias, Darlene; 27.464423
Arias, Melissa; 5/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 9.000000
Arias,Leonard R; Gallup; Cuba; Las Vegas; Wagon Mound; 23.200000
Arias.Anna Rachelle; 11/19/2001; Tucumcari; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 11.968739
Arias.EmilyG.; 6/26/2000; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.511810
Arias.Johnny A; 10/9/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 27.425361
Arite.Concetta Ann 6/4/1 991; 1 8.624930
Arizaga,Jackie; 12/22/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 9.850000
Arm ijo, Anthony I; 1/1/1991; City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 56.568540
Arm ijo, Chris Gene; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 22.409460
Arm ijo, Melissa M. 1/19/1999; 19.955600
Arm ijo, Patricia Lee; 3/18/1991; Truth Or Consequent; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 12.797124
Arman,lsabelie D 11/8/2004; 18.500000
Armendariz, Armando M; 7/6/1993; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 34.184380
Armendariz, Julia M.; 24.618000
Armendariz,Jose; 3/24/2007; Las Cruces; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 21.830178
Armendariz,Theresa C.; 12/21/1991; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 20.505600
Armendariz.Jose G; 17.499810
Armendariz.Rosa M.; 13.898730
Armendariz.Susie Baca 11/16/2007; 7.781590
Armenta, Linda; 11.500192
Armenta.RaynelJ.; 4/18/1994; Farmington; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.251630
Armenta.Veronica M.; 12/23/2000; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 18.817600
Armento,James; 12/12/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Armer, Daniel M.; 10/11/1994; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.479745
Armer.Jacquelyn D; 4/24/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.901000
ArmijcAHen B; 2/6/1985; City); Santa Fe; IT GENERALIST 1; 28.350596
ArmijcMadeline L; 4/18/1998; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 24.601600
Armijo Junior.Florentino Barn 12/3/2005; 8.322029
Armijo, Allen Nestor; 14.224810
Armijo, Bernard Toby; 6/14/2008; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 12.508190
Armijo, David; 3/12/2005; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.457810
Armijo, Donald A.; 15.899544
Armijo, Elizabeth M.; 6/4/1985; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 23.445330
Armijo, Frances A.; 6/4/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Name; 24.400000
Armijo, Johnny J; 11/5/2005; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.527259
Armijo, Josephine 12/4/2008; 22.000000
Armijo, Randall L.; Clayton; Las Vegas; Faywood; Santa Fe (City); 30.671104
Armijo,Adrian M; 30.487000
Armijo,Adrian M; 8/23/1998; Taos (City); Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 30.487000
Armijo,Ann C.; 6/3/1999; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; F Workforce Solutions; 14.424540
Armijo,CassandraV; 4/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 9.000000
Armijo,Cindy; 5/13/1985; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Game & Fish; 17.309723
Armijo,David S.; 10.175747
Armijo,Elaine; 5/12/1993; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.345260
Armijo,Eric A.; 22.660460
Armijo,Eric G.; 8/3/1998; Santa Fe (City); PRINTING MACH OP-O; State Land Office; 13.993641
Armijo,Frank J.; 3/18/1991; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.505495
Armijo,Gilbert M.; (City)
Armijo,Glenda Lynn 2/18/1985; 13.630550
Armijo,Horacio G; 11/17/2007; 13.836000
Armijo,Jon P.; 7/19/1999; Cliff; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; of Game & Fish; 20.157933
Armijo,Kari L; 6/2/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Human Services Department; 33.234040
Armijo,Kevin; 6/6/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Department of Environment; 36.056846
Armijo,Manuel A; 1/20/1986; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.006991
Armijo,Manuel; 10/4/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 8.900000
Armijo,Marceiia F 5/22/2004; 17.362600
Armijo,Maria B.; 7/6/1992; Las Cruces; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 19.278436
Armijo,Mayling; 6/16/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 31.000000
Armijo,Myron; 8/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); Liaison Officer III; Ofc of the State Engineer; 38.897180
Armijo,Paul R; 9/25/1991; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 23.145000
Armijo,Priscilla A.; 2/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 16.111087
Armijo,Rose M.; 4/26/1999; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COIVl SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 24.091032
Armijo.Adreiena M 9/7/2004; 17.256630
Armijo.Armando A; 9/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-0; Information Technology; 16.212123
Armijo.Arttiur J; 3/4/1985; Springer; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 23.640000
Armijo.Cloyce J.; 8/3/2002; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; : Health; 12.439235
Armijo.Dora; 10/11/2003; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.367600
Armijo.Elizabeth F; 11/8/1976; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Department of Health; 28.750000
Armijo.Eloy; 8/10/1992; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 11.254100
Armijo.Jeannette; 8/2/2003; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.531558
Armijo.John M.; 4/7/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; : of Transportation; 16.994030
Armijo.John R.; 18.868410
Armijo.Joshua J.; Farmington; Albuquerque; Los Lunas; Roswell; 25.095000
Armijo.Juliet F.; 8/30/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; of Transportation; 22.773388
Armijo.Lawrence G; 9/17/1988; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-0; Department of Health; 23.615082
Armijo.Leona; 19.425000
Armijo.Lillian C.; 11/9/1992; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; 17.397810
Armijo.Lucille; 6/15/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 1 1 .576984
Armijo.Mary B; 7/28/1997; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Economic Developmnt Department; 17.707784
Armijo.Michael P.; 7/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 24.488300
Armijo.Michael; 2/26/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.192760
Armijo.Shannon M.; 15.424810
Armijo.Stacey M; 12/4/2004; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.550190
Armijojda Lisa; 6/15/1999; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.251268
Armour,Anthony; 1/12/1998; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 19.654460
Armpriest, Valerie L; 21.431124
Arms.EarlG.; 4/1/1991; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 17.358318
Armstrong, Donald R; 7/10/1989; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-A; 25.793687
Armstrong, Gaston; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; r Health; 10.900000
Armstrong, Julia L.; 4/18/2009; Roswell; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 27.570000
Armstrong, R. Scott; 4/9/1994; Gallup; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 26.868500
Armstrong, Shannon L; 3/15/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.170000
Armstrong,Oliver Cecil; 4/18/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.060000
Armstrong,Wanda S.; 12/4/1989; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; tation; 39.728375
Armstrong,Zachary Wayne; 4/4/2009; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 7.500000
ArndtRoyG; 1/3/2009; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 14.820000
ArnettManon A; 9/27/2004; Roswell; PUB RELATION SPEC-A; t of Transportation; 18.281630
Arnnijo-Baca.Roberta Y.; 6/12/1999; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 1 1 .490458
Arnnijo.DavicI; 8/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.023000
ArnokLLarry D; 9/27/2004; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 17.468190
Arnold, Barbara E; 5/15/2000; Taos (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 22.293361
Arnold, Benjamin H.; 23.900000
Arnold, Randal; 30.448300
Arnold,John R; 5/16/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 28.900147
Arnold,Selma A.; 12/9/1989; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST- A; Educational Retirement Board; 23.173583
Arnold.Michael W; 5/7/2005; Farmington; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.234690
Arnold.Rudolph P.; 12/11/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Education Department; 37.630000
Aronson, Sylvia A.; 23.481975
Arquero, Joseph L.; 7/21/1993; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 14.565059
Arredondo,Megan; 5/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-A; t of Transportation; 22.225571
Arredondo,Priscilla; 7/14/1997; Fort Bayard; Certified Medication Aide; 15.220336
Arreola, Margie; 5/16/1988; Las Cruces; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; 18.601054
Arreola.Diego V; 8/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); PR COORD-A; Tourism Department; 21.091600
Arrington, Joyce L; 5/10/2003; Clayton; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 10.359575
Arrowsmith, Murray R 1 1/6/2004; 16.579810
Arroyo,Renee C 2/24/1997; 9.312590
Arteaga.Manaces I.; 28.653410
Arthur,Lauri; 1/5/2009; Roswell; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.087500
Arthur,Sara Elizabeth; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 25.000000
Arthur.Sabrina; 12/16/2006; Gallup; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 13.998690
Arthurjhomas S.; 28.741650
Arthurjhomas S.; 3/8/1998; Albuquerque; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 28.741650
Artrip.Richard E.; 6/9/1990; Carlsbad; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 26.110000
Arvidson, Christopher; 3/10/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Silver City; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 24.499460
Arviso.Amber Maria 8/25/2007; 1 6.600000
Arvizu, Alicia 8/9/1999; 15.590232
Arzola.Angel C; 2/8/1986; Fort Bayard; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 15.816867
Arzola.Margaret; 10.359212
Arzola.Polly A.; 6/8/1998; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.521545
Arzola.Sandy L; 6/18/2007; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 11.215000
Asbury, Richard L.; 6/8/1993; Las Cruces; HYDROLOGIST-A;; 29.359961
Asebedo,Salvador; 25.357000
Asencio.Nery A.; 6/5/2006; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.864810
Ashbaugh, Minnie L.; 10/22/1997; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 11.808441
Ashby.Jim Frank; 5/9/1983; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-O; 25.543630
Ashcraft, Lloyd D; 2/28/2005; Tucumcari; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.169810
Ashcraft.Kathleen; 7/1/2006; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; c Safety; 12.903190
Ashe Junior.Patrick A.; 12/2/2006; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 13.096417
Ashley-Marx.Auralie J; 1/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; F Environment; 36.942798
Ashley,Carole; 1/13/2007; Gallup; SOC/COM SV COORD-B;; 17.155193
Ashley.Edna J.; 8/10/1993; Gallup; A/OII; Human Services Department; 30.559300
Ashman, Stuart A; 55.724760
Ashmore.Robert N.; 4/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); Chief Information Officer; Department of Transportation; 45.488660
Ashton,Teri Lynn; 21.919600
Askew,Jason W.; 5/31/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Askew.Matthew H; 9/26/2005; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.201 190
Aspenwind, Linda Eileen; 1/27/2007; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.851600
Assaad, Mohamad I. 6/4/1990; 41.803150
Astier, Christopher Craig 7/28/2007; 16.591600
Atchley,Amy C 1/1 6/2004; 22.653843
AtencicEddie J.; 17.997067
Atencio McClellan,Kristie M; 5/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDIT0R-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.234940
Atencio-Valentine,Joyce; 29.21 6340
Atencio, Dolores T.; 19.558600
Atencio, Eddie T.; 6/2/2007; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-0;; 21.950550
Atencio, Henry C.; 9/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.670000
Atencio, Jessica; 15.125630
Atencio, Roland N; 13.787908
Atencio,Cathy G.; 5/21/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Environment; 36.351300
Atencio,Gene R.; 8/14/1990; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 16.986630
Atencio,Julie S; 36.967040
Atencio,Maria; 8/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant II; General Services Department; 26.535377
Atencio,Ramona L.; 4/11/1993; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 25.127408
Atencio,Shannon D.; 3/30/2002; Las Vegas; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.302630
Atencio,Steve D; 3/22/1986; Gallup; POLICE & SHER PO-A; c Safety; 25.624500
Atencio,Tina T; 8/18/1997; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.000000
Atencio.Kathleen L; 8/17/2002; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.021027
Atencio.Maria F.; 9/28/1992; Santa Fe (City); 12.615477
Atencio.Sammy D; 1/12/2008; Las Cruces; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 12.528190
Atienzo,Maria D; 2/10/2007; Roswell; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 9.709117
Atkins,James J.; 6/25/1994; Farmington; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 20.514281
Atkinson, Karin H.; 30.163628
Atkinson, Roberta; 4/7/1998; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.075810
Atkinson.Vicki A; 13.836000
Atman.Michele S.; 5/19/1997; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-O; Department of Health; 17.433454
Atso.Charlotte S; Albuquerque; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; SOC WKR.AO-0; 14.31 1 537
Atts,Wilhelm; 11.673865
Atwater.Shanna L; 7/10/1996; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 11.808441
Aubele.Jayne C.; 22.491106
Auer.DonaldP; 2/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 21.294550
Aufrichtig,Jessica; 4/1/1996; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Public Education Department; 27.953250
August,Cassandra J.; 8/15/1992; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 27.306000
Ault-Davis,Deanna J.; 5/21/1999; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.911036
Ault,DavidB.; 7/22/1991; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 21.570600
Aultman.Gretchen L.; 5/3/2008; Las Cruces; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 28.755000
Austin-Oser.Kimberly; 9/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 41.500000
Austin, Angel R.; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Austin, Dorman R; 11/18/1985; Logan; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 26.612993
Austin, Kathleen D.; 27.090000
Austin,Amy M. 1/30/1995; 33.468165
Austin,Carmelita; 11/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.661765
Austin,Kathieen D.; 8/9/1999; Albuquerque; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 27.090000
Auten, Barbara V; 8/20/2001; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.709500
Autry.Jason; 11.358730
AvaIos,Alvina; 13.291565
Avallone, Marcus L; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Avalos Junior, Paul S; 2/22/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.000000
Avalos-Muniz.Danielle C.; 8/7/2006; Alamogordo; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS;; 16.036000
Avalos, Mary Jane; 4/5/2003; Las Cruces; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 9.691984
Avalos,Jose L.; 11/7/1994; Tierra Amarilla; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; : of Transportation; 18.884591
Avalos.Lucio Jr; 12.964139
Avalos.Maria 1; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 12.500000
Avants, Patricia; 6/9/2001; Los Lunas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 20.153546
Avelar.Josephine T.; 4/7/1997; Truth Or Consequeni; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.321286
Avena,Priscilla; 2/18/2002; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 12.131809
AventLeona I. 12/10/2001; 20.265460
Avery, Jason R; 2/25/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 19.005000
Avery,Catherine B.; 5/15/2004; PRACTil Santa Fe (City); 34.201799
Avidon, Rhonda S; 1/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 26.496082
Avila, Jerry D.; 1/24/1994; Springer; TRMT-B; 15.490232
Avila, Patricia A 6/15/1996; Roswell; Los Lunas; Las Vegas; Fort Bayard; 18.700259
Avila,Aurora S; 4/8/2006; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.552760
Avila,Donna A.; 16.870944
Avila,Erick; 10/20/2007; Lordsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.282690
Avila,Jesus M.; 1/23/1999; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 25.268538
Avila.AliciaD.; 11.864730
Avila.David A; 2/9/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.175000
Avilucea, Martina L.; Fort Bayard; Fort Bayard; Fort Bayard; Fort Bayard; 15.590556
Avilucea.Luanna; 11/2/1992; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.990010
Avina,Manuela; 3/9/1998; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Anthony; Human Services Department; 16.434630
Axtell,Alma R.; 11/19/1994; Truth Or Consequeni; Certified Medication Aide; 14.224745
Ayad,F. Merritt; 35.895861
Ayala, Earnest; 6/5/2007; (City); Santa Fe; PAINTER/CNST& MAIN-A; 13.998000
Ayala, Kathleen; 10/7/1996; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-B; Public Education Department; 27.060000
Ayala.Rufina G.; 10/5/1982; Silver City; DIETICIAN &NUTRIT-O; Department o; 19.783050
Aydelott.Timothy; 11/8/1993; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 20.339691
Aylward,Jonas; 9/25/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; Retirement Board; 29.287000
Azbill, Diana L; 5/7/1995; Truth Or Consequen<; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 18.960000
B urck, Peter W.; 1/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.693192
B urnworth, Robert W; 2/14/2000; Portales; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 11.914499
Ba rajas, Arcelia Ibarra; 5/17/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
BabbittDallon; 7/23/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.258730
Babcock, Yvonne P.; 7/13/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 30.886436
Babcock.Katharina A.; 11/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 37.019444
Baca de Arones.Judy C; 10/3/1988; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 26.570525
Baca De Martinez, Sarah Ann; 8/7/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 28.065117
Baca II, Richard; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.637000
Baca Junior,Leeroy B.; 9/8/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.328730
Baca Penner,Eileen B; 1/14/1991; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 38.934040
Baca Senior,Ciarence D; 12.748190
Baca-Alarcon,Ellie R 5/5/2003; 11.933781
Baca-Lopez.Cecilia A.; 10/4/1999; Estancia; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 1 1 .646700
Baca-Martinez.Camille A.; 1/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.705457
Baca-Saavedra,John J; 6/9/2001; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-O; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 18.849460
Baca, Amanda Renee; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
Baca, Bryan A; 2/8/1999; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.957678
Baca, Carlos A.; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; F Transportation; 19.846015
Baca, David R. 8/22/1994; 16.103810
Baca, David; 2/25/1995; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 37.634040
Baca, Dilia Yvonne; 13.617289
Baca, Dolores G.; 1/15/1997; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.239140
Baca, Dolores V.; 21.227020
Baca, Eleanor L; 6/7/1999; City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; 20.471651
Baca, Eric Andres 11/29/2008; 14.560000
Baca, Erica Nichole; 15.490000
Baca, Eva L; 9/3/1988; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.273047
Baca, Francine Linda; 6/12/2000; Las Vegas; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 14.951167
Baca, George G; 6/21/2003; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Baca, Hilda; 6/18/2007; Alamogordo; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 8.332479
Baca, Irene C; 7/14/2007; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 9.528570
Baca, James Mario 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Baca, Jessica V.; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Baca, Joe L; 10.594690
Baca, John V.; 1/3/1989; Santa Fe (City); OCC HLTH & Sh 1 Y SP-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 19.275321
Baca, Johnny A; 4/4/1987; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 22.352134
Baca, Kenneth A.; 1/29/1994; Chama; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 24.070000
Baca, Lorraine; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 16.742689
Baca, Louie C; 9/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 34.744614
Baca, Mary Alice 9/13/1993; 27.895594
Baca, Michael D.; 11.250000
Baca, Michael; 2/19/2005; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 24.856000
Baca, Natalie Brown; 18.000000
Baca, Norma E.; 12.394690
Baca, Patricia A.; 11/20/1995; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.517677
Baca, Patrick A.; 12/29/1989; Las Cruces; A/OH; Game & Fish; 33.014400
Baca, Raymond; 3/11/1996; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.176810
Baca, Richard D. 4/9/1990; 21.935825
Baca, Rita M.; 9/11/1993; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 23.649560
Baca, Robert A A; 3/16/2002; Porta les; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 22.397460
Baca, Robert B.; 6/15/1985; Gallup; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 33.312000
Baca, Robert W; 8/2/1993; Las Vegas; MAINT& REPAIR WKR-A; 16.926066
Baca, Roberta; 9/4/2001; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 36.427180
Baca, Ronald V; 39.931300
Baca, Rosemary; 12/11/1999; Los Lunas; LPN & LVN-O; 20.622645
Baca, Ruben M; 15.272000
Baca, Rudy E.; 7/20/1991; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.464630
Baca, Sandra; 11/28/1989; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.391527
Baca, Steve H; 5/21/2001; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 17.642786
Baca, Susan E; 4/15/2002; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 14.280605
Baca, Sylvia A; 14.588690
Baca, Veronica B; 7/24/1989; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 29.100000
Baca,Abraham Paul; 24.360000
Baca,Adrian E.; 6/17/1991; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 26.092886
Baca,Annette; 10/24/1989; Los Lunas; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 14.841053
Baca,Anthony F; 20.587841
Baca,Antoinette P.; 11/20/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Baca,Arcy M; 11/21/1994; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; 19.439810
Baca,CeliaR; 11.336127
Baca,ChrisL; 6/1/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; 30.511005
Baca,Christina; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); AO-O; FIN SPEC,; 18.536085
Baca,Christine; 1/13/1992; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 24.925651
Baca,Danielle Vanessa Brian; 11/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 13.588190
Baca,David J; 5/20/2006; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.878190
Baca,Delfino D.; 10/16/1995; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 14.914076
Baca,Diane; 9/21/1987; Clovis; LINE II; F Workforce Solutions; 21.885881
Baca,Dolores C; 3/25/2002; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.991600
Baca,Ernesto B; 2/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); ACTUARY-A; Public Regulation Commission; 26.683998
Baca,Erwin J.; 9/8/1998; Las Vegas; IT NETWORK SPEC 1; 19.982859
Baca,Estevan L.; 5/19/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.150000
Baca,FrankA; 3/11/2003; Albuquerque; General Counsel; Gaming Control Board; 41.793080
Baca,Gabriel; 24.689000
Baca,Georgia M; 20.956300
Baca,Gilbert M.; Santa Fe (City)
Baca,Herman S.; 12/13/1991; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.531251
Baca,Jennifer A; 3/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; State Land Office; 21.852000
Baca,Jennifer N.; 4/5/2008; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Baca,Jim R 1/1/2003; 43.059240
Baca,Julian A.; 36.702850
Baca,Karen R.; 5/27/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.987629
Baca,Karla A.; 2/25/1995; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.376653
Baca,Kenneth D; 11/20/2000; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-B; Public Education Department; 19.974563
Baca,Kevin John 11/17/2007; 12.000000
Baca,Laura; 17.490000
Baca,Leonore; 11/22/2004; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 20.465822
Baca,Margaret L.; 5/15/2000; Deming; MGT ANALYST-A; t of Transportation; 23.273003
Baca,MarkD.; 8/24/1992; Las Vegas; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 15.504928
Baca,Miche!le J; 9/18/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.188924
Baca,Nancy; 7/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.600604
Baca,Norbert 0.; 9/6/1988; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 36.575093
Baca,PeterJ.; 7/29/1996; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.276978
Baca,Phil; 9/6/2005; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 41.168300
Baca,Pollyanna R; 2/12/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.911810
Baca,Rachael C 12/27/2008; 8.320000
Baca,RayE; 31.392700
Baca,Reyna; 2/7/2009; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 16.000000
Baca,Richard E; 5/30/1973; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.104810
Baca,Ruben; 21.388500
Baca,Sarah N.; 6/12/2000; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 14.220000
Baca,Toni E; 10/17/1991; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O;; 12.880698
Baca,Valerie; 4/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Environment; 21.100000
Baca,Victoria A; 6/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-0; Public Regulation Commission; 16.801000
Baca,Victoria R; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Environment; 25.659460
Baca,Yvonne C; 4/10/2004; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.441190
Baca.Alvaro; 4/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.312190
Baca.Amy H; 5/2/1987; ty); Santa Fe (C; PURCHASING AGENT-0; 20.463408
Baca.Andrew J.; 3/7/2009; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; Department of Health; 9.152000
Baca.Angela; 11/3/2007; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.475630
Baca.Anthony A.; 8/30/1999; Clovis; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.127630
Baca.Anthony L; 12/4/2004; Alamogordo; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 9.403456
Baca.Arthur R; 31 .940858
Baca.Bryon B.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Public Education Department; 15.000000
Baca.Cal M; 10/8/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 24.059500
Baca.Carol A; 1/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 41.895559
Baca.Carol A.; 10/22/2005; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 15.469673
Baca.Casllda N; 1/18/1993; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Public Defender; 14.396829
Baca.Catalina M. 12/4/1993; 19.580000
Baca.Chris; 5/17/1999; Las Vegas; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 24.762600
Baca.Christine L; 21.142025
Baca.Crystal; 1/23/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.181655
Baca.Danelle C.; 7/21/2003; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 19.350000
Baca.Elizabeth E. 11/16/1998; 9.584791
Baca.Filemon; 18.035147
Baca.FrankF; 10/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 18.739151
Baca.Gabino B.; 1/1/1989; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 8.500000
Baca.Gabriel; 8/5/2000; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 33.094530
Baca.Gerinda L.; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 11.000000
Baca.Gloria; 10.387603
Baca.Hilda A 1/1/1995; 25.711000
Baca.Jason; 11/4/2002; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 14.982132
Baca.Jason; 15.149810
Baca.Jennifer N; 4/5/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-O; Gaming Control Board; 19.715630
Baca.Jerome T.; 10/30/1995; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 32.677860
Baca.Jesusita O.; 12.528965
Baca.Joel; 14.000000
Baca.Joseph D; 1/17/2006; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.019405
Baca.Joseph P; 6/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 25.536407
Baca.Kathleen; 6/1/2000; Albuquerque; GENI; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 39.788995
Baca.Kenneth B.; 4/17/2000; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 38.284676
Baca.Lee A.; 3/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Taxation & Revenue Department; 40.005844
Baca.LeroyG; 2/12/1999; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 11.328570
Baca.LindaE.; 7/12/1993; Springer; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.941168
Baca.MariaM 4/13/2008; 16.000000
Baca.Martha; 3/11/1974; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.633600
Baca.Matthew R.; 14.810000
Baca.Michael A.; 9/27/1999; [City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 37.061292
Baca.Mike D.; 2/18/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.442324
Baca.NadineM; 2/16/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.546114
Baca.NeilM; 6/7/2004; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.659810
Baca.Phillip R; 10/30/1976; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 17.931050
Baca.Phillip w.; 2/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Baca.Phillip; 41.872000
Baca.Poliga M; 12/3/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 17.295630
Baca.RalphP; 10.562911
Baca.Raymond J; 7/14/2005; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 19.929540
Baca.RonnieJ; 2/23/1985; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Public Regulation Commission; 22.469697
Baca.Samuel A; 5/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.526082
Baca.Sarah R; 1/3/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Gaming Control Board; 13.750000
Baca.Secundino 6/3/1985; 15.181291
Baca.Thomas D.; 7/12/2004; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; Department of Transportation; 40.591600
Baca.Timothy; 4/17/2000; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 1 1 .477479
Baca.Tori J.; 3/9/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Baca.V. Josie; 4/26/1999; Socorro (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 13.801445
Baca.Vadra; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; 25.188270
Baca.Vince; 2/5/2007; Albuquerque; Division Director II; F Workforce Solutions; 48.125840
Bacca,Stella M; 7/1/2006; Las Cruces; LINE II; Workers Compensation Admin; 26.514352
Baccadutre.David W; 4/16/1987; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 23.504340
Bachelor.David; 28.540000
Bachicha, Elizabeth M; 18.608880
Bachicha, Fernando T.; 3/5/2007; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.539561
Bachicha, Irene R; 10.001149
Bachicha, Philip M.; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Information Technology; 32.516100
Bachicha,Donna L.; 12/22/1990; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 18.580000
Bachicha,Paul L; 6/26/1984; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.763200
Bachman,LoriJ.; 4/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); Executive Secretary; Public Education Department; 36.003240
Baciiicha, Isabel R.; 1/11/2005; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 11.168730
Bacon,ErikJ.; 4/5/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 16.239810
Bacon,John; 7/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Department of Health; 36.929693
Badaluco.Donna E; 6/27/1987; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 14.072760
Badilio-Castro,Blanca I; 9/12/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIST-A; Department of Health; 79.502400
Badner,Jessica; 16.890010
Baeli Wang,Lenore G.; 2/21/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.500000
Baer.Elizabeth s; 23.460000
Baeza, Manuel H.; 8/31/1993; Jal; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.553810
Bagley, James F; 21.130000
Bagley,Edward C.; 2/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 36.402040
Baglio, Joseph Ignatius; 11/20/2006; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 12.510239
Bagwell Jr,Paul W; 12/17/2001; Las Vegas; a/oii;; 42.987035
Bagwell, Letty; 9/24/2007; Artesia; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 12.639810
Bahar,Dana; 5/9/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 35.896300
Bahe,Andrea; 12/15/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Gallup; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Bahl, Jesse L 5/5/2007; 8.625000
Bahl,Christina K; 9/3/2002; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.055630
Baier,Eveline; 5/16/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 30.280000
Baiii.Emilia; 10.783361
Bailey-Torres, Helen Judith; 5/27/2008; Albuquerque; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.100000
Bailey, Celeste D.; 12/1/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.835630
Bailey, Debra A. 5/5/1997; 17.548137
Bailey, Dennis D.; 25.357000
Bailey, Harold; 1/3/2004; Albuquerque; Agency Director; African American Aff; 43.421840
Bailey, Patricia 0.; 9/8/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 13.173542
Bailey,Darla Ann; 7/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; t of Transportation; 19.263752
Bailey.Jami C; 4/15/1985; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 38.472075
Baileyjeddy C; 2/19/2001; Edgewood; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 28.391244
Baillargeon.William S; 7/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); ITGENERALIST2; 35.876861
Bainbridge,Dolores F; 11/6/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Public Safety; 21.837390
Baisden, Isaiah David 2/7/2009; 13.000000
Baker- Randall, Mary Ann; 25.960000
Baker, Cathy A.; 11/26/1990; Roswell; FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Transportation; 16.421259
Baker, Heather R; 9/30/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Tucumcari; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 18.207460
Baker, James R.; 10/15/2001; Hobbs; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 15.362351
Baker, Nancy J; 3/27/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 28.589459
Baker,Arigelita D; 3/15/2003; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.241600
Baker,CleoA.; 33.312000
Baker,CleoA.; 33.312000
Baker,Gregory M; 8/1/1979; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 25.825460
Baker,Ralph; 2/9/2008; Artesia; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850143
Baker,Robert L; 5/13/2002; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.424190
Baker,Roger; 10/27/2003; Fort Bayard; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 11.887902
Baker,Shirley W; 8/8/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Game & Fish; 36.741260
Baker.Collette M.; 12/31/2007; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; f Workforce Solutions; 12.639810
Baker.Cynthia Lt; 6/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 23.868000
Baker.Glen A.; 10/13/1978; Bloomfield; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 26.669500
Baker.Glenna M; 3/20/1989; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 18.777980
Baker.Howard G.; 11/10/1990; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 22.819460
Baker.Phillip W. 5/5/2007; 23.622630
Baker.Sharon; 5/8/1995; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.183155
Baker.Thomas W.; 2/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 27.226346
Baker.Vicky 10/30/1989; 15.915291
Bakerjerry L.; 6/30/1997; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.086460
BakerJoe B; 41.299000
Balasubramanian.Muttiu V.; 2/16/2002; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 34.081912
Balch,Sarah Anna; 8/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.739500
Balchunas.John Everett; 5/17/2008; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 10.870000
Balderas.Hector Hugo V; 40.865385
Baldonado, Yvonne 12/27/1999; 17.733600
Baldonado,Carlos C; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; Departmenl; 13.313190
Baldonado,Michael D.; 3/8/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; 30.723180
Baldonado,Nicole; 16.944690
Baldonado,Refugia V. 1/16/1993; 24.199460
Baldonado,Susie G.; 14.179124
Baldonado.Anthony 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Baldonado.EIizabeth; 8/8/1988; Bernalillo (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.873273
Baldonado.George A.; 8/16/2003; Hanover; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 21.392543
Baldonado.Jerry M; 9/12/2005; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.587445
Baldridge, Kathleen; 4/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 30.633040
Baldridge,David A.; 12/17/1994; Albuquerque; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Baldridge,David A.; 29.911000
Baldwin, Maria E.; 12/9/1991; Santa Fe (City); SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.678730
Baldwin, Michael A; 12/27/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 24.875600
Baliantine.Vincent D 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Balizan, Michael; 4/1/2000; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Ball.Gregory L.; 20.296856
Ball.Josephine; 11/27/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 27.690229
Ball.Justin Doran; 2/23/2008; Albuquerque; GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 26.239500
Ballantine, Rebecca; 8/19/1985; Albuquerque; STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 34.934850
Ballard.Jason; 18.339700
Ballard.Mary E.; 6/4/2001; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 18.656531
Ballas.Megan K. 5/30/2006; Tucumcari; Albuquerque; Las Cruces; Albuquerque; 25.494000
Balleau, Michael F.; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.230000
Ballejosjda May; 3/11/2002; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 12.237821
Ballesteros,Joseph; 21 .847000
Ballesteros,Zelda Marie; 11/10/2008; Silver City; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Department of Health; 10.440000
Ballew, Robert; 5/18/1996; Carlsbad; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Public Defender; 18.260449
Balli Junior.Esteban; 8/25/2007; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; t of Transportation; 10.870000
Bally.Elisa M.; 6/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; General Services Department; 32.500000
Balma, Diane; 6/4/2007; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.275351
Balonis.Lisa K.; 4/22/2006; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.952000
Balquin.Rodolfo J 1 1/8/2008; 26.775000
Baltzley.Karen L; 9/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); EXEC - IT; General Services Department; 47.99441 1
BALZANO.TONI M.; 8/15/2005; 32.980769
Bamcastle,Therese L.; 4/17/2000; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL > Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 17.772600
Bames,Diane M; 3/9/1987; Farmington; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 27.256250
Bames,Misty; 6/3/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Bames.Debra L; 3/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 11.793794
BamhartLeslie; 5/19/2003; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Department of Environment; 32.554959
Bamman, Sheridan L.; 3/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 41.474441
Banales,Marco A; 9/2/2000; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 23.647460
Banales.Kim D.; 9/9/1996; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; tation; 27.355556
Banda, Francisco; 6/12/2000; Roswell; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 24.159966
Banda.JoseS.; 2/2/1998; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.832190
Bandapelli,Rama K.; 11/10/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 25.495000
Banegas,Lawrence A; 12/21/1987; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 23.749997
Banegas.Michael R.; 9/8/2007; Anthony; REHAB COUNSELOR-A;; 21.090600
Banes, David H; 8/22/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Finance & Admnst; 31.178345
Bangel,S. Zachary; 20.750420
Bangerter.Stephanie A; 7/14/2003; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 12.064000
Bangs, David W; 18.470000
Banks.Clarence; 5/5/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Bannowsky.Frances; 11/10/2008; (City); Santa Fe; EDUCADMIN-A; 28.846000
Bantista, Lorraine; 21.926486
Bantista.Rudy; 17.794690
Banuelos.Carios 4/29/2002; 15.304810
Baptiste,David A.; 21.948756
Baquera,Saul; 4/15/2000; Truth Or Consequen<; STAFF;; 22.418500
Barabe,Jon-Paui Robert 8/11/2007; 16.591600
Barajas.Michae! D.; 1/24/2000; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.854460
Barba,Justin Ernest 11/29/2008; 13.000000
Barba.Jonas 2/22/1999; 15.849810
Barber, Pamela L; Santa Fe (City)
Barber, Richard; 11/14/2008; Las Cruces; FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 25.459000
Barber,Ted L.; 12/11/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 37.353943
Barber.Margie B; 8/2/2003; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.054630
Barbero, Maria Yolanda; 1/3/1989; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 23.306238
Barbour, Matthew; 16.337115
Barde,Daniel; 21.847000
Barden, Cynthia M.; 11/1/2008; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Bare,Mike R; 1/7/2002; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; nformation Technology; 33.380805
Bareia, Genevieve L; 11/19/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.521880
Bareia,Cayetano; 1/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 28.146000
Bareia,Ed!e 7/28/2007; 16.591600
Bareia.ChristoplierJ.; 12.860311
Bareia.Frank 4/29/2002; 15.304810
Barela-Baca.Alice P.; 9/21/1998; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.245952
Barela-Phillips,Jerri; 11/17/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.935630
Barela, Angela; 9/11/2000; Grants; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Transportation; 18.152750
Barela, Anthony A.; 5/14/2001; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 24.754167
Barela, Barbara J.; 6/28/1999; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; F Workforce Solutions; 19.999239
Barela, Barbara; 11/10/1975; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 23.786524
Barela, Bridget R.; 11/27/1989; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 28.326257
Barela, Elizabeth E.; 1/22/2007; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 34.588800
Barela, Fabian I.; 2/8/1999; Tijeras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.999701
Barela, Jeffrey L.; 6/19/2006; Artesia; MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 17.375637
Barela, Jessica M.; 15.909810
Barela, Joshua L; 11/15/1999; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 14.511810
Barela, Lillian L.; 11/17/2007; Raton; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.303000
Barela, Maria C; 11/1/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 20.184198
Barela, Patricia A; 7/1/2005; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 25.075600
Barela, Raymond A.; 7/22/1969; Truth Or Consequeni; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 26.678693
Barela, Robert A; 11/22/2004; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 13.993810
Barela, Steve R; 1/26/2008; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.150000
Barela,AdamR; 2/12/2007; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.649810
Barela,Annette L. 4/1/2000; 16.239810
Barela,Arturo J; 1 0.56291 1
Barela,Danette M.; 14.669690
Barela,Daniel S; 1/30/1988; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Espanola; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.676533
Barela,Diana J; 5/30/2000; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 26.395600
Barela,ErnestM 3/4/2007; 8.321590
Barela,Gilbert; 8/15/2005; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B;; 11.413190
Barela,JohnC; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.416180
Barela,Joseph C; 21.396460
Barela,Joseph L.; 19.153460
Barela,Maria L.; 8/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 14.679690
Barela,Marta; 5/24/1993; Santa Fe (City); ACTUARY-A; Public Regulation Commission; 34.549901
Barela,Michelle; 9.708805
Barela,Shannen; 7/11/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; 20.224122
Barela,Shawntae; 3/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Public Regulation Commission; 10.706272
Barela,William; Roswell; CLK-A; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 13.162830
Barela.Arthur; 9/20/2008; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; of Transportation; 13.610000
Barela.Chris J.; 3/22/1999; Carrizozo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.414851
Barela.Christopher M; 11/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; General Services Department; 28.053275
Barela.Jennifer L 10/1/2002; 27.118500
Barela.Julie A; 10/25/2003; Los Lunas; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 15.124096
Barela.Linda L.; 8/19/1991; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.409433
Barela.Matthew D.; 4/6/1998; Clovis; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 15.490232
Barela.Melva J; 13.479367
Barela.Mike A 6/23/2001; 8.8061 67
Barela.Phyllis; 11/10/2008; Las Cruces; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 10.880000
Barela.Ronald E 12/20/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City)
Barela.Sharon D.; 4/11/1984; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 27.395688
Barela.Theodore; 5/16/1988; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 28.049500
Barela.Trinidad V 3/20/1989; 14.526817
Barela.Victor Dean; 17.431810
Barela.Victoria R.; 9/3/2002; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Bareta.Joseph C 4/3/2004; 32.790277
Bargas, Michelle; 8/27/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Clayton; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 17.029460
Bargas,Kirene M.; 10/6/1997; Santa Fe (City); SECS/COMMDTS/FIN-A; State Treasurer; 35.359148
BargerJunior.James Wiley 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Barker. Adam W.; 1/10/1989; 15.000000
Barker.Melissa Jean; 10/20/2007; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 25.889500
Barket.Mary; 12/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 23.739500
Barlow, Darrell; 12/16/1985; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.716614
Barner.Denise; 1/4/2007; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Department of Health; 20.015100
Barnes, Angie C; 15.846933
Barnes, Jenna L.; 7/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Barnes, Katrina M; 7/12/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 16.500000
Barnes, Veronica P.; 7/5/2000; Los Lunas; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 13.645226
Barnes,Billie Jo 10/24/2005; (City)
Barnes,John A.; 26.624850
Barnes,John R.; 9/14/2006; Dona Ana County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.427630
Barnes.Deborah 1 1/28/2005; 1 3.994690
Barnes.Jerry D.; 10/7/1991; Carlsbad; STAFF; Human Services Department; 26.528500
Barnes.Lori Denise; 10/24/1983; Portales; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.047826
Barnet,Jeff; 20.501000
Barnett, Steven G; 4/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); SHIP/REC/TRAF CLK-O; Department of Cultural Affairs; 10.403918
Baronian, Madeline; 9/23/2006; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-A; 22.826454
Baros Rivera, Evelyn; 12.597444
Baros, Rocky; 2/25/1985; Albuquerque; A/OII; Department of Health; 30.925057
Baros, Vanessa; 11/15/1999; Santa Fe (City); SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 14.739770
Baros,Cindy M.; 27.050760
Baros,Dianne M.; 3/10/1986; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; 26.659745
Baros,Steven; 7/12/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 18.179627
Baros,Theresa A; 25.1 16076
Baros.Delane D; 4/21/2007; Grants; PUB RELATION SPEC-0; t of Transportation; 19.102677
Baros.Julie; 8/21/2004; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 20.516000
Baros.Regina S; 6/3/1985; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; t of Transportation; 26.887868
Baros.Renee J.; 6/17/1996; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 19.571684
Baros.Sonia L.; 8/6/1990; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; tation; 17.737660
Barr, Roberta L; 3/13/2006; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; F Workforce Solutions; 17.009810
Barr,David V.; 35.459505
Barr.Robert Bradley; 4/27/2002; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Barragan, Patty; 1/22/2002; Fort Bayard; CHEF & HEAD COOK-A; Department of Health; 19.589559
Barragan,Gina Marie; 2/23/2008; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
Barragan,Manuel L.; 5/15/1999; Carlsbad; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 20.099239
Barragan.Brenda L; 12.730927
Barragan.Julio; 22.517000
Barraza,Mary L.; 4/28/2001; Albuquerque; EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.605851
Barraza,Saul; 10.904690
Barraza.Angelica; 11/19/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Barraza.Braulio; 6/24/2002; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.908190
Barrera, Rebecca L.; 8/7/1995; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.801600
Barrera, Robert D.; 2/27/1995; Lordsburg; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 26.868500
Barrera,Jenny B.; 27.407296
Barreras, Elizabeth M; 10/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Taxation & Revenue Department; 42.218792
Barreras, Kevin M; 16.000000
Barreras, Olivia T; 2/25/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.705630
Barreras, Rebecca; 9/15/2003; Moriarty; COURT,IVIUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.062830
Barreras,Brenda L.; 4/22/1991; Alamogordo; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 28.720688
Barreras,Lawrence F.; 3/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Department of Transportation; 48.614123
Barreras,Michel!e; 16.351600
Barreras.Keith B.; 4/4/2009; 13.301000
Barrett, Ashley M; 1/9/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Tourism Department; 17.250000
Barrett, Kenneth J.; 1/3/2004; Farmington; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 18.352630
Barrett,Phiiip Chandler; 28.000000
Barrio.Michael S; 1/1/2005; Las Cruces; FORENSIC SCI TECH-B; c Safety; 17.618670
Barroll,Margaret W.; 10/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 33.843376
Barron, Myra; 3/1/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Barron, Quentin W.; 5/17/1997; Roswell; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 20.076460
Barron,Olga L; 1/18/2005; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-B; Department of Transportation; 13.650000
Barron.Adriana; 8/12/2006; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.650000
Barron.Teresa B.; 8/29/2005; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 13.692810
Barrone, Pamela A.; 10/11/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.213630
Barrymorejvan M; 5/21/2005; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 12.688190
Bartels, Stephen E; 4/24/2002; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.440000
Bartels,Lloyd W; 4/6/1987; Los Alamos (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 30.857575
Bartels.EstherV.; 5/13/1991; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.524406
Barth.Sarah Elizabeth 2/24/2007; 44.088300
Bartlett, Geoffrey D 10/18/2004; 19.337791
Barton, Darrel I R; Santa Fe (City)
Barton, David P; 31.122040
Barton, Larry E; 12/8/1990; Roswell; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.171310
Barton, Nathan A.; 21.847000
Barton, Patricia; 7/10/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; 44.816680
Bascom.Cindy; 8/26/2005; Los Lunas; LPN & LVN-0; 20.193207
Bascomb,Dawn L.; 9/16/2002; Albuquerque; GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 24.292680
Baska,Matthew; 6/28/2008; Fort Bayard; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.006000
Bass, Karen; 19.595959
Bass, Robert L; 8/13/1990; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 41.785635
Bass,Phyllis; 5/17/1999; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 33.372354
Bassett,Kelly Jean 10/7/2006; 25.862250
Bassinger,Corinne 8/13/1979; 12.968147
Bastion,Ann Carylon; 3/12/2005; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Batchelor.Shigeya T.; 9/1/1983; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 18.621754
Bateman, Lance J.; 7/27/1997; Roswell; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 25.800000
Bates, Nancy S.; 2/1/1993; Alamogordo; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.659397
Bates, Nassrin; 3/8/1999; Fort Bayard; Certified Medication Aide; 18.890999
Bates,Karen L 2/15/2003; 17.963600
Bates.RitaM.; 8/17/1998; Santa Fe (City); A/O II -ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 33.701754
Batty.Margaret M; 18.982600
Baty,Elmer Vincent; 11/12/1988; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.044180
Bauch, Paula M; 9/1/2000; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 25.699000
Baum.Adam Warren 10/21/2006; 16.251600
Baum.Susan L; 57.841803
Bauman.Debra M; 11/13/2000; Albuquerque; URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 28.957229
Baumbach.Joan P.; 63.483667
Baumgarn, Steven M; 7/6/1992; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 30.015881
Baur,Bennett James; 8/25/2008; Santa Fe (City); District Public Defender III; Public Defender; 40.048077
Baxter, Elizabeth M; 12/16/2006; Silver City; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 12.827000
Baxter,[Vlark E; 9/29/2003; Raton; CLK-A; 11.190690
Baxter,Saroj H.; 8/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Department of Environment; 30.000000
Baxter,Shannon L.; 12/17/1990; Albuquerque; A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 36.477360
Bay.Donald C.; 2/26/1990; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.647354
Bayer,Meghan; 19.231000
Bayes,Cassandra L.; 2/20/2006; Roswell; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.150000
Bayes,Kathleen A; 10/21/2006; Roswell; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.897490
Bays,Trey J; 20.532000
Bazan.Frances B 6/18/2001; 17.877600
Be rckes, Dorothy; 12/30/2006; Roswell; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.292000
Beach, Ruth W.; 1/19/1999; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O;; 19.853765
Beachman,Leon; 12/26/2000; Alamogordo; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 21.131460
Beadles,Cydney; 4/29/1996; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Regulation Commission; 37.143075
Beagles.Eddie P.; 9/14/1992; Albuquerque; A/O II; F Workforce Solutions; 28.649521
Beall,Wendy; 7/31/2006; Santa Fe County; IT APPS DEV 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 35.341150
Beals.Carmen; 10/13/2007; Los Lunas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 20.488044
Beaman,Rebecca Leigh; 16.000000
Bearce.Nancy M; 2/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; General Services Department; 29.613298
Beard, Forrest R; 17.633600
Bearden.Delma J. 7/10/2000; 22.420000
BeardJyM; 8/14/2000; Springer; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.797190
Beardsley.Robert D.; 1/1/1987; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 45.432150
Beare.Carol; 8/23/1988; Albuquerque; Teacher; Department of Health; 32.935000
Bearzi, James P; 1/13/1989; Santa Fe (City); GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Environment; 39.217486
Bearzi.Maryellen 3/7/1998; 46.437240
Beatty,Gary L; 12/20/2003; Roswell; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 30.900000
Beauchamp.Susanne; 15.110000
Beaudette, Barbara; 9/8/2007; Los Lunas; REG NURSE-A; Health; 29.889500
Beauford, James; 11.668918
Beaumont.George G.; 8/6/1990; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-O; Department of Environment; 23.161913
Beauprez.Grant M.; 4/21/2007; Portales; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 21.919800
Beauregard, Rose D.; 11/13/1989; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Farmington; Human Services Department; 17.483600
Beaver, Susan J.; 5/27/2000; Parkview; FARMWKR,FARM&RNCH-0;; 12.690000
Bebon.Kimberly; 6/17/2006; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.390067
Becenti-Fundark.Twila; 5/31/2005; Farmington; 25.252372
Becenti, Lorraine 8/23/2008; 13.000000
Becenti, Theresa; 10/25/2004; Gallup; OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 15.204273
Becenti,Gilbert; 10/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 10.798730
Becenti,Mreda Joyce; 3/10/2007; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.063300
Becenti,Rick; 5/11/1994; Thoreau; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.756190
Becenti,Ronica; 16.830000
Becenti.Bernice R.; 6/26/1999; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.053275
Becerra, Diana M.; 4/18/2009; Anthony; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.600000
Becerra, Jennie; 6/20/2005; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.591809
Becerra.Victoria E.; 1/8/2007; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.539561
Beck, Elizabeth K; 3/17/2001; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Roswell; Human Services Department; 16.321630
Beck,David Lee 8/1 1/2007; 14.24981
Beck,ShawnP; 5/8/2004; Santa Fe (City); FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.062011
Becker,Dana S; 8/16/2003; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.230160
Becker,Daniel L; 12/19/1987; Farmington; Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 33.312000
Becker,Daniel L; 2/7/2009; 33.312000
Becker,Gerrie J; 6/6/2005; (City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 40.527036
Becker,Kathryn S.; 5/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 30.470407
Becker.Lisa; 16.494690
Beckham.MaxG; 13.000000
Beckler, Steven L; 2/26/2005; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Beckman, Cynthia L.; 1/2/1991; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Transportation; 26.701600
Beckner,Alan D; 3/18/2002; Albuquerque; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.485363
Becton,Gina; 9/9/2002; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 14.982132
Becvarik,Charles Stephen; 5/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Department of Health; 21.210571
Beder,Nicole; 6/16/2008; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 33.654000
Bednarski,Michael S.; 6/9/2001; Las Cruces; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.095000
Bednarski,Sheila; 11.588939
Beene.Samuel L; 5/3/2008; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.160000
Beery, Richard C.; 28.819505
Beeson, Patricia E.; 11/8/1982; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.000000
Beevers.Brenda C; 4/23/2005; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Beezhold.Karen A.; 4/25/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 23.221492
Begay-Foss,Joyce G.; 1/11/1999; 21.197000
Begay-Quetawki,Vivienne; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Gallup; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Begay-Tsosie,Sevaleah Ann 8/16/2008; 17.000000
Begay, Ernestine Sue; 12/1/2007; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Begay, Floyd; 7/22/1985; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.937872
Begay, Laura 11/7/1983; 22.901460
Begay, Lorraine; 8/18/1986; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Gallup; Human Services Department; 20.732600
Begay, Margaret A; 8/27/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Silver City; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 23.436460
Begay,Christoplier 10/8/2005; 14.229810
Begay,Kenny Y.; 11.960000
Begay.Brad; 12.860311
Begay.Celeste M.; 6/28/2008; Gallup; CLK-A; 12.000000
Begay.Debbie; 15.125630
Begay.Jones R; 7/28/2007; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 11.308190
Begay.Kerry L.; 11/19/2007; Farmington; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-B; F Workforce Solutions; 12.828190
Begay.Linda K.; 8/3/1998; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 35.032579
Begay.MilesJ; 11/19/2001; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 18.064600
Begay.Samuel; 15.271190
Begaye,Catherine A.; 12/27/2004; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 29.379000
Behling-Mauterer.Stacey Ele<; 6/23/2008; Albuquerque; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 12.000000
Behm, Craig; 14.000000
Behnke,Joe M; 1/5/2002; Las Cruces; APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.686685
Behrendsen.Katherine; 11/12/2008; Cimarron; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 14.500000
Behrmann.Nicolas L; 11/1/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Information Technology; 45.578082
Beimer,Rodger L; 11/22/2003; Albuquerque; 42.552580
Beingessner,Darlene A.; 3/2/1998; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 39.937350
Beitran, Gloria; 15.303810
Bejarano.Ricky A.; 6/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Department; 41.850000
Bejos,Steve; 15.245630
Belamarich, Christina; 4/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-O; Public Defender; 12.894690
Belanger.Theresa J.; 5/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 20.951731
Belcher.Lynn M; 11/1/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 8.500000
Beli.Mebdy; 8/3/2002; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 22.755000
Belin,Jessica; 11/13/2001; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.539810
Belizaire.Gregory L.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 13.300000
Belknap,Donald F; 95.000000
Bell Junior, Jerry Dale 1/2/2007; 10.510530
Bell,Sheri L; 25.440482
Bell.Connie L.; 9/19/1994; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.415280
Bell.Jackie; 3/9/1998; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.075810
Bell.Paul P.; 23.200000
Bell.Pearl; 11/18/1992; Hobbs; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.652398
Bell.Sandra L; 6/2/1986; Roswell; ITGENERALIST1; Department of Health; 23.213416
Bell.Virginia; 13.000000
Bellamy, Edward Hakim; 2/24/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; African American Aff; 16.739600
Bellanca.MarkT.; 4/22/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.761460
Belles.Julia; 8/14/1989;;City]; Santa Fe; 35.663968
Bellicini.Joseph M.; 3/8/1999; Roswell; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.306081
Belmares-Carrillo.Leoncio; 14.565059
Belmontes.Labriana Elena 1/13/2007; 16.251600
Belone.Johnnie J; 6/9/2003; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; Department of Transportation; 11.887396
Beltemacchi.Laura M.; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Human Services Department; 34.690000
Beltran, Anthony; 6/2/2007; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.030000
Beltran, Susan M; 10/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); LINEI; Department of Health; 24.266600
Beltran,Jose Luis 5/16/2005; 9.302590
Beltran.Alicia; 11/5/2005; Roswell; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.613630
Beltran.Alysia M.; 5/21/2001; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-B; c Safety; 13.694190
Beltran.Crystai 4/26/2003; 14.723810
Beltran.Teresa; 7/23/1990; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.929290
Belyeu, Jerry L; 3/26/2005; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 20.709460
Belyeu,Debra L. 7/27/1998; 30.777888
Belzner,Bill D; 3/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); EXEC; 45.723104
Bemal.HilarioJ. 8/9/2008; 24.330000
Bemal.Rena M.; 10/15/1990; Truth Or Consequen<; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 15.754022
Bemard.Scott M; 15.167570
Bemau, Eleanor J.; 6/28/1999; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 23.406109
Bemesderfer,Loris P; 10/11/2005; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 33.369500
Bemis,John; 2/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Commissioner II; State Land Office; 42.249000
Benaiiy.Geneva E.; 4/13/1992; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Gallup; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.991133
Benally, Jennifer C.; 1/12/1998; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Farmington; Human Services Department; 18.720600
Benally,Andredina; 1/26/2008; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Benally,Shirley L; 10/21/2006; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-A;; 24.973582
Benally.Randall; 17.526000
Benally.Rowena; 10/18/2008; Gallup; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.513000
Benally.Sharon Ann; 11/21/1981; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 17.339190
Benavente, Mario; 16.100810
Benavides,Matthew H; 2/21/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 24.898500
Benavides.Hope G; 4/15/1991; Fort Bayard; MED & PUB HLTH SW-A; 24.300206
Benavides.Priscilla; 7/6/1992; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 34.608008
Benavidez III, Ramon P; 1/25/2005; Dona Ana (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.428150
Benavidez-Gutierrez,Regina 11/30/1994; 15.153779
Benavidez, Agnes F.; 6/7/2003; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.710000
Benavidez, Bobby R.; 9/2/1988; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Transportation; 23.934489
Benavidez, Michael J.; 9/30/1985; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.523810
Benavidez, Natalie; 10/28/1985; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Environment; 20.178036
Benavidez, Rosemary Trujillo 3/7/2009; 14.000000
Benavidez, Ryan Casey 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Benavidez,Celestino 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Benavidez,Donna L; 13.189610
Benavidez,Elizabeth A; 11/5/1994; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 15.534879
Benavidez,Gary V; 1/22/2002; Silver City; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.641704
Benavidez,HopeGenise; 16.300000
Benavidez,Justine M.; 5/5/2007; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Benavidez,Louie; 10/26/1998; Las Vegas; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-O; 11.821000
Benavidez,Mark; 7/20/1998; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 12.090180
Benavidez,Ronda M.; 12.696458
Benavidez,Tony A; 6/16/1986; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Public Education Department; 17.950917
Benavidez,Yvonne; 2/12/1996; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 1 5.364445
Benavidez.Adam C; 12/31/2005; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.330000
Benavidez.Alicia; 2/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 28.276450
Benavidez.Arthur Hinojos; 7/17/2004; Deming; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.794690
Benavidez.Crystal L.; 16.664949
Benavidez.Daniel; 1/3/2004; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 27.689460
Benavidez.Devra D; 11/10/2003; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.466514
Benavidez.Hortencia T; 20.158600
Benavidez.Jeanette L.; 16.104513
Benavidez.Linda M; 26.395440
Benavidez.Lisa M 7/8/2002; 15.485630
Benavidez.Marcella; 9/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-O; Public Defender; 12.500000
Benavidez.Melinda M; 4/5/1993; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; Department of Game & Fish; 21.584189
Benavidez.Raymond A.; 9.897376
Benavidez.Renee; 12/2/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 14.245630
Benavidez.Rick J 4/24/2004; 8.957723
Benavidez.Roger; 7/27/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.237177
Benavidez.Theresa T.; 3/22/1999; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.149195
Benavidez.Ttieresa M.; 8/24/1998; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.729695
Bencomo, Benjamin T; 1/29/2005; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 20.464300
Bencomo,Alex 9/8/1998; 16.147810
Bencomo,Jaime Luis; 1/7/2008; (City); Santa Fe; GRAPHIC DESIGNER-0; 17.000000
Bencomo.Michael T; 8/30/2003; Espanola; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 20.704306
Bencomo.Toni; 8/19/1982; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Environment; 24.081347
Bency, Robert B. 6/2/1986; 36.436600
Benford.Yvonne; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.180000
Bengston.Mitchel W; 24.360000
Beninato.Nicholas J.; 5/22/2004; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-0; Department of Public Safety; 25.539500
Bennett ll.Jacquelyn Rose; 25.659460
Bennett, Frederick; 10/10/1979; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 24.136209
Bennett,Aimee R; 2/11/2006; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 17.501790
BennettLydia 9/23/2006; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; 12.572411
Benningfield,Kelly L; 7/15/1991; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.237810
Benson, Esther J.; 12/21/1998; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-B; tation; 13.125562
Benson, James R.; 4/3/1999; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 13.300000
Benson, Robert; 5/20/2006; Quemado; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.015190
Benson, Sally F.; 4/4/2009; 13.301000
Benson,Claudette M; 7/14/1986; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERV COORD-0; Public Safety; 18.449190
Bentle, Kathleen M.; 6/15/1998; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 12.600493
Bentle.Stanley E. 6/1 5/1 998; 1 3.736669
Bentley,Judy M.; 2/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Environment; 39.307250
Benton, Marcella L; 12/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 15.394690
BentPamela B.; 7/31/2004; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.773790
Benze, James W.; 3/28/1994; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 29.814040
Benze,Michael J.; 5/31/1997; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; State Land Office; 27.805958
Bercher.Francis; 9/9/2002; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.798517
Berdoza,Leandra S; 12/20/2003; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 21.520000
Berg, Daniel A; 10/25/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Gallup; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.762337
Berg,Dianna A.; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 12.000000
Berg.Jacqueline 8/12/2006; 30.521040
Berged, Roland A.; 8/15/1994; Las Vegas; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 16.911282
Berggren, Margie; 11/18/2006; Alamogordo; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 13.998690
Bergman, Gregory F.; 5/27/2000; Artesia; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.362500
Bergtholdt.Patti; 11/4/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Farmington; Human Services Department; 13.830000
Berkheimer,Cynthia S.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 7.500000
Berlin, Bruce M.; 6/10/1996; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER- A; Public Education Department; 32.715677
Berliner.Elena R; 2/20/2006; Espanola; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 21.919600
Bernal,George E.; 22.517000
Bernal,Marlene A.; 3/1/1993; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 20.442477
Bernal.Alicia E.; 3/20/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 23.400000
Bernal.Cecelia E.; 6/7/2003; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.425492
Bernal.Erik H.; 7/8/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.739810
Bernal.LitaG; 12/22/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.470000
Bernal.RogerL.; 4/18/1994; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.885630
Bernal.Veronica 8/9/2008; 17.000000
Bernally,Maylin S.; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.393700
Bernard, Joel; 9/27/2004; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.239810
Bernardo.Milagros D; 1/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.245765
Bernardone,David L; 3/31/1986; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.132401
Bernero,Clare Ann; 6/9/1986; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.578364
Bernhardt, Scott; 11/6/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 14.005000
Bernstein, Sharon Lee; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.015630
Bernstein,AI!an; 7/10/1999; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-O; â Term Services Dpt; 19.478367
Berrier.Gary H.; 12/31/2007; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 12.646810
Berrotera n, Victor M.; 4/30/2007; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.539561
Berry,Barbara A; 7/5/2003; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.835432
Berry,David C.; 27.794040
Berry,Gloria Cristine 5/5/1998; 31.221204
Berry,Jacqueline; 11.479031
Berry,Mary G; 9/10/2005; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 25.252372
Berry,Timothy John; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 13.999690
Berry.John P; 6/20/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 31.597040
Bersell, Kevin L; 23.460000
Bertola,FredA; 9/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 17.503169
Bertoni,Diego S.; 8/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.154000
Bertram, Jill K.; 3/11/1985; (City); Santa Fe; COMP.BNF & JOB ANA-A; 31.193554
Bertschinger McNeil.Terese L; 8/25/2007; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER 1; Public Safety; 10.844603
Beru men .Martha R; 1/4/2003; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.779630
BESERRA, CARLOS J.; 21.710769
Bess,Eugene F.; 29.040000
Bess,Eugene F.; 6/5/1993; Santa Fe (City); Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 29.040000
BestDianna M; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 13.995000
BettencourtVonnell J; 22.703375
Bettica,Gina; 28.756000
Betts, Diana P; 3/15/2004; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 14.587445
Betts.Bette; 33.349197
Beverwyk, James; 22.755000
Bevington,Matthew D.; 23.707868
Bew,Linda E.; 1/22/2008; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Workforce Solutions; 23.984000
Beyal.Daryl R; 12/19/2005; Buffalo Springs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 12.096690
Beyal.Gala; 9/20/2008; Farmington; CLK-A; 12.500000
Bezzeg,Arthur 8/28/2004; 14.457810
Bhakta,Kiran V; 10/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.335550
Bhakta,Prakash S; 7/22/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Information Technology; 43.750000
Bhakta,Sanjay; 30.297883
Bhavanasi.Kurmarao Venkab; 7/2/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; 31.320000
Bia,Vern; 11/22/2004; Gallup; EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 28.317050
Biamont.Pauia E.; 18.581600
Biathrow Junior.Ellery; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 30.084040
Bickham.Jane; 7/24/2000; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 13.635616
Biddle.Ciiristopher D.; 17.895874
Biella,Jan V.; 6/29/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 26.587458
Biemer,BerniceA. 11/16/1998; 18.051560
Biffle,Cynthia Dolores; 12/13/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 10.755000
Bigger.Dale J; 11/10/2001; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.340804
Biggers, Ashley M.; 6/4/2007; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-O; Tourism Department; 16.820000
Biles, Mary Helen; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; F Health; 25.500000
Billa.Ronald; 3/22/2008; Magdalena; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 12.526190
Billingsley .Wesley J; 3/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 27.509500
Billingsley,DeirdreA.; 10/26/1992; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; 19.069182
Billiot.Michael; 10.023000
Billy, Andrea; 10.715655
Billy,Lesley A; 6/10/2002; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 16.578190
Binder.Barbara 6/4/2001; 20.513733
Bingham,Brian A.; 1/25/2003; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Name; 37.341459
Bingham.Raina D; 6/21/2003; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; EXPO New Mexico; 20.418871
Binkiey, Stephen J; 8/24/1981; Los Lunas; PSY-A; 25.767979
Binkiey,Karla Whetstone; 23.735574
Birch.Barry S; 1/14/1991; Albuquerque; -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF; 29.594040
Bird, Kay; 11/4/1996; Asst. to the Cabinet Secretary Santa Fe (City); Department of Health; 41.403040
Bird,Diane; 20.650840
Bird,Gavin; 4/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-B; 14.487000
Bird.Lila F.; 10/6/2000; Santa Fe (City); GEN I; Human Services Department; 39.209050
Birkhauser.Mark; 12/1/1986; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 31.189500
Bisbey-Kuehn, Elizabeth A; 2/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 27.911000
Bish,John A; 19.435265
Bishop ll!,Charles F 4/19/2008; 16.000000
Bishop,David E; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 34.834040
Bishop,Larry K.; 8/3/1998; Hobbs; GEN 1; Public Defender; 37.805202
Bishop,Pauline; 7/12/2008; Belen; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.100000
Bishop.Danielle R; 7/1/2006; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.968000
Bishop.Leora; 5/17/1997; Grants; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 22.397348
Bisono,Ana M.; 7/18/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.365630
Bittman-Chaves, Bonnie; 11/9/1998; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.602350
Bivens,Sandra L.; 12/11/2000; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 24.183390
Bjarke.Jeffrey Andrew; 11/3/2008; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 20.780000
BJechner.Renee E.; 11/2/1998; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 20.508114
Blachford.Jacob A 4/4/2009; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; Fort Bayard; Fort Bayard; 7.500000
Black,Tommy J.; 8/24/1988; Tatum; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.881810
Black.Heather; 8/1/2008; Albuquerque; LINE II -NURSING; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.000000
Black.Reeves D; 8/22/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.775630
BlackgoatRyan; 11/1/2008; Grants; 14.610000
Blacklock,Benjamin C; 4/12/2003; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 23.355380
Blackman-Legarda.Michele 2/4/2008; 17.812003
Blackman, Gordon B 12/22/2003; 17.633600
Blackshear.Lemoyne; 6/30/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; General Services Department; 33.648300
Blacksiier.Debra S.; 17.106810
Blackstone.Evan C; 36.431000
Blackwell.Lola A; 15.240630
Blackwell.Reba M; 11/25/2002; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.337115
Blaine,Claudia; 5/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; F Transportation; 18.783000
Blair, Carla S.; 4/2/1990; Carlsbad; LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.801063
Blair, William Owen; 2/2/1981; Albuquerque; A/0 1; Public Education Department; 35.938018
Blair,Bruce N; 1/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 27.349460
Blair,Evelyn M; 32.928980
Blair.Chandler; 9/19/2005; Clovis; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 32.019354
Blake Edwards,Nancy; 7/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Department of Health; 18.579000
Blake,Charles T.; 7/15/1985; Deming; PURCHASING AGENT-A; of Transportation; 24.013740
Blake,Christopher L; 8/23/1998; Las Vegas; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 25.800000
Blakeney-Doose.Tonnie K.; 9/6/1989; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 21.750630
Blakeney.Jay G.; 26.624850
Blan.Joe Anthony; 1/26/2008; Clayton; -A; OFFICE & ADMIN; 15.170000
Blancas,Laura L; 11.026774
Blancas,Saul P; 11.877076
Blanch i, Barbara; 9/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.263895
Blanchard, Evelyn C; 7/1/197; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Carlsbad; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 23.565460
Blanchard, Linda G.; 21.451600
Blanchfield.Kathleen; 8/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Department of Environment; 31.932275
Blanco-Yao, Nicole; 11/17/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.835630
Blanco,Clara; 1/23/1978; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 13.726130
Blanco,Daniel; 24.679500
Bland,Cyntliia A; Grants; STAFF; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; 11.678652
Bland,Tia; 33.837440
Bland.CodyW.; 7/12/2008; Belen; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.080000
Bland.Sheila M; 9/3/2002; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 13.464286
Blandford, Janice S.; 15.526000
Blanke.Julie; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Economic Developmnt Department; 23.640000
Blanks.Patrick S.; 8/20/1990; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 18.635545
Blanton,Charles L; 3/13/2006; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 12.201190
Blatchford.Christina E; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Gaming Control Board; 16.755630
Blatchley.Kathleen M; 12/1/2007; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.239500
Blatnik,Amanda L.; 12.640000
Blatnik,Margie A 10/1/2003; 21.610455
Blazer-Clark,Stacy Marie 7/14/2007; 16.591600
Blazer.Arthur Lee; 1/1/2003; City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 46.344200
Blazier.Suzanne C. 7/6/2002; 27.829337
Blazon, Guadalupe L; 4/4/2009; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Blazon, Lisa M.; 1/22/2000; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 16.576023
Blea, Eugene E; 11/1/1963; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.353688
Blea,Chris; 10/1/1986; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 16.893791
Blea,Lorelei; 9/29/1992; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Department of Environment; 27.816295
Blea,Mark T; 3/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Department of Game & Fish; 23.560436
Blea,Michael A; 8/14/1989; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-A;; 23.609850
Blea.Bryan 10/27/1988; 15.082132
Blea.Christopher John; 6/2/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Blea.DebbieJ; 11/8/2003; Los Lunas; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 14.403616
Blea.EddieJ.; 9/25/1989; Albuquerque; 14.680000
Blea.EstherM; 1/7/2002; Santa Rosa; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Blea.Kariann; 10/28/1996; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; 20.955806
Blea.Mary; 5/15/2000; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 31.511675
Blea.Samuel V.; 5/18/1998; Springer; TRMT-B; 17.418570
Blevins,Twwan Michele; 10.000000
Blevins.Andre; 13.000000
Blewett.PeterJ.; 1/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 23.071600
Blickenstaff,Jamison P; 5/25/2002; Alamogordo; HEALTH EDUCATOR-0; Commission for the Blind; 17.251256
Blinman.Eric; 31.913700
Blinzler II, Richard Peter 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Bliven, Paula L.; 7/6/1993; Bernalillo (City); SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.418803
Block Junior,Jerome D.; 1/1/2009; Santa Fe (City); PRC Commissioner; Public Regulation Commission; 43.269231
Block-Frank,Barbara; 11/20/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.379318
Block, Jenifer; 6/21/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 24.159630
Block, Jordan C.; 7/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 12.650000
Block, Valerie M.; 6/19/2006; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-B; 16.710630
Block,CoyR.; 17.710630
Block.Jeffrey L.; 6/3/1986; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 24.256890
Block.John; 33.968972
Block.Patrick H; 4/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); EXEC; Department of Game & Fish; 41.566665
Block.StephanieA.; 6/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; F Transportation; 16.455053
Blocker.Lois A.; 9/7/2004; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.989630
Blonder,Margaret A.; 11/13/2008; Albuquerque; LAWYER-B; Public Defender; 20.000000
Blos,Helga; 12/19/1994; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 25.481082
Blue-Sky,Adele L; 17.371600
Bluehouse II, Milton John; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Department of Environment; 28.000000
Blume.Brenda; 7/31/2000; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Human Services Department; 19.845630
Blumer,HeatherA; 1/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 21.705844
Blyth.Anna J.; 19.511104
BoatwrightCharles Anthony; 7/15/2006; Farmington; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.517000
Bobbitt,Chester; 26.290000
Bobchak.Rose; 6/12/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 29.932650
Bobelu.Kollin D; 4/22/2006; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 12.590000
Bobowski.Nancy Christine; 6/7/2008; Roswell; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.870000
Bocan.Rommie E; 5/23/1988; Las Cruces; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 17.307697
Bock, Frances; 9/6/2008; Moriarty; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 13.310000
Bode,Kathryn L; 4/30/2001; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A;; 30.661730
Bodenner.Julie A; 29.964860
Bodine,David Patrick; 7/9/2007; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.863450
Bodnar,Nikolai; 25.300000
Boehler,Julia Landon; 4/7/2008; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.989810
Boehme.Debra D. 3/29/1993; 32.208200
Boettcher,Carlotta E; 20.145630
Bogar, Matthew J; 8/14/2006; Eagle Nest; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.434460
Bogle.MichaelJ; 11/13/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 17.030460
Bohac,Annette; 10/28/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.640000
Bohannon.Terry L; 7/12/1992; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-A; Information Technology; 22.869563
Bol, Marsha C.; Name; 38.500280
Bolagh,Steven James; 3/26/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Bolanos,Christina 12/3/2007; 11.000000
Bolen, Christopher W.; 1/22/2000; Truth Or Consequeni; -0; 18.446421
Bolen, Roberta C; 9/15/2008; Truth Or Consequen; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.300000
Boles, Daniel K; 7/30/2005; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 21.179000
Bolich,William D.; 29.911000
Bolich,William D.; 29.911000
Boling,Barbara; 11/25/1991; City); Santa Fe; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; 26.489920
Bolles,Joshua Daven; 6/14/2008; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.000000
Bolohan,Charm L; 9/3/2002; Espanola; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.025810
Bolton, Bonnie J; 5/7/2005; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.085936
BOMBARGER,COY; 8/7/2006; Curry County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.418630
Bomman.Eric S; 10/30/2006; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.128190
Bonal, Maurice Arthur; 8/16/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Public Regulation Commission; 35.000000
Bonal.Arthur; 1/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; General Services Department; 28.362000
Bonal.Susan; 23.261000
Bond, Stacy R.; 11/13/2000; Gallup; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 21.340444
Bone-Valdez, Amber N; 6/18/2008; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 8.000000
Bone,Dale; 9/24/2005; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Bone,Rodney D.; 10/22/1994; San Jon; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 22.819460
Bonham,Brenda L; 9/5/1989; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.776300
Bonham.Anthony L; 9/25/1993; (City); Santa Fe; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; 15.454806
Boniila.Kin^ber L. 10/6/2007; 14.630000
Bonney,Ursula; 4/21/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Clovis; Human Services Department; Human Services Department; 14.148630
Bonney.Jana; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Bonney.Mitch J; 1/22/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.007300
Booher, Natalia R; 11.330000
Booher.Deanna L; 9/3/2002; Albuquerque; INV-O; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.337115
Book.Daphney Rotone; 19.500000
Boom.Ross; 4/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); GENI; General Services Department; 40.673041
Boon.Gretchen; 15.164810
Boone, Nikki Ann; 7/11/1972; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Department of Health; 28.000000
Boone,Marylita; 3/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Booqua.Alden; 6/26/2000; Ramah; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Boor,Christopher T.; 23.642850
Bordegaray, Angela Schackel; 10/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.692150
Borden il,Kenneth Howard 12/1/2007; 13.489810
Bordenave, Patricia; 2/12/1990; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Srvyrs Brd; 24.625000
Borjas, Diane; 11.290690
Borjas,Ramon B.; 21.847000
Borrego Pierce,Alicia B.; 23.540000
Borrego-Sowell.Dustin; 9/8/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Borrego, Evelyn M; 8/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 15.430000
Borrego,DebraA.; Espanola; CLK-A; 12.500000
Borrego,Tenanco; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 21.000000
Borrego.Juan-Carlos; 6/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Environment; 27.816334
Borrego.Lynette M.; 6/25/1990; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Environment; 25.249000
Borrego.Renee C; 1/25/1983; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 36.510930
Borthwick.William S; 8/18/2001; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-A; 21.118555
Bosarge.Susan M; 4/25/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 26.681876
Bosley,Mary 8/12/1988; 27.508460
Boss, Patricia L.; 11/30/1992; Hobbs; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.677010
Bossert.Paul D; 1/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.760000
Boteilo, Ramon; 4/26/2008; Fort Bayard; Certified Medication Aide; 14.350000
Botkin.Trenton D; 6/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.400000
Bouchard, Darry I A.; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; 41.605645
Boudjenah,Djillali; 3/18/2006; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIST-A; Department of Health; 86.860384
Boume.Mary; 6/2/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE AN AV Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Bounds.Dennis H; 12.500000
Bourassa,Candis C; 11/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Prof Engneers & Lnd Srvyrs Brd; 15.592500
Bouren, Robert Tom; 8/11/2007; Farmington; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 21.729000
Bourgeois.Lynn; 1/24/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.000000
Bourger.Tamara L.; 5/21/1990; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-O; ic Safety; 18.919388
Bourland.James M; 15.271536
Boushon, Sharon; 8/8/2005; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.103377
Bouska, Michael A.; 23.540550
Bouvet, Richard A.; 5/9/1994; Truth Or Consequent; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 21.996972
Bowdre, Pamela M.; 8.376221
Bowen, Peggy A. 1 2/4/1 998; 34.544040
Bowers, Clayton P.; 18.000000
Bowers,Michael; 10/16/2000; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-A; State Land Office; 22.838292
Bowers.Betty J.; 9/10/1990; Raton; STAFF; 28.286093
Bowers.Billy S.; 7/5/2003; PSYCHOLOGIST.AO-A Roswell; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.820000
Bowers.Laura L.; 7/15/1985; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER 1; Public Safety; 12.500194
Bowers.Sherri L; 12/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; General Services Department; 24.736600
Bowers.William A.; 2/8/1988; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-A; Department of Transportation; 31.124004
Bowidowicz, Peter M.; 22.517000
Bowker,Chantal; 12/31/2007; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.510000
Bowker,Merlene D; 6/27/1987; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 24.615294
Bowker.Pamela M.; 6/11/1979; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 37.292300
Bowles, Anthony; 6/24/1992; Santa Fe (City); DET&CRIM INVEST-B; Department of Transportation; 16.764050
Bowles, Benjamin; 1/31/1994; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 32.913402
Bowles,Jill K.; 1/22/2001; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Human Services Department; 23.250721
Bowles.James J; 5/30/2006; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.940728
Bowlingjhomas B; 2/21/2009; Santa Fe (City); Actuary; Public Regulation Commission; 64.904000
Bowman, Daniela K; 1/21/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 29.166605
Bowman,Ginger L.; 5/30/1995; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 27.237063
Bowman,Jon R.; 7/28/1986; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 30.539500
Bowman.Phyllis 3/5/2001; 34.484040
Bowser, Corrine I; 12.426864
Bowser.Vicki L.; 38.927300
Boyd, J oh n G; 3/8/1989; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.596939
Boyd, Perry W.; 12/13/1997; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 19.466449
Boyd,KathyE.; 8/30/1999; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Environment; 14.153591
Boyd,Mark; 10/3/1988; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-A; : Workforce Solutions; 30.333140
Boyd.Ann Marie; 6/19/2004; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.964728
Boyd.George D; 14.056719
Boyer, Jeffrey L; 12/28/1987; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 22.471777
Boyer.Candace; 9/30/1991; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.750000
Boyer.Mictielle; 10/19/1998; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.241376
Boyett.Chester G.; 2/10/1993; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Human Services Department; 25.229460
Boyies, Deborah; 5/10/2006; Belen; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 12.694760
Boykin, Douglas I; 3/20/1989; Socorro (City); A/0 II; 30.867733
Boylston,Charles A.; 23.642850
Boynton.Kari L.; 6/9/2007; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Department of Game & Fish; 17.550409
Bozone,Becky L.; 10/12/1993; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Game & Fish; 26.888220
Bozone.Alice M.; 1/14/1991; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 36.677040
Brack, James A; 8/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - ECONOMICS; Public Regulation Commission; 37.503150
Bradberry,Richard L.; 2/17/2001; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.490232
Bradbury.Robert D; 2/13/2006; [City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 29.598640
Bradiey.lvan 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Bradley, Duncan L.; 32.093414
Bradley, Vincent D; 6/27/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 31.655733
Bradley,DorothyA; 2/23/1998; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.061303
Bradley,Frank S; 5/19/1984; Roswell; LINEII-ENGINEERNG; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.022878
Bradley,Shelby R.; 7/25/2007; Aztec; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.489786
Bradley.Anne C.; 7/30/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Public Education Department; 39.199000
Bradshaw, David L; 3/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 21.895636
Bradshaw, Virginia; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 16.678000
Brady, Bernfrieda; 2/10/1986; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 26.699532
Brady.Deborah L; 3/7/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Health; 29.330000
Brainerd, David H.; 11/10/1993; Farmington; LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 37.856102
Brake,Leonard D.; 5/29/1999; San Jon; POLICE & SHER PO-0; F Public Safety; 21.975460
BrambI Junior.Ronald M; 32.973998
Branagan, Roberta; 7/1/1993; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.518000
Brancard.William; 9/10/1991; City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 46.346160
Branch, Isidoro; 7/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 11.300000
Branch, Jon Dale; 7/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.766780
Branch, Ralph A.; 5/16/1977; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.644630
Branch, Rebecca; 1/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Director; Office of the Attorney General; 34.461696
Branch, Richard L; 1/12/1998; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Workforce Solutions; 27.211500
Branch, Sharon J.; 10/4/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Department of Health; 25.929719
Branch, Theodore A; 44.921000
Branch,Adrianne Marie; 7/17/1995; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.525967
Branch,D. Paul; 5/26/1992; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 35.806040
Branch.Christopher O.; 16.320000
Branch.Morris M. 2/1 0/1 997; 1 6.22701 3
Branchal.Angelina; 2/21/2009; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.470000
Branchal.Kathieen Y 8/25/2007; 20.885630
Brancli.Brenda M; 5/20/2006; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JA!L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.879810
Brandie,Deborah; 23.782320
Brandt, Marlesa S.; 4/4/2009; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Brandt/Tom D.; 2/22/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEER,AO-PE-A; Environment; 35.134138
BrandtAlexander C; 10/7/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.038730
BrandtRayS; 9/3/1991; City); Santa Fe; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; 31.122800
Brandwein,Sidney S.; 2/24/2006; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.252372
Branham,Morayma; 10/25/2003; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 10.907385
Brannin.Wynn O; 27.390783
Brannon, Dorothy J.; 7/5/2003; Socorro (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.643810
Brannon, Rebecca J.; 7/15/2006; Socorro (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.115892
Brannon,Tom E.; 4/13/1987; Quemado; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 20.697391
Bransford,Anna L.; 2/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 28.373484
Bransford,Arthur; 22.332234
Bransford,Carmela A.; 10/21/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 16.236190
Bransford,Victoria D 5/12/2003; 27.398000
Bransford.Rozella A.; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.480000
Branson, Warren C 3/11/1985; 23.291927
Branum,James E; 7/5/1994; Grants; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 26.671920
Brashear, Craig L.; 5/28/1991; San Jon; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 31.524000
Brassie.Robin L.; 28.696300
Braswell.Misty M; 10/8/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 35.447428
Bratcher, Linda L; 9/18/2003; Artesia; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.825630
Bratcher, William; 12/1/1988; Farmington; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Bratcher, William; 29.911000
Braun.Erma; Clovis; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; Ruidoso; 25.500000
Brauning.Kegan S 12/1/2007; 15.108587
Bravo, Janet B; 1/21/2003; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 32.318254
Bravo,Juana A.; 21.919600
Bray Sr.,Lonnie E; 2/23/2008; Rosweli; CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Brazfield,Jeromy L.; 6/7/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.659460
Brazier.Brian; 8/28/2004; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.487445
Breazell.Josie; 8/27/1990; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 16.593170
Brech, Barbara L; 7/2/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.795630
Breckenridge.Mike D. 3/11/1991; 21.077630
Bredenberg,Simon; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.934630
Breedlove, Cindy L; 2/21/2005; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 10.783361
Breen, Emily; 3/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.796630
Breen, Peter; 4/27/2002; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 33.253499
Breen.Samantha; 9/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Medical Examiners Board; 14.194690
Breen.Vicki A; 8/13/1979; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 33.379500
Breitbach, Frank G.; 2/26/2005; Orogrande; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.809460
Breitsprecker.Douglas L; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; Department of Public Safety; 12.007555
Brendal.Katie D.; 11/30/1987; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.915291
Brenden,Jacob C.; 2/24/2007; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.135630
Brennan, Diane L; 2/19/2000; Roswell; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.970202
Brennan, Maureen Anne; 1/12/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 14.004690
Brennancl,Kathleen B; 1/27/1986; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 15.438282
Brenner, Nancy J; 3/13/2001; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Regulation &. Licensing Dept; 26.701600
Brew.Christopher T.; 2/12/1994; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.982523
Brewer, Daria D; 12/23/1996; Santa Fe (City); FIN EXAMINER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 25.922374
Brewster, Eugene A. 12/1/2008; 17.000000
Brewster,James R.d. 10/14/1993; 47.857240
Brewton.Theresa; 8/23/1986; Roswell; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.647000
Brickhouse.Jacsyn H.; 12/1/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Bridgers,Dennise P; 3/30/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF;; 32.631000
Bridges,Jimmie H.; 6/19/1990; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 28.746013
Brien, Victoria L; 8/30/2003; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0;; 23.555366
Briggs,Linda M.; 2/16/1991; Raton; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.714750
Briggs,Steven M.; 2/16/1988; Eagle Nest; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 23.036582
Briggs.Brandy Lynn; 9/6/2008; Truth Or Consequent; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 10.755000
Briggs.Gladis 2/26/1990; 13.252601
Bright.Nancy L; 7/2/2005; Albuquerque; 13.830000
Brill.Barbara; 1/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 29.731160
Brill.Chuck W.; 8/2/1994; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Department of Transportation; 21.313675
Brindiey.Cindy L.; 6/19/1996; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-A; Workforce Solutions; 26.701600
Brinegar,Jerry 5/17/2008; 29.000000
Brinkley,Ronald; 11/12/2008; Las Cruces; LGL SUP WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 13.250000
Briones,Yolanda C.; 6/20/1994; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 28.240519
Briones.Erma M; 6/25/2001; Artesia; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 17.741704
Briscoe, John; 12/1/1988; Socorro (City); Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 33.312000
Briscoe.John; 33.312000
Briseno.Corina M; 6/7/2003; Artesia; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 11.361164
Briseno.Lucille E 1/14/1985; 23.549460
Bristol.Valerie A; 8/28/2004; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.571600
Brito-Avery.Jenifer M; 3/6/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 20.855100
Brito, Harold W.; 5/1/1989; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 19.610630
Brito, James R; 7/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 15.103454
Brito,Maria Rita; 9/28/1981; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 8.500000
Brito,MarliynR; 6/9/2003; Tucumcari; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.484154
Britt,Mary B.; 23.598289
BrittKenneth D; 2/9/1985; Carlsbad; A/O II; 29.389913
Britton, Christy A.; 4/9/2005; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; 11.593437
Britton, Stephanie L.; 3/15/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.075000
Brochu, Michael T.; 21.506668
Brock Junior,Nathan; 7/2/2007; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.160000
Brock, D. Wayne; 5/23/1994; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-O; ies Dpt; 24.951283
Brock, Jesusita S; 3/3/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.531915
Brock,Cynthia L.; 9/21/1992; Albuquerque; LINE II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.649460
Brock.Bryan E.; 8/30/1993; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 36.800000
Brock.Martha M.; 8/26/1996; Alamogordo; CLK-A; 14.654763
Brodeurjack 2/4/1989; 22.043600
Brodsky.Bette W.; 9/10/1990; Santa Fe (City); ART DIRECTOR-A; Tourism Department; 25.382600
Broeker.Teresa Ladean 10/7/2006; 26.897500
Brogan, Eleanor; 1/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 23.739500
Brokaw.Jennifer L.; 6/14/1999; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Department of Environment; 22.130228
Brommer, Pamela J.; 6/6/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 15.046630
Bronson.Michael L. 7/9/2007; 44.710000
Brooke.Terri L.; 14.500000
Brooks,Aja 9/2/2008; 20.000000
Brooks,Denise M.; 3/20/1995; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-0; 15.541304
Brooks,Donna J; 9/19/1985; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 1 1 .770301
Brooks,Janet Elaine; 11/18/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 32.989500
Brooks,Sharon K; 6/25/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 13.386000
Brooks,Steven R.; 11/18/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Raton; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.398460
Brooks.Daniel E.; 8/19/1991; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Game & Fish; 38.431075
Brooks.Lillian A; 6/4/2007; Santa Fe (City]; Division Director II; Indian Affairs; 35.461300
Broom, Matthew C.; 27.090000
Broom,Matthew C.; 27.090000
Brophy,Mary F.; 12/4/2006; (City); Santa Fe; Governor's Residence Manag; 38.288600
Brotman, Lawrence S; 8/14/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 36.746335
Broussard,Kenneth; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 28.045000
Broussard,Michael Gerard; 7/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 20.000000
Brovarney, Megan C.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Brown, Christina Marie; 10/1/2004; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 18.915028
Brown, Cody; 4/4/2009; Fort Bayard; FOOD SERVER.NONRST-B; Department of Health; 7.500000
Brown, Dawn M.; 5/20/2006; Albuquerque; ADMIN SERV COORD-B; Gaming Control Board; 16.394473
Brown, Deborah L; 1/3/2004; PRACTil Ruidoso; 32.743710
Brown, Elinor R; 2/27/2006; Farmington; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 14.451845
Brown, George E; 3/11/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Brown, Jonathan D.; 7/22/2000; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.490232
Brown, Kathi; 22.250000
Brown, Kenneth Dwayne; 29.386637
Brown, Lana; 7/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.500000
Brown, Laura; 57.926350
Brown, Lynne M.; 25.487520
Brown, MaxeyG; 9/9/2006; Hobbs; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.831600
Brown, Michael D; 11/17/2003; Albuquerque; ARCH & CIVIL DRFTR-A; Military Affairs; 17.670048
Brown, Michael L; 3/3/2003; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 39.310103
Brown, Pamela A.; 4/19/2008; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Brown, Pamela R. 9/14/1998; 28.122754
Brown, Pamela S; 1/15/2005; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.513733
Brown, Paul R.; 8/15/1980; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Department of Health; 37.134674
Brown, Reva D; 13.626130
Brown, Richard A; 1/29/2005; Gallup; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 20.076460
Brown, Robert C.; 25.357000
Brown, Robert K; 1/1/2005; Los Lunas; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.104513
Brown,Angela D. 7/14/2007; 28.684000
Brown,Dianne M. 4/16/2007; 33.855300
Brown,HenryT; 8/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 37.275150
Brown,Joni K.; 31.205385
Brown,Joseph Michael; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 15.110000
Brown,Luaura D.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Roswell; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Brown,Sharon Kimble; 6/18/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Transportation; 21.920000
Brown,Trina L.; 2/13/1995; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 23.715632
Brown.Aaron B; 5/30/2000; Albuquerque; STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.979500
Brown.Jacqueline M.; 25.917613
Brown.Jeannie L; 1/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; 27.664460
BROWN.JOSEPH; 1/24/2009; Farmington; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-B; F Transportation; 10.760000
Brown.Kimberly; 9/11/2004; Albuquerque; 20.161680
Brown.Melinda J; 9/10/2002; Roswell; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Transportation; 25.207455
Brown.Selma 0.; 9/4/1991; Roswell; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.536156
Brown.SteveC; 3/28/2005; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.775101
Brown.Thad D; 4/4/1988; Las Cruces; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 28.822472
Brown.Thomas N.; 11/1/1993; City); Santa Fe; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; 32.660537
Brown.Thomas; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 35.668325
Brown.Vickie; 2/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); Administrator 1; State Treasurer; 25.848000
Brown.Walter; 8/9/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Brown.Wayne M; 18.669810
Brown.Willie R.; 8/24/1998; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 45.708150
Browne, Michael J; 11/1/1979; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; 31.462341
Browne.Joseph; 95.000000
Brownlee.Sherri L.; 7/10/2000; Farmington; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 14.487445
Brownrigg.Carolyn J; 9/6/2005; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.325000
Brownstein,Sara M.; 5/3/2008; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.420000
Bruaw Junior.Joseph Colin 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Bruce.DaleL; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Farmington; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Bruggeman, Elizabeth Evelyn 2/17/1997; 26.903140
Bruhn, Robert; 4/26/2003; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Brumley.Annette M; 26.478834
Brummett, Frances P; 3/3/1986; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 43.407150
BruncCecilia M. 8/15/2005; 14.205967
Bruner,Henry F; 6/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 12.000000
Bruno,Kevin R.; 12/17/1994; Albuquerque; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Bruno,Kevin R.; 29.911000
Brunson, Stephanie Erin 8/6/2007; 20.660000
Brunson,Brad T.; 9/7/1999; Socorro (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.922424
BRUNSON,DAVEL 9/8/2007; 20.991600
Brunson. Rodger; 13.760000
Bryant, Billy W.; 12/13/1999; Clovis; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 25.056556
Bryant, Emelina M.; 10/5/1998; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-A; Gaming Control Board; 23.337750
Bryant, Heather Anne; 8/25/2007; Clovis; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.060000
Bryant.lrisJ.; 1/16/1984; Carlsbad; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 17.839810
Bryant.Mathew Davis; 5/31/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 8.500000
BryantLaura M; 5/9/2005; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Department of Transportation; 12.561937
Bryce.Katherine M.; 2/24/1997; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Public Education Department; 13.704417
Brytowski, Jamie Marie; 18.536000
Buccola, Karen V.; 5/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.259460
Buchanan, David A; 12/16/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.317500
Buchanan, Larry W.; 5/3/1999; Tatum; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.626190
Bucher.Matthew J; 4/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Human Services Department; 41.468130
Buchser,John R; 4/28/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; Ofc of the State Engineer; 34.928716
Buck, William H; 5/15/2006; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 16.815600
Buck,John Timothy; 11/13/2006; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 35.136300
Buck,Marie; 1/5/2002; Farmington; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 13.218325
Buckels, Jeffrey J.; 4/3/2000; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 44.845150
Buckman,Carla J.; 9/16/1970; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; tation; 15.010561
Buckner.SueA; 20.991600
Bucksath, Patrick M.; 25.095000
Buczek.Sean; 6/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); MICROBIOLOGISTS; Department of Game & Fish; 19.069630
Budlong, Pamela P; 3/16/2002; Las Cruces; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.237177
Bueno.Rita; 7/7/2001; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 10.499741
Bueno.Sandra O.; 7/24/2000; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Buenviaje.Melanie D 7/30/2005; Santa Fe (City)
Buesgens.Marsha M; 4/16/1990; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-A;; 31.516737
Buff, Austin W.; 12/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Public Education Department; 47.168000
Buffingtonjracie 3/2/2002; 19.404600
Buhrkuhl.Brigette; 11/4/2006; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 13.998695
Buhrkuhl.Sheryl K; 17.099835
Bujold,Jackiyn M.; 1/25/1999; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.962460
Bukovac.Robert Martin; 31.083150
Bulger,Justin A 1/21/2008; 18.000000
Bullard,Christy-Lee R; 3/6/2004; Las Cruces; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.137630
Bullardjeresa; 6/1/1998; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.187200
Bullers,Emily; 10/17/2005; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.856526
Bullers.Matthew; 12/17/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 8.900000
Bullington, Carol A.; 10/13/1992; Truth Or Consequeni; PURCHASING AGENT-O; Health; 18.533262
Bullington,DanielJ.; 1/14/2006; Truth Or Consequen<; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; Health; 12.868147
Bullion, Duane K.; 12/17/1994; Ruidoso; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Bullion, Duane K.; 29.911000
Bullock.Cecile; 9/9/2006; Las Vegas; BUS OPS SPEC-0; 19.030000
Bullock.Jerry F.; 6/15/1994; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Bulman, Christopher R; 37.634040
Bumgarner-Kirby,Quinn; 10/10/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 28.070000
Bums,Eileen M; 7/31/2004; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 17.483600
Bunch,Steven L.; 11/15/1999; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 38.646285
Bundren,Mark F; 1/31/2005; Gallup; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; r Game& Fish; 19.005630
Bune.Debra S; 14.235630
Bunker, Warren E 7/12/2008; 8.900000
Bunker.Francine T.; 3/19/1990; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.249500
Bunneil, Debbie R.; 14.821 198
Bunney.Bryan J; 5/6/2006; Reserve; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.003190
Bunszell.Thomas J.; 7/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 17.345630
Bunton, Martina; 12/6/1999; Chaparral; LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 25.845123
Bunton.Doryne M.; 3/2/1992; Deming; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Department of Transportation; 18.750848
Burapa,Wanicha B; Santa Fe (City)
Burch,Amanda Lynn; 6/29/2002; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; 11.784690
Burch.Dannette K; 5/25/1983; City); Santa Fe; Deputy Cabinet Secretary; 57.895460
Burch.JohnT; 9/3/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.327815
Burciaga,Ronnie; 19.657810
Burciaga.Blanca A.; 6/15/1998; Sunland Park; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 10.312169
Burd.Melanie; 6/3/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Burdic,Katharine; 12/24/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 24.927500
Burgess-Farrell, Susan; 8/25/1997; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 41.692150
Burgess.Elaine L.; 12/15/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Ruidoso; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Burgess.Susan E; 4/19/1997; 26.150000
Burgos-Torres,Martha; 13.916114
Burgueno,Sandra; 1/27/2007; Alamogordo; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.264190
Burk, William H.; 6/23/2001; Las Cruces; STAFF; Human Services Department; 25.287000
Burk,Coy J; 2/19/1979; 20.892876
Burk,RobertO; 17.174127
Burke.Gregg R; 1/21/2003; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.994190
Burke.Jeffrey R.; 11/30/1996; Los Lunas; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.040000
BurketLAudrey; 12/18/2003; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.868175
Burkross,Thomas R.; 3/30/1992; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.483749
Burks, James; 7/12/2004; Alamogordo; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; Department of Cultural Affairs; 9.719376
Burks,Terry; 17.000000
Burks.Elizabeth M; 2/22/1999; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Department of Game & Fish; 18.840000
Burksjustin L; 9/8/2008; Albuquerque; Regional Manager 1; Public Schools Facility Auth; 24.269577
Burktiart,Michaei A.; 3/5/1991; Los Lunas; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.845559
Burlett,Cheryl Ann 1/3/1996; 57.073148
Burma,KellyA; 3/25/2006; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Commission for the Blind; 18.309293
Burnett-Vinz.Leilani; 2/23/2008; Las Cruces; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.380000
Burnett, DeloresM; 11/3/2008; Grants; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.870000
Burnett,Zed; 6/5/2006; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Commission for the Blind; 19.160976
Burney,Dwayne; 5/5/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Burney.Marty L; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.450000
Burnham,Ronald; 5/27/2000; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Burns,Aubony G; 12/6/2003; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.809460
Burns,Nancy B.; 12/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 35.707053
Burns,Paula K; 36.935240
Burns.Jacquin J.; 5/4/1998; Portales; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.160762
Burns.Maureen N.; 12/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 32.310192
Burnside, Valerie 2/24/2007; 13.479810
Burnworth.Victor D.; 2/10/1992; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 14.496700
Burr.Elizabeth A; 19.001554
Burreli.David J.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 2.997750
Burrell-Gwydyr, Stephen; 3/15/1993; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 42.630150
Burrell.Darlene; 26.151452
Burrell.Sharon Y. 7/7/2001; 20.265460
Burris, James Weston; 1/3/2009; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 14.820000
Burris,Michael Leon; 14.238190
Burrola-Chavez,Octavio; 2/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.904000
Burrola-Chavez.Octavio; 10/2/1995; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 25.737877
Burtch.Erin Jane Peterson 3/24/2008; 13.938190
Burton, Roger L; 3/17/1986; Farmington; A/OII; Human Services Department; 29.137300
Burton, Ronald E; 10/31/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Department of Public Safety; 38.592036
Burton,Mark A.; 2/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.324880
Burton.Sylvia; 3/29/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Environment; 18.295131
Burtonjammy Ann; 3/24/2007; Albuquerque; VETERINARIAN-A; Livestock Board; 40.125000
BurtRoyJ.; 6/29/1992; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Human Services Department; 38.314014
Busch, Dallas; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 12.000000
Buser, Pascal P.; 7/31/2004; Santa Fe (City); OPER RESCH ANAL-A; Public Education Department; 25.479460
Bush,Karen F; 13.180000
Bush.GeraldF; 10/8/2005; Los Lunas; TRMT-0; 15.050000
Bush.Regina R.; 5/31/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 8.600000
Bushee.Patti J; 1/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Ofc of the State Engineer; 33.949877
Bussey.Rochelle G.; 5/14/2003; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Economic Developmnt Department; 33.369500
Bustamante, Dolores J; 1 0.56291 1
Bustamante, Phyllis A; 5/19/1989; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 32.152040
Bustamante,Maria M; 2/10/2003; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.088163
Bustamante,Mary Ann; 11/30/1981; Las Vegas; 9.447867
Bustamante,Virginia; 5/17/2008; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Bustamante.Jennie A; 9/20/2008; Truth Or Consequent; BUDGET ANLYST-0; Department of Health; 19.393500
Bustamante.John P; 10/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; General Services Department; 19.127009
Bustamante.Loretta R.; 10/12/1999; Las Vegas; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Transportation; 16.911282
Bustamante.Tony R; 8/20/1985; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-O; Cultural Affairs; 12.890730
Bustil!os,Crysta!Jewel 1/13/2007; 16.251600
Bustillos,Flor; 13.400000
Bustillos.Angeio; 7/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); TRMT-0; 17.290000
Bustos, Frieda K.; 5/15/1999; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.584190
Bustos, Richard C.; 15.094190
Bustos,Beth; 3/3/2001; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.133000
Bustos,Elizabeth A.; 3/27/1995; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Regulation Commission; 19.675513
Bustos,Marvin C.; 20.222801
Bustos,Peggy G.; 6/20/1992; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 26.043049
Bustos.Adrianna A.; 10/6/2006; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; 13.998690
Bustos.Benjamin; 10.688570
Bustos.Matt; 5/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 19.577000
Bustos.Theresa C; 14.937381
Butler, Bart; 5/19/2007; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 22.722380
Butler, Beatriz 4/22/2002; 26.904020
Butler, Fatima F.; 4/5/2008; Las Cruces; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.521000
Butler, Loretta J; 11/17/2007; Clayton; LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 26.240000
Butler, Rose V; 2/9/1998; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 21.480000
Butler.Jonathan J; 7/20/2008; Taos (City); Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Butt.PaulS; 2/6/1988; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 39.618140
Butterfield,Kathleen; 6/2/2008; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.077000
Butterfield.James W.; 22.939350
Butterfteld,Gregory L.; 16.889679
Buttram, David F; 2/16/1987; Dona Ana (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.425630
Buttram.Jerry L; 14.782190
Butz,PhillipA; 7/28/2007; Deming; SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 20.905301
Buxton.Donald Keith 3/24/2007; 16.596630
Buysse.Harry; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Environment; 22.591600
Buzzard,Andrea R; 5/23/2005; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 36.185000
Byars.Rochelle; 35.136150
Byers-Garcia.Carol A; 23.943600
Byers.Ronald M; 11/8/2004; Deming; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 14.322575
Byford,Raye G.; 9/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 21.000000
Byler.DannyJ; 5/7/2005; Tucumcari; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 11.070000
Byme.Richard V; 4/13/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 42.437047
Byme.Suzanne S; 7/30/2005; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; 20.080000
Byram.Nadine F; 20.933600
Byrd, Benjamin; 1/10/2000; Alamogordo; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 21.500000
Byrd, Patricia J.; 8/15/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; of Transportation; 32.563400
Byrd,JackyC; 6/6/2005; Hobbs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.920190
Byrd.Bryan E.; 23.200000
Byrd.Karl C; 11/13/1990; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; tation; 39.763524
Byrne, Barbara A; 7/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 24.448490
Byrne, Matthew P. 7/9/2007; 12.590000
Byrne, Patricia A; 11/5/2005; Roswell; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.652803
Byrne, Richard V; 5/30/2000; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 31.795440
Byrnes, Randy J; 5/24/1999; Santa Fe (City); C0URT,IV1UNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.156690
C De Baca, Martina M; 5/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); Executive Secretary; Economic Developmnt Department; 27.017620
C De Baca, Mary Rose; 2/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; Public Education Department; 49.467460
C De Baca, Paul L.; 8/18/1986; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 21.609404
C De Baca,Manuel S.; 4/22/1995; Albuquerque; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 18.751628
C De Baca,Marchell M; 4/26/2006; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 12.007555
C De Baca,Michael; 2/11/2006; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 16.236190
C De Baca,Sarah E.; 12/25/1999; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 16.321630
C De Baca.Robert; 11/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.428150
Caba!iero,Marie L 11/18/2006; 16.251600
Caballero, Anthony; 7/15/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.244913
Cabanas.Enriqueta P.; 8/25/2007; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Cabbage,Alfredo P.; 2/4/1991; Albuquerque; A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 35.448775
Cabeza De Vaca.Lee; 7/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Transportation; 23.681742
Cabezuela,CirildoV; 12/9/2002; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.300660
CABRAL.YUSELI; 10/6/2007; Roswell; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 9.408570
Cabrera,Mayra H; 10/15/2001; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.470000
Cabrera.Ben R.; 10/16/1989; Grants; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.003000
Cabrera.Justin; 11/30/1996; 14.800000
Caddy,LynnO; 5/3/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.500000
Cadena, Patricia; 3/16/1992; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 12.582760
Cadena.Lourdes G.; 7/8/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.739810
Cadena.Mary Esther 1 1/5/1 990; 23.850000
Caes.Kenneth Ray 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Caffey-Moquin, Margaret; 36.460147
Caffey, Mary Jo 11/15/2004; 25.927594
Cage.HaleyB.; 22.517000
Cahall.Randolph S.; 4/3/2000; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 24.973559
Cahiii, Joan M; 6/5/2004; Las Cruces; TRMT-0; 13.836630
Cahill, Dennis M.; 7/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; 6.201000
Caiazzo,Regina L; 5/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); 18.489810
Cain, Russell R.; 7/14/1999; Roswell; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 22.362460
Cain,Charlene C. 10/7/1985; 25.451261
Cain,Sharon; 9/22/1986; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 24.948555
Calabaza,Dealva; 1/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; 26.552209
Calagna,Laurie Lee 1 0/6/2007; 1 3.41 2224
Calamia, Claudia; 7.500000
CalberLTonia S.; 5/18/1996; Portales; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.765630
Calbert, Jacob; 8/26/2006; Tucumcari; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.302760
CalbertMichael A.; 4/24/1989; Portales; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.175630
Calcutt.Joan; 11/26/1990; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 13.732507
Calderon, Daniel; 22.517000
Calderon, Frances B; 11.290690
Calderon, Lloyd; 24.038462
Calderon, Maria G.; 6/22/2002; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.565630
Calderon, Martin S; 12/14/1998; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.494630
Calderon, Olivia M; 9/14/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Carlsbad; Human Services Department; 17.763600
Calderon,Angela; 11/21/2005; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-A; Public Defender; 14.365000
Calderon,Brenda J; 6/30/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 9.447867
Calderon,Paui; 2/28/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Education Department; 26.184373
Calderon.Bemadette E. 4/10/1993; 20.265460
Calderon.Cynthia D.; 4/1/1991; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Aztec; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.181583
Calderon.RayA.; 1/26/2000; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 15.082024
Calderone.Lisa M; 5/7/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.167460
Calderwood, Douglas H.; 12/13/1995; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 27.235801
Caldwell, Elizabeth M.; 10/21/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Farmington; Human Services Department; 14.135630
Caldwell, Mary Ann; 6/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 27.389500
Caldwell,Albino; 11/7/1994; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.133701
Calfee,Tammy; 3/18/1996; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 15.108465
Calhoun, James R; 9/13/1999; Farmington; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 16.890010
Calhoun, Joyce A 10/29/2007; 28.289500
Callaghan.John W; 2/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; 43.422310
Callahan, Edward 2/26/2007; 17.773000
Callahan, Laura A.; 1/30/1989; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Workers Compensation Admin; 28.392319
Callaway,Constance; 1/8/2007; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.949810
Callicutt.Timothy N.; 8/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.835000
Calvert, Rebecca L.; 9/9/1996; Albuquerque; A/OII; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 36.607300
Calvert,Ricky; 12/16/2006; Roswell; PSY-O; 18.591600
Calvillo,Maria; 14.521690
Calzada, Maria C 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Calzada,Sylvia R; 12/17/2005; Roswell; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.479740
Camacho,Edmund; 1/12/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Camacho.lsmae!; 12/4/2006; 1 Las Cruces; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 30.136000
Camacho.Mary Ann 7/23/1990; 19.552810
Cameron, Catherine A; 6/4/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-O; Human Services Department; 28.312102
Cameron, Scott; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 33.360000
Camp.Angela C.; 4/4/1983; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.308789
Camp.Jimmy D.; 12/23/1991; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 46.220680
Campa,Shannon E.; 11/8/1993; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 15.262394
Campa.Tina Marie; 2/11/2002; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 12.082318
Campagna.Anne M; Name; 14.454690
Campana,Richard J; 4/10/2000; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 18.960454
Campanella, James; 10/4/2001; Truth Or Consequent; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; f Game & Fish; 19.846015
Campbell Junior,Martin R; 8/18/2008; Socorro County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 18.470000
Campbell Junior.Eddie J; 1/24/2009; Albuquerque; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 15.110000
Campbell, Rodney L; 8/27/2005; Orogrande; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Campbell,Deborati; 11/29/1999; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.117457
Campbell,John J; 5/8/2004; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.310190
Campbell,Kathleen T. 7/1/1994; 33.302000
Campbell,Lauren; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.365000
Campbell,Thomas R; 11/27/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 38.635306
Campbell.Brenda G; 27.137043
Campbell.Karen T.; 3/4/2000; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - PHYSICIAN; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 61.266243
Campbell.Latoya M.; 3/24/2007; Clovis; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 13.558190
Campbell.Raiph J; 1/7/2002; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.183500
Campbelljaca S; 2/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.399750
CampbelUoseph; 7/9/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 28.000000
Campion,Ryan A; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 1; nformation Technology; 18.241460
Campos Junior.Carlos; 8/11/2007; Las Cruces; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.598000
Campos Melady,Rita; 1/6/2003; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 21.353550
Campos-Wright, Elizabeth; 1/24/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Commission for the Blind; 15.006531
Campos, Ricardo R; 1/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Department of Transportation; 42.644700
Campos, Rosario; 8/9/1993; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 12.150272
Campos,Annette C 4/23/2007; 1 1 .651 639
Campos,Eva; 4/3/1989; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; of Transportation; 40.890630
Campos,Myra G.; 8/26/2006; Albuquerque; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 11.566690
Campos,Robert; 7/24/1995; Santa Rosa; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 22.819460
Campos,Sonia M. 9/6/2008; 14.000000
Campos.Jaime C 2/25/2003; 37.765280
Campos.Larry; 6/26/2000; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; F Workforce Solutions; 20.234628
Campos.ldaV; 11/13/1984; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 37.306316
Campos.Linda B; 12/17/2005; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Public Safety; 10.298526
Campos.Mary; 19.500000
Camposjommy D.; 5/26/1997; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Name; 20.330827
Camunez.Jessica; 5/25/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 17.806000
Canaday.Sherry A. 1/25/1993; 19.331418
Canales, Beatrice F; 13.401000
Canales,Ana; 25.320260
Canavan,Mark G; 1/9/2003; Santa Fe (City); SECS/COMMDTS/FIN-A; Retirement Board; 41.494680
Canavan.Christopher Michae; 1/29/2005; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 28.523103
Candeiario,Ctiristopher F. 1/8/2000; 19.097765
Candelaria Juntor.Eioy 7/14/2007; 16.591600
Candelaria, Bernard A.; 2/10/1992; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 28.082179
Candelaria, David I.; 26.624850
Candelaria, Katie A.; 2/8/1999; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; c Safety; 17.935810
Candelaria, Robert; 13.288190
Candelaria,Allen D.; 12/15/2007; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 11.394690
Candelaria,Crisann; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 8.000000
Candelaria,James; 1/3/2005; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 12.150000
Candelaria,Jessica N.; 8/25/2007; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Candelaria,Judy Denise; 11/18/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-0; 13.108730
Candelaria,Mary; 7/30/2006; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.402760
Candelaria,Mia P.; 2/24/1999; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Public Education Department; 17.260666
Candelaria,Paula P.; 21.363010
Candelaria,Raymond A.; 12/10/2001; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.630810
Candelaria.Joshua; 6/3/2006; [City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Candelaria.Judy G; 8/24/1998; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 15.125630
Candelaria.Nick P; 14.501181
Candelaria.SandyAnn N.; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 12.685190
Candelaria.Toniette; 7/15/2006; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Silver City; Human Services Department; 19.145630
Candido.Lesley; 8/9/2008; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 7.500000
Canepa, Laurel Chaney; 26.868480
CanetLAIejandro; 10/15/2002; City); Santa Fe; GEN 1; 44.999150
Canfield, Kevin William; 3/15/2003; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Canida, Harvey R.; 9.783423
Canney,Jeff P; 7/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Department of Environment; 32.634040
Cannizzaro.Pilar M.; 23.865192
Cannon, Jerry M.; 7/3/1978; Tucumcari; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.902858
Cannon, Melanie R.; 8/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 12.500000
Canon,Wayne G.; 10/19/1987; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 29.610095
Cansino,VictorV; 7/14/2003; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 32.125040
Cantrell.Steve 8/14/2006; 18.578805
Cantu,Mary Lou; 10/4/2008; Los Lunas; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.500000
Cantu,Philip Don; 4/8/2006; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.938190
Cantu.Darlene E; 30.491406
Cantu.Enedina; 11.206469
Capece.Paula I; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 17.750000
Capener.Gina Marie 9/6/2008; 25.500000
Caplan,Kaaren Carroll 5/3/2004; 46.012502
Cappello,Dominic Paul; 8/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 25.200000
Capps.Patti 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Cappuccio,Piper; 6/17/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 15.850072
Cappuccio.Angelo; 12/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Public Safety; 36.868213
Capshaw.Jeramee 3/20/2009; Fort Bayard; Truth Or Consequent; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; 12.500000
Caputo,Vincent J; 8/11/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.862810
Carabajal lii.Ramon B; 6/12/2006; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 14.479810
Carabajal, Beatrice H.; 7/22/1989; Los Lunas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.965775
Carabajal,Abie R.; 9/11/1989; Magdalena; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.486532
Carabajal,Dolores E; 3/12/2001; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,!NV-0; Workforce Solutions; 15.611630
Carabajal,Martha A.; 10/23/1995; Organ; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 19.289322
Carabajal.Lynette Marie; 9/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; Department of Public Safety; 10.769000
Carbajal,Paul; 11/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); Public Information Officer 1; Public Regulation Commission; 29.532160
Carbajal.Juanita M; 1/16/1989; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.904625
Carbone,Sharon 6/28/1990; 15.607833
Cardenas,B. Thomas; 8/30/2008; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Department of Health; 18.470000
Cardenas,Pauline; 8/17/1993; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAlD-B; 10.827040
Cardenas.Barbara; 12/22/1975; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 23.620189
Cardenas.Chris M.; 5/22/2004; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-A; 26.812195
Cardenas.Danny G.; 16.239810
Cardon, Robert A.; 2/9/2004; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Educational Retirement Board; 29.983227
Cardona-Wesolowski.Luci; 12/15/2007; Las Cruces; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 9.903000
Cardona, David Manuel 6/14/2008; 1 1 .000000
Cardona, Elena; 9/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.739000
Cardona.Juanita M.; 7/29/1991; FAMILY ASSISTANCE AHAL y Roswell; Human Services Department; 20.286600
Cardoza.Luis; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Cardoza.Martha Griselda; 8/4/2007; Anthony; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 10.742760
Cardoza.Selina; 10/9/2004; Las Cruces; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.594000
Cardwell, Cindy L.; 1/10/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.790000
Carey, Rudolf P.; 6/20/2005; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.873190
Carey,Andrea D; 6/11/1990; (City); Santa Fe; OPER RESCH ANAL-A; 24.600662
Carey.Emmons P.; 8/9/1993; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-B; Department of Transportation; 21.504342
Carey.Marcia B; 1/14/1991; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.230000
Carian,Bernadette; 10/14/2003; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1!; c Employee Relations Brd; 22.080380
Carillo,Christie D.; 10/13/1998; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 24.217643
Carino,Michael A.; 20.400000
Carlberg, David Glen 8/4/2005; 23.252490
Carlisle,Linda L; 10/13/2001; Rio Rancho; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.121600
Carlona.Janina M; 3/12/2005; Las Cruces; TRMT-0; 13.836630
Carlos.Pamela L 8/17/1992; 28.887420
Carlson, Jason A; 10.909689
Carlson, Linnette D; 9/5/1989; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.856893
Carlson,Anita; 9/3/1991; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 36.185000
Carlton, Angela D.; 32.010000
Carlton,Adrian M.; 1/31/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 25.919500
Carmack Senior,Steve Jerom; 5/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 14.007730
Carman, Esthers; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Las Cruces; Albuquerque; 16.890010
Carman.Stephanie; 8/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 22.652803
Carmichael, Donna; 7/30/2001; Capitan; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.497810
Carmody, Patricia A.; 6/5/1984; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 20.095169
Carneal,Lynnette L.; 2/22/1999; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.650722
Carney, Marlene M; 5/3/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 13.400000
Carney.SueA.; 8/27/1990; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 13.606585
Carnley.RosalieA.; 2/23/2008; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Caro, Jessica; 8/9/2008; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Caro,Geneva; 5/31/2008; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.940000
Caro.Jesus; 14.189810
Caro.Susanne M; 20.362726
Caron, Linda G.; 1/8/1990; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 11.368476
Carpenito,Nino; 27.000000
Carpenter-Graft.Wendy G; 7/31/2004; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.529460
Carpenter, Deborah P; 12/2/2006; Los Lunas; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 22.347460
Carpenter, William E; 4/26/2003; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 13.760225
Carpenter,Carol A; 8/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.560500
Carpenter,Catherine A.; 31.064799
Carpenter,Miche!le J.; 15.097387
Carpenter,Virginia R. 3/8/1993; 25.558042
Carpenter.Katrina J.; 4/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 21.840000
Carpio,Krissie G; 11/1/2008; Carlsbad; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Environment; 13.500000
Carr, Kerry R.; 12/11/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 22.830920
Carr,Casey Ann; 7/26/1993; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 24.966000
Carr,Ethan D; 28.449500
Carr,JamesA; 4/15/1985; Carlsbad; URBAN & REG PLNR-A; State Land Office; 18.000000
Carr,MaryEllen; 4/8/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 32.505393
Carr,Ryan M.; 25.848900
Carr.HelenD 9/8/1982; 42.518911
Carr.Theodore; 3/7/1999; Pecos; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 27.373000
Carrara, Bruno; 2/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - ENGINEERING; Public Regulation Commission; 43.277366
Carrara,Charles; 1/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; nformation Technology; 29.771030
Carrasco-TrujilIo,Sonya; 8/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Safety; 34.484040
Carrasco, Angela; 20.904560
Carrasco, Felix T.; 11/1/1999; Carlsbad; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 20.845559
Carrasco, Maria R. 9/15/2008; 12.109000
Carrasco, Rachel; 5/5/2003; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 13.428650
Carrasco,Adam; 10/1/2001; Roswell; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 21.924925
Carrasco,Jerry T; 6/26/2000; Carlsbad; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.282190
Carrasco,Kimber!y M; 13.810000
Carrasco,Luis G; 2/18/2002; II Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 26.301000
Carrasco.Emilia; 8/6/2001; Truth Or Consequeni; FIN SPEC, AO-O; 13.372556
Carrasco.Lupe; 8/25/2007; Roswell; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Workforce Solutions; 9.890000
Carrejo, Antonio M.; 6/28/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Carrejo, Kenneth W.; 23.239500
Carrejo, Robert E.; 23.200000
Carrejo,Leroy; 21.847000
Carrejo.Angela; 11/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 23.460000
Carrell, Shawn; 1/3/2009; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 14.820000
Carrell.Joshua Don 11/29/2008; 13.000000
Carreno, Sarah L.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; c Safety; 16.776269
Carreon, Rudolf; 11/23/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 21.412678
Carreon, Socorro A; 9/15/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 12.000000
Carrera,Lucia M. 11/2/1998; 24.977149
Carrera.Minerva E; 9/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 32.706240
Carrica, Heather C.; 6/19/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.399549
Carriilo, Evangeline D.; 9/20/2008; Rio Rancho; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Carrillo, Cassandra M.; 6/20/1994; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 24.816814
Carrillo, Dolores; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Public Regulation Commission; 16.890000
Carrillo, Jesus M; 15.804252
Carrillo, Miguel; 1/3/1972; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 33.369500
Carrillo, Rebecca M; 4/20/1987; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.536394
Carrillo, Ronnie D; 23.295800
Carrillo,Andres; 6/24/2002; Santa Fe (City); 18.991999
Carrillo,Charlie D 1 2/1 5/2003; 1 1 .655860
Carrillo,Chris; 11.808441
Carrillo,Genovevo; 2/29/1988; Eagle Nest; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 24.982094
Carrillo,Gloria; 12/20/2003; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; : Health; 10.493104
Carrillo,Jerry R; 4/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.280701
Carrillo,lda L. 8/22/1998; 18.817600
Carrillo,Leticia R; 8/15/2005; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AiDE-B; Department of Health; 10.155770
Carrillo,Patricia L.; 3/14/1994; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC; 17.267093
Carrillo,Virginia C 9/8/2007; 1 3.01 5000
Carrillo.Christina; 3/9/1992; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 34.016245
Carrillo.Christine B; 9/11/2004; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-B; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.786629
Carrillo.Cindy D; 8/1/1994; (City); Santa Fe; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-A; 23.466685
Carrillo.Jose G.; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; General Services Department; 12.000000
Carrillo.Jose P; 1/29/2005; Chama; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 22.600561
Carrillo.Margaret A; 10/15/2002; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Admin; 19.978847
Carrillo.Michelle R.; 9/20/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 20.724630
Carrillo.Pauline L; 7/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Department of Game & Fish; 20.381600
Carrillo.Rosemarie B 1/6/2001; 15.488900
Carrillo.Silvia; 13.402037
Carrillo.Stacey; 3/8/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.562760
Carrini.Roberta Gia; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-A; 16.563551
Carrizaies, Margaret A.; 5/9/1994; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 30.517600
Carroll, Mary E. 1/14/1999; 19.918390
Carroll,Dean W.; 21.847000
Carroll.Scott S; 7/26/2008; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.520000
Carroll.Tracee L; 9/27/2003; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 17.713000
Carson, Ronald J; 9/17/1991; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 21.254828
Carson,Gary T; 10/17/1983; Albuquerque; A/OH; 33.444900
Carter-Baumgartner,Kasandr; 9/22/1997; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 16.975454
Carter, David R.; 4/17/2000; Socorro (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 12.742684
Carter, Debra A; 20.934632
Carter, Jeanne A; 13.692965
Carter, Jeffrey A; 7/10/2000; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; 12.319046
Carter, Judy L; 11/5/2001; Las Cruces; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 24.182680
Carter, Kim G 7/15/2006; 27.399500
Carter, Michael J.; 88.217640
Carter, Nathan L; 10/3/1988; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.005975
Carter, Roy M.; 10/16/1989; Las Cruces; FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 37.008444
Carter, Wade Lee; 7/22/1989; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Portaies; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.646333
Carter,Amelia; 7/1/1986; Clovis; A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 29.293815
Carter,Brett J; 8/10/1987; Clovis; District Public Defender II; Public Defender; 44.007880
Carter,Judy; 11/8/1999; Fort Bayard; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.067063
Carter,Steven T.; 23.295800
Carter.Ronald R.; 18.444630
Cartner,Thomas N; 2/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 35.911092
Caruana.Annabelle C. 1 1/6/1993; 26.293394
Carvalho.Thomas W; 12/4/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Farmington; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.029460
CarvelkJones.Theresa; 33.572713
Carver,Melanie; 7/16/2007; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 34.461696
Carver.NileS; 18.240000
Cary.Stephen P; 30.487000
Cary.Stephen P; 8/23/1998; Gallup; Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 30.487000
Cary.Steven John; 8/15/1984; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 27.803139
Casados, Darren A.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 22.119455
Casados, Donna K; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; c Safety; 10.879000
Casados, Eliza M.; 8/2/2004; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 11.100000
Casados, Madeline M; 3/1/1993; Mora (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.475728
Casados,Jolene Valerie; 1/8/2001; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; of Transportation; 19.836058
Casados,Ralph L; 12/19/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 42.326986
Casados,Ray F; 5/4/1987; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 31.620150
Casados.Carmella E; 9/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); Staff Assistant; Ofc of the Lieutenant Governor; 15.554560
Casares.Gloria J.; 5/20/2006; Hatch; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 8.475760
Casarez-Chatto.Veronica; 1/24/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.000000
Casaus, Ramon N.; 33.312000
Casaus.Doreen P; 11/17/1986; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Environment; 26.690640
Casaus.FrankM.; 25.357000
Casaus.Patricia A.; 16.811559
Casaus.Ralph E; 22.859460
Casaus.Ramon N.; 12/17/1994; Albuquerque; Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 33.312000
Casavantes, Ellen; 12/31/2007; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.160000
Casey,Paul V 4/1 9/2008; 1 6.000000
Casey.Lewis C.; 9/17/2007; Albuquerque; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; of Health; 21.265000
Casey.Timothy A; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Cash.DavidW; 1/3/2005; Tres Piedras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.201190
Casias,Erica R; 5/6/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.658730
Casias,Joann; 9.563677
Casias,Martica A; 1/19/1999; Albuquerque; Planning & Design Manager; Public Schools Facility Auth; 34.187000
Casias.Angelica; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 8.828570
Casias.Bruce M; 2/27/1989; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 15.793190
Casias.Della M 9/8/2007; 7.781590
Casias.Victoria; 1/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Casilias,Susan Ann; 1/16/198; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Clovis; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 23.879460
Casillas.Nickolasa M.; 1/5/2004; Deming; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 14.852698
CASLER,ROB!ND 7/28/2007; 23.691600
Casner,Ava B.; 15.270000
Cassidy,Diana; 13.620147
Cassidy,Thomas E.; 5/23/1990; Tucumcari; GENI;; 33.021422
Cassidy.Geralyn A. 4/1 0/1 991; 41 .2841 00
Cassidy.Matthew; 6/16/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; General Services Department; 24.262103
Casson.Chad S.; 22.517000
Cassotis, Rebecca; 4/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.000000
Castaldi, Marie I.; 12/10/2001; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Castaneda Junior, Carlos; 2/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 21.459575
Castaneda,Astrid; 10/20/2008; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 1 1 .000000
Castaneda,Michelle S; 10/4/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 24.521500
Castaneda,Pam S; 17.615063
Castaneda,Sonya A.; 8/23/1999; Gallup; LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.689433
Castaneda.Carlos S.; 31.096155
Castaneda.Teresa; 9/6/2008; Las Cruces; PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 19.500000
Casteli,Lesa; 25.818598
Castell.RickW.; 5/11/1992; Albuquerque; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 23.549103
Castellano lll,Melaquias D; 15.448700
Castellano, Eliza; 12/11/1978; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; f Workforce Solutions; 30.657582
Castellano,Cleo C.; 9/10/1997; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.724190
Castellano.Ellen M; 5/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.097945
Castellano.Pat G; 5/1/1989; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Human Services Department; 25.687034
Castellano.Raychel C; 19.397027
Castellano.Rose A.; 11/5/2005; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-B; 19.087525
Castellano.Virginia H; 5/19/1997; 24.581433
Castellanos.Gregorio F 3/3/2007; 16.660805
Castillo-Garcia.Candise C; 3/8/2003; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Public Defender; 28.269231
Castillo, Alfredo M.; 7/14/1986; Carlsbad; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.114979
Castillo, Edwardo R.; 8/25/1997; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.801190
Castillo, Elizabeth; 9/24/1979; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.912398
Castillo, Franchesca; 9/8/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.618730
Castillo, Joe A; 16.000000
Castillo, Joshua F.; 1/6/2008; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Castillo, Marilyn D.; 6/16/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-O; Department of Health; 11.448570
Castillo, Mark A.; 12/28/1987; Silver City; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 17.891000
Castillo, Michael J.; 4/28/2003; Anthony; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 14.247810
Castillo, Rick O; 3/28/2005; Anthony; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 14.950000
Castillo, Ruth A.; 12/6/1993; Los Lunas; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 17.376718
Castillo,Albino C.; 10.000000
Castillo,Antonio M.; 5/13/1991; Vaughn; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.080801
Castillo,Arthur L.; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; State Treasurer; 36.185000
Castillo,Carlos; 10/14/2003; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.939190
Castillo,Danny; 6/27/1988; Las Cruces; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 28.006232
Castillo,Enrique J.; 14.674190
Castillo,LawrenceJ; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; F Transportation; 9.790000
Castillo,Olivia D; 7/1/1992; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.823956
Castillo,Patricia C; 22.489950
Castillo,Stacy E; 7.500000
Castillo. E. Beverly; 11/3/1986; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0;; 15.968730
Castillo.Katherine; 9.447867
Castillo.Laura M.; 9/15/2001; Socorro (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 16.055000
Castillo.Lisa M; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Gaming Control Board; 13.835291
Castillo.Lisa Y.; 7/30/1991; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 19.667298
Castillo.Samuel M.; 6/23/1999; Las Cruces; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.520707
Castillo.Susanna V; 9/4/1996; Las Cruces; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 19.581330
Castillo.Tiffanie A.; 6/2/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE AHAV Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Castillojda; 12/4/2000; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-O; Rehbltation; 15.869810
Castle, Pa u I K.; 4/24/2006; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.428190
Castle.Stuart Patterson; 1/28/1980; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 26.591600
Castor, Michael M; 15.324706
Castorena,Alan; 8.906000
Castorena.Filiberto P.; 1/6/1992; Deming; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 41.470000
Castrillo,Albert; 7/22/2002; Fort Bayard; MAINT& REPAIR WKR-B; Health; 11.674306
Castro, Carrie Ann; 3/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 27.742800
Castro,Maria L.; 5/11/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Alamogordo; Human Services Department; 15.240630
Castro,Sergio A.; 3/31/2001; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Ruidoso; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.299460
Castro.Amy Elivra; 5/5/2007; Carlsbad; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.317780
Castro.Kathleen M; 10/8/2005; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 11.784647
Castro.Lizabeth Ann; 7/14/2007; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 22.227000
Castro.Sarah L.; 4/26/1993; Rosweli; COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 16.489810
Castro.Yolanda; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.423300
Casuga.Rita L; 7/1/2006; Ruidoso; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.966479
Caswell, Rebecca L 8/28/2000; 17.951600
Caswell,Shannon E.; 3/21/2009; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.710000
Cata,Alisha; 3/15/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 15.346394
Cata.MyraS; 13.479810
Cata.Samuel E; 2/18/1985; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 30.053999
Catanach, Dennis D; 4/24/2004; [City); Santa Fe; CONST & REL WRKR-0; 14.394690
Catanach,Sandra E; 8/12/1985; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Public Safety; 23.563527
Catanach.Cathleen M; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; 35.136150
Catanach.Danette; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-0; 15.000000
Catanach.Erlinda L; 1/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Transportation; 22.099810
Catanach.William C. 9/16/2008; 25.014000
Cathey, Robert Lee; 7/10/1989; Las Cruces; PSY-A; 25.767979
Cathey,Craig D.; 3/18/2002; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 29.355500
Caudill, Rocky; 1/30/2006; Fence Lake; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.874190
Caudle,Linda A; 6/19/2004; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 14.895862
Caulfield,Frank E; 12/6/2004; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.312190
Cavalier, Floras; 11/14/1983; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.500000
Cavatta.M. Louise; 12/7/1992; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 30.415472
Cavazos,Kathym G.; 9/9/1; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Alamogordo; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 20.209460
Cave.Andrea F; 2/5/2001; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.850072
CavettSharon K.; 20.341600
Cavis, Buckley A; 6/28/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; Youth & Fami; 12.150000
Cayatineto, Agnes R; 8/26/2006; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Cde Baca.Charlene; 5/24/1999; Santa Fe (City); ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 17.798000
CdeBaca, Erica M; 5/17/2008; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; 10.769000
Cdebaca,Samuel F.; 18.586970
Cdebaca.Christina; 10/14/1980; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Finance & Admnst; 20.400000
Cearley,John M; 6/30/2007; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MA1NT WKR-B; . of Transportation; 11.282690
Cebada, Peter; 9/13/2004; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 17.369630
Cecil,Norma L.; 5/21/2001; Raton; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Game & Fish; 14.097159
Celeskey,Matthew D.; 12/14/1998; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 22.024414
Cerecerez,Alfredo; 12/16/2006; Las Cruces; 18.718515
Cerletti,Joseph M 1/10/2003; 63.605769
Cerniway.Michael C.; 3/19/1990; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 21.032630
Cerno, Erica F.; 10/18/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Certain, David L; 5/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.000000
Certain,Juan; 8/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 27.266500
Certain.James; 13.479810
Cervantes,Elizabeth A.; 3/15/1999; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.499797
Cervantez.Guadalupe; 4/3/2006; Fort Bayard; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 19.689209
Cervo.Merle L.; 2/8/1999; Springer; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.638190
Cessarich, Mark Alan; 11/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 28.347328
Cessnun, David Gene; 15.279000
CH!HA,GEORGE K; 27.830000
Chackee.Mike; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Chacon-Lutrick, Lucas M; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.050000
Chacon, A Steve; 21 .847000
Chacon, Brenda S.; 10/14/1987; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 22.455131
Chacon, Cynthia L.; 12/30/1996; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,!NV-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.139458
Chacon, Daniel; 1/8/2003; City); Santa Fe; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; 16.490000
Chacon, Derrick; 8/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 24.650000
Chacon, Irene D.; 6/19/1993; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; es Dpt; 19.311600
Chacon, Laura; 3/2/2002; Las Cruces; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 13.948914
Chacon, Loretta E. 8/6/1990; 15.078709
Chacon, Marylina; 10/4/1999; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.076055
Chacon, Monica; 4/21/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 8.900000
Chacon, Norma B.; 14.490000
Chacon, Peter C.; 8/16/1993; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 12.666315
Chacon, Peter; 24.717204
Chacon, Regina C.; 8/5/2000; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Public Safety; 24.973582
Chacon, Rita E.; 10/2/1989; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 15.664043
Chacon,PaulA; 7/31/1989; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 22.712462
Chacon,Susan M; 28.382690
Chacon.Eddie J.; 11/29/1994; Gallina; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.765151
Chacon.Gonzaio 1/11/1999; 16,176810
Chacon.Yesenia R. 1/24/2009; 11.000000
Chadalawada,Venkateswara; 8/20/2001; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 35.162300
Chadborn.Wiiliam E.; 22.939350
Chadburn, James W.; 36.035690
Chadwell-Feld, Jennifer; 8/23/1988; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 21.780000
Chadwick,John C.; 5/6/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Department of Cultural Affairs; 29.179153
Chadwick,Rick; 9/30/2005; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Chadwick.Christopher D.; 5/11/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 26.890000
Chafins, Jonathan Ross; 3/18/1991; Santa Fe (City); HEAVY EQUIP OP-A; Department of Game & Fish; 17.309723
Chafins, Karen R.; 12/21/1987; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; 25.488750
Chafins.Shawn C; 6/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 17.821560
Chairez.Rosa M.; 7/14/1997; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Roswell; Human Services Department; 17.029460
Chalan.Rama Michelle; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; 20.875621
Chaltry,Jodi M; 10/16/2000; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 16.977810
Chaltry.William D; 1/12/1992; Las Vegas; GENI; 41.083150
Chama.Loretta W. 2/22/1988; Name; 24.184521
Chambers-Arevalo,Julie A; 7/12/2004; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Environment; 20.249792
Chambers, Deborah A.; 4/25/1994; Moriarty; LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 28.011434
Chambers, Mindy N; 8/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.457190
Chambers, Roberta P.; 8/21/1999; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; State Land Office; 21.610000
Chambers,Erica; 11/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 13.328730
Chambers,James W; 2/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 25.831600
Chambers.JenniferA.; 12/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-O; ic Safety; 12.461000
Chambers.Linda W.; 7/6/1993; Albuquerque; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.072931
Chambers.Sharon R.; 11/26/2005; Truth Or Consequent; LPN & LVN-O; 18.280500
Chambliss.Susan L; 1/15/2005; Portales; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 18.470000
Champion, Betty; 16.452610
Champion, Michael C.; 23.642850
Champion, Pamela G; 6/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.675724
Champlin,Cheryl A. 1 1/7/1 998; 20.206862
Chan.CarolJ; 5/17/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.500000
Chancy,Michele M; 10/8/2005; Clovis; LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.617800
Chandler, Marsha; 27.000000
Chandler,Philip P.; 6/3/2008; Alamogordo; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.750000
Chandler,Roy J; 4/28/2003; Albuquerque; A/O II - IT; F Workforce Solutions; 37.638417
Chandler.Janet F 5/7/1984; 21.061600
Chang, Eric; 5/2/1998; Espanola; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 17.099835
Chang.Francis; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 21.903810
Chang.Teckkiam Chhor; 1/31/1983; Albuquerque; INTERPRETER & TRAN-O; 15.922698
Chanler.Kathleen Ann; 8/11/2007; Taos (City); LEGAL SECTY-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.894690
Channell, Ryan; 5/31/2008; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.000000
Chantal,Monique; 7/22/1991; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.624460
Chaparro,Laura; 20.693767
Chapin.Joanna C.; 10/7/1996; Alamogordo; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Commission for the Blind; 16.069952
Chapler.James R.; 11/1/2008; Carlsbad; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.590000
Chaplin,George; 17.365387
Chapman-Romero,Monica; 24.857480
Chapman, Laurie H; 30.348145
Chapman, Robert; 5/5/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Chapman,Amy; 5/20/2002; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 14.820425
Chapman,Benjamin M.; 4/5/1999; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.430912
Chapman/Timothy H. 8/16/1993; 27.747456
Chappell,Chad W.; 2/24/2003; Hobbs; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.931053
Charbagi, Diana F.; 2/10/2007; Silver City; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Charles, John J.; 10/18/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 13.610000
Charles.Catherine Jane 10/6/2007; 20.992000
Charley,Beverly A; 11/19/2005; Farmington; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 14.487445
Charley.Tonya Marie; 12/29/2007; Fort Bayard; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 14.888000
Charlie, Melissa L 1/5/2003; 28.442500
Charliejravis M; 9/15/2003; Thoreau; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.940190
Chartrand.Charlotte Heidi; 11.500000
Chary,Swaroop R.; 1/17/2008; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 34.893425
Chase, Anthony W; 9/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 16.290137
Chase.ErikD.; 18.629600
Chato.MichelleA; 22.720000
Chaturvedi,Nalini Jyotsana; 18.143180
Chaudhary,Sushil K; 7/2/2005; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 36.747040
Chaudhry,Habib Anwar; 10/1/2002; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Public Education Department; 25.091600
Chavarria-Quam,Mauricia J. 4/19/2008; 19.450000
Chavarria, Jessica A; 2/17/2003; Las Cruces; TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.593330
Chavarria, Jesus J; 6/9/2003; Las Cruces; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 19.874407
Chavarria, Regis L; 3/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); CRIM JUST & LW ENF-A; f Public Safety; 18.708240
Chavarria,Antonio R. 7/23/1996; 21.439777
Chavarria,Viola S.; 12/1/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Silver City;; 13.936000
Chavarria.Aaron 6/25/2001; 35.299300
Chavarria.Adam; 10/1/1991; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.142258
Chavarria.Christina I. 11/30/1987; 21.262116
Chavarria.Duane Thomas; 12/12/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 24.646085
Chavarria.Joshua Salvador; 3/27/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Chavarria.Una Y; 9/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.366625
Chavers.Cynthia C.; 6/9/1997; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 25.481255
Chaves,Amanda L.; 11/17/2008; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 2; r Workforce Solutions; 25.000000
Chavez Junior,Manuel R.; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 9.000000
Chavez-Anaya.Louise H.; 11/7/1994; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Environment; 18.991027
Chavez-Buie.Kimberly A.; 4/12/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.953040
Chavez-Cook,Christina E; 7/5/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-O; Human Services Department; 29.743901
Chavez-Neish.Corina; 15.124810
Chavez-Neuman.Veronica; 8/2/2003; (City); Santa Fe; Chief Information Officer; 45.486700
Chavez-Paez.Ruth A; 11/22/2003; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 20.109460
Chavez, Adam B.; 3/3/2001; Las Cruces; TRMT-O; 17.785630
Chavez, Andrea; 11/14/2008; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.370000
Chavez, Andres Michael; 10/7/2006; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.546876
Chavez, Anthony B; 5/17/2008; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Chavez, Barbara; 1/11/2005; [City); Santa Fe; J AN ITR&CLN R, N OM Al D-B; 10.606305
Chavez, Bernadette M.; 1/18/2005; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-A; Workforce Solutions; 19.929571
Chavez, Buck C; 11/26/2001; Moriarty; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.642810
Chavez, Carmelita; 1/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-0; Transportation; 13.491490
Chavez, Damian R; 5/27/2003; Santa Rosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 14.068190
Chavez, Daniel R.; 14.800000
Chavez, David A.; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.154000
Chavez, David M; 6/26/1989; Farmington; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 38.769868
Chavez, Deborah Camille; 12/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Department of Transportation; 22.406444
Chavez, Delfinia; 4/16/1990; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 19.520600
Chavez, Donna M.; 5/31/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.600000
Chavez, Doris A.; 24.519537
Chavez, Edward P; 4/5/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.157000
Chavez, Eileen E.; 7/12/1994; Albuquerque; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; Public Defender; 22.108642
Chavez, Elisa A. 6/30/2007; 29.837000
Chavez, Emily U.; 11/2/1987; Farmington; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 19.952508
Chavez, Ezekiel J; 7/28/2005; Santa Fe (City); AIRCRAFT MEC & SRV-A; General Services Department; 25.779071
Chavez, Felicia R.; 6/21/1993; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; : Workforce Solutions; 18.182250
Chavez, Felipe H.; 5/4/1998; Las Cruces; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 13.234690
Chavez, Felix A; 8/16/2004; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-0; of Transportation; 18.749807
Chavez, Florian; 29.911000
Chavez, Florian; 29.911000
Chavez, Francine A; 1/13/2003; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 29.539000
Chavez, Francine D.; 11/19/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Chavez, Francisco A; 9/17/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 1 1 .652739
Chavez, Frank E; 25.229500
Chavez, Gary L; 6/15/1992; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.132630
Chavez, Gilbert; 7/10/2000; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.560000
Chavez, Gordon C; 17.963600
Chavez, Harold C.; 10/15/1986; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 19.308190
Chavez, Irene C.; 3/30/1998; Deming; TRAFFIC TECH-0; F Transportation; 13.632026
Chavez, James 1/3/2005; 16.890000
Chavez, Janelle R; 4/5/1999; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 16.619190
Chavez, Jeremiah D.; 5/3/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.129700
Chavez, Jeremias 1/1/2005; 15.931787
Chavez, Jerid J. 2/24/2007; 13.469810
Chavez, Jesse J.; 1/22/2000; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.278637
Chavez, Jessica; 19.150000
Chavez, Joseph M; 7/29/1991; Fort Bayard; ELECTRICIAN-0; 15.068190
Chavez, Juan J; 16.580944
Chavez, Karla L 8/26/2002; 15.356810
Chavez, Leo poldo E. 7/5/2003; 16.307200
Chavez, LeroyH.; 4/4/1994; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.247190
Chavez, Lorenzo; 25.357000
Chavez, Loretta M; 9/14/1998; Albuquerque; PRCOORD-A; Gaming Control Board; 25.965585
Chavez, Lorraine R 1/24/1989; 18.545630
Chavez, Maria J.; 5/1/2001; Truth Or Consequeni; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; Department of Health; 13.662000
Chavez, Marie B; 11/5/2005; Moriarty; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 14.509190
Chavez, Mario; 4/11/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 11.668918
Chavez, Matthew J; 1/31/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Chavez, Matthew Stephen; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; F Transportation; 19.090000
Chavez, Maxine; 15.436289
Chavez, Michael E. 9/9/1991; Name; 17.395105
Chavez, Michael J.; 5/22/2004; Los Lunas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.322029
Chavez, Michael L; 2/26/2005; Albuquerque; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-B; General Services Department; 12.439235
Chavez, Natalia R; 2/18/1998; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.243685
Chavez, Nellie C.; 7/8/1991; Socorro (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 14.722319
Chavez, Patricia A.; 7/24/1989; Truth Or Consequent; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 14.956101
Chavez, Patrick A; 12.874212
Chavez, Raette; 1/10/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Chavez, Randolph A.; 19,982810 Hunt, John R; 17.106810
Chavez, Raymond D; 12.500000
Chavez, Richard; 1/6/1992; Los Lunas; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.591064
Chavez, Richard; 5/17/2008; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.000000
Chavez, Rita D; 17.165630
Chavez, Robert L; 3/3/2003; Springer; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.424190
Chavez, Robert L. 2/24/2007; 26.939500
Chavez, Ronald E.; 25.357000
Chavez, Ronnie; 12/30/2006; Tijeras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.080000
Chavez, Rosemary; 11/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.928195
Chavez, Stacy R. 7/29/2006; 16.648903
Chavez, Steven W.; 20.509000
Chavez, Veronica M; 11/28/2005; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Retirement Board; 14.619832
Chavez, Walter; 2/14/2000; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; t of Transportation; 14.597810
Chavez, William L.; 7/24/1995; Albuquerque; ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 28.921899
Chavez,Alfred C 10/14/1986; 22.422362
Chavez,Alfred C; 8/14/2006; Cimarron; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.037350
Chavez,Alfredo J; 12/11/2000; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.321590
Chavez,Amanda R; 12/5/2005; Santa Fe County; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.631000
Chavez,Amy C; 8/26/2002; [City;; Santa Fe; 34.087040
Chavez,Arthur F 11/26/1990; 18.956810
Chavez,Arthur; 5/30/1987; Mountainair; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.102810
Chavez,Benedict J.; 10/30/1978; Mesita; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.435190
Chavez,Benjamin R.; 8/23/1999; Lordsburg; POLICE & SHER PO-0; F Public Safety; 20.709460
Chavez,Bernabe; 10.562911
Chavez,Brian; 7/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 16.890000
Chavez,Catalina C.; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 12.500000
Chavez,Catherine M; Belen; CLK-A; 14.223403
Chavez,Catrina C; 9/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 16.975190
Chavez,Charlene B; 5/22/2004; Rio Rancho; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 22.026135
Chavez,Charlie A; 3/17/2003; Estancia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.727190
Chavez,Che Silvas 1 /26/2008; 1 6.591 600
Chavez,Christina M.; 10/18/1999; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 11.190920
Chavez,Christopher; 12.324778
Chavez,Cindy B; 1/26/1998; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Socorro (City); New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.982083
Chavez,Corina; 9/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 28.330829
Chavez,Cynthia M 8/9/2008; 19.500000
Chavez,DanaG; 5/16/1988; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workers Compensation Admin; 28.067614
Chavez,DerikA.; 12/1/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Chavez,Doreen V; 1/8/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.795462
Chavez,Eddie; 5/27/2008;;City); Santa Fe; 16.620000
Chavez,Elias P.; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Public Safety; 20.399000
Chavez,ErikT.; 6/11/1997; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-0; State Land Office; 15.338190
Chavez,Erlinda; 29.271028
Chavez,Filomeno G.; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Chavez,Gary E.; 25.357000
Chavez,Gary O.; 9/8/1998; (City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 30.000000
Chavez,Georgette L.; 17.000000
Chavez,Gilbert; 8/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 13.000000
Chavez,Gloria M.; 1/31/2000; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.552445
Chavez,Hannah M.; 5/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; State Treasurer; 19.026015
Chavez,James John; 14.455810
Chavez,Jeff R.; 5/17/1999; Clines Corner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.236810
Chavez,Jennie R.; 2/14/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; 14.997403
Chavez,Jennifer L.; 5/10/2001; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 12.370145
Chavez,Joann; 3/4/2002; Roswell; CLK-A; 13.358169
Chavez,Joe R.; 7/22/1996; Las Cruces; STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.566350
Chavez,Joe T.; 12/30/1985; Santa Fe (City); FIREINSP&INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.942678
Chavez,JoeE. 4/1/1991; 17.190810
Chavez,JoeT; 16.490667
Chavez,Johnny L.; 6/11/1990; Raton; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.519049
Chavez,Juan F.; 4/20/1988; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Department of Transportation; 29.759460
Chavez,Juanita O; 10.492891
Chavez,Juanita; 12/24/2007; [City); Santa Fe <; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 11.826749
Chavez,Karen J.; 18.560000
Chavez,Kathy M; 17.109569
Chavez,Krystal A.; 3/13/1995; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.886630
Chavez,Leann; 7/2/2005; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 17.602159
Chavez,Leo; 7/23/1990; Santa Rosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.647810
Chavez,Leona Ann; Santa Fe (City)
Chavez,Leonard W.; 2/17/1992; Moriarty; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.637325
Chavez,Lori; 12/4/2004; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 26.868000
Chavez,Manuelita; 12/3/1990; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 20.364873
Chavez,MargaretA; 3/17/2003; Las Vegas; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 14.457190
Chavez,Maria D; 10/15/2001; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 15.429680
Chavez,Marie S.; 6/19/1989; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 14.496700
Chavez,Milo J; 5/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 30.903000
Chavez,Opal; 9/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 1 1 .000000
Chavez,Paul E; 25.848900
Chavez,PaulineC 8/18/2001; 15.665630
Chavez,Pete J.; 5/24/2004; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.330000
Chavez,Renee; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; of Transportation; 9.710000
Chavez,Ronald D.; 16.025810
Chavez,RonD.; 12.411354
Chavez,Serena M; 3/1/1997; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; Information Technology; 18.407457
Chavez,Steve B; 7/16/2005; Ojo Caliente; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.201190
Chavez,Terri; 13.489810
Chavez,Victoria G.; 6/1/1998; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.836190
Chavez,Vida[ia; 9/25/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.502000
Chavez,Vincent F 1/21/1985; 34.375933
Chavez. Rosabelle; 17.593033
Chavez.Albert L; 16.988957
Chavez.Albert P.; 7/24/1999; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Chavez.Alejandro E; 2/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 23.930879
Chavez.Alejandro; 5/7/2005; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.670163
Chavez.Alfred L; 4/24/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Silver City; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 18.949460
Chavez.Alicia M.; 11/14/2008; Deming; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.870000
Chavez.Anna D.; 3/9/1998; Deming; ELIG INTRVR,G0V PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.013456
Chavez.Anna M.; 15.371600
Chavez.Anna m.; 5/4/1998; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 15.490232
Chavez.Annabella; 21.493848
Chavez.Anselmo R.; 6/5/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 14.618820
Chavez.Anthony M.; 1/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 13.464286
Chavez.Anthony O; 14.145630
Chavez.Anthony R.; 5/6/2006; Albuquerque; GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 13.192572
Chavez.Armando R.; 7/8/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.639810
Chavez.Arthur; 2/24/2003; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 15.311924
Chavez.Azucena; 4/7/2007; Roswell; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-0; Transportation; 11.927339
Chavez.Bobby; 18.750848
Chavez.Calvin T; 2/7/1983; Las Cruces; GEN {-ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 43.474689
Chavez.Carla Diana; 10/31/1987; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 30.991220
Chavez.Carla R.; 9/7/1999; Las Vegas; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 11.263098
Chavez.Carmen E; 12/30/2006; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.282760
Chavez.CarU; 3/8/2004; City); Santa Fe; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; 30.993671
Chavez.Catherine R.; 2/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); 20.111000
Chavez.Chris C; 9/1/1983; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; IVlilitary Affairs; 1 2.64981
Chavez.Christina L; 9/14/2002; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 19.691600
Chavez.Christine Y; 12/17/2005; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.216900
Chavez.Consuelo I; 3/25/2006; Moriarty; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Transportation; 11.964188
Chavez.Cordelia; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 1 6.000000
Chavez.Corina R.; 5/10/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.704412
Chavez.Dana M; 10/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.522630
Chavez.David S.; 7/8/2001; San Jon; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 20.498460
Chavez.Deann Loraine; 10/23/1989; Truth Or Consequen; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.449573
Chavez.Debbie 11/8/2003; 18.982600
Chavez.Denette L; 7/12/2008; Gallup; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Chavez.Denise L; 1/4/2003; Las Cruces; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 9.691984
Chavez.Dominic M; 14.709243
Chavez.Donna 8/23/2008; 13.000000
Chavez.Drew; 6/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Environment; 11.963690
Chavez.EarU; 17.407810
Chavez.Eileen M; 3/15/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.411600
Chavez.Elsa 1/21/1997; 14.666147
Chavez.Fedelina C.; 12/15/2007; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 12.894690
Chavez.Flora; 9/22/2000; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Chavez.Fran A.; 9/21/1993; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; 26.110000
Chavez.Gabriel D.; 8/12/1991; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 22.927462
Chavez.Gail Elaine; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; State Land Office; 13.500000
Chavez.Gary D.; 4/10/1995; Albuquerque; ITAPPSDEV1; Workers Compensation Admin; 26.459260
Chavez.Gary R.; 1/25/1993; Los Lunas; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.563848
Chavez.Gerald; 1/13/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 1 1 .000000
Chavez.GilbertJ; 1/31/2005; Albuquerque; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.438730
Chavez.Gina M.; 9/14/2000; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.137177
Chavez.Jacqueline M; 17.065630
Chavez.James P.; 10/20/1984; Santa Fe (City); GENI; General Services Department; 43.083150
Chavez.Jeannette O; 15.499350
Chavez.Jennifer L; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 29.555350
Chavez.Jessica J.; 8/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.588369
Chavez.Jimmy E; 11/6/2006; (City); Santa Fe; PAINTER/CNST& MAIN-A; 14.623945
Chavez.John E; 23.483000
Chavez.Jonathan J.; 13.469810
Chavez.Joseph D.; 17.850143
Chavez.Joseph J; 2/25/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.121412
Chavez.Joseph P.; 12/17/1990; Los Lunas; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.845559
Chavez.Joseph R.; 5/16/1983; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.890000
Chavez.Josephine C; 27.793630
Chavez.Juan R; 2/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); HEAVY EQUIP OP-A; Department of Game & Fish; 17.309723
Chavez.Julie; 12/29/1986; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.032231
Chavez.Kathy R 2/4/1997; 18.749807
Chavez.Keith; 4/13/2002; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; t of Environment; 22.177393
Chavez.Laura Barr; 5/16/1988; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 28.055433
Chavez.Leann; 3/17/1986; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Environment; 29.061000
Chavez.Leroy G; 1 1.633690
Chavez.Leslie A; 1/21/1985; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.339810
Chavez.Manuel R; 11/30/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 39.716012
Chavez.Marcus; 1/26/2009; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Chavez.Maria Consuelo; 24.660716
Chavez.MariaEiena E. 7/22/2002; 15.758690
Chavez.Melanie; 1/4/2003; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.310832
Chavez.Mia; 11/8/2004; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 23.500000
Chavez.Michael; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.660000
Chavez.Miciiael Christopher 1/3/2004; 14.723810
Chavez.Mike A.; 5/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; PAINTER/CNST& MAIN-0; 12.954427
Chavez.Morris J.; 10/23/2004; Santa Fe (City); Superintendent of Insurance; Public Regulation Commission; 47.309000
Chavez.Nadine M; 10/23/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 16.905630
Chavez.Nicolasa M; 20.259460
Chavez.Pamela A.; 6/17/1991; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.619877
Chavez.Pamela; 10.000000
Chavez.Priscilla D; 13.000000
Chavez.Randy L; 1/2/2001; Fence Lake; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.970491
Chavez.Rick; 9/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 37.634000
Chavez.Ronald; 8/9/2004; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workforce Solutions; 29.034839
Chavez.Ruby Hazel; 12/20/1976; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 22.757619
Chavez.Sandra B; 7/31/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Human Services Department; 33.615701
Chavez.Santiago E; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; MED APPLIANCE TECH-O; Rehbltation; 12.370000
Chavez.Sharon D.; 12/21/1998; Grants; FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 13.837159
Chavez.Sharon R.; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ,EXAM; 12.000000
Chavez.Shirlee S.; 10/20/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.419000
Chavez.Stephanie Irene; 11/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; 19.000000
Chavez.Stephanie Sue; 11/3/2007; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 11.784690
Chavez.Steve; 6/12/1984; Los Lunas; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; of Health; 22.560131
Chavez.Steven L. 12/20/1999; 31.000000
Chavez.Susan C; 20.316791
Chavez.Susan; 3/7/2009; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Chavez.Tobias F; 10/14/1989; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.590915
Chavez.Veronica; 12/14/1987; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; 22.201600
Chavez.Victor M.; 10/11/1994; Deming; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; 10.239180
Chavez.Virginia D.; 5/4/1998; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21 .896732
Chavez.William P. 7/1/2008; 7.500000
Chavez.Yolanda E.; 4/13/1992; Taos (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.469500
Chavezjheresa A; 4/18/1998; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.068985
Chavezjim; 9/23/2006; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 34.376600
Chavezjony A; 11/9/1991; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 13.254906
Chavezjuan C; 13.469810
Chavira, Marie V.; 6/3/2002; Los Lunas; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Department of Health; 19.745549
Chavira.Carmen; 6/19/2004; Roswell; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 11.289920
Chavira.Edna M; 1/18/1992; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 16.873393
Cheadle.Comien O.; 6/28/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Roswell; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Chee,Bridget A; 15.245630
Cheman, Karen; 24.978405
Chemev,Melinda Jean; 7/5/2003; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 29.737412
Chen, Hong Juan; 6/11/2001; Albuquerque; ITAPPSDEV2; Workers Compensation Admin; 30.773096
Chen,Shelley; 8/25/1997; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.182500
Cheney,Gerald R.; 20.459882
Cherinko, Natalie Marie; 8/23/2008; Roswell; 9.000000
Cherry,Krystyna; 10/15/2002; Albuquerque; LIBRARIAN-A; 20.513460
Cherry,Lance P.; 2/12/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Game & Fish; 31.568594
Cheshire.Cory M.; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 1 1 .200000
Cheshire.Ericka; 5/19/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 8.900000
Chesser,Mark Jesse; 4/5/2008; Socorro (City); STAFF; Public Regulation Commission; 26.239500
Chesser,Taylon L.; 6/21/2001; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Military Affairs; 14.866711
Chettinger, Deborah; 12/15/2003; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.363024
Chiarella,James N 6/2/2008; 13.000000
Chiasson.James; 5/22/2000; Albuquerque; A/O II - ENGINEERING; Department of Environment; 38.746058
Chick.Lynn; 4/30/1990; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.670000
Childers,John D.; 8/9/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 28.524500
Childress, Donald M 9/21/1988; 23.941619
Chilton/Thomas Gray; 8/30/2003; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Chinana.Cheryl R.; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; MEDICAL SECTY-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.004690
Chinchilla.Aura M; 16.346000
Chino.Leiana 8/23/2008; Name; 13.000000
Chiodini, Dennis; 10.558570
Chip.Juan A; 7/5/1988; Las Cruces; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 25.905228
Chipps, Rocky James; 10.903607
Chiquito,Vincent J; 4/26/2004; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.869190
Chischil!y,Philamina C; 8/6/2008; Gallup; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 11.500000
Chisum, Whitney Erin; 2/10/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.729303
Chowen,Ewan M.; 19.243000
Chowning, Heidi E.; 12/21/1992; Albuquerque; STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.912525
Chrisman,Gay; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 17.512000
Christensen, Brady; 4/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 24.434460
Christensen,Christian; 9/25/2006; Clovis; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.878043
Christensen,Kelii A; 1/3/2000; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 16.890010
Christensen.Mary M; 2/11/2006; Roswell; PSY-A; 25.120000
Christensen.William H. 2/24/2007; 13.469810
Christian,Thomas E; 10/16/1978; Albuquerque; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 31.406550
Christian.Ttiomas E; 10/16/1978; Albuquerque; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 31.406550
Christiansen, Joyce N; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.744167
Christiansen.Anna Lynn; 4/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/O 11; Department of Health; 37.181300
Christiansen.Carl J.; 25.095000
Christianson,Rick; 10.561829
Christine, Jan; 12/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Human Services Department; 39.919220
Christlieb,Linda; 3/3/2008; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.330000
Christopherson, Joseph Lee; 9/2/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 25.708500
ChristSharon; 6/4/2007; Albuquerque; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 8.322000
Christy,Bill; 18.919860
Christy.Shelleen M 7/7/2003; 17.710000
Chroninger,Nagako; 7/26/2007; Roswell; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Game & Fish; 11.824690
Chroninger,Wade A; 9/29/2003; Roswell; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.680000
Chumbiey.John M 3/15/2003
Chun.Zorianid; 9.060000
Chung, Raymond; 4/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.164040
Church/Thomas J.; 3/29/1993; Santa Fe (City); GEN II; Department of Transportation; 45.712288
Churchwell, Esther Chiyo; 4/11/1983; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 26.464987
Ciark,Michelle; 19.364265
Ciddio,Wayne W.; 3/27/1995; Albuquerque; GENI; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 36.861759
Cieslinski, Katie; 2/23/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 13.300000
Cimbal.Timothy A; 5/21/2005; Farmington; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; of Game & Fish; 17.885059
Cinniginnie, Josephine B; 15.779630
Cisco.Jodi; 9/29/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.060000
Cisneros, David C; 8/27/1979; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Human Services Department; 29.761925
Cisneros, Isaac; 3/22/2008; Questa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 10.870000
Cisneros, James E.; 3/14/1994; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 18.609023
Cisneros, Matthew Jason; 7.500000
Cisneros, Rocky; 2/28/2005; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.256810
Cisneros,Gabriel D; 2/15/2003; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 37.100049
Cisneros.Jeannie; 16.879391
Cisneros.Tony R.; 5/23/1989; Des Moines; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; : of Transportation; 17.246810
Cl3wson,Sarah J.; 3/19/2005; Albuquerque; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.898664
Claassen.Ruth G.; 10/4/1997; Truth Or Consequeni; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 31.171737
Clancy, Forrest; 11/3/2007; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-O; 20.591600
Clapp.William; 8/16/2003; PSYCHOLOGIST.AO-A Santa Fe (City); Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.160161
Clapper III, Charles H.; 3/22/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Clark, David L.; 33.087600
Clark, Victor A; 9/16/1985; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.827990
Clark,LandV.; 5/5/1997; Albuquerque; GENI; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 36.013150
Clark,Larry Dell; 4/10/1978; Portales; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.645301
Clark,LindaC 10/1/2001; 21.918775
Clark,Rosa Linda; 17.380398
Clark,Shirley L; 8/16/2003; Artesia; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 13.662760
Clark,Shirley; 5/31/1988; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.879472
Clark.Adam Keith; 2/24/2007; Truth Or Consequen; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 11.916810
Clark.Anne De; 8/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 33.977991
Clark.Blair 2/18/1988; 20.640204
Clark.Debbie G.; 10/25/1995; Truth Or Consequent; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 29.443956
Clark.Donald R; 10/12/2002; Clovis; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; Environment; 22.367600
Clark.Jennifer M; 7/8/1997; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 2; F Workforce Solutions; 21 .874594
Clark.Martin M; 1/28/2006; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JA!L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.459810
Clark.Mildred L.; 11/15/1997; Ruidoso; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.583690
Clark.Penny R.; 1/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; 28.701938
Clark.Preston; 4/17/2000; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 17.715630
Clark.Shawna D'ann; 10/6/2007; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; r Environment; 23.750000
Clark.Tisha M; 9/23/2006; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 32.436989
Clarke,George G.; 3/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Ofc of the State Engineer; 40.649396
Clarke.Greg; 8/15/2005; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 32.814181
Clarke.Melba J; 12/22/1997; (City); Santa Fe; CLM ADJ, EXAM, IN V-A; 23.601645
Clarkjracy A.; 8/9/2008; Gallup; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Claus.Minerva A.; 3/27/1993; PRACTil Las Cruces; 30.335912
Clawson, Evert T; 1/30/1984; Gallup; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 17.081299
Clayton.Keith L; 24.618000
Clayton.Theresa L; 3/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.460000
Cleary.Kathryn R; 11/22/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Public Education Department; 35.969000
Cleaver.Jamie S.; 12.398743
Clem,Brandon W; 4/4/2009; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Clement,Elouise L.; 20.162000
Clements,Chris C.; 29.911000
Clendenin Junior,Robert A; 6/25/2001; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.328900
Cleverley.Georgia J; 10/5/1985; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Environment; 38.416125
Cliacon.Joel; 7/31/1989; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 23.214612
Cliavez,Brian Lee 10/6/2007; 17.379810
Cliavez,Dean; 20.770000
Cliavez,Jolin; 15.303810
Clibbom.Ed; 3/26/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 32.431479
Clifford,Jane M.; 11/6/1997; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant III; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 33.099000
Clifford.William L; 9/11/1995; Alamogordo; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Public Safety; 16.049290
Clifton,Hotly; 9/28/2005; Aztec; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.362682
Clifton.Julia 3/8/1993; 21.866737
Cline,Amanda M; 9/6/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 8.743000
Clipper,Anderson E.; 8/27/2001; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 28.083000
Clokey, Edward G.; 7/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Public Defender; 36.824859
Clokey,Christina M; 11/19/2005; Santa Fe (City); AO-O; FIN SPEC,; 19.100779
Clokey,James D; 23.823597
Clokey.Gerald A.; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 25.500600
Cloud.JohnN; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.404000
Clouse,David C.; 11/22/1991; Los Lunas; 12.863023
Clouse,Sunnie J 10/11/2005; 23.077000
Clouthier,Adrienne; 1/5/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.250747
Clouthier.Sammy A.; 4/1/2000; Raton; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.629460
Clum, James Steven 1 1/29/2008; 14.560000
Coan, Isaiah 10/11/2005; 10.730645
Coan.Adrienne L.; 3/7/2009; Farmington; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 12.000000
Coates, Kathleen; 7/23/1990; Rio Rancho; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.675630
Coats, Jeff; 2/14/2005; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 13.214690
Coats.Corey N; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.404000
Coats.Sandra; 8/23/1999; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.597810
Coba,Vianey 8/27/2001; 13.711 658
Cobb, Jeremy K; 8/26/2006; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.193784
Cobb,Binda; 8/11/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.500000
Cobb,Shawn D.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 0.000000
Cobb.Victoria A.; 36.016589
Cobbs.Kimberly J.; 11/25/1996; Santa Fe (City); GENII; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 44.204680
Coble.Darrel Keith; 13.836000
Cobos.Cynthia S.; 15.250000
Cobos.lsabel; 19.678205
Cobrain, David W.; 4/5/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/O 1 - ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 35.351570
Coburn, Curtis J; 5/17/2004; Springer; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 18.630241
Coca, Alex C; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 23.163130
Coca, Benny; 5/21/1991; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.303810
Coca, Daniel B.; 6/11/1990; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.953630
Coca, Daniel L; 5/23/2005; Santa Rosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; : of Transportation; 14.401190
Coca, Linda D.; 11/30/1998; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.170804
Coca,BillyP.; 3/19/1990; Eagle Nest; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 17.964791
Coca,Rose; 3/10/1979; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; Department of Health; 19.168410
Coca,ViGki; 6/9/1998; Raton; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 10.613005
Coca.Andrew; 2/24/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.304800
Coca.Gilbert L; 7/30/1985; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; : of Transportation; 18.705810
Coca.Guadalupe J; 10.972828
Coca.JoseA.; 7/1/1969; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 15.855141
Coca.MarcoM 6/3/2000; 16.600000
Coca.MarcyD; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.301000
Coca.MaryB; 8/27/1990; Los Lunas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; 21.624019
Cochran, Cody; Truth Or Consequen; Aztec; Roswell; Mesquite; 13.836000
Cochrane.Glory; 7/23/2001; Albuquerque; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; Human Services Department; 22.533280
Codianni,Simon; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 10.440000
Coff man, Mark V; 1/25/1988; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.523478
Coffey-Pilcher.Maggie; 35.456400
Coffey,John R; 6/23/2001; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 34.141798
Coffield, Laura L; 7/1/2006; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Hobbs; Human Services Department; 13.903000
Coffman Junior,James Scott 1 1/29/2008; 13.000000
Coffman, Michael D.; 2/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Environment; 30.183070
Coffman,Melvin L.; 19.955732
Coffman.Carl E.; 4/16/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Cohen, Ronald J; 1/21/1978; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 25.897232
Cohen,Dona!d Lee 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Cohen.Roberta J.a.; 19.286965
Cohen.Seth; 2/25/2008; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1;; 34.461696
Coho.Alexander; 9/26/2005; Ramah; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.312190
Coie.Michael P.; 1/6/2005; Sapello; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.714172
Coiligan,Patrick 6/1/1999; 15.304810
Colbert, Alicia A; 7/30/2007; Albuquerque; GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 10.803000
Colbert, Kathryn; 34.973768
Colborne.Allison Joan; 22.740000
Cole, Darrell R.; 12/27/1997; Albuquerque; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; r Game& Fish; 21.159821
Cole, Helen Y 4/5/2008; 15.650000
Cole,Angela M.; 7/1/1995; Carlsbad; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.277825
Cole,Kari E; 2/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); Senior Litigation Attorney; General Services Department; 38.642380
Cole,Martha; 10/21/2006; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 17.402300
Cole,Sandra L.; 6/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 38.194740
Cole,VikkiA.; 10/21/2006; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 16.361600
Cole.Linda; 10/31/1988; Roswell; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 14.477016
Cole.Trudy I.; 6/22/1991; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.954420
Coleman, Dennis A. 1/7/2008; 12.590000
Coleman, Kathleen Anne; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 20.400000
Coleman, Leslie K.; 3/29/1989; Santa Fe (City); DESKTOP PUBLISHER-A; Department of Game & Fish; 19.346277
Coleman, Mario W.A.; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.370000
Coleman,Andrew F.; 1/13/1986; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 22.531732
Coleman. Joseph T; 6/2/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.846015
Coleman.Andrea; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Coles.F. Lynn; 32.676983
Collado.Lizette 4/19/2008; 15.000000
Collard.Debora K.; 5/21/2007; Fort Bayard; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.920000
Collen,Leland H.; 11/29/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 46.766947
Colleran, Peggy Sue; 6/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.000000
Collins, Randy John; 10/4/2008; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; f Environment; 22.000000
Collins,Daniel; Santa Fe (City); Grants; GEN I; GEN I; 63.741401
Collins,Gloria; 3/20/2009; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 30.000000
Collins,Jessica Rose; 9/22/2007; Artesia; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.705630
Collins,JohnT.; 12/13/1997; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 28.195000
Collins,Randy R.; 6/3/1986; Bloomfield; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 23.272125
Collins.Kelly P.; 6/2/1997; Las Cruces; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.167701
Collins.Lisa K; 15.829871
Collins.Melissa H.; 3/5/2008; (City); Santa Fe; HR/TRAIN&LBRSPC-B; 16.000000
Collins.Nadine R; 9/6/2004; Tucumcari; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.713005
Collins.Teresa A; 3/1/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.639810
Collins.Thomas R; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.500000
Colson-White, Dolores; 14.644423
Com pton, Shirley Celeste 2/9/2008
Comeau, Daniel A.; 6/30/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 26.496082
Comell.Michelle R; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 41.949540
Comett,Lavonne L 9/30/1991; 35.648300
ComfortFrank; 11/9/1987; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 29.994257
Comins, James C; 1/13/1997; Raton; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 23.366170
Compean.Dora; 11/12/1996; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 15.651677
Compton,Charles; 30.000000
Compton.John L; 10/4/1994; 19.540380
Concannon.Donna M.; 7/1/2006; Tierra Amarilla; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.372690
Condiss.James; 12/16/1985; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; : Environment; 27.436471
Condit,Brian; 67.544540
Cone.Matthew B.; 7/12/2004; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-O; 17.534630
Conkle.Seth 3/10/2007; 21.840000
Conkle.Stefan; 21.390460
Conklin.LauraA. 11/1/2008; Roswell; Albuquerque; Las Cruces; Hobbs; 15.100000
Conley,Jeremy L.; 3/26/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Conley.Dorine 9/11/2006; 13.835630
Conn,Susan M; 6/7/2008; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 29.848350
Conner.Brianne Leigh; 12/18/2006; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-O; Department of Health; 19.364630
Conner.Bryan A.; 21.178000
Connerty,Eamon; 14.071000
Connick.Robert L. 8/11/1986; 18.211173
Connolly, Sandra D.; 4/8/1996; Alamogordo; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.577105
Connolly,Lowell W; 1/10/1996; Hobbs; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.684630
Connolly.Jon P.; 4/5/1999; Alamogordo; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.490232
Connolly.Stephen P; 7/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 24.434130
Conrad, Leslie R.; 27.695580
Conrad,Claire; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.076000
Conrad,Donald D.; 2/28/2000; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.324227
Conran, Catherine; 5/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; F Environment; 28.000000
Conroy.Heather L; 6/22/2002; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 18.385179
Constancia.Amanda B; 11/17/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.535630
Constantine.Consuelo M; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.369810
Conticelli, Peter; 36.026000
Conticelli.Andrew A.; 26.465441
Contreras-Apodaca,Gabriela 1/3/1989; Grants; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; 44.089860
Contreras-Lopas, Betty J.; 20.350000
Contreras-Taylor,Rose 10/18/2008; 31.000000
Contreras,Elisa; 4/4/2009; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Contreras,Gloria M.; 10/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 20.445125
Contreras,Jacques H.; 10/26/1992; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.715801
Contreras,PeteA.; 11/22/1999; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-O; 17.001412
Conway,Susan 10/6/2008; 13.973000
Cook, Rebecca C; 8/27/2005; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 24.395713
Cook,Benita; 27.395650
Cook,Charlene R; 9/14/1985; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 18.111600
Cook,Kevin W.; 5/10/1999; Albuquerque; HYDROLOGIST-0; Department of Environment; 21.983809
Cook,SamuelW; 10/24/2005; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 13.996810
Cook.Susan; 23.645000
Cook.William D.; 6/22/1998; Las Cruces; AO-A; WOODWORKER,; 20.476801
Cooke,Gail F.; 6/14/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 25.828000
Cookejerry; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Cooksey.Wiliard; 1/26/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Cooley.Paula Jean; 2/16/2009; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 27.170850
Coon.Caroline Rivera; 2/17/1992; Alamogordo; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Commission for the Blind; 19.207548
Cooney,Barbara F; 11/24/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 22.792729
Coons,Alison B; 8/30/2004; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 24.905927
Cooper, Jacqueline L.; 7/25/1991; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 44.116150
Cooper, Kayla Jordon 1 1/29/2008; 1 3.000000
Cooper, Robert; 19.771630
Cooper, Robert; 23.557693
Cooper,Jarrell Dean 8/11/2007; 20.659000
Cooper,Sophie 1; 8/28/1989; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 43.325150
Cooper,Stacy M.; 1/16/1990; Santa Fe (City); MICROBIOLOGIST-A; Department of Game & Fish; 25.064600
Cooper.Andria Leigh; 8/27/2007; Taos (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 28.988276
Cooper.Carol M.; 23.634000
Cooper.Georgette M; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE SURVYR-A; Human Services Department; 28.375478
Cooper.James D.; 28.294223
Coppin, Kelly Colleen; 16-000000 Winborn,Mari-Esther R.; 16.000000
Cordell.Kristina J.; 17.354600
Cordero-Chavez, Dolores; 8/22/1987; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 20.114565
Cordero, Naomi R; 10/9/2004; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-O; ies Dpt; 16.066838
Cordero.Elvia; 10/25/2003; Las Cruces; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Rehbltation; 18.577197
Cordero.Estela; 10/7/1996; Sunland Park; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 19.176240
Cordero.Johnny; 9/9/1980; Las Cruces; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 21.874594
Cordero.Ruby; 8/16/1994; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 16.321630
Cordova de Valencia,Juanita; 11/7/2006; Taos (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.317760
Cordova-May.Priscilla Jean 5/5/2007; 20.570630
Cordova, Anthony; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH.AO-NL-A; Department of Transportation; 18.660000
Cordova, Brenda Y; 8/18/1997; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 19.157487
Cordova, Elizabeth; 11/1/1982; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; 26.380720
Cordova, Felicia 1 2/1 5/2008; 1 1 .500000
Cordova, Francie D; 1/21/2003; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; F Workforce Solutions; 40.938520
Cordova, Francine; 3/13/2004; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Cordova, James L. 6/23/1975; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Roswell; 21.356460
Cordova, Jean H.; 12/1/1997; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 15.490232
Cordova, Jessica 9/22/2007; 16.000000
Cordova, Joseph F; 8/7/1986; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Department of Health; 13.906250
Cordova, Lynette L; 6/22/2002; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.819460
Cordova, Marlene A.; 1/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; : Environment; 26.994300
Cordova, Mary L.; 12.495000
Cordova, Matilda S.; 10/15/1991; Deming; FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Transportation; 14.084428
Cordova, Maxine; 5/3/2008; Rio Rancho; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 19.350000
Cordova, Melissa M.; 8/20/2001; Albuquerque; INV-O; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.337115
Cordova, Michael L.; 11/15/1993; Santa Rosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.686190
Cordova, Pauline; 9/2/2003; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.442000
Cordova, Phoebe M.; 3/6/1989; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Cordova, Ricardo A.; 7/26/1999; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 22.039763
Cordova, Robert; 10/18/2008; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 7.750000
Cordova, Ronald S.; 7/20/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/O 1 - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 39.553150
CORDOVA, RUDY F.; 10/7/2006; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; t of Transportation; 11.413190
Cordova, Veronica; 10/18/2004; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Public Education Department; 16.125103
Cordova,Anya A; 6/7/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.221826
Cordova,Carlos J 4/4/2009; 14.500000
Cordova,Carolyn S.; 2/5/2007; Silver City; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.500000
Cordova,Christina; 1/1/1987; Las Vegas; PUB RELATION SPEC-A; t of Transportation; 21.515071
Cordova,Cindy J; 7/13/1998; Santa Fe (City); Senior Litigation Attorney; General Services Department; 38.114160
Cordova,Debbie E; 3/21/2005; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 13.769348
Cordova,Freddie M 10/11/2003; 16.490667
Cordova,Geneva Y.; 8/23/1999; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; 20.472768
Cordova,Jody L.; 19.450000
Cordova,Lawrence; 8/22/1994; Cerrillos; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.264091
Cordova,Lydia G; 10/3/2005; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.203421
Cordova,Monica C; 8/13/2007; Albuquerque; COURT,IVIUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.994690
Cordova,Nataiie M; 28.259375
Cordova,Onofre E; 5/13/2000; Santa Rosa; -0; 14.580000
Cordova,Orlando; 25.357000
Cordova,Vaierie M.; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.110000
Cordova.Adam G.; 11/18/1996; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.070875
Cordova.Adan R.; 6/2/1997; Alcalde; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; . of Transportation; 17.845482
Cordova.Alejandra 1; 8/11/2007; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 11.786810
Cordova.Alexis J.; 4/5/1999; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.626130
Cordova.Angie 2/26/2003; 18.521600
Cordova.Carlos C.; 10/5/1998; Raton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.460000
Cordova.Carmen P; 10/7/2002; Roswell; LGL SUP WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 13.413000
Cordova.Dean F.; 1/5/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 8.622760
Cordova.Dianne M; 1/28/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.766630
Cordova.Efraim Matthew; 11/4/2006; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.667190
Cordova.Estella; 4/1/1985; Clovis; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 18.449810
Cordova.FrankA; 12/20/2003; Fort Bayard; MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-A; 17.390271
Cordova.Gary E; 5/16/1988; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 33.399140
Cordova.Jana; 4/23/1997; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 14.154690
Cordova.Joseph D.; 11/21/1992; Nara Visa; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 17.693361
Cordova.Kelly R.; 9/6/2008; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 1 1 .000000
Cordova.Kenneth; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 28.760000
Cordova.Leroy 5/28/1993; 16.883630
Cordova.Lisa 2/6/2008; 24.085838
Cordova.lrma; 7/16/1984; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.900000
Cordova.MarkJ; 9/5/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.737000
Cordova.Mary J.; 9/13/1993; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 16.053423
Cordova.NickK; 2/25/2006; 17.620810
Cordova.Sam; 17.309723
Cordova.Samantha; 4/7/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; : Health; 9.447867
Cordova.William E.; 9/1/1990; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.420000
Core,Andrew B.; 4/23/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 35.878070
Coriz, David L; 11/25/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A;; 24.207417
Coriz,AlexF.; 6/11/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.942430
Coriz,Arlene F; 10/3/1977; Santa Fe (City); OUST SRV REP-A; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.496357
Coriz,Jerome A; 2/7/1985; (City); Santa Fe; CUST SRV REP-A; 16.568918
Coriz.Carmen; 2/21/1983; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-B;; 14.545269
Coriz.Daniel J; 6/21/2004; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-O; Department of Transportation; 13.202200
Coriz.Javin J; 8/12/2006; 13.458730
Coriz.Kelly D.; 5/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.158190
Coriz.Raymond; 12/22/1986; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.443701
Corlett, Roberta P.; 2/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.545810
Cormier,Michae1; 15.304810
Cornejo, Norma A.; 12/29/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Cornejo, Phyllis J 9/18/1989; 20.905460
Cornelius,Bob; 1/23/2009; Santa Fe (City); INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-O; Public Regulation Commission; 13.610000
Cornelius.Gerald R.; 11/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 23.271826
Corona, Priscilla C; 9/10/2005; Carlsbad; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 10.713005
Corona.Bridgett D.; 11/4/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 14.135630
Coronado, Dolores 5/6/2006; 22.070938
Coronado.Leroy M; 9/11/2000; Roswell; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.479810
Coronado.Luz A.; 7/7/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.000000
Coronajdania; 11/1/2008; Taos (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Corrai.Sebastian 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Corral, Dolores S.; 7/20/1992; Hatch; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 12.915372
Corral, Lisa M; Belen; CLK-A; 12.895000
Corral, Miriam; 16.000000
Corral, Patricia A 1/22/2008; 9.185000
Corral,Tanna M.; 10/9/1990; Estancia; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.481457
Corrales,Antonio; 43.680000
Correa,Delia; 5/24/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.461853
Corriz.DeniseV; 4/16/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 15.021540
Corriz.Ernie 8/21/1989; 17.811512
Corriz.Jackre A; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.950000
Cortez, Alexander A; 5/3/1985; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 1 2.9641 39
Cortez, Isaac J; 1/5/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 1 1 .288730
Cortez,Frank; 3/7/1998; Eagle Nest; TRMT-B; 15.915291
Cortez.Carlos J; 12/29/2007; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.000000
Cortez.John; 6/10/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Safety; 19.944460
Cortez.Joseph; 16.000000
Cortez.Kathryn 1/19/2009; 44.160000
Cosby.Erlinda H. 9/20/1 999; 1 8.81 8600
Cosentino.Larry J; 10/8/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 32.817600
Cosentino.Sharon T; 8/18/1997; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.777609
Coss,Brian D.; 6/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); CRIM JUST & LW ENF-A; f Public Safety; 25.695496
Costales,Nick J.; 12/21/1992; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 25.340537
Costales.Frankie 5/27/2003; 14.826603
Costales.Jacqueiine; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.640000
Costello, Evelyn M.; 4/19/1993; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 23.684760
Costilla-Gonzalez.John M; 2/15/2003; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.776901
Cota, Shannon D; 16.552678
Cota.Alfonso 5/31/2005; 29.358120
Cota.GloriaA; 17.733600
Cothern.Melinda C.; ANAL" Bernalillo (City)
Cotie, Joseph R; 9/11/1989; Farmington; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.428193
Cotner,Martha Kate; 9/7/1998; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.174000
Cotton, Isabelle A.; 2/23/2009; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; F Workforce Solutions; 12.000000
Cotton, Kelsey; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.438190
Cotton.Woodrow C.; 1/17/1995; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 12.724749
Cottrell.Jerry; 12/1/1988; Roswell; A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 35.924000
Coulter, Barbara; 11/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Game & Fish; 19.759460
Council,Terry L.; 5/18/1987; Grants; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.173500
Council.John A; 10/12/2004; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 18.211821
Cournoyer.Jeanne A; 12/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 21.978693
Courtney-Peterson,Karen L.; 1/7/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 35.074000
Courtney,Jon R; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.700000
Courtney.Katherine Ortega 6/14/2008; 30.594000
Couty,FredR.; 1/14/1991; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 21.613911
Cova.Luisa; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 12.500000
Covarrubias,Gabriel; 6/28/1999; Alcalde; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.886190
Coveili, Robert P.; 4/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; of Veteran Services; 15.000000
Cowan,Carolyn R.; 11/22/2003; Truth Or Consequen<; JANiTR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 10.084895
CowartBill G.; 15.907301
Cowley, Paul E; 10.715655
Cowman,Joann M.; 22.606630
Cox Senior,Raphael Theodor 1 1/29/2008; 13.000000
Cox, Luther F.; 4/4/2009; Farmington; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.270000
Cox, Rebecca J; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.596600
Cox, Wesley B.; 21.847000
Cox,Amanda; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 9.062000
Cox,Catherine E; 7/8/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Ruidoso; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.207460
Cox.Jeffrey R.; 1/19/1993; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-0; 16.354380
Cox.Melissa M.; 5/8/2004; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Rehbltation; 16.880943
Cox.Steve Roland; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.470000
Cox.Suzanne; 3/30/2002; Roswell; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.415191
Coxjrisha; 9/8/2008; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.000000
Coyazo.Connie J.; 1/20/1994; Alamogordo; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.822770
Crabb-Ramirez, Paula D.; 14.136000
CrafLJoshua Ray; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 37.000000
Craft-Herman,Carol A.; 3/17/1986; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 18.081526
Craft, Howard P.; 4/23/1998; Roswell; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 19.492851
Cragun.RitaA; 2/28/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Socorro (City); Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 18.846460
Craig, Abel; 12/19/2005; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.500000
Craig, Darren D.; 11/25/1991; Raton; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.966630
Craig, EracaD; 13.469810
Craig.George Frank; 10/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.000000
Craig.Mark Ray; 1/13/2008; Datil; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 10.184690
Craig.Neicie; 4/23/2005; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.885059
Crain.Twila Ann; 7/26/2008; Gallup; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 9.796000
Crandaii.Ann 7/28/2008; 32.000000
Crane, Lawrence R; 10/2/2003; Bernalillo (City); FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 22.789513
Crane, Lorraine D.; 6/1/1998; Roswell; MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 18.538630
Crane, Robert W.; 6/15/1998; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.926190
Cranmer,Gregory E; 15,304810 Perez, Daniel T.; 14.229810
Crass,Alane Patrice 1/24/2009; 30.198000
Craven,Carolyn K.; 9/9/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 20.547550
Craven.William E.; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 23.440000
Cravens-Rodriguez, Linda J.; 7/25/1998; Albuquerque; GENI; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.479312
Cravens, Robert V; 4/10/2000; Albuquerque; PR COORD-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 22.116600
Cravens.Cindy M.; 30.119552
Crawford III.Leef W; 1/29/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Crawford, Barbara E.; 1/12/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Human Services Department; 30.615300
Crawford, Michael W; 12/16/2002; Lovington; OCC HLTH & Sh 1 V SP-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 19.154513
Crawford.Yvonne M; 8/3/1987; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-0; 18.152300
Crawforth, Laura J; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; BUSOPSSPEC-B; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.328190
Crayton,Cory D.; 22.517000
Credeur,Michael B.; 2/8/1999; Roswell; STAFF - MTD/SID; Department of Public Safety; 34.907300
CreekJames D 2/18/2002; 29.040258
Creel-Unis,Nancy S.; 3/3/2001; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 16.699190
Creighton, Kathleen M.; 17.965630
Cremeans, Cynthia I.; 1/25/1998; Deming; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 15.410465
Cremer,Quinn R.; 6/10/2002; Los Alamos (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.791373
Crespin, Edward R; 5/3/2004; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.154690
Crespin, Richard E. 5/8/1993; 42.518911
Crespin, Ronald; 6/6/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Treasurer; 31.708541
Crespin, Sherry K.; 2/10/1997; Albuquerque; LGL SUP WKR.AO-A; Workforce Solutions; 19.327070
Crespin, Stanley 5/9/1994; 28.053275
Crespin,Stella; 10/9/2007; Las Vegas; AO-O; FIN SPEC; 13.458190
Crespin,William E.; 9/27/1976; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 36.206355
Crespin.Beverly J; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.739810
Crespin.Corrine T; 8/4/2001; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; 1 1 .347463
Crespin.John A; 8/1/1992; Las Vegas; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; Department of Health; 14.765938
Crespin.Kimberly M.; 6/22/2002; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-O; Department of Health; 19.066238
Crespin.Mathew A; 1/31/2005; San Ysidro; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.004190
Crespin.Paul E 8/12/1990; 40.578342
Cress, Dianne C; 2/1/1982; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 20.918810
Cressman, Daniel; 8/24/1988; Las Vegas; MENTAL HEALTH CNSL-A; Department of Health; 25.491150
Cribbs,Shank M; 16.275630
Crider,Amanda E; 11.000000
Crider.Stephen; 4/12/1997; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.230500
Cripps,Roger Dale; 11/20/2006; Socorro County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.427630
Crist, Mary Elizabeth; 26.430000
Criswell,Adam A; 10/28/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.639810
Criswell,Ashley B.; 11/1/2008; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Hobbs; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Crites.Jennifer S.; 4/7/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 11.000000
Croasmun, Deborah Ann; 9/27/2003; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0;; 12.596570
CROCKER,SVEN; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 11.282000
CrockettCharlotte B.; 2/7/2009; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.860000
Croker, Joyce R. 4/1 9/1 993; 20.48981
Croker,Monique; 2/20/2006; ty); Santa Fe (C; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; 13.772690
Crollett, Richard J.; 5/11/1998; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 31.935396
Cromwell.Jamie Robert 7/14/2007
Crone,Caroline J.; 5/24/1993; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Public Education Department; 15.513728
Crook.Mary; 26.437425
Crook.Susan; 5/26/2000; Aztec; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 16.000000
Crooker, Jennifer A; 15.870000
Crooks, Julia E; 15.659000
Croom.Linda; 8/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 16.781923
Crosby, Doug P; 2/12/2007; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B;; 20.185076
Cross Maple.Catherine L; 3/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Public Education Department; 56.225540
Cross, Victoria Mary; 16.000000
Cross,MaryK; 7/29/1986; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-A; Information Technology; 18.211564
Cross,Shree R.; 8.500000
Cross.Angela F.; 7/18/1994; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 31.530000
Crossley, Rebecca Jean 1/12/2008; 22.659000
Crosswhite,Carl L.; 15.377810
Crouse,Amanda; 8/12/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.654000
Crowder, Nathan J.; 11/12/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 10.010000
Crowder,Stephanie A; 8/5/2004; Clovis; REG NURSE-A;; 25.927594
Crowe,Anita K.; 2/19/1994; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 19.716600
Crowe.Jay P; 12/18/2004; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COiVl SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 25.807660
Crowell.Marylynn N.; 5/31/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 16.240000
Crowley-Arries,Cherrie D; 18.434000
Crowther.Brad R.; 12/11/1978; Cuba; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.108751
Cruise,Shawna L 10/1/2007; 16.830000
Crum.Aurelia S.; 6/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; of Transportation; 13.649941
Crum.Timothy C; 11/6/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Public Education Department; 25.702000
Crumley, Kenneth; 3/24/2004; Albuquerque; PSYCH IATRIST-0; Department of Health; 73.844173
Cruz-Acevedo,Meriinda; 11/28/1988; Albuquerque; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.890456
Cruz-Esparza,Joe!; 12/6/1993; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 38.770000
Cruz-Tapia,Rocio Haydee 8/9/2004; 15.299201
Cruz, Hector; 3/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; 20.410000
Cruz, Joseph L. 8/1/1994; 16.919059
Cruz, Nora L; 9.719376
Cruz, Patrick J 1 1 /3/2008; 1 5.000000
Cruz, Roy C.; 1/4/1992; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.306238
Cruz,Eiona B; 8/19/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 35.576900
Cruz,Katherine; 6/15/1987; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.718066
Cruz,Victoria F.; 7/24/2000; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 19.881000
Cruz.Arthur M.; 23.200000
Cruz.ArthurR; 8/2/2003; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 14.158690
Cruz.EldieR.; 2/25/1991; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.653810
Cruz.HieuT; 10/15/2002; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; F Workforce Solutions; 18.754861
Cruz.Humberto; 12/16/2006; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Silver City; New Mexico Corrections Dept; ^niparty; 19.886433
Cruz.Jessica Lorena 1/27/2007; 16.251600
Cruz.Lynnette A; 9/19/2005; Santa Fe (City]; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Indian Affairs; 23.561600
Cruz.Manuel T.; 17.217810
Cruz.Michaei 3/1/2003; 17.141387
Cruz.Robin A; 9/23/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.885850
Cruz.Ronald 1.; 1/29/1992; Santa Fe (City); GEN!; Taxation & Revenue Department; 41.789725
Cruz.Rory; 8/4/2008; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.000000
Cruz.Tommy F.; 6/30/1986; Clayton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.159810
Cruz.Valerie A; 1/20/2009; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.170000
Cruz.Virginia; 11/19/2005; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 17.382000
Ctiaparro.Teresa; 6/12/2000; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 25.674045
Ctiavarria,Rigoberto R.; 2/7/1994; Tucumcari; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Ctiavez, Elmer W; 15.730810
Ctiavez.Brenda L 4/22/1996; 17.375630
Ctiavez.Sandra Yvette 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Cuaron.Adelita B; 9/29/2001; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 9.480000
Cuatt,JanetC; 12.868147
Cubbin.Lauretta M.; 2/17/1992; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.891912
Cuddy,AlanS; 8/27/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.727798
Cuddy,ErinF.; 9/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); DET&CRIMINVEST-B; Department of Transportation; 15.889810
Cuddy.M.A. Muffet; 2/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 44.170150
Cudia.Christopher S; 1/31/1994; Las Vegas; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 24.819115
Cuellar,Alex D; 10/24/2005; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant II; General Services Department; 26.595240
Cuellar.Angelita; 11/10/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.170000
Cuellar.Katie G.; 9/15/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFiC Alamogordo; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.359500
Cuessy,Alberto P; 6/10/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Education Department; 27.369231
Cueto.Cynthia 6/5/2006; 28.063694
Culbertson.Myles; 45.850829
Culin,Jeffrey Cruz; 8/23/2008; Roswell; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 15.110000
Culkin,Victoria 2/9/2008; 21.222000
Cullers.Tod M.; 11/9/1998; Orogrande; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 25.375500
Culver, Dennis O.; 18.087937
Culver.David A.; 10.810570
Cummings,Erica J.; 1/12/1998; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-A; 23.874630
Cummings.JulieA; 8/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 21.919800
Cummins.Timothy; 10/24/2005; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Workforce Solutions; 30.230300
Cunejo.Delores M.; 6/23/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.233830
Cunningham Rodriguez, Nanc; 11/9/1992; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.609695
Cunningham, David; 2/12/1998; Capitan; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.960630
Cunningham, Elizabeth G; 10/6/1986; Roswell; A/OII; Human Services Department; 42.932760
Cunningham, Norma Jean; 7/1/1990; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Cunningham, Ryan David; 11/28/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.060000
Cunningham,Kenneth k; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Game & Fish; 30.708300
Cunningtiam,Brenda Gay; 6/2/2008; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public Defender; 15.237000
Cupit,Christopher James; 17.058293
Cupka, Shannon; 5/19/2007; Albuquerque; STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 26.887250
Curiey.Annette V; 3/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Information Technology; 33.417317
Curlee,Alana S; 22.450955
Curnutt.Mark A.; 8/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER- A; 30.000000
Curran, Curtis J.; 22.517000
Curran.JodyR; 41.009080
Curry-Hernandez, Misty J; 9/29/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Alamogordo; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 23.399460
Curry,Dwight; 6/18/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.038730
Curry,Ronald R; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; Environment; 55.724760
Curry.Daniel R; 6/17/1985; 22.830116
Curry.Patricia L.; 9/28/2002; Truth Or Consequen<; MED REC& HLTH INF-O; of Health; 14.441690
Curtis,John H 6/28/2008; 11.673000
Curtis,Joyce K; 7/22/2002; Roswell; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.035190
Curtis,Maria E.; 3/8/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.835630
Curtis.Anita M; 12/9/2002; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Public Education Department; 27.079981
Curtis.Frederick John; 7/29/2006; Orogrande; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 17.020000
Cushman, Sandra Kay; 10/20/2007; Truth Or Consequeni; Certified Medication Aide; 13.697000
Custer.Rose; 24.066840
Cuthair,Monica R; 10/17/2008; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Cuthrell,Loretta M; 10/15/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEER,AO-PE-0; Public Regulation Commission; 26.239500
Cutler,John D.; 14.934038
CUYLEAR,REBECCA D.; 8/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.936000
Czinger, Barbara L 8/27/2005; 20.399000
D'Amour.Gregory Lee 3/19/1988; 44.994959
D'Angelo,Joseph C 2/23/2004; 24.269206
D'Antonio,John 4/13/1998; 62.239800
D'Coda.Denise; 23.491411
D'Omellas,John F.; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Human Services Department; 34.690000
Da nielson, Bryan J.; 1/12/1998; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 36.588925
Dabovich,Jeremy S; 6/14/2008; [City); Santa Fe; J AN ITR&CLN R, N OM Al D-B; 9.500000
Dacosta.NancyA; 1/7/1991; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 42.878161
Dagle.Erin Daniel; 7/26/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.470000
Dagones.NichoIas; 4/10/1989; Las Cruces; GEN 1; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 39.039920
Dailey, Laura Jane; 11/1/2008; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Dailey,James A; 4/4/2009; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Dailey.Aaron; 10/15/2005; Farmington; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 23.204460
Dale, Michael R.; 2/16/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; : Environment; 32.922000
Dale,Tyrell; 6/2/2007; Alamogordo; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 10.184690
Dale.Sherri L; 1/24/1994; Rosweli; ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 24.934183
Daliege,Christina 4/23/2005; 9.299519
Dalmy, Jacqueline; 6/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 13.774690
Dalmy.Andrew J 9/4/2001; 23.354288
Dalton,Coit Lee 7/14/2007; Narne; 13.489810
Dalton.Theresa M; 20.233600
Daly.Martha A; 3/1/1990; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 43.729000
Daly.Stephanie L; 2/8/1993; Clovis; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.159601
DAMMEL.MELANIEC; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; 16.000000
Damron,Kayla G.; 7/7/2007; Clovis; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 13.324690
Dancker.Stacy; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 25.500000
Dane, Karen; 6/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 11.500000
Danford,Paula; 9/11/2004; Alamogordo; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.235190
Danfortti,Reginald 1/14/2006; 14.229810
Dangler,HughW; 9/1/1989; Santa Fe (City); Chief Public Defender; Public Defender; 53.070920
Daniel, Leslie J; 19.403460
Daniel, Mary Jo; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 31.509425
Daniel,Timothy V; 11/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.760000
Daniel.Katharine W. 10/25/1999; 28.096263
Daniel.Nellie F.; 7/6/1992; Roswell; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.185684
Daniel.William Thomas; 12/2/2006; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.520689
Daniele.Tammy K; 17.877600
Daniell.Keli; 8/1/2005; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 20.400000
Danielle.Gary; 11/23/1998; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.968288
Daniels.David A.; 7/26/2008; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 18.000000
Daniusjgnas; 5/27/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.000000
Danley,Donna; 10/2/2000; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 17.679701
Dannenbaum,Karen H; 22.965956
Darbro,Nancy Mae 7/2/2005; 36.463590
Darby, Robert; 7/22/2002; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.739630
Darden, Michael A; 10/12/2004; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.229810
Dariiels,Carol R.; 4/2/2001; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.490232
Dark.Marcea R; 2/14/1994; (City); Santa Fe; CLMADJ,EXAM,INV-0; 22.183486
Darleyjackie M 12/15/2003; 14.416630
Darnell.Travis P.; 10/18/1997; Albuquerque; LINEN; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.649460
Darnold, James R.; 6/27/2005; Otero County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.470341
Darrah, David C.; 12/11/2006; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 18.595515
Darras,Leonard L.; 10/16/1995; Springer; TRMT-0; 16.890010
Darrough,Jonathan; 9/13/2004; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 1 1 .700725
Darwin.Valerie; 9/8/2007; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.920000
Dasenbrock.Reed; 6/11/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Cabinet Secretary; 79.786700
Dasheno.Gabriella S.; 8/30/1999; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; State Land Office; 18.442557
Dassie,Christyann E; 9/29/2008; (City); Santa Fe; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; 20.400000
Dauber,KateM; 26.081000
Daugherty,Jeff S; 9/20/2005; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 2; Workforce Solutions; 28.063694
Daukei.Rose A.; 3/22/2008; City); Santa Fe i; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Dauphinee,Thomas L; 12/20/1993; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 47.277000
Davalos I, Robert Frank 7/12/2008; 14.560000
Davenport 1 1 1, Raymond W.; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-0; Department of Environment; 12.370000
Davenport, Deborah J.; 12/1/1991; Fort Bayard; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Department of Health; 13.980214
Davenport, Robert; 2/10/2007; Moriarty; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 11.398190
Davenport.Richard Angelo 9/20/2008; 14.560000
David,Joshua W; 6/2/2007; Datil; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; Department of Game & Fish; 17.020000
Davidson, Florene; 10/1/1962; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 29.048687
Davidson, Linda A; 12/15/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Carlsbad; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Davidson, Margaret; 65.164431
Davidson, Naomi; 3/21/2005; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 24.278000
Davidson,Don E.; 4/9/1990; Los Lunas; PSY-A; 28.903984
Davidson,Sharron S.; 11/7/1994; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 30.364097
Davidson.Leslie R 8/16/2003; 12.870000
Davies.Janie L; 2/23/2002; Roswell; A/OII; Department of Health; 31.862715
Davila,RoseN.; 8/9/2008; Silver City; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Davila,Santina N.; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL > Espanola; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Davila.Cari; 4/10/2006; Fort Bayard; FIN SPEC, AO-B; 13.365690
Davila.Emmanuel; 16.204513
Davis Junior.Frank Thomas 7/14/2007; 16.591600
Davis, Darron S; 16.419000
Davis, Dennis Michael 12/30/2006; 29.188300
Davis, Douglas F; 31.505250
Davis, James Bradford; 11/1/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 9.710000
Davis, Jason; 1/18/2005; Moriarty; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.701357
Davis, John; 5/17/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.880000
Davis, Joyce; 2/9/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.936726
Davis, Marcellus A; 11/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 22.554678
Davis, Mark Andrew; 10/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); AIRLINE PILOT-A; General Services Department; 23.880630
Davis,Barbara J; 4/17/1989; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 24.681172
Davis,Chad A.; 29.911000
Davis,ChadA.; 29.911000
Davis,Deanna Sue; 10/18/2008; Espanola; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 25.600000
Davis,Donald; 13.469810
Davis,George Edwin; 12/1/2007; Albuquerque; A/O 1 - PSYCHIATRY; Youth & Families Dpt; 85.610000
Davis,James H.; 12/1/1997; Santa Fe (City); GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 38.493473
Davis,Jane M; 5/12/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Sen/ices Department; 25.220460
Davis,Janice F.; 8/13/2005; Ramali; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.557000
Davis,Judy L.; 2/9/2008; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Davis,MarcA; 24.618000
Davis,Marian P; 11/11/2000; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 16.041000
Davis,Peter Paul I; 4/21/2003; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 23.303600
Davis,Rita; 2/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 7.510000
Davis,Viola E 5/9/1977; 23.921881
Davis.Brandi; 11/17/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 16.736000
Davis.Brian C; 14.560000
Davis.DanielJ.; 5/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Health; 24.198600
Davis.Danny R; 8/17/1987; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 27.020423
Davis.Elizabeth R.; 2/16/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 35.214486
Davis.Ezekiel; 12/31/2005; 17.140267
Davis.Janice F.; 8/12/1991; Clovis; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 27.573658
Davis.Justin K.; 2/16/2003; Cuba; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 21.824000
Davis.KyleC.; 1/3/2005; Corona; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.263690
Davis.Peggy Sue 5/31/2008; 1 1 .330000
Davis.Steven 5/5/1997; 17.185810
Davis.Steven; 22.391000
Davis.Susan L; 15.590818
Davis.Victoria M.; 2/23/2009; Portales; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; : Workforce Solutions; 12.150000
Davis.William J; 11/25/2002; Mayhill; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.300882
Davison, David A.; 4/21/1997; Ranchos De Taos; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 26.511228
Davisson.Michael A; 11/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 36.118300
Dawdy,Jane M; 5/17/2008; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 9.796000
Dawe,Charles W; 8/9/1986; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Roswell; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.507460
Dawoud,Kathleen; 6/2/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Dawson, Christine A; 19.139569
Dawson, David E.; 9/21/1992; Roswell; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.772169
Dawson, Scott A.; 2/19/1996; Santa Fe (City); PETROLEUM ENG-A; State Land Office; 34.434725
Dawson,Sandy; 3/5/2001; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Environment; 24.975018
Dawson.Alvena L.; 1/28/1995; Truth Or Consequent; RECREATION WRKR-B; Department of Health; 11.964949
Day, Patricia Lynn; 6/2/2007; Truth Or Consequent; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 19.259229
Day,Brenda M; 6/29/1987; Raton; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.540675
Day.Carol; 4/11/1988; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 28.819153
Day.Mary Ellen; 7/25/2005; Santa Fe (City); GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Environment; 37.159909
Day.Ronnie Joe; 12.526190
Dayton, Connie L; 9/22/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.751600
De Aguero,Daren J; 9/27/2003; Santa Fe County; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 21.764460
De Aguero.Virginia V. 8/24/1 998; 22.000000
De Cesare,Vincent; 3/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 28.784040
De Francis, Mark A.; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Public Education Department; 23.500000
De Gruyter, Patrick O.; 10/10/1992; Albuquerque; MINE/GEOL SPEC-NL-O; Department of Environment; 27.521422
De Hart.Susan E.; 16.321630
De Herrera, Connie S; 1/27/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 23.642600
De Herrera, Ernesto; 8/10/1998; Taos (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 22.864460
De Herrera, George; 13.919893
De Herrera, Joseph V; 4/14/1987; Gallup; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 29.093830
De Herrera,Phil; 17.164810
De Herrera.Duane 9/22/2007; 13.489810
De Hoyos.Barbie J.; 12/28/1999; Artesia; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.883423
De Kok.Julieann; 15.125630
De La 0,David; 2/19/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 35.084208
De La Cerda, April M.; 2/3/2001; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.321630
De La Cruz, Antoinette; 13.469810
De La Cruz, Daniel; 9/11/2004; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 15.834697
De La Cruz, Jared 7/1 2/2008; 1 3.000000
De La Cruz,K. Frances; 12/3/2005; Truth Or Consequen; CLK-A; 12.173690
De La Cruz.Raymond J; 16.098810
De La Fuente,Enedina P; 7/20/2002; Albuquerque; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 21.051731
De La G.Freddy R; 25.357000
De La Garza, Martin; 2/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 29.020040
De La Garza,Jackie; 17.351600
De La Garza,Rahab; 11/6/2004; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
De La Jara,Carlos; 11/19/2001; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.247190
De La O, Brian R; 7/5/2003; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 20.809460
De La Riva.Brandy; 5/14/2002; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 15.107318
De La Rosa,Joseph J; 10/1/2003; Las Cruces; LINE II; 23.036460
De Leon.Jazzie P.; 18.808250
De Saillan, Charles; 9/30/1993; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 39.784683
De Schweinitz, Johnnie M.; 12/28/1998; Espanola; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 23.710255
De Simone, Richard M; 6/25/2001; Albuquerque; GEN 1- ENGINEERING;; 41.976484
De Vargas.Lorraine R.; 18.632196
De Vary.Dennis R; 35.007883
De Yapp,Clarence C.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; . of Transportation; 16.882932
De'Armond, Betty; 7.500000
Deaderick,Nicole Joy 1/13/2007; 16.251600
Deaguero, Martha M.; 5/19/1997; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; General Services Department; 18.187255
DeAguero,DanaA; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); DISPATCHER II; c Safety; 12.438000
Deaguero,Karon; 8/2/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT 1 bCH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Regulation Commission; 22.219170
Deaguero,Susie D.; 19.648190
DeAguero,Vicky Marie; 10/21/2006; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Public Regulation Commission; 13.610000
Deahl-Smith, Connie J; 9/12/1988; Raton; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.389460
Deal.Kathie J; 1/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 28.056795
Dean, Freddie 8/8/2005; 8.322029
Dean, Holly Gardner; 19.550000
Dean, James B.; 22.517000
Dean, Lawrence D; 5/2/2005; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.150000
Dean, Lester A; 6/14/2008; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.500000
Dean, Michelle; 12/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.815190
DeAnda, Esther C. 10/9/2000; 14.773630
Dearborn, Carol J.; 5/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Dearing.Ruthie H; 1/4/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 31.636602
Dearmond, Beatrice; 5/19/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Gallup; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 20.657460
Deason, Donna K.; 10/23/2004; Truth Or Consequeni; A/O II; Department of Health; 28.053275
Deats.Bernadette M.; 7/16/2001; Albuquerque; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.427704
Debaca, Jackie L.; 1/30/1995; Truth Or Consequeni; RECREATION WRKR-B; Department of Health; 12.882739
Debari. Celeste; 18.251810
DeBerry,Stephen 9/20/2008; 13.000000
DeBois,Annette N.; 12/15/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.889500
Debusk.Danny R; 6/6/2005; Lordsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.466301
Decker, Debra Irene; 12/29/2007; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 10.154730
Dee,Ronney R.; 10/5/1998; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 14.360642
Deery, Marianne; 8/30/2004; (City); Santa Fe; Governor's Residence Chef; 44.145080
Deeter,Karen; 1/6/1982; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 11.438190
Deeter,Mary Melissa 9/11/2004; 15.125630
Deets, Mary H; 9/7/2004; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 16.778350
Defausell,Michael W.; 11/24/1990; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 17.878922
Defoe, George Waiter 8/27/2005; 15.937387
Degani.Sarah G.; 25.000000
Degrand,Susan L.; 27.228838
DeGuilio.Christine M.; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.979265
DeGuzman.Glenn; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-0; Department of Environment; 22.000000
DeHerrera, David; 11/1/2008; Guadalupita; 14.000000
DeHerrera, Roberta M; 1/14/1980; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.000000
Deherrera, Shirley; 1/1/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.458551
Deherrera,Julie A.; 6/10/1996; Bernalillo County; AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 15.010257
Deherrera.Edward A.; 8/23/1992; Springer; TRMT-O; 18.789372
Deherrera.Jason J.; 6/15/1998; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 25.461933
DeHerrera.M. A.; 11/3/1997; Rio Rancho; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 18.419810
Dehner,Jane S 12/5/2005; 25.949298
Dehosse.Autumn R; 19.193007
Deigado, Samuel; 9.420000
Deiong,Justin 11/29/2008; 13.000000
DeJamette.Dianna G; 5/1/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Public Safety; 35.851164
Del Rio, Cynthia; 5/9/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; tation; 16.537796
Del Rivero, Javier; 13.000000
Del Valle.Anita C.; 15.888920
Delanda, Beverly; 5/28/1991; Ruidoso; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.813656
Delaney.Jodi; 1/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 31.364500
Delao,Christopher; 8/26/1998; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 13.310690
DeLaRosa.Juan; 1/26/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Delarosajda; 9/22/1987; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Artesia; Human Services Department; 20.194600
Delay.Linda S; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 27.348682
DeLeon.Giilian 4/8/2009; SOC/COM SV COORD-A Raton; SECURITY GUARD-O Raton; SECURITY GUARD-O Raton; SECURITY GUARD-A Raton; 24.000000
Delfin.Anthony R.; 12/13/1993; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 37.616226
Delgado Jr.Cosme; 4/10/2004; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 16.269810
Delgado Senior, Joshua Jose; 3/8/2008; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.937500
Delgado, Albert; 2/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 36.103358
Delgado, Edgar 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Delgado, Mary Helen; 8/12/1989; Fort Bayard; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.784306
Delgado, Mercedes M.; 23.550505
Delgado,Anthony D.; 9/27/1993; Las Cruces; TRMT-0; 17.895630
Delgado,Crestina I.; 2/9/1993; Espanola; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.143357
Delgado,Gayla K; 7/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 23.411100
Delgado,Jerry; 21.847000
Delgado,Louie; 1/28/2006; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 16.314810
Delgado,Louis; 10.231570
Delgado,Luis Manuel; 7/12/2008; Artesia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.600000
Delgado,Sylvia B.; 11.750000
Delgado,Vicki Ann; 7/14/2007; Albuquerque; LINEN; 23.399460
Delgado.Efren D.; 5/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 11.000000
Delgado.Maida 11/14/2008; 13.000000
Delgado.Melanie M.; 12/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; : Environment; 28.739500
Delgado.Mesha R; 10/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 10.400000
Delgado.Michael J; 10/28/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.640000
Dell'Amore,Alexandra; 12/17/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 27.000000
Delling,Andrea B; 4/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 34.293300
Dello-Russo,Robert D; 1/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 29.220400
Deloach, Penny S.; 8/6/2001; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.597810
Delora.Marabella S; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Game & Fish; 10.500000
Delp, Patrick Alan; 2/9/2008; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 17.020000
Delp,RobertA; 12/19/2005; Deming; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 14.395370
DeLuna.Sonia; 11/3/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Anthony; Human Services Department; 13.936000
DeLupa.Jerilyn H; 6/16/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Demartino, Joseph P.; 9/8/1992; Grants; WELDR/CUTTR/SOD-0; of Transportation; 15.504216
Demartino,Thomas 7/5/1989; 37.279500
Demay.Loretta M; 5/8/2006; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 15.818810
Deme.John Howard; 1/4/1999; Albuquerque; STAFF; f Workforce Solutions; 27.334560
DeMella, Deborah; 2/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; A/0 1 - ECONOMICS; 25.361040
Demersseman, Clyde W; 8/22/2005; Albuquerque; General Counsel; F Workforce Solutions; 42.403846
Demint.Ann; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); CONSERVATION SCI-A; State Land Office; 21.535630
Denegri,Caren A; 3/27/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.515550
Denetclaw.Joann; 5/5/2007; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Denish, Diane; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Lieutenant Governor; Ofc of the Lieutenant Governor; 40.865000
Denish, Herb; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Second Gentleman; Ofc of the Lieutenant Governor; 0.001000
Denko.John; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; f Public Safety; 58.745120
Denko.Shirley 10/1/2007; 17.381894
Dennedy-Frank.DianeM.; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 20.400000
Denning, Letlia Jo; 8/22/1998; Roswel!; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 28.146000
Dennis-Drigo.Marva S.; 5/19/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.149230
Dennis,David M; 9/6/2008; Roswell; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; of Transportation; 15.110000
Dennis,Jerry C.; 2/7/1994; Roswell; WELDR/CUTTR/SOD-0; of Transportation; 13.773082
Dennis,Stephanie J.; 1/20/1994; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.985762
Dennis.Bert; 28.319846
Dennis.Teresa; 4/7/1997; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.332565
Denny.Shawn R.; 7/6/1993; Roswell; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 23.366170
Dentino, Charles T; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 23.399460
Denton, Phyllis; 27.163460
Denton.Charles G; 1/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); Bureau Chief 1; Public Regulation Commission; 24.332000
DePari.Catherine J; 10/6/2005; Raton; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 13.642810
DePaula.Daniel; 12/27/2006; Albuquerque; EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 25.014000
Des Champs,Alfred |_; 9/20/1999; Springer; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.268190
Des Georges.Steven R.; 4/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 22.986275
Deschaine,Kelly; 10/8/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.499460
Deschamps,Emilio A; 2/28/2005; Roy; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.660690
DesJarlais II I, Larry James; 9/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-O; General Services Department; 20.000000
Desmare.A Sterlin; 12/4/2004; Orogrande; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Public Safety; 18.529460
Desmond-GarrettMichelle; 5/18/1992; Albuquerque; GEN 1; Department of Transportation; 33.982404
Desmond, Kathleen; 2/21/2009; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 17.550000
Destea,Nora 12/12/1988; Santa Fe (City)
Destea,Oscar; 9/24/1994; Gallup; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.529460
Determan.Gloria; 8/25/2008; Rosweli; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.000000
Detrich,Jeremy J; 12.755190
Detrick,Bryan S; 3/11/1996; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 14.261836
Deturck-Kofchur.Gretchen; 9/11/1995; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 1 9.690405
DeVargas,Lucretia CM.; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Devargas,Melvin L 3/4/1991; 17.190810
Devargas.Geraldine D.; 3/16/1992; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Human Services Department; 20.849774
DevenportGenia Louise; 8/23/2008; Roswell; A/OII; Department of Health; 48.127500
DeVillegas,Dominic J; 5/22/1984; ty); Santa Fe (C; PURCHASING AGENT-0; 18.410700
Devine,Annette A.; 6/15/1998; Albuquerque; LINE 11; Public Defender; 24.919460
Devine.Charles; 12/19/1987; Las Cruces; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
DeWeese.Brian 6/14/2008; 13.760000
DewhirstRinda C.; 5/14/2007; Albuquerque; LGL SUP WKR,AO-0; Human Services Department; 15.458300
Dewsbury, Martha I.; 12.677570
Deyapp,Rhonda D; 13.254260
DeYapp.Timothy A; 21.500000
Dhagumudi.Venkatesh; 1/27/2005; (City); Santa Fe; IT GENERALIST 2; 35.100000
Dhawan,Neelam M; 7/21/1997; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 30.803171
Dhooge, Patrick M 7/31/2004; 30.714373
Di Luzio,Frank C; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.150000
Diamond, Jaden; 5/19/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Diamond,Adam D; 1/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.399500
Diamond,David C.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Diaz Junior,Nelson O.; 6/16/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 12.000000
Diaz-Bohr.Sandra L.; 7/21/2008; Gallup; CLK-A; 12.000000
Diaz-Rodriguez,Mary; 9/11/2004; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL > Portales; Human Services Department; 15.240630
Diaz, Beverly A; 8/6/1990; (City); Santa Fe; CLM AD J, EXAM, INV- A; 23.963254
Diaz, Francisco 3/28/2009; 8.500000
Diaz,Corrine R; 12/22/2008; Fort Bayard; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 7.500000
Diaz,Josef; 21.830178
Diaz,Manuel 1/7/2002; 16.303810
Diaz,Maura P; 4/7/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.403000
Diaz,Pauline T; 1/11/2007; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 15.000000
Diaz,Roberto; 23.200000
Diaz,Ronny J.; 6/19/1993; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 17.796865
Diaz.AnnaM; 15.773105
Diaz.Carlos; 8/17/2002; Chaparral; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 9.575343
Diaz.DanitaE; 4/6/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Human Services Department; 18.175630
Diaz.Frank; 2/17/1992; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.316172
Diaz.Gina; 23.399460
Diaz.Jose; 19.056494
Diaz.Juanita; 6/23/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.343811
Diaz.MariaC.; 4/17/2000; Las Cruces; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.863015
Diaz.Natalie J; 5/13/2002; Albuquerque; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 24.424000
Diaz.Paul A.; 13.000000
Diaz.RubenA.; 6/26/1978; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.688190
Diaz.TammyA; 9/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 28.827500
Diaz.Theresa A.; 10/12/1993; (City); Santa Fe; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; 16.385630
Diaz.Victor M; 8/14/1997; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAlD-B; 10.474533
Dib, George J.; 4/24/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.726770
Dick, Janet L; 7/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 27.335611
Dick.Katherine; 4/4/2009; Taos (City); REG NURSE-A; F Health; 25.500000
Dickens, Edwin E; 10/31/1983; Grants; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; Transportation; 24.774201
Dicker.Josephi R.; 10/4/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 26.000000
Dickerson, Deborah; 4/26/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/O 11 - IT; Department of Health; 42.783784
Dickerson, Kathleen 1/13/2007; 24.559500
Dickey, Lisa A.; 18.337009
Dickey.Jeffrey J; 3/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.500000
Dickey.JohnR; 7/20/2002; Socorro (City); FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.397211
Dickey.Sylvia; 9/10/1990; Hobbs; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.411897
Dickinson,Jerry A; 7/19/1982; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 36.800000
Dickinson,John L; 11/9/2002; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.981767
Dickinson.Tanya L; 7/19/2004; Albuquerque; DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Public Defender; 16.607630
Dickson, Mark H.; 9/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 30.536040
Dieterich, Debbie; 4/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); Dbl & CRIM INVEST-A; Medical Examiners Board; 25.080600
Dietz.Lisa M; 4/15/2002; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 11.000000
Diggins, Rebecca L.; 18.261055
Dignan,Lisa M; 28.539460
DiGregorio.Dean T; 11.960000
Dikitolia, David Sean; 12/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Information Technology; 38.253610
Dile,BruceR; 9/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.676919
Dill.Sandra A; 9/6/1988; Hobbs; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 22.023346
Dillard, Alicia; 11/3/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.303000
Dilley.Rosemary T.; 1/10/1987; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 24.064106
Dillingham.Beth N; 8/28/2004; Albuquerque; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 24.871793
Dillon, Jessica; 11/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; General Services Department; 19.005630
Dillon.Martha G; 7/28/2003; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-O; Gaming Control Board; 19.925630
Dimas, Robert E.; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.312683
Dimas,John A; 19.436347
Dimas.Antonio; 10/6/2003; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 8.321590
Dimas.Atziri Georgina; 12.000000
Dimas.ElisaC; 6/3/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 20.956821
Dimatteo-Brown,Theresa; 10/21/1985; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 23.637460
DiMatteo.Christina A.; 4/9/2007; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 10.218145
Dimick, David W. 1/28/1991; 22.072600
Dindinger.Nancy R; 9/25/1995; Anthony; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.816901
Dingman.Michele Ann; 2/11/2008; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 19.941600
Dingus.Christy; 11/22/2004; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.692000
Diomede,Kelly K.; 6/11/1990; Clovis; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.984630
DiRuggiero,John A.; 12/11/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; of Transportation; 41.001295
Dissinger,Jeffrey A.; 1/22/2000; Raton; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 28.195000
Dix.LucyM; 12.719690
Dixon, Earle C.; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 29.900000
Dixon, Wi Hard N; 4/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; 21.000000
Dixon,Constance K; 3/8/1988; Grants; STAFF; Department of Health; 30.404276
Dixon,Edward; 1/13/2007; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.276000
Dixon.Tom D; 4/28/2003; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-O; 19.932335
Dixon.WadeF.; 4/25/2005; Datil; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.035401
Dixon.WillB.; 1/19/1993; Magdalena; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.226351
Dixson,Denise; 12.341339
Doan, Ronald S; 5/30/2000; Las Cruces; STAFF; Department of Health; 25.957298
Doan.Grace; 22.652803
Dobbs,KellyL; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 16.178133
Dobie,Barbara E; 5/9/1988; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 24.362600
Dobson, Pamela S. 1 1/29/1999; 24.051600
Dobson,Thomas 12/1/1988; 36.026000
Dobson.Frank H; 7/10/2000; Magdalena; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.751190
Doclda,Venkata Rao; 3/1/2003; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 34.144949
Dodd,NicoleA; 5/21/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.985059
Dodd.Dale A.; 2/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.795256
Dodda.Kavitiia; 10/4/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 1; 22.740000
Dodge-Campos,Gloria Jean; 10/6/1997; Albuquerque; LINEN; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.919460
Dodge,Paul; 4/9/2005; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 9.790000
Dodge,William Ernest; 1/5/1998; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 32.663768
Dodson,DeonJ; 18.700655
Dodson.Olin W; 8/27/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 26.338066
DODSON.SELMAJ. 8/27/2007; 19.592000
Doering.Micah Thomas; 23.900000
Dogliani.Lois J.; 9/3/1985; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Workforce Solutions; 28.685597
Doie.Kris; 24.130000
Dolanjobin A; 36.026000
Dolezal-Collins.Angela Victor; 10.870000
Dolge.Jonna; 11/3/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Dolores, Judy Dee; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.358730
Dominguez l,MelcorTiburcio; 11/17/2007; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.375690
Dominguez Montoya, Nancy 2/4/2002; 9.222619
Dominguez-Gonzales.Beverlj; 12/11/2006; Albuquerque; APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.350720
Dominguez, David Anthony; 11/1/2008; Truth Or Consequent; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Dominguez, Dominic F; 15.937387
Dominguez, Larry H.; 25.900000
Dominguez, Mary Alice; 10/2/1986; Albuquerque; A/O II; F Workforce Solutions; 29.951070
Dominguez, Michael A.; 9.447867
Dominguez, Paula; 11/30/1993; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.887609
Dominguez, Peggy K; 8/1/1983; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.780672
Dominguez,Cristina G.; 14.487445
Dominguez,Dana L; 1/31/2004; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 27.317000
Dominguez,Edwardo J; 8/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 23.836908
Dominguez,Gabriel 7/9/2007; 7.781590
Dominguez,Geraldine G; 7/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Information Technology; 25.831600
Dominguez,Guadalupe T; 1/3/2006; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; EXPO New Mexico; 20.535630
Dominguez,Kristy D; 2/26/2005; Albuquerque; C0URT,IV1UNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.153189
Dominguez,Lorenzo E.; 12/15/1997; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-A; Department of Transportation; 29.280112
Dominguez,lsabelle O; 7/16/2005; Las Cruces; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.142303
Dominguez,Melinda R.; 1/29/2001; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.030191
Dominguez,Noel; 12.964139
Dominguez,Pete; 9/26/1994; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.868051
Dominguez,Ramon 9/8/2007; 12.000000
Dominguez,Richard Joseph 11/24/2003; 13.518938
Dominguez,Susan; 9/6/1989; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 15.906000
Dominguez,Susie Leza; 3/8/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 10.114570
Dominguez.Allen; 19.271600
Dominguez.Alvin C.; 1/23/1995; Las Cruces; EXEC -ENGINEERING; of Transportation; 48.441972
Dominguez.Angela L.; 11/13/1999; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; es Dpt; 25.642680
Dominguez.BarbaraA.; 8/10/1992; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-0; Workforce Solutions; 17.342603
Dominguez.Bernadette; 11.119000
Dominguez.Carmichael A.; 7/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 19.588747
Dominguez.Cecilia M.; 11/27/2000; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; F Workforce Solutions; 20.231267
Dominguez.Chris D.; 1/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; of Transportation; 18.859000
Dominguez.Cynthia; 11/12/2008; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.750000
Dominguez.David F; 3/31/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; of Transportation; 23.562880
Dominguez.Dora; 20.430000
Dominguez.Elisa T; 5/19/1997; Deming; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 18.608000
Dominguez.Emma; 5/7/1994; Bernalillo (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.648190
Dominguez.Erika; 2/11/2007; City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; 17.835630
Dominguez.James M; 2/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 20.513733
Dominguez.Kimmel L.; 6/7/1997; Albuquerque; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 16.841930
Dominguez.lsmaelC.; 6/25/2001; Roswell; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 48.156087
Dominguez.Marta; 17.731600
Dominguez.Michael; 13.469810
Dominguez.Rebeca; 7/5/2003; Carlsbad; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.807868
Dominguez.Rudy S; 15.333695
Dominguez.Ruth; 9/2/2003; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 16.194554
Dominguez.Sam P.; 2/23/1998; Carlsbad; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.831190
Dominguez.Sarabeth; 7/28/2008; Albuquerque; Teacher; Department of Health; 19.500000
Dominguez.ShirteyA; 2/6/1989; Santa Fe (City); TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.986000
Dominguezjnez K.; 10/9/1984; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 16.301753
Dominovich.Charlene T; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 13.994690
Dominski,NancyA.; 31.345341
Domme.Pauiine J; (City)
Domschot,Joe! E; 3/24/2007; Socorro (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.915300
Donoghue,Daniel J; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 41.114680
Donohue, Dennis; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Doolittle,Trent E; 6/15/1998; Deming; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 44.222315
Dorado, Sylvia C.; 10/28/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.639810
Dorame, Frances Joanne; 12/16/1992; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN& LBR SPC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.014432
Doran, Michelle; 10/7/2002; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 21.874594
Dore,Diane M; 11/18/2002; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; P Workforce Solutions; 14.371457
Doremus.Dale M; 4/6/1987; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Environment; 33.525036
Dorey.Michael S; 7/17/2004; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Department of Game & Fish; 35.002259
Dorf man, Rachel; 15.665630
Dorian, Justin; 7/20/2008; Abiquiu; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Doris, Betty; 12/4/2006; Albuquerque; Cabinet Secretary; F Workforce Solutions; 58.257080
Dorman,Melvin R; 1/1/2005
Dorman.Mary B; 9/27/2003; Las Cruces; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Rehbltation; 19.639955
Dorman.Sheldon R.; 6/11/1991; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.190556
Dorsey,Donald A 1/11/1982; 44.114360
Dorsey.Bryan L.; 7/26/1993; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF SJAIL^O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.937387
Dosedo.Michael; 4/26/2004; Ramah; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.395190
Doster, Pamela A 8/26/2006; 19.947630
Dotson,Brenna A.; 32.045152
Dotson,Wayne J; 5/20/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 39.179719
Dotts.Patti M.; 15.093156
Doty.Richard; 12/1/1988; Grants; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Dougherty Junior.DanieiThot 11/3/2007; 16.591600
Douglas, Pete M.; 3/24/1997; Farmington; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 18.896172
Douglas,Henry L; 5/4/1987; Albuquerque; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 20.314141
Douglass,Eileen I.; 3/5/1999; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 25.304206
Dow,Clinton E.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 12.693000
Dow.DavidA; 5/10/2003; Truth Or Consequeni; IT APPS DEV 3; 33.215300
DOWD,MICHAEL R.; 7/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.939000
Dowdyjracy L; 17.354600
Dowell.Mabel F.; 4/6/1992; Denning; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.104566
Downing, Timothy J.; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 11.432000
Downum.Julie L; 14.752807
Doxey.Virginia M; 4/25/2005; Albuquerque; PERS FIN ADVISOR-A; Retirement Board; 20.975338
Doxtator, David; 24.949600
Doyle, David J.; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; Santa Fe (City)
Doyle, P. Colleen; 10/17/1994; Raton; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 27.373358
Doyle.Sally Jo A; 7/28/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 14.750000
Drabanski,EmilyA.; 2/10/1986; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 30.427971
Drabek-Ortiz, Judith A.; 3/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 24.761795
Drake,Mary; 3/13/1995; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 30.258107
Drake,Stephen C; 19.640000
Drake,Susan W.; 12/3/1990; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.271640
Drake,Thomas 8/4/2003; 19.356947
Drake.Raymond A.; 21.411460
Drake.William B.; 1/3/1989; Fort Sumner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 18.408401
Draney.S Scott; 6/27/1988; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 25.614705
Draper, Amanda H; 10/15/2001; Fort Bayard; IT GENERALIST 1;; 19.090000
Draughon, Danny L; 2/18/1991; Las Vegas; 10.549263
Dreher,Helen L; 10/15/2002; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; t of Environment; 22.040276
Dresp.David J 10/11/2003; 16.250600
Drew,Derek; 18.250000
Drexler, Dolores; 6/8/2002; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.699216
Drez.Nancy G. 10/1 6/1 989; 27.01 3069
Drinkard, Michelle M; 8/23/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 27.262450
Drinkard.Joshua; 4/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Safety; 25.252372
Driscoll, Daniel K; 3/25/2006; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.853460
Driscoll.Judy A.; 9/18/2000; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.987629
Driskell, Bonnie L; 9/1/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Driskell, Russell W.; 9/1/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Drobinski, Diane E.; 1/16/1995; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE SURVYR-A; Human Services Department; 25.453000
Drucker.Allison Faith; 11/1/2008; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 13.301000
Drucker.Barry G; 18.207959
Drummonds,Holly A. 7/26/1993; 26.193462
Dryden,Marjorie E 12/21/2002; 18.212809
Drypolcher, Patricia C 8/9/2004; 12.964139
Du Bois, Stephanie; 6/10/1997; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Environment; 29.246121
Du Passage, Elisabeth F.; 9/30/1996; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.932664
Du ran. Lea nor A.; 3/23/1996; Raton; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.802841
Duarte,David; 12/4/1995; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.490232
Duarte,Melida; 7/23/2007; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-B; Department of Health; 10.261427
Duarte,Ysabel R.; 12/18/1995; Hobbs; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 16.728685
Duarte.Anabel; 6/18/2007; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-B; Department of Health; 10.250000
Dube.Diane; 12/13/1999; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.552445
Dubois,Jules; 10/11/2005; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Workforce Solutions; 29.646539
Dubose,Mary M; 4/20/1987; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 27.445000
Dubriel.Melissa B; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.475630
Dubyk.William S.; 6/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 25.828740
Duck.Roberta Lee; 7/12/2008; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; Public Safety; 20.399000
Duda,Pamela E.; 2/21/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.500000
Dudrey.William A; 8/25/2007; Santa Rosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.989810
Duemling,William E.; 9/14/1991; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.596250
Duff, James E.; 4/26/1993; Deming; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; Department of Transportation; 15.403397
Duff.Colin; 5/16/1998; Alamogordo; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; f Game & Fish; 21.159821
Duffee,Debra; 12/29/2004; Los Lunas; A/OII; Department of Health; 32.711068
Duffey,AmyL.; 6/2/2007; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.415630
Dugas, Amanda Mechelle; 2/21/2009; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.470000
Duggan,Toni; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.221322
Dugie.Tracy A.; 6/24/1991; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.691600
Duke,Jacqueline M; 9/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 25.485605
Dulanto,Luigi; 7/15/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIST-A; Department of Health; 80.180513
Dulin,Paul 10/21/2006; 34.446150
Dumas Hunt,Deborah C; 11.714000
Dunaway.Amber; 5/21/2005; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.885059
Dunaway.Louanna; 2/11/2006; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 12.841252
duncan ll,william r; 1/6/1992; Truth Or Consequent; LPN & LVN-A;; 18.465000
Duncan, Gwyneth A; 12/11/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Transportation; 24.571460
Duncan, Keith J; 31.401000
Duncan, Lisa L.; Farmington; CLK-A; 12.500000
Duncan, Robert Allen; 1/15/1994; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 33.312000
Duncan, Samuel L; 4/9/2005; Clovis; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Public Safety; 13.171624
Duncan,Keith J; 8/20/2000; 31.401000
Duncan,MelanieA; 1/24/2009; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Duncan.Rachael M.; 11/14/2008; Aztec; COMPLNCE OFFICER-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.500000
Duncan.Robert Allen; 33.312000
Dunfee,Michael J.; 10/20/2006; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 13.539561
Dunfeejhelma H.; 8/29/1989; Roswell; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 19.584190
Dunivan- J a rrett, Margaret A.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Dunlap,Martin T.; 18.092732
Dunlap.Elizabeth A.; 6/4/1990; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 25.881340
Dunlap.Kay D; 4/9/1994; Truth Or Consequeni; A/O II; 28.053275
Dunlap.Travis M.; 5/14/1990; Roswell; LINEN; Department of Transportation; 29.759460
Dunn, Kelly Shawn; 11/10/2008; Socorro (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.440000
Dunn, Margaret Lucille; 1/3/1995; Las Cruces; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Environment; 29.741758
Dunn, Michael Allan; 23.200000
Dunn,JoannC.; 9/3/1996; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.010916
Dupree,Geraldine Kathryn; 3/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.285000
Duque.Sandra; 7/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 24.099460
Duran Junior.AibertJoiin 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Duran-Gurule,Anita M.; 1/31/1987; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.555561
Duran-Kuck.Joan; 11/15/1999; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.724810
Duran-Vigii,Suzanne P; 7/14/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Taos (City); Human Services Department; 13.836000
Duran, Adrian; 5/11/2006; Fort Bayard; BUS OPS SPEC-0; 17.233810
Duran, Alfonso; 1/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); Administrator III; General Services Department; 39.802700
Duran, Barbara L.; 17.298630
Duran, Brandy L.; 1/7/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.640000
Duran, Caroline Louise; 17.548137
Duran, Charlotte E.; 1/19/1999; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Environment; 19.909112
Duran, Charlotte; 1/2/2009; Santa Fe (City); Executive Assistant; Public Regulation Commission; 34.564000
Duran, Christine L; 12/15/1997; Las Vegas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.556070
Duran, Danielle; 30.491040
Duran, David M; 2/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.591984
Duran, Donald; 7/10/2006; Albuquerque; Division Director 1; Public Education Department; 43.059240
Duran, Eleanor; 4/26/2004; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; of Transportation; 18.051190
Duran, Elena M.; 2/21/2007; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.560000
Duran, Elizabeth; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANA^ Roswell; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Duran, Elsie E; 11/10/1980; Albuquerque; A/OII; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 30.405901
Duran, Frances M; 3/8/2008; Las Cruces; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.308190
Duran, Frances; 10/24/1981; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.982794
Duran, Gregory T.; 1/12/1998; Albuquerque; A/OII; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 35.080300
Duran, Isabel L.; 3/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; 24.627000
Duran, Joann; 6/19/2003; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.611595
Duran, Mary Alice; 20.528400
Duran, Mary Caroline; 8/17/1987; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.666942
Duran, Matthew A; 9/25/1989; (City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-O; 21.610000
Duran, Michael S.; 4/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 24.351896
Duran, Monica J; 6/4/2001; Albuquerque; 16.598983
Duran, Naomi R; 7/16/1988; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.659681
Duran, Patricia E.; 4/15/1991; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Health; 22.546230
Duran, Patricia G; 1/10/2006; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Tourism Department; 21.710769
Duran, Rebecca; 15.004651
Duran, Robert D; 1/3/2004; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; ic Safety; 18.499753
Duran, Roberta L.; 12/9/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 33.656300
Duran, Ronald; 14.800000
Duran, Rose Marie; 8/8/1987; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 26.056671
Duran, Steve P; 3/8/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.035630
Duran, Steven J.; 6/14/1999; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.392680
Duran,Alicia 3/16/2002; 24.630000
Duran,Angela L; 2/26/2002; Santa Fe (City); DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.383570
Duran,Cleo; 6/19/2000; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 11.500000
Duran,CorineS 1/25/1988; 16.107108
Duran,Denise L.; 7/29/1992; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.647500
Duran,Devona; 2/25/2006; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 17.540000
Duran,Gina 12/5/2007; 23.909460
Duran,Jarrod; 6/23/2004; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Duran,Jessica L; 6/16/2007; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.415630
Duran,John G.; 7.500000
Duran,John; 6/1/1992; Raton; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 20.090075
Duran,Judith A.; 8/2/1995; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 25.440600
Duran,JudyA.; 8/27/1990; Raton; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.537198
Duran,KryssC.; 11/1/2008; 13.300000
Duran,Lapriel E. 5/8/1995; 16.278190
Duran,LucasJ; 5/5/2008; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.150000
Duran,Lucille J. 6/2/1997; 20.058190
Duran,Michelle E.; 5/10/1989; Albuquerque; PERS FIN ADVISOR-A; Retirement Board; 19.491837
Duran,PhilbertJ; 10/12/1993; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.834190
Duran,Rocio; 14.249630
Duran,Ronnie C; 14.280309
Duran,Ross E. 6/14/2008; 22.740000
Duran,Sarah; 3/15/1999; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 16.118799
Duran,TinaL.; 18.109810
Duran,Vicky; 14.438190
Duran.Alexander G; 11/8/1984; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 15.794882
Duran.Alma E; 15.452329
Duran.Angela; 7/21/2001; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.719500
Duran.Arthur; 1/22/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 12.178500
Duran.Chrispin Walter; 7/14/2007; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 7.781590
Duran.Christopher; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Duran.Denise M.; 23.527000
Duran.Doreen Y; 9/12/1988; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.161300
Duran.Emma D; 12.892760
Duran.Jeanelle; 12/7/2004; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Environment; 15.770190
Duran.Joann R.; 1/10/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Information Technology; 38.636062
Duran.Loretta; 1/24/1994; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.935817
Duran.Magii; 1/19/1999; Roswell; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Duran.RaulA; 7/6/2004; Santa Fe (City); PERS FIN ADVISOR-A; Retirement Board; 21.334685
Duran.ReneeC; 6/28/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 14.100000
Duran.Robert A; 17.631600
Duran.SteveA; 7/17/1989; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 15.352190
Duran.Vickie D; 7/30/2005; Albuquerque; A/O II; Gaming Control Board; 30.605190
Duran.Yolanda M; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); 26.534706
DuranSaenzJheresa Y; 26.211600
Durant, Wanda; 11/17/2007; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 19.061600
Durant.Ben; 28-473379
Durbin.PaulX; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.227000
Durden.Denise E; 6/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.617770
Durden.Will C; 8/12/2002; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Workforce Solutions; 26.739525
Durkin, Margaret A; 10/14/2000; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; 19.694607
Duron, David; Las Cruces; Taos (City); Albuquerque; Alamogordo; 27.131990
Duron,VickiL; 15.999810
Dutchover,Monica; 11/24/2007; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 14.193036
Dutton-Leyda.Travis K.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; General Services Department; 1 1 .330000
Dutton,Don E; 2/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Gaming Control Commissione; Gaming Control Board; 48.893180
Duys.Diana H. 11/5/1994; 34.689568
Dwire,Marla R.; 1/8/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 15.548190
Dwyer.Steven Carlos; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.658730
Dye.JaniceL; 11/4/1991; Raton; HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 23.305146
Dye.Robert; 6/6/1981; Raton; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 22.862500
Dyer,Ryan Patrick; 16.000000
Dyer.Dennis D.; 1/16/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Safety; 24.605838
Dyer.James R; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-0; Department of Environment; 23.399460
Eagan, Ethel M; 6/30/2007; Grants; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; 9.539306
Eagan, Steven L.; 9/6/1994; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 34.225589
Eakin,Sean; 2/20/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.039048
Earhart-Edwards,Janice K.; 28.166772
Earl,Richard V; 6/9/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 30.151040
Earle.Danelle M; 11/1/2008; Tucumcari; SUP-A; 13.320000
Earle.John D.; 3/15/1999; Nara Visa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.626190
Earle.OeliaB 2/21/2007; 10.500000
Earnest, Mark A.; 8/20/2001; Albuquerque; GEN I; Public Defender; 44.550150
Earnest.Maureen A.; 6/17/1996; Roswell; NURS AIDE.ORDR.ATN-O; F Health; 10.393104
EarnestThomas G.; 5/7/1996; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 11.099242
Earnshaw.John R.; 36.382912
Easley,Stephen; 1/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); Chief Information Officer; f Public Safety; 45.489640
EastDollie R.; 11/14/1989
Eastman, Alftson L.; 13.469810
Eastman, Joyce J.; 3/18/1995; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0;; 20.172642
Eastman, Michael; 4/8/2006; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.623190
Eastman, Susan J.; 1/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Human Services Department; 38.534943
Eastridge,Cynthia 4/5/2004; 22.296513
Eaton, Lori A; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.000000
Eaton.Jessalyn A; 18.708265
Eaves, Robyn; 1/27/2007; Grants; FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 12.520689
Ebelacker.Sarena; 10/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 18.000000
Ebell, Bonifacio S.; 3/25/1985; Roy; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.783810
Ebell.Hope; 12.000000
EberhartGary L.; 3/17/1987; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 24.879630
Eby.HarveyP; 21.383000
Eccles, Scott M; 6/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A;; 25.371500
Echols,AnnT.; 1/9/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Regulation Commission; 31.415957
Eck,DavidC.; 10/19/1998; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; State Land Office; 25.645611
Eckert,Brian; 10/18/2008; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 32.700000
Eckert.Martin J.; 8/21/1995; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-A; Human Services Department; 24.175630
Eckhart,Kristina M; 2/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.086000
Eckhart.Curtis J.; 1/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Ofc of the State Engineer; 39.395612
Economy, Kathleen M.; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 29.000000
Edel.Melissa 3/10/2007; 28.764356
Edens Junior, Walter A; 4/21/2007; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 34.913040
Edgmon,CharlieA.; 6/14/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
EdimcHenrichY; 6/30/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.535630
Edinger.Emiiy $; 20.369433
Edmon.Cyrette C.; 12/9/1996; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.119804
Edmonds.Jo B.; 13.694690
Edmonds.Nathalie R; 2/6/1989; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Safety; 28.362415
Edmondson Jr.Andrew H.; 8/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 39.080000
Edmondson-Casias,L. Leann; 2/7/2009; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.940000
Edmonson, Evelyn; 9/24/2005; Las Vegas; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 15.774194
Edwards, Bob G; Albuquerque; LINEN; Human Services Department; 20.265460
Edwards, Harold; 21.847000
Edwards, MichaelJohn; 2/26/1990; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.425854
Edwards, Norman; 7/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 26.739500
Edwards, Richard T.; 11/16/1998; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 20.709153
Edwards,Christiana L; 8/22/1998; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Director; Public School Insurance Auth; 41.880592
Edwards,Karen A; 10/25/2003; Hobbs; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 15.530863
Edwards,Renai 1/12/2008; 26.990000
Edwards,Wanda 11/5/2007; 19.535630
Edwards.Mark D 10/1/1990; 45.237240
Edwards.Mary B.; 12/18/1989; Fort Bayard; PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 24.160027
Edwards.Terry L; 9/20/2003; Carlsbad; WTR & LIQ WASTE TR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.989810
Eeds, Richard B 10/6/2007; 35.460923
Eftekhari.Parviz; 2/22/1988; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 36.024362
EgbertAmyL.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 17.000000
Eggerton.Jennifer; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; 23.000000
Eggleton.John P; 12/31/1984; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 2; Workforce Solutions; 28.937815
Ehlers, Josephine; 6/4/2005; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 19.298630
Ehlers,Lisa; 5/2/2005; IVloriarty; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A;; 11.190690
Ehlert.Karen R.; 11/13/2001; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 28.183095
EhlertKeith Walter; 10/13/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Environment; 30.490040
Ei!iot,MarkC; 14.229810
Eib,DouglasW.; 4/1/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 25.021886
Eichhom, Diane Ruth; 10/14/2008; Fort Bayard; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 20.026100
Eichwald,Doreen; 5/23/1994; Rio Rancho; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.239236
EifferLGregory John; 12/2/2006; Roswell; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-B; Transportation; 13.279190
EIIis,Richard J.; 7/23/1990; Lordsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.155190
Eiland,Charles B.; 25.357000
Eilerbe, La Verne W.; 2/3/2007; (City); Santa Fe; A/0 1; 33.700800
Eisenberg, David T; 4/19/1988; Santa Fe (City); Asst. Chief Public Defender; Public Defender; 51.415700
Eisenberger.John R.; 19.791200
Eisenman.Willie L. 7/26/1 993; 1 1 .490458
Eizaguirre,Maria I.; 12/9/2005; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.139630
El Shenawy,Belinda Campos; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 10.000000
Ela.LisaL; 12/1/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.489810
Elder,Thomas B; 6/5/2000; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Youth & Families Dpt; 36.695066
Elias.Sergio; 8/27/2005; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 13.064139
Elizalde, Jennifer; 11.644690
Elizondo,Miguel A.; 10/20/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.949000
Elizondo.Antonio; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe County; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 13.650000
Elizondo.Carlos 10/30/2000; 30.124040
Elkins,Melissa J; 2/23/2008; Gallup; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.709750
Elkins.Katherine P.; 7/1/2000; Grants; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.418000
Ellenburg,William C; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; of Transportation; 13.000000
ElletMelissa; 10/18/2008; Carlsbad; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Ellig.Robert; 1/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-O; Human Services Department; 27.572602
Ellin, Nancy; 11/13/1999; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Human Services Department; 31.988739
Ellington, Dyan; 2/24/2007; Roswell; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 16.358560
Ellington, Ronald E; 10/21/2008; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.560000
Ellington,Brent; 9/28/2002; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.946795
Elliott, Robyn A. 2/14/2004; 31.324040
Elliott.Jason R.; 1/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; 21.918775
Ellis, Jill Kristy; 16.158208
Ellis,Joan T; 11/2/1987; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 36.747580
Ellis,Stephanie A.; 11/1/2008; (City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; 23.413000
Ellis.Angella Faye; 9/29/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.000000
Ellis.Betty J 4/21/2007; 14.821198
Ellis.Erica M.; 12/8/2003; Hobbs; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.791000
Ellis.James Stanley; 3/9/1985; Las Cruces; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.313752
Ellison, Christine; 16.122945
Elmaoued.Rola A; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 16.239716
Elmore,Larry K; 7/28/1986; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Health; 30.133327
Elmshaeuser, Wendy C; 3/22/2008; 17.351600
Elsbrock Junior.Robert Tim' 9/8/2007; 33.648300
Elsenheimer.Aric Grant; 7/16/2008; Las Cruces; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.470028
Elwell, Jennifer A.; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 16.489810
Elwess.Alden |_.; 2/22/1982; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O;; 20.690810
Ely.Sandra J.; 3/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 34.186232
Emblem.Jane E.; 15.516630
Emeanuwa,Anselm U.; 1/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 22.830920
Emel, Paul W. 9/1/1998; 14.000619
Emery.David Bryan; 4/3/2006; [City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 37.038103
Emmons, DouglasS; 10/7/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; 23.887017
Emord,Allan; 7/21/2007; City); Santa Fe; ITGENERALIST2; 33.198300
Emslie,Julia Rosa; 4/25/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 36.229000
Encin!as,Stephanie Gayle; 2/9/2008; Albuquerque; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 9.268730
Encinias, Andrew C; 12/6/2004; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; General Services Department; 16.619312
Encinias, Maria Jessie; 10.562911
Encinias, Martha L; 9/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.218373
Encinias,Casey H.; 9/20/1999; Rowe; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.331810
Encinias,Christine E. 6/20/1992; 20.212500
Encinias,Daniel P; 11.170000
Encinias,Jessica; 6/16/1997; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.606243
Encinias,Josie A.; 4/7/2007; Las Vegas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 12.250000
Encinias,Louis J.; 13.797190
Encinias,M. Theresa; 23.356053
ENCINIAS,MARGARITO; 8/11/2007; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.238190
Encinias,Michael Byron; 9.899000
Encinias,Samuel; 3/30/2002; Las Vegas; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0;; 12.620317
Encinias,Teresita; 1/2/1985; Portales; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.618972
Encinias.Adan M.; 1/4/2001; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; F Workforce Solutions; 20.410083
Encinias.Angelo; 10/4/2008; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Encinias.Casandra; 7/18/1985; Albuquerque; GENI; F Workforce Solutions; 36.359055
Encinias.Claudette Erica; 2/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 16.659710
Encinias.Darlene; 13.835630
Encinias.Esther 10/29/1991; 13.048183
Encinias.Jennifer R 8/12/2006; Alamogordo; Santa Fe (City)
Encinias.Mary G; 12.413303
Encinias.Mary; 12/9/1987; Raton; NURSAIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 12.784730
Encinias.Richard D.; 9/30/1978; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 11.417993
Encinias.Rita; 7/31/2006; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 17.552210
Encinias.Yvonne M; 4/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Information Technology; 26.615234
Enciso,Mary Jean; 14.489810
Endito, Herman; 7/1/2004; Thoreau; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.120701
Enenbach,Wiiliam R; 4/29/1985; Aztec; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.445500
Engelke.Cheryl Lyn; 12/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LICCLK-A; Public Defender; 13.044000
England, Camilla S; 9/28/2002; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Department of Health; 22.988705
England, Patricia A; 11/23/2002; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.396620
Engle.Kent E 9/25/2000; 22.929000
Englert, David E; 4/3/1989; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 28.841653
English,Amy Jo; 5/10/2004; Roswell; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Public Defender; 16.285630
Engstrom,Anders G; 1/25/2006; Albuquerque; PERS FIN ADVISOR-A; Retirement Board; 19.846015
Enos,Anya Dozier; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.630000
Enright,Anthony; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Public Education Department; 18.556000
Enrike,Vivian; 10/29/2007; Albuquerque; LGLSUPWKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 13.000000
Enriquez-Carrillo,Teresa D; 1/21/2003; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.148730
Enriquez, Martha; 3/22/2008; Las Cruces; CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.458730
Enriquez,Teresa S; 17.531130
Enriquez.Claudia N.; 2/9/2008; Gallup; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Enriquez.Richard; 7/5/2008; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Enriquez.Terry Marie 2/5/2007; 12.435389
Ensey, Virginia M.; 10/24/1994; Espanola; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.029190
Ensey.Michelle; 8/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-0; 18.572954
Eoff.Kresten B; 4/24/1995; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.150000
Eppard.Merl A.; 19.885921
Eppers, Pamela S.; 5/5/1998; Los Lunas; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A;; 19.148803
Epperson,Michael B.; 5/22/2004; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Eppler.Marsha; 11/15/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Public Safety; 19.500000
Epsteen.Wayne G.; 19.452020
Epstein.Steven D; 6/2/2003; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 24.574020
Erb,John; 6/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); PHARMACIST-A; Human Services Department; 46.828190
Erdman,Nan; 9/2/2007; al 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney Gener; Office of the Attorney General; 26.092892
Erdmann, Parry Andrew; 2/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); LINEII-ENGINEERNG; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.589500
Erdmann.Carol A 12/3/1990; 31.808472
Eret, Jesse; 2/24/2007; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-A; 19.465625
Eriacho.McKinsley M; 6/10/2002; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.958190
Erickson.EricM 5/6/2002; 17.877600
Erickson.Jennifer L; 5/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 19.779190
Ericson,Albert D.; 2/3/1992; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 25.331393
Errico.Kenneth A 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Erven.Cindy 10/20/1986; 15.548637
Ervin,Melissa 12/2/1996; 21.960460
Erwin,Jimmy D.; 10/28/2007; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.639810
Escalante, Edward P. 10/16/1989; 17.433810
Escalante, Esmeralda M; 3/8/2004; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.393630
Escalante, Julie M 9/1 3/1 982; 1 0.870000
Escalante,Rusvelina; 1/31/2004; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.040940
Escamilia.Grace; 20.255641
Escamilla,Rena J.; 18.064600
Escareno-Clark.Christopher F 1/28/2008; 17.500000
Escarsega,Steven 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Eschen bach, Karl A; 2/20/1984; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Department of Health; 21.728740
Esckelson.Victoria A; Raton; LPN & LVN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; Raton; 8.422029
Escobar, Leslie; 1/23/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.143548
Escobar.Vicky R.; 4/12/1999; Hobbs; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 1 1 .424349
Escudero, Barbara Q. 11/28/1994; 19.491600
Escudero, Edward R.; 6/4/1984; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 41.146483
Escudero,Mary Anne; 6/15/1987; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; 27.001226
Escudero.Lisa A; 2/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 25.209600
Escudero.Tony P; 10/1/2001; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 20.528056
Eshom, Robert L; 29.911000
Eskeets.Keene; 13.489810
Esparza, Daniel J.; 6/28/2008; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.500000
Esparza, Frank; 5/11/1992; Albuquerque; URBAN & REG PLNR-A; Transportation; 24.375344
Esparza,Christine M.; 17.737600
Esparza,Natalie; 9/8/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Public Education Department; 17.300000
Esparza.Victor; 5/22/2004; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Espinosa-Trujillo.Amber K.; 1/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 29.261756
ESPINOSA,BENITO A.; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 8.634500
Espinosa,Judith M; 8/14/2006; Albuquerque; Agency Director; EXPO New Mexico; 53.070920
Espinosa,Rita A.; 6/18/1993; Albuquerque; GENI; Human Services Department; 34.847577
Espinosa.Debra C; 6/30/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 30.692150
Espinosa.Judy Ann; 1/15/1985; Santa Fe (City); GENI; State Treasurer; 34.413866
Espinosa.Marcos D.; 9/29/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1;; 27.650000
Espinosa.Ramona A; 9/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; General Services Department; 14.597852
Espinoza I, Jesus Gabriel; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.440000
Espinoza, Donna G.; 4/13/1992; Espanola; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.747001
Espinoza, Dorothy B; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Public Safety; 19.973600
Espinoza, Jennifer 9/1/2001; 22.115838
Espinoza, Jessica N; 11/2/1998; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.137252
Espinoza, Lorenzo; 12/4/2004; Las Cruces; EMER MGT SPEC-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 25.360525
Espinoza, Marcos; 4/17/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.434000
Espinoza, Martha; 1/22/2001; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 11.490458
Espinoza, Pamela; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); 22.740000
Espinoza, Patrick A; 11.840975
Espinoza,Annette 2/21/2005; 29.339500
Espinoza,Benjamin B; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.180000
Espinoza,Christina F. 6/2/1 997; 1 5.8201 90
Espinoza,Dulemia T.; 11/8/1993; Albuquerque; IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; Workers Compensation Admin; 25.056556
Espinoza,Gabriel E; 9/22/2007; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Espinoza,Ragon; 16.000000
Espinoza,Rebecca A.; 7/12/2008; Albuquerque; 15.000000
Espinoza,Rita B; 2/10/2007; Roswell; FIN SPEC, AO-B; F Transportation; 14.365690
Espinoza,Robert A; 14.723810
Espinoza,Wilma J.; 3/1/1993; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 17.243810
Espinoza.Beatriz Janette; 26.466744
Espinoza.Joe D.; 6/3/2000; Eagle Nest; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.490232
Espinoza.Raymond F.; 4/9/1990; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 26.936373
Espinoza.Reina; 11/29/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; General Services Department; 13.310000
Espinoza.Rosina E; 18.051560
Espinoza.Susan Y; 17.350000
Espinoza.Thomas R; 12/10/2001; Las Vegas; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Commission for the Blind; 20.611865
Espinoza.Virginia; 6/15/1998; Espanola; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 19.982478
Esplain,Jessica S; 15.127630
Esquibei,Monique; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 17.000000
Esquibel-Alarid,Rose Eila; 8/20/1988; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 28.398000
Esquibel, Donna L.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.000000
Esquibel, Erica F.; 2/9/1998; ty); Santa Fe (C; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; 14.162933
Esquibel, Geneva; 9/18/2000; Albuquerque; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 17.414331
Esquibel, Mary Ann; 22.751638
Esquibel, Melissa; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.312810
Esquibel, Patricia L 3/10/2007; 19.846015
Esquibel, Ruby Ann; 1/22/1990; Santa Fe (City); Insurance Program Manager; Human Services Department; 40.044760
Esquibel,Christina M 11/24/1986; 20.235600
Esquibel,Deenie; 2/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; r Environment; 24.740450
Esquibel,JoAnn; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.610730
Esquibel,John; 6/7/1993; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.457270
Esquibel,Marcia K.; 1/2/1993; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 20.241885
Esquibel,Robert L.; 3/28/1994; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 24.530000
Esquibel,Veronica Anita; 4/16/2009; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Esquibel.Abel; 6/3/1985; Las Vegas; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 43.474689
Esquibel.Angie M; 7/11/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 1 1 .968667
Esquibel.Carla A; 3/17/1986; Springer; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.349873
Esquibel.Carole G; 7/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; 21.805630
Esquibel.DennisJ.; 4/7/1997; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.532109
Esquibel.Gaspar; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 20.400000
Esquibel.Jeff K 3/9/2002; 32.583470
Esquibel.Johnny E; 10/15/2001; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.743190
Esquibel.Lisa Marie; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-0; Department of Public Safety; 25.539500
Esquibel.lsidro; 4/27/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Regulation Commission; 29.106948
Esquibel.Lucille; 24.590000
Esquibel.Matthew A.; 32.045152
Esquibel.Priscilla Christine; 9/8/2007; Espanola; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 12.728730
Esquibel.Robert Mariano; 8/28/1985; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0; Department of Health; 16.871583
Esquibel.Walter R; 5/9/2005; Trementina; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.700190
Esquibel.Yolanda Y; 9/15/1989; Las Vegas; NURSING; LINE II â; 31.362440
Esquivei.Tommy; 4/15/2002; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.334190
Esquivel, Janice Yvonne; 5/30/1998; Albuquerque; ADMIN SERV COORD-A; Gaming Control Board; 18.240555
Esquivel.Liliana; 10/27/2003; Roswell; FIN SPEC, AO-B; 13.625069
Estelle,AmyD; 11/10/2003; Albuquerque; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; : of Transportation; 31.208500
Estrada, Carlos; 3/3/2008; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 10.759100
Estrada, Dan P; 23.180283
Estrada, Debbie F; 8/19/1992; Las Vegas; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 16.197596
Estrada, Diane L.; 6/21/1993; Las Vegas; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 24.159966
Estrada, Francesca G; 1/30/1978; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 23.822050
Estrada, Josephine; 16.001957
Estrada, Maria I.; 8/13/2001; Anthony; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 13.419402
Estrada, Martha A; 13.959523
Estrada, Marylou; 11/1/1997; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Silver City; Human Services Department; 18.837600
Estrada, Michael A.k.; 10/14/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 26.530000
Estrada, Pedro Ornelas; 27.373000
Estrada, Pedro Ornelas; 27.373000
Estrada, Rachel M; 3/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-B; Workforce Solutions; 14.438190
Estrada, Rebecca T.; 10/17/1991; Lordsburg; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 26.218187
Estrada, Rhonda Y.; 7/13/1998; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.034690
Estrada, Richard Hernandez; 12/1/2007; Carlsbad; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 14.859000
Estrada,Adam a. 4/1 8/1 998; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; 1 2.8481 90
Estrada,Allison Audra; 32.487422
Estrada,Barbara; 18.523765
Estrada,Janis K. 8/17/1992; 17.335632
Estrada,Juanita M; 12.164094
Estrada,Martha A.; 2/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 19.005630
Estrada,Nora Elisa; 12/2/2006; Silver City; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.108000
Estrada,Susan R; 1/10/2009; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 12.250000
Estrada,Wilford D.; 1/2/1990; Mayhill; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.421001
Estrada.Arturo 7/6/2002; 21.310000
Estrada.Edward P 3/7/2009; 13.760000
Estrada.Jesus J.; 28.053275
Estrada.Matthew James; 10/8/2005; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Estrada.Rita Leilani; 12/29/2007; Clovis; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 17.240000
Estupinan, Elizabeth A; 7/26/2008; Carlsbad; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.800000
Etcitty.Karen; 10/22/2005; Gallup; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.501465
Etre-Perez, Pamela L; 3/13/2004; (City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 37.234120
Etsitty,Lynette; 5/2/2005; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-B; 14.751761
Etsitty.Timothy; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 13.613690
Ettestad.PaulJ.; 7/29/1994; Santa Fe (City]; VETERINARIAN-A; Health; 40.979213
Euler,Barbara; 11/18/2002; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.946941
Evans-TarboxXisa Leigh-Anr 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Evans, Angela; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Evans, Jeffrey T.; 6/6/2007; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.160000
Evans, Joseph A.; 9/23/1991; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 17.529690
Evans, Margaret; 5/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 22.650630
Evans, Patricia Ann; 6/2/1980; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 35.942709
Evans,Angela; 11/10/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Evans,Bonnie Jean; 21.420000
Evans,Cynthia P; 22.857442
Evans,Danny 4/19/1999; 16.176810
Evans,Elsie; 15.830000
Evans,Kenneth; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Human Services Department; 35.138300
Evans,Tracie J.; 6/30/2007; Las Cruces; STAFF -NURSING;; 30.334040
Evans,Vickie L; 2/9/2004; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.900000
Evans.Clark E. 11/29/2008; 29.298000
Evans.Cornell; 6/25/1990; San Jon; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 28.113500
Evans.Eugene; 11/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEER,AO-PE-A; Public Regulation Commission; 35.096000
Evans.JohnB; 10/1/2001; Texico; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 27.913050
Evans.Kandace; 24.129120
Evans.Lela M.; 1/28/2002; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.908730
Evaro, Deborah A.; Albuquerque; Taos (City)
Evaro,SusanA; 17.820000
Everett, Karen L; 15.425690
Everett.Dedra Karlene; 5/24/1993; San Jon; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 15.124190
Everhard, Daniel James 11/29/2008; 14.560000
Everhart,Sondra; 4/26/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 37.510000
Eversole,Jarod Christopher; 3/17/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Ewan, Geoffrey T; 3/2/2009; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Ewer.Linda L; 1/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-O; 18.838777
Ewers.Christina L 4/22/2006; 34.371728
Ewing-Hayes,Jacque G.; 42.007277
Ewing,Jennifer L; 6/4/1990; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 24.672542
Ewing.Judith L.; 10/23/1989; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 23.193630
Ewing.Robert 4/26/2003; 15.304810
Ewing.William G.; 7/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 31.111949
Eylicio,Deanna M.; 2/9/1998; Albuquerque; INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 16.645162
Eylicio,Linda; 10/1/1988; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.137107
Eyman, Beverly A; 4/29/2003; Bloomfield; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.360630
Ezeanyim,Chika; 10/14/1993; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 20.845559
Ezeanyim.Richard I.; 10/1/1990; Santa Fe (City); GENI -ENGINEERING; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 39.578765
F lores, Mary Eloise; 2/10/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.264395
F u nek, David M; 4/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); STAFF;; 28.018517
F!annery,Jeanne; 3/4/1985; Santa Fe (City); Ombudsman II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 33.434660
Facteau, Evelyn R; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; & Revenue; 13.614690
Facteau,Dustene 5/23/1994; 25.721561
Fagan, Lawrence; VETERINARIAN-A Albuquerque; g-p^pp Roswell; STAFF Espanola; STAFF Deming; 19.055000
Fagre,Leslie P.; 17.225630
Fahey, Richard P; 3/13/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Fahey.Mark E.; 8/12/1991; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 39.409242
Fahrenkrug.Naomi R.; 21.667189
Fahrlender.Bruce W.; 12/1/1986; Cliff; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.526190
Faidi.Hashem; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 28.050000
Faigle.James C; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; TITLE EXIVl/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.090000
Fair.Thomas Anthony; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; A/O II; Gaming Control Board; 35.100000
Fairbanks,Joshuwa D; 7/26/2008; Roswell; PURCHASING AGENT-O; 16.890000
Fairchild.Sharon L; 11/13/1989; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Environment; 19.109777
Fairman,Siiawn Patrick 3/22/2008; 13.835630
Fajardo, Frank T.; 4/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 35.197000
Fajardo,Barbara A.; 12/23/2000; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 18.890000
Fallis, Jessie L; 11/7/2005; Albuquerque; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.178570
Fallisjonya G; 19.285914
Fallon, Kathleen M.; 5/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Human Services Department; 31.512680
Falls.Kathryn; 6/25/1995; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Human Services Department; 56.383320
Fambrough,Mark Evan; 23.200000
Faneili,Jackie M.; 6/14/2006; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.258730
Fanestiel, Michael; 3/26/2005; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 17.933359
Fank, Veronica S; 9/28/2002; Grants; LINE II; Human Services Department; 20.669460
Fannin,Kevin R. 6/14/2008; 13.041000
Fanning,lsadora; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 26.909379
Farbrook,Dave F. 5/5/1994; 21.161121
Farias.Miguel; 11/1/2008; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-B; : Transportation; 12.250000
Faries, Cassandra D; 21.409983
Faris.BartH.; 9/12/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 31.400503
Faris.Loretta Sue; 10/31/2005; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.399815
Faris.Rick C; 6/15/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 30.789850
Farley.Maggie; 12/16/2004; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 27.415509
Farmer,George L.; 5/16/1998; Roswell; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 20.223480
Farmer,Steven; 7/7/1998; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.099460
Farmer,Tim; 5/19/1997; Cimarron; GEN { - ENG{NEER{NG; Ofc of the State Engineer; 33.791000
Farmer,William; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.470000
Farmer.Aubrey W; 2/1/1993; Farmington; ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 25.447808
Farmer.James E; 25.252372
Farmer.Tamorah; 5/19/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.249230
Farrell, Maria Carmen; 5/21/1984; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 20.515814
Farrell.Catherine F. 4/19/2008; 23.000000
Farrelly, Richard J.; 8/14/2004; (City); Santa Fe; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; 23.037741
Farrelly.Nanette G.; 1/4/1987; Santa Fe (City); SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 21.883618
Farrington, Eddie L.; 15.215000
Farrington, Steve; 5/3/2008; Capita n; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 14.500000
Farrington,Teala Kail 6/2/2008; 32.980769
Fasanella,Joseph M.; 38.770000
Fate.L. Suzanne; 3/11/1991; Albuquerque; STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 31.150000
Faverino, Heather; 2/10/1997; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Farmington; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 26.509406
Feather, David J; 1/12/2008; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 21.500000
Fecteau,Lois; 39.890900
FeIdbush,RayA.; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.018730
Feight.Laura A; 11/1/1986; Albuquerque; GENI; Workers Compensation Admin; 37.297963
Fein, Deborah A.; 6/20/1994; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 14.434467
Feind.Terry D.; 2/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 10.798495
Feldman, Bobby D.; 7/8/1989; Springer; TRMT-B; 14.490511
Feldman, Irene R.; 15.490232
Feldman.Tom J.; 10/19/1992; Raton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.686190
Feliciano,Aaron L; 4/6/2002; (City); Santa Fe; Compliance Director; 39.598000
Felipe,Harold 2/21/2009; 13.760000
Felix, Alexandria; 6/30/2008; Albuquerque; Staff Assistant; Public Schools Facility Auth; 14.500000
Felix, Daniel K.; 6/1/1998; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 19.486946
Felix.Robert Louis; 12/6/2004; Belen; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.312190
Felley, Michael; 6/1/2006; Albuquerque; LINEN; Public Defender; 17.029460
Felsted,Carla M; 2/7/2009; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 10.000000
Felton.Shirley L; 6/26/1989; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 23.144460
Femandez,Alesia; 6/17/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.517000
Femandez.Armando; Santa Fe (City); 35.493795
Femandez.Glenda M; 9.447867
Femandez.Jonathan; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 20.161380
Femandez.Karla P.; 1/30/1995; (City); Santa Fe {; IT APPS DEV 1; 26.323000
Femandez.Margaret; 11/7/1991; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.502400
Fencl.Rick 0.; 4/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 40.643035
Fenderson, Keren H.; 4/9/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 29.260040
Fenley,Gregory 3/19/2001; 17.380630
Fennicks,Ute M 9/18/2004; 20.111705
Fenrow,Samantha J; 37.581610
Fenstermacher.Keary A.; 17.633600
Fergeson, David M.; 3/1/1989; Albuquerque; GENI; Taxation & Revenue Department; 41.594084
Ferguson .Tracy; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 30.334040
Ferguson, Dara L 10/6/1986; 22.868600
Ferguson, Richard N; 7/16/198; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Portales; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 26.492460
Ferguson,Charles R.; 9/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.734066
Fernandez, Edward; 15.801810
Fernandez, Fernando; 4/18/1995; Santa Fe (City); BUDGbl ANLYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.471600
Fernandez, Francesca M.; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Public Safety; 16.726243
Fernandez, Jacqueline M.; 17.510888
Fernandez, Jaime A.; 2/22/1993; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 16.188730
Fernandez, Richard E.; 4/26/1982; Taos (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 21.116630
Fernandez, Richard Jr.; 6/5/2000; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 14.630810
Fernandez, Valerie J.; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Fernandez, Vivian; 22.818070
FERNANDEZ,ANYSIA RUBE 6/30/2007; 21 .766050
Fernandez,Christine Marie; 18.751250
Fernandez,Christopher D.; 10/18/1999; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.310000
Fernandez,Corina L.; 7/23/2001; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; 18.109243
Fernandez,Jesus; 12/13/1998; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B;; 20.514675
Fernandez,Mary Ann; 10/10/1989; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A;; 26.698501
Fernandez,Michelle D.; 5/22/2000; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-A; Public Defender; 14.546086
Fernandez,Sammy E.; 9/30/1985; Raton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 15.526190
Fernandez.Alicia R; 10.822413
Fernandez.Harold J; 9/15/2003; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 13.993810
Fernandez.Joe L.; 10/2/2006; Taos County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.427630
Fernandez.Kimberly R; 5/1/2006; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-O; Public Defender; 12.534730
Fernandez.Kristina M.; 4/10/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 29.115464
Fernandez.Mario; 8/9/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.274000
Fernandez.Martha D; 2/26/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Espanola; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 19.409460
Fernandez.Renee A.; 16.560000
Fernandez.Ruben G.; 9.962569
Fernandez.Sarah A.; 12/29/2007; Trutti Or Consequen; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Fernando.Glenn D.; 8/30/2004; Mesita; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.085690
Ferran, Gilbert; 1/31/2005; Albuquerque; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 24.846000
Ferran, Jacqueline; 12.450000
Ferran,A. Marilyn; 12/15/1997; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Public School Insurance Auth; 17.311232
Ferran.Brenda N.; 8/31/1998; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 16.343277
Ferran.EmaJ; 9/24/2005; Farmington; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 15.420051
Ferrara-Ramirez.Christina; 3/12/1990; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.49661 8
Ferraro, Martin A.; 10/1/1990; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Human Services Department; 24.089972
Ferrei.Bethany L 11/18/2006; 16.251600
Ferrer, Elizabeth F; 11/3/2007; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; 7.500000
Fesmire.Mark E.; 10/30/1999; City); Santa Fe; Division Director li; 48.663860
Fetherlin,Kimberley L; 8/9/2008; Las Cruces; ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 14.500000
Fetner.William H. 8/12/2000; 30.850448
Feulner,Michael S.; 8/14/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Fiaherty.PaulW 4/23/2007; 28.154500
Fiala,Wm. Alan; 6/9/1990; Carlsbad; A/O II; 31.518300
Fickling,Deborah; 7/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 22.501385
Fidalgo, Maria D; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 33.648300
Field,Sarah; 9/22/2008; Clevis; LAWYER-0;; 26.750000
Fielder, Evelyn J.; 1/3/1994; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 37.698869
Fields, Joseph; 7/10/2000; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.421500
Fields,Connie M.; 17.298964
Fields,Phillip D.; 9/9/1991; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.854460
Fields,Warren T; 11/3/2007; Tucumcari; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 11.938190
Fields.VilateJ.; 5/14/1994; Truth Or Consequen; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 11.160301
Fierro,Jose C.; 2/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Fierro,Lorrie; 5/7/2001; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 12.022987
Fierro,Louis R; 17.684088
Fierro,Micaela J; 9/9/2006; Espanola; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Human Services Department; 13.437394
Fierro,Ylda; 4/11/1988; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Hobbs; Human Services Department; 20.328600
Fierro.Gilbert; 12/14/1987; Las Cruces; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 21.449617
Fifield.Judith T.; 11/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.000261
Figg,Ashley A.; 5/3/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.129000
Figley,Kirk 3/20/2009; 9.630000
Figueroa, Kenneth A.; 11/14/2008; Santa Teresa; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.090000
FijoI.Emily; 17.000000
Filfred.Lorenzo 9/5/2000; 15.774810
Filmer.Jennie R; 1/14/2006; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 1 1 .373648
Filosa.Linda J; 2/15/2003; Las Cruces; ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.935447
Finch,Amber N.; 1/12/2008; Farmington; CLK-A; 12.395000
Fincher, William L; 5/18/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 39.060789
Findlay,Laura F.; 7/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Public Education Department; 17.059190
Fine,Robert E; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; Departmenl; 24.426000
Fink,Mark S; 7/29/2006; City); Santa Fe; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; 38.548300
Finley.Elizabeth; 5/10/2003; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 36.043230
Finn, Mary Ann; 23.685986
Finnell.Alma; 11/30/1998; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Gaming Control Board; 24.240000
Finney, John A. 10/6/1984; 45.002750
Finney.Diane H; 5/31/1988; Silver City; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 15.781415
Finney.Doris A; 26.487756
Finno.Megan A.; 5/5/2007; Albuquerque; STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.460000
Fiore.Francis A; 9/26/1994; Las Cruces; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 32.295000
Fiorentin,Richard J.; 2/17/1992; Albuquerque; IT APRS DEV 2; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.239500
Fiores,Paul G.; 21.847000
Fiores.Angel F; 7/6/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 20.798602
Fiores.Jeanette; 8/19/1986; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 14.769091
FIores.Maria Stella; 11/1/1993; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.263147
Fischbach-Saiz,Rachel; 8/27/2005; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; r Public Safety; 18.179600
Fischer, Geraldine M.; 12/14/1998; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.739810
Fischer,Elizabeth C.; 8/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Educational Retirement Board; 12.370000
Fischer,Lucille A; 1/22/2002; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 14.813490
Fischer,Michelle; 24.154728
Fischer.Denise Leah 7/2/2005; 39.385000
Fishback,Niel W.; 8/7/2006; (City); Santa Fe; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; 21.919600
Fisher, Cameron P; 12/17/2005; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.654460
Fisher, KristyN.; 9/2/2000; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 20.887700
Fisher, Martin Jon 2/18/2008; 20.992000
Fisher, Valerie D.; 2/24/1986; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 22.788635
Fisher,Carol B.; 9/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 14.000000
Fisher,Michael; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Environment; 32.700000
Fisher,Paula D.; 12/2/1991; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 19.340000
Fisher,Sharon D 12/16/2002; 15.374441
Fisher.Dorothy A.; 10/22/1990; Las Cruces; A/OII; Human Services Department; 31.335300
Fisher.Judith I; 2/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.524306
Fisher.Linda H; 4/23/2005; Las Cruces; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 21.646600
Fisher.Sharanne Kjistene; 3/8/2008; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.035630
Fisherjerry C.; 7/23/1990; Estancia; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 21.667956
Fisk,Jama E; 12/17/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.312102
Fitter.John M; 5/18/1987; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Information Technology; 43.106482
Fitts,ReneeV; 4/12/2003; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.424346
Fitzgerald, Robert; 11/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 25.000000
Fitzgerald, Thomas Charles; 10/22/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.151456
Fitzgerald,Rhonda C.; 1/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.586000
Fitzgerald,Shannon J.; 8/27/2005; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.125630
Fitzgerald.Andrea; 7/9/2001; Santa Fe (City); PSY-A; 26.769460
Fitzpatrick.MarieA.; 5/19/1997; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Retirement Board; 20.100000
Fitzwater,Peni M.; 2/27/1993; Rosweli; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.102002
Flagg,Jo-Anne M.; 12/1/2003; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.036060
Flamm.Stormie; 22.350000
Flanagan, Gail B; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0;; 18.130000
Flanigan, Kevin G.; 2/15/1999; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 37.634040
Flansaas.Erlinda; 16.200000
Fleming-Baca, Rhonda R; 12/12/1988; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 16.568581
Fleming,Arcenia; 11/4/2006; Roswell; CHEF & HEAD COOK-O; Department of Health; 13.199768
Fleming,Sharon J; 9/23/2006; Los Lunas; LAWYER-O; Human Services Department; 27.394625
Fleming.Angela 8/21/2006; 24.779134
Fleming.Nancy; 5/16/1997; Alannogordo; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 29.830219
Flenniken,Brent; 8/14/2004; Los Lunas; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 30.375000
Fletcher, Katherine G 2/23/2008; 15.336000
Flint.Constance M; 1/7/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.603600
Flippin, Maria Edna; 8/11/1986; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-O; Department of Health; 16.304190
Fliss,Anthony; 2/9/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.796730
Flock,DianeW 5/16/2005; 22.679630
Flood.MaryM; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.302760
Florence,Elizabeth L; 6/12/1989; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.795630
Flores-Jimenez.Christine D; 7/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Public Safety; 19.414600
Flores-Sievers.Sarah Elizabe 8/13/2005; 23.909195
Flores, Carolyn Ida; 3/19/1990; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Human Services Department; 18.793136
Flores, David Lee 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Flores, Doris L.; 10/28/2000; Ruidoso; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Flores, Erica Lena 3/10/2007; 28.909125
Flores, Frank; 1/3/1996; Alamogordo; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Commission for the Blind; 18.082568
Flores, Jetara; 8/23/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 1 6.885000
Flores, Lorraine; 13.254260
Flores, Maria M; 11/5/2001; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.375502
Flores, Paul 11/1/1999; 16.100810
Flores, Paula; 12/29/1997; (City); Santa Fe; LINE II; 26.754760
Flores, Rhonda M; 7/1/1999; Tularosa; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Department of Health; 11.072760
Flores, Richard C; 11/23/1987; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 33.510118
Flores, Richard E; 3/9/1999; Las Vegas; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 23.098754
Flores, Robert Michael; 3/13/2004; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 14.480061
Flores, Roberta; 14.750000
Flores,AmyB; 1/27/2007; Taos (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Flores,Angelica V; 11/7/1995; Santa Rosa; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 10.991492
Flores,Dianna 10/10/2000; 17.292136
Flores,Epifanio F; 12/9/2002; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 12.201190
Flores,Estevan T. 6/1 7/1 996; 22.509500
Flores,James; 32.080000
Flores,Joel A.; 9/16/1985; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 25.829227
Flores,Johanna C; 9/9/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Flores,Melanie C; 9/20/2004; Fort Bayard; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; 13.574465
Flores,Michael S.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-O; Public Defender; 11.600000
Flores,Nadine; 5/21/2008; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.470000
Flores,Patrick E.; 14.457810
Flores,Ralph R; 10/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.890000
Flores,William; 12/15/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Deputy Cabinet Secretary; 65.132462
Flores.Abraham U; 7/24/2000; Albuquerque; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 20.252010
Flores.Aleace M; Roswell; CLK-A; 11.190690
Flores.Carlos M; 21.092000
Flores.Donald R.; 9/10/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 29.684481
Flores.Gilbert A; 2/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.904000
Flores.Luis F.; 9/8/1997; Clovis; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 15.490232
Flores.Marcia A; 14.528000
Flores.Marie; 8/6/1990; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.249810
Flores.Martha M; 22.546684
Flores.Norma D; 5/18/1987; Los Lunas; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.812241
Flores.RamonaJ 11/22/2003; 15.005630
Flores.Richard A.; 5/23/1994; Williamsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.966810
Flores.RuthM; 6/12/1986; PRACTil Las Vegas; 40.681533
Flores.Teresa 5/23/1992; 26.568672
Flores.Tosha T; 6/30/2007; Carlsbad; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.113139
Flores.Vivian; 8/19/1996; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Roswell; Human Services Department; 19.333600
Flores.Yolanda; 13.955000
Flores/Victoria; 13.407501
Florez.Amy; 6/28/2008; Carlsbad; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Florez.Charrise; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Transportation; 14.000000
Flowers,Trubert W; 2/9/2008; Springer; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 20.509000
Flowers.Mary H 1 1 /4/2002; 33.4341 67
Floyd, David Wayne; 7/26/2008; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 9.450000
Fluellen, Michael L.; 8/23/1993; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.898333
Fluhman.Jessie Jay; 9/23/2006; PRACTil Clayton; 31.011300
Fly,Dave E; 50.355000
Flynn,LarryE 7/23/2001; 26.194091
Foiey,Elizabeth A; 4/10/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.380000
Foisom, Nicole R.; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 2.734000
Folkes,Steven M; 5/10/2003; Roswell; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.384690
Follingstad,Gretel R; 6/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.635000
Fomento,Evonnie 12/1/2007; 15.108587
Fondrick.Melisa; 14.254810
Fong.Farra R.; 6/16/2007; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.070000
Fonte.Stephen A; 17.290000
Foote, Matthew B; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 16.600000
Foppert, William J.; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.705630
Foray, Marion Y.; 2/11/2008; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.500000
Ford-Schmid, Ralph E.; 7/12/1993; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 30.133327
Ford, Jerry L; 1/22/2005; Socorro (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 21.431124
Ford,GabrielJ; 13.560464
Ford,LornaD; 2/12/2005; Tucumcari; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.065690
Ford,Scott; 42.418000
Ford.Josephine 8/28/1997; 29.216500
Ford.Teresa M.; 9/26/1994; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.054075
Fordyce-MontanariPatricia D 6/17/2006; 17.356600
Fore,Douglas R.; 4/6/1987; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.504630
Forehand, Joy J.; 11/4/2006; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-B; F Workforce Solutions; 18.241376
Foreman,James R.; 12/13/1997; Farmington; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 25.800000
Forgas,Melissa; 1/10/2000; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 12.847691
Forrester, Randolph J.; 20.704306
Fors,Julianne; 11/14/2008; Las Cruces; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.250000
Forsberg, Steven J.; 8/11/2008; Las Cruces; LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 26.750000
Fortier, Leslie; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 22.740000
Foster Junior.James L; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.018000
Foster, Michael W; 11/14/2005; Las Cruces; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.732000
Foster, Richard D.; 6/13/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Human Services Department; 36.824859
Foster, Vernon; 2/17/1998; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-B; 14.490511
Foster,Constance D; 1/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 9.920000
Foster,Gayle D; 4/25/2007; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.846015
Foster,IrisC; 14.345630
Foster,Marlene; 43.256150
Foster.Lily 12/6/2003; 28.996934
Fothergill.Bemard W; 3/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 29.208597
Foulk.Solomon T.; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST.AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.420000
Fouratt.Enos J.; 31.406550
Fouratt.Enos J.; 31.406550
Fowier.Charles R; 22.357358
Fowler,Cheryl A.; 1/3/1994; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 21.766858
Fox, Edward M.; 7/16/1990; Albuquerque; A/OI; 33.117521
Fox,Joseph Charles; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; - Environment; 31.021040
Fox.AmberA.; 17.464810
Fox.Brian S; 3/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Fox.TannisL; 10/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Environment; 40.491771
Foxworth, Leslie K.; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 11.000000
Fragua,Benjamin A; 1/24/2009; Cuba; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; F Transportation; 10.770000
Fragua.Anthony Joseph; 20.400000
Fraire,Mlsty; 1/13/2003; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.068730
Fralie,Ernie V; 1/3/2006; Animas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.873190
Franch,Albert R; 25.357000
Francia, Rachel R; 10/16/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 17.029460
Francia,Amanda V; 5/21/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 21.281900
Francisco, Dusty J.; 8/20/2000; 21.847000
Francisco.John R; 4/7/2007; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-0; 20.117677
Franco, Rachel; 15.765630
Franco,Freddy; 10/25/1993; Roswell; SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 18.072810
Franco,Manuei; 15.304810
Franco,Ruby L.; 11/17/2007; Las Cruces; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 10.010000
Franco.Cecilia; 10/27/1990; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 23.640000
Franco.ElmerO.; 10/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 15.210000
Franco.Larry L; 21.534933
Franco.Sandra L 2/5/2001; 13.854810
Frank, Patricia Ann; 4/24/2004; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 32.076193
Frank.Ella; 9/7/2004; Santa Fe (City); Agency Director; 32.473280
Frank.Leslie P.; 9/20/1999; Thoreau; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.985001
Frank.Sondra K; 11/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); Senior Litigation Attorney; General Services Department; 33.923076
Franken,Rita T; 4/10/2004; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 22.691343
Franklin, Ellen Ray; 28.277000
Franklin,Abraham J.; 8/2/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 32.112000
Franklin.James C; 9/19/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.042401
Franko.Frank; 16.291810
Franks,Earl G.; 2/23/1998; Deming; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 36.154844
Franowsky,Michele Ann; 12/5/1994; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Public Defender; 23.069993
Frantz.Laurie Gail; 9/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); PR COORD-A; Tourism Department; 24.543600
Franzoy.RobertJ; 2/5/2001; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.249810
Frase.John; 6/2/2008; Hobbs; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.750000
Frausto.Linda; 12/27/1993; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 14.994323
Frazer.Tim P.; 22.321600
Frazier, Stephen 1/2/1990; 28.194460
Frazier,Bryson Hill; 8/23/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.000000
Frazine.Cheryl L.; 8/10/1998; Albuquerque; A/OII; Department of Health; 36.308616
Freamon.Kennon K; 12/1/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.383083
Frederick, Mary M; 2/15/1999; Santa Fe (City); Executive Deputy Director; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 46.355000
Frederick.Andrew G.S.; 7/15/2006; Capitan; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.620000
Frederick.Jamie R; 5/21/2005; Glenwood; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 17.885059
Frederickson,Mark; 7/21/2008; 15.110000
Fredine,Jeffrey L.; 1/8/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Department of Transportation; 25.893000
Fredlund.Anastasia Hallas; 12/1/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Freedom, Blue; 11/28/1997; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.492639
Freek.VickiG; 12/16/1973; Roswell; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 15.461152
Freeland, Sandra F; 6/2/2007; Gallup; EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.722825
Freeman, Esther; 1/19/1991; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.202615
Freeman,Amber S.; 5/17/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Freeman,Lisa Mscheiie 12/15/2007; 16.590000
Freemole,Ryan; 6/9/2003; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
French.KeriL; 3/25/2006; Ruidoso; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.698121
Frentzel, Martin W.; 3/7/1998; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Department of Game & Fish; 35.875187
Fresques,LucyS.; 5/2/1998; Albuquerque; ARB, MED & CONCIL-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 18.148234
Fresquez-Gallegos, Edith G 4/11/1992; Roswell; Fort Bayard; Roswell; Fort Bayard; 33.180352
Fresquez, Cathy Ann 9/23/1985; 19.590005
Fresquez, Elias; 1/8/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; State Land Office; 15.097945
Fresquez, Monica A.; 9/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; State Land Office; 19.377318
Fresquez,Cathy C.; 10/16/1999; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Taos (City); Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 18.946460
Fresquez,Celina M.; 10/30/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; Human Services Department; 23.476411
Fresquez,Kari N.; 10/6/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Economic Developmnt Department; 40.149737
Fresquez,Kenneth M; 3/1/1985; Roswell; GEN I - ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 36.079680
Fresquez,Sean R; 7/17/2004; (City); Santa Fe; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; 15.409840
Fresquez,Stephen A; 8/8/1988; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 41.102400
Fresquez,Steve A. 8/28/1995; 33.567962
Fresquez,Teresa Ann; 11/6/2004; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.597801
Fresquez.Bernadette T; 5/14/1988; [City); Santa Fe; FIN ANALYST-A; 27.537460
Fresquez.Conce J.; 4/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; 25.557000
Fresquez.Deanna 12/10/1984; 26.701600
Fresquez.Gary J; 13.000000
Fresquez.Joe R.; 5/9/2005; Roswell; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; F Transportation; 15.206803
Fresquez.Kathy R; 3/8/2004; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 12.150000
Fresquez.Steven M.; 3/17/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 8.900000
Fresquez.Theresa; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-0;; 16.890010
Fretwell,Craig B; 9/9/2006; Las Vegas; LAWYER-O; Human Services Department; 28.103900
Frey,Eric; 2/20/1999; Raton; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 22.970320
Frey,Paul D; 1/6/2003; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 24.477180
Freyburger.Lonnie R.; 10/13/1987; Santa Fe (City); LINEI; 26.124940
Frick,Jodi A.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Friday,Greg J; 7/12/1986; Parkview; LINE II; Department of Game & Fish; 26.069782
Friday.Cindy L; 3/17/2001; Chama; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.514810
Fried man, Barbara; 1/8/2002; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 24.080425
Friedland.Mark W; 20.514000
Friedman, Beverly M; 3/20/2000; Santa Fe (City); Public Information Officer II; Public Education Department; 34.097140
Friedman, Cordelia A.; 10/5/1999; [City;; Santa Fe; 32.950000
FriedtArnie R.; 5/23/1994; Cimarron; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.361840
Friel,Michael S; 35.925759
Friend, Mary Margaret; 9.548721
Frietze,Cheri L; 9/21/1983; Las Cruces; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.579500
Frietze,Freda E; 9/30/2002; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 15.515159
Frietze,James A.; 12/17/1994; Deming; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 28.195000
Frietze,James A.; 28.195000
Frietze,Oscar L; 29.911000
Frietze.Jesus N; 20.645000
Frink,Brenda; 23.460000
Frischkorn.Curt S.; 1/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Transportation; 23.799499
Frisvold,Roy C; 10/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.872730
Fritts,Angelique; 8/8/1988; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; F Workforce Solutions; 17.332449
Fritz.EdwinG; 3/4/2002; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0;; 13.313190
Fronatt, Cameron M; 10/20/2006; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 13.539810
Frost,Jessica A; 6/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 22.652803
Frost.JackP.; 12/13/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 32.511764
Frustaglia, Janice K 1 1/12/2008; 20.1 10000
Fry, Jennifer L.; 19.301150
Fry.Jerry A.; 6/18/2007; Alamogordo; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 8.332479
Frybarger.Tim; 5/16/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/011; Department of Game & Fish; 27.598300
Frye.Jan L; 29.550000
Fuchs,ErekH.; 11/15/1999; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.688134
Fuentes, Brandon; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 12.075000
Fuentes,Gilbert T.; 18.325624
Fuentes,Minerva A.; 13.377991
Fuentes,Noel J; 1/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 30.990909
Fuentes,Steve; 1/12/1998; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 28.747000
Fuentes.Mike; 5/9/2005; Tijeras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.869190
Fuentes.Pauline N.; 6/19/1995; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; F Workforce Solutions; 25.686820
Fugate.Marianne D. 12/30/1991; 16.365554
Fujimoto.Shauna; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.159460
Fuldauer,Arthur P; 7/24/1989; Bernalillo (City); MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 21.236292
Fulgenzi.Gene C.; 1/3/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.524866
Fulgenzi.KelliA. 8/23/2008; 29.000000
Fulkersin, James W.; 11/30/1998; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Clayton; Human Services Department; 18.604630
Fulkrod.William V.; 12/28/1998; Portales; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; t of Transportation; 16.759630
Fullam.Jennifer T; 7/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 24.659460
Fuller, Corinth; 16.192747
Fuller, Joann; 18.440000
Fuller.Catherine A. 3/31/1997; 12.749803
Fuller.Christine M; 3/21/2005; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 29.194666
Fullerton, Reese; 1/31/2004; [City); Santa Fe; Deputy Cabinet Secretary; 48.499220
Funk,MarkR; 2/9/2008; Clayton; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 10.180000
Fuqua, Scott; 8/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 30.425508
Fuqua,Dannie F. 11/30/1998; 26.272782
Furlano, Richard Anthony; 23.376290
Furst,Bruce w; 6/27/2002; Albuquerque; GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 25.252372
Futch,Anthony L; 10/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; 21.700000
Futey.Christopher 10/11/2005; 23.371600
G-Salazar,Christina A.; 6/20/1994; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 32.630000
G'Leary.David M.; 23.642850
Ga!legos,Kimberly D.; 6/2/1997; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Department of Transportation; 14.938180
Gabaidon, Rachel; 9/9/1997; Grants; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.598082
Gabaidon, Raven; 11.080000
Gabaldon, David M; 1/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 17.500000
Gabaldon, Ernie M; 19.778190
Gabaldon, Felipe A; Santa Fe (City); Los Lunas; Ciovis; Raton; 14.114690
Gabaldon, Larry D.; 8/3/1992; Santa Fe (City); ELECTRICIAN-A; General Services Department; 17.912555
Gabaldon, Martin C; 10/25/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 24.960949
Gabaldon, Miguel B; 7/11/1988; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEERING; GEN 1-; 44.564680
Gabaldon, Pauline D; 11.638345
Gabaldon, Raymond B.; 7/17/1989; Magdalena; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; Department of Transportation; 14.880190
Gabaldon, Richard; 11/9/1991; Albuquerque; 12.941690
Gabaldon, Sandra; 2/14/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 24.053209
Gabaldon,Adam D.; 1/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Education Department; 16.849190
Gabaldon,Anthony; 11/18/2006; Belen; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.004190
Gabaldon,David A.; 4/30/2007; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.539561
Gabaldon,Ryan T; 21.175100
Gabaldon,Sarah L.; 9/28/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 15.779630
Gabaldon.Claudia; 20.033040
Gabaldon.Damian J.; 33.390368
Gabaldon.Leo; 5/18/1998; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 14.119000
Gabaldon.Paul 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Gabaldon.Veronica; 3/17/1986; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 26.539237
Gabbert,Amaiia V; 3/29/1990; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.705910
Gabbert.Loretta A; 11/10/2003; Silver City; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 14.420950
GabbertCharles Anthony; 7/25/1987; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 14.933190
Gabel, David B 4/1 /2002; 2 1 .900787
Gabol.Lucille M.; 14.993190
Gabriel, Patrice; 24.487638
Gabriele.Judith A.; 1/24/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 28.029023
Gachupin,Steve; 11.960000
Gage,Laura D.; 4/17/2000; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.814630
Gage.Richard L; 10/28/2002; Corona; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.290190
Gage.Tom H.; 12/2/1991; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 27.345253
Gagne.Mary Helen; 1/17/2009; Truth Or Consequent; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 15.250000
Gagnon.David; 10/4/2008; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 13.250000
Gaherty,John W; 1/22/2002; (City); Santa Fe; Dbl & CRIM INVEST-A; 21.919800
Gaiiegos, Larry; 16.183810
Gaiiegos,Cliristoplier W.; 13.469810
Gaiiegos.Joiin Paul 8/23/2008; 13.000000
Gailagher.Michael P; 11/15/2008; Las Cruces; URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 22.050000
Gailegos, Johnny J.; 1/14/1991; Grants; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 27.619279
Gailegos,Marcella Dianne 9/29/2007; 13.678190
Gailegos.Joseph K 2/9/2008
Gaitan, Ernesto A.; 2/11/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; ,EXAM; 12.000000
Gajapathi,Shanmugha Devi; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE PRAC-A; Human Services Department; 21.240000
Gal legos, Anthony R.; 2/13/1995; Albuquerque; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 16.403473
Galanter.Sally; 8/4/2004; Albuquerque; LAWYER- A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 34.764492
Galassini.Shonn E.; 11/10/2008; Clovis; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.755000
Galaviz.Raquel; 8.500000
Galaz,SallyG; 8/18/2003; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 14.311022
Galaz.Richard A; 12/22/2003; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Human Services Department; 29.656040
Galbraith,Amanda Rene; 8/27/2007; Clovis; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.489786
Gale,Frank; 12.500000
Galewaier.Richard B; 3/12/2005; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.423812
Galewaler, Veronica A; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.47281 1
Galey,Karin L; 5/19/2007; Socorro (City); LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 27.399500
Galfop.Victoria 7/29/2006; 19.863927
Galiegos, Patty; 10/25/1993; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-B; Public Education Department; 21.622000
Galiegos.Belinda; 16.000000
Galiegos.Lee J; 12/28/1992; Las Vegas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; 20.331286
Galiegos.Marcella D; 5/16/1988; Espanola; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 18.133033
Galiigan, Patrick G; 11/5/2005; Rowe; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.380312
Galindo,Carios A; 14.229810
Galindo,Daniel A; 7/3/2006; Silver City; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 23.993740
Galindo,Maryann E.; 3/10/1997; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-A; Department of Public Safety; 19.226453
Galindo.Tony E. 6/1/1 999; 1 1 .314558
Galindre I, Maria Elena; 3/22/2006; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 15.948713
Gallagher Roberts.Michelle 1/3/2006; 20.778634
Gallagher.Sandra E; 8/29/1999; Roswell; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 31.664000
Gallaher,Susan Q.; 6/17/1985; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 32.842818
Gallaher.Margaret M.; 71.011630
Gallardo, Maria T.; 10/6/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Gallardo,Claudia J; 20.576735
Gallardo,Gina T; 3/26/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 24.972506
Gallardo.Jose; 1/3/2005; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 12.150000
Gallardo.LaDonna Rozel; 11/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 12.728730
Gallegos Senior,Tomas; 5/19/2007; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; of Transportation; 12.000000
Gallegos-Hooverjeri M; 9/28/1988; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.207222
Gallegos-Trujillo.Judy A; 12.396620
Gallegos, Albino B.; 10/2/1984; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 23.571372
Gallegos, Anthony J.; 4/5/1999; Vaughn; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.249810
Gallegos, Betty Jo; 9/28/2002; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 10.946870
Gallegos, Brian G.; 9/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.501780
Gallegos, David; 20.545067
Gallegos, Debbie; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 18.470000
Gallegos, Deborah A; 6/1/2004; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 34.179026
Gallegos, Dolores G.; 6/16/1997; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 20.736460
Gallegos, Dolores P.; 41.850000
Gallegos, Donald Wilfred; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.475000
Gallegos, Ernesto; 9/15/2001; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Santa Rosa; Human Services Department; 15.779630
Gallegos, Faith Nikita; 9.720000
Gallegos, Felicia Anne; 8/26/2006; Chaparral; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.291730
Gallegos, Feliciana A; 11/1/1981; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 22.269000
Gallegos, Francisco J.; 9/7/1994; Carrizozo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.416000
Gallegos, Gregory; 4/8/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Gallegos, Janice Maria; 12.359000
Gallegos, Jennifer; 11/7/2005; Albuquerque; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.593437
Gallegos, Jerry L; 3/6/1989; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Human Services Department; 27.919909
Gallegos, Joshua L.; 4/19/1999; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.126630
Gallegos, Margaret; 3/6/1989; Espanola; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.524936
Gallegos, Martha Louise; 19.008630
Gallegos, Michael A.; 10/1/1990; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.841460
Gallegos, Pamela M.; 8/18/2001; Santa Fe (City); 15.019048
Gallegos, Patricia M.; 28.494984
Gallegos, Patrick J.; 5/8/2000; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.840172
Gallegos, Ramon N; 7/23/1988; Las Vegas; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.118553
Gallegos, Raymond N; 11/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-A; Department of Transportation; 32.573625
Gallegos, Robert Y; 10/12/2004; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 18.241376
Gallegos, Roderick W; 12/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/OII;; 30.740000
Gallegos,CarlJ; 9/22/2007; Gallina; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-0; of Transportation; 11.308190
Gallegos,Chris R; 2/5/2005; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 1 9.51 1 1 04
Gallegos,Debra G. 5/3/2008; 17.890000
Gallegos,Debra L.; 22.700000
Gallegos,Dennis L; 6/27/1988; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Alamogordo; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 22.789460
Gallegos,Dennis W; 5/17/1990; Clines Corner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.501190
Gallegos,Dominic G.; 6/1/1999; Albuquerque; LINEI; 21.710000
Gallegos,Donna E; 2/16/2000; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.280000
Gallegos,Fred R; 2/1/2003; Las Cruces; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.426320
Gallegos,Gina R.; 2/5/2001; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.626130
Gallegos,Jacqueline D; 21.973860
Gallegos,Jason Richard 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Gallegos,Jo Lynn; 10/4/1993; City); Santa Fe; Administrative Assistant II; 21.715820
Gallegos,Joann E; 10/2/1989; Espanola; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.957352
Gallegos,Joey M.; 22.939350
Gallegos,John A; 7/29/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 32.534316
Gallegos,Karen E; 5/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); GENII; Environment; 37.692308
Gallegos,Leon J.; 10/10/2005; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.708190
Gallegos,Letrisha C.; 23.185630
Gallegos,Lorrie M; 9/23/2002; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.394500
Gallegos,Louanna M; 5/11/1992; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 16.384096
Gallegos,Louanne M; 7/1/1980; Lordsburg; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.179627
Gallegos,lsabelle; 6/28/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Gallegos,Luis C. 9/23/1991; 13.494291
Gallegos,Mary Ann; 3/25/1996; Moriarty; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.509505
Gallegos,Mary Louise; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Regulation Commission; 15.548190
Gallegos,Michelle D.; 22.495630
Gallegos,Miguel A; 3/21/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Gallegos,Nicholas G; 11/10/2003; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.032630
Gallegos,Peggy Ann; 12.728730
Gallegos,Phillip A.; 3/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEERING; GEN 1-; 43.089592
Gallegos,Ralph; 9/14/2001; Las Vegas; MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 25.840000
Gallegos,Reina M 11/18/1986; 29.229500
Gallegos,Rena M; 3/25/2002; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-0; 10.845335
Gallegos,Rita E; 5/16/2005; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 13.681190
Gallegos,Robert 1/7/2002; 17.141387
Gallegos,Rosemarie; 14.582079
Gallegos,Sandra R; 3/13/1995; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.360000
Gallegos,Sarah Elizabeth; 9.078570
Gallegos,Stephanie R; 12/26/2000; [City); Santa Fe; ITGENERALIST1; 29.209500
Gallegos,Steve; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 7.781590
Gallegos,Theresa A.; 7/13/1998; (City); Santa Fe; HR.TRAIN&LBRSPC-A; 22.606950
Gallegos,Vaierie J.; 28.329460
Gallegos,Venita A; 5/12/2001; Taos (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.464286
Gallegos,Victor Vincent; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 2.198875
Gallegos.Aaron A.; 6/10/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Vegas; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 22.722460
Gallegos.Adolfo L.; 4/2/1990; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.567132
Gallegos.Alexander A.; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 18.400000
Gallegos.Angelo Charles; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); ELEC ENG TECH-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 15.548190
Gallegos.Anna M.; 5/4/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 31.177500
Gallegos.Beatriz; 11/24/1980; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.934899
Gallegos.Bernie G.; 4/21/2007; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.322029
Gallegos.Candelaria; 2/22/2001; Las Vegas; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 17.518380
Gallegos.Casilda M; 11/27/1995; Santa Fe (City); REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 19.874000
Gallegos.Cindy L; 6/26/2000; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-O; F Workforce Solutions; 16.106630
Gallegos.Clarabell; 3/6/1989; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 12.927667
Gallegos.Denise A.; 6/5/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 12.685497
Gallegos.Desiree S.; 6/7/2004; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Department of Transportation; 13.000000
Gallegos.Dora J.; 1/29/1991; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 17.036363
Gallegos.Edith A.; 2/16/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Department of Environment; 23.906196
Gallegos.Eric D.; 1/16/1995; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.096970
Gallegos.Erik S; 1/21/2003; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 14.982132
Gallegos.Evone D; 11/15/2008; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 9.000000
Gallegos.Felipe A; 4/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.201190
Gallegos.Fernando R 4/15/1991; 41.009080
Gallegos.Gloria B; 3/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; 13.064139
Gallegos.Gregoria E; 10/16/2000; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 13.360000
Gallegos.Hope P. 10/23/2004; 22.545345
Gallegos.James M.; 10/23/1996; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEERING; GENI-; 43.778680
Gallegos.Jason V.; 5/10/1999; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-0; Workforce Solutions; 15.809810
Gallegos.Joe M.; 5/15/2001; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.490232
Gallegos.Joe O.; 1 1 .500000
Gallegos.John A.; 10/13/1987; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.844180
Gallegos.John M.; 9/7/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Clovis; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 20.859460
Gallegos.Joleen Ross; 11.490458
Gallegos.Joselino; 11/3/1986; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 30.636076
Gallegos.Juan J; 8/30/2004; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 15.117511
Gallegos.Karen D.; 7/17/1989; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0;; 20.367597
Gallegos.Karl 9/6/2008; 17.000000
Gallegos.Kathryn V; 19.511104
Gallegos.Kenneth P. 9/5/1989; 29.386637
Gallegos.Lisa P; 5/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.304810
Gallegos.Manuel A.; 8/8/1989; Albuquerque; PLANT/SYS OPR.AO-0; t of Transportation; 20.251236
Gallegos.Margaret S.; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.203760
Gallegos.Mark D; 4/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; of Transportation; 16.370000
Gallegos.Marta A; 1/27/2003; (City); Santa Fe; Governor's Residence Maid; 22.266580
Gallegos.Mary E; 18.008202
Gallegos.Nadine M.; 6/13/1994; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; c Safety; 15.588190
Gallegos.Nicole C; 33.089500
Gallegos.Pamela A; 10/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.806052
Gallegos.Philiip Jose; 3/31/2007; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.832391
Gallegos.Phillip R.; 11/13/1989; Albuquerque; PUB RELATION SPEC-0; t of Transportation; 20.701238
Gallegos.Raymond L.; 11/12/1985; Encino; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.010051
Gallegos.ReyG.; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.940000
Gallegos.Rita A; 6/8/2004; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 11.094707
Gallegos.RitaA.; 1/10/2000; Clovis; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; ic Safety; 13.913000
Gallegos.Ron R.; 3/29/1998; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 1; 22.772028
Gallegos.Ronald Richard 11/5/1990; 16.578190
Gallegos.Rose Anne; 8/11/2003; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 9.349293
Gallegos.Rose M; 7/25/1987; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.390543
Gallegos.Roseann; Santa Fe (City)
Gallegos.Rosemary; 8/22/2005; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-B; Cultural Affairs; 12.150000
Gallegos.Sandra S.; 8/27/1998; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 21.510225
Gallegos.Sarah B.; 23.611600
Gallegos.Shantel; 11/26/2005; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 10.682894
Gallegos.Teressa J.; 11/30/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; tation; 26.189630
Gallegos.Theodoro S.; 2/12/1991; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 17.770854
Gallegos.Tim D; 3/11/1985; City); Santa Fe; IT GENERALIST 2; 37.151782
Gallegos.Victor R.; 9/25/1989; Corona; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 21.464091
Gallegos.Vina D.; 3/17/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.845559
Gallegos.Wayne A; 23.139460
Gallett.Keane K.; 8/28/2004; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.964139
Galligan, Robert B; 11/4/2002; Albuquerque; GENI; 40.492914
Gallion,Teresa E. 2/7/1994; 25.861600
Galloway,Monica L.; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 17.120000
Galloway.Erik P.; 7/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-O; Department of Environment; 25.223242
Gallucci.Josephine Corrine; 14.894690
Galvan,Noe; 36.026000
Galvan.Geri M; 8/2/1982; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Transportation; 27.507370
Galvan.JuneH; 16.049348
Galvan.RitaC; 3/3/1986; (City); Santa Fe; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; 18.816061
Galvan.Yvonne R; 7/21/1994; Las Cruces; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.471912
Galvez.Christina V. 1 1/8/2008; 20.000000
Galvez.Jennifer J.; 1/29/1996; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 32.735406
Gamache.Glen; 1/14/2002; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; F Workforce Solutions; 21.208476
Gamble, Darlene M.; 9.420000
Gamboa.Priscilla; 11/10/2003; Roswell; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B;; 9.104182
Gamer.Clayton D; 9/23/2006; Fence Lake; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.001190
Gamer.Leon; 8/3/2002; Las Cruces; IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Health; 31.578448
Gandara.Kasandra A.; 32.045152
Gannaway,Robert L. 7/26/1993; 23.430000
Gannboa, Richard; 15.801810
Ganta,Pardhasaradhi; 2/16/2002; City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 31.946040
Gantz.Evonne J; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 33.685340
Ganz,Paula E.; 8/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); Senior Litigation Attorney; General Services Department; 36.043269
Gao,Feng; 11/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Ofc of the State Engineer; 32.700000
Garabedian.Vanya A; 6/13/2005; Albuquerque; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 13.736669
Garay Junior.Samuel; 12.958190
Garay.Rosalynn A. 7/19/2003; 15.112730
Garbarini, Heather M; Farmington; CLK-A; 12.894690
Garces, Jaime R; 4/30/2001; Anthony; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.282190
Garces,Raymundo; 6/21/2004; Anthony; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.879190
Garcia .Timothy J.; 9/7/1999; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 23.306238
Garcia II, Francisco F. 9/9/2006; 30.556140
Garcia Jeresa; 11.993507
Garcia JR,Dennis Lee 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Garcia Junior,Roman; 1/31/2004; Santa Fe (City); DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Prof Engneers & Lnd Srvyrs Brd; 18.535630
Garcia Keily.Llllian; 8/16/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 29.369500
Garcia l,Patrick Dave; 4/21/2007; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.250000
Garcia Senior,Peter J.; 14.444190
Garcia Vasquez,Celena; 2/10/2007; Clovis; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.274085
Garcia-Frank.Cecilia; 2/27/1984; Los Alamos (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Environment; 15.156322
Garcia-Moehn.Sarah T; 9/10/2005; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Transportation; 28.928940
Garcia-Rivera, Meredith L; 1/8/2008; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; F Workforce Solutions; 16.520000
Garcia-Salazar,Gloria E; 12/7/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; of Transportation; 36.234750
Garcia-Simpson,Ernestine G 3/15/2006; 12.703532
Garcia-Smith.Ramona C; 15.779630
Garcia, Agapito; 7/21/2003; Clines Corner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.424190
Garcia, Ana M.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0;; 10.100000
Garcia, Angela; 4/24/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.203730
Garcia, Audrey K; 9/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 31.406685
Garcia, Barbara M; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.989810
Garcia, Bemadette; 6/4/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.447838
Garcia, Benito A.; 6/4/1998; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Transportation; 17.375630
Garcia, Bernadette C; 9/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 20.448100
Garcia, Bernadine; 5/19/2007; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 1; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.862250
Garcia, Camille; 3/17/2008; Albuquerque; MED REC& HLTH INF-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.110000
Garcia, Carolyn R; 7/28/2007; [City); Santa Fe; FIN ANALYST-A; 22.711860
Garcia, Celeste; 11/4/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 16.382475
Garcia, Cindy D; 4/2/1990; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.701600
Garcia, Corrina; 8/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-B; 17.353600
Garcia, Daniel; 9/1/2001; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 12.703532
Garcia, Darcy Ann; 11/17/2007; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.365630
Garcia, Darlene M; 1/23/2006; Los Lunas; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Health; 14.056719
Garcia, David 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Garcia, Debbie C.; 9/25/2006; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.664280
Garcia, Deborah A.; 27.634000
Garcia, Debra Ann; 11/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 26.141996
Garcia, Debra L.; 6/15/1998; Deming; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 19.438166
Garcia, Delano J; 1/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant III; Military Affairs; 29.225560
Garcia, Delia C.; 3/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 24.170213
Garcia, Denise B.; 2/4/1991; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 19.583241
Garcia, Dennis R; 9/17/1979; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Land Commissioner; State Land Office; 38.761000
Garcia, Derrek; 8/2/2004; Taos (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 15.789630
Garcia, Desiree April; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.060000
Garcia, Dolores M; 8/12/1985; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 23.242901
Garcia, Dominic A.; 6/7/1999; (City); Santa Fe; GENI; 48.234000
Garcia, Donald G.; 23.352573
Garcia, Donald J.; 7/22/1991; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.768000
Garcia, Doris C; 11/4/1985; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST.AO-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.088000
Garcia, Ed ward M; 12/10/1973; Albuquerque; COMPUTER OPTR-A; F Workforce Solutions; 22.854788
Garcia, Edward R; 7/11/1988; Santa Fe (City); CRIM JUST & LW ENF-A; f Public Safety; 23.184404
Garcia, Emily B; 8/16/2004; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER 1; Department of Transportation; 11.771730
Garcia, Eric F.; 12/2/1995; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Specialist;; 32.342000
Garcia, Eric R.; 8/1/1994; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Transportation; 17.768000
Garcia, Ernest 4/10/1989; 13.349589
Garcia, Evangeline R; 15.127630
Garcia, Floripa B; 12/12/1985; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 15.151947
Garcia, Floyd R. 10/25/1993; 15.936810
Garcia, Franklin J.; 2/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.031259
Garcia, Frederick T.; 2/28/1994; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 17.461600
Garcia, Geanette C.; 6/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-A; Transportation; 24.082627
Garcia, Gerard J; 12/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; State Land Office; 21.945630
Garcia, Gloria A; 8/25/2007; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Workforce Solutions; 14.714690
Garcia, Gloria D.; 7/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); INSCLMS/POLCYCLK-A; Public Regulation Commission; 19.359190
Garcia, Ida; 11/13/1989; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.109708
Garcia, India D.; 10/17/1997; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 20.976638
Garcia, Jacob L 2/16/2004; 12.874310
Garcia, Jacob P; 20.509000
Garcia, James R.; 5/20/1996; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Transportation; 11.111072
Garcia, Jennette M.; 11/26/1990; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-0; 17.256555
Garcia, Jenny J; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 15.606351
Garcia, Jerome; 2/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 13.100000
Garcia, Jesse; 13.065793
Garcia, Jessica; 11/12/2002; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.021760
Garcia, JoAnn B; 1/12/2008; Grants; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Transportation; 14.489810
Garcia, Joe A.; 7/17/1989; Artesia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.883282
Garcia, Joe C; 4/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 19.488685
Garcia, Joe S.; 11/20/1995; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 45.471790
Garcia, Jonathan 9/15/2008; 20.000000
Garcia, Joseph T.; 4/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERV COORD-A; Military Affairs; 19.180710
Garcia, Joseph; 17.850143
Garcia, Juan C.; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Garcia, Karen Vanessa; 2/9/2008; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.876190
Garcia, Kathy C.; 10/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 20.319000
Garcia, Leoda A.; 13.698270
Garcia, Leonard E.; 15.845363
Garcia, Lisa Jeanette; 10/8/1989; Los Lunas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 13.274853
Garcia, Lora A; 1/12/2008; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.490000
Garcia, Lorenzo V.; 12.631190
Garcia, Lorenzo; 1/26/1999; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A;; 25.010000
Garcia, Louis J. 6/5/2000; 44.586486
Garcia, Lucinda E; 8/21/1989; Las Vegas; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 20.041600
Garcia, Lucinda G; 7/17/1989; Silver City; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.472301
Garcia, Lupita Y; 9/5/1986; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.653283
Garcia, Lydia; 5/31/1988; Clovis; LINEN; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.656073
Garcia, Manuel I; 5/31/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Garcia, Marcos M; 5/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 13.925848
Garcia, Margie R; 6/16/1969; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 19.657730
Garcia, Marina P.; 11.249787
Garcia, Mario A.; 4/29/1991; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.919800
Garcia, Martin; 9/2/1997; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.611595
Garcia, Marty P; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.340000
Garcia, Mary Anne; 9/15/2003; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 19.513000
Garcia, Matthew T; 8/11/2007; Moriarty; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 9.790000
Garcia, Melissa F.; 9/1/2001; Las Vegas; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.779630
Garcia, Melissa Renae 6/16/2008; 10.962000
Garcia, Melissa T; 5/22/2006; Alamogordo; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 18.899460
Garcia, Michael A.; 12/29/1986; Tucumcari; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 26.016000
Garcia, Michael D; 3/4/2001; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Garcia, Michelle M; 4/24/2000; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 11.513462
Garcia, Michelle; 38.770000
Garcia, Monica; 8/20/1990; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.289810
Garcia, Nancy M.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; 15.000000
Garcia, Nicolette 8/23/2008; 13.000000
Garcia, Orlando; 2/2/2009; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 9.170000
Garcia, Pablo; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; .of Transportation; 28.918220
Garcia, Pamela A.; 13.258169
Garcia, Patricio D.; 6/13/1989; Portales; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.199175
Garcia, Patsy A; 11/24/1990; Farmington; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.376029
Garcia, Pauline D; 8/24/1985; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 14.422480
Garcia, Presciila A; 13.154260
Garcia, Priscilla R.; 16.184690
Garcia, Raymond J; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Garcia, Raymundo; 6/23/2003; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.584190
Garcia, Rebecca Daniela; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.358730
Garcia, Rebecca M; 8/26/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 17.085630
Garcia, Regina D; 8.500000
Garcia, Richard R.; 8/23/1993; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 23.322972
Garcia, Richard; 9.997376
Garcia, Robert A; 1/26/2008; City); Santa Fe i; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; 20.991600
Garcia, Robert J.; 20.489804
Garcia, Roberta A; 10/28/1991; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Taos (City); Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 20.152460
Garcia, Roberta B; 9/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); 13.200116
Garcia, Robin L.; 3/7/1994; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.316059
Garcia, Ronnie M.; 7/19/1999; Grants; CIVIL ENGTECH-NL-A; t of Transportation; 21.952342
Garcia, Rose L.; 19.824000
Garcia, Rosemary; 15.774194
Garcia, Ruben Chavez; 5/29/1978; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 36.208923
Garcia, Selina M; 9.819376
Garcia, Steven N.; 7/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Garcia, Theresa A.; 21.840000
Garcia, Tony J; 9/15/2001; Roswell; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 19.404400
Garcia, Tonya 3/24/2007; 13.479810
Garcia, Ursula A; 5/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0;; 20.533827
Garcia, Valorie C; 11/3/2004; Cimarron; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.513810
Garcia, Victoria B; 7/1/1996; [City); Santa Fe; General Counsel; 38.830540
Garcia, Yvette M; 4/30/2001; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Truth Or Consequen<; Human Services Department; 18.817600
Garcia, Zaciiary C. 8/10/1983; 17.824810
Garcia,Agustin; 7/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Anthony; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Garcia,Albert J.; 6/4/1980; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 22.977400
Garcia,Alberta R.; 3/27/2001; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-B; 17.777150
Garcia,Alisha; 4/7/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 1 1 .070000
Garcia,Amanda L.; 11/1/2008; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Garcia,Amber M.; 8/23/2008; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.330000
Garcia,Angela Vigil; 3/4/2000; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Gaming Control Board; 15.383398
Garcia,Angelina B; 11/10/2008; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Garcia,Athanacio Costa; 8/2/2006; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; 13.278730
Garcia,Barbara G.; 1/23/2006; Albuquerque; COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 16.518648
Garcia,Blasa; 9/16/2002; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.287651
Garcia,Caesar H; 9/6/2005; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Department of Health; 19.219027
Garcia,Candace Y; 2/23/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 19.561600
Garcia,Carlos; 1/27/1997; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 17.373630
Garcia,Carmelita T.; 5/11/1998; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 23.485380
Garcia,Celina R; 9/18/2004; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.151330
Garcia,Chris L.; 3/13/1993; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.264713
Garcia,Christine M; 3/20/2006; Albuquerque; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Workforce Solutions; 15.124690
Garcia,Christopher 3/24/2007; 13.207863
Garcia,Christopher L.; 2/17/1992; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.427704
Garcia,Concha L; 15.961190
Garcia,Crystal R.; 3/4/2000; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Game & Fish; 14.832128
Garcia,Crystal; 7/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Public Education Department; 13.383190
Garcia,Cynthia A 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Garcia,Daniel; 20.400000
Garcia,Diana L.; 10/7/2006; Los Lunas; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.135630
Garcia,Donna R; 7/28/2003; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.385630
Garcia,Dorothy M; 2/5/1990; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 14.815837
Garcia,Duane E.; 8/24/1998; Taos (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 22.033575
Garcia,Eiizabeth A.; 3/27/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.243557
Garcia,Elaine J; 12/31/1983; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A;; 24.711265
Garcia,Elizabeth A. 11/29/1999; 20.378460
Garcia,Eulogia M; 11/28/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.465454
Garcia,Frances L; 2/16/1981; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Environment; 18.000000
Garcia,Frank H; 5/6/2006; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.950000
Garcia,Freddie G.; 8.322029
Garcia,Gary M.; 12/14/1992; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 21.970325
Garcia,Genoveva P; 5/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A;; 12.366000
Garcia,George A; 11/30/1987; Grants; A/OII; 23.540000
Garcia,George M.; 1/19/2002; Grants; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.897000
Garcia,George; 15.559810
Garcia,Gerald J; 9/26/1988; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Human Services Department; 19.202413
Garcia,Gerald Pete; 8.828570
Garcia,Gerald; 9/24/1990; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 24.658656
Garcia,GeriC; 1/15/1990; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; General Services Department; 20.431674
Garcia,Gilbert J.; 9/5/1972; Las Vegas; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 23.864696
Garcia,Gina S.; 12/26/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.621765
Garcia,Gloria A.; 12/11/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 9.500000
Garcia,Gloria T; 2/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.945000
Garcia,Grace; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 17.353000
Garcia,Jackie M; 21.522695
Garcia,James P; 10/31/1992; Las Vegas; A/OII; Department of Health; 30.558300
Garcia,Jeanette; 3/3/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Dept of Information Technology; 33.286500
Garcia,JoAnn B.; 27.020000
Garcia,Joe 2/17/2001; 18.165600
Garcia,Joseph B.; 5/3/1999; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - ECONOMICS; 35.228292
Garcia,Juan I; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Garcia,Julie S; 10/25/1993; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 11.142782
Garcia,Larry S; 3/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 17.174127
Garcia,Leroy; 10/20/2007; pity); Santa Fe; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; 18.071630
Garcia,Leslie J.; 5/4/1998; Albuquerque; HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 24.927240
Garcia,Linda M. 1 1/2/1992; 12.695590
Garcia,Lucas E; 3/25/2009; City Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Garcia,Lya; 9/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Workforce Solutions; 17.052310
Garcia,Mabel A.; 3/27/1995; Farmington; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.980000
Garcia,Manuel A; 10/18/2008; Grants; SURVEY & MAP TECH-B; of Transportation; 9.790000
Garcia,ManuelJ.; 3/1/1999; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-O; Department of Health; 15.789828
Garcia,Marcus Justin; 7/6/1981; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; State Land Office; 24.854399
Garcia,Marian S.; 10/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-O; Public Regulation Commission; 17.379810
Garcia,Mariano A.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Garcia,Marshall A; Santa Fe (City)
Garcia,Martin; 2/14/1989; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.372051
Garcia,Martina C; 7/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.858730
Garcia,Matthew K; 16.827630
Garcia,Michele Corozon; 8.828570
Garcia,Miguel; 1/13/2007; Deming; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 26.877543
Garcia,Miranda Edna; 15.750000
Garcia,Nathan F; 3/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 14.642810
Garcia,Nichole C.; 32.180563
Garcia,NoraV. 10/7/1991; 12.944350
Garcia,Paul A.; 1/19/1993; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.059232
Garcia,Pauline G; 9/29/1980; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.594100
Garcia,Phyllis A; 9/13/2004; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 13.833328
Garcia,Randy J.; 11/26/1984; Albuquerque; -A; 19.272070
Garcia,RayJ.; 3/3/1997; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.237930
Garcia,Richard L.; 6/27/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 24.263308
Garcia,Rita; 10/13/1997; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 20.835021
Garcia,Robert M.; 6/30/1986; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 17.777810
Garcia,Robert N; 7/3/2004; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant III; Gaming Control Board; 29.767500
Garcia,Rosa Maria; 3/8/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Anthony; Human Services Department; 13.936630
Garcia,Rose M.; 3/11/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.430500
Garcia,Roxanne F.; 11/13/1999; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.849000
Garcia,RudyE; 2/4/2002; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.955601
Garcia,Sadie; 4/9/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.391439
Garcia,Santos; 13.679690
Garcia,Sharmaine T; 23.322460
Garcia,Sharon N.; 11/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Human Services Department; 21.604082
Garcia,Shirley Ann; 4/10/1984; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 33.138040
Garcia,StephanieA; 6/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-0; Department of Health; 22.960431
Garcia,Susan; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.921071
Garcia,Toni 3/26/2007; 12.500000
Garcia,Veronica C; 11/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; Public Education Department; 83.586160
Garcia,Vincent Michael; 3/24/2007; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; Youth &; 14.950000
Garcia,Xitlalitl S; 5/18/2002; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O;; 10.386163
Garcia,Yvette M.; 11/18/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; Human Services Department; 13.291565
Garcia.Aaron H.; 4/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 29.000079
Garcia.Adelina R.; 17.099215
Garcia.Adrian G.; 5/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Human Services Department; 23.711447
Garcia.Alice Marie; 17.696600
Garcia.Amelia E; 11/26/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Los Lunas; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 17.561460
GARCIA.ANDREW; 10/21/2006; Tres Piedras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 11.403190
Garcia.Angelica M.; 11/18/2006; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 13.546876
Garcia.Angelique R.; 1/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; Department of Environment; 25.253412
Garcia.Anthony M; 40.800000
Garcia.Avery N.; 9/26/1992; Grants; STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-A; Department of Transportation; 14.896828
Garcia.Azaleah A.; 12/3/2007; Roswell; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.308190
Garcia.BenB.; 11/29/1999; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.088700
Garcia.Betty C; 2/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 18.541504
Garcia.Cara N; 17.480000
Garcia.Catherine L; 2/17/2003; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 15.227630
Garcia.Cathy L; 2/11/2002; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.206773
Garcia.Charlotte; 4/25/2005; Deming; DISPATCHER 1; Department of Transportation; 11.957730
Garcia.Chris R.; 4/19/2008; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Garcia.Christina M; 3/30/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.503730
Garcia.Christine L; 3/10/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; tation; 25.223242
Garcia.Cindy L; 8/15/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Lovington; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 18.207460
Garcia.Claire M.; 1/19/1999; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 16.176630
Garcia.Denise C.; 1/26/1981; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.628730
Garcia.Dora J.; 11/2/1982; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 29.759460
Garcia.Eric F.; 32.342000
Garcia.Erica L; Las Cruces; Santa Fe (City)
Garcia.Frankie; 7/20/1992; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.857212
Garcia.Gabriel M.; 8/29/2005; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 15.450000
Garcia.GarryJ.; 1/10/2000; Espanola; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.432190
Garcia.Gina Michelle; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; iNV-B; 12.000000
Garcia.Gloria B.; 8/10/1998; Grants; PURCHASING AGENT-B; of Transportation; 16.286945
Garcia.Gregory; 16.000000
Garcia.Guillermo; A/OI; WELDR/CUTTR/SOD-A; Special Projects Coord. I; Special Projects Coord. I; 12.920190
Garcia.Jamie X.; 8/6/2001; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.151630
Garcia.Jason Matthew 9/20/2008; 14.560000
Garcia.John M; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; of Veteran Services; 53.070920
Garcia.Johnny; 11/29/1988; Raton; STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-O; 11.902678
Garcia.JohnT; 2/2/2002; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; 14.157852
Garcia.Jonathan A. 1/7/2008; 12.590000
Garcia.Joseph G.; 7/12/2008; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 11.500000
Garcia.Joseph L.; 8/15/1994; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.822630
GARCIA.JOSEPH TEOFILO 2/7/2009; 8.320000
Garcia.Julian J.; 8/7/1989; Santa Fe (City); MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Transportation; 17.828100
Garcia.Julie A.; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LICCLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.895000
Garcia.Justin Emilio; 8/25/2007; Las Vegas; STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-B; Department of Transportation; 8.681590
Garcia.Justin R; 17.491600
Garcia.Karen; 3/11/1991; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 16.990010
Garcia.Kristine Rodriguez; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.157000
Garcia.Laura E.; 22.000000
Garcia.Leroy Gilbert; 27.180783
Garcia.Leticia; 10.848447
Garcia.Louella; 6/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 29.398982
Garcia.lsaac 7/14/2007; 13.489810
Garcia.Luella M; 2/4/1980; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 27.673468
Garcia.Marcela M; 8/19/1987; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 14.171285
Garcia.Margarita; 13.401000
Garcia.Maria Isabel; 1/17/1987; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 25.738332
Garcia.Mark; 7/17/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.035913
Garcia.Martin J.; 12/16/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.500000
Garcia.Marylou Q; 12/1/1988; Carlsbad; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.444018
Garcia.MaryP; 5/29/1999; Espanola; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 15.202223
Garcia.Michael Alan; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Transportation; 13.282500
Garcia.Napoleon R.; 20.932082
Garcia.Pablo Richard; 9/9/2006; Las Vegas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; 12.869810
Garcia.Pamela Kay; 9/19/1987; Albuquerque; GENI; Human Services Department; 40.903708
Garcia.Peter L.; 8/11/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCH IATRIST-A; Department of Health; 76.965256
Garcia.Phiiip S 11/29/2008; 12.150000
Garcia.Rachel K; 5/18/2002; Roswell; ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.129305
Garcia.Renee M.; 1/20/2001; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.010909
Garcia.Robert J.; 1/6/1986; Albuquerque; ENGINEERING; STAFF -; 38.662000
Garcia.Rose A.; 11/1/2008; 13.401000
Garcia.Ross G.; 3/31/2007; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.832391
Garcia.Salvador O; 5/28/2002; Las Cruces; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 21.617769
Garcia.Sherry; 1/3/1989; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; tation; 40.840150
Garcia.Silvano; 8/25/2007; Albuquerque; COURT.IVIUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.394690
Garcia.Steve D; 3/12/1984; Albuquerque; A/O II; F Workforce Solutions; 35.878300
Garcia.Steven A.; 2/23/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Garcia.Steven A.; 6/3/2000; Eagle Nest; TRMT-B; 15.490232
Garcia.Suzanne Q; 9/9/1985; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,!NV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 17.439945
Garcia.Terence M; 3/16/1991; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Department of Health; 22.694099
Garcia.Teresa Jo; 24.153019
Garcia.Thomas F; 9.667100
Garcia.Tommy A.; 6/11/1990; Tucumcari; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.878975
Garcia.Victoria M.; 7/5/1994; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 18.861600
Garcia.Wanema F.; 7/7/2003; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.655792
Garcia.Yolanda J; 9/11/1989; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 26.430600
Garcia.Yvette Marie; 8/4/1990; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.879472
Garcia.Yvette W; 9/9/2006; Truth Or Consequen<; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 1 1 .21 7780
Garcia.Yvonne J; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.470000
Garciajheresa Ann; 7/30/2007; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.995000
Garciajheresa D.; 6/30/2001; Las Vegas; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 11.263098
Garciajrma C; 7/1/1974; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.242607
Garcla.Josepii J.; 31.775422
Gardea,Omar 4/29/2007; 15.570000
Gardiner,Maria Giovanni; 3/23/1981; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 17.422190
Gardner, W. Henry; 8/5/1991; Albuquerque; GENI; 40.548597
Gardner,Christy M; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.060000
Gardner.Brad P.; 7/15/1996; Santa Fe (City); ACTUARY-A; Public Regulation Commission; 31.462317
Gardner.Gary Wade; 9/20/2008; Mayhill; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.500000
Gardner.Sandra; 8/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 32.487685
Garduno Junior,Robert Euge; 2/7/2009; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 9.720000
Garduno, Stephanie; 8/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 40.609030
Garduno,Camille; 6/30/2007; Las Cruces; HR ASST.XCPT PAYRL-B; Board; 12.000000
Garduno,Clyde A.; 10/31/1988; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.561282
Garduno.Arsenio; 5/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; State Treasurer; 21.540378
Garduno.Bernice E.; 4/30/1990; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 14.128985
Garduno.Brenda L; 11/2/1998; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.470913
Garduno.Evelyn; 2/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.000000
Garduno.Joann M.; 9/16/1991; Las Vegas; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 13.525347
Garduno.Matthew; 5/18/1998; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.727630
Garduno.Virginia; 1/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.211690
Garibay, Joseph; 5/21/2005; Albuquerque; Student Intern; Public Schools Facility Auth; 12.000000
Gariey^Misty; 15.304810
Gariss.Shannon M; 11/5/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Los Lunas; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 17.029460
Garland, George David; 2/9/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.312000
Garland, Robert; 3/7/2009; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 9.229000
GARLEY.LLOYD; 6/18/2007; Albuquerque; Division Director II; F Workforce Solutions; 43.059240
Garman.Mark A; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 25.000000
Garnand, Dorothy A.; 3/6/1999; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.964515
Garner, Rosario C; 11/27/2000; Alamogordo; CLK-A; 13.726130
Garnier,Cort D; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Garrett, Joe A; 12/8/2003; Ragland; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; : of Transportation; 13.558190
Garrett, Steve; 7/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; 17.855970
Garrett, Veronica; 6/6/1981; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.723374
Garrett,Betty Carol; 16.266000
Garrett,Patrick M.; 12/7/1991; Albuquerque; Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 31.401000
Garrett.Edith H; 2/22/1988; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 12.742784
Garrett.Johnny M; 8/4/2003; Hobbs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.083810
Garrett.Patrick M.; 31.401000
GarrettJames E.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL A Hobbs; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Garris.Vance; 5/6/2006; Farmington; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 9.770000
Garrison, Donald R.; 26.624850
Garrison, Melissa L; 9.258730
Garrison, Susan L; 9/3/1996; PRACTil Silver City; 30.235912
Garrison.Sandra J; 1/21/1991; Ruidoso; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 25.731600
Gartman, Billy; 10/8/2005; San Jon; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 12.334690
Gartman, Bonnie L; 9/20/2008; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Garvey.Sandra A.; 10.927846
Garvinjoel A 2/24/2007; 13.469810
Garza, Marena C; 13.829810
Garza, Patricia R.; 1/9/2006; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 16.659630
Garza, Ricardo; 2/13/1995; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Transportation; 15.490232
Garza, Rosalinda R.; 5/12/1990; Roswell; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 17.705810
Garza,Barbara J.; 9/20/1999; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 20.391466
Garza.James Paul; 6/30/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 9.447867
Garza.Linda M.; 1/10/2000; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 17.356168
Garza.Michelle Y; 9/18/2000; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Gaming Control Board; 25.831600
Garza.Monique M; 2/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; 25.108650
Garza.Sabrina M; 21.312000
Gaska,Matthew J; 4/24/1989; Fort Bayard; STAFF; Department of Health; 26.193873
Gaska.Geraldine; 11/19/1984; Grants; IT NETWORK SPEC 1; 22.575000
Gaspar Lex.Evelyn Nimfa 11/4/2006; 11.138760
Gaspar.Annabelle A. 10/6/2007; 23.399000
Gasper.Shalie F; 18.605310
Gass, Jason K.; 6/6/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Department of Health; 17.502077
Gaston, Diane M 9/23/2002; 19.745890
Gatan, Lisa M.; 24.514135
Gates, Deitra; 3/23/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.000000
Gates,Carey L; 1/22/2007; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.173690
Gates,Gabriel J; 5/3/2004; Las Cruces; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 24.672542
Gates.Merie liugh 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Gatterman, David D.; 6/29/1998; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 36.187150
Gatti.Michael F.; 9/24/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 26.232075
Gaughan,Gloria; 6/7/2003; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 22.045414
Gaulin,Suzanne; 7/14/2007; Las Vegas; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.239500
Gauman.Julie C.; 24.810000
Gauna, Joyce K.; 7/28/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 10.238570
Gauna.Maria S; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.438190
Gauthier,Christina A; 21.478430
Gautsche,Gary J; 11/23/2002; Santa Fe (City); PSY-O; 20.418050
Gavin, James P.; 9/28/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 23.226198
Gazdag.Kathryn Marie; 12/13/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 9.713000
Gear, Rebecca C; 1/23/2003; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 24.000000
GearharLChance C; 2/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 21.878962
Gedrim,Ronald J.; 7/1/2006; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.255000
Gee,Corrine A.; 12/22/1997; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.777310
Gee,David; 10/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 30.529200
Gee,Krissty; 15.365190
Gee.Dominick; 5/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 7.510000
Geery, Emily; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 23.500000
Gegick, Patricia 12/9/2000; 18.914555
GehrtCaseyL; 5/21/2005; Las Cruces; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; fGame & Fish; 17.881609
Geibei.Kathleen V.; 2/12/1996; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.789132
Geiger,Bernice L. 12/3/2007; 19.010000
Geisler,Greg; 11/18/2002; Santa Fe (City); EXEC; of Transportation; 40.870000
Geister.John S; 24.697785
Gelabert.Phyllis W.; 7/11/1989; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Gaming Control Board; 25.271600
GelabertJoe L; 11/19/2001; Albuquerque; COMPUTER OPTR-A; F Workforce Solutions; 13.978846
Gelb.Melvyn; 24.049197
Geller.Jennifer Emily; 6/2/2007; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; f Vocational Rehbltation; 20.843550
Genereux.Napoleon; 6/2/2007; Deming; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; Department of Game & Fish; 17.022559
Genoway, Robert W; 12/11/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 28.654372
Gentry Junior,Howard; 6/18/2005; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.225500
Gentry, Frederick D 7/16/2005; 19.169630
Gentry,Bette J.; 11.598616
Gentry,Sharon L; 8/25/1997; Albuquerque; General Counsel; Workers Compensation Admin; 40.048077
Gentry.Michael; 9/4/1990; Los Lunas; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 24.088793
Gentzler, Grady S.; 8/17/2007; Las Cruces; 30.133000
Genualdi, Robert B; 1/22/2001; Aztec; GEN {-ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 38.323680
Geoffrion, Jacqueline Y; 9/21/1992; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Taxation & Revenue Department; 42.248786
George, Desirae; 9.070000
George, Jeffery Charles; 13.378560
George, Kathryn M; 3/26/2005; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; 12.841252
George, Robert J; 3/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-A; Department of Environment; 31.133675
George,Charlotte; 12/14/1998; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; 19.291031
George,MaryAnn; 3/16/1998; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 11.808441
George,Michelle E; 7/8/1986; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 34.162400
George,Robert; 4/4/2009; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
George,Tanja M.; 5/18/1999; Albuquerque; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.635630
George.Cecily A; 3/25/2006; Roswell; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 12.158760
Georges,Patricia A.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 0.000000
Gerdts.Corrie; 5/6/2007; Clovis; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.876976
Gerhardt.Johnathan F.; 3/30/2002; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 22.952422
GerhartMary; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; f Environment; 25.000000
Gering, Rebecca J; 10/27/2001; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 14.894510
Gerlach, Catherine M; 10/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 17.672000
Gerlach, Cynthia 7/12/2008; 11.500000
Gerleve.Karla F. 2/26/2001; 27.817950
Gerlock, Robert; 1/13/2007; Albuquerque; STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.789500
Germain, MarjorieT; 7/13/1998; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 19.060956
Germain, Myriam 8/20/2001; 15.304810
German, Kate; 6/2/2007; Angel Fire; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.405630
Germany.Josti Ctiris; 2/26/2005; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.457810
Gershanok, Vladimir; 8/28/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 21.781555
Gershon, Daniel E.; 9/5/2000; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 41.155550
Gerstner,Joshua; 4/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 35.925759
Gerwin, Michael D.; 11/1/2008; 20.960630
Getkin,Karoline S 1 1/23/1987; 28.064493
Gettler.Leroy; 7/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Geurkink,Nathaniel J; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.936000
Geyer, Wesley C; 8/2/2008; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.500000
Ghahate, Maria F; 6/18/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 17.641600
Gharib,Jenice Elizabeth; 20.500000
Ghweir,Mohd I.; 4/12/1993; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Department of Transportation; 25.455611
Giannini, Nancy B.; 6/23/1990; Fort Sumner; LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 25.732393
Giannotta, Linda G.; 14.818215
Gibbons.Timothy D.; Farmington; Santa Fe (City)
Gibbonsjimothy D.; 2/7/2009; Santa Fe (City); Recruits; New Mexico State Police; 14.800000
Gibbs,Mildred D; 8/11/2008; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.000000
Gibbs.Darlene Y.; 6/27/1994; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-0; Retirement Board; 14.569485
Gibson Ill.Charles H 5/31/2008; 1 1 .896500
Gibson,Justin; 5/29/2007; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 28.099250
Gibson.Tresa M.; 14.794190
Gierhart.Crystal; 9.250000
Gieri,Angela L; 6/29/1987; PROBATION PAROLE OFFiC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 27.879033
Giese.Michele A; 8/10/1987; Silver City; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 21.225926
Giesler,Linda L; 3/6/1989; Albuquerque; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.884035
Gifford,Samuel; 0.000000
Gigante.Albert L. 4/2/2008; 1 1 .358730
Giickman.Jeffrey B 7/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; LIBRARY TECH-O; LIBRARYTECH-O; 24.490437
Giilespie.Christopher S; 11/23/1987; City); Santa Fe; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 34.868241
Gil!espie,Nicole R; 5/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); Policy Analyst; Finance & Admnst; 27.798077
GilberLSusanna R.; 10/18/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; Guevara, Tony T.; 13.301000
Gilbert,Joel G; 20.264000
Gilbert,Lawrence; 8/28/2006; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0;; 19.955630
Gilbert.Donald J; 18.538000
Gilbert.Michael S.; 8/8/2005; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.487445
GilbertDavid W; 2/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 23.565600
GilbertEliza Inez; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 18.470000
Giles-Pullen.Sharon 7/11/1988; 25.209826
Giles.Karen D; 3/1/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; EXPO New Mexico; 22.049630
Giles.KennethH.; 1/17/1990; (City); Santa Fe; GENI; 41.207150
Giles.Michael R; 8/26/1991; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 32.484771
Gilewski,Joan; 3/3/2009; estigator Albuquerque; Medical Care Inv; Office of the Attorney General; 30.770000
Giliespie,Marjorie J.; 1/18/1994; Albuquerque; EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.262786
Gill.WendyJ; 10/12/2002; Farmington; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 13.546876
Gillard.Nancy; 10/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 27.683368
Gillentine.John M.; 8/17/1996; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Department of Transportation; 28.993898
Gillespie, Roger G; 8/24/1992; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 42.000000
Gillespie.HoIlis J.; Santa Fe (City)
Gillespie.Valerie; 5/13/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 13.871823
Gillet,Linda B; 26.126970
Gilliland.Mary; 26.291974
Gillis.Greg; 5/27/2007; Truth Or Consequent; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.203000
Giorgianni, Shawn P.; 6/18/2008; Bernalillo (City); FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.000000
Giron-Bishop.Candy; 5/5/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 1 1 .090000
Giron, Belinda R; 11.258570
Giron,Brandi; 7/23/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 1 1 .876000
Giron,Melquiades; 4/17/2000; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 17.488630
Giron.Gary L; 8/19/1999; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; Department of Transportation; 54.182693
Giron.Jason; 7/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Transportation; 23.181600
Giron.JudyS; 10/7/1985; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.035630
Giron.Loraine E; 6/11/2002; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; General Services Department; 14.454690
Gish, Robert E.; 9/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); Chief Investment Officer; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 92.180480
GistGingerC; 6/18/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 23.170182
GiUulia M; 6/11/2002; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 27.309000
Givens, Patricia; 6/16/2003; Cuba; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.234074
Glackman,Sean Clay; 12.008639
Gladden,Mark; 3/8/2008; Los Lunas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 17.999225
Gladden.Valerie; 16.122400
Gladfelter.Troy L.; 7/5/2005; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.653960
Glanton,James S; 21.874594
Glascock.Jimmy K. 6/5/1993; 33.959000
Glasgow,Georgia M; 2/28/2004; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Public Education Department; 25.841125
Glass.Daniel R.; 4/17/2000; Albuquerque; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 19.685947
Glasscock, Monte; 13.000000
Glazener, Wayne H.; 1/2/1996; Roswell; A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 32.415000
Gleadle.Brian; 7/28/1987; Albuquerque; GENI; Department of Game & Fish; 36.773150
Gleason, Donald S; 7/24/1989; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 41.517807
Gleason, Homer; 11/19/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Farmington; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 18.439460
Gleiman.Seth S.; 9/14/2002; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Glguin.Angelique R; 9/14/2002; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 15.787940
Glick.Carolyn R; 8/19/1991; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Public Regulation Commission; 38.433150
Glick.Daniela; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Economic Developmnt Department; 54.029360
Gloria, Lawrence; 8/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.023000
Gloria.Stanley P; 8/20/2007; Albuquerque; Special Agent; Office of the Attorney General; 27.548672
Glover.Tomas; 8/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.034810
Gober.Josselyn S; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.535630
Gobie.Jennifer R; 9/22/2003; Albuquerque; Dbl & CRIM INVEST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.850000
Godbey.Gerald; 1/9/2006; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.927594
Godfrey, Jesse Mack; 12.370000
Godina.Susan; 4/9/1991; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Transportation; 21.764810
Godwin.Joe; 11/19/2001; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 22.566247
Goedert.Amy J.; 9/18/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 17.078630
Goehring,James R.; 24.000000
Goehring,Rita M. 11/15/1999; 26.831900
Goelier.JohnW; 5/1/1992; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; Public Defender; 37.241411
Goeller,Jason Z; 38.979950
Goeller,Loretta K.; 9/8/1992; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.565630
Goerger,Lorena L.; 2/22/1997; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 30.804566
Goff.Steven D.; 2/4/1997; Portales; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.642190
Gogue,N. Barrett; 3/17/2008; (City); Santa Fe; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; 19.000000
Goh-Holyan, Belinda H.; 12/1/1997; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 20.814401
Goin,Coleman; 5/17/2008; Radium Springs; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 10.500000
Gojkovich,Stephen V.; 6/28/1993; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.800972
Gold berg, Maria Luisa; 1/14/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Department of Transportation; 18.174000
Gold,Alyssa L. 3/26/2005; 15.466600
Gold,DennisJ.; 21.178000
Gold,LaVonne; 16.000000
Gold.KristaA; 4/29/2002; Las Vegas; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Transportation; 18.609630
Goldbaum.Joy E.; 10/28/1991; Las Cruces; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 32.537768
Goldberg, Marni; 3/8/2008; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.000000
Golden, Lydia M; 3/18/1985; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; F Workforce Solutions; 13.985708
Goldman, Maureen; 8/14/2000; PRACTil Albuquerque; 32.693000
Goldman.Shad; 2/12/2002; Las Cruces; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.277768
Goldman.Sue; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; Human Services Department; 19.591600
Goldman.Travis J; 3/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); 24.662910
Goldstein, Elise J; 3/3/2001; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 24.122939
Goldstein,Jonathan; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; : Environment; 49.693840
Goldston, Donald R; 2/12/2005; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.007267
Golightly, Joshua A.; 11.250000
Golob, Marietta A 5/5/2007; 13.816489
Golston,Reater; 3/15/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.081600
Goltz,Barbara; 6/26/1986; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 16.890000
Gome2,Cnstina Elena 10/21/2006; 16.251600
Gomez Jr,GusV; 8/30/1993; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.953190
Gomez-Herrera.Brenda A.; 9/28/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Gomez-Martinez,Blanca E; 12.660000
Gomez-Velazquez, Ivan; 5/4/1998; Las Cruces; TRMT-0; 17.043259
Gomez, Angie Y; 1/19/2002; Silver City; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 13.762760
Gomez, Darren L.; 12.494690
Gomez, Doris L; 1/5/2002; Santa Fe (City); INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-O; Public Regulation Commission; 13.940270
Gomez, Ed uviges Vicky; 11/18/2006; Las Vegas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.866780
Gomez, Harold J. 1/29/1991; 28.243283
Gomez, Hector M; 5/1/2000; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 20.931762
Gomez, Jerome Ricliard 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Gomez, Jessica F. 2/9/1998; 18.957600
Gomez, Jose A.; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A;; 13.610000
Gomez, Katheryn Diane; 4/5/1993; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 17.670000
Gomez, Mark S.; 4/20/1998; Albuquerque; TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.650778
Gomez, Patrick A.; 1/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 20.652060
Gomez, Perla L 1/8/2001; 8.395158
Gomez, Peter; 6/22/1987; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 23.062862
Gomez, Raymond Patrick; 10.560000
Gomez, Richard J.; 35.062145
Gomez, Robert; 32.342000
Gomez, Victor 8/23/1986; Santa Fe (City)
Gomez, Yvonne M; 7/17/2006; Fort Bayard; AO-O; FIN SPEC; 13.262190
Gomez,Andrew L.; 10/7/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 18.705460
Gomez,AndyJ.; 1/5/2002; 7.500000
Gomez,Bessie B.; 9/30/1991; Roswell; BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-O; Department of Health; 12.196557
Gomez,Cynthia Irais; 10/20/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Anthony; Human Services Department; 15.410000
Gomez,Daniel S; 10/24/1988; Fort Bayard; WELDR/CUTTR/SOD-0; Health; 16.678140
Gomez,Darlene T; 1/14/2004; (City); Santa Fe; Deputy Superint. of Insurance; 38.768640
Gomez,DiegoA; 10/12/2004; Taos (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 25.657250
Gomez,Edward A.; 2/15/1990; Santa Fe (City); ELEC ENG TECH-NL-A; Department of Transportation; 16.969555
Gomez,Enicl B.; 6/14/2008; Carlsbad; CLK-A; 11.500000
Gomez,ErikJ; 19.465600
Gomez,Gabriel C.; 8/12/1996; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.965956
Gomez,Guillermo A; 6/12/1989; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 1; 29.637504
Gomez,Lisa Ann; 20.150000
Gomez,Louis R; 32.472185
Gomez,Mark 4/4/2009; 7.500000
Gomez,Martin J.; 3/11/1996; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.905190
Gomez,Michael; 7/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Safety; 17.159460
Gomez,Ramona A.; 2/29/1988; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0;; 19.228380
Gomez,Randy E.; 4/26/2008; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 7.500000
Gomez,Robert; 32.342000
GOMEZ,TERRI L.; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); Chief Information Officer; Human Services Department; 49.693538
Gomez. Eric E; 8/11/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0;; 18.035630
Gomez.Alicia; 11/10/2008; Roswell; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Public Defender; 12.250000
Gomez.Alma A; 4/7/2007; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.263800
Gomez.Aurelia; 22.842275
Gomez.Carmelita D; 10/9/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.678190
Gomez.Claudia T.; 13.936630
Gomez.Curtis Allen; 3/7/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Gomez.David R.; 3/14/1992; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 17.155090
Gomez.Godfrey; 12/5/2005; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.080690
Gomez.James; 6/9/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; 20.513733
Gomez.Jean F; 6/13/1988; Las Cruces; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 24.659654
Gomez.Jesus A; 4/23/2001; Grants; 1 KMT-0; 17.960000
Gomez.Leticia; 2/14/2000; Las Cruces; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.583943
Gomez.Linda L.; 5/20/1985; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.160630
Gomez.Lisa Marie A; 17.535630
Gomez.LouieJ; 9/5/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.586600
Gomez.lrma J; 4/4/1988; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.049458
Gomez.Luciano; 14.991559
Gomez.Mario Gregory; 1/12/2008; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Gomez.Mary M.; 4/12/1993; Rio Rancho; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 14.525345
Gomez.Meliza A.; 1/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Department of Environment; 26.542600
Gomez.MichaelJ; 12/29/2007; Anthony; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 12.526190
Gomez.Norbert L; 5/30/2000; Questa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Gomez.Sally N.; 5/1/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Transportation; 20.504617
Gomez.Sylvia A.; 2/24/1992; San Jon; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.486354
Gomez.Teresa C; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; Deputy Cabinet Secretary; F Workforce Solutions; 40.958120
Gomez.Terri E.; 9/20/1999; Lordsburg; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 20.287460
Gomez.TimJ.; 6/21/1993; Hobbs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.988891
Gomez.Yvette Rene; 8/22/1994; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.829000
Gomez/Thomas C; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; tation; 42.159538
Gomm,Andrew P.; 9/21/1998; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 28.053275
Gomme.George Nathan 1 1/1 2/2008; 1 8.000000
Gonsalves.Mario M.; 4/26/1999; Farmington; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.837652
Gonza les, Betty Y; 3/9/1985; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.340463
Gonza les, Margaret K.; 5/31/1997; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Public Education Department; 15.718164
Gonza!es,Jolene M. 1/18/1993; 46.268740
GonzaIes,Karl H.; 11/14/1994; Las Vegas; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 16.511056
Gonzaies,Metvin Patrick 7/14/2007; 13.489810
Gonzaies.Chris; 7/2/2005; (City); Santa Fe; FIN SPEC, AO-0; 21.474665
Gonzaies.Edward C.; 26.237369
Gonzaiez.Gladys R; 12/17/2005; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.939000
GonzaJes.Augustine E; 15.937387
Gonzales Junior.Jose; 1/6/2008; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Gonzales Junior.Louis A; 1/26/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Gonzales McCracken.Betina; 1/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); Director of Communications; Human Services Department; 41.974380
Gonzales MLJoe 3/24/2007; 13.479810
Gonzales-Bazan.Sandra; 24.595294
Gonzales-Clay, Mercedes; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Department of Health; 16.994000
Gonzales-Gallegos, Joella; 3/7/2009; Taos (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 1 3.000000
Gonzales-Martinez.Rita; 4/6/1987; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; 27.249442
Gonzales-Ortega, Linda B 1 2/22/1 990; 26.064447
Gonzales-Vigil,Jane; 5/15/1989; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Environment; 25.746000
Gonzales, A. Dorela; 1/2/1996; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.702087
Gonzales, Albert V; 12/17/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Education Department; 32.719400
Gonzales, Anne L.; 10/17/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.484857
Gonzales, Antonio; 4/3/2000; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 12.110290
Gonzales, Barbara 8/23/2008; 13.000000
Gonzales, Bernadette P.; 13.726130
Gonzales, Bernadine; 6/5/2004; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 18.865755
Gonzales, Beverly A.; 1/7/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Gonzales, Cimarron M.; 10/17/1994; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 13.312690
Gonzales, Cleopatra L.; 10/4/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.080000
Gonzales, Corey L; 11/29/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.198500
Gonzales, Daniel; 8/28/2006; Las Cruces; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 25.956450
Gonzales, David A; 1/2/1996; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.529810
Gonzales, David D; 10/28/2002; Williamsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.075810
Gonzales, David M.; 5/16/1994; Santa Rosa; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 23.279500
Gonzales, Deborah A; 8/21/1989; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; f Workforce Solutions; 19.756674
Gonzales, Deborah Yvonne; 7/25/1988; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; F Workforce Solutions; 29.467319
Gonzales, Deborah; 10/18/1993; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Commission for the Blind; 21.052911
Gonzales, Debra A.; 11/10/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.099810
Gonzales, Denise Y.; 6/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; f Transportation; 17.001412
Gonzales, Diane C.; 10/28/1991; Belen; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.159159
Gonzales, Dolores C; 4/6/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 31.818300
Gonzales, Dolores M; 25.930060
Gonzales, Don M; 1/3/1994; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Public School Insurance Auth; 20.991600
Gonzales, Doreen; 10.102677
Gonzales, Edward David; 2/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 32.836367
Gonzales, Edward M.; 9/30/1991; Grants; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 28.100000
Gonzales, Elizabeth A; 4/11/1988; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.444260
Gonzales, Fausti no V; 8/11/2003; Santa Fe (City); ARCHIVIST-O; General Services Department; 22.036630
Gonzales, Frank Anthony; 6/1/1985; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 14.466779
Gonzales, Fred T; 20.103860
Gonzales, Geraldine J.; 6/28/1997; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.220869
Gonzales, Geraldo; 4/16/2007; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 30.783500
Gonzales, Gilbert E; 14.434190
Gonzales, Grace; 10/12/2002; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.178381
Gonzales, Heather D.; 21.891760
Gonzales, Henry R.; 2/19/1986; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; 27.543057
Gonzales, Irvin; 5/17/2008; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Gonzales, Jacqueline C; 6/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 25.714000
Gonzales, Janelle A; 4/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; tation; 19.500000
Gonzales, Johanna A.; 7/7/1999; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Gonzales, John Louis 6/4/1 990; 1 3.01 8706
Gonzales, Johnny; 7/26/2008; Roswell; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 13.500000
Gonzales, Jonathan D; 10.561201
Gonzales, Joyce; 4/22/1996; Santa Fe (City); 15.390652
Gonzales, Joycelyn M; 11/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); 19.990000
Gonzales, Julie D; 4/10/1995; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.489810
Gonzales, Katherine M; 18.750848
Gonzales, Kathy A; 7/9/1990; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 13.901958
Gonzales, Ken ie Ann R; 9/12/1992; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0; Department of Health; 14.982132
Gonzales, Kevin R; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); PRINTING MACH OP-A; Public Education Department; 16.554690
Gonzales, Kim C.; 6/7/2000; City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 20.493297
Gonzales, Larissa E.; 5/27/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.151000
Gonzales, Lawrence M. 4/20/1998; & Families Dpt;; 17.356168
Gonzales, Lewis M.; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Gonzales, Louis A; 12/27/2004; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Public Regulation Commission; 21.831600
Gonzales, Luis M; 6/10/1985; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 31.090497
Gonzales, Marcos A.; 10/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Economic Developmnt Department; 17.000000
Gonzales, Margaret A.; 9/14/1998; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.583692
Gonzales, Margaret; 10/19/1981; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 34.001050
Gonzales, Marie Anastasia; 8/11/2007; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.705630
Gonzales, Martin F.; 7/27/1992; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.437630
Gonzales, Mary Ann; 12/24/1988; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 12.605207
Gonzales, MaxineY; 6/11/2001; Las Vegas; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 16.554630
Gonzales, Melody S.; 11/29/2004; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; General Services Department; 15.790000
Gonzales, Michael A; 24.779668
Gonzales, Michael A.; 11/17/1999; Santa Fe (City); FORESTER-A;; 21.642600
Gonzales, Patricia; 17.141387
Gonzales, Paul T.; 9/19/1994; Clayton; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 22.694950
Gonzales, Peter J; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-O; ic Safety; 16.988000
Gonzales, Placido; 4/18/2000; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 13.494448
Gonzales, Rachel; 18.599460
Gonzales, Richard A.; 7/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 19.398190
Gonzales, Richard P.; 11/28/1988; Hobbs; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 26.858550
Gonzales, Rick Leon 10/7/2006; 16.000000
Gonzales, Robert L.; 6/1/1998; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Gaming Control Board; 19.005237
Gonzales, Rudoifo; 3/30/1990; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; 13.442421
Gonzales, Sarati 8/25/2008; 20.000000
Gonzales, Stephanie M.; 11.894690
Gonzales, Stephanie; 11/20/2004; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.467575
Gonzales, Veronica 2/22/1999; 16.176810
Gonzales,Abel Robert; 4/1/2000; Trementina; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.394690
Gonzales,Abril E; 7/7/2003; (City); Santa Fe; HR.TRAIN& LBR SPC-A; 22.000000
Gonzales,Adam F; 8/11/2003; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 12.905171
Gonzales,Adan; 18.249583
Gonzales,Andrea; 9/18/2000; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.657312
Gonzales,Andrew J.; 9/8/1998; Anthony; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.559425
Gonzales,Anna Marie; 5/13/1996; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.347641
Gonzales,Antonio; 11/14/1988; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 15.094190
Gonzales,Armando; 12/17/1990; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 18.828190
Gonzales,Belen; 4/29/1991; Clayton; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.010000
Gonzales,Ben; 8.500000
Gonzales,Benny R 1/18/2005; 8.322029
Gonzales,Brian C.; 12/30/2006; Roswell; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.245630
Gonzales,Camille c; 5/31/2008; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-B; 17.250000
Gonzales,Carlos A.; 28.589459
Gonzales,Carlos D.; 24.522330
Gonzales,Carol; 10/30/1989; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.823538
Gonzales,Charlotte G; 5/7/2005; Las Vegas; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 16.779391
Gonzales,Chris J; 9/27/1993; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-O; General Services Department; 15.228116
Gonzales,Cimarron M.; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.513000
Gonzales,Consuelo D.; 10/30/2000; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 18.065509
Gonzales,Corine V. 7/25/1994; 24.500000
Gonzales,Cynthia; 8/25/2007; Roswell; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.263690
Gonzales,Cynttiia M; 8/22/1985; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 29.266907
Gonzales,Dana E.; 6/20/1994; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-O; ies Dpt; 16.890010
Gonzales,David A; Las Cruces; Santa Fe (City)
Gonzales,Denise Marie; 7/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.630805
Gonzales,Diane Y; 4/7/1993; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Public Education Department; 26.232840
Gonzales,Eloisa; 6/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.577282
Gonzales,Emili-Jon; 31.040000
Gonzales,Erma 1/6/1986; 21.283823
Gonzales,EuIalio; 6/26/2000; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.798190
Gonzales,Evangelina O.; 16.029690
Gonzales,Frances M; 25.733400
Gonzales,George M 1 1 /3/2004; 45.786834
Gonzales,Gilroy J.; 10/25/1993; Santa Fe (City); PHYSICAL SCI.AO-O; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 18.545180
Gonzales,Gloria J; 6/29/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 36.989022
Gonzales,Grace T; 11/21/1977; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.629487
Gonzales,Gregg G; 8/2/2003; (City); Santa Fe; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; 18.435059
Gonzales,Helen A; 10/20/1980; Santa Fe (City); 16.664949
Gonzales,Helen S; 9/11/2004; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 12.145830
Gonzales,Janelle D.; 6/15/1992; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 31.888500
Gonzales,Janet N; 1/8/2001; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 14.487445
Gonzales,Janis Lynn; 56.437000
Gonzales,Janise M.; 7/26/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Gonzales,Jill Wyatt; 6/17/1989; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.105440
Gonzales,Jocyln Michelle 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Gonzales,Johnny S.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 13.810000
Gonzales,Jonathan M; 4/23/2005; Santa Rosa; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.809460
Gonzales,Joseph E; 7/5/2005; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.156190
Gonzales,Joseph P; 8/15/1988; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 35.613800
Gonzales,Juan R; 12/6/2004; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 9.757454
Gonzales,Karla M.; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 15.000000
Gonzales,Kristi D; 10/25/2004; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.696190
Gonzales,Lawrence G.; 5/17/1982; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 18.821630
Gonzales,Libby M; 3/26/1984; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 46.889080
Gonzales,Louie A.; 9/18/1996; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.391194
Gonzales,Lugie; 12/22/1997; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.968288
Gonzales,Margaret A; 8/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.139810
Gonzales,Maria 11/3/2005; 13.736669
Gonzales,Maria D; 1/8/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Public Regulation Commission; 25.069970
Gonzales,Maria; 3/7/2009; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 8.690000
Gonzales,Mark D.; Name; 29.835307
Gonzales,Mark; 13.000000
Gonzales,Martin L; 8/25/2007; Las Cruces; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.526190
Gonzales,Marvin G; 4/10/1989; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.678348
Gonzales,Mary M.; 8/17/1992; Truth Or Consequeni; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.753315
Gonzales,Max A; 5/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; 12.358730
Gonzales,Megan N; 3/25/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.799041
Gonzales,Melissa L; 20.222612
Gonzales,Merry Eileen; 6/9/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 25.500000
Gonzales,MichelleA; 6/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 15.722713
Gonzales,Miguel 9/8/2007; 16.591600
Gonzales,Nenette R; 3/13/2006; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Transportation; 10.898846
Gonzales,Paul A.; 23.200000
Gonzales,Paula V. 3/28/1994; 20.620000
Gonzales,Rachel L.; 7/18/2005; Socorro (City); LINE II; Human Services Department; 18.067000
Gonzales,Ramona Mary; 11/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; ic Safety; 18.381000
Gonzales,Raul; 9/2/2000; Las Cruces; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 12.217694
Gonzales,Rick A.; 1/30/1995; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 23.919575
Gonzales,Robert Javier; 3/10/2007; Truth Or Consequent; O; 13.539561
Gonzales,Robert; 4/4/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Gonzales,Simon; 5/17/2008; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRUCT LBR-B; Department of Transportation; 9.000000
Gonzales,StephanieV.; 7/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Agency Director 11; Workforce Solutions; 47.112520
Gonzales,Susan K; 6/22/1992; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 35.874675
Gonzales,Tamara K; 18.905630
Gonzales,Tina; 19.600000
Gonzales,Tony; 5/6/2002; Fort Bayard; Health; Department; 11.889899
Gonzales,Tracy Melinda; 7/14/2007; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; t of Transportation; 11.308190
Gonzales,Trina Y.; 11/29/2004; Carlsbad; LEGAL SECTY-O; Public Defender; 11.673865
Gonzales,Yo!anda; 9.000000
Gonzales,Yolanda K; 3/17/1986; Fort Bayard; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 13.635678
Gonzales.Adam Luis; 8.828570
Gonzales.Adrian; 11/14/1989; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.352614
Gonzales.Agnes Cruzita 9/20/2008; 19.470000
Gonzales.Alex G; 1/8/2001; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 11.686000
Gonzales.Alicia; 6/14/1993; Roswell; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Environment; 21.764761
Gonzales.Amanda D.; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 13.610000
Gonzales.Angela S; 2/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; 20.040000
Gonzales.Anjelica; 9/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Gonzales.Armando T.; 2/6/1995; Albuquerque; MAINT& REPAIR WKR-0; F Workforce Solutions; 14.484929
Gonzales.Audrey S.; 9/24/1987; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 25.829220
Gonzales.Benito George; 3/12/2005; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.937387
Gonzales.Bernice L.; 5/21/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 36.051060
Gonzales.Brenda J; 3/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); PERS FIN ADVISOR-A; Retirement Board; 20.240000
Gonzales.Carlos F; 12/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 20.629500
Gonzales.Cathy L; 15.154241
Gonzales.Chris J; 5/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Environment; 19.400000
Gonzales.Christine; 9/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); ITAPPSDEV2;; 29.018517
Gonzales.Daniel D; 10/26/2002; San Jon; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.020460
Gonzales.Danielle A; 7/12/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 25.961539
Gonzales.Darlene J.; 4/5/1994; Belen; LINEN; Human Services Department; 23.084000
Gonzales.David J; 12/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; Department of Public Safety; 13.340653
Gonzales.David; 6/30/1998; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 16.385133
Gonzales.Denise 8/11/2007; 15.580000
Gonzales.Edwina L; 11.417772
Gonzales.Elizabeth; 10.428570
Gonzales.Estevan M.; 36.800000
Gonzales.Frances O; 11/1/1972; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 1 1 .620936
Gonzales.Fred T; 3/11/2006; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.322029
Gonzales.HenryA.; 10.561829
Gonzales.Jake W.; 6/5/1995; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.784190
Gonzales.Jenelle C; 5/26/1998; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.957960
Gonzales.John S.; 3/31/1990; Socorro (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 17.801025
Gonzales.Jolene Y.; 4/5/1994; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; 23.829905
Gonzales.Jose Andy; 12/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC; 14.918190
Gonzales.Jose Dion; 14.423317
Gonzales.Jose T.; 4/24/1995; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 15.451817
Gonzales.Joseph; 9/19/1995; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.891810
Gonzales.Joshua C; 11/24/2007; (City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 14.000000
Gonzales.Joshua J; 4/24/2004; Las Vegas; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 21.116630
Gonzales.Juan A.; 10/23/1980; Deming; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 18.250712
Gonzales.Juan; 17.915307
Gonzales.Julian V; 3/12/2001; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.629630
Gonzales.Karen D; 2/19/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 13.610000
Gonzales.Karen E.; 8/23/1999; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 20.994600
Gonzales.Kathy E; 3/27/1999; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.199422
Gonzales.Kathy M.; 8/11/1992; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 21.595630
Gonzales.Kurtis; 2/24/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 9.447867
Gonzales.Lora L; 1/10/1997; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; General Services Department; 17.963279
Gonzales.Lorenza C; 9.874443
Gonzales.Loretta A; 5/2/1988; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Information Technology; 20.390198
Gonzales.Lucia; 12/10/1984; ty); Santa Fe (C; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 23.075600
Gonzales.Marcella A.; 7/1/1991; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 30.139000
Gonzales.Mark L 7/18/1992; 26.087460
Gonzales.Martinik D 5/6/2002; 15.239268
Gonzales.Mary Ann; 5/13/1985; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; nformation Technology; 32.076887
Gonzales.Maurice 8/17/1991; 22.652803
Gonzales.Melarie; 10/18/2004; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Transportation; 10.000000
Gonzales.Michelle R; 11/4/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.472000
Gonzales.Nichole L.; 11/19/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Gonzales.Patricia; 1/22/2002; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; f Transportation; 15.391447
Gonzales.Phillip J; 31.448300
Gonzales.Phillip M; 10/1/2005; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 15.800810
Gonzales.Reyes; 11.693690
Gonzales.Sandra; 2/2/2009; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 9.170000
Gonzales.Senaida; 9/29/2008; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; F Workforce Solutions; 10.000000
Gonzales.Shannon; 12/2/2006; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 10.860000
Gonzales.Sharon R.; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-B; 21.036985
Gonzales.Sharon Y.; 4/29/1991; Las Vegas; PURCHASING AGENT-O; of Transportation; 20.348023
Gonzales.Steve A.; 4/1/1985; Santa Fe (City); STAFF;; 29.034076
Gonzales.Steven A; 10/1/1980; [City); Santa Fe; GEN 1; 47.879116
Gonzales.Steven E; 8/7/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 28.049999
Gonzales.Suzanne E; 27.612830
Gonzales.Ted; 5/1/1989; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.672810
Gonzales.Teressa A; 3/21/2005; Albuquerque; A/O II; F Workforce Solutions; 33.180000
Gonzales.Theresa; 4/7/1997; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.313530
Gonzales.Theresa; 5/22/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Gonzales.Tiffany R 10/1/2007; 9.546900
Gonzales.Tomas R; 5/24/1982; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 38.586885
Gonzales.Tomas; 14.630810
Gonzales.Toni A.; 2/9/1998; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 19.283986
Gonzales.Veronica; 14.999226
Gonzales.Yesenia; 12/21/2002; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; ic Safety; 13.723995
Gonzales.Yvonne M.; 22.165800
Gonzalesjanya 7/16/2007; 13.188190
Gonzalez-Cuervo.Manuel; 65.343885
Gonzalez-Zakarchenco,Jafet; 3/2/2009; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIST-A; Department of Health; 86.255250
Gonzalez, Eduardo S.; 5/22/2006; Lordsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.878190
Gonzalez, Elizabeth; 7/8/2002; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 11.000000
Gonzalez, Jason P.; 8/9/1998; Truth Or Consequen<; -0; 15.850072
Gonzalez, Jessica L. 11/1 /2008; 1 6.000000
Gonzalez, Jesus; 6/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; ic Safety; 11.279280
Gonzalez, Robert A 4/18/1983; 13.597734
Gonzalez, Rodolfo 11/13/2008; 15.110000
Gonzalez,Antonio; 3/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 25.800000
Gonzalez,Crystal G; 9/15/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Gonzalez,Debbie Charlene; 7/30/2007; Las Cruces; LINE II -NURSING; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.500000
Gonzalez,Dora B.; 19.303600
Gonzalez,Felipe H.; 6/5/1993; Las Cruces; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 27.090000
Gonzalez,Juanita; 3/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.969500
Gonzalez,Manuel; 12/17/2005; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 8.322029
Gonzalez,Maria C.; 3/27/2004; Gallup; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.391439
Gonzalez,Oscar R. 12/14/1984; 36.026000
Gonzalez,Salvador; 8/13/2005; Truth Or Consequem; -A; 15.850072
Gonzalez,Sonia B.; 7/14/2007; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.402760
Gonzalez,Sonya; 9.350000
Gonzalez,Teresa M. 1/13/2007; 10.994690
Gonzalez.Gustavo A.; 6/7/1999; Taos (City); PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.916018
Gonzalez.Jessica L.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Hobbs; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Gonzalez.Joei; Santa Fe (City)
Gonzalez.Judy; 15.929686
Gonzalez.Linda F.; 1/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Workforce Solutions; 21.250234
Gonzalez.Manuela A 9/2/1996; 9.815448
Gonzalez.Mario G; 5/19/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Human Services Department; 46.124680
Gonzalez.Robyn; 5/17/2008; Fort Bayard; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 10.242000
Gonzalez.Rosie M 3/19/2001; 16.339810
Gonzalez.Sandra P 4/22/2006; 25.480780
Gonzalez.Sonia E.; 17.860172
Gonzalez.Suzanne; 7/8/2002; Las Cruces; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 14.852807
Gonzalez.Veronica; 7/5/2003; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 18.151560
Good.Scott D 6/1/2002; 30.384500
Goode, Doris L; 5/30/1987; Farmington; A/O II; 24.020000
Goodeil.Charles E; 95.000000
Goodenough, Rhonda; 12/6/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Gallup; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.608460
Goodhart,Tammy; 3/13/2004; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.807385
Goodmacher.Jillian; 2/17/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 20.867470
Goodman, Linda J; 1/12/1987; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 20.997300
Goodman,Craig John 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Goodman.Daniel 8/25/2008; Lincoln (City)
Goodman.Tamara; 61.453350
Goodson, Monica; 12/26/2005; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.765190
Goodwin, Rebecka E.; 10/17/1998; Rio Rancho; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 15.802190
Goodwin.Jan He; 10/30/1998; Santa Fe (City); Agency Director; Educational Retirement Board; 62.720000
Goodwin.Jonathan Garrett 11/29/2008; 13.000000
Goodwin.Theresa L; 1/13/2007; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.080000
Goodyear, Richard L.; 7/28/1992; Santa Fe (City); A/O II -ENGINEERING; Department of Environment; 35.188273
Goold,J. Scott; 3/27/2006; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 25.155783
Gorczyca,Anna; 8/25/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.705630
Gordan, Linda 1; 12/29/1986; Santa Fe (City); GEN {-ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 39.243694
Gordan,Carla; 31.000000
Gordo,OrIando J.; 10/21/2006; Cuba; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.536190
Gordon, Belinda; 15.304810
Gordon, Dwayne C.; 5/3/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 9.930000
Gordon, Karen L; 13.865573
Gordon, Lowell; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - PHYSICIAN; Human Services Department; 77.146059
Gordon, Marc A; 11/16/1987; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 33.631500
Gordon,Steven W.; 12/9/1991; Las Cruces; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.021556
Gordon.Judith F.; 10/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-A; 17.066501
Gordon.Vena; 7/31/1982; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; Workforce Solutions; 19.421445
Gorham,Craig; 10/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; nformation Technology; 35.513497
Goryanec lil.George T.; 10/29/1990; Albuquerque; LINE II; Gaming Control Board; 27.410597
Goslow,Melody 5/26/2008; 11.000000
Gottlieb,Jacklyn T; 8/13/2005; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.438190
Gottlieb,Natsaran; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 16.924600
Gottlieb.Arthur J.; 9/13/1999; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 38.711049
Gottlieb.Mary Lou; 25.743093
Gottlieb.Vicki; 4/5/1999; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 38.609550
Gouin.Rosita B; 1/3/1994; Las Vegas; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Transportation; 19.904630
Gould, Robin A; 21.935098
Gould.Edward I; 5/21/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.651500
Gouldjhomas G; 3/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-B; Public Education Department; 21.700809
Govekar.Amey L; 12/31/2005; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.111818
Gower, Daniel E.; 11/10/2008; Las Cruces; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 28.755000
Gowman, Richard Alan; 9/6/2008; Roswell; STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-0; .of Transportation; 12.650000
Grace, Brian B; 1/1/2003; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 23.739500
Grace,Kathy M.; 5/17/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 20.181600
Gracia,Diana Marina; 3/7/2009; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 9.229000
Grado.Jennifer G; 5/28/2002; Deming; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.443000
Graeser,Laird; 4/1/1991; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMICS; A/O II -; 41.626300
Graham, Don E; 5/23/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 30.868000
Graham, Jason; 1/10/2000; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 15.452870
Graham, Joshua C; 8/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support;; 10.023000
Graham, Lewis; 4/10/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Graham,Alan B; 3/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 29.373960
Graham,Carolee A. 2/3/2001; 34.633900
Graham,DarrellJ; 3/13/2004; City); Santa Fe; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; 31.097414
Graham,Tracy Ann; 3/8/2008; Alamogordo; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0;; 20.991600
Graham.Joseph K; 9.713760
Graham.Kaylene; 2/23/1987; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; EXPO New Mexico; 23.513217
Grainger, Ronald D; 3/29/2004; Cliff; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.437190
Grajeda,Raul P.; 8/24/1998; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 15.842810
Grajeda.Raul B.; 6/21/1993; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.686190
Gramm.Susan 11/1/2008; 11.500000
Granado.Mariano O.; 16.371810
Granados.Emmanuel; 8/23/2008; Artesia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 11.250000
Granger-Sanchez.Lisa; 8/26/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 22.148375
Granger,Sara Claire; 2/21/2009; Hobbs; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 23.000000
Granger.Angeia M.; Carlsbad; CLK-A; 13.096417
Granillo.Yolanda M.; 1/13/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Granito-Tibbetts, Michaela; 8/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 22. 1 70276
Granito, Maria E; 12/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); Secretary II; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 33.772760
Grano,RudyF; 21.240000
Grant, Floyd J; 13.788687
Grant, Genevieve L.; 10/14/1997; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Department of Environment; 28.053275
Grant,Sandra; 7/5/2002; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 10.233720
Grantham,Paula E.; 7/9/2008; Raton; NURSAIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.750000
Grantham.William; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 36.407954
Granzow,Kim P; 8/7/2000; Los Alamos (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.845386
Granzow.Rachel; 6/2/2007; Los Alamos (City); LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-A;; 16.890000
Grasmick, Jeffrey N.; 6/27/1994; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Department of Environment; 16.194810
Grassel,Kathy A; 4/26/2003; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.361595
Grassie,Ellen J 1 0/29/1 988; 30.898040
Graveline.Darrell R. 7/1/1991; 13.992920
Graves, Rose Marie; 9/17/1988; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 15.809231
Graves,Gary L; 11/21/2005; [City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 2; 29.301600
Graves,Robert; 7/2/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1;; 25.512584
Graves.Donald R; 17.600604
Graves/William D.; 8/16/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 32.478119
Gray, Paul W; 25.679460
Gray,Brenda L; 8/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.130000
Gray,Christina B.; 1/27/2007; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.135630
Gray,Danie!V; 10/26/1987; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 2; 30.567305
Gray,Kneelynn A.; 9/2/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.819081
Gray,Melvin Eugene; 10/6/2007; Grants; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.398190
Gray.Andrew G.; 3/6/1999; Las Vegas; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 22.645520
Gray.Deborah; 1/30/1993; Rio Rancho; GEN 1; Youth & Families Dpt; 38.711049
Gray.Donald; 3/24/1986; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Public Education Department; 21.919600
Gray.Erin A; 9/8/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Gray.Paul W.; 2/8/1; Las Vegas; EXEC -ENGINEERING; of Transportation; 47.973861
Gray.Susan; 2/18/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 30.367350
Gray.Thomas F.; 1/25/1997; Farmington; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 27.597552
Gray.Timothy Jon; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; c Environment; 23.877000
Grayson,James W; 5/12/1997; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 34.488000
Graystone,Cynthia M; 19.265630
Grebner.Lawrence S.; 11/26/1990; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 23.740725
Green-Romig,Anne; 1/6/1990; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 30.279618
Green, Alex L.; 1/6/2008; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Green, Belinda; 4/8/1996; Socorro (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; â  Workforce Solutions; 15.583372
Green, Deborah; 12/21/1992; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 16.613463
Green, Derrell W; 7/2/2005; Orogrande; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.530460
Green, Desiree; 11/10/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Green, Florence C.; 7/2/2007; Albuquerque; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; Workforce Solutions; 8.781590
Green, Jason D.; 12/17/1994; Truth Or Consequen; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Green, Kristin N; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 29.590000
Green, LoriK; 15.500000
Green, M ichael S; 1/6/2003; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 21.458550
Green, Mark A.; 8/31/1992; Williamsburg; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-A; : of Transportation; 16.791810
Green, Tanya; 11.840000
Green,Joe D.; Anthony; Cuba; Santa Fe (City); Lordsburg; 23.200000
Green,Scott; 16.628003
Green,William J; 12/10/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; Environment; 21.042303
Green.Daniel L 12/7/2002; 27.498458
Green.James W.; 1/9/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 42.796300
Green.ShirleyT.; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; c Safety; 16.885000
Green.Virginia K.; 5/3/1999; Santa Fe (City); PSY-A; 27.089460
Greenbaum,Shelley Robin; 7/15/1996; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 30.445828
Greene III.AIbert Richard; 30.503750
Greene, Rufus Jr.; 20.435482
Greene,Steven Rockwell; 3/7/2009; Fence Lake; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; F Transportation; 9.790000
Greene.Janet Lee; 18.148305
Greener,Joseph R.; 32.630000
Greenwall, Herbert; 4/17/1989; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 31.174991
Greenway,Lois J 9/15/1992; 21.364460
Greenwood, Barbara; 6/20/1988; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.200673
Greer, Royce Howard; 1/10/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
Greer,DianeC; 12/29/2007; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B;; 12.160000
Gregg, Peter L; 5/30/2006; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; 11.500000
Gregoire,Biliye; 4/23/2005; Albuquerque; CLK-A; & Revenue; 16.908241
Gregor,Eric S.; 4/24/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.250000
Gregory, James Dennis; 6/29/1989; Grants; ENG COORD-PE-B; Department of Transportation; 22.681600
Gregory, Richard J.; 3/22/2008; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 11.800000
Gregory, Vivian E.; 8/30/1993; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; ic Safety; 16.158858
Gregory,Bette L.; 9/8/2007; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 10.500000
Gregory,Leif D; 4/24/2002; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Health; 32.953543
Gregory.Cindy D.; 11/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); Chief Statistician; Public Education Department; 41.009080
Gregory.Ethel; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 9.988570
Grein, Donna; 1/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 28.311975
Greving,Mildred T; 9/16/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.291730
GriegcCindy C.; 12/1/2007; Gallup; CLK-A; 12.394690
GriegcLisa J.; 2/21/2000; Santa Fe County; COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.961367
Griego-Martinez,Deniece; 12/4/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; 26.151495
Griego, Andrew S.; 9/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; 24.822000
Griego, Annette M; 7/10/2000; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.061000
Griego, Dolores L; 4/4/1987; Los Lunas; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.311564
Griego, Erica M.; 4/21/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Griego, Jeremy M.; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 17.000000
Griego, Jerome A; 16.349500
Griego, Johnny R; 12/10/2001; Fort Sumner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.755190
Griego, Melissa; 6/6/2005; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 13.000000
Griego, Michael E.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 12.150000
Griego, Raymond V; 6/14/2008; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.500000
Griego, Richard; 4/26/2004; Rowe; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.912190
Griego, Robert; 12/27/1997; Socorro (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; Department of Game & Fish; 24.122939
Griego, Roberta D.; 12.490852
Griego, Roberta; 5/23/1994; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.795630
Griego, Sandra D.; 22.133600
Griego,Andrew S.; 1/3/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 40.177711
Griego,Annabell; 11.545771
Griego,Anthony J. 12/17/1990; 15.304810
Griego,Anthony Ray; 7/17/1989; Grants; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 23.961221
Griego,Antoinette L; 6/1/1996; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 20.426810
Griego,Barbara A; 11/6/2001; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 16.848190
Griego,Briana; 6/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Public Regulation Commission; 11.802760
Griego,CarlaJ.; 6/2/1997; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.137177
Griego,Carolina V.; 10.233720
Griego,Christine N.; 1/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Griego,Christopher A.; 9.897376
Griego,Consuelo A.; 3/15/1993; Truth Or Consequen<; AO-O; FIN SPEC; 14.796012
Griego,Daniel G; 12.755190
Griego,Daniel J.; 2/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 19.876000
Griego,Desirae D 11/14/2008; 13.610000
Griego,Donald; 8/23/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.871422
Griego,Gregory D.; 11/15/1986; Workers Compensation Judge Albuquerque; Workers Compensation Admin; 48.302000
Griego,John; 7/20/2000; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.758810
Griego,Joseph Toby; 4/5/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Gaming Control Board; 21.695630
Griego,Kevin C; 3/2/1998; 14.630000
Griego,Marcos; 15.774810
Griego,Martin P.; 3/22/1999; Taos (City); DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Public Defender; 16.890010
Griego,Melody L.; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 33.648300
Griego,MichaeI; 15.374430
Griego,Michael A.; 21.178000
Griego,Patricia E; 11/7/1989; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Information Technology; 21.104489
Griego,Patricia T; 6/11/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.959500
Griego,Paul Billy; 7/6/2004; Grants; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 21.981646
Griego,Phil T.; 8/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-0; Transportation; 15.408022
Griego,Ramona J; 8/19/2002; Albuquerque; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; F Workforce Solutions; 14.615368
Griego,ReyR 11/18/2002; 18.234630
Griego,Robert E; 35.139494
Griego,Santana; 8/26/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.817596
Griego,Stephen; 10/8/1991; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.932810
Griego,Theresa M; 15.317423
Griego,Thomas L.; 1/27/1993; Espanola; ENGINEERING; STAFF -; 34.060444
Griego.Andrew; 7/10/1989; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 16.801321
Griego.Anisa; 5/16/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 22.339460
Griego.Beryl Ann; 10/4/1982; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; of Veteran Services; 20.994048
Griego.Christine G.; 9/14/1992; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 19.567322
Griego.Christopher J.; 24.280300
Griego.Daniel G. 4/15/1991; 30.759500
Griego.Denise L; 1/19/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Mora (City); ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 20.733460
Griego.Diane L; 4/2/2007; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.667000
Griego.Donna J.; 13.332459
Griego.Edward P.; 3/31/2003; Albuquerque; Special Agent; Office of the Attorney General; 27.552000
Griego.Elias F.; 23.796857
Griego.Eloise; 6/9/2001; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.237177
Griego.Fidelia Marie; 1/12/2008; Trementina; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 11.394690
Griego.Francisca E.; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.725630
Griego.Frank A; 22.398065
Griego.Juan R.; 2/1/1992; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-A; Department of Public Safety; 26.106850
Griego.Karie L; 5/6/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.390067
Griego.Kathy T; 12/12/1988; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.237894
Griego.Leona A; 11/1/1993; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.975559
Griego.Lori Ann; 4/28/2008; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.100000
Griego.Lorice; 5/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.639810
Griego.Mary Carmen; 1/30/1989; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 16.430190
Griego.Mary; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.800000
Griego.Mary; 8/6/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 25.000000
Griego.Orlando C.; 3/24/1986; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 27.486234
Griego.Ronald E.; 16.373810
Griego.Ronnie D.; 4/25/1983; Pojoaque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 21.219582
Griego.RubyA; 12/22/1997; City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; 18.888630
Griego.Salo L; 16.095251
Griego.Simon; 11/4/2006; Albuquerque; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 18.853894
Griego.Stephanie A; 8/29/1988; Santa Fe (City); â HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.701600
Griego.Steven L.; 11/8/1982; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 20.597391
Griego.Tammy L; 8/27/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; ic Safety; 21.259600
Griego.Veronica P; 6/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LICCLK-A; Medical Examiners Board; 13.891690
Griego.Veronica; 11/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Public Education Department; 17.500000
Grieshaber,Shirley; 3/31/2003; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 11.090000
Griff in, Victoria; 10/1/2001; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 24.350720
Griffay,Betty; 12/5/2005; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.510010
Griffel.Aaron B.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 12.150000
Griffin, Deidre; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Griffin, Stel la L; 11/29/2005; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-A; African American Aff; 21.920000
Griffin, Susan E.; 5/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.138658
Griffin, Susan K.; 9/13/1999; Belen; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 26.499660
Griffin,Gwendolyn M; 7/6/2002; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.140800
Griffin,William T.; 5/11/1993; (City); Santa Fe; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; 20.400000
Griffin.Nancy J; 1/23/2006; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; F Workforce Solutions; 18.750848
Griffin.William A.; 3/8/1999; Tucumcari; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 16.337115
Griffinjerry Patrick; 7/5/1988; Los Lunas; A/OII; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 32.594305
Griffis, Vickie; 12/29/2007; Los Alamos (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.729000
Griffith, Brady; 5/10/2003; Lindrith; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; Game & Fish; 17.188159
Griffith, Brandon W; 1/11/1999; Albuquerque; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 21.919800
Griffith, Ricky; 19.019810
Griffith,James; 3/8/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 9.000000
Griffitii,Wiii!am C.; 13.000000
Griffo.DaveP; 11/29/1987; 19.841600
Griffy.Nannette K.; 10/9/1993; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Moriarty; Human Services Department; 20.757600
Griggs.Desmond H.; 2/23/1998; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-A; Department of Public Safety; 18.481718
Griggs.Linda K; 9/16/2002; Silver City; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 14.487336
Grijalva, Erica R; 6/23/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.070000
Grijalva.Santiago; 19.840000
Grimes.BillA; 9/17/2001; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 16.124630
Grinage.Helen L.; 10.331570
Grinde, Vickie Lynn 4/21/2007; 13.835630
Grine, Freddie G.; 3/27/1989; Des Moines; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.441810
Grine,Robert P; 10.662271
Grine.DwainC 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Grine.Mildred 1; 5/3/1982; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 32.669406
Grine.Tabitha A.; 3/11/2006; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Griner.Hughlett D.; 8/25/1986; Grants; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 24.219908
Griscom Benjamin, Dakotah F; 8/25/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAW CLERK-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.400000
Grissom,Betty J; 9/22/1986; Clovis; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 20.350612
Grissom.MardyA; 10/15/2007; Fort Bayard; COOK, INST &CAF-A; Department of Health; 16.124900
Gritzbaugh,Michael 1/11/2005; 25.000000
Grnelas.Lydia R.; 13.726130
Grob, Jeremy O; 17.871600
GROBLEBE,MICHELE; 5/21/2007; Gallup; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Department of Health; 19.365630
Grogitsky, Jennifer M; 3/8/2004; (City); Santa Fe; COMP.BNF & JOB ANA-0; 23.328190
Gronewold,Rolletta Sue; 7/2/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department; 35.132050
Grong.Erica 9/24/2007; 32.210000
Groseclose,Jay C; 10/23/1982; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 37.459465
Groskinsky,Vicky Lee 2/1 0/2007; 33.21 81 00
Gross,Trisha L.; 5/3/2008; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Grossetete.Glenda M; 1/30/2006; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.616770
Grube.Mary; 3/12/1994; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.453005
Gruber, William M; 5/27/2000; Santa Fe (City); EDITOR-A; Department of Game & Fish; 24.015770
Gruber,Chad 7/7/2008; 20.000000
Gruer,GaryB.; 18.816955
Gsfford.Sean A 9/25/2004; 17.632600
Guardado,Cynthia Isabel 1 1/29/2008; 1 3.000000
Guardian.Joseph L; 7/9/2001; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 12.306773
Gudipudi.Srinivasa R.; 5/3/2003; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 29.040258
Gudoor,Siijatha R; 7/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 36.548300
Gudoor.Balwanth R; 38.466760
Guerin,Yvonne Marie; 12/3/2007; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 15.548190
Guerra.Steve; 6/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 33.109040
Guerrero Junior.Joseph; 12/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); Recruits; New Mexico State Police; 14.800000
Guerrero Junior.Joseph; 14.800000
Guerrero, Erica; 9/20/2008; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Guerrero, Jacqueline Y.; 4/8/2006; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.799041
Guerrero,Gabriel G; 7/8/2002; Fort Bayard; MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-A; 16.905985
Guerrero,Lorenzo A; 5/10/2008; Gallup; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Guerrero,Michael 8/3/1991; 26.100000
Guerrero.Christopher A 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Guerrero.Natividad 9/14/2002; Santa Fe (City)
Guevara, Daniel J; 9/12/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 25.112460
Guevara.Lynette S; 8/20/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 29.433550
Guillen, Gary G.; 6/28/1993; Albuquerque; MED REC& HLTH INF-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 16.184445
Guillen, Monica A; 8/22/2002; Albuquerque; LGLSUPWKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 15.113810
Guillen, Nicholas; 9/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; Public Regulation Commission; 19.128508
Guillen, Rose-Ellen; 12/27/1995; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; 22.200000
Guillen,Miguel A.; 9/6/2008; Espanola; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.000000
Guillen,Sonya A.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Guillen.Clara L.; 18.971870
Guillen.Reina C; 20.991600
Guillory,Megan; 5/16/2005; Roswell; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 30.763026
Guin,Ruth M.; 3/2/2005; Socorro (City); NURSING; LINE II -; 30.901595
Gulino.Patricia; 16.235695
Gum.TimW.; 9/6/1994; Artesia; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.110000
Gumfory, Denny A.; 5/22/1991; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 22.462525
Gunnell.Jana D.; 57.903616
Gunter,Charles W; 2/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - ECONOMICS; Public Regulation Commission; 34.958979
Gunther.Tricia Lynn; 2/11/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 9.917730
Guru!e,John 7/9/2001; 17.140267
Gurule Joby B; 3/25/2002; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Transportation; 22.655630
Gurule-Sers.Pauline; 8/28/2004; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.500000
Gurule, Barbara Jean; 11/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; General Services Department; 18.281475
Gurule, Robert T; 1/30/2002; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Human Services Department; 24.858955
Gurule,Arthur; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.000000
Gurule,Candido M.; 12.728730
Gurule,Daniel; 23.044156
Gurule,Doris B.; 2/24/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Public Regulation Commission; 15.321397
Gurule,Emily 9/20/1989; 12.861602
Gurule,Fernando D; 8/6/2001; Tres Piedras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.862791
Gurule,Johnny 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Gurule,Judy L.; 17.265000
Gurule,Louis; 6/2/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.950311
Gurule,Louise M; 15.082132
Gurule,Lynette R.; 2/21/2009; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Gurule,Margie; 3/12/1979; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.730000
Gurule,Mario; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-B; of Transportation; 13.370000
Gurule,MyraE; 6/17/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 15.415394
Gurule,PeteA.; 1/10/2000; Santa Fe (City); INFO/RECCLRK,AO-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.166726
Gurule,Robert E.; 23.666579
Gurule,Tina Mane; 15.153141
Gurule,Valentina Denise; 6/29/1996; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 18.694925
Gurule.Anna; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; Department of Public Safety; 10.769000
Gurule.Anna; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 20.400000
Gurule.Art J; 6/28/1999; 23.797907
Gurule.Geraldine; 10/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Rehbltation; 16.315788
Gurule.Jacob D; 2/23/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Gurule.Janette M.; 4/29/2002; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 15.005065
Gurule.Jessica; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 8.902760
Gurule.John M; 14.487445
Gurule.Patricia A.; 9/15/1998; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Human Services Department; 22.070475
Gurule.Tony; 4/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; General Services Department; 13.639797
Gurule.Victoria; 5/20/1995; Farmington; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.523190
Gurule',Susan A.; 5/5/2007; Farmington; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.138830
Gustamantes,Anna; 5/24/2003; Albuquerque; TITLE EXM/ABSTR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.254190
Gustin, Michael; 7/31/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Game & Fish; 33.014400
Gustin.Cary L; 11.157191
Gustin.Mary A. 9/13/1993; 15.014810
Guthart, Douglas E; 2/20/2006; Alamogordo; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Commission for the Blind; 18.389894
Guthrie, Joseph G.; 16.971502
Guthrie.Daisy M; 10/9/2001; Silver City; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 1 1 .834399
Gutierres.Una; 7/10/1989; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 28.796039
Gutierrez I, Evelyn Gracy 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Gutierrez II, Lorenzo Leopoldc; 12/13/2008; Truth Or Consequent; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 10.540000
Gutierrez-Baca, Christina Virg; 12/24/2007; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Public Defender; 1 1.994690
Gutierrez-Devries.Elizabeth 11/27/1995; 20.193600
Gutierrez-Sotelo,Michelle L.; 5/15/1999; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 19.487909
Gutierrez, Bemadine; 10.982478
Gutierrez, Bernice J; 4/24/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.262800
Gutierrez, Carlos; 9/29/2008; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 34.616000
Gutierrez, Clarence T.; 3/9/2006; Taos (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 14.587445
Gutierrez, Daniel A; 6/24/2000; Las Vegas; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 32.547918
Gutierrez, Delia 1; 9/2/1980; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; State Land Office; 34.855769
Gutierrez, Dolores N.; 5/22/1995; Albuquerque; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.926017
Gutierrez, Donna J; 5/26/1987; Roswell; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.644471
Gutierrez, Dorine D.; 16.000000
Gutierrez, Edward J.; 8/14/2004; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 1;; 24.040993
Gutierrez, Elvira D. 11/3/2001; 13.483943
Gutierrez, Ernest J; 6/20/1988; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; f Environment; 24.659590
Gutierrez, Freddie J; 14.865960
Gutierrez, I Ida 6/23/1989; 16.051190
Gutierrez, Jaime; 7/15/2006; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 13.122190
Gutierrez, Jimmy E; 7/12/1988; Alcalde; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.187302
Gutierrez, John A; 10/2/2000; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; 1: of Transportation; 15.891551
Gutierrez, Jose D; 11/8/2004; Datil; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.940190
Gutierrez, Jose M; 2/2/2002; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Human Services Department; 17.526720
Gutierrez, Laura A.; 7/24/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 20.808434
Gutierrez, Laura I; 7/4/1981; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 21.081839
Gutierrez, Marie A; 11/1/2004; (City); Santa Fe; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; 21.940300
Gutierrez, Marttia S; 10/22/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 28.053275
Gutierrez, Mona J; 12.607000
Gutierrez, Pat J; 2/25/2006; Las Vegas; ELECTRICIAN-0; 15.501746
Gutierrez, Patricio S; 8/30/2004; Cliff; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 15.213251
Gutierrez, Patrick W; 10/25/2004; Nara Visa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.997190
Gutierrez, Peggy J; 9/25/2007; Rio Rancho; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.408190
Gutierrez, Rachel M.; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Gutierrez, Rigoberto; 10/11/2005; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.433190
Gutierrez, Ruben M; 5/27/2003; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM AD J, EXAM; 15.950072
Gutierrez, Scott W.; 12/17/2001; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMA!D-0; 10.845335
Gutierrez, Stephanie; 9/18/1989; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 24.605084
Gutierrez, Sylwia 11/8/2008; 16.830000
Gutierrez,Adrian L.; 19.048491
Gutierrez,Amy 4/26/2008; Truth Or Consequent; Truth Or Consequent; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; 7.500000
Gutierrez,Antliony M.; 13.469810
Gutierrez,Beatrice A.; 11/12/1991; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 13.772165
Gutierrez,Belinda M.; 11/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); SECEX LGL/IVIED/EXE-A; Human Services Department; 15.942204
Gutierrez,Bernadette Emily 1/24/2009; 25.500000
Gutierrez,Bernice C; 20.122402
Gutierrez,Carlos; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 11.964690
Gutierrez,Carol Ann; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Department; 32.700000
Gutierrez,Catarino; 3/1/1999; Las Vegas; STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-A; Department of Transportation; 12.112585
Gutierrez,Corina; 18.659460
Gutierrez,Elizabeth M.; 1/18/1994; Albuquerque; COMPUTER OPTR-0; F Workforce Solutions; 14.691344
Gutierrez,Eloisa; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 17.306988
Gutierrez,Emmanuel T.; 20.509000
Gutierrez,Frank L; 22.786364
Gutierrez,Gilbert G.; 2/9/2008; Silver City; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.282690
Gutierrez,Gustavo; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.154000
Gutierrez,Joey A; 7/5/1994; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.333875
Gutierrez,Leo C.; 18.080810
Gutierrez,Leopoldo; 8/14/1989; Albuquerque; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 21.748760
Gutierrez,Leroy E.; 6/14/2008; Porta les; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; t of Transportation; 15.110000
Gutierrez,Lorraine Kay 7/8/1984; 28.1 1 1300
Gutierrez,Lupe; 10/22/2005; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 12.868147
Gutierrez,Margaret; 7/23/1990; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 16.258730
Gutierrez,Mary J.; 1/21/1997; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.620058
Gutierrez,Michael D.; 12/29/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Roswell; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 19.503460
Gutierrez,Orlando B; 3/29/2000; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 12.695590
Gutierrez,Ronaid L.; 2/22/1988; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; F Workforce Solutions; 22.520983
Gutierrez,Steve F.; 5/15/2004; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-O; Cultural Affairs; 10.798395
Gutierrez,Tammie R.; 7/8/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.640000
Gutierrez,Vanessa M; 11/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); 14.489810
Gutierrez,Xochitl A.; 3/16/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.276390
Gutierrez,Zenaida I; 8/13/2001; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.540186
Gutierrez.Adrian S.; 9.448570
Gutierrez.Anastacia Inez; 8/27/2005; Anthony; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.202780
Gutierrez.Ava M.; 11/9/1992; Rio Rancho; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 27.756960
Gutierrez.Avelino A.; 10/9/1990; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Regulation Commission; 41.477562
Gutierrez.Brian J.; 6/9/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; . of Transportation; 24.042703
Gutierrez.Charlene M.; 4/22/2002; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 17.894090
Gutierrez.Christopher; 11/8/2008; City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.000000
Gutierrez.Francisco 2/9/2008; 9.798570
Gutierrez.GilbertJ.; 11/28/1989; Santa Rosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 16.195810
Gutierrez.Gilberto L.; 9/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.309810
Gutierrez.Jeanette S.; 7/20/1998; Springer; TRMT-0; 14.820153
Gutierrez.Lorraine C; 8/18/2001; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.702050
Gutierrez.Madelyn J.; 8/29/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; General Services Department; 38.729645
Gutierrez.Maria G.; 13.726000
Gutierrez.Maria Teresa; 9/6/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.713000
Gutierrez.Mario J.; 4/1/2000; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 15.408021
Gutierrez.Mary; 13.874767
Gutierrez.Melissa L.; 3/16/2002; Albuquerque; TEACHER ASST-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 9.486263
Gutierrez.Michael A.; 11/9/1998; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Transportation; 17.745535
Gutierrez.Michael I.; 32.433040
Gutierrez.Michell Rae; 7/28/2007; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 16.085630
Gutierrez.Orlando; 10/19/1998; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 17.627630
Gutierrez.Raelyn; 13.291730
Gutierrez.Robert T.; 2/14/1995; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.020810
Gutierrez.Sarada V; 9/14/1992; Albuquerque; ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 21.078650
Gutierrez.Tim K.; 11/21/2005; Truth Or Consequent; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 13.437190
Gutierrezjammy Susanne 4/16/2007; 22.441600
Gutierrezjvan F; 12/19/2005; Albuquerque; INV-B; 13.786325
Guttmann.Elliott R; 6/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Safety; 31.931755
Guy.Donald L.; 20.860000
Guy.Juanita Shu; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 24.140340
Guzman Junior.Luis I.; 20.000000
Guzman, Brian; 12/27/1997; Santa Fe (City); PR COORD-0; Department of Game & Fish; 21.225630
Guzman, Frank E.; 6/20/1988; Deming; EXEC -ENGINEERING; of Transportation; 48.645000
Guzman, Jaime A; 18.605765
Guzman, Jose L 5/1 7/1 982; 1 9.500000
Guzman, Pearl; 1/24/2000; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 12.940132
Guzman,Georgina; 7/15/1996; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.740000
Guzman,Henry V.; 12.080000
Guzman,Linda M; 17.930312
Gwalton-Layton , Becca 1 0/1 8/2008; 23. 557692
Gwilt, Robert J.; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Gwilt,Ricfiard Lee; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 17.372200
Gwinn,Susan B; 2/17/2003; Las Cruces; ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 15.330810
Gwyn.Don Nelson; 21.847000
H a rtman, Michael S.; 2/21/1998; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 22.564500
H offman, Anthony H; 11/8/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Taxation & Revenue Department; 42.705124
H utson, Gregory R.; 11/10/2001; Rio Rancho; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.214000
Ha.Nghia; 12/23/1998; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Haas, Nancy L.; 11/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 32.540000
Haas.Amy; 3/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 34.733040
Haas.Anthony J; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUDGbl ANLYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.087588
Haas.Joshua B.; 2/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Haase,Kristin E; 1/21/1997; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Commissioner 1; State Land Office; 41.776000
Haasjamara P.; 9/5/1995; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 48.105606
HabenichtCarl R.; 8/23/1997; Albuquerque; MAINT& REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Public Safety; 13.916114
Haberman, Lorraine S; 11/4/1985; Albuquerque; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Workforce Solutions; 29.516155
Haberman,Alfred E.; 7/20/1991; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 25.959601
Haberman.Nina R.; 6/29/1998; Truth Or Consequent; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 21.094025
Hacker, Weston E.; 25.357000
Hacker,Joann C; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 9.652000
Hackney,Patricia; 9/7/2004; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.608500
Haddock, Catherine E.; 7/6/1998; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.417710
Haecker.Louanna L; 22.034716
Hagamanjim T; 20.933600
Hagan Petronis, Laura; 3/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.636120
Hagan, Daniel A.; 7/29/1996; (City); Santa Fe; MECH ENGINEER-A; 32.629118
Hagan, Robert M 10/18/2004; 30.125722
Hagemann,Jeffrey R; 12/29/1989; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 25.008924
Hager.Todd Grant; 1/26/2008; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; Environment; 14.680000
Haggard, Daniel M. 5/16/1994; 40.668000
Haggard, Eric Oliver; 2/24/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 9.447867
Haggard, Kimberly M; 7/16/2005; Los Lunas; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.240000
Haggerty, Grace M; 1/4/2003; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 36.564040
HaggloLMary K; 8/8/1989; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 26.043049
Hagman,Cynthia A.; 10/6/1986; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Transportation; 20.375023
Haider,Buddy; 21.847000
Haikin, Jenny R.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Transportation; 15.110000
Hailer.Barbara Mae; 12/7/2006; Roswell; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 13.836000
Haines.Todd L.; 2/28/1998; Bernalillo (City); A/0 II; 30.763800
Hairston, Edmund P.; 6/12/1999; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.575105
Hairston, Patricia; 10/3/2000; Roswell; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Transportation; 13.353508
Halama.Kenda M; 3/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.008100
Halama.Omar L; 18.305959
Halbach.Kate; 9/11/2002; Albuquerque; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 19.407144
Haldeman,Feona J; 8/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 12.000000
Hale, Judy R.; 8/18/1997; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 16.890010
Hale.Barry; 10/8/1991; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 25.853717
Hale.Patricia A.; 17.980859
Hale.Ronald A; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); 27.683632
Haley, John D. 6/30/2007; 32.817000
Haley,Dolores M; 10/31/1989; Albuquerque; A/O II; : Workforce Solutions; 27.940300
Haley.Michelle R; 12/10/2001; Alamogordo; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 17.641118
Halford, Felicia C.; 10/18/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 21.266901
HalI,Jessica J; 10/15/2002; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.214190
Hali.Celina Raina; 14.457810
Hall, Gregory A.; 3/4/2001; Roswell; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Public Safety; 21.168460
Hall,FreidaA.; 5/9/1992; 21.178000
Hall,Jenna M.; 6/30/2007; Alamogordo; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 13.555239
Hall,Lachandra D.; 7/12/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Clovis; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Hall,Marshall P.; 5/21/2001; Estancia; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.396620
Hall.Anne M; 1/15/2008; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-B; c Safety; 14.500000
Hall.Christine G 7/5/2003; 21.911600
Hall.Cynthia B; 1/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 28.760000
Hall.Dale A; 8/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 30.580500
Hall.Dana W; 7/1/1987; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 35.763963
Hall.Helen I. 8/7/2000; 23.725173
Hall.Janie L.; 8/19/1996; Gallup; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.680964
Hall.Judy L; 10/7/1995; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.895636
Hall.LarryJ.; 9/25/1995; Albuquerque; STAFF - MTD/SID; Department of Public Safety; 34.907300
Hall.Linda M.; 8/13/1994; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Gallup; Human Services Department; 18.367600
Hall.Robby; 5/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Hall.Timothy A; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 29.021500
Hall.Wesley; 3/22/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Hallauer.Debra A.; 5/17/2008; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 12.000000
HalliweN.Carol A.; 9/3/1996; Artesia; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.994552
HalLJohnS.; 10/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 30.804815
Halljom J.; 24.663600
Halona,David C.; 10/4/1999; Gallup; POLICE & SHER PO-0; F Public Safety; 20.287460
Halper,John F; 11/20/2006; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.427756
Hamblin, Donna K; 7/24/1989; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.015630
Hamerdinger.Kimberly S; 6/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); 26.171282
Hamilton, Byron T; 11/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-B; 18.000000
Hamilton, James M; 12/4/2000; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.139458
Hamilton, Lisa; 10/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 28.819460
Hamilton, Pamela; 24.110000
Hamilton, Patricia D; 10/13/2001; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-A Las Cruces; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.494814
Hamilton, Robert; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 8.904571
Hamilton, Sherry; 6/5/2006; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 10.055770
Hamilton, Ty Gacho; 1/10/1998; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 24.627500
Hamilton,Andrea R; 7/30/2005; Porta les; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.444518
Hamilton,Janice R. 10/15/1991; 20.568184
Hamilton.Stuart R.; 32.473040
Hammer, Larrame; 16.235695
Hammer.FritzA; 19.967870
HammitLJana K; 19.950000
Hammond, James L; 7/20/2008; Quemado; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.635000
Hammond.Aaron; 7/20/2008; Grants; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Hampton,Sharon; 1/20/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Han ks, Jerry F; 10/1/1973; Clovis; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Public Defender; 18.468267
Hancock, Jennie M.; 11/23/1992; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,iNV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 19.069443
Hancock, Lewis W.; 2/7/1990; Fort Sumner; -0; 19.366219
Hancock,Junior L 9/9/2002; 13.175314
Hancock.Camille C; 1/29/1996; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; ies Dpt; 26.748608
Hancock.Chris S; 1/11/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 38.483863
Haney.Maureen 6/6/2005; 17.756190
Hangen,James E; 10/16/2000; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.665040
Hanish,Laura M.; 10/8/1994; Albuquerque; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 22.219818
Hankins,Rosalind A; 17.633600
Hankla.Ronny J.; 2/18/1991; Albuquerque; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 21.923838
Hanna,Chad W; 10/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Dept of Information Technology; 33.649900
Hannaford,Charles A; 8/31/1978; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 23.012772
Hanosh.TimothyJ.; 3/24/2007; Albuquerque; VETERINARIAN-A;; 44.091000
Hanoshjimothy J.; 3/24/2007; Albuquerque; VETERINARIAN-A; Livestock Board; 44.091000
Hanretta.Theresa C.; 11/17/1997; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.139458
Hansen, Christopher Michael; 3/2/2009; [City]; Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Hansen, Connie J.; 9/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Department; 39.240000
Hansen, Edward J.; 1/2/1991; Santa Fe (City); PETROLEUM ENG-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 33.834040
Hansen, Henrik G 1 0/8/2005; 1 4.22981
Hansen, Kevin; 1/13/2007; Las Cruces; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.529600
Hansen, Marilyn K; 5/21/2005; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Hansen, Michael D.; 1/25/1993; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 31.630010
Hansen, Richard; 6/30/1997; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 27.300153
Hansen.Donna J.; 9/29/2008; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Public Safety; 27.500000
Hanson, Cody K.; 18.175147
Hanson, Stuart D; 4/9/2005; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.829315
Hanson.CarolM 7/30/2005; 22.825616
Hanus.Debra G.; 6/12/1995; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 22.806717
Hanway, Annie R; 7/1/2006; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.150000
Hanway, Dolores S.; 12/7/2002; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.006000
Harden.Michelle R. 12/12/1998; 21.143600
Hardin, Melissa; 3/14/2006; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.561600
Harding,Alex; 1/18/2003; Las Cruces; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Environment; 25.927594
Harding.Bobby A; 12/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); 29.097585
Hardison,Cember L.; 2/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 27.921000
Hardwick, Peggy A; 4/8/2002; Albuquerque; LAWYER- A; Gaming Control Board; 37.260632
Hardwick,Mary L; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Hardy,Diana L.; 4/18/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.039334
Hardy,Kathleen R.; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.256215
Hardy.MadaleneA; 26.500000
Hare, David L.; 4/12/1993; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 18.066557
Hare.Louise; 7/26/2008; Roswell; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 8.250000
Hargreaves,Anna; 5/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 22.654883
Haring,Karana E J; 2/16/2008; ty); Santa Fe (C; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 20.400000
HARING.SARA M.; 19.670000
Harkness, David W.; Santa Fe (City)
Harkness, Roberta L. 3/5/1983; 26.353510
Harkness,Steven R.; 13.450000
Harman, Dolores M.; 4/5/1999; Deming; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Department of Transportation; 22.993661
Harman, Raymond J.; 3/22/1999; Deming; PLANT/SYS OPR,AO-0; t of Transportation; 16.807585
Harmon, Judith L.; 3/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 24.371600
Harms.Paul W; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.062500
Harms.Robert; 6/4/2005; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 22.327364
Haro.Juan; 30.494700
Harper,Cathy J 3/1 2/2005; 1 7.825572
Harperjerry 5/25/2002; 21.844125
Harrah, Meghan; 6/22/1987; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 21.231460
Harrei!,Tliomas 3/19/2001; 15.802810
Harreli.Geter; 4/19/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Harrell, Ernest G.; 6/4/2005; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.331050
Harrfs,Kelli; 10.438730
Harrie.Chad Michael; 14.229810
Harrigan, Philip J.; 5/6/1996; Silver City; GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 26.525927
Harrington, Donna M; 33.526000
Harrington, Roy; 4/24/2004; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.426209
Harrington.Gerald R; 3/29/2003; Las Cruces; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 21.764460
Harris, Barbara M.; 10.419973
Harris, Beverly H.; 30.041535
Harris, Brian E.; 1/7/2002; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 31.746000
Harris, David C; 37.634040
Harris, Eugene R.; 7/16/1990; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 34.295436
Harris, Felicia S; 22.731216
Harris, James Christopher; 12/1/2007; Farmington; 16.289810
Harris, John L; 12/22/1980; Los Lunas; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.571726
Harris, Kathleen; 10/3/2005; Farmington; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.380625
Harris, KimberlyC; 11/8/2003; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.802012
Harris, Pamela A.; 30.793324
Harris,Alfred J; 5/30/2006; Alamogordo; MAINT& REPAIR WKR-0; Commission for the Blind; 14.999226
Harris,Debra J 11/19/1987; 20.244084
Harris,Jeffrey Melvin; 20.680000
Harris,Kenneth 4/26/2003; Santa Fe (City)
Harris,Linda; 23.399460
Harris,Marci E; 10/26/1992; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 14.668703
Harris,Thomas Derryl; 1/2/1985; Farmington; DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Gaming Control Board; 18.470000
Harris.Brad M; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Game & Fish; 35.320000
Harris.Christopher A; 2/18/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.263861
Harris.Clifford; 10/28/1991; Farmington; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.832450
Harris.Connie L; 16.652600
Harris.Connie R. 1/27/2007; 13.613917
Harris.DahIL; 10/5/1987; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Regulation Commission; 41.365201
Harris.Gary Lee; 33.648300
Harris.John D; 17.025630
Harris.Lynn M; 5/18/1998; Santa Fe (City); Chief Information Officer; Environment; 48.078800
Harris.ReneA; 25.940060
Harris.Sheila I; 14.022690
Harris.William C.; 7/27/1998; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 33.174377
Harris.William D; 5/10/2003; Truth Or Consequeni; IT APPS DEV 3; 28.268780
Harris.William T; 3/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; 28.512460
Harrison, Brandi; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; c Safety; 16.620000
Harrison, Cara I; 17.380000
Harrison, Evan A; 2/19/2005; Albuquerque; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 16.841841
Harrison, Larry; 12/6/1990; Shiprock; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.122801
Harrison, Myra H; 24.666898
Harrison,Torrence B. 8/26/2002; 25.740500
Harrison.John R.; 6/17/2006; Hobbs; COMPLNCE OFFICER-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.340000
Harrison.Shanita R 10/27/2003; 20.280000
Harry,Helen K.; 6/17/2000; Grants; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.384690
Harsh.Merry L.; 3/20/1999; Silver City; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 11.503965
Hart, Kenneth L; 20.914180
Hart,Christopher; 10/20/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.150000
Hart,JosieO.; 12.075004
Hart.Darlene S.; 4/9/2001; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Hart.JeanA.; 11/1/2008; 13.401000
Hart.KathyJ.; 7/12/2008; Clovis; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 13.610000
Hart.Lynn S; 3/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); Executive Director; Medical Examiners Board; 37.232160
Hart.Richard R; 11/13/2006; City); Santa Fe; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; 27.303784
Harthom, Casey L.; 12/27/1997; Fairacres; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 24.837920
HartKathleen M; 42.573150
Hartman,Catherine C.; 25.949133
Hartoon.John C.; 8/27/2001; Las Cruces; NURSING; LINE II -; 31.857040
HartToni H; 12.779690
Hartz.Sandra L; 2/17/2001; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Clovis; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.207460
Harvey, KimberlyS. 6/7/1999; 21.021600
Harvey, Lisa L.; 1/13/2007; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Harvey, William C; 50.385474
Harvey,Kandis R.; 7/16/1994; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 18.148000
Harvey,Karen J 3/1 2/2001; Santa Fe (City)
Harvey,Ronald E; 6/20/2005; Artesia; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.849810
Harvey,Wayne A; 25.357000
Harvey.Ann M; 1/21/1991; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 36.410000
Harvey.Shandiin J.; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Harvili.Steven F.; 33.959000
Harwell, David; 2/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); Director of Policy Admin.; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.394700
Harwood, Crystal 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Harzewski.Kiersten; 22.517000
Harzewski.Thomas J.; 29.911000
Harzewski.Thomas J.; 29.911000
Hascall, James F; 23.015072
Hash, Jessica M.; 16.255000
Haskell, Nancy L 1/9/1985; 19.199322
Haskew,Billy; 6/23/2003; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 1 1 .879825
Haskew.Don; 7/17/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 1 1 .039048
Hassall.Arthur G; 30.246619
Hassan,Shihama J; 4/4/2009; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Hassemer.Stephen A; 9/30/1991; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; nformation Technology; 28.577447
Hatch, Francine; 11/3/2008; Santa Fe (City]; Senior Policy Analyst; Indian Affairs; 28.269231
Hatch.JeffC.; 6/26/1989; Hobbs; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 24.706175
Hatch.lndia; 42.553560
Hatcherjhomas J; 6/20/2005; Eagle Nest; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.700190
Hatfield, George D.; 16.854000
Hatfield,Christian A; 5/8/2003; Santa Fe (City); District Public Defender II;; 44.007880
Hathaway, Sandy A; 14.529810
Hathon, Suzanne; 11/1/2008; Carlsbad; 13.980000
Hatley, Wesley Alexander 5/19/2007; 18.421600
Hatley,Bealinda F.; 1/11/1999; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Transportation; 14.709126
Hatley.Klanese; 5/17/2008; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Hatton, Elizabeth S. 9/8/2007; 27.179500
Hatton, Heather; 9.750000
Hauenstein.Meribeth Kay; 11/18/2006; PRACTil Las Cruces; 35.027300
Haug.Sandra Gaussoin; 9/2/2003; City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 46.346160
Haught,Kari L; 4/12/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.462468
Hausner.Amanda M; 22.614460
Havard.Adam David; 12.690000
Havens.M. Duane; 10/6/2007; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.864810
Haver,Leila; 4/21/2007; Raton; -0; 12.639810
Haway,Treasa K; 2/26/2005; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 14.722230
Hawkins,Harry; 7/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.387000
Hawkins.Patricia; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Public Education Department; 18.971600
Hawkins.Philip C.; 10/25/1999; Artesia; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.987298
Hawkinson,Kristan R.; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL* Farmington; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Haworth,Ryan J.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 9.197000
Hawranek,Daniel S.; 7/17/2006; Roswell; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.750000
Haxton.Alison A; 3/16/2002; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; EXPO New Mexico; 19.285914
Hayden, Steven N.; 3/18/2000; Aztec; GEOSCIENTIST-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 28.396500
Hayden,Dennis M.; 10/15/2002; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workforce Solutions; 25.153525
Hayden.Gloria E; 7/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.887187
Hayes-Aguilar,Rose M.; 15.002053
Hayes, Eve Y; 4/4/1998; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.239500
Hayes, Roy C; 5/7/1984; Roswell; GEN 1; Department of Game & Fish; 36.518445
Hayes,Charles L.; 1/29/1997; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 26.888220
Hayes,OIivia V.; 10/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 15.519413
Hayes,Ramona 12/1/1997; 14.581690
HAYES,RANDALL A.; 37.994600
Hayes,Rita Kay; 12/19/2006; Santa Fe (City); RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-0; Department of Health; 11.217760
Hayes,Stephen N.; 9/3/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Ofc of the State Engineer; 29.595368
Hayes.Christine 2/16/1981; 32.593540
Hayes.Katrina; 13.990000
Hayes.Larry W.; 11/29/1997; Alamogordo; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Commission for the Blind; 20.932643
Haymes,Casey; 6/19/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Economic Developmnt Department; 14.597506
Hayne,Sharon L; 12/30/2006; Las Cruces; TITLE EXM/ABSTR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.096067
Haynes-Yates,LornaA.; 8/3/1998; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.141600
Haynes,Samuel Michael; 4/7/2007; Clines Corner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 11.406190
Haynes,Tracy D; 6/4/2005; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.659460
Haynes,Wallace R; 3/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEER,AO-PE-0; Public Regulation Commission; 25.810898
Haynes.Jennifer L; 7/28/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Hobbs; Human Services Department; 13.836000
Hayoz.ReneeC; 7/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Department of Public Safety; 16.500000
Hayoz.William; 7/30/2006; Roy; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Hays-Coca, Darlene B.; 9/20/1999; Las Vegas; LINEN; Department of Health; 22.886086
Hays-Moore, Patricia C; 25.571600
Hays.SharonL.; 7/22/1991; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O;; 21.077630
Hays.SylviaK; 5/26/2007; Los Lunas; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.538190
Hays.Teresa F; 2/14/2004; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.400000
Hazel, Carolina; 6/27/1994; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 15.566737
Hazelton,Denise J.; 6/11/2007; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.454050
Hazen,James R.; 29.911000
Hazen.James R.; 29.911000
He,Feng; 1/14/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 27.055350
Head-Powell.Mary C; 8/13/2001; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.262800
Head,Genevieve N; 22.000000
Head.James D; 6/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 40.435937
Heady,Amber; 11/1/2008; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Heard, Mackejo; 20.842525
Hearn, Carrie T.; 11/14/1990; Truth Or Consequent; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 21.810285
Hearn, Christine M; 11/26/2001; Los Lunas; PSY-A; 33.786379
Heath, David M; 3/20/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 22.384766
Heath.Michael L.; 4/2/2001; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 18.225099
Heber,David N; 4/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.931703
Hebert.Ryan L.; 4/17/2000; Roswell; SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 17.405000
Hebrlee,Judith; 1/16/1984; Albuquerque; A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.157690
Hechler, Rolf Manfred; 3/5/1988; Las Cruces; A/OH; 27.310000
Hecht,Paul David; 7/2/1984; Roswell; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.518560
HedquistRonald L.; 11/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 25.754425
Hedrich.Johannes; 40.865000
Hedrick, Robert; 4/27/1992; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 34.707500
Heffner.NickA.; 5/3/2008; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.600000
Heft,JanaV; 1/31/2004; Carlsbad; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.254260
Heidel.Kathy V.; 5/10/1993; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.474942
Heidke Junior.George F.; 11/4/2006; (City); Santa Fe; LAWYER-A; 38.059368
Heidrick.Kathleen L; 1/1/1989; Truth Or Consequeni; LPN & LVN-A; 19.340000
Heilhecker,Ellen m; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BiO-O; Department of Game & Fish; 16.648903
Heilman.NancyJ.; 12/13/1999; 24.776101
Hein, Esther; 19.519042
Hein.WiiliamL; 17.355600
Heineken,Debra D; 7/24/2000; Ruidoso; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.929514
Heinsohn,EdK; 3/26/1990; Quemado; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 18.188951
Heinz-Bennett.Melissa D. 4/2/2001; 25.612500
Hejna.Susan; 11/10/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Held,RenaeJ; 4/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 22.704000
Helewicz.Angela S.; Santa Fe (City)
Helgesen,Stephan J.; 10/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Economic Developmnt Department; 32.928000
Helgeson, Betty Ann 1/21/1991; 40.995113
Hellwig.Dawn 10/20/2003; 17.591600
Hellyer.Linda; 31.615113
Helms, Wanda E; 8/31/1992; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 44.657620
Helton,LanaS. 4/30/1999; 25.788165
Helton.Ryan; 23.360000
Helvey, Jennifer Jean; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Public Education Department; 17.530000
Helvey,Priscilla E; 1/15/2001; Bernalillo (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Helwig,Lou W.; 9/14/1992; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; of Veteran Services; 32.980769
Hemandez,Janie G; 1/4/1979; Carlsbad; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.621431
Hemandez,Marisela; 10/21/2006; Anthony; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.804841
Hemandez.Carlos Javier; 5/31/2008; Alamogordo; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 9.796000
Hemandez.Eva M. 10/7/2006; 16.358099
Hemandez.Lilia; 8/25/2008; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Cultural Affairs; 8.500000
Hemandez.Manuel M; 8/26/2006; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.145190
Hemandez.Margarito; 14.500000
Hemandez.Michael M.; 3/27/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Hemandez.Nick; 11/3/2007; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; of Transportation; 12.394690
Hemandez.Norma I; 10.870000
Hemandez.Shirley A.; 16.678782
Heme, Raymond P; 7/24/2000; Albuquerque; PUB RELATION SPEC-A; t of Transportation; 21.079783
Hemes,Gary Lowell; 2/21/1974; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Department of Health; 42.780114
Hemphill.Stephen J; 7/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 32.371313
Hen-era, Ramoncita A.; 5/3/1999; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 11.298330
Henderson, Brandon L.; 11/30/1996; Santa Fe (City); Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 28.195000
Henderson, Brandon L.; 28.195000
Henderson, Brenda J.; 5/24/1999; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Workers Compensation Admin; 31.052130
Henderson, Dorothy M; 9/24/2005; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.600604
Henderson, Heidi; 6/16/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 27.297444
Henderson, Jason W; 3/3/2003; Magdalena; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.558190
Henderson, John D.; 13.975049
Henderson, Kaylin; 41.261017
Henderson, Richard K. 9/27/1993; 24.839500
Henderson, Sharon S.; 3/1/1993; Deming; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-O; ic Safety; 13.542777
Henderson,Christella 8/9/1998; 23.625452
Henderson,Michae! W.; 9/4/1990; PROBATION PAROLE OFFiC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.536083
Henderson,Michelle M.; 1/11/1990; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.375630
Henderson,Shammara H; 26.442308
Henderson,Victoria L; 6/21/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Carlsbad; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.567460
Henderson.Tracy D.; 1/21/1992; Tatum; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; : of Transportation; 15.094190
Henderson.Valery A.; 24.234600
Hendra.JonD.; 11/3/1993; Carlsbad; LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 41.828540
Hendren.Anthony J; 10/26/2002; San Jon; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.529460
Hendricks,Debra D. 10/21/2006; 22.822000
Hendricks,William F; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 28.326475
Hendricks.Donna L; 10/30/1995; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 22.541000
Hendrickson,Noreen L; 12/29/2007; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 10.154730
Hendrickson.Alan L; 5/11/2002; Alamogordo; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 20.920460
Hendrickson.R. Brett; 7/9/2001; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 25.616760
Hendrix,Steve B.; 5/23/1992; Santa Fe (City); A/OI;; 35.034040
Hendrix.Charlotte; 26.130000
Hendrix.William; 12/30/1985; Roswell; A/OH; 29.868358
Hengst.Karen Olivia; 4/18/2009; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 30.851820
Henington, Brian; 8/23/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 30.170000
Henio,Jonathan; 4/26/1999; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.031410
Henke,Teresa; 1/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT; STAFF -; 34.367300
Henn.Cory; 15.097387
Hennessey,Joseph R.; 8/6/2007; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.859000
Henning, Robert A.; 10/18/1993; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 23.792600
Henninger,Dean 6/21/2004; 8.322029
Henningsen, Michael; 11/2/2006; Albuquerque; A/OII; EXPO New Mexico; 33.160300
Henrie,Kenneth; 8/20/2001; Las Cruces; District Public Defender III; Public Defender; 44.007880
Henry, Michael G.; 10/7/1996; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.490232
Henry,Marlene B; 5/6/2006; Gallup; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.452760
Henry,Teri Lynn 7/12/2008; 14.560000
Henry.Chariene; 2/24/2007; Farmington; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 11.140413
Henry.Cynthia L; 7/31/1999; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 13.019235
Henry.Daniel J.; 12/4/1989; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.440460
Henry.Nigel D; 1/14/2006; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.994278
Hensleyjroy D.; 9/22/1986; Carlsbad; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 24.259032
Henson, Clint; 7/1/1990; Raton; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game& Fish; 24.071600
Henson.Cynthia A 4/12/2003; 26.340000
Henz,AnnM.; 1/1/1970; Albuquerque; Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 21.581000
Her,PaoZ.; 7/31/2000; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMICS; STAFF -; 37.553216
Heralde,Maria Alessandra; 19.500000
Herbert, Angelita M.; 8/13/2007; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.558730
Herbert, Janet 4/10/2006; 8.322029
Herbert, Rosemary; 15.365508
Herbert.Sam A; 8/28/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.395600
HerbertGina Leslea; 10/20/2007; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.966000
Heredia,Carol Ann; 3/7/2009; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-A Gallup; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.280000
Heredia.Michael A, 9/23/1985; 39.758644
Heritage, Jason M.; 19.816800
Herl, Christine L.; 12/18/1989; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-O; ies Dpt; 18.394352
Hermanns.Phillip A.; 10/30/1999; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.237414
Hermosillo,Marlynn; 11/1/2008; 13.401000
Hernanclez,Veronica M; 9/24/2005; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.484460
Hernandez, Annabelle; 2/10/1986; Hobbs; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 14.209107
Hernandez, Eloisa; 10/20/2003; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Department of Health; 10.757472
Hernandez, Fabian A; 1/14/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL > Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 15.225630
Hernandez, Jose 10/16/1989; 26.969000
Hernandez, Jose Miguel 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Hernandez, Judy M 5/9/1 983; 1 3.0641 39
Hernandez, Laura; 11/3/2007; Las Cruces; FORENSIC SCI TECH-0; Department of Public Safety; 24.539000
Hernandez, Patricia; 2/24/1997; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Deming; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 20.177460
Hernandez, Patrick L; 4/2/2001; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.885190
Hernandez, Rocio Isela; 2/23/2008; Bernalillo (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.903000
Hernandez, Roseann; 7/1/1993; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.255000
Hernandez, Salvador P; 8/27/2005; Santa Fe (City); TITI F EXM/ABSTR-A; State Land Office; 12.840000
Hernandez, Yolanda; 27.840183
Hernandez,Andrea; 8/21/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 15.943528
Hernandez,Catherine Ann; 4/26/2004; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Veterinary Examiners Board; 1 1 .083756
Hernandez,Javier 12/1/2007; 13.489810
Hernandez,Jay; Santa Fe County; ARCHIVIST-B; A/O II; PERS & HOME CARAID-0; 12.680726
Hernandez,Julian; 9.350000
Hernandez,Michael Anthony; 6/16/2007; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 24.818505
Hernandez,Soyla T.; 2/9/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Hernandez,Susan Q.; 5/27/1997; Carlsbad; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 18.035630
Hernandez,Yvette R.; 8/25/2007; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.303000
Hernandez.Alfredo G; 7/18/2005; Las Cruces; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 1 1 .896638
Hernandez.Andrea C 6/17/2006; 17.354600
Hernandez.Angela G; 31.743250
Hernandez.Celeste; 12/17/2005; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Roswell; Human Services Department; 15.125630
Hernandez.Celia M; 11/22/1982; Carlsbad; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.630305
Hernandez.Cruz R.; 6/9/1986; Grants; SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 18.365523
Hernandez.David D; 10.023000
Hernandez.Ecidie D; 6/9/2008; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.988500
Hernandez.Grace M; 7/5/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.719499
Hernandez.Herman B.; 5/11/1991; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.209865
Hernandez.Jared N.; 4/12/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; State Land Office; 13.448730
Hernandez.Jim; 5/24/1988; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 13.456626
Hernandez.John D.; 8/6/1990; Las Vegas; SURVEYOR-O; Department of Transportation; 22.904418
Hernandez.Juan L; 1/31/2000; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.608500
Hernandez.Kyley C; 12/19/2005; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 10.267147
Hernandez.Laura A 3/26/1984; 25.790000
Hernandez.Laura M; 11/3/2007; (City); Santa Fe; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 15.989810
Hernandez.Luis E; 8/23/1998; Grants; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 27.373000
Hernandez.Marianne; 6/15/1998; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 24.719499
Hernandez.Ramon; 10/13/1992; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.612940
Hernandez.Ramona; 10/23/1995; Anthony; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-O; Rehbltation; 16.785810
Hernandez.Ronnie G; 15.303810
Hernandez.Saul; 9/8/2007; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 19.722600
Hernandez.Sharla J; 6/13/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Information Technology; 33.656424
Hernandez.Teresa A.; 10/7/1996; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; ic Safety; 18.182130
Hernandez.Victor; 6/5/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.572972
Hernandez.Victoria P.; 4/3/1999; Albuquerque; LINE II;; 24.624460
Hernandez.Zuiema 10/6/2007; 16.590000
Herndon,John D.; 1/24/1998; Alamogordo; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Cultural Affairs; 8.460461
Herndon.Pamelya P; 11/15/1999; (City); Santa Fe; Deputy Cabinet Secretary; 46.844196
Herndon.Phillip R; 9/11/1993; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Human Services Department; 33.972576
Herndon.Renae M.; 2/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); Director of Finance & Admin.; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 37.907661
Herrera Junior, Cristobal Rob«; 2/9/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Herrera Madrid, Irene; 12/20/2003; Espanola; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Department of Health; 11.640378
Herrera-Gurule.Gladys; 7/2/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 37.301300
Herrera-Oliva, Diego F.; 23.200000
Herrera, Alice; 4/13/1992; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.488190
Herrera, Andrew L; 6/19/2004; (City); Santa Fe; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; 21.501190
Herrera, Annette; 10/2/1986; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 14.091777
Herrera, Brent; 2/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-0; Department of Health; 19.740000
Herrera, Diana L; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; General Services Department; 25.808822
Herrera, Dolores V.; 3/3/1993; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Environment; 21.669810
Herrera, Edward Roy; 6/26/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 30.876386
Herrera, Ellen 4/23/2005; 15.187810
Herrera, George; 8/16/2004; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 16.136000
Herrera, Guadalupe M; 10/30/2000; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; Health; 12.015194
Herrera, Herman Joseph; 11.490458
Herrera, Irene; 1/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,A0-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 9.858730
Herrera, Jennifer Lynn; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Public Safety; 13.584690
Herrera, Joseph A. 7/10/1990; 23.091600
Herrera, Larry J.; 10/13/1990; Truth Or Consequeni; -A; 19.847998
Herrera, Manuel R.; 20.832000
Herrera, Margarita R; 4/25/1985; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.244251
Herrera, Marie E; 2/14/2004; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-O; of Health; 11.454690
Herrera, Mark A. 7/1 0/2000; 39.536400
Herrera, Martina; 7/25/1987; Santa Fe (City); INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-O; Public Regulation Commission; 17.973808
Herrera, Melissa E.; 10/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-O; Health; 17.192414
Herrera, Melissa Renee; 7.750000
Herrera, Patricia 10/1/1990; 32.368300
Herrera, Patricia L.; 12/16/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 32.699500
Herrera, Patrick R.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 13.993810
Herrera, Peter C; 5/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; nformation Technology; 27.952328
Herrera, Rachel D.; 6/27/1994; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.110000
Herrera, Richard P.; 2/16/1990; Alamogordo; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; Department of Cultural Affairs; 10.992119
Herrera, Robert G.; 2/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 26.478188
Herrera, Rosalie L.; 11/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); COURT.MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 13.590000
Herrera, Russell L.; 6/24/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.039500
Herrera,Angela; 9/15/1992; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Environment; 23.573829
Herrera,Anna M.; 3/3/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Health; 24.976000
Herrera,Camille M; 12/19/1988; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Military Affairs; 21.545176
Herrera,Carios S; 14.229810
Herrera,Carlos R; 3/18/1970; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 9.000000
Herrera,Cathryn Michelle; 1/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Department of Environment; 24.769864
Herrera,Ceceiia S. 3/23/1 998; 1 2.585632
Herrera,Charles L; 6/30/1997; Anthony; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.646501
Herrera,Charlie; 10/10/2006; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.173773
Herrera,Claudia; 7/29/2006; Alamogordo; LEGAL SEGTY-A; Public Defender; 13.790190
Herrera,Criselda; 5/17/1999; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 18.834600
Herrera,Crystal A.; 6/12/2000; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.038630
Herrera,Drucie R; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 12.250000
Herrera,Elisha E; 10.749263
Herrera,Emily; 11.736531
Herrera,Eric D.; 10/30/1999; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.711595
Herrera,Eric S; 4/29/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Environment; 28.053275
Herrera,George; 5/26/1988; Santa Fe (City); SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.768569
Herrera,Gilberto E.; 20.155598
Herrera,Jeremy A.; 6/15/1992; City); Santa Fe; IT GENERALIST 2; 34.669211
Herrera,Joe; 7/1/1986; Las Cruces; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.766367
Herrera,John A.; 7/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 14.624690
Herrera,Johnny M.; 1/25/1993; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 23.122012
Herrera,Joseph C.; 11/3/1986; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Department of Environment; 25.136890
Herrera,Ken; 8/24/1998; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 31.998034
Herrera,Lino F; 14.543810
Herrera,Marcella D; 8.500000
Herrera,Marco A. 8/28/2006; 19.075665
herrera,margaret ann 9/6/2008; 1 1 .790000
Herrera,Maria Jesusita 1 0/1 5/1 985; 1 5.434303
Herrera,Mario I 9/3/1988; 71.620381
Herrera,Mary Alice; 12/16/1970; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 16.165620
Herrera,Megan C; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.000000
Herrera,Michelle; 32.045152
Herrera,Selina S; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.110000
Herrera,Stephanie; 11/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; 37.726300
Herrera,Steve J; 3/21/1988; Albuquerque; STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.078539
Herrera,Tamara R; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 12.968147
Herrera,Tammy A.; 33.546000
Herrera,Toby F; 3/22/2005; City); Santa Fe i; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; 13.959820
Herrera,Valerie Ann; 3/7/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
Herrera,Victor R.; 22.649460
Herrera,Yvonne S.; 1/27/2007; (City); Santa Fe; GEN II; 40.945680
Herrera.Alexandria; 2/8/1993; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 32.643300
Herrera.Arthur H; 12/15/1975; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 32.939500
Herrera.Audrey C.; 8/30/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 25.722000
Herrera.Carl F.; 9/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); WELDR/CUTTR/SOD-O; of Transportation; 13.908730
Herrera.Carlos S; 3/13/2006; Deming; SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 17.107544
Herrera.Carlos; 12/27/1982; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 20.006027
Herrera.Catherine; 6/21/1999; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Public Safety; 26.110000
Herrera.Cecilia B.; 10/8/1985; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 20.828108
Herrera.Cindy O.; 7/6/2004; Hobbs; GEOLGCL&PETRO TECH-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.808190
Herrera.Cora Lee; 3/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 15.496630
Herrera.Craig L.; 2/7/2000; Taos (City); MED & PUB HLTH SW-A; 24.226900
Herrera.EliseoW 5/23/1981; 27.912250
Herrera.Elizabeth Ann; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.738773
Herrera.Harold R.; 4/7/1997; Questa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.516301
Herrera.Jeremiah J.; 7/18/2005; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.637810
Herrera.Jessica L 11/1/2008; 16.500000
Herrera.John P. 5/17/1999; 13.202200
Herrera.Karen O.; 8/24/1985; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.839572
Herrera.lgnacia G; 6/11/1990; Las Vegas; IT APPS DEV 3; 27.910345
Herrera.Maria; 1/22/2001; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 13.246973
Herrera.Marisa; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 10.000000
Herrera.Mary E.; 40.865380
Herrera.Mary J; 1/18/1993; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-O; Workforce Solutions; 22.615592
Herrera.Mel A.; 11/25/1991; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 27.183270
Herrera.Moises J; 11/1/2008; Bernalillo (City); HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-B; F Transportation; 11.000000
Herrera.Natalie; 7/15/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.002810
Herrera.Norbert 11/12/2008; 16.100000
Herrera.PatrickA.; 6/12/2000; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; 16.615630
Herrera.Paul; 3/16/2009; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 21.000000
Herrera.Ray; 6/4/2005; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 17.804690
Herrera.Raymond Randy; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Environment; 26.701600
Herrera.Rita C; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Herrera.Ronald Gabriel; 25.517970
Herrera.Stephen; 19.020630
Herrera.Timothy R; 9/28/1987; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; 23.578837
Herrera.Trisha N; 5/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Environment; 26.646401
Herrera.Vangie A.; 9/12/1992; Tierra Amarilla; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.463730
Herrera.Velma E; 12/7/1987; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; General Services Department; 32.129903
Herrera.Victor A.; 10/31/1988; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.524810
Herrera.Vivian; 3/4/1985; 14.918132
Herrerajheresa M. 12/19/1992; 26.827500
Herring,Jerry C.; 11/28/1995; Albuquerque; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.053275
Herring,Tonya N; 11/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 34.087040
Herring.Paula; 79.000000
Herrington, Michael R; 9/13/2004; Roswell; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; of Transportation; 13.623190
Herrington,Christy R; 8/28/2004; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.635630
Herrmann, Kara; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Education Department; 20.871000
Herrmann, Michael S; 3/14/2005; Albuquerque; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-O; Department of Cultural Affairs; 8.416000
Herrmann, Sue A; 8/2/1993; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.770000
Herrmann.William J; 10/3/1988; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Regulation Commission; 42.954544
Herron, Lawrence A; 19.358000
Hertel.Terry M; 3/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF â; 27.213255
Herzenberg, Karen A; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.336630
Hesch,Margaret W 4/7/2007; 28.154500
Hesch.Greg M.; 3/16/2002; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Hess, John A 9/2/1997; 26.355480
Hess.Ethel 3/16/1983; 38.539137
Hetler, James; 11/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 28.317050
Hetzer,Yvette L; 9/19/2005; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 12.332225
Hevey, Janet F; 21.281963
Hewes.Eveiyn A 7/19/1993; 16.078190
Hewett.Christa S 8/7/2004; 27.044478
Hewig,Lori K; 9/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Department of Health; 42.080680
Hewitt, Candice Lynn; 10/18/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 22.740000
Hewitt, Larry W.; 1/2/2001; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF; 29.138131
Hewitt, Lisa; 10/28/1997; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 20.140000
Hewitt, Nancy M; 2/2/1998; Santa Fe (City); Appellate Defender; Public Defender; 39.133360
Hewitt, Patricia A.; 7/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 21.000000
Hewitt,Floyd E 8/28/2004; 16.192747
Heye.Vivian E. 10/22/1990; 32.102000
Heyeck.Larry; 4/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 45.449251
Hiatt, Elizabeth M.; 11/12/1991; Alamogordo; LINE II; F Workforce Solutions; 20.839503
Hiatt,Jackie J; 32.735406
Hibbs.Martin; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-A; General Services Department; 25.500000
Hibner,Ronald D.; 11/14/2005; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 27.395688
Hickman, Jerry D.; 5/4/1992; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 18.486630
Hickman,Ann L.; 1/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 24.299960
Hicks,Christopher M.; 1/5/2002; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Military Affairs; 15.300018
Hicks.JimC 6/6/1983; 19.714810
Hicksjhomas L.; 27.892700
Hickson,Michael Glen 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Hidalgo, Patty A; 1/4/2003; Roswell; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 10.359575
Hidalgo,Adrian; 17.141387
Hidalgo,Anna M.; 4/3/2000; Raton; C0URT,IV1UNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.726130
Hidalgo,Denise; 18.453270
Hidalgo,Manuel; 12/31/2007; Albuquerque; PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 20.135630
Higgins.Jean M; 12/26/2001; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 27.530000
Higgins.Tessa A; 5/3/2008; Alamogordo; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.500000
HightDorisA; 11/26/2001; Tucumcari; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 9.762873
Hightower.Janice B.; 5/19/1998; ty); Santa Fe (C; STAFF; 31.682785
Hightower.Shaun M; 2/25/2006; Las Cruces; FORENSIC SCI TECH-0; Department of Public Safety; 25.539500
Hilbert,Mary E; 7/9/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 23.662377
Hildebrandt.Fred; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Hileman,Kendra M; 15.000000
Hileman,Kenneth W; 19.051000
Hill-Castillo.Misty; 6/14/1999; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.511933
Hill-Clapp,Julie A; 4/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Human Services Department; 30.108601
Hill-Mora.Billie 11/5/1991; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; 17.217388
Hill, Carol T.; 3/4/1991; Moriarty; COURT,IViUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.764888
Hill,Jonattian M. 7/23/2003; 26.380500
Hill,LarryW.; 7/8/1991; Hobbs; A/O II - ENGINEERING; 32.642000
Hill.BobbyR.; 16.645182
Hill.DeAnna Lynetta; 5/23/2008; Aztec; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.750000
Hill.GladysL; 11/11/2000; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.490232
Hill.Kenneth D.; 11/6/2000; Carlsbad; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.490232
Hill.Marilyn L; 6/11/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; General Services Department; 47.800200
Hill.PhillipW; 6/10/2006; Santa Fe (City); CRIM JUST & LW ENF-A; f Public Safety; 21.000000
Hill.Tracie M.; 1/24/1995; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 30.474719
Hill.William Dan; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF; 28.760000
HilLPennyG.; 8/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 32.700000
Hilow, Jackie; 1/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.250152
Hinders.Herbert L.; 22.517000
Hindi.Kenric; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 18.105659
Hines,Barbra; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.670000
Hines,Kathy M 11/14/2005; 34.872000
Hines.Angela T 8/4/2003; 31 .897970
Hinkle.Jan; 6/12/2000; Roswell; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.745263
Hinman,Lorenza; 5/15/2006; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 19.911036
Hinojos Juniorjsmael W; 9/6/2008; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.060000
Hinojos, Ronnie J; 12/20/2004; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.631190
Hinojos.Adolfo; 2/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Hinojos.Maria A; 7/28/1997; Deming; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 37.625332
Hinojos.Martha Lizeth; 3/22/2008; Clovis; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.053000
Hinojosa, Emilia M.; 12/10/1984; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Silver City; Human Services Department; 20.292600
Hinojosa,Reynaldo; 10/13/1998; Las Cruces; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.100000
Hinojosa.Abel E.; 9/20/2004; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 14.587336
Hinojosa.Connie; 20.338600
Hinsley.Cynthia L; 6/2/2007; Reserve; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.468000
Hinson.Earmond L.; 9/18/2000; Albuquerque; CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.475537
Hinton, Christopher Daniel 11/29/2008; 14.560000
Hinton,Marjorie S; 12/30/1985; Las Cruces; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 24.414492
Hinton.Tammie D.; 11/26/2007; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.075000
Hirasuna.RobertY.; 10/2/2006; (City); Santa Fe; Chief Legal Counsel; 41.354000
Hirsch,James G; 1/26/2002; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 22.346943
Hirtzel.Sadie; 1/6/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 21.069293
Hise.Phyllis; 8/14/2004; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 12.954427
Hisey.Marcia A.; 11/18/1996; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 14.666394
Ho,Stephanie H; 4/7/2007; Las Cruces; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.738569
Hoback,Sharon A; 9/16/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 24.582401
Hobbs, Vickie M; 8/31/2002; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 20.198449
Hobbs,Cheryl Ann 9/8/2007; 16.591600
Hobbs,Kristian Daniel; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.108587
Hobbs.Maria; 11.353753
Hochman.E. Todd; 12/14/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Environment; 31.621591
Hockaday,John G; 7/25/1988; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 1; tation; 29.343400
Hoclges,Stephen D. 8/15/1994; 32.584040
Hodge,Loni; 5/5/2008; Las Cruces; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.750000
Hodges, Barry; Santa Fe (City)
Hodges, Heidee S.; 12/16/2006; Farmington; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Hodges,Kathleen N; 6/25/1990; Las Cruces; PSY-A; 25.767979
Hodges,Melody M.; 5/15/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 24.158580
Hodges,Sharon A.; 2/9/1998; Alamogordo; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 20.972285
Hodges.Jimmy Glynn; 10/15/2007; Aztec; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.739500
Hodgin, Larry L.; 8/11/2007; Albuquerque; 16.000000
Hoefler,Anna M; 1/12/2002; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 14.006190
Hoefler.Martin; 3/18/2000; Los Lunas; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.850072
Hoefs,Dennis W; 4/24/2000; Roswell; IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Health; 28.053275
Hoehne.Gerald M.; 9/18/2001; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; 20.669912
Hoff,DannyL.; 2/5/2001; Bloomfield; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 12.727190
Hoffacker, Benjamin F; 3/22/1986; Radium Springs; -A; 20.787630
Hoffieins.Arlon R; 16.409973
Hoffman, Brenda S; 12/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.005630
Hoffman, Jennifer 7/12/2008; 42.875000
Hoffman, Pam; 6/7/1993; Ciovis; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.405145
Hoffman.Thomas J. 5/3/1997; 28.455500
Hoffmann, Barbara Ann; 13.000000
Hofius, Ronald Lee; 41.899000
Hofmann,Tracy; 6/19/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 38.104811
Hogan, Carolyn F.; 11/6/1989; Albuquerque; A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 32.054000
Hogan, Kevin J; 7/20/2002; Roswell; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 28.287193
Hogan, Sharon Y.; 10/30/1987; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-O; of Transportation; 22.524889
Hogan,Amme; 12/31/2001; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 26.449934
Hogan,Mikell; 12/1/1988; Cuba; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 32.902100
Hogan.James; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF; 32.500000
Hogan.Mikell; 12/1/1988; Cuba; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 32.902100
Hogan.Tim M; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 13.610000
Hogue,Eli T; 12/27/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; FOOD SERVER.NONRST-O; Department of Health; 9.980000
Hohman,Michaei P. 1/17/1995; 16.328810
Hohstadt, David B.; 1/18/2005; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.631216
Hoiguin.Gabriel 5/14/2001; 15.303810
Hoiiey.Lakislia D; 19.590000
Hoiiis, James; 11/19/2005; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Taxation & Revenue Department; 38.134680
Hoines,Susan M.; 12/13/1993; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.667913
Hoisington,Deanna F; 35.038395
Hoke.SydneyC; 4/9/2005; Farmington; WTR & LIQ WASTE TR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.625177
Holcomb,Cheryl Z.; 6/1/1998; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.621527
Holcomb.Sarah; 2/12/2005; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 22.659460
Holconnb,Amber N 12/31/2005; 16.591600
Holden.Donald; 37.334325
Holder, Jennifer B; 4/27/2002; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.916187
Holderby,Debra K 3/29/2004; 14.487445
Holderman, Rhonda B; 5/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 19.099500
Holdermann, David A; 4/4/2009; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; Game & Fish; 29.760000
Holesinger.Tim J.; 6/28/1999; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.640000
Holguin, Chris E.; 5/17/1989; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.049675
Holguin, Christopher R.; 12/23/1991; Truth Or Consequent; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 22.120299
Holguin, Ernie 4/29/2002; 15.303810
Holguin, Gabriel Jacob; 4/4/2009; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Holguin, Lorraine M; 9/21/1987; Fort Bayard; 27.916295
Holguin, Randall P; 6/30/2007; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.460800
Holguin, Robert Arthur; 39.630000
Holguin, Stella; 8/27/1998; Fort Bayard; STAFF; Department of Health; 23.080000
Holguin,Albert; 7/20/2008; Taos (City); Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Holguin,Eddie L.; 2/18/1992; Deming; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 15.072091
Holguin,Maria C; 13.358169
Holguin,Priscilla; 5/2/1994; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Environment; 18.396188
Holguin,Rosalia; 12/14/1998; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 11.299325
Holguin.Chyanne Lee; 3/10/2007; Carlsbad; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 10.869760
Holguin.Mark D; 5/17/2004; Fort Sumner; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; Game & Fish; 19.005630
Holguin.Rose; 4/28/2003; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.097630
Holguin.Sonia E; 15.240630
Holguin.Wilfred; 11/5/2005; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.731630
Holl.Donald; 7/1/2004; Roswell; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Department of Health; 25.110000
Holladay,Kevin W.; 10/24/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 29.352350
Holland, Dorothy M.; 9/18/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Department of Health; 27.681 107
Holland,Rosemary G. 3/11/2006; 29.183601
Holland.Linda K; 2/18/2003; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 20.142479
Holland.Terri; 2/12/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Deputy Agency Director II; 32.928000
Hollander,Jennifer Lynn; 16.245647
Hollander,Linda Jean; 2/16/1998; Taos (City); LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 31.457081
Hollen.James R; 27.820000
Holley, Darren G.; Albuquerque; Raton; Las Cruces; Espanola; 29.911000
Holley.Darren G.; 29.911000
Holliday.Barbara K.; 6/22/1992; Santa Fe (City); DESKTOP PUBLISHER-0; Economic Developmnt Department; 18.618503
Holliday.Steve G.; 6/11/1990; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Human Services Department; 33.591792
Holliday.William Buck; 9/23/2006; Datil; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.003190
Holliefield.Sherri L; 4/8/2006; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 34.454890
Hollingworth.Tracay J.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Hollis, Janet L; 4/25/1988; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 26.430414
Hollis.Benjamin C; 21.467928
Holloran,Timothy g; 33.126468
Holloway.Barbara L; 10.715655
Holloway.Jim; 5/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; Public Education Department; 46.003160
Holman.Marianne; 10/6/2007; Las Vegas; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-A; 29.432088
Holman.Mark; 30.404972
Holmes-Garcia,Shellie C.; 15.495484
Holmes,Steve V; 9/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 27.949176
Holmes.Anne K.; 5/24/1993; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.791555
Holmes.Antoinette F.; 17.284810
Holmes.Christopher T.; 4/25/1994; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 25.901908
Holmes.ErnestJ; 11/22/2003; Santa Fe (City); DET & CRIM INVEST-A; Public Safety; 21.260843
Holmes.Jacquelyn; 20.541823
Holmes.Susan Hyde; 22.444531
Holmes.Wilbert Anthony; 9/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; General Services Department; 15.866103
Holstead, Deborah W.; 11/14/1994; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.759746
Holstun, Paula R; 7/5/1989; Roswell; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 20.515814
Holton, Brian L.; 12/8/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Department of Environment; 34.330040
Holtsoi,Gary M; 13.438190
Holtsoi.Laverne; 5/6/1985; Gallup; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.935960
HoltStephanie M; 2/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 21.431124
Holyan,Winston Mark; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City]; MGT ANALYST-A; Indian Affairs; 24.188000
Homans,Rick; 12/2/2002; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; Taxation & Revenue Department; 67.544615
Homer Junior,Billy Donald; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.856000
Homer, Kenneth A; 8/21/2000; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 14.628190
Homer, Pamela E; 8/20/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 31.199650
Homey.Arthur E.; 12/2/1991; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 24.581433
Honea,Tammy Marie 11/4/2006; 13.291565
Honey.Wayne A. 12/31/1994; 32.410124
HoneyCutt,Morgan E; 9/5/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.039500
Hong.Linh T.; 7/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL N Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Hood, Patricia A; 8/6/2001; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Health; 29.554875
Hood,Cynthia L; 7/9/2007; Albuquerque; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.358730
Hood,LeliaL; 10/1/2004; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 40.167150
Hood.Catalina P 1/9/2006; 15.775957
Hood.GeneA; 7/23/2001; Fort Bayard; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; 16.775562
Hooee,Alonzo Leclair; 9/10/2005; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; F Public Safety; 19.654460
Hoogerhuies,April N. 9/6/1994; 21.990460
Hoogerhuis,Steven Roger 1/1/2005; 8.322029
Hoogerhuis.Carmen; 12/21/2002; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 19.949143
Hooker, De!; Radium Springs; Lincoln (City)
Hooker, John H; 12/14/2004; Albuquerque; 35.991480
Hoon.Twila; 8/1/2000; Los Lunas; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.050000
Hooper,John J; 12/24/1988; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; 17.379810
Hooper.Cleve; 15.304810
Hooper.Stephen R.; 19.929810
Hooper.Tommy W.; 33.312000
Hooperjommy W.; 33.312000
Hoopman/Theresa D; 6/10/1985; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 16.391308
Hooser,James A.; 5/9/1992; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.579639
Hoover,Andrew D; 23.900000
Hoover,Jeffery J; 2/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 38.097528
Hoover.Dana; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 19.350000
Hopinkah, Douglas C.; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 24.434460
Hopkins,Edward; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); COATIN/PAINTNG/SPR-0; Transportation; 11.752615
Hopkins.John S.; 3/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 24.933633
Hopp.Glinda B.; 12/7/1992; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 16.601470
Hoppe,Joann; 7/15/2000; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 23.768000
Hopper, Dean M.; 3/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); A/0 1; Public Education Department; 33.762670
Hopper,Brent; 17.354600
Hopper.Paula L; 12.205681
Horan,Kimberley M.; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 23.399000
Horcasitas,Aiex D.; 29.040000
Horcasitas.Alex D.; 29.040000
Hornbrook,Donald; 11/18/2006; Albuquerque; LINEN; 22.789460
Horne,Damian T.; 43.364150
Horner, Martha B.; 15.706810
Horner, Van K.; 6/1/1993; Hobbs; GENI; Human Services Department; 32.202404
Hornick, Donald R; 3/29/2004; Roswell; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 16.328754
Horowitz.Ruth; 11/17/2007; Espanola; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O;; 19.430000
Horsley.Moming; 12/1/2007; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.595630
Horst, Edward L; 1/25/2005; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 28.000000
Horten.Jason P.; 2/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 12.000000
Hortencia,Maria; Silver City; CLK-A; 10.500000
Horton.Marileen A; 12.206773
Horton.Mark R.; 42.728812
Horton.Philip B. 3/20/2000; 42.7801 14
Horwitz, Robert J; 7/1/1987; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 47.671567
Hoshijo.Miya A.; 1/27/2007; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 19.364265
Hosteen, Eugene; 5/9/1994; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.630282
Hotrum.Katrina C; 9/23/1996; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; 49.999600
Hough, Jessica M.; 1/19/1991; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.503431
House.George M; 21.804821
Houston, Deborra L.; 8/26/1991; Clovis; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.678190
Houston.Jay M.; 8/26/2006; Orogrande; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 12.113139
Howard, Debra L 9/7/2004; 25.037014
Howard, Jeremy F; 7/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.771511
Howard, Kevin D; 10/23/2006; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.010000
Howard, Susan Lorraine; 1/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/RECCLRK.AO-A; Department of Public Safety; 11.203159
Howard,Tamarra; 3/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 22.190080
Howard.Linda L. 6/30/1988; 28.859460
Howard.Yvonne R.; 11/3/1997; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.656281
Howarth, Samuel; 12/6/2001; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; 45.464160
Howelfs.Mary S.; 1/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Human Services Department; 28.828040
Howell.Stephanie S; 1/15/2005; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST.AO-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.441600
Howell.Vicky S. 10/18/1999; 31.095500
HowelUared; 9.070000
Hower.Jennifer Lynn; 6/6/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Department of Environment; 26.234500
Howes.T. Phillip; 7/19/1999; Pecos; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; FGame & Fish; 21.159821
Howie,Manuel; 7/5/2003; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Public Safety; 22.819460
Howland, Caprice; 10/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 10.000000
Howland.Astrid; 14.395193
Howles,Maureen; 1/27/1986; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 38.895953
Howley, Venus; 11/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.999789
Howley,Claudine N. 3/13/1995; 22.101097
Hoxie.Dee Dee; 8/2/2003; Farmington; LAWYER-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.399500
Hoy.DavidC; 3/26/2005; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.654460
Hronich, Pamela J.; 5/3/1997; Raton; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.568050
Hubbard,Beth; 32.396837
Hubbard,Valerie Jean; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 16.984923
Hubbard.Gene; 3/5/1990; Roswell; PLANT/SYS OPR.AO-0; t of Transportation; 23.335191
Hubbard.Karen; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 27.339500
Hubble,MaryA.; 1/3/2004; Truth Or Consequent; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.912250
Huber, Virginia M.; 25.707425
Huber,Michael A.; 9/11/2004; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 36.177426
Hubert, Crystal R.; 6/2/2007; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.415859
Hubert.Nancy C.; 5/17/1993; Albuquerque; STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 24.532028
Hubka,Gillian; 1/30/2006; Albuquerque; ADMIN SERVCOORD-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 15.015000
Huckabee,Gioria L; 10/26/2002; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.498570
Hudson, David L.; 22.110000
Hudson, Debra A; 12/2/2006; Deming; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Transportation; 15.697893
Hudson, Donna C.; 6/30/1986; Roswell; MGT ANALYST-O; of Transportation; 20.752862
Hudson, Gene; 11/29/2008; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-0; 20.400000
Hudson, Lonnie R; 11/8/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 37.605000
Hudson,Allison (Ally); 21.635000
Hudson.Jan L.; 16.200000
Hudson.John W.; 6/16/1997; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 2; Workforce Solutions; 40.090147
Hudson.Tana L.; 10/13/2001; Socorro (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.291600
Hudzik,Cindy; 9/16/2002; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Information Technology; 18.931630
Hudzik.Kenneth A.; 1/1/1994; Albuquerque; A/O II - IT; F Workforce Solutions; 39.327780
Huegler Jr., Larry D; 8/6/2007; Albuquerque; Special Agent; Office of the Attorney General; 27.548672
Huereque,lra B; 9/3/2002; Alamogordo; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 17.686544
Huerta.Antoinette E.; 8/2/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Huerta.Nancy I; 17.982568
Huerta.Rene; 3/13/2004; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 16.181630
Huey.Gregory M; 1/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 27.639500
Huff, Cynthia A 8/25/2005; 19.962630
Huff, Michael Robert; 4/23/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 9.917730
Huffman, Rodney M.; 29.911000
Huffman,Lee William; 7/20/1988; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Regulation Commission; 41.670031
Huffman.Grace A.; 4/19/1997; Socorro (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 14.367190
Hufnagel.Paul F.; 11.696416
Huggins.Suzanne; 6/9/1997; Hobbs; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 20.517600
Hughen,PaulW 3/14/1988; 16.051408
Hughes,David C.; 10/4/1999; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 43.528000
Hughes,Scott D; 10/1/2001; City); Santa Fe; Deputy Director; 32.325300
Hughes,Stephen G. 1/3/1995; (City)
Hughes/Tracy M; 10/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); Chief Legal Counsel; Environment; 51.321620
Hugi, Janet K; 4/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Department of Environment; 23.915630
Huitt,Vonell; 4/3/1995; Albuquerque; EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 31.766233
Huli.Robert 4/26/2003; 15.304810
Hull.Reed Cameron; 11/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; General Services Department; 37.979300
Hulse, Karen Lea; 18.591600
Hulsey,Peter W; 8/19/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 29.639500
Humble,Margaret L.; 1/1/1970; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 33.571627
Humble.Mark S; 9/21/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; nformation Technology; 30.497600
Hume,Adelina Anne 1/1 8/2008; 1 1 .894690
Humetewa,Larry P. 11/30/1999; 20.246031
Humphrey, Robert W; 11/22/1993; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 16.728630
Humphrey.Shawntay; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Hunsburger, Harry E.; 4/19/2008; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Hunsicker.Mary Ellen; 22.228811
Hunt, Vicki J. 1/10/2009; 36.800000
Hunt,Gregory X; 11/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 26.240000
Hunt.Kelly James; 6/26/2006; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.467803
Hunter, Michael S; 2/26/2007; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.362726
Hunter,AibertW; 3/27/1967; Albuquerque; STAFF; f Workforce Solutions; 26.991006
Hunter,Andrew N; 12/9/2000; Farmington; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 19.252090
Hunter,MatthewA.; 10.903590
Hunter,Roy Alan; 10/4/2008; Truth Or Consequent; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 9.140000
Hunter.Russell; 9/23/2006; McKinley County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.427630
Huntington, Pearl; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Environment; 12.000000
Huntington,Josephine D.; 4/5/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Environment; 33.971094
HuntLeo J; 8/16/1982; Santa Fe (City); T; A/O II -; 43.099927
Hupp.Audrey; 6/16/2007; (City); Santa Fe |; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Hurbina, Edward Christopher 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Hurley.Bobby; 12/4/2004; San Jon; POLICE & SHER PO-O;; 18.529460
Hurley.Regina; 1/1/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 28.312102
Huron,Sarah J.; 4/20/1998; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 18.041460
Hurst,Candace Marie; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.600000
Hurst.Elizabeth; 4/23/1997; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Public Regulation Commission; 41.485885
Hurst.Trisha 6/28/2008; 8.040000
Hurt.Bryan Lance; 29.818460
Hurt.Karen E; 10/22/2005; Orogrande; OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.496656
Hurtado, Ernesto G; 4/3/2006; Las Vegas; A/O II; 31.763840
Hurtado,Eugene; 18.846889
Hurtado,Morris Lawrence; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-0; of Transportation; 12.150000
Huschka.Alysse C.; 11/3/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Huskins.Phillip K; 12/4/2004; Orogrande; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Hussien,Mohammed M.; 2/27/1993; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 36.663150
Hustito.Kandess; 9/6/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.680000
Huston, Samuel E.; 27.892700
Hutchens.Janice N; 6/7/2005; Albuquerque; PERS & HOME CARAID-O; Commission for the Blind; 10.891492
Hutchens.Paula A.; 10/4/1997; Roswell; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; 14.820153
Hutcherson, Bobbie J; 6/20/2005; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 15.983825
Hutcherson, Sunday J; 4/12/2003; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 13.030690
Hutchins,Geraldine L; 1/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 23.195000
Hutchins.Candi Lee; 24.869650
Hutchinson,William S; 4/8/2006; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 31.984245
Hutchinson.Vema; 4/7/2007; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Hutchison, Linda Taylor; 1/3/2004; Albuquerque; EXEC; Veterinary Examiners Board; 49.560000
Hutchison.Shannon L.; 2/10/1997; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.434048
Hutson,Alison Marie; 11/12/2008; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.000000
Hutson,Tricia 11/1/2008; 15.050000
Hutton.Wiliiam; 4/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; Public Education Department; 42.798300
Hwang, Rong-Jen; 2/26/2005; Albuquerque; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Health; 47.084115
Hyde,BillT.; 41.962300
Hyde,Pamela S; 1/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; Human Services Department; 69.957300
Hyde,SheilaA; 4/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; Public Education Department; 42.215460
Hynes.Maria E; 17.633600
I nsley, Rebecca; 9/6/1990; (City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; 13.388335
Ibanez.CIaudia; 1/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Clovis; Human Services Department; 13.935630
Ibarra.Albert; 1/11/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Environment; 29.739500
Ickes.Jennifer; 9/8/2004; Albuquerque; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Environment; 34.434298
Ickes.Peggy A.; 27.227170
Ide.Randall J.; 30.591492
Ikard.Melanie; 2/26/2007; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 17.177000
Imanuddinjmam M.; 1/4/1995; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.844135
Inayat, Constance; 7/2/1984; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.018000
Inge, Richard E.; 12/5/1994; Artesia; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.687154
Inge.Earl; 12/3/2005; Albuquerque; 12.328690
Ingersoll.Kimberly D.; 12/1/1994; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.512670
Ingram, Blake B.; 11/18/2006; Roswell; 14.176810
Ingram, Kenneth A; 5/24/2001; Raton; A/0 II; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 29.822355
Ingram.Carolyn M; 1/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); Division Director III; Human Services Department; 54.055820
Ingram.Jerry E.; 1/28/2008; Roswell; LINE II; F Workforce Solutions; 18.825000
Inocencio Junior,Nicanor; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
intermont.Donna J.; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.500000
intveld.Jamie Jill; 7/9/2008; Raton; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 7.757000
Ipiotis.Gary J.; 1/12/2008; Los Lunas; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 16.359900
Ipsen.ShirleyA; 12.748092
Iregbu.TinaC; 5/14/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.531630
Ireland.Anita; 8/16/1993; Hobbs; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 20.243630
Irelandjhomas; 22.030705
Irion, Derek; 10/14/2004; Albuquerque; EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 27.395650
Irish, Guy E. 8/1/2005; 19.478600
Irvin.Thomas C.; 4/28/1986; Deming; SURVEYOR-B; Department of Transportation; 21.586530
Irving, Robert; 28.847000
Irwin.Colombina; 9/14/1992; Farmington; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 18.554826
Isaac, Russell A; 9/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 28.050000
Isaacks, Deborah Kay 8/25/2007; 29.587999
Isaacson.Zoe; 22.740000
Ispirescujitus; 6/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 25.121695
Iturralde.Salvador F; 7/25/1987; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.144026
Ivashkova.lrina; 9/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 30.375000
Ives.John M.; 4/24/1995; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 2; F Workforce Solutions; 23.467758
Ives.Tobi Elizabeth; 23.640460
Ivey.Nancy L; 1/4/2003; Truth Or Consequent; FIN SPEC, AO-O; 13.464286
IVIagnuson, Molly L; 10/11/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.750920
IVlartinez,Vivian; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.738730
J 1/29/2006; 17.351600 8mith,Cathy
Jaafar,Haydar; 9/26/2005; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 13.368190
Jablonski, David; 35.607645
Jacinto, Iris; 5/21/2005; Albuquerque; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 18.685832
Jack,Gary D.; 19.346277
Jacklin.Chrissy A; 2/14/2004; Texico; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 20.709460
Jacksha, Robert J.; 1/28/1998; Santa Fe (City); Chief Investment Officer; Educational Retirement Board; 82.451923
Jackson, Charles L.; 3/8/1999; Deming; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 38.045743
Jackson, David F; 21.345630
Jackson, Diana; 36.132000
Jackson, Elizabeth M.; 6/25/2001; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 2; r Workforce Solutions; 22.740000
Jackson, Jonnie Leanna; 10/13/2001; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.068000
Jackson, Kevin Mark; 1/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); ELECTRICIAN-A; General Services Department; 16.890000
Jackson, Kyle; 1/3/2009; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 14.820000
Jackson, Linda R; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Department of Transportation; 23.615630
Jackson, Madeleine; 11/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; General Services Department; 19.100000
Jackson, Mary J.; 24.047298
Jackson, Mary Louise; 7/14/2008; City); Santa Fe; ADMIN SERVCOORD-A; 16.890000
Jackson, Matthew; 6/16/2008; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 24.000000
Jackson, Rachel; 3/9/1998; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.168324
Jackson, Ronald C; 8/23/1998; Alamogordo; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 25.800000
Jackson,Chad E.; 15.976940
Jackson,Cheryl Lynn 9/20/2008; 14.560000
Jackson,Jordan M.; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.230000
Jackson,Lupe; 7/31/1995; Santa Fe (City); LINEI; General Services Department; 21.385474
Jackson,Wi!iiam H.; 25.995000
Jackson.Gina Rebekah; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG,ACTG &AUDIT-B; Military Affairs; 13,360000
Jackson.James M; 6/14/1999; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 36.398150
Jackson.Judy K; 8/28/2004; Roswell; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 1 1 .960000
Jackson.Mary S; 7/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; 18.259810
Jackson.Peter 9/14/2002; 18.345387
Jackson.Ty J; 9/14/2002; Eagle Nest; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; FGame & Fish; 20.485630
Jacobo.Raechelle Leandra; 6/16/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Gaming Control Board; 13.020000
Jacobs, Robin L; 1/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Human Services Department; 28.598195
Jacobs,Daniel M.; 2/3/2003; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 42.416995
Jacobs.Julie A.; 1/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 27.710684
Jacobsen,James; 8/19/2002; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 38.576000
Jacobsen,Joel K; 6/24/1991; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 37.409000
Jacobson.Anthony E; 1/14/2006; Jemez Springs; LINE II; Department of Game & Fish; 21.901017
Jacobus, Kristine D; 36.958740
Jacobus.Torri A; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 26.235000
Jacques,Diana N.; 9/25/1995; Las Cruces; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.516035
Jacques.Annette D; 6/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Human Services Department; 31.518300
Jacquez, Daniel; 11/1/2008; Denning; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 10.870000
Jacquez,Byron L.; 10/4/1999; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.230000
Jacquez,Richard M.; 7/2/2005; Las Cruces; LAWYER-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.123400
Jacquez.Gilbert J.; 8/8/1998; City); Santa Fe; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-A; 16.193546
Jadwin, Luke Joseph; 6/16/2007; Lisboa Springs; FARMWKR, FARM&RNCH-O; Department of Game & Fish; 14.350867
Jaeger.Kel; 11/6/2004; Albuquerque; HR,TRAIN&LBRSPC-0; F Workforce Solutions; 20.514600
Jaeger.Michaei R.; 6/9/1990; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Workforce Solutions; 37.442305
Jaehn.Tomas H.; 5/17/1999; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 25.235460
Jaffa.Elizabeth Ann; 11/29/1971; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Environment; 21.401609
Jag.Tim; 18.877089
Jaime.Ami; 6/23/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.170000
Jakarta,Ali; 30.846000
Jakeway, Elizabeth B.; 9/25/1993; Farmington; LINE II; Human Services Department; 22.278460
James, Gabrielle; 12/3/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.224047
James, Jerry P.; 4/15/2002; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 17.857134
James, Maria E.; 9/15/1997; Albuquerque; INV-O; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.437115
James,Amanda; 14.249230
James,John P; 5/21/2005; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
James,Mary E.; 22.560000
James.Alexandra M; 4/23/2005; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-B; Human Services Department; 12.639810
Jamesjrenton; 11/30/1999; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; F Workforce Solutions; 22.689438
Jameson,Corinne M.; 11/18/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Human Services Department; 39.890300
Janes.Marvin E; 7/1/1996; Santa Fe (City); AIRCRAFT MEC & SRV-A; ic Safety; 31.500435
Jankowitz, Rachel J.; 4/12/2003; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 22.294412
Jansen, Douglas B; 9/22/2001; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 37.654760
Janssen, Matthew L.; 8/29/1994; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 21.064125
Jaque.Paola Andrea; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 14.000000
Jaquess.Gayla L.; 28.312102
Jaquez, Bertha; 3/18/2002; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Jaquez.Guadalupe A.; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Jaquez.Jenna M.; 3/24/1997; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 16.416730
Jaquez.Leonel G; 12/6/2003; Las Cruces; TRMT-0; 16.965000
Jaquez.Mario F.; 2/26/2001; Fort Bayard; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; of Health; 19.147948
Jaquith, Scott G; 17.250000
Jarami!lo,Stephanie R; 3/12/2009; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Jaramiiio.Raymond; 16.673810
Jaramiilo.Benny; 18.940107
Jaramiilo.Diana; 6/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A;; 33.469500
Jaramiilo.lrene B.; 1/19/1999; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.752803
Jaramiilo.Marvyn V; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.904000
Jaramil!o,Lawrence E.; 31.071515
Jaramilio,Ronnie; 17.433810
JaramillcAngelo J; 20.500000
Jaramillo-Barraza.Mary S; 26.126583
Jaramillo-Scarborough.Andre; 13.664690
Jaramillo, Deborah; 1/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant II; F Workforce Solutions; 22.731100
Jaramillo, Delia M; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Jaramillo, Edwin; 7/29/1987; Albuquerque; A/O II; f Workforce Solutions; 36.094299
Jaramillo, Rafael; 11/16/1998; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 24.627500
Jaramillo, Richard A; 3/15/2004; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 18.225630
Jaramillo, Tommy R; 11.227815
Jaramillo, Virginia O; 7/9/2001; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.285485
Jaramillo,Adrian J.; 6/6/1994; Las Vegas; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 23.338019
Jaramillo,Allison H.; 5/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-B; Public Defender; 20.000000
Jaramillo,Anthony E; 19.895630
Jaramillo,Apolonio J; 9/4/1990; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 16.763112
Jaramillo,Bernadette M; 1/9/2006; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 28.053510
Jaramillo,Connie L; Grants; CLK-A; 12.968147
Jaramillo,Damian; 18.669000
Jaramillo,David F.
Jaramillo,Diana; 12/11/2000; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.358169
Jaramillo,Donald L.; 5/11/1992; Belen; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 25.614705
Jaramillo,Eileen M. 8/16/2003; 23.242818
Jaramillo,Elaine A; 10/2/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; tation; 26.487756
Jaramillo,Elaine M; 3/15/1983; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 14.418730
Jaramillo,Elenna; 11/1/2008; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Jaramillo,Geisel J.; 5/23/2005; Los Lunas; COURT.IVIUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.968147
Jaramillo,Geri M; 12/31/2001; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 21.299675
Jaramillo,Gilbert L.; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.985430
Jaramillo,Gretchen L; 1/2/2002; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 14.136000
Jaramillo,Hazel; 11.330000
Jaramillo,Janet E; 8/7/1989; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 19.586393
Jaramillo,Jerry M.; 18.035190
Jaramillo,Kaylina; 12/28/2004; Santa Fe (City); AO-B; FIN SPEC,; 13.644045
Jaramillo,Laura R; 6/12/2006; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 20.213616
Jaramillo,Maggie B.; 5/23/1988; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Department of Game & Fish; 21.178600
Jaramillo,Martha V.; 16.479810
Jaramillo,Max Salomon; 15.568190
Jaramillo,Meria B; 10.807385
Jaramillo,Michael A.; 6/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 15.783939
Jaramillo,Nick P. 9/7/2000; 10.560000
Jaramillo,Nicole A.; 7/15/2002; Santa Fe (City); PERS FIN ADVISOR-B; Retirement Board; 16.005331
Jaramillo,Ronnie R; 6/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.363853
Jaramillo,Sandra; 40.912000
Jaramillo,Suzanne C; 10/15/2003; Albuquerque; TRMT-O; 15.500000
Jaramillo,Vanessa A.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Jaramillo,Virginia M.; 37.934753
Jaramillo,Yvette B.; 6/2/2003; Las Vegas; NURSING; LINE II -; 29.098620
Jaramillo.Adelita; 10/20/1986; Albuquerque; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Jaramillo.Adreien; 18.470000
Jaramillo.Alfred; 8/8/1988; San Ysidro; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 22.200750
Jaramillo.Ambrosita 8/14/1978; 11.280223
Jaramillo.Andrew; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 12.000000
Jaramillo.April I.; 9/25/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.022730
Jaramillo.Arthur L; 1/1/2003; (City); Santa Fe; Cabinet Secretary; 52.659320
Jaramillo.Bernadette B.; 21.944630
Jaramillo.Bernie S 10/5/1987; 22.408460
Jaramillo.Charles R.; 3/19/2001; Las Vegas; A/OII; Department of Health; 38.180000
Jaramillo.Charlotte G; 5/7/2001; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 1 1 .786810
Jaramillo.Cynthia N.; 6/1/1981; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Economic Developmnt Department; 34.316715
Jaramillo.Darlene; 9.719376
Jaramillo.Denise M.; 21.295630
Jaramillo.Elizabeth 7/2/2007; 23.011380
Jaramillo.Emest F.; 1/17/1989; Santa Fe (City); ELECTRICIAN-A; Department of Transportation; 19.356947
Jaramillo.Felipe A; 8/13/2001; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.994616
Jaramillo.Gabriel J.; 4/5/2008; Grants; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.005630
Jaramillo.Helen A; 8/27/1990; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.923237
Jaramillo.Jennifer R; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN&LBRSPC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.250000
Jaramillo.JeremyJ.; 5/3/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 9.685000
Jaramillo.Joseph A.; 8/27/1990; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 29.850015
Jaramillo.Kenny H.; 15.548000
Jaramillo.Lisa U; 6/30/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 38.152110
Jaramillo.lrene M; 8/13/1990; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.519810
Jaramillo.Mary A.; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.066000
Jaramillo.Mary Lou; 1/17/1995; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Department of Health; 12.775671
Jaramillo.Maryann; 4/22/2004; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Jaramillo.Matthew P.; 9/8/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.328730
Jaramillo.Michael V; 9/27/2004; Ojo Caliente; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.395190
Jaramillo.Nichoias A. 12/16/1996; 19.162600
Jaramillo.Olinda; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 16.440000
Jaramillo.PatrickA; 13.471065
Jaramillo.Ramona R; 2/28/2005; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 12.964139
Jaramillo.Rebecca E.; 12/2/1988; Socorro (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 17.767908
Jaramillo.Richard C; 1/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 17.327327
Jaramillo.Rosalie; 5/23/1986; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Department of Health; 14.244251
Jaramillo.Rosarita; 20.349975
Jaramillo.Tracy; 11/1/2008; Las Vegas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.540000
Jaramillo.Vera; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.470000
Jaramillo.VincentJ.; 26.701600
Jaramillo.Wendy J.; 11.137177
Jardine, Ellen; 7/29/2006; Albuquerque; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.168570
Jarrel.Lynne C.; 7/28/2007; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 10.500000
Jarrott.Gloria; 7/3/1995; Lordsburg; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.495041
Jarvis.Fred; 4/4/2009; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Jasler, Fredrick J; 8/16/2003; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-A; Department of Public Safety; 23.797950
Jasso,Cedric J.; 6/1/1992; Deming; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; of Transportation; 15.826725
Jasso.Carmella; 1/12/1995; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 24.000158
Jasso.PaulS; 1/3/2005; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.282690
Jaure.Violeta Blanca; 17.500000
Jauregu! Jr.Manuel; 16.192747
Jauregui, Patricia A.; 7/10/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 32.083542
Jauregui.Felipe; 9/11/1995; Gallup; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.128190
Jaureguiberry, Josef J; 4/8/2006; Santa Fe (City); TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Transportation; 16.779893
Jaureguiberry,Louise C; 12.300000
Jaurequi, Helen D; 30.312586
Jaurequi, Robert S.; 4/29/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 17.983460
Jawhar.Elisa M.; 8/13/2005; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 19.138765
Jay,Diane L; 25.382975
Jayaram,Navin; 9/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 23.739500
Jeantete, Roberta J; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.379810
Jeantete,Denise; 12/17/1994; Taos (City); LINEN; Human Services Department; 20.998460
Jeantete,George L; 5/14/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Military Affairs; 34.045355
Jeantete.Victoria V.; 8/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 12.073346
Jebsen.Mary L; 27.785132
Jeffcoat.Leah Jolene; 12/29/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.531600
Jeffers,Kayla Ginger; 11/14/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 7.800000
Jeffers,Paula Sue; 5/13/2004; Truth Or Consequen<; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.705880
Jeffers.Margaret Peggy A.; 38.002528
Jefferson-Anderson, Jacquelir; 5/10/2003; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 18.424431
Jeffery.Polly; 14.500000
Jeffreys, Elizabeth; 6/23/2003; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 29.029500
Jeffries, Elizabeth; 5/23/2005; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; 19.301150
Jeffries.Kay O.; 3/8/1999; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 12.858642
Jenison.Steven A.; 67.585385
Jenkins, Jeanette E; 6/6/2005; Santa Fe County; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 15.866695
Jenkins, Norma D.; 6/30/2007; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 11.035913
Jenkins,James Thomas; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.108587
Jenkins,William B.; 29.911000
Jenkins.Angela J; 3/24/2007; Roswell; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 9.258730
Jenkins.Delbert; 16.300000
Jenkins.Doris; 10/21/1996; Carlsbad; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 11.875499
Jenkins.James; 21.847000
Jenks.Robert; 9/8/2007; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Director; Department of Game & Fish; 42.456615
Jennens.Sondra; 8/27/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.269460
Jennings-Collins.Christena V; 10/21/1991; Las Cruces; 25.737301
Jennings, Brett S; 10/25/2004; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.618190
Jennings.Christopher E.; 19.840000
Jennings.Dan; 23.002662
Jennings.Patrick R 2/12/2005; 17.633600
Jensen, Marcella A; 8/5/1985; Springer; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.711600
Jensen, Milton B.; 21.847000
Jensen.Bertha E 9/14/2002; 17.991100
Jensen.DonS.; 11.302831
Jensen.Sandra Gayle; 12.728730
Jerabek,Ned J.; 6/15/1992; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 29.345001
Jermance,Kimberly; 2/12/2007; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Public Education Department; 12.640000
Jermance.Nick; 21.239500
Jessen, Rebecca Lynne; 7/20/2002; Las Cruces; LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.933687
Jeter.Calvin L.; 4/15/1988; Albuquerque; ENGINEERING; STAFF -; 32.394000
Jetter,Steve; 11/30/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Environment; 34.400040
Jian,Afshin; 5/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 34.545357
Jim.Alvin D.; 7/11/1983; Buffalo Springs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.463091
Jimenez, Mary R.; 10/15/2001; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Jimenez,Antiiony; 17.698027
Jimenez,Carmen; 4/8/2006; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.465454
Jimenez,Damian; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); JAN ITR&CLNR, NOM Al D-A; 10.341590
Jimenez,Felicia M; 13.455425
Jimenez,Glenn M; 21.007550
Jimenez,Lhudimar P; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; 36.718886
Jimenez,Martha C; 7/20/1998; Fort Bayard; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.343803
Jimenez,Max Antonio; 8.500000
Jimenez,Nancy F; 12/6/1971; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; State Land Office; 25.468456
Jimenez,Nicolas; 27.090000
Jimenez,Nicolas; 27.090000
Jimenez,Raymond R; 4/5/1999; Tucumcari; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.598810
Jimenez,Roman D.; 33.312000
Jimenez.Anna Maria; 4/7/1997; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; 13.610000
Jimenez.Danelle L; 19.520000
Jimenez.Geraldine A.; 12/28/1998; Albuquerque; INV-O; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 18.412939
Jimenez.Geraldo J; 9/12/2005; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 17.651630
Jimenez.Gilbert M; 9/6/1988; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 15.514450
Jimenez.Janet A; 8/17/2002; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.671460
Jimenez.Jesus; 3/30/1991; Truth Or Consequent; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 25.609500
Jimenez.Jimmy P.; 8/16/2003; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL A Roswell; Human Services Department; 13.935630
Jimenez.Joe 9/11/2001; 21.846888
Jimenez.Natalie; 3/27/2004; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 22.578550
Jimenez.Roman D.; 33.312000
Jimerson, Penny L; 1/2/1989; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 38.338000
Jinks.NancyE; 30.533181
Jinzo,Adriano; 9/26/2005; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 13.058190
Jinzo,Anthony; 3/23/2009; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; Workforce Solutions; 13.300000
Jiron, Becky S.; 3/1/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 28.715767
Jiron, Richard D; 2/11/1985; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Rehbltation; 25.738332
Jiron, Richard J; 5/24/2003; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 21.764460
Jiron,ZeldaS.; 4/2/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.148305
Jiron.BobbyP; 17,749810
Jiron.S Antoinette; 2/1/1988; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF&JOBANA-A; 29.659460
Jo!ley,John R.; 8/22/1994; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Workforce Solutions; 32.946289
Joe,Rebecca C. 4/16/1990; 29.751700
Joe.Benila 2/24/2007; 13.469810
Joey,Tex A; 23.337907
Johannes.Carolyn Dru 5/12/2002; 27.285000
Johansen,Devin James; 12.310000
John, Matilda; 11.308190
John.Karlton; 11/5/2005; Farmington; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.201190
John.WandaL; 4/22/2006; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.210000
Johncox.Sharron A; 12/18/1989; Lovington; LINEN; Workers Compensation Admin; 24.774989
Johns-Villa, Janice R; 11/26/1984; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 25.601312
Johns, Laura M; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 32.609500
Johns, Willie; 16.000000
Johns,Steven M. 10/15/2002; 11.587145
Johns,Zacharie 9/20/2008; 14.560000
Johnson II.Kenny Ray; 9.447867
Johnson-Davis, Clara E.; 22.983000
Johnson-Herrera.Katherine 3/10/2007; 21.919600
Johnson, Audrey H; 24.563870
Johnson, Bernina 10/4/1993; 20.899000
Johnson, Brian K; 9/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); GENI -ENGINEERING; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 42.878477
Johnson, Brian S.; 2/18/1991; Las Cruces; A/OH; 26.231030
Johnson, Carol J; 12/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; ~~ Environment; 19.659460
Johnson, Carolyn L; 6/4/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.558551
Johnson, Catrina; 8/23/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 17.000000
Johnson, Darrell W.; 3/1/2004; Roswell; MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 19.193600
Johnson, David A.; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Public Education Department; 35.138300
Johnson, Debra L; 23.378380
Johnson, Drew Michael; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Department of Public Safety; 13.835630
Johnson, Elizabeth; 17.140000
Johnson, Elzbieta A.; 3/20/2009; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; r Health; 22.500000
Johnson, Ferinda A; 25,180000 Gueths,Brenda R; 23.173320
Johnson, Franklin Dale; 11/19/1984; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 39.824185
Johnson, Jimmy; 11/18/1985; San Jon; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.756810
Johnson, John G.; 10/17/1994; Roswell; SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 17.046887
Johnson, Kenneth R.; 28.380000
Johnson, Kenneth R.; 3/4/2001; Quemado; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 28.380000
Johnson, Kenny R; 6/16/2003; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 17.397541
Johnson, Keri Frances 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Johnson, Larry Brent; 28.495657
Johnson, Libby Dianne; 9/22/2007; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.989810
Johnson, Lita; 10/20/1986; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Gallup; Human Services Department; 21.297600
Johnson, Lori A.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; tation; 24.300600
Johnson, Marcia A. 1/31/1994; 17.044675
Johnson, Melissa; 18.837630
Johnson, Melvin; 8/18/1986; Thoreau; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.320190
Johnson, Michael S.; 5/3/1999; Santa Fe (City); GEN {-ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 39.880524
Johnson, Monica L; 10/17/2005; Socorro (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.380287
Johnson, Paul G.; 9/20/2004; Carlsbad; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 32.406494
Johnson, Rachel A.; 5/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-O; 16.329471
Johnson, Reginald A.; 8/17/1993; Carlsbad; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.500000
Johnson, Richard A; 9/27/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Youth & Families Dpt;; 17.669460
Johnson, Robert L.; 5/5/1997; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 15.490232
Johnson, Samantha; 1/12/2009; Santa Fe (City); Scheduler; Ofc of the Lieutenant Governor; 34.158654
Johnson, Stephanie M.; 11.669690
Johnson, Tanya Clarice; 10/4/2008; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Johnson,Andrew; 8/22/1988; Las Cruces; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 24.374118
Johnson,Anna R; 8/1/1981; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 25.099693
Johnson,Dorian B; 12/17/2005; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.566600
Johnson,Jamie; 22.221033
Johnson,Jarine; 5/6/2006; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 9.790000
Johnson,Joe M; 9/6/1986; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD-PE-A; Public Regulation Commission; 34.453294
Johnson,John C; 21.595746
Johnson,Leah R; 10/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 27.540000
Johnson,Leasa A.; 19.634984
Johnson,Nancy R.; 5/9/1994; Artesia; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 13.635500
Johnson,Nina S; 8/28/2004; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 29.835154
Johnson,Peggy S. 1/13/1997; 19.177401
Johnson,Theodosia; 9/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.440000
Johnson,Timothy Quien; 28.741650
Johnson,Virginia D; 12/14/1988; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 33.896134
Johnson.Antwoine; 8/9/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.126000
Johnson.Caroi J; 2/22/1988; Portales; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.528525
Johnson.Christina G.; 1/10/1994; Las Cruces; DIETICIAN &NUTRIT-0; 21.489962
Johnson.Geraldine A.; 11/1/2008; 13.300000
Johnson.Janelle L 7/16/2006; 16.250600
Johnson.Jennifer M; 7/1/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; General Services Department; 17.277500
Johnson.Jerry W; 4/10/2006; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 31.535065
Johnson.Joyce M.; 7/25/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 34.069300
Johnson.Judy E; 1/2/2007; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 34.589460
Johnson.Kelly 5/19/2007; 16.251600
Johnson.Shelley R.; 1/28/1991; Clovis; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.014083
Johnson.Sherry L; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A;; 11.340000
Johnson/Virginia C; 6/19/1997; Estancia; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 13.801296
Johnsonjimothy Quien; 28.741650
Johnston ,Marva J; 9/10/1990; PRACTil Roswell; 30.026838
Johnston, Charles S.; 5/3/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Johnston, Christopher L.; 11/16/1987; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workers Compensation Admin; 27.492154
Johnston, Mary D; 30.136417
Johnston, Michael D; 11/28/1987; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.741460
Johnston, Paulette Y.; 10/11/2003; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 21.363264
Johnston, Robert L.; 7/19/2004; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 13.993810
Johnston, Urbie L.; 25.357000
Johnston.Damon J; 1/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 35.678333
Johnston.John F.; 2/4/1991; Clayton; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.593936
Johnston.Sharon; 12/15/1997; PRACTil Albuquerque; 31.077000
Johnston.Susan D. 11/3/2008; 19.510000
Joiner,Christine L.; 8/28/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.925630
Joines.Tracy A; 11/20/2002; Grants; DIETICIAN &NUTRIT-0; 17.153971
Jojola, Kathleen L; 12/16/1985; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 19.084295
Jojola, Kenneth J 7/25/1987; 17.602810
Jojola,Lenora A; 12/19/2005; Albuquerque; WORD PRCSSR & TYP-0; Workforce Solutions; 10.267147
Jojola.Michelle R. 1 0/1 8/1 997; 22.942500
Jolly.Barry G.; 12/12/1994; Carlsbad; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 25.954571
Jones, Anne M.; 12/27/1993; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; State Land Office; 18.654445
Jones, Elton 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Jones, Jolene L.; 21.847000
Jones, Margaret C.; 36.929357
Jones, Natlianiei Henderson 8/30/2003; 14.723810
Jones, Robert; 4/22/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Jones, Williann; 29.964000
Jones,Becky A.; 9/19/1988; Ruidoso; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 1 1 .261 1 64
Jones,Brad A; 7/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); PETROLEUM ENG-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 32.055643
Jones,BrianM; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.018000
Jones,Deeann; 11/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; 28.020000
Jones,Emory W.; 2/23/1998; Ragland; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 15.782810
Jones,Eric E.; 25.357000
Jones,Joe N.; 9/22/1986; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.499284
Jones,Kathryn L; 9/10/2005; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.291439
Jones,Kristin D.; 33.286915
Jones,Marwan; 10/9/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.912000
Jones,Roxann K; 7/18/2005; Deming; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-B; of Transportation; 14.223403
Jones,Sandra L.; 8/14/2004; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 24.718600
Jones,Sandy; 1/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); PRC Commissioner; Public Regulation Commission; 43.269231
Jones,Terry; 13.836000
Jones,WaiterF.; 13.301000
Jones,William D; 9/27/2004; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Department of Transportation; 29.645778
Jones,William V.; 3/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); PETROLEUM ENG-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 37.078040
Jones,Zann V.; 11/25/1991; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 38.314525
Jones.BobM.; 15.489150
Jones.CodyG; 11/19/2005; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 17.600604
Jones.Gary L.; 4/19/2008; Springer; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Jones.George A.; 12/19/1994; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 16.890010
Jones.Geraldine D; 3/10/2007; Socorro (City); SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 11.789730
Jones.James S.; 21.847000
Jones.Katina Denise; 16.655630
Jones.Lisa L.; 10/6/1984; Alamogordo; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 22.110600
Jones.Lucretia A. 10/1/1990; 24.705016
Jones.MarkC; 12/31/2005; Farmington; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 24.191892
Jones.Michael R; 12/1/2006; Roswell; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 11.990000
Jones.Michelle F.; 6/20/1994; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 19.084341
Jones.Nadine A.; 10/4/1993; Roswell; LEGAL SECTY-O;; 14.914955
Jones.Scott E.; 1/19/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 29.672748
Jones.Sherree L; 16.266000
Jones.TatiaV; 7/1/2006; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; iVIartin Luther King Jr Com; 16.558080
Jones.Toni M; 2/2/2004; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.736669
Jones.Troy D.; 1/27/1997; Las Vegas; Hospital Administrator; 55.483076
Jonesjyrone; 1/20/2004; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.313190
Jordan, Brandyn; 6/17/2006; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Jordan, Donald L; 12/14/1998; Albuquerque; 32.333150
Jordan, Louann; 1/17/1995; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.741720
Jordan, Margaret C; 6/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Jordan, Melissa A.; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Jordan,Charles H; 22.356287
Jordan,Sheiia L; 6/14/2004; Roswell; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.982794
Jordan,Sherryl E.; Roswell; Albuquerque; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; 28.520177
Jordan.MarkW 1/23/1989; 27.416020
Jorgensen,Eleanora L.; 11/1/2008; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Jorgensen.Stephanie D.; 14.000000
Jose.Vanessa A; 12/20/2003; Albuquerque; 14.019945
Joseph-Marquez.Connie; 9/8/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Environment; 32.484405
Joseph, Nadia; 5/19/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 9.790000
Joseph, Seva J.; 4/8/1996; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 25.196882
Joshi,UdayV.; 12/4/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A;; 30.146170
Jost,L. Kathryn; 2/17/1992; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.817117
Josue.Shena; 11/3/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 15.365690
Jowers.Margaret H; 2/7/1978; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Gaming Control Board; 15.698048
Joy,Ana Olivia; 8/28/1989; Las Cruces; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; f Workforce Solutions; 14.017871
Joy.BarryL; 1/9/1989; Truth Or Consequeni; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.713630
Joyce, David W.; 5/15/1995; Silver City; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 27.358557
Joyce.Brenda; 9/25/1989; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; 15.329078
Juarez-Ortega, Bertha I; 5/30/2000; Carlsbad; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.613462
Juarez,Amparo A; 29.407000
Juarez,Raymundo A. 8/1 7/2002; 1 9.845890
Juarez,Roderick; 8/7/2006; Clovis; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 28.038248
Juarez.Elida N.; 11.221000
Juarez.Geneva; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 12.000000
Juarez.lsidro; 5/11/1998; Artesia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.270201
Juarez.Michelle L.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Roswell; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Juarez.Molly B; 12/2/2006; Artesia; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.291565
Judd, Rebecca; 11/4/2006; Capita n; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 11.966690
Judd.Lori; 7/10/1999; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 12.478730
Judd.TimA.; 11/13/2006; Eagle Nest; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.140000
Judson.Kattierine H 9/26/2005; 26.330500
Julian,Brad L.; 3/1/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 32.059703
Junge.Gina Louise 7/7/1980; 18.876059
Jungk.Jessica L. 7/2/2005; 28.764330
Junqueira, Elizabeth; 15.626000
Jupiter,David C; 20.314026
Jurado, Dominic; 13.000000
Justice, Shelley; 6/19/2004; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 18.858329
Justice, Wendy R.; 21.499264
Kabalka, Sarah; 9/8/2008; Albuquerque; STAFF - NURSING; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.350000
Kafka, Shirley A; 7/18/1987; Roswell; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 15.596936
Kahl,Judith L.; 6/28/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 36.800000
Kahn.Leo L.; 7/13/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 30.355337
Kailey,Tim E 2/1 9/1 985; 25. 1 98494
Kain, Douglas; 9/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Public Education Department; 34.875134
Kain, Sharon A; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.489810
Kain.Kenneth W; 11/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 16.221630
Kalan,Julie A; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.000000
Kalb.Barbara B.; 26.462275
Kalinowski, Sharon; 11/28/2008; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Kaltenbach,Emily; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 38.840000
Kalwasinski, Martin D 1/15/1991; 21.194600
Kamali,Sherry; 1/27/2007; (City); Santa Fe; Intergvmmntl Affairs Liaison; 24.122700
Kamees,Larry K; 3/2/2002; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 22.142071
Kamma.Lenin B.; 2/1/2003; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 30.174500
Kamphorst.Margaret Ann; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Environment; 34.000000
Kamplain, Rainier; 7/30/2005; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Gaming Control Board; 19.715630
Kams.Kevin P.; 5/6/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 34.684039
Kanabar,Minesh P 12/12/2001; 36.117187
Kanabar.Darshana M; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Department of Health; 31.948300
Kaniatobe, Victoria A; 2/16/2004; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 10.847570
Kaniatobe,Lorenci E; 3/8/1989; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 17.422411
Kantrowitz.Nancy L; 9/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 34.314040
Kaplan, Harvey; 22.850864
Kaplan, Michael A 8/20/2007; 40.123000
Karim.Angelica C; 1/22/1991; Las Vegas; NURSING; LINE II -; 31.973890
Karinen, Wanda L; 5/1/2000; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 16.618630
Karmazin, James P.; 2/12/1985; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; Department of Transportation; 16.210063
Karmazin,Mary E.; 12/5/1977; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-0; Transportation; 13.960000
Karn, Douglas; 7/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); LANSCAPING & GRNDS-O; General Services Department; 11.658570
Karni,Sarah; 1/28/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 31.500090
Karnowsky.Kathryn G; 8/5/1974; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 27.130800
Karp.James H; 3/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Attorney; Department of Game & Fish; 42.854420
Kassetas, Peter N.; 38.474000
Katz,Martin; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 40.000000
Katz.Judy L.; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 40.000000
Katzdorn.Mary E.; 19.234350
Kauffman.Stephanie L.; 8/8/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 22.648460
Kaufman, Dawn; 17.477959
Kaul,Emilyl; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Farmington; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Kaul,Susan J; 1/13/2007; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Kautz.Paul F; 7/7/1981; Hobbs; PETROLEUM ENG-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 33.369500
Kauz.Laurence Conrad; 23.200000
Kavanaugh, Henry J; 1/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); PLANT/SYS OPR.AO-O;; 19.691377
Kavanaugh, Rachel D; 24.091002
Kavanaugh,Sadie M; 1/4/2002; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.339500
KAVANAUGH,VINCENT K; 4/21/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 12.250000
Kavanaugh.Devin; 5/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Kay,Rebecca; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 24.434460
Kayser,Ste-ven Chase 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Kayser.Shane L; 5/13/2002; Mountainair; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.755190
Keahbone,Kim Y.; 11/6/2000; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 39.950150
Kear.Darrin M.; 9/8/1997; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 19.429430
Kearney, Michael K; 1/23/2002; Albuquerque; Regional Manager III; Public Schools Facility Auth; 33.137000
Keaster.Adam; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 20.400000
Keaton, David; 9/6/2008; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.090000
Keedah.Trudy; 1/19/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Grants; Human Services Department; 15.779630
Keegan, Constance R; 3/31/1986; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 45.050150
Keeler.Cody F.; 13.512049
Keene.Gerald J; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-0; 18.470000
Keener,Anne C.; 8/11/1997; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 33.008040
Keeton.Marivic B; 6/23/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B;; 9.070000
Kegler.Francesca E.; 4/20/1998; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 17.316150
Kehoe,Johanna; 6/5/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 28.319500
Kehoe,Lawrence H; 2/16/1987; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Commissioner 1; State Land Office; 39.350000
Keiser,Cynthia Sue; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE SURVYR-0; Human Services Department; 21.919800
Keiter,David L.; 19.452020
Keith, Carolyn Leigh Anne; 5/3/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURSAIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.470000
Keith.Loriann G 1 1/8/1988; 30.690000
Kelleher.Lorie L; 5/2/2005; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.928190
Kellenaers.Joey S. 1 1/28/1998; 27.369500
Keller III, John A.; 1/20/2007; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 14.000000
Keller, William S; 10/3/1994; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 42.041000
Keller,George Ron; 5/23/1995; Alamogordo; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-0; Department of Cultural Affairs; 17.414396
Keller,Jerry G; 1/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.075056
Keller.Donise Y; 11/4/1985; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 20.024694
Keller.Susan M; 4/30/2001; Las Vegas; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 18.080630
Kelley, David W. 9/25/1989; 27.614554
Kelley, Eileen R; 9/8/2008; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 15.414000
Kelley, Vincent F; 11/30/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 40.358179
KELLEY,MARLENE; 8/14/2006; Santa Fe (City]; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Indian Affairs; 30.124040
Kelley,Thomas E; 14.938810
Kelly, Kathleen; 14.135630
Kelly,lrma 4/13/2006; 11.279760
Kelly.Kari; 7/12/2008; Roswell; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 17.450000
Kelly.Martha Anne; 10/11/1994; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 34.805000
Kelly.Stella; 2/24/1992; Santa Fe (City); INFO/RECCLRK,AO-A; Public Regulation Commission; 17.287678
Kelly.Thomas Bradley; 11.100000
Kelsey,Sandra; 7/31/2004; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 21.000000
Kelso,Christina W; 6/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Transportation; 26.024505
Kelso.Matthew; 8/14/2006; Carlsbad; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-O; f Workforce Solutions; 13.539561
Kempton, Brandon N; 8/24/2001; Lordsburg; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 19.846015
Kenna,Scott W.; 5/30/2006; Albuquerque; DET&CRIM INVEST-A; Public Defender; 19.524600
Kennedy, Nicholas L; 41.801905
Kennedy,Linda T; 9/13/2003; Las Vegas; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-A; 31.174771
Kennedy.Carl D.; 4/24/2000; Artesia; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.688630
Kennedy.Many; 4/19/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF SJAiL-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Kennedyjerrill G; 9/15/2003; Quemado; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; Department of Transportation; 12.940190
Kenneson, Elaine G; 8/10/1987; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 18.396268
Kennington, Emily K.; 4/8/2006; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.320000
Kenny.GayleM; 5/1/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 41.308316
Kent, Heather Ruth; 3/31/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21 .542946
Kent, Wendy L.; 5/5/2007; 32.045152
Kenton, Eli; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Kepler.Rene S; 12/17/1998; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Public Regulation Commission; 24.800000
Keppel,Bertram; 18.000000
Kernes, Nancy R; 5/17/1976; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.895021
Kerr, Robert Leivon; 9/20/2008; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Kerr.Greg D.; 9/16/1991; Lordsburg; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 30.487000
Kerwin.Mary C; 8/3/1988; PRACTil Las Cruces; 31.643940
Kesler, Michael B; 4/28/2001; Silver City; ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 26.854040
Kesler.Tammy L; 8/18/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Environment; 19.779810
Kesner.Ben Barton 4/6/1987; 43.658188
Kessler,Deann S; 24.405737
Kessler,Gaie M.; 6/10/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.225700
Kessler,Lisa M; 29.509000
Kessler.Michael P; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Human Services Department; 18.470000
Kestersonjhomas; 4/7/2007; Carlsbad; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 23.675460
Ketchum.Jeanette A; Santa Fe (City)
Keteihut-Herrera.Tyier J 2/24/2007; 13.469810
Kew,KimberlyA.; 7/23/2007; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Workforce Solutions; 14.894690
Keyes,EricJ.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 32.770817
Keys.GlennA; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 13.610000
Khallapiraan,Mahalakshmi; 31 .500000
Khalsa,Guru Terath; 11/19/1984; Santa Fe (City); Chief Legal Counsel; Medical Examiners Board; 42.854420
Khalsa,Sat Sangeet; 8/2/2003; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.858329
Khalsa.Shanti Shanti; 25.073796
Khan.Farhan; 10/20/2008; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 27.645000
Kidd, Margaret D; 9/28/1995; Raton; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 22.286471
Kidd.Tiffanie R.; 12/15/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.000000
Kieling,John E.; 7/18/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 36.345455
Kieling,Martyne J; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; F Environment; 25.000000
Kiement, Sherry W; 1 6. 1 39458
Kiiiette.Arteria D 12/2/2006; 16.251600
Kiles.Sharon; 18.807600
Killgore,Denise Michelle; 2/23/2008; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.365630
Killgore.Ronnie G; 6/18/1984; Carlsbad; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 24.960304
Killoy.Anne SM; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; General Services Department; 12.000000
Kim,Gi-Dong; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 24.966269
Kim,U. Chan; 34.195388
Kim.Coreena S.; 12/21/1992; Santa Fe (City); 23.918775
Kim.Wayne; 15.125630
Kimball,Paul; 10.023000
Kimball,Richard; 5/17/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Kimber,Brian T.; 10/4/1999; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.000000
Kimbrelljoseph W; 3/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 26.540288
Kimzey.Eugene E 4/16/2007; 27.399750
Kinabrew, Peggy J.; 6/3/1991; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 24.296954
Kincaid,RandaliJ; 9/24/2005; Las Cruces; APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.968630
Kinch.Lois; 3/27/2006; Albuquerque; Investigator; Office of the Attorney General; 28.119000
Kindel,Sharon E.; 6/19/2006; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.659460
King- Martin, Emily R; 3/10/2009; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
King, David W; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); PRC Commissioner; Public Regulation Commission; 43.269000
King, Harrison; 10/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-B; Department of Transportation; 19.758175
King, Karen; 9/6/2005; Santa Fe County; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.989000
King, Paul D; 11/24/2003; Red River; FARMWKR, FARM&RNCH-O; Department of Game & Fish; 16.235695
King, Raymond H.; 19.507232
King,Chris; 15.097387
King,Elena; 9/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; 15.826000
King,Eli; 3/8/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 9.000000
King,Gary; 1/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); Attorney General; Office of the Attorney General; 45.673000
King,GeorgeE; 1/6/2003; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 17.788190
King,Jack A.; 4/1/1993; Ruidoso; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.347500
King,Jennifer R; 15.403630
King,KarlD.; 5/15/2000; Deming; SURVEYOR-A; Department of Transportation; 27.972102
King,Loretta; 11/12/1988; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.639903
King,RitaC.; 4/4/1988; Carlsbad; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.770185
King,Sasha Jon; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.060000
King,WilliamC.; 12/18/1993; Taos (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 26.190500
King.Cecilia F; 24.352369
King.Cliarles A.; 37.320270
King.Gary A.; 1/7/1991; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : of Environment; 23.655022
King.Jennie M; 3/30/2002; Clovis; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 20.709460
King.Jerry; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Commissioner II; State Land Office; 45.693000
King.John; 11/12/2005; Santa Fe (City); Regional Manager 1; Public Schools Facility Auth; 24.419000
King.Tamara A.; 9/25/1995; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 16.890010
Kingsley, Jason Troy 1/27/2007; 16.251600
Kinkade.Karen L.; 12/21/1998; Ruidoso; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 14.709126
Kinley,Brian; 7/30/2006; Farmington; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Kinney Junior.Harrison; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 40.000000
Kinney lll,Charies B; 11/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 34.093000
Kinney, Ivy; 16.000000
Kinnibrugh.Tammy D; 12/8/2001; Artesia; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 12.445839
Kinsel,Amanda C.; 11/1/2008; Gallup; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Kinsey.Vioia R; 15.850072
Kiose,Lauren; 10/7/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 10.000000
Kipnes,Fred; 2/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.651500
Kippenbrock,Ana C.; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-O; Public Regulation Commission; 17.379810
KippertPaul M.; 10/2/2000; City); Santa Fe; GEN 1; 40.937150
Kirby,Glenn M; 6/9/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 28.871989
Kirby,Kimberly D.; 12/27/1999; Albuquerque; GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 28.447985
Kirby.Carole A. 4/23/2007; 27.499500
Kirby.Thomas D.; 1/4/1999; Ruidoso; HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 23.953500
Kircher.Jane Robertshaw; 8/8/1989; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.931751
Kirchmeier,James A.; 5/20/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.797313
Kirchmeier.Debra; 3/1/2004; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; F Workforce Solutions; 25.060000
Kirchmeier.Kristen L; 5/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.000000
Kirk,Michael W; 9/10/2005; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0;; 12.964139
Kirker,Billy M; 11.129691
Kirker.Ofelia K; 7/10/1989; Las Cruces; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.086359
Kirkman,Sharon Sue; 2/9/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.135630
Kirkpatrick, Nancy L; 22.087439
Kirkpatrick, Robert J.; Gienwood; Jemez Springs; Santa Fe (City); Pecos; 44.740000
Kirksey.Scott P.; 24.489300
Kirlin, Carolyn K; 6/17/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 15.115630
Kish'bau'gh.John R; 7/8/1978; Silver City; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 12.210690
Kissko.Linda Hyde; 7/9/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Educational Retirement Board; 16.000000
Kist,Christopher A.; 18.622000
Kistin, Naomi J.; 69.861411
Kitay,Barbara A; 8/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Public Education Department; 28.568359
Kitay.Charles E; 8/23/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; General Services Department; 31.055372
Kitch, Ricky; 14.820153
Kitch.Julie A.; 3/10/1997; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Public Defender; 15.097945
Kittleson, Wendy; 10/18/2008; Mountainair; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 9.500000
Kitts.Suzanna M.; 9/18/1989; Albuquerque; INV-A; CLM AD J, EXAM; 21.392976
Klabunde, David J.; 4/16/2001; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 19.062017
Klauber, Judith A. 7/23/1990; 25.047693
Klco.Julia M 12/1/2007; 49.520000
Klein-Mittman, Kathleen; 14.999226
Klein,Susan R.; 6/15/1990; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Defender; 43.113150
Klein.Charles K.; 9/2/2003; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 12.000000
Kleinschmidt, Patricia; 10.118570
KlementLeon G; 1/12/2008; Silver City; HYDROLOGIST-O; Department of Environment; 19.484460
Klimkiewicz.Anthony; 37.000000
Kline.Jason; 1/10/2000; Mayhill; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; f Game & Fish; 20.485630
Kling.Benny D.; 9/20/2008; Farmington; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 23.880000
Kliphuisjrais L; 1/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); LINE II- ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 29.737575
Klock, Patricia M.; 12/12/1998; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 34.834040
Klug, Morgan Holly 7/17/2006; 29.183225
Klump.Rachelle; 1/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 32.523208
Klump.Stephen M; 2/24/2003; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Human Services Department; 42.530000
Klumpenhower.David J. 1/22/1990; 26.848500
Knapp.Jason A.; 23.642850
Knauer, David J 7/6/1994; 30.850400
Knee.Bruce Leon 1/13/2007; 16.251600
Knight,Christopher J.; 5/5/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.342500
Knight.Annie; 9/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.689810
Knight.Marcia; 6/10/2002; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 25.088180
KnightAndrew P; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Department of Environment; 29.000000
KnightEugene R; 3/1/2003; Ruidoso; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 22.961409
Knipfing,Charlene 1/8/1996; 44.996700
Knoll.Bonnie J.; 1/15/2005; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 36.208744
Knott, Judith Ann; 31.659445
Knowles, Laurel A.; 9/13/1995; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.661120
Knowles,Graham John; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Department of Environment; 36.000000
Knox,Stiawn Carl; 8/16/2004; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 27.304000
Knox.Gwendolyn P; 11/14/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; State Treasurer; 30.172281
Knudsen.Jerry L; 1/10/2000; Tatum; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 14.370190
Knull,Talmadge L.; 6/30/1997; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.832190
Knutson, Mary Jane; 2/13/1978; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; of Transportation; 18.809094
Knutson,Gerald L; 6/25/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 27.242500
Kobetich.Joleene C; 1/29/2007; Albuquerque; Teacher; Department of Health; 28.672000
Kobett, Laura L; 21.215225
Kobielusz.Robynn K.; Farmington; CLK-A; 12.173690
Kodali.Anupama; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3;; 30.000000
Koeblitz, Robert; 3/10/2009; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 37.020000
Koehler, Richard W; 8/19/1987; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 37.948300
Koehler,Kelley; 8/16/2004; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 29.750000
Koenigsberg, Jeffrey; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 16.591600
Kofahl,Brenda; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.385000
Koferl,Joanne M 9/4/2001; 26.934272
Kohl,Bruce R.; 40.940480
Kohlasch,Jacquelin 0.; 12/17/1990; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.807385
Kohls, Lorraine M; 9/14/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Health; 33.866645
Kohr,Joseph V.; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.243750
Koker,MaryA.; 13.254260
Koleski,Dan E.; 36.254700
Koller.Bryan M; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support;; 13.350000
Komadina,MarkW.; 14.800000
Komadina.Mark W.; 2/7/2009; Santa Fe (City); Recruits; New Mexico State Police; 14.800000
Kometa,Gilbert T; 8/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 21.700000
Komula.Linda 5/6/2006; 24.532080
Konst.Roxanne; 11/22/1999; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 17.973361
Konz,Carolyn M.; 4/15/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.913150
Koonce, Robert C 7/21/1997; 25.000000
Kopan, Maria; 2/21/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.000000
Koppmann,George C; 24.173630
Koreny, Rebecca; 11/1/2008; Ruidoso; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Kornrumph, Bradley J.; 6/18/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Kornrumph.William H.; 3/1/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Korsmo, Elizabeth K; 3/15/2003; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 36.058000
Korte, Jerry R; 5/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 17.235075
Korwin.Anthony Robert; 1/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Education Department; 32.490000
Koscielniak,Denise; 3/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 41.593830
Kosharek, Daniel J.; 23.520000
Kosicki.Stefan W; 9/17/2001; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-0; t of Transportation; 22.342539
Kosmicki,Denise; 3/10/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 23.929830
Kostelnik.Kimberly; 5/13/1985; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 34.643160
Kostich,Aleksandar; 10/11/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 29.294040
Kostrubala,Thaddeus L; 8/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 29.818000
Kota,Pavani; 5/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Human Services Department; 30.616300
Kouns.John M.; 10/6/1997; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.577780
Kovach, Pamela W 5/19/2007; 27.394625
Kovach, Victor; 1/9/1989; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 36.899023
Kovacs.John S; 12/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 27.868278
Kovacs.Phyifis LaVergne 8/9/2008; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Taos (City)
Kowach,Andrew J; 9/8/2001; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; r Transportation; 19.993845
Kowalski, Patrick; 7/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); PSY-A; 23.739460
Kowalski.Judy A; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); LANDSCPE ARCHITECT-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.580000
Kowatch,Nash; 9/6/2008; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; F Transportation; 11.250000
Koyama, Emily J; 10/6/1997; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 23.480380
Kozeliski, Gloria S.; 10/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Public Education Department; 22.652803
Kozeliski,Allison M. 4/26/2003; 40.814060
Krall, Anne Marie; 6/16/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 21.919800
Kramer, Wendy Sue; 5/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 26.496082
Kramer,Erica 3/23/2009; 9.500000
Kramer,Terry S; 3/15/1993; Workers Compensation Judge Albuquerque; Workers Compensation Admin; 48.302000
Kramer.Mark A.; 10/22/2001; Albuquerque; STAFF; 24.217290
Krantz-Burge.Valerie; 35.136150
Krantz.Janice; 10/20/2003; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 24.444042
Krapfl,Heidi R; 4/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 32.880000
Krassner.Madelyn E.; 10/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 27.687761
Kratochvil.Thomas P.; 6/22/1994; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 36.800000
Krauser,Karen M 12/4/2004; 17.354600
Kreske,Charles M; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN EXAMINER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 25.327566
Kretz, Jessica; 10/18/1999; 18.451600
Kretzmann,John A.; 8/12/1991; Santa Fe (City); GENI -ENGINEERING; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 42.538017
Kreutzian, Thomas; 11/19/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 17.029460
Kriley, Lance D; 16.565315
Kriley, Patricia M; 10.940590
Krisst.Rima; 6/26/2007; Santa Fe (City]; Public Information Officer 1; Indian Affairs; 26.342400
Kronberg.Devin M; 4/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; nformation Technology; 30.459980
Kroulek.Jessica R; 10/18/2008; Las Cruces; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 8.990000
Krueger, Beatrice M.; 1/9/1995; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 16.339149
Krueger,Tyler V 8/28/2004; 1 7.701 600
Kruger.Jeremy I; 11/25/2002; Albuquerque; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.090090
Kruhm,Glenda N.; 12/28/1998
Krupcale,Julie M; 8/13/2005; City); Santa Fe i; MGT ANALYST-A; 22.910600
Krupp.Paulette E; 11/26/2001; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; F Workforce Solutions; 13.240421
Krusick, Janet M; 12/20/2003; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.911641
Kruzich, Sandra P.; 9/28/1992; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 23.449215
Kuchler, Elizabeth G; 8/26/2006; PRACTil Las Cruces; 34.112300
Kuchma, Patrick M.; 25.357000
Kuck,LyleW; 9/25/2004; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.771800
Kudza.Sarah M 4/4/1988; 36.046442
Kueffer.Neil R; 7/1/2004; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-0; 21.831600
Kuehling.Monica P.; 5/11/1998; Aztec; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.682000
Kuellmer.Lawrence J.; 12/16/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Human Services Department; 33.688300
Kuhlman.Shane; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 25.920000
Kuhn.WesleyE; 18.261600
Kulis.Jerzy; 2/14/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.723433
Kumar.Arunod; 12/17/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACTUARY-0; Public Regulation Commission; 26.697242
Kunde,Twila R; 6/2/2007; Albuquerque; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE;; 37.149680
Kunkel.James F; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.776000
Kunkel.Kathyleen; 1/21/2003; Santa Fe (City); General Counsel; Department of Health; 41.330520
Kuntz, Mary Lee; 8/24/1998; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.719944
Kurapati.Tirumal Rao; 4/8/2002; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 28.672300
Kurtz.RobertC.; 5/8/1991; Roswell; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 47.141090
Kutac.Connie E.; 5/17/2008; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Kuthuru,Prabhakar Reddy; 36.994157
Kutuzova-Maim.Svetiana A.; 11/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.110000
Kuykendall, Betty M.; 7/15/1991; Roswell; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.568128
Kuzava.James H; 24.818184
Kuzior,Julie D; 4/7/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXIVi/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.595515
Kwan, Albert 9/10/2005; 17.354600
Kwasniewski.Jan Michael; 9/30/1996; Alamogordo; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.059500
Kwitkowski.Celena M 12/31/2005; 15.918630
Kyle, Angela R; 19.547749
Kyte.JohnR; 7/17/1989; Albuquerque; ELECTRONICS SPEC-0; 26.080137
L'Ecuyer,Ed; 19.918868
L'Esperance,Oneida; 48.728185
l\/loore,Charles E.; 4/5/1999; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 13.626130
La Bauve.Anna M.; Name; 20.363855
La Casse,Mary Lou; 10/4/1982; Santa Fe (City); - ENV SCIENCE; STAFF; 29.767945
La Farge.C Grant; 7/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - PHYSICIAN; IVIedical Examiners Board; 62.360000
La May.Charlann B; 4/20/1979; Ruidoso; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 17.040424
La Pointe.Ronald J.; 3/22/1999; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; General Services Department; 18.368476
Labierjimothy C; 9/18/2000; Las Cruces; STAFF - MTD/SID; Department of Public Safety; 34.907300
Labombard.John T; 1/18/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 34.820501
Labruyere.Cheryl L; 2/7/1994; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 18.891000
Lacey, Benny H.; 9/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.005065
Lacey,Nathan B; 3/7/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Lacey.MaryJ; 8/31/1987; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 15.475512
Lackey.GaryM 5/20/2006; 15.850072
Lackey.Jenny B.; 6/14/2008
Lackey.Marguerite C.; 8/19/1991; 17.309723
Lackmann,Chris; 7/12/1999; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 37.270000
Lacombe.Michael J; 1/3/2006; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Rehbltation; 20.510221
Lacome.Matthew G; 8/5/1991; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.671600
LaCrue.Avis M.; 14.500000
Ladabour, Angela; 8/28/2006; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 16.197630
Laemmle.Debbi J.; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-0; 14.100000
Laferriere.Joann; 23.141134
Lafferty, Edward D; 1/8/2001; Tucumcari; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.081082
Laflin,Nancy; 35.720020
LaFromboise,Megan Arlene; 12/27/2008; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Lagrave,Shangreaux; 10/12/1993; Albuquerque; LINE II; Human Services Department; 25.289460
Laguna, Irene C.; 2/2/1991; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-A; F Workforce Solutions; 18.575765
Lahala.Lily; 6/6/2005; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Laier,Lynne; 4/14/2008; Albuquerque; Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 20.420000
LaiIes,Mark; 11/18/1985; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A;; 21.618860
Lajoie, Caroline; 1/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 21.000000
Lakatos,Steven A.; 4/4/1994; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST&ARCH-A; 20.853800
Lake,Richele; 18.000000
Lake,RobertW; 10/28/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 18.207460
Lalevic.Nina; 9/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 30.274500
Laliberte, Norman; 12/1/2003; (City); Santa Fe; PRINTING MACH OP-0; 12.866175
Lam.Louie; 11/21/2005; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 18.625027
Lama.Albert J.; 10/31/1988; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Attorney General; Office of the Attorney General; 50.659000
Lamar.Dustin 2/24/2007; 13.469810
Lamb,David A. 11/10/2008; 19.500000
Lamb.Mark; 5/3/2008; Mountainair; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.030000
Lamberson.Dwight; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 28.760000
Lambert, Kenneth Joseph; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; of Veteran Services; 15.000000
Lambert,Greg L; 4/24/2006; Mayhill; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.616719
LAMBERT,JAMIE; 9/6/2008; Mayhill; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; F Transportation; 12.000000
Lambert,Robbie; 8/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 21.321500
Lambertjammi M; 1/12/2004; Santa Fe (City]; General Counsel; Indian Affairs; 36.801940
Lamberton, Hilary; 10/27/1999; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 38.503938
Lamere,Sheryle L.; 10/11/1994; Farmington; A/OI; 32.045152
Lamonica.Stephen J 12/19/1988; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; Albuquerque; Fort Bayard; 21.780630
lanakieva.Viara K; 12.685497
Lancaster, Mark L; 4/8/2006; Las Cruces; PSY-O; 20.991600
Lance, Diego W; 6/26/1989; Belen; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.133558
Lance,Cecil; 9/22/2008; Los Lunas; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 25.961538
Lance,Mary C; 2/2/2009; Fort Bayard; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 18.284700
Landavazo,Christopher A; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.233190
Landay.PennyC; 11/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-O; Tourism Department; 18.750848
Landeene,Steven J.; 74.781539
Landen, Michael G.; 61.081130
Lander.Marcia L.; 8/2/1999; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.490500
Landin, Patricia R; 5/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 11.211730
Landreth,Anthony D.; 28.869886
Landrum Junior, Hal B.; 4/7/2008; Alamogordo; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 25.546076
Landry.Martha 5/24/1993; 16.569087
Lane-Sanchez,Michaela D; 11/25/1991; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 28.029000
Lane, David; 5/1/2004; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Lane,NonaS 7/15/2007; 26.910000
Lane,Stephen E.; 8/20/2008; Albuquerque; LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 25.000000
Lane.George John; 20.400000
LanerJr, Richard E; 36.235067
Laney.LeoH.; 6/24/2002; Deming; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 15.938083
Laney.Madaline L; 12/17/2005; Reserve; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.772269
Lang, Brian K.; 2/12/1994; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 26.091600
Lange,Jonathan; 3/29/2001; City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-0; 8.630000
Langehennig,CaryT.; 5/22/1993; Albuquerque; LINE II - MTD/SID; Department of Public Safety; 30.487000
Langehennig.Michelle; 23.765338
Langenegger.Jared R.; 1/2/1999; Tucumcari; A/0 11; 30.350000
Langley,Kenneth A; 20.509000
Langowski, Dorothy Karen; 7/5/2000; Albuquerque; Teacher; Department of Health; 32.732000
Langston, Bruce E; 38.019358
Langston, Kenny L; 24.989500
Langston.Charles C.; 9/1/1988; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.458126
Lanham,LarryW. 4/12/2003; 13.479000
Lanham,Sharron I.; 12/6/2003; Truth Or Consequen<; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.760850
Lanham,Virginia A. 1/22/2000; Santa Fe (City)
Lanier.Amy; 7/16/2008; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 8.000000
Lanik,Stephen C; 3/2/2009; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Lannom, Jeanne E 8/4/2001; 18.820600
Lano.Edmund; 8/16/2004; Gallup; A/OII; Public Education Department; 35.622000
Lantz, Lamar E; 12.000000
Lapington, David P.; 10/6/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 31.769500
lapoce,Bonita; 16.000000
LaPrelle.Amanda M; 16.500000
Lapsley.Shanna N; 5/6/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 18.000000
Lara Junior,James T.; 10/21/2006; Texico; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 19.654460
Lara Zamora.Cinthia Yazmin; 1/10/2009; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.000000
Lara, Christopher; 8/11/1997; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Military Affairs; 16.100000
Lara, Jeffrey R.; 12/5/1992; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Public Safety; 21.764460
Lara, Monica; 3/26/2001; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 12.580759
Lara, Richard B.; 23.460000
Lara,Andrew 8/13/2001; 15.360000
Lara,JohnM.; 8/15/2005; Hobbs; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 13.110810
Lara,Luis; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 18.500000
Lara,Lupe R; 6/21/1982; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-O; Department of Health; 17.943663
Lara,Sabrina C.; 6/7/2001; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Military Affairs; 16.830020
Lara,Shanna N. 7/24/1995; 22.286007
Lara.Clorinda V.; 10/26/1991; Fort Bayard; J AN ITR&CLN R, NOMAI D-A; Department of Health; 16.302517
Lara.David J 9/7/1999; 12.100000
Lara.Dolores; 6/23/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.170000
Larez,Andrea Carol 10/21/2002; 29.401350
Lari.Mohammad R.; 1/26/1998; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.152810
Larisch, Michael; 9/13/2003; Quemado; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; f Game & Fish; 19.005630
Larkin,Annette C.; 8/2/1999; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Public Education Department; 21.755626
Larkin.Naomi B.; 7/5/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Espanola; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 17.449460
Larosa-Corliss,Madelyn F.; 7/19/1999; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.987629
Larragoite,Stephen K.; 7/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.682630
Larragoite,Teresa A; 25.765420
Larranaga-Ruffy.Leanne; 3/26/2001; Albuquerque; SECS/COMMDTS/FIN-0; Retirement Board; 32.252150
Larranaga, Deborah A.; 11/1/1982; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Department of Transportation; 22.924831
Larranaga, Melissa A; 19.163577
Larranaga,Lou D; 8/11/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.534450
Larranaga,William J.; 8/24/1987; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Department of Transportation; 26.042082
Larranaga.Angela L; 8/28/1989; City); Santa Fe; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; 31.188036
Larranaga.Damian; 9/1/1987; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; General Services Department; 22.172765
Larry.Garry L.; 10.715655
Larsen.Christopher S; 9/14/2002; Artesia; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 17.695783
Larson, David J; 4/16/2001; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-B; 1 1 .673865
Larson, Priscilla; 12/8/1984; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 14.731268
Larson, Travis Matthew; 8/10/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.068730
Larson,Lelah I; 23.702607
Larson,Melissa M.; 10/7/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Moriarty; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Larson,Teresa; 12/31/2005; Albuquerque; A/OI; Youth & Families Dpt; 36.134040
Larson.Maria P 12/21/2002; 17.967600
Las Cruces; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.992115 0'Brien,Timothy; 9/6/1988;
Lasater.Deanna M.; 8/27/2005; Silver City; PSYCHOLOGIST.AO-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.652803
Lasiewicz.Ted; 11/18/2002; Aztec; Regional Manager III; Public Schools Facility Auth; 33.137000
Laskie,Jeffrey W.; 14.510980
Lassenjod L; 8/9/2008; Porta les; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 11.250000
Lassiter, Roland R; 11/26/2001; Lordsburg; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Public Safety; 18.529460
Lateyice.Tanya L.; 12/1/2008; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 12.150000
Latham, James W 6/22/1 987; 22.21 0000
Latham.John V.; 14.136000
Latimer.Sue; 1/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Environment; 23.990040
Latta,Dennis; 8/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); Special Projects Coord. Ill; Public Education Department; 43.421840
Lattanza,Billie D.; 7/1/1991; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.944778
Lauer.Gregory F 10/20/2007; 35.350425
Laumbach,Christian; 11.077713
Laumbach,Toni S. 8/26/1996; 25.846059
Laurance.Noa Judith; 1/28/2008; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 19.941600
Lautenschlager,Ted; 6/10/1991; Roswell; GENI; Public Defender; 46.428494
Lauturner,Ttieodore J. 9/7/1999
Laux, Andrew; 7/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Lavetts.David A.; 10/29/1990; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 25.311600
Lavoe,Wilfredo 4/19/2008; 16.000000
Lavy.Lawrence W.; 9/13/2004; Albuquerque; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 16.674694
Law-Gee, Sherlyn; 17.557000
Law,Kathryn T.; 4/29/2000; Carlsbad; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.890010
Lawicki, Kathleen A. 2/9/1994; 22.089540
Lawrence, Krista R.; 8/6/1994; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Farmington; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 20.432433
Lawrence, Robert M. 4/22/1997; 10.870760
Lawrence,K. Sue; 10/18/1993; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.358556
Lawrence,Tammy L.; 3/22/2008; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.998000
Lawrence.Le Ette R.; 2/3/2003; Clovis; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 32.559000
LAWRENCE.MARY BETH 9/6/2008; 17.000000
Lawrence.Omega K; 7/7/2003; Roswell; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 17.083943
Lawrence.William; 4/8/2006; Clayton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 14.148190
Lawson, Valerie 4/20/2002; 23.247844
Lawson,Kristina M; 6/21/2003; Santa Fe (City); GENI -IT; Human Services Department; 44.674222
Layden,Crystal R.; 5/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-A; 12.500000
Layher,Shale Robert Neil; 3/7/2009; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Layman, Dave L.; 21.436000
Layton.Terri 10/6/2007; 11.998570
Lazos, Daniel; 25.095000
Lazzari.Jerry John; 28.356460
Lazzell.Charles; 11/10/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
lbarra,Juanita C; 3/9/2000; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 11.100000
lbarra,Manuel; 3/28/2005; Anthony; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.913810
Le Doux,Lannette D.; 6/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; Human Services Department; 14.480061
Le Doux.Berlinda; 3/9/1981; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 25.798110
Le.Xuan; 7/30/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.950000
Leal, Fernando G; 4/30/2001; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.727190
Leal,Jennifer M; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.905171
Leal.Edwina M.; 12/4/1995; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 18.790265
Leavitt.Alysia; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Environment; 28.000000
LeavittMarcy L; 12/4/1986; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; F Environment; 38.597300
Lebeau,Stephanie; 4/14/2003; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-B; c Safety; 16.797077
Leblanc.Nolan J; 4/11/1988; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Department of Transportation; 28.217003
LeBlancMichael; 9/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.500000
Lebow.Margaret R; 4/3/2000; (City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; 13.594137
Lechuga Jr,Jimmy P; 15.591920
Lechuga.Mario; 25.303805
Leck.Thomas L.; 7/20/1992; Albuquerque; MINE/GEOL SPEC-NL-O; Department of Environment; 26.761116
Leclair.Ashley Diane; 12/13/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 9.229000
Lederman,Sisciiy K; 6/25/2005; Tierra Amarilla; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.736521
Ledezma,Leonor H.; 6/29/1998; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.217780
Ledezma,Luis A; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); Executive Assistant; Public Regulation Commission; 34.564096
Ledoux-Worden, Linda M; 12.355782
Ledoux, Beatrice; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 10.562911
Ledoux, Ernie L.; 2/27/1995; Eagle Nest; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.116810
Ledoux,C Joyce; 6/1/1986; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.098719
LEDOUX,ROSEA; 2/11/2006; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 15.890000
LeDuc.Laura A 6/23/2008; 9.977000
Lee Senior,Lorenzo; 7/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 6.592000
Lee, Florena L 10/2/2001; 15.665630
Lee, Jennifer H; 19.301150
Lee, Lena F. 10/9/1984; 24.961279
Lee,AmyD.; 15.097387
Lee,KyleJ; 11/14/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.000000
Lee,SheilaE.; 2/15/1993; Roswell; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 18.060810
Lee; 23.295800 0'Connor,Donald
Lee.Antonio; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 21.875000
Lee.BobR.; 4/19/1999; Winston; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.282190
Lee.Christopher C.; 10/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); EXEC; General Services Department; 41.181240
Lee.DanieIC; 12/18/2004; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Lee.Gary H.; 14.254000
Lee.Geneva; 7/28/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Gallup; Human Services Department; 13.990000
Lee.Gregory R; 13.036190
Lee.Leanne; 10/8/2005; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.281600
Lee.SummerC 9/27/2003; 17.633600
Lee.Travis J.; 5/18/1998; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 14.628872
Leechjhomas E; 22.794851
Leeder, Rosemary H.; 26.966841
Leeds.T Chad C; 2/4/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Leejeresa P; 8/31/2002; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 19.594680
Leekity.Georgianna; 15.197840
Lefevre,Christopher Paul; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Leftault.Daryl E.; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Legan.Brian L.; 8/15/1994; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Transportation; 26.622283
Leger,Joseph James; 12/16/2006; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 11.898190
Leger,Philip L; 24.618000
Leger,Sheila A; 6/7/2003; 24.445307
Leger.Martin E.; 6/1/1975; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 26.980499
Leger.Michael T.; 7/21/2001; Albuquerque; GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 23.132209
Legits.Anthony; 11/13/2006; 35.029576
Lehman,Mack A 10/21/2006; 28.032500
Lehman.Lee G 8/23/2008; 1 1 .330000
Lehner.James L; 29.911000
Lehner.James L.; 29.911000
Leibowitz.Laurie; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); LGL SUP WKR,AO-0; Department of Environment; 20.283190
Leistikow, Michael; 3/24/1997; Gallup; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.779709
Lejeune.Judy G.; 2/28/2000; Albuquerque; A/O II; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 34.994300
Lem, Adam Odian 2/7/2009; 13.000000
Lemaster, Everett T 1/4/1982; 49.471 154
Lemons,Michael E; 13.336190
Lemus, Patricia A. 8/18/1986; 29.548300
Lench, Keith A; 11/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 27.423325
Lenderman,Jason Andrew; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); Public Information Officer 1; Public Education Department; 31.360000
Lendle,Angela Marie 10/4/2008; 15.000000
Lenhardt.Kathleen M; 1/28/2002; Albuquerque; LINE II; Gaming Control Board; 29.269460
Lennhoff, Victor F.; 7/15/2006; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 21.556265
Lente,Amber N; 2/8/2005; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 13.930190
Lente,DeniseM. 4/7/1989; 22.901443
Lente,JoAnne; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Lente.Jeremy; 4/16/2009; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Lentz.RoxanneTess; 4/23/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.804501
Lentz.Stephen C.; 2/16/1987; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 22.655924
Leon, George A; 10/18/2008; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; 11.540000
Leon.Elizabeth; 5/7/2001; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 12.411000
Leonard, Keitha; 10/9/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 37.398682
Leonard, Margarita M; 1/15/2005; Silver City; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.467575
Leonard, Pascale M 1/19/2002; 29.412169
Leonard, Richard A.; 6/24/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 22.535070
Leopold,Elizabeth R; 1/22/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Department of Health; 35.128334
Leos-Lueras,Sandra V.; 2/10/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Leos,Anthony P.; 11/19/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Leos,Cynthia A.; 10/7/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.862250
Leos,Jenna; 6/16/2003; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-0; Transportation; 11.500000
Leos.Henrietta A.; 36.387685
Lepori, David W 6/10/2000; 18.769600
Leriche,Antoine; 7/31/2006; Santa Fe (City); SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 22.225571
Lerma, Minerva; 1/27/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 11.016760
Lerma,Cynthia L.; 9/11/1996; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.276468
Lerma,lsaac; 8/2/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD-PE-A; Public Regulation Commission; 26.622500
Lerma,Santiago; 17.250000
Lerma.MarkA; 3/13/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Lerma.Martin R; 9/12/2005; Las Cruces; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 13.388039
Lermuseaux,KurtA.; 9/14/2002; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
LeRouge,Lori; 31.946214
LeRouge.Jeanelle C.; 9/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; Human Services Department; 17.293000
Lesarlley.Kathryn F.; 11/4/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.797859
Lesiey,Bobbie 5/8/2006
Lesky,Justin; 16.530000
Leslie.Kelly D.; 13.301000
Lesperance,Denise; Espanola; Albuquerque; Corona; Albuquerque; 23.455900
Letter,James; 6/5/2004; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.492000
Leuenhagen, Carol A.; 9/8/2007; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.399460
Levario.Daniel P.; 4/20/1996; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.751424
Levering, Donald W 3/4/1985; 36.338787
Levey, Desiree; 10.749263
Levin, Robert S; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; State Treasurer; 39.118300
Levine, Frances; 36.710800
Levine,Elien 1/30/2002; 15.104810
Levine,Norman; 9/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 21.309460
Levine.Adam; 52.105620
Levine.Daisy F; 28.233307
Lewalien.John 12/30/1985; 17.724810
Lewicki,Daniel J.; 23.900000
Lewis, Edith L; 7/1/2002; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.397537
Lewis, Ella R 2/11/2006; Las Cruces; Santa Fe (City)
Lewis, Henry M.; 3/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF;; 32.633500
Lewis, James; 7/2/2005; Albuquerque; 16.409947
Lewis, Joseph E.; 6/4/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.160000
Lewis, Patricia; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 13.300000
Lewis,Andrea; 13.000000
Lewis,Jaynie A; 8/19/2002; Grants; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 11.124072
Lewis,Jennifer E; 11/19/2005; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.780885
Lewis,Jerome K.; 1/24/1998; Albuquerque; HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 24.586107
Lewis,La Ron; 28.947240
Lewis,MaryA; 7/17/2004; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.737757
Lewis,Sheila; 44.893150
Lewis.Amanda N 10/17/2006; 16.591600
Lewis.Bili; 7/24/1989; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; State Treasurer; 19.663088
Lewis.Gregory J; 9/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); GEN{-ENG{NEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 43.279000
Lewis.James B; 12/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); State Treasurer; State Treasurer; 40.865000
Lewis.Jason J.; 6/15/1998; Albuquerque; GENI; F Workforce Solutions; 42.950000
Lewis.Michelle; 10/23/2000; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 30.801856
Lewis.William D; 9/30/2004; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 12.685497
Lewisjhomas M.; 7/30/2006; Eagle Nest; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 21.088100
Lex.FrankR.; 1/18/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 39.710000
Leyba-Sanchez,Margaret; 3/25/1985; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; \ Transportation; 23.072081
Leyba-Tercero,Elisha C.; 30.740384
Leyba, Andrea T; 1/13/2003; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 1 1 .673865
Leyba, Bernardo Guadalupe; 10/29/2001; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 1 1.358730
Leyba, Carmen F.; 9/23/1996; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.468190
Leyba, Carolyn E; 6/11/1988; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 14.114486
Leyba, Estefanita C; 4/14/1997; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.769363
Leyba, Frank; 10/20/2007; 12.938190
Leyba, Johnny; 11/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-B; Department of Transportation; 13.480165
Leyba, Patricia A; 8/18/2003; Roswell; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Department of Transportation; 21.625630
Leyba, Robert P; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 18.670000
Leyba, Stephanie M.; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Leyba,Anna M.; 5/25/2002; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Environment; 19.780308
Leyba,Cameron; 11/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.330000
Leyba,Felicia Rae; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 17.304000
Leyba,HoaThi; 8/26/1988; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 15.388195
Leyba,Jackie L; 18.337810
Leyba,Joe M; 3/4/1985; Grants; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; F Transportation; 20.098047
Leyba,JudyA.; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.300190
LEYBA,LUSAN SHAYLENE; 8/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 17.642190
Leyba,Marcella M; 1/12/2008; Las Vegas; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 9.568570
Leyba,Wesley; 12.685497
Leyba.AlexA.; 1/13/1997; Tierra Amarilla; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.226190
Leyba.Anna B; 1/10/2005; Albuquerque; CUST SRV REP-A; Educational Retirement Board; 14.857343
Leyba.Brenda J; 9/15/2001; Deming; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 13.861098
Leyba.Cecilia 5/17/1993; 18.047000
Leyba.DarleneT. 2/7/2009; 16.890000
Leyba.Denise Marie; 10/26/1998; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-0;; 19.734007
LEYBA.EDDIE 11/17/2007; 14.249810
Leyba.Gloria A.; 3/3/1986; Deming; MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 23.368858
Leyba.Karla M.; 2/2/1998; Santa Fe (City); PERS FIN ADVISOR-A; Retirement Board; 22.054678
Leyba.LeeJ; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; of Veteran Services; 14.168190
Leyba.Linda S.; 17.009003
Leyba.lsaacA.; 6/7/1999; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 12.595590
Leyba.Mark; 9/29/1990; Albuquerque; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.945595
Leyba.Mellisa I.; 6/30/2007; Hobbs; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; t of Transportation; 11.308190
Leyba.Nelson M; 9/24/2005; Las Vegas; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 14.418945
Leyba.Ronnie; 7/2/1986; Santa Fe (City); COATIN/PAINTNG/SPR-A; Transportation; 14.853559
Leyba.Rosalie M; 8/5/1985; Los Lunas; STAFF; Department of Health; 25.478844
Leyba.SteveL; 22.055166
Leyva,Connie; 3/21/1988; Albuquerque; GENI; F Workforce Solutions; 36.040554
Leyva,JaimeM; 31.406550
Leyva.Helen M.; 21.098786
Leyva.Jacque; 5/29/1990; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 15.530389
Leyva.Vicky A; 9/9/2006; Roswell; DISPATCHER II; c Safety; 13.120000
Libby.DaleD.; 9/9/1996; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.813704
Libby.George H.; 4/22/2006; Roswell; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.346810
Libicer, Stephen 6/5/1993; 33.959000
LichtHarvey A; 3/4/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 34.766919
Lidberg,Richard D; 19.450000
Liddell, Jeffrey; 6/15/2002; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 12.665690
Liddy.Audrey Elizabeth; 5/15/2006; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 25.921700
Liebson, Christopher; 7/7/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Environment; 28.377984
Lies, Joshua B; 5/24/2003; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 18.014000
Lieurance.Donovan M.; 8/29/1994; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 2; Gaming Control Board; 38.599248
Lieving III, Bernard H; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 40.865000
Liggett, Rebecca J; 7/1/1996; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 34.974563
Liggins.Carlton D.; 4/22/1996; Bernalillo (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.520000
Lightfoot.Karen S.; 11/5/1990; Bernalillo (City); FORESTER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.355798
Lightfootjodd Kevin; 19.474202
Lightle.Barbara A.; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 23.399460
Likens.Suzanne A. 1 1/28/1 994; 24.828630
Liles,DanaC; 1/14/2006; Raton; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.728730
Liley.Stewart G.; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 20.223480
Lilly.Maygen Michelle; 9/8/2007; Hobbs; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Limanovicli,lrina; 11/10/2008; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.360000
Liming, Helen M; 12/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.720000
Limkin,Alex E. 9/13/2004; 25.000000
Limon.Samuel J 3/6/2000; 40.840000
Lindberg.Linda L.; 11/22/1993; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Department of Transportation; 25.089293
Lindberg.Paul S; 6/9/2003; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 39.496475
Lindeen,L.christopher; 12/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 32.432040
Linden berg, Harriet; 22.307000
Linden, Richard A.; 12/18/1995; Albuquerque; ITTECHSPPRTSPEC2; Workforce Solutions; 21.997085
Lindfors, Dorothy C; 9/14/1992; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.378698
Lindig,Troy D.; 8/27/2001; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Military Affairs; 22.702302
Lindsay,James; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Public Education Department; 23.500000
Lindsay.Jina; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.886300
Lindsay.Savannah; 12/17/2005; Aztec; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 15.108000
Lindsey, Patricia A.; 10/16/1999; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0;; 14.073000
Lindsey,Ricky D.; 2/21/1994; Datil; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.265191
Lindsey,Tania A; 9/17/1987; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 25.864230
Lindsey.Ciiarles; 1/7/2002; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.344297
Lindsey.Juli A. 1/3/1989; 29.137300
Lindstrom,George; 3/3/2000; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 19.948100
Lineberger,Greg 8/2/2004; 20.253081
Linnebur.Janolee Nikki; 16.255250
Linnehan.Kathleen M; 31.334030
Linse.Elizabeth; 8/1/1994; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 16.890010
Linville,Paul M.; 1/13/1997; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 24.329982
LippincottMichelle; 8.828570
Lipski Senior,Charles J.; 31.250000
Lira,Victor; 32.500000
Lira.Maria E.; 5/3/1993; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.248878
Lisle,John Q; 7/18/1989; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.569945
Lithgow.Clarence V; 3/17/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Youth & Families Dpt; 36.800000
Lithgow.Loreen F.; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 25.194111
Littleton, Roy; 5/1/2006; Ruidoso; HYDROLOGIST-O; Department of Environment; 18.899460
Littrelljracey A 8/1 5/1 997; 22.055630
Liu, Belling; 4/1/1996; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.785582
Liu.Jenny; 8/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Health; 34.416900
Lively, Joel H; 4/4/2005; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.639810
Lively,Glenn E.; 9/27/1993; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 19.732583
Livingston, Robert Alan; 2/29/1988; Albuquerque; A/OII; Department of Game & Fish; 33.014400
Livingston, Robert L 12/7/1992; 21.381812
Livingston,Christina C.; 11/26/1990; Alamogordo; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.912315
Livingston,Nellie; 10/10/1984; Gallup; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 11.785728
lkard,Courtney K; 10/10/2006; Roswell; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 7.813000
lkeda,Lesley Ann; 1/26/2008; Albuquerque; PUB RELATION SPEC-0; Department of Game & Fish; 14.679810
lkeda,Steven; 17.091600
lkenberry,Tracy M; 11/4/1982; Roswell; LINE!; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.730600
Llamas, Andrea A; 4/28/2008; Silver City; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.870000
Llamas.Lorenzo; 2/22/1999; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 18.026630
Llanez.Monica Maribel; 10/6/2007; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.008730
llano,Massiel; 9/8/2007; Anthony; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Llewellyn,Mark A; 2/20/1989; Albuquerque; STAFF - ECONOMICS; Workers Compensation Admin; 35.158973
Llewellyn.George L.; 3/13/1995; Silver City; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 30.945144
Lloyd.James Edward; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 20.991600
lngle,Jacqulin; 2/8/1999; Albuquerque; EXEC; Workforce Solutions; 45.667943
lngley,Kathy; 7/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public Education Department; 18.592000
lngraham,Kim P.; 3/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; 36.474296
lngram,Douglas 2/26/2007; 15.570000
lngram,Matthew J; 1/25/2005; Rio Rancho; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.252372
Lo,Yuh-Ming; 1/8/1975; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 28.312102
Lobato, Patricia A 2/25/1985; 42.217721
Lobato,Joseph; 9/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 27.970859
Lobato,Sabiniano Jr; 12/27/1999; Farmington; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.282190
Lobato.Martin D; 8/30/2003; Albuquerque; SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 10.798730
Lockey,Kodi L.; 16.500000
Lockhart.Jolene S.; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.326701
Locknerjina M; 6/19/2006; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.372762
Lockwood, Kathleen; 4/4/2009; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 17.410000
Loera, Robert Edward G; 6/2/2007; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.322029
Loera,Marion; 1/5/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 1 1 .469879
Loera.Rosa L.; 3/18/1993; Clovis; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 19.145159
Loera.Suzanne; 1/30/2007; (City); Santa Fe; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 16.364433
Logan, Patricks.; 1/12/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Logan, Roy E.; 5/17/1996; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.819500
Logan.Janice; 9.240000
Lohnes,Kristin M; 12/18/2004; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 19.800000
Lomax, Laura 6/5/2007; 23.500000
Lomax, Melissa W; 1/23/2007; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 40.133150
Lommel.Ruth 6/3/2006; 17.948425
Long, Carol R; 16.475630
Long, David; 11/11/2005; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.470000
Long, Gail; 9/3/2002; Moriarty; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 16.815810
Long, Gary R; 1/10/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 39.685418
Long,Bennie; 14.686091
Long.Bridgette A; 12/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 27.710000
Long.Carlos; 3/15/2004; Buffalo Springs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.940190
Long.Eldon Bubba; 21.860000
Long.Jennifer Claire; 5/3/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 12.000000
Long.Kenneth D; 4/28/2003; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.662651
Long.Merle; 9.060000
Long.Stanley M; 3/15/1986; Glenwood; LINE II; Department of Game & Fish; 25.296068
Longenette.Dana E; 6/28/2008; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Longhair.Sybhan; Gallup; CLK-A; 12.174139
Longley.Valarie A; 1/16/1989; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.624790
Longoria, Maria Del; 10/4/1999; Anthony; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.708003
Longoria, Melissa Renee; 8/23/2008; Raton; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.587000
Longshore,Joseph S.; 23.306238
Longworth.John W.; 8/31/1998; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 42.426610
Loo.Martin; 6/16/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 10.331730
Looker, John H; 1/5/2004; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.997190
Loomis, Riley W; 17.996460
Loomis,Olivia C.; 8/5/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.206470
Loomis.Samuel Jay; 12/8/2003; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 32.919500
Lopas.Robert B.; 8/3/1987; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; of Transportation; 21.893361
Lopez Monsivaiz.Joann; 5/15/2006; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.594000
Lopez-Beck, Crystal E 7/31/2004; 21.026000
Lopez-Branch, Loretta; 7/14/2003; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 22.388630
Lopez-Casaus,Julie; 1/10/2000; Albuquerque; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Workforce Solutions; 30.766065
Lopez-Crider,Jalilah M.; 3/20/2006; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.487445
Lopez-Gaston, Rafael D; 7/8/2000; Albuquerque; A/O II; EXPO New Mexico; 27.003285
Lopez-Porras,Stephanie; 10/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 10.000000
Lopez, Adam; 6/5/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.428730
Lopez, Annette; 10.230000
Lopez, Anthony D; 16.102810
Lopez, Bernadette R; 8/18/2003; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; General Services Department; 22.766827
Lopez, Betty J 7/24/1 994; 10.1 39487
Lopez, Danny L. 9/13/1999; 22.255253
Lopez, David D; 7/30/2003; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.897810
Lopez, David E 11/1 6/1 988; 25.867460
Lopez, Dianne; 8/31/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.465454
Lopez, Donald A; 10.000000
Lopez, Doris G.; 8/26/1985; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Human Services Department; 23.722780
Lopez, Edward; 2/26/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 13.639561
Lopez, Elaine Lucia; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.000000
Lopez, ElisaY.; 14.245630
Lopez, Elizabeth C; 12/20/2003; Albuquerque; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Department of Transportation; 23.332630
Lopez, Elizabeth J; 11/19/2005; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 12.151630
Lopez, Ericca Y; 1/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Srvyrs Brd; 12.387000
Lopez, Estella E; 5/6/2000; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 11.199422
Lopez, Estevan R; 1/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); Assistant State Engineer; Ofc of the State Engineer; 58.452100
Lopez, Esther D; 9/24/2001; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 1 1 .483969
Lopez, Fabian C; 3/16/1998; Albuquerque; ADMIN SERV COORD-0; Gaming Control Board; 16.535897
Lopez, Farrah 6/4/2005; 17.512000
Lopez, Hector L.; 9/10/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-B; Information Technology; 12.329000
Lopez, Idalee M.; 3/18/1995; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; ic Safety; 18.060810
Lopez, James A 1 2/1 9/1 992; 1 1 .490458
Lopez, James A; 32.334539
Lopez, Janie; 11/6/2008; Clovis; LGL SUP WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 13.350000
Lopez, Jeannette T.; 10/27/1999; (City); Santa Fe; IT 1 bCH SPPRT SPEC 3; 21.746944
Lopez, Jeremy; 5/5/2008; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.150000
Lopez, Jerry; 9/8/1998; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 19.379391
Lopez, Jesus J; 12/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 15.027544
Lopez, Joe E; 19.840000
Lopez, John J; 10.800000
Lopez, John M.; 1/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 19.767000
Lopez, Juan; 15.271600
Lopez, Judith Denise; 2/23/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Lordsburg; Human Services Department; 13.401000
Lopez, Laura E; 3/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-A; 16.391961
Lopez, Leonard J; 2/20/2006; Albuquerque; A/O II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 37.591830
Lopez, Leonard J; 3/30/1992; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 12.837202
Lopez, Lisa J.; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 24.220000
Lopez, Loretta B; 9/16/1985; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Public Education Department; 23.734615
Lopez, Lucia G.; 4/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-0; of Transportation; 23.784657
Lopez, Marcos A.; 12/1/1997; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; of Transportation; 19.352826
Lopez, Marcus L; 19.840000
Lopez, Maria D.; 8/9/2008; Artesia; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.600000
Lopez, Marilyn D.; 6/12/1989; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.091376
Lopez, Martin; 1/22/2001; Hondo; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.727630
Lopez, Mary Grace; 1/27/1986; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.075445
Lopez, Mary Jean; 12/20/2004; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Silver City; Human Services Department; 15.371600
Lopez, Matthew P; 30.574140
Lopez, Maxine; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Human Services Department; 39.442000
Lopez, Melissa J.; 1/30/1999; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 21.377575
Lopez, Michael A.; 7/11/1989; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 35.431965
Lopez, Michelle S; 6/19/2004; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 12.608730
Lopez, Monti R.; 7/18/2005; Tucumcari; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.799053
Lopez, Orlando; 5/14/1990; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.779132
Lopez, Pamela M; 9.875535
Lopez, Patricia J.; 9/15/2003; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 1 1 .000000
Lopez, Patricia V; 23.565390
Lopez, Patricio; 7/13/1998; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.004951
Lopez, Patrick A.; 1/9/1995; Roswell; ENG TECH.AO-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 16.736248
Lopez, Patrick L 9/1 /1 988; 42 . 553560
Lopez, Phillip; 15.000000
Lopez, Ramon A.; 7/28/2007; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.351590
Lopez, Ray A.; 1/16/1982; Las Vegas; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 25.472750
Lopez, Rebecca N; 9/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; tation; 19.581000
Lopez, Richard J.; 4/19/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Lopez, Robert Anthony; 4/4/1988; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.139458
Lopez, Rosa I. 7/27/1998; 24.000410
Lopez, Rosemary; 7/20/1991; Ruidoso; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 17.946661
Lopez, Stacy Y.; 3/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Public Safety; 31.808300
Lopez, Sylvia R; 6/25/1984; Lordsburg; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 16.541721
Lopez, Valerie T.; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 19.316000
Lopez, Valree; 1/28/1991; Estancia; A/OI; Youth & Families Dpt; 30.014040
Lopez, Victor S.; 8/27/2007; Workers Compensation Judge Albuquerque; Workers Compensation Admin; 48.302000
Lopez, Victoria C 9/6/2005; 12.366029
Lopez, Virginia E; 16.818190
Lopez, Walter K. 5/24/1972; 22.460411
Lopez,Alfonso S.; 6/21/2004; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 12.580190
Lopez,Alfred A.; 1/19/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; 34.820300
Lopez,Andrew; 37.392040
Lopez,Antoinette; 9.082117
Lopez,Artiiur; 15.802810
Lopez,BertL; 19.840000
Lopez,Carlos G.; 17.352810
Lopez,Ceci!ia B; 11/13/2001; Santa Fe (City); TRMT-O; 18.928007
Lopez,Christopher L.; 4/15/2000; Santa Fe (City); FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.004600
Lopez,EllieA; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; 21.735630
Lopez,Emest; 12/10/1973; Cimarron; A/O II; 30.762520
Lopez,Gloria S; 12/31/1984; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 18.235259
Lopez,Jannet Sally; 7/30/2005; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.746603
Lopez,Jerry; 1/22/1990; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; r Health; 11.823998
Lopez,Jimmy M; 11/12/2003; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 10.613005
Lopez,Joe L.; 1/5/1998; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.056233
Lopez,Jolene M.; 1/28/1998; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 21.669701
Lopez,Jorge Ignacio; 22.939350
Lopez,Juan; 12/4/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 27.865126
Lopez,Kara B.; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 16.500000
Lopez,Leticia Renee; 15.729303
Lopez,Marcos L.; 9/11/1993; Santa Fe (City); FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.838190
Lopez,MeIanie L; 1/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 28.348892
Lopez,Melinda L; 8/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.811600
Lopez,Michelle J.; 6/20/2001; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 26.110000
Lopez,Patricia; 32.307520
Lopez,Paui M; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL~0; CORRCTNL OFF &JA[L^0; 17.600000
Lopez,Ray; 15.802810
Lopez,Ricardo; 22.528754
Lopez,Richard; 11/1/2008; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.750000
Lopez,Robert L.; 7/27/1987; Santa Fe (City); LINEN;; 29.759460
Lopez,Roberta 1; 3/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; State Land Office; 16.927190
Lopez,Salvador Q; 3/5/2001; Las Vegas; LINEN; Workers Compensation Admin; 24.954646
Lopez,Sandra L 7/27/2002; 24.986460
Lopez,Stephen P.; 3/6/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 32.069604
Lopez,Suzanne R.; 20.012630
Lopez,Teresa C.; 8/21/2000; Deming; PURCHASING AGENT-A; t of Transportation; 25.371299
Lopez,Thomas R; 11/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 30.420000
Lopez,Tirzio J; 11/1/2008; Tierra Amarilla; -A; 15.300000
Lopez,Valerie A; 7/14/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.438190
Lopez,Valerie A; 7/5/2003; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 21.682500
Lopez,Vincent E; 7/18/1983; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.503600
Lopez,Virginia M; 6/21/1983; Mora (City); LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 28.553593
Lopez.AbelF; 7/18/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.000000
Lopez.Alicia Felice; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; 14.000000
Lopez.Amanda J; 25.083872
Lopez.Amanda N.; 8.500000
Lopez.Andrew; 4/23/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 15.025500
Lopez.Anibal; 9/25/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.035913
Lopez.Anna M. 9/6/1994; 21.478460
Lopez.Armando; 8/1/2005; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 11.308190
Lopez.Aurora; 11/29/1999; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.352313
Lopez.Becky C.; 5/31/1994; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-O; 25.323090
Lopez.Bllly R 1/16/1990; Santa Fe (City); Captain; Albuquerque; Captain; 24.529500
Lopez.Bobby; 2/23/1977; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; t of Environment; 29.210250
Lopez.Carlos R.; 12/1/2008; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 12.150000
Lopez.Carolyn Renee; 12/16/2006; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 14.503810
Lopez.Cassie R.; 9/5/2000; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.286945
Lopez.Ceiina; 1/14/1991; Santa Fe (City); GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 14.370968
Lopez.Chris B.; 12/1/1997; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.539460
Lopez.Cinthia; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.878730
Lopez.Daniel; 5/4/1993; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 27.989586
Lopez.Danielle N.; 10/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 12.370000
Lopez.Darlene A.; 10/30/1995; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 21.814248
Lopez.Debbie A.; 7/6/1987; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Department of Health; 26.257000
Lopez.DebraA.; 8/22/1994; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 29.926000
Lopez.Dennis; 23.200000
Lopez.Donna 1/22/2002; 29.665500
Lopez.Fermin Juan 9/20/2008; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City)
Lopez.HeraldV; 5/10/1989; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Public Safety; 42.297000
Lopez.Horiando L.; 12/17/1997; Las Cruces; DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Public Defender; 16.990010
Lopez.israel L; 10/18/2008; [City); Santa Fe <; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.500000
Lopez.James; 10.239180
Lopez.Janna R.; 2/12/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Vegas; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 21.553460
Lopez.Javier; 5/26/1989; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 42.646855
Lopez.Jerome; 8/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Educational Retirement Board; 13.610000
Lopez.Jimmy Paul; 5/5/2007; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.805460
Lopez.JohnK; 2/18/2008; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.792749
Lopez.Johnny R.; 9/18/1995; Carlsbad; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.490232
Lopez.Joseph F; 10/13/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 27.028300
Lopez.Joseph R; 8/21/1989; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0;; 24.180675
Lopez.Juan M; 4/4/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 24.893217
Lopez.Judith A 6/19/2004; 23.81 1447
Lopez.Julia D.; 11/3/1997; Clevis; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.142017
Lopez.K. Suzanne; 10/20/1975; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 28.239500
Lopez.Lillian; 14.218376
Lopez.LindaS; 8/27/2005; Clovis; 11.509979
Lopez.Lisa; 13.138540
Lopez.LizaA; 16.519810
Lopez.LolaJ.; 2/4/1991; Belen; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 16.237190
Lopez.Luis; 16.958119
Lopez.Margie K.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.401000
Lopez.Maria C 1/12/2004; 25.989460
Lopez.Marianne Lee; 7/12/2008; Las Cruces; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 28.755000
Lopez.Marie Dolores; 2/15/2003; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 12.714000
Lopez.Mary D.; 2/18/2002; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 12.500000
Lopez.Melissa L; 1/22/1990; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.715474
Lopez.Melody A; 5/6/2006; Espanola; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.038730
Lopez.Michael Anthony 1/22/2001; 15.801810
Lopez.Monica D.; 6/1/1999; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 17.045810
Lopez.PatS; Santa Fe (City)
Lopez.PaulJ.; 21.178000
Lopez.Ramon D.; 10/31/1988; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.679810
Lopez.Ramon; 6/2/2007; Carlsbad; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 11.163690
Lopez.Raquei; 1/9/1995; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.263190
Lopez.Rhonda Ann 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Lopez.Robert Aaron; 11/18/1997; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 2; F Workforce Solutions; 24.860009
Lopez.Ruben D.; 10/20/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.100000
Lopez.Samuel Paul; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.619741
Lopez.Samuel; 8/30/1980; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; .of Transportation; 18.320201
Lopez.Sandra L.; 4/15/2000; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.582701
Lopez.Sonia E; 4/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 20.513733
Lopez.SoniaY; 7/1/2003; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 19.488000
Lopez.Susan Josephine; 3/24/2007; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; F Vocational Rehbltation; 20.843550
Lopez.Suzanne Y; 9/8/1987; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Department of Environment; 22.942161
Lopez.Tamara L.; 9/14/2006; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.470965
Lopez.Tammy N; 13.610000
Lopez.Teresa A; 12/10/2001; Grants; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.450991
Lopez.Theresa A; 6/19/2004; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 1 1 .7861 02
Lopez.Timothy T.; 4/7/1997; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Clovis; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 19.894379
Lopez.Tina M.; 5/3/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Lopez.Valerie A.; 9/24/1991; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 27.799697
Lopez.Valerio J; 4/20/2002; Espanola; HYDROLOGIST-0; Department of Environment; 23.002782
Lopez.Verena B.; 21.203110
Lopez/Veronica B.; 6/2/2007; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 15.270000
Lopezjames Albert; Los Lunas; Santa Fe (City)
Lopezjsaac John; 3/17/2007; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; r Health; 10.000000
Lord,PaulT; 6/3/1996; (City); Santa Fe; ELECTRONICS SPEC-0; 22.481620
Lord.Michael D; 1/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; c Safety; 15.500000
Lord.Randilynn; 7/1/2002; Santa Fe (City); Attorney; State Treasurer; 31.020000
Loretto,Arlene; 2/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 27.399750
Loretto,Cindy C.; 2/26/1990; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Education Department; 13.483190
Loring, Larry 12/17/1990; 43.461415
lorio.Cherie M 9/14/2002; 20.860000
Loros.Jeffrey Ryan; 10/14/2008; Truth Or Consequent; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 9.710000
Lotero, Alexis C; 9/17/2001; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 31.219650
Lott,Donald; 12/22/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; State Treasurer; 18.314573
Lotz.John F.; 10/13/1998; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 14.908491
Loudbear-Shawanokasi,Ange; 10/2/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Louderbough.Anthony W; 1/29/2005; Albuquerque; A/OII; 35.136150
Louer,Kathrene; 9/29/2003; Roswell; OCC HLTH & Sh 1 Y SP-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 15.403706
Lougee,John R.; 11/8/1993; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.041600
Louis,Sharlynne; 10/25/1999; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Gallup; Human Services Department; 15.779630
Louis.Georgene; 8/25/2007; Albuquerque; Deputy Director; Gaming Control Board; 33.772307
Louise.Amy; 6/2/1997; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.394625
Louneilo.Victoria R 3/12/2005; 17.355600
Lovato I, Ernest Celso; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.080000
Lovato Jeremiah Jacob 4/4/2009; 16.000000
Lovato, Ann D. 8/6/1990; 21.072042
Lovato, Betty; 8/4/2008; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Lovato, Emily; 11/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 7.500000
Lovato, Frances L.; 4/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.781600
Lovato, Justin; 12/4/2006; (City); Santa Fe; GRAPHIC DESIGNER-A; 18.889301
Lovato, Kenneth E.; 2/8/1999; Alcalde; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.282190
Lovato, Lois Ann; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 11.190690
Lovato, Matthew A.; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Public Regulation Commission; 37.098000
Lovato, Patrick M.; 18.325794
Lovato, Roberta L; 1/28/2006; Belen; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.751832
Lovato, Roger; 6/16/1973; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 11.888730
Lovato, Ruben A; 2/16/2002; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 8.871927
Lovato,Amanda R 9/10/2007; 13.000000
Lovato,Anita M. 11/8/1993; 18.288190
Lovato,Anthony; 14.723810
Lovato,Clyde L.; 3/28/1983; Espanola; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.287630
Lovato,Felipe; 7/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.053810
Lovato,Gloria; 10.562911
Lovato,Joann D; 7/28/1997; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; General Services Department; 19.570000
Lovato,Joseph Daniel; 33.959000
Lovato,Larry E.; 4/19/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.270000
Lovato,Laura; 4/17/1989; Taos (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 17.521692
Lovato,Lisa A.; 1/3/1995; Gallup; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.562730
Lovato,MarkJ; 9/30/2000; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 32.103000
Lovato,Nicole Corina; 3/9/2009; City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-0; 7.510000
Lovato,Rosalina; 9/23/2002; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.627429
Lovato,Shawna L; 11/20/2004; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.696858
Lovato,Stephanie; 1/31/2004; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.880000
Lovato,Steve C; 10.239180
Lovato,Wynnett R.; 1/27/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 1 1 .174730
Lovato,Yvonne 0.; 1/31/2004; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 12.435130
Lovato.Andres A; 12/6/1984; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 16.756082
Lovato.Andrew R.; 8/27/1990; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 21.278232
Lovato.Bernadette I.; 1/3/1994; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.807630
Lovato.Debra; 16-890010 Mee! 4/30/2007; 28.353761
Mondragon, Ernest E.; 4/3/2000; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 11.887902
Mondragon, Frances G; 6/3/1985; Grants; A/OII; 27.425361
Mondragon, Joseph E; 6/10/2002; Penasco; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.755190
Mondragon, Katie M; Health; ol; Departmenl; Health; 10.459575
Mondragon, Kevin M.; 23.642850
Mondragon, Leonard; 8/16/1989; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 19.135190
Mondragon, Roberto; 5/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); Acequia Liaison; Ofc of the State Engineer; 40.589640
Mondragon,Arthur H; 8/2/1993; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0; Department of Health; 15.005065
Mondragon,Fred E; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; Economic Developmnt Department; 64.076923
Mondragon,Ray L.; 10/5/1992; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 15.524615
Mondragon.Jennifer G.; 1/11/1993; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 34.056344
Mondragon.John; 4/10/2004; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-0; 12.771489
Mondragon.Krystal L.; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 15.937540
Mondragon.Virginia G; 12/22/2001; Clovis; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 9.586263
Mondragonjabitha A.; 12/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Human Services Department; 13.994690
Money, Velvet; 7/8/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 31.135735
Money.Michael A; 8/31/1988; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.327070
Monforte,John G; 9/9/2006; Albuquerque; Executive Director; Gaming Control Board; 42.046900
Monger,Naomi G; 5/22/2000; Fort Bayard; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Department of Health; 10.792148
Monget,John P.; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 19.568000
Monie.Andrew; 1/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 15.309810
Moniz,Donna E.; 6/21/1991; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 37.926511
Monjaras.Maria D.; 18.725720
Monk,Chanda; 9/20/2008; Grants; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Department of Transportation; 15.000000
Monk,JamesC.; 12/12/1994; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.180630
Monk.LindaM.; 5/18/1992; Roswell; GENI; 35.948160
Monnier, Jacqueline S; 6/14/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.890000
Monreal, Miguel; 4/18/2009; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Monroe,Guy; 4/29/2000; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
MonserratLourdes M; 10/23/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 30.599785
Monsivaiz,Gilbert; 4/14/2003; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 16.905630
Montague, Betty Louise; 5/22/1993; GEOLGCL&PETRO TECH-0 Artesia; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.548190
Montane, Judy 12/28/2005; 13.685190
Montane, Leslie A 11/5/2005; 17.401600
Montanez-Figueroa,April M; 13.639810
Montano Junior.George E; 11.960000
Montano, April Leah; 8/29/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Vegas; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 19.107460
Montano, David; 21.435372
Montano, Dennis J.; 6/14/1999; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.282190
Montano, Ellen D.; 3/16/2002; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 19.389702
Montano, Fabian; 5/1/2004; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Montano, Mary Helen; 2/1/1982; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; 15.162181
Montano, Matthew Alex; 6/21/1994; 26.439500
Montano, Melissa Ann 1/1 5/2007; 7.781 590
Montano, Veronica E.; 6/15/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.161730
Montano,Anthony J 2/2/1985; 12.186935
Montano,Carl T; 4/2/1988; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 10.418431
Montano,Carry M.; 9/23/2006
Montano,Dean L; 8/1/2005; Tucumcari; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 12.200190
Montano,Gene A.; 4/6/1998; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-O; Cultural Affairs; 10.798730
Montano,Geneva; 13.300000
Montano,James J; 13.832205
Montano,Joe J.; 5/5/1999; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.728630
Montano,Jose I.; 9/15/1992; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - IT; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 48.340000
Montano,Lawrence P; 1/26/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; 28.742000
Montano,Leo E.; 9/7/1999; (City); Santa Fe; Dbl & CRIM INVEST-A; 28.745844
Montano,Mario H.; 3/25/2006; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.494000
Montano,Martin L 4/18/1998; 11.887902
Montano,Patsy; 2/26/1993; Albuquerque; COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 17.542975
Montano,Roland; 2/20/1995; Santa Fe (City); TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Transportation; 20.935479
Montano,Sandra L.; 5/5/1997; Alamogordo; GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 12.386867
Montano,Steven F.; 4/9/1994; Las Cruces; A/OII;; 27.621925
Montano,Toni I.; 9/8/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 12.832958
Montano.Agnes Monique; 11/12/2003; Las Vegas; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 9.186617
Montano.Amanda Tanya; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 12.370000
Montano.Amy M; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 12.000000
Montano.Carlos P.; 12/7/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-B; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.615477
Montano.Consuelo L; 25.698153
Montano.Donna; 2/16/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.538048
Montano.Edwina M.; 1/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 23.877600
Montano.Elizabeth G; 8/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 19.779000
Montano.Janell D; 8/13/2001; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.445398
Montano.JenniferJ. 1/3/1995; 14.566071
Montano.Larry R; 2/5/2001; City); Santa Fe; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-A; 13.878933
Montano.Monica L; 11/28/2005; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 16.654128
Montano.Nancy S; 3/21/2009; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 15.000000
Montano.Paul A; 16.856919
Montano.Pete G; 12.558192
Montano.Raul R.; 10/10/1994; Los Lunas; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Department of Health; 17.976568
Montano.Rebecca 6/6/1994; Fort Bayard; Fort Bayard; Santa Fe (City)
Montano.Sharon E; 11.420156
Montano.Stella M; 11/3/1986; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Department of Health; 24.905171
Montano.Steve; 15.438190
Montenegro, Fernando; 5/20/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Montenegro,Pablo; 1/6/1999; Chama; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.000000
Montenegro.Joey; 10.766780
Montenegro.Victorina L. 10/15/1990; 15.377983
Montes, Raymond M.; 6/1/1993; Las Cruces; GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 26.294934
Montes, Richard R; 7/31/1989; Albuquerque; GENI; F Workforce Solutions; 40.921569
Montes.Blanca 1; 1/27/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.631798
Montes.Eric; 11.750000
Montes.Jerry S; 5/27/2003; Silver City; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.608190
Montez, Albert F.; 3/3/1986; Las Cruces; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 17.961820
Montez, Jacob Paul; 8/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.562000
Montez, Michelle M.; 6/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; c Safety; 15.177000
Montez,Vincent S; 21.534450
Montez.Alfonso E; Name; 12.964139
Montez.Cynthia A; 7/14/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.489810
Montez.Stephen A; 3/12/1984; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-A; Department of Public Safety; 20.080187
Montford.L Yvonne; 3/26/1990; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.036850
Montgomery, Charles K; 15.548190
Montgomery, Lori S.; 4/28/1992; Truth Or Consequeni; GENI; 40.846086
Montgomery,Susan N; 8/9/2001; Carlsbad; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 9.762873
Montgomery.Andrew; 2/26/2007; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 37.632000
Montgomery.Leslie; 2/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.831067
Montgomery.Stephanie A; 6/21/2003; Espanola; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.235190
Montgomery.Susan L.; 5/22/2004; Truth Or Consequent; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 32.007250
Montgomery.William D; 4/13/1981; Rosweli; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 24.242350
Montiel-RolI.EIizabeth M.; 1/25/1988; Los Lunas; LINE II; Human Services Department; 26.118179
Montjoy.John Robert; Alamogordo; Tucumcari; Clovis; Clovis; 25.800000
Montoya James, Diane Julia; 12/2/2002; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-B; 1 1 .294690
Montoya Jraci R; 17.354600
Montoya Junior.Michael Gilbe; 3/10/2007; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 17.020000
Montoya Junior.Otilio O; 12.639810
Montoya Senior,Paul A.; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Taxation & Revenue Department; 37.350000
Montoya-Baca.Mary E.; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-B; F Workforce Solutions; 12.000000
Montoya-Ganzel,Marizza D. 11/1/1999; 27.508400
Montoya-Garcia, Michelle E.; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); 17.031055
Montoya-Guglielmo.Rita; 15.884690
Montoya-Jones, Nicole C.; 1/13/2001; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.719190
Montoya-Lopez.Michelle 12/2/1997; 17.000000
Montoya-Miller,Juanita Maria; 6/30/2001; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 29.856196
Montoya-Ortiz, Valerie L.; 1/22/2000; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 18.199690
Montoya-Salazar.Helena I.; 6/4/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 18.946630
Montoya-Sanchez, Dolores; 3/12/1994; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 20.826104
Montoya, Annette; 2/10/1986; Santa Fe (City); 23.189810
Montoya, Barbara M.; 1/2/1992; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.892769
Montoya, Charlie T.; 12/18/1995; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.490232
Montoya, Christopher A.; 18.199787
Montoya, Danielle; 8/21/2006; ue; Albuquerq; EDUCADMIN-A; 31.250000
Montoya, David P; 37.129462
Montoya, Dolores F.; 9/15/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.060000
Montoya, Dominic; 4/7/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Montoya, Donald D; 6/2/1984; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 26.367799
Montoya, Dorothy C; 10/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); 19.382702
Montoya, Edward A 1/5/1991; 14.691344
Montoya, Edward E; 8.150000
Montoya, Elizabeth M.; 10.230000
Montoya, Elizabeth; 3/30/2002; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.356067
Montoya, Emmanuel E.; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.904000
Montoya, Evangeline 1; 1/12/1987; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 22.358207
Montoya, Frances; 7/11/2005; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 9.630623
Montoya, Frank P; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 11.534000
Montoya, Gabriel V. 12/15/1997; 30.663892
Montoya, Genevieve; 1/22/2001; Las Cruces; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 12.695581
Montoya, Heather 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Montoya, Helen M.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 18.595177
Montoya, Helen; 10/15/1996; Las Vegas; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 10.409327
Montoya, Jacob G; 4/28/1997; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 1; 24.717460
Montoya, Jaime L; 10.023000
Montoya, Janet; 7/13/1998; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.034810
Montoya, Jeffrey A; 12/29/1998; City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 36.029513
Montoya, Johnny L; 8/30/2008; (City); Santa Fe; Division Director 1; 38.106000
Montoya, Judith Marie; 1/8/2007; Las Cruces; LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.394690
Montoya, Karen G.; 10/25/2004; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 19.102677
Montoya, Kathryn; 8/29/2007; Raton; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 8.031590
Montoya, Larry R.; 8/7/1989; Santa Fe (City); PLMBR.PIPE/STM FIT-A; t of Transportation; 18.637230
Montoya, Linda K; 4/30/1990; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.514600
Montoya, Linda R; 11/28/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 22.847564
Montoya, Maria S; 7/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; State Land Office; 15.770000
Montoya, Marilyn Bernadette 4/1/1998; 13.063790
Montoya, Mark J 8/21/1989; 21.581550
Montoya, Martha G.; 9/25/1993; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 17.108488
Montoya, Michael D.; 4/29/2007; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.639810
Montoya, Michael E.; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 28.617000
Montoya, Michael E.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 0.000000
Montoya, Michael M; 13.067941
Montoya, Michelle O; 1/31/2005; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.698121
Montoya, Miguel; 12/27/1999; Bloomfield; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.237810
Montoya, Monica M.; 7/14/2003; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; IVlilitary Affairs; 16.610078
Montoya, Nancy; 11/23/1990; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 13.014313
Montoya, Nicole A.; 6/25/2001; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Name; 24.581 125
Montoya, Novella Carmen; 16.000000
Montoya, Patricia A.; 5/31/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Montoya, Paul Anthony 3/1/1989; 25.961274
Montoya, Peggy M; 1/23/1990; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 18.779004
Montoya, Rebecca 1/1/2003; 43.708000
Montoya, Rebecca J; 17.974810
Montoya, Richard D.; 6/25/1990; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.325151
Montoya, Richard; 16.890010
Montoya, Richard; 17.265492
Montoya, Robert J; 10/18/1982; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-O; 12.995469
Montoya, Robert James; 12/15/1986; Clayton; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 18.179810
Montoya, Robert R.; 8/22/1988; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 8.500000
Montoya, Roberto B.; 3/30/1992; Deming; LINE II; Workforce Solutions; 20.668184
Montoya, Roger E; 11/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; General Services Department; 26.301600
Montoya, Ronald X; 6/30/1984; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Regulation Commission; 23.817107
Montoya, Ronnie; 6/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; Public Safety; 10.433390
Montoya, Rosemary H.; 5/20/1995; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL* Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 18.797600
Montoya, Rosemary; 6/13/1998; Bernalillo (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.038651
Montoya, Russell L.; 12/5/1988; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 21.562572
Montoya, Sherry A; 3/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); PHARMACIST-A; Human Services Department; 40.797595
Montoya, Tanya; 14.850000
Montoya, Thomas J.
Montoya, Yvonne M.; 10/13/1992; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Human Services Department; 25.048459
Montoya,Albert L.; 32.902100
Montoya,AlexanderW.; 7/28/2008; (City); Santa Fe; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; 20.400000
Montoya,Alice M.; 2/12/1990; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Public Regulation Commission; 18.742525
Montoya,Andy S. 1/15/1994; 33.959000
Montoya,Anna E.; 11/16/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0;; 18.113455
Montoya,Annette 1; 2/10/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.540606
Montoya,Annette E.; 2/11/2006; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 12.841252
Montoya,Arthur C.; 11/8/1993; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Workforce Solutions; 30.446295
Montoya,Arthur; 4/27/1987; Grants; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 18.056055
Montoya,Audra L; 10.359575
Montoya,Barry G.; 6/14/1999; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAlD-0; 11.360737
Montoya,Brian; 1/3/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Transportation; 11.060000
Montoya,Camille; 6/10/1996; Roswell; PURCHASING AGENT-O; of Transportation; 16.989810
Montoya,Car!os B.; 25.357000
Montoya,Christine M.; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
Montoya,Christine; 10/8/2005; Raton; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; of Transportation; 13.284190
Montoya,Christoplier Paul 9/22/2007; 1 3.48981
Montoya,Claudette R; 5/12/2003; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.215630
Montoya,Colleen S 12/7/1978; 16.240671
Montoya,Corina S; 15.500000
Montoya,Cynthia R; 8/25/2007; City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 22.370000
Montoya,Dana A; 5/23/1994; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.291097
Montoya,Daniel; 5/15/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Finance & Admnst; 21.981600
Montoya,Debra Jean; 6/6/2005; Raton; MEDICAL SECTY-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 10.253000
Montoya,Deolinda; 1/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.150000
Montoya,Diana R.; 12.264690
Montoya,Diane M.; 4/17/1989; Carlsbad; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.254319
Montoya,Eddie F.; 1/10/1994; Springer; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.079810
Montoya,Eddie S.; 6/8/1992; Bernalillo (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.559810
Montoya,Elias; 22.517000
Montoya,Elizabeth Z 9/3/1988; 26.071873
Montoya,Emily J.; 11/18/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 14.437894
Montoya,Eugene R; 1/14/1991; San Ysidro; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.821333
Montoya,Eva D.; 11/7/1995; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-O; Public Safety; 10.842560
Montoya,Felicia R. 3/27/2006; 13.998690
Montoya,Gabriel Adam; 9.447867
Montoya,Geraldine G.; 7/22/2000; Gallup; ELIG INTRVR,G0V PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.302200
Montoya,Gilbert S.; 21.639810
Montoya,Gina V.; 7/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.934621
Montoya,Gloria; 7/20/1991; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.181190
Montoya,Haroid; 4/24/1995; Cuba; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 21.942263
Montoya,Janet T.; 7/25/1988; Santa Fe (City); SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.320297
Montoya,Jerry R.; 10/7/1991; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.700925
Montoya,Joeann M; 11/14/1998; Albuquerque; 18.240810
Montoya,Johnny K.; 10/15/1991; Albuquerque; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Gaming Control Board; 37.533598
Montoya,Jolene; 6/27/2005; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.441690
Montoya,Jose Adonias; 18.685406
Montoya,Jose T; 13.308190
Montoya,Joseph A.; 7/17/1989; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.427301
Montoya,Kenny C; 4/26/2003; Santa Fe (City); Adjutant General; Military Affairs; 78.640100
Montoya,Latiza Rene 1 2/24/2002; 1 1 .593437
Montoya,Leandro; 5/11/1998; Truth Or Consequen<; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 30.052500
Montoya,Loiita M. 9/25/1993; 20.375988
Montoya,Lonnie Matthew; 5/11/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 24.449000
Montoya,Lupe L; 3/9/2009; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Montoya,Lupita A.; 11/14/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; Human Services Department; 17.537000
Montoya,Lydia A; 16.990000
Montoya,Manuel S; 9/17/2001; Albuquerque; A/O II - IT; F Workforce Solutions; 36.824859
Montoya,MarieneM 5/3/1999; 15.503807
Montoya,Maxine N; 11/8/2003; Las Cruces; TRMT-0; 16.104513
Montoya,Michael A; 2/1/2003; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 22.336520
Montoya,Mike E.; 3/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 26.563401
Montoya,Monica A.; 8/19/2002; Santa Fe (City); REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 22.652625
Montoya,Monica M; 4/21/1986; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; 24.050867
Montoya,Paul S.; 6/16/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.328730
Montoya,Phillip M.a.; 12/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; : Transportation; 20.844630
Montoya,Renee L; 7/26/1999; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.092730
Montoya,ReneeS.; 9/6/2008; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 9.000000
Montoya,Ricardo; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 13.430000
Montoya,Rigoberto Armando; 7/28/2007; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 10.394690
Montoya,Shannell R; 10/20/2007; [City); Santa Fe; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; 21.610000
Montoya,Sharlynn M; 1/28/2006; Socorro (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Public Regulation Commission; 13.951819
Montoya,Stephanie A; Santa Fe (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.095313
Montoya,Thomas Rey; 7/9/2007; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.640000
Montoya,Toby R.; 8/8/1998; .City); Santa Fe; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-O; 12.091024
Montoya,Valerie F; 3/7/2009; Truth Or Consequeni; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 1 5.300000
Montoya,Vivian V.; 11/24/1997; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC; 18.374190
Montoya,William E; 9.486263
Montoya,Yolanda Y.; 2/7/2000; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Transportation; 14.564690
Montoya.Abelino; 12/9/1991; Las Vegas; Executive Deputy Director; Workers Compensation Admin; 45.084900
Montoya.Amanda; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 20.308000
Montoya.Angela J.; 5/30/1995; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-O; Public Safety; 11.049636
Montoya.Anna L; 1/9/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 36.354393
Montoya.Anna Marie; 5/9/1988; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 28.239500
Montoya.Benjamin J.; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Bureau Chief II; Public Regulation Commission; 40.164000
Montoya.Buddy L 1/28/1997; 12.277060
Montoya.Camille; 10/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); Special Projects Coord. 1; Economic Developmnt Department; 19.600000
Montoya.Carlos C.; 9/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); HEAVY EQUIP OP-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.988822
Montoya.Charla D; 12/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Transportation; 12.502184
Montoya.Charlene V; 6/3/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Montoya.Charlene; 6/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Public Safety; 13.767226
Montoya.Cheryl A; 11/21/1988; Las Cruces; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 24.236264
Montoya.Chris; 7/15/2006; (City); Santa Fe; PRINTING MACH OP-O; 14.819841
Montoya.Christina; 4/14/2001; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.800572
Montoya.Christopher; 5/21/1986; Las Vegas; PURCHASING AGENT-A; t of Transportation; 24.706005
Montoya.Clarence Jesse 1/31/1998; 11.540000
Montoya.Conrad P; 1/22/2001; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.520380
Montoya.Crystal M.; 5/1/2000; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.626130
Montoya.Daniel E 5/3/2008; 16.000000
Montoya.Darlene M; 4/15/1997; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; ic Safety; 24.991798
Montoya.Debbie M.; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.630000
Montoya.Denise A.; 6/8/2002; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.019656
Montoya.Desideria; 8/30/1982; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; r Workforce Solutions; 18.202676
Montoya.Desirae; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.000000
Montoya.Diane Marie; 2/24/2007; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 11.651639
Montoya.Diane; 10/28/1991; Mora (City); MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 13.116909
Montoya.Erica A.; 11/12/2003; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 8.500000
Montoya.EstherS.; 4/18/1994; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.834464
Montoya.James H. 10/15/1991; 18.869810
Montoya.Jane; 10/2/2000; Truth Or Consequen; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-0; Department of Health; 11.956165
Montoya.Jason J; 1/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 23.314975
Montoya.Jeff; 12/21/1987; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 17.029538
Montoya.Joseph E.; 11/20/1995; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.539524
Montoya.Jotin R. 1/10/2000; 17.695787
Montoya.Juan B.; 10/7/2003; Albuquerque; Agency Director; c Employee Relations Brd; 37.537920
Montoya.Juan D.; 7/30/1984; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; of Transportation; 15.762721
Montoya.June E.; 5/27/2000; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-O; Department of Health; 12.595590
Montoya.Lee A.; 11/8/1994; Hondo; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.083175
Montoya.Loretta M.; 9/1/1979; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 20.643780
Montoya.lsaac; 5/11/1998; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 16.532310
Montoya.Margie; 1/30/1989; PRACTil Santa Fe (City); 32.124563
Montoya.Mary; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Department of Environment; 39.799000
Montoya.Melanie M.; 7/8/1991; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Information Technology; 25.768400
Montoya.Michael A.; 5/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2;; 20.778331
Montoya.Michael L.; 7/16/1990; Las Vegas; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 21.874594
Montoya.Migue! D; 18.250000
Montoya.Miranda; 19.942636
Montoya.Nicodemus A; 14.254690
Montoya.Paul A.; 10/16/1989; (City); Santa Fe; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; 21.348849
Montoya.Rose L.; 10/20/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.790000
Montoya.Rosemarie; 22.841000
Montoya.Sahra A.; 9.070000
Montoya.Santiago; 4/22/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; of Transportation; 24.409000
Montoya.Stacy D.; 6/25/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Montoya.Stephen R; 6/13/1988; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 21.613218
Montoya.Stepiien J; 18.571600
Montoya.Steve C; 2/20/1991; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 22.044901
Montoya.Teresa M; 15.992868
Montoya.Terese R.; 5/30/1995; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.101986
Montoya.Terrie G.; 6/15/1998; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Public Safety; 17.375630
Montoya.Vanessa R. 1/10/2000; 14.603192
Montoya.Victor L; 1/14/2006; Truth Or Consequeni; CHEF & HEAD COOK-0; Department of Health; 18.624840
Montoya.Vivian M.; 9/10/1990; [City); Santa Fe; GEN 1; 43.926900
Montoya.Welfred; 7/1/1990; Los Lunas; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.693902
Montoya.William P; 8/30/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 21.100162
Montoya.Yancy P.; 12/6/1997; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 14.905691
Montoya.Yvonne A; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.035630
Montoyajomas; 5/5/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Montoyajrma V.; 1/30/1995; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 22.559268
Montoyajvette L. 2/9/1994; Santa Fe County; Santa Fe (City)
Moon,Sharon D.; 11/25/1985; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 25.497178
Mooney, Patrick M; 8/18/2003; Albuquerque; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 34.224040
Moore-Combs,Stephanie Y 2/1 9/2001; 21 .405460
Moore-Smith, Dana; 3/22/2008; Roswell; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.239500
Moore, Audrey J.; 10/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 31.336175
Moore, Dorothy C.; 15.370893
Moore, Edward P.; 2/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 26.484553
Moore, Helen R; 1/12/1984; Santa Fe (City); NURSING; LINE II -; 31.011531
Moore, Jeanne Rose 5/18/1977; 33. 1 47247
Moore, Judith Ann; 8/19/2002; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 40.616000
Moore, Kathryn A; 1/29/2005; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.927594
Moore, Larry H.; 2/5/1990; Raton; POLICE & SHER PO-A; Department of Public Safety; 26.122500
Moore, Normajean; 10/9/2004; (City); Santa Fe; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 19.950000
Moore, Patricia; Name; 22.244178
Moore, Ronald W; 8/1/1983; Roswell; A/0 11; Department of Game & Fish; 35.084900
Moore,Cara L; 9/11/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 18.858329
Moore,J. Brent; 6/8/2002; (City); Santa Fe; Chief Legal Counsel; 41.363000
Moore,James L; 3/9/1987; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 22.378000
Moore,Jo'L W.; 21.948756
Moore,John 4/17/2000; Los Lunas; Los Lunas; Los Lunas; Las Cruces; 15.847810
Moore,Julene; 90.000000
Moore,Larry M.; 3/24/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Moore,Ramona D; 9/24/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 21.417000
Moore.Arcelia M; 6/7/1991; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0; Department of Health; 15.490232
Moore.Diane Marie; 1/3/2004; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; 18.860630
Moore.GaryM; 8/11/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Moore.John; 3/3/1989; Los Lunas; TRMT-0; 21 ,948756
Moore.Justin R; 12/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 19.603810
Moore.KippM.; 17.135787
Moore.Maria; Alamogordo; CLK-A; 11.290690
Moore.Michael C; 7.500000
Moore.Tashina Banks; 8/12/2006; (City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 33.772760
Moorhead-Lopez, Rachel J 5/28/2002; 21.750188
Moorhead, Richard; 8/28/2004; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 17.020000
Moorhouse,Miriam K; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.630000
Moose,Carey Ann 12/15/2007; 16.591600
Moquino.Jamie R; 6/19/2006; Santa Fe (City]; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Indian Affairs; 14.004000
Moquino.Trisha L; 3/15/2004; [City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 2; 28.252801
Mora, David; 1/16/2007; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 18.145966
Mora, Esther C; 12/15/2001; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 16.384000
Mora, Julian L; 5/9/2005; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.367190
Mora, Victoria Felicia; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; ic Safety; 10.500000
Mora,AyshaE; 12/31/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 41.534130
Mora,Clarence; 10.560000
Mora,Crystal A.J.; 9/8/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 8.828570
Mora,Gary R.; 31.392700
Mora,Jeanette L.; 5/13/2000; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 1 1 .523987
Mora,JohnA; 9/14/2002; Deming; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.437141
Mora,Manuel Michael; 7/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 12.641690
Mora,Rachel Georgia; 8.500000
Mora.Albert R.; 12/17/1994; Las Cruces; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 26.624850
Mora.Antonio E.; 8/17/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Department of Health; 26.476000
Mora.Carmen Q; 12/30/2002; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.448427
Mora.Rudy B.; 32.342000
Mora.Rudy B.; 8/29/1993; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 32.342000
Mora.Teresa C; 8/20/1984; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 16.462390
Mora.Thomas J.; 12/13/1997; Deming; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 27.090000
Mora.Thomas J.; 27.090000
Morales Junior, Arnulfo S.; 9.170000
Morales, Aissa; 12.000000
Morales, Carios; 16.000000
Morales, David R; 6/29/2002; Ruidoso; LINEN; Human Services Department; 18.947460
Morales, Dwight D; 12.080000
Morales, Eric C; 3/10/2007; Deming; FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 13.293989
Morales, Jeffrey S.; 10/10/1995; Cuba; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.762001
Morales, Matthew AC; 1/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.249810
Morales, Megan Terese 12/29/2007; 16.580000
Morales, Rebecca B.; 10/25/2000; Las Cruces; LINE II; Human Services Department; 20.770460
Morales, Rebecca M; 12/31/2005; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 12.287759
Morales, Roberto; 4/21/1998; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 15.362810
Morales, Yvonne V; 3/4/2002; Deming; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; of Transportation; 15.691195
Morales,Andrea M.; 11/1/2008; 13.300000
Morales,Cynthia Deane; 12/29/2007; Las Cruces; LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.394690
Morales,Lori I.; 15.485630
Morales,lrene; 10.787677
Morales,Phillip B 2/12/2005; 15.879810
Morales,Ramon; 15.303810
Morales,Sabrina R; 6/20/2005; Roswell; MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 17.779730
Morales.Amia 6/4/2005; 8.322029
Morales.Carly; 9.170000
Morales.Elizabeth; 34.487400
Morales.Guadalupe; 5/3/1999; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.530601
Morales.Hope Marie 3/24/2007; 16.591600
Morales.Juan; 1/28/2006; Las Cruces; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 16.831629
Morales.Tony R.; 6/2/2007; [City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Morales.Vanessa; 9/15/2003; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 12.507803
Moralez, Andrew; 38.634614
Moralez, Raymond; 6/15/1981; Anthony; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 30.487000
Moralez, Rebecca 10/20/2007; 25.032000
Moralez.Cindy S.; 8/15/1992; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.002873
Moran, Daniel R; 4/25/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 25.384412
Moran,Ann L; 7/5/2003; Los Lunas; PSY-A; 23.460380
Morden, Pamela J.; 26.548460
Moreau-Kelley.BeverlyJ. 12/29/1997; 15.948819
Moree.Catherine A; 1/16/2008; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.500000
Moreland.Sharon E.; 18.000000
Morelli,Claude; 11/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 23.440000
Morelos,Mena M.; 1/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 14.072710
Morelos.Donna J; 9/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 19.905078
Moreno-Diaz, Veronica 10/7/2006; 16.351600
Moreno, Christene; 12/17/2005; Moriarty; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.465454
Moreno, Juliet Marie 6/23/2008; 37.644100
Moreno, Nichol A.; 11/18/1985; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 20.748781
Moreno, Roberta M.; 8/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; General Services Department; 12.500000
Moreno, Stephanie; 9.701590
Moreno,Christopher; 6/10/2000; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.539810
Moreno,Nicole R.L.; 1/12/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Moreno,Se!ena o; 16.000000
Moreno.Amold R 10/9/1993; 14.879216
Moreno.Bertha Alicia; 11/1/2008; Chaparral; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.540000
Moreno.Cynthia; 9/6/2008; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 30.290000
Moreno.Elena; 5/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 27.716000
Moreno.Guillermina; 6/10/1999; Anthony; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.991492
Moreno.Michelle Lorraine; 6/28/2008; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 22.313000
Moreno.Steve; 9/26/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Educational Retirement Board; 37.254317
Moreno.Xavier F; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.150000
Morenojesus Marcelino 12/1/2007
MoretLAmanda K; 3/26/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 17.029460
Moreu, Hector; 5/16/1988; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; : Workforce Solutions; 21.823552
Morey-Diruggiero, Julia K.; 3/26/2001; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant II; Human Services Department; 27.861400
Morey, James; 11.950000
Morey, William C.; 1/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 16.288000
Morfin, Deborah A; 9/25/1989; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-B; Department of Health; 22.000000
Morfin, Jenny D; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Information Technology; 17.503000
Morfin, Nelson A; 2/8/1997; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 23.293134
Morfin, Sandra; 14.752807
Morgan, Betsey; 2/24/1997; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.000652
Morgan, Douglas R.; 2/28/2000; Albuquerque; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 21.921600
Morgan, Gary L; 5/10/2004; Silver City; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.421190
Morgan, Herbert M.; 7/5/1994; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.428351
Morgan, LeAnn Nicole; 8/23/2008; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 18.230000
Morgan, Minor; 10/24/1992; Albuquerque; A/Oil; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.572861
Morgan, Phoebe H.; 2/3/1992; Gallup; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 18.091810
Morgan, Rand T.; 8/23/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Transportation; 24.243372
Morgan,Carol L.; 10/23/1995; Portales; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.550327
Morgan,Heidi L; 20.383083
Morgan.Adaline A; 11.136734
Morgan.Christine R.; 2/7/2009; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.378000
Morgan.Gary S.; 20.186665
Morgan.Jennifer; 6/7/1999; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Department of Game & Fish; 21.919800
Morgan.Katheryn; 10.229570
Morgas-Silva, Nancy; 13.301000
Morgas, Nicholas; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 13.089810
Morimoto,Yasushi; 26.055000
Morin, Barbara J.r.; 5/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; 35.668300
Morin, Jason; 16.691690
Moritomo.Carrie; 4/8/2006; Albuquerque; Public Information Officer 1; Workforce Solutions; 28.946260
Morley,Andy V. 8/2/1993; 28.000000
Morones, Josephine C.; 11.278512
Morones.Edward J; 3/26/1984; Fort Bayard; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 14.487445
Morrell,David L.; 1/9/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 28.812000
Morris, Letitia; 21.804821
Morris, Mary L; 9/22/1986; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Farmington; Human Services Department; 17.608630
Morris, Melissa; 10/16/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.494000
Morris, Nicole E; 6/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 20.400000
Morris, Patricia M.; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 39.408300
Morris, Roxann Lynne; 7/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.549500
Morris, Walter G.; 10/21/2006; Los Lunas; PSY-O; 21.741600
Morris,Johnny B.; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 10.510000
Morris,Larena; 6/5/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Gallup; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 17.030460
Morris.Allan R.; 6/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 28.662660
Morris.Christine M; 8.531590
Morris.Janice Marie; 5/6/2002; Raton; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.282870
Morris.Michael L; 14.135630
Morris.RobertA; 17.752460
Morrison Junior,James D.; 10/2/2006; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.427630
Morrison, Kathy A; 9/15/2008; Truth Or Consequen<; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 31.000200
Morrison,Jeffrey; Narrie;; 16.000000
Morrison,Valentina N.; 3/19/1986; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 15.153939
Morrison.Cheryl Ann; 1/12/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.368730
Morrow, Julie; 25.631069
Morrow.Brenda S 3/13/1989; 22.490000
Morse, Dorenda E; 7/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Information Technology; 37.280233
Morse,Judy A; 19.000000
Mortensen, Clinton R.; 1/27/2007; Animas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.7101.9.0
Morton, David G.; 21.604176
Morton, Donna M; 8/23/2005; Deming; ENG 1 bCH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.698690
Moseley.Katherine; 4/23/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 10.147730
Moser,Jeff; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 26.496460
Moskal,Philip G.; 12/11/2000; Albuquerque; LINEN; 24.586927
Moskowitz, Rachel; 5/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL\; 30.021120
Mosley.Cantrell; 7/9/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 21.581600
Moss,Katherine M; 10/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 37.227068
Moss.Jolanda K; 11/3/2007; Clayton; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.302760
Motelet, Richard G.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; General Services Department; 16.772100
Moter-Carey,Annella; 10/18/2008; Truth Or Consequen<; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Mount, Josephine; 4/21/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Clovis; Human Services Department; 14.249230
Mount.Justin A.; 6/17/2005; Santa Fe (City); Ombudsman 1; Ofc of the Lieutenant Governor; 21.228760
Moureau.Rosita W.; 5/6/2006; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.135630
Moutray.Cheryl A. 9/6/2008; 26.440000
Mowduk,James A.; 26.624850
Mower.Kerry J.; 3/28/1994; Santa Fe (City); LINEI; Department of Game & Fish; 26.883942
Moxey,Michael; 21.055630
Moya, David; 5/1/2006; Albuquerque; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 8.321590
Moya, Diana J; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); PHARMACIST-A; Human Services Department; 45.583000
Moya, Kathleen M; 2/10/1986; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.088406
Moya, Polly M; 12.517769
Moya,Anita M.; 9/28/1992; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 16.646268
Moya,Carlos L; 8/2/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 33.283300
Moya,Charlie Joseph 7/6/1982; 14.114486
Moya,Chris; 7/2/2005; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 14.490511
Moya,Jeri A.; 2/18/1991; Los Lunas; TRMT-O; 22.505529
Moya,SandraA; 17.711600
Moya,Sharon; 4/19/1993; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 19.678848
Moya.Anna M.; 1/3/1990; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.464999
Moya.Antoinette P.; 11/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Economic Developmnt Department; 16.600152
Moya.DavidM.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 1.737500
Moya.Don D.; 12/1/2003; Deputy Cabinet Secretary Santa Fe (City);; |Descr; 57.895460
Moya.Eric; 20.509000
Moya.EuniceB; 10/23/2000; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN&LBRSPC-A; Public Education Department; 31.943719
Moya.James P.; 7/1/2003; Las Cruces; 29.545000
Moya.Lupita; 24.780000
Moya.RoseM; 11/20/2008; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; 13.610000
Moya.Veronica D.; 2/18/2002; Santa Fe (City); SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; f Workforce Solutions; 1 1 .536966
MoyaJreneA.; 7/10/2000; Albuquerque; COMPUTER OPTR-A; Gaming Control Board; 18.118190
Moye-Burdette,Rita; 11/19/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 8.957723
Moyers, William T; 12/1/1981; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 41.784501
Moyers,Steven R 4/9/2005; 22.652803
Moyers.Clay; 5/14/2001; Raton; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; Game & Fish; 17.885630
Moyers.Jess; 3/20/2009; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; r Health; 29.319000
Mraz.Joseph R.; 10/5/1992; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; 29.645685
Mu Her, Gabriel 1/4/2003; 15.304810
Mu!ligan,Lenora L 6/19/2004; 17.955600
Mudge,Annmarie 12/3/2005; 24.095500
Mueller, William A; 1/6/2003; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Department of Transportation; 36.130868
Mueller,Christine; 22.000000
Mueller,LaurieAnn; 5/1/1978; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Public Education Department; 25.601938
Mueller.Emma; 32.458719
Mueller.lrene M; 18.574877
Mugford,John R; 22.476264
Muggins, Matthew; 9/25/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.127500
Muir.Ross; 2/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-O; Environment; 22.761460
Mulac, Jeffrey A; 12/3/2005; Las Cruces; 17.600604
Mulakaia.Veera; 2/16/2002; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 34.956000
Muldez ll.Teresa Marie 8/9/2008; 15.050000
Muldez,Francis A.; 23.162460
Mulheron, Florence; 16.840305
Mulitauaopele,Konelio M; 12/1/2008; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-O; ies Dpt; 15.750000
Mulkey.Steven L.; 28.195000
Mulkey.Steven L.; 28.195000
Mull,DonnaS.; 21.526303
Mull.Brent B.; 5/29/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.090000
Mullany,James H.; 3/15/1990; Albuquerque; MINE/GEOL SPEC-NL-O; Department of Environment; 26.834262
Mullen, Elizabeth S; 27.000000
Mullen, Lee R.; 2/18/1991; Grants; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 32.293250
Mullen,Walter P; 21.111600
Mullen.Sharon; 10/9/1985; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 22.980000
Muller, Amanda L; 7/28/1998; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF& JOB ANA-B; 19.778210
Muller, Vernon J.; 30.758300
Muller,Christy; 4/9/2005
Muller,Maryhe!en D.; 15.788312
Muller.Daniel 6/16/2008; 14.750000
Muller.Kristy 7/28/2007; 16.591600
Mullings,Lisa; 1/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Public Education Department; 21.921600
Mullins,Cody C; 6/6/2005; Hondo; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 13.153919
Mullins.Donald W; 7/10/2000; Tatum; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 14.370190
Mullins.Henry E.; 8/1/1994; Truth Or Consequeni; 12.416718
Mullins.Richard D.; 27.565495
Mullis.Steven N.; 5/3/2001; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Mulloy.Colin F; 12/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 24.140340
Mulry,LauraJ; 1/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); Public Information Officer II; 31.913700
Mulvihili.Nancy D.; 22.622000
Mun!Z,Mario 5/26/2001; 19.095330
Muncy,Elaine M; 7/3/2004; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.550190
Munden, Donna J.; 6/28/1999; Raton; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.164923
Munez, Ernestine M; 5/15/2004; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Game & Fish; 14.004690
Munguia, Gloria E.; 2/21/1998; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.698309
Munholland,Ruby E 8/21/2000; 29.984974
Muniz, Javier P; 1/20/2009; Fort Bayard; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 10.500000
Muniz,Lawrence; 7/22/1991; Raton; STOCK CLRK/ORD FiL-O; 11.356590
Muniz.Alice Marie 3/24/2007; 15.895630
Muniz.Angeia V.; 8/16/1999; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.141405
Muniz.Benjamin M; 17.500000
Muniz.Joseph; 9.890000
Muniz.Kelly; 9/6/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; Finance & Admnst; 31.102300
Muniz.Mary Helen; 6/16/2007; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.400000
Muniz.Mary; 8/10/1994; Fort Bayard; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 14.873903
Muniz.Richard; 8/15/1994; (City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 30.000000
Munoz Senior.Eric Compos 9/20/2008; Santa Fe (City)
Munoz-Lucero,Margaret A.; 1/26/2004; Farmington; CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.069599
Munoz-Ortiz,Reyna; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Information Technology; 31.084040
Munoz, Armando; 4/5/2004; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMA1D-B; 10.606305
Munoz,Dolores M; 1/15/1979; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; 13.096692
Munoz,Hugo L.; 23.642850
Munoz,Selina S; 3/11/2006; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.459280
Munoz,Sonia; 10/21/2000; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.006000
Munoz,Yolanda C; 12/31/2005; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.508022
Munoz.Andres Daniel; 8/18/2002; 21.847000
Munoz.David L; Ramah; Bloomfield; La Cueva; Tierra Amarilla; 17.472191
Munoz.Jacob; 1/5/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.529000
Munoz.Jose 4/16/2005; 32.013768
Munoz.Juan O.; 5/21/1990; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.785900
Munoz.Julian; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.082000
Munoz.Tillie S; 1/6/1987; Farnnington; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.670832
Muppalmani.Bhavani; 12/15/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 27.000000
Murdoch.Joyce P.; 2/23/1987; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 25.322077
Murdock,Shannon; 1/28/2004; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 29.807712
Muriel, Johnny; 9/15/2003; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 14.247810
Muriiiojheodore E; 15.314709
Murillo - Garcia, Orlidia D; 4/22/2006; Roswell; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.229810
Murillo,Christina E.; 3/8/1997; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Anthony; Human Services Department; Human Services Department; 18.065600
Murillo.Dora 2/6/1989; 22.682689
Murison,Lynne; 6/29/1998; PRACTil Farmington; 32.878835
Muro, Roberta A.; 7/6/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 25.240460
Murphey.Ninja L.; 11/18/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.135630
Murphy Junior.Charies Franc 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Murphy, Arnold J.; 5/16/1994; Moriarty; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 16.455810
Murphy, JoAnne T; 9/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Murphy, Mark Thomas; 4/23/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.672988
Murphy, Robert Paul; 2/7/2009; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Murphy,Jay; 5/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; Department of Health; 25.500000
Murphy,John J 7/31/2007; 19.951000
Murphy,Kenneth W.; 38.535780
Murphy,PeterJ; 5/15/1989; Gallup; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 22.819460
Murphy,Rebecca A.; 1 1 .523987
Murphy.David A. 8/18/2008; 20.000000
Murphy.Joan; 23.870534
Murphy.Joseph D.; 3/8/1999; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.075810
Murphy.Paul; 10/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Health; 32.700000
Murphy.Tyne; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 10.500000
Murphy.Virginia; 37.322320
Murptiy.Shane; 4/19/2008; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Murray, Branden L.; 1/14/1995; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.007830
Murray, Lawrence E.; 28.195000
Murray,Lawrence E.; 5/9/1992; Santa Fe (City); Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 28.195000
Murray,Leonard E; 5/18/1985; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 23.646733
Murray,Lorraine Lafond; 2/6/2008; Raton; MEDICAL SECTY-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.608730
Murray.GaiiR 5/1/2001; 21.989810
Murray.Melinda Sue; 2/21/2009; Silver City; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 12.474000
Muse, Beverly J.; 5/31/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.500000
Musharrafieh,Ghassan R.; 7/31/1995; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 32.649093
Musial.Teresa Marie; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-0; Department of Environment; 24.659460
Musick.H. Brad; 5/24/1996; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 28.194540
Musita no, Frank; 12/1/1988; Las Cruces; Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 33.312000
Musitano.Frank; 33.312000
Muskett, Vincent; 5/19/2007; Buffalo Springs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.335000
MuskettMorris; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 24.434130
Mustafa.Sufi Azhar; 12/16/1993; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 27.616753
MuthJinaM.; 18.513000
Muxworthy.Tyler; 4/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 25.252372
Muzumdar.Bessie J; 4/2/1975; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Environment; 18.721751
Mydock, Christopher A.; 8/28/1993; Orogrande; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 31.524000
Myers-Higgins, Matthew Brian; 6/14/2008; San Ysidro; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 10.870000
Myers, Dawn; 12/16/1987; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Farmington; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 22.859460
Myers, Garey L.; 8/9/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 10.000000
Myers,Jacob D.; 5/13/2002; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 16.359385
Myers,Kevin; 7/17/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.637000
Myers.Mary Ann; 25.112637
Myers.Natali A; 7/2/2005; Gallup; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 23.255760
Myrick,Alycia M.; 9/15/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Myrick,Michael; 3/10/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Myron, Faith J; 9/3/2002; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; 17.809810
Naclerio.Victoria M.; 5/16/1988; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 25.382600
Nadeau, Anthony A.; 9/27/2003; Truth Or Consequeni; 10.888570
Naegele,KirkJ.; 5/3/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Naegelin.Arturo A; 10/7/2002; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 24.335730
Nagel.Merav; 11/12/2008; Las Vegas; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-A; 26.256000
Naidich,Julie; 6/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-0; Retirement Board; 18.637635
Nail,Richard L; 65.505698
Nailor,Geraldine Grace; 7/19/1993; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.989916
Najaka,Justin R.; 6/24/1991; (City); Santa Fe; GEN!; 40.869308
Najar.Gilbert; 8/16/2004; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Public Safety; 36.111938
Najar.Kristine; 3/4/2000; Espanola; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 16.727630
Najar.Leeroy J; 10/18/2008; Carrizozo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 14.500000
Najar.Patsy R.; 6/14/1999; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; t of Transportation; 19.634675
Najera, Barbara; 12/31/2006; Albuquerque; Law Clerk; Office of the Attorney General; 15.590000
Najera, Manuel A; 13.816489
Najera,Ben A; 8/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-0; Transportation; 30.404500
Najera,Ferminia M.; 4/17/1998; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Human Services Department; 18.022000
Najera.Marlen M.; 7/10/2000; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.520353
Najera.Nelvia M.; 1/4/1993; Alamogordo; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Nakagawa,Yukiko Yoda 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); Albuquerque; Roswell; Albuquerque; 21.036000
Nakai, Harrison L; 8/30/2004; Shiprock; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.395190
Nakai,Lucinda; 32.868000
Nalder.SueE. 4/26/1993; 31.966097
Nall.Laura; 7/1/2006; Ruidoso; 37.442000
Nalley,Jeannie; 9.240000
Nalty, Walter Ernest; 10/18/2008; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.000000
Nalty,VickyG; 11/1/2008; 13.300000
Nance, Julie; 6/15/1996; Portales; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.253215
Nance,Vickf; 1/13/2007; Las Cruces; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.877000
Nance.Lisa R; 3/7/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 13.610000
Nance.Steven W; 35.157989
Nanez.Annette R; 6/30/2007; Las Cruces; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.938000
Naranjo, Benjamin R.; 2/21/1998; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Human Services Department; 24.866302
Naranjo, Lawrence E; 1/30/1984; [City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 44.996700
Naranjo, Rebecca L; 1/23/1988; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.879810
Naranjo, Rebecca L.; 12/15/2007; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 16.752524
Naranjo,Gina L.; 9/24/2007; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 12.188190
Naranjo,Mark B.; (City)
Naranjo.April; 27.986146
Naranjo.Clifford L.; 8/25/2007; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.375190
Naranjo.Johnathan; 6/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.000000
Naranjojony F; 5/15/1989; Clayton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.245629
Narbutas,PauliusA. 9/10/1996; 20.989184
Nardoni.Karla Patricia; 3/16/2009; Hobbs; FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 28.193000
Narro.Marco; 10/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; General Services Department; 23.031600
Narvaez, Frank H.; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.510000
Narvaez, Robert; 3/13/2000; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 1 1 .500000
Narvaez.Denise H.; 2/26/1996; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.860324
Narvaiz,Kathleen K.; 4/12/1999; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 17.456168
Nasab.Jaffar; 2/23/1987; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.217630
Nash, Maureen L.; 5/10/1999; City); Santa Fe; LINE II; 28.266547
Nash.Barbara; 12/29/2003; Las Vegas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; 15.662202
Nasseri.Lucy L 10/9/1993; 19.949600
Natewa,Jolene; 12/27/1994; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 31.371406
Nathanson,Fidely Patricia; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 30.834040
Natividad.Mabel; 4/11/1994; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 13.103904
Naught, Janelle 2/10/2007; 35.584040
Nava,Doug A; 4/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.317190
Nava.Fred; 1/3/2005; Carrizozo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.395190
Nava.Marisela C; 3/30/2009; Fort Bayard; FOOD SERVER.NONRST-O; Department of Health; 7.500000
Navarrete.Kia; 5/20/2006; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.975630
Navarrette, Irene D.; 3/14/1984; Roswell; PURCHASING AGENT-O; of Transportation; 18.958923
Navarrette,Beverlyn Dianne; 7/18/1994; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-O;; 20.507064
Navarrette.Arturo P 7/1 5/2006; 1 6.251 600
Navarrette.Ric A.; 5/19/1986; Carlsbad; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.740032
Navarro, Lisa; 18.879630
Navarro.Ann Marie; 4/19/2004; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.297315
Navarro.Charles 9/7/1999; 16.073810
Navidad, Maria; 7/1/1985; Albuquerque; LINE II; Information Technology; 23.582529
NazirpourCaloonUzA; 24.401470
Neal,Nicole; 10/6/2007; Grants; PSY-A; 24.659460
Neal.Annette M.; 1/27/2007; Alamogordo; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 11.999789
Neal.Debra J.; 1/10/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.200000
Neal.Lawrence F.; 11/9/1999; Albuquerque; LGLSUPWKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 13.546876
Neary.Christopher S; 5/16/1988; Raton; A/OII; Department of Game & Fish; 34.310948
Neathamer.Michael; 7/1/1990; Cimarron; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.760885
Needham.Lisa M; 10/24/2007; Raton; MEDICAL SECTY-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 11.608730
Neel.Satya; 38.064739
Neel.Stephen J.; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; SECS/COMMDTS/FIN-A; Retirement Board; 47.739000
Neelley,Charles E.; 10/26/1992; Taos (City); LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.738084
Neely,Jillian; 10/9/2003; Raton; MEDICAL SECTY-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 10.500000
Neely.Michael L; 1/26/1998; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 15.784810
Neidigk.Nathan D.; 9/25/2006; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.481000
Neison.Annie L 4/21/2007; 27.399500
Neitzey III, Maurice J; 12/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Information Technology; 38.253610
Nelsen,Susan; 25.319996
Nelson, Erik R.; 23.091841
Nelson, Evan; 72.882756
Nelson, Lawrence Alton; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 23.460000
Nelson, Marie Jeanette; 3/12/2007; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 17.379810
Nelson, Mark A.; 2/8/1999; Aiamogordo; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.524630
Nelson, Melissa K.; 11.330000
Nelson, Norman Bruce; 1/12/1985; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-0; 20.742000
Nelson, Petrina; 24.213200
Nelson, Randell W.; 18.606000
Nelson, Rodney K.; 6/30/1997; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 15.920190
Nelson, Terry P.; 10/10/1995; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 24.837920
Nelson,Anna N.; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; 26.620000
Nelson,Greg O; 4/23/2005; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.831530
Nelson,Phillip; 7/13/1992; Buffalo Springs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.546351
Nelson,Sharon L; 16.497000
Nelson.Chad S; 4/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; Department of Game & Fish; 22.544328
Nelson.Helen P; 9/26/1988; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 43.162005
Nelson.Karla D; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Department of Health; 12.750000
Nelson.Kathryn M 8/1/2007; 18.000000
Nelson.Laura E; 8/19/2002; Estancia; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.621301
Nelson.Terence Lee; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City;; - ENV SCIENCE; 32.731040
Nelsonjhomas Edward; 13.836000
NemecJohn J.; 8/24/1998; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 16.155810
NemettStephanie L.; 11/22/2004; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Department of Transportation; 27.566085
Neri, Josephine; 8/8/1994; Las Cruces; LGLSUPWKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 14.852807
Neri,AprilG; 11/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.310000
NeriZagal,Rebecca 6/18/2001; 43.013599
Neskauskas,Nancy; 4/22/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Nestlerode.Eleanore L.; 4/18/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 28.739030
Nettleton.James M.; 3/15/1993; Socorro (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Rehbltation; 20.735259
Neubauer,Lori G; 15.895973
Neuman,Stacy A; 2/7/2000; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 13.530260
Nevarez, Hector A; 1/31/2004; Las Cruces; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 22.229502
Nevarez,Anastacio L.; 9/19/1988; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 19.321630
Nevarez,Andres B; 3/10/2007; Las Cruces; DET&CRIMINVEST-O;; 19.364265
Nevarez,Emma; 8/20/2001; Roswell; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.322029
Nevarez,Job; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 1 1 .000000
Nevarez,Marci L; 7/5/2003; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 24.458595
Nevarez,Marisol; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A;; 14.000000
Nevarez,Venessa; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Nevarez.Concha 7/15/2006; 16.251600
Nevarez.Daniel A.; 5/19/1986; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.104810
Nevarez.Guadalupe; 5/9/2005; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 15.697630
Nevarez.Reymte Janicta 7/14/2007; 13.000000
Neville,Merlinda L; 9/10/1997; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Environment; 19.160000
Neville.N. Alan; 5/4/1992; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 31.448500
Neville.Polly; 12/10/1990; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.253412
Neville.Virginia D.; 11/16/1998; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 12.235866
New.James; 9/9/2002; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 19.604538
Newark.Lynn L.; 6/4/1990; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A;; 19.712468
Newberry, Kristina Renee 2/21/2009; 16.890000
Newberry,Hilda M.; 6/1/1999; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-A Taos (City); Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.621272
Newberry.James K; 5/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Public Safety; 21.622336
Newbill, Louise M.; 10/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE SURVYR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.979460
Newcomb.Terry; 6/1/1994; Hobbs; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.862763
Newfield, Erica 4/9/2007; 24.434460
Newman, Dawn M; 6/12/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE &ADI\/1INSUP-B; Tourism Department; 12.000000
Newman, Mary M; 11/8/2006; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 26.380600
Newman, Richard D; 12/19/1987; Santa Fe (City); Senior Secretary; New Mexico State Police; 47.055000
Newman, Scott Michael; 5/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); SECS/COMMDTS/FIN-A; State Treasurer; 47.000500
Newman,Andrea; 7/14/2008; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.000000
Newman,Angel T.; 5/13/2000; Las Cruces; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 16.170000
Newman.Alfred C.; 4/30/2001; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 31.075756
Newman.Charles L; 20.509000
Newman.Joseph P; 10/8/2005; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.126000
Newman.Richard D 12/19/1987; 47.055000
Newman.TinaJ; 8.481646
Newton, Erick Oliver 2/9/2008; 16.591600
Newton, Marie H; 7/28/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL A Gallup; Human Services Department; 13.890000
Newton, Marilyn C; 9/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 22.199810
Newton, Mark; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.360000
Newton, Michael A; 1/26/1999; Las Vegas; WORD PRCSSR & TYP-0; Health; 9.719376
Newton,Glynda Elaine; 10.558570
Newton.William L.; 9/21/1998; Roswell; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.490232
Nez.Kristen R; 2/23/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Farmington; Human Services Department; 13.836000
Nez.Shannon; 4/7/1997; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.739630
Nguyen, Laura Elizabeth; 12/29/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 19.170000
Nguyen,Hai A; 13.792965
Nguyen,Rosalyn D; 28.750000
Nicasio,Cassandra; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); Secretary 1; State Treasurer; 17.233920
Nicholas, Jaret; 5/5/2003; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.146763
Nicholas,Alan Joseph; 11/10/2008; Hobbs; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.750000
Nicholas,Stielly R; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.500000
Nichols, Cynthia Ann; 6/2/2007; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 20.950000
Nicholson Jr,Burnie R.; 11/24/2003; Roswell; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; : Transportation; 18.798164
Nicholson, Gary; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; 28.797000
Nickels,Jerry; 3/29/2004; Grants; SURVEYOR-0; Department of Transportation; 32.427676
Nickles.Analyse; 9.070000
Nicol, Rachel; 8/9/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Nicosin, Pamela Sue; 3/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-A; General Services Department; 25.862250
Niece, Debora K.; 10/18/2008; Portales; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Niece,JoeB.; 17.164000
Nielsen, Cynthia L; 30.797830
Nielsen, Garry R.; 8/24/1987; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; of Transportation; 39.141342
Nielsen,Joaquin E.; 3/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 32.307500
Niemi.Donna N.; 10/28/1996; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 31.800231
Nieto, Francisco N.; 2/1/1993; Deming; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 19.119322
Nieto, Julia V; 3/28/1988; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 13.845908
Nieto, Maria Terri; 10/11/1986; Santa Fe (City); ITAPPSDEV1; : of Transportation; 28.018041
Nieto,Robert M.; 12/4/1995; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 21.070686
Nieto.Gigette; 1/30/1998; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Rio Rancho; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 17.480460
Nieto.JohnN. 5/28/1991; 13.413496
Nieto.Nicolas G.; 3/3/2003; Albuquerque; Building Services Coordinator; F Workforce Solutions; 22.742860
Nieto.Rosemarie T; 11/27/2000; Grants; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 26.600948
Nieto.Valerie; 3/10/2007; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Transportation; 11.067263
Nih,KimL; 10/17/1988; Shiprock; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.547810
NiharLJohn F; 26.668460
Nikkila, Joyce L; 11/1/2008; 13.300000
Nikolai, Rose; 9/25/1989; [City); Santa Fe; GENI; 42.251956
Niman, Marti A.; 11/10/1997; Santa Fe (City); PR COORD-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.426600
Nino, Mary Ann; 11/30/1981; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; ic Safety; 15.405457
Nissani.Ethan; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 25.000000
Nitcher.Pamela; 12/1/1997; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; es Dpt; 21.987629
Nix,BrianJ.; 6/30/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.244368
Nix.Jason; 3/22/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Nix.Jerade; 5/20/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Nixon.Tim J.; 3/12/2001; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.489587
Noack-Cammack.Shasta R; 11/2/1998; Hobbs; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.492635
Nobiitt.Joan M; 12/14/1987; Los Lunas; TRMT-O; 19.625630
Noble,Charles F; 8/1/1979; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 39.695054
Noble.Sara Ann; 19.400000
Noedel, Bryant A; 8/28/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.115630
Noedel,Ronald S.; 11/2/1992; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 32.045152
Noedel.Carmen D.; 1/19/1994; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.962515
Noftsker.Christina; 2/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.311446
Nolan, Robert L; 11.943937
Nolan,Barbara 5/31/2008; 20.317000
Nolen.James R.; 7/9/2001; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 14.040495
Noles.Gloria Ann 1 1/22/2000; 15.673190
Noles.Jennifer N.; 6/28/2008; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-O; Department of Health; 18.000000
Nonnenkamp.Marc E; 3/15/2004; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.742525
Norby,LoraB.; 12/27/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 13.301000
Nordhus,Stephen C; 8/27/1990; Farmington; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 28.842386
Norfor, Robert E; 16.684260
Noriega, Linda J.; 5/16/1994; Rosweli; AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 17.770452
Noriega,Alison; 2/21/2000; Roswell; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 13.336728
Noriega.Loretta A; 16.817895
Norman, Charity A.; 8/23/2008; Farmington; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Norman, Kevin S.; 2/18/1998; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.355190
Norman, Robert W.; 12.214894
Norman,JayC; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.240000
Norman.Christoptier K; 17.960000
Norman.Sonya 12/2/2006; 14.205967
Norris,Grover D.; 9/8/2007; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
North.William E.; 3/4/2001; Tucumcari; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 25,800000
Northfield,Karan M.; 9/5/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Human Services Department; 34.669000
Northup.Michael C.; 7/1/1996; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; General Services Department; 31.891600
Northup.Tri T.; 3/27/2001; Albuquerque; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.996412
Norton, Maritsa; 9/8/2007; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-0; Department of Transportation; 23.816500
Norton,SkyeT 1/22/2007; 18.142810
Norton.James W; 3/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; F Environment; 44.109800
Norvell.David L.; 6/26/2006; Gaming Control Commissione Santa Fe (City); Gaming Control Board; 48.893180
Norvell.Erik; 9/10/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; 25.885960
Norvelle.Norman R; 9/29/2003; Farmington; ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 26.070000
Norwick, James D; 8/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 33.549210
Norwood, Kyle D; 2/9/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.118660
Norwood,Dawn Ferlasta Wh⬠9/22/2007; 18.700000
Noskin,Paul 8/5/2002; 20.516000
Notah.Deniell I.; 5/17/1997; Gallup; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Nowell,Walter D.; 6/10/1991; Hobbs; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 17.628810
Nuanes.Christina R; 8/28/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 17.985059
Nuanes.Lillian R.; 12/17/1990; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.134221
Nuanez-Davis.Evalinda; 11/8/2003; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Public Defender; 12.838307
Nuanez,Larry; 8/7/1989; Albuquerque; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; F Transportation; 23.724285
Nudi,JoelD.; 9/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Public Education Department; 40.221000
Nunez,Anthony R.; 21.847000
Nunez,Griselda; 2/24/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Nunez,Luis Z; 20.550600
Nunez,Martin G; 11/8/2003; Columbus; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.034690
Nunez.Clarinda; 2/15/1993; CERTIFIED NURSE PRACTI1 Albuquerque; Department of Health; 32.861486
Nunez.Geovanie 12/1/2007; 13.489810
Nunez.JuanB.; 8/20/1986; Winston; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.131991
Nunez.Kenneth A. 8/31/1992; 18.417630
Nunez.SaivadorA; 4/22/2006; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JA1L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14-229810
Nunn.HollyA.; 6/24/1991; Carlsbad; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 22.406281
Nunn.Tey Marianna; 6/24/1997; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 28.093750
Nunns,James R.; 2/5/2007; Tax Policy & Research Directc Santa Fe (City); Taxation & Revenue Department; 51.826923
Nusbaum.Floyd P; 5/15/1989; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.905071
Nussbaum.Micah R.; 1/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 25.129608
Nuttall.Crystal; 10/7/2006; Farmington; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 11.999789
Nutter.Gwendolyn L.; 5/27/2003; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 16.544000
Nyein.Theta H; 5/27/2000; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 29.286317
Nystrom.Krystyn; 4/22/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
O'Brien, Cherry; 5/9/2005; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-0; Transportation; 19.528265
O'Brien.AnaM; 3/8/2004; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; 21.141503
O'Connell.William A; 11/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 36.159040
O'Coyne.Crystal M.; 2/9/2008; Silver City; CLK-A; 11.000000
O'Dell,Debbie A.; 4/6/1998; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 28.324060
O'Dell.Kenn'eth W; 3/25/2008; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-A; Dept of Information Technology; 13.500000
O'Donnell.Kelly; 53.070920
O'DonnelUameson; 4/25/2005; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 12.201190
O'Hara, Patricia Jean; 7/12/2008; Alamogordo; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 24.973600
O'Melia.Mlchael K; 2/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Taxation & Revenue Department; 41.077150
O'Neal.Angelien R. 8/14/2000; 16.382003
O'Neill, Brian G.; 7/31/2006; Albuquerque; Agency Director; Tourism Department; 40.048076
O'rear, Cameron D; 9/5/2006; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 10.506570
O'Reiliy.Brendan; 10/22/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 25.000000
O'Shea.Susan G; 2/21/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 27.000000
O'Steen.Paula K; 5/2/1998; Tucumcari; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 15.018088
Oakeley, Patrick F.; 21.847000
Oakeley,Shaun B.; 3/17/2001; City); Santa Fe; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; 24.412523
Oakeley.Agnes C; 28.947692
Oakeley.Bruce; 9/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 27.399750
Oakeleyjimothy N.; 3/27/1995; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 41.344680
Oakes,Yvonne R.; 6/16/1975; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 21.802719
Oakley,l\/Iarisol; 6/16/1997; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.626363
Oaks,Sheryl E.; 6/2/1997; Hobbs; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.002482
Obenshain O'Gawa, Rebecca 3/29/2004; 26.019500
Obenshain,Sam; 1/27/2007; Albuquerque; A/0 1; Department; 35.575663
Ober,EdithF; 8/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.710000
Oberlander.Susan E.; 34.737080
Ochoa, George; 16.073810
Ochoa, Sarah M.; 15.940000
Ochoa,Jorge; 12/2/2006; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 14.156000
Ochoa.Caroline; 4/4/2009; 13.301000
Ochoa.Yvette; 14.229810
Oconnor,Cheryl P.; 10/26/1992; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; 32.740826
Odeii,Melissa R. 9/8/2007; 16.591600
Odell.Keith D.; 9/20/1993; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.693190
Odenwald, Ralph M; 5/8/1989; Albuquerque; District Public Defender ill; Public Defender; 49.024500
Odion, Ronald J.; 18.670187
Oeidier.Mictiaei D; 5/3/2008; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 16.000000
Offersen.John; 11/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 25.582460
Offutt l,Eldon Gene; 1/26/2008; Socorro (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.991600
Offutt.Ruth; 5/16/1978; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 22.560131
Ogas,Robert; 4/9/2007; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.321590
Ogas.Martha 8/28/2000; 18.320650
Oglesby, Steven T.; 17.633600
Ohara, James M; 6/17/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 34.937121
Ohare.Craig D; 1/1/2003; [City); Santa Fe; Division Director 1; 36.897000
Ohori,David R.; 31.531500
Ohrazda.Cynthia C.; 1/3/1994; Lovington; A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.231934
Ohrberg, Jonas; 19.192000
OIIoway,Shelly M; 7/2/2005; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 13.546876
Oiivas,Clarence G 7/31/2004; 21 .290000
Oisen,Timothy J.; 2/18/1991; Roswell; A/OH; 29.932650
Oizumi, Steve W.; Santa Fe (City)
Ojeda, Pauline E.; 3/27/2004; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.466514
Ojinaga,Samuel L; 10/1/2007; City); Santa Fe; GENI; 32.886150
Ojinaga.Julianne 8/12/2002; 12.631282
Ojinaga.Marcy; 1/9/1990; Santa Fe (City); COMP.BNF&JOBANA-A; 29.759460
Oker.Anne; 6/2/2003; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A;; 30.000000
Olague,Mary; 5/7/1990; Santa Fe (City); DATA ENTRY KEYR-0; Educational Retirement Board; 11.798391
Olah.Loretta Elaine; 10/21/1977; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Human Services Department; 48.588400
OlcottRobert B.; 11/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 42.000000
Oldham,Deanna; 6/28/2008; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.930000
Oldham.Pauia K.; 15.502298
Oldis.Lisa; 5/21/2007; [City); Santa Fe; ITAPPSDEV2; 27.451500
Olejnik, Joseph G; 11/4/2006; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 17.679460
Oleske.MaryT 9/4/1990; 36.699100
Olguin, George; 7/16/1991; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 24.171152
Olguin, Stacy N.; 6/14/1999; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-B; F Workforce Solutions; 18.244511
Olguin,Cynthia A.; 11/2/1998; City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; 20.472768
Olguin.JohnP; 3/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.112515
Olguin.JoseR. 8/10/1998; 23.150244
Olguin/Vincent C; 7/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Department of Game & Fish; 15.880000
Olguinjobias E.; 6/11/1990; Albuquerque; LINEN; Department of Transportation; 31.162460
Olivares,Melquiades J.; 72.266352
Olivares.Mark A.; 7/11/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; Department of Health; 23.823597
Olivas, Crystal G.; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.303000
Olivas,Alfred L; 12/17/2005; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.567600
Olivas,Anna Marie; 1/20/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUDGE 1 ANLYST-0; Military Affairs; 18.459139
Olivas,Dominic; 8/31/2002; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Olivas,ElenaA; 12/5/1988; PRACTil Anthony; 30.335912
Olivas,Henry; 4/20/1998; Truth Or Consequent; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.533101
Olivas,Jeanette S.; 7/31/2000; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A;; 15.171928
Olivas,Kathy E; 4/19/2008; Albuquerque; CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.370000
Olivas,LindaM.; 2/17/1992; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public Education Department; 20.315056
Olivas,Manuel F; 7/29/1989; [City); Santa Fe; DISPATCHER II; 18.248956
Olivas,Monica M.; Truth Or Consequen; CLK-A; 10.500000
Olivas,Sandra; 2/13/1993; Anthony; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.639709
Olivas,Venassa; 11/5/2001; Las Vegas; BARBER-0; Department of Health; 10.180856
Olivas,Victor; 5/22/2006; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.679646
Olivas.AlbertJ.; 6/20/1994; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 18.790433
Olivas.Cheri L.; 6/7/1993; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.331393
Olivas.Gilberto; 2/13/2006; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 14.587445
Olivas.James P.; 8/31/2002; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Olivas.Samantha; 4/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; 24.721600
Olivasjsrael J; 4/12/2003; Las Cruces; COIViPLNCE OFFICER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 16.090000
Oliver-Wright, Patricia; 8/10/1998; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 40.633800
Oliver, Gail 7/1/1996; 44.288462
Oliver,Sandra J.; 1/26/1998; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-O; 22.823630
Oliver.James R. 4/27/2002; 25.977000
Oliver.John B; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Department of Public Safety; 32.760636
Oliver.Victoria L.; 19.778000
Olix,Robert; 9/21/1998; Albuquerque; EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 27.399750
Olofson, Susan J; 4/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Olona,Anthony; 1/4/2003; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 17.150000
Olsen, Gloria J; 5/16/1988; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 15.992190
Olsen,MarkD; 5/21/1984; Las Cruces; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 28.414197
Olson,John; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.369810
Olson,PeterD; 1/11/2003; ty); Santa Fe (C; Public Information Officer II; 30.913120
Olson,William C.; 3/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Environment; 38.062123
Olson.JudyA.; 22.985614
Olson.Kenneth J.; 3/7/1999; Chama; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.232500
Olszewski.Steven; 7/26/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.890000
Olvera.Femma; 11/13/2001; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.227630
Omaoeng,Philip; 29.859840
Omelas,Eugene R; 10/15/2007; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-B; Cultural Affairs; 12.150000
Ongaga.Fred B.; 11/5/1990; Carlsbad; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.588392
Ongaga.Juana; 11/7/1992; Carlsbad; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.490232
Onstott, Kathleen A.; 6/27/2005; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 25.380625
Onstott.Garry; 1/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 28.290553
Ontiveros, Frank; 2/5/2001; Albuquerque; Dhl & CRIM INVEST-0; Public Defender; 16.460047
Ontiveros,Monica M.; 8/5/1991; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Taxation & Revenue Department; 43.319330
Opell.KimberiyA; 1/15/2005; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 15.554630
Opitz,Michael; 4/9/2005; Albuquerque; ENG lbCH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 17.491810
Opperman.Kresta-Leigh; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Ordonez, Ruben; 5/30/2006; Fort Bayard; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-B; Department of Health; 8.322029
Ordorica,Martha E 8/3/2002; 26.790951
Orellana.Viola B.; 19.636600
Ormand, Michael; 21.461630
Ornelas, Leonardo A.; 23.900000
Ornelas, Lorenzo; 8/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 23.217300
Ornelas,Crystal M.; 5/26/2004; Albuquerque; COURT.MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.401690
Ornelas.Sam V.; 10/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 38.973710
Orona.Debbie; 6/9/1997; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.713568
Orosco,Lorenzo; 6/7/1993; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.406301
Orosco,Theresa 3/1 7/1 986; 1 1 .039333
Orosco.Barbara 1/8/1996; 17.009019
Orozco, Antonio 2/24/2007; 13.479810
Orozco,Atilana; 5/24/1999; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 15.670000
Orozco,Dina L.; 30.487000
Orozco,Gerardo; 12/3/2005; Las Cruces; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.121915
Orozco.Dina L.; 30.487000
Orozco.Jesus F; 38.474000
Orozco.June M.; 3/24/1998; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Clovis; Human Services Department; 15.532630
Orozco.June; 2/17/1997; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Socorro (City); Human Services Department; 18.230000
Orquiz,Sarah 10/1/2007; 21.982000
Orr, James R. 8/24/1998; 35.980000
Orr.KevirvH.; 3/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 19.341164
Orrie.Ciiaries 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Ortega-Armijo.Cynthia M.; 11/15/1999; Albuquerque; A/O II; Gaming Control Board; 32.638965
Ortega-Garcia.Rosita V. 12/1/1992; 23.848460
Ortega, Aggie L 12/12/1989; 30.843440
Ortega, Annette M.; 3/16/1992; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; tation; 28.199000
Ortega, Ben D; 8/15/1992; Las Vegas; ELECTRICIAN-A; 18.585027
Ortega, Christopher L.; 7/19/1999; Reserve; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 22.634076
Ortega, David Jonathan; 25.247793
Ortega, Denise; 4/1/2002; Taos (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.403044
Ortega, Diana; 3/31/2008; Albuquerque; Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 22.272000
Ortega, Edmund A 6/21/2004; 17.633237
Ortega, Ernest; 33.434660
Ortega, Frances M; 10/22/2005; Santa Fe (City); 16.010585
Ortega, Gabriel R.; 4/10/2006; Hobbs; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 13.104810
Ortega, James Joseph; 4/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.358730
Ortega, Johnny; 28.545000
Ortega, Kathy Marie; 6/18/1990; Las Cruces; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.916028
Ortega, Leon P.; 4/24/2000; Las Vegas; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 19.875542
Ortega, Leslie M.; 14.135630
Ortega, Lucille G.; 2/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; of Transportation; 18.691546
Ortega, Marilyn; 12/28/1998; Santa Fe (City); ARB, IVIED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 23.313409
Ortega, Martin A. 12/21/1987; 34.670000
Ortega, Max 12/27/2008; 13.000000
Ortega, Michael A.; 23.247248
Ortega, Michael C. 12/14/1998; 13.612864
Ortega, Patrick Charles; 1/12/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Ortega, Raul H. 2/26/2005; 1 1 .782786
Ortega, Ray; 12/5/1984; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.603701
Ortega, Roger; 11/9/2002; Santa Teresa; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 20.809460
Ortega,Anita L.; 1/13/1997; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 11.792218
Ortega,Brian Joshua 1 1/29/2008; 1 3.000000
Ortega,Cathy L; 12.230606
Ortega,Christina; ANAL' Espanola; ANAL' Socorro (City); Tilford,Concepcion E; Robinson, Ginger A.; 15.127630
Ortega,Christine B.; 7/29/2006; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 11.138730
Ortega,Christine M; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-0; Educational Retirement Board; 20.400000
Ortega,Debbie J.; 10/23/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Human Services Department; 18.241376
Ortega,Georgia Ann; 1/10/2009; Fort Bayard; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.000000
Ortega,Gilbert M 9/24/2005; 1 1 .593437
Ortega,Jonathan N; 11/4/2002; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 13.974796
Ortega,Lea M. 9/23/1 996; 1 5.2271 90
Ortega,Marianne; 5/19/2003; Albuquerque; Investigator; Office of the Attorney General; 17.987000
Ortega,Mark A.; 5/15/2000; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.513545
Ortega,Mary F; 3/18/2002; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.097387
Ortega,Mercedes A. 7/29/1991; 42.002300
Ortega,Stephanie C.; 1/2/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.779000
Ortega,Vickie L; 8/8/1988; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; State Land Office; 17.207208
Ortega,Victor S.; 4/21/1992; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.839975
Ortega,Wendy E.; 8/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 27.498458
Ortega.Amanda R; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 13.995000
Ortega.Amanda; 5/31/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Ortega.Anthony D; 5/1/1976; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 17.892000
Ortega.April; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 14.095000
Ortega.Carl; 7/1/1987; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 26.299961
Ortega.Edmund V; 28.053275
Ortega.Joseph A; 10/18/2008; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 17.393677
Ortega.Joseph M; 6/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.696865
Ortega.Josepli R.; 15-097387
Ortega.Lydia; 5/21/2005; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.570000
Ortega.Marcella A.; 10/2/1989; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 43.035720
Ortega.Marcos; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.258730
Ortega.RaulX 3/29/2003; 17.542600
Ortega.Teresa E. 9/5/1 998; 1 2.771 000
Ortelli.Angelo E.; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 28.060000
Orth.Felicia L; 8/4/1987; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Department of Environment; 39.705356
Orthman, Kenneth M; 8/2/2003; Clayton; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 20.076460
Ortiz Gabaldon, Maria; 18.000000
Ortiz-Gonzales,JudyA.; 9/29/1997; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 17.993714
Ortiz-Gonzales.Drucilla 7/7/1997; 20.177600
Ortiz-Lohmeier, Alicia C.; 1/2/2001; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Taxation & Revenue Department; 38.923150
Ortiz, Bernadette D; 6/1/1981; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Name; 23.778887
Ortiz, Betty J; Albuquerque; INV-O; CLM ADJ.EXAM; F Workforce Solutions; 15.850072
Ortiz, Danny P.; 10/18/1999; Bloomfieid; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.236775
Ortiz, DarioT; 5/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.648000
Ortiz, David G; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 30.354720
Ortiz, Dennis S; 25.851211
Ortiz, DesiL; 1/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 17.099835
Ortiz, Dominic R.; 6/9/1997; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 17.585630
Ortiz, Donna M.; 2/17/1997; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 20.160000
Ortiz, Ester L.; 2/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 20.845598
Ortiz, Francisco; 5/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.091000
Ortiz, Frank V; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.694062
Ortiz, Gloria B.; 7/26/1997; Albuquerque; HR,TRAIN&LBRSPC-0;; 24.175630
Ortiz, James A; 8/26/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0;; 18.445630
Ortiz, Jarel X.; 2/9/2008; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 11.190690
Ortiz, Jerry F; 10/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; of Transportation; 18.645840
Ortiz, Joann L; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 18.000000
Ortiz, Joseph Robert; 13.708000
Ortiz, Judy L; 16.890000
Ortiz, Krystle D.; 11/1/2008; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Ortiz, Lisa M; 5/14/2007; Bernalillo (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.110000
Ortiz, Lori Ann; 12/15/2007; Moriarty; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 13.714810
Ortiz, Marcos Albert; 12/31/2007; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; General Services Department; 14.001603
Ortiz, Margaret D; 13.332459
Ortiz, N ichole L; 11.645000
Ortiz, Patricia 5/17/1999; 18.818600
Ortiz, Patricia A; 8/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Human Services Department; 18.154455
Ortiz, Patricia J.; 1/1/1980; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; State Treasurer; 26.242332
Ortiz, Patricia; 10/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 15.873810
Ortiz, Patricia; 6/11/1979; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.217777
Ortiz, Pearl; 3/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Environment; 15.764690
Ortiz, Reynaldo; 5/31/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 10.250000
Ortiz, Robert D.; 12/20/1982; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Department of Transportation; 50.659140
Ortiz, Robert F; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEN II; Department of Health; 45.100000
Ortiz, Roberta A 3/25/1996; 25.002720
Ortiz, Ronald A.; 1/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 19.286376
Ortiz, Rose M.; 10/26/2002; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 10.037514
Ortiz, Rosemarie; 6/16/1994; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 23.201600
Ortiz, Vanessa; 3/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; Department of Transportation; 13.601000
Ortiz, Vickie J; 22.551886
Ortiz, Vincent L.; 12/16/2004; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.383620
Ortiz, Virginia; 8/16/1973; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 15.405314
Ortiz,Adam James; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.108587
Ortiz,Adam; 9/10/2005; Albuquerque; C0URT,IV1UNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.442651
Ortiz,Adrian E.; 14.540000
Ortiz,Agnes; 26.501414
Ortiz,Amanda; 6/2/2003; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-B; Department of Transportation; 11.299570
Ortiz,Ana Marie; 11/3/1987; Santa Fe (City); Chief Legal Counsel; 43.421840
Ortiz,Antonio; 9/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); GEN!; Public Education Department; 38.469150
Ortiz,Arthur D; 12/19/1987; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; c Safety; 40.526920
Ortiz,Bea; 2/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.283069
Ortiz,Car!aV; 19.134746
Ortiz,Doris J.; 1/20/1998; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 15.402630
Ortiz,Emma J. 10/16/2006; 31.914680
Ortiz,George J; 8/2/2003; Clovis; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 22.971865
Ortiz,Gerald; 17.135787
Ortiz,Gilbert; 9/10/2001; Fort Bayard; LINE II; Health; 19.472883
Ortiz,JamesR; 1/7/1991; Las Vegas; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 22.865115
Ortiz,Jerid O; 4/8/2006; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.020000
Ortiz,Jesus Manuel; 1/2/1982; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 19.279810
Ortiz,John P.; 10/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 20.542669
Ortiz,Johnny 2/22/1999; 18.110187
Ortiz,Jose M.; 8/3/1982; Santa Fe (City); MAINT& REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Transportation; 14.509995
Ortiz,Juiian; 9/27/1976; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3;; 32.429574
Ortiz,KathyR; 4/23/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.739103
Ortiz,Lee Annette; 3/4/1991; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.293893
Ortiz,LindaM.; 5/24/1999; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.721810
Ortiz,LouisG; 3/12/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 17.371600
Ortiz,lrma Elaine 1 1/29/2008; 1 3.000000
Ortiz,Marissa; 2/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Education Department; 23.076923
Ortiz,Melissa J; 11/28/2008; Portales; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.040000
Ortiz,NicoleJ; 3/2/2005; City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-0; 7.510000
Ortiz,Paul M.; 6/6/1989; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 22.033471
Ortiz,Raul 1.; 10/4/1993; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Education Department; 16.979143
Ortiz,RonA; 12/21/2004; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; 25.611600
Ortiz,Rulene H; 11/14/1992; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.653439
Ortiz,Sidney W; 16.038187
Ortiz,Sophie J; 10/13/1987; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 17.664503
Ortiz,Stephanie D.; 4/6/1998; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Retirement Board; 15.825695
Ortiz,Teresa M.; 9/2/1997; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 1 1 .394693
Ortiz.Albert; 13.469810
Ortiz.Amadeo J; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; of Transportation; 17.808000
Ortiz.Anthony A; 10/15/2001; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.789190
Ortiz.Anthony R. 3/5/2007; 15.520303
Ortiz.Antonio A.; 4/24/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.922172
Ortiz.Caressa D; 9/11/2004; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.291439
Ortiz.Carla A.; 3/20/2000; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 31.252871
Ortiz.Carlos; 3/4/1989; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.629487
Ortiz.Carmen M.; 12/20/2001; Raton; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.807385
Ortiz.Charles L; 2/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 33.552852
Ortiz.Christine L; 2/15/1993; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 20.757630
Ortiz.Christobal M; 7/29/2006; Albuquerque; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 31.302370
Ortiz.Danie!; 7/13/1998; San Jon; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.370190
Ortiz.Danyeile B.; 11/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.828570
Ortiz.Denise R.; 10/21/1996; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 16.806899
Ortiz.Dennis J. 7/27/1987; 46.655050
Ortiz.Donald J.; 8/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); Special Projects Coord. 1; Economic Developmnt Department; 23.557693
Ortiz.Donna M.; 4/12/1994; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 28.966553
Ortiz.EdnaM.; 8/9/1999; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; F Workforce Solutions; 11.269817
Ortiz.EdnaT.; 1/19/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Department of Health; 41.771300
Ortiz.Edward K; 10/25/1977; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; F Transportation; 14.990903
Ortiz.Elida R.; 2/3/1997; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 8.500000
Ortiz.Gary E; 18.080000
Ortiz.GregM.; 6/5/1995; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.663000
Ortiz.Jacob 1/7/2002; 17.135787
Ortiz.John R.; 5/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); MAINT& REPAIR WKR-0;; 14.024090
Ortiz.Jose M; 11/21/2005; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 28.329520
Ortiz.Josefina; 12/8/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.740000
Ortiz.Julian J.; 2/23/1993; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 20.022768
Ortiz.Karen M.; 15.114400
Ortiz.Katherine J.; Aiamogordo; CLK-A; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 15.493548
Ortiz.Kenneth F; 10/18/1993; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 46.889080
Ortiz.Kenneth J; 7/6/2002; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; Public Regulation Commission; 20.999543
Ortiz.Larry Martin; 11/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-B; of Transportation; 18.898724
Ortiz.Lisa Ann; 8/8/1986; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Economic Developmnt Department; 35.702380
Ortiz.Lorenzo; 9/4/1990; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.749651
Ortiz.Louis M.; 1/19/1991; (City); Santa Fe; HR ASST,XCPT PAYRL-B; 14.533570
Ortiz.Marguerite P; 12/8/1986; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.810000
Ortiz.Maria N; 10/3/1988; (City); Santa Fe; LINE II; 29.635760
Ortiz.MarieT.; 2/1/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Department of Environment; 21.287105
Ortiz.Mark; 16.779391
Ortiz.Mary Jean; 11/30/1985; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 15.439454
Ortiz.MaryA.; 5/11/2002; Las Vegas; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 30.492271
Ortiz.Melvin M.; 21.503936
Ortiz.MelvinC.; 11/15/1999; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 13.709992
Ortiz.Michael A; 12/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 28.862460
Ortiz.Michael L.; 8/31/1998; Bernalillo (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.875382
Ortiz.MoniqueA; 6/4/2001; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-B; F Workforce Solutions; 20.468810
Ortiz.Nathan; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEAVY EQUIP OP-A; Department of Game & Fish; 15.110000
Ortiz.Paul J; 2/16/2004; Santa Fe (City); CARPENTER-A; Department of Transportation; 11.961068
Ortiz.PeggyO; 4/15/1991; Roswell; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; 16.180976
Ortiz.Priscilla J; 1/16/1996; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.559679
Ortiz.Sandra E; 6/16/1986; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Environment; 20.701810
Ortiz.SandyA; 9/3/1991; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 20.693149
Ortiz.SaraD; 10.204235
Ortiz.Sharon A.; 13.014730
Ortiz.Sheryl; 11/25/2002; Santa Fe (City); GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 12.268889
Ortiz.Shirley 6/23/2003; 19.879190
Ortiz.Shyaela M; 12/8/2003; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 16.132925
Ortiz.Tanya M.; 23.616180
Ortiz.Venessa L.N.; 1/13/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.235630
Ortiz.Venus T.; 8/23/1999; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Environment; 17.407771
Ortiz.Violet; 9.420000
Ortiz.Virginia L; 10/8/2005; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.037567
Ortzow, Jeffrey; 4/14/1990; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0; Department of Health; 15.499810
Ortzow.Annette M.; 10/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-A; 17.011901
Osbom.Dan P.; 12/18/1995; Nara Visa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.008810
Osbom.lan Charles; 8/11/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCH IATRIST-0; Department of Health; 72.268987
Osborn, Sarah; 8/10/2001; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.378320
Osborn,Brendon Wayne; 3/17/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Osborne,Jack L.; 1/5/1998; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 27.347392
Oshel.Stephanie L; 5/17/2008; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.470000
Osorio, Elizabeth; 22.795780
Osorio.Elias D.; 11/27/1989; Carlsbad; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 15.274190
Osorio.Elias Jr.; 8/15/2005; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 11.308190
Ossorgin, Nicholas M; 23.463000
Ostajheodore S.; 4/23/1994; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-O; Gaming Control Board; 18.677515
Ostic, Anthony J.; 5/2/1988; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 21.205385
Ostmeyer Jr.Gene J; 6/18/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.967892
Otero-Molina.Rose; 10/3/2005; (City); Santa Fe; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; 20.541823
Otero, David L.; 9/3/1991; Albuquerque; A/OII; Human Services Department; 31.888300
Otero, Denise I; 19.192993
Otero, Felix E.; 9/23/1985; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 15.874067
Otero, James 5/19/1997
Otero, James; 4/10/2004; Los Lunas; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.213630
Otero, Lawrence; 8/23/1999; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 27.848000
Otero, Manuel A.; 10/31/1992; Los Lunas; STAFF; Department of Health; 25.308853
Otero, Michael A.; 4/13/1992; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 24.065908
Otero,Alfonso; 1/20/2003; Albuquerque; Special Assistant III; Workers Compensation Admin; 37.994600
Otero,Andrea c; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Otero,Arthur C.; 6/1/1998; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-O;; 22.397373
Otero,Frances M.; 1/21/1988; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 11.397722
Otero,Loren 5/22/1989; 21.655600
Otero,Lorraine; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; General Services Department; 16.890000
Otero,Maxine 5/10/2003; 28.947240
Otero,Maya J; 15.628000
Otero,Prisci!la J.; 17.405630
Otero,RamonaV; 2/11/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.941730
Otero,Rebecca Naomi; 4/4/2009; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
Otero,RubyL; 14.570713
Otero.Angela; 22.212376
Otero.Angeline Y; 17.733600
Otero.Bryan; 49.471153
Otero.Gerard A.; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 13.341011
Otero.Janet L; 10/23/1995; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.779000
Otero.Jennifer M; 10/6/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Public Safety; 12.894690
OTHICK.TERRY; 6/18/2007; Albuquerque; Deputy Cabinet Secretary; F Workforce Solutions; 45.592540
Otto.Jennifer Blake; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 31.834040
Oty.Gary William; 31.514175
Ousiey, Elizabeth S; 9/9/2006; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Ouzts,Jessica R; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.867630
Ovalle.Caroiina; 2/5/2007; Deming; ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 14.427811
Overby.Manuel T.; 2/21/1998; Questa; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 20.157933
Overmier.Richard E; 5/25/2007; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.150000
Oviedo.MarcoA.; 19.171000
Oviedo.Susan; 10/23/1999; Santa Rosa; LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 25.244579
Owen, Benjamin T; 18.339265
Owen,Daniel I; 10/23/2000; Roswell; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 25.386548
Owen.Alan T; 10/22/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; F Workforce Solutions; 8.802760
Owen.JeffM.; 9/10/1987; Jal; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 20.448791
Owenby,Lillian M 3/1 1/2002; 22.556048
Owens, Brenda 12/13/2005; 14.466640
Owens,Michael T; 10/13/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 34.209791
Owens.Christina M; 1/31/2004; Albuquerque; STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.370000
Owens.Cynthia G.; 7/19/1993; Deming; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 22.804460
Owens.Jeffrey A.; 12/31/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Owens.Jonenne M.; 2/22/1999; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.447000
Owens.Kenneth; 10/24/2005; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.890000
Owens.Melinda L.; 7/14/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 21.659460
Owens.Shawna M.; 20.400000
Owens.Steven I; Gallup; Los Lunas; Albuquerque; Moriarty; 22.559900
Oyenque,Wayne; 10/8/1991; Santa Fe (City); REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 22.792213
Pabinquit.Alvin M; 5/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-B; General Services Department; 12.355782
PacheccChristopher W 9/8/2007; 16.000000
Pacheco Junior.Russell Curti:; 4/4/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Pacheco-De.Carmel; 9/2/1997; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 37.148760
Pacheco, Albert J; 8/17/1987; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; Health; 13.062642
Pacheco, Andrew A; 3/18/1985; (City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 2; 31.112309
Pacheco, Beatrice; 7/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Retirement Board; 35.552000
Pacheco, Charles A; 2/8/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; : Workforce Solutions; 29.826177
Pacheco, Dennis; 8/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.563000
Pacheco, Eileen D; 1/8/2001; Taos (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 12.276633
Pacheco, Elizabeth; 10/17/1983; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Information Technology; 26.909460
Pacheco, Elvira L; 16.390000
Pacheco, Evelyn E; 1/5/1988; Santa Fe (City); COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-A; Public Education Department; 30.958252
Pacheco, Frances; 2/14/2000; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 17.168630
Pacheco, James Adam 7/3/2004; Los Lunas; Santa Fe (City)
Pacheco, Joseph L.; 8/13/1994; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 15.680145
Pacheco, Joseph R.; 10/2/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 17.668630
Pacheco, Joseph; Las Vegas; Truth Or Consequeni; Albuquerque; Truth Or Consequeni; 10.184690
Pacheco, Lawrence G.; 11.500000
Pacheco, Michael S.; 15.788795
Pacheco, Nicholas A.; 5/11/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.936215
Pacheco, Robert E.; 8/11/2007; Albuquerque; LINE II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.709460
Pacheco,Amanda V; 1/12/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Pacheco,AnitaL; 9/11/2004; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 12.181690
Pacheco,Anna L.; 8/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.713336
Pacheco,Antionette T.; 4/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; ic Safety; 16.660000
Pacheco,Brandee; 11/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 21.000000
Pacheco,Corallyn S; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; CORRCTNL OFF &JA!L-0; CORRCTNL OFF &JAtL-0; 13.479810
Pacheco,Corrina M.; 5/10/2003; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; es Dpt; 22.377411
Pacheco,EddieA.; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 21.020396
Pacheco,Gabriel L.; 2/27/1993; Santa Fe (City); LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 30.487000
Pacheco,Georgia; 11.528690
Pacheco,John; 5/30/1987; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.955382
Pacheco,Krystle B.; 5/17/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.000000
Pacheco,LeoF; 19.737200
Pacheco,Lou Ann; 2/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); STOCK CLRK/ORD FIL-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.342108
Pacheco,LuisA.; 12/28/1998; Las Vegas; LINEN; Department of Health; 18.241376
Pacheco,Mabel D.; 8/27/2002; Taos (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A;; 17.103929
Pacheco,Manuel A.; 31.238715
Pacheco,Martin R; 10/3/1988; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-A; c Safety; 28.984258
Pacheco,Mary; 4/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 19.566431
Pacheco,Paul A.; 10/16/2000; Santa Fe (City); AO-B; FIN SPEC,; 13.175314
Pacheco,Pauline F.; 5/14/1990; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Admin; 21.266901
Pacheco,Sandra A; 14.230858
Pacheco,Sandra Kay; 10/22/2005; Espanola; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.679686
Pacheco,Yvette Theresa; 10/20/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 1 5.595630
Pacheco.Andres; 6/2/2003; Eagle Nest; 20.854000
Pacheco.Angelica; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 9.718570
Pacheco.Anna; 8/1/1989; Los Lunas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 19.745630
Pacheco.Annie; Santa Fe (City)
Pacheco.Anthony F.; 8/5/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Public Safety; 32.300789
Pacheco.Antonio J; 9.719376
Pacheco.Brenda Yvette; 29.808000
Pacheco.Catalina; 8/24/1987; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.443890
Pacheco.Christopher H; 9/28/1992; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 40.080436
Pacheco.Dominic M; 2/28/2005; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.692301
Pacheco.Elaine Catanach; 9/21/1987; Santa Fe (City); GEN {-ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 41.363954
Pacheco.Gladys V.; 3/2/1992; Albuquerque; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 13.667782
Pacheco.Henry; 10.218678
Pacheco.Janelle; 15.940000
Pacheco.John; 4/16/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 21.409460
Pacheco.Julia D.; 4/1/1993; Alamogordo; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Pacheco.Julie A.; 1/3/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 17.375637
Pacheco.Larry J.; 9/4/1990; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.659460
Pacheco.Lawrence C. 7/14/1986; 44.579220
Pacheco.Lucille E.; 8/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-O; Public Defender; 12.274139
Pacheco.Marc D.; 1/13/1996; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.126630
Pacheco.Mary M.; 12/11/1995; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 14.083758
Pacheco.Phii O; 15.879810
Pacheco.Remijio D; 8/27/1986; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 33.933774
Pacheco.Robyn M.; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Pacheco.Sarah Emenencia; 6/13/2001; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-O; Department of Health; 20.247464
Pacheco.Sylvia A; 24.161600
Pacheco.Tawnie D; 6/17/2006; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; c Safety; 11.228730
Pacheco.Thomas B.; 5/11/1998; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.655630
Pacheco.Tomacita O; 1/30/1993; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 11.074693
Pack.Ronald L.; 7/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Department of Health; 20.259377
Packard,Gail A.; 14.948690
Packard.Jerome C. 12/18/1991; 21.332371
Packer, Scott T.; 14.000000
Padiiia.Jovan M.; 15.937387
Padiiia.Monica R; 14.723810
Padiila,Mike Patrick; 17.797810
Padiila.Brian S.; 10/25/2004; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.217810
Padiila.Melissa; 2/9/2008; Silver City; CLK-A; 12.394690
Padilia, Marcos Dante; 14.457810
Padilia.Carlos A.; 8/12/1996; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.044526
Padilia.John C; 1/28/2006; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.080000
Padilia.Joseph C.; 1/16/1990; Los Lunas; A/0 II; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.260000
Padilla Vigil.Virginia S; 4/5/2008; Albuquerque; A/OII; Public Education Department; 40.216000
Padilla-Estrada,Vera L.; 11/25/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 19.993175
Padilla-Ramirez.Sandra A.; 8/24/1987; Santa Fe (City); INSCLMS/POLCYCLK-0; Public Regulation Commission; 18.421956
Padilla-Ruiz.Margaret; 9/28/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; ic Safety; 16.482810
Padilla, Amos 11/3/2007; 16.000000
Padilla, Angela Karla 1 1 /30/1 987; 23.426460
Padilla, Bridget 4/29/1996; 14.088730
Padilla, Brittany; 6/15/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 14.000000
Padilla, Darren J.; 4/24/1989; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 29.082040
Padilla, David; 2/2/1981; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 15.334229
Padilla, Erica M.; 2/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.029460
Padilla, Evelyn F.; 12/22/1990; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 22.621951
Padilla, Frances A.; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Padilla, Francesca J.; 11/19/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Padilla, Francisco; 8.500000
Padilla, Frank S; 8/29/2005; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 13.692965
Padilla, John A; 9/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 12.686442
Padilla, Linda; 2/16/2009; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.940000
Padilla, Lucy Ann; Las Vegas; Albuquerque; Las Vegas; Las Vegas; 13.588106
Padilla, Margaret A; 7/1/1987; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 18.295433
Padilla, Margaret; 5/8/1995; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL* Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 16.395630
Padilla, Michael A.; 8.500000
Padilla, Patricia Michelle; 9.447867
Padilla, Robert F.; 8/10/1995; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 12.328570
Padilla, Robert; 2/27/1984; Raton; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 17.713085
Padilla, Roberta J; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ,EXAM; 12.000000
Padilla,Adela 3/25/2006; 42.152765
Padilla,Adelaida C; 24.273968
Padilla,Alfonso; 15.027810
Padilla,Anthony; 2/19/2001; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; F Workforce Solutions; 12.964139
Padilla,Ashley A.; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Padilla,Bernie E. 1/29/1990; 42.798300
Padilla,Celina L; 11/12/1996; Santa Fe (City); AO-A; FIN SPEC,; 18.273000
Padilla,Cheryl L; 16.826000
Padilla,Christine M.; 10/20/1997; Las Vegas; NURSING; LINE II-; 29.067052
Padilla,Christy D; 11.227815
Padilla,Cynthia; 25.180000
Padilla,Darlene; 9/25/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.627800
Padilla,David C.; 12/10/1992; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; 20.489000
Padilla,David V; 7/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 14.944122
Padilla,Deborah A; 8/1/1981; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 21.337600
Padilla,Deborah A.; 9/28/2002; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 12.874570
PADILLA,DEMESIA; 11/10/2007; Gaming Control Commissione Santa Fe (City); Gaming Control Board; 48.893501
Padilla,Dianna B; 10/10/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.770000
Padilla,Donna D; 4/23/1984; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-O; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 21.672810
Padilla,Dorothy D.; 20.955630
Padilla,Dorothy R; 8/16/2003; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; 24.770460
Padilla,Edward J; 1/29/2009; City); Santa Fe i; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Padilla,Enedine L; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 11.615000
Padilla,Ernesto; 9/2/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 22.181733
Padilla,Gilbert R; 5/14/1990; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; F Health; 21.224876
Padilla,GuadalupeJ.; 8/6/1995; Las Vegas; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-O; 12.931000
Padilla,Jacqueline; 1/12/2008; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 33.648000
Padilla,Jerry R.; 8/14/2000; Clayton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.357190
Padilla,Jessica H.; 10/6/1997; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.160084
Padilla,John; 2/9/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Information Technology; 48.145933
Padilla,Joseph D; 12/17/2005; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O;; 16.779391
Padilla,Joseph M.; 12/30/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE AN AT Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.235630
Padilla,Joseph W.; 6/10/1985; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 17.131835
Padilla,Kimberly; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; COIVIPLNCE OFFICER-0;; 16.000000
Padilla,Larry T.; 6/21/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; Public Regulation Commission; 29.299590
Padilla,Leonard J; 39.792888
Padilla,Luisa; 12/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 9.622760
Padilla,ManuelJ. 9/30/1992; 12.529548
Padilla,Olympia; 2/26/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 7.500000
Padilla,Patrick; 5/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 23.400000
Padilla,Pete D; 5/11/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.525751
Padilla,Prescilla E; 11/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC; 14.279523
Padilla,Regina L; 7/29/1991; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Public Regulation Commission; 14.360046
Padilla,Rita Susan; 7/16/1994; Las Cruces; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 17.447590
Padilla,Robert D.; 1/10/1994; Rowe; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.930001
Padilla,Robert; 10/26/2002; (City); Santa Fe; PAINTER/CNST& MAIN-0; 10.613005
Padilla,Rosa M.; 10/2/2000; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.062847
Padilla,Roy; 6/10/1996; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Workforce Solutions; 31.827300
Padilla,Ruben; 5/31/1977; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 23.843220
Padilla,RudyF.; 7/27/1998; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 19.216573
Padilla,Seferina J 8/7/1989; 14.240130
Padilla,Shannon; 6/4/1998; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.740000
Padilla,Tommy; 18.690000
Padilla,Valerie N; 1/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Public Education Department; 21.304339
Padilla.Alexander; 2/7/2009; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Padilla.Alfonso A. 7/29/1991; 25.423474
Padilla.Alfonso Ruben; 3/9/2007; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 12.634690
Padilla.Amanda J.; 6/2/2007; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.525630
Padilla.Amanda N; 5/17/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 13.750000
Padilla.AnaR; 9/11/2004; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.004810
Padilla.Anthony; 10/1/1991; Albuquerque; SECURITY GUARD-O; Cultural Affairs; 1 1 .924730
Padilla.Antonette C.; 10.102677
Padilla.Bernice; 5/27/2000; Fort Bayard; COOK, INST & CAF-A; Department of Health; 11.973914
Padilla.Brenda L; 2/15/1999; [City); Santa Fe; DISPATCHER II; 17.317949
Padilla.Carlos A.; 5/13/1985; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.787762
Padilla.Cindy; 9/24/2001; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; 50.659140
Padilla.Consuelo V; 1/27/2007; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Padilla.Crystal L; 1/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-A; Department of Transportation; 15.871690
Padilla.Darlene; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.660000
Padilla.Donald R.; 7/5/1988; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 31.207851
Padilla.Dora D; 11/7/2005; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; f Workforce Solutions; 13.739156
Padilla.Dorene G; 11/19/2005; Belen; GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 1 1 .693437
Padilla.EIizabeth; 29.009153
Padilla.Ellen L; 7/1/1987; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.862460
Padilla.Ernesto; 8/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 20.035630
Padilla.Frankie; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 12.620000
Padilla.Fred R; 8/7/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.750848
Padilla.George; 2/16/1990; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.323197
Padilla.Geraldine C.; 10/21/1998; Rio Rancho; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 16.368717
Padilla.Geremy Steven; 6/28/2008; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER.NONRST-O; Department of Health; 7.750000
Padilla.Grace; 9/4/2001; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.579147
Padilla.Henry; 5/31/1989; Los Lunas; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-O; Department of Health; 13.897927
Padilla.Herminio Jr.; 8/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 13.094690
Padilla.Judith; 16.100000
Padilla.Karlene D; 8.500000
Padilla.Kathi C.; 6/22/1992; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Public Regulation Commission; 18.662416
Padilla.L Teresa; 4/10/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 36.208000
Padilla.Linnie S. 7/8/1996; 23.740000
Padilla.lsaac; 11/25/2002; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 15.448427
Padilla.Lynn M; 22.728174
Padilla.Martin C.; 3/15/1993; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.777310
Padilla.Mary E.; 7/17/1995; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-0; Workforce Solutions; 18.559889
Padilla.Maxine; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Padilla.Michael J.; 10/15/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 11.199422
Padilla.Monique N; 17.633600
Padilla.Nancy S.; 9.923452
Padilla.PeterA.; 9/26/2005; Santa Rosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.483190
Padilla.Phillip G; 8/7/1989; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 11.040138
Padilla.Rick M.; 5/31/1994; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 25.546798
Padilla.Rocio; 11.224072
Padilla.Rudy D; 3/22/1986; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 22.870775
Padilla.Ruth L 10/12/1993; 11.052169
Padilla.Sherice; 6/19/2004; Albuquerque; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; 17.270000
Padilla.Steve J.; 12/5/1994; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 21.650801
Padilla.Troy; 6/29/1998; Capitan; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.193951
Padilla.Vincent J; 3/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Dept of Information Technology; 35.388889
Padillajony R; 4/30/2007; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 15.716600
Padua, Hyacinth Vargas; 1/2/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.500000
Paez,Hugo; 11/13/2000; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.798190
Paez,James M.; Grants; Santa Fe (City); Grants; IT APPS DEV 1; 16.726500
Paez.Joseph C.; 7/8/1992; Truth Or Consequen<; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.256675
Page,Francis P.; 10/31/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 35.818300
Pagejrina V.; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Environment; 16.438190
Paimer,Kevin; 15.849810
Painter,Charles W; 9/27/1985; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 26.888220
Painter.Dorothy R.; 9/30/1991; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; F Workforce Solutions; 14.320487
Pairett,Anna Marie; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.100000
Paisano.Christopher P.; 15.529810
Paiz-Chavez,Geralynn M; 4/5/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.490196
Paiz-Viera.ErnestineV; 11/18/1991; Rio Rancho; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.870628
Paiz,Louisa E; 21.037459
Paiz.Judith A; 9/11/1978; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.667390
Paiz.Paula Marie; 11/28/1978; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.339500
Paiz.Tina; 11/8/2006; Albuquerque; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 12.694760
Palacios.Lucia M.; 1/20/2001; Las Cruces; 18.792587
Palacios.Yvett C.; 8/22/2005; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 17.962921
Palermo.Pamela; 11/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.890000
Pallanes.Mary P 10/6/2003; 23.287374
Pallardy,Mark A; 12/6/1982; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; : Workforce Solutions; 25.997719
Pallas, Diane; 10/23/2006; Albuquerque; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-A; 28.936460
Palleti.Venkata; 11/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Human Services Department; 40.741913
Palma.Stacy Dawn 1 1/29/2008; 1 3.000000
Palmer, Russell; 5/3/2008; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Palmer,Charles E; 1/11/2000; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.355190
Palmer,Paula A; 4/12/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.070000
Palmer.Betty P.; 20.367252
Palmer.Kathy H; 9/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 24.966105
Palmer.Michelle; 8/6/2007; Albuquerque; Teacher; Health; 31.507000
Palmgren,Morten; 7/26/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Palmier.Barbara L.; 5/4/1998; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Gaming Control Board; 18.718434
Palomarez,Elida; 4/19/1997; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Anthony; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.663433
Palomarez,Lorraine R.; 11/25/2002; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 15.127630
Palomarez.Adriana; 10.350000
Palomarez.Asya N; 9/2/2008; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 7.500000
Palomarez.Gabriel L.; 3/3/1986; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.148575
Palomarez.Nathalian; 9/8/1992; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 21.792075
Palomarez.Pamela; 4/11/1997; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 13.491025
Palomino,Daniei; 17.975787
Palomino.April Joy; 2/10/2007; Las Vegas; COURIER & MESGNR-O; 8.322029
Palomino.Patricia Y; 7/16/1988; Las Vegas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 13.153286
Palumbo,Ronald J.; 3/11/1995; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.557960
Pamatian.Tonya L; 9/29/2003; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 24.829460
Pando,Josh Richard; 24.817620
Pangborn, Richard H. 5/10/1999; 30.355855
Pankey,Joyce S; 8/6/1967; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant III; State Land Office; 26.880000
Pape.Kathy S. 10/17/1994; 25.805500
Parada, Andrea Nicole; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; CUST SRV REP-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.370000
Paradise.Katherine; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 15.750000
Parascandola,Thomas; 8/5/2000; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Pardieu.Benito J.; 16.239810
Pargas, Jacqueline; 8/26/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.364265
Paris,Rodney; 5/22/1993; Tucumcari; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 22.405284
Paris.Barbara; 9/6/2008; [City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 1; 22.740000
Parish, Brooke Snowden; 56.520884
Parish, Parker D. 2/15/1992; 36.755978
Park,Julie; 30.634040
Park.Stanley R; 10/1/1990; [City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 33.252027
Parker, John W; 2/20/1984; Santa Fe (City); GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Environment; 37.614393
Parker,Amy Y; 8/17/2002; Portales; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.578190
Parker,Carol M; 7/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Department of Environment; 33.445838
Parker,James M.; 32.980769
Parker,KellyJ.; 2/9/1998; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 24.415460
Parker.GaryW; 5/1/1989; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.795115
Parker.Lavena G.; 10/3/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.701600
Parkes,Andrew S; 6/3/2002; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 19.495875
Parkins.Jennifer C.; 9/23/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 22.231460
Parks, Judith; 9/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 39.135150
Parks.James Edward; 21.847000
Parks.Tina R; 12/3/2005; Truth Or Consequeni; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Parnell, Phillip L; 6/16/1997; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 17.356168
Paroz.Yvette M.; 11/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 21.845155
Parra, Maria C.r.; 1/14/2004; Las Cruces; MED & PUB HLTH SW-A; Health; 25.724532
Parra, Raymond E.; 4/16/1990; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 19.190661
Parra, Raymond T.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 12.150000
Parra,Andy d.; 4/20/1998; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-0; F Public Safety; 19.754460
Parra,Doris; 9/2/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 24.330000
Parra,TommyP; 21.060000
Parra,Zeke; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Public Safety; 17.591600
Parra.Analsabel G.; 8/25/2007; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 18.136000
Parra.Federico C; 1/8/1990; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.951933
Parra.Tiffany M; 10/18/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Deming; Human Services Department; 13.401000
Parraz, Debbie J.; 4/16/2007; Albuquerque; TEACHER ASST-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.075092
Parrill.Victoria; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 28.060000
Parrish, Elizabeth; 6/7/2003; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.421600
Parry,Hugh W.; 9/27/1973; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; 36.800000
Parsons,Cynthia L. 10/4/1997; 16.780784
Pas, Melissa; 6/25/2001; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE.ORDR.ATN-0; of Health; 13.829000
Pascarelli-Barraza,Anne M.; 10/14/2000; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 32.224500
Paschke, David E.; 10.715646
Pascual, Manuel S; 2/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.984000
Pasquale, Patricia J.; 7/31/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.062000
Pasteris, Allan J.; 5/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 29.173241
Pasteris, Connie L.; 6/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; t of Environment; 26.353982
Pasternak.Adam; 10/8/2005; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 32.360944
Pastrana.Carlos; 56.109304
Patchell.Vanessa S.; 5/3/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Patel,Sandeep M.; 1/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Department of Health; 33.800000
PateLSureshM; 9/18/1989; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 21.961630
PatGreg; 5/24/2004; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.235810
Patin.Thomas C; 7/20/2002; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 29.494040
Patinka.Douglas C.; 23.256851
Patten, Helen Monica; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 22.440000
Patten, Kirk A; 9/30/2002; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 24.071600
Patterson, Alice G; 6/4/2005; Silver City; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.779391
Patterson, Chelsea; 1/26/2008; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Patterson, Frank R.; 6/14/1999; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 15.237810
Patterson, Geraldine E.; 2/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 11.000000
Patterson, Herman; 6/30/1986; Bloomfield; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 27.532000
Patterson, Irene; 5/17/1999; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.636450
Patterson, Kathleen D.; 9/6/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Patterson, Kevin L; 1/15/2005; Los Lunas; PSY-A; 25.969460
Patterson, Nornna; 22.308300
Patterson, Stephen M; 4/6/1985; Roswell; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 25.957298
Patterson,Clifford Michael; 9/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Health; 16.490250
Patterson,Michelle; 22.554678
Patterson.Susan A.; 22.194600
Patterson.Troy D.; 31.392700
Pattison,Keri L.; 6/15/1998; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.523730
Patton,Cathy L.; 9/21/1987; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 20.368080
Patton,James M.; 10/1/2003; Roswell; CARPENTER-A; Department of Transportation; 14.808875
Patton.Joshua N 4/13/2002; 11.124072
Patton.LeeAnn Ercelia; 11/10/1997; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.358730
Patton.Sashua C; 10/4/2008; Roswell; PERS & HOME CARAID-0; Commission for the Blind; 10.500000
Patty, Car! L; 22.517000
Pauk.Alison Brean; 9/25/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 24.092500
Paul,Bernadette Cencera; 11.194690
Paul.Gilbert L; 8/20/1996; Bloomfield; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; .of Transportation; 18.242000
Paul.Marvin J.; 17.415859
Paulman-Rodriguez.Lynette I; 8/23/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Ofc of the State Engineer; 36.494615
Paulson, Renee S; 19.067015
Paulus.Kristine; 8/29/2000; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 24.480000
Pautler.Susan Ann 3/22/2008; 16.591600
Pavlides,Harry M; 5/4/2005; Albuquerque; 27.982920
Payen.Enedina; 6/5/2004; Portales; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Human Services Department; 12.5/ /698
Payne, Harold L; 3/25/2002; Las Cruces; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 18.119697
Payne, Matthew R; 10.023000
Payne,Denise; 8/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-A; State Treasurer; 23.659460
Payne,Jude C.; 22.652803
Payne,Maurice K 11/1/2008; 18.000000
Payne,Rhonda; 6/21/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 24.768055
Payne.Carol A.; 11/20/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 26.110000
Payne.Claudia E; 6/2/2003; (City); Santa Fe; CLM AD J, EXAM, IN V-A; 23.963254
Payne.Renee J; 24.792880
Paz,John L.; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.395919
Paz,Michelle A.; Socorro (City); CLK-A; 11.190000
Paz.Armando; 4/8/2006; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 19.857276
Paz.Lucio; 11/16/1998; Santa Fe (City); HEAVY EQUIP OP-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.814690
Paz.Rita A.; 3/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 20.562000
Paz.ShaneS.; 6/12/2000; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 13.626690
Peace, Nancy Emerick; Clovis; Los Lunas; Santa Fe (City); Los Lunas; 28.300474
Peach,SallyA.; 2/28/2009; Roswell; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.440000
Peach.Taffy M; 3/22/2008; Roswell; CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 9.750000
Peacock, David A; 3/30/2002; Tucumcari; ENViRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 19.999239
Peacock,Jane C; 6/30/2007; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 46.228842
Pearce,BrentW; 2/9/1987; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; Ofc of the State Engineer; 29.154613
Pearce,Sharon O; 4/11/1984; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Ofc of the State Engineer; 40.123300
Pearce.Fanny; 12/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Rehbltation; 21.212829
Peariman,Suzanne L.; 8/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 29.849500
Pearlman, Daniel J; 9/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 35.572618
Pearse.Melinda L; 2/20/2006; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 12.188190
Pearson .Michael Sean; 5/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); GEN II -IT; Department of Health; 43.361804
Pearson, Amy Y; 1/4/1988; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.123549
Pearson, Beverly A; 11/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.211600
Pearson, Bobbie; Ruidoso; CLK-A; 11.190690
Pearson, Gary J.; 7/20/1992; Grants; PURCHASING AGENT-B; of Transportation; 17.896920
Pearson,Marilyn K.; 2/8/1988; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.812464
Pearson.J 5/6/1983; 21.452639
Pearson.William W; 11/29/2004; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 29.008265
Peckumn, Laurie F.; 2/15/1999; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Workforce Solutions; 14.800000
Pecos.Lea 11/14/2008; 11.000000
Pederson, Keith; 24.307000
Pedraza, James; 15.847810
Pedraza, Rita G 7/26/1993; 13.960243
Pedregon, Lorraine G.; 7/1/2005; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Workforce Solutions; 17.805540
Pedro, Monroe F 11/30/1987; 16.685810
Pedro,Virginia; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; Human Services Department; 9.528487
Pedro.Steven P; 11/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : of Environment; 24.243040
Peei.Patricia; 26.100000
Pegram,Page L; 12/10/2001; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.914874
Peilerin, Betty Jane 10/6/1986; 23.707460
Peinado,Samuel J; 11/18/2002; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 22.450560
Peinado.Aaron M.; 10/15/2001; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 22.652803
Pell, Margaret 8/25/2007; 16.475630
Pell.James M.; 6/2/1997; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.487724
Pellman, Freddy; 5/19/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 8.900000
Peltier, Daniel S; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Gaming Control Board; 18.000000
Pelton.Angie; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.009550
Pemble,Cheryl R; 3/26/2005; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 23.829005
Pena-Johnson,Priscilla; 11/28/1994; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workers Compensation Admin; 30.763200
Pena, Barbara K.; 6/3/2006; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 20.195804
Pena, Diana D.; 11/3/1997; (City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 1; 20.641350
Pena, Lauren; 25.365700
Pena, Margaret F; 5/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); INSCLMS/POLCYCLK-A;; 16.103040
Pena,Clifford; 4/11/1994; (City); Santa Fe; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; 23.896000
Pena,Geraldine L; 4/19/2005; Bernalillo (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.082760
PENA,LILIANA; 10/5/2006; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 13.639810
Pena,Lori A; 8/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 26.800000
Pena,Marcella C; 9/13/1982; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; General Services Department; 14.032445
Pena,RandallJ; 9.719376
Pena,Sarah D; 2/5/1990; Grants; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.946824
PENA,SARAH E; 12/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-B; Public Regulation Commission; 1 1 .658570
Pena,Victoria D 9/12/2005; 14.487445
Pena.David; 10/13/1998; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 14.820153
Pena.Elizer V.; 10/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 20.939587
Pena.Erin; 6/23/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.070000
Pena.Geraldine; 11/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.998570
Pena.Silverio F.; 7/15/1996; Albuquerque; STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.874594
Pena.Sylvia R; 17.324879
Pendergrass, Cecil L.; 9/20/1993; Hondo; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 27.377295
Pendleton, Debrah E.; 5/14/1990; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 20.517006
Pendleton,Joy E; 32.321472
Pengelly, James Matthew; 6/2/2007; Taos (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; Department of Game & Fish; 17.022559
Penn.Sandra Frankfort; 54.437240
Pennell.David R 9/23/2006; 17.341600
Penner,Theresa M.; 12/4/2004; Las Cruces; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.000000
Pennington.Sylvia Jean; 4/7/1997; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.330989
Penny.Mary M.; 3/9/1998; Porta les; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 17.968810
Peper.Lance E.; 24.768700
Peppers,Bobbie J.; 29.955098
Perales, Yvonne D.; 9/22/2007; Deming; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 13.937000
Peralta, Dennis A.; 1/12/1985; Las Vegas; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 45.656290
Peralta, Elizabeth J; 3/19/2001; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; Workers Compensation Admin; 23.622424
Peralta, Rebecca A. 2/1 1/1994; 19.996600
Peralta,Elizabeth A; 5/10/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.198449
Peralta,Lester Joseph; 6/2/2007; Cliff; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.595190
Peralta,Martin J.; 5/16/1998; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 17.972289
Peralta,Matilda; 23.795630
Peralta.Abe J.; 16.048819
Peralta.Brandi D; 1/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 13.835630
Peralta.Nickie; 2/7/2000; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 12.276573
Peralta.Richard; 11/1/1993; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 11.177262
Perches, Luis E; 16.449609
Perdomo, Elizabeth D; 2/21/2000; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 13.726130
Perdue,Paula; 17.389805
Perdue.Crysta! M; 3/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.969599
Perea-Martinez,Tami M; 7/13/1987; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.670603
Perea, Clarence; 2/25/1985; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; of Transportation; 21.283467
Perea, Joshua E; 3/10/2007; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 19.649460
Perea, Joshua P; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Department of Transportation; 12.574690
Perea, Joshua; 5/17/2008; Santa Fe (City); SUP-A; 12.000000
Perea, Margaret A; 4/2/2007; Santa Rosa; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A;; 13.391565
Perea, Roberta Y.; 3/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.676000
Perea, Rosemary; 5/2/2005; Rio Rancho; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 16.164658
Perea, Sandra J.; 19.882600
Perea, Victor A; 14.338190
Perea,Carlos A; 10/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 22.602629
Perea,Conrad; 1/28/2006; Las Cruces; LAWYER-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.000000
Perea,Diana M; 11/17/2007; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.140000
Perea,DinahB; 6/26/1989; Santa Fe (City); J ANITR&CLN R, NOM Al D-A; Public Safety; 13.479318
Perea,Gilbert A.; 4/9/1984; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; Public Education Department; 45.824800
Perea,Jessica A; 22.528843
Perea,Johnny M.; 9/9/1991; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.855000
Perea,Kristina V.; 6/25/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.964409
Perea,LizM; 5/2/1988; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.000000
Perea,Marlene L; 6/11/1998; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; of Transportation; 13.291565
Perea,Mike C.; 11/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; General Services Department; 20.400000
Perea,Refugio; 7/15/2006; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 25.359282
Perea,Ruby M; 8/8/1984; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 14.859295
Perea,Sharyn; 11/13/2000; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 18.673331
Perea.Bemadette; 1/16/2003; Albuquerque; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.747924
Perea.Carol; 1/20/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Perea.Emiliano A.; 5/31/1999; Albuquerque; 21.663550
Perea.FrankC; 3/28/2005; Tucumcari; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.482190
Perea.Lillian; 8/21/1989; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.144278
Perea.Loretta A.; 2/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.879377
Perea.Melissa A; 9/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 13.980000
Perea.Nancy; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 35.700000
Perea.Olivia R.; 1/29/1994; Santa Fe (City); OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-0; Transportation; 20.698300
Perea.Stephanie; 1/24/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.378000
PereaJonyA.; 10/7/2002; Las Cruces; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.857630
Perez-Mendoza,Rosemary 10/19/2000; 14.011228
Perez, Alvaro V.; 10.184570
Perez, Amelia D; 6/3/2006; Las Vegas; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.169644
Perez, Dianne C.; 11/6/2006; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.873198
Perez, Henry M.; 1/13/1992; Albuquerque; PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 22.131681
Perez, Iris Y.; 3/29/1999; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Deming; Human Services Department; 15.225630
Perez, James 8/13/1996; 17.772190
Perez, Jennifer L; 8/26/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Clovis; Human Services Department; 17.951600
Perez, Lydia G; 24.392000
Perez, Martha J; 7/9/1977; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Human Services Department; 23.202121
Perez, Pete; 19.548425
Perez, Wendy S; 19.171600
Perez,Bobbey; 11/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; of Transportation; 21.672630
Perez,Ermelinda; 26.785841
Perez,FrankA; 7/5/2008; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Perez,Jose; 3/14/1988; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 20.809460
Perez,Juan V; 10.023000
Perez,Lawrence Lee; 2/9/2008; Springer; CORRCTNL OFF &JA!L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.480000
Perez,Norma; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 24.000000
Perez,Porfirio; 6/14/1997; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II;; 37.994600
Perez,Sandra C; 12/22/1986; Santa Fe (City); FIN ANALYST-0; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 26.428000
Perez,Sandra K; 50.658160
Perez,TinaM; 12.964139
Perez.Annmarie D; 16.995630
Perez.Christopher Ciiaries 12/1/2007; 13.489810
Perez.Daniel; 12/30/2006; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.920000
Perez.Dominga S; 7/22/2006; Roswell; CUST SRV REP-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.644763
Perez.Esther B; 15.850072
Perez.Felipe; 20.190000
Perez.Henry S; 4/4/2009; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 7.500000
Perez.Jose L,; 24.975578
Perez.MarIa 3/5/2001; 20.840000
Perez.Randy; 6/17/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.517000
Perez.Soaky R.; 10.562911
Perez.Sylvia 5/6/2002; 8.872207
Perez.Yadira J; 8/16/2003; Sunland Park; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.222619
Perkins, Debra S.; 7/25/1995; Carlsbad; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.680488
Perkins,BeckieA.; 5/31/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Espanola; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Perkins,Tom; 19.000000
Perkins.Courtney; 5/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 28.364222
Perrau It, Leonard P; 8/15/1994; [City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 34.149353
Perrault,George A 9/27/2003; 22.548765
Perrault,Patrice; 12/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.659460
Perrault.Margaret M.; 8/10/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Environment; 17.066169
Perreira.GaryA; 4/5/2008; Roswell; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 13.394690
Perret, Rachel 5/21/2007; 13.502500
Perrin.Charlie T.; 3/2/1992; Aztec; A/O II - ENGINEERING; 36.570150
Perrins-Dallman, Marty; 4/30/2007; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-A; General Services Department; 25.862250
Perrone.Neil S; 10/10/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 38.659610
Perry,Claude F 7/30/1990; 24.454671
Perry,Marc; 6/30/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 33.737150
Perry,Michael J.; 10/10/1995; Roswell; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 25.176859
Perry.Charles E.; 1/27/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.260000
Perry.James L; 11/19/1984; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; F Environment; 43.565900
Perry.Trudy L.; 7/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.730492
Pershall.Warren L; 21.534450
Peru, Manuel P; 9/17/2001; Silver City; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.360740
Peskor,Cassie; 3/20/2000; Bloomfield; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.630630
Pestalozzi, Martin Tino; 2/3/2001; (City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 42.553560
Peters,Christine Ann; 4/14/2008; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.139460
Peters,EricC.; 11/3/1997; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 28.410505
Peters,Kimberley D.; 9/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 32.702000
Peters,Stephanie; 5/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.394690
Peters.Anthony W.; 11/22/1993; Grants; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 28.146000
Peters.Bryan D. 1/5/1993; 40.571711
Peters.Dennis S; 6/18/2005; Albuquerque; ITAPPSDEV3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.845212
Peters.Gail E.; 10/22/1994; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Farnnington; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.061483
Peters.Kathleen H; 12/9/1985; Farmington; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 14.114486
Petersen.Ame R.; 9.719567
Peterson, David C 9/10/2007; 23.659460
Peterson, Elizabeth M; 10/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 23.497600
Peterson, Elizabeth; 5/31/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 9.910000
Peterson, Jeffery L; 7/10/2006; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.180875
Peterson, Kirk; 5/24/1981; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 35.000000
Peterson, Michael A; 12/24/2001; Fort Bayard; IT APPS DEV 3; 26.239390
Peterson, Rick L; 17.691563
Peterson, Sherman R.; 7/15/1996; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 36.657305
Peterson, Tamara L.; 6/14/2008; Gallup; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.000000
Peterson,Sarah J.; 21.240000
Peterson.George G; 13.350000
Petrick.John M; 2/11/2006; Los Lunas; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 23.213416
Petrie.Hope C; 12/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 29.253895
Petta,Michael Raymond 7/1 4/2007; 15.1 08587
Pettegrew,Janet R.; 24.246600
Petterlin.Rose M; 5/3/2005; Raton; SWITCHBRD OPER-B; 8.924590
Pettit Julie G; 6/7/2008; Truth Or Consequent; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 11.497000
Petty, Diane M; 11/10/2008; Fort Bayard; NURSAIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Petty,Rhonda Willett; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.395773
Pety,Charles A; 24.710000
Pfeffer.Megan Suzanne; 3/10/2007; Los Alamos (City); LINE 1 - NURSING; Department of Health; 27.399500
Pfeifer,Susan; 8/23/2008; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 9.920000
Pfeiffer, Steven Edwin; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.525000
Pfeil.John J.; 6/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 29.562582
Phelps-Hodges.Margaret E 10/29/2007; 32.521000
Phelps,Andrew J; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); LINE II;; 26.151000
Phelps.Celina A. 4/7/2007; 19.584630
Phelps.Daniei E 11/17/2007; 15.585630
Phiiiips.Kevin C; 9/12/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.817596
Philips,Katliryn A,; 15.097387
Phillips, Dorothy; 8/9/1981; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.589326
Phillips,Brenda M; 2/28/2004; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 21.903770
Phillips,HaddyL; 10/4/2003; Deming; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.511104
Phillips,HarryC.; 7/29/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Phillips,Larry Allen; 20.969460
Phillips,Michelle W.; 22.101866
Phillips.Denise M. 7/28/1997; 33.979000
Phillips.Jaime L; 3/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.619810
Phillips.Leroy D.; 11/17/1997; Raton; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 21.343596
Phillips.StephanieA.; 8/20/1990; Raton; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.806995
Phinney.Edward S; 1/23/1989; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Human Services Department; 35.105330
Phipps.Erin Crotty; 7/12/2008; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 20.400000
Phipps.Shane L.; 1/23/1999; Carlsbad; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 20.076460
Piaso.Henrietta; 12.173690
Piatero,Cynthia G; 10/9/2004; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.776363
Picasso, Jon P; 2/26/2005; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.629460
Picazo,Erlinda L.; 7/11/1994; Alamogordo; PERS & HOME CARAID-O; Commission for the Blind; 12.143746
Piccione-Dacamara, Diane; 21 .639873
Pichette,Julia M.; 7/11/1994; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A;; 23.641824
Pickup,Richard; 12/23/2000; Albuquerque; Special Agent; Office of the Attorney General; 30.279000
Pierce, Elizabeth M; 11/12/2008; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 10.000000
Pierce, Leland J; 11/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 22.652803
Pierce, Natalya M.; 7/1/2006; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.344000
Pierce, Robert D; 42.517000
Pierce,Denise; 8/3/1992; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 27.981564
Pierce,Jennie F.; 27.373000
Pierce,Marvin D.; 6/30/1997; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.907301
Pierce,Pamela J; 2/8/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Public Education Department; 39.855300
Pierce,Tony R.; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 40.000000
Pierce.Derek R.; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-0; 18.535630
Pierce.Eleanora; Carlsbad; CLK-A; 12.500000
Pierce.Erica A.; 23.765700
Pierce.Jennie F.; 2/14/1993; Albuquerque; Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 27.373000
Pierce.MichaelJ. 6/22/1998; 22.869318
Pierce.Sonya M.; 1/30/1993; Albuquerque; LINE II; Human Services Department; 22.718460
Pierson, Robert W; 11.673865
Pierson,Rick G; 7/17/2004; Socorro (City); PLANT/SYS OPR,AO-0; Public Regulation Commission; 17.379810
Pierson.Twila Kay; 12/10/1990; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.404695
Pietrewicz,Brian M.; 2/7/2009; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - IT; Human Services Department; 48.076000
Pigg.George H.; 6/4/2007; Clovis; LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 27.882201
Piispanen-Krabbe.Tuula K; 12/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Department of Health; 22.591600
Pijawka,John E.; 7/13/1996; Ruidoso; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 22.348000
Pillado.Maria E.; 5/11/1992; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.176324
Pilon,Matthew E.; 27.090000
Pilon,Matthew E.; 3/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Specialist; New Mexico State Police; 27.090000
Pimparatana.Denise 7/31/1993; 25.630460
Pine.Robert A.; 5/20/1991; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 35.752781
Pineda,Arcelia G.; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Department of Transportation; 14.613695
Pineda,Arturo J.; 20.990600
Pineda,Geraldine; 1/19/1999; Santa Fe (City); C0URT,MUN1/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.162830
Pineda,Marylou; 4/5/1999; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.883423
Pineda.Consuelo Elisa; 11/16/1999; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Human Services Department; 17.342193
Pineda.Luis 6/30/1997; 16.043810
Pinela.Priscilla M.; 2/23/1998; Albuquerque; CLM ADJ,EXAM,INV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.950072
Pingue,Edmund W; 10/4/1993; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 27.948559
Pinkerton.Beth J.; 11/3/1999; Albuquerque; LINE II; 21.586953
Pino, Marie D; 13.448570
Pino, Rose Marie A.; 23.668680
Pino,Alice M.; 26.601431
Pino,Antonio L; 12/15/2007; Roswell; A/0 II; Military Affairs; 29.500000
Pino,Carlos; 3/8/2008; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 7.781590
Pino,Eugene G.; 3/18/2000; Las Vegas; FORESTER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 22.862958
Pino,JakeM 3/7/2009; Santa Fe (City)
Pino,JoeN.; 5/5/2007; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.258190
Pino,Kenneth J; 12/19/1994; Santa Fe (City); COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-A; Transportation; 29.764460
Pino,Sharon; 2/3/2007; Domestic Violence Coordinate Santa Fe (City); Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 41.009080
Pino.Antonio J; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 16.500000
Pino.ArthurL; 7/14/2007; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 11.282690
Pino.Michael S.; 1/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; tation; 25.490460
Pino.Miriam C.; 12/11/2000; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Departnnent; 28.135365
Pino.Randy; 10/25/2004; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 16.603000
Pinojheresa J; 2/25/1985; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 18.258359
Pinon, Ernesto; 1/20/1986; San Jon; STAFF - MTD/SID; Department of Public Safety; 35.925300
Pinon.Gabriel R; 10/15/2001; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 24.204395
Pinto.Miranda I; 12.964139
Pinyan, Kathleen I.; 5/29/1990; 38.462000
Piotrowski.Stephanie J; 2/9/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 9.884000
Piper,Daryl; 2/20/2006; Albuquerque; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-B; Cultural Affairs; 12.150000
Piper.Devi D.; 11/9/1998; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.518300
Pipkins.Helen D; 2/27/2006; Silver City; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 13.546876
Pippin, Bryon J.; 10/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Department of Environment; 34.765040
Pirelli,Antoinette; 12/22/1997; Ruidoso; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.357596
Piro.Robert; 12/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; Public Education Department; 46.004140
Pirtle,Brenton; 10.023000
Pirtle.Robin; 2/4/2008; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.659460
Pitcock,Mark Wayne 6/1 6/2007; 43.08501
Pitman,William T.; 5/26/1998; Fort Sumner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.151190
Pittard, Susan G; 1/24/2000; Santa Fe (City); Chief Legal Counsel; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 47.162000
Pittman,Christy S. 7/6/1993; 22.313630
Pittman.Cynthia M; 11/18/1985; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; c Safety; 37.632000
Pittman.Travis D.; 12/6/1999; Roswell; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 22.254154
Pitts, Marvin A 11/14/2008; 18.000000
Pitzl.Gerald R.; 7/20/2002; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 36.039060
Place, Robert K. 4/10/2000; 31.016991
Placencia, Cruz Olivia; 14.325917
Placencio, David Ray; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.154000
Placencio,Benny; 7/20/2002; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; es Dpt; 22.513570
Placencio,David R.; 19.197489
Placencio.Mark A; 7/25/1988; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 11.750000
Placencio.Nicasio C; 9.350000
Plagens.James E.; 10/15/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/0 1 - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 37.718150
Plagge,Lynn K; 9/4/1990; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 27.548208
Plane.RandyA; 7/28/2007; Truth Or Consequeni; HEAVY EQUIP OP-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.550000
Plata,Beth E.; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.050000
Platero, Benson J.; 10/23/1995; Gallup; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 14.161190
Platero,Stiane Thomas 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Plese,Phyllis A.; 1/15/2000; Gallup; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.214267
Plese.Michaei L.; 2/2/1987; Albuquerque; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 42.433037
Plomer.Mark; 4/7/2008; (City); Santa Fe; CLM AD J, EXAM, IN V-A; 20.400000
Plotner, Constance R; 8/21/2006; Roswell; MED & PUB HLTH SW-A; 21.918600
Plowman,Samuei Mark; 8/30/2005; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.000000
Pluemer,lrma M; 6/15/1998; Albuquerque; LAWYER-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.489500
Plunkett,Eddie L.; 1/20/1993; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Health; 26.239390
Ply.TamiBeth; 21.260460
Pobar,Richard; 4/19/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Pogan, Danny; 7/15/1991; Roswell; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.881533
Pogue.Stephanie J.; 3/30/2009; Fort Bayard; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 18.284700
Poh I, Dorothy B.; 11/2/1998; Rio Rancho; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.637524
Pohl, Jerry N; 4/28/2003; Mesita; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.935651
Pohl.David M.; 4/3/1990; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Health; 37.318930
Pohl.Eric; 3/5/1984; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 23.159425
Pohl.John 11/6/2000; 15.774810
Poissot,Hazel; 8/22/1998; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.603295
Pokempner.Merle; 21.351677
Pokorny.Scott 3/10/2007; Santa Teresa; 26.887250
Polanco,J. Mario; 5/22/1995; Winston; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.309301
Polanco,Jason S.; 5/4/1998; Deming; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.779782
Polanco,Margaret P.; 10/30/1995; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 14.037290
Polanco,Ray; 1/22/1990; Portales; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.878630
Polanco.Kimberly A.; 2/16/2009; Fort Bayard; A/OII; Department of Health; 32.700000
Poletto.Jeri J.; 27.861400
Poling,Keith; 8/26/2006; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 15.528810
Pollard,BlakeW; 17.201600
Polley,AdamC; 3/11/2006; Deming; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.089500
Pollman, Robert Tyson; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.750000
Polutnik,Steven; 6/2/2007; Grants; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.240000
Pompei.Marcy E; 8/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.561000
Pompeo,Larry Lewis; 5/22/2002; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 27.285000
Pompeo.JeffL; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.739500
Ponce,Melissa P.; 12.976304
Ponce.Leonel; 9/27/2004; Deming; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 14.214916
Pool.JonniLu; 4/21/2008; Santa Fe (City); DET & CRIM INVEST-O; Medical Examiners Board; 18.470000
Poole,Andrea L; 10/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 36.883360
Poole,Holly Lynn; 2/3/2007; Las Cruces; FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 30.169745
Poole.JoyL; 33.710865
Poole.Raquelle; 3/7/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.060000
Pope-Hein,Stacie B.; 8/8/2005; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.684000
Pope, April A; 8/14/2004; Las Cruces; TRMT-0; 15.850072
Pope,Kelly; 14.800000
Pope,Michael D. 10/22/1984; 44.647204
Pope.Harold C; 9/23/2006; Las Cruces; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 26.235000
Pope.Steven; 29.893000
Popkin, Sharon L.; 10/18/1999; Truth Or Consequeni; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 20.890598
Porras Junior,Jose; 3/8/2008; Anthony; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.526190
Porras, Clarissa Isela; 9.350000
Porras,Rosa I; 8/30/1997; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 13.056578
Porras,Wesiee Brent; 13.489810
Porter, Diane F.; 5/31/2008; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.470000
Porter, Harriet R.; 10.022570
Porter, Jimmy L; 12/10/2001; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; of Transportation; 15.028190
Porter, Ryan K; 2/18/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.790000
Porter, Suzette M.; 1/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; 21.674600
Porter,Jake 4/16/2001; 8.322029
Porter,Susan M.; 36.725040
Porter.Anthony C.; 8/10/1998; Las Cruces; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 32.663658
Porter.Barry G.; 6/1/2004; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 33.008040
Porter.Denis; 11/8/2003; Albuquerque; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 36.697418
Porter.Jodi M; 7/30/2005; Santa Fe (City); PR COORD-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 27.058050
Portillo, Dorothy 6/23/1997; 31.420397
Portillo, Freddie M.; 12/7/1992; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.576190
Portillo,Aclrianna A; 13.147833
Portillo,Antonio; 23.200000
Portillo,Jacob J.; 9/18/2000; Las Cruces; TITLE EXIVi/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.482810
Portillo,James M.; Nartie; 17.489810
Portillo,Johnny M; 8/8/1983; Truth Or Consequeni; RECREATION WRKR-0; Department of Health; 16.760060
Portillo,MannyT; 4/10/2004; Albuquerque; 11.594478
Portillo.Amy J. 10/19/1998; 11.373648
Portillo.Joanne E.; 3/4/1997; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Human Services Department; 24.635935
Portillo.Mary 4/24/2000; 16.751603
Portillos,R. Greg; 3/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 44.706792
Post.Stephen S; 5/7/1984; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 27.912250
Potabi.William G; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 14.618820
Poteet.Bonnie D; 8/14/1989; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Workforce Solutions; 35.980391
Potestejhomas M; 10/10/1989; Raton; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 30.298620
Pothier,Lorianne; 3/7/2009; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-0; Department of Health; 11.000000
Potter, Michael F; 2/11/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.107930
Potter, Robert A; 9/24/2005; Orogrande; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.530460
Potter.George R; 1/28/2008; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 24.091600
Potts.Tanya Olga; 6/28/2008; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 19.350000
Potturi,Rameswara P; 6/1/1983; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - ENGINEERING; Public Regulation Commission; 44.400000
Powell-Worley,Vicki A. 5/22/1989; 21.535600
Powell, Judi; 16.880000
Powell, Michael T; 6/22/2002; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.460000
Powell, Richard E.; 6/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 30.032400
Powell.Mary Ellen; 10/15/2007; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 12.221628
Powell.Melissa S; 25.121695
Powell.Robyn A; 24.648838
Powers,Valerie K.; 11/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Human Services Department; 38.771296
Powey,Majorie E; 10/22/1990; Truth Or Consequeni; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.803994
Prada, Rudolph; 3/7/1991; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.658640
Prada,Annette M.; 7/9/1990; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Public Regulation Commission; 24.946584
Prada,Jennifer R.; 2/15/1999; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Department of Environment; 22.136709
Prada,Leslie R.; 5/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); State Government Intern; Human Services Department; 11.000000
Prada,Leslie R.; 5/19/2007; STATE GOVERNIVIENT INTE Santa Fe (City); Human Sen/ices Department; 11.000000
Prada.Adelina G.; 8/23/1993; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Department of Transportation; 16.356240
Prada.Andre R.; 8/23/1999; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.396630
Prada.MelE.; 12/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; General Services Department; 26.805519
Prando,Laura S; 9/4/2001; 13.300000
Prater, Will J 6/23/2001; 16.418600
Prather,Joseph F; 9/2/2003; Farmington; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 22.399992
Prather.Bill R-; 16.827000
Pray.Donna R.; 7/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 11.359000
Preciado,Carlos H; 10/29/2001; (City); Santa Fe; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; 21.501190
Preissler, Robert J; 3/27/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Human Services Department; 36.274680
Prescott, Carolyn F; 8/3/1992; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.000000
Presente, Joseph F. 3/26/1990; 35.616000
PrespenttDebra K.; 1/3/2004; Farmington; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 13.728221
Preston, Elisha I; 7/16/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 10.118493
Preston, Patrick E.; 3/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 37.634040
Preston.Cindy L 1/3/2004; 20.992600
Price Lennhoff, Wendy; 31.781537
Price, Percy L; 1/1/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.421600
Price,Andrew Douglas; 17.091600
Price,Colleen; 3/22/2008; Roswell; FIN SPEC, AO-B; F Transportation; 14.004690
Price,Gary E; 1/24/2009; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 11.950000
Price.David; 15.849810
Price.Kim 11/29/1999; 28.005191
Price.Mary Elizabeth; 6/13/1988; Las Cruces; GEN 1; Human Services Department; 39.226911
Pricer,JeffS.; 2/24/1992; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 18.288190
Priest Jr,W A; 16.195419
Prieto-WilmotLuis J.; 2/21/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.560000
Prieto,Andrew; 11/25/2002; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.262750
Prieto,Leroy M; 7/26/2008; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Prieto,Maria A.; 2/23/1987; Deming; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; of Transportation; 11.773623
Prieto.Stella Y.; 10/10/1989; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Silver City; Human Services Department; 20.288750
Prihoda.John K; 7/10/2003; City); Santa Fe; Information Systems Admin.; 44.351860
Prihoda.Virginia L; 8/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-B; 14.249810
Primeaux,Cheryl Ann; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Transportation; 15.000000
Primm, Kathleen; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 20.399000
Primm,Jeffrey C.; 9/11/2004; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 30.864040
Prince,Cleve F; 3/7/2009; City); Santa Fe i; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Prizzi, Margaret K.; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 13.734690
Prizzi.Mark A.; 7/31/2004; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.028190
Procter.Rebecca S; 6/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.390000
Proctor.Dora G.; 7/11/1989; Los Lunas; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; Department of Health; 13.714810
Prophet,Retta; 1/9/1995; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 35.990262
Prophet.Marcia Lee; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COIVl SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 20.004291
Propp, Ellen Wren 4/9/2005; 21.098027
Propst, Wayne; 49.471154
Propst,David L; 10/1/1984; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGSTWLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 27.507370
Proulx.W. Kevin; 24.701836
Prouty.Jane E.; 6/7/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 37.312578
Provencio, Irene B.; 16.890010
Pruett,Chris L 12/20/2003; 40.222883
Pruett.Jennifer Jehl; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Environment; 27.409460
Pruitt,Charles F; 8/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.328690
Pruitt.Tom; 4/27/1999; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Game & Fish; 13.736669
Prukop,Joanna; 1/1/2003; [City); Santa Fe; Cabinet Secretary; 64.076923
Pruyn, David; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 13.610000
Pucell.DanL; 3/14/1988; Farmington; LINEN; Human Services Department; 21.364460
Puentes.Rosemary; 10/25/1999; Las Cruces; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 14.587445
Pugh, Richard; 4/4/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 29.379000
Puglisi.Alex A; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/O l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 35.000000
Pulagala,Ratnanjali; 1/22/2008; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-0; 18.470000
Pullen,Stephen D.; 1/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 30.941023
Pullen.Gretchen C; Albuquerque; LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 23.616460
Pulley,Mary D; 15.826676
Pulley.Billy M; 7/12/1986; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-O;; 25.817430
Pummill.Dominique N.; 8/9/2008; Las Cruces; REG NURSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.500000
Purcell, Peggy L.; 11/1/1993; 15.110000
Purcell,Charles Michael; PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; PAROLE OFFIC Bernalillo (City)
Purcell,Daniel K.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 42.414300
Purcell,Heidi; 11/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 20.400000
Purcell,Noreen F.; 7/6/1993; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 38.723344
Purcella, Barbara L.; 4/22/1998; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.785909
Purdy, Norman P.; 6/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.648838
Purdy, Patrick M.; 11/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-O; Department of Transportation; 14.056719
Purdy,Ashley D; 5/10/2004; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Public Regulation Commission; 13.995315
Purdy,Darla; 2/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Public Regulation Commission; 22.685153
Purdy.JoeW; 2/24/1986; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 20.627214
Purto,Scott Patrick 9/22/2007; 15.439810
Purvines.Gary B; 6/24/2000; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Health; 29.185520
Putnam Johnson, Linda 1/2/1985; 37.864000
Putnam, Patrick W; 10/30/1989; Santa Fe (City); Executive Director; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 40.695117
Putnam.Jeffrey Charles; 9/20/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.229000
Pyle,Christopher; 1/7/2002; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.640000
Pyle.David J; 6/26/1989; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.182190
Pyne.Evelyne J; 12/3/1984; Farmington; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.659431
Quam.Lindsey; 12/15/2007; Chama; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.040000
Quartieri,Gregory L; 10/11/2003; Cimarron; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.598000
Queener,Elizabeth F; 8/11/1986; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Clovis; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.566933
Quesada,Leah; 6/19/2000; Albuquerque; Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 21.018000
Quevedo, Fabian; 7/28/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.331730
Quevedo,Eiizabeth E.; 11/17/2007; Taos (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Quevedo.Rose Marie; 17.003800
Quezada Junior,Pablo 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Quezada, Mario H.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Quezada,Misael E; 11/28/2005; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 18.850472
Quezada.Samuel G; 15.610734
Quickel.Stephen 11/14/2008; 14.687000
Quigiey.Janet A 2/1 5/2003; 1 7.963600
Quigley.Kevin; 17.141387
Quinby.Saprina; 5/20/2006; Porta les; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.240000
Quinn, Kevin; 5/31/1998; Albuquerque; PLANT/SYS OPR.AO-A; Workforce Solutions; 18.819812
Quinn, William Joseph; 2/23/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; RECREATION WRKR-B; Department of Health; 10.068570
Quinones, Ricky; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.249810
Quinones,Michael D.; 6/5/1993; Albuquerque; Prosecution Specialist; New IVlexico State Police; 30.487000
Quinones.Michael D.; 30.487000
Quinonez,Joanna C; 10/2/2000; Carlsbad; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.923970
Quintana-Doolittle.Therese A 7/20/1998; 30.841083
Quintana-Trujillo,Grace M.; 3/29/1999; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Public Education Department; 25.311000
Quintana-Trujillo.MaryA; 8/27/2005; Las Vegas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; 15.139810
Quintana-Wagner.Kelly; 6/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Commission for the Blind; 22.236641
Quintana, Antonio; 7/12/2008; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 15.000000
Quintana, Daniel G; 6/18/1984; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 19.929810
Quintana, Donna M.; 13.258545
Quintana, Fabian 8/24/1987; 23.648460
Quintana, Georgia A 2/24/2003; 1 9.931 1 88
Quintana, Helen T; 42.126705
Quintana, Julia V.; 1/20/1998; Espanola; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Quintana, Lorraine A.; 8/10/1981; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.768190
Quintana, Margaret E; 4/22/1985; Albuquerque; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 17.585187
Quintana, Maria L; 9/3/2002; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 17.136609
Quintana, Matthew E.; 10/24/1994; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 11.480929
Quintana, Melissa D; 11/3/1997; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 27.773032
Quintana, Michael 5/17/2004; 23.452262
Quintana, Michelle A.; 2/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 13.476740
Quintana, Nancy; 7/6/2004; Grants; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; of Transportation; 11.688386
Quintana, Raymond T; 8/26/2006; Grants; CONSTRUCT LBR-B; Department of Transportation; 7.500000
Quintana, Robbie I.; 6/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.310630
Quintana, Robert; 3/1/1999; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 12.151021
Quintana, Ruben M.; 15.779630
Quintana, Shannon K; 6/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 22.000000
Quintana, Valerie; 1/18/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 25.455245
Quintana,Amanda L.; 2/6/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Medical Examiners Board; 26.304500
Quintana,AmberRae; 2/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.670000
Quintana,Andrew; 3/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.440000
Quintana,Armando; 1/10/1983; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.815168
Quintana,Berna G, 12/12/1988; Santa Fe (City)
Quintana,Carol A.; 9/21/1998; Santa Rosa; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 11.304387
Quintana,David D; 7/10/1995; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 31.908346
Quintana,Elsa M.; 22.802235
Quintana,Gerard W.; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 10.800000
Quintana,Henrietta; 1/29/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 8.000000
Quintana,Jacqueline M; 2/28/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; 22.356000
Quintana,James A.; 4/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 19.750258
Quintana,Katrina A.; 11/21/2005; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 16.140873
Quintana,Kenneth; 11/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 25.159345
Quintana,LaudenteT.; 5/15/2000; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.798190
Quintana,lgnacio; 18.299810
Quintana,Lupita T; 15.448121
Quintana,Manuel; 9/19/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.973000
Quintana,Marie; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,A0-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.508730
Quintana,Matthew Louis; 12/18/1990; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE SURVYR-0; Human Services Department; 20.646596
Quintana,Max; 5/3/1971; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.754810
Quintana,Melinda; 7/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 12.370000
Quintana,Orlando P; 11/17/1993; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.611630
Quintana,Rose Marie; 1/28/1980; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.503328
Quintana,Stephanie; 10/1/2008; Farmington; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 13.750000
Quintana,Susan J; 11/28/1988; Raton; LINE II; F Workforce Solutions; 20.771301
Quintana,Valerie B; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Transportation; 11.398454
Quintana,Wayne P.; 18.177387
Quintana,Willie; 12.034570
Quintana,Yvette D.; 7/31/2000; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 16.803190
Quintana.Agapito O.; 5/21/1990; Moriarty; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.666630
Quintana.Alexio S.; 4/15/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; tation; 25.447017
Quintana.Angela; 4/8/2006; City); Santa Fe i; LINE II; 24.091002
Quintana.Arlene D; 16.504488
Quintana.Bernadette T; 29.914040
Quintana.Carlos J; 3/8/1999; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 1 1 .61 1 595
Quintana.Celestino R; 12/7/2002; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; Department of Health; 23.948000
Quintana.Christine; 5/3/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Quintana.Donnie J.; 5/16/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 34.930817
Quintana.EddieZ.; 11/30/1992; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.145197
Quintana.Edwin A; 2/5/2001; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN&LBRSPC-A; Public Education Department; 22.961185
Quintana.Erin M; 4/2/2007; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.638190
Quintana.Esther C; 4/16/1975; Santa Fe (City); 18.791649
Quintana.Everett 10/28/2002; 14.426601
Quintana.Floyd J; 12/19/1988; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 15.162249
Quintana.Glenda A.; 11/3/2007; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-A; 27.684460
Quintana.Guadalupe C.; 11.419074
Quintana.Harold D; 1/19/2002; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 15.500000
Quintana.Jasmine M.; 11/15/1999; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; F Workforce Solutions; 14.809810
Quintana.Jason C.; 3/22/1991; Socorro (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 27.100000
Quintana.Jeffrey P; 10/24/1988; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.926663
Quintana.John J.; 4/8/2006; Santa Rosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 13.227190
Quintana.Johnny M.; 9/8/1992; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 22.507689
Quintana.Johnny; 3/19/2001; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.798190
Quintana.Joseph Frank; 10.870000
Quintana.Julian; 11.330000
Quintana.Lisa M.; 3/24/1997; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-B; c Safety; 15.681190
Quintana.Lorene F; 7/21/2001; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 19.930660
Quintana.Luciile V; 8/17/1981; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.010000
Quintana.Magdalena H.; 7/20/1992; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 14.146491
Quintana.Michael A.; 10/19/1998; Grants; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-0; Transportation; 16.929317
Quintana.Nadine J.; 2/3/1986; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Gaming Control Board; 24.147720
Quintana.Ramon A; 4/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 23.130855
Quintana.Sammy T; 2/22/1999; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-B; c Safety; 14.826967
Quintana.Sarina S; 1/15/2005; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Human Services Department; 17.315630
Quintana.Sonya M.; 8/22/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Game & Fish; 31.688300
Quintana.Steven Phillip; 8/27/1996; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 17.990000
Quintana.Yvette M.; 12/19/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Department of Health; 32.051691
Quintero-Dow.Linda; 6/14/2008; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; EXPO New Mexico; 17.000000
Quintero, Alfred R; 7/1/2006; 26.624850
Quintero.Alfonso R; 13.965730
Quiroga,Margarita A; 1/3/2004; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.616000
Quiroga.MaryA; 8/3/2002; Las Cruces; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.111980
Quiroz, Carlos; 8/2/2004; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.239810
Quiroz,Carios Z; 14.457810
Rabinowitz,Brenda J 7/25/2005; 35.943000
RabkeJraH.; 15.336307
Rachor.Clair; 6/25/1990; Nara Visa; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.855338
Rackstraw,Alan R.; 39.928915
Rada.YvonneP; 1/20/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.540000
Radcliff.Gerald L.; 8/2/1993; Raton; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 23.387358
Radden-Vogler, Michelle; 7/28/2003; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.829500
Radecki, Kristin M; 10/31/1988; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 35.203040
Radillo, Michelle L.; 3/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.741630
Radke,Holly A. 7/31/1995; 17.032778
Radloff,RochelleS 10/9/2004; 29.137300
Radven.Dan; 18.489810
Rae.Nikki; 8/2/2003; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.809837
Raei,Jason M.; 12/14/1998; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 30.626040
Rael-Dimas,Barbara A; 12/10/1984; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 24.388050
Rael-Galvez,Estevan; 36.063088
Rael, Janet L.; 4/17/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Environment; 15.939980
Rael, Marian K.; 9/12/1995; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Education Department; 32.716101
Rael, Melissa A. 5/30/1998; 22.465000
Rael, Michael D.; 2/23/1998; Texico; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 15.630389
Rael, Patricia; 1/16/2006; n Officer 1 Santa Fe (City); Public Informatio; Office of the Attorney General; 27.077000
Rael,Anselmo B.; 6/27/1988; Tularosa; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.863223
Rael,Fred Michael 7/12/2008; 14.560000
Rael,Janelle J; 10.828570
Rael,Joe; 9/9/1985; Reserve; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 15.701190
Rael,Katrina J; 6/2/1998; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.345175
Rael,Kris Ann 1/26/1998; 14.766416
Rael,LaurieA; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 13.049836
Rael,Leon J.; 9/8/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.330000
Rael,MariaL.; 16.120790
Rael,Rose M; 6/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERV COORD-A; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 20.663272
Rael,Rudy R; 22.559900
Rael.Amanda N; 17.785630
Rael.Angela C.; 12/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); 17.638000
Rael.Ben; 41.041202
Rael.Brenda 5/24/2004; 13.165603
Rael.Francine M.; 1/4/1999; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM AD J, EXAM; 16.337115
Rael.Gerald Edward 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Rael.Gloria; 3/31/2003; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.248508
Rael.JulieA; 6/6/2005; (City); Santa Fe; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-B; 16.689770
Rael.LarryR.; 7/6/1993; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.796190
Rael.Lydia J.; 6/27/1988; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; F Workforce Solutions; 21.120168
Rael.Matthew B; 4/27/2002; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.539293
Rael.MelanieM. 6/1/1999; 16.117810
Rael.Michelle K.; 1/10/1994; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 26.659219
Rael.Nichole; 4/16/2005; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-O; 15.753181
Rael.Nicole; 10/13/2005; Taos (City); SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 10.440693
Rael.Phillip R; 19.733877
Rael.Sarah; 7/5/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 21.428697
Raff, Edward C.; 11/8/1995; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 18.343365
Raffay,Susan J; 8/31/1987; Albuquerque; LINEI; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.730600
Ragain, Freddie J; 3/5/2001; Jal; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Ragan, Patricia L; 3/20/2000; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 15.913730
Ragsdale.Susan 11/18/2002; 15.418691
Raia, Pauline; 2/24/1986; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 26.689460
Raines,Bleu; 14.800000
Raines,David L; 1/3/2004; Carlsbad; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.462490
Rains, Gail J; 2/29/1992; Las Vegas; MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 25.280955
Rajendra.Senthil M.; 4/22/2002; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 33.660150
Ralph, Derrick Michael; 15.108587
Ralph,Debra; 2/24/1997; Las Cruces; SOC WKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 21.507684
Rambo, Michael 9/24/2001; 8.322029
Ramey,Derrol; 10.023000
Ramie,Georgette; 6/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 29.488219
Ramier.Joseph E.; 2/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); AIRLINE PILOT-A; General Services Department; 22.600000
Ramirez Junior.John Malcoln- 7/14/2007; 13.480000
Ramirez Seniorjohn Malcoin 7/19/2003; 17.000000
Ramirez, Arthur J.; 10/8/1985; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.950000
Ramirez, Brigit D; 1/14/1995; Santa Fe (City); POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 26.315401
Ramirez, Carol A; 11/23/2002; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 13.153189
Ramirez, Daniel; 5/7/2001; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-B; Department of Environment; 16.354690
Ramirez, Donna L; 12/3/2007; Albuquerque; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.990000
Ramirez, Elizabeth A; 8/23/2008; Santa Fe County; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Public Regulation Commission; 10.440000
Ramirez, Henry; 4/17/2000; Roswell; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 16.016959
Ramirez, Rebekah N.; 1/5/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.510000
Ramirez, Regina I; 2/26/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Roswell; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Ramirez, Rolando O.; 22.517000
Ramirez, Yvonne J; 4/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; State Treasurer; 28.103900
Ramirez,Alma E.; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.475630
Ramirez,Alma; 19.991600
Ramirez,Antonia; 1/27/2007; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.964409
Ramirez,Brandon I; 1/7/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.640000
Ramirez,Cassy; 7.750000
Ramirez,Charlene; 1/12/2008; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 10.440000
Ramirez,Desiree R.; 14.680000
Ramirez,Elisa T; 8/25/2003; Roswell; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.843000
Ramirez,Eugena; 11/7/2005; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.056074
Ramirez,Frederico R; 16.455200
Ramirez,lrma; 10/30/1999; Anthony; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 13.662760
Ramirez,Manuel M; 3/13/2006; Roswell; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 15.128190
Ramirez,Michael; 25.357000
Ramirez,Paul; 4/5/2008; Tatum; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 14.238190
Ramirez,Rauglin D.; 11.894690
Ramirez,Rosa G.; 4/12/1999; Anthony; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.488267
Ramirez,Sandra V.; 15.922159
Ramirez,Walter D.; 3/16/1992; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 18.088151
Ramirez.Abel Y.; 1/14/1995; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 23.750723
Ramirez.Ana A.; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-0; Department of Transportation; 16.500000
Ramirez.Andrea Rose; 7/26/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.170000
Ramirez.Armando M; 5/10/2004; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.008190
Ramirez.Belia m; 8/27/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 17.603000
Ramirez.Damian E. 3/10/1997; 16.239810
Ramirez.David; 10/7/2006; Roswell; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 14.260190
Ramirez.Debra L.; 7/30/2001; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.166592
Ramirez.Emesto; 1/9/2003; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 17.616388
Ramirez.Georgina R.; 2/16/1998; Roswell; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 24.569000
Ramirez.Greg G; 9/17/1993; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.419232
Ramirez.Guadalupe M.; 4/4/2009; ANAL' Albuquerque; ANAL' Santa Fe (City)
Ramirez.James 9/22/2008; 1 1 .220000
Ramirez.JavierJ.; 11/4/2006; Capitan; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 11.939190
Ramirez.Leo E; 4/16/1984; Bloomfield; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.986681
Ramirez.lrma K; 3/22/2008; Roswell; FIN SPEC, AO-B; F Transportation; 14.004690
Ramirez.Manuel O; 5/27/2003; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.620000
Ramirez.Patrick M; 8/26/2006; Grants; CONSTRUCT LBR-B; Department of Transportation; 7.500000
Ramirez.Ramiro C.; 9/30/1991; Deming; WELDR/CUTTR/SOD-A; of Transportation; 16.259514
Ramirez.Sylvia; 8/14/2000; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Public Safety; 14.664945
Ramirez.Valerie A; 5/24/2004; Grants; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Department of Transportation; 18.435650
Ramirez/Veronica; 9/14/2002; Truth Or Consequent; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 12.351579
Ramlow,Michael 0.; 1/30/2008; Raton; CHEF & HEAD COOK-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 17.484159
Ramon,Anthony; 19.833630
Ramos, Dwight P; 2/23/1985; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; General Services Department; 25.339918
Ramos, Ernesto; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 35.558300
Ramos, Juan M 4/17/1989; 30.768300
Ramos, Yolanda; 12/15/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.742760
Ramos,Anna D.; 18.091501
Ramos,Jimmy R.; 23.642850
Ramos,Nick R.; 12/7/1991; Albuquerque; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 26.575000
Ramos,Santiago 5/6/2002; 8.322029
Ramos,Sarbat; 23.977745
Ramos.Darcy; 15.250000
Ramos.isela; 5/31/2008; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Ramos.Juan F; 10/11/2005; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.707190
Ramos.Melba; 3/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 14.587445
Ramos.Nick R.; 26.575000
RamosAida Elena 2/23/2008; 16.000000
Ramoz.Jeanette L.; 10/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Human Services Department; 28.323546
Ramoz.Yolanda Y; 8/16/2003; Santa Fe (City); 19.591000
Ramsell,Bart; 12/5/1989; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 15.793244
Ramsey, Jason C; 1/24/2000; Hobbs; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 14.597810
Ramsey, John Paul 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Ramsey.Clinton L; 3/8/2008; Albuquerque; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 15.500000
Ramsey.Richard N.; 9/10/1994; Gallup; TRANSP iNSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.370949
Ramzy III, Robert H.; 8/25/2007; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Rand.DanT.; 2/21/1998; Tucumcari; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.984350
Randall, Mary Ann; 10/15/2004; Aztec; LGLSUPWKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 13.591000
Randall.Michelle Ann; 1/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); 15.950000
Randazzo, Richard S.; 5/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Liaison Officer III; Human Services Department; 25.913462
Randel,Randy; 20.783600
Randers.Tony; 11/9/1991; Albuquerque; 14.105646
Randolph,Cynthia A.; 29.100000
Randolph.Lizbeth; 6/4/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.320800
Ranganathan.Nandakumar; 7/23/2002; City); Santa Fe <; ITGENERALIST2; 35.668300
Range,William T; 12/17/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Finance & Admnst; 37.309660
Rangel.Valerie A; 4/3/1999; 12.150000
Rank,RoryL.; 3/30/1992; Las Cruces; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 41.656686
Rankin,Johanna Rose; 9/6/2008; Carlsbad; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; r Vocational Rehbltation; 19.350000
Rankin.Angelo J; 12/5/2005; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Transportation; 14.028190
Ransom, Roberto; 12/19/2005; Las Cruces; A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 25.603863
Rapden,Phuntsok; 7/10/2008; City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; 16.100000
Rapp,Brenda Sue; 1/19/1988; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.240830
Rapp.Douglas E.; 1/26/2004; Portales; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 21.930600
Rappuhn, Douglas H.; 1/1/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 32.638040
Rarros.ReneJ; 14.229810
Rascon, Manuel Alfonso 8/27/2005; 14.229810
Rasp, James 2/10/2007; 16.251600
Ratcliff,Tom B; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.535630
Ratliff, Barbara J; 32.376912
Ratliff, Venus Rachelle; 8/12/2006; Hobbs; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 9.917763
Ratliff.Clois A; 4/25/2005; Roswell; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 19.125209
Ratliffe,Nathaniei 9/22/2007; 16.000000
Rattan,Cody Joe; 4/29/2000; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Ravanelli.Claudia; 29.413000
Raven, Nicolas P.; 7/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 29.982000
Raven.lsabel G 11/10/1990; 26.640000
Rawlinson, Tracy S.; 6/30/2007; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 21.043578
Rawn, Cynthia Dunn; 7/31/2004; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 22.567600
Ray-Garcia,Alarie; 1/11/2008; (City); Santa Fe; Executive Secretary; 35.702154
Ray, Frances P; 2/28/1983; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; F Workforce Solutions; 39.400900
Ray,Anissa M; 7/8/2000; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.318190
Ray,KarlE; 7/11/2005; Las Cruces; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.095000
Ray.Catherine M.; 11/14/2008; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Ray.Laura J.; 6/14/1999; Hobbs; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.107378
Raymer, Caleb; 3/29/1999; Santa Fe (City); ITGENERALIST2; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 38.340300
Raymond, Bernard F.; 2/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department; 35.223941
Raymond, Saul; 3/20/2006; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.487445
Raymond,Yvonne E; 10/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 27.365270
Raynor,Daleen; 2/18/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 8.900000
Razatos.Gerasimos; 12/17/2001; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Health; 26.480000
Rea, Christopher; 5/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 14.238000
Read, John B.; 3/22/2008; Columbus; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.960000
Read,JaylaM.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); AO-B; FIN SPEC,; 12.500000
Reader,Taneka L; 11/19/2005; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 14.820153
Readwin.Vanessa; 8/15/2005; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF&JOBANA-0; 21.591600
Reagan, Julie Kay 10/6/2007; 39.417400
Reagan, Suzan J.; 7/22/1991; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 28.053275
Reagan.Judith A; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; F Health; 28.000000
Reasoner-Wagner,Virginia L 9/11/2004; 20.333630
RebarJunior,John Joseph; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 20.991600
Rebman.Susan A.; 28.476405
Reckarcl,Frank; 4/18/2001; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 38.089963
Recker, Michael; 5/23/1997; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.747500
Rector, Edward L.; 5/18/1987; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 36.457183
Rector.John C.; 22.417347
Redden, Carri S; 3/1/2003; Roswell; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.325104
Redding, Mary Ann; 23.675630
Redhouse.Harriet C.; 5/4/1998; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.316312
Redman, John T; 7/24/2000; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.764050
Redman,Leon; 2/29/1988; Silver City; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 27.695759
Redmon.Jo Ella; 3/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Executive Director; Martin Luther King Jr Com; 39.892860
Redner,Christopher J.; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Reece, Janice R.; 9/6/2008; Silver City; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.360000
Reece.Christopher 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Reed, Carl M; 9/19/1983; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-A; General Services Department; 26.336719
Reed, Gloria; 7/13/1996; Truth Or Consequen<; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.909690
Reed, Hope Carol; 25.321707
Reed, Megan; 3/7/2009; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Department of Health; 9.000000
Reed, Milton H; 21.534450
Reed, Richard S; 3/13/2004; Carlsbad; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.458918
Reed,BruceJ; 10.807385
Reed,Shanna; 16.139458
Reed,Stephen L.; 2/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 32.560661
Reed.GiennaG; 13.107802
Reed.John; 11/6/2000; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 14.161000
Reed.Larry; 5/17/1997; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 13.779957
Reede,Robyn L.; 4/1/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 24.415523
Reeder,Mary; 25.512792
Reese,FredA.; 2/12/2001; Clovis; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 35.891943
Reese.Rebecca; 46.312403
Reeves, Michelle; 1/10/1994; Tucumcari; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.608850
Reeves,Alana E 9/15/2003; 40.222883
Reeves,Jacqueta V.; 11/14/2008; Artesia; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.500000
Reeves,Julia A; 3/12/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.578031
Reeves,Laura E; 6/27/1998; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.089184
Reeves,Sally J; 8/1/2005; Santa Rosa; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 24.316759
Regain, Peggy Marie; 10/6/2007; Truth Or Consequent; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 16.164425
Regalado,Delia H.; 3/16/1987; Las Cruces; LINE II; Human Services Department; 20.515460
Regensberg, Sharon; 3/29/1982; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Human Services Department; 38.918027
Regensberg,Alvin E; 24.729500
Regensberg,Randall; 6/16/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Regensberg.Jean B.; 4/6/1998; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.868147
Regensberg.Todd; 6/17/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.517000
Regusa.Clara Mae; 9/13/2004; Raton; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 13.287092
Rehders,Sharon; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Reich,William Allen; 1/12/1998; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 28.382842
Reid Peppard.Tonilou Michell 10/2/1989; 19.220087
Reid, Elizabeth Carol; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 27.514500
Reid, Shirley A.; 11.790000
Reid,Bradley H; 1/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 25.530152
Reid,CarlaC.; 8/25/2007; Truth Or Consequen; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.302760
Reid,Connie Beth; 8/30/1983; Raton; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.220850
Reid,Ken L; 7/21/2003; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 22.122286
Reid,RonaldD; 10/18/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Portales; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 17.029460
Reid.Ron A; 10/21/2006; Santa Fe (City); 29.672269
Reiking.Eugenia J; 4/30/2001; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 14.004690
Reilly,Maryanne; 40.817000
Rein.Jeff; 2/20/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 31.000000
Reisch, Lawrence P.; 3/25/1999; Los Lunas; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 25.528454
Reiter.Melissa L; 9/25/2004; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 18.329460
Rel, Genevieve; 4/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 17.743185
Rel,Anthony T. 8/14/1995; 33.803000
Remaly,Charles Eward 9/20/2008; 14.560000
Remer.Tony A; 12/27/2006; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.828600
Remington, Mark E.; 12/21/1998; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Workforce Solutions; 22.818070
Remkes.Charles A. 9/29/1997; 46.653843
Rempe, James Joseph; 21.847000
Rempel, Brian R; 6/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; Department of Health; 22.984091
Rendon, Andrew T; 2/23/2005; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 42.798300
Rendon, Frank F; 4/8/2006; City); Santa Fe; Capital Projects Director; 37.149539
Rendon, Joseph A.; 5/25/1990; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.207630
Rendon, Lawrence; 2/18/2008; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.483000
Rendon.Gloria; 2/23/2009; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; Public Education Department; 39.182692
Rendon.Lauri A; 7/10/2006; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.539810
Renfrow.JamesD 3/1/2007; 1.772000
Reno.Jonathan R; 12/3/2005; Tucumcari; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 11.738190
Renteria, Sandra G.; Health; Departmen; Health; ol; 26.640288
Renteria.Abe! Antliony; 14.723810
Repichowski,Jeffrey; 4/11/1988; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - ECONOMICS; Human Services Department; 36.806082
Reshetnik.Brian M; 36.900000
Resnicke.Alan D; 4/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.341495
Reta,Christina O.; 6/18/1993; Hobbs; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.699584
Reta.Amanda F; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.290500
Reu!er,Rob 12/2/1996; 14.455810
Reusser.Terry W.; 36.802306
Reuter, Jesse; 9/16/2002; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 1 1 .882834
Reuter.Stephen G.; 10/7/1996; Albuquerque; ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 30.995772
Reval,Dewayne; 12/17/2005; Dulce; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.201190
Revard, Betsy T.; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.500000
Reveles,Kristian Victoria; 10/6/2007; Roswell; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 10.958730
Reveles.Jesus; 9/28/2002; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 25.252372
Rey,Jeffrey M.; 27.373000
Rey,Jeffrey M.; 3/8/1998; Los Lunas; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 27.373000
Reycraft, Maria S; 15.590232
Reycraft, Richard M; 22.277393
Reyes Junior,Richard A.; 3/8/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.835630
Reyes-Alicea,Osvaldo; 5/31/1977; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 35.155882
Reyes, David S.; 7/21/1997; Deming; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 16.648303
Reyes, Deana L.; 11/5/2005; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.225630
Reyes, Jonathan Aidan; 4/21/2007; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.529410
Reyes, Patricia A; 2/23/2008; Alamogordo; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 22.450000
Reyes, Rachel M; 10/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 22.290209
Reyes, Ronald; 9/4/1; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Alamogordo; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 22.782460
Reyes, Willie A.; 16.073810
Reyes,LupeJ.; 16.699290
Reyes,Roxanne 1/4/2001; 13.937159
Reyes,Sandra; 12.096570
Reyes,SoniaY. 8/27/2005; 13.438190
Reyes.Adolfo; 8/15/2005; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.687190
Reyes.Andrea F; 10/28/1985; Alamogordo; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 14.408057
Reyes.Antonio; 15.640000
Reyes.Carmen L.; 10/4/1999; Deming; PURCHASING AGENT-O; of Transportation; 16.105792
Reyes.Marcelino; 4/17/2000; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.259810
Reyes.Maria Esmeralda 3/19/2007; 19.643600
Reyes.Ramona S.; 14.570713
Reyes.Tracy M 4/16/2005; 22.652803
Reyna, Gloria; 7/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Reynolds-Forte,Pashella R; 9/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); Special Projects Coord. Ill; Public Education Department; 45.140760
Reynolds, Dion F.; 6/25/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Reynolds, John J; 2/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 28.760000
Reynolds, Mark H; 1/16/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 29.300000
Reynolds,Elaine T.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Reynolds,Gregory A; 1/12/2008; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 18.790000
Reynolds.Annette Y; 8/6/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 25.575000
Reynolds.Wesley T.; 4/9/1997; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; Gaming Control Board; 28.807295
Reynosa.Amparo; 12/30/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Hobbs; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Reynoso.Lupe B.; 9/9/1991; Belen; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.073792
Rezelman-ReinhartMary; 4/3/1998; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Gaming Control Board; 19.849090
Rhein.Jeffrey A; 5/22/2004; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Alamogordo; Human Services Department; 17.649550
Rhoades, Norman; 26.624850
Rhoades, Rachel Morningstar; 3/10/2007; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A;; 19.909810
Rhoades,Aubyn H; 20.652933
Rhoads,EarlA; 30.645040
Rhoads.Nona M.; 2/7/1998; FAMILY ASSISTANCE AHAV Portales; Human Services Department; 16.321630
Rhoads.Sabrina Angeline 2/9/2008; 16.591600
Rhoderick.John Scott; 12/29/2007; Grants; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 24.159460
Rhodes, Patricia; 3/8/1999; Fort Bayard; 16.988630
Ribeiro.Mictielle L; Santa Fe (City)
Rice, Aubrey D.; 22.914600
Rice,Bradley M; 1/31/2005; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 12.433190
Rice,Leonard R; 12/21/2002; Santa Rosa; LINEN; Department of Game & Fish; 20.439460
Rice,Melodie June; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Environment; 38.408220
Rich, Jack J.; 2/11/1995; Albuquerque; SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 12.127730
Rich, Susan E; 7/24/2006; Albuquerque; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 29.169500
Rich,David; 12/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-B; Public Education Department; 16.779391
Rich.John Michaei; 4/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.937387
Richard, Kenneth A; 7/3/2004; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.939460
Richard.Thaxter R.; 10/13/1998; Lordsburg; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 21.764460
Richards, Robert D.; 5/16/2006; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.217550
Richards, Robert; 8/14/2006; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-0; : Workforce Solutions; 20.458650
Richards, Shenice L.; 3/7/2009; Deming; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Richards,Anna Maria; 7/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 36.413000
Richards,Charri L; 11.533690
Richards.Alicia M; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.348630
Richards.Stephen 6/8/1991; 24.447665
Richards.Terri N; 9/10/2005; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.466891
Richardson .Patricia E; 11/24/2001; Albuquerque; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.665630
Richardson, Crystal D; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL" Espanola; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Richardson, Frances Rickey 11/1/2008; 18.470000
Richardson,Alan G.; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; Transportation; 23.440000
Richardson,Bruce W.; 11/27/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.519562
Richardson,Michael; 25.927850
Richardson,Shannon L; 9/25/2004; Los Lunas; TRMT-0; 14.345630
Richardson.Sherry L; 3/4/2002; Las Cruces; PSY-A; 26.150000
Richerson, Nathaniel Kelly; 4/10/1995; City); Santa Fe; ELECTRICIAN-A; 16.758693
Richey,Kristan J.; Santa Fe (City); CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-0; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-0; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-0; 21.948756
Richey.Jessica A; 10/30/2000; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); New Mexico Corrections Dept; 21.534933
Richter, David Gordon; 5/15/2001; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.355500
Richter, Marie R. 8/16/1993; 23.712878
Rickerman,Judy Ann; 10/11/1994; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.926000
Rickert,Judy; 26.618034
Ricklin, Michael; 4/24/2002; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Human Services Department; 48.041260
Ricks, Robert M; 12/4/2000; Reserve; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.159951
Rico-Suina,Jamie 11/19/2005; 19.126800
Rico, Mario C; 7/30/1990; Albuquerque; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 27.138000
Rico,Guadalupe; 9/10/2005; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.420000
Rico,JulieE.; 9/7/1996; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.822810
Rideout, Donald L; 7/17/2006; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 26.775000
Ridgeway.Olivia T.; 8/16/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.369500
Ridgley,Gregory C.; 2/17/1997; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Ofc of the State Engineer; 46.471920
Ridgway,John; 13.000000
Ridley I.Charlie Willard; 12/2/2006; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 11.956453
Ridley, Jamie L.; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Belen; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Ridley,Jennifer D.; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL > Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Ridolfi.Valerie P.; 35.193681
Ridout, Patricia D..; 6/23/1992; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 17.612196
Riebe.Louise; 6/28/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Public Safety; 32.630000
Rieske,Michael 0.; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 0.000000
Riggie.Delford F; 16.130810
Riggs-Montoya.Brenda J.; 11/2/1987; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.798328
Riggs, Michael; 9/1/1990; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 24.190526
Riggs,April D.; 20.700000
Riggs,Stephanie; 17.262567
Riggs.EricT.; 5/12/2007; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; 20.221000
Riggs.Jeffrey M; 8/7/1985; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Director; Educational Retirement Board; 45.514140
Riggs.Steve N.; 7/6/1998; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 25.530000
Rightley,Jean A.; 1/3/2004; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 40.940310
Rightmer.Seth; 10/22/2006; Albuquerque; IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.304040
Rigoni.Rebecca D; 1/8/2007; Raton; MEDICAL SECTY-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.750000
Riiey.Glenda G; 4/12/2003; Rosweli; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.745163
Rijos.JoseR.; 1/13/1997; Las Cruces; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 28.518096
Riley, Nancy M; 1/15/2003; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.850500
Riley, Randol D; 21.184000
Riley, Retta L; 12/7/1998; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Public Safety; 15.826819
Riley,IVIichael D; 9/26/2001; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.596488
Riley,Raylene K.; 10/18/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 13.300000
Riley.Cari L.; 10/20/1997; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 14.500000
Riley.Leland J.; 29.386637
Rima,Philip; 12/18/2006; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 11.786159
Rinaldi.Geoffrey T; 3/21/1988; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 18.702115
Rinaldi.Keith 11/3/1999; 26.427500
RinehartLarry F 6/7/2004; 18.295131
Ring,Kristine Mckee; 30.350329
Ringgold, Carol A; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN &DEVSPEC-A; Human Services Department; 20.484800
Ringo, Jessica R; 5/31/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.470000
Riordan,Mary; 12/15/2004; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 25.067855
Rios I.Armando Sedillos; 8/25/2007; Las Cruces; SURVEYOR-B; Department of Transportation; 26.701600
Rios Junior.Carlos G.; 10/20/2007; Las Cruces; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 12.406190
Rios, Daniel; 10/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 15.000000
Rios, Jennifer J.; 14.477945
Rios, Patricia; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 12.500000
Rios, Rebecca; 5/19/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0;; 10.100000
Rios,Anthony S; 13.100000
Rios,Arturo P.; 1/30/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Rios,Cecilia; 2/24/1992; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 22.926891
Rios,Juan R; 3/31/2005; (City); Santa Fe; Chief Clerk; 43.422000
Rios,MarkA; 10/15/2001; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.916810
Rios.Adrian Jason; 7/26/2008; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Rios.Art A; 5/6/2002; City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 28.895226
Rios.BetteM.; 10/22/1990; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 20.231600
Rios.Carmen M. 12/3/1990; 20.066600
Rios.Christopher; 14.723810
Rios.Lisa J 3/20/2009; 12.500000
Rios.Luis R; 6/4/1984; Las Cruces; GENI; Department of Game & Fish; 35.783595
Rios.Marla A.; 2/21/2009; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B;; 8.600000
Rios.Ofelia; 6/19/2006; Deming; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-B; Transportation; 14.435825
Ripperger,Michael S.; 5/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - ECONOMICS; Public Regulation Commission; 32.271866
Rippetoe, Marsha Ann; 9/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-0; 21.240000
Rippy,Dallas M; 9/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); Policy Analyst; State Land Office; 32.000000
Rirou.Gregoria Kay; 5/1/1989; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 32.516261
Rising, Carol A; 12/12/2005; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Public Regulation Commission; 41.363000
Risku, Karen A.; 11/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); Attorney; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 37.450000
Ritch.Cindy A.; 3/4/1991; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.346526
Ritz,Kathy Morris-; 5/29/2001; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 23.846130
Ritz.Charies Herbert; 4/7/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-A;; 19.418000
Ritzma.Paul; 3/30/1998; Santa Fe (City); Chief Legal Counsel; Human Services Department; 49.693840
Rivale, Eleanor; 31.306479
Rivali,Aldo; 6/16/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN EXAMINER-O; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.240000
Rivas, Diana T; 6/8/2002; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 11.237177
Rivas, Johnny; 31.401000
Rivas,lrma; 5/7/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.387500
Rivas.Cassandra Marie; 15.328000
Rivas.Johnny; 31.401000
Rivas.Melanie G.; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 13.836630
Rivera Junior,Rene S. 9/22/2007; 13.489810
Rivera li.Fred G; 7/14/2007; Roswel!; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.480000
Rivera-Gallegos,Theresa M; 3/16/1992; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 22.001600
Rivera-Juarez,Judy; 9/17/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.740000
Rivera-Sanchez.MarieJ.; 4/17/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 19.095497
Rivera-Smith.Andrea; 28.974040
Rivera, Chris; 11/7/2005; Tucumcari; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.009810
Rivera, David A 6/21/2004; 17.633237
Rivera, Edward A; 5/8/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; Department of Game & Fish; 26.424622
Rivera, Erminia; 7/18/1992; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 17.634033
Rivera, Felicia J.; 16.290000
Rivera, Jerome E.; 3/14/1994; Tierra Amarilla; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; . of Transportation; 15.932190
Rivera, Joyce S; 8/2/2003; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.423157
Rivera, Lisa M.; 7/6/1999; Paradise Hills; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; of Transportation; 12.923133
Rivera, Loretta S.; 6/17/2002; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 14.308990
Rivera, Martha; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.322491
Rivera, Martin D.; 15.744190
Rivera, Mary Francine; 17.444690
Rivera, Melissa; 6/6/1988; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 28.326257
Rivera, Michael W.; 5/16/1989; Tucumcari; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.604630
Rivera, Mickey A. 10/9/1990; 20.622600
Rivera, Natalie A.; 3/13/1995; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; General Services Department; 20.262192
Rivera, Oneva; 8/8/2005; Santa Fe (City); HYDROLOGIST-O; Department of Environment; 20.820035
Rivera, Racheal L.; 10/30/1995; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 12.296427
Rivera, Rick; 5/3/2008; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-O; Department of Health; 8.137500
Rivera, Robert M.; 17.627810
Rivera, Ronald J; 12/8/1997; Las Vegas; MAINT& REPAIR WKR-A; 15.738473
Rivera, Ruben A.; 19.304607
Rivera, Rudolfo; 8/15/2005; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 13.993810
Rivera, Steve P; 7/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.297630
Rivera,Angel S; 2/9/2008; Fort Bayard; J ANITR&CLN R,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.531590
Rivera,Barbara E; 19.340000
Rivera,Bernice M.; 12/4/1989; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; ic Safety; 18.419224
Rivera,Corina O.; 10/2/1989; Silver City; STAFF; Human Services Department; 27.475500
Rivera,Donna L.; 7/28/2007; [City); Santa Fe; FIN ANALYST-A; 29.743090
Rivera,Elizabeth A.; 9/11/1989; Albuquerque; 28.840000
Rivera,Elizabeth S.; 12/4/1986; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.235721
Rivera,Gilbert R; 6/10/2002; [City); Santa Fe; JAN ITR&CLN R, NOMAI D-B; 10.780813
Rivera,Gloria E; 12/15/2007; Las Vegas; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; F Health; 7.812760
Rivera,Jennifer; 10/4/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.000000
Rivera,Jerry C.; 2/15/1982; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 22.214462
Rivera,Josue Pablo 11/29/2008; 14.560000
Rivera,Larry A.; 11/4/2006; Colfax County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 18.470000
Rivera,Maria 10/22/2007; 13.538190
Rivera,Marla E; 1/14/2006; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.287092
Rivera,Michael B; 1/2/2006; Nara Visa; HIGHWAY MA1NT WKR-0; : of Transportation; 12.999190
Rivera,Pamela 11/3/2007; 12.358730
Rivera,Raul; 8/11/1987; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.559805
Rivera,Sabino; 5/24/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Environment; 32.384040
Rivera,Suzie D 8/16/2003; 9.222619
Rivera,Victoria P; 9/13/2004; Deming; FIN SPEC, AO-0; Transportation; 14.603240
Rivera.Allen J; 10/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC; 14.750000
Rivera.Bemardo E; 7/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-O; Information Technology; 17.638985
Rivera.David E.; 12/10/1990; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.262120
Rivera.George; 6/21/1993; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Anthony; Human Services Department; 19.825300
Rivera.Gerardo 7/12/2008; 13.000000
Rivera.Gloria T. 12/19/1992; 26.234950
Rivera.J. Robert; 5/29/1984; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Educational Retirement Board; 34.432208
Rivera.James L; 4/27/2002; Tucumcari; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.034690
Rivera.Joyce; 9/14/1991; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 23.206539
Rivera.Kimberiy; 6/16/2007; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.275351
Rivera.LisaT; 4/24/200; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 20.179460
Rivera.Loretta D; 3/26/1984; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 27.579344
Rivera.Loretta; 9/7/1999; Albuquerque; INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.901320
Rivera.Maggie; 3/7/2009; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Rivera.Mark A 9/17/2001; 17.135787
Rivera.Michael P.; 8/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-O; 11.999789
Rivera.Monica T. 10/29/2002; 14.686470
Rivera.Nicolas L. 12/9/2000; 17.348000
Rivera.Paul Eddie; 3/17/2003; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.767912
Rivera.Sharon M.; 4/5/2008; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Rivera.Stefanie; 8/30/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Department of Health; 15.990000
Rivera.Veronica; 5/31/1988; Santa Fe (City)
Riverajheresa; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.108587
Riverajsmael; 12/28/1998; Roswell; POLICE & SHER PO-0; F Public Safety; 17.020000
Rixey.GaryR; 20.785271
Rizvi.Rais A.; 4/6/1998; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 35.944000
Roach, Robert; 4/26/2003; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.286801
Roach, Thomas S; 26.110000
Roach.Arthur W; 12/18/2000; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Workforce Solutions; 21.964219
Roanhorse-Aguilar,Sharilyn 1/9/1996; Albuquerque; Santa Fe (City)
Roaque,Crispin F; 2/11/1985; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Taos (City); New Mexico Corrections Dept; 31.169733
Roark,Jerry D; 9/11/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 32.580000
Robb,Jeffery M; 8/15/1977; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Health; 29.047850
Robb.DebraL; 1/9/2006; Alamogordo; LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.108465
Robbins,Kelly H; 34.493902
Robbins,Randall Herbert 7/2/2008; 33.723000
Robbins.Sara; 21.916191
Roberson.Christopher; 1/27/2007; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.939460
Roberts-Bejarano.Erika 11/1/2008; 15.050000
Roberts, Biliie; 4/13/1992; Farmington; LINEN; Workers Compensation Admin; 25.563444
Roberts, LeeAnn 10/17/2002; 28.275689
Roberts, Preston R; 4/5/2004; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 16.989000
Roberts, Ricky Daie; Santa Fe (City)
Roberts,Clancy E; 6/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Environment; 44.343150
Roberts,Kathryn M; 5/22/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 30.284712
Roberts,Kelly G; 10/11/2005; Aztec; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 25.480000
Roberts,Miriam; 25.733981
Roberts,Spencer; 7/20/2008; Truth Or Consequen; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Roberts.Aaron Q; 5/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); NAT SCI COORD-A; Department of Game & Fish; 14.945630
Roberts.John A.; 2/8/1999; Roswell; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.363190
Roberts.Larry A.; 9/2/1986; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.608810
Roberts.Terry D.; 24.634000
Roberts.Wendy A; 20.534332
Robertson, Hugh Michael; 7/5/1978; Albuquerque; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 26.242112
Robertson, Janice G.; 2/12/2001; Lovington; COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 16.489810
Robertson, Jeffrey L.; 11/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.750000
Robertson, Peter A. 4/22/2002; 27.934040
Robertson, Randle Ray; 10.870000
Robey,Marsha Jean; 2/9/2008; Socorro (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 14.367190
Robinson Junior.Zack 5/14/2007; 20.997300
Robinson, Calvin; 4/21/2007
Robinson, George R; 7/8/1991; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 43.305709
Robinson, Keri; 2/16/2002; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 26.914999
Robinson, Kim L; 9/8/2003; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 16.222543
Robinson, Lindsay; 1/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A;; 23.439900
Robinson, Robert W.; 1/18/2005; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.699630
Robinson, Rosalie M; 11/1/2008; Clovis; HYDROLOGIST-A; Environment; 22.950000
Robinson.John L.; 5/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 26.986762
Robinson.Paulina B 7/3/2004; 33.369165
Robles,Alma C.; 11/1/2008; 13.401000
Robles,Raul; 21.847000
Rocha, David R 12/8/1982; 16.624213
Rocha.Jeremy; 7/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 25.058355
Rocha.JoseA; 5/21/2007; Fort Bayard; COOK, INST&CAF-A; Department of Health; 14.257000
Rocha.Philip L; 3/24/2007; ue; Aibuquerq; Dbl & GRIM INVEST-A; 25.365600
Rocha.Soledad; 20.953600
Rock.Jay; 4/19/2008; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Rockman, Richard J; 25.567000
Rocko,Debra V.; 1/1/2005; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 10.340106
Rockstroh, Gregory; 38.110000
Rodarte, Raymond R; 26.812627
Rodarte,Frank M; 11/22/2003; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; c Environment; 24.987385
Rodarte,Karen; 13.726130
Rodarte.Danial; 31.175000
Rodarte.MaryAnnadine; 4/9/1988; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 13.250565
Rodarte.Veanna E.; 5/1/2000; Grants; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; of Transportation; 9.855810
Rodas, Walter; 9/4/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.000000
Rodda.Debra Kay; 5/23/2004; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 21.501781
Rodden,Kevin; 2/20/1999; Las Cruces; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 23.213920
Rodden.Mary 2/22/1971; Albuquerque; Las Cruces; Santa Fe (City)
Rodella,Dion J; 7/21/2008; Santa Fe (City); PRINTING MACH OP-B; Public Education Department; 12.349000
Rodella,Kara; 6/2/2007; Moriarty; CONSTRUCT LBR-B; Department of Transportation; 8.500000
Rodella.Ronald B; 9/27/2004; Taos (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; of Transportation; 12.201190
Rodgers,Jo Ann M; 2/8/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 35.000000
Rodgers,Mary; 10/20/2007; Roswell; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-A; Department of Health; 12.652200
Rodgers.Sally; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Policy Analyst; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.354160
Rodgers.Timothy R 1/4/2003; 30.384622
Rodke,Russell R; 6/1/1982; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 33.916522
Rodriguez Janya; Santa Fe (City)
Rodriguez Junior, Ricardo 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Rodriguez Y Ortega,Joshua; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-O; 18.570000
Rodriguez-Adebayo,Chrissie 9/3/2002; 20.640000
Rodriguez-Campos, Norma; 17.515810
Rodriguez-Ortega,Jeremy E.; 1/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.044630
Rodriguez-Ulanowicz.Y L; 1/3/1990; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 26.025460
Rodriguez-Zambrano.lrma J; 6/26/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 11.358730
Rodriguez, Alicia Miquella; 9/1/2007; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.759100
Rodriguez, Bernadette K; 12/6/2003; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-O; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 21.395928
Rodriguez, Bersabe; 7/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Taxation & Revenue Department; 32.848300
Rodriguez, Betty; 5/7/2005; Rio Rancho; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 18.513545
Rodriguez, Darlene; 9/10/2007; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 12.188190
Rodriguez, David S; 1/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; 44.386160
Rodriguez, Dinise F.; 15.304690
Rodriguez, Dorothy E; 5/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; 50.265180
Rodriguez, Eddie S.; 10/19/1998; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 21.764460
Rodriguez, Eduardo L.; 3/28/1988; Santa Fe (City); MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Public Safety; 13.864199
Rodriguez, Elmer R.; 3/9/1998; Penasco; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.282190
Rodriguez, Euialio A.; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.018000
Rodriguez, Freddie E.; 11/6/1995; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.306190
Rodriguez, Frieda; 8/27/1985; ty); Santa Fe (C; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 21.261904
Rodriguez, Janine; 10/14/2000; Santa Fe (City); TRMT-0; 16.890010
Rodriguez, Jaylene I; 11/1/2008; Grants; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 12.370000
Rodriguez, Joe A; 4/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); CRIM JUST & LW ENF-0; f Public Safety; 20.910116
Rodriguez, Joe Anthony; 24.619500
Rodriguez, Joe B.; 5/21/1990; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 15.710261
Rodriguez, Joseph A.; 11/21/2005; Anthony; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.284690
Rodriguez, Joseph; 4/20/1998; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.628630
Rodriguez, Leonard G; 4/23/1981; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 15.548190
Rodriguez, Linda O; 1/23/2006; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 13.639810
Rodriguez, Maria D; 15.288450
Rodriguez, Maria E.; 28.846096
Rodriguez, Maurice A.; 7/20/1998; Albuquerque; MED & PUB HLTH SW-A; Health; 26.344500
Rodriguez, MelodeeV.; 6/30/2007; Roswell; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.300000
Rodriguez, Natalia H.; 3/27/2007; Albuquerque; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.276519
Rodriguez, Otis C.; 25.357000
Rodriguez, Rachel M.; 24.417971
Rodriguez, Randall J; 1/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 12.370000
Rodriguez, Rebecca J; 15.975810
Rodriguez, Renea LaFita; 23.640000
Rodriguez, Rhonda T.; 7/16/2005; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 17.618843
Rodriguez, Rico H.; 7/28/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Alamogordo; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Rodriguez, Robert C; 4/19/2003; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 10.798730
Rodriguez, Robert; 4/23/2007; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.356400
Rodriguez, Rose Ann; 6/17/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.517000
Rodriguez, Rosina S; 6/28/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; Information Technology; 14.982132
Rodriguez, Ruben S.; 2/20/1995; Albuquerque; INV-O; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.360047
Rodriguez, Ruben; 5/6/2002; Lordsburg; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 12.939190
Rodriguez, Stephen M.; 9/26/1983; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 48.667680
Rodriguez, Valerie 9/8/2007; 16.000000
Rodriguez,Angie; 4/26/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,A0-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 18.739858
Rodriguez,Arlene E.; 7/16/1991; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 14.105646
Rodriguez,Benjamin; 2/23/2008; [City); Santa Fe; DISPATCHER II; 15.548000
Rodriguez,Brenda; 15.590232
Rodriguez,C!audta J; 9/10/1984; Santa Fe (City); TRMT-0; 18.470000
Rodriguez,Carmen; 10/20/1997; Truth Or Consequent; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 12.550679
Rodriguez,Chris R.; 8/24/1998; Las Vegas; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.600000
Rodriguez,Chris; 5/20/1985; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.102810
Rodriguez,Dennis G; 3/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.285810
Rodriguez,Donald J 10/1/1990; 34.097140
Rodriguez,Emmanuel; 16.535630
Rodriguez,Ernesto; 11/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 31.754500
Rodriguez,Jared M.; 6/12/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGTECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.643375
Rodriguez,Jennifer C; 8/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.925211
Rodriguez,Lucy A; 13.202375
Rodriguez,Marcella J; 2/3/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; 16.760810
Rodriguez,Maria A; 2/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.287892
Rodriguez,Maria guadalupe; 9/10/2007; Hobbs; LGLSUPWKR,AO-A; Public Defender; 13.589000
Rodriguez,Marta B; 12/19/1977; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Human Services Department; 28.053275
Rodriguez,Martha; 2/7/2000; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.115630
Rodriguez,Pamela L; 5/1/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Tourism Department; 24.849555
Rodriguez,Paula D.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Rodriguez,Phillipe V; 1/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Health; 20.000000
Rodriguez,Santiago; 5/18/1987; Grants; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; of Transportation; 22.168338
Rodriguez,Selma M.; 25.710000
Rodriguez,Tommy L.
Rodriguez,Tommy; 6/6/2007; Raton; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 8.583279
Rodriguez,Velma D.; 6/28/1999; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 17.490000
Rodriguez,Victor J; 10/18/2008; Clovis; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 19.000000
Rodriguez,Vidal; 1/21/1985; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; t of Transportation; 17.861223
Rodriguez.Alfred G; 12/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.470000
Rodriguez.Alonzo C.; 2/18/1992; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Public Education Department; 22.781809
Rodriguez.Andres; 10/3/1994; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Gaming Control Board; 22.388547
Rodriguez.Anita M. 9/14/1992; Las Vegas; Farmington; Artesia; Clovis; 25.760199
Rodriguez.Anna Bella; 6/23/1980; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 24.890456
Rodriguez.Annette; 24.491600
Rodriguez.Anthony L.; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.000000
Rodriguez.Anthony; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 12.871000
Rodriguez.Audrey m; 1/14/1974; Estancia; LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 27.305333
Rodriguez.Camille M.; 3/17/1997; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; BUS OPS SPEC-0; 15.145936
Rodriguez.Carla F.; 4/3/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Human Services Department; 18.241376
Rodriguez.Carlos G; 12/20/2004; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.631190
Rodriguez.Carmen L; 23.881000
Rodriguez.Cheryi K; 24.435000
Rodriguez.Chris J.; 7/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 34.569612
Rodriguez.Christopher M.; 7/30/2006; Espanola; Patrolman;; 19.171000
Rodriguez.CristinaA.; 11/6/1989; Sunland Park; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 15.091164
Rodriguez.Cruz J.; 1 1 .500000
Rodriguez.Crystal; 5/7/2005; Espanola; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.391439
Rodriguez.Eduardo; 12/5/2005; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.867879
Rodriguez.Eileen A; 11.250000
Rodriguez.ElaineT; 1/21/1985; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.854000
Rodriguez.Ernesto; 21.901000
Rodriguez.Eugene D; 7/7/1997; Fort Bayard; 12.677242
Rodriguez.Frances; 2/23/2004; Truth Or Consequeni; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Department of Health; 11.629974
Rodriguez.Gerald S.; 5/10/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; General Services Department; 28.723050
Rodriguez.Gina S; 7/23/2001; Carlsbad; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; 12.213190
Rodriguez.Jaime; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.399460
Rodriguez.Jimmy N.; 5/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 22.227300
Rodriguez.Joe L; 18.011000
Rodriguez.Josefa; 9/2/1997; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Public Education Department; 23.724600
Rodriguez.Josephine; 1/21/2003; Bernalillo (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.894325
Rodriguez.Josetta M.; 18.008190
Rodriguez.LaVern; 17.535630
Rodriguez.Martin G; 11/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); CARPENTER-A; Department of Transportation; 11.887902
Rodriguez.Melvin L.; 5/23/1994; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; General Services Department; 15.920095
Rodriguez.Michael Richard; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-A; General Services Department; 23.739500
Rodriguez.Nancy; 10/28/1985; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.875560
Rodriguez.Odilia 12/5/2005; 13.793889
Rodriguez.Phiilip; 2/12/1985; Raton; STAFF; Human Services Department; 28.021500
Rodriguez.Raul E.; 1/8/2001; Las Cruces; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 17.987145
Rodriguez.Ricardo J; 5/7/2005; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 19.754460
Rodriguez.Richard R.; 3/6/2001; Santa Fe (City); CARPENTER-A; Department of Transportation; 13.225370
Rodriguez.Ronnie; 6/30/2007; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; t of Transportation; 10.984539
Rodriguez.Sandra; 9.000000
Rodriguez.Santiago M; 3/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 22.649898
Rodriguez.Sarah E; 2/25/2002; Las Cruces; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 15.492690
Rodriguez.Serena L; 3/2/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 17.029460
Rodriguez.Stephanie J.; 1/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 21.501000
Rodriguez.Susan M.; 6/12/1989; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-O; 26.171026
Rodriguez.Susano L; 5/18/1987; Fort Bayard; ELECTRICIAN-O; 16.703443
Rodriguez.Sylvia; 2/25/2008; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Department of Environment; 16.056320
Rodriguez.Sylvia; 8/3/1988; Las Vegas; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 27.950751
Rodriguez.Terri E.; 8/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 15.987471
Rodriguez.Tomas B; 43.596040
Rodriguez.Toni A.; 1/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.371427
Rodriguez.Velma; 11/14/2008; Hobbs; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 12.370000
Rodriguez.Victoria B; 12/22/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 10.540000
Rodriguez.Victoria; 9/15/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Rodriguez.Xavier F.; 5/19/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 20.045000
Rodriguez.Yvonne M.; 10/21/1996; Albuquerque; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 18.090500
Rodriguez/Thomas L; 7/16/1990; Deming; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.510630
Rodriguezjravis; 12/17/2001; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 12.393589
Rodulfo, Anthony R.; 18.729600
Roebuck.Linda; 2/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Human Services Department; 48.125840
Roepke.Craig S; 4/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); GEN{-ENG{NEER{NG; Ofc of the State Engineer; 44.978903
Roethler,Ashley A.; 10/19/1992; Los Lunas; PSY-A; 24.143632
Roever.Jeri L 9/29/2004; 20.448200
Roff.JanetL; 3/8/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Clovis; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Rogasti, Lindsay Michelle; 10/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.000000
Roger, Cynthia L; 10/26/2002; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.005065
Rogers-Kennard, Margaret; 1 6.000000
Rogers, David; 23.467433
Rogers, Michael E. 12/8/1990; 42.231089
Rogers, Peter; 18.970000
Rogers,Celeste M; 9/23/2006; Roswell; BUS OPS SPEC-O; 15.389810
Rogers,James L; 11.260570
Rogers,Nova L; 7/6/1987; Roswell; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; of Transportation; 20.311810
Rogers,P. Lynne; 8/10/1998; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 16.849810
Rogers,Wayne R.; 3/14/1991; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.858810
Rogers.Gwendolyn; 17.379810
Rogers.Janice C; 1/6/2001; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 11; 44.386160
Rogers.Valerie Gail; 22.541600
Rogge,James W.; 1/10/2005; Bloomfield; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.369600
Rogge,William A.; 16.064690
Rohlfs.Tanna; 1/6/2001; Los Lunas; LPN & LVN-0; 18.941116
Rohr, David M; 5/19/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 27.104550
Rohr,Amy J. 3/27/1989; 22.548460
Rohrs.RubyM; 8/9/1999; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; 18.950600
Roibal-Bradley,Juanita; 1/7/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 46.531150
Roibal,Anna; 4/10/2004; Belen; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 13.563978
Roibal.Tebrina; 15.096611
Rojas,Lonicia L.; 4/5/1999; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.075810
Rojo, Robert; 28.000000
Rojo.Kimberly N; 5/3/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 12.450000
Roland,Salveig S.; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Roller,Laverne A. 4/26/1991; 20.029000
Roller.Cydney; 11/13/2008; CERTIFIED NURSE PRACTI1 Roswell; Department of Health; 50.220000
Rollins,Renaldo T.; 11/13/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.120000
Rollins,Richard L; 1/13/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Farmington; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Roman, Ruth H; 19.688303
Romeo, Nathaniel; 5/6/2006; Clovis; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; Department of Game & Fish; 17.595197
Romereau,Claudine J.; 6/3/2006; Espanola; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Romero Ill.Johnny J 6/28/2008; 1 1 .500000
ROMERO Junior.ROYCHRIi; 6/16/2007; Pojoaque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.008639
Romero l,Jesus Miguel 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Romero-Arguello,Jacqueline 11/16/2000; 24.342617
Romero-Cardenas, Robyn; 4/10/1989; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 32.035600
Romero-Chavira,Yolanda; 2/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; State Treasurer; 22.713005
Romero-Eoff,Elizabeth A.; 1/22/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Tourism Department; 36.518400
Romero-Flores,Rosa M.; 6/28/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Silver City; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Romero-Halama,Laura A. 6/6/1994; 19.478227
Romero-Milloway.Julianne A.; 11/22/2003; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 21.643050
Romero-Montoya.Julie 10/20/1986; 19.198209
Romero-Ticho,Pamela S; 3/25/1996; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.781042
Romero, Aaron P; 16.394000
Romero, Andrea; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-O; ic Safety; 18.240000
Romero, Andrew y; 4/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-B; Rehbltation; 17.690190
Romero, Anthony J 7/28/2007; 20. 1 70630
Romero, Anthony; 14.229810
Romero, Arthur; 11/10/2008; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.618500
Romero, Betty A; 12/13/2003; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER.NONRST-0; Department o; 8.322029
Romero, Betty; 6/7/2004; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.170894
Romero, Brenda J; 7/25/1990; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 33.810251
Romero, Charlie; 12/19/1994; Las Vegas; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Transportation; 18.738190
Romero, Chrisann N; 1/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 14.137690
Romero, Cynthia; 6/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 21.514748
Romero, Damon L 8/28/2004; 16.183787
Romero, Danielle; 10.420000
Romero, David A; 12/24/2001; Socorro (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.922424
Romero, David; 15.144000
Romero, Davina R 5/17/2008; 15.050000
Romero, Deborah Ann; 22.451600
Romero, Deborah; 10/10/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; Information Technology; 18.000000
Romero, Dennis; 18.531251
Romero, Dorothy M; 8/9/1993; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Romero, Dulce R.; 8/25/1997; Roswell; GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 24.434460
Romero, Edward J; 4/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); GENI; General Services Department; 37.350000
Romero, Eileen G.; 3/6/1995; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 19.762488
Romero, Ermelina U; 19.689212
Romero, Ernestine S.; 15.860000
Romero, Esmerejildo R; 5/15/2006; Rio Rancho; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 14.487445
Romero, Estella; 9/4/2003; Raton; COOK, INST&CAF-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.865623
Romero, Esther L; 8/17/1987; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Health; 14.173233
Romero, Evaristo Andrew; 2/13/1995; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.441918
Romero, Fernando M.; 6/27/1995; [City); Santa Fe; CONST & REL WRKR-0; 14.852690
Romero, Frank; 30.728300
Romero, George T; 7/7/2007; Roswell; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.935630
Romero, Gloria M; 13.038449
Romero, Heather A; 1/26/2005; (City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 17.982000
Romero, Henrietta; 16.594400
Romero, Henry R; 32.959234
Romero, Henry R.; 8/9/1994; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; of Transportation; 20.358028
Romero, Herbert; 30.695829
Romero, J ustina M; 8/30/2003; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.504439
Romero, Jackie A. 9/27/2003; 1 5. 1 27630
Romero, James; 5/12/2001; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.490232
Romero, Jeanette N; 15.797169
Romero, Jennifer L; 10/18/1999; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-B; of Transportation; 16.958190
Romero, Jennifer; 7/28/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 29.641040
Romero, Jeri L.; 1/19/1981; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Transportation; 18.662416
Romero, Joe R.; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 15.816517
Romero, Joe; 5/13/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.720000
Romero, Joey B.; 4/26/1999; Pojoaque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.829810
Romero, John B; 1/19/2004; Santa Fe (City); TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.148305
Romero, John C; 5/31/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 19.908630
Romero, John D; 4/8/2006; Las Vegas; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 9.719376
Romero, John P; 8/13/2005; Los Lunas; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.040000
Romero, John T; 7/2/1990; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 11; Ofc of the State Engineer; 46.346160
Romero, Jon K. 5/29/1990; 30.878300
Romero, Joseph; 4/21/2008; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 12.930000
Romero, Joseph; 6/2/1993; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.144630
Romero, Jovita L.; 10.921418
Romero, Joyce A.; 6/23/1998; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 14.170000
Romero, Jude A; 2/12/2005; Las Vegas; LEGAL SECTY-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.639775
Romero, Julie R.; 9/28/2002; Santa Fe (City); 17.598866
Romero, Kathy A.; 1/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Department of Environment; 32.700000
Romero, Kathy S; 1/3/2006; Clovis; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 14.587445
Romero, Kenneth M.; 7/27/1994; Albuquerque; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; Human Services Department; 20.532022
Romero, Kevin C.; 7/29/2000; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.359460
Romero, Laura; 12/10/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.745630
Romero, Lorenzo; 12/9/1985; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.245500
Romero, Lucy S; 12/28/1987; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 22.020244
Romero, Lynn E.; 3/19/2001; Los Lunas; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.005065
Romero, Mackie M.; 11/1/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/Ol; Finance & Admnst; 30.278925
Romero, Marcos A.; 6/28/2008; (City); Santa Fe; PAINTER/CNST& MAIN-0; 12.000000
Romero, Marcus; 37.642560
Romero, Margaret C.; 2/24/2001; (City); Santa Fe; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-B; 14.922190
Romero, Marie Annette; 7/30/1988; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 19.481207
Romero, Mario Miguel; 11/17/2007; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-0; of Transportation; 11.308190
Romero, Martin J; 9/12/1992; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 14.580242
Romero, Mary Lou; 10/31/1988; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.356301
Romero, Matthew A; 8.500000
Romero, Matthew D.
Romero, Matthew K.; 15.772000
Romero, Melissa C; 8/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); 22.133265
Romero, Michael J; 5/23/1992; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-O; Department of Health; 15.490232
Romero, Michael M.; 21.175756
Romero, Michael R; 1/3/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 32.609500
Romero, Monika K.; 3/1/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 22.325025
Romero, Nadine A. 1/2/1996; 23.696057
Romero, Natalie C.; 8/14/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 22.015996
Romero, Natasha M; 10/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 15.150000
Romero, Nicole Marie 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Romero, Nobert A; 10/15/1984; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 42.067454
Romero, Noreen L; 5/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.835000
Romero, Orlando; 9/10/1990; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; Department of Health; 30.833595
Romero, Patricia D.; 11/16/1998; (City); Santa Fe; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 16.378612
Romero, Patrick J.; 10/13/1992; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 35.251721
Romero, Patsy L; 11.813849
Romero, Paula A.; 4/22/1991; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; of Transportation; 15.600027
Romero, Rachel D.; 6/16/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.331730
Romero, Rita D; 8/6/1990; Tucumcari; STAFF; Human Services Department; 23.495500
Romero, Rita Libbon; 3/8/2008; Las Vegas; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 9.264730
Romero, Robert J.; 9/9/1988; Portales; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.054810
Romero, Robert M.; 5/12/1983; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.051696
Romero, Robert; 10.637000
Romero, Roberta L; 10/26/2002; Las Vegas; CLK-A; 13.358169
Romero, Ron; 2/14/2005; Grants; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 41.267252
Romero, Rosemary B.; 5/9/1994; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 25.384412
Romero, Ross 7/6/2002; 17.136787
Romero, Sharon E 5/23/1994; 13.539625
Romero, Sharon; 9/20/1982; Albuquerque; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.353065
Romero,Adam; 6/6/1995; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 29.903647
Romero,Agnes Eva; 21.401415
Romero,Albert S; 9/29/1986; Springer; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.179500
Romero,Alicia N.; 5/26/1999; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.645630
Romero,Amanda G; 10/2/1989; Santa Fe (City); COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-A; Department of Health; 27.937633
Romero,Angela D.; 29.689460
Romero,Annabelle M.; 6/28/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Romero,Annie; 9/28/1998; Santa Fe (City); GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 13.750000
Romero,Anthony J; 7/19/2004; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 19.209888
Romero,Antoinette G.; 4/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; State Treasurer; 16.139458
Romero,Antonette V.; 10.233720
Romero,Arthur E.; 11/1/2008; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; of Transportation; 12.000000
Romero,Arthur J.; 8/31/1998; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 30.248778
Romero,Benjie P.; 4/19/1999; Hondo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Romero,Bernard R; 13.913656
Romero,Betty A.; 5/23/1994; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Workforce Solutions; 17.160587
Romero,Caroline T; 10/8/1986; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; 18.035621
Romero,Celestino; 29.413250
Romero,Christina; 2/11/2008; Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 17.408000
Romero,Christopher J.; 7/9/2007; Albuquerque; LINE II; Workforce Solutions; 22.659460
Romero,CIaire M; 7/13/1987; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 27.511600
Romero,Corrine M.; 7/17/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; General Services Department; 21.798300
Romero,Cruzita A 9/4/2001; 19.999765
Romero,Crystal Ann; 5/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.900000
Romero,Cynthia; 2/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 11.000000
Romero,Cynthia; 9/9/1997; (City); Santa Fe; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; 21.478600
Romero,Diana; 10/22/2005; Los Lunas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.565454
Romero,Dion L.; 9/8/1998; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public School Insurance Auth; 19.019810
Romero,Dominic M.; 25.357000
Romero,Emest M.; 8/5/1985; Albuquerque; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 19.262839
Romero,Eugene R; 12.357883
Romero,FelipeA; 10/12/2004; Albuquerque; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 12.500000
Romero,Feliz E.; 6/12/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Education Department; 21.830193
Romero,Gay Lisa; 19.184810
Romero,George M; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.945000
Romero,George; 9/13/1990; Portales; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.284190
Romero,Geraldine M; 12.542651
Romero,Gi!bert A.; 2/5/1999; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Romero,Gil P.; 6/24/1991; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; 22.612654
Romero,GregA; 8/4/1990; Raton; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.151519
Romero,Jacob R; 8/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 27.090000
Romero,JaneS; 17.181630
Romero,Jeffery; 12/1/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Romero,Jennifer M; 1/28/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 11.552760
Romero,Jessica C; 1/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); Receptionist 1; Office of the Attorney General; 10.647000
Romero,Joaquin Eugene; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.017000
Romero,Joey D.; 3/17/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 8.900000
Romero,John; 4/7/2007; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 11.906190
Romero,Jolyn V.; 1/20/2009; Springer; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.000000
Romero,Jose Michael; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 24.500000
Romero,Josie R; 17.216472
Romero,Juan; 11.688730
Romero,Klarissa D.; 9/12/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 23.949500
Romero,Kristina; 17.291200
Romero,Leopoldo Jr.; 25.357000
ROMERO,LEROY D; 1/13/2007; Bloomfield; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 11.406190
Romero,Lisa A.; 3/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Public Education Department; 20.990600
Romero,Lisa Grace; 6/28/1999; Santa Rosa; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 25.800000
Romero,Lori L.; 23.666460
Romero,Lucille N; 4/12/2004; Albuquerque; LIFE/PHY/SOC SCI T-0; Department of Health; 13.679190
Romero,Maggie A; 12/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Public Education Department; 14.309000
Romero,Manuel 2/9/1998; 16.098810
Romero,Manuel A; 1/6/1986; Las Vegas; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Department of Health; 22.312500
Romero,MarcM; 5/9/2005; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.320190
Romero,Margret; 1/7/1981; Las Vegas; IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Health; 32.683325
Romero,Mario M.; 10/14/2008; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.360000
Romero,Martha B; 9/23/1985; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 28.154500
Romero,Martin L.; 9/8/1998; Santa Fe County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 26.649000
Romero,Marvin D.; 8/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 11.406730
Romero,Melanie J.; 9/11/2002; Santa Fe (City); 15.110000
Romero,Mequella M; 21.106000
Romero,Michael A.; 5/6/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 27.497972
Romero,Michael P.; 7/26/1993; Bernalillo (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.902190
Romero,Michael; 11/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 20.105402
Romero,Michael; 9/8/1997; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; General Services Department; 18.068334
Romero,Michelle F; 12/10/1990; Santa Fe (City); HR/TRAIN&LBRSPC-B; Environment; 22.512062
Romero,Michelle; 5/1/2000; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 14.611810
Romero,Monica A. 4/23/2001; 16.057690
Romero,Monica; 4/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.029690
Romero,Nichole R. 9/13/1999; 12.025906
Romero,Nick J.; 9.447867
Romero,Noel J; 23.067040
Romero,Nora J; 8/7/1989; Albuquerque; HYDROLOGIST-O; Department of Environment; 25.942141
Romero,Nora J.; 6/7/1999; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.544200
Romero,Oscar C.; 1/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 33.360000
Romero,PattyL 10/15/1977; 23.445910
Romero,PatV; 12/16/1976; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 26.526455
Romero,Paul; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 19.803000
Romero,Pedro David; 7/2/2005; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Romero,Pliiliip F.; 17.639810
Romero,Reyes; 3/18/1997; Grants; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.240630
Romero,Reyes; 6/8/2002; Socorro (City); Bureau Chief 1; Public Regulation Commission; 30.523000
Romero,Richard; 8/2/2004; Moriarty; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.064630
Romero,Rick L.; 21.222635
Romero,Robert P; 1/16/1993; Santa Fe (City); Controller; Public School Insurance Auth; 38.312610
Romero,Robert R.; 9/1/2004; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 33.464000
Romero,Roger R; 2/13/2006; Las Vegas; PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 24.886680
Romero,Ronald J; 1/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 27.870460
Romero,Rose M.; 7/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.537275
Romero,Rosemarie F; 17.615630
Romero,Rosina A.; 7/14/1992; Albuquerque; TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-A;; 22.837330
Romero,Salomon R.; 5/7/1990; Los Lunas; ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 30.058615
Romero,Samantha C.; 10/27/2003; Farmington; LINEN; Human Services Department; 19.713660
Romero,Sandra J.; 10/20/2007; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.300000
Romero,Santiago Jr.; 4/22/1985; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; of Transportation; 20.658345
Romero,Sebastian A; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.000000
Romero,Shawn; 3/12/2005; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 13.312190
Romero,Stephanie C C.; 6/16/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 10.328730
Romero,Stephanie M; 10/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 21.200000
Romero,Steven A; 2/2/2004; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-B; Department of Transportation; 17.491600
Romero,Suzanne L; 19.230769
Romero,Terrie L; 3/26/1997; Santa Fe (City]; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Indian Affairs; 16.745810
Romero,Tim J; 1/1/1970; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 27.384402
Romero,Tina M.; 6/10/1996; Santa Fe (City); AO-O; FIN SPEC,; 15.061676
Romero,Victoria T.; 10/15/2007; Los Lunas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.475630
Romero.Adelaido J; 10/11/1988; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 15.534235
Romero.Alvan E; 2/3/2003; Albuquerque; Division Director II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 47.263440
Romero.Amanda Marie; 5/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 10.500000
Romero.Amanda N; 16.895000
Romero.Andrea L; 12/17/2005; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 18.929190
Romero.Andrew Kentin; 14.560000
Romero.Angela D; 10/16/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 18.623654
Romero.Angela Marie; 25.260695
Romero.Angelina A; 7/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; Educational Retirement Board; 21.000000
Romero.Angelo A; 12/28/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.879000
Romero.Anthony A 8/26/2006; 39.847240
Romero.Antonio; 4/5/2003; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 21.449460
Romero.Arlene; 11/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 33.469500
Romero.Barbara A; 20.034000
Romero.Barbara Ann; 1/14/1991; Santa Fe (City); TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.109810
Romero.Barbara J.; 2/23/1998; City); Santa Fe; LINE II; 24.346460
Romero.Barbara M.; 5/7/2001; Socorro (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.992000
Romero.Camilla; 1/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.410925
Romero.Carlos T; 3/9/1987; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; : Environment; 38.605140
Romero.Carmela Y; 1/1/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.370000
Romero.Carmella M; 5/13/1993; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; of Transportation; 28.196574
Romero.Carolyn Angela; 3/7/2009; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; 16.890000
Romero.Chris P; 19.861600
Romero.Clyde L.; 11/19/1998; Albuquerque; LINEN; Gaming Control Board; 28.939460
Romero.Connie; 9/19/1992; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.861114
Romero.Corrina A.; 9/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 21.498038
Romero.Corrine; 1/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 25.404267
Romero.Cynthia A.; 23.767880
Romero.Cynthia Dorine; 7/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 30.542400
Romero.Dan; 16.106078
Romero.Daniel E.; 5/5/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; 9.447867
Romero.Daniel G.; 6/25/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; 13.573004
Romero.Daniel J.; 12/1/1997; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; Department of Transportation; 14.904551
Romero.David B; 20.832000
Romero.David P; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); COATIN/PAINTNG/SPR-O; Transportation; 10.440000
Romero.DickB; 21.829821
Romero.Diego S; 11/1/2008; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 12.000000
Romero.Dominic; 21.819460
Romero.Elaisa B.; 10/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.118112
Romero.Elora; 5/17/2002; Santa Fe (City); HR ASST.XCPT PAYRL-A; Department of Transportation; 16.254690
Romero.Eppie A.; 3/26/1994; Las Vegas; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.900913
Romero.Eric; 4/26/2003; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JA1L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.304810
Romero.Evelyn R.; 10/23/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Public Safety; 28.208500
Romero.Frieda; 8.852935
Romero.Gabriel A.; 11/27/1989; Texico; TRANSP INSPECTOR-A; Department of Public Safety; 21 .006995
Romero.Gabriel E.; 2/24/1992; Carlsbad; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-A; ies Dpt; 21.306461
Romero.Gabriel Joseph; 11/14/2008; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.500000
Romero.Gabriel Y; 9/17/2001; Hobbs; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 14.800601
Romero.Gabriella D.; 5/3/1999; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 17.715810
Romero.Gary P.; 8/8/1994; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 26.950500
Romero.Gino R.; 9/26/1988; Santa Fe (City); ENVIROSCI&SPEC-O; State Land Office; 23.229460
Romero.Gregorio; 5/10/2003; Albuquerque; Administrator II; F Workforce Solutions; 32.978960
Romero.Jacqueline P; 1/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.969460
Romero.Jason B; 5/20/1992; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 27.831506
Romero.Jodean L; 12/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); AO-O; FIN SPEC; 15.188000
Romero.Joe Pat; 8/14/2004; Los Lunas; ELECTRICIAN-0; 18.628805
Romero.Johnny A; 4/6/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Department of Health; 11.590458
Romero.Jonathan J.; 6/25/1990; Santa Rosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.654725
Romero.Jose R; 3/1/2004; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 21.500139
Romero.Joseph C. 4/4/2009; 7.750000
Romero.Joseph P; 9/26/1988; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 26.008251
Romero.Josephine; 8/14/1995; }iie; Albuquerc; BUS OPS SPEC-O; 18.953721
Romero.Kimberly; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUSOPSSPEC-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.590000
Romero.KimV; 12/20/2003; Las Cruces; ELIG INTRVR,G0V PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.487941
Romero.Larry J; 1/11/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.779500
Romero.Lawrence G; 5/20/1987; (City); Santa Fe; PRINTING MACH OP-0; 16.296459
Romero.Lawrence S; 3/5/1988; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.307000
Romero.LeylaG; 3/16/2002; Santa Fe (City); C0URT,IV1UNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.908480
Romero.Lisa Grace; 25.800000
Romero.lris K; 10/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-0; Public Education Department; 23.842000
Romero.lsaac; 9/30/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 23.938529
Romero.Mariano; 14.562690
Romero.Marlene M; 11/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.440000
Romero.Martin Ray; 6/3/1987; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; 42.613947
Romero.Matthew Paul; 1/27/2007; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; Health; 10.544763
Romero.Meliza J; 6/23/1999; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Public Safety; 14.000000
Romero.Michael P; 5/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.365000
Romero.Monica A 6/25/2001; 1 6.5381 50
Romero.Nancy; 1/13/1997; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG,ACTG &AUDIT-A; Human Services Department; 12.734167
Romero.NancyM; 3/15/2003; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; of Transportation; 17.716025
Romero.Nicole; 16.553009
Romero.Orlando A; 1/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); State Cash Manager; State Treasurer; 46.140000
Romero.Patricia L; 17.100000
Romero.Pauline; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-O; Public Safety; 10.250000
Romero.Peggy W; 6/20/1994; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 13.917871
Romero.Philiip C.; 4/22/2006; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.229810
Romero.Philip P; 5/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; General Services Department; 15.321871
Romero.Rena D.; 8/2/1994; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.909682
Romero.Rosa; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 12.070000
Romero.Sharon F; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; & Revenue; 11.000000
Romero.Sharon; 7/22/2002; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 29.202500
Romero.Socorro M.; 8/2/1999; Organ; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 11.173250
Romero.Tamara K; 7/16/2006; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.218730
Romero.Theresa; 7/8/1992; (City); Santa Fe; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; 15.494690
Romero.Thomas L; 5/31/1986; Las Vegas; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 25.314209
Romero.Tom P; 19.622187
Romero.Tomas B.; 8/10/1998; City); Santa Fe; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-A; 16.770396
Romero.Veronica L; 11/27/2006; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 10.657427
Romero.Yolanda; 1/3/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 27.855460
Romerojracy J; 4/18/2009; Las Vegas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.440000
Romerojrene J; 16.709190
Rominger,Eric M; 11/14/2002; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 26.091600
Romm, Richard F.; 10/3/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; Health; 18.693630
Rommei.Harrison; 2/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); OPER RESCH ANAL-O; 24.040000
Romo, Victoria; 5/13/2000; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Romo,RuthM; 16.890000
Romo,Shawnee C; 9/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 30.738000
Romo.AlvinC.; 5/25/2002; Cimarron; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.000000
Romo.CaseyA.; 8/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 31.592000
Romo.Jose Simon 6/30/1986; 45.322482
Romo.NoraT; 8/25/1986; Albuquerque; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.658393
Ronqtiillo.Scott H; 4/19/2008; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Ronquillo.Marcia E; 3/10/1986; (City); Santa Fe; CLM AD J, EXAM, IN V-A; 25.105773
Ronquillo.Michelle; 6/16/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.599760
Rood-Hopkins.Daphne D. 11/1/2008; 37.605000
Rooker, Cynthia J.; 21.756319
RooLJames Daniel; 12.912315
Root, Theresa Y.; 12/16/1991; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.988810
Roper-Hardman,Shirl 2/24/1999; 19.737127
Roper, Brieanna; 4/7/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Roper,Daniel J.; 11/1/1989; Albuquerque; GEN 1; tation; 41.055150
Rosa cker, Chris Owen; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 23.259460
Rosa,Sherry L.; 7/13/1998; Carlsbad; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.179000
Rosales-Garcia, Shannon M. 2/1/1993; 19.004699
Rosales,Cecilia M.; 3/4/1996; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.086600
Rosales.Angela A.; 8/24/1998; 1 Las Cruces; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.442000
Rosales.Anthony R 9/9/1985; Santa Fe (City)
Rosales.Erica; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.560000
Rosales.Gloria; 2/11/2002; Fort Bayard; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 12.400451
Rosas,Eric; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support;; 10.404000
Rosas.Cervando; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.404000
Rosas.EricL.; 7/20/1992; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.480630
Rosas.Rosenda; 9/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Environment; 15.123695
Rose, Susan J.; 12.843941
Rose,Richard P.; 11/12/1996; Santa Fe (City); GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; F Environment; 42.431966
Rose.Catherine; Albuquerque; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 35.827000
Rose.Edward John; 10/27/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 22.110000
Rose.William Charles 10/4/2008; 14.220000
Roseberry,Ceci L; 23.248938
Rosen, Sandra Lee; 8/8/2001; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 32.527000
Rosen,Geri D.; 3/1/1999; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 21.333133
Rosen,Joshua; 1/19/2004; Santa Fe (City); Chief of Staff;; 52.177019
Rosenbari(er,Shawn L; 5/22/2006; Springer; CORRCTNL OFF &JA1L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
RosenblattTobias W; 10/12/1976; Santa Fe (City); A/O 11; Department of Health; 34.516000
Rosendale,Sandra; 3/17/1985; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 23.696469
Rosenfield, Michael L.; 34.044040
Rosetta, Nicholas; 19.400216
Ross-Hazlett,Judi E.; 39.927678
Ross, Betty P; 7/1/1989; Albuquerque; LPN & LVN-A; Department of Health; 15.110000
Ross, Deborah R; 4/22/2006; Farmington; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.115630
Ross,CarolL; 5/30/1995; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0;; 16.225190
Ross,Christine M.; 1/22/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Ross,Flyshia Carla Len; 15.940000
Ross,Gary L; 33.312000
Ross.Earseye B 6/9/1986; 17.461474
Ross.Gary L; 33.312000
Ross.Lucille M.; 24.064216
Ross.PatrickW; 5/31/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 23.460000
Rossbach.Dianne L.; 9/16/1991; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 36.706450
Rossberg, Frances; 4/18/1988; Albuquerque; STAFF; f Workforce Solutions; 25.759976
Rossi, Giovanna H.; 37.234120
Roth, Nancy M; 2/23/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.890000
Roth,Doris A 8/6/2007; 25.591600
Roth,TedS; 9/23/1987; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Human Services Department; 41.314705
Rothe,KirtW.; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 27.020000
Rotondo-Gallegos,Tracey; 1/5/2008; (City); Santa Fe; GRAPHIC DESIGNER-A; 1 6.500000
Rotunno, Lorraine 11/18/1996; 39.006940
Rotunno.Milee D; 9/21/1985; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Department of Environment; 29.184817
Rougemont, Carmen J; 12/10/2001; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAiD-B; 10.383620
Rougemont.Sherry K; 8/28/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; : Environment; 28.985656
RougemontRick R; 12/5/2005; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 12.096690
Rounsville.Jared 5/24/1999; 48.886500
Rountree, Robin; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.662000
Routt,Brandon; 4/29/2002; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A;; 16.181630
Rouzaud, Pierre-Yves Jean-U; 11/2/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIST-A; Department of Health; 73.571799
Rowan,Lynn M; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Public Regulation Commission; 16.890000
Rowe,Raymond A.; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 12.000000
RowIey.Conn A.; 6/4/2007; Albuquerque; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Department of Cultural Affairs; 11.217780
Rowland, Christopher P; 2/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 21.790000
Rowland.Crystal L.; 11/17/2007; Alamogordo; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 12.908159
Rowley, Mark C; 7/12/1997; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - MTD/SID; Department of Public Safety; 44.903680
Rowley.Juanita E; 14.027516
Roxlau, Blake R.; 8/10/1996; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 35.115868
Roy bal, Rosemary; 8/30/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.031416
Roy, Anita M; 4/1/1972; Las Vegas; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 25.461870
Royba I.Mercedes; 8/21/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Regulation Commission; 15.938445
Royba!,Michelle G; 16.000000
Roybai,Deborah; 14.867000
Roybai.Catherine; 1/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 8.500000
Roybal .Jeffrey Scott; 10/3/1997; [City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 30.730000
Roybal-Cruz, Sophia L; 2/8/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.689500
Roybal, Annette C; 5/31/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; General Services Department; 30.605190
Roybal, Barbara J; 1/19/1999; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNi/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.063488
ROYBAL, DAVID J.; 7/14/2008; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-A; EXPO New Mexico; 20.433000
Roybal, Ernestine; 1/22/1990; Las Vegas; NURSING; LINE II -; 27.235756
Roybal, Felicia J.; 9/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); INSCLMS/POLCYCLK-0; Public Regulation Commission; 13.610000
Roybal, Jonathan W; 12.435389
Roybal, Julie A. 4/24/1995; 13.577087
Roybal, Julie A.; 2/25/1999; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; Department of Environment; 19.955842
Roybal, Kenneth J; 7/7/2001; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 19.604538
Roybal, Melissa L; 2/9/1987; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 25.810600
Roybal, Mercy S.; 8/29/2005; Deming; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 22.611931
Roybal, Monica L.; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 20.357700
Roybal, Monica T; 20.659810
Roybal, Monica; 8/15/1994; City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-O; 7.510000
Roybal, Richard R.; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 9.796000
Roybal, Robert; 4/6/2005; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B;; 9.570000
Roybal, Theresa M.; 7/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; 21.764810
Roybal,Aggie D; 4/4/1988; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.984020
Roybal,Allen E.; 12/21/1990; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 41.788634
Roybal,AmyJ; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.353000
Roybal,Angel A.; 7/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); 19.359810
Roybal,Anna M.; 8/21/2006; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 16.371000
Roybal,Bethany B; 9/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-O; Public Regulation Commission; 13.610000
Roybal,Camille R; 3/24/2007; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.010000
Roybal,Cindy W; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 26.151000
Roybal,Daniel B; 6/23/1997; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.412325
Roybal,Eustacio Tacho; 8/23/1984; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Public Education Department; 24.661746
Roybal,Fernando 1/19/1988; 20.523000
Roybal,Janea L; 7/14/2007; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.664190
ROYBAL,Joe; 7/15/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.966479
Roybal,Julian; 20.000000
Roybal,Katherine; 12.398743
Roybal,Kathleen Marie; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.934690
Roybal,Linda Marie; 1/31/1976; Santa Fe (City); 21.926328
Roybal,llene V.; 5/28/1996; Santa Fe (City); RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-A; Human Services Department; 13.847964
Roybal,Margaret M; 11/6/1985; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 26.500364
Roybal,Melinda 6/15/1999; 15.126196
Roybal,RayN.; 1/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.209301
Roybal,Ryan; 7/19/1996; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 13.755395
Roybal,Serafin S; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.830178
Roybal,Soledad B; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.000000
Roybal,Sylvla A. 10/8/1988; 22.101097
Roybal,TinaM; 2/10/1986; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC. AO-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.528207
Roybal. Carmen M.; 37.490880
Roybal.Adelina M; 21.878937
Roybal.Anna M. 9/30/2006; 14.367695
Roybal.Antonette L; 3/13/1989; Rio Rancho; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.082935
Roybal.Ceiene 9/24/1997; 17.633600
Roybal.Cindyleigh M.; 2/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.766600
Roybal.Claudette G; 9/16/2002; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 15.728590
Roybal.Debra S. 8/31/1991; 24.775460
Roybal.Diana; 8/14/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.651600
Roybal.Dianne Mona; 19.500000
Roybal.Duwayne J; 8/30/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 22.140276
Roybal.Eric D.; 6/23/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; 39.237694
Roybal.Eric; 11/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.584730
Roybal.Erlinda L.; 24.858600
Roybal.Gloria V.; 1/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; 21.874594
Roybal.Jake; 9/11/2006; [City); Santa Fe; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; 11.323335
Roybal.Jeanette E.; 4/17/2000; Albuquerque; COM & SOC SVC SPEC-0; Rehbltation; 17.384810
Roybal.Jeannette; 6/1/1999; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 18.834600
Roybal.Jennifer J.; 3/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0;; 19.845630
Roybal.Joanie L; 5/16/1996; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 31.594500
Roybal.Joann; 10/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); JAN ITR&CLNR, NOM Al D-0; 10.025363
Roybal.Karen R.; 10/8/1997; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.663706
Roybal.Katherine P.; 1/6/1992;;City]; Santa Fe; 18.371856
Roybal.LisaM; 2/3/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.011370
Roybal.Lydia A.; 12/27/1999; Albuquerque; PERS & HOME CARAID-O; Commission for the Blind; 11.366761
Roybal.Maria A; 9/20/1997; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 20.182998
Roybal.Marian Jo; 24.796520
Roybal.Marietta L.; 6/3/1985; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.804588
Roybal.Mary; 12.306773
Roybal.Medardo Jr; 3/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 8.500000
Roybal.Melissa; 9.447867
Roybal.Olivia D; 9/24/1984; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.436810
Roybal.Patricia; 8/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 14.214629
Roybal.Pita; 6/25/1988; Albuquerque; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.771726
Roybal.Ricardo B; 5/10/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 35.529854
Roybal.Sarah E; 1/9/1988; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Human Services Department; 34.376600
Roybal.Stella M.; 2/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; 17.540658
Roybal.Steven L.; 8/30/2004; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.437190
Roybal.Sylvia L.; 10.520000
Roybal.Tiburcio H; 9/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); LANSCAPING & GRNDS-O; General Services Department; 12.327000
Roybal.Vanessa B; 8/26/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 13.613917
Roybal.Viola M; 1/27/1986; Albuquerque; LINEI; Department of Health; 25.693002
Roybal.Yolanda Marie; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Department of Transportation; 31.034000
RoybaLRon 11/17/2007; 17.369810
Ru iz, Patrick D.; 11/14/1997; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 21.191016
Rubin, Daniel R; 7/26/1999; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 34.967040
Rubin.Jose Robert; 1/29/1990; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.627214
Rubio, Irene; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.388190
Rubio, Robert Joseph 7/14/2007; 16.011400
Rubio,RaniG; 8/25/2007; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.475630
Rubio.Hilario; 11/8/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.046689
Rubio.Joann; 10/3/1994; Clovis; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.787771
Rubio.JulioA; 7/12/2004; Clovis; MAINT& REPAIR WKR-A; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Rubio.Kathryn A; 2/18/1991; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.002418
Ruble, Deborah; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.329000
Ruckel,Alan L.; 9/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.021630
Rucker.Nia S.; 9/29/2008; Carlsbad; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.750000
Rudd,Dagmar M; 28.353717
Rudolph, Jenny A; 5/5/2007; Las Vegas; AO-O; FIN SPEC; 16.010000
Rudolph.Pearl; 3/1/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Information Technology; 35.026475
Rudolph.Trisli M.; 16.998190
Rudolph.Yolanda; 10/20/2004; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 12.688190
Rudolpho,Pauline S; 12.359984
Ruelas,Gerardo; 4/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Public Safety; 18.608880
Ruffing,Charles F.; 1/24/2009; Gallup; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.481000
Ruggles, Richard Dean; 10/21/2006; Truth Or Consequen*; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; Health; 11.129139
Ruggles.Lorraine; 6/28/2004; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 16.613463
Ruiz de la Torre,Carlos A.; 1/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.589500
Ruiz-Gonzalez, Darlene D.; 2/14/2000; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 16.437115
Ruiz-Marquez, Dolores 7/1/1996; 23.332600
Ruiz, Esther M; 6/20/1992; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 14.335408
Ruiz, Patricia J; 12/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.470000
Ruiz, Victor M.; 11/1/2008; 13.401000
RUIZ,ANDREWJ; 3/16/2009; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 7.500000
Ruiz,Ernestina; 22.116460
Ruiz,JimmyJ; 4/6/1985; Fort Bayard; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 12.616099
Ruiz,Maria; 8/22/1994; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 18.229000
Ruiz,Monica T. 5/20/2006; 46.491126
Ruiz,Ricardo; 10.023000
Ruiz.Carlos O.; 2/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 33.477646
Ruiz.Charmaine E; 1/28/2006; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; 18.750848
Ruiz.Delfino; 15.774810
Ruiz.Efrain; 3/26/1; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 22.609460
Ruiz.GilbertA.; 7/23/1973; Las Cruces; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.511760
Ruiz.Guillermo A.; 9/28/1978; Artesia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.478190
Ruiz.Rosanne; 6/14/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 22.156780
Ruiz.Thomas R; 2/5/2001; Las Cruces; STAFF; : Environment; 30.734527
Ruiz.Tony B.; 5/11/1992; Socorro (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 17.751101
RuizJreneC.; 19.007600
Ruizjsmael 11/25/1985; 17.114810
Rullan.Jaime; 10/14/1992; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.728251
Runck.Shana J; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; EDUCADMIN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.468800
Runningwolf, Kathleen M; 8/6/1988; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 18.352916
Runyan,GaryJ.; 8/5/1991; Albuquerque; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; Department of Cultural Affairs; 11.014615
Runyan,MittieL.; 4/3/2000; Artesia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.885190
Rupe.Marsha; 8/4/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.500000
Ruple, Dorothy J; 5/2/1977; Farmington; LINE 1 - NURSING; Department of Health; 26.497284
Ruplingerjroy Alan 12/16/2006; 16.251600
Rushalko.Nicolina; 9/9/2002; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 14.821198
Rushing.Natalie L; Ruidoso; CLK-A; 12.000000
Rushton.Thomas R; 9/6/1988; (City); Santa Fe; Deputy Superint. of Insurance; 42.202000
Rusk,AnitaY.; 5/1/1995; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.703681
Russ.Valerie; 5/15/1999; Portales; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.171624
Russeii,Cheryl Lynne; 13.479810
Russeil.Tommy Gene; 11/13/1990; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.056534
Russell, Dusty B.; 11.250000
Russell, Maureen L 4/26/2003; 25.978418
Russell, Richard; 10/18/1999; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 23.512000
Russell,Gabrielle M.; 5/19/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 14.149230
Russell,Mary Adeline; 11/2/1987; Raton; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 13.407752
Russell.Deborah K. 4/20/1998; 25.059190
Russell.Gerald Lee; 4/24/1997; Las Vegas; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-A; 34.721931
Russell.Sasha; 9/6/2006; Raton; MEDICAL SECTY-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.924033
Russo.Jean; 10/11/2005; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Human Services Department; 19.650000
Rutin.Cathleen; 43.189000
Rutland,A. Christina; 8/14/1995; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 30.945900
Rutledge.Leticia M.; 1/19/1993; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 25.623182
Rutledge.Paul A.; 5/25/2002; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Rutley.Kimberly N.; 4/30/2001; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 19.929571
Rutschman, Robert F.; 64.861248
Rutschman.Janis K.; 8/27/1990; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 39.756426
Rutta, Charles D 1 1/8/2003; 19.345600
Ruttkay.Mark J; 3/15/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 31.598878
Rutz.Howard; 6/2/2003; Albuquerque; TRMT-0; 16.925630
Ruybal,Deeanza L; 1/31/2004; Santa Fe (City); CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.121630
Ruybal.Matt; 1/20/2004; 28.947240
Ruybalid,Lydia G.; 6/16/2007; (City); Santa Fe |; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Ryan, Brad ley R.; 7/18/1994; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 22.489471
Ryan, Margaret M; 11/30/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Department of Environment; 37.440000
Ryan, Patricia; 2/6/1988; Albuquerque; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.922822
Ryan, Penny S.; 25.357000
Ryan,JillA.; 8/28/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 46.349810
Ryan.Melodie G; 9/10/2007; ue; Albuquerq; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; 20.981600
Ryan.Stephen; 4/3/2006; Las Cruces; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 33.310525
Ryan.Wilbert C; 4/30/1988; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; State Treasurer; 28.722893
Ryanczak.Regina A.; 11/18/2006; Las Cruces; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 30.539900
Ryburn.Ty M.; 4/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Human Services Department; 23.557520
Rylance,Mary Rebecca; 34.940273
Sa!as,Melissa A 1/25/1999; 34.797860
Sa!azar,Hope Liberty 3/22/2008; 15.585630
Saavedra, David J.; 6/12/1995; Albuquerque; INV-O; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 18.356535
Saavedra, Raymond P.; 7/20/2004; Albuquerque; MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-0; Commission for the Blind; 15.103263
Saavedra,Charissa A; 9/1/1990; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Human Services Department; 44.867340
Saavedra,Jeanette Elizabeth 9/1/1997; 12.328570
Saavedra,Tyrra A; 8/1/2005; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.006810
Saavedra.Buffie A; 7/2/2001; Albuquerque; A/OI; 32.202300
Saavedra.Gabriel N; 10/12/2002; Los Lunas; FORESTER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.042630
Saavedra.Jennifer; 1/8/2003; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 30.770000
Sabado Junior,Maximino; 3/25/2006; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-O; Gaming Control Board; 17.210630
Saborio Junior,Manuel P; 12/10/2007; Fort Bayard; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 14.328570
Sachs,MargaretS.; 6/6/2005; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 17.111211
Sackett, Patrick D.; 14.231190
Sacoman, Elaine M; 12/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT; STAFF -; 24.150000
Saddoris, Robert W.; 1/4/1999; Raton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.364190
Saddoris.Wesley J.; 9/8/1998; Clayton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.000190
Saenz, Andres; 12/6/2004; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 12.797190
Saenz, Andres; 7/5/1994; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 20.453191
Saenz,Elsie A.; 12/10/2001; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 12.583640
Saenz,Kurt; 9/27/1999; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 32.266833
Saenz,Sonja R; 7/12/2004; Grants; PURCHASING AGENT-A; of Transportation; 22.440000
Saenz,Uriel V.; 10/7/1980; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.674190
Saenz.Jeanie A.; 12/15/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 13.401000
Saenz.Lydia R.; 26.972600
Saffell, Cameron L. 10/4/1999; 21.470926
Safier.Nina A.; 3/10/2008; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 24.188000
Safley.John; 11/18/2006; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.119630
Saias,Sharon K; 10/18/1997; Santa Fe (City); FiN ANALYST-A; State Treasurer; 24.217107
Saias.Samanttia 8/28/2004; 14.457810
Saiazar,Angei; 10.080000
Saiazar.Betty L; 2/7/2000; Socorro (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.207316
Saicedo.Jose Saul; 17.500000
Saicido.Tanya M. 6/14/1999; 13.478810
Saigado, Gloria A; 7/5/2005; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 14.535630
Sainz.Diana M; 7/6/2004; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.433910
Sainz.Michael A.; 7/5/2008; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Sais, Jamie R; 18.400765
Sais, Pauline; 3/13/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 11.302760
Sais,Judy J 9/8/1 986; 1 3.498570
Sais,Michelle R. 6/30/2007; 16.250000
Sais.Darby L; 1/16/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 26.235000
Saiz, Frances A.; 7/12/2008; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 22.500000
Saiz, Francisco M.; 3/23/1993; Carlsbad; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 15.874510
Saiz,Andrew; 3/14/1988; Los Lunas; A/OII; 29.338300
Saiz,Christina Victoria; 7/28/2007; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 11.308190
Saiz,Debra S; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 30.948300
Saiz,Elizabeth; 6/17/1985; Santa Fe (City); LAW CLERK-A; Public Regulation Commission; 23.039822
Saiz,FrankJ; 2/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Information Technology; 24.629000
Saiz,Jessel; 4/12/2004; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.793798
Saiz,Joann Diane; 11/8/1999; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 16.757733
Saiz,JudyL; 8/24/1988; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 13.195594
Saiz,Karla J 10/22/2001; 24.172600
Saiz,Melissa A. 8/28/2000; 14.870000
Saiz.Brigida M; 5/30/1989; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 14.963416
Saiz.Bryan A.; 12/4/2000; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.008730
Saiz.Chris D.; 4/30/1994; Albuquerque; SECURITY GUARD-O; Cultural Affairs; 1 1 .673730
Saiz.Jeanette S; 5/28/1985; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 29.816160
Saiz.Juan V,; 11/3/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 12.555000
Saiz.Larry J.; 5/18/1998; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.919810
Saiz.Rosie; 12/15/2007; Hobbs; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.743000
Saiz.Sandra; 12/16/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Portales; Human Services Department; 13.935630
Saiz.Victor; 10.805570
Salais Gates,Mary J.; 10.749263
Salaiz.Amanda; 3/17/2007; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 10.653000
Salaiz.Chariie; 15.304810
Salas, David; 4/9/2007; Fort Bayard; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 8.321590
Salas, Melissa A.; 11/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAW CLERK-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.991600
Salas,Chris E.; 1/31/1994; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.131160
Salas,Dennis A 7/25/1 988; 28.61 3500
Salas,Gilbert A.; 10/9/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Department of Environment; 30.324626
Salas,Leticia N.; 10/6/2007; Anthony; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 12.303000
Salas,Pauline J; 10/4/1993; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 11.282324
Salas,Raymond J. 8/27/2005; 9.416215
Salas.James L.; 37.416781
Salas.Josephine T.; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.399460
Salas.Juanita T 7/1/2004; 25.000500
Salas.Julia S.; 4/4/1994; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; : Workforce Solutions; 15.470267
Salas.Mary Ellen; 17.131749
Salas.Sandra D.; 10/12/2004; Deming; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Department of Transportation; 15.277396
Salas.ToniJ; 14.720046
Salayandia.Ricardo S.; 20.845559
Salaz,Sebastian; 10.342270
Salaz.Delilah Elizabeth; 7/26/2008; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; 12.500000
Salazar De Vigil.Jeanette J.; 10/4/1997; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-O; State Land Office; 16.849810
Salazar-Arp.Chris J; 9/25/2004; Los Lunas; TRMT-0; 15.850072
Salazar-Ortiz.Diane A; 5/7/1988; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0;; 16.341987
Salazar-Vigil.MarisaC; 3/25/2006; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 17.618508
Salazar, Albert; 14.000000
Salazar, April R; 9/7/1993; Las Vegas; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 14.862428
Salazar, Beverly Edwina; 9.093951
Salazar, Carolyn A 9/26/1988; 31.246000
Salazar, Chris P; 13.164690
Salazar, Cynthia; 5/12/1999; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 15.759810
Salazar, Ernest J; 12/4/2004; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-A; Department of Public Safety; 14.939630
Salazar, Frank M.; 4/13/1987; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 25.725075
Salazar, Henrietta J; 14.049945
Salazar, Jimmy; 16.304690
Salazar, Lester M.; 5/11/1992; Gallina; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.491791
Salazar, Nicholas; 2/11/2008;;City); Santa Fe; 16.080000
Salazar, Pablo C; 7/7/2003; Deming; ELECTRICIAN-0; Department of Transportation; 18.698860
Salazar, Patrick B. 1/29/1994; 18.496000
Salazar, Raymond; 8/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; 26.950906
Salazar, Rebecca Ann; 1/26/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 34.846767
Salazar, Robert J; 4/5/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 18.708447
Salazar, Robert J.; 1/6/1986; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 36.480000
Salazar, Valerie L.; 6/30/1986; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 29.822199
Salazar, Viola M; 3/11/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.948256
Salazar, Virginia; 6/5/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department o; 1 1 .309000
Salazar, Yvonne C; 12/10/1983; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Department of Health; 28.165000
Salazar,Adrian L; 2/12/2007; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Public Education Department; 13.391565
Salazar,Aifredo G; 10.023000
Salazar,Alex V; 9/4/1984; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 32.639500
Salazar,Alysha; 8/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.870000
Salazar,Angelica A.; 3/24/2007; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.149230
Salazar,Bergit; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Special Projects Coord. II; Department of Cultural Affairs; 30.625000
Salazar,Bernardine L; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; 31.611682
Salazar,Bobbette J. 4/1 6/1 996; 22.985723
Salazar,BobbyA; 9/10/1990; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 17.605630
Salazar,Brenda Y; 8/22/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; Public Defender; 36.806956
Salazar,Carol D; 10/26/1981; (City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 35.000000
Salazar,Cassandra; 11/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); TRMT-0; 14.970000
Salazar,Cindy M; 9/15/1986; Las Cruces; GENI; Human Services Department; 34.771250
Salazar,Clarence; 9.719376
Salazar,David A.; 8/15/1992; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 23.210203
Salazar,Elisa-Jolynne 6/24/2002; 14.138095
Salazar,Eloy; 4/8/1996; Santa Fe (City); PRINTING MACH OP-0; Public Regulation Commission; 14.029964
Salazar,Fred; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; 17.539857
Salazar,Greg; 1/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); 29.892413
Salazar,Jennifer; 6/29/2000; Santa Fe (City); COMPUTER OPTR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.297123
Salazar,Joey; 1/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.440000
Salazar,John A; 1/24/1983; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; F Workforce Solutions; 14.406521
Salazar,Johnny; 16.239810
Salazar,Jonathan F.; 8/29/1993; Moriarty; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Salazar,Jose C; 10/24/1988; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; 10.839942
Salazar,Kenneth L; 30.394700
Salazar,Leroy B.; 6/22/2002; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.955150
Salazar,Lucas A; 8/25/2008; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 21.000000
Salazar,Manuel M.; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.335000
Salazar,Meiissa T.; 31.008300
Salazar,Miranda; 6/3/2006; Taos (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.679760
Salazar,NicoleM. 6/7/1999; 16.323033
Salazar,Pat; 7/19/2004; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.003190
Salazar,Paula D.; 4/22/1995; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Department of Environment; 23.523392
Salazar,Peter Manuel; 4/4/2009; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 9.790000
Salazar,Roberta A.; 4/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Game & Fish; 1 1 .500000
Salazar,Sandra L.; 41.983150
Salazar,Sonia; 6/5/1995; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 18.240190
Salazar,Suzanne J.; 5/25/1992; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.355436
Salazar,Trini 11/1 4/2008; 1 2.370000
Salazar,Zachary; 6/18/2005; Moriarty; CONSTRUCT LBR-B; Department of Transportation; 8.906000
Salazar.Allie E; 8/14/2006; (City); Santa Fe; COURIER &MESGNR-A; 9.873247
Salazar.Amy L 2/25/2006; 12.805000
Salazar.Andres; 11/14/2008; San Miguel; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 13.300000
Salazar.Anita; 10/12/1987; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 18.451630
Salazar.Anna M.; 9/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.251515
Salazar.Arthur C.; Albuquerque; Las Cruces; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; 18.321000
Salazar.Bernardina P; 8/9/2008; Bernalillo (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Salazar.Catherine V. 8/29/1994; 15.402891
Salazar.Cecilia L.; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Dev Disabilites Planning Comm; 10.000000
Salazar.Charlene P.; 9/8/1998; Taos (City); SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.024690
Salazar.Dianna P; 12/12/1990; Santa Fe (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 17.453190
Salazar.Elaine C.; 10/29/1990; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 19.691600
Salazar.Elroy; 19.174187
Salazar.Gabriel A.; 3/18/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.960889
Salazar.Giiberto; 21.178000
Salazar.Jeffery L; 5/19/2008; Espanola; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-0; f Workforce Solutions; 16.890000
Salazar.Jeffrey; 8.500000
Salazar.JenniferA; 7/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A;; 17.370100
Salazar.Jeremy; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 18.036000
Salazar.Jesse J 4/28/2008; 7.750000
Salazar.John T; 22.559900
Salazar.Jose J; 11/11/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/O 1 - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 39.553150
Salazar.Joseph A; 11/5/2001; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Espanola; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.769460
Salazar.Juan J.; 2/14/2000; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 12.390632
Salazar.Judith R; 12/27/2008; Raton; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.440000
Salazar.Justin D; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 13.610000
Salazar.Linda Marie; 6/25/2008; Raton; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 7.750000
Salazar.Lisa G.; 6/24/1991; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 27.952328
Salazar.Lorrie A.; 4/9/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Department of Health; 21.201850
Salazar.Lucy L; 26.454338
Salazar.MarkAngelo; 7/29/1991; Las Vegas; MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-A; 16.294105
Salazar.Mary A; 12/12/1994; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 13.724432
Salazar.Mary L.; 10/19/1985; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 23.768541
Salazar.Maynard M; 12/23/2000; [City); Santa Fe; GEN 1 - IT; 34.557000
Salazar.Nathan; 4/21/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.000000
Salazar.Paula J.; 1/21/1992; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; General Services Department; 22.441985
Salazar.Phillip J; 8/14/1993; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 46.889080
Salazar.Raymond Mark; 5/1/1989; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 27.680419
Salazar.Reuben M; 6/21/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.349308
Salazar.RubyG.; 3/6/1990; Socorro (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.940000
Salazar.Selena L.; 11/14/2008; City); Santa Fe i; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 9.832000
Salazar.Silas A.; 2/7/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; of Transportation; 36.129749
Salazar.Tina L; 9/3/2002; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 15.080000
Salazar.Tina M.; 11/20/1993; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-O; Cultural Affairs; 12.119730
Salcedo,Alex; 2/21/2009; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 15.110000
Salcedo,Maria E.; 5/21/1990; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 13.460000
Salcedo.Betsy R; 4/7/2003; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 25.495000
Salcido, Vicente M; 9/19/2005; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.516086
Salcido,Adelina C.; 10/23/1995; Roswell; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.130356
Salcido,Diana; 5/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 15.504690
Salcido,Nina 1,; 9/8/1997; Las Cruces; TRMT-O; 17.915630
Salcido.Liliy; 10/1/1990; Roswell; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 17.911630
Saldana,Michell; 6/16/2007; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Saldivar, Jerry; 11/14/1988; Socorro (City); Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 28.195000
Saldivar, Jesus; 14.723810
Salem,Brian L.; 12/14/1996; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 25.674764
Salgado,Vanessa; 15.108587
Salgado.Angeiica A; 15.097387
Salgado.Jose M.; 7/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; General Services Department; 14.415167
Salgado.Sara N; 5/31/2008; Roswell; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.870000
Salido.Christina; 10/12/2002; Fort Bayard; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 13.602407
Salido.EnriqueB; 12.940190
Salinas, Larry A; 12/22/1984; Las Vegas; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 13.477178
Salinas, Linda; 19.452020
Salinas, Marco A; 3/15/2004; Taos (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; t of Transportation; 18.248630
Salinas, Margaret A.; 11/20/1997; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.526238
Salinas,Benjamin D.; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.403000
Salinas,Cynthia E; 14.587445
Salinas,Cynthia; 16.300810
Salinas,Dolores S.; 8/30/2004; Deming; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; of Transportation; 13.645190
Salinas,Maria E; 10/16/2000; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.300565
Salinas,Melissa C.; 10/20/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 8.902760
Salinas.Jose D.; 6/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 13.341011
Salinas.Silvia; 11/2/1998; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 21.395928
Salinger.Kathryn L; 4/28/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; General Services Department; 35.136100
Sallee.Debora L. 2/11/1991; 18.216000
Salmon,Jimmy R; 39.630000
Salmonson Junior,John C.; 15.097387
SalofS,Gregory George 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City)
Salter, Brian S; 1/4/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Public Education Department; 35.136150
Salter,Tammy; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; General Services Department; 17.379000
Salva.Daisy 12/18/2006; 19.948630
Salvidrez.Marlene Y.; 20.811600
Salvio,ElsaR; 12/23/2000; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 17.792000
Salvio.Ramona A; 7/21/2001; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 11.865239
Salvo,MarkA; 8/1/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - FORENSICS; Public Safety; 41.244680
Sam,JennieA.; 2/7/1994; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.506325
Samaniego, Robert A.; 6/10/1996; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 30.247577
Samaniego,Brandy Lee; 20.874300
Samaniego,Stephanie L; 11/24/2007; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; of Health; 14.743036
Samaniego.Maria D; 19.841600
Samaniego.Raymond 2/21/1986; 19.834987
Sambrano.Giibert; 10/9/2004; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 16.057000
Sambrano.Ronnie; 15.801810
Sammon, Jason; 8/7/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 18.693630
Samora, Manuel Antonio; 6/29/1992; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Samora.Agnes M; 12.316909
Samora.BillyJoe F.; 4/7/2007; Tierra Amarilla; WTR & LIQ WASTE TR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.774333
Samora.Shauna M.; 10.000000
Sample, Penelope B; 28.054000
Sampson, Lee; 1/15/2005; PSYCHOLOGIST.AO-A Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.777609
Samsell,James L.; 11/23/1992; Santa Fe (City); CARTGRPHR & PHOTOG-A; Department of Transportation; 19.277277
San chez, Melanie; 3/12/1999; Albuquerque; GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 24.413600
San ciiez, Easy M.; 14.457810
Sanchez III, Domingo; 11/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Department of Transportation; 46.408654
Sanchez Junior.Amold D.; 12/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 20.991000
Sanchez Junior.Michael F; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); 14.580000
Sanchez-Gagne,Maria E; 38.757000
Sanchez-Halpern.Mary J; 18.131084
Sanchez-Montoya,Paulette 2/10/2007; 14.820153
Sanchez-Munoz,Kristal V; 7/26/1999; Bernalillo (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 16.806894
Sanchez-Oglesby.Azucena 9/24/2005; 17.454600
Sanchez-Rodriguez, Lena M; 3/29/1999; Carlsbad; DIETICIAN &NUTRIT-0; 18.777561
Sanchez-Sandoval.J. Gabriel 2/20/1995; 39.839844
Sanchez, Aaron F; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Sanchez, Adrian J; 6/28/2008; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.600000
Sanchez, Alfreda Gabriela; 10.801570
Sanchez, Alyssa; 9/8/2007; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; 17.750000
Sanchez, Barbara L.; 4/8/1994; Las Vegas; MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 20.495006
Sanchez, Benjamin L.; 1/22/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.835630
Sanchez, Catalina; 2/11/1995; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Ruidoso; Human Services Department; 19.123600
Sanchez, David B. 6/13/2000; 17.025702
Sanchez, David M; 5/9/1988; Los Lunas; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 22.200960
Sanchez, David P; 1/26/1987; Fort Sumner; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 25.691500
Sanchez, Delia A; 3/15/1993; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 19.880652
Sanchez, Devonne R; 5/21/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.342500
Sanchez, Dinah A; 7/17/1984; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Ofc of the State Engineer; 39.276106
Sanchez, Edmund C.; 1/4/1993; Santa Fe (City); ELECTRICIAN-A; Department of Transportation; 19.774451
Sanchez, Edward John; 1/26/2008; Las Cruces; FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 28.239500
Sanchez, Edward R.; 8/5/2002; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC; 13.642286
Sanchez, Elizardo; 3/13/2006; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-A; of Veteran Services; 19.720579
Sanchez, Eric A.; 11/23/1992; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 22.271600
Sanchez, Esperanza T.; 11/1/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.500000
Sanchez, Frank R; 9/6/1988; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-O; General Services Department; 13.646156
Sanchez, Gabriella G; 6/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.134339
Sanchez, Harold S; 6/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 22.700753
Sanchez, Harry J; 4/16/2001; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-0; F Public Safety; 20.809460
Sanchez, Herman E; 9/9/1991; Santa Fe (City); PLANT/SYS OPR.AO-A; Department of Transportation; 26.440989
Sanchez, James F. 3/10/2007; 14.058591
Sanchez, Jessica V.; 7/25/2007; Las Vegas; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.350000
Sanchez, Joe E; 4/19/2008; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Sanchez, Joe G.; 6/11/1990; Grants; INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 19.224048
Sanchez, Joelyn; 4/22/2006; [City); Santa Fe; INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 12.841059
Sanchez, Jolyn; 4/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 25.517970
Sanchez, Joyce M; 2/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.472678
Sanchez, Juan D; 10/6/2007; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 10.154730
Sanchez, Kenneth J.; 9/4/1973; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; Retirement Board; 14.620809
Sanchez, Lee M.; 4/25/1988; Albuquerque; SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 18.755009
Sanchez, Leonard L; 11/10/1980; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 11.369480
Sanchez, Leroy A.; 16.245945
Sanchez, Louis R.; 17.038810
Sanchez, Maguadaiupe; 17.695787
Sanchez, Manuel; 1/26/2008; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.489810
Sanchez, Manuel; 12/21/1987; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-0; Department of Transportation; 16.241857
Sanchez, Marcos O; 4/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.308190
Sanchez, Mark C; 2/5/2001; Las Cruces; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Sanchez, Markita T; 11/4/2006; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 27.239500
Sanchez, Mary Anne; 12.614730
Sanchez, Mary Elsie; 7/14/2007; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 9.781590
Sanchez, Miguel; 1/23/2006; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 12.239675
Sanchez, Nick L; 9/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 25.672080
Sanchez, Pamela R.; 4/7/2007; Alamogordo; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.145630
Sanchez, Patricia; 11.843897
Sanchez, Pedro O.; 28.195000
Sanchez, Pedro O.; 28.195000
Sanchez, Ph il L; 2/5/2000; Las Cruces; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A;; 16.835190
Sanchez, Priscilla A; 2/14/2004; Deming; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 13.428494
Sanchez, Raymond O; 10/24/2005; Deming; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 12.209690
Sanchez, Rebecca M; 10.662911
Sanchez, Rebecca; 15.916219
Sanchez, Renee J.; 12/16/2006; Albuquerque; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Human Services Department; 12.650000
Sanchez, Rhonda M.; 8/12/1996; Alamogordo; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 25.957298
Sanchez, Richard C; 4/30/2001; Las Cruces; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.291690
Sanchez, Rita A.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Sanchez, Robert F; 12/7/1987; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; General Services Department; 23.012240
Sanchez, Robert L.; 15.755418
Sanchez, Robert S.; 4/13/1991; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.731379
Sanchez, Robert; 17.695787
Sanchez, Roberta J; 8/4/1987; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; 23.640000
Sanchez, Ronnie F.; 4/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Department of Public Safety; 13.805000
Sanchez, Ronny G; 2/7/1989; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.851810
Sanchez, Rosanne; 5/6/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0;; 23.620211
Sanchez, Rosemary L; 8/27/2001; Fort Bayard; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 13.482851
Sanchez, Severo; 3/2/2002; Albuquerque; 11.360071
Sanchez, Steve I.; 8/20/1985; Questa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 22.472791
Sanchez, Vikki; 7/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 33.000000
Sanchez, Vincent L.; 11/1/1999; Vaughn; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Sanchez, Viola; 5/1/1989; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A;; 19.659810
Sanchez, Virginia 1.; 1/31/1993; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 15.264000
Sanchez, Wilfred; 6/14/1999; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.228730
Sanchez,Adam Nicholas; 1/12/2008; Artesia; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.705630
Sanchez,Andrea Lynette; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 18.450000
Sanchez,Angie 5/8/2006; 20.613733
Sanchez,Annette M.; 14.286853
Sanchez,Anthony A.; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Sanchez,Antoinette; 1/3/2004; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 12.268730
Sanchez,Bobby J; 23.467000
Sanchez,Cabrini K.; 2/28/2000; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.277052
Sanchez,Carmen; 7/22/1991; Albuquerque; ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 20.800050
Sanchez,Christelle A; 5/10/1993; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-A; 25.274730
Sanchez,Christiana; 26.530000
Sanchez,Cydni J.; 9/19/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.744500
Sanchez,Deanna; 20.991600
Sanchez,Deena M; 35.561224
Sanchez,Donnalisa M.; 11/6/1993; Alamogordo; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.263785
Sanchez,Elias; 5/16/1985; Clines Corner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 24.244082
Sanchez,Gabriel; 3/8/2008; Espanola; CIVIL ENGTECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 16.962000
Sanchez,Georgia A; 32.145152
Sanchez,Janelle Jennifer; 10/6/2007; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Sanchez,Janelle Renee; 5/6/1996; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 17.593314
Sanchez,Jason J.; 3/3/2003; Alcalde; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.727190
Sanchez,Jayme C.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Sanchez,Jimmy P.; 2/3/1992; Las Vegas; PLANT/SYS OPR,AO-0; Department of Transportation; 22.158337
Sanchez,Joe; 23.509500
Sanchez,John M; 8/28/1995; Los Lunas; A/OII; 27.898300
Sanchez,John; 5/5/1981; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.239810
Sanchez,Jonathan Paul; 4/22/2006; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAiL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.229810
Sanchez,Jose D.; 4/6/1992; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 37.703217
Sanchez,Jose T; 4/22/2006; Los Lunas; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 14.229810
Sanchez,Joseph P.; 11/15/1999; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Public Education Department; 28.006658
Sanchez,Juanita V.; 9/11/1993; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 28.326257
Sanchez,Katherine M; 8/2/2003; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.899400
Sanchez,Lawrence; 7/6/2002; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.002400
Sanchez,Liane J; 7/12/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Sanchez,Lillian B.; 11/22/1999; Albuquerque; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Workforce Solutions; 13.520512
Sanchez,Linda J. 12/19/1983; 18.658681
Sanchez,Loretta J.; 3/16/1998; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 11.337956
Sanchez,Lorrina A; 1/17/2004; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 15.887600
Sanchez,Louis; 5/20/2002; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 14.730690
Sanchez,Lydia B; 6/25/2001; Santa Fe (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 12.345212
Sanchez,Manue! R.; Santa Fe (City)
Sanchez,Manuef L 5/16/1987; 17.133000
Sanchez,Manuel G; 4/4/2009; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Sanchez,Mark; 1/25/1986; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERV COORD-O; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 19.138766
Sanchez,Maxine; 13.726130
Sanchez,Mellssa M.; 6/14/1993; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 31.373475
Sanchez,Michael M; 11/26/2001; Las Vegas; -0; 14.982132
Sanchez,Monique 9/22/2008; 12.370000
Sanchez,Monique A; 13.643600
Sanchez,Olga L; 19.119190
Sanchez,Orlando A; 7/21/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; 26.212000
Sanchez,Pauline; 1/26/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Sanchez,Rey A.; 5/13/1996; Raton; FISH & GAME WARDEN-A; of Game & Fish; 22.227172
Sanchez,Rudy; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 8.828570
Sanchez,Sandy; 3/12/2007; City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-0; 7.510000
Sanchez,Sarah L; 8/9/1999; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.552958
Sanchez,Scott P; 12/6/2004; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.312190
Sanchez,Stefanie L.; 7/31/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 15.060000
Sanchez,Stella F 9/26/1 984; 21 .721 630
Sanchez,Tami Louise; 12.748190
Sanchez,Velma M; 8/20/1990; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 18.488694
Sanchez,Veronica; 1 1 .578489
Sanchez.Albert Greg; 9/6/2008; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 12.000000
Sanchez.Albert L; 9/1/1992; Albuquerque; TRMT-O; 16.890000
Sanchez.Albert T; 28.629460
Sanchez.Alfredo; 9/8/2007; San Jon; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 11.894690
Sanchez.Alice; 2/23/1987; Las Cruces; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.738940
Sanchez.Alina T; 2/23/2004; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-0; c Safety; 28.922850
Sanchez.Alvaro B; 21.215772
Sanchez.Anita A. 9/1 6/1 991; 1 9.235685
Sanchez.Anita M.; 11/16/2006; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 20.843550
Sanchez.Ann b.; 11/8/2003; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 14.548190
Sanchez.Anthony P.; 8/13/2001; Springer; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 22.917239
Sanchez.Anthony; 1/16/2006; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; F Workforce Solutions; 18.750000
Sanchez.Antoinette C; 1/17/2004; Albuquerque; 17.403000
Sanchez.Archie; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Sanchez.Barbara Y.; 13.973977
Sanchez.Bobby R 2/20/2006; 1 1 .840570
Sanchez.Carlota 9/23/2006; 44.144883
Sanchez.Carmen A; 12.868147
Sanchez.Christopher; 1/9/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Sanchez.Ciarissa Danieiie; 13,489810
Sanchez.Craig C.; 1/11/1995; Grants; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 21.870321
Sanchez.Cynthia R; 3/29/2004; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 12.900854
Sanchez.David C.; 12/23/2002; Los Lunas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.173735
Sanchez.David M.; 4/4/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Sanchez.Dawn H.; 7/18/1994; Las Cruces; LINE II; Department of Health; 25.945262
Sanchez.Edward L.; 8/23/2004; Raton; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.712630
Sanchez.Elisa R.; 9/6/2008; Las Cruces; CLK-A; 12.500000
Sanchez.Elisha Feliz; 3/30/2009; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 11.500000
Sanchez.Emiiio R.; 15,303810 Frank,Donald; 17.642810
Sanchez.Ernest V.; 29.835460
Sanchez.Eva M; 3/23/1987; Santa Fe (City); GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 15.688626
Sanchez.Gary Joe; 2/10/2007; Las Vegas; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 14.439810
Sanchez.Georgette; 11/18/1996; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.769750
Sanchez.Geraldine; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 18.470000
Sanchez.Gloria L; 4/16/1988; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.213130
Sanchez.Gloria M.; 12.928068
Sanchez.Greg; 8.500000
Sanchez.Jason S; 5/15/1990; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Human Services Department; 41.369523
Sanchez.Jesus M.; 5/19/2007; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAI NT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.595190
Sanchez.Joe James; 11/18/2006; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 32.675300
Sanchez.Jose Herrera; 2/4/1981; Las Cruces; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.986190
Sanchez.Joseph G.; 5/15/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; Department of Health; 22.594099
Sanchez.Judy B 2/15/1993; 29.036682
Sanchez.Julia; 4/2/1990; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-A; 14.342220
Sanchez.Kevin J; 12/5/2005; Encino; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.308190
Sanchez.Laura M.; 1/16/1991; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 21.760710
Sanchez.Leo Michael 1 1/29/2008; 1 3.000000
Sanchez.Leon J; 23.174031
Sanchez.Leslie A; 12.963769
Sanchez.Loretta; 20.400000
Sanchez.LouAnn A; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 21.420000
Sanchez.Louise; 24.905001
Sanchez.lsabel Christina; 9/22/2007; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 19.941600
Sanchez.Lucas D.; 11/2/1998; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 1; of Transportation; 19.280460
Sanchez.MannyT; 17.143098
Sanchez.Manuel N.; 12/14/1998; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; General Services Department; 22.976260
Sanchez.Mary M.; 9/12/1994; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; : Workforce Solutions; 19.831665
Sanchez.Michae! D. 1/6/2001; 22.188825
Sanchez.Michael R; Name; 21.096407
Sanchez.Mike H. 2/7/1994; 22.459500
Sanchez.Monica; 5/17/2008; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 19.000000
Sanchez.Natasha; 6/28/2008; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; 19.230000
Sanchez.Norman; 16.779391
Sanchez.Paul D; 16.380000
Sanchez.R. James James; 11/30/1998; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 20.429460
Sanchez.Raymundo; 22.939350
Sanchez.Rhonda L; 3/6/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Health; 30.246783
Sanchez.Rita M.; 9/16/2000; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Educational Retirement Board; 19.062077
Sanchez.Rosalie A; 8/23/1986; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Information Technology; 24.869545
Sanchez.Salina; 6/5/2000; Las Cruces; MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 17.025702
Sanchez.Sally I.; 12.894690
Sanchez.Sandra K; 4/13/1992; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 27.584336
Sanchez.Santiago J; 10/18/2008; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 13.610000
Sanchez.Shellie; 2/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 21.652630
Sanchez.Sonia; 11/17/1997; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.228413
Sanchez.Stephen M.; 5/18/1992; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Environment; 21.661560
Sanchez.Steve W.; 5/15/1989; Belen; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.833182
Sanchez.Tamara L 12/6/2003; 17.647600
Sanchez.Teresa M.; 7/11/1988; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.903533
Sanchez.Todd M.; 6/15/1987; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 23.272600
Sanchez.Tony; 8/10/1998; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.296193
Sanchez.Valarie A.; 4/16/2001; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-O; Gaming Control Board; 19.846015
Sanchez.Valerie Ann; 10/29/1984; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-O; of Transportation; 21.403421
Sanchez.Veronica; 2/7/2009; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 10.378000
Sanchez.William; 9/22/1997; Albuquerque; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 10.138486
Sanchez.Yolanda F.; 8/9/1993; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Clovis; Human Services Department; 19.645460
Sanchez/Veronica B.; 4/29/1991; Truth Or Consequen<; COOK, INST & CAF-O; 12.464204
Sanchezjerra D.; 24.726600
Sanchezjhomas J.; 4/19/1999; Arroyo Hondo; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.791688
sanchezjohnny d; 5/5/2007; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 12.248989
Sanchezjrene D; 11/23/2002; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 20.197377
Sanciiez.Arthur R; 1/6/1997; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.900000
Sancliez, Pablo B; 16.181810
Sanctiez,Andy 9/5/2000; 17.135787
Sanders, Desiree L; 6/4/2002; Roswell; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.402630
Sanders, Esther 11/16/1998; 14.111724
Sanders, Ronald R; 1/3/2009; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 14.820000
Sanders,Geraldine B.; 3/22/1999; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 11.057464
Sanders,Julie A; 9/15/2001; Albuquerque; LINE II; Human Services Department; 20.639460
Sanders,Peter D. 7/1 5/1 995; 1 7.354600
Sanders,Stacy L.; 7/19/1999; Hobbs; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 12.892730
Sanders,Tony; 11/5/1984; Las Cruces; A/0 II; 27.424268
Sanders.Charla K.; 7/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Sanders.D L; 3/28/1988; Santa Fe (City); EXEC; Ofc of the State Engineer; 53.930770
Sanders.Di'Ane C.; 5/2/2005; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.601824
Sanders.Diane; 9/18/1999; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Farmington; Human Services Department; 18.725600
Sanders.Jacob L.; 8/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Environment; 13.993641
Sanders.Jennifer S.; 9/29/2003; Portales; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.868147
Sanders.Jessica A; 1/17/2009; Hobbs; FORENSIC SCI TECH-B; c Safety; 14.000000
Sanders.Justin 2/24/2007
Sanders.Steven A.; 8/17/1992; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 22.357336
Sanders.Tyson; 5/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); FISH & GAME WARDEN-B; of Game & Fish; 14.820000
Sandlin, Kenneth E.; 31.460000
Sandman.Tommy L; 15.151758
Sandovai,Jesus; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 22.740000
Sandovai.Glenda K.; 3/23/1987; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.905349
Sandovai.Melanie; 6/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 16.600152
Sandoval Junior.Danny W. 10/16/2006; 14.880000
Sandoval-Tidwell,Yvonne B.; 7/18/1994; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.900000
Sandoval-Vigil.Anna; 8/25/1997; Albuquerque; IT PROJECT MANAGER; Information Technology; 38.254000
Sandoval, Alexandra J.; 7/18/1994; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Game & Fish; 35.110000
Sandoval, Andrea M.; 6/5/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Santa Fe (City); ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 23.731906
Sandoval, Bart W.; 33.115336
Sandoval, Bernadette; 5/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; : Transportation; 14.798195
Sandoval, Brenda M.; 7/11/2005; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; r Environment; 14.004690
Sandoval, Christina M; 4/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Department of Environment; 16.000000
Sandoval, Christine; 3/13/1999; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 24.131630
Sandoval, DanetteV. 5/5/2007; 16.251600
Sandoval, Danny R; 8/30/1982; Santa Fe (City); a/oii; Human Services Department; 43.997045
Sandoval, David L; 6/21/1999; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 20.249050
Sandoval, David M.; 2/19/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Taos (City); Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 22.306460
Sandoval, Deborah; 12/5/1988; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Raton; Human Services Department; 19.380600
Sandoval, Delfinia; 22.651600
Sandoval, Deyonne; 24.825600
Sandoval, Diana M; 7/19/2004; Albuquerque; TECH WRITER-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 18.772006
Sandoval, Diana M.; 11/1/2008; 13.300000
Sandoval, Dion W; 12/26/2000; 20.448200
Sandoval, Donna M.; 6/10/1991; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 45.430000
Sandoval, Doris Mae; 7/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-A; Public Education Department; 18.548673
Sandoval, Edwina Jean; 2/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-A; Dept of Information Technology; 13.500000
Sandoval, Elizabeth A; 1/9/1995; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 24.465316
Sandoval, Eric John; 8.500000
Sandoval, Fredrick R; 1/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Human Services Department; 44.120580
Sandoval, Heather L; 6/18/1990; Las Vegas; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 44.969540
Sandoval, Heather R; 6/20/2005; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 19.404000
Sandoval, Josefina; 9/10/2007; Albuquerque; SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.372200
Sandoval, Jovanna Elena; 13.000000
Sandoval, Linda L. 10/11/1993; 16.890010
Sandoval, Lonnie A.; 5/9/1992; Silver City; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Sandoval, Loretta E; 9/16/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Taos (City); Human Services Department; 13.400000
Sandoval, Marie A; 2/16/2002; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Sandoval, Marlene A.; 5/15/1989; Santa Fe (City); LINEI; 24.554600
Sandoval, Martin A.; 10/26/1992; (City); Santa Fe; CLMADJ,EXAM,INV-0; 17.008500
Sandoval, Meianie A,; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); INFO/RECCLRK,AO-A; Public Regulation Commission; 14.817419
Sandoval, Melody M.; 7/15/1996; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Information Technology; 25.860780
Sandoval, Michael; Santa Fe (City)
Sandoval, Michelle A.; 4/13/1989; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; c Safety; 18.270967
Sandoval, Michelle Renee; 2/19/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.679833
Sandoval, Miguel; 9/24/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.853192
Sandoval, Mike R; Santa Fe (City);; 35.010664
Sandoval, Patsy; 6/21/1973; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; F Environment; 20.662242
Sandoval, Peter A; 9/14/2002; Santa Fe (City); LINEI; General Services Department; 19.163790
Sandoval, Phillip R.; 7/10/2000; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.642190
Sandoval, Priscilla; 3/9/1998; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.951992
Sandoval, Ray S.; 4/13/1998; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.323571
Sandoval, Rita G; 22.044810
Sandoval, Rita J.; 10/8/1999; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 35.726319
Sandoval, Robert L.; 6/6/1994; Santa Fe (City); INSPCT,TEST,SORTR-A; Department of Transportation; 21.332282
Sandoval, Robert M.; 3/1/2003; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Sandoval, Sara Esther; 1/19/2008; Albuquerque; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 15.110000
Sandoval, Sean; 5/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 22.846000
Sandoval, Selena M.; 11/26/2007; Fort Bayard; Certified Medication Aide; 14.804900
Sandoval, Sharon M; 12/28/2002; Clayton; BUS OPS SPEC-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.812373
Sandoval, Stephanie Lee; 6/12/2000; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; F Workforce Solutions; 9.566027
Sandoval, Theresa S.; 22.186000
Sandoval, Vanessa; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.000000
Sandoval, Veronica; 10.000000
Sandoval,Albino V; 11/6/2004; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 12.489425
Sandoval,Andrea; 14.210000
Sandoval,Anne J.; 25.456682
Sandoval,Anthony R; 28.964021
Sandoval,Arnold T; 27.500000
Sandoval,Barbara Lynn; 5/9/1988; Santa Fe (City); MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 22.469630
Sandoval,Catherine L.; 2/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 24.411446
Sandoval,Elizabeth; 11/15/2004; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.264730
Sandoval,Eugene R.; 6/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Sandoval,Janice A.; 10/29/1990; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE PRAC-A; Human Services Department; 21.527846
Sandoval,Jerry R.; 22.776207
Sandoval,Kerri L; 5/21/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.109500
Sandoval,Loretta J.; 6/17/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.383888
Sandoval,Martin; 11.358730
Sandoval,Mattliew 9/8/2007; 13.489810
Sandoval,Roy F.; 4/21/1997; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.388141
Sandoval,Samantha 3/31/2008; 12.370000
Sandoval,Shannon M; 11/20/2004; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Tourism Department; 19.416810
Sandoval,Shirley A.; 10/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; Human Services Department; 22.638428
Sandoval,Valerie D.; 5/24/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 26.680000
Sandoval,Wanda; 18.589810
Sandoval.Alicia Lewis; 25.433629
Sandoval.Amanda; 2/27/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.500000
Sandoval.Angela M; 11/2/1992; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 20.950920
Sandoval.Anna J; 6/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Transportation; 17.148371
Sandoval.Anthony D; 1/17/1994; Santa Fe (City); ELEC ENG TECH-NL-A; Department of Transportation; 23.095743
Sandoval.Brandi E.; 2/12/1996; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 20.530521
Sandoval.Carmela M.; 7/16/1990; Las Vegas; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Department of Health; 20.343064
Sandoval.Chariie M. 10/17/1994; 19.463810
Sandoval.Charlee; 8.500000
Sandoval.Charles A.; 4/14/1990; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; State Land Office; 21.110000
Sandoval.Cirilo C; 11/1/1973; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.000000
Sandoval.Ctiristoptier J; 15.086187
Sandoval.Danette M.; 6/30/1997; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-A; f Public Safety; 24.666003
Sandoval.Danny; 32.000000
Sandoval.Diana D.; 1/10/2000; Santa Fe (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 16.059650
Sandoval.Diana O; 4/15/2000; Santa Fe (City); RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; of Transportation; 9.558219
Sandoval.Elvira L; 2/21/2009; Dexter; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.540000
Sandoval.Frances C; 5/27/2003; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 13.786325
Sandoval.George L.; 4/4/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Sandoval.James P.; 3/4/1985; La Cueva; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 22.973332
Sandoval.Jennie E.; 11/14/2008; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.750000
Sandoval.Jessica; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; 20.420000
Sandoval.Jovonne T; 10/14/2003; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Human Services Department; 15.530753
Sandoval.Juanita M. 11/1/1997; 18.835600
Sandoval.Judith M.; 25.272340
Sandoval.Lavone J; 11/27/1990; Farmington; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 16.587722
Sandoval.Loretta F; 10/5/1985; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 16.605179
Sandoval.Mark T.; 26.290000
Sandoval.Mary; 11/16/1974; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.920270
Sandoval.Murphy; 11/25/2002; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 15.928301
Sandoval.Patrick; 23.280000
Sandoval.Ramon E.; 10/7/1985; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 19.917630
Sandoval.Rebecca M.; 5/17/1999; Grants; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.044363
Sandoval.Sandy B; 37.216864
Sandoval.Santiago P; 7/25/2005; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Health; 29.100000
Sandoval.Stephanie A.; 11/3/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Espanola; Human Services Department; 13.935630
Sandoval.Steven; 1/30/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Sandoval.Theresa M.; 3/7/1988; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 25.478106
Sandoval.Tony; 12/11/2000; Grants; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-B; Department of Transportation; 13.780000
Sandoval.Tyra B.; 5/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.911101
Sandoval.Walter L.; 1/12/1997; Penasco; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.421001
Sandoval/Thomas L; 2/16/1998; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.631630
Sandoval/Victor; 8/5/1989; Las Vegas; LIBRARY TECH-0;; 17.341690
SandovaUanet G; 15.259810
Sands.Billy L; 17.299573
Sandy, Antonia M.; 8/2/1986; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 14.053067
Sanford,Anthony L.; 4/2/1990; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 26.878460
Sanford,Scot Brandon; 5/31/2008; Orogrande; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.879000
Sanger, Christopher P.; 5/2/1994; Albuquerque; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-A; 26.344905
Sangre.Betty J. 9/22/1988; 26.110000
Sanisya.Emest L.; 3/24/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Sansom.Doreen A.; 26.324300
Sansom.Thomas R; 4/11/1981; Santa Fe (City); AIRLINE PILOT-A; Department of Game & Fish; 29.972457
Santa Cruz.Mike; 11.112686
Santa Fe (City); DWI Statewide Coordinator; c Safety; 38.643360 0'Connor,Rachel; 6/19/2004;
Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 31.250000 0'Dea,Kathleen; 2/22/1999;
Santana,Lorenzo Trinidad; 11/1/2008; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 34.000000
Santiago, Jose Miguel; 18.878800
Santiago.Carlos; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 33.654000
Santiago.Mark; 40.524960
Santiesteban,Mary E; 8/13/2003; Roswell; CUST SRV REP-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.605059
Santillan, Norma Leticia; 4/7/1997; Las Cruces; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Santillan.Gloria; 5/12/2003; Roswell; C0URT,!V1UNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.253189
Santillanes, Joseph P; 10/18/2008; Las Vegas; POLICE & SHER PO-0;; 19.000000
Santillanes,Kathleen; 6/21/2003; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Tourism Department; 24.749830
Santini.Lucia; 24.041600
Santistevan li.Dwayne Jame; 7/14/2007; 15.108587
Santistevan-Morfin.Cynthia 7/3/2004; 17.731600
Santistevan, Ernesto; 26.811000
Santistevan, Gabriel B.; 8/16/1993; Raton; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.172190
Santistevan, Kenneth F.; 8/30/1999; Las Vegas; OCC HLTH & Sh 1 Y SP-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 15.458181
Santistevan,Dwayne F.; 33.673150
Santistevan,Gene; 16.779391
Santistevan,Rita M; 11/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC WKR,AO-A;; 21.000000
Santistevan.lvan R; 10/16/1989; Albuquerque; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 24.659654
Santistevan.Marcella; 10.304829
Santistevan.Mary; 11.848730
Santomenna, Michael S.; 5/5/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 14.902540
Santullo.MichaelJ.; 30.695829
Sapien, Marina O; 5/5/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 14.716841
Sappington,Gregg R; 11/5/2005; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.602597
Sapunar-Jursich, Jessica; 8/4/2001; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 1 8.730000
Sarabia, Deborah; 10/7/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 23.675630
Sarellano.Cande; 7/17/2004; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.885059
Sarker.Protiti; 4/3/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 19.169630
Sarmiento.Rocio A; 7/30/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 17.029460
Sarossy.Susan; 2/11/2008; Espanola; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 19.941600
Sarracino,Donald P.; 4/4/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Sarracino.Walter G 12/30/1985; 22.013082
Sassa,Andrea; 3/24/2008; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 32.000000
Sassaman,Carol A; 12/15/2007; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 32.895975
Sata.Thomas; 39.640300
Satterfield, Carrie E.; 3/5/2001; Roswell; CLK-A; 13.626130
Satterfield, Dennis A; 5/20/2002; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 27.414408
Satterlee,Kathryn L.; 2/7/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Sauceda,Alma; 5/21/2008; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.470000
Saucedo, Maria Guadalupe; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.540000
Saucedo, Michael J.; 1/18/1994; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 16.370949
Saucedo,Carlos; 4/7/1997; Alamogordo; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.190000
Saucedo,Maria P; 12/12/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 11.698121
Saucedo.lsaac D; 41.851000
Saul.Patrisha W. 10/29/2007; 14.520000
Saums,Glenn; 11/17/1981; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 35.343247
Saunders,Roger D; 11/7/1983; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 31.418284
Saunders.Gregory J.; 11/18/1991; Albuquerque; Division Director III; Gaming Control Board; 45.489640
Saupe, Barbara A; 6/6/1986; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 13.494448
Sauter.Donna Rose; 3/1/1985; Albuquerque; LINEN; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 29.459882
Savage.Elizabeth A.; 10/7/1985; Santa Fe (City); GENI; 43.775633
Savage.Joseph C; 1/15/2005; Ruidoso; HYDROLOGIST-A; Department of Environment; 24.594346
Savedra.Barbara J; 14.490511
Savedra.Candie; 3/13/2000; (City); Santa Fe; DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; 11.818570
Sawyer, Frederick Emile; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.441250
Sawyer.Robin 12/9/2003; 21.293985
Saxton, David H. 3/12/1994; 21.807460
Saylor, Patricia M; 34.154265
Saylor,Maria E.; 7/8/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.235277
Scaglione.E. Ann; 8/16/2004; Rio Rancho; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 20.521227
Scalf, Kelly Ann 2/6/1988; 18.535823
Scarborough, Carlos; 3/12/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.916000
Scarborough, Linda K; 6/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 26.859500
Scarcella,Camille; 6/5/2004; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.505500
Scarlet.Lucinda; 3/16/1993; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Safety; 34.484040
Scarsella,Matthew C; 8/11/2007; Silver City; HYDROLOGIST-B; Department of Environment; 17.500000
Scates,MarkW; 11/14/2008; Grant County; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.000000
Scates,Shryl A.; 9/22/1997; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.534633
Schaedel,Lisa R.; 3/26/2001; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 14.645171
Schaeffer,Co!leen M; 6/3/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 25.155600
Schaeffer.Carl N.; 1/16/1995; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 25.668522
Schaeffer.Louise D.; 2/8/1988; Santa Fe (City); ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Human Services Department; 33.503637
Schaeffer.Stephanie L; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 27.400000
Schalip.Darcie D; 8/25/2003; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.402630
Schall.Robert B.; 10/24/1998; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 29.065333
Schannauer,Ashley; 2/28/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 37.288448
Schardin,Stephanie A; 2/23/2008; City); Santa Fe; GENI; 34.256227
Scharmen.Thomas N. 10/26/1998; 28.442500
Schatzman,Christopher G; 9/6/1994; Santa Fe (City); General Counsel; Retirement Board; 40.044760
Schauer,Karen L; 40.139040
Schaum,Fred William; 29.770000
Schave,Mary D; 17.631600
Schawel.Thomas B.; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Schei.Gordon A.; 13.000000
Scheib.Gregory P; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workforce Solutions; 27.880000
Schell.Stacy A.; 8/9/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAU Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Scherer,Cyndi; 10/15/2007; Medical Care Investigator Albuquerque; Office of the Attorney General; 27.570176
Scherff,Silvia M.; 10.400333
Schieffer, Maria; 9.548721
Schiel,Joseph B.; 26.624850
Schiffli.Gail A.; 17.427928
Schiffmiller,Gary; 1/4/1999; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.416523
Schilling.John R; 2/2/2009; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Public Regulation Commission; 37.019000
Schimek.Brigitte; 1/6/2003; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 21.271460
Schimel, Matthew C.; 11/3/2003; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 13.610000
Schimkat.Helga C; 22.350000
Schimoler.Lesley 6/9/2003; 27.659460
Schipper.Melanie J.; 5/27/1997; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-O; Department of Health; 20.860000
Schissel.U. Edward; 9/9/1991; Las Cruces; GENI; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 42.314023
Schlegel,John Joseph; 6/5/2007; Las Cruces; OCC HLTH & Sh 1 Y SP-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 16.881933
Schleicher,Joseph; 5/28/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Ofc of the State Engineer; 40.040010
Schleisman III, Donald J; 10/27/2008
Schlitter.Nicole Anne; 13.750000
Schmechel, Sylvia; 6/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.885059
Schmidt-Petersen,Roif 1.; 12/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); GEN {-ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 46.244680
Schmidt, Deborah; 1/29/1990; PRACTil Las Cruces; 32.605216
Schmidt, Randie M.; 17.033282
Schmidt, William R; 27.306573
SchmidtJohn A; 6/17/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 14.245630
SchmidtPaul M.; 4/10/2004; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 12.278639
SchmidtRamona 10/20/2003; 31.661040
Schmitz, Roberta J; 17.963600
Schnaible,Lorin; 13.736669
SCHNEIDER,DENNIS; 11/5/2007; Albuquerque; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 22.149120
Schneider.Michael C.; 2/13/1993; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 28.687677
Schneider.Michelle M; 5/3/1993; [City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 36.719717
Schnell.Tres; 7/10/1995; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 36.989006
Schoellkopf, Jacob F; 8/11/2007; Santa Fe (City); DESKTOP PUBLISHER-O; Department of Transportation; 18.568000
Schoenhaus.Jan; 2/18/1991; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 39.192765
Schoeppner,Gerard A.; 1/16/1993; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 31.456135
Scholz,Tanya Tinker 1 1/3/2007; 27.239500
Schooley.Theodore H; 5/28/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 29.313175
Schoonover, Walker T.; 16.044690
Schorr.Donna D.; 1/27/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.605760
Schreier,FeleciaA; 8/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-O; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 17.595000
Schroeder, Patricia F.; 8/27/2001; Clovis; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 31.416715
Schroeder.Chelsea; 5/23/2005; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Schroeder.Rick D; 13.333190
Schruben,Mary E; 26.231004
Schueler.William T.; 8/9/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; t of Environment; 25.121695
Schultz, Matthew J.; 1/26/2008; Silver City; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.159460
Schultz, Teresa; 20.643780
Schultz,Anna M; 22.681600
Schultz,Ellen 2/7/2005; 22.652803
Schultz. Eugene P.; 10/6/1997; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.188159
Schultz.John C; 5/30/1989; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 14.492594
Schum,Eric J; 22.939350
Schumacher, R Ellen; 6/17/1988; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 19.571684
Schumacher,Mary D; 12/19/1990; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1 - FORENSICS; Department of Health; 52.750000
Schuman,D'Lois; 8/31/2002; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.776901
Schuman,George B.; 1/28/1995; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 36.741808
Schumann, Brandin P.; 3/26/2001; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 17.031696
Schummers.Margaret A.; 17.855630
Schumpert.Audra A.; 5/3/2008; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 16.470000
Schutz,Molly; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; 23.400000
Schutz.Joann; 1/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; State Treasurer; 20.861218
Schuyler-Avila, Rebecca; 7/25/1994; Alamogordo; A/OII; Human Services Department; 29.473300
Schwalenberg.Jennifer A.; 8/26/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 33.403300
Schwalje.Paul; 5/24/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 33.871372
Schwartz, John R.; 8/3/1992; Albuquerque; STAFF; Workforce Solutions; 28.082179
Schwarz, Rebecca H 12/2/1985; 33.759980
Schwarz,Karen L; 16.090000
Schwebach.Daryl; 5/31/1989; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Human Services Department; 53.428620
Schwebke.Steven D; 1/14/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - ENGINEERING; Public Regulation Commission; 40.132150
Schwendinger.PhiJip James 11/17/2007; 14.249810
Schwertner.Danial E.; 5/8/1993; Roswell; A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 29.648300
Scifres.P Joanne; 8/6/2001; Roswell; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.769950
Scioli,Joshua B; 7/30/2005; Texico; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 12.964139
Scogin, Haven Annette; Gornpahyl?!;; 16.000000
Scott Plionis.Krista Star; 11/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-A; Department of Health; 20.036000
Scott, Carroll E; 15.643190
Scott, Fran kD; 5/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 24.977844
Scott, Jeremi Micheal; 6/16/2007; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 9.713000
Scott, Randy D; 6/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 38.433150
Scott,HansonL; 12/29/1997; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Military Homebase Planning; 41.539260
Scott,Kimberley; 7/6/1998; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Public Regulation Commission; 25.538000
Scott,MaxE.; 10/22/1994; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.097051
Scott,RobertL 3/12/2005; 14.457810
Scott.Carolyn L.; 12/14/1987; Las Cruces; A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.700000
Scott.Patrick B; 7/5/2006; (City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 37.692307
Scott.William R; 15.857900
ScottDonald W; 32.700000
ScottLee M.; 6/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Scriver.Sammi Kay 10/14/2008; 12.150000
Scrivner, Margaret A; 10/29/2001; Alamogordo; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.358169
Scrivner.Arnold Glen; 10/4/2008; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Scroggins.Rick L; 49.270150
Scully, Merry; 21.509800
Sealy.Patrick M.; 10/12/1993; ty); Santa Fe (C; PURCHASING AGENT-A; 24.383586
Seaton.Teri R.; 1/13/1992; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.328319
Seats, Kristopher E.; 21.824000
Seawolf, Michelle A.; 2/23/2005; Deming; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 25.612787
Sebring, Robert J; 7/1/2008; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-B; Department of Health; 17.239810
Secakuku, Eugenia; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; Department of Public Safety; 10.769000
Secatero,Hotona; 7/5/2003; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 17.129460
Secrist.Daniel J; 3/5/2001; Albuquerque; WOODWORKER, AO-0; Department of Cultural Affairs; 17.263757
Seda.CarlosR. 7/26/1999; 26.674139
Sedii!o,Annette; Roswell; Santa Fe (City)
Sediilo,Mary; 8/3/1995; Albuquerque; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 16.988928
Sedilio.Danie! R. 7/12/1993; 21.622336
SedillcYolanda; 7/20/2008; Grants; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Sedillo, Albert Angelo 2/1 0/2007; 1 6.251 600
Sedillo,Aaron; 10.859590
Sedillo,Eddie A; 18.219372
Sedillo,George R.; 4/20/1998; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 14.909810
Sedillo,Jacob 1/10/1994; 16.587810
Sedillo,Judy L; 9/16/1973; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 18.142100
Sedillo,Marie E.; 20.710890
Sedillo,Raymond; 5/17/1982; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Youth & Families Dpt; 30.000000
Sedillo. Maria Denise; 1/13/2007; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 10.908730
Sedillo.ErnestA.; 16.578810
Sedillo.Lucinda M.; 11/11/2000; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; ies Dpt; 15.490232
Sedillo.Ralph J.; 7/6/2004; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-B; 19.296300
Sedillo.Vanessa E; 3/1/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.639810
Sedillos, Matthew; 10/21/2006; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.654251
Sedillos,Vicky L. 2/1 6/1 998; 9.663590
Sedillos.Alex; 13.914690
See, Frank Clay; 11/3/2007; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 21.591600
Seeberger.Pamela D; 17.978810
Seeley,Alan; 5/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); Actuary; Public Regulation Commission; 49.346000
Seeley.Michael J. 2/15/2003; 9.856462
Seely.MatthewJ.; 4/2/2007; Roswell; CONSTRCT/BLDG !NSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.428150
Seese-Kilgore, Barbara; 8/9/2000; (City); Santa Fe; CLMADJ,EXAM,INV-A; 22.938422
Seethapathi.Sujatha; 10/20/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 34.800000
Sego,Kelly Mitchell 7/14/2007; 13.489810
Sego.RobertM; 2/20/1989; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 23.542922
Segotta,Faron W; 10/30/1982; Santa Fe (City); State Police Chief; Department of Public Safety; 49.138180
Segovia, Barbie J; 1/21/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Environment; 22.480000
Segovia, Deborah M; 6/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 22.085000
Segovia, Jaime Jesus; 9/8/2007; Anthony; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.475630
Segovia,Gabrielle R.; 4/18/2009; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.500000
Segovia,Kimberly; 10/20/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.868730
Segura, Kathleen M 3/17/2008; 21.575630
Segura, Louise F; 2/16/1998; Las Vegas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.437602
Segura,David Manuel; 18.660630
Segura,Dennis M; 3/12/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEER,AO-PE-0; Public Regulation Commission; 27.099500
Segura,Jessica M; 12/8/2003; Santa Fe (City); OUST SRV REP-A; Human Services Department; 15.346711
Segura,Noemi; 4/7/2007; Roswell; COOK, INST & CAF-0; Department of Health; 9.500000
Segura,Ronald M; 1/12/2008; 38.596320
Segura,Rudy; 11.992501
Segura,Tracy G; 3/22/2008; Roswell; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.398190
Segura.Antonio; 18,457387
Segura.BeckyA.; 1/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; ic Safety; 14.894690
Segura.DavidJ; 16-890010
Segura.Don Ray; 1/6/1986; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; of Transportation; 40.859124
Segura.John; 7/9/2001; [City); Santa Fe; DISPATCHER II; 12.580190
Segura.Jose J.b.; 8/18/1993; Santa Fe (City); MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Department of Public Safety; 13.632026
Segura.Mary L.; 12/14/1998; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 34.658705
Segura.Marylou F.; 11/17/1997; Fort Sumner; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.646522
Seidel, Matthew; 12/27/1997; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Department of Game & Fish; 23.429630
Seidel,Judy; 5/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 7.500000
Seifert,Scott; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Human Services Department; 22.740000
Seiler.Sandra D. 2/27/1993; 17.439810
Seitzinger,Steven Owen; 3/7/2009; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Sekul,Sherita; 6/9/2008; Albuquerque; Computer Forensics Analyst; Office of the Attorney General; 28.847000
Sekula,Ann Marie; 25.373817
Seligman, Rebecca; 7/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 22.157000
Sell midt, Steven R; 8/22/1988; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.584000
Sells, Joseph H; 14.000000
Sells,Sarah B 3/5/1984; 25.368460
Selman, Reginald K.; 1/19/1991; Alamogordo; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 15.409190
Selvage,Walter David; 37.385213
Sema.Dean; 1/3/2005; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 15.368630
Sena Jr,Antonio; 6/3/2002; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 22.245630
Sena, Donald A.; 29.386637
Sena, Felicia M; 10/13/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 16.010585
Sena, Jessica L; 8/17/1992; Las Vegas; ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 23.218885
Sena, Joseph B 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Sena, Maria Veronica; 11/1/1989; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 23.044405
Sena, Raymond F; 1/25/1993; PROBATION PAROLE OFFiC Santa Fe (City); New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.016083
Sena, Rebecca; 3/4/1996; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-O; Department of Transportation; 27.179460
Sena, Robert M.; 6/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.678001
Sena, Roberta J; 16.135630
Sena,A!an; 8/4/2001; Clovis; -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 26.875803
Sena,Angie; 12/9/2002; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.658533
Sena,Blanca A; 28.258330
Sena,Brent R; 11/23/2002; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 24.627500
Sena,Casandra C; 8/11/1987; Santa Fe (City); ecu RT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.869407
Sena,Christopher A; 1/7/1991; Las Vegas; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 23.382314
Sena,Eileen M.; 6/14/1999; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.690621
Sena,Geraldine E; 9/29/2003; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-O; 18.821593
Sena,GinnyF.; 9/21/1998; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 11.049276
Sena,Jessica Madrid; 3/14/1988; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; c Safety; 20.979392
Sena,Lisa L 4/17/2004; 17.428000
Sena,Mary T.; 2/27/1984; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; General Services Department; 27.399750
Sena,Matthew D; 27.857050
Sena,Max; 6/21/1993; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Transportation; 13.982617
Sena,Mela; 6/19/2000; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 11.500000
Sena,Melissa; 9/24/2005; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 19.350000
Sena,MichaelJ.; 4/28/2001; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-O; Public Defender; 13.850000
Sena,Robert A. 5/21/1982; 32.281890
Sena,SamB; 21.847000
Sena,Sandra C; 11/4/2002; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; F Workforce Solutions; 10.613005
Sena,Sarah P; 7/20/2002; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; 13.724184
Sena,Scott D; 9.880000
Sena,Simon; 9/13/1988; Moriarty; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 21.302175
Sena,Stephanie A; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 26.151000
Sena,Viviana; 9/15/2003; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 12.165389
Sena.Alfred; 5/31/1994; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 23.956868
Sena.Angelina C; 10/26/2002; Las Vegas; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 18.203900
Sena.Armissa M; 7/2/2005; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 11.399730
Sena.Breanna L.; 4/11/2002; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.659460
Sena.Catherine A; 3/5/2001; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-0; 14.490865
Sena.Ciarence D.; 19.073387
Sena.Erma J.; 14.752807
Sena.James; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEOLGCL&PETRO TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 13.900000
Sena.JamesD; 11/4/2006; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.268190
Sena.Jerome 6/30/1997; 15.995810
Sena.Jose L.; 7/16/2005; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 23.776000
Sena.Joseph M.; 6/7/1993; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 21.296000
Sena.Joseph R; 10/1/1984; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 21.856475
Sena.Lennard L; 8/6/2001; Fort Sumner; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; Department of Transportation; 12.755190
Sena.MaryJane; 10/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 9.281590
Sena.Matthew J.; 11.200000
Sena.Phillip A; 1/17/2004; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.157600
Sena.Regina R; 4/15/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 17.840805
Sena.Samuel D; 9/18/2000; Moriarty; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; t of Transportation; 13.282190
Sena.Stephen W.; 5/30/2000; Las Vegas; HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-B; Department of Transportation; 13.539561
Sena.SylviaM.; 2/10/1996; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.817182
Senajsmael; 11/9/1992; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Rehbltation; 21.152075
Senior,Philip B.; 20.874684
Senna.Apolonio; 20.360000
Sentell.Regina K. 3/1/1993; 23.076235
Sentell.Sandra A; 2/14/2004; Roswell; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 22.986180
Sepulveda,Ana T.; 9.070000
Sepulveda,Marybelle N..; 7/26/2008; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 9.100000
Sepulveda,William; 5/7/1984; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 13.246408
Sepulveda.John F.; 1/17/1995; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-O; ies Dpt; 17.030614
Sepulveda.Reina Grace; 13.417855
Sepulveda.Velvet; 4/12/2003; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 17.600000
Serecerez,Gina 8/11/2007; 17.220000
Serna, Diana; 8.000000
Serna, Eileen F.; 6/12/1989; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.445910
Serna, Martin; 21.847000
Serna,Barbara; 6/12/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 24.644055
Serna,Beatrice Y; 11/12/1991; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; 24.070000
Serna,Claudine; 3/4/1989; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERV COORD-A; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 23.104905
Serna,Jeffrey P; 34.673150
Serna,Laura G; 2/25/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.888039
Serna,Michael A.; 9/9/1991; La Cueva; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.198810
Serna,RickyA; 23.399000
Serna,Romaine; 11/9/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 40.000000
Serna.Anna Cruz; 12/14/1987; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 26.869519
Serna.Elizabeth A,; 8/27/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; 25.389195
Serna.Meiissa R; 9.875535
Serna.Tammy A; 7/13/1992; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 23.476000
Serrano-Vialpando.Sandra C 6/1/1990; 23.520000
Serrano, Jorge J.; 4/18/1994; Santa Rosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 19.747630
Serrano, Jose A.; 9/7/1999; Carlsbad; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.941810
Serrano, Lisa M; 3/6/2000; Santa Fe (City]; MGT ANALYST-A; Indian Affairs; 23.390000
Serrano, Ryan; 8/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 15.000000
Serrano,Bertille R.; 12/16/1991; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 24.508243
Serrano,Ryan; 5/21/2007; Las Cruces; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.000000
Serrano,Viola A.; 11/15/2008; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 10.000000
Serrano.Carolyn; 7/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-0; 12.099789
Serrano.Cliff C; 19.005630
Serrano.Elizabeth A. 9/1/2001; 18.081600
Serrano.Lucille G.; 11/21/1997; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Serrano.Luis M; 14.800000
Serrano.Monica R.; 12/9/1998; Rosweli; AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 15.765190
Serrano.Sandra; 7/21/2001; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.513050
Serrano.Yolanda E.; 9/16/1996; Santa Rosa; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.918730
Serrato, Veronica; 12.370000
Serrato.Sandra; 10/7/2006; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Sershen.John; 3/18/2002; Tucumcari; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; of Game & Fish; 19.846015
Seshadri.Srilakshmi; 8/2/2008; Santa Fe (City); 14.750000
Settles,Cynthia D 8/23/1993; 15.723764
Seva.Raymond M; 21.634615
Severs.Cecil L.; 2/28/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Environment; 28.026922
Severson,Valdean H; 9/15/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/Oil; Taxation & Revenue Department; 37.476120
Sewell, Charles M.; 2/13/1984; Santa Fe (City); GEN II - FORENSICS; Department of Health; 53.302000
Sewell,James Robert; 4/5/2008; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 9.278730
Sewing,Vickie L.; 8/11/2008; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 40.000000
Sexton, Harold; 10/15/1990; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Educational Retirement Board; 17.370000
Sexton, James M.; 3/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; tation; 25.913802
Sexton, Mary; 7/1/1993; (City); Santa Fe; HR.TRAIN& LBR SPC-A; 26.026485
Sexton, Robert R; 6/24/1996; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 29.254545
Sexton, Sylvia L.; 7/20/1992; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Seyler,Kendra S.; 10.358730
Seyler.Durrell Lee 7/16/2006; 19.849090
Seymour-Garcia.Valerie A; 11/16/1987; Grants; MGT ANALYST-0; of Transportation; 17.620073
Seymour, Katheryn Lorraine 1 2/1 5/2007; 17. 1 35630
Shack,June; 5/31/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Gallup; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Shafer,Sandra H.; 11/7/1990; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 17.650000
Shaffer, Diedre Ann; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.000000
Shaffer, Franklin T.; 2/24/1992; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Taxation & Revenue Department; 41.048694
Shaffer, Martina; 11/21/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 34.749765
Shaffer,Sheila P; 7/21/1986; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 21.673100
Shaffer,Suzanne 6/2/2007; 33.737500
Shaffer.Gregory S; 8/14/2006; City); Santa Fe; LAWYER-A; 40.910000
Shafike,NabiI G.; 5/22/2000; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 42.150125
Shah,Shahzad; 12/15/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 31.530312
Shahani.Bina 1/26/2008; 37.692307
Shaik.Ali M; 9/29/2003; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 2; of Transportation; 31.539584
Shain.Joseph R; 1/7/1991; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 31.498000
Shainin.Don J; 12/8/2003; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 28.382235
Shaleen.Tracy T; 3/22/2002; Albuquerque; ECONOMIST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 23.254688
Shandler.Zachary A; 8/2/1999; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Director; Office of the Attorney General; 38.305000
Shannon, Sam; 1/21/1992; Truth Or Consequent; MAiNT & REPAIR WKR-A; 15.692245
Shannon, Usha 7/5/2005; 35.937000
Shannon,Sean; 8/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 23.127000
Shannon,Virginia L.; 10/18/1999; Truth Or Consequent; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.375830
Shantz.Shereen L.; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 26.897879
Shapard, Thomas Craig; 1/28/1991; Roswell; GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 25.761 1 1 5
Shapiro, Donald L; 12/4/2004; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.127327
Shapiro,Robert; 10/10/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.817810
Sharp,David W.; 22.270000
Sharp.Karen K.; 10/25/1993; Aztec; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 19.538266
Sharpe.Melanie A; 10/19/1998; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; General Services Department; 21.848050
Sharpless.Frank J.; 7/25/2005; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Transportation; 42.962150
Shattuck, Joseph; 48.179474
Shaul, Robert D; 8/13/2005; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 12.868147
Shaver, David; 30.758300
Shaw, Elizabeth C; 9/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT PROJECT MANAGER; Human Services Department; 35.638008
Shaw, Rod; 9/22/2008; Carlsbad; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 24.269577
Shaw,Christopher D; 8/27/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 34.834040
Shaw,Joseph S.; 1/10/1994; Albuquerque; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 22.362640
Shaw.Dannette M; 1/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-O; Department of Public Safety; 29.156500
Shaw.Melissa S.; 8/11/2007; Albuquerque; 17.585700
Shay,Joseph K; 29.566000
Shaya,Paul Robin; 1/12/2004; (City); Santa Fe; CLM ADJ, EXAM, INV-A; 21.850000
Shea, Kathleen R.; 12/7/1991; Gallup; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 16.182190
Shea.Jennifer N.; 17.630000
Shea.Mark R; 7/2/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Public Safety; 25.977050
Shea.MichaelW; 5/15/2006; Albuquerque; PRIV DET & INVEST-A; Workforce Solutions; 18.810590
Shean, Frederic L; 10/21/2002; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 26.992850
Shearer, Joyce; 5/17/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 34.364113
Sheehan,Dan E. 2/23/2000; 29.199500
Sheehan.Ryan Hooper 11/18/2006; 16.251600
Sheffer.John A.; 19.346277
ShelbricMohn W.; 3/5/2001; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.490232
Sheldon, L. Scott; 21.610000
Shelley,Melissa J.; 7/3/2004; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Srvyrs Brd; 16.188730
Shelley,Nathalie; 14.644690
Shelton, David B; 11/14/2008; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-B; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.200000
Shelton,Darlene D 5/19/2007; 24.534460
Shelton.Wayne D.; 12/13/1997; Santa Fe (City); Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 28.741650
Shenfl/ood,Katharine L.; 11.490458
Shepard,Joann; 14.316820
Shepherd, Dorothy N.; 2/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 25.477035
Shepherd, Holland W.; 1/24/1994; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; 32.563313
Shepherd, Max W; 6/25/1990; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 39.289000
Shepherd.Mark A 9/8/2001; 17.950600
Sherman, David k; 14.800000
Sherman, Mary; 1/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; c Safety; 16.769406
Sherman, Rose M; 9/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Youth & Families Dpt; 30.022250
Sherman,Guadalupe C.; 1/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.690600
Sherman,Virginia; 14.636811
Sherman.Thomas; 9/14/1992; Buffalo Springs; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 14.869190
Sherrell,Tammy 8/25/2007; 21.000000
Sherrill,Todd R.; 12/16/2006; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; Department of Health; 20.276630
Sherwood, Jerry B.; 10/5/1992; San Jon; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.454810
Shetima,Marcelina D.; 7/26/1999; Gallup; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 24.189600
Shields, Danette Elizabeth; 12/29/2007; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.302760
Shields,Christine A; 7/2/2005; Farmington; LEGAL SECTY-A; Human Services Department; 12.688190
Shields.Nicole; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
Shilling, Robert W.; 38.474000
Shin.Lee; 11/1/2008; (City); Santa Fe; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; 30.730000
Shinabery,Michael; 15.850072
Shinas.Betty Jean; 6/2/1997; Santa Fe (City); MED & PUB HLTH SW-0; 20.885271
Shinn,Kristen K; 4/10/2004; Estancia; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 17.223135
Shinnick,Brandy L; 18.780885
Shiplett, Marvin E.; 3/1/1995; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Department of Transportation; 11.500844
Shirley, Cand ice 1/18/2007; Santa Fe (City)
Shirley.Dewyett K; 6/9/2003; Gallup; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 14.249810
Shirley.Drena L; 3/8/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Gallup; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Shirley.Dustin; 9/6/2008; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 7.510000
Shivers, Bonniejune; 9/9/2006; Los Lunas; PSY-O; 18.846930
Shivers.Joe N.; 22.929720
Shives.John P; 9/13/2004; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 15.333630
Shober.Kathleen E; 8/23/2008; 23.142818
Shockley.Shirlee M; 6/13/2005; Las Cruces; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 15.950072
Shonagon.Dory D.; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-0; Human Services Department; 19.420000
Shook,Leon K.; 17.877600
Shore.Lawrence R.; 4/19/2008; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 25.920000
Short.Glenda S.; 1/22/1991; City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; 21.436307
Shorty.Jean; 5/15/1989; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 16.988506
Shrader,Jane M; 10/9/2004; Albuquerque; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.748190
Shreve.Rose Ann; 11/2/1998; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 15.489150
Shroyer, Maria O.; 8/18/1997; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-A; Public Defender; 14.105885
Shubert.Gary P.; 1/3/1989; Roswell; EXEC -ENGINEERING; of Transportation; 47.368179
Shulman, Robert Joseph; 3/31/1999; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Retirement Board; 34.982805
Shulman,Howard R.; 3/19/1990; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; 17.624190
Shumaker.John C; 18.470000
Shuman,Arthie T.; 4/27/1992; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Public Regulation Commission; 17.629035
Shumway,Monetta M; 25.912440
Shumway.Nancy; 11/17/2007; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 19.525630
Shumway.Sandy; 7/11/2005; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 9.687163
Shuryn, Danielle; 7/12/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; F Environment; 30.443518
Shutiva,David; 18.291190
Shutiva.Ron D; 7/1/2004; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 22.652803
Sides, Elizabeth M.; 10/19/1998; Albuquerque; Legal Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 18.793000
SidlenJack; 1/29/2007; Santa Fe (City); ELEC ENGINEER-A; Public Regulation Commission; 28.760000
Siegei.Julius M; 11/15/1986; Las Cruces; PSY-A; 29.090000
Siegel, Brett M; 3/26/2001; 23.171008
Sierra Diaz, Margaret; 26.407097
Sierra, Jessica; 8/5/2002; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 18.393000
Sierra, Maria T.; 8.256000
Sierra.Devorie I; 11.674306
Sierra.Erlinda; 9/19/1998; Fort Bayard; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; 19.701450
Sierra.Steven 1/4/2003; 17.575630
Sifuentes-Barron,Corina; 6/8/2002; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.587445
Sifuentes,Petra S; 26.800582
Sifuentes.Rosa; 11.324575
Sifuentes.Sal; 2/25/2002; Alamogordo; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 17.343130
Sigala, Patricia L; 17.257159
Sigala,Carlos S; 21.578600
Sigala,Joshua 11/29/2008; 13.000000
Sigman, Edward B. 10/20/2007; 35.948000
Sigman, Millie C; 20.640000
SiIva,JoseA.; 7/7/1986; Grants; CIVIL ENGINEER-B; Transportation; 31.171423
Siler, Edward R; 4/1/2002; (City); Santa Fe; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; 14.121649
Sillas.Kristine M 12/16/2006; 22.694950
SilliventJeanye L.; 9/15/1994; Roswell; MED & PUB HLTH SW-A; 26.729430
Silva, Angelina; 9/17/2007; Silver City; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.575630
Silva, Antoinette R; 10/28/2000; Socorro (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 13.194495
Silva, Danny S.; 12/12/1988; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 22.569372
Silva, Dolores J; 14.008730
Silva, Eugene; 5/19/1980; Las Cruces; A/OI; 33.654797
Silva, Herman D.; 6/19/2004; Albuquerque; Division Director II; c Safety; 36.801940
Silva, Joseph; 30.496000
Silva, Julian R; 7/19/1976; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 17.000000
Silva, Louis G; 12/22/2003; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.386000
Silva, Maria T.; 3/11/1996; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Youth & Families Dpt; Children; 21.934460
Silva, Melissa L; 5/9/1989; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Department of Transportation; 19.973903
Silva, Patricia A.; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGL& LGL ASST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.286000
Silva, Richard E; 11/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.360000
Silva,Agapito J; 7/1/1985; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 31 .274067
Silva,Andrea; 10/20/2007; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B;; 8.050000
Silva,Anthony D.; 12.710000
Silva,Gabriel L; 11/9/2004; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 20.477193
Silva,Gary M. 1/2/2008; 34.030000
Silva,Georgia; 8/21/1989; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 19.997600
Silva,Gerard M.; 25.357000
Silva,Loretta A; 1/13/2007; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 1 1.254500
Silva,Matthew; 5/31/2008; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 7.750000
Silva,Merced; 8/14/2006; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 12.578917
Silva,Paul; 7/14/2007; Truth Or Consequenc; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-O; Health; 12.394690
Silva,Ray F; 4/13/1981; Las Cruces; CLM ADJ, EXAM ,INV-A; General Services Department; 21.921600
Silva,Rebecca; 5/3/2008; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Silva,Reyna; 12/6/2004; Roswell; COURT,IViUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.076304
Silva.AmyA.; 6/2/2003; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.227815
Silva.Andrew M.; 25.700670
Silva.Barbara S; 1/26/1987; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.484925
Silva.Bernadette C; 24.219460
Silva.DavidJ; 11/6/2004; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 14.606405
Silva.Emesto; 5/5/2007; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; of Transportation; 11.129139
Silva.Ernestine; 5/5/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 1 1 .090000
Silva.FrankJ.; 6/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Silva.HollyM 2/9/2008; 17.191600
Silva.Janet; 3/28/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OI; Department of Environment; 34.467040
Silva.Janette C; 5/6/1991; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Health; 29.410495
Silva.Karlie L; 5/17/2008; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 10.870000
Silva.lrene S.; 8/12/1985; Alamogordo; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.748837
Silva.MarkL; 11/4/1996; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Department of Environment; 19.931714
Silva.MaryJo; Santa Fe (City)
Silva.Melanie L; 9/9/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.012320
Silva.Nora M.; 4/15/1996; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.667462
Silva.Randy M.; 5/13/1992; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.851901
Silva.Rebecca 9/3/2002; 19.019600
Silva.Steve M.; 21.289000
Silva.Valentina; 13.203207
Silvan,Shawn; 7/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Silvas, Robert J; 9/20/2008; Lordsburg; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Silvas,Diana; 2/2/2009; Fort Bayard; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.100000
Silvas,Maria L.; 8/4/1999; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 10.904575
Silvas.Leilani; 2/2/2009; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 9.170000
SILVAS.NAOMI; 2/24/2007; Las Vegas; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 9.403456
SilvenMelinda; 34.608040
Silver.David; 1/8/2008; City); Santa Fe i; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Silversmith, Ursula A.; 5/11/1998; Gallup; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.738220
Silvis-Young, Jennifer Lynn; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; SECEX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 10.358730
Simasingh.Savannah Y; 6/9/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Public Regulation Commission; 12.729000
Simbola.Savana F. 6/18/2007; 14.055000
Simmerman.Joyce M.; 12/16/1991; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 19.725075
Simmons,Diana P; 5/4/1981; [City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 30.000000
Simmons,DianneA; 4/27/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Moriarty; Human Services Department; 17.793000
Simmons,Stacey; 1/26/2008; Deming; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; 27.026475
Simmons.Yolanda; 11/29/2006; Aztec; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 28.251132
Simms,Martha L; 16.931438
Simon, David; 1/24/2002; City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 47.663280
Simon, Douglas 4/30/2001; 13.583943
Simon.EricU; 7/1/2003; Las Cruces; TRMT-O; 16.492182
Simonetti,Joseph 10/9/1984; 22.827990
Simoni, Roberta Y; 7/10/2003; Albuquerque; 34.117000
Simons, Bryce P 7/14/1997; 42.561633
Simons, Martha K.; 12/4/2000; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 26.576849
Simons.Grace E.; 14.918190
Simpson, David E; 4/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; General Services Department; 36.391320
Simpson,Christopher L.; 15.854190
Simpson,Gerald B; 10/20/2003; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.957165
Simpson.Lonnie J.; 5/31/1995; Tatum; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.042351
Sims,Jason; 14.800000
Sims,Laurel Ann; 10/21/2006; Tucumcari; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.210390
Sims.Catherine E.; 22.405630
Sims.Julieta; 2/1/2003; Ruidoso; COURT,IVIUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.332459
Sinadinos, William; 1/31/2006; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.041138
Sinclair,Christopher D; 8/6/2001; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 20.780075
Sinclair.Linda 9/8/1990; 21.511000
Sinclair.Rick Alan 1 1/29/2008; 1 3.000000
Singdahlsen,Paul; 21.987688
Singer-Dias,Laura; 11/18/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.150000
Singer,Arianne; 10/22/2001; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 39.110037
Singer.Philoma; 4/29/2006; Farmington; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 18.530460
Singer.Raymond D; 11/29/2003; Santa Fe (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 28.259488
Singh, Devendra; 5/20/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/OH; 37.459819
Singh,Ganesh; 10/12/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; 40.762720
Singh,LahriK; 6/5/2004; Las Cruces; ELIG INTRVR,GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.964139
Singh,Shalini; 32.046535
Singh.Aurora; 10/5/1987; Anthony; LINE II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.519460
Singletary-Mares.Sharon 1/4/1999; 31.244842
Singleton, Lynne; 4/26/2008; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 29.715000
Singleton,Kerwin C.; 8/19/2004; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 30.512900
Sintas,James D.; 3/13/1995; Clayton; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; Transportation; 20.009575
Sintas.Augustine Cruz; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.404000
Sintas.Timothy P; 17.060000
Siow, Dennis D; 5/19/2007; Grants; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; t of Transportation; 11.408000
Sisco.Kyle Lee; 15.300000
Sisk.Donna S; 27.720575
Sisneros Junior,Rubin L.; 7.781590
Sisneros-Quintana,Bernadett 1/22/2001; 17.981600
Sisneros, Bradley J; 12.989812
Sisneros, Frances E 4/18/1988; 23.521460
Sisneros, Gertrude M; 3/13/1989; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.708882
Sisneros, Jennifer S; 8/20/2003; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 16.000000
Sisneros, Jessica A; 12.155039
Sisneros, Joseph T; 2/28/2005; Tres Piedras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 12.201190
Sisneros, Lawrence J; Gallup; TRANSP INSPECTOR-A; Department of Public Safety; 17.002894
Sisneros, Melissa B. 9/22/2007; 17.592000
Sisneros, Raymond A.; 6/2/1986; Des Moines; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.963591
Sisneros,Andrea D; 9/11/2004; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Health; 18.061000
Sisneros,Audrey L; 22.582057
Sisneros,Catherine M; 8/4/1980; Santa Fe (City); PRIVDET&INVEST-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.802410
Sisneros,Kathleen M; 2/2/1998; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 15.329690
Sisneros,Leeann M.; 4/17/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.173000
Sisneros,Lucille R.; 8/16/1993; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 27.058995
Sisneros,Phil; 1/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); Director of Communications; Office of the Attorney General; 37.286000
Sisneros,Richard D 8/1/1985; 15.802810
Sisneros,Samuel E; 20.538387
Sisneros,Sarah; 5/13/2005; Raton; COOK, INST&CAF-B; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 9.666198
Sisneros,Severiano K; 39.112300
Sisneros,Tina M; 11/1/2004; Roswell; STAFF; 26.739500
Sisneros.Anthony R.; 5/23/1994; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 28.670040
Sisneros.Cathy L; 4/18/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Human Services Department; 40.418124
Sisneros.Diego J.; 2/17/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 27.554022
Sisneros.Dorin K. 11/1/1993; 20.065668
Sisneros.Gabriel; 4/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Department of Game & Fish; 14.188190
Sisneros.Jim; 11/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT Nbl WORK SPEC 2; Public Education Department; 27.399500
Sisneros.JulieA.; 2/22/1999; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; es Dpt; 20.883171
Sisneros.Nash; 9/14/2002; Roswell; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 22.869094
Sisneros.Ron V.; 2/21/1994; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; 27.507300
Sisneros.Stanley A; 1/8/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Game & Fish; 29.912703
Sisneros.Susan P.; 8/24/1988; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 33.208300
SisnerosCounts,Jessica J; 5/3/2000; Santa Fe (City); PERS FIN ADVISOR-B; Retirement Board; 16.612061
Sita,Susan; 5/6/1996; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 32.466718
Sita.Maheshwar U; 1/1/2003; Santa Fe (City); Public Information Officer II; of Transportation; 42.020440
Sitzberger,Karl J; 6/3/2002; Cimarron; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 30.375000
Siva,Senthil; 8/28/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; 39.674610
Sivinski, Robert C; 1/28/1985; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 27.754810
Sizemore,Jim L.; 10/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); EXEC -ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 48.066240
Sjoblom.Terri L; 1/26/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Santa Fe (City); Human Services Department; 13.835630
Skasik.Suzanne M.; 10/30/1995; Albuquerque; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 26.818550
Skeele, Devon I; 9/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 22.740000
Skelton.Karen S; 7/20/2002; Carlsbad; TRMT-B; 14.979810
Skibitski,Thomas; 6/29/1998; Albuquerque; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; Environment; 38.949859
Skinner, William L.; 8/29/1994; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Environment; 26.231030
Skinner,Shannon; 8/9/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.662000
Skinner.Tani C. 2/22/1993; 29.617500
Skinnerjravis E.; 22.517000
Skipper.Renee L.; 4/24/1993; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 19.933600
Skiver, Rodney L.; 5/5/1997; Fort Bayard; A/O II - IT; Department of Health; 38.853841
Skogland.Nick E; 6/20/1986; Fort Stanton; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-A; General Services Department; 17.103266
Skolkin, David; 24.167630
Skoog, Robert E.; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); TRAINS DEV SPEC-0; Homeland Security & Emgncy Mgt; 22.500000
Skrupskis,Michelle A; 4/2/1984; Albuquerque; 28.693000
Skrupskis,Raimond P; 9/16/1985; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 25.641000
Slade,MikeP.; 3/23/1987; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 18.753810
Slade.ChrisM; 15.448190
Slape,Bianca M.; 7/28/2007; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Slater-Huff.Katherine L; 5/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COIVl SV COORD-A;; 31.821580
Slattery,Terrance L; 6/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); Executive Director; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 68.494000
Slaughter.Chelsea; 5/19/1997; 11.250000
Slavens,Carol D.; 9/20/1999; PROBATION PAROLE OFFiC Las Cruces; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.359500
Slavens.Douglas E; 3/17/2001; Las Cruces; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Public Safety; 21.764460
Slick.Katherine; 31.933300
Sliemek,LorreD. 4/3/2000; 16.127810
Slinkey-Poe, Nanette; 13.998695
Sloan.Andrew A.; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Public Safety; 20.399000
Sloan.Carol K.; 1/1/2007; Santa Fe (City); PRO Commissioner; Public Regulation Commission; 43.269231
Sloane.Michael B.; 5/9/1994; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Game & Fish; 36.773150
Slocter,Chuck B.; 9/7/1999; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; of Transportation; 37.634040
Sloman, Stephanie M.; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Human Services Department; 18.591600
Slone,Bobbie Jo; 12/2/2006; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 11.956453
Slowen,JoIene; 4/7/2007; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Finance & Admnst; 33.606300
Smail, Harry; 1/12/1998; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 25.622460
Smalls,Lara A; 3/18/2002; Las Cruces; GENI; Public Defender; 39.550297
Smart,Darrei; 16.338190
Smelker,Michael J; 7/5/2005; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 32.369056
Smelser,Chad B.; 57.556794
Smeltzer, Charles Edward; 14.238190
Smeltzer.John A.; 4/20/1998; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.490232
Smetak.Reagan D.; 12/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); A70II; Department of Game & Fish; 31.648300
Smid.JamesW; 12/21/2002; Gallup; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Public Safety; 21.764460
Smiley,Cheryl A.; 8/25/2007; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.940000
Smiley.Tamira H; 1/31/2004; HSD QUAL ASSURANCE SPI Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 17.756510
Smirnow,Todd L; 7/31/2004; Albuquerque; IT APPS DEV 3; Department of Health; 32.364690
Smiset.Don; 1/26/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Smith .Patricia A; 8/15/1977; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Health; 24.884275
Smith-Bates,Karlyn; 10/18/2008; Moriarty; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Smith-Leslie,Nancy M 1 0/1 9/2004; 28.788500
Smith, Andrea 3/22/2008; 17.295630
Smith, Boris D; 3/27/2006; Hobbs; Dbl & CRIM INVEST-0; Public Defender; 16.340391
Smith, Brian P.; 11/17/2007; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 13.830000
Smith, Clarence L.; 12/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); Division Director 1; State Treasurer; 36.185000
Smith, David Daniel; 13.438190
Smith, Dolores O 1/13/1986; 16.000000
Smith, Donald 6/2/2007; 16.890000
Smith, Doyle; 10/3/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 41.958000
Smith, Earle P.; 1/17/1995; Roswell; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; t of Transportation; 37.621100
Smith, Elmer L.; 11/26/2005; Carlsbad; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 21.901610
Smith, Essie S.; 33.822661
Smith, Forrest; 12/23/2006; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; c Safety; 37.994600
Smith, Frank L.; 23.200000
Smith, Gregory S; 23.028150
Smith, James T; 9/18/1989; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Roswell; Human Services Department; 15.402630
Smith, Jane; 8/29/1989; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-O; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.138574
Smith, Javier; 1/6/2008; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Smith, Joan T; 6/1/2002; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-O; Public Defender; 13.725690
Smith, Kenneth A.; 7/12/1993; Grants; A/OH; 24.598300
Smith, Kenneth D; 1/22/1968; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 29.224040
Smith, Kenneth Michael; 7/31/1978; Las Cruces; GEN l-ENV SCIENCE; f Environment; 40.530551
Smith, Linda Branson; 5/14/1986; Santa Fe (City); EDITOR-A; Economic Developmnt Department; 27.507370
Smith, Marian E.; 10/21/2006; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 11.000000
Smith, Mary Elizabeth; 11/15/2008; Santa Fe (City); INS CLMS/POLCY CLK-O; Public Regulation Commission; 13.610000
Smith, Mavis; 11/1/1999; Gallup; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 19.427290
Smith, Michael B. 1/6/2003; 14.982132
Smith, Michael D.; 12/1/1997; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEER,AO-PE-0; Public Regulation Commission; 27.095500
Smith, Natalie K.; 1/19/1993; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 29.018178
Smith, Penny M; 8/27/2005; Alamogordo; PERS&HOMECARAID-O; Commission for the Blind; 10.812755
Smith, Richard; 2/23/2009; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; : Workforce Solutions; 13.300000
Smith, Richard; 5/14/2001; Los Lunas; TRMT-0; 15.792003
Smith, Richard; 8/23/2008; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.100000
Smith, Robert C; 19.589900
Smith,Aleta Jo; 14.995690
Smith,Andrew; 1/13/2001; Los Lunas; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 16.161893
Smith,Carla M.; 1/31/1994; Albuquerque; HR,TRAIN&LBRSPC-0; Gaming Control Board; 21.911936
Smith,Carmela; 11/1/2008; Carlsbad; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; Environment; 23.500000
Smith,Carol R.; 2/24/1997; PRACTil Las Cruces; 30.335912
Smith,Christina J.; 2/4/2002; Santa Fe (City); PSY-O; 21.700809
Smith,Coleman A.; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 26.239500
Smith,Edward T; 6/22/2002; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Environment; 35.893300
Smith,Elaine M.; 13.626130
Smith,Elaine M.; 6/21/1999; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 10.784933
Smith,Gary L.; 27.903750
Smith,Glenn B; 2/22/1988; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Game & Fish; 40.202410
Smith,Glenn R; 1/9/1999; Workers Compensation Admir Albuquerque; Workers Compensation Admin; 49.685020
Smith,Gregory D.; 22.517000
Smith,Janie S.; 12/28/1998; Albuquerque; STATISTICIAN-B; Workers Compensation Admin; 13.094196
Smith,Jennifer Lee; 11/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 23.335720
Smith,Jeremy J; 5/21/2005; Navajo Dam; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; Department of Game & Fish; 17.885059
Smith,KurtA; 9/10/2005; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-0;; 21.550800
Smith,Lydia; 11/16/1992; Clovis; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 12.161248
Smith,Martha C.; 6/28/2008; Farmington; CLK-A; 12.000000
Smith,PhiiiipM; 19.840000
SMITH,R0BERT RAY; 14.560000
Smith,Shannon E; 22.397489
Smith,Sheila A.; 10/29/1990; Clovis; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 32.865301
Smith,Sherryl; 6/25/2006; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 21.090428
Smith,Shir!ey D.; 2/9/2008; Las Vegas; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 15.051425
Smith,Susan G; 4/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.987629
Smith,Susan; 10/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.379555
Smith,Teresa J; 3/21/2009; Roswell; LPN & LVN-O; Department of Health; 20.021500
Smith,Teresa S.; 10/12/1998; Las Cruces; PSY-O; 20.602040
Smith.Bryan C; 5/15/1989; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; nformation Technology; 29.427645
Smith.CindyL; 2/11/2006; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-B; 14.130000
Smith.Daniel A 10/16/1995; 51.719707
Smith.Edward J.; 25.357000
Smith.Eliza Wells 1/1/2003; 31.360000
Smith.Jaymes D; 11/25/2000; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Smith.Jennifer G 9/24/2005; 12.963790
Smith.Jim B; 25.959460
Smith.JulieA; 8/13/2001; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; 10.592059
Smith.Keith D.; 11/8/1999; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 37.088300
Smith.Kelvin R; 11/8/2004; Santa Fe (City); EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 17.379810
Smith.Leah; 5/19/2007; Truth Or Consequeni; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 11.163690
Smith.Maria 9/10/2005; 25.681131
Smith.Mary H; 3/26/1992; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 34.480000
Smith.MaryE; 2/18/2006; Albuquerque; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.120666
Smith.Matthew D; 3/17/2009; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Smith.Michael A.; 10/5/1998; Belen; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.503271
Smith.Michael E.; 22.517000
Smith.Millicent E; 10/3/1994; Ruidoso; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.477783
Smith.Patrick D.; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 15.000000
Smith.RonaldJ; 19.688303
Smith.Tamara L; 1/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.238500
Smith.Terrence D.; 8/30/1993; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.082377
Smith.Theresa; 2/28/1989; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.080636
Smith.Tracie L; 20.890598
Smith.Vivian F; 26.701600
Smithjina M; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); HR,TRAIN&LBRSPC-0; 23.639597
Smithson,Eddie J.; 19.020000
Smitli,SharonL; 15.850072
Smokovich, Nicholas M.; 8/13/2001; Socorro (City); FORESTER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.360047
Smolik.Danny R.; 7/23/1990; Tularosa; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 24.554582
Smutko,PaulJ. 4/5/1990; 23.150450
Sneathen.John R.; 10/20/2006; Las Cruces; TRMT-B; 13.539561
Sneddon.Stephen M; 9/15/2003; Albuquerque; LINEN; Gaming Control Board; 29.759460
Snedeker,Philip A. 3/1 6/1 991; 21 .685600
Snee.JustinM; 6/7/1999; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 1; 19.511051
Snow,Katherine E.; 25.500000
Snow.Cordelia T; 20.973585
Snowbarger.Elizabeth A.; 7/12/1995; Farmington; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.902630
Snyder I, Randy C.; 7/28/2007; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 11.282690
Snyder, Charles; 8/17/1992; Albuquerque; DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Public Defender; 18.721476
Snyder, Maritza C; 11/7/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 38.121660
Snyder, Yevette R.; 9/24/2005; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 17.394900
Snyder.James Patrick; 11/4/1985; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Game & Fish; 32.426790
Snyder.Maria A.; 4/3/1995; Deming; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 16.809417
Snyder.Sonya G; 6/28/1986; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 25.391775
Snyman-Gamer.CaroIyne 5/6/2002; 12.857603
Sober.Richard A; 12/17/2005; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; 12.964139
Soberanez.Baltazar R.; 11/30/1998; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 14.680810
Sobien,Janet K; 12/3/1984; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 31.728638
Socolov.Ana L; 11/24/1975; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; 19.788190
Soderlund.Renee Andrine 8/11/2007; 38.408101
Soderquist.Donna Lee; 7/14/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 20.150000
Soherr-Hadwiger, David; 6/29/1996; (City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 42.403846
SoIorzano.Joanna; 8/23/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; Human Services Department; 8.600000
Soland, Darren H. 12/12/1992; 33.959000
Solano, Antoinette D.; 2/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR~0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.139165
Solano, Antoinette; 14.770042
Solano,Anna R; 29.140258
Solano,Diane M.; 3/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Transportation; 24.905171
Solano,EddieA; 8/24/1985; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 16.471043
Solano,Elizabeth R.; 3/19/2005; Albuquerque; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.897557
Solano,IVIary L.; 6/11/1990; Roswell; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 15.503630
Solano,Mario Angelo; 19.989810
Solano,Nora E; 4/6/1987; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERVCOORD-A; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 25.729306
Solano.Albert R; 7/28/2007; 14.303419
Solano.Anna M.; 1/24/2001; Hobbs; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.082132
Solano.Connie E.; 3/13/2004; 16.699290
Solimon.Lucy; 5/23/2005; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 23.739500
Soliz, Angela Piedad; 16.440000
Soliz, Antonio D.; 7/31/2000; Silver City; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.590232
Soliz, Nancy M.; 9/8/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.138730
Soliz,Daniel A; 14.800000
Soliz,Racheal U.; 12/8/2003; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 17.844125
Soliz.Reynaldo F; 28.921399
Soliz.Steve A.; 12/4/1989; Roswell; STAFF;; 26.272250
Sologub,Sergey M; 2/23/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.845630
Solomon, Britton N.; 6/5/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.705630
Solomon.Dhiraj; 4/20/2002; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 32.625040
Solorzano, Roberto C; 10/8/2005; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.167780
Soltani,Panteha 3/7/2009; 16.890000
Solzman.NancyA.; 2/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Department of Health; 19.517465
Sommers,Julimarie V; 5/31/2008; Albuquerque; DET&CRIMINVEST-A; Human Services Department; 20.400000
Soneral,Ruth M.; 9/20/2008; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 19.000000
Sonora,Linda D.; 10.646192
Sonora.Cynthia A; 10/22/2005; Carlsbad; CLK-A; 12.868147
Sorensen,Kirk; 7/9/2007; Albuquerque; FIN EXAMINER-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 23.260000
Soriano,Greg; 4/7/2003; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Anthony; Human Services Department; 17.919750
Soriano.Mark K; 20.832000
Sosa-Ventura, Benjamin; 4/13/2002; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Human Services Department; 17.424460
Sosa, Norma Linda; 4/26/2003; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Public Regulation Commission; 24.253757
Sosa,Mayela Julia; 10/20/2007; Roswell; GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 10.843000
Sosa,OscarA.; 23.900000
Sosa.Amanda S.; 4/13/2002; Roswell; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.379523
Sosaya, Jessica; 6/2/2003; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 10.358730
Sosaya, Susan M.; 1/22/1990; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Workforce Solutions; 23.409097
SotcErick Oswaldo; 13.489810
Sotelo, Irene Brewer 2/20/1995; 14.987409
Sotelo,Virginia S.; 12/29/1997; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Transportation; 20.432365
Sotelo.BernardinoA; 8/30/2004; Deming; TRAFFIC TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 15.606274
Soto-Garcia,Kimberly; 8/9/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.511000
Soto, Maria E; 1/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Regulation Commission; 15.548190
Soto, Milissa Ann; 5/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.843220
Soto,Bernalina; 5/17/2008; Los Lunas; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 28.039000
Soto,DeniseO.; 6/16/2007; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.402760
Soto.NancyD; 19.085194
Soto.Salvador; 10/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); COMPLNCE OFFICER-A;; 30.344078
Soukup.Patricia; 25.122301
Soukup.Wiiiiam David; 16.486187
Soule Junior.Robert M; 7/20/2008; Ciovis; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Sousa.Michael G.; 39.962040
Southard,Lynn; 7/9/2007; n Officer 1 Santa Fe (City); Public Informatio; Office of the Attorney General; 27.570176
Souza,David L.; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 10.894690
Soveranez, David R.; 31.629840
Soveranez.Tammy S; 11/9/2002; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.961671
Sp]vey,Melinda Dawn; 4/30/2007; Roswell; ENG TECH,AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 12.174139
Spain,Natalie; 4/22/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.591343
Spain.JeremyJ.; 8/16/2003; Roswell; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; of Health; 10.493104
Spanarl Taos (City); Human Services Department; 14.249630
Valencia.Frankie Joe; 8/21/1998; Taos (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 27.481313
Valencia.Jane; 12/3/2007; Taos (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.000000
Valencia.Marion G; 12/11/2000; Corona; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.282190
Valencia.Mark; 2/7/2009; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-B; Department of Health; 10.230000
Valencia.Marlene Y.; 12/13/1993; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 28.868137
Valencia.Mary G; 4/9/1994; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 13.608730
Valencia.Michaela S; 10/1/1975; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 15.000000
Valencia.Mildred; 8/13/2001; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; c Safety; 14.027190
Valencia.Veronica J. 2/1/2002; 25.913462
Valenta, Daniel J; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.159460
Valentine, Colleen; 12/31/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL N Farmington; Human Services Department; 15.125630
Valentine.Jennifer M; 14.597506
Valentine.Kiethan B. 11/14/1994; 17.029810
Valenzueia,Sylvia; 15.604810
Valenzuela, Ernest H; 6/22/2002; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 23.633155
Valenzuela,Daniel; 8/13/2001; Fort Bayard; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 12.206773
Valenzuela,Lupe C.; 15.227630
Valenzuela,NineIia; 12/11/2006; Albuquerque; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 11.317760
Valenzuela,Steven R; 1/30/2006; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.332000
Valenzuela.Ana Beatriz; 5/1/1989; Hobbs; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.167801
Valenzuela.Danny A.; 4/24/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 28.641850
Valenzuela.Edmundo R; 4/4/1988; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.565936
Valenzuela.James F.; 5/5/1997; Farmington; STAFF; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 22.440000
Valenzuela.Kimberiy A.; 17.374555
Valenzuela.KimberlyA.; 9/11/1993; s; Las Cruce; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; 18.685470
Valenzuela.Leticia; 9/10/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Los Lunas; Human Services Department; 17.608600
Valenzuela.Marc A.; 1/20/2001; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.490232
Valenzuela.Mark L; 6/16/2007; Radium Springs; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.107979
Valenzuela.RobertG.; 17.562190
Valenzuela.Yolanda M; 3/31/2007; City); Santa Fe; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 18.902630
Valerio-Hirschfeld,Violette D; 3/2/2002; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 27.834500
Valerio, Valerie L.; 6/20/1991; Raton; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 11.808441
Valerio,Betty 11/8/1999; 12.906039
Valerio,lsaac L.; 21.847000
Valerio,Mark; 10/4/2004; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 10.617913
Valerio,Max E.; 6/13/1988; Santa Fe (City); EXEC -ENGINEERING; of Transportation; 50.659412
Valerio,Michael A; 12/29/2007; Taos (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : Environment; 23.159460
Valerio.Carmela Loretta R; 8/25/2007; Nuclear Occup. Illness Liaison Santa Fe (City); Department of Environment; 31.360000
Valerio.Kimberly A.; 2/9/2008; Albuquerque; CLK-A; 1 1 .190690
Valerio.Louella; 4/26/2001; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Valerio.Renee J.; 16.659353
Valicenti.Mona N; 6/1/1999; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 30.870000
ValIejo,Maria A; 10/3/2005; Las Cruces; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.561000
Valies,Hector; 15.303810
Valkinburg.lvan R.; 10/5/1998; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.553810
Vallejo,Jerry T.; 20.092587
Vallejos, Jonathan J 5/20/2002; 18.122600
Vallejos,Betty J.; 7/7/1990; Raton; NURSAIDE,ORDR,ATN-A; Miners Colfax Medical Center; 12.849365
Vallejos,Christine A.; 31.205385
Vallejos,Laura L; 12.394690
Vallejos,Tyrone J; 15.640000
Valles,John P.; 9/8/1987; Bernalillo (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.239991
Valles.Carl F.; 7/3/1995; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 24.024820
Valles.Emma; 8/26/2006; Socorro (City); DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.992190
Vallieres,Marc; 9.719567
Vallo,Wayne P.; 10/15/1985; Mesita; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 20.182282
Vallo.Susie; 8.417220
Vallo.Thomas M; 8/20/2001; Mesita; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.362351
Valtierra, Bertha A.; 18.729600
Valverde, Michael R.; 41.610000
Valverde, Salomon D; 9/22/1986; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.697898
Valverde,Carmen H; 6/2/2007; Anthony; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.964409
Valverde,Joann M; 3/17/1986; Tucumcari; EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.363757
Valverde,Marcia G.; 1/28/1995; Tucumcari; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 13.724791
Van Asperen,Brenda J.; 7/31/1993; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 19.385600
Van Diepen, Nancy J; 7/15/2006; Albuquerque; CERTIFIED NURSE PRACTI"; Department of Health; 30.948000
Van Driessche.Judi A; 21.233810
Van Gese.Mildred; 10/15/1990; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Environment; 26.630632
Van Horn.Kristen L; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; Environment; 23.750000
Van Hoven.Raymunda A; 2/23/1987; Santa Fe (City); ENGINEERING; GENI-; 41.878142
van Keulen, Jeffrey; 8/28/2006; Alannogordo; LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 27.876976
Van Patten.Scott D 3/21/1988; 17.605791
Van Rite,Mary Lou; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 25.500000
Van Scoyk, Richard A; 23.278068
Van Winkle,Jolie E; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 14.170000
Van Winkle.Tina; 7/14/1997; Socorro (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 29.673140
VanAusdall.Tasha M; 2/2/2009; Albuquerque; INV-B; 12.000000
Vandenzen, Brian; 4/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.318065
Vander Wagen.Josefina O. 12/16/2006; 27.494500
Vanderhoof.Mervin; 7/8/2002; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 11.000000
VanderMaat.Kevin; 5/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Vanderpool.Kimberly A.; 11/19/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Vandersys,Marian D. 7/4/1992; 21.400000
Vandiver, Craig B.; 22.517000
VanEtten de Sanchez,Shelle; 1/7/2002; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 28.457878
Vann,Harold E; 5/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Department of Health; 22.535630
Vannatta.Charles A.; 12/28/1998; Roswell; LINE II - MTD/SID; Public Safety; 30.487000
Vannoy,Rachel E.; 12.895000
VanOsdol Ill.Clyde F; 10/6/2007; Gallup; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 15.064000
Vansoelen, Elizabeth; 21.948756
Vardeman, Keith; 8/11/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Vareia,Therese R.; 6/12/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 29.968300
Vareia.ChrisF.; 11/5/1990; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 21.152137
Vareia.Sheryl; 8/9/2004; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 1; 25.649460
Varela-Lopez.Esther; 8/15/1988; [City); Santa Fe; GENI; 41.951150
Varela, Cindy M; 6/4/2001; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.831600
Varela, Den ise; 11/4/2004; Santa Fe (City); JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 9.757454
Varela, James A; 7/27/1992; Santa Fe County; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 1; 19.377630
Varela, Michelle D; 16.691600
Varela, Michelle; 12/2/2006; (City); Santa Fe; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 18.000876
Varela, Monica; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Varela, Ramon; 13.000000
Varela, Richard; 8/25/1997; Hatch; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.381190
Varela,Alan M.; Albuquerque; Executive Director; f Workforce Solutions; Dept o1; 52.498600
Varela,Amberleigh; 4/18/2005; Santa Fe (City); DATA ENTRY KEYR-A; Environment; 11.330000
Varela,April M; 10/18/2008; Las Vegas; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 9.796000
Varela,Edwin M.; 4/20/1987; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 23.417235
Varela,Michelle E; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 29.421000
Varela,MikeF; 14.149915
Varela,Mona; 28.912786
Varela,Monica G; 2/1/1988; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 32.784040
Varela,Peter R 7/9/2001; 17.517418
Varela,Randy J; 1/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Public Regulation Commission; 22.061600
Varela,Rima R. 2/8/1999; 14.578927
Varela,Sonya K.; 7/22/1991; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 20.246185
Varela,Tanya; 3/2/2009; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; 11.750000
Varela,Theresa L.; 21.359460
Varela.Andrea L.; 5/17/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Varela.Bryan C.; 1/27/1997; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 17.001456
Varela.Debbie L; 10/23/2001; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Department of Transportation; 18.827638
Varela.Dominik; 9/15/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Varela.Donna R. 8/1/2001; 29.343595
Varela.Emestino L.; 3/11/1991; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 15.009186
Varela.Maria G.; 2/15/2003; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; Health; 12.775400
Varela.Maria L.; 4/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 22.020460
Varela.Martha M.; 12/6/2003; Truth Or Consequent; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 11.869590
Varela.Monica L; 8/16/1999; Santa Fe (City); ADMIN SERVCOORD-A; c Employee Retiremnt Asso; 24.279318
Varela.Reynaldo M.; 6/13/1998; Lordsburg; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; Public Safety; 12.385199
Varela.Tammy M; 17.380000
Vargas, Joe; 7/26/2008; San Jon; TRANSP INSPECTOR-O; Department of Public Safety; 10.870000
Vargas, John A; 2/9/2009; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.870000
Vargas, Nora; 3/30/1992; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.500000
Vargas, Peter J.; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 10.500000
Vargas, Rosemary R.; 9/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); COM & SOC SVC SPEC-B; 15.494690
Vargas,Cleo C.; 10/9/1990; Albuquerque; CLMADJ,EXAM,INV-0; F Workforce Solutions; 19.908075
Vargas,Joseph E.; 11.590458
Vargas,Monica L.; 2/8/1999; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; 22.022571
Vargas,Ramon C; Albuquerque; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; of; 11.651690
Vargas.Constance Waters; 18.470000
Vargas.Delia; 8/23/1999; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 15.448792
Vargas.George; 13.000000
Vargas.Juan; 24.905266
Vargas.Theresa L; 19.761000
Vargas.Veronica; 3/8/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Anthony; Human Services Department; 13.401000
Varghese,Blezoo; 2/16/2002; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 37.221486
Vargon, Michael J; 2/26/1990; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 38.988419
Varinaitis,Michael Joseph 7/14/2007; 10.358730
Varneli.Ciint D.; 27.373000
Varnell.Clint D.; 27.373000
Varol,Deborah J. 10/4/2004; 27.775816
Varos,Felimon J; 10/7/2006; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.006190
Vasan.Srini Varadarajan; 12/16/2006; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 19.941600
Vasco,Lena M.; 6/16/2003; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 11.693437
Vasquez-Barros,Magdalena 6/28/2008; 13.300000
Vasquez-Padilla.Margaret D.; 8/27/2005; Taos (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.459280
Vasquez, Diana M; 8/15/1988; Albuquerque; A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 36.049563
Vasquez, Edward P.; 10/22/1984; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 24.193439
Vasquez, Fernando; 1/1/1970; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.828348
Vasquez, Homer; 4/19/1988; Portales; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 18.029810
Vasquez, Jamie; 9/28/2002; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 12.964139
Vasquez, Laura A.; 3/19/1984; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.802579
Vasquez,Angel; 3/12/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 9.120000
Vasquez,Carlos; 5/17/1999; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 28.835535
Vasquez,Georgia; 2/19/2003; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; Department of Health; 8.837210
Vasquez,Hector F.; 21.847000
Vasquez,Jody; 4/30/2001; Carlsbad; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-O; of Transportation; 15.362351
Vasquez,Maria M.; 5/5/2007; Artesia; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Health; 11.317780
Vasquez,Racheal M.; 9/8/1998; Albuquerque; ELIG INTRVR,G0V PR-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 15.771945
Vasquez,Rita A; 8/23/1988; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL X Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 17.961000
Vasquez.Christina P.; 2/4/2008; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 10.500000
Vasquez.Elizabeth A.; 6/2/2007; Silver City; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 14.375310
Vasquez.Eric Sean; 9/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Senior Policy Analyst; Ofc of the Lieutenant Governor; 30.090900
Vasquez.Jason; 4/23/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 9.917730
Vasquez.Joseph; 10/2/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 9.500000
Vasquez.Maria A. 2/5/2000; 14.852807
Vasquez.Mary F.; 25.600000
Vasquez.Michael F; 1/24/2008; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-A; Dept of Information Technology; 12.394690
Vasquez.Naomi M.; 12/16/1996; Albuquerque; PRINTING MACH OP-0; Workforce Solutions; 12.695045
Vasquez.Norma Jean; 2/17/1986; Springer; FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.580251
Vasquez.Norma; 26.378902
Vasquez.Orlando; 2/3/2003; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 20.077400
Vasquez.Otilia N.; 5/6/1995; Anthony; LINE II; Human Services Department; 22.798460
Vasquez.Samuel Ray; 7/9/2005; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 15.823000
Vasquez.Stephanie M; 10/27/2001; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-B; ies Dpt; 17.671988
Vasudevan.Srisailam; 2/16/2002; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 36.415910
Vattano,Michelle; 7/24/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Environment; 25.717727
Vatter.Jennifer Susan 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Vaughan, Cheryl A; 1/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Commission for the Blind; 15.006531
Vaughan, Clinton Lawrence; 7/1/2008; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 12.000000
Vaughan, Daniel J.; 21.178000
Vaughan,Jeremy D.; 22.939350
Vaughan.Paul M.; 23.642850
Vaughn, Colleen E; 4/30/2001; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Transportation; 26.561997
Vaughn, Marvin; 34.958300
Vaughn, Micki J 12/10/2001; 11.248185
Vaughn, Stephen A.; 82.051527
Vaughn.Larry 3/30/2009; 12.000000
Vazquez, Estevan; 6/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.500000
Vazquez.Gilberto R.; 9/5/2000; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.149810
Vedamanikam,Lizzy J.; 11/9/1992; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 22.652803
Vega-Hernandez,Jaime G.; 9/30/1991; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 24.928995
Vega, Enrique; 24.618000
Vega, Jose L; 5/15/1999; Las Cruces; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 22.621600
Vega,Lisa B.; 7/15/1996; Grants; GEN 1- ENGINEERING;; 42.788684
Vega,PaulM; 4/24/2006; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.539810
Vega.Angela M.; 9/13/1999; Albuquerque; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 13.082730
Vega.Augustine; 7/29/2006; Las Cruces; SOC & HMN SVC ASST-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 9.082117
Vega.Edgar; 21.847000
Vega.Emie; 10/21/2006; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 13.546876
Vega.Lillie M.; 6/3/1991; Las Cruces; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 25.455020
Vega.Patricia; 8/2/2003; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 10.475279
Vega.Tim J; 7/26/2008; Roswell; TITLE EXM/ABSTR-B; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.750000
Vehar.Vicki A. 7/6/2002; 15.787121
Veiasquez.Damien 4/17/2000; 16.102810
Vela,Andrew R.; 5/3/2001; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Vela,Beatriz; 12/1/2007; Las Cruces; LINEI -NURSING; Department of Health; 23.740000
Velarde, Brandy; 12.500000
Velarde, Erica; 6/2/2007; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-O; Transportation; 19.407000
Velarde, Florence C.; 5/30/1989; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; State Treasurer; 20.306630
Velarde, Melinda D.; 3/29/1999; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 21.690000
Velarde,Curlette D; 2/25/2006; Albuquerque; TX EXIVl/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.487376
Velarde,Diego E.; 32.438300
Velasco, Elena C.; 6/22/1991; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 28.866896
Velasco,Vicente; 4/21/1997; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Velasquez, Evelyn C; 4/20/1985; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Department of Health; 33.354959
Velasquez, Hope H.; 15.662202
Velasquez, Larry; 8/23/1999; Albuquerque; EXEC - ENGINEERING; of Transportation; 48.357839
Velasquez, Maxine; 3/10/2007; Albuquerque; 17.735000
Velasquez,Carlos T.; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 14.017500
Velasquez,Felemina L. 5/18/1992; 24.125229
Velasquez,Francisca; 11/1/2008; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 11.100000
Velasquez,Kristen Jennifer; 4/28/2007; Albuquerque; CUST SRV REP-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.290000
VELASQUEZ,LEONARD J; 1/13/2007; Santa Fe (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 12.607421
Velasquez,Michael I.; 12/17/1990; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.724810
Velasquez,Naomi A. 5/1 1/2006; 12.910000
Velasquez,Tomas A.; 23.642850
Velasquez.Billy; 5/11/1991; Santa Rosa; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.930561
Velasquez.Darlene R; 22.652803
Velasquez.Elizabeth J.; 10/7/1996; Las Vegas; ITGENERALIST1; Department of Health; 23.306238
Velasquez.Gloria A. 6/28/1 993; 1 1 .371 709
Velasquez.Kevin J; 6/28/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Velasquez.Toby G.; 4/3/1999; Santa Fe (City); GEN!; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 32.963545
Velasquez.Troy A; 7/30/2006; Grants; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Velazquez,Catherine; 8/22/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; Environment; 18.257000
Velez,Davina J; 8/21/2000; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-O; 15.022190
Velez,Lanora J.; 1/17/1996; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.078925
Velez,Linda S.; 18.469145
Vendrely,Regina L; 11/4/1985; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 33.705872
Venegas,Christopher R; 10/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); ARB, MED & CONCIL-0; F Workforce Solutions; 17.785896
Vento.Christina E.; 9/28/1999; Las Vegas; CLINC CNSG/SCH PSY-A; 35.770871
Ventura.Roderick; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER- A; Public Education Department; 30.902620
Verant, William J; 45.214260
Verchinski, Stephen A.; 21.158630
Verde.Diana; 5/19/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCH lATRIST-O; Department of Health; 73.151500
Verdugo,George; 4/13/1981; Carrizozo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 19.196991
Verhagen, Ronald; 9/6/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 40.000000
Vering, Donald R. 8/17/1992; 17.977630
Vering.Debbie L.; 12/16/1997; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 34.034000
Vernon Jr,John T 12/17/1990; 17.190810
Vernon, Marsha L; 4/24/2004; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 17.380188
Verploegh,John T; 10/1/2001; Las Cruces; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.565046
Verrett.David L.; 15.937387
Versace .Victor Dominic; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 10.261000
Verzuh, Valerie K.; 21.089550
Veseth, Ellen M; 1/16/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 30.455653
Vezie.LaVonda; 1/23/2006; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-A; 14.471304
Vialpando, Jerome; 5/14/2005; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 10.500000
Vialpando,Denise A.; 9/30/1993; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.099810
Vialpando,Victoria 1; 10/8/2005; Santa Fe (City); COURT.IVIUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.234690
Vialpando,Yvonne; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; F Transportation; 17.000000
Vialpando.Loretta; 11/3/1993; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 19.073810
Vialpando.Robert J; 25.676600
Vialpando.Rosella Marie; 1/11/2007; CERTIFIED NURSE PRACTI1 Las Cruces; Department of Health; 37.000000
Viarreafjiieresa; 13,489810 Urquijo,Aifredo; 15.108587
Viarreal, Larry L.; 10/4/1993; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1; Department of Transportation; 43.193000
Vice.lvan 4/26/2003; 17.135787
Vicenti,Thurman; 7/21/1990; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 25.770672
Vicenti.Mary A; 1/4/1988; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 19.786778
Vick.Chris; 10/4/2004; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; Environment; 33.834040
Vick.Danieile D; 12/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.604027
Victor, Dorothy L.; 24.730800
Victor, Nanette 12/18/2006; 24.803250
Vidaurri.Sabrina E. 1 1/2/2002; 1 2.672766
Vieira,Phyilis; 2/23/2009; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Vieira.Sandra T.; 11/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; c Safety; 16.091 1 90
Vienna,Josephine B.; 2/2/2002; Truth Or Consequen<; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.140413
Viera, Audrey; 14.145630
Vigii,April A; 5/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); HRJRAIN & LBR SPC-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.921630
Vigii.Christina M; 15.798810
VigiI.Edmund David 12/16/2006; 16.251600
Vigii.Ralph L; 21.948756
VigiJ,LoueilaM; 5/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 13.124674
Vigil Jr., Steve J; 4/19/2008; Roswell; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.600000
Vigil Junior,Daniel Samuel; 3/22/2008; Las Vegas; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 7.781590
Vigil-Bartrum, Patricia A.; 17.633600
Vigil-Gallegos,Antoinette J.; 20.794234
Vigil-Hayes, Diane 1; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe County; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 16.776551
Vigil-Hollander.Nina; 12/18/2004; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.990027
Vigil-Lucero.Suzanne; 21.400000
Vigil-Madrid, Debbie J. 10/17/1989; 24.551730
Vigil, Anna Marie; 19.416180
Vigil, Barney J; 3/29/1993; Las Vegas; MAINT & REPAIR WKR-0; Health; 15.611502
Vigil, Benjamin; 11/14/2008; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; 10.170000
Vigil, Benny L.; 3/23/1998; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; 10.632885
Vigil, Cheryl R; 9/18/2004; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.375940
Vigil, Darrell W; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Vigil, Deanna B.; 3/14/1989; Santa Fe (City); SUP-A; 17.410000
Vigil, Dewana M; 2/2/1981; City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 12.728730
Vigil, Donald R; 7/10/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; 26.231030
Vigil, Donna S.; 9/5/2001; (City); Santa Fe; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; 26.090000
Vigil, Doreen S; 5/6/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Vigil, Edward Randy; 5/29/1990; Santa Fe (City); SURVEY & MAP TECH-A; of Transportation; 18.288185
Vigil, Elena L 5/14/1990; 16.100000
Vigil, Jeff C; 2/17/2003; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-A; of Transportation; 35.023883
Vigil, Joe David; 24.727178
Vigil, John R; 1/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 20.169227
Vigil, Joseph G.; 12/11/1995; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 24.175630
Vigil, Josephine Y.; 9/24/2007; Albuquerque; BUDGET ANLYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 25.591600
Vigil, Josh R; 12/4/2006; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-B; General Services Department; 11.323335
Vigil, Lawrence E; 9/10/2005; Taos (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.201190
Vigil, Lawrence G.; 5/10/1993; Clayton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.697810
Vigil, Leanne Elizabeth; 7/26/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.440000
Vigil, Linda; 6/7/1999; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 24.966000
Vigil, Margarita; 5/20/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Vigil, Martha; 7/31/2004; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 11.010000
Vigil, Mary Ann T; 8/1/1989; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.010616
Vigil, Michael R.; 6/26/2000; Albuquerque; ENGINEERING; STAFF -; 36.775396
Vigil, Michelle; 8/30/1999; Las Vegas; BUS OPS SPEC-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.907810
Vigil, Monica D; 4/9/2005; Clovis; ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-O; 15.371190
Vigil, Patricia J; 11/13/2000; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0; Department of Health; 15.688183
Vigil, Paula A; 11.162097
Vigil, Raul Rafael; 26.575000
Vigil, Rebecca; 1/1/1999; Albuquerque; Division Director II; : Workforce Solutions; 29.576212
Vigil, Ricky M.; 11/6/2004; Las Vegas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 17.075630
Vigil, Robert B; 5/28/1998; (City); Santa Fe; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 18.420699
Vigil, Roberta; 7/12/1993; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Environment; 32.746419
Vigil, Rubina M; 12/27/1982; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Vigil, Ryan; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 18.500000
Vigil, Stanley M; 7/28/2007; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 10.894690
Vigil, Suzanne C.; 5/10/1993; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; 30.119551
Vigil, Yvonne M; 15.041881
Vigil,Adam J; 24.159500
Vigil,AdrianE.; 29.911000
Vigil,Andrew M.; 1/26/1999; Las Vegas; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 20.773630
Vigil,AnnabelR; 8/26/1995; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; State Treasurer; 21.018915
Vigil,Annette P.; 2/20/1995; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; es Dpt; 27.155134
Vigil,Antonio R.; 12/11/1978; Raton; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 15.571810
Vigil,Arnold A. 2/6/1989; 25.046050
Vigil,Barbara J.; 6/20/1994; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Education Department; 19.832108
Vigil,Beatriz; 7/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 15.358690
Vigil,CarlaR.; 6/5/2004; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.426810
Vigil,CharlesG; 2/9/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.514508
Vigil,David M; 6/6/2005; Albuquerque; FINANCIAL COORD-A; Public Education Department; 25.450000
Vigil,David; 7/25/1988; Santa Fe (City); CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 22.353092
Vigil,Edward Joseph; 10/12/1991; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; Commission for the Blind; 22.337612
Vigil,George S; 6/14/1982; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; of Environment; 23.296922
Vigil,Jeana J.; 24.289386
Vigil,Jessica; 6/13/2005; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.189810
Vigil,JohnD; 3/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.904000
Vigil,JohnR; 11/2/1981; Tucumcari; -0; 15.800000
Vigil,JohnR.; 10/11/1994; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Department of Environment; 17.527190
Vigil,Joseph Aaronruben; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 4.498125
Vigil,Judy Ann; 2/18/1998; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.383207
Vigil,Leo; 1/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.732760
Vigil,LeroyJ.; 16.711766
Vigil,Lora J.; 2/2/1988; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; Department of Health; 28.522801
Vigil,Lori R; 1/19/1999; (City); Santa Fe; BUDGET ANLYST-A; 24.012000
Vigil,Louise; 2/27/2006; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; 18.849000
Vigil,Mandy; 5/21/2005; 1 Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 20.429000
Vigil,Marcia J; 12/24/2001; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Gaming Control Board; 25.831600
Vigil,Marcine S; 6/3/1991; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-O; Department of Health; 20.400332
Vigil,MargieC.; 3/8/1999; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Department of Transportation; 18.662718
Vigil,Marianna M 6/5/1 995; 1 7.351 600
Vigil,Marisa S.; 12/30/2002; Albuquerque; LINEN; Human Services Department; 20.607460
Vigil,Mary Helen; 1/19/1988; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0;; 17.171036
Vigil,Matthew F.; 31.401000
Vigil,Max R.; 8/23/1999; Espanola; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.040630
Vigil,NormanH.; 7/17/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Public Education Department; 31.540219
Vigil,Orlando; 1/14/2008; Fort Bayard; COOK, INST & CAF-0; 13.500000
Vigil,Pamela M; 8/11/1997; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant 1; Public School Insurance Auth; 17.276420
Vigil,Raymond P.; 11/6/2000; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.601600
Vigil,Ronald F.; 5/14/2001; Albuquerque; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 22.010000
Vigil,Rosanne; 6/5/1989; Albuquerque; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 19.191630
Vigil,Ryan; 4/8/2006; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Vigil,Sil V.; 10/10/1995; Las Vegas; NURSING; LINE II -; 30.827944
Vigil,VenitaM; 4/18/2009; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.890000
Vigil,Victor A; 3/20/1989; Santa Fe (City); GENI; State Treasurer; 37.807183
Vigil,Vincent J.; 12/22/2005; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Public Education Department; 19.490000
Vigil,Yvonne P; 11/8/1993; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.748781
Vigil. CharleneY; 5/6/2006; Taos (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 10.613005
Vigil.AdrianE.; 12/2/1995; Taos (City); Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 29.911000
Vigil.Alfredo R.; 6/12/2007; Santa Fe (City); Cabinet Secretary; 88.651780
Vigil.Alvino A.; 21.178000
Vigil.Angela A; 31.190339
Vigil.AnnaM; 2/26/2000; Santa Fe (City); AO-O; FIN SPEC; 16.235695
Vigil.Anthony C 4/1 5/2002; 1 7.205630
Vigil.Ariana; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Finance & Admnst; 13.804841
Vigil.Barbara Ann; 10/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.894690
Vigil.Camille A.; 6/1/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 21.741600
Vigil.Cecilia; 11/26/1990; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE S ADMIN SUP-A; Environment; 17.837818
Vigil.Cheryl; 5/24/2004; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; Department of Transportation; 11.129532
Vigil.Chris; 2/2/1987; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Department of Transportation; 29.759000
Vigil.Christine Y.; 8/15/1992; Taos (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 16.842325
Vigil.ChristineV.; 10/2/2006; [City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT &AUDITOR-0; 17.219209
Vigil.Christopher P.; 11/6/1995; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Environment; 28.916631
Vigil.Cindy J; 11/28/1989; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.341214
Vigil.Consuelo A.; 11/6/2006; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 14.992000
Vigil.Corina; 5/15/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 22.578600
Vigil.Crystal; 5/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.858730
Vigil.Crystal; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; F Transportation; 15.110000
Vigil.Dale J; 10/25/2004; Las Vegas; SURVEY & MAP TECH-0; Department of Transportation; 13.890000
Vigil.Daniel D; 5/19/2003; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Workforce Solutions; 25.289537
Vigil.Darlene 8/10/1981; 23.951921
Vigil.DavidM; 5/22/1989; Albuquerque; GENI; 37.504150
Vigil.Deborah A.; 2/18/1998; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 3; Human Services Department; 18.241376
Vigil.Demck C.; 11/14/2008; Aztec; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.700000
Vigil.Dennis J.; 1/3/1995; Espanola; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 16.126630
Vigil.Edward D.; 9/25/2000; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; Environment; 28.537305
Vigil.Eiieen E; 1/30/1988; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 34.684145
Vigil.Elizabeth A; 10/23/2004; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 16.639909
Vigil.Elizabeth M; 6/18/1986; Las Vegas; REC THERAPIST-0; Department of Health; 15.932596
Vigil.Emily A; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-B; tation; 15.699810
Vigil.Fabiola R; 8/10/2002; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 12.618730
Vigil.Felicia; 6/11/2001; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Department of Environment; 14.483690
Vigil.Fidolin; 5/31/1994; Santa Fe (City); PLANT/SYS OPR,AO-0; 20.318312
Vigil.FloraM; 9/9/1986; City); Santa Fe; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-0; 19.393630
Vigil.Francis G.; 1/5/1998; Tres Piedras; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 16.012301
Vigil.Frank 4/7/1997; 12.640000
Vigil.Frankie A.; 5/13/1991; Santa Fe (City); HEALTHCARE SURVYR-A; Human Services Department; 28.372388
Vigil.FrankM.; 1/19/1999; Santa Fe (City); AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-A; ic Safety; 16.346508
Vigil.G. Gabriel; 16.425630
Vigil.Gabriel D; 3/13/2006; Albuquerque; PURCHASING AGENT-A; of Transportation; 24.606114
Vigil.Gabriel; 12/5/2005; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; . of Transportation; 18.899460
Vigil.George M; 14.862831
Vigil.Gilbert M.; 2/24/1997; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 24.905630
Vigil.Glenn A.; 2/15/1992; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS: Las Vegas; Human Services Department; 17.666630
Vigil.GloriaM.; 1/3/1994; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.853810
Vigil.Henry Arthur; 12/10/1984; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 30.529200
Vigil.Hipolito B; 3/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); SURVEYOR-0; Department of Transportation; 28.171518
Vigil.J. Eiiseo 5/7/2003; 19.695630
Vigil.James A.; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Department of Health; 27.189500
Vigil.Jared 1.; 5/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT DATABASE ADMIN 1; Public Education Department; 24.104000
Vigil.John P.; 5/12/1999; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 11.610000
Vigil.JohnL.; 9/20/1993; Tularosa; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; t of Transportation; 14.597810
Vigil.Juan Manuel 8/25/2007; 1 1 .858730
Vigil.Jude A.; 6/4/1998; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Human Services Department; 26.604020
Vigil.Justin R.; 5/23/2005; Clayton; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-B; Department of Transportation; 12.433190
Vigil.Karmela R; 5/31/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 12.451065
Vigil.Kelli L; 4/20/1998; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 21.659460
Vigil.Kenny J; 12/2/2002; Las Vegas; AUTO SRV TECH&MECH-O; Department of Health; 15.341440
Vigil.Larry W.; 2/14/1994; Santa Fe (City); STAFF - IT; Taxation & Revenue Department; 28.055600
Vigil.Laura M.; 7/5/2005; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.858730
Vigil.LaurenD; 6/5/2006; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK,AO-0; Department of Transportation; 11.158730
Vigil.Livorio E; 7/5/2005; Wagon Mound; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 11.938190
Vigil.Marie Theresa; 8/20/1990; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Espanola; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 28.230000
Vigil.Mario; 2/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 29.400000
Vigil.Marisa A.; 8/25/2007; Las Cruces; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 13.837000
Vigil.Martin L.; 6/4/1984; Albuquerque; ENG COORD-PE-B; Department of Transportation; 27.792199
Vigil.Marvin; 5/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); TITLE EXM/ABSTR-O; Department of Transportation; 16.779893
Vigil.Mary Jo; 8/5/1989; [City); Santa Fe; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; 28.053275
Vigil.Matthew A.; 10/21/2000; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-O; 22.549829
Vigil.MatthewF.; 31.401000
Vigil.MiaE; 5/24/2004; Albuquerque; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Environment; 15.760000
Vigil.Michael B.; 10/5/1998; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; Information Technology; 15.490232
Vigil.Michael J.; 5/19/1986; Santa Fe (City); IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; Information Technology; 22.899372
Vigil.Monica J.; 19.189810
Vigil.Norma A; 7/13/1987; Espanola; 13.316531
Vigil.Norman P.; 9/8/1997; Taos (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 17.661173
Vigil.Patricia; 11/7/2005; Espanola; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 12.286760
Vigil.Patrick D.; 5/3/1993; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.178712
Vigil.RalphC; 41.461538
Vigil.Raul Rafael; 26.575000
Vigil.Richard D.; 10/30/2000; Las Vegas; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-O; 18.409459
Vigil.Robert A.; 4/6/1998; Santa Fe (City); OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-A; Transportation; 24.002923
Vigil.Roberto; 8/11/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Vigil.Ruby; 10/14/2005; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-B; General Services Department; 14.500000
Vigil.SandyC.; 1/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Retirement Board; 15.110000
Vigil.ShirleyL; 11/30/1998; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; 11.210000
Vigil.Stacey N; 6/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; Department of Health; 24.717030
Vigil.StacyJ.; 9.719376
Vigil.Stanley J.; 6/1/1992; Rowe; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 21.083882
Vigil.Stephen M.; 3/5/1997; Santa Fe (City); FINANCIAL COORD-A; Retirement Board; 27.784000
Vigil.Stephen; 2/25/2008; Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1;; 24.615936
Vigil.Tanesha R; 7/11/2005; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF& JOB ANA-B; 17.736709
Vigil.TanyaT; 2/3/2001; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-0; Department of Game & Fish; 16.440000
Vigil.TaraK.; 3/5/2007; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM AD J, EXAM; 13.032739
Vigil.Terese M; 11/9/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 25.411680
Vigil.TommyH; 8/14/2004; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-O; F Public Safety; 17.679460
Vigil.Velma Marguerite; 2/24/2007; Grants; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 1 1 .999789
Vigil.Verna L; 5/7/1979; Taos (City); SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Environment; 16.357385
Vigil.Veronica L.; 19.250000
Vigil.Victor J.; 10/20/1997; Las Vegas; BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Health; 25.554952
Vigil.Wanda M; 14.311537
Vigil.Wayne J.; 10/17/1988; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-B; of Transportation; 19.661942
Vigil.William N; 10/2/2001; [City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR.NOMAID-B; 10.780813
Vigil/Theresa D.; 11/12/1991; Grants; MGT ANALYST-O; of Transportation; 21.401128
Vigiljravis; 4/19/2008; Las Vegas; FORESTER-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 16.500000
VigiLKarenC; 6/14/1999; Santa Fe (City); ITTECHSPPRTSPEC2; Department of Health; 18.608600
VigiLKristineL; 9/4/1990; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 19.730000
VigiLMonica K.; 6/30/1997; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; 19.301150
VigiLVictoriaM; Farmington; Alamogordo; Alamogordo; Las Cruces; 31.352000
VigiUdaM.; 22.218600
VigiUosepliine D; 13.000000
Viiialobos.Melissa C.; 9.403456
Viiianueva,Ramona M; 1/29/2005; Santa Fe (City); TRMT-O; 15.185903
Vijil,Johnny A.; 25.357000
Vilar.David M.; 3/17/2008; (City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 36.000000
Vildasol, Manuel F.; 31.481000
ViliareaUustin A 8/30/2006; 18.421600
Viliegas.Ruth Louise; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; 23.190000
Villa,Anna Marie; 2/27/1984; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; State Land Office; 27.392000
Villa,Minerva; 8/4/2008; Las Cruces; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-O; Public Defender; 10.358000
Villa.Blanca; 6/11/2007; Roswell; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.415859
Villa.Darwin Mendoza; 11/3/2007; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-0; 9.679549
Villa.Pedro; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-B; Transportation; 11.000000
Villa.Rau! F 9/8/2007; 16,591600
Villafranca.Carmella 7/5/1988; 25.774834
Villafuerte, Richard C.; 3/20/2000; Albuquerque; ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 21.397178
VillaGomez.Anna M.; 9/8/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.561600
Villaire-Garcia, Monica T; 16.391190
Villalba,Diego; 22.788600
Villalobos,Antonia; 5/5/2007; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 11.035913
Villalobos,Clarissa J; 4/7/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 1 1 .217780
Villalobos.Tommy T.; 9/22/1997; Silver City; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 16.119122
Villanueva-Gonzales.Jessica; 1/31/2004; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Department of Public Safety; 1 9.525000
Villanueva, Ernesto M.; 4/19/1999; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.720190
Villanueva, Louise V.; 4/17/2006; Las Vegas; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.544400
Villanueva, Patricia 10/31/1988; 20.184217
Villanueva,Brian T.; 3/23/1998; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 15.882810
Villanueva,Kelly 9/5/2000; 26.517500
Villanueva,Paul; 2/28/2005; Tucumcari; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.209190
Villanueva.Andy; 12/2/2006; Albuquerque; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; of Transportation; 15.894690
Villanueva.Blas; 9/5/2000; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.274648
Villanueva.Jonathan R; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Villanueva.Kimberly J; 7/31/2004; Las Vegas; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 1 1 .336875
Villanueva.Manuel N; 12/1/2007; Las Vegas; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 11.163690
Villanueva.Rudy; 8/17/1987; Moriarty; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 23.494282
Villanueva.Valerie A; 8/25/2003; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; 25.883460
Villareal.Guillermina; 12/15/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 13.959000
Villareal.Janice E.; 12/4/1993; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Roswell; Human Services Department; 19.696600
Villarino.Evelyn; 11/13/2001; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 15.005065
VILLARREAL,GEORGE WILI; 3/21/2009; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-O; Public Regulation Commission; 15.110000
Villarreal,Joel E; 15.779630
Villarreal.Dora Lee; 7/19/2003; Socorro (City); GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 9.057723
Villarreal.Judy A; 12/5/1992; Pecos; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 12.348681
Villarreal.lrma; 5/2/2005; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.487445
Villarreal.Virginia M.; 1/5/1995; Roswell; GENI; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.045152
Villasana,Marlene S; 8/27/2005; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.444518
Villasenor,Armando G; 9/20/2008; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Health; 12.370000
Villavicencio, Sarah R.; 18.260449
Villegas,AnitaS; 21.037000
Villegas,Patricia; 9/20/2008; Deming; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 8.945000
Villegas.Yolanda E; 12/22/2001; Las Cruces; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Department of Health; 9.222619
Villescas.Alvino R.; 27.926020
Villicana,Angelica; 2/7/2009; Las Vegas; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-0; Health; 15.000000
Vincent, Lynette J. 7/14/2007; 17.718468
Vincent,James R; 3/12/2005; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 26.041000
Vincenti,Stephanie M; 19.551600
Vink,Marceila 9/5/2000; 32.147632
Vinson, Joseph R.; 30.610000
Vinson.Armenella; 4/27/1992; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 18.801042
Vinson.Chalie K 9/3/2002; 14.982132
Vinyard, Michael C; 4/27/1998; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; General Services Department; 44.650760
Vinyard,Clay D.; 26.232075
Viorica.Ovidiu; 6/3/2002; Moriarty; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 30.375000
Visage,Robert F; 6/6/2005; Roswell; SURVEYOR-A; Department of Transportation; 31.078081
Visarraga,Catherine O.; 20.243033
Viscoli.Sergio; 29.254000
Vitagliano,Christine M; 15.652390
Vitalejhomas D.; 22.517000
Vitt, Douglas W; 2/7/2005; Hobbs; District Public Defender III; Public Defender; 44.007880
Vivian, Christopher; 8/16/1999; Los Lunas; STAFF; Human Services Department; 27.430500
Vizcarrando Jr,Louis; 17.053737
Vogel,Cheryl; 6/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 30.353000
Vogrinec.Erica L; 4/7/1997; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 2; Youth & Families Dpt; 29.842400
Volctiansky.Gregory 9/9/1996; 16.155810
Vold.lreneN.; 34.167107
Voll, Mildred W.; 7/1/1993; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 41.562000
Vollbrecht.KurtMacy; 10/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 31.166836
Vollmer.Arthur T; 9/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); A/O l-ENV SCIENCE; Department of Environment; 35.941075
Volpato, Enrico D; 6/5/2004; Albuquerque; Regional Manager II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 27.613385
Volpato,Kenn; 55.000000
Volpato.Johnny; 58.836630
Von Gonten,Susan K; 2/10/2000; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-0; Environment; 24.681483
VonGonten.Glenn; 11/1/1999; City); Santa Fe; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-A; 34.365634
Vonteddu,Swama Latha; 6/27/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 29.039000
Voss,Ellen L.; 11/25/1991; Albuquerque; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.478067
Voss.Julie C 1/7/2002; 17.141387
Vowell-Blackmon,Patti A.; 6/2/2003; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.136721
Voylesjva Maria; 10/3/1987; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-B; 21.565810
Vukonich, Danny M; 4/8/2006; Raton; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.716190
Wachs.Mary B; 26.522000
Wachter,Mark F; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.005630
Waddell,NickA.; 10/26/2002; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-0; Cultural Affairs; 10.798730
Wade,Cristy R.; 11/19/2005; Rio Rancho; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS;; 15.116000
Wade,Donald R.; 8/8/2005; Albuquerque; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 18.205630
Wade,Gabriel C.; 8/8/2005; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.760000
Wade,Jessiekay 9/8/2007; 17.180000
Wade,WillisT.; 8/5/2002; Portales; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; of Transportation; 13.316190
Wade.Allycia M.; 11/19/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Wade.Anna; Santa Fe (City)
Wadley, Jennifer S; 21.919000
Wadlington, Brandon E.; 6/29/2004; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Wafer, Joseph M; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 13.005000
Waggerman, Deborah S; 11/20/2000; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.541000
Waggerman.Ray Lyle; 4/18/2009; Santa Fe (City); ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Department of Transportation; 12.990000
Waggoner,Jacqueline 5/17/2008; 33.760000
Waggoner.Brittany A; 5/21/2007; Las Cruces; HEALTH EDUCATOR-B; 12.150000
Wagman.Alan H; 8/12/2006; Silver City; LAWYER-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 27.399750
Wagner, Andrew 4/7/2007; 16.600000
Wagner,Allie W.; 11.439684
Wagner,Francine; 5/12/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; f Environment; 21.341486
Wagner,Janice E; 7/19/2003; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-O; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 17.088190
Wagner.Earl; 5/24/1993; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 17.996801
Wagner.Glen A; 10/21/2006; Albuquerque; IT GENERALIST 2; Youth & Families Dpt; 29.828300
Wagner.Margie Elizabeth; 8/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; c Safety; 14.000000
Wagner.Richard M.; 3/29/1999; Las Cruces; STAFF; Workforce Solutions; 25.585605
Wagner.Sarah S.; 9/29/1999; Hobbs; LEGAL SECTY-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.735400
Wagoner, Dale R.; 27.903750
Wagoner, Frederick J.; 2/25/1991; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 26.868500
Wahler,David; 8/21/2006; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 26.019500
Wai!er,MichaelJ.; 8/19/1997; Santa Fe (City); SECURITY GUARD-B; State Land Office; 11.727570
WaIlace,Laurel T; 5/22/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Transportation; 25.420913
Wainwright, August; 16.890010
Wainwright.Alane; 9/9/2006; CARTGRPHR & PHOTOG-0 Santa Fe (City); Department of Transportation; 16.236190
Wainwright.Susan D.; 10/10/1996; Albuquerque; IT BUSINESS ANALYST; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 34.190695
Waish.Deborah J.; 20.399515
Wait.lsolde M.; Name; 21.948756
Wakefield,Kennith M.; 7/5/1989; San Ysidro; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; l . of Transportation; 18.226235
Wakefield.Joel Chiolero; 23.200000
Wakeland.Ruth A; 7/16/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Artesia; Human Services Department; 17.351600
Waldon.Neal B.; 8/25/1986; Estancia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 18.136451
Waldrip,Jimmy; 18.148305
Waldrip.Josh; 4/26/2003; Capitan; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; Game & Fish; 19.846015
Waldronjeri L; 3/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-B; of Environment; 20.350562
Waldrop,Bryan K; 19.504000
Wales.Janet H.; 23.977188
Walker-Moran.Elisa R; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); 28.570563
Walker, Jerrod Wayne; 5/17/2008; Orogrande; POLICE & SHER PO-O; Department of Public Safety; 14.800000
Walker, John L.; 2/19/1991; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 44.960150
Walker, Paula Jean E.; 9.910000
Walker, Peggy Ann; 10/6/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; ic Safety; 12.358730
Walker, Rose E.; 10/20/1997; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Workers Compensation Admin; 20.602040
Walker,FrankA; 12/6/2003; Carlsbad; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-0;; 17.064143
Walker,Hira Alison; 6/16/2007; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 21.294550
Walker,James R.; 10/27/2003; Alamogordo; District Public Defender 1; Public Defender; 40.044760
Walker,Melinda 2/25/2006; 13.938000
Walker,Pannela L.; 20.701600
Walker,Rebecca L; 10/24/2007; Raton; MEDICAL SECTY-B;; 9.358730
Walker,RyanN; 1/7/2008; Raton; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 17.991600
Walker,ShirleyA.; 9/3/2002; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 13.154260
Walker.Andre Lee 1/12/2008; 16.770000
Walker.Bruce F; 9/5/1989; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 38.066000
Walker.Carol F.; 6/10/2000; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 23.666579
Walker.Elizabeth Diane; 16.000000
Walker.Jonathan L.; 9/20/2008; (City); Santa Fe; ITAPPSDEV1; 25.000000
Walker.Juanda Jo; 1/30/1989; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Medical Examiners Board; 29.039500
Walker.Megan R.; 1/16/2007; Las Cruces; SET & EXHIBIT DSGR-A; Cultural Affairs; 16.596653
Walker.Sheila S.; 11/13/1989; Albuquerque; FIN SPEC, AO-0; tation; 18.388762
Walker.Steven W.; 3/23/1996; Albuquerque; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 24.295364
Walker.Susan C.; 36.347245
Walker.Timothy C.; 4/4/2009; 13.301000
Wallace lnnerhofer,Marci 6/28/2008; 26.470000
Wallace, John Franklin 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Wallace, Nathan S.; 5/31/2008; San Jon; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0; Public Safety; 11.330000
Wallace,Carol A; 9/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 13.138852
Wallace,Linda; 6/5/2004; Capitan; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 11.000000
Wallace.Helen T 4/12/2003; 20.759460
Wallace.Joby; 29.567580
Wallace.Trudy L; 21.828706
Waller,Jason D.; 26.575000
Waller,Jason D.; 3/8/1998; Santa Rosa; Sergeant; New Mexico State Police; 26.575000
Wallsteadt.Mollie; 26.725287
Walsh, David Angelo; 8/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); LANSCAPING & GRNDS-0;; 1 1.330000
Walsh, Margaret M.; 4/23/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Human Services Department; 24.194577
Walsh,Joseph P.; 11/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 26.441500
Walsh,KarenK; 10/2/2000; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.553805
Walsh.Bill; 40.048077
Walsh.Patricia; 8/13/2005; Raton; INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A;; 18.857600
Walthall,Joan; 5/3/1993; Las Vegas; FIN SPEC, AO-A; 21.462780
Walthers,Josie; 6/28/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Walton, Lori; 3/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Transportation; 24.434460
Walton, Peggy A; 1/25/1988; Santa Fe (City); ECONOMIST-A; State Land Office; 30.288462
Walton.Jenice Renee; 8/25/2007; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 18.192000
Walz, Jennifer E.; 7/3/2006; Las Cruces; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-O; ies Dpt; 15.570000
Wamell.Terry G.; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); PETROLEUM ENG-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 34.484040
Wamer,Kenneth S; 11/10/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.160000
Wamsiey,Marin M; 8/2/2006; Raton; SWITCHBRD OPER-B; 8.844529
Wang, Amanda; 8/13/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 26.113000
Wang,Jing; 10/8/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 3; 33.786400
Wang,Yansheng 10/28/2002; 37.770947
Wantuck,Hope 8/18/2004; 12.594000
War, JeanetteC; 3/27/2000; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 14.370154
Ward, Belinda; 2/7/2009; Las Vegas; FOOD SERVER,NONRST-0; Department of Health; 7.750000
Ward, James W.; 2/23/2008; Roswell; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-B; 12.160000
Ward, Jennifer D; 22.652803
Ward, Jess Lee; 6/27/1988; Albuquerque; GEN {-ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 38.296909
Ward, MikelT; 8/23/2004; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.676630
Ward, Roberta M; 15.930872
Ward,Kurtis W.; 22.517000
Ward.Debra Jean; 16.905630
Ward.Janice M; 2/14/2005; Grants; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 14.228190
Ward.Shaun U.; 11/10/2008; Albuquerque; DET & CRIM INVEST-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.400000
Ward.Tamara H.; 11/25/1989; Albuquerque; 24.197159
Warder,Julian; 24.774910
Wardlow, Donna L; 2/26/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Los Lunas; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 17.038460
Ware,ChristopherJ.; 28.741650
Ware,Daniel J; 9/22/2003; Santa Fe (City); PR COORD-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 23.383237
Ware,Tricia L 8/9/2004; 26.984300
Ware.ChristopherJ.; 28.741650
Ware.Katherine; 23.000000
Warhank,Karl M; 13.644690
Waring, Norma J; 8/11/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Tourism Department; 29.129500
Waring,Michael M. 6/5/1993; 36.026000
Warren, Jean-Marie 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Warren, Michael J; 8/18/1997; Santa Fe (City); AIRLINE PILOT-A; General Services Department; 27.947532
Warren,Alvin; 1/14/2008; Santa Fe (City]; Cabinet Secretary; Indian Affairs; 45.833846
Warren.Johnny L.; 12/14/1998; Jal; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.282190
Warrick, Vincent D.; 23.460000
Warrick,Marilyn K.; 12.509173
Warrington.Dale; 11/21/2005; Albuquerque; LINE II -NURSING; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 30.334040
Warthen.Mary Elizabeth 9/22/2007; 20.992000
Warwick, Patricia A; 1/16/2006; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-0; Public Regulation Commission; 15.548190
Washburn, Jimmie L; 7/30/2005; Shiprock; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.201190
Washington, Juanita M.; 6/8/1998; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.538064
Waskiewicz.Renee; 23.799460
Wasp.Valli A; 3/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); 27.663000
Wasson Junior.Joseph; Santa Fe (City)
Wasson, Karen; 10/23/2004; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.367000
Wastvedt,James; 1/3/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/0 II - IT; Taxation & Revenue Department; 44.040000
Watctiman.Tyrone K; 10/9/2004; Grants; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 15.890000
Waterman, John L.; 4/1/1996; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAlD-0; 13.622608
Waters.Mark A; 13.836000
Waters.Shelley Marie 9/7/1999; 14.137730
Waterworth, Robert M.; 3/16/1998; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 30.070040
Watkins, Barbara B.; 5/5/1997; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 26.036600
Watkins, George C; 9/20/1999; Belen; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 3; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 27.276324
Watkins, Robert Lowell; 6/28/2008; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-0; : Environment; 21.500000
Watkins, Ronnie; 31.250000
Watkins.Bradley James 7/14/2007; 13.489810
Watkins.Corey S.; 26.624850
Watson, Charlene A; 17.371600
Watson, David A; 7/28/2007; Las Cruces; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Department of Health; 19.006000
Watson, Kelly C 6/1 6/2007; 1 9. 1 04630
Watson, Vera E; 21.550000
Watson,Brenda J.; 19.523600
Watson,Gary; 9/9/1996; Los Lunas; TRMT-0; 17.803941
Watson.John D.; 4/17/1999; Las Cruces; LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 31.877135
Watson.Mark L; 1/11/1997; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 26.091600
Watson.Ophelia; 9/8/2008; :City); Santa Fe; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-B; 7.500000
Watson.Trena; 3/26/1990; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Department of Health; 33.356064
Watts-Bachicha,Sonya A; 3/29/2004; Santa Fe (City); 17.940000
Watts, Amanda R; 6/16/2007; Artesia; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 14.110000
Weahkee.Mary 3/11/2006; 9.991590
Weaks,Jason; 11/5/2007; Albuquerque; LAWYER-O; Public Defender; 25.739500
Wear, Benjamin L; 10/6/2007; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 27.739500
Wear,Abigayil M.; 12/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 26.239500
Weast,BillyG 7/13/1985; 43.715880
Weatherly,Michael L; 4/13/2002; Roswell; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 23.739500
Weathers, Michael L; 6/14/1993; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; Department of Health; 13.157388
Weathers.Joy; 5/25/2002; Las Vegas; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 24.633000
Weathersby,Edwina; 8/8/1998; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 23.300000
Weatherston,Dawn T; 1/15/2005; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 24.091002
Weaver, Julie M; 3/16/2009; Espanola; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 19.056000
Weaver,D. Scott 1/15/1993; 33.959000
Weaver.John A.; 3/26/1997; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.490232
Weaver.Lany Eila; 4/12/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; : of Environment; 25.531 193
Webb, Mark; 8/14/2006; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 13.539810
Webb,Danette R.; 6/3/1995; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 20.455600
Webb,Geoff; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); Administrative Assistant II; Department of Environment; 32.980770
Webb,Michael J 9/9/2006; 28.000000
Webb.Christopher J; 9/25/2004; Alamogordo; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 18.530460
Webb.Gregory Allen; 10/13/2003; Domestic Violence Coordinate Santa Fe (City); Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.473280
Webb.KathyA; 1/9/1989; Santa Fe (City); COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-0; Educational Retirement Board; 30.888036
Webb.Stella; 5/19/2007; Santa Fe (City); ELIG INTRVR.GOV PR-0; 12.348989
Webb.TerryD; 7/8/2002; Deming; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-0; of Transportation; 14.854191
Webber.Barbara K; 23.320000
Weber-Munoz,Carios; 12/4/2004; Albuquerque; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.258545
Weber.Christoplier; 8/10/1996; Santa Fe (City); Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 24.399000
Weber.Kurt David; 10/26/1987; Santa Fe (City); Executive Deputy Director; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 49.069000
Weber.Regan B; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 17.769500
Webster, Bruce; 7/12/2008; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-B; of Transportation; 25.000000
Webster, Floyd Ivan 2/7/2009; 14.560000
Webster, Marjorie K.; 4/16/1990; (City); Santa Fe; COMPLNCE OFFICER-O; 17.380000
Webster,Brandon E; 10/18/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.890000
Weckmann.Danessa; 15.250951
Weems.Carrie L. 2/1 0/1 997; 1 8.377753
Weese, Jeremy T.; 13.836000
Weese,Rosa D; 7/24/2006; Santa Fe (City); BOOKPG.ACTG &AUDIT-0; Educational Retirement Board; 13.000000
Wege.Diane L; 8/14/1995; Albuquerque; Teacher; Department of Health; 33.789000
Weiland,Kathleen 11/22/2004; 26.239500
Weils, Eric B 9/8/2007; Los Lunas; Santa Fe (City)
Weimer.Gary L.; 1 1.490458
Weinberg.Julie B; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Human Services Department; 44.200000
Weinbrenner,Lance; 13.610000
Weiner.Cary; 5/31/2006; City); Santa Fe; FINANCIAL COORD-A; 26.050500
Weinreb,Lillian S.; 4/20/1998; Santa Fe (City); PRIV DET & INVEST-0; Workforce Solutions; 15.387274
Weinreis, Monica Mary; 8/1/2005; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-0; 19.545630
Weinstein, Bernard; 10/30/2000; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 25.443827
Weir,David William; 1/24/2009; Raton; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 17.180000
Weisdorfer.Joy Beth; 1/28/2002; Raton; FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 20.440000
Weise.Samuel; 5/19/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 9.000000
Weisenburger.James A.; 5/19/2003; Truth Or Consequent; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 34.241025
Weisler, William T.; 21.847000
Weisman,Ann E; 9/17/2001; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 26.512500
Weiss,Chelly; 11/5/2005; Albuquerque; PSYCHOLOGIST,AO-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.576275
Weissman, Susan; 12/10/2007; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 30.625350
WeitzeiUanine M.; 10/18/1999; Las Cruces; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-A; Human Services Department; 17.410000
Welborn, Heather Marie; 9/8/2007; Las Vegas; GEN-0; OFFICE CLRK; 10.202760
Welburn,Darrel L; 7/29/1996; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 33.105686
Welch, Colleen E.; 2/19/2000; Santa Fe (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-0; Department of Game & Fish; 21.587599
Welch, Erica D.; 11/1/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL 1 Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Welch,Claire; 7/26/1999; 1 Albuquerque; Administrative Assistant 1; Office of the Attorney General; 25.040000
Welch,Suzanne L.; 21.172790
Welch.James; 23.510000
Welch.Seraida C.; 12.358570
Welcome.Tamaira R.; 9/15/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; Department of Health; 9.070000
Weldon.TylerL; 6/1/2006; (City); Santa Fe; Division Director II; 36.184540
Wells, Barry G; 12/9/2002; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 10.833707
Wells, Nadine O.; 7/15/1991; Albuquerque; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 25.904685
Wells, Rodger Oneal 9/20/2008; 14.560000
Wells,Brian A; 15.937387
Wells,Charles T.; 5/3/2008; Truth Or Consequeni; JANITR&CLNR,NOMAID-B; Department of Health; 9.710000
Wells,Doyle C; 3/27/2004; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.879460
Wells,Ernest; 8/9/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; 10.662000
Wells,Garald Gene; 9/5/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 23.396630
Wells,John C.; 10/30/1999; Roswell; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 23.704623
Wells,Sami; 10/31/2005; (City); Santa Fe; LINE II; 26.314000
Wells,Stermon IVl.; 5/23/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 25.448078
Wells.Dean W; 27.750608
Wells.Jane A; 1/1/2005; Espanola; LAWYER-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 28.637739
Wells.Joana J; Farmington; Taos (City); Silver City; Hobbs; 16.799041
Wells.Nina R.; 6/1/1990; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; z Environment; 25.237141
Wells.Shaler L; 5/6/2006; Carrizozo; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; of Game & Fish; 17.595197
Welsh.Patsy; 6/19/2000; (City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 11.500000
Welton,Jerold D; 9/17/2001; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-B; Ofc of the State Engineer; 20.965460
Wendel, Richard H; 2/7/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 26.403155
Wendt, Heather; 1/5/2004; Santa Fe (City); C0URT,IV1UNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 11.195000
Wenman, David P.; 1/26/1998; Santa Fe (City); GEOSCIENTIST-O; Department of Transportation; 23.087175
Wentz,Donald B.; 48.140715
Wenzel.Neva A; 5/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 14.690000
Werick, Patrick F. 1/15/1994; 36.026000
Werito, Patrick; 10/2/1999; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 27.510000
Werner, Debra A. 7/15/1996; 35.770161
WertJason A.; 7/28/2008; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 9.560000
Wesley,Valerie; 10/18/2008; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 9.000000
Wesley.Carla; 25.000000
Wessel, Richard L; 8/16/2004; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Transportation; 22.652693
West-Schaub,Tiffany; 11/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); BUDGET ANLYST-A; Department of Health; 23.000000
West,Fabian; 3/11/2006; Santa Fe (City); Art Director; Tourism Department; 29.904700
West,Latoya A.; 11/1/2008; 13.301000
West.Ronald W; 6/8/1991; Santa Fe (City); A/O II; Youth & Families Dpt; 33.229650
West.Ulrike M.; 2/8/1999; Las Cruces; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.728830
Westall.Steven H.; 11/5/2007; Clovis; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Workforce Solutions; 15.880000
Westbrook,Alicia J 1 1/1/2008; 13.750000
Westbrook.Anita S; 11/22/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Department of Health; 42.798300
Wester, Christine E.; 4/6/1992; Albuquerque; ARB, MED & CONCIL-A; Department of Health; 26.209185
Wester,Roland B.; 25.095000
Westerfeid,Jacob Grant 9/22/2007; 1 3.48981
Westerfeld,Jared M 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Westervelt,Robert K; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Retirement Board; Educationa; 42.903150
Westervelt.Tanya 8/23/2008; 13.000000
Westfall, John E; 11/3/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Westfall,John R.; 15.909810
Westmoreland, Peggy Anne 7/1 1/2007; 1 9.035630
Westmoreland.James T; 25.862600
Weston, Connie R; 9/13/2003; Santa Fe (City); AO-0; FIN SPEC,; 17.824000
WestSusan K; 6/9/1988; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 1; Department of Health; 26.236308
WestSydney K.I.; 4/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Defender; 39.751150
Wethington,Christopher; 7/17/1995; Navajo Dam; ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 24.837920
Wexler.Perdita M; 5/17/2008; Santa Fe County; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 20.000000
Weybright,Darrel L.; 4/1/1991; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Game & Fish; 29.352350
Whalen,Terry; 3/26/2005; Albuquerque; ENG TECH,AO-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 17.656305
Whatley, Marion R; 6/4/2005; Socorro (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.916059
Whatley, Patricia L.; 12/14/1998; Santa Fe (City); EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-0; Workforce Solutions; 16.811484
Whatley,Tom IVl; 12/19/1994; Deming; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.966365
Wheeier,Gloria; 7/29/2006; Santa Fe (City); FIN SPEC, AO-0; Public Education Department; 15.850000
Wheeler, Andrea; 10/5/1994; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; Human Services Department; 19.821580
Wheeler, Caria Linn; 10.000000
Wheeler, Jacquelyn K; 5/6/2006; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 10.457479
Wheeler, John; 9/3/1991; Santa Fe (City); GENII; Department of Public Safety; 47.115680
Wheeler, Kathy A.; 8/18/1992; Santa Fe (City); CUST SRV REP-A;; 16.426410
Wheeler, Renee Samantha; 3/22/2008; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.091600
Wheeler, Rosie; 9.280087
Wheeler, Ruth E.; 11/13/2001; Aztec; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 31.377998
Wheeler,John W.; 3/20/1999; Santa Fe (City); SEC, EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; of Transportation; 14.064387
Wheeler.A Matthew; 9/11/1989; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 44.038014
Wheeler.Ann Marie; 15.125630
Wheeler.Melinda L.; 17.412109
Wheeler.Michelle M; 4/6/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 19.021810
Wheeler.Paula A; 12/21/2002; (City); Santa Fe; MGT ANALYST-0; 17.910980
Wheeless.John E; 11/19/2001; Santa Fe (City); ARCHITECT.XCPT NAV-A; General Services Department; 25.621375
Wheir,John J.; 4/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 41.850000
Whetsel,B. Diane 11/19/2005; 18.093810
Whftehorse.Elvira A 3/12/2005; 14.490810
Whipple.John Jacob; 6/17/1985; Santa Fe (City); GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Ofc of the State Engineer; 46.244680
Whitaker, Alton Ray; 7/24/1995; City); Santa Fe; PURCHASING AGENT-B; 17.884982
Whitaker.James F; 9/19/2005; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 3; 39.567000
Whitaker.Mark; 4/21/2007; Hobbs; COMPLNCE OFFICER-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 24.301000
Whitaker.Robert C.; 6/28/2004; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; Workforce Solutions; 15.662094
Whitbeck,John; 10/14/2003; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Transportation; 31.576387
Whitchurch.Keily A.; 11/8/2004; Santa Fe (City); COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 16.773871
Whitchurch.Lucy A.; Santa Fe (City); CLK-A; 16.484171
Whitcomb,Gwynne D.; 8/20/2001; Albuquerque; MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 19.922593
White-Rodgers,Marianne; 22.085291
White, JaredW.; 5/27/2004; Silver City; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-O; of Environment; 19.867104
White, Jennifer K. 9/8/1992; 23.843460
White, Judy A.; 7/27/1996; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 19.394100
White,Brenda; 5/31/2008; Hobbs; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
White,Brianna M.; 23.399460
White,Carrie Jo 10/6/2003; 23.142818
White,Frank R; 11/24/2001; Santa Fe (City); CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Department of Health; 20.373282
White,Johnathan W.; 24.618000
White,Leslie J; 6/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 34.020181
White,Mary C; 8/19/1997; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 25.500000
White,Matilda; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.180000
White,Peggy; 3/16/2009; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; Health; 27.000000
White,SandraR; 10/27/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT&AUDITOR-A; Admin; 19.494752
White,Whitney Paige; 3/7/2009; (City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
White,William C.; 7/29/2006; Las Cruces; WTR & LIQ WASTE TR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 20.624810
White.Allen D.; 7/12/2008; Los Lunas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 10.836000
White.Barbara J.; 11/26/1990; Gallup; COURT,MUNI/LIC CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.269134
White.Bobbie M.; 2/7/1994; Tucumcari; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 14.391573
White.CeliaS; 12.686845
White.Kelly A.; 5/7/1994; Anthony; POLICE & SHER PO-A; ic Safety; 25.624500
White.Lawrence W.; 6/28/2008; Santa Fe (City); A/O II - IT; Department of Health; 39.080000
White.PaulaS; 20.568184
White.Ronald G; 8/19/2002; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 27.659800
White.Stormie; 2/20/2006; Los Lunas; HOME HEALTH AIDE-B; Department of Health; 8.696000
Whitegeese, Rosemary; 28.307717
Whitehead, Carole S; 7/20/2006; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Human Services Department; 33.739500
Whitehead, Reginald M; 1/24/1998; Santa Fe (City); PURCHASING AGENT-0; General Services Department; 22.815412
Whitehead,Susan 2/27/2006; 20.541823
Whitehorse.Jeannie; 17.818190
Whitejhomas U.; 5/14/1991; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A;; 36.604379
Whiteker, Victoria; 2/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; Department of Game & Fish; 17.157159
Whiteley, John E.; 10/9/2000; Alamogordo; DET&CRIMINVEST-O; Public Defender; 17.157159
Whitener.Lilia Olivas; 11/8/2008; Santa Fe (City); HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 23.000000
Whiterock,Sherry L.; 12.449577
Whitfield, Elizabeth A.; 19.840000
Whitfill.JeffA.; 6/11/2001; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Department of Health; 25.608040
Whitford,Jennifer Leigh; 19.441600
WhitLJohn L.; 8/17/1987; Roswell; STAFF; Department of Transportation; 24.555823
Whitman,Christopher F.; 7/5/1993; Las Cruces; GEOSCIENTIST-A; Environment; 28.137203
Whitmore. Deborah A.; 16.346839
Whitney.Kimberiey D; 3/10/2007; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.100000
Whittaker.Jessie M; 14.800000
Whitten, Robert Alan; 5/15/1985; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 2; nformation Technology; 24.515075
Whorton.Bradley T. 11/2/1998; 28.541573
Wi Icox, Harry G.; 1/31/2005; Roswell; GENI; Public Defender; 41.204637
Wick, Jill M; 11/13/2008; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Department of Game & Fish; 17.750000
Wickham, Esmeralda; 10.359575
Wicklund.Charles P.; 7/27/1992; Los Lunas; A/O II; 30.988870
Widoe, Robert O; 2/26/2005; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; of Transportation; 22.652803
Wiebe, Jacqueline S.; 7/4/1992; Farmington; BUS OPS SPEC-O; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 17.250810
Wieck.Daniel A.; 20.509000
Wienbar,Margaret A.; 1/4/1993; Albuquerque; GENI; 36.718241
Wier.Teri W.; 6/20/1994; Roswell; STAFF; Department of Health; 26.335500
Wieringa,Glenn R; 3/6/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.701600
Wiggins, Jackie; 10/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); INFO/REC CLRK.AO-A; Department of Public Safety; 10.769000
Wiggins.Vincent; 28.375000
Wiison,BarryW; 8/2/2003; Albuquerque; STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 33.906010
Wilborn.Maria; 4/19/2008; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JA1L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 13.000000
Wilcox, Susan; 4/3/1989; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL A Grants; Human Services Department; 20.645000
Wilcox.Kevin E; 8/7/2006; Truth Or Consequeni; 14.849810
Wildenstein, Deborah M; 11/1/1986; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; F Workforce Solutions; 24.860580
Wilder,Annette K; 6/4/2005; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Health; 30.389500
Wilder,Laurie L. 5/24/1993; 24.860600
Wildharber.Kimberly A.; 1/12/1998; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; Department of Transportation; 29.100000
Wiley,Karen S.; 8/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Rehbltation; 26.768682
Wilhite,Debra 10/12/2004; 15.606351
Wiliiams.Toby R.; 10/6/1997; Albuquerque; STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.964500
Wiliis.Joshua a; 7/30/2006; Las Vegas; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Wilimitis.Gena Zoe 10/14/2003; 25.479000
Wilk.Stacie; 10/23/2004; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-0; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 23.268705
Wilken ll,Carl Anthony; 11/24/2008; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 15.940000
Wilkens.LisaC; 4/5/2008; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 19.535630
Wilkerson.Vickie; 10/20/1986; Clovis; OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; ic Safety; 16.102018
Wilkinson,PeterS.; 2/24/1992; Santa Fe (City); ENVIRO SGI & SPEC-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 29.974545
Wilkinson,Sally; 9/25/2004; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Public Education Department; 40.456591
Wilkinson,Skylor; 13.489810
Wilkinson,Wanda; 12/10/1991; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER- A; tation; 35.697781
Wilkinson.Melinda J. 6/15/1998; 11.803033
Wilkinson.Moliy; 26.092070
Will.Cari T.; 7/1/1996; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-0; Human Services Department; 29.974672
Willard,Stephanie A; 2/9/2008; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-0; c Safety; 27.539500
Willbanks,Arina M.; 5/15/1995; Roswell; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; F Workforce Solutions; 17.661173
Willheim, Robert 2/24/2007; 14.810000
Williams, Daniel; 4/23/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-O; Health; 10.147663
Williams, James W.; 4/3/1999; Portales; FOREST&CONSRV WKR-0; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 13.553827
Williams, Jerry 0.; 2/14/2000; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-O; Public Education Department; 19.868196
Williams, Jonattian 5/30/2000; 15.847810
Williams, Maureena Rita; 20.246321
Williams, Ruth; 5/17/1999; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Public Education Department; 32.302870
Williams, Stephen; 12/16/2006; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Albuquerque; Human Services Department; 13.301000
Williams, Wilma; 3/13/2000; Santa Fe (City); Empl Prgm Part; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 11.500000
Williams,Brian G; 12/1/2007; (City); Santa Fe; EMER MGT SPEC-A; 21.856475
Williams,Dale A. 2/28/2009; 12.370000
Williams,Daniel C.; 21.381419
Williams,Douglas J; 3/1/2004; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Public Employee Retiremnt Asso; 19.400000
Williams,Gary D; 8/15/2005; Albuquerque; A/OI; African American Aff; 33.956700
Williams,Jesse W.; 22.236900
Williams,Louise M; 12/15/2007; Santa Fe (City); EDUC ADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 32.870000
Williams,Margaret Ann; 9/12/1997; Albuquerque; STAFF; Taxation & Revenue Department; 27.240000
Williams,Mark; 3/27/2004; Tijeras; Special Projects Coord. II; Public Schools Facility Auth; 36.773000
Williams,Michael E.; 21.847000
Williams,Michelle Ann; 2/21/2009; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 17.710000
Williams,Richard E; 7/10/2003; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Economic Developmnt Department; 38.449848
Williams,Richard S.; 36.026000
Williams,Rose E; 25.470265
Williams,Rose Mary; 9/11/1995; 21.899600
Williams,Terry; 8/6/2005; Las Cruces; DISPATCHER II; Public Safety; 13.318190
Williams.Alanna; 9/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 30.338000
Williams.Anna E; 20.750000
Williams.Ashley D.; 9/18/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Youth & Families Dpt; 15.729303
Williams.Dan J; 11/23/2002; Santa Fe (City); EDITOR-A; Department of Game & Fish; 23.366170
Williams.Joann; 12/15/1986; Truth Or Consequent; MED REC& HLTH INF-0; of Health; 15.248916
Williams.Joe R 1/1/2003; 53.723600
Williams.Kerri L; 22.000000
Williams.Leona; 9/5/1995; Roswell; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 12.576227
Williams.lnessa Montoya 12/17/2007; 14.989810
Williams.Loretta; 1/11/1988; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 29.157460
Williams.Michael J.; 28.273000
Williams.Morris H.; 30.776264
Williams.Patricia A; 10/12/2002; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL" Bernalillo (City); Human Services Department; 15.665630
Williams.Paul G; 10/12/2002; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 20.399430
Williams.Robert L.; 38.269000
Williams.Robert L.; 4/5/1999; Las Cruces; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-A; of Transportation; 24.629630
Williams.Sandra G; Albuquerque; Albuquerque; Las Cruces; Albuquerque; 21.776630
Williams.Shawn; 6/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG SPEC, AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 28.842693
Williams.Steven L; 4/27/1992; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 39.307689
Williams.Teresa D; 9/25/2001; Roswell; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; 18.095047
Williams.Teri A.; 6/19/2000; Roswell; MED & PUB HLTH SW-O; 19.801600
Williams.Thomas M; 1/6/2001; Albuquerque; MINE/GEOL SPEC-NL-O; Department of Environment; 25.487497
Williams.Timothy B.; 6/14/2003; Roswell; ENG SPEC, AO-NL-O; Ofc of the State Engineer; 23.750050
Williams.Wallace; 8/14/2006; Rio Rancho; EMP,RECR & PLMT SP-0; F Workforce Solutions; 13.926810
Williams.Walter J; 2/3/2003; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 1 6.3371 1 5
Williamson, Ruby Mae; 28.443738
Williamson,J. Charles; 10/11/2003; Albuquerque; A/on; Taxation & Revenue Department; 37.334300
Williamson.Erlinda A; 2/21/2009; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
Williamson.Thomas E; 23.701250
Willianns, Cheryl; 7/13/1989; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Public Defender; 18.629180
Willie,JamesR.; 2/23/2008; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Gallup; Human Services Department; 13.400000
Willie.Travis R.; 19.950000
Willis,Karlon; 5/5/2008; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Willoughby.Linda G.; 12/28/1992; Albuquerque; COMPUTER OPTR-0; F Workforce Solutions; 15.576474
Wilmesherr, Carol L.; 10/21/1985; Albuquerque; STAFF - IT; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 34.562150
Wilmot.Keith d; 4/13/1998; Albuquerque; MAI NT & REPAIR WKR-A; 16.260295
Wilmoth.Wendy 6/2/2008; 20.000000
Wilpolt-Cook.Dona; 11/1/1996; Santa Fe (City); Deputy Cabinet Secretary; Taxation & Revenue Department; 55.319040
Wilson Junior.Albert 9/20/2008; 13.000000
Wilson, Bonnie A.; 6/12/1989; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 29.992344
Wilson, David; 6/25/1990; J a rales; LINEN; Department of Game & Fish; 22.978382
Wilson, Donna C.; 12/5/1994; Alamogordo; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.569168
Wilson, Jerry Dale; 8/25/2007; Clovis; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 13.103894
Wilson, Kimberly M; 10/6/2007; Artesia; COMPLNCE OFFICER-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 14.940000
Wilson, LulaN.; 16.114690
Wilson, M. Victoria; 10/28/1996; 1 Albuquerque; Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 33.475000
Wilson, MarcianoAntionnio 12/1/2007; 13.835630
Wilson, Marcie J; 29.870619
Wilson, Matthew J.; 3/30/2002; Santa Fe (City); LAWYER-A; Human Services Department; 32.675101
Wilson, Robert A.; 20.400000
Wilson, Robert Mike; 9/24/2005; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; General Services Department; 44.589020
Wilson,Billie Rhea 12/9/1984; 23.620460
Wilson,Carol B.; 9/18/1995; Truth Or Consequeni; 12.662916
Wilson,Clauclia D.; 9/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 26.782460
Wilson,Gabriel A. 5/1 8/1 998; 21 .874594
Wilson,Michaei L.; 12/12/1992; Hobbs; Prosecution Assistant; New Mexico State Police; 29.604750
Wilson,Ronald Lewis 1 1/1 1/2000; 1 6.239810
Wilson,Saml; 31.392700
Wilson,Stanley L; 21.948756
Wilson.Andrew Gallatin; 11/4/2006; Gallup; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; of Environment; 23.286975
Wilson.Angelina; 6/21/1993; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Anthony; Human Services Department; 19.809600
Wilson.Byron P.; 21.740000
Wilson.C Dean; 5/18/1989; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 22.047515
Wilson.Chesica D; 12.647000
Wilson.DonaldF.; 7/15/1996; Clovis; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 11.537344
Wilson.Jeffrey; 9/11/2004; Los Lunas; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 26.973000
Wilson.Kathryn I; 4/5/1989; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 30.565040
Wilson.Tobiana; 1/30/1993; Farmington; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-O; es Dpt; 13.202375
Wilson.Todd C.; 7/26/1999; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Transportation; 23.382314
Wilson/Thomas R; 12/15/1997; Santa Fe (City); URBAN & REG PLNR-A; Transportation; 28.100362
Wiltbank-Mateo,Raquel 11/29/1999; 16.059650
Wilten.Theresia Melanie; 12/22/2008; Fort Bayard; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-B; t of Health; 10.440000
Wimsatt.Riva G; 3/13/2006; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 21.885812
Winans.Joshua D.; 3/22/2008; City); Santa Fe; IRS Exempt Seasonal; 7.500000
Winchester,B.J.; 13.994000
Windgate,Lauren N; 1/29/2005; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.936460
Windham, Renee D; 2/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Department of Transportation; 26.831000
Winecke.April; 1/30/2006; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 26.239500
Wingo, Chester R.; 14.244262
Wingo,SaraE.; 12.471590
Wink, Russell Scott; 8/13/2007; Aiamogordo; CONSTRCT/BLDG INSP 2; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 15.535630
Winkel,Heather 6/29/1998; 21.803612
Winkle,Lowell D.; 7/9/1992; Roswell; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Transportation; 15.804662
Winn.Barbara 3/21/1994; 22.149541
Winnegar.Andrew J; 7/13/1987; Santa Fe (City); A/OII; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 34.930817
Winner.Haines J; 5/6/2006; Roswell; CORRCTNL OFF &JA1L-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 19.538810
Winslow, Frederic; 2/28/2000; Santa Fe (City); ZOOLGST/WLDLFE BIO-A; Game & Fish; 21.919800
Winter, Owen Weaver; 13.000000
Winters.Charles Alexander; 4/15/1991; Santa Fe (City); Bureau Chief II; Public Regulation Commission; 36.523000
Wirtemburg, Richard Benjamii; 1/29/2007; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; 11.906690
Wise-Chacon, Shondel L.; 7/7/2008; Albuquerque; INV-B; CLM ADJ.EXAM; 12.000000
Wise.EufeliaC.; 9/5/2006; Las Vegas; NURSING; LINE II -; 25.990000
Wise.Robert D; 23.325085
Wisecup, Rebecca Marie; 17.369810
Wiseman, Regge N; 10/18/2008; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; 20.400000
Wisennan,William R; 12/30/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 12.848000
Wisner.Jay R; 3/16/199; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Las Cruces; ies Dpt; Youth & Famil; 26.012509
Wissler.Duane L; 1/11/1993; Reserve; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.289391
Witherspoon, Sharon K; 9/10/2005; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL > Hobbs; Human Services Department; 13.300000
Witt.Roxanne M 6/18/2005; 17.917657
Wittig.Joan M; 12/20/2003; Albuquerque; ACCTNT & AUDITOR-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 26.457200
Wofford,Ronald W. 5/23/1997; 14.097159
Wohl.Tracy; 3/25/2006; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 30.510389
Wohlert,Noah B; 11/8/2008; Albuquerque; HEALTH EDUCATOR-A; Department of Health; 20.400000
Woif,Barbara Kay; 12.000000
Wojcik,Beth Ann; 11/1/2008; Santa Fe (City); FOREST&CONSRV WKR-B; Department of Game & Fish; 10.500000
Wojcik,Donna; 10.613005
Wold.Sheiby; 12.000000
Wolf, Caroline M; 11/29/2003; Belen; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Rehbltation; 22.817664
Wolf,Carolyn; 5/5/2007; Santa Fe (City); Chief Legal Counsel; Taxation & Revenue Department; 47.871040
Wolf,Margaret J; 1/29/2001; Roswell; ENG TECH,AO-NL-0; Ofc of the State Engineer; 14.934200
Wolf.Kyle C; 5/7/2005; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Wolf.Patricia M; 5/30/1989; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-0; F Workforce Solutions; 22.201458
Wolf.Raymond D; 8/6/2008; 30.448300
Wolfe, Jason M; 21.400000
Wolfe, Michaela; 16.000000
Wolff, Leah E; 3/22/2008; Albuquerque; ITAPPSDEV3; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 32.495715
Wolff,Anita; 8/19/2002; Albuquerque; Investigator; Office of the Attorney General; 27.850000
WolfLAdam; 10/27/2008; Hobbs; FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 23.300000
Womack, Virginia G; Truth Or Consequent; CLK-A; 11.190690
Womack,Denice 10/4/2008; 12.500000
Womack,Jerald D.; 8/3/1992; Truth Or Consequent; PURCHASING AGENT-B; Health; 17.307000
Wong, Pamela R.; 5/4/1994; Alamogordo; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 25.250291
Wood, Charles W.; 18.278660
Wood, Edward S.; 9/7/1999; Socorro (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Public Regulation Commission; 20.922424
Wood, Elizabeth R; 6/3/2006; Albuquerque; Teacher; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 36.139000
Wood, Lisa L.; 2/8/2000; Santa Fe (City); Administrator II; Office of the Attorney General; 33.029000
Wood,Jasper C.; 12/6/1993; Grants; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.903810
Wood,ReneeR.; Albuquerque; CLK-A; & Revenue; 3/13/2006; 14.613690
Wood,SallyA; 2/6/1987; Farmington; OFFICES ADMIN SUP-0; ic Safety; 13.757730
Wood,Shaun Ronald; 7/30/2006; Deming; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 19.171000
Wood.Bridgett; 19.081590
Wood.Buford D.; 8/16/2004; Aztec; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 28.087811
Wood.Carol D.; 6/24/1995; Los Lunas; AO-0; FIN SPEC; 15.540998
Wood.James R.; 10/6/2000; Santa Fe (City); IT GENERALIST 2; Department of Health; 37.572157
Wood.Quinton 12/10/1998; 21.150783
Woodard III, Marquis; 5/6/2006; Gallup; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 18.473000
Woodard,Marianne B. 1 1/15/1999; 34.484040
Woodard,Ruth A; 23.200000
Woodard.Ryan; 3/24/2008; City); Santa Fe; IT GENERALIST 2; 34.000000
Woodards, Anthony W.; 15.080578
Woodbury,James J.; 9/8/2007; Bernalillo (City); HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.518190
Woodiand,Jon; 1/21/1997; Santa Fe (City); OPER RESCH ANAL-O; Public Education Department; 23.500000
Woodjammy J 1 1 /3/2003; 23.000000
Woodlee.Mathew; 5/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); Division Director II; Economic Developmnt Department; 39.892860
Woodman.James J.; 5/14/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; tation; 32.500300
Woods, Bette B.; 3/6/2000; Roswell; PURCHASING AGENT-0; Health; 15.169761
Woods, Elizabeth A; 8/22/1997; Fort Bayard; J ANITR&CLN R, NOMAI D-A; Department of Health; 12.337149
Woods,Christopher D.; 21.948756
Woods,Keven S.; 6/8/1998; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL' Socorro (City);; 18.616600
Woodside.Jonathan B.; 17.678478
Woodson.Charies Otis; 14.229810
Woodward, Christopher D. 8/26/2006; 31.937903
Woodward,Marion Fay; 10/17/2008; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER 1; Public Safety; 10.450000
Woodward,Russell; 22.841000
Woodward.Stacie; 1/27/2007; Farmington; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 9.931145
Wooifolkli, Alfred 9/22/2007; 15.108587
Wooley.Joan M.; 7/21/1994; Deming; CHILD LEGAL SUPPORT AS; Human Services Department; 19.097630
Woolf, Elizabeth A 10/21/1985; 28.112023
Woolf, Justin; 5/27/2003; Santa Fe (City); Law Clerk; Office of the Attorney General; 16.000000
Woolston.Joe S.; 10/2/1989; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-B; of Transportation; 20.652962
Wooten, Jeffrey E; 15.898935
Work, Robert; 7/7/2000; Albuquerque; LAWYER-A; Public Defender; 30.263040
Workman.Wiiliam R.; 9/5/2000; Aztec; PARALEGL& LGL ASST-A; Public Defender; 19.145883
Worley,Greg; 22.440000
Worley.Desri D; 22.590000
Worley.Edda Lyn; 11/20/2000; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Human Services Department; 12.667462
Worth, Christopher; 7/15/2006; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COIVi SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 30.657582
Wortham.Glen D.; 8/5/2002; Porta les; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 13.231190
Worthen, Jesse L; 5/21/2005; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 14.487445
Worthington.Sally M; 2/14/2004; Santa Fe (City); PARALEGLS LGL ASST-0; Environment; 19.401246
Wossum, Martha Rose; 21.455475
Wozniak.Arthur Lee; 9/20/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 13.000000
Wozniak.Nancie; 15.127630
Wright, Carolyn R.; 10/11/1994; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; 18.890630
Wright, David M; 10/20/2007; Raton; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 11.308190
Wright, Joyce E.; 5/30/2002; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.123700
Wright, Justyn; 7/31/1995; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 27.051356
Wright, Ryan; 16.000000
Wright,Adam; 12/31/2005; Carlsbad; FISH & GAME WARDEN-O; of Game & Fish; 17.188159
Wright,DanD; 4/7/2003; Santa Fe (City); FIRE INSP & INVEST-A; Public Regulation Commission; 18.470000
Wright,Wilbur G; 27.036000
Wright.Crystal J.; 7/1/1996; Gallup; STAFF; Department of Health; 28.233033
Wright.Lon; 8/25/2007; Santa Fe (City); ACCTNT & AUDITOR-O; Department of Game & Fish; 17.895630
Wright.Tracy; 10/21/1985; Santa Fe (City); PUB RELATION SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 24.029232
WrightHarryW; 1/24/2009; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 7.500000
WrightRachel Renee; 6/23/2008; Santa Fe (City); REG NURSE-A; Department of Health; 27.000000
WrightRickC; 8/28/2000; Albuquerque; IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Youth & Families Dpt; 31.761653
Wudtke.Kenneth M.; 21.180000
Wuestenhagen, William; 9/9/2006; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Human Services Department; 18.668010
Wunder, Matthew B; 12/18/2006; Santa Fe (City); GENI; Department of Game & Fish; 30.860000
Wyant, Gregory C.; 6/3/1986; Albuquerque; SURVEYOR-0; Department of Transportation; 22.22881 1
Wyatt, James A.; 4/4/2009; Albuquerque; TRMT-B; 12.150000
Wyche.Audie R; 10/12/2004; Roswell; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-O; of Transportation; 12.355289
Wylie,Audrey D; 3/6/2006; Albuquerque; TEACHER ASST-B; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 13.662760
Wylie.John R; 8/8/1988; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 23.273460
Wynn,Michelle R.; 2/9/1998; Albuquerque; INV-0; CLM AD J, EXAM; 16.918072
Wynn.Heidi K.; 3/21/2009; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.740000
Wyss.Clarence Samuel; 1/26/2008; Reserve; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; : of Transportation; 12.388190
Xicotencatl,Tzonana Ocachi; 7/1/2006; Santa Fe (City); Military Support; Military Affairs; 19.138000
Yackel.Helen V; 25.791571
Yackey.Timothy L.; 7/10/2000; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Department of Health; 23.070600
Yaeger.Renee M; 7/2/2005; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; 11.637730
Yager,Kimberly Lee; 20.400000
Yaksich.George R.; 2/6/1999; Santa Fe (City); INSTRUCT COORDNTR-A; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 21.000000
Yalamanchili,Urmila; 12/1/2007; (City); Santa Fe; IT APRS DEV 2; 27.739500
YamelLChrisR; 6/19/2004; City); Santa Fe; JANITR&CLNR.NOMA1D-B; 10.803927
Yang, Michael S; 5/30/2006; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 15.480096
Yanicak,Stephen M.; 6/7/1993; Los Alamos (City); ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 30.131108
Yara, Johnny B.; 2/21/1994; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 21.754572
Yara,Yolanda T; 3/2/2002; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-O; Department of Environment; 21.826676
Yardis,Wendy 9/5/2000; 24.184111
Yardis.Angie; 11/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); MGT ANALYST-A; Finance & Admnst; 24.370005
Yardman, Robert; 6/23/1997; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 1; Department of Game & Fish; 24.959460
Yardman, Teresa C; 6/24/2002; Las Vegas; TRAFFIC TECH-A; Department of Transportation; 15.002917
Yardman.Angela; 8.610000
Yardman.Christopher M; 4/24/2000; Las Vegas; BUS/TRK MEC/DS ENG-A; 16.548473
Yardman.Salina M; 12/2/2002; City); Santa Fe; IT APPS DEV 2; 31.870000
Yazzie-Chase,Tasha 5/3/2008; 16.000000
Yazzie-King,Ela M; 11/8/2003; Gallup; REHAB COUNSELOR-A; Vocational Rehbltation; 23.483237
Yazzie, Janice; 14.235630
Yazzie, Jeremy; 7/20/2008; Farmington; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 17.850000
Yazzie, Nelson; 7/2/1987; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 15.094190
Yazzie, Phoebe A; 5/6/2002; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-A; 16.360047
Yazzie,Heather C.; 18.513545
Yazzie,Ray; 10.790000
Yazzie,Rudolph D; 10/1/1990; Albuquerque; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 17.266398
Yazzie,Vera; 11/5/2005; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-B; es Dpt; 19.911036
Yazzie.Cheryl; 3/3/2008; Santa Fe (City); Secretary 1; IVIartin Luther King Jr Com; 12.042240
Yazzie.Grace L; 4/3/1989; Albuquerque; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-O; Human Services Department; 12.339409
Yazzie.Janice; 2/11/1999; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 24.532830
Ybarra, Emma 2/16/1998; 17.081603
Ybarra,Cliristoplner R,; 14.560000
Ybarra.AlbertO.; 26.738000
Ybarra.Arthur; 8/27/2005; Farmington; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-O; t of Transportation; 12.198190
Ybarra.Rudy; 2/7/1994; Las Cruces; CORRCTNL OFF &JAIL-A; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 20.745575
Ybarra.Wendy J 7/16/2001; 20.066600
Ye.Hong; 13.300000
Yeager, Richard 9/28/1998; 60.438552
Yeary, Roger L 10/21/1985; 23.902460
Yeats, Scott J. 8/8/2005; 16.741600
Yedinak.Jerome K; 1/26/2008; Gallup; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 12.808190
Yee,Jane; 32.984368
Yee.Margo G; 7/25/2005; Los Lunas; TRAIN & DEV SPEC-0; Department of Health; 23.433421
Yellow Kidney.Charieen M; 9/8/2008; Albuquerque; MEN HLTH&SUB ABUSE-A; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 22.500000
Yen.LindaL; 12/5/1987; Albuquerque; GENI; Public Defender; 45.618150
Yepa.Debra A; 15.835630
Yepa.Paul Branson; 11.960000
Yescas, Richard M.; 7/15/1996; Las Vegas; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 22.964172
Yessak,Karl; 2/9/1998; Albuquerque; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-A; Health; 14.330980
Yi,Keun-Wook; 9/14/1987; Albuquerque; GEN 1- ENGINEERING; Department of Transportation; 47.049685
Yoder, Robin R.; 2/1/1995; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 34.339038
Yoman, Faith L.; 9/13/1999; Santa Fe (City); LIBRARIAN-A; Department of Cultural Affairs; 20.610460
York, James G; 11/26/2008; Farmington; OCC HLTH & SFTY SP-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 16.500000
York, William Arthur; 7/21/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 4; Information Technology; 41.743130
York.Wayne P.; 4/4/1994; Santa Fe (City); LINE II; Department of Transportation; 25.327000
Yoshida.Toshinobu; 7/11/1987; [City); Santa Fe; IT DATABASE ADMIN 2; 31.988455
Yost, Deborah A; 11/3/1997; Farmington; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.997167
Yosten, Brandy Colleen; 3/14/2009; Truth Or Consequent; FOOD SERVER, NONRST-O; Department of Health; 12.420000
Younce.MarkE.; 7/30/2006; Fort Sumner; Patrolman; New Mexico State Police; 21.088100
Young ll.Jack Leon; 11/3/2007; Santa Fe (City); ANTHRPLGST & ARCH-A; Department of Game & Fish; 20.381600
Young, Dale A.; 13.900000
Young, Deyonna D; 6/24/2000; 1 Santa Fe (City); Assistant Attorney General 1; Office of the Attorney General; 36.185000
Young, Gaylan D; 9/12/2005; Roswell; MGT ANALYST-B; of Transportation; 16.244398
Young, John; 4/1/2009; (City); Santa Fe; LINEN; 29.100000
Young, Jonella; 1/8/2001; Deming; SEC,EX LGL/MED/EXE-A; : Environment; 12.300160
Young, Karla; 2/24/1997; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 26.069782
Young, Robert S.; 3/21/1994; Santa Fe (City); CIVIL ENGINEER-O; Transportation; 29.504889
Young,Garrett; 12/15/2007; Albuquerque; TRAFFIC TECH-0; F Transportation; 12.650000
Young,KimberlyA; 7/26/2008; Albuquerque; DISPATCHER 1; Public Safety; 10.450000
Young.Gilbert A; 8/19/2002; Grants; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-A; Department of Transportation; 12.663000
Young.Mary K. 3/25/1 996; 30.466257
Young.Sarah E.; 10/20/2007; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 17.901600
YountM. Kathleen 1/7/1995; 17.006427
Youtz,CindyL; 17.351600
Ysasi,Debbie A; 1/17/2006; Roswell; CIVIL ENG TECH-NL-0; of Transportation; 16.229810
Ysasi,Dora M.; 3/24/1997; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Hobbs; Youth & Families Dpt; Children,; 22.626933
Ytuarte.Juan H; 4/16/2001; Anthony; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; of Transportation; 16.678001
Ytuarte.Kathy L.; 9/9/1977; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-A; Regulation & Licensing Dept; 18.944407
Ytuarte.Vanessa A; 1/29/2001; Santa Fe (City); BUS OPS SPEC-0; 18.561000
Yturralde.Anna; 3/25/1996; Carlsbad; SEC.EX LGL/MED/EXE-0; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 12.993428
Za mora, Patricia D; 1/9/1989; Socorro (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.044677
Za mora, Rebecca A.; 3/24/2008; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-B; F Workforce Solutions; 1 1 .420000
Zachary.Elisa; 6/4/2005; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 21.243300
Zacher.Catherine E.; 22.000000
Zachowski.Glenn A.; 6/8/1992; Albuquerque; ADM LAW JDG/ADJCTR-A; Dept of Vocational Rehbltation; 30.456445
Zafra.Christian F; 9/25/2000; Albuquerque; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-O; F Workforce Solutions; 27.107906
Zagorski.Roxanne K.; 2/19/2000; FAMILY ASSISTANCE ANAL^ Las Cruces; Human Services Department; 17.370600
Zais.Carrie; 10/20/2007; Santa Fe (City); FORENSIC SCI TECH-A; c Safety; 31.834040
Zaldivar.Cynthia M.; 3/4/2000; Santa Fe (City); IRS Exempt Seasonal; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 7.500000
Zalma, Dolores Y; 3/24/1999; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.557479
Zalma.Charlene Y.; 11/4/1998; Albuquerque; BUS OPS SPEC-0; 21.881293
Zamora, David L; 2/5/1990; Las Vegas; PSYCHIATRIC TECH-0; 13.328450
Zamora, Evelyn D; 12/5/1983; Santa Fe (City); EXEC SEC& ADM ASST-A; General Services Department; 20.948644
Zamora, Phillip; 6/12/2000; Albuquerque; IT TECH SPPRT SPEC 2; F Workforce Solutions; 20.031600
Zamora, Sheila; 29.794300
Zamora, Susanna P. 1/7/1989; 16.583276
Zamora,Arlene; 7/8/1991; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; ies Dpt; 23.836536
Zamora,Armida A.; 8/6/2001; (City); Santa Fe; COMP,BNF & JOB ANA-B; 20.015630
Zamora,Brenda S.; 1/13/1997; Albuquerque; LEGAL SECTY-O; Workers Compensation Admin; 14.616770
Zamora,Eugene; Santa Fe (City)
Zamora,Gilbert Lee; 12/10/1984; Springer; PROB OFF&CORR TRMT-0; ies Dpt; 17.691457
Zamora,John P.; 10/10/1995; Tierra Amarilla; FISH & GAME WARDEN-0; : Game & Fish; 20.513733
Zamora,Linda J; 3/24/2007; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 2; tation; 22.808275
Zamora,RayC.; 2/22/1993; Estancia; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 20.035191
Zamora,Ruben; 10/25/1993; Carrizozo; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-0; of Transportation; 14.609190
Zamora,Susie C.; 6/9/1997; Alamogordo; PERS & HOME CARAID-O; Commission for the Blind; 11.673354
Zamora.Dorothy A; 17.365630
Zamora.Larry J.; 10/25/1982; Mountainair; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 21.393691
Zamora.Laurie; 3/20/2009; Fort Bayard; REG NURSE-A; f Health; 30.000000
Zamora.Rose E.; 4/3/1999; Las Cruces; BUS OPS SPEC-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 17.272000
Zamora.Sherril A.; 2/7/2000; Ruidoso; GEN-O; OFFICE CLRK; 1 1.073250
Zamora.Theresa M.; 2/1/1999; Santa Fe (City); TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-O; Taxation & Revenue Department; 18.138055
Zamora.Yvonne 1 1/1 3/2000; 1 7.453600
Zanelli, Lillian; 6/14/2008; Alamogordo; OFFICE CLRK, GEN-0; Human Services Department; 10.000000
Zapata, Fernando B.; 6/27/1998; Santa Fe (City); OFFICE & ADMIN SUP-A; Information Technology; 16.202590
Zapien, Elizabeth P; 16.730000
Zappe, Steven O.; 1/17/1994; Santa Fe (City); -ENV SCIENCE; STAFF -; 32.873934
Zaragoza,Maria G; 20.344600
Zarate.Karen Virginia; 9/17/1990; Anthony; STAFF; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 33.700996
Zarkos, Catherine D.; 33.844040
Zaskoda,Dana; 10/21/2006; Albuquerque; Educator; New Mexico Corrections Dept; 29.982000
Zbiegien.John; 20.704000
Zeiler,Elizabeth W.; 4/17/2000; Santa Fe (City); ENG COORD SPEC-NL-A; Ofc of the State Engineer; 31.276876
Zeitoun, Nader M.; 3/23/1998; Santa Fe (City); APPRAIS & RE ASSES-0; 18.447913
Zelinko.Bonita; 11/6/2003; Silver City; LINE II; Workforce Solutions; 19.511104
Zelle.Vicki W.; 11/15/1999; Albuquerque; LAWYER-0; Public Defender; 27.794500
Zeman.PhillipJ; 5/10/2003; Anthony; TRANSP INSPECTOR-0; Department of Public Safety; 13.760225
Zendel.Denise M.; 26.182129
Zeni,Anamaria; 8/13/2005; Albuquerque; C0URT,MUNI/L1C CLK-A; Taxation & Revenue Department; 12.968147
Zentella,Yoly; 23.000000
Zerbst, David C; 3/7/2009; City); Santa Fe; Empl Prgm Part; 15.000000
Zertuche,Lucas; 10/6/2007; Las Cruces; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Aging & Long-Term Services Dpt; 21.940000
Zertuche.Genevieve D.; 6/29/1998; Las Cruces; GEN-A; OFFICE CLRK; 14.023730
Zhang, Huijuan; 7/17/2004; Albuquerque; CHEMIST-A; Department of Health; 23.535600
Zhang,Aixia; 11/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); TRAIN & DEV SPEC-A; Department of Health; 20.400000
Zhang.Jennifer Chunzhen; 6/14/2008; Santa Fe (City); IT APPS DEV 3; Human Services Department; 32.700000
Ziegler,Karen A; 6/17/2006; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-0; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 26.019460
Ziehl.Kristy B; 4/26/2003; Las Cruces; ENVIRO SCI & SPEC-A; t of Environment; 23.560500
Zieman.Dale M; Las Cruces; Santa Fe (City); LINEN; JAN ITR&CLNR, NOMAI D-0; 10.819590
Zieselman, Ellen; 24.373283
Zimmer, Charles F; 11/12/2002; Santa Fe (City); STAFF; Department of Cultural Affairs; 23.132000
Zimmerman, Louie; 9/6/2008; Santa Teresa; POLICE & SHER PO-0; Department of Public Safety; 17.286000
Zimmerman, Patricia G.; 4/27/1991; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-O; Youth & Families Dpt; 22.651095
Zimmerman.Curtis S. 7/16/1990; 17.164810
Zimmermann,Cynthia G; 5/29/2001; Albuquerque; TX EXM/COLL/REV AG-0; Taxation & Revenue Department; 15.889810
Zmich.Janette M 8/17/1987; 26.343000
Zohnie,William; 2/12/1985; Shiprock; HIGHWAY MAINT WKR-A; t of Transportation; 19.716191
Zold,Mary A; 7/29/2006; Albuquerque; SOC/COM SV COORD-0; Youth & Families Dpt; 23.780000
Zollars.Reba C; 11/5/2007; Carlsbad; EMP.RECR & PLMT SP-A; F Workforce Solutions; 19.635630
Zollinger, Peter L; 1/23/2009; Santa Fe (City); INSCLMS/POLCYCLK-0; Public Regulation Commission; 13.610000
Zomerhuis.Jill Ellen; 21.591600
Zon, Elizabeth Lorraine; 10/6/2008; Albuquerque; RECEPTNST/INFO CLK-0; Workers Compensation Admin; 10.250000
Zu[iani,Mark; 9/22/2007; Santa Fe (City); SOC/COM SV COORD-A; Human Services Department; 24.089000
Zubiate,Bettina M 5/1/2006; 14.854190
Zubrick.Tricia M; 3/12/2007; Albuquerque; HR.TRAIN & LBR SPC-0; F Workforce Solutions; 19.126380
Zukowski.Lea; 8/28/1998; Albuquerque; STAFF; Department of Health; 28.312102
ZumwaltElva M.; 9/12/1994; Silver City; LEGAL SECTY-O; Children, Youth & Families Dpt; 14.623945
Zuni,Charlotte; 8/24/1987; Santa Fe (City); EDUCADMIN-A; Public Education Department; 30.582414
Zuni.Theresa A.; 13.378560
Zunich, Antoinette M; Santa Fe (City)
Zuniga, Francisco; 7/12/2008; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Zuniga,Marco Antonio; 5/6/2006; Truth Or Consequent; LANSCAPING & GRNDS-B; Enrgy, Minrls & Ntrl Rsrcs Dpt; 8.010000
Zuniga.Daniel A.; 3/16/1992; PROBATION PAROLE OFFIC Albuquerque; 22.256460
Zuniga.Gloria A.; 20.936125
Zuniga.Margarita G.; 1/14/2006; Truth Or Consequeni; NURS AIDE,ORDR,ATN-0; F Health; 10.916586
Zuo,Zhaoqin; 1/16/2001; Santa Fe (City); IT NETWORK SPEC 3; Information Technology; 33.662388
Zwicke,Stuart A; 3/13/2004; Santa Fe (City); IT SYSTEMS MANAGER 3; Human Services Department; 27.054040


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